The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 08, 1892, Image 2

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    i fir nnm wvvu vmivi w aa, a..,.,
tjtn Sa flfHoA bb H strain A ! Itffctlftr
Tl I A -I I-
s iiowHiwwiinwvwuuiv
LKiuniiToN punka.
liatea for Ailrertlfttnei
7birti Kotlw t 00
Udilor'fl Notice 4 oo
LVkftimLutonrr'a Notices 4 oo
Pivore wottce s w
uur d inrariauiy cnargeu urn nuusi-ripiiuus
are 001 paui in alliance.
posUI rara fcud the request will ie coinillwl
rCPICKCltiailTV ' WJi Willie, nil mi. '13
shown mm win oe appreciaicu uy u.
.. i VIJ. 1 1 n.. T linn 111 sir
ftuy Wstij wewipuper in iiw wuniji
To Delinquents.
You eet the Carbou Advocate by
jronr paper, and you will sco just how
mn. Mi nit InilMtnil fnr tlin tinner:
KRUiiUHIWAntuH .... . .... .
remit the same by Postal Note, Money
each w not mucu, iue nKgruBaio in u
" Lehighton, Pa.
' Delinquents llvine In this neighbor-
nooawiu mease uuu ni.-ti.iu, m
A LIE NAII.i:i).
MAtJCH Chunk, Aug. Hi, 1892.
Rnrrnn nr the Advocate : Some of
I V l..n..1n.l.r Ilia
report that I bad made a compact with
l It to nice ami that T nm
vours truir.
Geo. W. Esser
Thi amount of land In the United
would be surprising to most
I 1.- .1 . A ! An
mar, iit AmArirnna - tin nfrcrpffni.H
acres, or an area creator tnau Ireland,
1 , .. .1 mti,, v . TT 1,1
Alien ownership of land should not
u. America uuu auici ivuuai
I I I A . !
"SptciAL aent of the National
Bureau of Labor Statistics, who lias
tact rAtnrtiAil frnm ti irin lirniitrli
Pennsylvania says: "Show mo a place
in Russia where the neonlo aro miser-
- 1 A t .1 T ...111 .t.l. It.
Pennsylvania. Bnow me n commu
nity inEurope where the people nave
lost none ann tiro nmv waiuuir mr
aeata to release them from their suiter-
Inm nml T wilt tnntpli If. in Tpnnarl-
AVa think Hint this Is fust a lltilo bit
over drawn by the New "iork world.
Tli t v,-.,.U.t 41,-t 1.. .vn4tnc
his great state there are people who
ii. i. i. ii.
Tae Mauch Chunk De woe rat accuses
U. W. Esser and Jonathan Kistler of
l re no ii bit lq vv. i' iiiorv. it canxot
mis lime, uy acts snail ye ue Kuown.
Ava; n inmnnrnrfl Riniui nni 'rtm
honor of your party and your own
honor 1ft RTAlrn. At Ima roppnt nmintf
i - j i i. t i
uuu. ijeL iiio ucmucrnLH oi rasL
tun mouiuh uicai'uuaiu4D iuiiLiuinua
hflVA YiAAfl tin rtm I n I n w f r lnltvor tliotn
the Republican party like a lot of!
en. ii LrHHj'iierv i nnnrpmn nrpt
i6 county who bare honestly and
ereiv liz&rmuuizHU iiiki i-jiiiih in.
(easions were honest and that they I
ttcan party under, and that In the
future they will hare no use for any
Democrat who proves a traitor this
It Is of great Importance to each and
eyery democrat in uarbon countr that
the next member of the TcrUlnt lira
froni Carbon countr shall be a Dumn.
erat and this for more rensnnaihnn
one. First, because the flAmnartirta
candidate for this verv Ininnrfont
orace is a Democrat reiirpseiith.r. (in
great fundamental truths of the party
of Grover Cleyeland; second, because
Mr. Blory Is not for Matt Quay; third,
because It Is essentially necessary to
the future welfare of the Democratic
party iu this county that the Demo
cratic ticket shall be elected by the
old 4hne majority. It Is no time for
quibbling or petty jealousies. The
Democratic party Is bigger than any
man In that party and if there are any
wearing the guise or a Democrat who
are not or will not bo honest to tlic
principles of that party and to the
Democratio candidate then the party
has no further use for them. lir.
Biery must be elected. lie Is an
honest, Intelligent, conscientious
young man.well equipped In parliamen
tary law and rules to look after the
Interests of the common people at
Harrlsburg. On his election depends
entirely the future success of the
Democratio party lu this county. Will
the ambitious young men of the party
stand Idle while there is so much at
stake f Hardly I If there are those In
the ranks who will prove traitorlous to
Mr, Biery we can only say that some
day the chickens will come home to
rooBt" Stand Arm. Let Democrats
bs Democrats when at the polls and
success Is assured.
A Wrack t l'cun llnrm.
There was a railroad wreck rarly
Uonday morning on the Valley a few
sulee south of I'enn Haven Junction,
It was not very extensive, but made
things Interesting to the railroaders
for a time Engineer Aaron Hosier
was ou bis way to the Wyoming legion
with a long train of empty freight cars.
The train parted and when the ears
came together, pushed by un engine in
the rear, three or four of then were
ground Into kindling wood. It was
tot a short time, however, before the
wreck waa cleared and tbj lnng linn of
trains that had gathered oa both sides
of the wreck were able to continue oo
tttr.r vzy
Boelltj Ild-IUK lit lnterrat to the Mt-ln-berR
of the Frnttrnltr.
Attendance at lodges should now
bo large. The pleasant weather should
encoumgo lodge visitations.
Pennsylvania has 12,000 Maion
It ranks third In numerical strength.
The total membership of the
Knights of Pythias Is 400,000.
Iu Pennsylvania the Junior Order
American Mechanics has n mcmbor
ship of 80,000.
The order of Knights of Honor
carrios about 8270,000,000 Insurance,
and pays over $3G,Oft,000 yearly to wid
ows nnil orphans.
Lehigh Council 101, Jr. O. U. A. M
of town, has extended a letter of sym
pathy to K. I). Ditterlino on the death
of his infant son Kobcrt.
Washington Camp, P. O. S. of A.,
of Lnnsford, wilt giro a home tnlont
entertainment soon.
Robert Werley has been elected
outside sentinel of Lehigh Council 101,
Jr. O. U. A. M., to fill an unoxpirod
On the 17 th of this month Captain
Joseph S. Webb Camp, Jfo. 05, S. of
will be one year old. When they were
Instituted there was a membership of
15 now thero are 4 The anniversary
will no doubt be observed by a camp
flro, Ac.
Through the action of Lehigh
Council 101, Jr. 0. U. A. M., of town,
tho National Representatives elected
nt Easton by the Stato Council were
Instructed to use every effort to pre
vent thero being auother vote on the
change of name In the next ten years.
A dhirict Camp, P. O. S. of A., will
be held In White Haven Friday even
ing. Mauy of the camps from the sur
rounding towns will be represented,
Thero will bo a parade of the local and
visiting Camps, including several
bands. At the conclusion a reception
will bo held at the opera house, where.
a lunch will also be served.
Under the head of secret society
news we will ovcry issue publish mat
ters of local Interest to the lodges. If
you know of anything that you would
liko to seo under this head band It In
or send It to us. Thero will be no
charge whatever.
Our people will witness the largest
parado ever held In this locality, and
the most beautiful one over seen In
the Lehigh Valley and Eastern Penu
sylvania. There Is no Oner appearing
body of men than tho military branch
of tho Kuights of the Golden Eagle. A
more gentlemanly or soclablo set of
men It will never be the pleasure of
Slatlugtonlaus to meet. Wherever the
gallant knights have appeared they
have won golden opinions and com
pliments for the excellence of drill
and appearance. Slatlngton News.
The Intermediate, Pension act,
which became a law July -1th, provides
"That soldiers and sailors who ore
shown to bo wholly Incapacitated for
manuel labor by reason of Injuries or
disease contracted In tho services of
tho United States and In line of duty,
and who aro thereby disabled to such
a degroo as to require frequent and
periodical, though not regular and
constant personal aid and attendance
of other persons, shall be entitled to a
pension of 850 per month from and
after the dato of the examining sur
geons showing such degree of disa
bility, and made subsequent to tho
passago of this act."
Tuesday evening last can safelv be
put down in tho history of the I. O. O.
of town, as a pleasant occasion long
to bo remembered by all who were pre
sent. The following friends, from
Mauch Chunk Lodge. No. 70. 1. O. O.P..
were present: J: J. Devan, 11. P. Kueh
iier, John Noast, E. Bauer, Thomas
Kuehuer, George Hartman, Henry
Schronk, Harry Lobien. The com
mencement of the second term of 1892
being at hand tho officers of Gnadon
Hut ten Lodge were installed iu regular
form bv D. D. G. M., 1). V. Kuehner, of
East Mauch Chunk. Tho coremonies
wero entirely satisfactory in every par
ticular. After tho meeting the mem
bers and Invited guests, by the straight
road neither turning to the right of
left safely found their way to the base
ment of tho Vallev House wherA n
grand repast was in waiting. There
amuisi me strains of music rendered
bv an orchestra composed of John J.
Hummel, Wilson Frantz, Thomas Sell,
Oliver Follweiler aim Chas. Frohn
helsor. The occasion was entovad ns
only healthy, hearty members of the I.
O. O. P., can enjoy. For further Infor
mation as In accordance with their
mysterious dealings knock nt their
outer door and the balance will bo ful-
ly explained.
ItAll.llOAl) NOTKS.
Short rnraerapln That Will be of Itilerett
to the llallroail llors.
t The Lehigh Valley freight agents
have received notice not to accept any
rags,second hand furniture paper waste
or bedding for shipment over the Clyde
btcamsulp line, as the latter company
will not handle it, owing to tho quaran
tine regulations.
t The new freight transfer station of
the Reading Railroad near Wayne
Junction has gone Into operation.
Thlrty-tlvo clerks are at work there
and the number is to bo increased to
sixty. All freight from Bethlehem,
Mew iork, etc., is sorted and handled
there and reloaded to destination.
1 The jury In tho case of James Jen
nings against the Lehigh Valley Rail
road to recover 20,000 damages for
Injuries in the Mud Run disaster In
1888, camo Into court nt noon Saturday
with a Terdlct of $5,000. The corpora
tion attorneys immediately" moved to
have tho verdict set asido and a new
trial granted. Judge Connols forth
with allowed all that was asked ou the
damages were excessive. The com
pany had offered to settle the oase by
giving the plaintiff $2,rj00, but the offer
was refused.
Seventy meu have been discharged
from the Lehigh Valley gravel train at
White Haven. Theso mem wero em
ployed ou new work, and the construc
tion of the double track having been
completed, there was nothing else for
iu to ao. ii is not expected that the
regular train will be suspended during
this winter, as customary, for there
will be enough work to keep the men
t A Labor organization that extends
into every State and Territory of the
Union, and which has had but three
strikes In twentv-eicht VPJirw nnrl
which has paid out to Its members
uunng me same period the snm of
three millions of dollars. Is a labor
Union that means something. It in
dicates that the management lms hear,
sound and prudent; the reason is a
better weapon than a strike or boycott
It would be well if some of the other
labor organisations were to pattern
after the Brotherhood of Locomotive
t Whatever may be the thought of
the terms of settlement Chief Arthur,
of the Brotherhood of Engineers, late
agreed upon with MoLeod there is no
doubt that he stands to-day as the
most successful trades union leader lu
this country. He has been radically
opposed to strikes, and has had but
three strikes in the last twenty-eight
years of the Brotherhood's existence,
and these could have been avoided
had not the roads been determined to
force the Issue. When Chief Arthur
says that his remedy for labor troubles
la that suggested In the Bible, "Come
let us reason together," and "Be unto
others as ye would that others should
do unto you," he lays bare the secret
of his success, and If labor leaders al
ways worked In this spirit niuoh more
goud could be aroouiplibbed A hpii it
uf eoiuttjf between employer and etu
pkye bresda discord and strife, sad
In strife the strong win while the weak
go to tiie wall.
18erj Volr Will rind It nt No t.ltll lia
itortAnce to Iteail Ami Tomler the Follow
ing: Initrut-llona at to How 1 ii Cat! It U
llatlot nm! Make Mo llrror.
The voter Is disqualified it ho has
agreed to receive or receives any vain
able consideration for his vote; or has
a wager or bet pending on the election;
or has been convicted of a wilful vio
lation of the election laws; or has
promised to give any voter a valuable
consideration for voting or withhold
tng his vote.
Besides the election officers and su
pervisors authorized by tho laws of the
United Statos, or overseers appointed
by tho courts of this commonwealth,
not more than four voters In excess of
tho number of voting shelves or com
partments shall bo allowed Inside of
the enclosed space at one time and not
more than ten outside the space.
Specimen ballots and cards of lnstruo
tion can be obtained from tho election
officers upon request. The person de
siring to vote will enter the room and
remain outside the guard rail. When
his turn arrives he shall first give his
namo and residence to one of the elec
tion officers In charge of the ballots.
The officer will thereupon announco
tho name in a loud and distinct tone
of voice. If tho voter's name Is upon
the ballot check list, the Inspector in
charge of the sald list will repeat the
name. The voter will then enter the
space enclosed by the guard rail, un
less his right ta vote be challenged,
The voter having the right to vote will
enter within the guard rail. Upon his
receiving tho ballot, the check list
shall be marked by election officers,
and the voter shall forthwith, and
without leaving the space enclosed by
guard rail retire to one of the voting
shelves or compartments.
Only official ballots can bo voted,
and any ballot other than a sample
ballot, appearing to have been obtain
ed otherwise than provided by the act.
shall bo sent to the district nttornoy
for his official action.
Tho voter upon entering the voting
shelf or compartment must prepare his
ballot. No voter will bo allowed to oc
cupy a voting shelf or compartment
already occupied by auother, except
when giving the help allowed In the
preparation of his ticket; nor to re
main In such compartment more than
three niiuutes if nil tho compartments
are In use nnd others aro waiting to
If any voter declaros to the judgo of
election that he desires' assistance in
the preparation of his ballot, by reason
of disability, ho shall be permitted by
the judge of election to select a quali
fied voter of the elcctlou district to
aid him In tho preparation of his bal
lot, such preparation being mado in
the voting compartment. A voter who
shall, except as before stated, allow his
ballot to be seen with an apparent in
tention of letting it be known how he
Is about to vote, or shall wilfully vio
late any provisions of the act shall oe
guilty of a misdemeanor.
If tho voter desires, he can make a
cross mark In the square opposlto and
to the right of each of tho candidates
for each office to be filled In the party
column, and his vote will bo counted
as one vote for each candidate so
marked. If the voter adopts the plau
of marking a cross to tho right of each
candidate he should be careful not to
miss a name, ns a name not ciossed
will not be counted. The sample
method, whero tho voter desires to
vole the "straight" or whole ticket, Is
to place a cross mark to the right of
parly name at the head or top of each
group in the party column, the only
difficulties in tho use of the new bal
lot being those which arise from an
attempt to vote a mixed or"seratchcd"
That is where, a Democrat desires to
vote for a candidate ou the Republi
can ticket, say for representative in
the general assembly, he can put a X
at tho head of each group lu the Dem
ocratic column, except tho representa
tive group; and If thero are, say, two
representatives to bo elected, he can
put a X opposite the name of one rep
resentative nominee lu the Republican
group. Iu other words, so far as he
votes a straight ticket, lie marks the
groups, and where he desired to "cut"
bis ticket he marks the names of the
nominee. Crosses must be marked in
tho approprinte margin or place only,
and always at the right hand side of
the party column. If a voter marks
more names than thero are persons to
be elected to an office his vote shall
not be counted for such office.
The voter must not cross out any
names upon tho ticket, nor coyer a
name with a "sticker" or"paster," ex
cept In the case referred to in the next
section. When a candidate has died
or withdrawn, and a substituted nomi
nation Is made after the ballots are
printed, the new name will be printed
upon a "sticker," which should be
pasted oyer to cover the name of the
deceased or withdrawn candidate. Tho
voter should, In placing the "sticker"
over the name of the candidate so de
ceased or withdrawn, use great care so
as not to cover more than one name.
Under no other circumstances can a
"sticker" be pasted over a name or be
placed Iu the party column.
Before leaving the voting shelf or
compartment tho voter must fold his
ballot without displaying the marks
made by him, in the same way It was
folded when handed to him by the
election officer, and keep It folded un
til he has voted. After leaving tho
voting shelf and before leaving the en
closed space he shall give his ballot to
the election ouicer in cliarge or the
ballot box.
This officer, without unfolding the
ballot, shall number it In the right
hand upper corner of the back of the
ballot, Immediately to the lert or the
folding line, and then Bhall fold the
corner so as to cover the number, and
then paste it down so that the number
cannot be seen and deposit in the bal
lot uox. Tiie voter mav mane a mem
orandum of the number of his own
ballot. No voter, not an election offi
cer, shall be allowed to reenter the
enclosed space alter he has once left
It, except to givo help, as hereinbefore
The World of Kashlou lias been astir of fate
in the oonstHjuenee of the revival of what Is
called the Dlrectolre stiles, for which much
popularity Is predicted tins Autumn. Ihe Dl
rmolre being that period of French history
w hlch prroeeeded the cornation of Napoleon J,
and of hU wife, Josephine, leads naturally to
the Empire aad Josephine styles, concerning
w blch there Is also a great deal of interest man
ifested. Another favorite variation will be the
Kecatnler costume, taking Its appellation from
tbi famous lady of that name, who Is doubly
celebrated for Iter beauty and her friendship
oiiii iuc, un oiavi, mo um-iuue oaiioon
sleeve, another reminiscence of that epoch, will
be much In vtgue this Fall. Many iwapla use
the expressions Dlrectolre, Empire, Kecamler
without futty realizlug w hat there terms signify,
and am consequently apt to err lu tbelr en
deavor to adopt the latest novelties, A careful
Knualof a nrsl-cnus Fashion Magazine itltt
t Mode de Paris. Paris Album ot Fashion or
La Oourturiere will furuUh a satlsliuHory ex-
Klauatlonof the differences brtweeu these hls
irlcal costumes. These Journals not only
Illustrate ail modineatkMis ot these sundry
stvloa, but also give full lengUideMtiptkHisot
the materials to be used with appropriate trim
ml tigs, and reproduce as well the latent novel
ties In lutllluery aud hat ornaments. Toe most
practical way of obtaining tbU information Is to
subscribe for tbeae Journals, La Mode de Paris
aud Paris Album of Fashion are til per year
oAcii. Tbey art the moat artUtut Fashiou Mag
azlnes ouWUned. La Oourturiere U a Uome
Journal for 13.09 and La Mod Is oulvlUOper
year. Auother Important tut to remember U
that inn thn lotmtt puuttesrtloiM cuut&lu eab
iuumh a lesMu ua soim popular jeartueut with
tuiiutiik practitnj tutgtwnrun ou aau Men
rally get tingle coptes fri. our newsoealer,
but do not allow blta to give vwi otMf
Journal for une of Utese You can gt taetntf
you writ totbe pabUsbers. Messrs A. UeDow
eli CiOw, 4 Weal iUh Itreet, Nw orfc.
Now that school is ojien it
Wont bo out of the way to talk
for a niomont about TABLETS
and to bring in incidentally a
word in reference to stationery
of all kiurts. Now, in Tablets,
we haven't got tho largest or
best assortment iu the world,
but we have i9 nice an assort
ment ao can bo found hereabout
and the prices aro very low
When school opens you will
need a Tablet, then why not
buy it here 1 Low prices, good
paper, etc. In writing paper
and envelopes we can sell you
a good article very cheap ; why
not buy hero we will appreci
ate j our patronage and treat you
right, Come and see us.
BIERY, The Druggist.
Wliatli KlecIrowolaeT And AVliut Will It
Hie l!lpftroiKe lia been In use for four
year. ami i well known In some sections of the
un l iel mate, but there me a great many ul
ferers that hate neer lieaitl the name. Those
that have heard of Hand Keen something or iti
nuiiutriiii. Hwer ure curium 10 Know now an
Inurnment ho tuna), anil so simple can accom
plish cures so ureal. Sow, while the Elect ro
jtoUe 1 ery womlerliil, it Is not at all mister
Ions, in operation falli In with what we know
of science, and any one all fimlliar nltli the
xiiiijiifs. i iii i vi jsioioKj aim rnysicscan under
stand. How It operates. The way In which the Elee
tronohe ai-complhhei Its cures Mery simple
ami natural. It consists of a Hdarier, which Is
connected byu woven wire cord wltu a small
plate and garter, litis polailzer Is Immersed In
cold water, or put on Ice. 'I he plate at the other
nu ni nie curu is aiiHcoeu 10 ino warm lkhiv oi
the patient, generally at the ankle. From the
Inherent nature of this polarizer It becomes
charged, negatively Hy the well known lawsol
induction, the plate, uud with it the body of the
putlenl, becomes positively charged. The body
native bodies. Oigen Is the most negative form
of nutter In nature. Hence the body, bathed In
me .iiuu3)Miirir. uiiur.3 iu mo i hub "AJBCll
ut every pore. Kvery process of life is thereby
quickened, Ihe temperature rises; the pulse
in rt iii n mi n i tiiicr uphi j ine hkiii ungies Willi
new life: every orean acts with renewed vlcor.
uuu ma cucib im.nuiiuua pruuncis ur me iHiuy
are thrown off w itli ease.
The nulrkened chancre oi matter u men oxveen
E reduces throughout the system, W accompanied
y a largely Increased genesis of Nerve Force,
iirfrain hull dead nnd stairiiaiit are born mrriln.
and begin to ixrform their wonted functions.
The heart, the lungs, the liver, the orgaus of the
external senses, the orgaus of reproduction all
ttipiu throw iitf their (It-ran frement nnrl upflk.
ness, and een the disordered Intellect of oft
times reen throned. Where disease has not
already made too gieat ravages, restoration to
perfect health is Inevitable. The IClectropolse
is generally used at night while the patient is
asieep, vui may ue appueu, t course, hi any
time, and to several persons durlngthe twenty
lour honra. Itwllllasta life-time, never wears
out nor loses Its strength, neier neds mending
nor recharging.
one Ui each family will render that family
largely independent of doctors and druggists,
and thus will save every jear many times Its
small cost.
ISot an electricalappllance, The Elect ropolse
Is not In any way akin to the numerous electri
cal appliances, such as belts. Insoles, corsets,
shields, fie, palmed on upon the public. It has
no method olgeneiatlng a current, nor means
of conducting one. It acts npon welt-known
biological pi inciples, and Is heartily endorsed
by many oi the beat ph slclana luthis and other
countiles, and Is dally used by them In their
practice. It Is pronounced by them the greatest
discovery In the history of medicine, In that it
does away with the use of medicines.
Directions for using. A ccom pain Ing each In
st rum en t Is a book of Instructions fully explain
ing Its uses. Its method of cure la so simple
and free from danger, that the uninitiated and
even children can use It wllh perfect ease and
success. lu Boston Christian Witness and Ad
vocate of Ulble Holiness, September 3, liis
MA method of treatment nt disease without
the use of any medicines or drugs, which has
been quietly extending Itself over ail parts of
the United Mates during the Past three jears
with very gratlfvlag results.
Weareftlowto commend new discoveries of
any kind, for thereasonthatsoinsnyof them
prove to be worthless. Hut we can commend the
Klectroiiolseasa safe and effective health re
storer. We pretend to explain the philosophy
of Its workings, but, having realized its bene
ttclal effects, we can speak of its results. About
one jear ago we recommended It to Hro, I, l.
Ware, of Philadelphia, for his sou, who was a
great Bufferer from Hclatlea. He bad sought re
lief tiM&rlous ways and tound Lone. He was
almost helpless, and rapidly declining. The uitt
of the Klectro.tobe restored him to perfect
health, nnd now. after nearly a ear. he Is re
joicing as ooe who has found gi eat spoil We
have seen testimonials of most remarkable
cures. This notice of the Klectropolse Is with
out solicitation, and entirely gratuitous. We do
It for the good of the BfMlcted. We have no per
sonal Interest In U. and ate not paid for what
wetav in Its favor."
The following editorial In Centra! Methodist,
Catlettsburg, hj, was written by Zepuaunlali
Meeit, D.D.. editor:
"Unless about ten thousand men, mainly pro
fessional men, lawyers, doctors, editors, prearh
ers, and all other classes, iucluamg the writer,
are very much mistaken, the Klectropolse effects
cures and irlves relief where all othr known
remedies have failed. Especially It Is efficacious
in the case of delicate women and feeble chil
dren. 1 hav e used one for the past two years,
and find It Invaluable as a curath e agent.1'
Names of prominent neople In all sections of
the U, fct. generally can be furnished on appli
cation. Our cures cover all parts of the United
States and Europe. Over ootvo people have
been treated with the most gratifying results.
Iu the large majority of cases ot cures nave been
sncedv. but our claims are modest, and In lone-
slaDdlng, chronlo cases you cannot expect
soeeuy cures, vie posuneiy reiu w rvu ine
Electro jMhe In hopeless cases.
Tor book of testimonials or for any Informa
tion, sen a stamp or fill at
Fieri ro poise Treatment Company.
1941 Arch Street,
1'llILADKI.rHIA, 1M.
Notice to Trespassers.
The undersigned berth y notlfr all nersons
that bunting, fishing and nutting on their prem
ises In East Penu and Mahoning township Is
strictly forbidden, all persons foui'd trespasslug
and disregarding this notice wtll be promptly
oeau wuu accoruing 10 iaw
If. P. iloniberr.
J. U. HelnUlemau,
Jonas Uombert,
James K. 1'eter,
Charles E. 11c h rig.
iiiomas uany,
(lldeon Itehrlg,
Nathan German,
A, U Hcbankw elter,
Jonas Kolb,
C. T. Schleicher,
Ellas Kmltli,
It, S. Kernmeier.
Jefferson A. Wert man,
(1. 11. Fink, '
Deunis Hex,
Herman Peter,
Francis Stelgeiwalt,
l (Irorge,
A. h. stelgerwalt,
Kd Schleicher,
l-ewls Lauchner,
Owen stelgerwalt,
Joshua Stelgerwalt,
'1 nomas Kucli,
John SiQith,
Jacob stelgerwalt,
),els Knell.
Wilson fcbbert,
David Miller.
Alfred Wertmau,
Chat Irs Ken rig,
Daniel Shelly,
Kdwlu lenpier,
Heubrn NetT.
Hamuel Snyder,
Harrison Stelgerwalt,
John L. Fritz,
Edward Sittirr.
Joseph Hopeps,
E W1. Itehrlg'
Harry A. Follweiler.
muses i'. ikx,
Kdwlu U. IVter,
D. U. Bailey,
A. M. sutler.
J. D. lia 11 let,
Stephen stelgerwait,
John Kiegle,
Nathan 1. II. Kolb,
A. 1 Htelgerwalt,
Win. II. lteber,
J. DeLong,
Nathan Kemaley,
Daniel Hex,
Adam Hilt,
Jonathan Lauctiner
Alfred U luder.
Ivl Meigerwalt,
T. W. Steigerwalt.
Emery ltothe,
(1. W. lloppes,
C A. Andreas,
Jteubeu Ebbert.
tlearge Uerger,
David Wehr.
Charles Menxel,
Philip Schot li.
Lewis 11. Kelirlg.
Uarolln Haberman,
Daniel Haiti mail,
Daniel L. Fritz.
David I Fritz.
Abrahun Miller,
Nathan Hoffman,
Ueur Hemmel,
Sulrlde at West Wuu.
Wm. Wehr. ft highly esteemed farmer
living In Wet Venn, Schuylkill oountr
committed suicide hy hnufflnj: himself
In the barn on Tuesday morn lug.
There U no cause assigned for the deed
Wehr was a married man and had a
wife and several grown up children
and was In comfortable financial cir
cumstances. An Opinion ou'Scafrplut.
The men that have been affecting; the
scarfpins with the tnadeup bows, and
aUo with the cravats and Wwdscfrs that
need no holding In place aud disclose
the shirt button or stud beneath, are of
the genus dude that typify the most of
f enslre phase of overdoing In their aping
of the fashions of the day, Clothier and
A Bad Soy.
Mother Why don't you play with
that little Peterkin boy any more?
Small Son 'Cause he swore.
"Horrors! DidheT
'Yes'ia. lie swore I stole his knife,
and teacher made zne give It back and
licked me besides." Good News.
What Vernea Enjoys.
Decision, however suicidal, has more
liiarm tot a woman than the awst un
vocal FsUan soooess. Hix&j.
The ClieapesT
For Willi Paper, Borders and Decora
Owen Rehrig,1
JLHBe il&l--eHl
i" C15aiiiiy ioHeEect IVoibb.
Just Received a large and beautiful line of
All Silk at only 37ic. per yard.
Is a new wash fabric, printed on light and dark grounds, all new
designs, beautiful finish,
Ale one of ths newest of the fine
nave tliem in a Variety oi colorings and styles.
New things in Black and White
; LACES. ;
In skirt and rullle width, including the popular Point de
is complete nnd is up to the times in the new shades and differ
ent weaves, including many novelties not to be found elsewhere,
Seasonable underwear for ladies, men and children.
Mtmch OhunU, Pa.
And we ore confident that it will be to your iuterest to call
qnd see us before you buy olsewhere. i'ou can select here with
tho same advantage as in the larger cities, prices and quality of
j.. i.: ru - i
Injuns ufing iue Biiiiii-, uuu in
also have
At Our Usual
A pair Ladies' Tipped Oxlord Ties.
A paii ladies' Toe Slippers.
A pair Jisses' Oxford Ties.
A pair Men's Velvet Slinpers.
A pair l.odies' Lasting Congress Gaiters.
A pair of best made Carpet Slippers.
$1 25 WTLL BUY
Cholie of GO ktuds of
Ladlos' Fine Oxford Ties.
We have just returned from East
with a fine stock of Oxfords. We bought them cheap;
We Bell them low To move them fast.
It you'll look In our windows They will talk for us.
Mmtm Hue 2Ma Mm &tm&
723 Hamilton Street, Allenlown.
Prices for Sixty Days
AT -
Fine ll'ines, Liquors and Cigars,
Fresh Beer and Porter.
FREE LUNOU every Jay from 0KX) to
12:00 a. m., and every Saturday even
ing. Cull and seo me. I will treat
you right.
Opiwalt, Jh, Carrlag-. Works,
North First Street, Lehighton.
To Trespassers.
All rron are huby cautioned avatutf
lrMia(iii;iatliairbiurtr't the under ii tied
tOMtedlDitiebarouAbuIIlikhUD, eltbtr fdr
hunting, lUbluornuttltvx. fvraous (ouad trtv
basou wilt U d trait U tb full ittat of tbe
Instructions on the Piano
and Organ given by
Third St., Lehighton.
All the new and improved
method, of instruction. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
For Terji8 call on or address as
Place in Town
is at
Corner of Second nnd
Iron Streets.
wash goods for the season. B'e
Uur stock oi
C. A. REX.
.. . , ,
sume instances ueiter.- iVe
Low Prices.
No. 8, Full Size, Complete
Range, $20. No. 7. with No.
8 top, complete, as low as 17.
We offer these good, at theit prices for
the next Sixty nja. We have on hand a
lot of Second Hand, First-class
Parlor Danlile Heaters.
which we will sell aL v.r, lnw (l Alt
of our jooJs are guaranteed lo please the
uujer or money refunded.
Call and see our large ilock before
oujinR elsewhere.
A three story double frame dwelliug
house AniltAlltlncv ttvn flnnc
and twenty other rooms on north First
street in lehighton la offered for sale
vr.uu uiiraaj lerms. rne nulla-
lllD- lA fillitnlila a ..1 . 1
has stable aud other out buildings.
For further particulars and terms call
AjIANDES kistler,
. Klstler's Restaurant,
Aug. 13, 3m. Uhlghtou .T'a
Robt. K. Anthony,
(Sufcwumr lo J, y. Kn. East Wrlnputt.)
Fflriire, Floor & Feed.
at the Lou tut Pr !
Give us a call. No trouble to show
Executor's Sale
Maul Instate !
1 h Utulf rhiiriuHl nf fha V,i.,i
Mary allavr. lata of the llarougb of WrlMabrt,
will Mil at publwaale ou tlw prruil,
lu wUiport, Cat boa return, I'tuii'a.. on
OfTTOBEH 22, 1892,
at Ivroo'cktck p. u.a tb tulkmiag ry valuabto
Usal tmt lu wit - AlllhiMUttuniwt-fiiin 1JTTH
OK 1'lEUOi l)K OltOUNU, uluato oa tba North
It-it. Oarboo AMUUy.'l.. tooudfd tjr lu(, t-1 C.
ll. Mlwraud.luBuS. Mum, upon Hitiehar,
lesae I l aad isjlh. rMiua-iUeiv. uuu all
wMaunt sitwU41n. TM, Mmxiir I, tr
SSKwa rt4. ukl mta U uU UtxvStS
xparalHl U It, atfto at Xbt tSaeatSr.
mm fad noftdHton, wiU o, saad. fcaAwtial
itaw aao put, m mtn
4 Batata ot JIaSV SIKILS, dMK&
to Buvers.
We offer just now a special in
vitation to our friends and
patrons to come und see us.
The summer is fast tlecting
and we wll make special
price, to sell out our summer
goods in order to have a full
swing on our fall and winter
stock of Dry Goods, Notions
and Keady-Made f71otliing.
Wo have no room to quote
prices, but they ore low
enough. Don't miss this
opportunity but come at
mce- Then too, wc are the
recognized headquarters for
lor all kinds of
Fruits & Vegetables
in Season
at the lowest of very low
prices. Prompt and corteous
treatment to all and it i3 no
trouble to show goods,
Canal Ilildgp. Kuntz&Co.
East Weisspoi t.
MEDICINES, genuine and best
SOAP.:, I'N'g0 l'lle ad cheap.
WINES,R''d for medicinal use
CIGARS, tlie ,jest made.
SPECTACLES, an extensive
and increasing trade. I guar
antee satisfaction to uery
AT the
Central Drug Storo,
Dr. G, T, HORN.
s s a rHOftouort
r-- , . t J evnwwfc.
T HS A JBimfSm Cmtm W StJ) A TWwfk ttejtt. TU
ll Cteu l fciitfH.
ltW HMhfc
nocHHTca. n. y.
Answers an oft asked Ques
tion, namely :
Why can Kreidler paint so
cheap and sell new wag
ons chepaer than others?
Because he hnys anrl sells for Cash!
The good customers don't
need to pay for the bad payer's
job. I am using just as good
material as the others.
I want to do business after
this season. Examine my work
then give me a trial, b it I want
my Cash, then my goods are
cheap, and only then,
Yours, in good spirits,
East Weissport, - Pcim'a
Uf i UTPn Wble-avtake Korkvn erety h lit-re fur
TTantlilJ "Mieiip'i lliotorrli of the
WorM," Ihe greatest book ou earth cost
lag IKM.I0O: retail at cash or inttallmeiits:
OTTPnn'fl inainmothlllusiimed circular and
ISH H.rr N onus free; dally output l&o
wUull U ,omnii. Aaeuii wild nllhauc
cess. Mr. Thus, u HI aril u, Ontrf filic, Texas,
cleared 1711 In T)l,ftAfyn(.t,ii Wooater, O.,
0 days. Altai P Bfllfilir3I1l1S 23iM.W
Iom Adams, i-UUlUHIUUliO UM Ker.J
Howard Madison, Ljoos, N. J.. $101 la T hours
a bonanza; iiiaenfflceuiottt- np ttfLm
wru'ir.'iKOl Tie W OM
Blll lubllll!n Co.. 728 Otartluut HI., 1'Clll.,
fa., or 368 llrarCuru HI , Cl.leaeo, HI.
Ii the plaoi to buy
Dry Goods, Notions,
Dress Goods. Provisions.
Groceries, riour. Polaloes.
And everything else to be found
in a thoroughly first-class Gen
eral Store: We have- every
thing rou want and we guaran
tee to save you a little money
on everthing y-iu buy of us. We
want your trade and cordially
invite you to call and see us.
iFe will uae yon right, show
our goods and quote prices with
pleasure. When you buy your
next bill ofgoods please try us.
Miss Al venia Graver, LeSfpa
All the Newest Things in
Wall Paper and Decorations,
Window Shading, &c,
Now on Exhibition nt
A TXJbll KW il AYER 9
Lowest Prices. Give us a Cull.
We have huge and varied
lines of Dress Goods at 75o and ' -
' '. 50c a yard in Plain nnd Faucy
Heaves and Mixtures. A1
. w" a ard a great many of the fancy
weaves arc dress Higths only.
They are worth examining.
gj. mm & mm,
634 Hamilton St., Allentown.
The ladies of the county will ccntinua to find us headquart
ers for all the new and pretty things in Millinery at the lowest
prices. You need not go t Allentown or Philadelphia, we will
sell you cheaper than you can buy in the cities. City milliners
are always employed here.
Fic Nica and Parties supplied on short notice.
TFe also have a full line of
Fine Groceries, Seasonable Fruits
and Pretty Jewelry.
I owest prices run on everything. (Jive us a call.
B. K. Culton, Lehighton, Pa.
Arc among the new things now on exhibition in our store.- We
believe that nowhere in this county ran -you find a prettier
assortment to select from at lower prices. Our goods ore not
trash bnt good honest goods nt lowest prices.
The forme in all delectable dainties, and everything seasonable
in tlie latter, hunilay sr.lioois, festivals supplied nt low prices
AH the Very Latest Novelties in Tojb
Lowest prices and biggest assort uient.
Chas. H. Nusbaum,
(i i mmi,
Wliolcsnlo Commissslou Dealer, East Welssport,
Special attention will be paid te Supplying PIC-NICS and
Emits of nil Kinds, Confect
tionnry, Cigars, &c.,
At the very lowest prices and on the vory host conditions.
Don't marke arraugeinents until you have seen me
East Woissport.
New Effects
Hnla aud Bounets
At Lowest Prices at
The prettiest line of Fall and
Coats, Jackets, Cloaks,
Trimmed Hats !
ever put on sale in Carbon coun
ty can now be seen at
!H . gattoi'f
Millinery Stores,
Lehighton & Welssport