IYOBY 100 Pure. THE BEST OB EVERt' FUBF05C The Eyes of The People OPEN! Itiiw- SeraECKSviLLE, Ta. ,'Dec. 31, 1801. A. F. Sni'bkb. Tie WlilteCottaee Scvrlns Macliln Arrived, and docs elegant work. Every body la pleased. Enclose check for $2i CO. Ton can.sell a crcat mam here. IPIsli you a Happy Now Year. JOSEPH HUNSICKER. New MAnosiNU, Pa., Dec. 28, 1891. A F. Shydek. Brine moltat i once Za i;YVliito-Cotlazo Sewing jHfactalnc. Don't bring a Davis, I would not give yoa iu tor me uest Dayis you have. Agnes FnNSTEnMAciiErt. Asblasd. Lvzehne'Co., Dec. 27, 1S01 A. F, Shtdeh. tei9 The White-Cottage gives entire satisfac tion, we are more than pleased. I will end money. with brother. IHVIN KTtUM I could publish a great many more like it ; but space wont allow. .Don't allow anyone to blow into your head, thatagood standard all-around Sewing Machine can't be sold for 25. for I will and can convince you that it can. Is it justl 'Is it good busi ness principle to charge one customer $47.00 cash for a 7 draw Hungarian Ash New Davis another $35.00 Simply because the latter party was butter informed as to price. 1 say, treat them all alike. Have one price for all; and the peo ple will respect yon. Forget it not, I am head quarters also in Pianop, Organs, Washing-Machines, Wringers, Buggies, Farming Implements. Any thing you may ask for I can get and I must be cheaper than anyone else, or don't want you to buy from me. Remem ber I can sell you Davis Sewing Machines at $28. American $25 TFhite-Cottage $25, Wheeler Vc THlson $30, New Home Family $25. Yon shall have your choice, write or come and see me Wcissport, IS THE PEST. D. S. Ewinrr General Auent, liveliest -t,wlnBimitst,MulaoeleUla. WHY IS TUB W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FDR THE UQNtTF . It la veamleu eboe, with no Uvk or wax thread to hart the feeu made of ihtt beat una uir. trii .h and &ay, end becaut v tank tnn ihort of thit trad tkan any t-thtr manufacturtt , it ixjuaI baud- wad aboea (.ostitis fn &tZ UOCJeonioe llaud.s.rwrtl. the flneat e1f shoe ( r offered fur 5Ui, enuala FrtuiU imported ahoea vt blob cut from AiUr) to 13 UX CA llnnd-Mcwed Well htioe, Una calf, P atylUh, cumfortable and durable. Thebv-i tooe erer cffLn;d tit thia prU ; ume grade aa cm-tom-tnada ehuet coating from tt Ou to uu, CO QO Police hhoei Fartnurd, llallroad Hrti Vmi and Luu rt arrk mall wear thwni flnai toimlew, aimtb iaaide. L.avjr throe twlga, oatoa aliiO odK. Ouepairwlllvvuarayuar. CO oOfloc ealfi tiotutteraboo ever offered tvt mDtbm tbla price, one trial will oo&vixus tboo who want a aboa for comfort and avrrlcc. CO US aod 8-J.OO Worklniituan'a aboei era rerj atrong and duruiile Tboaa wLo bTfl giroa thfraatrlal will wcarniiotberinako. PnVQl 9i.0U and,l.?3 -bool ii ata BjUf O warn by tho boeer wber: tbeyae'l oa tbalr mcriu, u tbe lnrreaaiDK autea abow. I nrllno 3.UO. Iland.aiiTel aboe, t r-t aWcSUICO LktDSola. verratvllah.aaualatri i lfflportd eboea coaUii from ft.uo to M.tu. SUSS! -TAKB,KO HI IIHTITI'TE.JJ TuUl on I.K-al drt-nlKKl de&lars suppljfur 131, Adam Mriirkam & Aon, 16' m. BULL'S For the cure of ut'hs,Culds,Croiut, 111 t&rsenesi. Asthma. Ernt.Lnu. uUSJ ll (I sumption, 99 Aaron Snyder sit 1 r inert I ui .! Mt&jjtfm. 3 its, SYRUP NAMES Off STATES. HOW THE DIFFERENT fe-TATES OF THE UNION WERE NAMED. Many of the Appellations Are of ltaglbh Origin Many Others Are Derived from Old Indian TVordi Some r.cullar Mean ings In Familiar Terms. Maine takoa its name from the province of Main, In Franco, and was so called as a compliment to the queen of Charles I, Henrietta, who was its owner. Now Hampshire takes its name from Hampshire, England. New Hampshire was originally called Laconla, Vermont is French (verd mont), sig nifying green mountain. Massachusetts is an Indian word, sig nifying "country about the great hills, " llhode Island gets its name because of its fanciod resemblance to the Island of Rhodes, in the Mediterranean. The real name of Connecticut is Qnon-oh-ta-but It is a Mohegan word, and means "long river." New York was so named as a compli ment to lite Duke of York, whose brother, Charles H, granted him that territory. New Jersey was named for Sir George Carter, who" was at that time governor of tho Island of Jersey, in the British channel. Pennsylvania, as is generally known, takes its name from William Penn, the "flvlvAnlfl." Twirfc nf It YnAnnlni. wvwla. Ttiterally it is "Perm's Woods." Delaware derives its namo from Thomas West, Lord do la Ware. Maryland was named in honor of Hen rietta Maria, queeu of Cliarlea L Virginia got its name from Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen." Tho Carolines wcTe named for Charles (Carolus) II. MBAKINdS WOKTII rtEHEMMUUXa, Florida gets its namo from Kannnas de Floros, or "Feast of the Flowers." Alabama comes from a Greek word, and signifies "Land of Rest." Louisiana was so named in honor of Louis XTV. Mississippi is a Natchez word, and moans "Father of Waters." Throe or four Indian interpretations have been givenfor the word Arkansas, the best being that it signifies "Smoky Waters," the French prefix "Ark" mean ing bow. Tennessee, according to some writers, is from Tenasea, an Indian chief; others have it that it moans "River of the Big Bond." Kentucky does not mean "Dark and Bloody Ground," but is derived from tho Indian word "Kaln-tuk-ae," signifying "Land at the Head of the River." Ohio has had several meanings fitted to It. Some say that it is a Suwanee word, meaning "The Beautiful River." Others refer to the Wyandotte word, Ohexa, which signified "Something Great." Indiana means land of Indians. Illinois is supposed to be derived from on Indian word which was Intended to refer to a superior class of men. Wisconsin Is an Indian word, moaning Wild, Rushing Waters." Missouri means "Muddy Waters." Michigan is from an Indian word, meaning "Great Lake." Tne name Kansas is based on tho same as that of Arkansas. A VALUABLE LIST. Iowa is named from on Indian tribe, tho Eiowas; the Kiowas wero so called by , tho Illinois Indians because they were "across the river." The name of California is a matter of ranch dispute. Some writers say that it first appeared in a Spanish romance of 1530, the heroine being an Amazonian named "California," Colorado is a Spanish word, applied to that portion of the Rocky mountains on account of its many colored peaks. Nebraska means shallow waters, Nevada is a Spanish word, signifying "snow covered mountains." Georgia hod its name bestowed when it was a colony in honor of Georga H. The Spanish missionaries of 1624 called tho country now known as Texas "Mix tecapah," and tho people Mixtccas. From this last word the name of Texas is sup posed to have been derived. Oregon is a Spanish word, signifying "vales of wild thyme." Dakota means "leagued" or "allied tribes." Wyoming is the Indian word for "Big Plains." Washington' gets its name from our first president Montana means mountainous. Idaho is a name that has never been satisfactorily accounted for. St, Louis Republic TVhy Ho Dldil'l JU.e. Detroit is a lovely city and everybody knows it. The lore of it is bred in the bono and never gets out of the flesh. The other Sunday a visiting clergyman addressed the Sunday school of an up town church. After a serious talk he sold to the children: "All of you who desire to livo in a better world than this, pleaso rise to your feet." All the children rose except one email boy in the corner. The good man looked at him in pained surprise. "My child," he said, very gently and kindly, "why dont you riso with the others!" "Detroit's good enough for me, that's why," sung out the youngster, and the solemnity of the occasion was knocked to pioces. Detroit Free Press. Parisian "Boat." In buying beef at cafe or shop you run the risk of getting horse meat. Its long fibers and pinkish blood tell the tale. Americans watch for it with eagle eyes, and" their first meal of horseflesh is de scribed with all the minutonoss and gusto of the first trip up the Eiffel tower or tho first visit to the Grand Opera. Paris Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch, Fino shavings from soft pine wood make a pleasant pillow. They have spe cial curative virtues for coughs and lung oubles. Cure n.i Mimical Instruments. Neither a piano nor an organ should e lef t open at night, or habitually when t in use. The changes of temperature . very hurtful to the tone of any in .ament, ami" especially the gathering . dampness, which not only interferes v. itli the tone and quality of the strings ud reeds, but is very likely seriously to . Tect the works. Pianos in particular ' lould be kept in as even a temperature i possible, since they aro much affected i ' alternations of heat and cold, dryness id moisture; if thus exposed they re ..lire very frequent tuning, and are not tisfoctory In action or tone. Carets o equally desirable in regard to other 1nged instruments the violin family, njos, gnitara and like. In all of these o strings ara much affected by expo re to dampness and great changes of nperature. All fine instruments should habitually kept in cases lined with . izo or flannel. Good Housekeeping. A Murder Kinlalited. Jule," remarked Brutus as he strolled 0 the great (JcBsar's tent, "did 1 ever 1 you of the tight 1 ones had ameng j Allobvoges?" Gets off a long, windy !e involving the single handed slaugh- ' .' of eleven ferocious barbarians. 'Unite, my boy," remarked Utssar - emnly when ho liad finished, "I ad- 're uaul, espeolally Transalpine Uaul, . it still I must say that you rewind tat u harp shattered by the lightning of eat Jove. "How so?" inquired Urntus, unwarily. Because you're a blasted lyre." an- . ered Oresar. And from that day forth :: utus began to meditate on the Ides of l.irch. Yale tweord. Adr!e froto Confucius. That the use of tea was unlrarsal very .arly in Uhineae history is borne out by mo of the nwiiini of Ubnfuciru, tbe unseat uimu of China, whan be said: "lie good and courteous to all, even to the stranger from other lands. If ho say unto thte that ha thirtieth give unto him a oun of warm torn without monev and without Drina.MPhiladelDhia 'limes '-4 The amount of temperance drtaki coustuned iu England or exported ut nuallj reaches the aormoie total at Wu,g00,000 dozens. 2. Itstbckst. Zl It lasts. 3.1tVA pleasure to cljew if 4. It satisfies. 5. Alwavs the smtc 6.CveYyboav braises it. T.Yflu will like it. t You should try it. &kfor it.lytiistori paving it Jofiqzerailros. Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co., LIMITED. Specialties. Myer's Pumps A complete line, including repairs for the'saire Cucumber Pumps A complete lino including repairs for the'same. Coal Oil At wholesale and retail Usual line of Hardware, Oils. Coal, Sand, Cement, Plaster, &c. 9 $49 IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KIND OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street', i53OPPOS!TE J.. FIRST STREET, - urn Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, raacy .uress Jranerns oi ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, wood and Willowware ol Cloths Cassimers Hats, made Clothinc in creat variety and at prices with the reach of all purchasers prices fully' as low as the same goods can be bought for at any other general Btore in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of hest quality at Eock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices fully as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. All goods of tho very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store in uus section, tjau ana De convincea. Ycespecuuiiy, MY 823-71 HEIM.L. lon't Buy Valentines Until You See Our Big few And Handsome Stock. OULTON, FINE SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND BEAUTI FUL JEWELRY. Are among the now things now on exhibition in our store. Wo believe that nowhere in this county can you find a prettier assortment to select from at lower prices. Our goods are not trash but good honest goods at lowest prices. CONFECTIONS AND FRUITS. The forme in all delectable dainties, and everything seasonable in the latter. Sunday schools, festivals supplied at low pricw All the Very Latest Novelties in Toys. Lowest priees and biggest assortment. Chas. H. Nusbaum, BRIDGE STREET WEISSPORT, PA. New Bee Hive, allentown.Tpa. SPRING Announcement for 1892. Now Is the time to make your Spring and Summer Sslectlons ot rrlnts. Ulnglism., Miullne. hee tints. Tleklns, Cra.lie., Table Linens, W hi'e (loons, Laces, Dress Goods, Etc., lite, We are showlnR the lsrceit and flnest assort ment .! tliese coods that wero eier before shown In the valley Bottom pilces alsrays cuaranteed, at wHunsicker' Cor. 8th and Hamilton, ALLENTOWN. P. S. We are also sole agents for tbe celebrated Bulterlck's patterns. THE POLICEGAZETTE Is the only Illustrated paper In the world contalnlnn all the latest cosAtlonaland sport ins news. No saloon keeper, barber or club room can afford to be without It. It always makes trlends wuereier It goes. Mailed to any address In the United States securely wrapped. J3 weeks fortl. Bend nve cents lor sample copy. Richard K. Fox, I'r n klf quare. Vew jYinwo Have you the Advocate 1 Original and independent in everything. t "ft i-JS Ctf . itr i Lehighton , Pa & S. DEPOT,-SJjr - LEHIGHJON, Pa MSTSGillGS, Seersuckers and ine very uest quauues ai exceca Crockeryware.Glassware, the best makes at low hgures. Boots, Shoes and Hoadv Op. the Park- EAffi'S Down Goes the PRICES- On the Very Lnrpcst Lino ol Wall Paper and Decorations Ever put on exhibition in Carbon jounty. Wo can't begin to ranko mention of the styles, qualities or prices, but want you tc come and sco for yourselves that wo have just what wo advertise The largest stock and the lowcbt prices. Owen Mm IJijJwllSft TFo are showing a largo line mako them popular. We arc selling tfce following Muslins. Bleached. mils'. 011-4 cents a y.ml. Lonsdale, 8 cents a yard. Wllllamsvllle, 0 cents a yard. Wamsulla, 10 renrs a yard. Utlca Extra Heavy 10 cents a yard. H'amsulta Twilled, 12 12 cents a yard, l'rlde of tbe West, 12 1-2 cents a yard. 634 Hamilton i i una ii i i in " A Fe.tt to Properly Fit Feet." But it is successfully, satisfactoriallv. cheanlv and uioncrlv done nt The Only Boot and wiilto you can nave nuea 10 your leet at a moment's notice al most any make or quality shoe at prices which have been proved positively lower than the same quality, style and finish can lit Purchased elsewhere. TFe have do not carry on an adjunct or side show business to occupy oui space or time. Come and sec us, learn our prices and be con vinced that itis to your advantage to deal with us 2 WEISSPORT'S LEADING Summers nnaiovAJLi 1 1 (Opposite Kemercr & Swartz) NORTH FIRST STREET. LEHIGHTON. In order to get more room to Lamps, Uninawarc, Uueensware, we were compelled to move and building on North First street, where we will lie pleased to have you call and see us. Wo will carry a larger stock than ever before and the prices will always be lower than what the same goods are sold ior elsewhere. Call and see us. J. J. Hummel, Ag't, north First street. Over the Canal Bridge, East Wcissport, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fruits and Vegetables In their seasons. ionfectioner Supplied to the Trade at Very Low Prices. Goods Delivered Free ! Store keepers will save money on all things bought from us and we deliver goods free of charge. SEE IT!! The Vast Collection of Beauties and Bar- gains'at Our Mammoth Koch. fc Sliankweiler." A Btroll through our store will convince you ol the many stray and tempting bargains we aro ready to show you of what's left of this winter's stock, with plenty oi salesmen.to serve all arc patrons promptly webecon your February footsteps to our many rare opportunity. A World ot Underwear Prioaa'and Qaalltiw liye aUrunk. Our BUirt I)epartraut Uttrgftlo to tmpt you. Handkerchiefs andJIIoae Qolt a atoekof them. Tbe Qratt Showing of Spring Fashions of Itulua Watarheu Neckwear war made. Mmm, VoutUa'andtOlilldeenis Clothing Great and BitMuive propara- tiona are L4ug made (or the spring season of 1892. Wo are now ready to serve 'you in this our annual clean, ing up sale. KOCH & SHANKWEILER, Lanst aid Fiaat ClotM&i Hoese is tie CENTRE SQUARE, ALLENTOWN, PA OTP TP TT1 Corner of Second .and Iron Streets. of Muslins at prices that mtjit Unbleached. Yard Stick, S cenls. Peppered It, 0 1 4 cenls a yard. Appleton A, 0 1-4 cents a yard. Nashua A, 8 cents a yard. Pillow Casings and Sheetings, and Unblssclied, at correspond ing l'oices. St., Allentown. NEW: A LAltQE ASSOItTMKNT OF s?ackets, Reefers .& Children's Coats, AND l'HISTTY Winter Millinery We particularly call the attention of our lady friend j to luottct that e llavo three fashionable trimmers In wo stores which enables us to furnish the neatest, prettiest and most stylish millinery at the lowest Come aud see us. HBHBO WEISSPORT, PA. Branch Store, Lohighton. Shoo Storo in Weissporr n lull lino to select from, for we BOOT & SHOE Dealer better display our largo lino of Orlasswaro and other novelties, are now located in TFerner's iga Yalley After the Grip Cnnvtiif"r'en,p ir slow, ami fo rnr ncr the lirailli-tom1 k"h1 tinuc i-i.iiisoiiih l n im , MtM'd"' Kf.rfHpUt lllft ll.H tu'l'll UHPi M 11 ll (lllil I fill MH f hi 'it li hulld hm up mi'ttlf'tii' .mil i it i i i IflPr .tttor nil trk if (irip, n t Tvnhnnl V'tvrr, Hi irh I I'iti'I, ltrhtln ria, rncmimiiiii "rtoHicr imnti ,tt Inn (li-asi"i. It imh4io Iiisi I H- lunltiiiK nit ( ftw iiitniuh ni-pHiMl, H vitnl I'Ci ntpl iMiiW lit", the thht mid lmnri-li 1 hlfHMl, mid It ItiTl'nit tlic klttrtt Btiri .llnu liitcs the Hvci Hint Ihev 1 tannic H'gu'iii hihI healthy mllon. tliuasandn nf 4ic(pl(1 Iihm iiooii n Buiaiiariiiii tin a prePiunc hi me urip With miPPPl. 1 linitqnttiiH hHtf Imitirl in It r- atnnitlon to liPnHh iindstrpmrtlt ttftci-lhiscliprid-ta com pint ut. For In stance, Mt. .Incnb Knnnp of Tipton, Town, ft well knonn hiinlnnw mftn, mm lie ImmJ the (trip twlrp, 1prIpk him rerv weiiK nni wiin n tnn t'ouiiii. jioom NitrsnpH rlUafrtrelilm a niilpndtd nppPlltp, nmdo him feel stronit and m well as ever A bank Unit wails Fairbanks. Two A'nluhblo l"rlem1n. lAl)bi6iclan cannot be al-an hud Rheumatism, Neuralj,! Spraina, Xlruiac and burns occur often and sometimes whrn least expected. Keep handy (he fricml of many households and tbe desirofer of all pain, tbe famuut lted 1 lag Oil, 20 eeHs. z. juan; a precious l e coukl be saved that Is being racked to death with tbtft terrible cough. Secure a good night's real by Investing 35 cents for a bottle of Tan Tina, the ureal retnrdy for Coughs,! Ctolds, and Consumption. Trial bottles of Tan Tina free at T. D. Thomas drtiR store. Tbe best soap ad fifty per cent, ad Jed Lo the profits. . Some Vooll?i 1'eople Allow a cough to run until It gets beyond tho reach of medicine. They often sayt ' Oh, It wilt wear away , but In most cases it wears them awav. Could tbev bo in duced to try the successful medicine called Kemps imiMU), ivlilrli in Bold on a poeitlre fiarantee to cure thev would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Trice 50c and 1 .00. Triafehe free. At nil druggists. t( Kit-Kins Ameilcanits llie stay at-home voler, Clooit unit Ilellable. Don't pay largo doctors' bills. Tho.best medical book mibllshed. onelmmlral namut. elegant colored plates, will be sent j-ou on receipt or nireo -i cent stamps to the Iwaiage. Address A. r. Ordwaj A Co. Uostou, Mass. ''Vours Ananias." trul)'' often means "Tours I have been troubled with chronic ca larrh for years. Elj's Cream IUlin Is ihe only remedy among the many that Iniaio used that affords me relief. 15. W. ffll lard, Druggist, Jollct, 111. I have been troubled with catanh for ten jcars and have tried a number of rem edies, but found no relief nnlil I purchased a bottle of Ely's Cream Dalm. I consider It tho most reliable preparation for catarrh and cold In the head. Oeo, E. CrandslI, P. ll.tjuonochawntaug, it. I. Black hoslcry-ls still popular, though stockings In dark stripes are also falcdnc. Is He Tour Frlcntl? Is the family doctor your friend? How many unnecessary visits does he mako vou? How many days docs he keep tou sick that you ought fo be at your work, aud sodolnz how many hard earned dollars does he ex toit from jou. Would It not bo better for jou to place your trust In Sulphur Hitters? try them, they will bo a true friend, baying you a long sickness and a largo bill, yhlch you hayo hitherto paid to some avaricious doctor. Editor Stato Journal. White suede gauntlets, embroidered wllh gold; are new designs for the evening. Coue hlnff I.eails to Cmisumptlou. Kemp's Balsam will stop tbo cough at onco Coik sole shoes, both for ladles and men, have many admirers. Night shall bo filled with music. And the cares that Infest tbe day Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, And as Bilently steal awav. Just like a Cough or Cold does after yon see Pau-TIna, tho great remedy forConehs. Colds and Consumption. 25 and CO cetts at T. 11. 'i nomas' Drugstore. More flounces In tho near future, says the modistes. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will purely do jou good, if you have a C'oueh. Cold. or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery for vuusuiupiion, i;ougus anu uoius is guar anteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Suffeiers from La Grippe' found it just the thing and under Its uso bad a speedy aud perfect tecoverv. Trv a sam. plo bottle at our expense and learn for yourself Just how,good a thing It Is. Trial bottles free at Iteber's Lehighlon; and jnery s neissport. i.argo size Due. anil $1.00. Lorgnettes aro made with shorter han dles, I clictr. I help, 1 strength. I aid, 1 Klsilden the heart or man anil iusM.. I set constipation's ear-tWo free, And all her better Tor taklne mo. Thus enoku one of Dr. I'lereo's I'ltui.ant PaI. lets. ( rlioy ire pills that speak for themlelres.) Verr email, tcrr ntea tn tnk nrmliiM tin oricrlplnir, yet ars most efleetuat Inall cases of eoniunmion, oinuos or ilea neadaehe, or de. lauKttt titer, winy d oonii a viai, ni uri.ggiste. A perfect vost.poeke t medlolno. . Forty eight stage coaches .carrying the United Slates mall note held up In this couniry last year. Ayer'a Hair Vigcr keeps tho scalp free from dandruff, prevents tho hair from be coming dry and harsh, and-uiales It flex ible and glossy. All the tlements ' that nature requires, to make the hair abundant and beautiful, are supplied by this admir able preparation. ThePeuobscot Indian tribe now num bers only 3S0 members, and this Is a gain of nine during the year. Gootl Looks. Good looks are more that skin deep, de pending upon a healthy condition uf all Ihe vilal orgaus. It the Liver be Inactive, you bavest lllllous Look, if your stomach be disordered you lave a Dyspeptic Look anl If jour Kidneys be affected you have a Pinched Look, rjecore good health and you will have good looks. Electric Hitters is the great alterative and Tonic acts di rectly on these' vital organs. Cures Pim ples, llloUhet, Bolls and gives a good complexion, Sold at Ueber's Lehlghton; and Blery's Welasport, 50c. per bottle. 1! the worth of ass thing Is proven by Its re mits, then lurelr Dr. Hull's Oougb 8rup. Is preeminently toe best Uougu Syrup now eataat. The Massachusetts State Hoard of Agri culture reports the abandoned farms of V al State to be 000. Itetnnrkable Facta. Heart disease Is usually supposed tn be incurable, but when propel It treated a large pi oporllon ot esses can be cuted. Thus Mrs. Eluilra lla'eb, of Elkhart. 1ml., and Mrs. ifarv I.. Dsker, of (hid, Mi, U , ere cured after suffering 20 tears, b. C. Llrfbureer. drnulst at Ban Jose. Ill . save that Dr. Jlles' New Heart Cure, which cured the former, "worked wonders far his wife." Levi Logan, of Buchanan, alien., no bad Heart disease for 80 Tears. sars two bottles made him "feel like a new man." Dr. Jllles- New ITeart Cure is sold and guaranteed by Thomas Lohlauton; and Itlery Welasport. Hook of wonderful testimonials free. mere young men are hit by tbo b om erang of oyer-ainaitneas In making money, than are killed bv the cars. RT I TAKE THE NEXT MOAN IN Q t FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS BETTER. plfWI Uwlv. ThU Ortuk la oimAe Kr4fctf Ui W auilj m to. It U i LANE'S MEDICINE. All diysMtsjfsl s t Mss. ad M mt pskckawc Boj 1 trfxjaBr. ite Wmk it. .no hi Intitltdn. IliiM- -in , .! di.'iu'.H Hint miu-h of Ihf ii'-ftul . ! ; t.' vni-M is dune by penpli m-iiii.t t N umilUK' Richard Kixtni, i iias'innl Ins dneaee, all his days sitting in tho duor uf the tosub, yet writing nittitt than n hundred yolnmee, and HOTj'luig out an influence for God that will eiiiltiKt as long as the "Saints' Everlasting ll-nt ' Edward Parson, never knowing n well df , yet hevr he preached, and how he wrote, helping thousands of soulsllke himself "toewUri in n eea of glory!" And Robert Itc Cheyne, a walking skeleton, yet jroo know what he did in Dnndee, and how ho shook Scotland with seal for God. Philip Doddridge, advised by his friends, because of his illness, not to enter the ministry, yet you know what ho did for the "Riao and Progress of Re ligion" in tho chnrch and in the world. Wilborforce was told by his doctors that ho could not live a fortnight, yet at that vory timo entering upon philanthropic enterprises that demanded the greatest endurance and persistence. Robert Hall, suffering excruciations, so that often in his pulpit while preaching he would stop and lie down on a sofa, tlicn getting up again to preachabont heaven until the glories of the Celestial City dropped on the mnltitade, doing more work perhaps than almost any well man iu hie day. Rev. T. Do Witt Talmago. Aebeetus and India Ilubber. The use of asbostns in connection with India rubber is now practiced-In various directions. Asbostns and India rubber woven sheeting, for instance, consists of aebettua woven cloth, coated on' both sides with India rubber and then vul canised. It Is used as a substitute fot the nsbestus millboard for paoklng fot ateam joints and in other situations where it la desired to resist both heat and moisture, while affording a high degree of elasticity. Asbostns and India rubber woven washers are also made, and asbealu; and indla rubber woven tape, for mak ing steam and water Joints. India Hub ber World.,; Man's Iuty to Stan. Tho fnthor may think to hide certain parts of his oharaoter from Irla child, not wishing him to Imitate them, and may giro him preoepte that ho has never fol lowed, trot the child absorbs what ho fancies is concealed and forgets the words which contradict it. Commands and exhortations may produce or re strain certain acts, but they are power less to inspire emotions or create desires. Often they have a revorse effect. To givo every ono his duo, to refrain from taking unfair advantange, or in any way enriching one's self at the ex pense of another, aro supposed to be du ties whioh aro simply to he inculcated and obeyed, yet how is the desire of gain, so intense in many minds, to he mado to yield when it conflicts with these duties? Chiefly by crediting with in tho breast a stronger desire for justice and Integrity. The love of rectitude, the faith in honor, the desire to deal fairly and squarely with all men, must ho aroused and strengthened before any ono can he thoroughly and truly just. And the same is true with regard to every good quality. Philadelphia Led. Two Point ; to Oberv In Tr&rkjnf-. There aro two vital points radbpensa blo to a good walk, whioli, if the student will obsei vo, he will acquiro a free and olaetie carriage. These two potato are to let the chest load, and to feel the balls of the feet as ono walks. I do not aay point tho toes downward, for thjj will give a strained and mincing gajlrtit frrst. But as you walk, so poise yourself that the heels touoh hut lightly, and, as ii were, incidentally, and all the weight and strain coming on the balls, lids, with a forward and orect chest, will give the main items for a good walk, and. the minor points, suoh as coa trolling the hips, restraining the arms slightly, etc., may follow as incidentals. Chi cago Woman's News. faoorots of Comfort Though sometimes small evils, liko invisible inwow, inflirt pain aud a euglo hair may atop a vast machine, yet the chief secret of comfort lies in not suf fering trifles to vex one (tad i prudent ly cultivating an uaderspowth of smaU pleasuros, rinco Tory fw great 0110.1, alasl areli'tnn long leases. Now York Lodgir "Sho'a y' Hvo d oo'ploiton kimi aftah d' blood what's &U he a beau'fnl co'pltxien guar'ntesd it d' blood an pn.ro! Befo' d' Lo'd dat am salvation fo' Aunt Sophy," All wo claim for it is an uneqiialed remedy to purify the bloed and In vigorate the liver. All ihi yttr rund you can depend on Dr. Plerse's Golden Medical Discovery in all cases of blood-taints or humors, so matter what their namo or nitore. It's the ehtapat blood-purifier old threnjh drugUta. No raiH,sr how many dosas at other medicines are offered for a dollar. Wiy? Beoanso it's sold en a ptouliar plan, and you only pay for ( good yea get. Can you ask mere ? " Qeldea Medieal Diisevery " i u ooneontrated vegetable eitratt, pvt up in larga bottles ; oontalns aa al oehol to ineVriato, no syrup or sugar to derange digtstien ; is jataat to the taste, and eqaally goad for adults or oMldra. Tho "Duoovery" nurqs all 81an affeotions, Mid kindred aibaeats. flilsMlf Scientific American .IsHliA. Aacocv far I iLLesMP 1.1 il I I I, WBHrDESION PATENT rm COPVRIQHTH, etc. For or tafmUpn and free TUnrtbopk wrtu tn OidMt bureau ior toom-iiuc ia(nt tu Amarioa, MjfVf Mtent taken out by n ta brfiutt bfora the public br a outice irireu free ehatge la the scientific mm Taa( AlMtfilsif Inn n. .rWntlfft una in tTit Lunat etreultUion of any Heottfle paper In the n mui piiisjsuuiutj muni rauati. ini wiiiKoub uui should b wit bout tt Weeklr, 13.00 rewt U0 iz month. AUIrsj. Mi NN sk OCX, Puni UMKBa, an Brueaftur. Kw Yort KS88 St. Tllus Dance Cured I TIIL Bxx aacajus. Cal. February, IMS. My toy, U Jttn old, m. sa Bctl by St, Vim. Dum that hm ooitld no! fi I. Mbool lor two Jim. Two botttos 1 rutor Xoulf s Ken. Tonio rMtoawd hi. h..tui, u4 aw 1. mr aHad. Uig BSbool timtu WIOAAWL oeewMia BALnMoma, Jan.. 1 nMd ful.r hLti-ts'. Warr. Toeio tr Iwy ou. tronbl. oaaMd by nunrt. a&d (Hal It aU that It is oUimed to be. XtUr mm bot tle It bad Uw iHiMl ettect, and 1 hs Inly r smmnd It to all svSferlBC a Ub SOT.pl.nrt. as a naUy wondvful rMiSy BAUL. 19BBW. mtaeaaa. Pa., Ort. a. "tto. F, r t"ven yar. soy .IdMt daBbtr had fat Ing .rwlls .Ml upasms. Last 7u. ihd tk (fee arst of 1'a.t.r ooolf. bona Vmss, aad sras. tbai ttu. tb.y ba. mtUMtr wi mi auaczmm. FREE JoTmucm AoUaB uMtotMbrM of Saw. Pastor Voui.. uT fnv KOKHIO MEO. CO.. OhkHMM, IH. t oUbrikmaaa.a8iirBt4i. We Can't do it but are willing to pay for learning; how to make as good an article as Wolff r Acme Bi.ackinu of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably sell It at 10c. Our prico is 20c. The retailer says the pnbllo will Rot pay it. We say Die publlo will, because they will always pay a fair price for a good article. To show both tho trade ana the Jtubllc that we wa!H to give them the hest or the least money, wo will pay Reward For above information this offer is open until January 1st, 1803. WOLDS' BANDOLPn, Philadelphia. Plk-Rotl is the namo of a paint which does work that no other paint can do. AW v-ood palubM with it looks like the natural wood when It Is stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will find It profitable to Investigate. All taint stores sell iu Gain rapidly In health and atretictli by tin us ot Aytr'i Sarsaparilla. This mMicmo substitutes rich and pure blood, for tho l&tpoTarlshed fluid left In the veins nfn . ftvus and other wasting Ickuris. It 1 prorea thaappetlto and tones up the systi n , eo that coaralei cents soon Become Strong actlre, and vigorous. To relievo that tlrei feeling, depression of spirits, mul nmfoua debility, no other medicine imlrcci tur speedy and permanent effect of A ci h Sim sapartlla. P. O. Lor ing, Iirocktoit, Maw mites: "lam confident that anyone stiff'i Ing from tho effects ot scrofula, general de bllltj, vrant ot appetite, depression of spirits, and lassitude irlll h cured By Using Ayer'a Sarsaparilla; for I have taken tt, and s peaic xrom eiperience." "In the summer of isss, I was cured r.t nerroua debility by the use of Ayer'a Sara t-rarllla."-Mn. II. JJenc!t,C Middle St., I'aw tneket. It. I. "ScTeral years ago I was In a debilitated condition. Other remedies having falletl X began to takeAyer's Sarsapai 111a, and v"i greatly benefited. As a Spring medicine, t consider It Invaluable." Mrs. L. 8. Win Chester, nolden, Me, er's SarsapariSSa rs sr A BED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Gold by all DniggUti. rrlco (1 ; tlx boulet, 3. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE Scientifically treatod by an anrlstof woild-wKle repnunon. Deafness eradleatei and entirely cored, ot from 20 to SO years' Blinding, alter art ether treatments nave failed. Ilowthemm. cnlty Is rcacbod and the cause removed, rally explained in circulars, with affidavits and te.tf. mentals of cores from promlnetpeople,matlea tree. Vt. A. guMTAlMJCi Taeoina. Waaft. ICnre rnaranteed bTBr.J.ll.U.ter l'a. Ease m w msMsKiAr.uas.t'aiia. d.lar. Thousands of cares. Dr. Uay.rlsat uoiet i-enn, jceadin, l'a., second ftatardsy of each, month, fiend for circulars. Advice free. focklleAUeb and rUv all the tnmblaf toeS dnt to a bilious et&te of the ijium. auob tut PUelDtis, KftUMS, DrowtlMat, DUtr aitac eating, Fala In the Bide, e. nile thiv moat imawktblft skocms has been shown la aulsa 4 beadach. yt Carter's LltUe Ltrw Pffls em eqaally valuable In Oonitlpttioa, earing aod pre Tenting tliiiniioriDgconipUlot,wim theralw 5orre.llllordtrof theUmitlmalattb liTru.artfiuUwUieboU JlruUtiuyoaly tuna FAehs thty wemld be alraos t prtorfMe to ties who 'afto from tUe diitrcailng oompUlnt: batforto liiUlythclrgoodnusdoMnoteiitlhmdUioM vhooDce try them will find tiwee little pule vala Able In m many wars that they will net be wil ling to do without them. Pal after allelcji bfl ACHE (Istbsusnsef sananyllvoa tasthenlawnsrs vemskaeursneatboasl. Our pUls sort tt whits IcUwrsdonot. Carter's UlU.IJvr nils are wysmtsnt vsryMsytoUk OnecrtwopUlslnakeadMa, They ar. strlstly vet .UU. and da not gripe oe pun., but by tuelr iienllo aotton plwM all was tiHUam. Iuvttis.i3SnUi araroTfl. flail tj drnaststs evsrrwaara, ox suit try mail. CARTER MEOI0INB CO., New VorkJ . SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICl AXLE BEST I!f THE TTOHI.D. c'lMiina two boss of cny cthejr brtuid. Hok cflttd br tut tur O t 'V 'i II E UKM G. x u. TOR BALg BY DEALEBS QEKgRAIXT. MM If your nttWwsilVMiia t tnaw. TC-SIPHT ' s iti,oii. wiii wsuia jou ui viiit i;ija Remedy Is ft IHHsHI, fceXTOl t P' W jril his niitrfeV I 'r frr ru j MltoUUl. rrn.iS.eo.. Altn, J . ji 111 SECURITIES MUNICIPAL BONDS INDUSTRIAL STOCKS CORPORATION BONDS APPROVED BANK STOCKS CAREFULLY 8ELEOTED, TRIED, 8AF?, PAY OOOO INTEREST I Osmat. invutmknv Pnoranvisi in PitewMOU OsTiaa. FOR IUU FATICUUkRS AND RCFCRENCES WRITC B80H8AOH, M03OHAL0 & OO-, i to ae waMstuii ei.. m. rub. 'XySvJzLEig The Chain cl vldrnc lljK $2ifMr-$r li now complete lht Jfd G3HrHn DR. HE8RA S VIOLA UL yrjfBmt?5B CREAM Is the only 7w fTTsC- v preparation that posl KJE UmH ;X2T U"r does all that is X is "PtfTKfn claimed for It. It removes OP Ea rTT'l FrreUci,Uver.moles,Ble;! JC A hcadf, rimplM, Tan, and rl vjI O impcrfectIonBotthWla, wlthotlnJt; rtjr A A few applications wlil render a rough w1 O red iklnitoft, smooth and white. It Is not Pj if a oomnctlc to cover defects, but a cure, and W O guarBnteedtOBlTesatlsfftctlon. rricetOs. (WY At drngglBts ; or sont by mail. Bend Jo; Vt rft testimonial!, JM !. v Q. C. BITTNfR & C(J., ft) M TOLIXDO, - on: ' p CARTER'S rElMiCegREslSE I IsCHirFMAHrrSAsthmnCuroW ! S Navvr srlt it rl-tiik It-Ilflf tn tl, WOTBtfjC BC4S J il'. -r i ls.r tkatra UT Tiiai rat lark FKKE lrmn $ atjdl C Bfmm am V Ni JsVWgaa. aWsWbf,W(, 4 Jt " Ia5