Thli Paper hat bf en entered tit the Lehigh ton Post Oftlre-Hi Nwoml C'lnit Mutter The Carbon Advocate MCIIIOIITON, I'ENNA. Hates for Legal AiHerllilne: Charter NotH'e 00 Auditor s Notkel 4 00 Commissioners Notices - - - 4 00 Divorce Noting 4 oo AdmlDMriator'4 Notices - - - - 3 oo Executor's Notices 3 00 One Dollar ami Twenty-l ive Ceiil will liele after bo Invariably charged when subscriitlotis are Dot paid In advance. ; you wish jour iwwr discontinued at the ex piration ol ) our term plkasi notify us by poal card and the remest will be compiled with. SATUKDAY. JUNK ffi 18!)2 Bona Vide Circulation I,nrser than Hint of anj Weekly Newspaper 111 the County, To Delinquents. You get the Caisboh Advocate by mall, just look rtt tlio direction tab on your paper, and you will see just bow much you nro Indebted for the paper; remit the same by Postal Nolo, Money Order or Greenbacks without delay. We Jieed the money n dollar ortwo to each Is not much, the aggregate to us amounts to hundrcdsot dollars. Come, gents, pony up. Address. II V. JtOKTIUMEK, Prop. Lehl(thton, I'n. Delinquents living in this neighbor hood will please ca nnd settle, and save 23 cents for cdffection. noticj: to ii:.MncKATS. There will boa meeting of tho Car. bon County Democratic Committee nt the Court House, Mauch Chunk, l'n., on Saturday July ICth, 1802, nt o'clock P. M. All the members of the County Committoo, and Democrats generally arc requested to bo prosont, as business of importance is to be transacted. PKAiX'K P. bllAHKKV, Chairman Carbon Co. Dem. Committee. Veatherlt will havo a button fac tory. Is Lehigliton trying to button on to anything. Tue Preeland Tribune is four years old. It is one of the best papers we know of--indepen.cleut and truthful. elements In journalism that are always popular. CIlAla 1 (IK COXUIIKSS. The Democracy of Carbon county is to be warmly congratulated on having so strong and brilliant u candidate for congressional honors as Hon. Allen Craig, one of the foremost members of the Bar and a brainy, intelligent gentle man who could go to Congress and re, present the interests of his constituents witlumt a narrow-minded and bigoted partisan disposition. Senator Craig would bean honor to this district, lie has the brains and general nbility of a wise and judicious legislator and In him common people would certainly find an able and brilliant adherent their manifold Interests. Let it bet lie Senator by all means. Every Demo crat can vote for him and our friends. the Republicans can not get a better man, this istiii: 1't.Acn. LehlghtonAVeissport seemed to hare been specially designed for manufac turing centres, having unexcelled na tural facilities and there is no known reason why in tho course of a few years things should not be bummiug away herein the greatest shape. But our people must awake; wo must movo on; we must show some spirit, some enter prise and be nmbitious. We nil want to rise above the common level; we all want to see the two towns some day merged into one and mado the centre of the business for the Lehigh Valley. This is possible if the spirit tending to greater things is exerted iu the right direction and those who possess the means will but grease the wheels of enterprise with a little of their solid cash. The enterprising members of town council have started the ball rol ling by exempting from taxation for a period of ten years all industries de siring to locate hero and who will em ploy not less than fifteen men; follow ing this ambitious nnd liberal land owners in the south end of town in a beautiful locality olfcr freo sites for any iudusttios that come to this place This shows the proper spirit nnd in centire for better nnd greater results. Let us all put our shoulders to tho wheel and push, push, push until re, suits that are beneficial nre attained This can be done if wo nre nil in har mony and why should we not be? rjini:i: tvAims run jl:iI1(uuok The Court has approved tho petition devldlng Lehlghton into threo wards and practically now a new nnd better future dawns for tho town. Tho spirit of old fngyism has been knocked in the head and our peoplo movo along iu the right direction to ultimately bo the largest and very best town in tho Lehigh Valley. Of the three wards the first and third nre Deuiocratio nnd tho second will very likely be Republican. There will bo three councilmen und throe school directors to each ward. At present there bodies are divided as follows; Kirst ward, councilmen, James P. Smith and Mckos Hellman ; school directors, L. J. Hausman and Daniel Wleand. Second ward, I. S. Koch and J. L. Gabel, councilmen; L. II. Xotlutein and V'm. C. McCorinick, school direc tors. Third wurd, L. J. HeUH and II. T. Straup, councilmen; O. II. Kcinerer and M. O. Bryan, school directors. The other members will in nil proba billty not be elected until the next spring election. The polling places will bo at the Valley House, Carbon House and Mansion House. Now then let our people movo for industries that Lehigliton may bo what Ood designed it to be when he gave us all our natural advautBges. SIX'ltKT SOCIKTV UOSSII-. BocWIy Tld-llll. of llilrriMI lo Ihe Mem bcrsof the Fraternity. C)raud Instructor S. 5t. Voder, of Allentown, iahl an olllcial viait to Gnaden Iluetteu Custle, 31(1, K. Q. K., of town, last week. V District Grand Chief, Howard L. Boas and staff on June 'a, instituted Btrdsboro Castle, No. 153, K. a. E., with 125 charter members. H ii expected that ut least 300 of the 155 Castles of the K. (1. U, iu lVnn ylranla, will have their otllcers iubli c&Uy installed next mouth. An enter tainment will be the feature of the various ceremonies. Lecha Castle, No. 272, K. O. E., of AUentowu, will celebrate their fourth anniversary ou July 4. The exercises will be held iu a beautiful urove uettr Ititteroville. An interestlui; iirograin has been preimreil and a Hood time is assured. A C'lNDlDATE P08 A HlUH OFFICE. II. V Morthiuier, Jr., of the Lehlahtoii Advocate, is a oaudldate for Urand Kir , Herald of the KnhjIiU of the I. olden I Xjtgie ol nils blK rue btate oltl cere are voted frby tin' uiemtier of the different oath ,l- Murthimer will receive a taifc. "t.' sarroucdiuff uoanttoa. FrteiMul Tn Dun,- Broadbrim's New York Leltcr. New York, Juue 21. -Year after year the conviction is foroed upon us that we have placed too slight n price upon Tnir cltiwnsliln. It is desirable that all who come among us to live and make homes, if (hey have the proper qualifi cations and character, should, after duopr'oliatlon and trial, be Invested with tho rights of citizenship. One of the essential requisites of citUenshlp ought to be that tho applicant should be able to read the ballot, which in the hands of the voter, ought to be a guar antee of the safety of the republic, but which, given to the brutalized, ignorant mob which nbout election time are turned out hero at tho rate of hund reds In a single day, become instru mcnts of national destruction nnd dls, grace, moro dangerous than an invading army. In one court last fall 653 voters were turned out in a single day, nnd in tho following two days Bl" and 013. They wcro actunlly turned out nt the rato of one n minute for every working hour of the court, and tills lit tho face of the fact that the judge is sworn that he will satisfy himself .is to tho qtiallfi cation of tho voter. In Judgo SIcAdam's court neatly 701)0 foreigners wcro naturalized In the month of October, HC00 of them being Hussinns, Poles nnd Hungarians, not one in 20 of whom could speak n word of our language, and not one in u hundred of whom could cither read or write it. Tlioso mercenaries are driven to tho polls on election day and their votes nro sold by their contractors as sheep aro sold In the shambles. Tills is tho curse of nil grent cities. moro ospecially tills great commercial depot wlilch receives them nt the rate of half n million n year. The Italian immigration is a serious nnd threaten ing factor iu our national life nnd it grows more serious every day. We havo made iron-clad laws ngalnst tho Chinese, fearing that their cheap labor would ruin the labor market, and yet tho Italian immigration hnshoen larger lu tho past two years thnn the Chinese immigration Binco ISfJI. In addition to tills the Chinese have given us com paratlvely little trouble; there nro no beggars among them; very few of them nre found in our penal institutions, while Italian mendicants line our side walks in all stages of horrible deform ity, and our jails aro full of Italian lazaionl and banditti. If we secured the lioueit nnd industrious Italian peasant, who comes hereto make his homo nnd till the soil, we would wel come htm; but the great majority of thoso who arrive here look like ban ditti, and the illusion is further carried out by every man, null not a few wo men, wearing beneath their jackets a sharpened file made into a keen stiletto, which they nre rpady to use ontho slightest provocation. Our natural! zalion laws are altogether too loose, We have made the prico of citizenship too cheap; by all means put up tho bars. Another new and gratifying elfcct of Dr. Parkliurst's work was manifested in tho arrest of a rich Israelite named Solomon Jacobs for keepiug a disorder ly house. Now, in point of fact, Jacobs did not exactly keep a disorderly house in person, for lie lives on tho swellest portion of Murray Hill, and is worth at least a quarter of n million. Hut Mr. Jncobs lets his houses to soiled doves, and the law says that that is just as bad as if Mr. Jacobs kept them himself. The houses were raided, and an order of nrrest was issued for Mr, Jacobs, and the deputy sheriff pioked him up as lie was descending the steps of his elegant home on Madison Aven ue. He was taken to the court of gen eral sessions, and the judge committed him for trial, fixing tho bail at 81000. None of Mr. Jacobs' friends happened to bo on hand and Deputy Slierilf Whalcn slipped a pair of handcuffs on himnndtarted him off to the tombs liko a common drunk. Mr. Jacobs was fashionably dressed, nnd had in ills sliitt front valuable diamonds, and to say that Mr. Jacobs was mad but faintly describes his con dition. Ho speaks German, French and Russian fluently, and Ills know ledge of English invectlveisunlimited. Ho exhausted the Talmud and Pen tntuech iu seeking for terms of nua thema, and depleted the vocabulary of modern languages In terms of vituper ation on tho head of tho unfortunate. deputy. Hut it was all of no avail; handcuffsand nil he was lugged off, nor was ho released till tho ball was furn ished. Mr. Jacobs' offence is n very common ono lu New York, and it is tlmo now tltnt tho law was put in force to abate it. There is n certain class of real estate holders in tills city who own this infamous kind of property. It pays a much larger price than respect able people can nirord to give for its occupancy; but one house of this char acter ruins a whole neighborhood, and even after they havo been banished and j rooted out, the curse of moral leprosy remains on the neighborhood for years. Tho work of raiding these houses still goes on. About fifty wore raided last week, and several of, the unfortunate creatures were sent to lllackwell's Island for six months. lliauuBinii. 1IAI1.1IOA1I MITKS. Short rarngraplii That M ill he of interest to the Itallrimri llujs. t The Lehigh Valley Hallroad direc tors announce a quarterly dividend of IU per cent., payable July IB. Tills di vidend. Is for the quarter ending May 31, and is tho last one that, will be paid nt the rate of 5 per cent, per uuuuiu. The dividend to bo distributed iu Oo tober will be 1H per cent., in accord ance with tho terms of the Beading lease. t Will Holford.of Third street, is engineer ou passenger trniu No. 0 and 11, In place of John Wtldoner who 1ms been transferred to the Mkucli Chunk shift vice Wm. Zehner, also of town who has the Bound House shift. t Sefellen Smith, of Bankway, brake- man on the Wyoming freight, Lewis eggus, conductor, is nursing a tmdlr spralnoil right leg nt the knee joint. t The crew of engines 181 und 50 do nated a beautiful lantern globe to Wil liam Weiss, of town, the other dav William feels proud of his present. William would have bought the globe ilmself but he didn't want to break his monthly swag. Wntllirrll'f CauiuiriireiUMil. Tlio rntU comnienwmeut uxr olsen of the Weatbrlv Hlsh school, were held lu the l'resbyterlau church Tua4lay night. The claw motto wa "Itow uot drift." The programme vta a follows: Ovwturr OrchMUa l'" ltov. J. V. Mowt Miulc, llu Owu Walu," Of4atra ttlutaUHry. "SjuiImUho" km uieU Kmut. "iMktng t'orwwU," ....Hwtht lwtty Kwy, "A (Hrl'i ulutou,"... .NIUe Tlnmilimii Mule, "iOiatotk Until." orcbMUa "Tlt .li,iuwi ut Kuw- v... m'JZli'll'AL'. . . 1'aiMiWTwMdi Clas l'rOlllv)' Hlu llUUmw ' alll,lun."WkM)iwl,' l4Ut WklU Uu.u. "t.arliitidii of nm." IMmiu I O. A. iUOtr Uuitc, "Snutei uxd Tmti," Ozebwtrt THE UNIVERSAL Hamilton and Sixth Sis, Allentown, Pa. MODERN MERCHANDISING" Wash Fabrics. "What ,we Promise, we Perta" (i0 pieces, iiG inch, double fold, Bedford Cord. A new, seasonable and attractive Dress Fabric made to sell at 16c; our price just one-half, or only 7 cents' JtgYou cannot match it anywhere. 130 pieces, 136 inch Grloriosa Tissue, a choice printed fabric, 54 ptiterns latest color effects, faithful reproduction of French Urool Challis. Are sold to day in New York City, Uoston and Philadelphia nt 15c. Our price is only 9c. fl&eT You cannot match them anywhere. Zeyhyr Cloth in plain, check ed and dimity effects, high colorings an unexcelled fabric. Sold everywhere for 25c; our price is only 19 cents a yard. cannot be equalled anywhere. Black Brocaded Satine in choice designs, stripes, plaids, billows, chevrons, polka dots, fc, at 21c and tide; only here at these prices. Black Figured & Dotted Swiss An exceedingly pretty stylish and season able fabric. Whitu Satin Striped Dimity, at 17 cents, is a great favorite. Ladies' Shirt Waists We are head and shoulders be yond nil competition. No such ine as we are showing can be (bund elsewhere- All qualities. but our TFaists at 69c, 83c, and $1.00 are superb. PARASOLS. Every novelty of the season can bo found here. Our suc cess this season is ample evi dence that our styles are correct and price right. Hundreds of Allentown ladios will vouch for our statement. Parasols from 41.00 to $3.50, For Commencements. Young lady graduates will find the choicest things in Plain and Jirocated lJrcssBilks.Iienri ottas, Nun's Veiling, Albatross and Uedlord tords in every im agmauio similes. AW at popu lar pneei. bilk Uloves, Mitts, Fang, Embroidered Initial Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, &c. ANDREW J- HAIRE. 'ORIGINATOR of Popular Pricse. WEISSPORT, PA. The Potato Huh A mean miserable bug that kills pota toes, is, nrcording lo nil report, more numerous this yenr than for some seasons past. Inrm ers nnd Gardeners nil over the country nre lookinj; for some effective remedy nmiinst their depredations nnd always tak Paris Ghken. ll'o have tho genuine article and are selling it nt Twijntv-Fivh Cents rnn Pound, nnd it is warranted to do the work required. Wc in vile the farming fraternity to call here nnd buy when looking for a thoroughly first-class nrticle of this kind, 13IERY, The- Druggist. For the Legislature, Kuntz Of LEIIIGHTON, Carbon Co., Subject to tho Utiles uud Regulations Governing tho Republican Nominating Convention. Reading R. R System. Lehigh Valley Division AiraiiRpmert of Pasienger Trains. Sciifihilk in Effect May 15 .1892. i; ,i:iii(jiiton TltAINS J.13AV l'or Newark ami New Ymk 5.28, 7 4fi, ami 11.12 a.m., auot q.-jx a f.up. in. lor Mammka Chunk nnilllelvldeie S.2S, e.lfi, 9.00, n. in.; 1J.02, 4.37 ami 7.iM 111. 1'or J-nmbertvillP ami 'Irentmi 9.00 and 11.12 a.m.; uml 12,02 & 4 37 )i.ln. l'or Star. nicton, Cutasauiia, Allentown, Uetli lehcni.aml li5tou, 5.2, u. 17, 7.4tl, 9 0, 9IU, 11,12 a. in , 12 82. 2 42, :ui. 4 37, 5.22, 7.20 and 10.27 P in. Tor riilUridpliUnna i-mnts south at 5.28, c.47, 7.4(1 '154 and 11.12 a. In.. '2.42. 3 (ML 4 .17. n.sninl 7.2(1 p. m. r or ju'auingatiu j larnsnurg 7,40 ana 1 1.12 a.m. .t.ut:, 5.22 and 7.2i It in. Tor lionmans, Lehigh Gjp, ('Iicrnford, rv'a. While Kail. Cm.l.iv. and 1 lnl.ii(f uiihh.l 6.28.(5.47. 0.0.) M.5I & II 12 it. in.! 12 A2. 2.4 ' 4..17. 5.22, limt 10 27 p. 111. a.m. ; 1.10. 3.07,, 5.15, 7.17, .iw, aaaip. in. and Urn Night. 1 l' or eat net Iv and llaz elon G.B2. 7.4.1 !.. nnd 1 1 A3 a.m. ; 4.10,5.15,7.17, 1054 p.lll. l'or Alahanoy City, Shenandoah ana Ashland 6.52, 7.41, tiffi and 1 1.53 a in. ; 4.1", 5.13 & 7.17 p in. 1'tir Alt. Ciirmel and biuniokln 6.52, 7.4Jantt 11.53 a. in.; 5,15 p. m. rur i uiimiiitfB.DJ, l. J, l,Vit 11.12 ana 11.53 m., 3 (Hi 4.m,7.i7 ami 7.2(ii.m Fur White linteii. Wllkexh 7.43,11.33 and 11.53 a.m.;4.10, 6.15, 7.17 and 10.54 II. III. l'or ritUInn and I. &. It. Jnnrt.. 7.4.1. o tji un,i 11 h.ui.; i.iu, u.ij, j, if mm UhTrt p. III. Tor 'Inukimnnock 7,42 ami 11.5J a. 111., 4.10. 5.15 and 10.54 J'or OneRo, Auburn, Ithaca and Oeneva 11.53 a.m. I0.54 p.m. Tor Lacejtllle. Towamla. Bajre. Waerly, Kl mlra, Kochebter Hutfalo, Niagara 1'alH and the it rai 1 i.oj a. 111, j unu iu.Dl p. 111, For hlinfia ami the Wet via Hl.nntif nt 4 iu p. in SIIMAV TltAINS for New York fi 07 and 11 17 a in. it. m. ; 6 17 and 7.70 l'or Philadelphia i). rn. 7.57 a. in.. J.52, 5.17 and 7.26 1-or Kastnn and Intermediate fetation, 6.07. 7.57, 11.17 a.m.; 1262.2.6J. 6.17 and 0.U2 p. 111. Fur Mauch Chunk 8.14, 9.56, 11,15, 11.38 11.53 a. 111. ; S 08, 6.15, 8.44. and 9.33 p. 111. For iteaiiniK at 07 a. m.; 2.62 and 7.26 p. m. For llazlcton 9.60, and 11 53,a.m.; 308 and to.t4 . in. For MahanoyCHy nnd Khenandoali q.m. h.ri 111.. For rnlHlllle at2.62 n. Ill . For White Ilaien, WUkes-lmne, I'lttslon, Auhiirn, Klinl'rn, ItoeheMer. Autralo,' NlaKara Falls and the West 1061 p.m. 1'0r Ju,r,,l"'r Mrticul.ir8lnu.ulteo Anentsior TlineTahlei. A. A. JIcLUOl), lesldent and (len'l JfanaKer. 'mi i!lriri"it;li'. !e"oral Passenger AKent. ii....t.iiiul i n. A. IV. KONNEMACllElt, Ass't (ieneial Fas- enHcr Agi'ui, oouiii Meinicneni, l"a, Mavll. '02. ly Now is Your Time! 20 Building Lots For Sale! Don't w ait. but come at once and buy one of these beautifully located lots. You will be sur. prised at the viaw they afTord and the price will . be sure to please you. No trouble to show you around. Call on either A. p. SNVDER, or 11. J. HONCJEN, East Woissport, Fa, New Bee Hive ALLENTOWN PA. 1892. 1892. SPECIAL Announcement! Kortlieufxt few ucfksu Hillliae h. ueuera c-lBttrlm; iiulu 111 every (liiuritneiit. (Wlltt. Wfi ntltr V"l duilliK tllN Mle I Ine Drtv rur Hi' I tt uf GINGHAMS Atrt)i lOantl reitu, at n't cents ajiml. OUTING FLANNELS new tlea worth lOcenH, now fl, cenia U)Hid. Another lot uua Ifteeutu, now K ctwli 11 yard One lot or ('hall worth vein, nowss cinu anl. Wesfllyoullill 4-1 Jtleacheil Muilin at 7 cents a ard. Tlieai' arc onl. a few of the man) bargains that we offer Uurlux this sale In the different de partment. Our farit department iu eiecl. allj oronded with end of patterns that cannot he duplk-atd ami therefore must he told re aardleswot price before the Tall Ooods arrive Reuteuiber the Imcv Abeie thene harxaius are offered is This Htore will be dosed at a o'clock p iu sharp, dm inn Jul) uud August, Saturday excepted. w.Hunsicker's! Cor. 8th and Hamilton, ALLENTOWN. Subscribe for tho Carbon AlrocATEt the rheaiMt and bmt local nVipsur published in the county. POETRY ON WHEELS Would Jon com fori know, As yon lmckittrtnt o, Over country rod all inootb or rough t Trjr tlie "Oil Tunrwml Sprln ," Which Krcldler pull In, And your plalfotms ride rr fnmijbl Or hac )cm a notion, To ifl rid of '.tone motion, Except the motion lengthwise t Then Ret the "iianner Spring." l'eeler, Sold by Kreldler, Hie dealer, And yon will he ture of Inning the prize. lias your horse a nutck gait, That he can well wait ? And when nil Ihe roads are just awful Tuen (jet it low "Corning" of Hairy, Ton Smv-riVE Dot.tAiMl don't tarryl And he'll run nn all roads that are lawful. The up and down jelk, The shafts every way work, You can now effectually ctniB, I It busing the Old Ellptlc Spiing style. From Kreldler's nice pile, And you'll nn longer these evils knduhk. Is your horse an old Plug, Whose grave should ho dug ? A hi A Spindle lluggy will make It so easy, Which Kreldler will sell, With top made so well, For Fifty hollars I so hreeiy. Heavy and Light Repairs Prompt, Cheap, and Good. A pleasure to show Ooods. II. It. KHEtDt.Etl, Wmworr, 1M. SPECIAL NOTICE. INVENTORS can secure advice lo tho patentability of 1 heir inventions. PATENTEES cau receivo assistance in the sale of their pa lent rights, ami full in formation rogariliug: PATENTS cau l.o obtained by TRADEMARKS addressing Washing COPVItlGHTS ton Patent Attorney, in care of Carbon Advocate, Lehigh ton, Pa. THE CARBON HOUSE, Henry Drumuore, Prop' FIUST STREET, LCIUailTOK, l'ENN'A. TheCurhou House has been lenotateri and tuiproed tliroiigli.ut; ttli electric lighted and well ventilated, and U ainoiiR the Heat Hotel In thti section of the State. 1 lie imtronaee of the imbtlc Is sullclted. llest aceiiiniiiodatlons for perninnent and transient custom. Cnai ges very moderate. Fine l.l'iuors.Fresh Iteer and 1'orler, and Good clKarn, for sale at the liar. June Is. ' ly. Fine ll'ines, Liquors and Cigars, Fresh Beer and Porter. FREE LUNCH every day from 9.00 to 12:00 n. in., and every Saturday even ing.' Cull und see me. I will treat you right. Oiipu.ite the Carriage Works, North First Street, Lehigliton. Insolvent Bettor's Nottce. Nntipp is liertlty hIvpti that I'ATltlCK I'. McdARVKV, or Header Meadow, L'uibon Uoun ly, lias atiplled to the (Joint uf Coinmon I'leHs, fui tliu Cuunty of Cm bon, for the bene lit ol t he Insolvent ol the (toiuinoiiwealth of J'enu sjhanla.ami that the salt! Ourt lian apiHilntetl the second Monday oUinif, A, Ih lsi (it he lug ttiellrht day of the next teijiu of I'mnu, fur the final hearlHE on bjM petition, at tho Court ilouse In thft byiuugh of Maucli (liiunk, In said County ott'Ribdii, when ami wheie the credlt oraol ttaidl'ntik-kr Mcdarvey may attend, If Ihey think jirtmer, nnd show cause, Hanythey hae, whj ho should not le dhrharped DAVID (1 VAT KINS, 1'iothonotiiry CitAtfi & 1inrtK, Solirltora. mwi-lw This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success ful CONSUMPTION CURE is told by drug gists on a positive guarantee, a test that no othej Cure can stand successful?. If you have i COUGH, HOARSENESS or will cure you promptly. If your child has th CROUP or VHOOPING COUGH, use it tuickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON UMPTION, don't wait until your case is hope, less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im mediate help. Laree bottles, e,oc, and tl.oo. Travelers convenient pocket size 25c, Ash your druggist for SHILOU'S CURE. If youi lungs are soie or back lame, use Shiloh a I'o om piasters, Price, 25c. I Oil SALE lit Dr. U T. llorn.Lehfghton, Pa RUPTURE ! We, the underilgnsd wre entlrelr cure.1 of rupture bjr llr. J. II. AlAvvn mI Arc). St , Philadelphia, Fa., N, Jones Phillips, Ken net Square, Pn.; T. A. Krelts, NUtlngton , Pa. t M Hmall, Mount Alto, Pa ; liev.S. It tther mer, Hunuurr, Pa : 1. J. llellet, VU H. Twelfth ?i , n eatiing, r.; wra. nix, isso Aiontrose St., PhlltdelpLiti; II. U Howe, ttWMmm., Heading, Pa , (leurwe and Ph. Hurkart, Ioouit St., Heading, pa Send for circular. Annua! Statement - -OF TUB Leila Boronau School District, For the Year Emlititf June 0, -HECKliaB.- Illance un haiwl from last year $ Ml a btate aMroprlatloii. jfcip n New ljowi....... 11MQ0 From Tax ColMlor. Tore no KM'KNJHTUitUtt. liitereaii boutla ami uotM Sim S3 (letter! repairs T Impairing aod jInUug roof r. t u rhalra, Mblea, btMh and uka. at 30 HeadlucctMil 900 rim iiiewiiitPttHi oil iMtcyoiotimu !,.,... a uu Ooal. , NT it uquiu atauiut. uucKeu. Ofuanes aua brooms.,: n 13 uvwturvr a Huary sv ou sscrfOnr'a sjOaty n w Janitor's sMiiry 11 i Huodrtea , 8TT imtuce 111 itvmwuiy ,,. ill fi We, the uudrlgtoW Audit 0 Ihbcfatou Borough. Cat boa oouuly. S., fyivimi oaxafulJ) exauiloed (he above ouiitsoi the Trewaurcr find tbeia correct U tbebset otoor luwiwMffe kit1 QUI. IOVKK, I -HKHOUIU'IM.- I'lUliOU butt.., .till l .. mm IMWIfOtti g(Mr ToUl maaam Illw n amodnt hohwiww amb umi'aiu-iimht or liwrwoT. btinu. at 4 par Hoi,aiSif Mam 00 lu tmi, ol ivauufcc. JlUM it, 1(W-V3 BON Just Kerrivpd if lnrgc '6 All Silk nt only .17ir. per yard. Is 11 new wnsh fiibrir, printed on light nnddnrk grounds, nil new designs, beautiful finish, FTJIiI. YARD WIDE, ONTiJTlO OENTS PER YARD. m 3raTiV Vlt KM Aiu one of ths nf-wect of the fine wnsh goods for the season, ll'e have them in n variety of eolorings nnd styles. New things in lllnck nnd White LACES. ; Pin skirt nnd ruflle width, iriinilt. . buuiiuuii; aim is up to ine tunes in 1 no new similes hiki diner out weaves, including many novelties not to he found elsewhere. Sensonnhle underwear for Indies, men nnd children. mioAlivt'AY, Mmich Chunk, Pa. Ihe Cheapest For Wo 11 Pi tiou L 5 (P tPti I won npirirr BWUII ilBUIII ICL The IBi''kf Baby G aps, Ruchings, or Notions of you see the if 11611111 Obert'B Block, Lchighton. CHARLES Wa111Bapey9 BOWER'S BLOCK. Opposite First-class Taper Ilnncini; ation and Frescoeing a specialty. Ilouse Painting in all its to be satisfactory. Patronage WE ARE PRETTY THINGS FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES. And we are confident that it iiid 6ec us belore you buy olsewhere. ion can select here with tho same advantage as in the larger cities, prices and quality o goods being the snmo, and in also have mar Ony At Usual KeAIERER NORTH FIRST STREET. A Present We will give a present tn every purchaser of $1 or moro n set of views ol the World's Fair Huldings or a huudsome pen knife. TPo are determined to mnke a rushing trade and nre bend ing all our energies to muko it not only give you presents, Nut ought to bring you ol lliemeelves. af.Q pairs Mixes Dnngula Diillou. tip or plain, 11 lo 2, itnttli tl,60: only . 1 10 200 ialrt Wt.mii's Carrot SUppert, ltt quallly, only 0 60(1 pairs llly SUoea. well noitlt !Ai renu, only 86 200 palri Children's Weilju Heel Ilnllun. north (15 eenls, ouly .... 60 160 pairs Ladles' Oironl'l lea, nortli tl aa, only 96 Red Button Shoes and Oxford Ties for Children. MEN'S :-: SHOES. CHOCOLATE COLORED BLUCHERS, CHOCOLATE COLORED LACE, TAN COLORED LACE. 100 calrs Sleu's Llalit Welalil Klnn FUom at 26 pairs Men's Dongola, Kangaroo liuUli, Oxfords, woitli tti.5o, only . . 1 60 We sell nrst claas working shoes at lowest prlrea ever aeeu In Allentown. Babies' Ome Jteiw Slioe gtoe 723 Hamilton Street, Allentown. A Pointer to-Retailers, . S A "Ed Till .'. Can soli and delh or you any and eveiy tliiii in tho lino of Fi'esh JFM'asiStt! letsif Vvyvtos fries, Including Hoans, Peas, Pineapples, Ban anas, Oranges, Lemons, etc., etc., cheaper then you can buy them .in the cities. K3ff Kemeniher this aud let us have your order. OSCAR J. SEAGER, Wliolosnlo ComuiiMNiun Ueulor, Entst Welssport, MARCH E nnd bt-nutil'til line of including the popular Point iJur stock ol O. A. REX. Place in Town inor, liordors nucl JJocora- is at orncr ot hecond nn iron otrceis. Dress Trimmings any kind unti new stock A. GOTH, P. 0., LEHIGHTON, PA at lowest prices. Ceiling Decor branches. All work guaranteed solicited. SHOWING will be to your iuteicst to call some instances better. V a Low Bt'lces. Hespectfully, ife SWARTZ, for You! worth your whilo (o visit us ; we sell yon shoes nt pi icos which Uenu our prico list below : only tn 60 To make ronm lor neu Wall Paper at Cost is the time to take advantage of Now Big Bargains South Fiust Stiiebt, Leiiigiiton. Miss Al voi n'a 1 LADIES' We will sell our .tidies' They nre all this season's goods, There nre about 100 of them, LOT 1 IPere $5-00, LOT LOT 2 Were $7.00, reduced to $5-50. ilieilford Cord Cloth.) Were $8.00, 634 Hamilton Mrs. M. Cutton, Weissport. Branch Store, Firafc street, Lehighton. The cheapest jilace in this vicinity to buy Bedrcom and Par lnr Suites is at the popular establishment of JOSEPH P. REX, East Woissport, Pena'a, Over the Canal llildge. li'siular AtOiilioit in all lis branches, in connection nlth FLOUR, FEED, ETC., which JOS. P. REX, East We always make It a point to save mouoy for those people who buy here, bi sell. UK the beU rooJs at the very lowest prices. thus seenro advantage of hat we are I'argalns. Just now we aro selling FHU1TS AM) YEGGTA0LES OF ALL KINDS AT UX11EA1ID OK PRICES. WHILE IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Beady Made Clolirioi. Etc., We hold the foit sn ltock Boltom prices. C'oine and see us. (Her Cinnl Hi lilge. AN IMMENSE LINE OF in im -worn Have just been unpacked at our money Hived to buy of us, Don't forget it 1 ICE CREAM ! Has been reduced (o an even 30 Cents Per Quart ! Our Cream is the best made iu be bpat. Drop in to see us. B. I Culton, Lehigliton, Pa. FINE SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND BEAUT! FUL JEWELRY. Are among the new things now on exhibition in our store. We beliovo that nowhere in this county can you find a prettier assortment to select from at lower prices. Our goods are not trash but goml honest goods at lowest prices. CONFECTIONS AND FRUITS. The forme in alljdelectable dainties, and everything seasonable in the latter. Sunday schools, festivals supplied at low prices All the Very Latest Novelties in Toys Lowest prices and biggest assortment. Clias. H. Ntisbaiim, BRIDGE STREET, WEISSPORT, PA. we will fur 3d dnys sel Fine Millinery AT Our 8tort As usual we eclipse nil competitors by ex hibiting (he largest as sortment of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets at lowest cash prices. 0al. before buying elsewhere. Graver, rJS -IN- JACKETS, (Reefers) Jackets at a reduction. in Tans, Greys, Blues and Black. reduced to &4.00 reduced to $G,50. St., Allentown. Bright Flowers of Spring and Summer Time are here in PRETTY Jfifliitep)' JJHeetj. A rare feast for ladies who like pretty things in New Mil linery Goods. Come and see us. Fashionable (7ity Milliners enables us to give all the newest tilings. Prices the Very Lowest. in jiaiil to Uinlertaklnjj tuo above we alto carry a full lint of we are selling at low prices. Give ui a call. Weissport, Penn'a. If you are wise you will buy here and constantly offering purchasers In the way ef goo 0. W. KUNTZ, East Weisspoit. well-known store and it will be this section nnd tlip nrir r.Wf