The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 20, 1892, Image 3

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8top tmri consider this, are you Bet
tin yonr money's worth at tbe place
you are trading, it not, stop at once,
nnil begin to trade with a house tint nt
all tlthm looks to your Interest m well
as its own, and Rives you more and
better valuo for your money. The fol
lowing ttro some of our prlom nnu we
safely bcllere they will out strip all
competitors. Compare the price1! and
quality and figure for yourself.
nt stiipif cured shoulder, 7c. lb.
Heat sugar cured ham, 11c. lb.
Best country lard. 10o per pound, in
00 pound lot, 0 1-30.
Nusbaum's Our Own Soap, 7 bars for
25 cents.
Nusbaum's Tip Top Soap HettQr than
Baboette, So a bar.
Nusbaum's Our Best Soap, Co a bar,
cannot bo bought for lem than Eo
Nusbaum'a Olcan Soap, 4 bars for 30c,
our Own brands of soap cannot be
compared with other so called
Laundry Soaps, as the above soaps
are Mado expressly for us, and the
quality guaranteed.
Nusbaum's Baking Powder, 15c also,
this same quality, of Making Powder
was never sold under COc.
Think -of tho
yon are paying.
oxtrovegant prlcces
r-mt Mtreet, between South aud Plum street,
I.elilKtiton. ra.
The Carbon Advbcate
' AND HUtttKTIf INQ l)lt01'l'i:D.
Do Iteiiubljeans Fulled Down tie Persim
mons In Great Shape.
Tuesday's election in lively Lehigh
ton was in fact tho llvllest election of
a local character that wo have ever
had. It was a stupendous fight for
honors and the Republicans won lar
gely, carrying off all but ono or two of
the minor ofllces. Lehighton is Dem
ocratic by a large majority, but tho
people wanted a change. Tho defeated
candidates owo their defeat not to any
lack of intelligence or ability on their
part, but becauso they groomed with
leaders who are unpopular. The de
feat of the ticket goes farther than
local affairs, it lakes up other issues of
more importance in the county as will
be seen later on,
We append tho ore at It una rust A star
t ) donotes the winners :
Bnrien J, Kllutr, 1!., M; John B, Leiltt,
I)., til.
Councunien-M. S. Koch. It,li M.L.l:a
bcl, 11., zs. lllclisnl Hoons. I)., 282; Ed.
Schmidt, n.i 255.
school Directora-rW. McCoi mlck. It, i
Daniel Wleand, 1).,3CJ; ! II. KotUiteln, It..
3I7i W. C. Brlnkman, I)., 2Mj .1. T. Semrael, l.,
SUi Wilton Trainer, It., 229.
Constable-'Ed. llanorth, 1)., 385s John 218.
Assessor fieo. Delhi, It, E0: Ed.Chrtstnian,
11, S80.
Ta Coneclor-'Wirt. Sehaclle, n'3S7t J.J.
Kuti.I)., 212.
Overseer of the Poor 0nen Klotr, 1)., 3ci;
Aaron Krnm, It,, 25.1.
Judieof Elections W, I, Peters, I).,JUP.
A. German, It., 300.
Inspectors ot Election 0. A. Wasner, 1).,
Silt w. J. Heberltng-. It., aa.
Auditors 'George Itelcliard, 1)., 7i hewls
Dover, D, 3371 C, A. Harding, It., 282.
Death of Miss Laura Solt.
Miss Laura Solt, daughter of Solo
mon Solt, died at her home at Big
Creek, on Saturday morning, after a
few week's illness. She was aged 22
years and was a very exemplary young
lady with many friends. Interment
was mado on Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. Wuchter, of the Lutheran church,
Wolssport, officiating at tho last sad
A llnctjcet of Local News From n l.ltcly
The "Sons of Temperance!" hold a
sociable in Oak Hall on Tuesday even
ing in which they wore joined by a few
wagon loads of their brethren from
Beaver Meadow. Quite a number of
ladies, friends and acquaintances of
the memberst joined with them in their
festival, which ended with a supper to
wntcn an am iuu jusiioo,
Timothy Houser, an aged citizen
of weatnerly, living on mine street,
died last Sunday and was burled on
Wednesday attornoon, Rev. Mason.
heimer oulciating at the burial
Jno. Shaffer, a young man from
Rockport. died on Tuesday. Disease.
pneumonia. Interment at Weatherly
on Sunday.
Tho many friends ot Philin Do
Witt, son of our Master Mechanic. C.
W. DeWitt, are pleased to hear of his
convalescence from pneumonia. Ilo
was employed by" the Lehigh Valiey
Railroad Company near Newark, where
they are constructing a bridge under i
tils supervision. His recovery nas pro
gressed sufficiently to pnable him, to
come home last evening. Until he is
fully restored, he will remain in town.
r The spring election was a perfect
Waterloo forthe Democrats. Tbe whole
alright end llrees Oeetirenee. Inside Hie
llorongli Line.
Read (roth's new ad.
Buy prettiest jewelry at llni'lt '
-Ring, bracelets, natch rlinin i.
silverware, Ac., at Book's
Full line of Ingrain ,uil 1'iu- 1
carpets at Jlenry Schwail.'
Emerson Fraeble will build o dwel
ling house on Cypress avenue.
James Wort, of Fourth street, is
all smiles over a baby girl arrival.
Aniandes Klstlcr has placod a pool
table in Ills north First street restnu
Tax collector Rehrlg reports
In taxes still duo on tho duplicate
-The Carbon House has
leased to nny party or pi
-Dr. W. F. Darner, of Ha
be nt the Exchango Hotel,
March Hh.
It Is said that James Scliocb, ot
Denver Run, will erect two dwellings
oil Fifth street.
-Mrs. Elisabeth, relict of thelato
Isaac Moyer, of Fourth street, is re-
Tportod quite seriously ill.
Thomas Weaver and wife this
week moved to Allcntown where they
will open a private boarding houso.
The Urslnus Olee Club will appear
in tho Opera House, this (Friday) even
ing. All lovers of good music should
hear them. They are good.
-William Wernor, of north First
street, will, on tho 1st of April, take
possession of his farm near the Dry
Tavern, in Mahoning township.
Tho season for wall papers is al-
wuys with us. You can get the cheap
est and best new things in this line at
Luckenbach's, Mnlich Chunk.
Everybody oau't hold an office,
but tho big majority of peoplo can
afford to enjoy a rido in one of Ebbcrt's
turnouts. Livery on North street.
Oborts ore now In their now office,
which when completed will be a cozy
place to transact business. They will
add to their office fixtures a large, now
Merchant Robert Wulp rejoices
over tho arrival of n bright little clerk
In his family. Tho llttlo follow finds a
glorious welcome in a family of six
Idnday, Washington's birthday.
is a legal holiday and tho bank will bo
closed. If you have a noto falling due
onthatday-"flx"lton Saturday or it
will go to protest.
Ooorge Stocker on Monday took
possession of the Fred. Millor saloon.
George will make some improvements
about tho place and it will no doubt
soon become a very popular resort.
Howard Chubb, formerly a teacher
of our Grammar school, but for somo
tlmo a resident of Lebanon, has
entered tho Evangelical mlnlstcry.
Ills friends hero wish him success.
It will no doubt be very gratifying
to the friends ot Mr. John S. Lentz to
learn that he will be retained in his
present very responsible position un
der the Reading Railroad Company.
0. A. Goth will not open his wall
paper store In Bower's block, until
Monday of next week. Charley has
had tho Interior of his store room
handsomely ''fixed up" in city style.
The juvenile baso ball crank iu
this towu was wild this week over
"Billy" Yonser's familiar phiz on a
Uuslnus College photograph that was
hanging In the postofllco forn few
Tho Evangelical Missionary Society
on last Sunday elected tho following
officers: President, Philip Miller; vice
president, James Boyer; secretary,
Carrlo Weiss; treasurer, Robert L.
From the Schuylkill county Call
we learn that Reverend Calvin
E. Bartholomew aud family were pleas
antly surprised by members of his
congregation at Creasona the other
-iXho probabilities are that tho ex
tensive Lewis Graver proporty in South
Lehighton will bo cut up into town
lots aud so disposed of. This would
open up cleganj locations for private
Tho directors of tho Lehighton
Cemetery on Saturday evening oloctod
I'fHii'LK on Tim an.
in t..
ria.'i natures of Familiar fare. ciiIik
and flolnc.
.1, .clerPampliell, of Lai
i Monduy
Hanlil Campbell, of tlnnk
ln Phil vl. Iphla.
L I' Kern, f Lehigh flap, was a
visitor in town Haturday.
Rtibert Firherer, of Weatherly, was
in town on Monday and called on us.
- U. O. Hough and wife, of Jersey
City, visited Ollvor Hough and family
on South street, this week
Uoulal John Mspacli.Ti
.nor Mnnrh .
popular Inn mill aaW1 ii
TSnuoHlTFifiii UIM'IMB 1 i
A Lively Writer Tells the (lr of The
Ifappeolnta of a Week In flrnd Aitont
r..xl. nan Old Carbon
-Fuur Ilunirar.niiu i iblmt a itar.le
ton pack pi'.ldlpi u( Una"! Meadow
the other dav They vn. arrested,
bntaetth il (I n.. I,. pMi.g all the
Jume n'lioni.f II. lor mmiy years
a resident of Iimii'i'imIIi' an I Ivtaton,
diod at the huni.' i hi", nn In-law,
James North, at UriCLm. at KioVlock
Friday night
-There was a leap year party at
rii d one evening this week In
c damsels fBlr "to.ik the part
f. d is to have a bate Imll
ii' mrmber4 tind others lnter-
hold a ball soon to raise
f r fioxt season.
ele4 In Strati nl-ni.r OrrleY hv
.tretler" awl titinm.
Mlners foundry continues idle.
Daniel ( irnver was at Bethlehem on j Rapsher, is making an int
til Onaillr Oapflal SHftWr ,tCfiflmlra
lit a i.eell 6rfpeiinliiaf. fmsnil
ami Otlierwle.
W. M. Rapsher, Jr., fin ..f Senator
-itlng can
Wo had the pleasure of closing
digits with the genial John Lackey, of
otitic Coming ItortMSjlli llfleflr
The DemocrnU hero h9ultl -
Allontown, on Monday, while ho was clse more, barmonloHS spirit.
in town doing business,
Fred. Holm has returned to his
homo iu Minneapolis, Minn., utter a
ploasant sojourn ot some weeks with
his parents iu this towu.
Wester Beers, of Bowmanatown,
was In town on Saturday and mado
this office a pjeasant call. Mr. Beers
will ploaso accept .our thanks for fav
ors rendered.
Henry Kreidlor was at Allcntown
on Monday buying In stock for his
coach-making establishment in East
Weissport. Mr. Kreidlor expects to bo
ready tor business by March 1st.
Rov. A. M. Sampsel is iu attend
ance nt the annual Conference ot tho
Evangelical Associatlonovy In session
at Lebanon. The probabilities are
that he will bo reappointed to the
chargo in this city.
Local Splinters from n Grovrlnjr Lower
i:n.l Vlllnirr..
Clyde Bowman is reported quite
Up to date Bowmaitstown has no
Sunday school.
Smith ,t Zern ro busily ougagod
shipping timber over tho Central road
to Ambler, Pa.
Occasionally thoro Is some talk of
making an effort to havo this plsco
Incorporated Into a borough.
Thero was a slight wreck on tho
Jersey Central at this place on Wed
nesday. Several cars were dumpod.
Ono of Adam Hill's horses bucked
over the side of tho mountain on the
Flro Line road, Wednesday. Result:
Wagon nnd horses badlydamagod.
Joseph Brown, of town, employed
by the Carbon Iron & Pipe Company,
Parryvillc, fell off a moving coal train
the other day and sustained severe
Tho Prince Metallic Puint Com
pany resumod operations Thursday,
after an idleness of n few days to piako
jieedod repairs. Eight men nro em
ployed by this plant.
Your reporter was iu error last
week In saying that Elmer Seltz, post
master, had been removod. John Ruch
Is postmaster, but has tendered his res
Ignatlon, and Ponn Bowman is an ap
pllcant for the honor. If he is success
ful, as he will be, tho office will be
located in Boyer A, Bowman's general
a i'li:a i iik i)i;mocuatic ituror.M.
A Terse Argument forthe Clnvrfonl Conntr
The harmonious harmony of Carbon Demo
cracy Is possible sometime Iu theluturo. At
Jireseni llie idcuonai spirit is sucn us 10 pre
lude any ellort for adjustment uudcr the old
svstem of conduct. Artery larco number of
Democrats, In this county are tired ot the pre
sent nominating system, and attribute most of
the present dissatisfaction la tho ranks, to this
luctnod. There was an effort made sometime
ago to chanze. Tho "Crawford, Sj stem" v. as
suggested by the Cakbon advocate, and re
rlei pit tntelllirent and serious consideration but
the Interjection of the "Warren System" led to
confusion aud the matter rested. The objection
to a chance of oar present method Is strongly
put by those opposed. No doubt for a time It
wouln endanger tbe chances (politically) of a
ecrtaln portion ot the Democracy, but no good
reason as et has been advanced why they in
time uoiilil not be on an enual footing, ft Is
lust possible that the objections on Uiese grounds
are purely selllsh, beoause strenuously urged by
a few office-seekers. It Is tme Uiat st Is honor
able to seek onice, but In an honorable way, aud
front honorable motives. The neiago voter Is
content so long as the candidates are honoiable.
upright men, aud aro not disposed to seriously
question the maimer ot nominating, but as soon
us they are convinced that nominations are
"Machine" nnde they revolt, aud uheth rtlie
revolt promises any Imnrucmcnt or not, the
Revival meetings in the Methodist
church continue with interest una
Thos. Hunt, of Philadelphia, aflcr
a pleasant visit to Jos. Bennett, has
returned homo.
Col. W. F. Brodhead Is oonllned to
tho house quite 111. W hope for his
speedy recovery.
Tho Misses Aleimnder, of Philadl-
phla,wei6 visiting Mlm Annaliel Mr
Dattlel this week.
The children of Tho. Hnrleman,
Jr., aro seriously ill with sairlet fever.
fThey have the sympathy of tho people.
The steps leading to Summer Hill
aro In n vory bad condition. They
should bo repaired before nn nccident
occurs which will roanlt In noavy
TUB Flti:i! LUIltATiY.
Lelilglilou lias a l'nbllo llloasing In a Tree
There was openod in the M. E. Sun.
day school room on last Saturday even
ing n frco library room under vory en
couraging circumstances to all parties
interested. The library Is strictly un
denominational and is open to all
peoplo who want to tako advantage ,tf
Its excellent facilities for knowledge
Tho crodlt forthe establishment of this
library is due to tho pastor, Rev. (1. W.
Dungan, who is a zealous worker Iu
any cause for public good. Tho library
will bo open Wednesday. Thursday
aud Saturday evenings. Wo append a
list of the books and papers.
Vs'hcdon's Commentary, 12 voR. IIouih null
tho lllble, (ielke, 3 vols. ; Old 1 eit'imrlit I leroes,
Mever, 1 vols.. The I.'init of the ,I.i, uutler,
lllble Iji nds, Israel In Kgvpt;llov Ihellibleuas
Made: Women oftlieorlcnt; boomed itellelous;
Tho Nonesuch 1'iofessor, The City Youth; Talks
on Young Men: A Uo .d Htart: Suro to Hucceed;
Amusements: Supicmucy of Ijivv, Fiom Dostou
to Itarlelly; l'liiluHophv of the Plan of .Snhatlon:
Hand ltook of Itihle Meogrnphi; our Country;
History ofthc ltefoimatlon; Forewarned, Foie.
armed: Natural Law In the spiritual World;
Christians nnd the Theatlo; Dealh-beil Scenes;
Itomance Without VIctlon; Problems of llcllg
lous Progress; Yntiriulsheil Victors. Words
thatshook the Woild: Life and times nt John
Knox, Thirty Years War, fixed bv I"lre: forty
Witnesses fan t and .Upan, The Wesley
Family; Mlstei .1 aud Ills Friend. Daniel
(juorns, and hi id llglous notions, 2 vols; Fate
of Itepublles; I . 'iocs from Palestine; Life of
Martlu Lutbci; A Journey to Jerusalem; Wit
nesses from the Iliessed Life; Ileiole Mcthoillstst
PIv.The Atheinlan; Ulackburu's History of the
Christian Churtli ; Cruden's Concordance; Kllas
Iower, of Kaso In Zion; (luldesand Guards to
Cliaracterliutlding;(lodln History; Threshold
ot Manhood; Women of tho lteforinatlon;
Sketches and Anaclotcs j At tbe Threshold t Wo
men ot Methodism; According to Promise;
Home aud Italy, at tlie tlmo of the Kcumcnlcul
tlnuncll; Tongue ot Flrot Konianlsm vs. tho
Public schools: Young Knights of the Cross;
Popular Amusements; lteyond the Grave; Jesus
the Messiah: lllble DlcUonaiy: Jtncyclopocdla
lirlttaulca, 50 vols.
l'ArEns & rEiuouicAut
The Independent, National Tenipcrance Ad.
vocate, Reformed Messenger, National Haptlst,
New V urk Observer. Lutheran obscn cr, Christ. Adiocate, Christian at Work, Evangelical
Messenger, Evangelical, The Christian Herald.
Sunday School Times, The Ham's Horn, Gospel
In All IJinds with several more to be ndded,
the following officers: President, Theo-1 PTh IiemocraUe paity ot Carbon, can unite
doro Kemerer: seeretarv. John Sea- under tho "Crav. ford System" neither faction
boldt; treasurer, D. II. StrauU; Super-.
lntendent, Owen Klotz.
Miss Tilllo Buss in writing to a I
friend here says: bI was married to
Mr. Williams In Jersey City, nnd we
nro now living In Falrhaven, Conn."
This will surprise and please her
friends here who offer bet vvishos.
The Carbon County Improvement
Company have between TlkinudfjOO
incandescent electric lights burning
in this city, aud it is said that very
near or quite as many will be placed
Republican ticket was eleotcd with the , position between now and April
single exception 01 councumen lor urei.
which office the Remibllcans had no
candidates, tho persons nominated had
withdrawn prior to the election. The
following named persons are elected
to the several ofllces: Uurpess, M. L.
Smith; town council, Ed. Warner and
A. H. Horlacher; school directors,
Simon Schoonover and David Evaus;
auditor, James Boatty; tax collector,
uiayton uoover; constants, u. j. nist
need feet humiliated, all. each aud every Demo
crat, cau come on tills platform, rind loom and
a chance to make his Individuality as a Demo
crat felt In the conduct of the palty.
Ir uiine one In tbe countv. ot the character
nnd standing of Hon. Allen Crnis, would pub
licly aaareas me Democratic voters 01 ine
county, urging the 'Craw ford System.-' we be
lieve there would be a coming together ot the
tactions, ana tue puny unucti ior iniure success.
It isiar ueuer 1101 10 lei me coming uougress
tonal contest set asldo tlie (itiestou of comity
harmony. It Is too early to a.iy whether It will
he lllll.CleieLiiidor soirn.ther one. and en
tirely uncertain as yet which county will pluck
tbe Congressional plum. The Advocate Is
right, harmony upoiMhe "Craw lord" basis Is
possible, already one portion of the Democracy
favor It- Without another nominating system
the party will continue to win defeat easily.
William Wcidaw moved his family
from the Flats on Monday to the
Schwattz dwelling on First street,
lately occupied by Sheriff Webb. Mr.
Welilaw will conduct a restaurant nnd
has tho place thoroughly renovated
for that purpose
The "Four Leaf Clover Club" will
ler; assossor, Robert Talt; justice of hoU tiicir iret annual grand ball in
ePn?0ir Bensln""' J"dB6 ' ! " Pora "ose on the evening of the
, , J 22nd instant. Good rauslo has been
While testing an nlr brake at ; engaged for tho oroaslou and lovers ot
Packerton on Monday, Master Car t the mazy danoo mn vot on having a
celved n sudden 'jar that has confined Good time if they uttcud,
him to the house since. We trust the
Injury will not be serious and that no
will soon be about again.
A full line of stationery at Bock's
on First street.
The members of the King's Daugh
ters, will please notlco that the regular
meeting will be held at Rev. A. J.
Reber's on Saturday evening at 7.30
William Reber, of Harrity, fell at
Dr. Zera's on Third 6trect, Tuesday
night, and dislocated his right shoulder.
Harry Lawfor, of Philadelphia, Is
the now owner of Hermau's tonsorlal
saloon. Harry it an artist ot tlie best
Lowest .prices on guaranteed time
pieces at Bockta.
i umi Ll -- -t
Mrs. Wllhelmina Hlbshle, of Pask-
erton, had a ma n named Miller from
tho same locality pulled for slander
Saturday. The case was sottled In
"Squlro Beltz's court by Miller paying
life costs. Moral "Don't talk so much
In odder beohles plzness."
- The Oasbon Advocate job rooms
printed 10,000 stickers for last Tues
day's election, and that kilts the stick
er business. Hereafter the names ot
all candidates will bo printed on one
tloket according to the Baker ballot
law going in ajfect next November.
A traveling man named Kngle, ot
Reading, representing Smith, Kelm &
Co., was knocked down and run over
just as he was in the net of getting in
his carriage lu front of the Carbon
Houso on lost Saturday. The -horse
was, stopped on tho Lehigh bridge.
Bngle was not badly hurt.
-Mrs. Annie Miller had Mrs. Wil
ihelmlna Hlbshle in 'Squire Belle's
court for aswttdt and battery the other
day. Both parties are from salubrious
Packerton. After the star eyed goddess
The KvenUor a Uek In the Iron Town
Mrs. T. J. Wontou Is on tho sick
-Geo. Pettlt Sr, is alwut again after
a serious illness. ,
Rev. J. 8. Newlwtt was a vialtor in
this place on Monday.
Wealey Campbell Is visiting his
parents at this plaoe.
Aaron Straup la. about again after a
sickness of two weeks.
Alfred Hart man is taking out somo
flue lee from tbe dam,
Rev. Rudolph prswehed his fare
well sermon to his congregation laat
Sunday evening.
A Itreesy Hatch of Lively If appe'mncs In a
Lively Community.
Theodore Black, of Phlladelpnla,
Is visiting in the Valley.
Tilghman Balllot has purchased
tho lot owned by tho late Adam Her
ring, deceased.
The regular monthly meeting of
our School Board will be hold at Pleas
ant Corner on Saturday afternoon.
A few of our teachers and a num
ber of others attended tho teachers'
Institute, held at West Ponn last Sat
Miss Lizzie Smock, teacher of
Lapp's school, resigned. Miss Laura
Mussolmau has been appointed to fill
tho vacancy.
Mahlon Nothsteiu,tho blacksmith,
will in tlie near futuro move his fam
ily to Egypt, Lehigh county. This will
leave a good opening for a gond black
smith ot Now Mahoning.
Rev. G. W. Imboden, pastor of tho
Evnngollcal church, preached his fare
well sermon on Sunday morning. Ho
loft this week for tbe annual Confer
ence which is being held at Lebanon.
On Saturday evening the Dubs
faction of tho Evanarolical church re
elected Josiah Musselman. trustee.
On Sunday an election for Sunday
school officers was held and resulted
as follows: Superintendent, Milton
Strauss; assistant superintendent,
Josiah Musselman; socretary, Grant
Strauss; assistant secretary. Miss
Laura Musselman; organist, E. Lily
Arner; treasurer, Oscar Zimmerman;
librarians, Wallace Strauss and Sadie
A Cash Discount of 10 Per Cent,
virtu l. n n ...un n..nMn.,i
,(111 UO ttlVCU I'll Ull QUlta, UtlUUltU.
and pants bought within the next 30
aays, nt ine uuo rrice ctar uiotntug
Hail, Mauch Chunk, which will save
you a heap of money with the former
reductions wo nave mase already.
William Droisbai'h will Inilld a if
I sldence In East Weissport.
I - Sanger tiuloaded a car load of fine
j Florida oranges this week.
Go to Reuben Zimmerman for
all kinds of blacksmlthlng.
- Tills town has 77 32 candle power
and 163 10 candid power electric lights.
-The stores in this town nnd East
Welwport will be closed on Monijay
Washington's birthday.
A thirteen pound Republican baby
wm an election day arrival at tho home
of John Kramer. Shako!
A 1500 pound safe Is an addltlou to
the offlWllxtllrM of the Oatlwii County
Thirty members were taken Into
the Evtttigellcal chiirsh ou last Sunday
and acquisitions continue.
Two new largo water wheols havo
been added to the Carbon County Im
provement Company's water jiower.
-Mrs. M. Cttlton will sell out u nice
oemrtmeutof ooats and millinery goods
nt very low prices prior to placing new
goods on the shelves.
The Horlacher lee machine will be
located Immediately next to the build
ing containing the dynamo of the
electric light plant.
Harry Kreldler, of Lehighton, led
a very largo and euthusiastlo revival
meeting In the Evangelical church on
last Thursday evening.
Notice COOK renee posts for Mile.
Also lot of flro wood at a low figure,
See Georgo H. Enzian, Weissport. Or
ders can bo left at this office.
Rev. Yotter Will preach to his
Evangelical congregation In school
hall, on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.
Tho publlo Is Invited to attend.
Rev. I. J. Reltz Is In attendance at
tho annual session ot Conference at
Lebanon this week. It Is likely that
ho may bo returned to this Charge.
-Tho contract for Aaron Snyder's
new business block has not been
awarded yot, though work is expected
to be commenced nt nn parly day.
This town will havo , a merchant
tailoring establishment iu the room
now occupied by Kramer's mnslcnl
store, next to tho Fort Allen House.
A new 000 10 cuudlo power dynamo
has been placed In the electric light
building and another ono of tho same
capacity is on the ways, Thoro rit e now
thrco In operation.
-A very enjoyable leap year party
ut tho home of Miss Lillle Musselman,
on lower Whlto street, v)M a social
event last Frldoy evening that was
much appreciated by nil present.
For Kent Saeger's Hull, East
Welsspott. Well heated; all conveni
ences; lighted with electricity. Open
oveuiugs -Mondny,Tnoday, Thursday,
Saturday. Terms ronsonableftpply to
O. J. Saeger.
-Tho reformed couineisitlou In this
town has not and very llkclV will not
join with tho Townmensliig church ot
tno samo laltli. A voto takon recently
to'declde tho question did not result
- -Tho population of East Weissport
has been Increased by. tho arrival ot a
baby girl at tho home ot John W. Hel
ler and a baby boy iu tho homo of
David Hougou. Tho llttlo ones ore
doing excellently
Bossle, a young daughter of Ed-
ward DreUbach, of East Weissport, re
cently stricken with paralysis is slowly
recovering. The little one has suffer
ed much nnd her complete recovery. l
anxiously prayed for.
A very pretty private wedding come
olf ut tho home ot Mrs. North
Weissport, the other day when William
Dreisbach and Miss Emma Green woro-
united In matrimony's golden bonds
by Rov. Wuchter, of the Lutheran
Of the towns through which tbe
electric railway Is tb pass Weissport
has perhaps been tho first tb grant the
right of way, with certain restrictions
and limits. Bully for Welssportl The
company is said to bo very anxious to
commence operations on the construc
tion ot tho road.
- Dr. Zerh desires to Inform his
friends and patrons in Weissport and
Franklin that, although he has taken
up his rcsldenoo in Lehighton, that he
will make special efforts to servo them
vass forthe office of Presi.lont of the
"Keystone Literary Society" at the
Slate Normal School at Kutztown, Pa.
Out ot a total membership of 82, his
friends claim for him V supporters.
Wo wish him sudcess.
It Is said that Jam1. Carrignu, ef
this towu, will soon be married to
Mis Mary Duffy, ot Mlnorsville.
Beliuylklll Gottuty.
--Jumos Ross died Saturday nt his
homo In the Second Ward. Deceased
was born In Ireland, March 17, 1831.
Interment was mado on Tuesday.
E. B. Lelsenrltig, of this city, was
married to Mlm Aunlo Wickham, of
New York, on Tuesday lasttat tho home
of tbo bride's parents.
Josiah Williams, of Lnnsford, was.
ln'towli, Saturday,
miss StCUa Bhfnrd Is tUltlng at
Wlilte Ifottu.
Mrs. Cnttinrlne Kscli Dies after SnfleftiiR
Willi Paralysis.
Catharine, rollct of tho late George
Bsch, the builder and proprietor of the
Volley House, died between flvo and
six o'clock Tuesday ovening after suf
fering n third stroke ot paralysis. De
ceased was aged 07 years, 7 months
and 17 days. -Mrs. Esch was born iu
Berltusville, Northampton county, her
paronts being farm, people Her mor
riago with the late George Esch re
rultedlnthe birth ot seven children,
three male, Jamos, John and George
and four feraalo, Mrs. Ed. Htiuslckcr,
Mrs. Emanuel Clauss, Mrs. A. K. Mll
le and Miss Salllo Esch, ifil of whom
survive. Interment will be made on
Saturday afternoon at 1.30 from her
late homo.
Breiuer- Helfrlcli-On Feb. 13, at the
parsonage, Rov. W. 11. Strauss, Le
highton, Lewis A. Ureluer aud Mils
RosaUelfrlchioth of West Penn.
What is Scrofula
It la that Impurity In the blood, hlcb, acenmu
Utlnff In the gluudj of the ntek, produce! tm
lightly lumpsor iwelliogst wliloh tauaei painful
running aorei on the arm, ltg, or ieett which
dsTelopta ulcers In tlie eyea,ara.ornoM.ofted
canalng bllndneai or tleaf neaa i which Is the origin
ct pimples, canctroua growths, or many other
manifestations usually ascribed to "humors."
It la a more formidable enemy than consumption
or cancer alone, for scrofula combines the worst
possible features of both. Being the most ancient,
X Is the most general of all diseases or affections,
for very few persons are entirely free from it.
How can ft he cured ? By taking Hood's Baraa
parllla, which, Vthe cures It hat accomplished,
often when other, medicines hare failed, has
proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine
for this disease. For all affections of tho blood
Hood's SarsaparllU la unequalled, and some of the
cores It has effected are really wonderful If you
suffer from scrofula In any of Its rations forms,
be lure to gtre Hood's SanapariUa ft trial
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbyalldmgglsts. flfslxforfS. rreparedonly
byC I, HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell. Uass.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
Is that we are selliui; a hotter rial' .if Fine and Medium
Furniture at a lower price than it. on i be bought for else
where. We have practically no competition for our large
Furniture Itnoins, the largest ontaide thrclty, enables its to
keep In stock the bluntest assortment and consequently to
sell at the very lowest prices everything in our line. We
cordially Invite the pttbllo to call and see us, I earn our
prices nhd cxrmlne pfooods. v ,
Schwartz, Tlie Purn iture Mali
First" street, Lehighton.
You find the First nnd liiggest assortment of Stationery,' Hlfink
Books, md School Supplies in this c(ty nt unh enrd of price.
You Find tho Newest assortment" of Fimbroideries nnd Inserlings
to bo seen in the county.
You find Ladies Goods in great assortment at all prices
You find courteous treatmcntand prompt attention. .
You find Ribbons, Fancy IFork, Zephyrs, Wools, Chenilles, etc
You find that wo want your patronage and try to merit the snmo
by giving you iho best worth for your money.
Obert's Block. Lehighton.
jfclnto iI LEWIS UKAYEll, fleceftseil, Ule ol
Lclilglitnn norftnsti. Carbon county. Pa.
lA'ttctjtesUunentnryorMie..ut will aud teJ
tii men i of tho Into LtmlVi.raver, deceased, of
the county and atato aforesaid, have been
f;ranteUto the undersigned. All persoRsknow
ng thenneUes to he Indebted to said ostate will
make settlement at once, and persons hating
claims will present the wit no duly authenticated
for settlement to
AlA'KNIA (IUA.VEH, I metltors.
MKNltY (JltAVKlt, " : .
Leliljrhton.Pa., Vcb. u, l892-vti " ' -
J. G. ZERN, M. I,
Comer Third and Tron Streets,
Lehighton, Pa.
OITKIBIIOUIW: 7 Iu 8 lay W to 1 1). in.,
1 ami alter T p.m.
Ol'I'inutlOUHsat WftMiwrt: t to 0
I tolp. hi., iid II t0 7-J).
A Gutting Tim
Though our winter's trade
has been exceptionally good nnd
we aro not to bo found nmong
professionally as heretofore. Ho will! , , , -
boatDiery'a drug store and in thejthe mourners, yot we lmvo n few
olllco of Dr. Kutz every morning, noon
and evening, Orders for calls loft at
either ot these places will be promptly
attended to.. Tho partnership between".
himsolf aud Dr. Kutz will also be
Hiimor haa It that there will be
few weddinga In this place Iwfore the
May flowers bloom.
It U thought that new side and
switching track will be laid in and
around the furnaoea at an early day.
The merchant of tlila place are
making great bargain on their winter
igoods to the e who wieh to buy oheap.
The pnatoluee In luw plane will
soon be ret ly to iaaue money order
and potal -ote. l'oatmaatar Field
has filed a n ud iooreoaed bond,
aud the new order will aoon be In
Ilcolutlou. of Coudolence.
Wigwam l'ohol'oco Tribe. 171, I. ().,
Wetuport, rVbruary o, mi
It U ttlth tlie deepest sorrow Me learn tint
ttasrtm destroyer ban entered tlie home ot our
tajeved brother, Ed. f Weufcc, and nas taken
Mm train the laldst ot his parents and friend
tlasourKD, TUat tbe members o( this Tribe
tesslnff deeplT with his family lu tbelr Irrvnar.
awe loss teiuler them our sincere and fraternal
sympathy In their great sorrow with the hope
tbithevrho tempers the wluda to the shorn
laiAba wilt impart to them eraceand strenKth
lb bear their jtreviousaflltetion. lie it further
llieOLVKTi. That Uiewt retwlidkms be publish
eatDtUeCABMN Advocat iad spread upon
our reeords, also a copy preeeuted tp his fsmlh
P. I). MILLBR. i
II. 8. KnEfHie, S ComsiittttH'.
J. 8. MtUJUl. )
ltesolutlons of Thanks.
At a reaular meeting of stroh Coane I, Tu, Jr
O. 0. A. M., in Batter's Hall, Franklin, the
foUowtM reaolot loasHefeadtttedi
WlliuiiS, K. r. ('. W. It. UMb, et 11k ich
ChttAk, has preeeuted this Council with a h.iutt
aeae mt the aatloBal efubelmot our country;
taeref ere be It
I(liaoi,VKD, That ive temter him our aim t're
taaaka for so iraluubla and anuraelatlve a all I.
Quite a number of our thtwtrieal JfiZSi MrSiT' ?K
loiaa aitwiueu tue won auuwu pmy Ntues oansK isi ttSMfts.
y TJ tllw tlift llmnmmnlru. n t 1 ' B. L. ISMVDKU. 1
The Lehlcl. aud Schuylkill Valley Not In
the Iteadlns; Deal.
Reading1 officials do not know how it
came about, but the Lehigh and
Schuylkill Valley Railroad, which runs
from Lizard Creek Junction, on the
Lehigh Valley, to Dlackwotfd and
Minorsville, was. not Included in the
deal which secured tho Lehigh Valley
Road, the practical owners ot the Le
high and Schuylkill Valley.
This waa not known by tho managers
ot the road at this end of the line until
Monday, when word was sent from
Bethlehem to notify the employes that
they were not responsible to the Rend
ing Company, but remained under the
old arrangement. The Lehigh and
Schuylkill Valley is the uew branch
which gave 'the Lehigh a short route
to New York, and brought Pottavllle
aud Schuylkill oouoty nearer tt) the
big metropolis by one hour and n half.
The otUeials generally were surprised
when they heard this road waa not in
cluded itfthe lease. It is not a parallel
line, and It is boleived it was nn over,
sight all around.
ItMLltOAl) llUMIIUNna.
The Brotherhood of Railroad
t'UAS. IlOKlia,
U. ('UI
''TFhcrc are you going, my pretty maid?"
"To buy "some shoes" is what she said.
"Where do you buy, my pretty matdj"
"Comc" right along and see." she. 'said.
.IFherc did she gp f
Why did si 10-go there '!
Would you do the same ' . ; ,
The majrl than said: '
' Down ht Davjios " 1
Store, you know they
' 'Bought lit sh'eriiT's stile
the 'whole stock of store
and factory of Wolfe's, .'. ';'
and they nro closing out
at Big Bargains All tho- . "
., girls are going up to pick
out a pair before Saturday,
'as the rush Saturday is
- o big you can hardly get ,
'waited on Brother Charlie '
got a pair for liimselF and'
says he is suro ho saved a
dollar on th'e'm. -Now, reader . ' ,f
the place is in Allentown at
723 Hamilton street, need we
say more.. " While in Allentown 1
ask anybody they will tell
you our's is the place. ; r.
j i-v
Wo will be ready to supply the peoplo with all the new designs
hi iruu ittpers, uoraers ana ceiling Decorations at lowest
prices after next Monday and the stock, quality and low prices
merit your patronagp,v
J'ind a bit; place here. Wo havo thn hpst Pnintii. Hrtislms.'
Varnishes and Painters Supplies in the Valley nt. the lowest
Prices, .
Estimates cheerfully furnished for nil kinds. of House Painting
iuu: xiuenor ajpcora.ung.
Come and seo us. a "N
Bower's Block, Opp., P. O. OlllXb. J.. 'kJTOblL,
gooda wo want to sell nnd the
sooner thqy are, sold tlie better
wo shall feel. Wo must begin
to plan for the spring campaign
nnd want room . and. inonoy 'to
carry out tho plans wo formu'
late. To secure thoso two es
sentials wo shall
Cut tlie
Heads Oft
tho pricos on our entire stock of 1
Rubber Boots, Shoes,
Winter Hats and
Caps, Underwear,
Clothing, &c,
Have a few Ladies' and
Misses Newmarkets that must
b'o sold, we do not want to carry
them until next season and will
make the prices so very low
that their sale will be sure, to
those that can use them, they
are the best bargain in this line
ever ottered.
A lot ot Ledics and MisSes
Newmarkets that were worth
from $10.00 to $15,00 will go
at $2.08 Come and see if we
have your size
Another lot of tho same, that
were sold at from $7.50 to $10.
now 1.98, only a few of thsm.
but probably wo can fit you. '
There' is no halt in our business; we believe ju keeping at
it, for presistency is sure to be rewarded with 1 ucccss. Our sales
last year were very large and the holiday tnde was simply im
mense, but we want to do better in 1892 and to this end have
bought vory largely ofall.Jf.Hids of Furniture Bed Room nnd
Parlor Suites, Lounges, Tables, Chairs, Book Oases Fancy
Mockers, Side ZJoards and tho other things in this line, "Resides
many now and handsome patterns in Ingrain nnd Brussol Cnr.
pels. Our plan for incriMuing our biuinoes ju 1892 ,is .through
the medium of low prices nnd best nnnliiv of coeds, ll'c kindlv
ngk yon to come nnd see us, examine our goods and letfrn ourj
P es aua wo ieci sjire wiji uecomo our patrons,
j' Ilespectfully,
Kemerer & Swart'z
To make room for
Alrenla Mont.
-Our old frleiul 11. F. Stattwrwalt
had h ol.ln, tl.o I "a J"" oowp.ot-u "--. " IttewtrlDle aerraenl u iMilfMOB l wMr
' " v.w v WoV TnrrtinA twtriUA l limn " liaAL is u ntu . tm.
-a . - , a WumU MM
"The Eagle Store."
Nort'i First Ktreet,
A big closing out sale lias
l,PPn .Inlv inn.mnrot,,1 nt I nw weigued line evwenoe tbe oase was
. ,l! . vrr !,,. set tied by Mrs. Miller paying the oosts. 1 n ploeo of arpeoter work m we have
Well-Known Store. We Jiave a n of "too muoh mln - veraean. It U mode of aoUd waloat.
uig igt 01 nrsv-ctass uoois ana
Shoe and in order to sell them
very soon we have marked them
very low. This will give you a
?ood, substantial article of foot
wear nt a genuine bargain price
You want to save money and
we want to sell our Boots and
higuiou but 1 Hi lay evening. Among
those nreaent were R. W. Rluker. larrv .
"Jt1""'? X 1 A Widow. Oralllude,
MoAnilTe.Mlas8allleraUlt.Jmw D. ine oaeers AT wetubeuol frankth. iddaV
Klstler, Mies Annie Traub, P. R. VMtn. I sfr.Jof II.. sauened art resoeete.1 irs 1
MtatMaUlePetHt, Ad. Anthoay and "JS-SirTS r'aSsTorSF' i' !?
. kUMaeaa tut aympalbT sewwii me an nn tbe
Utal at aav anal aalleUau. Taa deal i l u.
auabaaMi, Tnba. K. Afaer, lbewas aiiettmln
llrakemen lost by death last month
twentvli members. Nino other mem
bers are: report ed'op. the disability list. ! but come to the DocflpitRtfng
iniriy-seven aeatti claims were paia
upvv goads, wo will for- DO drry sell
Wall Paper at Cost
Now is the time to take advantage of
Big Bargains
is the Ume Jo buy thee coldJgoUTII FlHST STREET, LeIIIGIITON.
wonthcr goods. Don't liyntTi
Xhoy nSi- make way fer
our Spring purchases, nnd now
-Are you going to have a sale? Do j th7furnTo factat; tSTdiii
you want to draw a large crowd? Do j 0f coke and ore. The oariMQter work ,
you want to realize good prloes? fjt , for treetle work Is being doao by
your bills printed at the Aoxocatk Stlgrwlt and Remlr
ofiloe, and announot -U uij uid date ' -The tlaaUon b W W;''
of your sal. in our column and Ton ' ettVlTfe
will be surprised at the number ot . Sawyer. SB: O. J. lajuer. Tboesa
people that will attend. Try It and be ' Thorn, !; school dtrc4ot, W 11 An
1 evinced. AnuniirIf
Shoes, and to do this we have Mrs Pricilla, wife of William i3; WMMit, 1L HaortUy. S'; ovaneer
marked the prices to suit the Bhlngier, died at her home in this o' tjjf So0r' , KJ1' , D5gL?iJ"1
times. Come and St e US and town on Friday at the age of 30 year.. t,"rttr:
takeaJvantnM of what we are Ha' . mM PrtdlUNone .Ja. WagnerS, Inar.. r.l,..
., ,. manner, ana ue was Dorn in ute nre HarKley, io; n. I . recen,
Liue, this county Eight small child
ren survive with the nuaband. Inter
tuvut waa made on Monday afternoon
iroui toe tvaugelloal onarcb The fain
Uy are In foor otraiimatatuiee.
Weed, ace lueflabtr tn esureas tlir iratltude
a wmw mmh tun uav
.roiawi m aj BIW r el. I. lor UM
lasiirsnre of lim laaaisnil aul . ra tieoai
Sid br tfc. dir.inS, vaS wa tw l keJare
mwt m io. auca aajsaeai ms
' order utay oeaUDU. totiawaad
Magi n Iha anieiea. I n.i
Ver Ti ily,
Msu TH'X F .'.US.
out in Deeember. Bach being for the
amount of tlfm.
X An Innovation that is oominginto
use upon the railroads throughout the
oountry Is an urrangement which dis
penses with the ringing by hand ot the
locomotive belL .This bell Is now rung
automatically by steam, the engineer
simply turning a knob In the engine
cab. The bell oontinuee to ring until
the kuob is reversed. The new inven
tion Is said to give great satisfaction.
. 6. ZERN
Opera House Store,
Jq MwuMrietiu.
a m i till of LnUiKt ( Ui
101.. Jr fi V AM KrL Mb 14tfc. the
tAooordlng to the report of the . .we. l,t.r. ta. on
aUtUtidsn of the Interstate Com- lloeje. nrs hair, aliarea ad doe. r.r)
re on
ineree CommUsion, the total number utesedteS -
You will Had as In Ike lead with Mere Pretu Styles and Beautiful Goods Hun eler.
Large oppoituiillles to bur vour Fall and H'lnter Uootls are offered. Our eaormous
, sUiek ef BMasontBlo bljles Is openeil and ready, l'rlcee within the reach of all, aud
new Is tbe time to buy
NOTIONS We have looked well to the needs of our Notion and Fane? Goads
Department la selecting the slock for Ikrs season, aside froin tbo staple articles In dally
use we have mad special efer,s lo secure llule novelties, that are tlwafa useful u
well at or aa mental.
HOSIERY. I'NIiEKWKAK AND 01.DVK8 The beat selections sad popiuer
UeM prevail In this department, as the acooof choice Is huge. We of course carr;
all grades of goods, which are sold un their luerlts. We lead the trade In lueae lines,
becsuM we sell the UeM at the most liberal prices.
cuiuiETB, and wt i.i v ukuh kak inn department la fully tip to ine
oars m an uetra. mxm
01IKW OOODS. ULACK (iOOIft and BlUCS-We are leterioloed to wake
Ibis depariaieDl win, aod sou caont fail t.i be pleased with our stock. The assort
offer. npr you in this line
gwwd IIU1IUS
Er Heal
A well cultivated truck gexdeu
tbe Lattugh Valley R R In Letugutou
Apply to J. T. NvWibeiua, Uhiftitvii
rewluljuiia arlr t6otlvil
Whksiav lu llie wn I'luMd' ii ul At
aKbtl Uod. ear ereteer Wui F Hei auu. ha.
ben suddenly taaea from oat mldsl. aed
Weaaaaa, we (ke aeshers ef Uil Council
aaelaetafrtearfselarotlMriluaa held In
ualversal seleeiii . laeralM, he it
Kaeol. su. Taat la tketr dees aglletlae nt
.iteud mir h.artjalt utarialb) 16 bU bereaveo
taa.U and
tseaui . aa, Tbal as a i.iaB wl t.iwi I to hi-
r? see caaner es lau ttartl I aapr.
IBute( liUW 19 esBeer J SHI m psW
Lbvi That & oop tf xbim rctKtUaKMti. u
kl U Kit lewuii) uWsl yafi iha mtuutc
of panoo rrported killed on the rail
ioads of the Uulted States Uuriug tbe
rear endlBg Juue 00, 1800, wits 6,331, ot
tvhoni ri were employes, 187 wre
paut-iiMtiai, and 3567 were olaaaedas
other persona," lt olaaa indudlng
Huiddes. Tbe total number reported
II Til HilDMHRR. undM- Uka Ki
iioti, maK Kren, ior a mbouui uian ore
hiooAble half cut. tvr CloMd uu Huatldir'i
Rvcstier't HiJr loolc. eurat Uaadruff. We aarry
lu dtork a full Una ol fuviv tnlit artlelM kl low
Mt prloet, aa4 wa ar (Ke oolr pUr lu town
where toucan buy Bandar' Cream fori lie dur.
When lookincr for nnythintr
in this lino yon will find tlie
assortment shmvn by us hns no
superior as to vmiety and
quality, and wo know our prices
will ho found vory reasonable,
lower than usually asked for
samo grades.
White Good
Plaids and Checks in a great
variety of styles, in fact jou will
have no difficulty in suiting
your elf with anything in this
line, we nlso show nil grades of
Lawns and India Liuens.
STUHKHH MlAVUtt) SALOON. uiHa.lte the
ADH'ATC OrricE. ts lieadiiiiarters (ur
injured waa 20,026, of whom 'ii,i)l were sftaviMB. hair .'iiHIbx and ahamnoolne f 1 1.
r k Ha sni
W v t .
J K Uuaaat,
esBployee, ZA'& were raseenirerti. and
were unolasaifled.
I Durttuf the year 3rll employee were
killed and. 7,82 injured in coupling
aad unoouplin car. There can be
uo boubt that a laroe proportion of
I, hails fetelitiea and lnjurlee would not
have oeeurred If automatic coupler,
hsjd Leeu 1st uDlverMl use.
He4 fa nit, known
alulae about aao ,
oarial aittt'b u naoar a hLffe toaiaof
IlOkl lAtidWl In WaklMMlina tAtssClllhlli tit Ik
(our miles Iram tMhtgrnin and mUi
Mauaaniunk, whi a ntnusi rt
ralUMa Mttjr or H uau be worki
nr HHtaae panu'wan eau
A tteU kuUWaieti (anu. kaovnu the i.tru-i
property, rouUlulag eUKMit aao acres, tli brt
m irotu
rat io a wusHi,
M on llusi ts
Mndard aa all tlnaa. SUB
meet li laraa aal to rartad tn orlce ai lo meet tlie uuiia ut all
FLANNEL, C'UMFORi anJ ULANKKTS-Tbb Im tlepaiiuieiiL ilmi uppeals
lo iUt feaiMto. coitaeitiiapUy arc aie fchualng a io k tLat a-lll del it la e.eiy li(.tie-
kAfpar. by onetint; geuerouk iiMlocf mnt ht praei for ihornuguly nrti-ctvi& eiHulf
LINENS ami DOalEATK Our shuiiij( lu 'tm ieyrlmeiil ul SUpU mil U
appreclatetl l ewr ttrewd butrr, as we rny an immense assurtuit-ut of ijti.iiig
portainloa to tb Itoas ale alw9 uu lu the iiotfn, tiUal.ttea anil nrln-i dHnbioeU.
SECOND KUMU. i'AlirETb. lilUb aoJ CUUJALN8- Our Msortueoi io
XoUlnfluua CartaiM cmunui be excailetl lu dating aad qualitias for lliu ver lw price
at which I bay art offered. Sew Kali poll eras iu Jfoquett and Kiln Fiae tiiuyroa
Hui at rlfhl prk-aa Tou mi'l bava to at our carpeU to cat aur sort of an idea of
what wa carry. 3iw clacts lu pnHtii( (.uksiinst, em bearing all runkes aud qualt
lei nod always to bo teeo
THK ANNEX coiilalas um iiK-.iy lepartiafuit, wbtcli ha. uu e1ut io this mc
iiuii ('bole stoceaa of ever) tbiuk, ibt U oavanary to inaLe it first claa bai beco
carefully lookcal altr A trU! ii-tr will coavtnar )ou that wr are leader in this Hue.
Ai f' (lUaUtlaa and pricva. tber aja a'aav debt
Maaoh Okaak, Fa.
No. 711 Hamilton Street.
AUciitt.wn, ia.