The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 24, 1892, Image 4

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    A GRAVE.
kTU but a mound of narrow gtth
Tb.a gti tout gruM win lime ilia earth ,
rna mnrninit touch iu Nuttrara awe
ttnoand 10 short, a maiden's pace
Pbnld measure oft the little place
' (iambi y uoii, uu judgment tide.
&3 not inourni I bave no team.
L.Ijr know a weight of rare
rut lie on me ere i depart.
i mat l bear a mock at troth.
la brow and laughing eye of Youth,
nVhlle chill of Age Is In my heart.
Anna Iteere Aldricu.
It seeuKxl nt -first fin nlmost hopeless
Sbo Ttas of undoubted aristocratic 1
rentage and descent, nhd hnd the entree
to the most crcluslvo drawing rooms In
llayfair. Had bs over troubled to think
about It at nil, he would probably have
experienced some, misgivings as to the
legitimacy of tlio alliance of which ho
waa.tbe result, Ito certainly was aware
oQhe suspicion which inevitably man
ifested Itself In his presence, whenever
he happened to bo thrown outside of tho
circle In which hfs peculiar idiosyncra
clei wore overlooked and his social at
tributes duly appreciated.
She belonged to the upper crust of so
ciety, and, Imbued with nil tho Instincts
and, traditions of her class, delighted in
her life of coso and obscurity. He also
appeUi to be Innocent of any exacting
occupaHon. Ho was generally to bo
seen hanging about nt tho street corners
or at the doors of taverns, but neverthe
less he had ncquiriod, in certain quar
ters, a reputation as a man of action nnd
determination in a word, ns a "char
acter." Her name was I&ppet. She was
Inown by no other, and was familiarly
called so ' by princes nnd potentates in '
the grandest salons in London. Great
authors, philosophers, artists, musicians
and statesmen endeavored vto propltiato
her. Even dowager duchesses, generally
Tery solf contained beings, treated her
with consideration and occasionally used
all sorts of endearments toward her,
8tll her pretty, curly head was not
turned. The reason why tho reader will
presently discover.
He was known ns Jim Lukens among
his associates. But ho was n fellow of
infinite fancy, nnd possessed a happy
knack of christening himself every now
and again as he considered tho exigen
cies of the moment appeared to demand
it. Thus, when enjoying tho hospitality
of her majesty, at one pension prlvce
he was ono person, and In another he
was a different person altogether nom
inally, at least. Ho did not And that
continual rebaptlsms mitigated tho
severity exercised In tho official circles
la which he frequently found himself,
but he did not think It expedient to be
come too well acquainted by name to
the lights of the bench. Except in his
one love affair, ho had a deplorable lack
of ambition.
Poppet llvod with Lady Dollydacks iu
Park lane, Hyde park. Sho was not her
ladyship's daughter, as Lord Dollydacks
died without lssuo; neither was sho her
niece. Lady Dollydacks cultivated a
comfortable hatred of nil her kith and
kin. Sho felt it was tho proper thing
for a woman of her quality to do, nnd It
saved her from annoying intrusion. Do
fore her marriage to the late lamented
governor general of Coromandel, Lady
Dollydacks had been tho widow of a
wealthy sugar planter, nnd there her
past history ended. Sho had no recol
lection of what she was previous to her
West Indian matrimonial venture. No,
poor Poppet was merely her ladyship's
little protege and can hardly be said to
have had any expectations beyond tho
immediate comfort of her surrouudings.
Poppet was admitted by men and wo
men of the most critical, discriminative
type, and of tho highest rank, to bo sim
ply perfect In form and "beauty. Jim
was described in inoro than ono "offi
cial" cyclopedia of biography as repul
sively ugly. In n dim sort of a fashion
he was conscious of his physical de
ficiencies, but it did not check his pas
sion for her.
Their first meeting, it it can bo so
called, happened in this way:
It was one beautiful summer morning.
He was leaning over tho railings of tho
"drive" in Hyde park looking at the
brilliant equipages and their fair occu
pants as they passed him. There was a
tinge of sullen, inquiring cynicism on
his irregular but expressivo features.
He was reflecting in his own crudo way
upon the strangeness of tho dispensations
of Providence. Ho was a homelees, ir
reclaimable, pariah; these vlvfd crowds
seemed veritable gods and goddesses,
All at once tho discontent vanishod
out of his face, and It becamo irradiated
with an appreciative Intelligence. An
open carriage, emblazoned regardless of
expense, and drawn by a couplo of beau
tiful black horses, was arrested by tho
opposing stream of traffic Immediately
in Iront or nun. two Bervants in gor
geous livery sat upon the box. Tho foot
roan's calves, incased in flesh colored
hcee, would have made tho soidi&ant
first gentlemen of Europo, then lately
deceased, green with jealousy could ho
hare seen them. The man was n model
of deportment, u creature after Mr.
Turveydrop's own heart. He was mo
tionless, silent and pompous, and his
face wore that peculiar look of superior
vacuity of which those moving among
tho aristocratic circles of society seem
to possess a monopoly.
But Jim did not bestow more thou a
Xlance upon the servants; his eyes at
once became riveted upon her. She sat
in the midst of her embroidered cush
ions alone, Lady Dollydacks Insisted
upon her taking the air in this way
every morning except Sundays, when
she accompanied her ladyship to church
to listen to tho voice of the Iter. Charles
Honeymoon crying in the fashionable
wilderness. During her matutinal drive
Poppet performed the only duty ex.
pected of her. Sho brought homo her
ladyship s dally supply of literature from
the circulating library iu tho carriage
with her.
Jim's fingers clenched tho rail in f rent
of him, and a look of set determination
came Into his pale face. She Bat watch
ing the occupants of the other carriages
as they passed Jitr, add was. wholly ob
livious of the adndriiiKi aft ta,tiast back
mm t&em at her. una war thorough
bred and knew it, and ono fancied, look
ing Into her eyes, that there was n coldly
critical nlr about them, Suddenly turn'
Ing away from gazing at her world, hav-
Ing failed to recognise any one, her
glance for a moment fell upon him. In
stinctively she shuddered back into her
downy wrapping und averted her eyes,
tvith a startled look about the corners of
thera. She was too t proud to inako any
sign, although in her henrttslie felt a
fearful dread of him spring up. His
era seemed to devonr herf old the car
tiago was delayed lsng enough for her
firo&le to burn itself into his brain. He
oved her, In his own vindictive way, at
nm sight.
During the next fortnight he was in.
variably at his place at the railings and
saw her roll past in her carriage every
morning. Ho had discovered her resi
dence and knew nil about her goings In
and goings out. He had even In soino
extraordinary manner become possessed
of her genealogical tree and had com
mitted the names of her illustrious an
cestors to memory, U curious manifesta
tion of interest for ooawflh his. ante
cedent. There iu Jodie tort of
fascination about him, too, for her, as
every time she passed him her eyes were
irresistibly drawn tn his direction for a
Jim bad followed her carriage to Uio
library on several occasions. One morn
ing' he was absent from the park and
she gave a sigh of relief as she missed
bis face. But he was waiting for Iter
outside the library, accompanied by an
otlier man, whoso general appearance
af once "1 seed him in the taste evil
category aa himself. The footman de
scended from the box and went inside;
shY'remained without in the carriage
shivering lnstiEotfveJy with fear. Al
most immediately Jlm'scoupaniun step
ped into the road and struck -me c,f tae
restive and high spirited b,r, . vu-.h a
stick he carried.
"An altercation with the n-m atv
swpAodtbat worthy's alUwHoo km
' fUBtTlii. rdftrhrt orer the .wlf JI tne '
carrUw ami MtM poor Pormet riiiM
out of her seat in his strong arms. He
strangled her cries With one of her own
'silken wrappers, and turning down a
, bystreet was soon lent in the intricate
i mazes of St Giles.
She was abducted in broad daylight.
Her struggles were utterly futile: sho
was lost to her world forever.
Tho turns of fortune's wheel are most
curious. Jim soon wearied of poor Pop
pet, nnd after a great many vicissitudes
the was at length obliged to perform
tricks In n traveling circus. As for Lady
Dollydacks, she was qnlto inconsolable
for tho loss of her favorite poodle.
Walter lllockburno llarte in Boston
An Killnet Voleann.
On tho Island of Maul Is, ITalen
kala (House of the Sun), the largest
known oxtlnct volcano in tho world, its
giant crater pit, resembling thoyavrning
craters in the moon, being tweuty-fonr
miles In circumfsrenco nnd 2,000 feet"
deep. Sixteen subsidiary cones rise from
its bod, eomo solitary, others in clusters.
Tho base of the mountain Itself has a
clrcumf erenco of ninety miles. On the
Island of Molokal is Kalamao, n fertllo
valley of about 20,000 acres, walled In
by precipices 3,000 feet high.
Hero is tho homo or tho lopera. All
who contract tho disease nreexlled here
by order of tho government with the
view of extirpating If possible tho dire
disease from among tho people. It was
hero that the ltev. Father Damien sac
rificed his lifo, nnd that others, equally
heroic, still labor at bis work. Asiatic
The l'unlslimeni of Crime.
Colossal organizations with lavish ap
propriations are in the field for the pur
pose of suppressing crinio nnd pauper
Ism. Until withiu a few years this
great army hoa been officered by tho
church, nnd plans of campaign havo
been mapped by it. blowly the public
intelligence is nwakcnlng lo tho fact
that theso methods havo boon ridictilons
ly inadequate, as proof exists that crime
ant. 'uanperlsm are steadily increasing.
The law of indefinite terms of impris
onment for criminals committed for a
third offense has been the wisest prison
law ovor passed, for by such n law
criminals are tho longer prevented from
tho clianco of perpetuating their evil
traits; nnd yet In Jlajsachusutti there
are sentimentalists who oppose the
enactment of this law. Professor E. S.
Morso in Popular Science Monthly.
How Miss Jennie Took Lessons.
Some women have such nu aplitudo
for cooking that dishes will turn out
well oven though put together liko stray
pieces of silk iu a crazy patchwork. Bitt
the most of us want un exact rule.
Honco tho value of cooking schools and
of excellent cookbooks, though pupils at
cooking schools aro apt to be liko Hiss
Jonnie, who last year wished to learn
the mysteries of tho srt.
She took a cuurso, out v.hon asked
how long sho baked her brend sho ro
plied, "I do not know, for Susan baked
It" When questioned nlxmt the quan
tity of butter iu her cuke, eho anftwtreil,
Susan got tho butter for mo." So It
was Susan's bread and cake after nil.
Troy Times. ,
Ice from Impure Water la Dangerous.
It has thus come to bo firmly estab
lished as a primary principle iu sanitary
scienco that sewago polluted water
should not bo used for domestic pur
poses either iu its natural stito or iu its
condition ns Ice. No water which is un
fit to drink as water is lit to tiso for a
similar purposo as Ice. Its coldness
may benumb tho sense of tosto, so that
no warning of Its naturo comes to the
consumer. Ita Intrinsic clearness and
beauty may put him off his guard, but
all Ico cut from sewago polluted waters
Is dangerous, and should by law be kept
from tho domestic market. T. Mitchell
Prudden in Harpert.
lluiv to Learn to Slnf.
Lung power and capacity may bo won
derfully increased nnd strengthened by
a constant repetition of tho syllable
an on the tlireo or four notes in the
mlddlo register of tho voico; that ii, the
threo or four notes which one sings most
naturally nnd with the least effort. Let
the pupil get ono noto clear cut, round,
tun and musical; then from that noto ns
a starting point let him go up and down,
gradually working out tho hnsklncss
from tho adjacent notes nnd sounding
them until thoy becomo puro und reso
nnnt nnd can be delivered without strain
or effort.
Let him work tystemnllcally and.
above all, avoid tho pernicious trick of
learning "pieces ' by rota or by car. His
first effort should bo to increase tho
purity nnd raugo of his voico, and to
that end ho should, as suggested above,
use tho brbad, syllnblo "all" only for a
tim 5, nnd on no account should he try
to sing nn ulr until no can do so under-
standlngly, with n full knowledge of
musical notation nnd n perfect command
of his vocal resources. Demorcst's Mag
azine. itlcht or Wrong.
Whlfli villi 'H liaip? Itiln.M v.tu ti If tr,ni0
irilts lirt'tr to liuio 11m liivt i-iimlltlon r flip
llii-r rather than thejlritt. 'itiey iiri'tiuilly
tlose. tlifiiiK-Uci Hltli liiiiiaillve totally without
iinuo uHHiii'romroi uirr iioumi-. iiosieuer s
tstomacll lllttriilt tho ftuiTritHfill eantlUtate lor
Hie iNH,lo'Hcliotre, ami ji't, tM,nlar niul well
kumiuus It Is, there aie tmtorlunatrsvflio keeu
en trilni: thetlraMIr reinp.ll-H or former tlajs.
It U to iho intelligent imrllon of the imlitlc that
the well known unit Ions tlteit iinijHMtlfa of the
Hitters ateal. Itedton t,hon!l lie j-tihlfxl ty ex
perience lu the matter of niHllenllon. "Ihe
uei Ruiau in our teet ittiie uniiuiiexneiience,'
salil a (treat vauiot ot the eaily reohitlouar
irillll. Kor oler a lliuil otn eenlnrv the Itilteii
ilull) lias met with the emioritenieiit of people
ttulTerth-c from ller coWlatnt, malaria, oonstl.
nation, rheuinatliim, ilrotluy nntl troiihlea se
eomiMitletl ly Uyeep8Ut. Ijilterly It ii-mle-
t utrfu luwu hiiu -wen inoionKlliy anpro-etl nn a
,i-,ir.ij o, pK"l'l"-.
Ifitny soul hern
women plant und
ship ponuttts.
A Safe ImeitlMCltt.
It one which Is c.iar&nteed to brine: you
satittactoiy results, or In cats or failure
return of puichasu price On this safe
plan lou can buy from our advertised
druggist a bottle of Dr. Kiiic 's New lm
covery for Coniiiniutloii. H It guaranteed
to bring relief in every case, v, lien used
for any adectlon of Throat, Lung or Cheat,
such as Consumption, Inll.miiiialion of
Limns, llronehllls. Asthma, Whooping
uougn, etc., etc. it is pleasant ami agree
able to taste, perfectly safe, and can al
ways bo depended upon. Trial I tattles free
at lienors Drugstore, Lrhlghlnn, and
Thrfejlnitidreil woftisnt aro flsnsta in
the United States.
A Cure for I'uraltsU.
Frank Coruelliu. of l'ui-tiell. ln,l. 'rr.
"1 Imlueetl Mr. riusou, Whose wife Imu luunly
sls iu the Lire, to buy u noulo of miaiolirruuVa
talu lialui, To their great surer! before the
mmwiiwsiimwii iimii sue was a areal ties
mom-,, ni-i ,m..,- iumi ueeii orawii lit one side
but t he 1-alu ilalol relieved all italu sua soreness
and the mouth assume,! its natural aiisne." It
Is Also a eertaln cure for rheumatism. Uiu luub
MH-alus, swelllusa am! 1 uoeuena, flu cent leiilles
n,r ssie ujr a. 11 ju-uer aim IV. 1 . iller)
Thtro ore 58,XK) women in r.iiglatul
enrolled In trades unions.
Tim Mrrrlrstfilrl that's Out.
"llouiito nwt lleasle. the maid nt Iliimloe. 1
aas, uotlouot, llektiHiofa girl lo ask.'-Wlial
ai- Hit wlll ttavi-K aajtim?" or lo not 'a liule
failt-il llomrr" In )Oitr Lutlolt bole, stir was so
fill of 1 Kuril,, iiufl la-aioji wall robust
iH-attli. Ktory irlrl In tier latuli-uu lie lust as
lull of life, lust as will, ami Just as uifrri aa kIi,
slnee Or. Here lias 4ln-iil his "Favorite "w-i-rlpilon"
wlthul funrt-ai-u ot all. Vouiiuuirls
In tlielr tet-ns, iwisslna llo urt-of luiberty, llnil
ii a arras wiu. lieiMWU, tie aim au-Ky airls
will fluil llils.aiMuarfulluvluonaur.auila suie
eorrrrtho ror all deraugrWulshud uoakusrs
tui-hli-lil to fi-nialva.
III Massachusetts 1X1 women
ainployal iu making cartridges.
Ilo-vr I IVlt.
Why. two vears ago I was just about
crsiy, sud no wonder lliat ihv lfe ahd
children were afraid of lux. You just want
to suffer wan neuralgia lth no relief at I
did until 1 used (Sulphur Hitlers. The;
cured me, and tin- uiy wife says I am at
meek as aiainli Uoln-rt lan, Ann-iu-sn
House, Iloaion
lliufctcn's Ami, fcal.1,
I lit- t sal, In III, in ,1 1, 1 Ini 4 1,1
s-u, h.,i,,s ill Itlu HIM, ,, So,
I Iiaih il lUlul.! Iilllilitu I ,.ns, i
rlii,ll hi., mill lisll,ii I, nn v 'n, .
111,1111111. ll 1, t l,, ,
uuUul, in uit,nt- lellilidiil rnci ,
bol. Kar san, k, lltUl I., hlgl li ,
aiii UDjini lime in mw nmmitr nun nn
VngTatfifttl Jerteymen,
When Colonel Urahnm, of Posey
county, Ind., left town for Trenton yor.-
terday he put In his tmoket two of th 1
beet imported cigars that lie could buy.
The colonel is a confirmed cigarotto
smoker, but ho always carries cigars kir
self protection when he travels, Hinoo
he left Posey county he has developed a
discriminating nose for tolmrro, A
rank cigar makes him more peevish
than "knees" In his trousers. There are
fow smokers of bad cigars who will not ,
throw away n half Imrueil stump to nc- 1
cept ono of the colonel's good cigars, j
with tho graceful apology tlint nlways
goes with it.
"Why, do you know," said Colonel
Graham the other day, "there are no i
cigars In Indiana so rank ns those that
nro smoked In Now Jersey, They nre j
11.- 1 1 ll.-l 111 1.111 . l-.l 1
tho brand that will kill Vegetation, nnd
I nlwnys enrry n cigar or two to givo
away on the smoking car. Why, It's
enough to make a man fretful."
Colonel Graham's seat in tho smoker
was shared yesterday by n man with no
tosto In tobacco. Ha sniffed contemptu
ously nt tho colonel's cigarette, nnd
puffed contentedly nt a very bad cigar
with a dark, shiny wrapper. Colonel
Graham was growing seasick. Ho threw
away his cigarette, and drawing a cigar
from his pocket said to tho man beside
"Pardon me, sir, but may I troublo
you for a light!"
"Sure, Mlko," replied tho man, and he
handed Colonel Graham n cigar that
had just been lighted, Colonel Gra
ham carefully lighted hi own cigar,
and with nppareut nbsentinlndedncris
tossed tho other out of the window.
"Well, I'll lie"
"No, don't," Interrupted Colonel Gra
ham, "I really wasn't thinking what 1
wns doing. Ple.tso accept ono of my 1
cigars nnu permit; me to otter an npot
ogy. I am very nbsetitiniiiiled at times,"
The man looked ut tho cigar tho colo
nel gave him nnd mild:
"Looks pretty good, Bettcr'n mine,
I guess. I liny threo dollars n hundred
for mine."
"That cigar cost twenty-fivo dollars a
hundred, nnd Is pretty fair, 1 think,"
replied the colonel.
"H'm," said tho man ns ho bit tho
end off. Then ho leaned over nud saldi
"Will you givo mo a light now'"
Colonel Graham offered his cigar.
Tho man lighted his own from it with
chuckles of satisfaction. Then ho leaned
back comforttbly and tossed Colonel
Graham's cigar out of tho window.
"Why, yon"
"Don't," said tho man. "When 1 think
of tho tariff on cigars I go Into n trance,
nnd I'm not responsible for what I do.
Let ino oiler yon ono of my cigars, ' nnd
ho pulled out ono of tho throe n
hundred brand nnd handed It to Colonel
"Why, you"
"Now, don't, I say," interrupted tho
man. "This la my station, but you can
get a light from the man in front. Much
obliged for your smoke. Goodby," and
ho was off (ho car.
Colonel Graham retumed to New
York last night and announced that his
system was shattered. Hereafter ho
will rido in tlio drawing room car nnd
smoko cigarettes. New York Sun.
Lost ClllUlren iu ltlc titoret.
'Aro many babies lost In tho big
Tho floor walker stood besido :t num
ber of bolts of cloth. It was in ono of
tho big stores in Fourteenth street.
"Come with me," ho said.
When wo had arrived nt tho tear of
tho store ho carefully opened u door
leading to a small room. There, on a
soft lounge, all cuddled up, asleep and
evidently dreaming, wns a dar child
with golden hair.
Tho child," exclaimed tho floor
walker, "belongs to 6oiuo woman now
shopping in this pla o. She is wandcr-
iiiKuiuuiui tiuiu uuiuuer iu luiiiiiui nnu
has temporarily forgotten her dear little
Willie. We found tho child asleep near
tho elevator, tired out apparently
And yon will tako euro of it till sho
comes back, eh: "
Wo will. Wo have a number of
children to look after each day. Soino
aro lost, some forgotten, but tho mam
mas all como back In duo boason."
Just then thero was a suppressed
ejaculation at tho door, somothiug that
sounded like:
"Oh, my deardarlingchildcliildchildl"
A woman bounded Into tho room,
Such kissing, such hugging, you never
saw iu all your born days!
"it was like this," tlio woman said.
"I left the dear boy just ono tiny min
ute to look nt some bargains in laces.
Then Mrs. Gamp came up, and of course
I had to talk to her. Time slipped by;
it was most an hour before I ever
thought of dear little Willie again."
"Well," said tho floor walker smiling,
"ho is safe."
Then tho woman went away with her
prize, saying something at each step
that sounded like:
"O-h, m-a-ra-m-a'a d-e-a-r 1-i-t-t-l-e
1-c-s-t b-o-yl I w-l-U n-o-v"
New York Herald.
A Hide with Senator Will Colt.
Upon an occasion sorao years ago n
friend took Senator Wolcott for n drivo
in tho suburbs of Lcadville, nnd Wol
cott expressed a suspicion thnt tho
horses wero perhaps too frisky lo bo
trustworthy. Thereupon the friend set
nbout bantering and Imdgerlng Wolcott
upon his oxcewilvo timidity. Wolcott
boro this badinage patiently, till pros
ently thoy began to descend ono of those
steep, nlmost precipitous Inclines in
which Colorado roads abound.
"Will yon let mo driver" asked Wol
"Certainly," answered the other.
But no sooner had Wolcott got tho
reins than ho turned to his companion
and said: "You havo been shaming me
lor my tlmtaity. My turn has come.
we 11 see who squeals lirstr"
With that ho Uung the reins out over
tho horses' backs and liegan plying the
whip furiously. The frightened horses
dashed down the hill, swinging the
buggy around curves and against
bowlders In such wise as to threaten its
demolition. Wolcott continued to ply
tho whip and to shout at tho maddened
brutes. His friend clung, white and
trembling, to his seat. It is n marvel
that both were not killed. Finally the
buggy-was overturned, the horses broko
away and Woleott and bis friend were
left 111 a confused heap, with a broken
arm, a sprained ankle and n dozen body
cuts and bruises between them.
"Well, how do you liko itr asked
Woloott, gathering himself togellier
and emerging nimbly from tho debris.
The oilier answered feebly but proud
ly, "I hain't squealed yet!" Chicago
Tlie ltatllesuako's Itatlles.
It is an error to tui,i-o that rattles
are sled eaoh year as are the horns of
me user, or mac a new rattle is attueu
eaoh time the skin is shed. A friend of
mine owned a inasaaaauga over one ear,
awl while the skin was exfoliated tho
rattles remained iutaot and without ad
ditions. Mou wlioownediatlleanakesof
the diamond siiecieg in Florida informed
me that an adult might add one or two
rattles that Is, section to the rattle
In a year, or again not any, and that the
changing ot the akin exfoliation had
nothing to do with the new formation.
All Af ra! that the older rattlers of tho
south were lirovisled, as n rule, with a
longer rattle tlian tlie young one. Bald
one man, nuiuting to six specimens of
the diamond rattlesnake (Cro talus ada
toanteua) about sixteen inches long and
lionasied of a alugU rattle and button,
as the tenoiual and growing tiortiuu la
oalbd: ,
'Titos ittie ratUer were born iu tuts
house, and when they were a few weeks
old I luouuted them as ou see them.
Dr. Moms (iibbs in Forest pud Stream.
A rlaln Statement.
A Ilartfurd giil culled on a iih)sii-iau
rocc-Dtly lu ia a plalu iu hi spoet-h aa
hi patient is in respect to her fun) lie
tilud to thetr ht-i , In r ullluent being
olil) a tilhiug liialter, ho bald "Oh,
li,i t.,i, bin- giuuut-d, "1 feci woi-,11 thau
I 1, - k ' TLu.u, my dear young lady.
Iiere is uu hope for yoa," replied the
toctcr. I'hiladelphia Ledger.
A Ul MiA Ito.
A Cliaraetr-r In lltstory Which Has tiir
nlslieil n Themn far I'oel. nntl OrutftM.
Kftpoieon'.lln Trentmrnt (if Hie (IreM
Of-nrmt 111 Viillntfir lvtul.
Thirty years ago Tousaaint L'Onvcr-1
lure was n name to conjure with. Poets
ana orators uescriueu ms virtues ami ins
genius and cited him ns nn illustrious
example of Ihe-cnpabllltiM of his race.
A romantic Interest will always attach
to his name. The fact 'that for fifty-four
years lie lived In deepest obscurity ns n
slave on a Haytlan plantation and the
cplo character of his snlwennent achieve
ments giro a tinge of antique herolstn to
his history.
Tim Wall
Tho French colony in Ilaytl was long
ono of tho greatest slave marts in the
world. At the time of the French revo
lution there were In the colony oU.OOO
whites, 30,000 free mulatto and 300,000
slaves. Tlio mulattoes, many of whom
had been educated in Frnnce, took ad
vantage of tho rcjvolution nnd obtained
a recognition of their political rights
from the French assembly; the whites of
llayti refused to recognize tho decision
nnd a war broke out which was soon
complicated by an uprising of tho whole
slavo population, On n memorable night
in August, 1701, the plantations were
fired and many of the whites were mur
dered. Toussatut had not nt this time ac
quired the natno of L'Ouverture. This
word, meaning "the opening," was ap
plied to him afterward because he
opened a way for the f reedom of his race
through the chaotic conditions or tho
following years.
In the dreadful wnrs of the years fol
lowing tho uprisnl of tho slaves his ex
traordinary influence over his rnco nnd
Ills military genius gave him pro-eml-nenco
over all other chiefs. A design
af freeing his race, which could only be
accomplished by making it tho ruling
raco of Hayti, gradually took shapo In
his mind nud forma tho key noto of his
France, Spain and England each bid
high for his alliance, but Franco de
clared for tho freedom of tho slaves nnd
ho finally ranged himself under tho
French flag. It was evidently his desire
to maintain n deslrablo connection witli
European power which would yet
leavo him nt liberty to dovelop his plans
for his own race, but tho realization of
tils Iden required a disinterested co-op
eration of which no Uuropean govern
ment wns capable.
In a fow j-ears ho had been recognized
by Franco ns commander in chief of the
army of Hayti and wns practically dic
tator of tho island.
As a ruler of Hayti he surrounded
himself with tho pomp of a prince, al
though personally ho retained habits of
severe simplicity. He ate sparingly und
slopt littlo, being possessed of extraor
dinary powers of endurance. In dignity
of manner he was entirely equal to his
position, llo endeavored to reconcile
conflicting races, and his rule was im
partial and able.
lint unpoleon was not tlio man to al
low a dictator under himself. He sent
an nrmy of 80,000 men to Hayti to re
store slavery and roduco tho colony to
Suspecting tho truo pnriiose of tho ex
pedition, Toussaint resisted tho lauding
of tho nrmy, but finally laid down his
arms after ho had been assured that
there was no intention of restoring
slavery and that he injured tho cause of
his raco by resistanco.
He wns still too powerful to bo openly
seized, but ho was decoyed into the
French quarters and was then hurried
on board a vessel and carried to France.
He hoped to meet Napoleon and defend
his conduct, but on landing ho was so
crctly hurried to a lonely fortress lit the
Alps, where lie bhortly nfterwnrd died.
Many wild stories attributing his death
to murder found credenco nt tlio time.
Neglect nnd the change from a tropic to
an Alplno climato doubtless hastened
his end.
By his removal the lirogross of his
raco was incalculably retarded.
While Toussaint s fate nnd place ot im
prisonment wero still unknown, Wnds
worth wrote the beautiful sonnet, "To
Toussaint L'Ouverture." His history is
the subject of a drama by Lamartine,
and of a novel, "Tlio Hour and the
Man," by Harriet Martineau. During
tho nntislavery agitation In tho United
States ho was cited ns a most illustrious
examplo of tho real capabilities of his
race. A poem by Whittier and an ora
tion by Wendell Phillips commemorate
his virtues and his genius. Detroit Free
L'ootilne; Is Mw u Hcleucc.
Cookery in these latter days has bo-
como n science. Cookbooks leavo no
room for guosswork. Wo no longer
mix our ingredients as tho woman said
sho made her brown bread: "FirBt I put
in what meal I think I will need, then
what rj-o the meal will bear; next n
good sized pinch of salt; next a little
flour, a triflo ot molasses and as much
water or milk as I think It wants, and
then bako it till I seo it is done." Troy
Womun's Great Ambition.
It Is funny, but true, that the highest
ism of tho most advanced woman is to
Jo something as well as a man does.
Ullwaukoe journal.
Drug :: Store,
l'or Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Summer onnilaiut, C'holern
Morbus, Crumps, Colic. &c , use
Dr. J.oyd'i, Cure.
For fliliousness. Indigestion,
Constipation, Dyspepsia, C'C,
use Dr Hoyd's Pills.
A IVrfect SucceflN. VII
IhtVat.X, ADtoloalkfuslo.oITexaU.VTiUti
1 thluk Factor Ktwoig'i Norte Tonio U perfect
UdOMi, tor &ujr one Utuffere4 froiua uot
IJdIu1 urvouinM m 1 did. X lel like wyMlf
agtua tuirur uuung uie wwe.
nuaiDBiUi svi. Mssjuaiuu I c AOtT.s
Itttfoie I took, l'tutaor Kourvlaia Mtbrv Tuulu I
ccukl not itMp islgbtt ftiwl tiiiyi a numbuen oi
tlie ltM, aruii ami wuuvLluitie all oter Uie bod j,
butaiirtakiiigttieaivvoudtiosw of jour 4rvs
Toeia 1 could lep well, aud lu tbme dayi all
ssuitsyuaisi avuo siuu utd vui wuit siiutM,
MIH Dim Dan llAwn.if If. ,.1. loai
A)Oui4iiuuio(W 7art affctd liU C1U
Py for OTtr IU years and a Very bad etvee, tar
1 at loait 10 lo 14 flu dailf, aiux uUig all
aliad ot radkliiM witUwit Ua-vflt, used l'aator
Valuablo ICoolc en
i tstitit frrm In anv
Mil iMbditiiie e f iwnca
KOttMIO MEt. OO., OrIOfigtf ill.
bH4l byDnxjwlalaateU .uu ltntVi.
i r --reOiiil.1.7H. OHsAUMrttkJ.
Is Hit; oiil ll.utliHUd pir In tin- nnrld
I'tmUtiiliiB nil Uu 11. M icliMihni.,11 aiui sj-firt
in if Iiums No KviiliHtn kt-ritfi, bttrbfi i ( Uil
rtHiiii tiiti alioid lo lit wttlioiii li. II
HJlVf Irlt-UlK u 111-If f 1 1! KiM H
bIbIIuiI (ii dli Hiltlifsa in tllr I Hltcd 3U(c
L nd nv cents tur kuapto copy.
Richard K. FOX,
2-3r.'!' in tl'f '.Hno n nn t-
fhrlii.ei'S (Ion! llltlkr tt'.V
Imt nitrt'ly llit? citsc.Tllfi J'OALlss
Oiii- (inn in Nfw York rlnims
it) irttikc mm-i hirtl of those artinnf1
jifl yontillinv ncul. to Mvi'll
your liffiils with micli nniicctirr,
tlint lice itisp tin article iVulirnp
it rnnilot lie giiml. I enn srll
yon iiflcrn different uinkos of
I'innns- nntl none will po over
$200, nnd I can show you tlint
Calilf Fiunos nro sold liy M
dealers in I'liiladelpliin, nnd
from one to one hundred und
fifty dnllnrs nbove whntl nsk fin
them. Think of it $150, for n
good upright. Piano, t,old every
where a t $2.50. (7omeand see
for youiself, flood Organs
Irom $25 lo $80, the very het,
n guarantee goes with everyone
nnd you know whoyouare buy
ing from People have been
deceived right nbm: You can
have six months or a year lo pay
for them. Ctiniu and fee me.
How nbout Sewing Mnchine9
I am after those V ar Price
Audits, and I hey niiift. come
down, unless people find pleas
ure in paying high prices. It
will you well to come and see
my variety of $25, Sewing
Machines, I enn sell you nny
atvle. lionnil or .nuare W nsh
ini; Machines at $0. 1 must be
cheaper or don't want you to buy
from me.
Coino ul sen uis before butnir elte
where. I remain
Veins respectfully,
nt. Allt iitii .. I'n., K n .iv i aily
to slur.t it-ti.iti'diis Uu1 larRost
rnrlott n!'( rii"t mul f'uvliiins
in nil tli'1 ticHiiftii nt iiricps tn
suit nil iiii(liafi'i iriirn you
visit - Allfiitimn htnp iu nntl
tnkcnlfioU ilmnili tlio stnrt'.
VisitoiR nlivm wflcome.
Corner 8th mid Hamilton St.
We, 1 he un .lent nert wer
ntirclv curtHl nl runlute br
llr. J. II. M.TtK. Mil Arch
, I'Lllatlfh.lila. fit . rt. Junes i'hilllin. Ken.
S'liiar, Ii T. A, Krvlti, SlMlliiKlnn, r.
net S
KM Small. Mount Alln. Fa t Iter. H. II Sher
inor,, 1'a ; It, .1. Itellet, Hi H. '1 wclfiU
St , IteuslloK. I' ; Win. J Mx )8'2d M., nl St.,
Clilltulatililii; 11. I Ituwe, iwKlmNt., Itndln,
Pft.1 tltwrifa nil l-li llurkart, 4:l J.m'UHNi.,
Iteit'.lDVt I'- NrnIJirrin'ulr.
tua IkjWcU thtOVQh tk
( ..,1.1., x,fS) 1,1 HsATUU
trmiitJ curt tU!oaniro,
tkiO-luwr sal cooUi-
ra r.Jitt nndoiui.9r.DLj,
li, DIa Eii. C , KUtut, IlA.
We want the natno ami lKistotlh e ml-
drehs of every hunoruhly ilischHitfeil
soiifieror the late war who is not re
ceiUiiat a iienalon or who la not re
ceiving ax niiieh iwiihIoii an ho is tn-
tltlinl to.
Also the name and iMusttiftltisi of eery
Hohller'a widow, ehlld or ileieiiileiil
parent who is not raoeivliuj or lias
not received full iusloii liroilded
1V law.
Also The name of every wihlieror
Soulier heir wlto lias not received
full I'iV wnl FloCNTT aa lirovldeil
by law.
Xewliasaml ltullmts nrurlde for
IKurnient ot elatma whioli have here
tofiire baen i4so4sJ. No eliarKe for
Infojrtuatloti. Ssyul to Pension At
Uirueriu oare of OiaaoN Advolute,
Iliitllitoii, Pa.
Aaron Snyder
New lee live
I . uu I a ' s
INVENTORS can ieour udvU-e aa
to the uteiiUlilllty of
their inventions.
I'ATENTEES ran iwehe -, iatauce
in I he --ale nt their pa
t, nt 1 it-lit-, ami full tu
tormutnin rt-utdin
TATI-.N IS t un he ulitallial hj! Waahuig
UOPrRIatU'b tun l'..t.i,l Atturuar,
la oara of Caibom, Lhhrh-
ton, Fa.
It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your children. Sucli is Scott's, Emulsion
of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos
phitcs of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the
children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps
them from taking cold and it will do the same for you
Bcott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Diteases.
Prevents wasting in children. Al
most as palatable na milk, net only
the Krnulnc. Prepared by Boott ft
Downs, Chemists, New York. Bold by
all Druggists.
iscii Goal I
My op's Pumps
A cnmpli'le lino, iiirl'ttlinij rcpairg Hir the sun i
Cii3unibep Pumps
A complt'tu line inclnfliiij rcpiiis for tlio stinin
Coal Oil
At vhnl(nli nnd retail
Usunl lino of Ilnnttvnrc, Oils. C'o-il, Sand, (Viuciit. 1'lustcr, &c
PaPfits, Maroislies, Oiass9
IBank Stroel, Lehiliton, Pa
St Sets Tlie People Talking
Coiprisci iin tne Fall at. Wiiilfir Stock: cf KOCH & SHANKWEILKR-
(iontl fioods ! Lnw IV'ros ! Iist Qiinlhics !
A lipiomtiig miltfor Tall fiii.l Wlntrr adili
nssonnieinr inn hfiiscui inn iuiiti'Miirr rrr.
You may not ftrl Ilk1 anniliiiR jour nioiify
jour ee o( r our (ritiMiu sf u'fiioiis, ur-u jioiice
You inil bo IkMirfillcd
rityi'ilces g'itietzed nut ot sluice In our
Stylish Heady-Made
Xe ine&n that our s.wtl.i. retluctions nh-ill io.
linugs iiiui nine iiiuutrj' win uuj.
N'u change In any rrspect. Wo
All-AVool Truelf, uctnullv Worth SH,
Preparo Your Hoys for School.
from us at surli ery Uv ngures a- tu seem
i ml iiu-y are wnni v I'lami. K
llcliahle Cloths, Honestly Mndeand Styles tlu Very Latest.
JjafAll Departments Full and Completo with nil tho Seasonable Novelties,
The People Are Talking About Our Lnw Prices
We lift uuour oWo lo annouiu-e that we
New Stock of Fall
Men's, Youth's nnd
Koeli 8c
Laifsi anil
WwM Wwiies'i WimVmv fom$es
l'irst-clnss Vappr HiiiiKtiiK at lmvet prires. Ceiling Decor
ntion nml VicBcocint; a 6)fi'iiilty.
Houbo Pninling in nil its
tn "up snli-fartnry. 1'ntroniiKO
luor.irTlotDirouiweom'K.i:JATnii.l AIM 181 1( CH A VON I'OltTIC UTrttOToarMirud
jiur tiifiwla, tkc inki' )uu ttte iwih,wuif Uu a UJ- vrff., U If you will Koa.iui Itbultifrkptioijruunwir.or
MiyueuUrof jwurlutlij, ii iute trum iioue ol uur liun ibrve-Muaru r 1 tt
Out mnittnd ivfxiUtkMi u ArUM nJr. tulf ws'tl I anwn Itrouirhotit tke 1'aIImI AUsV but weiltwir totiunvfUfB
our i . lis 01 . 161 1 im ml 1 tier V l,tlst Hi is on.' of .iiii l-4tKnii( linistit iiImimI lo yourltuuMWillilo
ii.M,ieko.liluuf'i M.irliii, .m n- .-uii lo urn luwlsj .-f THIRTY DAYS
mOM llATfc. ll.l'..trsil v.. linik-Mi j. 1 t.i r...- . ....w- I.i..i iU aluw(R.On UwillWutlMtu
uu Te nitvf fbi Hiiri' J t.r I.' f'l'l unit- exit JIm j t,u ll l k (r I Hi- plMlugrmili whkU you KMmI
It w Ihm will tarciu.' Itir ) im U rutftU Wry jtuul . il t-t .in la i tVar of Jut-tluf II Aa LiMMir rftion
rlUllty.fH' .WHiMlrfir MAt ! It... liJl.t nitr l.t( 1 11 ' -U inir ( l I II'Uj fa Ml Hklik FftH.klj'U, WUa, tartro
1 .nituiy, Ann n. u Ll.n- IV I 'ii.-ai rf 1 (j t unit Lw , tvm Twk. uid Uoui-
k.ini, labiMMA. Mupintf i.i ii,ni ..ur lut'i 1 i uu 1. , liin. jr,
CUDV .V O , "j . : . in li IU Ave uu c, Hroolclyn, N- Y.
CU ICE - ut ll i .' ilui 1 n 1 -I I i ; I 1 -I. rjj '1 . , if 1 ..(. .t
A genuiue sewed slioc, that will not Hp. fine cclf,
freatnleaa, suiootlt Inside, flexible, inure comfortable,
Styli6lt aud durable tbun any other shoe ever Bold at
the price, r.riuab cti-toui tuude bhoes costing from
to fs, and Is the
Best In tho World for the price.
sr nn otnuins
SA nn. Haad-gwfcl
4sUU WeltBhoa.
OmOXJ Firmer.
sd.Oli Call Shu.
So on WMki,iK-
ZudZJ Bun's BUM.
IT IS A DUTY you owe to )urilf and 5'our family, during these hard
times, to get the uit--t alue fir -ur rnout . You can economize iu your foot
wear if you jiun liuse W. L Ii,,ui-l,i-,' hUoe, wbtrh, without imeatioo, represent
a ftreater alue fur the money th-nt miv other inuLes.
(T A I ITI fS W w L- DOUGLAS' nnmo ond the price is stamped
vnvf I IVIVs on the bottom of eaoh shoe, which protects tho
consumer against high prices nnd Inferior shoes. Beware of denlers
who acknowledge tho superiority of W. L. Douglas' Shoes by attempt
ing to sutxitltuteother makes for them, 8ueh substitutions are fraud
ulent, and subjoot to prosooutlon hy law, for obtaining money under
false pretences. W. L. DOUCLAS.tirookton. Mass. Hofaky
Adam Mt-lirkuui & Son, A cuts, Ix-hightoo.
Subscribe for tlie Advocate .
womleifullj tonne'-. Ua IIih stjlcs anil
hut wltcn jnu w our jr-mul new Ntnck HnU cast
iuu s.'if num uainy in uu mir khuiii
hy our Ucrt 1'ock Prices.
Mvn's nnd Hoy's Suits.
ttif in qiilcKlj' out of tlie way. Mhiij nltraithe
art still selllnR ttiow wonJoiIul st list)
ty.t.C hh1 K4, lit S3. AVorklnc l'uiitt ut 15c
Good Reliable Suits can ho had
almost l.uujaMblt?. A visit ot Iusiectloi. will in tne
c(.tcteery nueroda tlielr duty and Inject imr
nnd Winter Goods.
Children's Clothing.
Finc&t Clothinir Itae m tlie Valley,
- Ri: in-
binnflii". All work iianntccd
iuO Misses.
2 $c sl.75
I wan dry and dutt :
1 was weak and weary;
Now I'm glad ail Insty,
And thseartli I Ktkscbeerjr,
Oh, IhssosLliiB,
Mirth proTokinv,
Lanshtsr ttmLlnirralni
rkm and ml 1. ,
Mild and mill,)
Grows ml K'-I'l'-u irraln.
LlStSn tntlir 1 I" filter
That ni U-a -t lire msklDff,
Vlten tho si Ind mines after
Kisses, softly ati-iklng.
Oh, beAttbglrintr, .
Hrentblnn, llrlng,
Uoarvn imtirins ralnl
Court, esress me,
KkB ms, bless me.
Ones and ones again!
fait your hssrt. be ehiglnst
l'eal )-onr iscans, ncoidesi
Bet the joy bells rlnirlnff
In the lofty steeples.
Pralsrs render
To the sender
Of tlie Joyous ralut
Of lbs limine,
Tlio Ilfsgtvlnit,
Of the precious rain,
John P. SjolandM- Iu Galveston Nsws.
How Oreeley !.!pe1 Untwln,
"In McClure'i 'Lincoln atd'ileu of
War Times, ' 1 see." aald agoil diaries
Wlstcr, of Uprniaiitown, yostmHlny,
that the colonel irlves Andrew Cuitlnn
great deal of credit for Lincoln's nomi
nation at Chicago lit 1860. I sat In a
chair beside Colonel McCInro in that
convention, nnd I think Curlin and nil
others were totally overshadowed hy
Horace Greeley. (Ireeley lioro Sowartl
n hitter grndge. Ho said ho had mado
Soward governor, nnd ho thought liim
ungrateful. On Seward's refusal to net
na ho wish!, Oreeley declared, 'My time
mil como nt last.' When the conven
tlon time nrrlved" we nil saw what
seemed to he a band of soldiers march
ing up the street. What wits It but old
Horace Qrccley in his famous plug hat
and whlto coat stalking along after n
brass band at the head of tho New York
delegation. They were tho pick nnd
flower of tho slate too. They wero given
a rousing reception in tlio convention
"Greeley had corresponded with the
ablect Republicans throughout the
Union, nnd for two years had been
planning against Seward's ambition
When the battlo wns fought nnd Lincoln
was nominated Oreeley cutno down
stairs from his room ill tlio hotel with
his carpetbag in his hand. As ho bade
goodby his words were, 'Sly mission is
accomplished.' " I'hundclphu IJccord.
Chance for tho Wedding l'nc.
A clergyman in Cumberland county
had married a couple, nnd was surprised
by the groom's nsking him the amount
of tho bill, llo had not been accus
tomed to receive anything of lunch
vnluo, nnd said that the matter was left
to the groom to decide, "lint I'd rather
you'd stato the figures," was tho reply.
nnd finally tho minister said, "Well,
anywhere between one and ten dollars."
The groom handed him a five dollar bill
and departed.
In about a fortnight ho returned to
the ministers house and said, "Look
here, when I gave you that iivo dollar
bill I cipocted somo change back." The
astonished minister happened only to
have two dollars about him. Ho took
thnt from his pocket nnd gavo it to tho
man, and thero the transaction ended.
Lewistou (Me.) Journal.
Threo Kcmarks About Marriage.
James Lano Allen has a story en-
titled "John Uray," in which ho has
three remarks tomako apropos to tho
subject of marriage: "Somo women in
marrying demand all nnd givo all: with
good men they aro happy; willibasomeu
they nre bruken hearted. Somo demand
everything nnd givo little; with weak
men they nro tyrants; with strong men
they nro divorced. Every bachelor Is
really tho husband of an old maid. For
every singlo man carries around witli
him tho spirit of n woman to whom he is
more or less happily wedded, when a
man actually marries, this inner help-
mato wisely disappears in tho presence
of her external contemporary."
llacterla In Crutoii Wuter.
Tho examinations of artificial ice
made from tlie distilled Croton water
have shown that when It does contain a
few bacteria these are not of many
different species, as is tho case with the
nndistilled Croton, but they aro almost
all of ono singlo species, and this
hardy, harmless form which multiplies
readily ana rapidly in puro water, T.
Alltchcll rruuden in llariers.
Coins ot Value.
"Some pennies nro worth a good deal
of money," said a dealer in coins. "If
you como across an old collection of
copper cents iu an out of the way corner
you will do well to examine their dates
carefully. From the point of view of
the numismatist their valuo depends
largely upon their condition, t or ex
ample, for u cent of 1709 in n fair stato
of preservation we pay flvo dollars, but
for a specimen of the same Iseua in first
rate condition wo would pay from ten
to tweuty-fivo dollars, and for a perfect
cent of 17U9 that Is.ns bright nnd sharp
ns the dny It wns coined we will pay
"Do not attempt to clean coins that
nre in fino condition. They should be
held only hy the edges In handling them,
and ought to bo kept wrapped carefully
In chamois skin or soft tissno paper or
laid on velvet. Gold and silver coins
may bo rinsed, not washed, In hot water
and soap. Copper coins should be placed
in sweat oil only to remove grease and
dirt. Acids nnd scouring will rnin nnj
coin of worth. Ago does not necessarilj
make value in coins. The old Spanish
silver pieces current in this country
from 1700 tn 1800 aro worth no more
than their face, and the same is the cut,?
with cents of 1798, 1803 and 1603, ns well
as with half dollars of dates betweeu
1803 and 1885." Washington Star.
Au Otd Question Asked Alien,
The old Question has been lately asked
anow, Why fill the infant mind with
Images of cruelty and horror? Why
suggest to innocence the dreadful vision
of ogres fattening captives like sheep
for their table? Why torture it with
that appalling cabalistic bloody invoca
tion, Fee, faw, fmn? Why jiermit tho
hoary murderer Blue Beard to terrify
tho young before In historical sotraeure
they reach Henry VIII, in no exten
uating page of Froude, but as the
grisly murderer and .defender c.f tho
faith of tlie older annals? And why pi r
plex the callow pilgrim scarcely em
harked uu the journey of life, huh th.
reverend ami the wise desiribe us n
moral watfare, by the rhyme which de
clarcs the greedy thief of a plum from
tlie copious puddiug u good k: '
Why is a glutton who triumph in his
gluttony to be commended in houeyed
measure as good, while nothing is salt!
In praise nay, he Is not even uu'titiancd
-of the virtue of tho tuiuaiued com
rade, wlio was undoubtedly present and
who restrained his desire to pull out
plums, sod who, so far as posterity
knows, not only had no plutn, but also
forbore the sauce? George William
Curtis lit Harper's.
llallnsad gneai! aiul Obstruf tltms.
Two years ago a cow wus keen in the
middle of the Morion tracks in front of
a train. Tho engineer lnw I to Mop, and
tlie, result was the locomotive was de
railed and the eugiuuer kill, I. A few
ruoiuiut ago the writer was riding on an
engine on the Chicago divimou or the
Pennsylvania, aud a hord of call In got
m tlie track. The train Has ruuuin0'
aluipst forty milts an hour, but when
the engineer saw them he "threw her
wide oiatn," and weut luto them at full
seveuty-five tulles au hour.
No daiuuge wus done except to "muss
op" the engine extetihively. The eugine
man was asked why lie had thrown on
the extra speed. His reply was that
had be been running slow It was eight
rhaucea to ten that he would have left
tlte trick -Imiiau.apolH News.
andal IV, 11 ltl,d.
HoUie pllplK vele li-,kid l,y au X-
auiiiiL i at a m h h,1 'i,uiiui,iti.u whether
they Likw tin.- m ,iiouk f Uie worst,
ao.ljl" Out. Inil, t-nl lii I.I up taer
hauil.uiiii uiu' I, ,1,1 to siiauu laeqost
tioo she r spued. "Nobody does ootLtug
and everybody goes telling of It every
where." Boston Commercial.
will be paid for a recipe enabling
us to make Wolff's ActiEllLAr k.
ist, at such a price that the retailer
cn profitably sell itat locabottle
At present the retail, price is 20c.
This offer Is open or-tlt Jsmisry nt,, itjj.
partlculsrs address th. undersigned,
Acms BtACKlNfl is made of pare alcohol,
oilier liquid dressings are rasde of water.
Water costs nothing. Alcohol li dear. Who
csi show us how to make it without alcohol
so that wecan make Acme 1!U-kinc si chup
as water dressing, or put it in fincy pack
ages like many of the water dressings, and
then charge for the outside appearance In.
tlcn.l of charging for the contents of the
WOLFF & nANDOLFH, Philadelphia.
In-.' name of a paint of which a 3Jc bottle
i . rnnneh to make six scratched and d ailed
chftrv chairs look like netssy finished ma
bennies ltwilldo many other remiikltla
Ihirips which no ether paint can do.
All retailers tell 11.
Makes an cvery-day convenlince of an
olJ-tlme luxury. I'ure and wholesome.
Prepared Willi scrupulous care. Highest
award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each
package makes two large pies. Avoid
Imitations and Insist on having ths
NOND SUCH brand.
MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse. N. Y
ful CONSUMPTION CURE i -,o.d t .
gists on a positive guarantee, a tft that no u 1
Cure can stand successfully. If y,,u li., s
will cure you promptly.. If your child hi the
quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CuN'
SUMPTION, don't waituntil your case is hone
less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im
mediate help. Large bottles, 50c. and l .00.
Travelers convenient pocket size 25c. Ask
your druggist for SHILOH'S CURE. II youi
lungs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Pur
ous Plasters. Price, 25c.
PJM! Ut-K ft)
Dr. (! T. IFoni, I.eli!litoi!, Pa
r; ri") rm per raonui ct
harmlPiri liurbmpv
Jaw tl.fl he tli nr Intettt-TA nllbone'ibtitineu Of
ties'" in- it ilium up nu iBipiuTf. laa KeflerM
ruHh.clf u-t'tlirnliin tnd bciatiueethecompltiiloji.
!o vruikU'H cr rtnbUncua follow tbij I rettment,
LnJotwii bv 1 ityiUL'isuis and lesdirjtocUtr lidiej.
IlanalMa, N i Mtartlnt;, fiaoi (csoli Iu itainpiffuUculantsl
oj. o.k. r Kfne, mickeisiueahs, cmcito, iil.
1, i V
it" .t,-
t .
111. . , .
Isr.,,, J;
bi. i.i-.'i :y.zz. ;r.f-.'., . . a .
lor In. p .i.i ix hf.-1.11i1 ,,u
Rl r , 1- , I-. . Ji 'i li- 11 , l: i, .
" 1- it,, i-vi-f, u l.c.i.ri urn
UUi 1 1 1 ..I i,na- 1 A,c 1 ,
ss luutiy U-c, -ii I10 ivUnd utxiu.
lllt,-tUiBll it,
.! 1 ' 3QRHH P.. .
Rick Itendarba and relf st all tho tronblM HocS
tlsot to ittflloua autaof tba xiUm.anoh a
Plzxloeia, Ijaiiiua, DrowIrisU. Dltraa aiUr
eating, l'alu la tba BIJo, to. tholrmost
tbs.ttia.Ue aaccots h&a botia abawa la ciulus 4
Ite&aacLo. jet Carter' Iittla ZJrar FlUJ art
ciuallr v&laaUe In Oonstlpatlon, curtng and pro
0DtlDi2tliIiatinoTiDRConiplalnt.wblla tberalM
liver aoaroculatoUiobowftU i.Tn HUwyoulj
tBuior from Ibla Jintroetlng coin plain ti but forto
Siatolrthlr(roodDs3atxia noteudhcrandthoai
vrnooucatrrthfim will find thiMM Htlla pUUTalu.
nUalaomany warilhatthey will not ba vll
lUsfitodairiUtouttasein, Dut afteraUalck U4
flstUabanact ominylltei that hero ! when
wemiVeourcruitboiut. OurpllUcuraUwblU
Ctbera Ao not. .
Cai Ura Wtlla Ll?er riU ara Terr maU anl
very eaflj to take. OnoortwoliUamakadoai.
Tboy are atrletljr TogeUUa and do not grip of
j.ura. but by Uwlrsentla action pleaaa all wba
uaatbam. Xnirlalaat2Sc.uU t nvafortL, uall
I) drofitiaU e?ery or aut hy uaU.
aiis.; iv
la a --'-' -
au li Uu VMvr falsistl. It
1( IfiUlt Ma. I'll. f, (u, 431 1 1
nc cs, ittam w
Sclenllflo American
Agency for
For lafnnnatloa and free Handbook writ it to
all nn A Co., Mil iKiaiJwar( Hxw lour.
OfdusL burtaau furatx u'liuj ittnta tn Ann i
Kvery patUMt tafcpu 1.111 bv 11a iri bn vbl b . it
tba (uielio by a iiutioe titux ttvv ul t-iwv4 ua U-j
rf'ricntiftf mcncnu
TABfat dnalatlon of any aolontlilr paper In th:
HBtaadldlr lllufraLd
rJii luiwUlktuib
a febould ba
ymrt ILUali i
ba witauua 11. i
Th Chain ol evtdenoe !
W now ooroiJftu -that ,
CHEAM li the oulr .
rtnuwatiuu thtet txxx tlaM all that ll
ittlm.4forH. Ur.iiiuTLi (
litBaiLL 1-iuislssa. lull, aud -'i I
n chic, l lvor.miil. . llu. it
nrbslloiiaoftliaal llh..ut li.1l - i
Aim applitftUonn will itud.r roiub, j-
i rsd bklur4ifi,aiau..ili and h hits' lllauui t
ueiti(iiCU(iitt rl. ftM-u, but at uro, aiul 1
puurbaitn-u tut IvarjU'lai liim. rrite
At dtumtl-tit: i r ktut b. mull, tkiul ii.i
i b'HtHUOitialj
I Tut. WOO,
I IMB.f L ' ,
SUl Lilt -,'
ATTtlir x. IV la', r
fouud in Uti. I a i uos 4hyo-
r , a i, uavua
i pills.
JaiW ",.L'-V'r