$1.00 PAYS FOR THE ADVOCATE For Just Fifty-Two Weeks! GET IT. HAVE YOU EEADf, THE ADVOCATE Crisp, .Live, Fresh, ljrcezy, INDEPENDENT., vow "INDEPENDENT" "L.IVI5 AND LET LIVE." g itiwn gngi Sa VOL XX.. No. 32. Lohighton, Carbon County, Ponna,, July !, 1892. $1.00 a Year in Advance WE Are marking the prices on nil ourgoosd at Rock Bottom Figures, because we want to have your custom. We don't believe In Big Prices so we AR changing the Azures on our whole stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, flhoes. Hats, Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wood and Willow Ware, Queensware, Grocer ies, Notions, ic. This we find is and fully appreciated by the people who crowd our storo to buy our now goods. large and small quantities, at our low prices. We deliverall goods free to all parts of Town, Packerton or Weissport. Don t buy until you see what wo nave. IT will be a pleasure for us to wait on you' so come and see us. GEO. H. ENZIAN, Rtegel's Old Stand, North First Street, I.ehighton. Frraioiial & Business Cards. J. G. ZERN, M. U, PHYSICIAN & SUllOKON, OFFICE AND lIEgWENCn: Corner Third nnd Tron Streets, Lehighton, Pa. Ol'FIOK ilOm'.Si TId I . tn.. 12 to In. ill, and lifter 7 p. m. OFFICII: IIOURS at Weissport I S to 0 H.lH.j I to 2 p. in., suit 6 to 7 p. in. Frederick G. Ibach, F.VF. SPECIALIST, Orncn-ijroailttway.opp. Fresbvteiiau Chinch MAUCH CHUNK. PA. OrrlOB Uouns Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, 1 to 4 p. ni.; Monday and Friday by appointment only. GLASSES F"RX15HED. a pill 23, tsJ-3m DK. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, Bath, Ta. S.T BANO0B, HBOAllWAV HOIT8K, MoNnA. 8. at ksston, swan iiotkl, tun-sdavs. at Bkthlkhkm, Hun Hotku Wkdnksoavs. at'allen town, ohanu ckntnaf,,thvjhsiay it Bath, fhidavs and batuhdai s. Office Hours-rrom 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tractlce Imtledto diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose &. Throat UT-Atao, Relractlonof the Eyes or the adjust' men! of glasses. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., Office opposite the Opera House. Bank Street, Leh -l ton, Ta. CHARLIE LEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY. flower's Ilnildlne opiif-sMri'ost Ofllcp, FIRST ST., I.EIIiailTON.rA H'ork liken In every day of the wrr-k and promptly attended to. Fauilh Washing done al very rcunnable rales. l'ATMON'Afir. SOML'ITF.D. 1IAVK VOUK frti ill, Bagpgc aid Parcels in:i.ivi:ni:i av John F. Hottenstcin. Careful attention paM lo Hie Delivery of Freight, Uatteage and Parrels tn all jurU of town al tho lowo&t prices. A share of pubic patmnagH l rpipecl fully solicited. ftpiavQ orders at Sweeny's, Koch's or Lett'cniiittrs. r,i ftvanfaet W Purifier AtA Mine wrouipoi vtuvu i yn K IN U W IN . Thl flrs-nr arrmnn IiiHi'tir 1l the elienoest ami to-l. 123 dod" of fVL-Mr s lIlUHUITTLUSfArlollethan 3 ono rent a done. It will euro thejr ft- P3 worn rases of Bkmdlecnpp, frtimff rn Ua common pimple on tlio face ? 4 T!ib MeiTs Safety Lantern, J. E SOHOLL, ngt,. Letiigliton, Cuihon count). It Is Self Lighting, Non-Explosive, with u Self Wick Regulator. Just llight lor Railroad Men ! . rrlee-rilln, 11.50. N'lekle, J.00. Don't buy any other unlll you have seen this l-opular lantern. a a Dr. C. T. HORN, AT THE Central Drug Store, ot-r. the runuo square Bank Street, lohighton, Pa., la HEADQUARTERS FOB Pure Drugs and Medicines, 4 Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, choice Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorationo! Spectacles 1 Whvti von hiiv a uft.tr of Hhoes vou want a good lit. But it vou need SPECTACLES It Is much more Impoitant that the EYK should be acconiraoaaica wiiu correct lenses ana a proper 1 flttinir frame which will brine the lenses di rectly befora the centre of theeie. If oubuv jour spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the above points properly attenaea 10. nBWTlHTUV IV A IX ITM MtAXUIIKS. Filling and making art lllc till dentuies a special' tv. Ixwftl Rnftthftli?4 used. (las administered and Teeth Kxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS From 8 . m., to 12 m., from 1 p. m., to 6 p. m., irom ly. in., to p. in. nnnaii .ration tn Etifillilior (leiniHti Office Hours at Hazletou-.Krerv aturdav Oct 16-87-lV A.S.Rabeuold, aasinsve UBfcii Osvick i Over J. W. Ttaiidenuusb' Liquor store, BANK STREliT. LKlliailTON. uentlslryln all Its branches. Teelh Extracted llltour l ain. uas uaniinisiereu w urn reiiuesieu, OfBce Dajs-WEHNESOAV of each seek. O. adJiess, ll.LKKT.DWN, 3-yl ILehRheountv.Pa. W. M. Rapshor, ATTORNEY ah D COUNSELLOR AT LAW, First door aboe the Mansion House, MAUCH CHUNK TENN-A. Real Estate and Collection Agency. Will Buy ill Sell Heal Estate. Oouveyauilnn neatly done. ollections promptly inaue. neiiiing r.simryi DeCddents ft specialty. May be consulted In Knsusn ana Merman Prescriptions pounded carefully com 0CUS-IS87 Wall Paper. From Cheap Wanks to Fine Gilt and Fiessed Papers. Also, Felts and Ingrains, with ItanJsorae FreUes. PICTURE HOD AND COVE WINDOW SHOES ;?ady lo hang, or put up to order. Paint, OU, Varnisn, Glass, Brnshes. Palutlni: and 1'aper Hausln?, by com petent workmen, in any part of the county. Books, Sfatiorlery and Fancy Goods, always a large stock at LFiuGkenbach 61 Broadway, Maueh Chunk GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Storo" Qrasp, Lemons, Bananas, Nnls, Apples, .Celery, Cran litis Grapes, Table Baisies, Gonfei tiros, Fancy Baskets. Qneens- ware, and a Ml line of Mi Groceries. Lowest prices, good treatment prompt delivery Call and See Us. OoflNEit Store, LEHIGHTON PA. The ( ck-brated Cypress Shing'lo. Guaranteed full Length, The very best Shingle in the Market, Manufactured by RICKERT & SNYDER, Clareiuont, Virginia. FOR SALE IN WEISSPORT BV J. K. RICKERT, 1IKALKK IN All Kinds of Building Lumber Soidcl's Bakery, First street, Lehlghton, you will iiUays flud Freshest and I!et BREAD AND CAKES. Rye, Wheat nnd Vienna Bread Fresh Every Day, Our Vienna Bread cannot be excelled. We respectfully solicit jour patron- ge. Watch fori he Wagon. Suidcl's Vienna Haltrry, Opp. Obert's, FI11ST ST.. LUIIinilTOX, IA HE CARBON HOUSE Henry Drumbore, Prop'r, FIRST HTtlKKT, LKinOHTOK, PENN'A TheCarlioii House has been renovated and lmproed throughout; ItW electric lighted and nelUentilated.and IstamoiiKtiie nest not emu this section of the Stale. The patronane o! the public solicited. Best accommodations for permanent and transient custom. Charges very moderate. Fine Uiuo.s,Kresrineer ana roner, and Oood Cigars lor aale at the liar, June 18, '02-1 y If You Have ARNETt & SOLT, Proprietors ol the Portable Steam Saw Mil who w 111 do your work at neasonable Kates, Uesidknck, UNION Hill, East Weiss roitT, Ta. oct. 24, 'Ol.yl iu Hint nwiui fiitrnw ocroiuiii.t st'i.rJii'ii nvniAis u me. beet medicine to hbo in rnses of such Ptubhorn ftndflryonP j(tj, aeop Bcntei! iucaa.d. uojPneyaareout not ever tako ofonler.fse BLUE PILLS ly l iiiru your miw in .wi,,. n. I lift tiirm.t nml lr.Bt yon, U80 mllclno ever made. SnUQr ltn Willi n yellowntlckyjrDon't wait until yon lire At li frtnl nndirnre flnt on Tour unrK. otTenekor yoTirhtgrteioinoat once.lt stomnrli Is outwtll cure jou. iSulphur (ii inner, use uiuvih ao ItlTTKKSff " 4A11U PAMIUU, lmmoiilntelyj'riieyoang'.tlionptHtnntl tot- is jimr ur-ccringaraeoon nmuewciioy lne thlrk.itsuBo. ItememlHir hnt you ronclorpad here, It may Bare your It IU1B Mtl'ltl I Mi 111 I IV IB, (t wait until to-morrow, Try a Bottlo To-day! a Are tou low-pplrttenl and weaV, BiifTe'iinir from ttio cxrew of ryoulti' If eo, bL'LrilUU JUrJKlW uuru jou. E3 STRIKERS IN HYDE PARK. A woof reveroed the fatal Bbuttlee weave How slowl but never once they Blip the thread. Hither, upon the Georgian idlers tread. Up leafy ways the lindens Interleave. CloudlnfT the royal nlr since yettcr eve, Come men Itcreft of time and scant of bread. Loud, who were dumb. Immortal, w ho were dead. Thro the rowed world, their ktnlom to re trieve. What ells thee, Mug! a ml? Allar, lunrt and crniure Dreum of the knife bv ulchli nut an. hot no The clear Itepubllc walls the general throe Alonic her noonday mountains' open rani;e. Dol be with IwthI for one la jouna to know The other's rote of evil and of change. Lm!u (lulney In Youth s Comianlon. JACK AND HA.DEK rlitge. 1 tola Her mi ur tne Btonos 'sntnst Jnck I d ever uennl, lint it didn't havo no effect. Now, as a matter of fact, Jack Fumim weren't no worso than ,i,naf miin. mi ilia lmnlarlm rm really n gront ileal better, tint It seemed ! Kc' !f;lllln?,to'r THE LITCKY FAlNT. "Aunt, wlmt-ta your true oi4ufoti of Send S 3-rent Mnmpt to A. r. tiniwny i n.. lMilon,iuaeB,.i(jr uvbi nicuic.nworii.i.iuuiir.ji.-vir TheCure For Eorofula was once supposed to bo tha touch ot royally. To-day, many grateful people know that the "sovereign remedy" Is Aci,i R:rtapaillla. This powerful altera- Hie extirpates "tho evil" by thoroughly eliuiiuathig all the strumous poison from the blood. Consumption, catarrh, and various other phjMcal as veil ni mental maladies, havo their origin In SCROFULA When hereditary, this disease manifests It telf in childhood by glandular swellings, rmsi iitf! sores, swollen Joints, and general fVc deiiesi of body. Administer Ayer'sSarsa pni ilia on .ippemance ot tho first symntoms. "My little ghl was troubled with a painful scrofulous swelling tinder one of her arms. Tho physician being unable to effect a cure, I gat o her ono bottlo of Ayer's Bamparlll , md the swelling disappeared. W. X'. Kennedy, SIcFarland'a, Va. "I was cuied of scrofula by the use of Ayers Edisaparllla." J, C Berry, Deerfield, Mo. " I wms troubled with a sore hand for over two years. Being assured tho caso was scrofula, 1 took bIx bottles of Aycr's Sarsapariila u.idw.isct,red. II.lIlnkins.lUverton.Neb, rnrrAr.an jit Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Louell, Mass. ilolj ly all I Iruggliu. I'll;!' 1 i ill bottlr., S ELY'S Cream Balm CatarrH mm Ml AlEXIMDEIt BOI1DR0U DISCOVEREII OP Boniroa's Miraculous Remedies. Liberal Ml tided rhytlcUus Kudone Them Asbelnn the (Ireattst Discovery ot the Akp. Poiltte cure when used In accordance to Instruc tions, In diseases heie More to-called Incur able. Diphtheria, asth ma, bronchitis, catarrh, congestion id the lint In, the result of sunstroke, apoplexy, and limbs laraiyzrti resiurru ui hptr iitiirAl ruiiilttlon. Spine, hip and bouediseaie cured. To Contractors aid Balers. The undersigned announces to Contractors and Build e is that he has now opened his stone quairv ot Bea er lUm, and Is prepai ed lo supply Building Stones In any quantity at reasonable rates. He also hff (s mimiy ui ur rt-Murmti uu nr.uiiM HlltKKT, to supply linmedUte deuuind, HAULlN'd of every description, promptly at tended to. Also, constantly on hand a full snpph, of the best brands of Flour and Feed, which he will sell at Lowest Maiket Prices. CHARLES TRAINER. KECONl) Hll!lil!T, I.KIIU1HTOX, 1'A Cleanses llo Nasal rasscpes Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores, llcslorea tho Senses of TaMo ami Smell. thy ?ii s us. MAY-FEVER A particle Is appllcil Ittto each noitrll and is aarcoauie. rnco wj cents at ir"ssisis by mall, lcslslcred, 00c KLVnilOS., CO Warren St., New York sciatica, neuralgia. Hi it; tit's disease of the Kid neys, ner coiiipiaiiu, ujsenierv, aim nwnurti lnart disease ate entirely cured by pure medi- pfnAnl invnun tireiiArihir. Liu ring u i ii ci )t-(in mrr iu,tw privun i.r used these medicines and are living witnesses of their w oi th. 1 will notgo Into practice my self. betUKOter "ijearsol axp; wlllsll my med icines only. 1 nave two eminent pujhk'iHin con nected with me to attend toeallluic Hi the resi dences ot (he hick if retpiired. T F.ST I M ON I A XJn, N K town, Feb. IT, 1891. Dun r Hi r - 'In tlmsu unlTerlntr from Mutual trouble, Neuriltfla. Set at lea, llcait IHseasetiand tueiiiiuiisiu, i Humu iiiumy lecoiiiintiiK i rui. Houilrou'a lemedies: I was u sufferer of these complaint for ears at times; was hardly able to move, could not stralnliten injhelf 'lhe pntii and attony wm luepreiisble. DtKtored with several physicians tor eur, fouud but little reliel, not pvnuanent, mini I was cured iy 111 medicltiesi liU Is uusurp4sHl would highly recommend Prof, Boiutrou s lluiment aud mea eluestoall sutterers. jtepeciiuiiysoiirs Al. J. Vauaitdalen, Newton, Kurks co., Ta. NKWTOK, Feb. 17, 1Mb Piiot. HnuiiROL'. Dear blr Allow me to write joua testimony oi our mckpciue. i can say 10 hii iiiosh smirr lux with ailmrutsof my descilphuu, wouUr enmmend Prof ikmdrou's medlclne, II u rune pain in my siomacu tor a loiijiume, .-GO TO- WILSON FRAN Z The New Jeweler, Bankway, - Leliighton, Pn., KOK Watchps, Clocks nnd Jewelry otvvi-ryilesrripllon.at (Hires lourr llian fli where, rartleul.tr attention i,iii1 tn Repairing of Every Description. A iirartlc.il eiprrtenr, ot mer leu yearn enablea me to guarantee .atliUelloii In every liitttleular. tlhw lne a trial anil be eonilnreil. Your JiatronaKe 19 reiecuu!ly aolieitett, rtll.sox 1'r.AXIZ.llanUii), oct. 3, 1381 lloiiareconterailatinu a eoursoln BUSINESS or SHORTHAND, ItnlU iiny yon Un lilt the AMERICAN BUSINESS Colte, Aixkntowx, 1'A , before declillnt: wheie to go. MioiiL'h ou ir.av live a tuousami tunes wr. u SMnds at the head of Commercial Colleges, in Its educational character; nsa medium for supplj lne lHisnifts men with trtitiied and runableits- Mhtants: as a means of placing ambitious ounfE men mm lumps oniiie roau 10 nn'mi,uimiu the extent, elettance and cost of Pn equipments. Six Separate leiiartmeitswltliasmanj ronrwi of Study, under (lie personal supervision of Klglit iiiHtruciors-uu niiei'iansts, jjmMiwm v,ii.- lofEiie mailed to any adtires-j, iree. Auuress, O 0. DORNBY, Prin. 1ST I'lmse menelon this wer. 6-JT-cm Weissport Bute Directory. suite ring can hardlj be described bywords, denrUttd me of uleen at niahls: would lleaww biineilng with paiu for lioursata time. loctoied wtthseveral l.lijfcleians, thflr medicine womd for awhile relieve me, butoutd sooh lusetlielr ettect; by using Prof. lluttdrou'M remeilies nave been entirely cured; would recommend his iem tiles to thoee nolle r lute with ltullir oHaphtlnts. ltei1IuiW jmirtt. r.M. Yanartadalen, Newton, Bucks co., 1'a. Oillce and laboratory open dally from 1 a. in. to 8 p.m. Call or write to 11 uvAviiEit ltotinnnu. im North Tenth titreet. nov. t, vi-lv. Philadelphia, Pa &t nd 2 cent stamp for v aluable book, Oscar Christmau, WKISSPOUT, PA IJvort and Exchange Stithies, Kasy riding can dices and safe drhlng horses Pest accommodation (o agentsd inlero ,rt Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to (lire me atrial. mayvi-ly Henry Miller, fcUHIGHTON, PLANING - MILL. JUNUfAtrnjHEll UK Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, window rashoa, Motjldings, Brackets, AMP DEALKC IN All W of Dressed Lnmlier Uhingles, PaHings, Hemlock Lumber, &c., Sec THE FJlANh'LlN 1IOUSE, KA8T WKISMI'OUT, I'KNN'A. TliU house, offers nrst-clas acuii.imHlatlons to tlie permanent boarder aiifl tiaiuient guest. raulc uilce,. only One Dollar ier day. aiiirT'iy Joiik ItKHRin. Proprietor. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The umlershined havlnie been icoredth henlili bv Hlmiile means, tetter sufferinir In r Mov er al ear with a seicre lung atrwtlon, and eel ilrejiil iiuense (iitiiuiMttlou. Is anxious toiniik known to his fellow suiiererx the means of c urea Tothosewho desire It, he wilt cheerfullfcend (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find it Mire cure tor Consump tion, Asijimn, ltronchltU and nil throat aud inmr Aia.atiifa. lie hooea nil sufferer n will try his remedy, as It t invaluable. Tluwc desiring tlie presFriptUMi,wnn-n win rosi uiem noimuK. and may prove a blesMiiK. will please addrens. Kcv. KinVAUD A.HILSON, Ilrooltljn, New York. a nr. 1, 'le-ly. J. A. PHILLIPS, liPAI.KU IN Pianos and Uru;ans, WKlSrtl'OKT. 1A. "Cm i v Cardinal Keaaous Why You Kliould liny I uur planoM wul Organs at PhUliiw' ij'hltlli-s lias ivMViUeeiurs 1 errldllUM has i xitensea ! Iif PhlllliM can tune namm and Orunsl Watches, - Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Bronze Clocks, any thine. in the Jewelry Ling 50c. Per Week. Join a nlub in which you only pay the abovu small sum and your watch, valued at $40 is eetimatsd to only cost 17.00 Certificates are Dow being Issued by FRANK GERMAN, Lehlfthton ?n i Pgr"pIrlW ! 'fit f--- 11KKAJS h H --Ji Fine Pennsylvania Country Br ed boats, Kioui 40 tn 100 pnitDils In w.lght, at Trlret Lower tuan tne 1-owe.l. -rneie ate not lluffalo stock, and are guaran teed. U over 300 toM lait lenoH oulr three JIM. Call anil im thembefore baylnl.ewliere Very Lowest Prices. gpRead the Advocate. UKNEKAI. AQISNT, U'eisspoit. - . iun'a. W. F. HOFFORD, Lehighton, P. wru it, lm-ni Stovea, Tinware. Heateru and Ranges. ,In Great Variety at SAJtUEL GltAVElt'S ropular Storn, Bank Street. aSSH CURE . Thla GREAT envr, 1 1 ci'RK 0.. . -.c. . lul CONbUMI'TIi iN' i I'Ri: ' t-j Jij gists on a positive ilii-hiv.', a tist ilmi uo o:lwi Cure can stand succcful'y. U ). 1 li-i" : 3 COUGH, HOARSENESS or I A ORIPl'H, 11 illcure you promptly. If your clnl-1 lia. llie CROUP or WHCKJl'INa UOtulI, ii quickly and rebel i uie. If yu fear Ct)N 8UMPTION, don't wait until your case it hope, less, but take tbiaCure at once aud receive im. Yr.,i;,tc hcln. Lara. botliM. Coc. and tl.OO. Traveler! conveniait pocket aiie 2$c Adi TourdruggittforBHlLOH'SCURU. llyoui lungt are sore or back lame, ate Shiloli't Vor out I'lutert. nice, ajc. 1(111 HAI.E II) Dr. C T. Horn, Loh-Khton, Pa THE POLICEGAZETTE It the ouly Ulustmted paper In the world Roofing and Spouting a apecia ty. Stove repair fiuniBhed on aliort notice Reasonable! eaaLdiiliur aJntha latent neuaatlooal and abort ittf sew, no aaloon kteper, lnwher ur eluti ro5i ean afford tu be nlthout It. it always BiaKei inenoi wuetever it goe. Mailed to any adilres in the Culled Statei sMrurriy rpir. urt'w mm i.n Head Hvh cent fur sHinplc tup) ItichanlK. FOX, XU on uw trintlpl. imuUu. tbe U.er, stoaach Mta bowU tkrovsk a. wrwi Un- Xiu.' rnxj iptOu airi pwnw IMpUllvu.and coalp UOBU. UN Thututi& T D Sold bv "Paul, oil, Paul, come hero; ilot" called ont Mrs. Grc-jlock from the cabin door, as she held lit her linnd n letter we had just brought In from the storo where the postofflce wa9. All right, old woman, lit n-comin right alonf," came In tho deep tones of her lmsband'a voice, as the old man Btrodo in from tho barn: "what'n the row?" It's a letter from Haldee, an ehe'B got a boy, nn Jack wants it called after you," said Mrs. Greylock, nit In n breath. AVn-al, I call that handsome in Jack FurnlK9, blest ef I don't. An Haideo's got a baby why, sho! Old woman, yon and I ts grandfathers. Hoop!" And the old Ulan fairly jumped off the ground in hl9 excitement. After the letter hnd been read and re read by the delighted couplo nnd com mented on during sapper, Paul lold us the story of his daughter's marriage ns we sat around the liro in tho evening. To think of Haideo's bavin a baby," began the old man; "why, it don't deem but yesterday when she was a baby her own self. You see, my old woman there had given me six boys, ono nrter another, an nice fellers they was, too, If I do say it. They kept the cabin lively, I tell you, with their tricks an games nn sich but sometimes I used to think it 'ud be kind of pleasant to have a girl 'round. didn't say nothin of tho kind, but the old woman knowed what I wero thiukin about, an I guess that sho wero ns glad ns I be when liaidee were bom. The way sho cot her name wero kind of curious, too, for, as fur as I know none of the Greylocks nor tho old wom an s folkses ever wero called no such nnmo afore. 'Bout a month aforo she was born, we were livin here In Texas an tho country were pretty wild, nn a stranger came along an askod to stop all night. Wa'al, in course we took him in, an tho old woman she gave him a good supper. In the moniin ho went away, but ho dropped outer his saddle bags some leaves of a book. I dunno what the book were, only It were writ In poetry an it told how bouio Greaser (Mexioan) called Don Juan were wrecked on an island, an now lie come across some girl named Haidee, nu a monstrous likely girl she must have bin from the story. 'Uordln ns the book were writ, she were the prettiest girl you ever see. an my old woman's mind just got sot on that girl, so when lialileo were born nothin would suit her but namin the child for tha girl in tho book. We didn t have but two or three leaves, an we didn't know nothin 'bout the young woman afterwards, only jest how sho looked. I ulun t havo no 'jeC' tlon to tho name, nn so our baby wore called Hnideo, an wero baptized by u Methody circuit ruler named llawson, I don't romemlier no great much 'bout him 'cent ho wero a terrible man to cat. an be rode the poorest critter t ever see, Wa'al, Haideo growed up healthy nn strong, nn sho wero jufet tho life of the house. Sho wero ns pretty wa'al, she were ns pretty as she could lie; no girl could bo any prettier, an her mother just thought the world of her. Time went on, nn uanieo growed up to be ssventeen, an tlie young rulers be can to come 'round tho cabin a good deal, I never 'spiaionca what they come for more'n a mule 'spinous what kind oi work he's coin to do when you're breakiu him, an I used to think they como to hear mo tell stories. Tho old woman was sharper than me, but sho never let on: an thnr I sot an told them boys 6tories, an didn't know no more wlint were goin on than a coyote do 'bout poli tics. Thar wero oue feller iu panic ler, Jack Furniss by name, who used tc come 'bout three times u week. He wero n fine, manly sort of a chap, n good frontiersman, a good ligliter, tno lie weren't very old. an I liked him. Fact I liked hiin so much that I always asked him to como again when he'd get up tc co. Jack were always makiu mo pres. enta; he gin tne that revolver over tnar, an he was everlastinly bringin wild tur keys or venison or bar meat to the ol woman. "I used to wonder bomctimes what on earth he done it for. but then I didn have as much sense as a moccasin snake in them days. One day Jack an mo were standin out by tho corral an ho seemed nervous like, nn I asked him wluit were the matter, when he up an told tne he wanted to marry Haldec. Boys, I'd ruther a darn sight he'd knock me dow with a maul; I never had no such turn in my life. He went on with a long string 'bout how he loved her nu how he'd work for her an dunno what else; but I didn't hear him I were thinkin ol Haldee. Last 1 broke out, 'You must lie a fool' an I guess I BWore some 'to think of marrying that child.' 'Child? says hej 'she's seventeen.' "Waal, I couldn t say sue wereu t, you know, an that made me madder than ever. 'Do you s'l Jack Fumias,' says I, -that I'm n-goin to let my littlo girl my Haidee marry auy such fel low as you be?" Waal, he stood thar, an he said as how he knowed ho weren't good enough fur her, an all that, but that he loved her luore'n he did his life, an he hoped I'd let him have her. Ills life? He didn't seem to think he were askin for my life when he naked for Haldee. Finally, ho says somethln 'bonl Uaidee's carin for him, nn with that I stepped up to him an swore I'd sboov him, like a redskin if ever I see him again. So he went away. I went into the cabin, an tlutr was Haldee An her mother tewin. Seemed like as tho' when I saw her the duvll come Into me, an I says, uiys I, -Haidee! Both her on her mother started when they heard my voloe.lt were that boaree llkc. 'Haldee,' says I, 'Jack Furniss has bin tellin me he wants to marry you. Now I want you to understand you ain't never goln to see htm no more. 1 lie mean, thievill Injin, to think of him takln my darter.' When Haidee heard mo say Jack's name ihe got red; when she heard me say she weren't to see him any mora alio got white; but when 1 oome to calliu him names she bounced up an she says: -Daddy,' says she, -you oughter to be asliamed of yourself. He ain't no Injin; lie's white all through. He's a good man, and he loves uu an I love hlni, that I do,' and with tlutt she ran into tlie back room, an I heard Iter oryin as tho' her heart would break. "Boys, you might have knocked we down with a feather. All my wuat fears was true. I reeled to a rhair an sot down, an I cried as hard as Haidee. When she heard me nhe come back an put her arms round me and said, kinder trembly like: -Daild ,' kh) she 'Daddy, I'm sorry for what 1 .aid. 1 try an like Jack. U- due, bivi im , dadd , an I luve him; an ifjuull low linn, tuo, we'll all be so happy.' liut I couldn't give in, tire pUl were too bitter: so I told her I'd Duwr coubeut "That eveow uy old aouuui, who were all on Jack'a side, an me had the osls ojiixrol I rvol)c.t stnoe our nr- to me, when I thought of him in a light, ns tho' no mnn over got Into n fight afore; nn when I'd think of his drlnkin n little, it were like he were drunk nil tho time in lny mind. The old woman used to tell me ho were no worse than I wero myself, an I couldn't say he were, but for all that I b'lleve ho were. Fact is, I hated him then, so I'd havo b'liovod anything 'Unit him any man said. I knowed Ilnidee wouldn't see him 'less I ngrced, 'cause she told me so, an I never knowed her to break her word. So on that point I wero safe, but, Lord, how unhappy I were. I got into two fights myself, an I driuked more licker than wero good for me, but for nil that I didn't get nny better. "The old Woman thought I were wrong nnd said so, which didn't make mo feel any much good, but what drove mo wild were that Haideo didn't sing any more, blied go 'bout her work quiot like, an sllo'd cry when she thought weron t lookin, bnt I were moat nil tho time. Finally, nrter 'liout threo weeks, I give iu; I couldn't stand It nny longer, iiaiueo, says a ono evening. Haidee, won t you como nnd givo your daddy n kiss, like you used to do!" Hal dee sho como over, an I pulled her down on my knee, nu I kissed her nn says: Haidee,' says I, Tin ngoin to give my own muy girl to another man. ion can marry Jack now, Ivon't stop-ye.' Waal, you oughter seen that girl. She flushed all up nn Eho kissed me, an then she laid her head down on my shoulder an cried for n spell very quietly; and then sho went into tho other room an 1 seed her kneel down and pray. I took my hat an went out all sad dled up. I rodo up to Jack Furniss' house, nu when ho como out I held out my hand,' an I says for I wanted to get through tho thing quick 'Jack, you can como an bco Haideo tomorrow.' He began to talk, but, bless ye, I didn't wait to hear anythin from him, I just rode oil. As 1 rodo homo 1 wero hap pier than I wero afore, but it seemed to me like as 1 hail n soro hoait it hurt so. Still, I didn't go back on my word, au they wns mnrrled 'bout ft month inter that. They live 'liout ten miles from here, nn Jack's doiu well with clittle, He's east now, lnakln arrangements for sellin stock, nn gottin porno imported stock an sheep. He's a good husband, an Haidee ns happy ns the day is long, nn she's always singiu now, snmo ns bhe used to. I'm pretty well used to tho change; but for all that I sometimes wish Bhe could havo staid a littlo gill, when sho was all mine." L. J. H. in New York News. A MoniitriMiM Turtle. A meat many years ago, when our grandfathers were very young, and bo fore the Hood, there used to bo n strango looking animal called the glyptodon. He was called a glyptodon because he had fluted teeth, and pcihaps because the people who named mm hadu t heard of tarts. Wo should doubtless have called him n tartodon, because his back. in tho pictures we havo of him, really resembles n tart more than anything else, though it weighed somowhat more than most tarts do before thoynro eaten, Tlie clyiuodon also had four feet, nnd could always tell Jiis hind legs from his front ones by the singular fact that his hind feet had five toes each, whilo tho front feet had to get along on four. This animal does not eilst at tho pres ent time, nnd it ts just nswell that ho doesn t, because ho could Ik) very dis- agreeablo If ho wanted to, as you can very well imagine when you remember that ha wlj" really nothing more than turtle, and lie was quite as large as nn ordinary elephant in his stocking fect. Harper's Young Peoplo. Atltlqilo AllillroiiH. A common form of nndiiou iu the shops of the dealers In antiques is small brazen nffair with n ball from two to three inches in diameter at the top, a short shaft that widens aud unnowi every inch of its length und legs that suggest branch forms. Theyaie leally a development ot the early wrought ittti creepers, They are us often as not from fifty to 15" years old. 1 hey are inva riably of cast brass, with horizontal bare of wrought Iron, Shovel, tongs aud poker of wrought iron, with brass handles, may no bougut with mem somet lines. Now York Sun. They Found tlie Indian. One night in tho tent 1 heard a cow boy tell this Btorys Ho was with n big outfit moving cattle, and ono day, some where near tho lino separating Colorado from New Moxlco, they encountered a settler's cabin which had been plunder ed by Indians. Tho settler and his wife and children had been killed. The fore man was sent for, and ho immediately ordered that tho cattle bo allowed to take cure of themselves whilo the cow boys went after the Indians. Three par ties set out at once, one commanded by the foreman nnd tho other two by ex perieuced men. One party enmo back In a day without finding nny trace of the Indians, Another lrty came back in two days without finding uny trnco oi the Indians, but at tho end of the third day tho third party camo Kick whooping and yelling and firing off their pistols, they had found tho Indians, killed every one of them and captured their ponies. for. Toj-eka Capital. The Ice Iii.aftluu. On both sides of the Atlantic equally, the intercalation of fossilized forests bears autheutio witness to the sweeping over the land of two great waves of lee Invasion. Tho trees manifestly grew where tho glaciers had lwn: again the claclers crept forwaid to coiutitute themselves the sepulchera of the trees. Tlie second advance, however, fell short of the first, and succeeded it at an uu known interval of time. Opinions are much divided as to its truo tlgniuuance. Dr. Wright inclines to connect the "forest beds" with merely partial oscillations of the ioe front. Edinburgh Ueview. Natural. "We weut bang into the iceberg and slid off to one side. Tlie ship fairly shivered." That was natural. I thiuk Id shiver, so close to an Iceberg. Harper s Baxar. Uobby Auxlou. to l!l)i. Bobby (whispering) Didn't 1 bear Clara tell you, Mr. Featherley, tliat she was sorry, but she really couldn't give you a lock of her Hair? FeatherleySh Bobby eryi Bobby Well you juat wait a day or two and I'll got some for you when she's out. Exchange. The cost of rough steel castings for mariuo entrine work Is said to be about four times that of castlrou, hut greater allowance lias to be made for tlie ma chining, as much as SO per cent, of the casting oetug removed in some cases. An eeliiMe of the moon is caused by the sliadow of the earth; the phases of the moon are caused by the continually Old Mrs. Graham smiled over her gold spectacles nt her nephew Cecil, nnd. with just a tonfli of Immnr, asked: -Why?' "Well, you know l'velieen pnjlnghor eomo attention" "Aud before committing yourself yon wish to get tho opinions of your friends." "Yon state it bluntly, mint, lint I sup pose that is about the truth.' Then, Cecil, I cntmnt invo you my opinion." Cecil withdrew. As limy Ije Inferred ho was nn indecisive fellow, and of course was not now satisfied. Praise of Bessie from Auut Mildred would have decided him. But he wns left exactly as before, oxcept that he could draw the opposite inferences. First, that if his aunt had not favoied bis suit she would have advised against it; second, that her refnsal to givo an opinion meant lhat she opposed it. audi men us ho adopt tests, wit lie had not ingenuity to invent one. The secret of such doubt is usually k-H es teem, which conjures an ideal worthy of affection. Oddly enough Iho lumi nous point in Cecil's ideal was fidelity. Bossies social position was level with his, but would sho be true? Wasn't she a coquette? Tom I'lottuu wns a down city commis sion merchant one of those men who forgo ahead on tho voynno of life, and by tho twin pi opollerfl, energy nnd deter mination, leach ft port of commercial success. Cecil and he had been college mates, but their lato acquaintance had only been casual, confined to chanco meetiiigs-U social gatherings. An out spoken man, but withal n thorough gal lant, acquainted with all tho marriage able ladies worth knowing, ho was just the man tn render tho opinion Cecil craved. Ho was found in his glass inclosed office, millerishly white from flour ho had been examining beforo buying. "Tom," began Cecil, aftor greetings. I camo to get your candid opinion of Bessie Fnllington.' . Plotton looked "fool" nt him but re plied: Well, it depends on what the opinion is based. As a commission merchant, say, bho'd bo ft prime failure; ns n sea captain, ditto; and ns As n wlfo, for instance." That depends on tho man who gets her." Well, for me, say?" Oho!" exclaimed Plotton, running his finger through some coffee grains in n tin box, "you re In lovo with her, are your' Fraukly, yes." And beforo 3-ou put yourself in dan ger of making a matrimonial blunder yon'ro around getting opinions." Well bluntly, yes. Tho samo ns yon look into Bradstrcet's beforo selling to a stranger." Tho stranger's credit is doubtful when I do." "Well?" "You doubt Besslu Fallingtoii?" "Good gracious, no!" "Then what do you want un opinion of her for? If you don't doubt her yon'ro snro of her. That's as plain ns A B C, If you lovo her and are suro of her worth nn opinion isn't worth n coffee grain or shonldn'tlie. If yonlovo her yon 11 pitch In nnd move heaven and earth to get her." "But I ask your opinion, nevertheless. 1 "Whether It cuts or not?" "Yes." "Givo her up." "Why?" "First, if you doubt her, she won" suit you." -. - "I don't grant that," "Secoud.'bhe's u pronomiced coquette; wants wealth In a husband; is willful; demands continual petting; admires men of dlstlncAlon, men who can cut a dash and especially men of decision, but will quarrel with him if her way is crossed; doesn't know a saucepan from a griddle, etc., full of faults but pretty as a spring morning." Graham rose pettishly. "You don't beliovc my opinion, I see. Very good; it's ono sign you lovo the girl. Of course, you're invited to her progressive eucher party next week. Go and criticise her if you can in bight of her beauty. Then wo it meet nuq coin pare notes." "Agreed, uood morning. Tho next Tuesday evening found Cecil in Beseio's fashionable home. He had exactly poised his mind, but the first sight of her unbalanced it m her favor. She was rarely beautiful, nnd her welcome rang with genuine hos pitality. It seemed impossible to criti cise her; a good, true heart must be tho center of such physical loveli ness, but doubt whimpered, "Wait and watch." Of guests, there were seven ladies aud eight gentlemen, uewio had, tneieiore, to choose her first partner, and Cecil watched eagerly to tee which this wonld be. It was Alfred Donaldson Hughes, who had lately won literary fame, Bessie smiled brilliantly upon him as they took seats at tho ace table. She's flirting with that fellow, mut tered Cecil, ns the bell rang for play. When it rang again for changing tables he was obliged to remain nt the jack table, because iu watching he had blundered stupidly, liessie and the au thor won tlie game, aud though they were not partners in the next the merri ment between them continued, nnd he saw her dart a perfect coquette's smile at him as at the next he went down to the king. Tom Plotton was her' next partntr, but her sparkle was gone. She scarcely spoke. Humph, muttered Lecll, --quite a descent from literature to flour. Plotton and I will surely agiee, for he is un doubtedly Kettlug the com shoulder. Yet, demote hlll . doubts would treak into the advti . islon. "Per- 'laps she is true, after all; her spirits may be her way of entertainment. I may lie xtakintr a fearful mistake. Finally good luck advanced 1dm and he became her paituer for u game. She was all life again; exactly as she lutd been to the author. He believed he de tected her wish to draw him on to lov ing her. and, though flattered, the old doubt grew stronger. The duties of hostess did not necessitate such action she had tried to draw the author on; alio was trying him now. The only result would be that she would reject them both in ridicule. Music and promenading through the spacious house followed cards. Cecil hastened to engage Bessie as a com panion. The author forestalled him. He walked angrily into the conservatory and stopped before a palm, oderuibly xamlniuK it, but in reality analysing his state of mind. Was lie jealous? If so, he really loved Bessie, but could be ask her to be nt wneu all lie nau setu oonfiruted her coquetry? Bessie and Hughes came near aud stopped before a large plant, but with their backs toward Cecil, who was well screened from them. Miss Fallingtou," said the author iu do yodreelf, to literature?" "Oh! Mr, Htighcs, my humble talents wouldn't Inst n fortnight." "I don't menu In that way; though your talent would. I moan would you not like to llvo always in a literary at mosphere in fact, Miss Fnllington, ns the wife of an author." "Pardon lne, Mr, Hughes," she ex claimed, "but Ido liellcvothisrnro plant is dying. I must tell father at once." "Don't turn me aside," pleaded tho author, trying to catch her hand. "I lovo you to" "Hush, hush, Mr. Hughes," sho whis pered, "Hero comes somo one." The some one was Tom Plotton, and ho Was coming direct for them, "Mr, Hughes," ho said, "they nro nsk Ing for you in the parlor. They'ro dis cussing the authorship ot n late anony mous poem. They want you tn help mom out." "Very well," replied Hughes gallant ly, "nnd I think I can niako a good de cision on tho latest nnd dlrf ctest information." "Don't you dare," exclaimed Bessie, with a light laugh, tho meaning of which camo in words as soon ns tho au thor was out of hearing, Oh! I'm so glad you came, for, don't yon think, ho was just declaring his lovo for mo." Both broke Into a hearty laugh. Con viction struck Cecil. If this wasn't nn evidence of heartless coquetry what could be? Ho sincerely thanked his good fortune that his doubts had kept him from declaring his own lovo sev eral months before in a similar placo. 'And 1 have no doubt,' bo beard Plotton say, "that if I wero now to say that I love yon you'd thank somo ono for interrupting, nnd laugh ns heartily over my silliness, wouldn't you?" Pel haps 1 should. Though you have given me some en couragement, Bessie." "Havo I? Come, I want to tell father this plant Is dying." They moved away and Cecil returned to tho parlor, thrilling with pleasure at his narrow escape. Ho rejoiced greatly that Bessie Fallingtou had never had n chanco to laugh at him. Ho shortly withdrew elated, but iu the night doubt of his decision troubled him. The heart and head wonld not agree. The stron cr became tho latter, tho fuller was the former of regret that ho could not havo Besslo Fallington. Next morning ho hastened to Plottou's establishment nnd found that gentleman in his glass office looking quite happy. Happy commission stroke?" nskrd Cecil. "Yes, an unusual oue. Well, I sup pose you havo come to compare notes about Ueeslo Fallington. "Yes." "Well, what's your decision?" "That she is' a heartless flirt, aud I think 1 11 give up all thoughts ot her. "You think bo." "Yes, only think, for I still can't de cide, and I came ngatn to getonropin Ion." "Well, I'll let you have it. I don't thiuk she would make you n. good wife I believe myself sho is a flirt, and has lots of faults. If I wero yon I'd look elsewhere. "This is your earnest, sincere advice is it?" "It is, But there is another reason why I'd givo her up if I wero you." "What Is it?" "She is enga'ge").v "Engaged and flirting around tho way sho did witii yon and Ungues and my self. It's nwf ul. To whom?" "Welljit's something of a secret yet, rjuu euguaeu ut'ibeu uiuy nisi, uihiii, "Ln-i-jiight? Not to Hughes?" Plotton laughed heartily and bald "Guess again, "I can't. Givo mo tho name." "Thomas J. Plotton." Cecil sank into n chair and stared Tom laughed lwisterously, nine tenths of It being pure, unalloyed joy. "But you said," stammered Cecil, "that she .was a flirt, no housekeeper and full of faults." "I know I did, und say so still." "And going to marry herf "Yes, by all means, and we'll bo as happy as any one can be on earth. I love Bessie Fallington, and if bhe hnd ten times her faults my love demands that I must havo her, aud it will havo her. As I told yon licfore, lovo will move heaven and earth to get Its object, t've won her, and, let her faults be what ihev may, I love her and must hav her." Howard M. Hope iu Yanlteo Blade. An liicxpeu.lve Art Corner. Quite the gem of the furnishings in the parlor of a pretty apartment up town Is a lovely stauette of Cupid standing on a pedestal, behind which is draped in loose folds crimson cloth as an effective background. The peculiar tint of the marble (?) attracted a visitor, who in quired concerning it, wherenpon the mistress confessed: "I saw in somo paper that to brush plaster cast with orange shellac diluted with alcohol would impart this peculiar creamy tint, like old ivory, and chancing upon this excellent reproduction In plas ter, I bought it for experiment. You see how Buccessf ul I have been. Every one admires the color of my boy so much, Aud I'll tell yon a hit more. That rich crimson drapery is a last yeur's drees, which faded In streaks. 1 had It dyed, and evolved the rest ot my art corner.' Her Point of View in New York Times. About halad Drctalng-. Every ono in New York who eats salad thinks that there are a few people in town who cnu make a fairly good salad dressing, but that nono of them can come up to tho dressing made by him (the thinker). "I tell you, sir," said Hoggs, the gour maud, as he deluges the lottuce with grease, "that fellow Snoggs thinks he knows how to do this, bnt he doesn't havo any more idea of It than a cow. Think of it, ho puts in more vinegar than oil!" At the samo moment Snoggs is mixing a dressing in another part of town and snickering to himself as ho remarka: "I was very much amusod tho other night at tho way Boggs did this, ne actually mado a drosslng without vinegar! Hal Hal" and overy ono laughed. Thon there Is Juggins, of West Thirty fourth street, who also has hla peculiar viows. "Any man," ho declares, "who puts mustard in a salad shows his igno rance." Muggins, of East Sixty-sovcnth street, also has decided convictions. "What do on think." ho roars out: "I saw Juggins putting mustard in a salad dressing." Then somo put m sugar, utners imns this nn awful absurdity. A few use a dab of Worcestershire sauco. Others would rather bo lynched than follow their example. Tho funny thing is that there is only one way to make n salad drosslng, That Is tho way known to' the. reader of this article, But the funniest thing lhat the some diner out will devour tho dressing mado by Boggs and join in with his jokes at tho expense of. .tho dressings' made by Snoggs,' Muggins and Juggins. Then the"' same man will cat nt the table of Mug gins and apparently sneer with that per son at tho efforts or rmoggs, uoggsana Jugging There s a lot of conceit ana deceit about salad dressings. New York Herald. A Xteally Abfentmlndeil M'oitiau. An nbsentmlnded woman put herself on record the other morning In a cross town car, which sho boarded at Sixth avenue, bound east. Sho paid her fare, said "Third avenue" to tho conductor, took a second nickel for her ticket on the elevated, and, shutting her purse, gave herself over to somo evidently absorbing thought. The car was full of changing people, as is usual with crosstown cars, and a moment later tho conductor, making his Smnd again, noticed tho nickel and me chanically reached for it Tho woman gave If to him without a wont nnd rode Near Fourth avenue sue suoaeniy started out of her reflections, glanced around, saw that she was near her des tination, took out a third nickel to have it ready and once more knit her brews in meditation. Beforo Third avenue was reached the conductor passed her.agaln. This timo she proffered him the nickel, which he would stolidly havo taken save for the intervention of an old gentleman seated opposite. Madam," ho said, "yon hnvoalreaay paid your faro twice." The woman started ami looked con fused, then a light dawned on her face, she thanked the gentleman, put hjsr nickel into her purse and the purse deep into a mysterious pocket somewhere in tho back of her dress just -as Third avenue was reacted. When last Beau. she was hurrying up tho stairs strug gling to fish the purse out in search ot the neretotoro too convenient nicitei. New York Times. Uteruul Vlcllanee 1. 1 ',,, iiiu-i, ur iieuiih. Hut n lilt alt our vrecau- tiou theie are t'lieiiiles always tui khiR about our sjslcius, ouly wultliiyu faturalile opportunity to aaert tlieiuseUea. impurities In tlie blond may Ue lllililen lor years or even lor Beneraiimn ami suiUIenly break lot Hi, iimtermiiitng ftealtl! and lia-aiulug dentil, l'nr all illseaies arlilnz from Im pure blood flood's SarsHparllU Is tfieun-c-iualed ami unupproaelie-1 renieil. It I. King ol tlieiu nil, for it compiem disease. The unsuspecting schoolboy Is some times liko municipal revenues raised by tracks A Kur liietui.ut. Ik one which Is cuarautced to brine you satlsfactuiy results, or iu case of failure a return of puichasu price. On this life plau you can buy from our advertised drusslst a bottle of Dr. King's New Dl. covery for Consumption. It Is guaranteed to brim relief In every caie, when med lor any altccuon ot I uroat, uing or uuen, inch as Consumption, Inflammation of I.uiis;!. Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, etc., etc It Is pleasant and agree ablo to tate, perfectly aafe, and can al ways be depended upon. Trial Bottles free at Ilebcr's Drugstore, Lehighton, and lileiy's Drugstore, Weissport. The politician who clamors for "a free interchange of opinion" should at tend a sewing-bee. "Wlm halli not omu'iI vilth raelture-sraltten fr.iuo 'l lie tHmer of KHiee, tlie niutlo of a name?" u.k Udliipbull, the IKN-t, III lus -rieaMireaof llolic" Pleasures of Hope, forsooth. Many ami luanv a woman knows them no looser. They are lu desp.Ur about their tieallb. They ale. run down, debilitated, sunerhtf; from what they know not. It may b. dyspepsia, heart di sease, lit er or kliloey disease; any or allot them, llie -dekneases of woman are eured by Dr. Pierre's Favorite rrescrlpllon. Tnafa wherollieiuaiiluof a name comes In. Tulsun iirii.Hu (Hfroktiim. inviimnites the anient, en riches the blood, ilis-ets aches aud pains, pro- duews ref reshlnir sleep, dispels lienousnes, and am luw eirlt Contains no alrohol to Inebriate; no sugar or meUuuhob.aiul builds up both the flesh sod slreuutll of those reduced below a healthy suno ard. ft Is a legitimate medicine, not a beierage. The "Cold Snake." A Mexican superstition, very common among miners in that country, relates to the "gold snake." This species of serpent is perfectly harmless and very handsome, being green in color and with a golden Iridescence in its scales. Faith is entertained that wherever a gold snake makes its nest there is a ledge containing the precious metal, and there are many miners who will locato a claim at once if they find a gold snake. Interview In Washington Star. si rnp to sour la tlie stomach and rauie distress - It IS ns iwcuuar lit nn l-uuiiiuiiii,ii ii. j, i, hibi- eioii" in us rciueuiai rvsiuia. Altera young woman gets to be thirty she stops culling attention to her birthdays by giving parties, A Generou. Finn, li e aru luformeJ that the proprietors, Messrs. A. P. Onlway A- Co., recently sent three dozen of their reliable medicine, Sul phur Bitters, to the Catholic Home for the Aged, which is hlaUly appreciated bv the directors and Inmates. "As ye sow so shall je reap." Editor Catholic Union. Humanity Is not easily discouraged. The man with the cracked voice always insists upon leading the slngtncr. Once Honored. Once before being placed In his tomb every Parisian may be the recipient of homage as profound as would be given to a potentate. It is when going to his own funeral. Men uncover their heads and women devoutly cross themselves while the hearse Is passing. This is truo even of the drivers of tram cars, 'buses and drays, and of the maids in white caps. New York Sun. Took tho 1-re.crlptlou Poor Patient (after an examination) Doctor, is there nmch the matter with me? Doctor Nothing but the effects of care auel worry. You must reduce your expense, so ae to live within your I n oome. Patient I'll begin now. Here's ton cents. Good day, Exchange. Overloaded. You'ie oaten too lnuell lurke) , And so you eauuot work, li' Your head feels lery raurky Ture.' f dout belleie 1 could add another Hue aud nuke It rh)iiie It I bail a dollar for do lluzlt. A teweenU, lioweter, wUteur. me. To relieve stoniaeti and bowel, from the effects or oterlutldliur, a full iIomi of Ilr. Ileaee'a riaaaaht i-uncalhe TeUeu Is the remedy. They operate irettuy, et UumHiKhly. and with irrlplng. uausea or ouWr iinpleaiiant elteeis. Iu ius, routeolec. "When your heart Is bad, and jour bead is bad, and you are bad clean through, what la needed?" asked a Sunday school teacher of her class. "I known Ayer! Sarsapariila," answered a little girl, whose lck mother had recently been restored by that medicine. varying inclination at which that half the umuitaVai,le v'uil.u r ,n.v,,tin or toas m iiium.iwM. u, ,u. .ui. j Uke llterature? presented toward the earth. f ,.j ,uve ., BU( tvlled . L(., mi. tell . , i you a little secret that you must u.-wi v mi. iiwre wtiuuemw. iu .iuuui , , ltmw lately had omte a nuin in regard to the effeotlvwiws of the pro tection afforded by lightning rods, the test authorities favor the view that a faultless system of conductors Insure ab solute protection -The number of iuiiocuuiuiui earls in the world," laid Uiclu, "la oai t ftp aaijr hire ber of iKjeniB published anunmml of course'. '' "Adorable," be rrie-d, tiitliusiusiii'allv -You must show ttuuu to me." I "Byn-- means. You would critii'uw , the poor litte attempts." I "Not for worlds Tluj could nut . belli beina full of tiro aud genius. But I wonld vou nut like to devote your Ut. j flew rnric nn" t'r.ucli aud th. German X-angu.c.. One gets an idea ot the feeling ot the French toward the Germans when, in tlie hope of getting around a conversa tional blockade, he addreeaea them in German. However polite the refusal to speak in that tongue, it Is accompanied by a perceptible air of resentment Exchange. Fmkm la England. j English bar fences have tho appear ance e-f being bottom tide up somewhat as an v looks when inverted. Bat it is all right! lumber is scarce there, and it tte't neoeatary to have the bars so okue together op where the horses and cattle arts as down where the sheep and pigs Would be tempted to wi torougu POWDER Absolutely Pure A . itttin "I tartrti liawiuaj rw.w.1,-1 tl,fcaesr of ull tu Iru.citlliK lrvuj(Ui .al -.1 I t iU.T isti.eruuteui Imhhi lt-pit tU)ttI H-k'illr' 1'ow.iu l o , l0f V u Si , Ml 'aaHHilggggggggggggg