ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STORE Stop nnd consider this, are you Ret ting your money's worth at the placo yon aro trading, If not, stop at once, and begin to trado with a houso that at all times looks to your Interests as well as Its own, and Rives you moro and better value for your money. The fol lowing are some of our prices and we safely believe they will out strip all competitors. Compare the prloes and quality and flguro for yourself. Best sugar curod shoulder, 7c lb. Best sugar curod ham, 11c. lb. Best country lard, 10c per pound, In CO pound lot, 0 l-2o. Nusbaum's Our Own Sonp, 7 bars for 25 cents. Nusbaum's Tip Top Soap Bettor than Babnotts, Do a bar. Nusbaum's Our Best Soap, Co a bar, cannot be bought for less than So elsewhere. Nusbaum's Olean Soap, 4 bars for 306, our own brands of soap cannot be compared with other so called Laundry Soaps, as the above soaps aro Made expressly for us, and the quality guaranteed. Nusbaum's Baking Powder, 15onlso, tnis same quality, oi jsauing l'owuor was never sold under 60c. Think of tho extravegant priceos you ore paying. J. T. NUSBATJM. Flist Htreel, between South and ritmi Streets, LehlKbton, ra. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13. 1802. l'ACKEKTON. The News of the Coming- lSorouxU ErlellT Chronicled. Postmaster MacDanlcl Is out after a long Illness. Thomas Hunt, of Philadelphia, is visiting Joseph Bonnett. Miss Beckie Oould Is out after undergoing a delicate and very pain ful surgical operation. Wo sympathize with John Krcsge and wife who mourn the death of a bright and Interesting daughter. As a borough Packorton poople would onjoy the conveniences wo now lack. Our people should talk up the matter. Scarlet fever is epidemic here. All proper precautions should bo exercised to provont a further spread of the dis ease. Use plenty of disenf ectants. William Sandhrr and wife cele brated their twenty-fifth or silver wed ding annlversaay on Sunday. Many friends were prcsont during the day who enjoyed themselves hugely. The Oermania Sangerbuud, of Lehlghlon, of which Mr. Sandhrr Is the leader was also present and rendered somo excel' lent vocal selections. While making a turn In front of the Packerton Hotel, Friday evening, Harloman's delivery wagon upset and the horses runaway. The driver, a young man named Wolfe, was thrown out and had an arm broken, and Rudolp Telchert who was on the wagon was badly bruised. Tho wagon was smash ed to plece Tho unterrlQod son's of Jackson mefrln puullo meeting -last Saturday evening and nominated a ticket to be voted for nt next Tuesday's election. Tho candidates aro supervisor, Henry Remaley; overseer of the poor, William Reese; assessor, Wilson Miller: assis tant, Al Backey; school directors, Ira Everltt and A. J. Snyder: inspector of election, Jos N.Bennett; judgeof elec tion, Harrison Snyder; tax collector, Uehrig; constable; Morris Stauffer. Go Seo thfl ltroommalcer. The attratctlon at the Opera House, Friday evening, will bo James Rellly in the successful merry, musical com edy "Tho Broommaker," supported by a brilliant company of artists Include Ing tho wonderful child artists, Hans and Etta. This Is au excellent oppor tunity to see 6no of American's best attractions and our opera going poople should attend en masse. The play la strictly first-class In every particular and will worth your patronage. ItAILltOAl) ItUMIlLINQS.-x I Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad -will now build a lino from Pittsburg to Scronton that will compote with tho Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad for business east to Jersey City. $One thousand gondola coal cars and 250 box cars of 50,000 pounds capa city each have been ordered by the C. R. R. of N. J, The new equipment will have automatlo couplers, and the box cars will have air brakes. t Heavy curves on the Lehigh Valley Railroad have recently been relald with 00 pounds steel rails and Iron braces on each tie. All bridges have been Increased In strongth 33 per cent, on the Wyoming Division. This has been rendered necessary- bv the mon ster dirt burners now in use on the "cut off." tThe Easton Argus says: "The pas- senger conductors on the diiferent divisions of the Lehigh Valley Railroad sena representatives to Huperlnten- aeni uooawuvs oiiice Saturday with petition asking for an Increase of pay. We have been reliably informed that at an early day there will bo a general increase or pay to au the employes o the Lehigh Valloy system," t A bill has been Introduced In Con gross to make It compulsory on all roads as soon as a standard automatlo freight car counting Bhall have been adopted by the Inter-State Railway Commission, to, within thirty days thereafter, equip all new cars, and all cars rebuilt or repaired, with the same. tinder a penalty of 8100 Que for each car not so equipped, the fines to go into a fund tor the benefit of those persons injured while engaged In coup ung cars not so equipped. l4Kk at oar Clothing- If you need a Suit, Overcoat or Pants, we can save you 33 por cent., sell you reliable goods, as we must make room for spring goods, and. can insure you greater bargains now than over before, at the One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. LOCAL CATSUP. Ittlsht Oeini of Local Kcwl Sentene-d, Thronffhont by Onr Iteportete Versatile Quill. Buy prott lest jowclry at Bock's. A full line of stationery at Bock's on First street. Lowest prices on guaranteed time pieces at Book's. Rings, bracolots, watch chains, silverware, A-o., at Bock's. Full line of Ingrain and Brussel carpets at Henry Schwartz's. The County Commissioners should not neglect to give the Lehigh bridge coat or two of good paint sometime very soon. It is needed. Whon you vote next Tuesday, vote early and vote for tho continued im provement of Lehlghton. Remember we must move along. Dr. W. A. Derhamor talks of build ing a handsome residence on the cor ner of Second and Iron streets during next summer. Tho doctor has one of tho prettiest locations in this city for homo. A very good picture of General William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, adorns the postofflco hero. Brother Rauden bush's idea of the civil service law is as broad and genorous as our own. Shake, Andyl Miss Delia, daughter of Joseph DoFrchn, of Alum street, is filling the position of stenographer In ono of the Lehigh Valley offices at Bethlehem. Miss DoFrchn is a recent graduate from tho American Business College, Allentown. During tho month of January the Lehlghton Hosiery Mill shlppod 1900 dozen hose to city houses. The total of business was over $1300. Lot the oroakers talk now. -Souvenir Spoons at E. H. Hold's Mauch Chunk jewelry store. Wedding rings at the lowest prices at tho Mauch Chunk jewelry store of E. II. Hohl. Wm. B. Moyor, of tho Now Hotel, East Penn, expects to make, a visit to the West during the month of March. Do you know that you can save money and sco tho largest assortment of gold watches, ever displayed In this section of the state, by going to Mauch Chunk jewelry store of E. II. Hohlr Saturday evening, at the office of . & 11. Seaboldt, on First street, tho lot holders of the Lehlghton Cemetery elocted Theodore Kcmerer, Philip Miller and John McKelvey directors. On Saturday evening the directors will moot and elect a president, secretary, treasurer and superintendent. Cashier John T.Semmol's pleasant home on First streot Is made more cozy by electrical illumination. Fred Horlacher Is the new owner of the Carbon Houso on the corner of First and North streets, conducted by the gonial Jonothan Klstler. The con sideration Is said to be ?17,TO0. The Carbon House is one of the best hotel stands in the town. There are several parties very desirous of leasing it. G. B. M. Stacker is making nrc- aratlons to take possession of the ritz juiuer saioon. We svmDathlzo with Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Drelbelbles In the loss of their eleven month old daughter May, who died Saturday. Interment was made on Monday afternoon. Next week O. A. Goth, of Weiss- port, will open his wall paper and painter's supply store in C. W. Bower's building on South First street. Trexter's carriage works has been outwardly Improved with a new coat of paint. Recently the Interior was remoaeuea to oeiter convenience tne cental M. T. in the transaction of a rapidly growing business. -You eet tho best when vou hire earns either for business or pleasure at Ebbert's well-known livery stables on North street. Rev. J. S. Newhart will Breach his farewell sermon at 2 p. m. In Mahoning Valley, and at 1U a, m. la l'retbyterlan church, Xjenighton, next Sunday. Before vou hire teams for funer als, weddings or hauling purposes, daao mstier wouia luce to see you. K2.500 worth of ladles' f coats and ackets sold at half price at the Ono Mco Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. 1.500 men's and boy's overcoats must be sold at half price at the One Price btar Clothing Hall, ilaucn Chunk. We ore pleased to noto tho con valescence of jolly David Ebbert, of North street, alter over a ween s ill ness. be at the Exchange Hotel, on Friday, March itn. Hacerman Is showing a very large and beauuiui assortment or vaien tines. After an illness of some weeks with pneumonia W. Frank Herman died on Friday at the age of 33 years. Deceased was born in wainutnort and was married to a Miss Doward, oi Slatington. For some sears lie con- ducted a barber shop at I'arryviue, lator In East Welssport and for some months past in this place. Interment was made on Tuesday afternoon in the Union Hill cemetery the Lehigh Council, Jr. O. U.A.M., and the P. O, H. or A., attending in a uoay. Culton's display of valentines Is immense, Never-Fall-Alarm clocks, by E. H Hohl, Mauch Chunk, are the best. Dr. W. F. Danzer, of Hozleton, well-known here as a successful ove, ear and nose specialist, on last Sunday removed an atrophler eyo ball for Miss Cells bchmldt. oi tnis place. Tne deli cate operation was successfully per formed. Sieclal and original designs In fine gold prize Medals and Badges, can be seen at E. II. Hohl's Mauch Chunk jewelry store. We guarantee the low est prices on this work. Lots of do- signs to select from. Go to E. 11. Hohl the MauchChunk jeweler. Miss Carrie Yohe. an estimable young lady qf Packerton, is a new and very ounging saiesiaay in iisgennan s store. Choice sliver wedding gifts, not to be seen elsewhofe In this county, at prices to suit the slim and fat pocket- bopk, at E. II. Hohl's Mauch Chunk jewelry store. After a few days illness Mrs. John Carlln died at her home on north First street Tuesday morning. Funeral ser vices were held at the house on Tues day evening and on tho following morning the remains were taken to the home oi nor parents in xioyertown, Berks county, where interment was made. We tender warmest sympathy to the afflicted husband. IN A FEW WORDS. A Unit "Writer Telle tho fHery el Tho )Iatleatrice of n Week In ami Atrattt Old Onrbon. Election day Tuesday. Lent begins on March 2. - St Valentines day Sunday. Potatoes bring COo. per bushel. Butter stands steady at .TO cents n nd. Eggs sell at 20 cents a dozen and they are very scarce at that price Two boxes of dynamite exploded near Audenried on Friday morning and killed a mule and did other dam ago. On Sunday coming thero will bo preaching services In St. Paul's no formed church, Big Creek. Thopastor, Rov.T. A. Htibof will offlcate. A character known as Mat Jordon, living at Audenried, was in Hazleton the other day painting tho town red. He got In front of a railroad engine and came near dying. Thoro will be o meeting of the Joint Consistory of tho Towamonsing Reformed charge, on Sunday, at 2.00 m., nt Parryvllle. Also dlvlno ser vices at the same plaeo Sunday even ing, at 7.00 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. T. A. Huber, tne pastor. Haydon's coal collieries at Joanos- vlllo have discoutlnued tho two weeks pay and will pay monthly hereafter. They are the first colliery In tho region to stop the semi-monthly pay and if they succeed the probabilities are that all others will follow suit. -Horse flesh Is getting to be cheap In those "dlggins." Not long ago W. H. Reber, of Harrity, shot two horsos becauso It was cheaper to kill them than to buy feed, now ho offers two good horses, wagon, harness and nil f or tl25. If this keens on lis poor fel. lows can soon afford to keep our own animal. On Wednesday at 2 t. m. of this week Rev. Newhart preached in the Evangelical church, Mahoning, after which an election for trustees was held to nil Bald vacancy. Wilson Wehr was ro elected also the election for Sun day school officials were held for the coming year and resulted in tho elec tion as follows: Wilson Wehr. sunt.: Emanuel Cocheran, assistant supt.; uoorge iNotustein, secretary; uiner Grow, librarian, and Henry Grow, trustee. - I'AItltVVILI.K. The Event or n Week In the Iron Town Kpltomlied. Robert Campbell Is auito serious ly ill. For sale A cood barber shon. Ap ply to John Laury. Merchant Weston did business nt Allentown on Friday, Mrs. Mary Hand, aged 80 years, is quite ill with tho grippe. Miss Annie Simpson, of Milton. Pa., is visiting the family of P. Lauer. Shipments of pig iron from the furnaces havo oxceedod those of any previous years. It is reported that work will be resumed in the Reformed church dur ing next spring. W. H. Rcmalev Is all smiles over tho arrival of a bright little Republi can In his family. George Williams, of Mauch Chunk. at one time a livelv llsuro In Republi can politics, has opened a shoe store nere. no is an oiu soiaier and a good mechanic, help him along. Engineer Harry Pettit was badlv burned about the face last Friday morning by the breaking of a steam guage on a shifting engine, which he was running in place of his father who Is 111. LITTLl! GAP Lively Community llrlefly Itemized by a llrlght Pencil rather. Assessor Georeo M. Henrv made a business trip to the connty seat on Saturday last, If a man wants to know all about everything, he should not neglect to read tne carbon advocate, Charles Sillies and Levi Serfass. both of this place, were at Bethlehem on Tuesday to nave tneir oyes examined. Spring election is close at hand and but few names have been announc ed as candidates to fill the various township olllcos, Godfrey Green and wife, of Kun kletown. Monroe county, were the guests oi merchant unarms ureen on Sunday last. Mrs. John Mansfield, of Saviors burg, Monroe county, was visiting irienas and relatives oi tins place during last week. James F. Snartz. traveling sales man for Johnston & Swartz. of Allen- town, made his regular trip through tnis section on xuonoay last. Dr. J. C. Kreamer, of Aquashlcola, "The Eagle Store." North rim street. A big closing out sale has been duly inaugurated nt our wall-known store. We have a big lot of first-class Boots nnd Shoes and in order to sell them very soon we have marked them very low. This will give you a irood, substantial article ol loot wear at a genuine bargain price You want to save money and we want to sell our Boots and Shoes, nnd to do. this we have marked the prices to suit the times, Pome and see us and tako advantage of what we arc offering you in this line. ROBERT WALP, (Millport), reports that he bad during the winter months one hundred and fifteen (115) la grippe cases, and that thera occurred onlv two (1 donthn among the number. The following are their namet: Samuel Green, of near this place, and Mrs. John Smith, oi iemgn uap. xms snows ne is a skillful physician for the la grippe. POLITICAL. Articles under this heading are charged (or at of local affairs. Tne .New LftugliFon, To the Voters of Lehlsnton. Tlifl ItPDubllcanj of Lehltrhtoo ara tn he nam. mended for Dresentlne a ticket to tho neonls ta bo vote for at next Tuesday's election which shows much strength, force of character and business tack and ability, and Is fully worthy of the support of every honest, conscientious taxpayer who desires good honest government Oliuciu nuairoe 4110 new ijuikihuii. now in sight is an assured fact tf the local Government is placed In the hands of men who have the proper spirit, push and vlinr and who poises qualifications necessary to correctly cam net Us affairs to the best Interests of each and every taxpayer without speolal privileges to any set or class of Individual property holders. It Is Indis putable that the partisan government of the past uozru 3 ear una uiuugui auout a system more or less corrupt by reason of the dictation tolerated from one of the vilest partisan bosses who controlled Its business affairs for his own political purposes and without regard to the welfare of the whole people who nay the taxis. All ennA citizens who deilre I.ehfcrliton Innrn. 6 res want to sire this political boss a set back latwlll free the town forever from the bad fTeta at hosnlsm. The Iteoubllcun nnmlnM for Burgess Is a sufficient guarantee for honest, non par Usan government of local affairs as his recora 01 services mine past conclusively ana fully proves, lie has been lndefatleable In his efforts to place Lehlghton In the front rank with other towns of Its size In the State, bringing about first a proper division of the taxes so as to apply them to the purposes for which thev were legally Intended, for Instance, five mills tor expenditure on roads ; five and one-half mills for water and light tli mills for Interest on Donas ; next ine securing 01 iue cneapest mean deacent electric Unlit sstem lntha Ktat. m. eieut police service, the regulation of a s) item of market revenue that In the first three months nt it f nfnrrnnrnt liai nUM thn ttnrniiirh tlOO a month, the division of the town In wards to better repulate local government and last but not least the securing of a company to connect Lehlchton, Weltsport, Franklin, Packerton and the alanch Chunks with an electric railway thttwlll revolutionize our business imprest. 11 9 stands pledged to hold the property owners o( Fust street to comply with their petition to me uorougu hi uio luacouumuiuK aua paving of that tltoroughfare and the pa log ot their two-tniras snare 01 me cost lueurmi. The nominees tor Council are-J. L. Cabe! and I. B. Koch, both earnest, enercetie business men who are Interested In the growth and prosperity 01 tnis tow n. 1 ney wtuid make WKATIIKBLY. CsT-Jpruat tor nave to good buHOing A lludget ot Local News From m Lively Ho rough Samuel Harleman is convalescent from a serious Illness. The rendition of a "Social GUss" by home talent In the Rink on Friday was a grand success. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Croll cele brated their wooden wedding anniver sary on Friday, the 5th Inst. They were tendered a serenade by the P. O. S. of A Band In the evening. Liven man S. . Itobln&on had Simon llouser brought before Mayor Smith Monday morning on a charge of cruelty to animals. It seems that llouser tiaa mrea a norse 01 mt. uou tnson on Saturday to drive to Stewart's station, and when he came back the horse was out in several places and nearly driven to death. llouser was fined 110 and was discharged. The house and all its contents be longing to A. W. Uabrjo, situated about mx mwes irom w eameny, on me roaa to Kockport, was completely destroyed by fire on Frldav nleht of last week. The family were foroed to leave the house in their night dot lies and not on article was saved. Mr. Oabrio had recently purchased a cigar store in uaxieton ana lata ru ml tare was all packed preparatory to moving there. The cause uf tue lire was a defective flue. resslve and active councllmen and the Ni ssureo ng U uDttor who believe In progress ana the UTt Lehlghton would be an assured faet. stand nledired to thebulldtnar Ufa ho and are full worthy of the support ot tax pavers adfiiifttniMit of the value ot our real estate. Tho nominee lor School Directors ara northv men and cxknot be used to further the ends ot any politician or set oi men in tnetr pouiieai purposes, as uas been tne ease in the put to the detriment of the public good. They will not allow the selling of public school property at pnvaui Mic vy uiuer uiricwns a price unreas onable, unfair and against the people's Inter eU, or will they appoint teachets to the various scnoois wun ine stogie purpose oi serving ine political cuas oi sumo uue or oi u we airectors instead, tuey win maae ntoess tne oasis otaii nolntment. and thev will place our acbools ou i higher and more advanced grade of excellence tlian thev havo aver been heretofore. The nominee tor Tax Collector assures the taxpaylng people ot the honest, careful aud prompt collection ot taxes and their Immediate bavmentto the oroner authorities, so as not to Interfere w 1th the Duaineas arrangements of the borough, as Is now the case. Mr. fcJu4!e is well worthy the support of the voters of this town as his record Is above reproach as a careful and noneiomciai,asit soown oy nts prompt aua full settlement ot the duplicates la previous lie is T NEWSY WSISSPORT. Tli. l)lnjc of . Ltvelf Town IlrlMt bliroftl eled In Short fHili4vRP Order by the filraller" .nit Chum. Coroner Kutr. circled nt Allentown on Monday. John a. Miliar would mnke a Rood councilman. JMirlh Krmge, of Plttston, wna a stranger In town this week. Oo to Reuben ZltnmorumnV for nil kinds ot hlaokemltblng. Orsters In all styles nt Blmussffer- gor's. l-nmlllos supplied cheaply. Tho votors of Franklin township tfbmlnated a citizen's ticket Thursday evening. Jfrs. William Kuooht, of llethlo- hem, was visiting friends hero during tho past week. - M. O. Kuntc, dealer In skins and hides, has just added n handsome Carey safe to his ofQce fixtures. John Rehrlg, Jr., was at Reading this week where ho participated quite prominently In a shooting match. Wo aro pleased to report that R, J. Hongen, of Union Hill, Is able to bo about after an illness of several weeks. Somebody at our sldo has just re marked that Al. Quth would mako a Bood oonilablo. The "Stroller" thinks so too. Tho follows In New York City who sond green goods advertisements to poople in this neighborhood only wasto postage. John Weiss, of Union Hill, and Miss Jeanetto Spohn, ot Bit? Creek, were married Saturday evening by Rev. Rulofl. George Mossltigor, of North Weiss- port. Is out otter six wcok's Illness with the grippe. Mr. Mossincr Is 77 years of ago. Rev. Tobias Kesslor, of Allentown, trill preach for tho Reformed congre gation hero on Sunday, morning and evening. All are invited. James llennyhoff Is running an oyster bay next to Heller's stove storo In East Welssport. Jim Is a hustler and should do somo "biz." Kind friends pleasantly surprised . H. Scholl and wlfo at their homo on Union Hill, Monday evening, by gen erous donations of tho necessary. Notico 0000 Fence posts for sale. Also lot of Qro wood at n low Ilgure, Seo Ueorge II. Knziuu, welssport. Or ders can bo left nt this office. Tho voters of this burg will nomi nate n borough ticket at the Foi t Allen Houso on Saturday evening. If you havo aspirations this way, don't fall to nttend. Milton Snyder is tho Inventor of electric motor that possesses strength and groat spcod ns well as durability. The motor is a half horse power and n rovolutlonizer. For Rent Saeger's Hall, East Welssport. Well heated; all convenl ences; lighted with electricity. Open evenings MondayTuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Terms reasonable apply to . J. Saeger. In a sweepstake shooting match at Coplay recontly, John Rehrlg, Jr., of East Welssport, shot five birds out of possible flvo and carried off tho boodle." Thero was some big sport' lng blood shooting "agin" Johnny but ho got there just the same. -Edwin L. Wentz, of Union Hill, is dead, Dissolution took place on Sat urday last. Interment was made on Tuesday morning. Doceased was ngod twenty-three years and was a son of Joel Wentz. Ho was a painter by trade and workod for C. A. Qoth. Iovln Hahn, of East Welssport, who had his left wrist broken in the Hellman ico house accident at Lehigh ton some weeks ago, Is still an Inmate In St. Luke's Hospital, South Bethlo hem. Tho report that his hand had beon amputatod Is not trao. C. W. Laury has purchased the Klstler property now occupied by the postofflco and Jos. Fenner's general storo. Consideration, $0000. Mr. Laury will not take possession at once. Mr. Kistler will build a handsome resi dence on the Gorman lot in Lehlghton recontly purchased by him forfSOOO. The convention of tho voters of the ranklln Independent School District In Saeger's Hall, on Monday evening resulted In the nomination of the fol lowing gentlemen for school directors, ot which number two only are to be olectodiH. T.Smawley, W. II. White. head, Goorgo Enzlan, Jr., Ed. Loikcl and Samuel Walp. Good Will Hook nnd Ladder Com- pauy met nt Dr. Kutz's ofllco on Mon day evening and electod the' following officers for the period of ono year: Prosident, Daniel Graver; vice presi dent, John S. Miller; secretary, A. A. Yeakel; treasurer, P. J. Klstler; trus tees, John S. Miller, A, A. Beltz and Samuel Hartman. The company has a cash account of $339 which will I e used for equipment purposes later. Dr. Zern desires to inform his friends and patrons In Welssport and Franklin that, although he has taken up his residence in Lehlghton, that ho will make special efforts to servo them professionally ns heretofore. Ho will bo at Blery'B drug storo nud In the ofllce of Dr. Kutz ovory morning, noon and evening. Orders for calls left at either of these places will be promptly attended to. The partnership between himself nnd Dr. Kutz will also bo continued. Rev. C. J. Cooper, Troasurer nnd Financial Agent of Muhlenbrug Col lege, on Sunday presented tho course ot tho Collego at St. Jacob's church In Welssport In the morning nnd at St Paul's, Big Creek, in the atternoou, Both congregations have agreed to tako part In the movement to raise $&0,000 as a Quarter Centennial fund for the College during this year. Rov. A. C. Wuchter, tho pastor and the church councils will adopt seme plan In the near future to canvass the oongrega tlons. t'nOl'UR ON TUB OO. Muli Pletnree a'MuilILr Vat Ommi fttHl (Mln. Dob BlltlrJg drolftl at Lsnsford Monday. M. II. Hunstaker, of Freeland, was In town on Saturday. MissenEIla and Grace Pet em spent Sunday very plensantly nt Allentown, Albert Strauss, of Allentown, was visiting Democrntlo Phuon Strauss Inst Saturday. M. T. Trexler returned Monday ovening from a trip to New York and Philadelphia. M. O. Brian, of the Lehigh Coal A Hardware Company, was nt Wcathcrly on Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. L. Sltler, of Coal street, visited relatives and friends at Mauch Chunk, this week. -Mrs. John II. Bonder, ot Mauch Chuifk, was calling on her mnny friends In town on Wednesday. Wo had a pleasant call Monday morning from Rev. S. B. Stupp, of Gilbert's, Monroo county. Miss Lizzie Schoch, of Fourth street, spent Sunday with Jeweler Campbell nnd family, at Lansford. Miss Laura Hofford, of north First street, returned Monday from a de lightful visit to Weatherly friends. Jooob Brownmlllor, bigger, fatter and happlor than over was In town for n few hours on Tuesday from Perth Amboy, N. J. Jnkey Klntz, of Wootherly, better looking nnd just as rosy as a peach, was shaking hands with friends here abouts over Sunday. Genial "Boss" Clauss, of tho Val loy House, was called to Fogelsvllle, Lehigh county, this woek owing to the illness ot his aged father. Good looking Charloy Bogdanskl, of Philadelphia, was In town for n few days this week calling on old friends. While here he was the guest of Elmer E. Reed. Frank Huntzinger, one of Tremont's busy merchants, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Goorgo Morthimer, on Alum street. He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Jane, who Is still hero. Ben. F. Shafer a P. P. & B. R. R.. Conductor, after an Illness of lii weeks with typhoid fever, paid a visit to his sistor Mrs. Wm. L. Sitlcr, on Coal street, and nelco Mrs. Thos. Morthimer, on First stroet, Wednesday. H27.00 Suite Made to Order fur (20.00. In order to keen our tailors emnloved and roduco stock, wo have made n 30 per cent, reduction on an suits, uver coats or pants, mado to order, within the next iW days, at Sondheim's Mer. chant Tailoring Hall, Mauch Chunk. FROM MAUCH CHUNK. The Ooantj OepH.l Spirited! HUhi1mkI t7 ft SieeUt OftrrMiwiAfHt. lerotl .ml Otliemlee. -Bx-Commlsstoner H i.vk, of Kid der, circled here this week. -Harry Fnga danced at the Wheel Club Hop at Hazleton on Friday evening. Jolly "Billy" Weedor, mlxoraloglst at the American Houso, smiles visibly over the arrival of n baby boy. Mercantile Appraiser Fitzgerald, ot Beaver Meadow, startod in oil tho duties of his nppointmont Monday, William Ghaso, tho contractor, who disappeared from hero qulto suddenly last week, Is still with the missing. -Dr W. A. Derhamer, ono of Lo- hlghton's popular physicians, was n prominont lower onder In town on Wednesday. -Within the spneo of one week John Miller and wife, of the Socond ward, have been called hence. Monday a week ngo Mr. Miller succumbed to an attack ot pneumonia and on Saturday his wifo fell a victim to tho same dis ease. Both were over 70 years of age. Four children, all married survive. Frank Schwartz, ot East Mauch Chunk, spent a day or two In town with John Schabo. Mr. Schwartz con ducts ono of the largest furnituro stores in Carbon county and is an en terprising and prosperous business man. Ho mado hosts of friends dur ing his short stay in town. Shamokln Dispatch. Heretofore it has been tho custom to pay to townships and boroughs their respective portions ot tne liquor licences during February and March The law says, however, that those monies are not to bo nold until after the dth of April, and County Treasurer Mulhearn will obey tho law. This will greatly Inconvenience some boroughs but the majesty of the law is indis putable and must ue ouoyou. LehlKhtonl'dbllc Scboole. The following are the names of Hie Dupllj who attended every dy during the past month. llleh School, J. II. ICcruer. teacher Wllmcr Held, Harrison Gcggus, Albert Fenstermacber, Frank A. .Wilier, Win. Brenner. Frank I. Miller, Mattle Walp, Blanch Meyers, Alice Sullivan. Grammar school, S. Z. Shone, teacher Wllmcr Frltilncer. Gcoree Lonj. Italnh Raudenbusb, Harry Waterbor, Frank ll'ieand, Joun -ander. Harry nhl. Harry Trainer, Salllo Bartolet, Minerva EtUcger, Nettle Gecgus, Alice McCornilck. Girls' Adv. Eeconjary. Ilattle L. Kooni. teacher Sadie Peters, Nora Williamson, Lizzie Gabel, Klsle Stoljerwalt, Lizzie Itehr. Clara Bremer, Ida-Fueliro, Alice Gabel, L'zzle Kubns, Beulah ItelcharJ, Annie Stroup, Mary ll'alp, I.ovanda Williamson, Boys' Adv. Secondary, Arilo It. Hauk. teacher Willie Wertman, Cuas, Sandherr, Scott Itoth, Wm. Krock, Wllmer Trainer, jacou aieitzier, inomas rtewnart, iiarrv Auge, Cbas. Iieber, George Ilebcrling, Iiarrv Spaccler. Iiarrv Moore. Willie Yoorbees, George Kocb, Chaj. Bcnrlncer. Girls' Secondary. Alice Mantz. teacher. Sadie Ilontz, Mattle Helm, Jlatule Weldaw, Boys' Secondary. Anna E. Weber. teacher Harry Beck. Chas. Lonckammer- er, Milton ll'alp, James Xander, Oliver kucd, unas. iiipp, unas. uretney. Girls' Second Primary. Irene 1). Fen slermacber. teacher Flossie Dauxdater. Mamie Hough, Clara Itelchard, Eslella Itehrlg, Eslella Scbledt, Esther Kcmerer, Emma Kuhns, Dora lteicbard. Emma aieiuicr, isstuer oabel, Ida truz, Mary iiongnammerer, same t reeu, Boys' SeconiH'rlmary.Banra A. Weldaw. teacher Charles Schmidt, Tierce Notn steln, Howard Fritzlnger, Clark Evans, Julius Komatonskl, August Komatowskl, Harry Itehilg, Asa Obert, Howard Straup, uarry jioniz. Girls' Advanced PrlmaiT. Llllle M. Itelchard, teacher Helen Tetera, Towanda Williamson, iitssie wank, uertie ruenro, Laura Sandherr, Anna Kledler, Bessie Uretney. Katie WlKlatnton. Mamie Sny der, ltenla Itucu. Boys' Advanced Primary. Emily Holese. teicher Henry Long, Charles Arner, rreaaia itiegel, Eugene reiers, Charles RufT, Charles Gilbert, Robert Gombert, Helnhold Komatowskl. Arthur Kemerer. Harry Itelchard, Harry Bex, John Ruch, itoDers nwartz. Girls' First Primary. Mary C. Catell. teacher Esther Delhi, Katie . Dreher, saaie itatcuii. Boys' First Primary. Ella C. Slbbet. teacher Oscar Ashmer, Thomas Frltz Incei, William Swartz, Robert Sbeckler, Harry Rltter, Stanly Gilliam, Robert Nothsteln, William Ruch, Visitors-Mrs. J. H. Weiner, M. O. Bryan. Mr. Edear Xander. Miss Tlllie Snyder, Jilss Humphrey, Harry Kreldler, ju:si Anzie uoniz. aucs ueitte iiorr. Miss Etta Drlssell, M. O. Bryan, Miss Ella inner., Mr. smuu, aiiss sadie Kubns. Miss Agnes Bauer, Miss Lizzie Llnder- man. F. J. Stealer. Prof. Werner. Miss Tillle M. Mantz, Prof. C. A. Hauk. Mr, A. J. Durllng, it:. Robeit S. Lentz, Mr, lien nuning. IN THE BONDS OF WEDLOCK. GRATEFUL globe Warehouse. Wo most cortninly apprrcintp tho lurge rjjUfonnge of tho past yenr because wo feci Hint welmvo m rt fed four tradoby catering to your tastes and fancies in the line of Artistic Furniture. Tho holidays mado great inroads on our large and varied assortment but all the vacant places are being rapidly filled in with now things in Furniture Bed Room and Varlor Suites, Book Cases, Sido Boards, Ladies Parlor Cabinet, Fancy Rockers, Tnblos, &c., at our usual "can't bo beat" pricoa. Every article is just as good if not better than guaranteed and you will positively save money if you make your purchases of Schwartz, The Furniture Man First street, Lehigh ton. Dyspepsia Makes man? Urei nbertblfl, and often ldi to elf deitrvctlon. Diitreu after eating, tick bead ache, heartburn, lour itomacb, mental depres sion, etc, aro caused bj this yerj common and Increasing disease. Hood's Sarstparllla tones the stomach, creates an appaUte, promotes healthj digestion, relleres sick headache, clears the mind, and cures the most obstinate cases of dys pepsia. Read the following: "I bare been troubled with dyspepsia. X had but little appetite, and what X did eat distressed me, or did me little good. In an hour after eating X would experience a falntness or tired, all-gono feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. Xlood'i SarssparlUa did mo an Immense amount of good. It gaTe mo an appetite, and mj food relished and satisfied the crarlng I had prerlouslj experienced. It reliered me of that faint, tired, all-gone feeling. X hate felt so much better since I took Hood's SarsaparUla, that X ant happy to recommend it." Q. A. FAQS, WatertOwn, Mass. N. B. Do sure to get only Hood's SarsaparUla 6oliib7.Ulrtiffg1it. gljatxforfS. Frepiredonlr, II C. I. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mui. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar' The Biggest Assortment Ever Shown in Lehigh ton Early Buyers Get the First Selection. e jlf, IMSMMe Obert's Block. Lohigliton. . J. G. ZERN, M. D., PIIYSWIAN (0 SURGEON, OITICK AND nraiKKXCE: Corner Third nnd Iron Streets, Lchighton, Pa. Ol'l'IOB HOURS: 710 8 a. m.: 12 to 1 r. 111., and after T p. ro. OFFICE HOURS at Welssport: 8 to 3 a.m.; tto2p. in., antte to7 p.m. lifting Time. JohnWolM, of Union Hill, to Miss Jeanette Bpolin, of 111k Creek, by Kev. Iluloff. Hawk Bond On Jan. 10, by llov. S. D. Stupp, of Gilberts, Peter Hawk to Miss Elisabeth Bond, both of Pleas ant Valley, Monroe oonnty. Ear ltent. A well cultivated truck garden along the Lehigh Valley R. It, iu Lehlghton Apply to J. T. Nusbaum, Lehlghton. 1IOW5IANSTOWN. Local Splinter, from ClrowlUK I ower Kn.l Vlll.it.. Tenons laureled Id the re-orgauU-Ulou L' the Bon tBAMtottn Sunday bcol villi meet on otfaday coming and elect eotwi and transact such other bustae. as may be neceeaar) . James lletnUIeman smllM orer tug arrival o( a youiiz Democrat la bU (anally. 8Uk. IV -L. F. nallletaad J. D. Balllct in at tendance at a blc horse aalo lu Hebllcberg, Monday. Jacob Scrtaat 1. dowu with a genuine at tack of the grippe - Harry Eruect 1 building a large f i.uue baru on his premise. We regret the removal of KKaw -veiti aa poiuaarter of thu place. Ue Is euewled by Penn Bowman, an earncct aad van oacobte youog Republican. The CAM will be liwntfjer & Boa man's store. tbe years. Ue should be elected because dKufc iuui iur me omcc. The nominee for Constable la uell-Lnoirn the champion of the laboring man, and be has done more than any one else In this un to bet ter their oondlUou. Helssoberandtndiutrioua and Vtould be a proper man to nrouet tins nron. arty and person of our eltli.na, and he can ba retted on to eatetr perforin whatever desk may be desired of aim. either bv roundl or ih tui pie of the town. nlloatlonu for trout fry should be made Tlrt other noni nee. arc loo weUkoown to need'! , ,, , ' , "" uumttcs-careiul. bonast. faithful and energetic . to the following oommlanloners Henry ,t1,T""'.'7:-H-r.'"" JytH '"PA" i V. Ford. 1823 Vine Street. PhUadalDhla: W. L. Powell, Harrlaburg, II. C Oe muth, Lancaster, 8. B. Still well, Scran ton; Loui Btreuber, Eric O. II Wei alums, Pittsburg DEATH'S ROLL Sehoch-'Ou Jan. 21, In Kidder town ship, Philip Schoch, agtd 00 years, 1 month and 20 days. Getz On Jan. 31, wife of Daniel Gefe. near Trachsville, aged 40 years and 27 days. Interment was made at Jerusalem ohureh. Shnpp On Jan. 31, at Dottereville, Freeman Bhupp, aged S3 years, 7 months and 5 days. Correll On the lOtlt day of January, at West Penn, Simon A., son of James and Catharine Correll, aged 18 years, 1 montus ana u uays. Hill On the 13th day of January, at West Penn, Angeline Victoria, wife of Frank Hill, aged 33 years, 0 months aud G days. Looh On the 16th day of January, at west reuu, oamuei iocn, ageuoi years. Neumeyer On the 32nd day of Janu ary, at Mahoning, Charles David, son or valentine F. ana uavanna neu meyer, aged 1 month and 17 days. Hoffman On tbe 23rd day ot January, at West Penn, Emanuel Hoffman, aged 95 years, t months and 27 days. Zehner On the 28th day of January, at Mahoning, Maria, widow of Daniel O. Zebner, aged 70 years, 7 months aud 18 days. Reed On the 28th day of January, at West Penn, Margaret, widow of Daniel Reed, aged 71 years, 2 months and 18 days. Remaley -On the 31st day of January, at West Penn,Jobn Charles Remaley, agea aa years, i montns ana Jt days. Though our winter's trade has been exceptional! good and we are not to be found among the mourners, yet we have a few goods we want to sell and the sooner they are sold the bettor we shall feel. We must begin to plan for the spring campaign and want room and, money to carry out the plans wq formu late. To secure these two es sentials we shall Cut the Heads Oft the prices on our entire stock of Rubber Boots, Shoes, Winter Hats and Caps, Underwear, C loting, &c, They must make way for our Spring purchases, and now is tho time to bay those cold weather goods. Don't bog off but come to tho Decapitating Sale L G. ZERN, Opera House Store LEHIGHTON. fas p TO PTlBTfWDEItl'.I under the exchange f iiew.iwuk mm. twi tuiwui twill ui& ashlonable hair cut. ver Closed on Mundav'i Koeaersntiriomc, cure, uanarun. uecurry in hook lull Hue oi lanajT'ioiiCK anwee, ai tow eat prices, and we arc the only place In towrj w here you pan buy ltendcr'a Cream for tbe face. " Where are you going, my pretty maid " "To buyfiome shoes" is what she said. "Where do you buy, my pretty maid "!" "Come tight along and see." she said. irhere did she got Why did she go there Would you do the same ( The maid than said: Down at Davics Store, you know they Bought at sheriff's sale the whole stock of storo and factory of Wolfe's, and they are closing out at Big Bargains AU the girls are going up to pick " ' out a pair before Saturday, as the rush Saturday i? so big you can hardly get , I waited on Brother Charlie got a pair for himself nnd says he is sure ho saved a . dollar on them. Now, reader the place is in Allentown at ' 723 Hamilton street, need we say more. While in Allentown ask anybody they will tell you our's is the place. OUR LINE OF FUNRITURE IS COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. IT INCLUDES Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Couches, &c. Our prices arc positively as low and terms as good as you can get anywhere in the couuty. Don't fail to call and see us before making your purchases as we can positively save you some money UNDERTAKING in all its Branches. This, line of business receives our special attention. Flour. Feed, &c., The very choicest brands at lowest prices. Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport. There is no halt in our business; wc believe in keeping at U, for presistency is sure to bo rewarded with tucccss. Our sales last jear were very large and the holiday .trade was simply im mense, but we wnnt to do better in 1892 and to this end havo bought very largely of all kinds of Furniture Bed Room nnd T-1 C.,: T .. Tl.l tti,.: r l. n in i uiuu uuuuo, auuiii;?, iiuiiL'a, iuuiiB, ijuun Liuoca, IMlUCy Rockers, Side .Boards and the other things in this line, besides many new and handsome patlerns in Ingrain and Brussel Car, pets. Our plan for increasing our bnsincss in 1892 is througli the medium of low prices and bcst'qnaliiy of goods. TPe kindly ask yon to come nnd seo us, examine our goods and learn our prices and wo feel sure will become our patrons, Respectfully, Kemerer & Swartz '5 NORTH FIRST STREET. To make room for new goods, we will for 30 days sol Paper at Cost time to take advantage of Big Bargains South First Street, Leiiigiitojv. Wall N6w is the STUIIBH'H SUA VINO SALOON, opposite the Advooatk OrriOK, Is headquarters fur .lumuK. iwircmnQK aim wwnupuuiim. kjaui- 3 bum An, the barber, opposite the Opera House, cuts hair, attaree and doea everr Ihlny In flrstlaas style Drop In and sea him. To Fishermen. The Peuaaylvunla Oommiaaiouara of Fisheries are now prepared to raoiave Millar On tbe 3Ut dy of January, at applications for trout fry. One oan, ' Went Peon. Gabriel, lmabana of nusanna Aimer, agea montue and H tlaym. S3 years, 2 FOR RENT. AweUcutthatedfariu, known aa tlte (leiber property, couulntoff about 2JQ acrei, Uie Uttt iri ol w filch Is unuf r a hlgli state ox cultiva tion, located la lUhaaliu. townahip, tbli oounty, four mlltM from lMcbtot. aad 8 idUm Irom Maueta ChUBk. wtll be rented tight- u a good, reliable party or It can be worked eo eharra. For further particulars call on or addreea JOBKPUOUEBT, Jan. 30-at. lhltnon, lV Lohighton Fa , oontainlng 2000 young trout, will be I can t fpua nf avnnnna in V, a iMuaaat 1 " -,,.,!, r., Dl.ll.,1,.11,!.. ,,. u,. In. , . railroad station of each applicant Ap- "iVSewn of Gw and lne rennsyiVama of all our people and are worthy of your support dee. uivm men nn umigutou wiu move for ward aa It should, and local partisanship in con ducting aSalrs will become a thins of the paat The new Leblffetoo will flourish and Moom, strung and vigorous, and mir lop!e Kill be baypr t'oamrras. Sylvlna Hartley, formerly of Mauch uuuqk, in nts imn year. (Under Jacob Olnder, Br , of Mauch Chunk died at 3 a. m, on the 11th, aged 78 yean, 8 months and 3 daya. Fuueral takes place to .day (Friday) at 2 p. m., from his late residence, opposite the county jail Country Bred Shoats, From 40 to 100 postals In weight, at Prises Lower than tbe Lowest. These are not llulfalo stock, and are guaran teed. Of over S00 told last season only tbrse died. i Call and tec thein before bayinf elc where REX'S BON MARGHE. You will find us In the lead with more Fresh St vies and ncantlfnl r.iwl. n,.n Larue oppoituultles to bur your Fall and lllnter Uoodt are offered. Our enormoni stock of treasonable Styles ft opened and ready. Prices within t lie reach of all, and now la the time to buy NOTIONS Wo have looked well to tbe needs of our Notion and Fancy Goods Department Id selecting tbe stock for this season, aside from tbe staple arllclee In dally use we bare made tpecial FfTerts to secure little norelliec, tint ,e always netful at well as ornamental. IIOSIEUY. UNDKUWEAK AND OLOVE8 Tbe best selections and popular stiles prevail In ibis department, at tbe scope of choice Is large. We of course carry all grades of goods, which are sold ou tbelr merits. We lead the trade In these lines, because we tell tbe Uett Goods at the most liberal prices. COltSETS, and MUSLIN UNDKHWEAIl-Thls department is full up to the standard at all times. . DUESS GOODS, I1LACK O.OODS and S1LKS-We are Jctermlned to make mis ucpanuicub wiu, iiw yuu uauuut ran to oe pieasea wun oor stock. Ute assort' merit is I tree and so Tarled io price aa to meet tbe ourse of all. FLANNELS, COMFORTS and DLANKETS This is a department that appeals to tbe necetsiilee. corjsequenllr we are sbowioir a stock that will dallrht keeper, by oBerlng Kensroua Inducements In prices for tborouahly nrsXelass coodi. LINENS and DOMESTICS -Our tbowlne In this denartmant ..I Si,u. Jin t. appreciated by eterj sbrswd buTer. as wo carry an Immense assortment of everything pwUmlai! to tbe lines, snd are alwars up to the times, qualities and prices combined. SECOND FLOOR CAIH'ETS, TWOS and CURTAINS Our assortment lo Nottingham Curtains cannot be excelled In dee lag and qualities for tbe very lew price at which they arc offered. New Fall patterns In Moquett and Extra Fine Sauna Rags at right prices You will base to see our carpets to test any sort of an Idea of what we carry. New effects in prevailing colorings, embracing all makes aud amit ies and always lo bo seen. THE ANNEX contains our Grocery Department, which has no eoutl In this sec tion Choice stocks of even thing that is necessary to make rt first-class baa been carefully looked after. A trial order will convince you that we are leaders in tbil line. As to qualities and prices, the; are alwavs rlchl (MOM WarehousE. Newmarket Have a few Ladies' and Misses Newmarkets that must be sold, we do not want to carry them until next season and will mako the prices so very low that their sale will be sure, to those that can use them, they are the best bargain in this lino ever offered. A lot oi Lcdics and Misses Newmarkets that were worth from $10.00 to $15.00 will ro at $2.98 Come and see if we havo vout size Another lot of tho same, that were sold at from $7.50 to 10. now 1.98, only a lew of them, but probably wo can fit you. mbroideries When looking for anything in this line youwill find the assortment shown by us has no superior as to variety and quality, and we know our prices will be found very reasonable, lower than usually asked for same grades. White Roods Plaids find Checks in a great variety of stylos, in fact you will have no difficulty in suiting yourself with anything in this line, we also show nil grades of Lawns and India Liucms. MOM BROADWAY, Mauch Chunk, Pa, O. A. REX No. 711 Hamilton Street, Allentown, ia.