0RI5IKAL CHEAP CASH STORE Bargains ! Ono of the greatest bargain on earth Is ilio .Win. Serges, reduced from le. to 12 'o. n yard. A. handsome line of patterns, book-fold Cashmeres, thai sold for 20c., will go down to lor. a ynrd. All shades, o line assortment of colorings in llrocaded Dress Good- nt prices that our competitors t annul touch. Our Outing Flannels are vrr,, id 1 1 net lye, and some vory neat pattern-., and tho price are. as usual. lndo nil other. Your attention is called to ou Dress Trimmings. Our nwortment was never ' nw 0T me pric-os soiuw i.ie stook consists of Chilton Lace. Oiiups in oil color nnd dilforant widths. Nail ' Hn,l trlmmlno li. .rJ,.s , iilv popular this seawn, Molrf lro.r Kdgo Ribbons, all shade and wi.ltlii. I Satin Bilge Oro drain ICtblions in all ; shades nnd wldtli. Silks, Batlns, Sumhs, I'lushes and Velvets In nil colors, at prices that can not bo matched by any other house. liy looking over our stock and learn ing our prices, you will nt once aee that our competitors are not lu It. J. T. NUSBAUM, 1 1 1 si Kirrsl, bftneeaSoulliana Plum Streets, lhlfihtoa. Pa. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1802. OF ISTKIIKNT TO ,!U. O. IT, A. M. IIOYR. f.lrely lleim Conrernlne flip Onlpr nf Mi--rliaillrt 111 (lip KflKliborliuml. The American, of Pittsburg, has these items from a correspondent hore which may bo rood with Interest by many of our renders. Stroh Council, No. 7.11, of Weiss port, which was Instituted on Nov. i, 1891, Is In a very flourishing nud pros perous condition. Starting out with a membership of 30 It can now proudly boast of baling 1!3 staunch Americans; with careful guidance tlds Oouncll will become a fnetor in secret society work in this county. The bill of furo for next Wednesday evening is the famous Oriental. They have the repu tation of serving up n very delicious article. They arc on the lookout for P. N. C., Uro. Wm. R. Stroh, who may happen nlong our way sometime. llro. John V. Miller, of Lehigh Council, No. 101, of Lehighton, who sometime ngo had the wul misfortune of dislocating his nrm nt the shoulder, Is slowly Improving; It is feared tho arm will remain stllf. The brother has nur sympathy. It is reported that llro. Charles Frnntz, tho genial A. H. S. of Lehigh Council, will soon wed a young lady of Lehighton. If true, we olfer congratu lations, llro. O. I. Schoch, the poet, claims "that men nro merriest when they are from home." llro. Chnrllo re member your lalwr is not ended In the Council when tills knot Is tied. It is claimed by good authority that V. C, O. 1 Acker, of Lehigh Counell. No. 101. is the most nccom pUshcd and efficient olllccr in the business, barring no one. noT.u nirrtni.Aus at i,Nsrnitn. f'rtmpheirii Jewelry store soil ltoMrtiti Novelty Store Ituriclnrlteil. LAXsronn, Pa., April 18. Two daring robberies wcro committed in this town Sunday morning between three and four o'clock. Tho first placo entered was the iewelcry store of A. L. Ctinip bell, whore the burglars secured a lot of watches, clock', lings and spectaelos to the value of about 8110. The burg lars effected an entranco by smashing t ho glass in the largo front window. It is said that n man living near tho store saw the robbers smash the glass and then run up tho street and wait there to seo whether the noise had awakened nnyono. Finding tho coast clear, they returned, entered tho store through tho opening in tho window and robbed it. All this time this more than coward gavo no alarm. The burglars next entered the store of William Rosencrnns, nlso by smash ing the window. Tho uoiso ot fulling glass was heard by Mrs. J. II. Klock who at once gavo tho alarm. Tho burglars, however, secured nbout worth of rings and chains. It is not known in which direction tho robbers went. Yesterday n few men, supposed to be the robbers, were seen on tho mountain side, but they have not yet lcn captured. HAKE 11 IIA1.I.OT. Instructions to Votere auil Klerlloti tlnli-ere ' ing at Hazleton where Mr Kelser is Alino.t jtesili . engaged in business. Secretary of State Harrlly Willi - -This town, like many other towns shortly Issue cards of instruction ex-1 throughout this beautiful Lehigh Val nlalnlng tho llaker ballot law to voters I ? '"Ju,t uo)v experiencing sonie of and election olUcors. The instruct Ions . . will be plain nnd useful and will liegin by stating that tho object of the new law is secrecy. The right of the inspectors to chal lenge voters remains. No one aan pasa the guard rail if he is challenged or his name Is not on the Iwllot ohook list. until ho proves his right to vote. No , . , Vi I mi 1 ono can bo given u ballot until he has passed the guard rail. 1 lallots must be folded before thev are alven out. so that only the ofllolal indorsement cn I f r. Ver8m'aeJ'1I0rt "P ' aijropriate for the occasion. .fetn' , , ! -The president of the Reading Rail No ballot shodlu be given to a voter roa(i is evidently not well veined in the who desires help iu marking it until j geography of this county, as In a letter the judge has allowed auoh help to lie to Ilurgess Soiith ne tries to;oothe given. A voter deairing and, help must dwlare .Itelly that he can - not read, or Is so physically disabled that ho cannot mark bis ballot. The voter mutt choose ills own helper. F.Iecllen ofileera are responsible for the safe keeping ot all the ballots, whether ued at the election or not, No voter ean boallowad, to take auy ballot out of the Inclosed spaee, whether he lull marked It or not. If he attempts to do so he should lie arrested for an attempted violation nf the aat. The esrcl will also givy detailed atruatlari to Qllleer a ta conducting eletrfloiw. manner of ntnerwise employed liy the company Tl.. Popular 15e hilwtslM. (or gtfj mrH He took great Interest W call ihe atteathwof our readers iu military matters aud was a proml lo tl.a advertisement of tbe well Jtnown i ueut ftiu on training days. Ill a few Dr, P. O. Ibaeli, eve specialist, of . . Maueb Chunk, appeariug with us this week, The doctor Is a practising phy slolan for many yaara, and has a "id reputation for skill aud ability m tic treatment of all diseases of tu , , Ho was for two years ofB ,i,t for L. Webeter Fox. l'hiuwtit:. , famous ooulUt, aud was also on the opthaliale atali lo the tteriuantown Hospital. The doctor can be relied ou for good result and his charges are very reasonable fall Oar of luur l'c-ket llonk A safe way to do this is to examine our all-wool suits made t j order at i i, 118, $& an t up, which witl lie a gteut OAMlart 10 yoyi pock'il hook, secure Sana uuesi Myiu ut eisu't Tsriiariof Hall. aWk ot mother crundy. ,M, H. ti ihirIi I -I it en a Milk mill t 'tonal tMitl i US Itisl tl p,.'f1 lit I'lnHo lit li . -I carp -N Wntll i H i 1 of Ingrain mid Hih-pI ! 'ury 8chwartz' l.o new advertisement ild in our pnper to-dtiy ili ctili jewelry Ht lowest ."k's popular jewelry More, i he tin innn and iIumlwr t neat new iim to the ha--lireft NYnL'-t nnd l;ilf;tsl lin ciy and kcIiudI sujipUns ;tt of i.dion low prtM- at llock s llooigi- KeuiortT smllt's Hip arrival of a baby girl. Motlior and baby are doing well. Ijftdien' Spring Jacket ro wld JW TO,"eSLSi eESiih rSSSI ? ih-i ; iST i wit ere ,vller Honnitii Marsdorf. who siune years ago hail a shooting gallery in the base-. mp"J. . "s" " "ow . M . ,f . HQt, ciilltlreu'n Suits and pauts are to bo sold at continuation prices at the One 1'rice mar uiotinui. i iau,3iaucii ununa. Lehlghtnn and Weissport needs, manufacturing imlnsttles. Parties looking for a local ion ran find none better than here. -P. 1. Clark and Ambrose Kast were on a piscatorial excursion to Pine Ron, Weduesday. Thoy hooked twenty, three trout, so they say. The girl who didn't have au faster bonnet found Just as much pleasure In a ride In one of jRke Klstler's turnouts as did the damsel who sported new lieadwear The Oermania Saeugerbuud will hereafter hold their meetings at the Volley House, instead of tho Mansion House, on North KIrst street. Dr. W. K. Dan.er, the well-known eye, ear and uoso specialist, of Haele ton, wi 1 be at the Exchange Hotel Id this eitv on Friday, May 20. 4w Strong and woll-niude suits for men and boys can be lionght Xi per cent cheaper at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauoh Chunk, than elsewhere.' The numerous friends of Miss 1 little Koons, an excellent teacher in our nubile school, will be much pleas ed to learn that she is able to attend to her duties following an illness of some weoks - The sprightly Maciingie Progress is five years old. The paper is a power for good in its locality and should con. thine to receive the encouragement of tho people of.that town. David Lbberte' teams-like Ileury Nloholas' hair -are always blight. The f'oung follow who wnuts to make a losi ng impression on his sweetheart al ways litres teams from the jovial Davy. It is a fact, Luckcubach, Mauoh Chunk, is showing new and pretty things in Wall Papers and Decorations. This is the season tor these irooos. Don't buy until you see them. Onadon Hutten Lodge, 080, Indc nendcut Order of Odd Fellows, of this city, will participate in tho grand de monstration atiiazieiou on Hie juxti instant. The boys will all wear high silk hats, and they nte a good looking lot of follows and will no doubt make a line appearance. - The taxpayers of this city will vote oil increasing tho borough debt H6000 on Fridaj-, May 27, for the purpose of building a hoso house to have rooms for council, school board, 4c. No one wKl deny the necessity for such a building. It should bo built. -His thought that the "half time '' suspensions nt the Packerton shops will not end until May. The company clulms that these suspensions aro necessary nt this tiruo in order to svstemiiw future operations. Tho Lehighton Hosiery Mill paid out over 80(10 in wages for the month of March. Au order of live oases of hose will be shipped to-day and an other of the same size is being filled for shipment noxt week. The work is progressing lively under the able man agement of J. W. Yost. - Tho "Rand of Mercy" will form ally orgaulne lu Reber's Hall at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Tho committee cordially Invite all ypung people over eleven years of ago to be present on t lie occasion. llaker Seidel lost a valuable young colt by death In a peculiar manner the other night. Its mother was tied In tho stable lu the usual way, and the rope used for this purpose became twisted around the n.t.l.l ..H..,n. tl.n M.llU colts neck and choked it to death. WIlATHrSltl.Y. A UutlKlt or luteal X(w I'rom li I.I ely ltoroiiKli. - The society erout of tho week was the marriage of Mr. Charle Reiser, formerly of Weatherly, but now of Ha zleton, to Miss JennlClllakslee, youug est daughter ot W. W. Ulakalee, one of the oldest as well as one ot the leading business men of this town. The happy ovent took place on Wednesday even ing In Oraco Episcopal church, where Rev. Tollman, of Mauoh Chunk, pro nounced the ceremony that united the young people for llfo. All lu all It was a most fashionable atfalr to wliMi the elite of W oatherlr and about two hund red Invited friends from ueighlwrlng and distant towns can near testimony. Iu tho little church that adjoins the Ulakslee residenco were many flowers nud potted plants, and the pavement from the house to the cnurcu was over laid with rich carpets. A dosed can vas oauopy built over the pavement shielded all from the gaze of the trav eling nublic. The young couple were the recipients of many presents. After a short trip they will go to housekeen. i r ha en-eels nr ine tiesninir lutirmui deal. Kxceptlug two locomotives now lu 001111)6 of building, no more are to lie built at these shops and conse quently many of our machinist will lie oomiielled to seek work elsewhere, lu the foundry all tho' single men were suspended Indefinitely. The car shons are still working full, but even these ' loreB 01 ra8u "'" weu. i ,TTM'' S?iile,r T1 Bbout .p30 little folks last Saturday by presenting decorated Easter egg to each one of j them. The distribution of the eggs I was made in Cassler's Rluk. Several I !? tLPLZ'iS! 1 jker near their plaoe for our spec - lal benefit. ThU is either an evasive. or aud exhibition ot Ignorance to the t 1 11 ,1' 1L 1 nnimsiiioii v..,., -Weatherly has uow a base ball olub j ..in i ..n ... i.i..j HU Will UHV UW Ml HHHMW WVTHIW n. .11 r ... uu V. pelled to Iwetow. M l 1.1.1 AH LILLY Tlie 1 lluMli-Bn Cnwkldate lr lnsu-Kt-Laree. General V'illiam Lilly, was born in Tales county, . V., Juin3, 18SL In 1838 he removed with his father to Cerbou county, Pa., and settled at i-Brryviiu. uu was a cunauoxor ou ine uoavsr Meadow Railroad iu lasts, ana . , AB ... uab alni.lA.1 .. year he was elected a brigadier gener al, the youngest man iu the state who bad attained so high an honor, lie nioted to Peutt Haien. in Carbon untv. and was tirctcil to tlie the Legislature bv the Democrats in 18S0, . mid ugalu in 1s."l. when hibtiicl I missed being choscu i'u i , mi ultici. w Inch fell to John IVssu.i. wli. hi., (icnetul Lilly, was tlit.n a strong licnui ciut. and w tio wit li the genci al i liau' il hi views duriog tbu wul uud l "aim .1 pronounced Reptililicen Until the autuniu of lil t.i'ui-al lilly wus uu actue Democrat lu LLait year lu. bee tme a working lieimblicati aud lias ictiilillled one cs, siuiv II. has utti ml,- I sc ml National Rcpuldi can ni nt I'm- as delegate ot altci ua'e .iiul lias lacii a number uf er important Iti'iaililii'in htite I'ohM-n tlollsimi lS'-l I Ic sfivcil an li p'l'oll ean deUgut at l.u. Ill Llie Costiln tlooal tJuUlvlltloli IU WT". t iki'., all aetire part in thi proeeedings uf the .cOtnrsMllon newsy weissport. 1 TttUlctor RMftrtyTownllHi-Hyrhron.- rti-il In Bhmt Knlt-Bnp Order tT tlid sti.tih'i" nnd Cfcnni. li M. Bolt, hn tm been in Now Mexico forn number of years, returned I Mr-. .lacol', lioyer. ..f Hlatl.igton, is ! .iti....i .. I. K r ....i,ii,i., 1 .n.in m,i.ni.n. -lien Runts in laying a substantial ' Mag pavement in front of his residence. O. U. A. M, plaoeu in position me mc - Nathan Snyder and daughter Miss I ner atono of their now hall and dedl Mnry, are visiting In Lehigh county, j oaled ihe building to the service and - B. F. Zellner, of Seigf rled'a llrldge, perpetuation of the principles, alms transacted business In town to-day. i and objects of the Junior Order of H. ILKrcldler will shortly display .' 1 a ulsfiin lin-of hnby oarringes. (he well known Chart Itotli. Mi., mi. n. ...HmnKin A...-hr I ltrdnv at Allentown nnd Betiilhem. . ebto In thU town ws how- Mmorv l,pk In IHrtl hel. hn WAN ,, ih. bimliipHM of beer bottlluc. I onnth - r Individual Is pronrt of a bottle Sed I.V .lOhn ( llttll 111 lllol. Rcv. J. 1. Yotter, of the Evangelical (hurcb, 1'arryvllle. was a familiar lire hore iVedni'siIny. -Weissport was favored with a visit from Webster Weiss, of Rethteheiu. this week. Mr. Weiss formerly lived in tlila county. -Our unnnlai and hustling Ji. J. Hongen has Just purchased from Mrs. Helen Honah. a frame dwelling situated on Fnion Hill. MlsaWeeder, an estimable young ludv from the state of Iowa. Is sojourn ing pleasantly with the Misses Rnpp on lower White street. -Sylvestor Snyder, accountant for the Carbon County Improvement Com- any, did business at Wllkesnarre on Wednesday. Ottr public schools will close a very successful term on Monday. The teachers. Pi-ofessor Minnichand Miss Fva DeChant. de-serve warm cntulnnu- dfttlon for the good done during tho tonn.r ' " Our popular )ouug friend. Al. I Youngkeii, ft back from Kimkletou, Uonroe Countv, where he visited the Comioil of the Jr. O. U. A, M. He re ports them In a flout ishing condition. Aftor au absence of fifteen years iu New Mexico, Henry, son of the late Solomon Solt, Is back among relatives and friends in these "diggings" for a few weeks. He brought with him a young son of Orlando lloyer. of Topeka Kansas. Tims far fifteen of our best young ladles have signifiisl thiir intention of joining the Daughter's of Liberty and liavo signed the appiioatiou lor a charier in the bauds of William White head, Jr., one of Rti-oh Council's euer getio members. O. .1. Saeger hus sold bis retail store to O. W. Kuutsi & Co., In otder to devotejnore of his time to the build ingupof his wholesale business. He handles all kinds of fruits and vogeta-, bles, cigars, confectionery, wood and I willow ware and solicits your trade. -Mill.,'., s.f.o,. 1.1. 1T , I W. 11. Adams havo been sued by Dan. lol Williams, of Lehighton, who wants justice and damages. Williams lived in Horn's house and was notified to get out lie didn't git, so the above two moved for him. The case will conic up before 'f-kjuire IlelU. - -The Carlton County Commissioners hate served a writ on the overseers of the poor of tho borough of Weissport to show cause why they shall not pay several hundred dollars due the coun ts for the malutntuenco of Milton Deibert who for several years pnst has been an Inmato of tho Damillo Insano Asylum. The borough authorities claim that Deibert was never n rosi dent of this town and they will resist payment. John S. Miller, Lsn chairman ot tho Memorial Day sub-commltteo has Issued a call for a meeting nt tho office of Dr. W. L. Kutz nt 7:P0 o'clock Fx I-1 tyrants. It was this restlessness under day evening. The comniltteo as np- the yoke of a tyrant's rule that gave pointed tiro: It. A. Outh, of tho to us a blessed liberty, It wus this Knights of Honor; W. L. Kutz, of Polio natural, Inherent, Godly right of overy PoooTriboof Reil Men; C. A. Goth, P. I man to BO a king over himself that O. S. of A; Milton Setzer, Stroh Council, , filled the hearts and souls of tho Revo Jr. O. U. A. M.; V- H. Christnum, Order lutlouary patriots with the llro of 11b of Iron Hall: II. A- Knerr, Moulder's 1 erty, and which to-day makes us free Union; A. A. JJeJtz, Lutheran and i citizens ot the grandest nation on the ReformedSundny schools: Dr. Andrews face of God's earth. I do not wonder and A. D. Rishel, Evangelical Sunday 1 why our forefathers wero willing to schools. I sacrlflco their lives, their fortunes and i miri.i: us Tin: no. l'liiali I'liliircii uf riimtlltir I'm us Ci nnd (lolnu;. milng . .Ex-Judge Meendseu, of Towamen sing, was in town Wednesday. . .Frank Oerber aud wife, of Auilen rled, were in town over Sunday. .The genial CI. 11. M. Stockerand wife are visiting Gaston friends. . .John Stark aud wife.of South Kas. ' ton, are visiting relatives In town. . .iurs. i. ij, unnipueu, oi iinsioru, i spent Sunday with her parents on 4th stteet. . .John Schalfer nud Eostou, spent Sunday v In town. .A.C lll'0lliead is at l1emitlBton. N. J., angling for members or the tinny ! tribe. - , ..Miss Laury. of Mnuoh Chunk, spent Sunday with Miss Floy &rn on Third street. , .Genial Clint lie Maurer, of Wilkes- lwrr. wns in tnv.ii with tl.o -Lnv." vnr Sunday ' ... '. , , , ,, , Wesley Schuyler and wife, of , , - - . ,,,,,,, Michigan, were guests . or U llliam Hoffonl and wUe over Sunday. ... .... . ' aiiss .uaggie nemerer, ot Asiuey, is visiting Mra. A.- II. Mertz. on north riret sireei. , . Misses Lizzie Sohooh and Dora Campbell have returned from adelight-1 ful visit to lelatives in Lansfnrd. Thomas Snyder, after a few duys i alcnce from till city U lek again ' Iietter looking and liippler than ever . .Ciiarles Goth aud Frank ; Merits, of V letssport, lstted Herliert Lisenhour, frescoed room. " ...... un ' . .Messrs. J. Rioliurds.of liiilu,lolilua. I W. P. aud J. I. Rintey, of Boston, reg-1 uttered at the Mansion House yester-. day. . We saw. John HelUotlmier. uf Al. ! lontown, on our streets WeiluesiUiy. to o'uoe of trust and lesponsibill-1 Reading pattern, and dou thesamo He looks well and hearty, alter haling ty, men whoso only quulilioatlous May loth. The caps are slightly differ gone through a railroad wreck. In fo' ofllolal favor are, determination to out in shaiie from those now worn on which lie was very badly injured. Miss Nora Clark, one ot Doyles town's popular and successful lady teaehers, wa iu town Friday with her sister, Miss Annie. Samuel Diokeusou, wifeuud daugb, ter, M. O. Bryan and wife, Mrs. Hunter and others attended dtvlue services In ' on S.u"(Ug' the Kpiscopa! church, Maucli Chunk 1 ,inJl Aptt".i, V,1U" faoturer of "Aruer's Celebrated Phos phates," wa in town for a few hours on Saturday, hulking as happy and hearty .foi. ,,.,,, . ., . , , . Wllluuii uhert, tioonie Reichard sn Ol. .. 1 l 11. I , ,, j , I and Charles K Brinktnau. ptiuular 1 fT 'WLi"'''' ,?r,loare cwve rne excursion will no doubt F. ...-..u. u.. nW.r nol! " trl"' .8. J. Kiatler, Est)., and Dr. W- G. M. fseiide, of Lehigbton, who returned recently from a trip to Florida, were registered at the American Hotel Sun day. Allentown Item. Deteetlve Smith. of Alleutou ua, here Monday, lie hail bis u-nih.'i cm on be look out, . Profs. S. Z. Stlupc anil III urge Gray, of our public schools, spent Easter at home iu Dauphin county. U. O. Ihisui, one of t he Ihigh . Coal 4- Hardware Company litm.of I thl lively little city, is in ischuylklll ciittiti loouuig up tiusiucss in tne powilci and dyuanitte line Wc lial tli.' pliasuie ..fclo-stng dints with , ,, rneiiil William Mot'kci. now it .l,is,.j t'ity.whois usiting in tnwn toi a I .l.is Will looks in.l till,, ,, snoietime moiiug im. k to Una salubrious lucallty. Kestaiiianter W l'. li-s ,i,..u,m- tianied bj Ids daughter. Miss Gertie. l uesiray eiunyeu t ne leugntrul pleas ure of a ride to Tutn.ti!iia Inbuilt Mr Pi Jer's faucr stepp, i Mis Frank H.oi-ci hu.I iluuuhtei, Miss I.yilla, of Dclawaie Wstei I lu. are Rlll'sts ol Miss AiM-uin , ,n oi ,n,t riiatltcs In this citv Miss unie. Ihe i'-tituatik' iluali ter ol out i st I townsman. Ueu Gro-saeup. is horn from Plainfleld. N J. A GALA DAY FOR PLEASANT CORNER, A M lM.lrte Thflr Onty NW IlnlMInx Ailllrtoiilr. There vhi no more hus- plolous eveut in the local history of Pleasant Comer WgfWand theoommunlty known laBUPaa the Mahoning Valley than that of Baxter Mon day, when Oak Drove Council. 357. Jr., 'Uni,ei American Mechanics. The ,..,. .M.,i iTi II. N'othsteln of thin city, and I located i.bout one bmidreil ynrds from tho Im1 Hotel. It is built substantially of frauicatid In dimensions Is 24x) feet, two stories high. The .tlrst floor Is for public meetings, entertainments and local . . amusement and me seooml floor Is used for Council pu purposes, ine nan Is ixrev anil oolofol table ami when lm- proTementnj'outem plated are iierfecled . It will be eaual to any hall iutue coun ty. Oak Orovehassomellvely, earnest workers In Joslah Miller. .1. E. Me- Danlel, Joseph Oaumer and Alex Seidle, who are indefatigable in their etfortoto advance the Interests of the Council. The success of Monday after noon's event Is due to them. At two o'clock on that day headed by the Jr. O. U. A. M. dram corps between fifty and 100 Juniors from Oak Grove, Lshlgh and Champion Councils fell iu lino and, marshalled by Joseph Oau mer. a meinlier of the Order and a veteran of .the late war, imraded hall the exetTl.es were opeued by 1 Chairman Seidel wltli singing followed I with ninsic by the drum coriw, nflr which Oeorge W. Morthltner, of this ( Innn. w liitroibioeil and Nlioke for a . 4 U '- I IICIi llvillllllllB tv short half hour. Among oilier things I tlmt he wld vai: Follow citizens nnd llrothers: Yu ) occasion suoli h us this is always one of slaninmuee. The dodica- ding, the laying on more or loss tion of n bull uln.ll.... ...ln.1 ..l.lnl. I. tn ..n..l.w.t ' the after actions of ouo's liTe. Cluster ed around and ubout this auspicious event will ever linger ploasnut recol lections, and as this organization grows in strength nun wgor, so win ine niem- ories of the past revive, and thoughts of Infancy nud early struggles come buck to us. If our houso Is built on a found allon of truth, honor, justice, lituo, purity, luitrlottsm, and love ol iioil, it will stand vigorous lu itself, but If tho foundation be without those principles of truth and justice, the mansion, no matter how grand nud stately, will crumble to dust nnd sopn become a H-'iW of the past. It is the fonndation, tllu corner stone that keeps up the structure, and iu (his you will have nothing to fear -for with such mlncl- pies as those which bind us together In .,,:,' r..i,' ' . V," """" the common brotherhood of man this Al 1cit'lmrl. s killed on structure will stniid forever glorious in tho alley road some time ngo, sued its own light. Long after you and I the company for dauiiiges. Tho case hieisN.lBay and are crumbled to was In twuit this week and settled theilust.tho principles liero represented ., , , " . will lire anil fiourlsh. others will take lli0 "l(,ow w111 '1 tho com our places aud push mi the good work pauy to pay also tho costs of the suit wo havo begun, for as time passes on and pay hor 8150 for lawyers' fees. The our members will increuse until tliov will bo legluii. It is only natural that it should be so, only light to expect tlmt tho youug men born iu this laud of light and freedom should cluster around nn organization with principles ns broad as onr own. It Is human to bo n patriot, natural to dcslro liberty of thought, action and principle, and thus It Is not to bo woudered nt. that from tl beginning of timo -in all ages and in nil countries, thero al ways was n restless spirit of tuibulency caused by dospotism and the rule of their honor lu fearful warforo when I review the counttios. history ot monorchia! la l,n,o 11 innn 1...... t,,.,1..,. ,vl... 1....1, logon the grand old colors, would not I cry out ns did Patrick Henry," Give me Liberty or give mo death, " nnd yot those imtriots had not tasted of tills Godly blessing, but they felt It, they realized it, and from the work-shops, i iirpsinos nnn iHisinoftR nouRfs.q. i nnr rusljelto arms leaving: wife, mother nuu childfiu, many never to icturu, , dying iu the marshes aud swamps far ,' ",,", "" im "o and unmarked if (,, ,i ""su . """' mnuml. irmnder tliati nnr mnnnmnnt over chUollod by liumau liands, Ono cardinal object of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. is the upholding nnd upbuilding of our publio schools -from the top of every ouo a ting should ever float. Tho J'V.V! , , ,? , S, ""I-rocK upon wutcti our iiuertles nrc fouudel aud upon which our national super-striic ture, honored aud respected by nil 1 i...n.' 1 ' ,i. uiiuwus, uun utsru uiuii, HUU U1U 111V bulwarks of their defense, heuce what j lw B moro anDr0prlnte insim,!.. . .. 1 -!.:-.'.-- . "I inrnnrinip insimiin. . or sight more beautiful to behold tuati the Hug of our country proudly floating l........1 .Hn.lln. llj iflUllui. IliiillllJK i over ine lortresses oi our tree lnstl- tutions. It will be a valuable assistant totlio teachers, the dear, old starry banner ; for though It hangs silently lfore the children on the walls of their rwpective rooms, yet there will ever U?w from 'f a Pyleep uiuler-ourrent of uneonselous tuition, whlchshall con- tinno to (ow 0I1 through their souls m,d uves and actions, long after many oi ine leaciiers lessons nave fnded awav into fursretfulness. I also wish to I lmorewi tlie Imnortanesof tennhlnirtlin i principles of Civil (Joverumeut In our schools. jOue of tho dangerous enemies to which our repnblioau form of Govermeut is exposed, is the olectiou to get au nincoauu inetr willingness to be used by designing politicians to enhance selfish purposes. Teachers should touch the duties and responsi- unities oi oiuciai position, as iveu as the dangers arising from the orostitu tlon of a public trust, to the service of mere illttcal demagogues, in order that Uoui'ity aud Intelligence rather t ltn.il intrigue and avarice, may be the standard ot uualllloatloiis far onlce de minded by the people NOTES B THE W AV. t,. The members of the Junior Drum I Corps are Amandes Oochrau, 11. A. Moeaer, William Muthard, David Muth ard, William Horn and C. II Seidle. , ..,. J , . M'. . , . . oxrilllV. I Tho h.w nnii. i i u. tune but tliey are getting there. , Kiiti and 11. A. Delfendenfer projuuient visitors present Oak Orove has 75 met .Oak Orove has 75 members. The council was Instituted Ootober 11. vm. SKenrrHticiirr tinisiv. iti. . . ... All seoret sooietlee tn this city and W elsstjort should take part iu the tKSer ,",ra",,"tr,l"" Al,8t fainllv. of South ' ,1 r Ytt"VaVic,"OT luu llU11 uo .V.m 1110 county underthe erv VlPRBaratlr' T iuuuulvu. mouu-. uow uaKer uauot Uiw. Tho oloctiou eij lUPHHitr.ii ,1110111 niftrksthoir ornvftH. imri vi-t nti nflltarU ma w..n ...i r " lupAusd of olorr oror hnrorn ni'pr thn Plmfloo A Wn,.., I'linniL iA' i.-:vrIuiu'"za';r" n'r' '' ..?7J K.- U b10 " 8""lr evealng. The prob t"".! McKport,ill beiustltute.1 on abllitle are that be wlllbe eleoted to April 33. rills makes tue twelfth Ger- the pastorate of the charge ooraprising mau C astle lu Peuusyivauia. thr Towamenslng and Big Creek. . large ami nuall iituUtl, sU our low IlL-Mai, KIoU Corumandai r. K. ti IVnt U' it iv.,.i. n, ,.i,i.. ..., .... ui. .i..it..,u ,A .u E. of this oity, have decided to partio,- pate in the graud demonstration at tjuamliersburg, on May UHh. Viua arrangements will I um If iKxt Moo duveieulug iSrl'he elis.-tton u-tunn. from the rniiimaiilctii-sortl Regiment of Petiusyliania llranch. K ti E.une the So vent h Military fulluwiug . result: for ( oloui-l, l D Johnstown, received Zi tJiuucn, oi votes, for Lieut Col , Geo M. Lewis, of Hudio ttaad, mvivetl IT vtiK .1 K I'.li ick. of Rlttucb. and M Uuu aw thnrv fore eltiott d, iieotucly, (Ndoi.el ami iift Iiitalnicnt fur " M t- auii'iiut ml! l'U you flotlnu Ab to Hi One fna Mtur Clothimr Hall. Mannh Chunk, which should be s irreit in , duoemeol for yua to call. IN A FEW WORDS. A LI let r Writer Telle Ihe Sterj or Ilia Happening! ot n Week In seal About "'" ur. j. n. bhiii is president or I Mauoh Chunk's II. of T. r lV(0 Weatherly lilldreu were eaoh presented with a chocolate egg by O. V. Miller of that town on easter Sun day. 1 Kor loosing a ttager. leaker Hor- lachor, of Weathorly, had to "set tip' the Ice cream for the town, Don't bet. .Tor.,, IIa. ir.lt 1 1 ...,,. ...,,..t,. .i.., ru to JcanesviUe. T Tho Evangelical, Reformed, Luth eran Union Sunday school, of Mahon ing, near Horn's, will purchase new organ and are now soliciting funds for that purpose. J. Thompson MoDantel Is still the lively proprietor of the impular Kagle Hotel, nt Pleasant Corner. There is au opening in Weatherly for a good boot black. Prof. J. P. Rowland, formerly of his county, but for some years past of Allentown, will move to Philadelphia about May 1st. " Rev. C. D. Clatlss, of Muhlenberg Uflss of TRI. confirmed eleven catechu mens on Sunday In the Lutheran church at StrouiUburg. ' Harry V. Clatlss. or the Amerirau Hotel, at Maueh Chunk, and a member of the Allentown Lodge uf Klks, was registered at the Hotel Allen Sunday. Allentown Item. " Paval Oaliosli, an Audcnreid Hun gnrlan, is iu the Haleton hospital with a broken head. Mike Streak, a Carbon Couiitv dago, Is under treatment lu a Luwno ' "u,"-v ''l'"ni. Mr Williams Kmms. mice elei k for J. C. Hayden A Co., at Jeanesvllle. will take charge of the Western Union Tel , ,n .... "IP" 0""-e" ' Messi-s. Staufter and Wear, of Uett- ver Meadow, the young men who lime leased a tract uf land at that place for coal mining purposes, will commence cor-',,,,.,,,.... Libit tinvt ,i ...itr operations probably next week. Sir Knight C. A. Hitter, of Weath eily, and Sir Ktiiglit Cross, of Mnurli Chunk, delivered inleiestlug addresses lo St. .Tallies CouiniHiidery, No. C8. , Knights of Malta, nt Allentimn. Men day evening. No more work this week' at our, breakers. Slnco the great railroad deal ! bo satisfied with three days or nothing. v hen the railroad company gives cars tho breakers run, and when they say no cars the breakers stop... Cor. Daily Standard. A Itsmnite Salt Settle.!. M .... 1.- T-It , . . rase had attracted considerable ntteu tlon on account of its Importance nnd on necouut of the eminent legal talent that would have bceu pitted against each other. For Mrs. Reichutd, up. penrcd Messrs. Freyiuuu nud llcydt, of Maucli Chunk, nud Gen. W. H. .Mc Cartney, of Wilkes. llarro. The.defenso was represented oy Messrs. Crulg and Loose, of Mauch Chunk, and Hun, Robot t H Wright, ot Allentown. It Miiile Cumtiilnifi, Mp,l, It is said that tho maddest man over the deal was Charles II, Cummings, son In law of the late Asa Packer. Mr. Cunimlugswas u Floriia and know nothing of what was going on until it was all consummated. It is said ho was Intensely indignant and Mrs. Cum mings shared his Indignation. He do- uuuuceu inoso who went luto tho deal for tho Valley In unmeasurod terms. This ro,npl nnTra .11.... 1 . inis renort eomss rlirect nn,i in,iim i diets the statement originally inado that Mr, Cummings had assisted the I Reading iu consummating the deal Lnstou I ree Pross. ihe coming Election. The members of council lmvi, u,.i.i wisely In deciding to submit ton vote ni f m nnnt. a nf . . uH .i. ..t orulictheror no they want h hoso 1 house. An Mectinn far thi. will be held on Friday, tho 27th day of iuu, utinvcu um uuurs oi seven o. m., mid seven p. in. There will no doubt 'cry inrgo voto polled as the elec erllng, inspectors the clerks not hnv- ing ueeu namea at this time. The prosont bonded indebtedness of tho borough Is g9,400a very small amount compaied with other and smaller borouolis in thn vuitnP Our cltlzeus and the growing import-1 ur'"K your Fnrtu Wagons, Flno (Sir tiuco of this city demands such al.i , r, , o- , , building and it should bo elected. riages, Rabj Cartiages. Signs or what- 7 ' For Kent. . A Largo 'JL, story Frame Dwelling, with .. . - r". . ...-.-i - ftllMllClll. Wltltfl n ,m 1 llnn.,u n..nni !, ciT l miA f.t ' --' ' Ml' u,l uw,v Ul'lMilJlUll na n rlt,trlr. n,,,t r.. s..,witj ctiu wiuui-lj SlUIU rOOIU, situato on North First street. Tho contents of tho store Includlugstock of guuus, 1'iwnuc unu iouee roaster with good will be sold reasonable, on account of owner of property moving away. Apply on premises to William R. Rbx. P. S. Y lot of Norway maplo shade trees for sale at 50cts per tree, to lie taken fresh from ground. Tlielr Summer L'nlfurui. The pasaeugcr tinlu employer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad havo received orders to procure summer uniforms and new cap of the Philadelphia me vaney ana the coat Is longer. The I P A R. buttons will take the place of I L V.. much to tho regret of all the boys, I'lratant Kntertaluuieiit. The iwpular Cucoo Club, a musloal orgauliatlon of this city, gavo one of their Interesting entertainments at Pleasant Corner. Monday evening. The programme was made up ot an oHe of fun aud everybody was pleased, t'sblnet I'liotetrrsrlie Free nt HUlirlft to all persons lu Carbon County ntxive I the age ot 85 year. ! I'.iiiiivvii.I.t;. J Tlie llieuta or liar In tlie Iron Town llultoiulxe.1. -W. . .,11 Ia ,l.ll .....1...I oouvulisMwioeIf Mrs Frferlok . Schmidt, who lias been quite lllof lata. 1 -Joou Harber 1 home from Lehigh , county where be was on a vWt to his I jiareuU. II didn't bring those cigars' along with him. . -Rev. Kel,r. of Ohio, discoursed , eiple of our public aeh'ools, aoaorapaii - led by his wife, snent Raster very pleasautly at Peunsburg. We tender an earnest avnituithr tn Mr aud Mrs. George Reinuart, In the early death of their bright UUle deugh ter Miriam, ho died early Tuesday morning nt the tender age ot seven vam. uflMe in ill, ,uu . , t i, rAU wiininaiiireeilinsease.tvphoid. Ilnrisl Thin sla.i. -Postmaster Joseph Fields is coo Hiied to the house Miss Lydia Fields has the honor of haling sent the first money order through the post otHee at this place Miss j.',, ,.. ,,,,, obliging iiostniis tics- Miiiiiaul J 11 Kistlei and wife s,,. nt Sunday with IteUileheui friend. A popular Lehighton business man ou oar streets Tuesday was A L Ha- gernuut Post Offlee "Dont'a" Dont mail any letter until you nr ure that It is completely and property addreasi'd DoU'1 pi the address s, i that there oui fm the isist mark, in the hurry oi business, mime or the side you In ir own u veri common will l, .... Don'l fail to Willi' t lii tMid and , o error. Vou't rail t aki eeitaiu that your manner of writing tho untne ofan ollice oi stnt i' ltlHr lint num... II I.. 1... i mlstnkmi foi- i,.,u.. i . . . ' " . "ITinr- ance. u is onen iietter tn write the name of the state in full. Don't fall, ir yon are iu doubt as tti the right name of tlte office for wldeh your letter is intended, to consult the Postal Uulde, which auy postmaster will be pleased to show von Il tlis -nlfa ot cno ol tho bolt known tar. tnacljts la New ltavon. lining huslneis at 141 Dlxirell Are., and e ireslilrnt of Dm Connce ttcut Pharmaceutical Afsoclatloa fl sayjt "My wife was for jcveial years lu bad health, due to a complication ot dlaorderj. Frleada persuaded licr to take Hood's Sarsa patlUaj she took 0 or 8 bottle, and Is cer tainly a great deal better since, In overy way." Mrs. Martha Peed of 1885 Itanisey street, Baltimore, Mil., voluntarily says; " For Over 8 years 1 suttered n Itli a Complication of Rlsonsoo till the summer found mo a confirmed InvMlit, blood poor, arnetlto gone, bowels out of order, and I was miserable In mlud and bedy. I read of such wonderful cures per formed by Hood's Sarsaparllla that, at last, I thought I would try a bottle, as, It It didn't make ine better, It could not mako mo worse. It old mako mo better, aud on my third bottle X found myself almost A Now Woman t will gladly convince any lady, as I have proYea 10 myseir, mat puruying and enrich- to perfection, ts tho best CanstlmtUaal Treatment, and In many cases, does away iui an i.ocr.1 i rentment m the many dls esses with which women are amieted." Trylt. HOOD'S Sarsaparllla is es pecially adapted For Ladies and will euro difficulties peculiar to the aex. N". n. Be sure to get nood's sarsaparllla. HOOD'S PILLS cute Urer ills, conitlpttlsii, l-lil. mi ,-ai, jiunillte, tick heidtehe, Indlgeitloa. . VI '1 1'riiflits. l'rlcfl SI rent!. liargain is sure, at H. R. KiiF;itii.cR'.s Clieap Cash Cnrringe Works, he will sell a - u Carriage, bluing Wagon, Farm Wagon or a Cart, at pricos which can not be i,, ....... .11 1 1.. t i.ii. ,t..,i.. no is gobiy to strike a blow at all foimer price On new w,,rk ,IS wel1 Ks 011 "Uklnd of light and heavy repairs wldch he U now ready to oxecnte his new shot) across the canal bridge, eissport ever you want Painted. Remember the placo Kriedler's New Carriage Factory, Welssuort Are uiarkiugtheprieMouallouratO)d at Rock I lot loin Figure, lieenivw wa want to liave your onstom. W don't believe lu Rig Prices so we chaugitu the figure on our whole stock of Dry Good, Clollilug. Hoot. Hlioes, Hat. OaitH. Qavrpeta, Oil (Hot its. Wood and Willow Ware, Qtteenaware, Grmvr les Notions. c. TUU we find U 11,1 full.. unLrLII I... .1, . I . -.' ., ..r.. l-".!-. ' V"' row'1 "r tor to buy our new IN 1 Lrt nfTTnTii Fir nTiirl'nnrT Tfianmnrt I ?".' iWMi(4m or Wlinniinrt. uorn iniy uin you s.n we Bare. ' IT will be a pleasure foi us to wait so come and see us GEO. H. ENZIAN, niegel's Old Stand, Nortli First Stii-i-t I ! , 1 ghun. , , btiarneiiu tut- Au tiC.Ur Ill" ' Xi ''''BAiSCtS LOW SHOE DE 20 di Here ill, styles and s. I jew i Prices, as usual, Opera- House Henry Schwartz's, First street, Lehip-hton. Baby G aps, Ruchings, or Notions of you see the Al HAfyliiliil Al S Obert'fj Block, Lehighton. are s ttWHBair ' iretij W all Papers w we woes 8Bve j on ea! Comu nnd seo its, Howor's Blook, Opp., 1 O. Tlitie is no link in out' in.. : i . .t.sioi, u i.s .sun: u, in- Inst yen'r weie very large nnd monse, but we wnnt to do better in 185)2 nnd tn this end have bought vory largely of nil kinds Pnrlov Suite, Loungei. fables, C7hair. Hook Ctoses l'nney liockoin, Side 7ioards mid the other tilings in this Hue, beside many new and linudsome pstttims in Ingrain and Ihusscl Cur pots. Our plnn for iucrflHsing our iiiHiiess in 18!2 is through tho medium of low prices nnd beet qnaliiy of goods. H'e kindly ngk yon to come nnd see us, cxnniiuo our goods nnd lenm our ! .1 . PL 1 ll I prireg at.d we fhel wire will beeonio our patrons, Kespeetfully, KEMERIJi ifc iSaVARTZ, NORTH FIRST STREET, I"" i ... .fi n . , , The Cheapest Place in Town For Wnl Fapor, Borders smd Dooora tiouis at Owen H EjllElg; ig'g-esi! ihe C1oiBBBt.y d The II mm mi AT nth o dubi ivaHnunL. MAIK'IJ Clll'Mt, PA., Mn f4ooN, SI assess CkOoids. Wi3irc;i5 Pkickn for ibis sale, umn to vail aiBd see BROADWAY, Mauch Chunk, Pa, PARTMENT. makes to select from the Very Lowest. T Block, Lehighton. 9 At low prices at f! Si n h-ft . 9 Odd 9 1 llllllllllgb, any kind until new stock sOBaie very & Decoratioas, Id lie ile:'eil i I uml eee Olms. A. Goth. business; we believe in Ct Jill" at st-pi-lfj n . 11 ..1 - , luuuiui u nun 1 ucccss. utiT s.tii'8 tlie holiday trade was simply im ;l of Furniture Hed Room nnd lid and Iron Streets. AsoriiBBBeBiii eleci Iruou ,Ptiae lie sure Ihe har'aiii. A "O fj Xoili-A. GLOBE WAREHOrsi. 1ii!ii5S:5r5s4i U01B WarehousE. Specialties For This W Mn dftk .Tli Dtt n onse wed, n few 'sable nt ilPrSeetlBrttwiSa ("flibir) u' sth no. X. is Sit' 9 TlBey eaaaaBfiwt lit where nt the low lljSj'Biife we fflite to-eli&y. Gill One case of Fancy lledford I ords. 10 inches wide, in spring shades, sight ly stuff, lfl cents, worth nt) cents uiting Florentine Suitings, in gray an t taa mixtures, .IS inches wide, nil-woo), ch i ing this week for .17j. Great value Printed ' "Ur n"'""''''0" ''' l'r'"ted India I Silks is here. A full line of ( home do , signs. Quality superior t I offered nt the price atiythln,. Ginghams. A drive in Dress Ginghams w Styles In alaittt fifty different d, sigut. and a )oitive bargain at X cents u sai J worth 12' , cents Muslins. AUmt J,nxn. j-unUof H.wii Mualiut ynnl wide, at 5 etiU; ntr twlj fui & 10 111 No. 711 Hamilton Street. Allontown. ph.