The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 09, 1892, Image 4

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Armed with a Pitchfork and an Ai( Two
rental. Inhabitants of n Lumber Dis
trict Slay nn Enormous Oreatare Which
Had Killed Tito Bteeri.
"I read about Mrs, Lewis killing the
two backs In the Aillrondacks, and about
Mrs. Becky Latimer's deer limiting ex
Molts in Pennsylvania," aald ft New
Yorker who has been hunting up in
Maine, "and now I would like to rend
about the way some women up in the
pine forests have of showing their grit
And skill when it comes to dealing with
certain wild animals.
"A family named McDonald lives way
back in the wilderness of the Molus
river. It consists of the husband, Rod
erick McDonald, his wlfo and his sister,
both young women. They hnvo a snug
little farm in there, and keep a few cat
tle, Their most valuable possession in
that line was a yoko of steers. One day
McDonald was obliged to go to one of
the settlements several miles away, and
his business was to keep him over night.
Ills wife and sister were left alono to
look after things during Ills absence.
Just before dark n great bellowing was
heard among the cattle in the barnyard.
Tho sounds were of such an unusual
character that the two women becanio
satisfied that they were cries of terror,
Mrs, MoDonald, armed with n pitchfork,
and her Bister, carrying an ax, hnrrlod
to the barnyard.
"There they found an enormous bear,
standing defiantly between the prostrate
bodies of tho two steers, each of which
ho had felled to the ground and killed.
Tho other cattle were huddled in terror
in a corner of the yard. The bear
growled and snarled and showed his
teeth as the women approached, but, In
spite of his terrible front and threaten
ing attitude, the sight of tho steers lying
dead on the ground was more than the
plucky young women could stand, and
they rushed with desperate intent on the
snarling bear,
"Mrs. McDonald charged with her
pitchfork and thrust Its sharp, long tines
deep Into the bear's neck. The bear
gave a howl of pain, and striking tho
handle of the pitchfork a powerful blow
with one forepaw he wrenched it from
Mrs. McDonald's hands and sent It fly
fng across tho barnyard. While the bear
was doing that Miss McDonald pitched
into him with the ax, and at tho first
blow disabled one of his terrible forelegs.
The bear turned on her and she rained
blows thick and fast upon him as she
backed slowly away. Mrs. McDonald
?;ulckly regained possession of the pitch
ork and renewed her attack on the bear.
"Between the attacks of the two de
termined and plucky women the bear
was so badly harassed that he made an
effort to escape from the field, but the
women pressed him too clossly. The
battle was not of long duration, for the
lusty blows of the axe In the girl's hands
and the deep and patnfnl stabs inflicted
by Mrs. MoDonald with her pitchfork
soon had their effect on the Dear, big
ncd tough as he was, and in Un minutes
after the fight began he was stretched
dead by the side of his victims, the two
steers. The two nervy women had their
clotting nearly stripped from thorn by
the claws of the bear, but beyond a few
scratcnes tbey were not injured.
"They were not on the scene in time
to cave the valusd Bteers, but their pluck
in avenging the death of tho cattle
aroused so much cnthnslasm and ad-
miration at the settlement that a purso
was raised among the lumbermen and
hunters, with which another yoke of
steers was bought and presented to Mrs,
McDonald and her brave little sister.
"In that same Molus river wilderness.
but nearer the headwaters, lives during
the summer and sometimes as late as the
middle of November, if the weather is
not too severe, a family named Baker,
They are Boston people, but on account
of the health of one of the family, who
is benefited by the spruce and plno air of
tho region, they spend m06t of tho year
in their commodious cabin in the Molus
"Baker's wife is a pretty woman of
about thirty, and Has learned to Dandle
the rifle like an old woodsman, She in
sisted on making one of a party that had
formed to rout out and kill a big bear
that had been located In a swamp a mile
or so from the cabin, She was stationed
by tho guide at a spot where In his Judg
ment the bear would not be likely to
come ont when the dogs got after him,
as he had no faith In A woman's ability
to stand and shoot at a bear as It
bounced into sight out of a thicket,
"Bis Judgment was right, for when
the dogs got on the track of the bear
Mrs. Baker heard them taklm? a course
that would fetch bruin out of the swamp
at a place where she would be unable to
see it or get a shot. But she wasn't there
to be fooled, and she started on a run
for the spot where the bsar was evidently
headed for, and she got there beforo any
one else did. The bear, a tremendous
big fellow, as black as ink, broke through
the thick brush on theedge of the swamp.
and was putting in his best licks across
the opening for cover on the other side.
But he never reached cover. Mrs. Baker
put one rifle ball close behind his left
shoulder and another through, bis loins.
When the guide, Mr. Baker and another
member of the party came tearing to
the spot, Mrs, Baker was sitting on the
carcass of the bear as cool as a oneunv
ber, and with mock disgust exclaimed:
" 'You're n nice lot of hunters. I de
clare! If It hadn't been for me this
bear wonld have been a mile away in
the woods before you stupid things knew
what had become of It!"' New York
Differed with the Speaker.
The Minister I now come to that
trreat rite, the Passover, and
Drowsy Railroad Official (awaking
suddenly) I tell you you have no right
to a pass over this roaa. 8am, show this
man to the door. Pittsburg Bulletin
Au i:si)milre luflrialti'.
I happened to bo In a Broadway opti
cian's etore and saw a good looking, well
dressed matron with a slip ot a girl and
s email ooy, an or vnom wore spec
tacles. The lady gave some directions
abont a pair ot glasses, and when she
had (nine I asked the optician whether
defective vision Is hereditary.
"Barely," said he. "That lady has
f out children, and all of them most wear
glasses. The father's eyea are sound.
The mother and her children are afflict
ed with astigmatism, n detect ot the
vision which is almost as rare as any
thing that afflicts the human eyes. It
makes straight lines crooked and parallel
lines fade into one. Special glasses must
uo made and ground to suit each person.
and sometimes the respective eyes, They
cost tire dollars apiece too. So yon eee
a large family ol children with astigma
tism costs a good deal of money is
glasses alone. As tbe children crrow nn
tbe range of vision changes, they break
or lose tueir glasses oitener tuan adults,
wnicn increases tne expense." new
xoric juraia.
How Indians I'repare (Trasshoppers.
When grasshoppers are Very abnn-
Sff ! ei-Tift". XTi "5? -T..f?"":
l8ra . 4?AV.,?!Ty
.. ".Vij ,r
If f mm nil iSlroM Inn. Thin Ih.v mv
Then theyoover
the openlpg with blankets. The hop
pers thus Jailed are taken oat and put
into bags wttb salt. Afterword they are
spread ont to dry In thBtfln. Tbe wings
and legs are removed before eating.
Washington mar,
llow Mile Thrsad I. Made.
Lisle thread Is made of superior cot-
ton treated In a peculiar ( manner. The
waxy surface of the cotton fiber is lm-
palr?i 7 fJ ,but 'tfr?? b?
pact and solid yarn. Exchange.
Goffeewat Introduced Into Constant!
utfple in the early part ot tbe Seventeenth
contur; , uud writer of that time inform
i.s : the inhabitants of that city drank
ii t. i us could be endured, the dscoc
t i heing as black as suot, as Purcboa
nt utorh nnhke If "
Victoria's llace ralace In Yflndeor and
How the Dreary Watte ol Stately ltonm
After ltoom Impressed an Atnerloun
Woman Who Visited It.
The Scotch moors, as I saw them in
Jnly, are already fading in my memory
into a soft harmonious mingling of rus
set and green, for the heather was not
yet purplei but the sun caught the sproy
of a mountain rivulet tumbling on its
rooky way, or turnod more vivid the in
tense green of those patches of verdure
in the midst ol the brown of the heather,
which we think seem so unnatural when
artists who paint in the highlands trans
fer them to canvas, llicso lilgn lights
stay by one when tho hills and all tho
ordinary features of that charming Scot
land melt Into the dimmest or memories.
One of these summer's high lights was
a visit to tho queen's private apartments
at Windsor. I don t know what red tape
and long waiting and diplomatic refer
ence it took to get the permit. I only
know that the thoughtful American girl
who remembered mo and made me one
of the four who were to invade the
eacred precincts conferred much pleasure
on me, and even though we were all 60
disappointed In what we saw, it was hu
man, was it not, to be delighted to go
where few enter?
Wo looked upon the herd of common
ers who filed by us in tho wake of the
cicerone, who overy hour takes throngs
of sightseers through the main part of
Windsor castle. Their nanus were red
with Baedekeft, but we loftily ignored
guidebooks for one day.
There were but three nigh lights there
to remember. One was General Gor
don's Bible, beforo which I could have
knelt, for it was tho well worn book of a
soldier who took it into tho tented field
as his companion.
There is no mistaking n book that has
been read, the very way It lies open, the
invisible marks of reverential fingers,
the color of tho paper which the open air
It disturbed me to see it In a hideous
little glass casket all ornamentation and
filigree. Very fine in its way, I suppose,
and taking many pounds out of the
hero's sister's pocket, who gave it to the
aueen, but so inappropriate to tho dim
pie life of that heroic soul, that martyr
to the mistakes or his country.
The second high light in tho aucen's
own domicile was the view from tho
state drawing room windows of the
avenue stretching miles and miles away.
It was sunny and bright, for some far
back English sovereign or his wise gar
dener had, perhaps, evidently believed
that with all bis possessions there was
nothing quite equal to the God given one
or sunshine, ana so there was a wide
strip of the greenest turf In tho world on
either side of the drive. There were no
parterres, no fountains or statues, Blm
ply this brood open spnee, where her
majesty couici wain or drive ror miles,
hidden by the forest trees on either side
from the staring eyes of the public.
The third high light in those drearily
magnificent palace corridors was tho life
are modeling or tbequoen and the prince
consort, made since his death. The
marble was scarcely pure enough to
represent as perfect an ideal of wifely
love as any sculptor is ever likely to
give. The queen s face turned toward
htr husband reveals the utmost devotion,
the most tender entreaty, as she leans
against him imploring him not to leave
her. Whoever has not understood wifely
adoration before must go away from
this exaulslta exemplification of It with
a new Knowledge or what us possibilities
are. i ao not even snow lr it is good
modeling, I only know that, intract
able, cold and inexpressive as marble
is supposed to ue, it epeaics in the race
and attitude of the queen as no painting
I remember to have seen.
I wish I could feel such genuine ad
miration of the prince, but he is so Eng-
11th, so handsome, so far away. Ills
head is turned quite from his wife, and
as she clings to him he coldly points to
distant lands.
There was nothing else In these gor
geous rooms that stays by me. There
seemed to mo miles of corridors, draw
ing rooms, little and big; dining rooms
and boudoirs, all glitter and glow. Tho
usual gilt and ormolu, marblo and onyx,
gloss of satin and rich stuffs, tho dazzle
of luminous glass, pervaded the entire
suites of apartments. We kept looking
ror some room wnero thero might bo a
trace ot homeliness.
We lonucd to see a workbasket, even
it her majesty doesn't do needlework,
and a sitting room where thero might be
an ordinary writing desk, a bookcase
with some well thumbed volumes or a
chair an American rocking chair even,
in which a loving woman had rocked
her babies to sleep.
The floors were closed on the queen s
and prince consort's bedroom, but in
genious inquiries causea tne oia house
keeper to give up their secrets'. Thero
was no difference. They lived in there
in state, and I began to think my child
ish Ideas that kings and queens slept in
their crowns was not far wrong, Eliza
beth ii, water in New York sun.
Chance for a Rest.
Mrs. Do Fashion Is Mrs. De Style at
Servant No, mum.
"Will she be back soon, do you think?"
"No, mum; she'll be away all day, I'm
thlnkln. Ye see I've given her notice,
an' she's gone out ter find a garrel good
enough ter fill my place. Yea might
come in, an rest y'rtelf. There's nono o'
tn' familv home to talk ve to death."
new xora weexiy.
A tillable Casa.
Judge What Is the charge against
t&u tnanr
Policeman lie stole a street car horse.
Jnflire I will deolde tomorrow whether
to tend him to a lnnatio asylnm or the
poornonse. uooa mews.
The Evolution of the 8ml.
As men in early times f oncht hand to
hand, the oldest specimens ot tho sword
are snort: In fact, the sword Is probably
hot an evolution ot the club, which at
first made of hard wood was gradually
enarpenea on one ana then on both sides,
so as to mulct a more deadly wound
Even today we find some savage races
employing wooden weapons. Wood
gave way to stone, which in turn was
displaced by bronie, iron and finally
The sword increased in length as men
became more civilized and showed a dis
position to fight farther away from each
other, which required more dexterity in
tne use of tne weapon, borne specimens
we have of swords of the Middle Ages are
almost u not qnlte as long as the war
riors wbo wielded them. During the
Fifteenth centnry the science of fencing
I form of
was invented, when the sword In tho
rapier reached the highest
develonment. K&tA Field'
point of
t'oukij Srsupathr.
I cannot touch a piece ot velvet with
my angers or permit the furry side of
Hn to touch my lips without ex-
rriencing immediately a sort of cold
cnlllall over my person. It Is not
I . f " .
very severe, bnt it is unpleasant Still I
wonld prefer to living forever under tbe
ban of audi a chill than to he compelled
to meet once n day one ol those oleagt
nous bundles ot insincerity and pretense,
the unctuous and effusive chap who
thinks yon are not properly treated and
never loses an opportunity to tell von so,
Of course I am aware I am not properly
,ppreolated, but I detest being told of
tn fact byanother person, who never
llf u tt &DB ln my wbo onJ
wags his tongue in my favor when I am
by to see him do It. Detroit Free Press,
Helping One AjMlher.
A seventh ward man rises ln tbe early
uawn of Monilay morning and does tbe
family washing, because hi wife ha on
organic heart trouble. After he goes to
bis daily toil, with the MBScioosoeas of
having performed lUsdnty, she goes over
sum ooes ine waaiung xor toe raimsteri
family. Sprio-rfield Ilome-sUad.
3x12 FULL 16 0Z. PLUG THE
'AND IS -tsggjA to
Lehigh Coal & H
Myer's Pumps
A complete line, including repairs for tlitAntrp
Cucumber Pumps
A complete line including repairs for the same.
Coal Oil
At wholesalo rind retail
Usual line of Hardware, Oils.
amis, varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street,
(AljUd) HIS, I (US
KgoprosiTE J- & s. DEPOT.-sssr
Has just opened an entire new line of
Comnrisine all the verv latest styles in White Goods, Sa
teens, Prints, Ginghams,
I'ancy JJress attorns oi
inn low urices.
Groceries, Provisions,
Jvood and Willowware ol
Cloths Cassimors Hats.
made Clothiner in crcat variety nnd at prices with the reach
of all purchasers prices fully as
nought lor at any other ceneral
Carpets, Oil-cloths. Lamps and fixtures in great
irnvmrv nrwl nf linof minlifv nf Ifnplf Mnftnm 1'nnPS.
Rest quality of Flour and
same articles can be purchased
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store
in this section,
Call and be convinced.
July 823-71
We Are Over
But will bo Pleased
Early and Often.
Althouch our verv low prices for the holidays created great
nayoc with our big assortment
witu a multitude of brand new
Big and Little Dolls,
All Kinds of Toys,
Fruits, Groberies and Confections.
Our Prices remain the samo
on everything sold over our
what we aro ollering.
Aro amonc tho new things now
believe that nowhere in this
assortment to select from at
trash but good honest goods at lowest pneos.
The former in all dolectablo dainties, and everything seasonable
in the latter. Sunday schools, festivals supplied at low prices
All the Very Latest Novelties in Toys.
Lowest prices and
ohas. h.
EaSoU! OfiO (Hiiro
IWn UUO lllVUi
" ' I
Come and see ttio special
now progressing at tho
.tiirlnsr tills TlianksirltlngTVVeek.
er, our assortment never (neater, nor hare our 1
sain eer been lareer than they hate teen this
season i and In order to outdo anything ever or-1
iL. (v., miia m thl. rttv. we make I
rar-nup nmittinmi lull never Dcen intrp
this medal sale, not only hi quantity. Out alio
liintlro. For Instance v,o sell you a lloerer
with Fur Trimming; that Is soman over
Our Special Price
ITrDnit forget tho iilaco.
Cor. 8th and Hamilton,
i.ii.o r,nlv IHii.trMM natter tn the world
containing all tho latest cnsatlonal and sport
Inc news. No saloon keeper, barber or cluo
room can ailorrt to bo without It. It always
I Mailed to any address In the United States
securely wrappeu, u wctus iur i.
Bend lire ceuts tor sample copy.
Richard K. Fox,
FrankllnSiiuarc. New jYjionio
Have you the Advocate ?
Original and independent in
Coal, Band, Cement, Waster, &c.
Lehightoii , Pa
i v 1 1 j
Marseilles, Seersuckers and
ine very uesi qunuues m exceeu
Croclreryware,j - iassware,
the best maKes at low ngures.
Boots. Shoes and Ready
low as the same goods can be
store in tnis vicinity.
Feed at prices iuUy as low as the
The Rush,
to Haye You Call
ot goods we are on aecK again
things in
that is Itock Bottom Figures
counters. Don t buy until you see
Op. the Park-
on oxhibition in our store. Wc
county can you find a prettier
lower prices. Our goods are not
biggest assortment.
Instead of Starting our
.Tnimnrv m will nflnr nil 0111
Noveltv Dress Goods am
at January
"We Quote a Few (Bargains:
Novelty Dress Tnttcrns that were
reduced to 5.00 a Pattern.
A Black Reefer Conov fur trimmed at 8.50 reduced irom 10.00.
634 Hamilton
Wo beat last year's assortment of Furniture all to pieces.
Wo are now showing a handsome
Plusli and Willow Rockers,
Beautiful Sideboards,
lor Suits, Handsome Pictures,
Beautiful Carpet Patterns.
Any of the above articles vill make a
handsome Christmas present.
Prices are the Lowest.
Our Great Christmas
A Christmas Carnival.
Our store with its many Holiday Hints is a revelation to hun
Idreds of Christmas shoppers, not only in the bewildering display
but in the startling prices. A few of the host of Beautiful and
Useful Christmas Gifts here :
A luxury for the fireside anil study now A Smoking Jacket or House. Kobe.
Uandsomo and useful Christmas gifts Low Triced Chllilrens Overcoats and Suits,
Christmas Umbrellas Steel Kods, Glorias and Silks with Handles of every style.
TemDtini! Christmas Novelties of every description In handsome Underwear.
Great Christmas Overcoat llarcalns.
Holiday Frlces.
Fine Canes for Christmas Presents.
tutdj v,,t, ,,,.,,,. . ,.,...
Fine Silk Suspenders. I'ialn and Fancy
Thousands Silk H'dkerchlefs. Bis
Fine Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, sepcrate and In fancy gift boxes.
New Silk Mufflers. Extra Qualities In black, white and buff colors.
SItk and Woolen Wristlets and Gloves of every quality.
Fine Merino and Woolen Half Hose,
HUNDREDS more of articles too numerous to mention at
our special low Holiday Prices.
See Our Great Christmas Windows.
Koch. Sc Sliankweiler,
ClotHni, Socialists anil Fashion Leaders of tbe Valley.
Centre Square Hotel Allen Building--Allentown.
Bed Room and'Varior Suites, Tables,
Chairs, Book Cases, Couches, &c.
Our prices are positively ns low
i , - u, ,, n.,u
uuywuuiu lit iiiu i;uuul. uuii t
making your purchases as we can
This line of business receives our special attention.
,. Flour, Feed, &c, .
The very choicest brands at lowest prices.
Ovor the Canal Bridge, East Weissport.
" A Feat to Properly Fit Feet.
, But it is successfully, satisfactorily, cheaply and pioperly
done at The Only Boot and Shoe Storo in WeisBpqrt
wnere you can nave nuea to your leet at a moment's notice al
most any make or qua hty shoe at prices which have been proved
positively lower than the same
Surchased elsewhere. TTc have a full line to select from, for we
o not carry on nn adjunct or side show business to occupy 0111
space or time. Come and see us, learn our prices and bo con
vinced that it is to your advantage to deal with us"
Leave Orders for Your
At This
Work Done
For a Holiday Present
Buy a Beautiful Hanging Lamp.
Buy a Pretty Dinner or Tea Set.
Buy Artistic Glassware.
Buy a Nice Stand
Buy trom us because you get the best
n mm i i l . .
lor tllC ICaSl aniOUIU
Hummers Queeiisware Bazaar
Reduction Sales in
$7.00 to 10.00 rt Pattern ntc
St., Allentown.
new line of
Bed Room and Par
Largest assortment and money saved at our
For Dressv Younrr Men anil Him tnnm
Embroidered In fancv boxes.
Values. New Colors. Hemstitched Toneeo
and terms as good as you can get
fi.:i n .i ...
jail iu uuu unit buu ua uutuic
positively save you some money
in all its Branches.
quality, style nnd finish can be
of all Kinds
Promptly and
OI money.
Frlfhtrnl Shipwrecks.
Staunch thlpi ttrlkt tnd founder, tbe flares
winds and mountainous ware airetn noble marl.
nert'; hearts of oak' to shipwreck and to doatb.
yet that dots not preveat the Inbberlttst lands,
man Irom Titular, bit life on tbe stormy Atlantio
Intboroleof tourist or oommtrtlat traveler.
Unt irbeshall reack bis destination safely he
will scarcely bavo escapee some of the realms
of tea slcknefs, nnttss be ttket wttb him Hot.
tetter'a Stomach flltttrt, that Inimitable tpecl.
fleofnsnita Had wattr on ltne; trips are a
threat to the voyager, but tats may be deprived
In a arrest measar. at tit .lltorft.rfnv n.t. nn.
on the stoaiacb, bowtlt and liver by the Illtttrt.
At-atort the prejudicial arrests of malaria, bad
diet, fatlsuo and exposure it Is alto effloacltut.
It avertt. moreovar, rhtamatlsm and kidney
complilatt. Don't travel on sea or land with.
out it.
llrown I'm like Ivy. I cllns to my
church. Fogs Very like Ivy. Conflno
yourself to Hie outsUlo of tho chnrch.
"A God-tern! Is Ely'a Cream Balm. I
had catarrh for three years. Two ot three
times a week my nose would blectl. 1
thought the sores would never heal. Your
Balm has cured me." Mrs. M. A. Jack
son, I'ortsmouth, N. II.
I was so much troubled with catarrh It
seriously a (Tec I nil my voice. One bottle of
Uly's Cream Dalni did tho work. My
vole Is fully restored. It. P. Liepsnsr, A.
ST., I'astor of the Olivet Baptist Church.
Philadelphia, I'a.
An old bachelor explains tho courage ot
tho Turks by saying that a man with more
than ono wife ought to be willing to face
death at any lime.
Love'a Young Dream.
Love's ynnne; dream was a very bright one;
and its ftilQUlroont will bo brtaht, too, if the
brtdo will rtmemhtr that the It a woman, and
Habit to all the Hit peculiar to ber sex. We re
mind those who are sufferlna- from any ol these,
that Dr. Pierce's Farerlto Prescription will re.
new tho hue or youth In pale and sallow shocks,
correct Irritating uterine diseases, arrest and
onre ulceration and Inflammation, and Infuse new
vitality Into a wastlnt: body. ''Favorite Pre.
.cnpilun i ma only ineuicine lor women, eviu
brdragRlsts, under a poslttvo guarantee from
tho manufacturer!, that It will give satlllaetlon
In every ease, or money will bo refunded. Thlt
guarantee has been printed on tno bottle-wrapper,
and faithfully carried oat for many years.
Tho course of true lovo may never run
smooth, but that fact doscn't stevcnlillie
lovers from striking a gate now and then.
Songs bavo tho power to quiet
1 lio restless pulse of care,
And come like the benediction
That follows after Drayer.
If vou are worn out hv that backing
cough, and want a good night's rest, try
fan-una. tue great remeur lor uougns.
('olds, and Consumption, 23 and 60 cents.
Trial bottles of Fan-Tina ttce at T. D.
Thomas drug storo.
Jack Well, Jim, I proposed to Miss
Summer last night. Jim Did sho give
you her heait? Jack No, but I got a
piece of her mind.
Some Foolish VeotilA
ltoiv a coush to run until It sets beyond
tho reach of medicine. They often 6ay,
" Oh, it will wear away, hut in most cases
it wears tliem away, couki nicy be in
dnced to trv the siiccessnu medicine ciucu
Kciud's llals.1111. which Is sold on a positive
guarantee to cure, they vrould immediately
see the excellent ciTect after taking the first
lose. Price 50c ami 1.00. Trial size free.
At all druggists.
Men arc unlike trees In one linpoitanl
respect with men it is Just after tho fall
that they begin to acquiro a shady repu
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advortlssd druzclst to
se 1 Dr. hint: s Jicw Discovery for eon
sumption. Coughs and Colds, UDon this
condition. If you are afflicted with a
Cough, Cold or any Lung, Hi rout or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving It a fair trial, and excell
ence no benefit, you may return tho bottle
and have your money refunded. We could
not make this offer did vre not know that
Dr. King's Vew Discovery could bo relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles
freo at liebor's Leblghtonj and lllcry's
weissport. Large size ouc, ana st.uu.
North West Is the name of a merchant
of Bridgeport, O. ; doing West is an attor.
ncy of Fredonla, X. Y., and H'llde li'est a
resident of Itockfotd, Ills.
IUtIdic useil Dr. Hull's Ooagh Syrup for tbe
last lew uajs. to my gratification, i and it did
me a great deal ol good. 1 had a very severe
rum which u carta in A Terr lew aavs. u. u.
itouertiou, 139 aialo street, I.yncnburff, Ya.
Starllliiff Fact l.
The American dcodIo arc ranldlv be
comtnc race of nervous wrecks, and tbe
following tWEKPsts the best remedy: Al
phonso Ilempdnc, of Butler, Fa., swears
tn at wiicn ins son was speecnleis from bt.
Vitus J an co Dr. Miles' creat Restorative
Nervine cured blm. Mrs. J. 11. Miller, of
Valparaiso, and J. D. Taylor, of Logans
port, Ind., each gained 20 pounds from
takinz it, Mrs. II. A.Gardner, of Vistula.
Ind., was cured of 40 to CO convulsions a
day, and much headache, dizziness, back'
actio and nervous prostration by ono hot'
lie. Trial bottles, ard fine book of mar
velous cures, freo at Thomas Le hi cut on
and Bier j Weissport, who recommend and
guarantee ims unequaiieu remedy.
Douglas Green Is aald to be inakin,
great deal of money In Wall street mown.
days, and teems to be very happy with
Mrs. McCrca.
Couchl UK Lencli to Coniuinptlon,
Kemp's Hals am will stop the cough at onco
Lecture On Tools,
Admit Ono.
tiDtleman who lectured on foali. minted
lili tTakoti as &boT. SuircMtlTt, ertalnly, and
tab mcanta. What lotli r they who inner
me lnroaui oi uueiie nun iner bikui d curew.
Dr. l'lercfi'a (J old en Medical DUcofdrr ti iold
under a ioiltlre tuarant of Iti beneflllnjf r
eurlDic In arery caio of Liver, Dlaod and Luna:
disease, or money paid Itr It will La cheerfully
reiunuea. tn au dioou lamii ana impuniiii oi
wluterer lame or nature, It Is meat poiltlre In
Iti curatlre e fleeti. Pimples, Blotehet, Erup
tions and all Skin end Scalp dlieei, are radl-
oallv cured br this weaderfal medicine. Serofu.
lous disease may e fleet the glands, causlaa;
leTtr-iorci " "White" "lilD-loini
unease; ' once uiiees oi iee iudii. cauimi
Pulmonary Uonsumrtlen. Wliaterer Ita man!
leiiauuni maj vm, "uoiuen meuivai uifuwrer
John Sherman', picture Is anions ibe of (bo great financiers of lUo
world on the walls of tu. Hank of England
Good and Ilellabl..
Don't mi larre doctors' hills. The best
meilleal book nuul shed, one hundred Dazes.
decant colored nlates. will be sent you on
receipt o uiree - cent sumps 10 par me
lostage. Address A. r. urn way x 10,
loston, Mass.
Grover Cleveland and Horace Holes are
both natives of Erie county. N. Y.
Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, Is charged
with smoklnz tbe worst clears of any
prominent man ln tbe country.
1 We. lM.ffii.tiHl
Kith the learned doctors after sirallotvln
their costly medicine In vain for over a
vear for the relief of catarrh ln mv head,
when i cured mvseir hi usiuz six bottles
of Sulphur Hitters. My wife is now taking
incur lor neryoas ueoiiuy. ADiel uarter,
I'arker House, notion.
The elderberry bush frequently trows to
laige proportions In the West. In Los
Angeles, Cal., there was a bush the stump
of which was thirty-four Inches in dl
l'rovldo yourself with a bottle of A jcr'
Cherry I'ectoral, and so have tho means at
hand for contendlnz successfully with a
sodden cold. As an emergency medicine,
It has no equal, and leading physician
everywhere recommend It.
Osm (Ulda. Concha, lor Threat, Ones, lalaeua,
WatMpUf Co(sV. SrsMavluMi AJtama. AsMruta
sTHr 1. 1 Gea.apU9a is am . ato a tun ntw ta
etWaaM.1 aU(a. ts..irt TiUmUhu
ill at effect aur taaiar ua Irak aeae. f
slattiw wa.w. Lai irMlm, i aa4 IM
The Itrllllant Student's Dilemma.
A Uarvaril strident told tne nn amus
ing: story Kont hiuiolf tin- other day.
It neemt that i inly hla mother bad a
yonng lady gneei at tbi ir home on tbe
Daclc Bar, and when be caine from col-
lege In the afternoon be vrat introduced
to ber. At dinner alto rho tat oppcelte
hint at the tabl. He paid little atten
tion to the fair visitor, as kla wind was
nngroaeed vtitU a problem In his leteons.
However, hla brothers were as asslduooa
u potalblo In rntutaintiut ber, Aa it
happened, the latter had engagements
ont that evening;, and, as Mrs. A. had
promised Mian B, to linve one ot her ions
take her to the theater, it fell to the lot
of my friend George, the Ilarrafd man.
He accepted tho sanation RracefHlly,
and In due limo tho young couple set oft
for the theatre. Arriving, ueorgo left
his companion at one bide of the lobby
while he stepped up to the box offlco and
purchased the tickets; then, tnrnlng
abont, he looked toward the place where
he had patted from tho young lady, and
was surprised to eee half n dozen there.
and ye Rods! la it possible? he could
not tell which was his precious charge!
Horo was n dilemma.
George said he immediately decided
that, rather than risk speaking to the
wrong person, ho wonld stand still till
the young lady spoke to him, So ho
gated at hie tickets for what seemed to
him an ugo, but was probably only a
minute, when MIrs B. came up and said,
1 fear yon tlld not rccognlro me," "Oh,
yee yes " stammered Goorge, equivo
cating "yes, I didi I thought they had
not given me tho scats I asked for, and
was considering what was beel to do In
the matter." Boston Herald.
A Storj from the American Indian.
Many years nzo a boy found a beauti
ful snako, bo nn Indian logend runs. He
kopt It ln a bowl ot wator and took no
tice that email feathers dropped into tho
receptacle became) living beings. lie
experimented nnd discovered that what
ever be put into tho water became alive.
He rubbed eomo of this mako water on
his eyea and found that ho could eee
things that wero actnally hidden in the
ground. Concluding that be would
mako tho liquid more powerful by put
ting inoro snakes into it, he hnng upn
number of serpents ao thnt their oil
dropped into the water. Dy putting
some of the solution thus obtained into
his mouth he could breathe Ore, and by
placing some of It in his eyes he could
boo in tho dark.
At will he could transform himself
into a serpent, could become invisible
and could travel at an Incredible rate of
spaed. An nrrow dipped into the liquid
nnd shot at any Hying being, even If It
did not kit its object, would neverthe
less kill It. A feather dipped Into this
snuke water and pointed at any game
would Immediately start for the latter
and slay it. This boy became ln this
manner a great wiaard. Washington
Tho Atnatenr Actress.
Wo had rather throw aside this pen
forever than to write a word to discour
age any woman who is conscientiously
striving to earn a position on the stage;
but thero are other women some In tbe
profession, some In the audlencej to
wcom it Is grossly unfair to put lor t nan
Inexperienced amateur as n star. Uon
alder, ladles and gentlemen, what a poor,
miserable art that of acting would be if
anybody could acquire It in a few lea
soon, ln a year or so, from a private box
acroai the footlights fo the center or the
ttaee. It takes a longer time to learn to
be a enrponter or to play a piano, to be
a dressmaker or to paint a picture, to bo
a typewriter or to cut hair properly,
than amateurs who are now willing to
bestow upon the art which includes, em'
ploys and dignities all other arts from
statuesque posing to wig wearing. If
acting oould be tanght in a day it would
not bo bo well paid nor so highly esteem
ed, and good acting would not be so un
common. Stephen Fiske in Spirit of the
e'wno discovers a How am'odcrers
a greater benefit on mankind than he
who discovers a new star, says a fa.
moos writer, and the majority of per
sons would be willing to accept the;
statement without ulaieut.
Tbe nrtinclal honey is becoming a
formidable rival of natural honey. Its
oomposltiou is sugar, water, free add
"ed. a small proportion of mineral salts.
e It isn't dona
by othors that's why the guarantee
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
should command attention. It'i
guarantee that means something.
If the medicine doesn't give satis
faction, in every case for which it's
rcoommendeu, tno money is prompt'
lv refunded. Remarkable terms
but it's a remarkable medicine. All
tho functional irregularities and
weaknesses peculiar to womankind
aro cured by it. For leucorrhoa,
periodical pain, weak back-, prolap'
ma and other displacements, bearimi'
down sensations, and all " female
complaints," It's an unfailing rem'
cdv. It is a powerful, restora
tivo tonio and nervine, imparting
Btrencth and vigor to tho whole
Trv it, if you're an ailinpr woman,
If it doesn't help you, you havo
your rnonoy back.
As a regulator and promoter of
functional action, at that critical
period of chance from eirlhood to
womanhood, " Favorite Prescrip
tion" is a perfectly safo remedial
agent, and can produce only good
Scientific American
. Agency for
9 sBL
Fv In format I on and f rM TTevndboo vrtt to
n I Hait tiiiraan 7n. Iunrln. rutanti In AnertCeV
Every ptnt tiken out br ua la brought before
tbe publio br a notice givou freo ol ctijo tn Uo
lAraert Hrmtttlon of anr tdenUflo piper In the
worm. ppiencuaiT mosur
HnlnndlrtlT lltnsif rsitAii.
rvsUHUUie, Sft Urua4war. Nw 1 ork.
Perfectly Well. V
FnXMOBJL Dubnqne Co.. Ia,, Bpt., 1888.
Ulii K, Flnnlgan writes i Ujr mother and
IcUtr uasd Paetor Koeoig'i Kerr Tonic for
neuralgia. They are bolli pcrfoctly well now
fca never urea ol praiuug tbe tenia.
It Wan lutlecd a .11 1 rue 1c.
851 First St., Baoosltk. N, T., Aug. I, DO.
X wfata to eUte what a wonJrf al benefit Paa.
tor Koootfs Kerr Vula baa ! W xuj broth
er, vbo Lai suffered from rtoumauem slnoe
IsU and La cot been able to do work of 4uv
kind ilDoe that Um II Laa trleU ail Undo ol
Cateat madlolnoe and dllTerant doctor of laiU,
ut all without benefit, until ho took the Tonio.
lie hai oontlnaallT Improved elneo, and I will
ear, and hnndreda bealdM ma wbo have aeea him
during hi aickaeia, that It waa Indeed a mix-
cU to ao him roUxl to Loalvh.
W lit flR AIT 4M.
In r fA Talaablo Itoolc on Korrotu
If II L U 1oOj aeot freo to .utdjfeoB,
iiicUiclxio ro 'of charso
Udow pfeparod Ua4ruLl '
Sold br Dmcslitj at I pn BotUe. ottll
taiseltKcaMS. OBotUe. (or SJ9.
We usb Alcohol
pure alcohol to mate Wour1! Achh
Blacking. Alcohol is good for leather (
ills good for the skin. Alcohol Is the chief
ingredient of Cologne, Florida Wattr, and
Ilay Rum tho well known faee washes.
We think there is nothing too ooetlj to use
In a good leather preservative.
Acnio Blacking rotallf at 20c.
and at that price tells readily. Ifan
people are to accustomed to luring a dress
ing or blacking at Be and 10c a bottle
that they cannot understand that a black.
Ing can be Cheap at 20c We want to meet
n i. tr . t ....
cornplish this we offer a reward of C
for a rcclpo vrhlch will enable us to mate
Woltt'8 Acme BLAczura at each a price
that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c
bottle, e We hold this offer open until
Jan. 1st, 1893.
WOLET & nAMDOLTH, rhUadelsUa.
The Cure For
Scrofula was ones supposed to be Hi.
touch ot rojiltr. Toslaf, many gratefal
people know that the "sotereltn remedi" Is
Ayer's Barsaparllla. This powerful sJUra
tire extirpates "tho evil" bj thoroothlr
eliminating all tho strumous poison from the
blood. Consumption, catarrh, and various
other physical as well as mental maladlM,
have their origin ln
When lioredltary, this disease manlfMta it
Bdf ln childhood by ctandular walllDfs,
running sores, swollen Joints, and jenerU
feebleness otbody. Administer Ayor'sSaria
rarilla on arpearanco of the first symptoms.
" My little girt was troubled with a palnf at
scrofulous swelling under ono of her arms.
The physician bolng unablo to effect a care,
I cavo her one bo I tie of
Barsaparllla, and the swelling disappeared."
-W. F. Kennodjr, McFarland's, Va.
"I was cured of scrofula by the use of Areij
Barsaparllla." J. C. Terry, Deerfleld, Mo.
" I was troubled with a sore hand for over
two years. Iielug assured the ease was
scrofula, I took six bottles of Ayer's
tind was cured' II. lllnklns, lilrertou, Wtb.
rnErintD sr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lovell, Miss.
BoU ty all Drngglati. l'rl Jl ; tlx bottlea, i
Th OHmfnof erldeneo I
is now oompiei ina .
CREAM U tho onl ,
nrpnaratlon that Don-
tlfelf does all that U i
rlalmM forit. ItremOTti I
FreckltMi. Llrer.moloL BlaeD
TiAaiin IMmnlM. Tan. ind I I
IrnvsArfAMIrtriH rt lha ikln. withomt lnlttrr
A few applications will render a rouxb 4
red BkinBCft, smooth and white. Itltnol
a coemetlo to cover defects, but a rare, ana
011 a ron tno r tri rH v Bt1nf Action. FrleflflOO.
At druggists; or sent by aalL Bend fa
Fu.i.THlflr.11. treated OT an anrtstotwond-wlda
reputauon. DealneM eradicated and entuely
other treatments have lalled. Uewiaeoua.
culty Is reacted and tho cause removed, rally
eirlalnod in circulars, with affldavlu and Ustl.
monials of core, from proralne.tpeople.ra.lled
irca. Ut. a. fUMIAIMC ztMomm Hun.
I'a. iZ&BQ at once. No operation or bastneas
delay. Thousand a of cures. Dr. Mayer U at
Hotel Penn, Heading, Pa., second Satardayot
each mouth, eendferclrcolari. Adricefreo.
Blck Beadaeheattd rtlleraaU tnatmblai tool
riant to abUloua stataof the iytten.nali as)
ClulDMi, Nauaoa. DnmUkasf, DUtrttw aftaff
eattDg. Tain In the Blda, ao. While thalrmoat
re&iatsUsblo saccoas has ba shown In ousss 4
ilsuhsk r Outer's Utile tins- KB ST
JlTMudregaUte the bonis, 2 nail Unreal
wh fB n BbSI su atssssV
i aofer from t hi dlatraalns oomplalntf but farta
eUtaly thiir poodnaaa doaa notand harM4 taoaa
, whoonoa try tham will and the llttla plilayahv
abla In to many ways that thay will not txs wti
liogtoilowlUioatthain. SafeafteralUlcktwa4
Is tht bus otto many tin. that bereiswtles,
iw.msj.eart7etvtlKUt. Oar puis ours UwbO
Other, do not.
vtntra tutu, urer nua era .wu en
MrvuntflUlL OnaeFtwalitUsrnU..tlMe.
They m strletly eeUtlB sad do not grtp. ear
porn, but by tlulr genU. aoUon plesM ell ;!,
uuihua. InvUlsstJScenUi flT.farlt, Sou
by droeslsU tvaryvaer., or twt .y null.
Ita wurles aMlUlM sr. BuarmiMd, stasrt
cvllullBv two bo... of Knyolb.r brud. Ho.
tctl brb..t.l-trUCfTlCilSI IJISt Km
irrUUUmahrwidbtt. n r . lawb. lav
smi Lmp, what tMel4 juti dul V.ut v ma awld aaira
IiaUtlaM,fcariuiMp'wU r ui I ! H a tmljaaTfruanl la
B Nmmr (.. t. eHwt. lnatsuik rttlit)J la tht WtJMlH
Hcaataa. and m-i - wbara atkera ftvli. 1
B TrlsU TMaatj Uavtv m tvrasnw ar BJ .
fl itlta UK, H. BUMiyFHABP
ron rua. particulars and rcfeaencca
IB I. ad WUIelMll HI . N.w Tek.