' $1.00 PAYS FOR THE ADVOCATE For Just lin -Two Weeks! (;kt it. HAVE YOU READ THE ADVOCATE? Orisp, lAvo. Frosli, Breezy, inikpi:ni)Kint. "INDEfENDBNT"-"LIV15 AND LET LIVE.' VOL XX., No. 35. Are marking theprioeson all ourB&owt at Rock Bottom Figure, because we want to bate your custom. We dtm't believo in Big Price o we changing the figures ou our whole stoak of Dry Good9, Clothing, MootB,T?ho, iiats, uaps, uarpetp, uu U10lti9, wood anil W illow are, Qneenswnre, Grocer ies. Notions, &o. This wo find is and fully appreciated by the people wno crowu our store to miy our now goods. large and small quantities, ut our low price. We dellverall goods freo to all parts of Town, Packerton or Weissport. Don't buy until you seo what wo have. will be a pleasure for us to wait on you' so come and see us. GEO: H. ENZIAN, Riegel's Old Stand, North First Street, Lehighton. - AT IIIF Central Drug1 Store, OPP. T1IK rUUUC BrjUAUl! Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS 1IBAI5JAHTERS F(ll! Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c., &c, choice, Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Becorationa! Spectacles When you tiiy a pair oi Shues von want a Boodflt. Bt.t II ou neeit Hl'LPTAUI.EH It In much more ttnnoitant (hat tlie EVE t.hnul.1 he 'ccoruino.tatctl with correct lenses ami a pmper 1 fitting frame which vvill hrim? the leuses ill ifttlybefora the centre of theee. II vonhiii jour spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will IH..I Hit above points properly attended tu. Prescriptions carefully com pounded MCtlUMff Wall Paper. From Cheap Blanks lo Fine Gilt aii.l Piesjeil Papers. Also, Fein ami Ingrains, with Handsome Fieiics. PIOTUKE ROD AND COVE. WIMDOW" SHADES ready to hans, or put up to orjer. Paiiil, Oil, Varnisli, Glass, Bruslics Paltitins ami Taper Haui;fn;, by com petent ttorkmen, Ui any part of the county. Books, Stationery ami Fancy Gontij, always a large stock at .F.LuGkenbach (il Broadway, Mauch Chunk. GO TO "(Jorner 8r.or(?" Oranaes. Lemons, Bananas, Nuls, Apples, Celery, Cranliiis, Grapes Table Baisins, Confec tions, Faucy Baslets, Qneens ware, ani a full line of Nice Lowest nriceg, good treatment, prnmnt delivery Call and See Us. Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. Henry Miller, LEHIGHTON. PLANINCx - HILL. MANUFAC'TUltKl: UY Winpow akd Door Frames, Doors, Sliut.ew, window Mtiltot, MnuUling. BmckeU, AWU DgALliK IK Ail Kinds of Diwl Liiuittr Slnnglog, railing. Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very JLovvest Prico. ("Read the Acre cate. Fofllonal & Mm Cards. J. 0. ZERN, H J., PUYSWIAX ( SUHGEON, OFFICE Al HF-tlDEMrH- Corner Third ami Iron Strcoti, Lehighton, Pa. ntTIUKIIOIllnv 7 to 8. m.: wtoi n. in., aud after T p. in. OFFICE IIOUHS t Wriutwrl: to 6 a. IB.; 1 to 3 p. m., and 6 to 7 p. -n. Frederick G. I bach, r.vn SPROiAiiifCT, OwniR-Urnilwjr,opii. I'rMbyUnhin Church ma Won chunk. i;a Omen HouHSTiiesdav and Wednesday of each week, 1 to 4 p, in.; Monday and Friday by appointment only. GLASSES FINISHED. aiull-a, le-iu-am DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Slain Street, Hath, ra ti T lUXOOB, l.ROmv'AY notrsp, MoxiM.a. AT KAMTON, SWAN HOTEL, TirR8l . i B. AT)IBTHLKUK.M,HUX IIOTKL, W'KI'NKSlMYa. AT ALr.r?tTOWN,(lllAM rPNTIUI,TlIUHrAY Vt Hath, Fhiuavs ani SAxunuis. Office Hours rromea.m tf4 p. in. Practice Imlteit lo diseases nlthe Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat fWAIio. ItefractlonoflheKve-v or the ad hut ment of glasses. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S Ofllce opposite the Opera House. Bank Street, Zch l ton, Pn. DENTISTltY IN ALL ITS HUAXClinH. Filling and nuMng artitleldl dentiiren a "pt'e lai ty. Local anesthetics used, (las administered andTeeth Extracted Willi- OUT PAIN. OFFICE 1IOUKS l-'iom . m., to 12 m.. front 1 t. mM to G p. m.. 1 10m 7 p. in., to 8 p. in. Consultations in English or Oenn.in Oftlre I louts at ll.iU'ton Emtv Saturday. Oct 15-87lv A.S.Rabeuokl, Dkanch Offick : Over J. V. i:audenlmh' Liquor Store, BANK STUEICT, LKIIinilTON. cfiitlslrvln all Its itranches. fifth Extiacted without l'aln. Oasadinlulbteieduheureiiuehifd. Office Day -WKDNFBOAY of each week. V O. atLtiess, LLEMOVN, 3-j l lLeliKhcnunt,l'a. V. IVT. Rapohor, iTTORNKY ahu COUNBr.LLOU AT LAW, First door atmye the Mansion House, MAUCII CHUNK, - - - I'ENN'A. ileal E-it-ite and C'olleillon AEency. Will l!uy mdHtUIteal Estate. ComeyanchiK nontly douf. oiuH'utdis promptly inmii. nftitins iiiuicxui Oec.-dents a speeuity. May be enrtulld In iiuiuiikiki teiinnii noi . l THE CARBON HOUSE, Homy Drumbore, Prop'r, i niisT s'iiiket, i.nmoiiTON, rus.s-A. 'ihe Caihutt limine litis brtn ifiioxated and (utproid tlirouglteut; It Is elurtrlc lighted and wvl elttlUted.aud Is anion the r.eit Hotels In thU sectlni) ot the Ktate. The p.itronaKP ol the public H solk-lted. Hest aceommcHUIlons for permanent ami I raiiIeiit custom. Charges erj moderate. FlueLhinors.rrebhlletTaud Poller, and Hood Clears, for sale at the Kit. June t, 'iw y. PROF, ALEXANDER B011DB01I, bisnivnisnit oi t m Lltie ral ?1 hilled I'hj ilrliui4 Kmlordtt Them As being the Oieatesl l)toMry tI the At;e, Positive cure when iiH-d In aceordanet tu Instnuv Hons, in dlst'.(si't hi-ii' toloio froeallffl (nrur attle. Diphthfila, asth ma, brum hit K I'.ttatili, rongestlitii of the lir.ilu, the result of Minstioke, apoplexy, and Ibntis prtrtii)tu u'Morcti io their natural rondlinni. SldliP. hit' and lioiiedWe.meeiirtM IMiPiunnli.iii fM-lath-a.nt'urHlcld. HrmlitN disease ol the Kld- iieiH.mertompiaint. uvsenterv. and sb-cal ed heart illsiMse are eiithpH- purii liv inir imxii. i elne of my own i-repariln i usedthe-t'inedli'Iiii's and are living wituetises of UiHr wuiili. I uiii iMitKu Into prac-thH my-st-lf . ht'ini: tn cr ;j i-ara of ace ; will wll iny ml- m me "mi. a nam inn rmiiif mi HiriHllHVOH- neeted with me tn attend toeallliiK i the reM deni e- of the Hick If required. TSTIMONIAIX NFVVIOWN, lVb. 17, IW1. Dear Sir - To those HMfffrlny frnm Htmial irjHihie, Neui-alt'lit. Helatlca. Heart DUeases and liheuinatism, 1 would htghlv leeommeiul I'roL Boudum's p-im-dies, 1 was a ailfferer Of these complaints fur sears ut times; was hmdlyahle to m.ive, eotd.l not straighten mjseir Ihe wln and aconv was InexniemlhlP. Hoetoretl vHth several physicians for years, found but little leliet.tiot penuaneut, until I was ented by his tiiediclnes, Mi is iuibUiasHHd; wuuld hUfhli le.ommeiul 1'iof, Itoudrou s Uuimeiit and med cities to all suifvrera, Hespect hilly von rs At. .1. Yanaitdulen, Newton, Itneks eo., 1'a. NKWroN, lVb. 17. WM. 1'iiot. lUtimani, i'otioii-aiww nif Kiniiie joua testimony of vour medicine. I can nay tn all those autfer- iuKvvlthalhnriiUof my description. wmiWr- 1 TJS ttVL'J! I iour air ahum me in hi tie joim testimony itble ain in my alomaeti for a nng'ilm auntriiiii mi liMi-dlt ih JiwHIukI tiv (deprived me of sloenat nluhts: would Hks, t van imrii il me of sic B ith naii 'eral iihin iutirnng vv ith pain for hour at a time. Doctoral with several i.)iti1au. their medicine would Mr artliilf relieve me, hut would aooh lose their effect; hyutlut; Prof. Hi.iidiou's remedies pave beep entirely cured, would recommend bis rem edies tithose sufferliiK with simUor complaints. HeaptM-tfuii. jours T. JI. Vauartsdaleu, Newton, Uuuksco., il. iH&cv and ljiburatnr- open dally from T a. ut. to it p.m. PH or write to ALKXANDKIl HOUDROU, 172? North TetkHi Mlreet. nov. T, -ai-tv. F-hmulelphU, Ta Send 'i rent stamp lor valuable book. Watches, - Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Bronze Clocks, any thino. in the Jewelry Ling 50c. Per Week, Join a club in which you only pay the Bbovi- siiibII sum and your wstoh, valued at $40 is estimated to only cot $17.00 Certificates are now being laamnl by PRANK GERMAN, UHNKHAl. AQKKT, IfeiMiiort. - . un'tt W. F. HOFFORD, Lehighton, -h. aprll is, uei-sm OHAliLTE LEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY, flower's tlnildlns ippoiilii' l'o.i niiieo, FIIIST8T.. I.KIIIiillWN.lM. H'otk tllten In (very d,ij if Hie ncik nnil prniunlly aWeniled to. Fmnlli- U'flrtllns done nl very reiMiinMi raleJ. 1'ATIION'AOE SOI.K'ITKn. . IIAV1C VOUK liui'Elit BaiEaic and Parcels DKUVKIIKI) A John F. Hottenstein. fainfiil nltTnllon paid to the Delivery f Freight, llanace and Pareeh Inallp.trl! of town at Ihn Tntreit prion. A share of pulitle patinnap' Is respeelfnlk Kolielleil. 5rj!ve-order at Sweeny's, Knrh'n or jiiH.niiiirB, Tlie Bitot's Safely Lantern. J. B SOHOLL, agt,. llllglilnii, Ourli,n pminM . It is Self Lighting, Noii-Kxplosne, with a Self W'lek Keirulator. Just Night for Railroad Men ! l'riec piiiln, tl.w. Mrkle, sa.eii. Don't Iniy any other until son liae wen IliK iHij.innr mnterit. The C clelirated Cypress Shing'Io. (Inanintred full I.emilh. The very best SliiiiRle in the Market, M.-innracliireitb) RICKERT & SNYDER, nii-liiuill, , irRIUKl. roa stLE in WKissronr nv J. K. niOKEIlT, lu-ui.Kn iv All Kinds of Huihlinir Lumhcr Soidol's llnkoiy, first ,stre,, I.ehlRht.,i,, ym, n lllBvll fcll Frelittalitl V.et BREAD AND CAKES. Hyp, Wheat nntl Vienna Jhead Fresh L'ery Il.iy. Our Vtennn n,,..i ,.... be rieelleil, n'orwimtlully sellclt jour natron lee. Watch for the WnRoli. Seidel's A'ienna liakery, Opp. Obert's, FIliST ST., UIIUflHTON. I'A II You Have AltNEIt & SOLT, I'iopi li-lors of tin PortahleSlcamSawMil! nho wllliliiyuiir Mdjkat Ileasonable liates. Iti;iiUKCK, UNION' lhi.1., Kai Vi:is- rn"'- pA To Contractors and Builders. Tlie tindarslt.ed 'announces to ram r actors and i:ullih'is lh,u he has ni.vv oiened his stone quai rv, at Heaver I'un, airi Is ntepared tosuj-pli liuilding' Stones tiuuil iunnun hi leoHunnble rahn, He also b'?ilS.l!,""',l,l' rUlence on MUOMl Mll.l'.l.l. l,.iii.J) imnii'illate ilein.niil. 1 IAI' 1.1 N(i dt ( cry ilesc rljilli.n, i.rnim.lly ut teli(lo.l to. ' Mm, ronsliuitlj mi Ii.n.d a lull ililil, nt Hie best Im-uikIh or ' Elouv and Food, hlch he 111 wll ut Lou est Jim ket I'i ice, CHARLES TRAINER, Hi.niNii Kn:Ki:i u iiidinnx. ha GO TO-. WILSON FRAN Z Tho New Jowelor, Hnnktvtiy. - Ldiij-lttnu. Pn., nin Wnlclirs, Clocks nntl Jewelry ofpvi-dMcilpllou.st .rlom lorr limn where, rarlk'ular utuwlion paid lo Repairing ol" Every Dencription. A practlml exiierleiMv of oii ton earn rmliln nw to giuwtniv,. satlsiuMlon In nerv nanloutar. tlln-uw atrial au.il ue huh Incwl. our iMtroitaiie Is riwMtiilly ollcltcd. n... i ui ttlMM'N ntANTZ. llaiiknay, jyelapqrt JBnsinas Uirectory. Oscav Christintui, - WKIHHHHiT. I'A r. , , Llt crif ttllil IwflfUHie Stable "nirir. lJwyrl.lUm wrlattes and safe dt-fvliifr imrae ileal aecopiimoJitlmw to ageutsd vlnre .rt Mall and telegrapli order pnimntlvatteudeii tn imemeatiiai. iuajSl-ly THE FJUXKIAX JOTSE, KAW WKIlttl-llttT. I'SKWA. Tul. hoiiae ottrn ant-class aUH-ouioiotintlonfi to mo iwrwansnt ikuixIit ami inuwieui tui-t lluito plioe. i.,ily Ono llollar irita). auitJ iy Jun Hkiiuii.. l'.oiolU.r, IiehlRhton "a , llKAI.bll IN Fino Ponnsylvnnia Country Bred Shoats, From 41) lo 100 pounds In Height, at l'rle I,oer Ilia 11 lite Lowest. These ale mu iiunaio stock, and are t-uarau-lood. Of over 3UU lolil last . seasou out) three died, ('all aud soe thauibsforo tiuylnicalsoirlittre Stoven, Tinwnra. Ranges In (neat Vnrictv nt KAMUHI, .GIltAVliSU'S (ul.il Mine, Hank Street Uuuiiui; iiml .nuUnifH special T Stove repairs I'umished on abort notice tteationable! 1 Lehighton, Carbon County, Ponna., July 30, 1892. tJL EVER MADE. I ffj' doWclc in niid em-nth. Those I r' Vjkrinit'l'' n"'1 ItlotdtrtJ or tH'Hutt rn ,it' .ui-ed 1v ImnureW iiiotxi, nni run in- rem (HiinaHiinrt ). ir you ore Ifp and nr c great Mooilpn Hewl S 24nt rtnmim to A. P. Onliray Co., Ronton. Maw., for tvst liiotllcnl work imbltehoil May Fever Sufferers Shnlcl read our new , 1 1 page book on the treatment and cure of May-Fever and Asthma. Sent free on application. Ml have hrrn a wtfTcrer from ltiy-Fcver and Atbnut trom birth j6 year. 1 liae tried all remedies that came to my notice without permanent relief 1 am nleaied to asy tltat your medicines rertalnly Ctirerl me tJ Hay currd VL Wkdosr, Uoshlidalc, lioslon, Maia." 1. Harold Hayes, M. D., 7if Alain St., Buffalo, N. Y. FIFTY DOLLARS for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP. No oilier hclioi.l enn do nn Ukiirli forlnutig Men .aud Vouivn aa J&if- BUSINESS n2s4 COLLEGE miffiDiir ' rJ unaff-iMyomoo j GOOD SITUATION.1 ,;l;,,r llX'hH'K'Jr , j II yiu urf otMitniiiilatniK a couihi i.i BUSINESS or SHORTHAND, It u Hi pav vou tn vl"lt tin- AMERICAN BUSINESS Collep, At i.BNiovvh. 1'v , heforo diH'Idlna where tn (jo, Ihonitlrjou ir.nv Uvea thottHund miles ana). It NtandN at t lie head ot Cummeicln t'ollesci, In Its dueatlonal character; ana metllum tor suiiU iiir bitstiteiM men with trained and callable ns slttunta: as a moans of idaelni: ambitious joitnp men amliadles on the roinl to suceess. and in the extent, cloKUHceiuni cost of bs equipments. Six Separate l)epartmeet with asmanyt'ourscH of 8tudr. tinder the iiersonnl unpen ision of Klfcht Instinclora-nll SecliillHlN. illustrated (lata logtie nialleil to any itddiw, free Address, O a DORNEY, Frin. C--"ncaHO mcnclim this iaer. (T-i.in TO CONSTJMPTIVBS. The iinibTsiuucil luivhm bttn nsteitdlb health by Hiutnle meum., after sufferliiK forstov eral eara with a severe Inns affection, and eel dread diseaftc t'luituiMptloi) in nuvion to mak known to his fellow uiuVrers (be means ufeiirea T those who desire It, lie Hill cheerfully; send (free of ehaitjem eopj ufthe ni'eseriiilioii used, whirl) tbe will tlnd a Hure eure for itiiftiuiin. eure for (tiientup nnrt till limitit nm Him, Am hum, Itrmniiitl and all throat and tllllir !VliiliiilUw. IIpIkummi nil tiirfunHx will m his eemedv. as It l InvalmtliU'. Thnae ilnuirlnr the prescription, whieb Mil) com them nothing. mm iiiiij in'tv uifXHiur. win picaiie auuress, l!e. i:UWAl!l A. WILSON, Drnnkljn Xew York. apr. 1, 'fl2-7.v. J. A. PHILLIPS, Pianos ami Organs WUIWFOBT. I'A. l-'fiur esntinal Uauoes wy Vou Hhmild liu iiml riaaoa and (lriiui at rlilllru' MSSASflt bTTUIIIImm has l ' r xpeuses i-l'himi. can uib Hanoi aud Omani! 1 fill! .' Thia GREAT COirt'.l- . taicoNsuMrnoK ci-i eisUaaatKfcUi!vercusno . Core can Oand COUCH, HOAltSI NtNS I 1' i' will cure you w.-mptlv. it t 'i- t!. CROUP ot SvH'-itJ.-'Vi- 'tO:.'(-! , ; ii cnucUfj and kM i fi.e, ify.-ut r''f, 8UUPTION, don't v a'; uKtS yn li"j5 less, bat take tlilt (.'ura rt rmcc red wcrat in,, aaaials h:lp. Larjte bt! -f, jo . ur. I i i .oo. Tnsclsn convcaki.t -vkkt si.s snr. aj, ywclriiggU1fo.".S!!tU)U't;CURK. Itvtau laags are sore or lufc lame, ase Shiloh! Vor ow nastrn. t'tioe, JJc. mil HAIJI n, Dr. U T. llori), Ihlalitou, I'n THE POLICEGAZETTE, Is he omI ilhianOsad t,awr In ihe viid Noutuitioiml and .)Krt IUf uewa- Tin ). )i kt '., i room r.iu niford t h- uitiit.nt 1. .uaniri "r i mo It aim.) 1 1 makes it I. -nets hen M.t.linl l .i.l.li. -it. U vi 111' I'Hltt tl si. .ecorHv ru,n twnn w Uicltiinl K. FOX. AU oa a I MttrD.la.tdi thi avad hut la turn Us- : toriiid mar ma eaUps Uoo Smtvileet, uiUsatt, i buld b 1) lUouit.- S3 S. 'ft'i' ill :v, .fy:::y l Hi V '(,. -c V , "..JSft i .iVXV eX 3 mo nL pNvV pnonTul. It Is Ihe'tk. f I !.t nnil rlienpr.l V", "V I meillilo'l. T' . "iSK C.V, I you will lie enilrtltoil. 'U," I u Ul.t Kotj ..ui in nrart't. jj? V fi! jj IoVr Wait. c:ititato.mi.k vj-4 m 1 It ron are MilTerloK from Kbtv looy iHwnw, iiml Mlh to the to. I loi.i one, oe srUMii'it nm'i:uCSv f I Tltey neu'r fall lo eure. vl fir I la:-,-' TO A AO OF LORD BVRON, florae. men their smllloff fatt" endow With iiower to ptwMte as soon as Bfm, With charm of hrrrnihinn brow. And symmetry of mien Such power was thine. Bach story toM, With comment from thy burning eye, By Hps of sueh a (ffodtlka mrrtd. Claimed Immortality. Ptranire, radiant torcererl ThfrnnW On man or maJdliad equal latg-nt To make all heaven loojt dark aa bell. Or almost biindlntr bi iglijt For ns vehn, tn n colder ndf, Aver thy lines want man? ftsrlun, Xls well If o'er th' i mprufslonM fra Wo sco thy fraud yourfg fa, Tlicn, ffallrtiit heart, lohlpwrock tout Ry the w-cld's m4nM and thine own, Wo bear ooce ranro thy acoent lost, And thy rerflsllett tfne. -Theodore C. Williams III Harp" Weekly. ON THE SNAGS. A linn, riulek step gonmleil behind her on the hard country road, mid thotigh she well knew whose stop it wa, ond Ler heart throbbed and her hrenth came quicker, she only turned her hsoil nnn chalantly and saiil flippantly! "Oh! It is yon." "Yes, it is inc. Vou knew it was me. Are you goint' to throw ma otw?" mid tho big fellow'b a lice shook mid liin fair face ilnshod Willi pain. "Throw you overt Oentleinen never use slang to lailii 9." "Vou know v lint I moan. Jean, are you aware that you refused to dance every dance with mo todayf" "I really forjit; my memory, yon know" "One moment, if yon please, and then I have dono. Is it yes or no?" "Hunt, don't be stupid. Vou know 1 hate to be remai lit d on." "And so do I, and I will not ngain be. subjected to tho lemarks I heard today. Once more, h it j es or no?" "Well, no, then, if you press the point." "Bo it so." Ami, with a gravo bow, Hunt Ashly turned and was gone. Pretty Jean Inslow was stunned for a moment, then swallowed a gulp in her throat as pride battled to tho front. "Let him go. If a man is such a fool thai he can't see pshaw! nobody cares," And then, to provp that nobody did caro, she sat down and cried until her pretty eye looked like a stowed ferroi'f and her pretty little nose had the ap pearance of nn apoplectio lobster. "There's one thing morally certain," sho continued "of all things in the wide world there's nothing I hate like men." This last remark was made out loud, and intended for tho benefit of tho trees and the wido eyed purplo violets: but, alas! it reached the ears of a tall fellow, with blond hair, who stood just on tho other sido of tho blossoming hedge. Ho gavo a slight whistle and com pressed his lips a littlo firmer as ho strodo off under tho low, drooping trees, without onco looking behind. "Well, I havo done it now. I'm glad ho heard me say I hated him. Nobody cares. -I'll go to tho danco tonight with Phil, and llirt too." And Jean, with her head very hiah in tho air, tried to persuade herself that ' sho really didn't care. Hunt Ashly went on down tho road through tho shaded village street and stopped at thegnteof nvino wreathed ileasant faced girl was tying up somo of the vines nn trellises. , "Bess," he said, helping her twino up a golden lipped jasmiuo, "will you go to I tno danco with me tonight? "What? Where's Jean?" , "Quarreled." "Ahl I see. nn invited forcnt's paw, eh?" "No. I asked you because I did not wish to go alone." "Well, all right, I'll go. Tho fact is, I'vo quarreled with Phil, and and I'd rather go with you than not." Jean nnd Bess wero tho two prottiest girls in the village, and tho two best dancers besides, aud that night when Jean and Phil appeared Bess nnd Hunt had jnst finished the first set. Each took in the situation at n glance. Bess and Jean called each other hard names under their bieath and hated each other in a small minded, womanly way intensely. The men stood and eyed each other fiercely and pulled their mustaches, and looked as if it would givo them the most exquisite pleasure to annihilate each other. "Phil," said Jean, "ooma out on tho piazza with me." "The piazxa? Oh, oertainlyl But where are they going?" "Following us, it seems." Close rw their own shadows Hunt and Bess stuck to them, and, though there were a great many tender things uttered on both sides, there was certainly not very much scope for so called flirtation. "Bess," presently called Jean, "are you going boating tomorrow?" "Yos, iierhaps." "Jliss Bess Is going in my boat. Whose boat do you grace, 3Uss Jean? (Con found that gibbering idiot!)" "Oh, Phil's, of course," leaning ten derly toward him. ("I hate Ben Miller! His boat, indeed!") And tho next morning the gayly puinted boats rocked over the heart of the pulsing river as the stalwart arms of the oarsmen rowed against tlie gur gling ripples; then, throwing down their oars, they lazily drifted back with tlie current. Bat the two boats Jean and I teas were in still shot up the stream. "Hunt, let us go back. We'll be on the snags presently!" And Bess' face was askeu ile. "Call Phil back; he must Us mad!" And Jean, tn the other boat, was say ing: "Phil, drive on the soaks. You don't caos, and I don't. Hunt knows the dan ger. He'll (toi in time." It was a dangerous place, where the unrted logs iroui the mountain torrents lay imbedded in the mud and reared their heads like gaunt, devouring alli gator waiting for their prey. At high water the boats would hare eleared them easily, but now tbey lurked a hidden death beneath the throbbing water. Suddenly Iluut Aahly'a boat bhot ahead, daring the warning snags. "Madman, what do you mean? If life is so cheap, yon're welcome to the death yon covetl Jean, come into my boat, I eominaud yon" and Hunt's voice had a zinc in it Jean had never heard before. "Command, indeed!" shonted Phil, hoarsely. "You are pretty richly freighted. What more would you havef "Jean." Then the two bright glancing boats clashed, and over they turned, and with two tremendous criet, "Hunt! "Phil!' down among the driftvvoo 1 the two couples went, but tugethei for Hunt had email.-1.. Joan and l'MI to 15c-., - and both who battling f.'i tin- iue I covered bonlu. :JTV?A load safely uule r the low Bpreadioff trees, an euiharrasel silence full on the quartet. Hunt wac the first to umuk it "I nay, Plill, there liaa bemi a cali founded mistake somewhere These girls haie Uen pUjuig us a hko game, 7Y. , , r.o bUi-U tuiiir It Mdiul aud face rivaled tbo truuinot flowers nvmlurlwiul . , t tUBi'HWdnOWi.'U'1 vn oa laugum Uls eyes, i-lul walked cjf tuwharu tuwUnted SeMwaj rol JZSLT"' thoi It did not take twenty inlimte to get ; the tipsy shells afloat. With the airs of "conquering heroes," the yonng men stood by their respective crafts. "Choose your treats, .voting Imllet!" Indignant chorus under tlfB treMi "To say men don't take advantage. Oh, this is too much! To make ns ohoosel How mean!" A whispered colloquy: "Bess, you choose first." , "Oh, no! Jean, yon choose." The young men stood regarding them with owlish gravity. "You will catch cold if yon tlo not hasten," from the boats. "They might save our pride I'm aw fully chilly, Bess." (Sueoae.) "So am I, oh!" (Two three sneeses.) Then Mr. Hunt Ashly, with horrible visions of cold and catarrh, walked up to Miss Jean Inslow and prisoning the two little hands in one of his, and en circling the drenched, trembling little figure, kissed her flower face aflame "Now will you comer "Yes, Hunt." And Meekness walked obediently to her cockle shell namesake. ' "I wouldn't havo done it, Bess," mur mured Phil, after ho had performed the samo operation, "if yon had come your self." Miss Meekness Number Two followed tho lead of Meekness Number One. but gavo one last femiuino claw. And tomorrow was como, and Bess tripped over to seo Jean. Marvelous, what Wends theso two had becomo! Thero was ntjver snch a thing in tho world ns n cold nercrl "Hem! have you seen anybody today?" "No. Havo you seen some ono?" "No." (Intelligiblo very.) "Oh, there's yours at tho gatol" "Oh, and yours up tho road," "Phil and I havo concluded on a doublo wedding tomorrow. We've waited as long as wo intend to wait, and I've bespoken tho parson for 13 tomorrow! so, Jeau, put your hands in mine you don't hato mo now, do yon? and tell lno iny wlfo will make my tea tomorrow evoning." And pretty, coquettish Jean said "Yes." . Coquettes make tho most submissive wives, they say, and, moreover, sho said a great many other foolish tilings to that big, enraptured fellow, who fell down, figuratively speaking, and kissed tho prints of her tiny boots. And Phil and Bess under tho amber lipped jasmine bower had their own lit tlo explanations. "You said yon would never ask ino again, Phil. Yon sworo it." "And did 1, sweetheart?" "No-o; but somehow" "But somehow I did, didn't I? Bless those deathly old :-igs" a sound which generally follov o meeting of four lips "Did you . . ow that Hunt and Jo"iCare going to bo married tomorrow?" Impossible!" "But they are, for 1 heard them ask tho parson: and, Bess, 1 as&cd tho par son too, and tho parson's wifo heard us, and she's the veriost old gossip, you know, and it's all over the village by this time; and here's the ling, nnd I won't risk any more delays." And the ring fitted so nicely, and was so becoming to tho littlo brown hand that Bess said well, if Jean did, Bhe would. And Jean did, und so Bess did, O. H, in New York News Mule Moitullty It, Now (Irleiuis. Thero seems to be something pretty serious tho matter with tlie men of New Orleans. Thero nro 15,000 moie women than men there; nevertheless five meu dio to every four women. Tho trouble comes between tho ages of twenty-ono and fifty. Between the ages of thirty anu mty tno ratio or mortality is nearly two men to ono woman. Among whites and blacks the samo curious stato of things provails. Tho doctors cannot ox plain why it happen bo, but it is evi dent that there is going to bo a corner in males in New Orloaus unless some ono finds out. Tho excess of women be gan after the iv.ir, and lias been increas ing ever since, and especially during the last twelve years. Atlanta Conatitntion, Sir Uolo llortie'a l'uoiooi "llroak.1 When Sir Boyle Boche made his famous speech, "I smell a rat; I seohlm floating in the air; but mark mo, sir, 1 will nip him in the bud," his ideas were clear enough, but lie lost sight of rats, air and buds in the thought that was in his mind. Youth's Companion The tlulllotlito und It. loivntor. Ono of the moBt widely disseminated of popular errors is that Dr. Guillotin invented the glim machine which still bears Ids name. Tho real inventor of this sinister contrivance was Dr. Louis, a well known medical man and perma nent secretary of tho Parisian School of Medicine, or Academio do Medicine. Dr. Guillotin, who died in 1811, ener getioally but vainly protected against the rise of his name in couuel-tion with this disagioeuble subject an evidence, it one were wanted, of the great diffi culty there is of correcting a jwpular error. Needless to say that tho legend that Dr. Unillotiu was among the vic tims of his friend's ingenious and merci ful instrument of destruction is wholly apocryphal. Ho died at a good old age, and in his lied, surrounded by his chil dren who, however, obtained permission to change their name. London Satur day Review. Hio lllairiilly with Clilue..-. Tlie difficulty of a foreigner learning the Chinese language may be inferred from tlie statement of an English trav eler. He and his companion, previous to starting for China, had supplied them selves with u Chinese grammar. In a day or two the discovery was made that the single letter i liad iS ways ot being pronounced, and that each pronuncia tion had an entirely difTeieut meaning. Then it dawned upon them that there was no poetry about the Chinese lan guage, that it was uot worth learning and their grammar was secretly con signed to the river mud by being drop ped overboard. Yaukee Blade. Walter. Who Ilo Vwjr Well. Waiter in some of the more expen sive restaurants, where they work all day, get as much as forty dollars a month. It is a very old statement that their in comes much exceeds those of the best paid clerks and bookkeepers, but they earn them. That is, most of tbem do. GHrls who work as waiters in the cheap luncheon places get six dollars a week and their meaW. They fare lwtter than typewriters, school teachers or seam stresses, wow lorn Jieraia. a riy ti.. kiii. ii.r Ali white men who viait ''gs m Aiui-a .... ...t .., -.v UIUIU to P ' o in 'HI II . m i ! uow evideui-o that the t-w-t-o- i inttviug grad ually tn mot.- noillo in l. ioiib, mid th can.- i Mipik.fod 1 . t.' that South Afu... l- dephtnl .f u- largo game, mu li i f tt hiLh u mu. ln urn th aid to got away from hunters, and tho tsetse is going wuh it The inject is only u littlo lariir (ban the ordinary hoiirm fly. and it nimble the honey bei Its sting if luudly fl annoying, as that uf tho nioMjuito, but .V... t..-. ,k..,-.iu u bag which -..utam its r"'u It lives iJa Umid ,,f al,.lala, ullll ,,,.iy a fw sneciea ulo fatallv alfwli-il b lt bile. ,t , . , . j ' , , ,. ,. .., u,,.,,. T u..i a. " " " j www. Natives who herd cattle aud travel art onh..r- and oXeu must Fur humiul Magt iu bKe no ytoa, cumwliUOIlco -PitubuntDUpawh SKINSOXTIFEBOWBRV WHAT ONE MAY SEE ON NEW VOMf.V j FAMOUS THOROUGHFARE. i The Mo.t llt.thignHnioB' I'ontnrit of it Strpot That Mil. il Vt',1illda IlrpulK. tlon An Alcnoe Wliorcln Aro ronml IVoplc r All Nnlln,illllc. To those stndonts of human nature who are quick to see the weak side of every character save their own, ii trip up tho Bowery and Park row ts ahvny fruitful of good reunite. There are so many sights, sounds aud scenes novel and interesting in the stirring ooinedy drama, "Struggle for Bread," that the student onnnot help feeling amused and interested. Then, too, the fact lliat nearly every one he meets is poorer than himself imparts the zest of complacency to his pilgrimage, and he steps among tho hungry nnd wretched nnd the happy and careless, keeps his hand en his pook ctbook and his eyes on tho shifting pano rama of life and makes notes. The signs are the first things that take the wanderer's eye. lie notes "A Regular Dinner for thir teen Cents" nnd "Two Gtnuiue Import ed Ilavanas for Five Cents" with inter est Ho feels that his barber charges Mm too much when ho sees that he can receivo tonsorial attention hero for fivo cents, with the ndded luxury of bay mm for ten cents, and that a clean towel k guaranteed with every slia e. A largo iiXU gaudy cartoon extolling tho merits of the "Flor do Maggio Clino Cigar" attracts his attention. A small footnote says that it is changed every day, and that wliilo tho merits of tho cigar will bo dwelt, lovingly upon, yet tho cartoons will also deal with timely topics. A clothing store near by has n big black signboard statiug that this is the headquarters of tho "Society for En couraging tho Wearing of Clean Shirts," whereof the proprietor is president. Ho cannot but feel that the society is nt onco beneficial, salutary and situated in its proper field, Paik row. The notice over a dingy doorway that "black eyes will be made to look natural for ten cents" causes him some vaguo apprehension, ns it is n silent witness that lie is in tho land of fisticuffs and as sault and battery. But contemplation of the chalk writ ten words that "a Delmonico lunch goes with every glass of beer" gives riso to moro itincuy feelings, and ho soon for gets his fears. A red nosed man rapping with a rat tan at a largo and startling representa tion of "Tho Wonderful Monstrosity, Jumbeto, tho Elephant Boy, Half Ele phant, Half Human, Now to Bo Seen Alivo Inside" holds him awhile. But ho feels sura it is a fake nnd drifts on to the "Auction Sale." A sharp eyed person in his shirt .sleorcs is extolling tho merits of a solid gold, full jeweled, stem winding, Amer ican movement watch, cased, chased, turned and beveled, going at tho ridicu lously low price of four dollars. Cali pers are-urging victims to buy, pullers in aro bawling tho nuctiou to all who pass and tho hurdy gurdy behind tho dimo museum screen tries vainly to drown their ciies by its jerky render ing of "Comrades, comrades, ever since wa.wero boys," wliilo tho man at tho door still raps tho counterfeit visage of tho elephant boy and crios that the ad mission is but a dime. The crowd thickens; evening comes on. Tho "oysters and clams ono cent" man lights his torch, Chinamen, bloused and pigtailed, heading for Chinatown; Ital ians with pushcarts turning toward the bend, Greeks bound for Jnmos street, negroes for South Fifth avenno, Ger mans for Avenue A, Hebrows for El dridge street, all homeward bound, work worn and weary, hurry past. "Beef steak John's" is crowded. Tho fifteen cent lodging houses havo each their scoro of loungers at their dingy portals. It is night. Now tho shooting gal leries light up and tho "ping!" "ping!" of tho 22-caliber bullets ring down against tho sheet iron targets, Men lurk In alleyways and slink out to demand alms. A crowd of roisterers come down arm in arm. They nre college boys, down on tho Bowery for fun. A ono eyed man has song sheets for salo. Ho cries his wares nnd sells several copies to the youths. " Tho variety theaters open their doors and tho Bowery amusement seeker snrgos In to seo tho Irish-American Fonr and McGiflin nnd McUufiin, tho king pins of song and dance. The German and Hebrew theaters are open, too, and have their crowds also. The Elite Lady orchestra has tuned up in tho concert balls, and tho Bowery is at its beet. The bell at the family resort ts clang ing for tho first performance, and the ticket seller opens his little window ami gots his change ready. Tho clothing store "barkers" redouble their efforts to catch trade by manual force, and the Bowery roars with sounds of lifo and trade. Saloons are doing a rushing business now. Sailors, 'long shoremen, mechanics, all out for drink and recreation, make up the crowd. A new venture, the "two-and-a-half-cent-a-cno" poolroom, has done such good business that rivals have sprung up on every side. These places are all crowded, The frequenters are for the most part evil looking, low browed youths of eighteen or twenty years of age. They crowd the tables and Bow cry argot makes their conversation al most unintelligible to the uninitiated. The notice tttt "no profane or vulgar language is allowed" seems sarcastic It is as funny tn such a place as "Bow cry prices' for Broadway goods" is in the Cheap John clothing store. And the student of human nature notes it in his memory along with the sign I He.ll !. 1 Trust i i it No Hiut. ,1 HO UtUl. AU a Usui. How ltawllioriio Vt role. We never tlrink of local color in con nection with Hawthorne. Apparently be didn't need to put it on. Perhaps lie would not have understood about it. He might have thought that the coun terpart ol the literary term (local color) applied socially would refer to the women who paint, the term has such an artificial sound. One has an idea of a colored photograph; the local color la uot a part of the substance, but is im posed . Hawthorne was not conscious of any necessity of giving local color to his creations. He wrote of that into which he was born, and Ida creations, even ...V.,,.. tl.o.r UIAM n fnraltm ulttntM glowed with that Internal personality i which u nBTeT counterfeited by veneer- ing. Charles Dudley Warner in liar per . Definition, ot m Jeamalltt. "A man uf literature oompeUetl by circumstances to be nleo a loan ot boai miw." That ia the defiuitiou ot a joox- ttaliit, tfiven by Mr. 8ala. It ia a good enough definition in its way, though it cannot bo considered as invariably a- I curate. There are a good many soi diaant journalhtta who are certainly n t "men of literature,' and a good mam unns-a n-l, wai , lain, t , tnu litlo . .9 li.nr nalUt is unquestioned, who arc .eruunlv ..mui f imrUHS, - Loa (11, 1. druse lot Had Xload. I blcyclutl (in diagul Why do yuu i have antIt atMniinable roads in this m-i -i tion.' Panuor- Wall, oii seo, wore afraid ' tf we made otii any bettor )uu biciU i fellsrs will bje uaw 'igm Guud New4 UNFOnGOTTEN. The inortrhiir lionra were inerry. The genial moon la calm. Tho fraranm of tho wild ran la like a heallna bsltn; The Unti within the wmtUnd Carol a happy snnir. Hot hi ray iiM alildoa still . A Borrow deep ana at took My poor lost lore! Tho slltterlna atreamlet murmurs Over Ira fabbly bed, Tlie fleecy cloud la ailing' Ho lightly overhead; The southern Iffeexe Is plarloK Among Iho bnael Uintaa; llflt, a!,! remembrance died not Of hopeful, tiappy vows Mi poor lont loiel The calm lone hills orenolnc Toirard tho I'leor bine fcy, O'erlook tho smiling i alley ' Where hero at rest I Met Thow lone hills or. the emblem Of that far silent land, Where ahe I loved la resting, One of a countless uand My ior lost loi el A vision ot a yow tree- A narrow, tnrf clad grai o The winter of a country Wliero w rods tempest uons ravw A littlo torrent falling, Witb moaning, mournful aound, 1111a my ImaiclnRllon Tor moro than all nrouud. My poor lost lovel Ah! gentle, Joioti1, Nature, Thy wearied, mourning child Delights In thy rejoicing. Hut may not 1m beguiled From thinking of that dar one Wltb dull heart aching sore; My own, my vanished lored one, My soul's light evermore My poor loat lore! lonttcm&a'a Magazine. PTJTBOWNBYTIIE DOG HOW A REVOLUTION WAS SUP PRESSED BY A PLAYFUL PUP. TIio Hull l'up Thouglit There Was a Grand Opportunity to Hale Some I'mi and Started In to lnjoy IllmseU Con sternation Among the KeTolutloolsts. Another revolution has been sup pressed in Hawaii, and the supporters of the queen aie congratulating them selves on the Btrength of the govern ment. Other people recall tho fact that tho first Wilcox rebellion was si 5ressed by a baseball pitcher after the king had been driven to tho royal boathouae for protection. A f ow who know aro also telllntr the merrv talo nf bow Itnrrv Gillig'a bull pup put down a revolution, saved a tnrono anu scattered tho leaguer ing armies of the rebels all in the opera bouffe kingdom of tho Colorado Madu ros. This is tho story Georgo Nagle tells: "We were nt the islands a year or two ago Harry Gillig, Frank Unger, my self and Pierrot. Pierrot was Harry's bull pup, tho joy of his owner's life, the pride of his heart. Ho was a fierce, bloodthirsty looking brute, nnd when over a true sport would pass him tho covetous regard which the man would show for tho dog would raako the cold chills of apprehension play leapfrog in I uung s spinal marrow. As a matter of fact, though, Pierrot was as plnyf ul and I quite as harmless as a kitten. Ho nover bit anything in his lifo except the sweet breads, chateaubriands and such deli cacies with which his indulgent owner pampered him. "Well, at tho islands David Kalakaua was king and a kindlier man never lived. He (showed us marked attention; arranged feasts in our behalf, mado me governor of an island'for a day, and lost his money to us at poker. He spent nearly as much time at our cottage as be did at the palace, which was close at hand. Wo grow to have, a genuine re gard for him, because, whatever his j faults, ho was every inch a king in the I generosity of his impulses and the love 1 which he boro for his subjects. - "Thero was n condition then prevail- ing at tho islands somewhat similar to that preceding the arrest of Wilcox, Ash I ford and the other conspirators. Dis I content fluttered on the corners. An in definable strain was in tho political at ' inosphero. Without knowing why, tho j onlooker felt that rebellion might set tho alarm bells linging at any moment. Tho wrecking of a government might havo been precipitated by the jostling of a man on tho sidewalk. "The king was uneasy, though he kept a smiling faco and his customary affability. Feeling as wo did toward hiln, we shared in a measure his anxiety, and awaited tho denouement with fe verish Impatience. "Tho army was giving trouble. It had felt its power by putting down (with the aid of tho baseball pitcher) tho first Wil cox revolution. It became unreasonable in its demands, and the king was soon involved in trouble with his own troops. "You know the Hawaiian army con sists of about sixty-seven men and half as many officers. But though small, it is the ono military prop of the island kingdom, and it has relatively as much power and importance as the kaiser's marshaled millions. And so it was that when fierce discontent and whispered denunciation were rife in the army the people's faces blanched and apprehen sion mingled in the merriest rout. "At last it' came. Ono night, as Gil lig and I sat on the porch of our cottage,' wo heard 'the roll of the stirring drum' and the clangorous marching of armed men. " 'The revolution has begun! The army is marching on the palace!' shouted Gillig. "Being a brave, aggressive man, Harry grabbed a revolver and started on a run for the palace lnolosure. Being more or less of a fool, I suppose, I ran after him without any revolver. Being a dog, Pierrot ran after ns both. "When we reached the palace we found the entire army just drawing into line in front of it. There was all the thun der of the captains and the shouting which a man's heart could wish. Tlie army had come to make a demand on the king, and was prepared to enforce it with bullet and bayonet. "Now pretty ranch everything on that trip had been arranged for Pierrot's amusement. .So when be saw ihe glori ously caparisoned army drawn up in the glare of the palace lamps he supposed it was there as a part of his fun. With a bark and a bound he started to enjoy the army. "Wow! "When Pierrot started for the army the army saw him coming. With his bow legs, wide jaw and redoverhang ing jowl, he seemed a ravening beast Ills onslaught was quick and noisy. "The army stood its ground a moment, and then began to beat a retreat;. The retreat was iieBti instant a rout. Tlie rout became kcramble, with the dog take the ldndmalt for every man's motto. This was all- thi more fun for Pierrot He gave expression to his joy in wild, yowls of delight Every few moments a gorgeous officer or slightly more sub dued private would come leaping through the trees in 'a yellow cloud of fear,' Pierrot playfully cuffing his heels until attracted by some other scattered rem nant of the leaguering boat "The rebellion was suppressed, Kala kaua was maintained on the Uiroae and Hawaii was again at peace all on ac count of Harry Gillig'a bull pup." San trauclsco Examiner. Karly Engll.h Umbrella. Two centuriei. ago the umbrella was known and used as a sunshade. Ben Jonson aud Beaumont and Fletcher al luded to it in 171 J it was used as a , rain nrohu-tei. Uay in bis "Trivia" I ipeaki of the "umbrella's oily abed,' ) which was recorded tu a kind of sou' wester material more serviceable thai, gingham or silk, which was used in its coHisU-ioUen at that period. Detroit Ir-M Press. $1.00 a Year in Advance. A I'i i TecUy Healthy 1'eoiiL. Tho Parsees nre sun worshipers, and it i.s an interesting sight to see throngs of them on the shore of the bay as the sun rises, apparently from tho sea, per forming the siuiplo rites of their religion, the fluttering robes showing their fine figures to the best advantage as the day begins. Their religious practices aro simple in tho extreme, consisting main ly in strict dietary rules and personal cleanliness. Tho rigid obeervnnre of aanitary laws produces the natural result of perfect health among the adults, large families of active, healthy children and immense numbers of old men, gray bearded, white haired, but erect and princely in their gait and attitude, despite the naturally enervating character of the tropical climate. Cor. Washington Star. Limestone Caies In Iliirinah. Tho question has been raised whether the numerous limestone caves in British Burinah have been explored for archo? ologlcal remains. The Kev. F. Mason pointed out tho probability of an exam ination of tho stalagmite floors of these caves yielding Important archaeological discoveries in 18,2. Many of the cares were known to have been used by the Buddhists of former generations, as Buddhist idols wero found in them, and it is probablo they were inhabited by men in tho early time. Philadelphia Ledger. Tho rleasures of llelng a llarber. Barbering has been a very genteel art, and it might bo fine yet. Tho fee is so small there is no excuse for doing a credit business, nnd there is no boro of bookkeeping. The chink drops in fast, and "Next!" is a merry cry. And what a luxury it is to have a man fumble your faco and head. The bar ber's nimble, strong fingers rouses your somnolent wits. It is delicious to be kneaded, combed, brushed, bathed, car ried, spruced up. National Barber. Ea-rreildent White's Collection. It is not generally known, we think, that Andrew D. White, formerly presi dent of Cornell university, has a remark able collection of posters, including a number of the original incendiary pla cards and Mils put up in the streets ot Paris during frightful period of the French revolt,, jn. Chicago News, The Principal Meal. The principal meal of all people of all ages has been undoubtedly dinner, and tho lover of old time customs will find it both interesting and entertaining to no tice the various changes which, have taken place in tho etiquetto of the din ner table. Chicago nerald. Everybody Uses Tobacco In India. It is not, as among the English, that only some men smoke tobacco, but with rare exceptions in India all natives, men and women, indulge in this weed in some form or- other. Chambers' Jour nal. Probably the estimate of tho earth's population for tho year 1891, made by a learned German statistician, is the most nearly accurate of any yetmade 1,480, nnn nun Dead hen Vrulls. Thev slav ntultltiidg when tliec lire the nro ilult ol neKlect ol Incipient iti.etoje. A "slight" ! cold, a tit ol Inolgeatton. biliousness or coiistl pailuu each or any ot iIlcm; Mniluor ailments" ' advance In many cases with "league-destrojlng i fctrnles," Uivotlicinn sunt, early defeat ttu ; llotUttur'a btolnaili Hitlers and inert the dan ! tier. Alieriicthy uduillilstercd aud alarming re I Imko tu the. man who Informed him that lie had "only a lolil'' "Only a cold," repeated the doctor. "What would je have th nleaguel" 11111.1011.111111111101 la gilppc are easily extlng ulshalilo nt the stuit. Why then allow them to get un a full head o steam.' l'ut on Hie brakes w un me luuers. i ne genial w-arnitii w men tms supei I, medicine dltltiHes through the avstem, tho Impetus It gives to the circulation ottbo blood, its soothing ami strengthening egect upon tlie ncrioiw, specially recommend It lotl'e en feebled and sick. Tls the great speritlc lor malaria. You can't size up au orator by the dimensions nf his mouth, lIiiLklen'. Arnica Halve. The best salvo iuthu woild for Huts Ilrulses, Sores. Ulcers, Halt Klieum, Keier Boies, Tetter, ('happed Hands, Chilblain. Cornea, aud all Kkln Kruptlons, and lHisltlvely cures Piles, or no pay lciulrcd. It Is guaranteed to give perfect aatls lactlon, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. p'or sale bv llebei- l-ehiichton. And Biery Weiss poit. The richest people Bre those who give tho niot uwuy. Oliolcru Infantum has lost its terroi k since the Introduction ot Chamberlain's Uollc, Cholera uudUlaiiho-altcmedy. When that remeoy Is used ami the treatment as directed with each bottle Is followed, u euro Is certain. Mr. A. W Walters, u piouilueiit meichantat Waltersburg, ltl., sai a . "It cured lay baby boy ot cholera In fantum after seicre! oilier remedies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost be yond the aid ol lnuuaii hands or reach otany luedklhe " -jsaitdHicentbotlles lor sale by K. II. Itebcr and W. r. lller It seldom happens tbnt un old man gets convortod right. Now Try This. It ono which is guaranteed to bring yon satitfacloiy results, or In case of failure a return of puichase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertiied drussltl a bottle ot Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to brine relief in every case, when used for any alTecllon of Throat, Lung or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of I.uuis. Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, etc., etc. It Is pleasant and agree able to taste, perfectly safe, and ran al ways be depended upon. Trial Bottles free at Iteber's Drugstore, Lehlslitnn. and Blery's Drugstore, lVflstport. If there were no little sine would never bo any big ones.. there railing on u loig. "As easy as (ailing off .1 log," tsau old aaloa. Whuu It was first uttered, i.oIkhIi kuows Noth ing is easier, unless It Is Ihe taking of a dose of Dr. Pieieo's Pleasant Pellet. These act luce iiiagle. Nogrlplngor drenching follows, si is the cafl with tl.e old-fashioned pills. The relief that follows resemble the action of Nature lo her happiest m.sids. the impulse linen tu the dormant liver is of the most salutarv kind, and Is sueodlly manifested l.v the disappearance of all bilious simptoius. Kick headache, w fnd ou the stomach, natn tliriaiah the right aide and shoulder blade, and lellowuessof the skin and eyeball arc specdilt remedied by tlie Pellets Disposed of at less than cost The wisdom of experience. loitor Yourself and save money, and perhaps your life Send throe 2 cent stamps to pay postage to A. 1', Onltvay Co., Boston, Mass., and receive a copy of Dr. Kaufman's crest Medical Work, lis) pages, elegant colored plates. For every falling u man can point out in others he lias two of his own. A carpenter b the uatue of M. H Poners (ell from Ibo root of a house in Kast Ills Motnes. Iowa, and sustained a paluful ami serious sprain ul the wrist, which be cured with one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He sals It Is worth SR a bottle. It tost him GO cent.. For sale br N. II. Hrltri and W. I' llleri powder Absolutely Pure. A 1 1 rtt u ot I ill ti l-.il ll tu li-.. mi.- -U I (itivrriiliit 1 I 1 K- fi Kul nakiiif t'rmil. , Jl.lV i M n..., i pOYAi Sarin13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers