A Dog'. Lor for Another Dog. I had two puppies of tbe Molnssna, commonly called the Mareinma, breed) largr, white, Tory beautiful dogs, with long liuir; varying In size between a NewfuunJlaml and a collie; the old Greek race of watch dogs to which, quite certainly, Argos belonged. These puppies, named Pan and Paris, lived together, fed, played and slept together, and were, never separated for a moment for seven months. In the seventh month Paris fell 111 of distemper and died. Now, by my own observation, I can declare that Pan nnrsed his brother as assiduously as any boy could have nursed another; licked him, cleaned him, brought him tempting bits to eat; did all that ho could think of; and when his brother at last lay thero cold and unresponsive to his efforts, his grief nnd astonishment were pitiful to see. From that time he censed to piny; from being a very lively dog he grew grave and sad; he had a wistful, wondering Inquiry in his eyes which it was pathetic to behold; nnd although he lived for many years after, and was as happy as a dog can be, he never recovered his spirits he had buried his mirth in the grave of Paris. Something was lost for him with his brother which he never regained. This is the only instance I have known of a dog's lovo for nnother dog. Ouida in North American Uevlew. A l'UIn Truth. No man has n right to marry till, In every human probability, assured that he can support a family in Ms own sta tion. Mere love or improvident matches seldom turn out weH; poverty comes, and thero is so much self reproach on cither side that gall Is added to its bit terness; their tempers are soured, and they soon wish themselves unmarried. But when trials assail an attached, a reasonable pair, sorrow unites them closer; the man, feeling how much de pends on him, never flags in his exertion, and often recovers the lost step; If not, there is Btill consolation in his wife s un varying love in her sweet, noiseless sacrifices. In these uncertain times there are. few commercial men who have not met with reverses, and they will often say: "Ilad it not been for thoso at home I should have blown my brains out; I could not have stood it." Wife and children! They are a beacon to us in our troubled sea; wo renew the struggle when ready to sink beneath the wave, and at last are saved. At the worst, when all is black when friends nro cool or reproachful when the cruel. est doubts assail us there is still one who respects and loves us; at home we ore still dear. Mew York liedger. COLD WATER CUKES ALL A UNIVERSAL PANACEA FOR SUFFER ING HUMANITY. A Glaut Iforse. There is in Detroit an equine thorough bred which is pronounced not only the handsomest, but one of the largest horses in existence. lie is in truth a giant, and the veriest novice in horseflesh could not but view his size and beauty without a certain feeling of awe. This colossal animal is 5 years old and is 21 hands high, weighing 3.803 pounds. An oral- nary sized man cuts but a small figure beside him. lie is a dark chestnut in color, with superb mane and tall. Ho is owned by Richard Tregaskis, and can trot in four minutes. It seems a pity that there will be none of his progeny. He was imported from France by a Kentucky horse breeder, who paid 5,000 for him. When put in the stud the animal became a veritable fiend. lie would kick and bite on the slightest provocation, and no one could do anything with him. lie soon killed one attendant and a short time after an other man fell a victim to the vicious brute. The death of these two men caused the owner to cbango the animal into a gelding, and with good effect, his temper being greatly Improved. Detroit Free Press. One Tiling Women Can't I-earn. "Thero is one thing a woman never learns," said a Broadway conductor as he yanked the bellcord, "and that is to get on and off a car with a swing to ward the horses. She steps on or off backward that is, with her face the other way. If the car is moving the least bit she is liable to trip and fall down. Then she looks daggers at me, as it I did tbe whole thing purposely. A five-year-old boy knows better. Talk about dress reform," he murmured con temptuously, "what a woman wants to reform is in getting somo sense about horse cars. She ought to take lessons from her brother. "People have no idea how much anx iety women cost conductors and drivers. i am mac womea aoout women getting on and off my car that it is with a sense i in my last trip every day feeling that no woman has had her neck broken or fallen down from my platform. Wo have narrow escapes from that every hour In the day." New York Telegram. The Fall llonneti. As you see the fashionablo fall woman approaching, you wonder if she is wear ing a crown upon her head. Her hat is of a material that looks like burnished gold or polished brass. It sets closely to the head in front, and extends upward as if it were going to end, or rather "peak off, into the regulation top for a crown. But she isn't wearing any such mark of power. She has simply put on her fall bonnet and is wearing It, not for the purpose of astonishing the natives, but simply because it is fashionable. If she is a very fashionable woman she has had a piece of her dress material let into the top of her burnished gold hat, and at the very back of the whole affair she has caused q, whole field of brass daisies to be fastened upright, so that they nod upon their wiry stems and wave to and fro as their wearer walks or talks, bows or nods. New iork Letter. "The Abbe Sebastian Kuelpp" and lilt rover of Healing- A Patient De scribee tho Method of the Prleet'e Treat ment Cold Water Ued Ktternallv, Few Americans have seen the little viUsgo of Woerishofen, between Mem- mineen and Amrsbourg. in Havana, ana yet for the past four or five years this little bnrg has attracted as many visitors as Bavreuth and Obcrammergan. Woer- ishofen is celebrated not for its mineral waters, not for its bracing air, but for Its marvelous cures performed by the priest of the village, the Abbe Sebastian KnelDD. Each year at least ao.ooo in valids make n pilgrimage to Woerishofen and endure all Inconveniences in order to be cured by tho Abbe Kneipp. The Abbe Kneipp Li n celebrity in Germany. He Is called a genius, a savant, a benefactor of the human race. Everything in the villago is named for the wise priest. For instance, there is Kneipp coffee, Juictpp bread, Kneipp linen, etc Always at least a dozen physicians uro present at tho consulta tions of the priestly healer, and these, after thoroughly understanding his sys tem, will found Kneipp Anstalten at Stuttgart, Munich. Wurtzbourg, etc. This good abbo believes that water will euro all the ills to which flesh is heir. A friend who went from Paris to consult the Abbe Kneipp has told me of her experience at Woerishofen, and of her great admiration for tbe aube s wis dom. THE ABBE. In the village thero are only throe oi four primitive inns, but most of tbe in valids lodge in private houses no less primitive. Tho abbo has been compelled to build a large house for the benefit ol the clergy, for priests alsonsk to bo cured by their confrere. The abbe receives at the presbytery and begins consultations at 8 o'clock in the morning. The great physician sits in a large room on the gronnd floor, Rur rounded by pnpils. The abbo is a fiat looking man. His regular features and fresh complexion denote health, and hit broad, high forehead, hardly touched by a wrinkle, is framed in white hair. His eyes are the bluest and brightest 1 have ever seen, for his soul seems to be concentrated in these eyes, and they pene trate you through and through in fact. to make a diagnosis, the abbe only looks at a patient and in diagnosis he nevet errs. Some who went to the priest with despair in their hearts left him buoyed up by courage and with the assurance that their diseases were not incurable. Although tho abbe Bays "I cannot de stroy death," still he has cured many whose diseases Dallied tbe skill or others. A man whose face vas disfigured by a horrible cancer asked his advice. Calm ly the priest said, "It is easily cured," and after several weeks of lotions and baths the cancer disappeared. The blind have recovered their sight and the lame havo walked. According to tho Abbe Kneipp every disease originates in the blood; there may be n disturbance in its circulation, where may be a derangement of its com position. WHAT WATER DOES. Water alone can act thoroughly on the blood, und water produces four notice able effects. It dissolves tho injurious principles of the blood, eliminates that which has been dissolved, restores regu lar circulation to the purified blood and fortifies the debilitated organism. In a talk with tho abbo after consultation hours, ho said that fifty years ago people did not take cold a3 at the present time. Why? Simply because, the body was more hardened to changes in temperature. Water makes the body capable of en during all climates, and the best way to begin the treatment is to walk barefoot in the wet grass. After a quarter of an hours promenade without drying the feet, one must pnt on dry shoes and stockings and exercise until the f oet ore very warm. "If you can find no dew, no wet grass," said the abbe, "walk on cold, wet stones, or even on the snow. That is my remedy for thoso who are al ways taking cold." The abbe s treatment varies according to the malady. For some he prescribes vapor baths, for others wet compresses, for others baths with oats or hay added to tbe water, etc. The water must be as cold as possible, and in winter snow is preferred. But a cold bath must never lost mora than five minutes, including the time required for dressing and un dressing, and the bather must never use towels, but always exercise for fifteen minutes after the bath. Friction only causes unequal circulation, but exercise produces n uniform heat. Warm bathsshouia always ueroitowed by a plunge in cold water. The good abbe says one must never drink too much water, and the least possible during ra pists. "Drink a little water before eat ing, very little while eating, and two or three hours alter drink as much as you wish." Paris Cor. New York world. HE IHEVERS OF OLD HONESTY TOBACCO WILL SOON: riD JrjAJ IJ LrSTS LOGEfy TASJES BWEETER TrjA OJrjER TO BACCOS, AND WILL pLESE u-.f ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, 1 yUU AND INSIST ON GETTING IT. Vftty puJG SJArpED LlkE BOE CUT. HO. FIBER & BROS., LotM, Kj. Instead of Starting our Reduction Sales in January we will offer all our ss Goods and Goats at January Prices. We Quote a Few Bargains: ALLENTOWN PA. Novelty Dress Patterns that were $7.00 to 10.00 a Pattern nro ' reduced to 6.00 a Pattern. A Black Keeibr Conev fur trimmed at 8.C0 reduced irom 10.00. 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. New Bee Hive, Come and nee the recta1 now progressing at tbe NEW BEE HIVE durlntrthls Than kn el vlng .Week. t-vr-ftnrrttmitt-iltifti. liai nver been itiartv I cr.our Mwrtmcnt never greater, nor have our 1 mile ever oeen larser man mey wire wen mm Reason ; and In order to outdo anything ever cf forcd tnth Coat Line in thh city, we make thl special sale, not only In quantity, but also hi lrlce. For Instance we sell oii a Kecler w 1th Fur l rinuning mat n (torn an over 15.00. Our Special Trice $12.00. BET Don't forget the lilace. "Hunsicker's Cor. 8th and Hamilton, ALLENTOW Burnetii tne forth New Tear. The world renowned unecMs of Hnfttptrpr'j. Btomacb I litters, and their continued popularity i mr orrn iiuru ui a ceiiiurr wi Bioinarmc, is Is scarcely more wonderful than the welcome that greets the ununal nniaratireof Hostetter's Almanac This valuable) medical treatise Is rntjllshed by The Ilostettrr Company, Httsburg, 'A.(tiiHler their own Immediate stipcrvwlon, employing tw bands In that department. Tliey are rnnninir about it month In a year on this i work, nnd t lie Issue of same tor 1992 will be more I than ten millions printed In the Kngllnh. (ler-! Iman, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Sw eedlMi, 1 lol : and, liohemian and Hpanlsh lan ma ires, ltefer ! iu n i-upv tii u lur Ttinutuie aim iiiierrsiiiiR rean : Ing concerning health, nnd numerous testlmonl als as to tho efllcacy of Hostetter's Stomach jut ters, amusement varied Information, astrono mical calculations and chronological Items, c. which can be depended on for correctness. The Almanac for lam ran be obtained free of cost, from druggists and general country dealers In all parts of the country. The watches In use number 150,073,873. Simple Questions Simply Answered Tl'hv do people very often allow a cold to run on? Uecause they think It will wear away. Whr does the Goo eh that at first caused no alarm become deep seated and chtonlc? liecauso the proper remedy was not used. The way to break tip any Cough Cold no matter if other medicines failed benefit Ton. Is to try I'an-Tltm. the treat remedy for Coughs, atT. 1). Thomas drug, store. A pound of phosphorous heads 1,000,000 matches. THE POLICEGAZETTE Is the only Illustrated paper In the world containing nil the latest ensatlnnnl nnd snort Ing news. No saloon keeper, barber or club room can aHord to be without It. It always mnkos friends wherever it goes. Mailed to any address In the United 9tates securely w-raiun-u. ij wn-ss iur.,. Send live cents for sample copy. Richard K. Fox, FrankllnSquare. New y'mvi Have you the Advocate 1 Original and independent in everything. Tlre beat last year's assortment of Furniture all to nieces, H'c are now showing a handsome new line of Plush and Willow Rockers, Beautiful Sideboards, Bed Room and Par lor Suits, Handsome Pictures, Beautiful Carpet Patterns. Any oi the above articles will make a handsome Christmas present. Prices are the Lowest. KeMERER & SWARTZ, NORTH FIRST STREET, Some r'onll.li lVnptn Allow a coush to run milil it gets beyond e reach of medicine, ihev oiten sav. Oh, it will wear attay, but in mnet cases wears tlicm aw nr. Cuuid tlier be in tired to (rv llio successful medicine called Kemp's ltalsntn, wliich IssoM on a positive guarantee tn cure, they would immediately see the excellent effect aacr t&Mng the lirst Price 60c and $1.00. Trial sire free. At all druggists. A city In India which was taker by Gene ral Qoddart in 1780, was found to contain 40,000 Inhabitants and as many monkeys. Ttlectrlo ItltUrs. Tills remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exists and It Is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt ltheum, and other affections caused by Impure blood. Will drive .Malaria fevers. for euro of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price DOcts. and tl.no per bottle at Iteber s Lch sbton : and B erv'a We ssnoit. druggists. 0., Katy l?iiou-ti. Julian Mitchell, the stage manager, vr as rehearsing a company of variety people who had waxed ambitions and planned to go forth into ths flowery fields of polito farce. Among them was a knockabout team, one of whom was cast to play a glided yontb who figures prominently in the piece, ills ideas con cerning the proper performance of the role were supremely weird, and one after noon Julian overheard the following con venation between the portrayer of the modern swell ana Ins partner: "Say, BlUy, I ain't got no use for these flood parts. I can't get no conception nr em." "Come orf. Caff ehootin's dead easy. "Ever try It?" "Satluly, Kelcey ain't In It with me wtien it comes to wearin drees props. "Well, the game's a dead hard one for me." "Nix All ye got to do Is to remem ber you're a gent what's wearin gent's clothes and lettergol ' New York Com mercial Advertiser. Tba Field tot tba Inventor. In the realm of machinery and manu facture the inventor is yet but entering upon bis inlanoy. Many millions of dol lars havo been reaped and are to be ac cumulated by the inventor in machinery who understands the complicated needs uf humanity. Tbe central idea in this work is to reduce labor, expense and time to the lowest point, and so to econo mize in the use of material that there will be no absolute watte. To enter npon this field of invention one cannot trust to accident and happy lack, but he must first thoroughly acquaint himself with the laws of dynamics and mechan ics, so that he can appreciate an Im provement when it Is suggested to his mind. George E. Walsh in New York Epoch. Mirrors of tba Israelites. The earliest mirrors of which mention 1 1 made in history were in use among the Israelites in the time of Moses. That r, nUeman, as recorded in the Bible, commanded in a certain emergency that these articles should be transformed into wash basins for the priests. They were made oi bnus. Uoabuess similar uten- atlsof tl la and other materials were In use- lung before that. At that come period black glass was employed for the pnrpos.-, as well as transparent glass with block foil on the book. It is re lated that the Spaniards found mirrors i.r pxliohed black atuue, both convex and . i-ckTe, among tbe uatives of Booth tiieric Washington Star. Lehigh Goal & Hardware LIMlTJiJJ. Specialties. Myer's Piiuips A complete line, including repairs for tliejsamp Cucumber Pumps A complete lino including repairs for the same. Coal Oil At wholesale and retail Usual line of Hardware, Oils. Coal, Sand, Ccmont, Plaster, &c. tr Overcoats ! Ovcrcoate! Overcoats! Mens, Youths and flliildrens. All the store is gay with Overcoat Bargains. Mammoth assortment and low prices mean dollars saved and creat activity in our wonderful Overcoat departments. Watch our windows, Largest Overcoat House in the Valley. Koch & Shankweiler. tSl' Underwear I Underwear ! Underwear ! Every body suited here m every variety ol warm and comlortablc under wear, ureat buits Londo IMauiral (Kool Underwear formerly 4.00, now $2.00 a suit. Complete line of Dr. Jaegers fine wool underwear. Highly recommenhed by leading physicians, Urcat rush lor our 01) cent underwear in gray, white and yellow Koch & Shankweiler. ft Ellis fm tAl Si Si Z BjHjgfl Christmas Opportunities found in our handsome line of stylish single and double breasted suits for drcsy young men iKoodhowns and Uheviots are the leaders. Koch & Shankweiler. THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BUOTIIKR3, M Wsrrm BU New York. Price Mets.1 fip3 Now is the time to buy your boys a good suit and overcoat at our widespread popular prices. A rare chance. Koch & Shankweiler. l'roceedt of a Jackknlle. The champion horse jockey belongs in Belfast in ths person of Lle walker. Just to give his boy an idea how to get along In tho world Lije started away from home one day on foot and nothing in his pockets but a jockknife. lie was absent just one week and returned driv ing a pair of horses harnessed into a top buggy. Hitched to the rear axle was another horse and a cow, while ahead was a dotr, "See how your pap docs It,' said Lije to his eon, as he gazed at the time of day from a handsome watch. For a fact be had cot the whole turnout for his jackknife, and swapping the pro ceeds into one thing and another. uel fast (Me.) Moll. On IJttle Thine. It's little things that count," sold nicks. "Ye-os," returned Mawson. "Bntvcry inaccurately. My boy can't count eleven without making about forty mistakes." -Harper s uatar. What Unttons Are Stada Of. Do you know of what material the buttons on your coat are reader Well, perhaps If yon did yoa would never recognize it in the raw, for in four cases out of five it is a material vulgarly known as vegetable ivory. To tbe trade it is the ivory nut Down on the pier of the l'aclnc Mall Uteamshlp com will be seen long rows of sacks made of jute, which bear the appearance exter nally of being filled with potatoes. These are stacked at the head ot tbe pier in the open air. There is no danger of tnem being earned away, for tney are as heavy as lead, and not extremely val uable, as they are. Potatoes would not remain in that exposed position un touched for a single night. Tbe ivory nut, however, is valuable only when it comes from the bands of the manufac turer in ihe button or the ornamental state. New York Telegram. How a lllibop Was Tot to Death. Traces of this primitive superstition. bewitching by images, ore found among civilized people, for Qrimn reports that in the eleventh century Jews were ao oused in Europe of having killed Bishop Ebergard by a sorcery of tbe kind. They were sold to have mode a figure of wax representing tbe bishop, hired a priest to baptize it, and put it into the fire. As seen as the wax was melted, the bishop was attacked by a mortal disease. u. I'odou in I'opuiar science Aiontniy Dr. Noah Webster, of dictionary fame, was buried in the New Haven burial ground, a short distance from Hillbouse avenue, and near tbe center of tbe city, Tho MateUns; Uablt. A woman brought a small sugar coated Pill into a South End drug store the other evening and wanted a box of pills just like them, under tbe impression that matching pills was as simple a matter as ma tolling ribbons. Springfield Home stead. In appearance tbe ordinary truffle is about tbe sise of a walnut, wtui rough, brown, warty surface, closely akin to tbe potato, whteh it likewise re sembles in consistency, thoufh net in ffiP In the shadow of the holidays. Every day we are re ceiving beautiful things in handsome Neckwear and Silk Em broidened Suspenders. Ihey nro beauties. Just the thins lor a holiday or birthday gilt. Koch & Shankweiler, (Mi! Specialists ana Fashion Leaders of the Valley. Centre SquareHotel Allen Building--Allentown J. L GAJIIF IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, our LINE OF FUNRITUR ALL KIND OF COAL, e OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa IS COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. -IT INCLUDES- Pa Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Tables Chairs, Book Cases, Couches, &c. Our prices arc positively as low and terms as good as you can get anywhere in the county. Don't fail to call and see us before making your purchases as we can positively save you some money UNDERTAKING in all its Branches This line of business receives our special attention. .. Flour. Feed, &c., . The very choicest brands at lowest prices. Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport. " A Feat to Properly Fit Feet." KsorrosiTE J- s. depot,s IRST STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS ! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens. Prints. Grinirhams, MOTES. seersucKors ana Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed inc low prices. Groceries, Provisions, OroclEeryware,jriassware, Vood and willowware ol the best maues ai low ngures. Cloths Cassimora Hats. Boots. Shoes and Ready -n .1 n "11nt.l: H ... f v.nvintv nnrl nt nnnp with t h n rnn r-h of all tmrcliasers-lnrics fullv as low as the same Roods can be dne nt Tho 9nlv Bot and She Storo in Weissport - i -a whnrn you enn nave luted to Tour leel at a moment s notice ai noucnt lor at any otner general siore in una vicumy. -- : . . ... . .9 - -. . , I mncf nnv tYinlrn nr mini. tv si inn sr. nnpn whinli nnv linon iirAV' ...Jirrjr.r " positively lower than the same quality, style and finish can be Best quality of Flour and Peed at prices fully aslow as the purchased elsewhere. IFe have n full line to select from, for we same articles can bn purchased elsewhere not on ndJunc or s,do fhow busine?s to oc W 0U1 AllUnffhnvprvW. mmlitv nnd are behm sold at nriccs space or time. Uimc and see us, learn our prices and ho con- ..nnnllv m, low n th mod. can boucht at anv general W vinced that it is to your advantage to deal with ns in this section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully, ry rT fZ fLa . .T it. jw trC ss. WEISSPORT'S LEADING BOOT & SHOE Deale But it is successfully, eatisfaciorially, cheaply andpioperly July 823-71 AMOS BEiaBL. Get Ready for the Grand Fair and Festival FALL INVOOE OF UNDER THE ADSl'ICKS OK Lehigh Lodge, No. 292, R. of It. It. T Gabel's Hall, Lehighton, Beautiful New Queens ware At our popular Bazaar, surpasses anj and everything ever stown in this town, and includes everything in our lino at such a range of prices as astonish everybody. Oome and see us and take ad Friday and Saturday, December 11 & 12. vantage ofthe positive bargains that wc now offer purchasers. -ON- 'Merry Christmas to You.' This year we surpasp oursulf in the array of new and hand sotn e tilings gleaned from the choicest to be found anywhere. Our store never represented such a scene of holiday lovlincss it surnasses evervtlnnu anu ueais tne xown. iou win ueuevc n Come and see what wo have for you at very low prices. Hummers Queensware Bazaar FIRST STREET, LEHIGHTON. The screw In the fourth Jewel nliccl of a watch Is so small that a lailj's thleb would hold 1,000,000 ot them. The Secret of Success. Thomas Lehlchton: and Blery Weloss- poit, druggists, believe that tbe secretflm success is prcseryance. Therefore thev persist In keeplne the flncst lino of Derfum- eries, touet-articies, cosmetics, druzs and cnemicais on me mantel, i uey especially Invite all persons, who have palpitation, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain In side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare arr coucn, smothering, drop? or heart disease to try Dr. Miles' unrqualcd New Heart uure, before It Is too late. It has the largest sale of anv similar remedy. Fine book of testimonials free. Dr. Jfllcs' Itestoratlvo Nervine is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, headache, fits, etc., and It contains no opiates. Couching Lentl. lo Consumption. Kemp's llalsam will stop the cough at once I suffered from acute Inflammation 1c my nose and head for a week at a time I could not see. I used Ely's Cream Halm and in a few days I was cured. It Is won derful how quick It helped me. Mrs. GeorgleS. Judson, Hartford, Conn. For three weeks I was suffering from severe cold in mv head, accompanied by a pain In the temples. Ely's Cream Balm was recommended to me. Alter only six applications or tbe iiaim every trace of my cold was removed. Henry (J. Clark, New 1 ork appraisers (juice. Damp leather In a town In Kansas caused a package of 5000 postaso stamps to be glued toscther In a solid block, mak ing It necessary to rctnrn them all lo Wash Inglon. Good ami llellable. Don't pay large doctors bills. The best medical book published, one hundred pages, elegant colored plates, will be sent you on receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay the postage. Auuress a. r. uruway .v i;o.. Dostot, aiass. HOW AN AUNT WA8 FOUNO. A Lost Child Who. Knowledt e)f Jlotanr Came Into Good Fifty Colonel W. D. Moore tells s story -which would, could it be given in print ns Mr. Moore tells It, produce a great effect. Ex-Sheriff Clnley was accosted a day or two since at the corner of Blxth street and Liberty avenne by a little tot, a girl, too young to talk plainly, who pulled at his coat and asked "Do 'oo know Aunt Tatle!" Somewhat surprised, Mr. Clnley re plied that he could not say unless he knew "Aunt Tatio's" last name. The child opined that the wanted party didn't have any last name; she was "dlst Aunt Tatie." The little one then ex plained that she was lost, and she wss in great distress, her lips quivering so that at times she could scarcely speak. Mr. Clnley thought with all his might for a few moments, when an idea strnck him and he asked the child for a descrip tion ot his aunt. The little maiden re plied that "Aunt TaUe" was rather tall and wore- nasturtlnm flowers In her bon net. Now, Mr. Clnley would hardly stand n creditable examination in botany. He knows cabbages from potato vines, and knows the nasturtium when be seos It on the table In tho shapo of a pickle, bnt to save his soul ho could not tell what Its flower was like. Again he rubbed his dome of thought until he nibbed into it n fresh suggestion and acted npon It at once. Accosting a l&dy who was passing, he asked her if she knew a nas turtium flower when she saw it She was at first disposed to resent the ques tion as an impertinence, when Mr. Cln ley hastened to explain, and begged her to take an observation and ascertain whether there were any ladles in the neighborhood with that familiar flower In their bonnets. Tho lady glanced into several milli nery nnd dry goods stores, and finally called out that she hod discovered a lady with a bonnet bearing the flower wanted. She pointed her out, and im mediately tho Utile one cried ont Joy fully, "That's Annt Tatle." Aunt Totle ' was disposed to be cross with her charge for wandering away from the spot tho had designated to wait until her aunt did some shopping, but Mr. Cluley's feelings were aroused, and he wouldn t bear the little one scolded Instead he proceeded to reprimand the woman for her thoughtlessness In leav ng her charge exposed to the danger of being kidnaped. 'Aunt Tatle" had becomo so interested in her shopping that she bad forgotten to note tho flight of time. Had the little one not been bright enough to recollect the name of tho flower in the bonnet she would probably have been crying her eyes ont, a guest nt tho central station. and her annt would hare been frantic Pittsburg Dispatch. Undo 61 as a Commentator. A dozen men who were in the habit of loafing away their Sundays outside of the old l'enobscot meeting house, while their wives attended service, were gath ered by nn enthusiastic young pastor Into a Sunday school. They were called tho "horseahed class," nnd no members of tho school were more regular in nt tendence, or original in response. One day the lesson wns upon the death of Moses, and the teacher, having located Nebo a lonely mountain" upon his map, asked tho meaning of "Nebo" no doubt having in mind the tutelar deity in honor of whom the Babylonish digni taries bore such goodly names as Nebu chadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, etc. "What do you say. Uncle Sir' "Wn-nl," answered the old man, sol emnly, "I'vo beared that them Bible names nil has meanin's, an I reckon it's so f a body only jest studies Into ' Now this here, to ine, is plainer n two times two. I calc'late Moses called it Nebo because the mountain was marstcr steep it made his knees bow to get to the top of i t. I've clum hills right down here in Maine, time n Ume ag in as you could call Nebo and not feel as If you s swearln, neither. Marster steepi Lowiston Journal, Several hundred eagles swooped down on Djelgord, Russia, and devoured ten horses, several sheep, and avast number of smaller animals. No better preparation for the hair has ever been Invented than Aycr's Hair Vigor. It restores the original color to faded and gray hair, and Imparts that natural gloss and freshness, everyone so much admires. fts reputation Is world-wide. Ihe father of one of the largest propcity holders In London Is buried in a glass case on top of one of the finest buildings In the city. Why It Ie Tho Ilrnt. Tan-Tina. 1 It cures Coughs and Colds. 2 Strengthens weak Lungs. 3 Relieves and cures Asthma. 4 Insures you against La Grippe. 0 Itobs CrouD of Its terrors. 0 Cures when all else fails. SS and fjOcts. Trial bottles of Tan-Tina free at T. D. Thomas drug store. A cat In Texas has developed such an affection for a dog that she Is learning to bark so that she can converse with him with greater freedom. llloo.l Will Tell. blood, it will glow In the rlieek, and tell the story of perfect physical health, if It does not. II in coiuiuexinu n uevoiu oi color, me muscles wpitif Anil flarrlil. fmmRtnlni? 1 wronir. and soniFthlDU ouaht to be done about It at once, for in sucu caws ueiajs are naiiEi-ruus. i-or lorpiu lh er. "bllhousness." anil the thousand and one Ills to ulilch these conditions of the system lead, there Is no remedy In the world equal to Dr. i'lerce's Goldru Meilicul Discovery, ilolls, Vim pae. eruptions, scrofulous, sores, sait-rueuin, nu mi Kiuuieu uiseascs aru cureu uy it. A woman in Hancock County, Malno, who was afraid to drive her horse across railroad track, was bitterly disappointed In attempting to go around It. A Tool ftucl tile Money Soon Part. lfow trnc some of those old sayings are. A friend of mine paid a traveling quack tZO to cure blm of Scrofula, from which he had suffered two years. He cave him bottle of stuff which only aggravated the disease. II hen be went to consult him the second time, the quack had left for parts unknown. Upon learning the circumstances 1 recommended SulDhur Hitters. Five bottles cured blm. Editor Journal and Courier. The largest building that ever was erected was the machine gallery at the Paris exhibition, which was exactly a quarter of a tuilo In length, with a span of SCO feet. Pone never could compose well with out first declaming for some time at tho top of his voice, and thus rousing his nervous system to ita fullest activity. A f 1 V It's a tign that you need help, when pimples, blotches, and eruptions becin to ap pear. Your blood needs looking after. You'll havo graver matters than pimples to deal with, if you neglect it. Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery prevents and cures all diseases and disorders caused by impuro blood. It invig orates tho liver. tiuriGcs tho blood, and promotes alt tho bodily func tions. For all forms of scrofulous, skin and scalp disease, and oven Consumption (which is really lung scrofula) in all its earlier stages, it is a certain remedy. It'u tho only ono that's guaranteed, in every case, to benefit or cure, or tho money ia rcl uncled, it's a matter oi conn denco in one's medicine. It is tho cheapest blood -purifier sold, through druggists, uecauso you only pay lor im ffooa, you gei. Can you ask more ? Tho "Discovery" acta equally well all tne year round. The temple of Ilom -mom-ji, at Inkegaral, begun In 1362 and finished In 1307, Is one ot the moss famous religious structures In Japan. There are two bearing apple trees In In diana County, Pennsylvania, that were planted In 1702, One of them Is ten feet In slreumference. "New Millinery Bazaar." Tho ladies of this city and vicinity nro invited to call and sco the most fashionablo line of new and seasonable millinery I Pdoda ever exhibited in this town now on disnlav in onr Uazaar ' BoaUtiflll PlUSh an Silver Toilet Cases Work BOXeS, of style and fashion. Careful attention will bo paid to the wants , and Jewel Cases, Handsome Silverware, Pretty orour patrons and satisfaction willlw guaranteed in every pi- lo DC 1110 very uesi unit vu win uicrit juttr uuniiui-iiri- mm kh ronago by always furnishing tho most fashionable millinery at the very lowest prices. Respectfully, Jewelry, Magnificent Dolls, Wonderful Toys. And a multitude ol other things we cant mention. Confections, Nuts, Fruits, Groceries, At our usual very low prices. TTTT mTVT jx , op. the Park. Mrs. M. A. Halpin, lYieand's Building, Bankway, Lehighton. Sclentino American . Aaeocv far 'J! rriiHir- caveats. 'faMMMf DESIGN PATINTli rVym COPYRIGHTS, etc For n formation and frM TTwdboofc write to ML'NN fc CO- Ml BttoAUWir. MlW TOBV. OldtMt bureau for ucurinjc twtDts ia Amertea. KTery patent taken out by us I broubt be for the puLUo by a notice (Itcd free ot charge la ihe iArcest rtrtmUtloa of anr adentlfle pa par to the man (should b without 1' Teart I lJrf) alx nimih A lBLimiaj.a611troadwar,Kew Yorfc, No lulelllireot ru a uo. Oi'ir'sS Weusefllnnhnl In Its Worst Farm. t Burros, va. Co.. wis. Dm.. Isst. RT. J. C Bare.a toucLm tox Utm tottering Iums Boons?, bo wss suffering f-ow Bt Vitus Dun In Its vorst form tor stoat IU r. vu trettod by sorer! rbyiidms srttlioat Scot. Twobottlos of Ptstor Koonlg's Nom Tonlo coral him. Would Hare IHed. rioLTOKX, Usss.. November, 1600, I ra In tln ell orer, oooU (et no net dtner night or dev end ves not nolo to do enr wort for months, hot aiter tekjag eetor Koenlf s , Netre Tonso omr ono wee, i wee sbm to su bp and atteod to taj dreesmeVtrw, I had lead t over two hundred dollar to doeiors and got no 1 Uuflt. I oerUlnli- think! Bhoald handled tang ago It 1 tad not got this mortrtna. Ulia. ATM l" KNELL, Valaabi Rook mi L IIL L SJUeaee eeat rr to iv adur O B B M M Ad gMff ,ilaje . " -1. q tni moilWtno freo of otuur:;- i prepared by tha B purs alcohol to tusk Wour'fl A or. BucKiNfl. Alcohol Is good for Itsthsr It Is good for the skin. Alcohol Is the chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Hum tho well known face washes. We think there Is nothing too cost! to tuo In a good leather prcscrraUre. Acrao Blacking retails ot SOc. and at that prlco sells readily. Many people are so accustomed to buying a dress ing or blacking at oc. ana inc. a notiio that they cannot understand that a Hack ing can be cheap at 20c Wo want to meet them with cheapness If wo can, and to ac complish this wo offer a reward of ' f a eiae Cg, Bieajhitij e i sts ia, 4M,uda wn a. CeaeaMytua ia am mm m. . mm mw la aiTMiilBUgte. i mm mm. Tee wul aM tae -edltat effect after tekiaf tae mrU See, a f 4 ... MMIItM, 4H I. r prepatvd mjerua Jfreebett igikm ' KOENIQ MED. OO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Droxiftitsatei per ButUa. DterVJt Lan !. !.-:&. O Bottlae fur so. f.ir a retina trlilch will enable US to mako Wolff's Acme IIlaceisq at such a price that a retailer can profitably sell It at iuc bottle. 3 Wo hold this offer open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOLFX ft EAHDOLTH, rhllarlslBhla. Headache Usually results from a deranged stomach or a sluggish llier. In either case, an aperient is needed. Ayers rills, the mildest and most reliable catliartlo In use, correct all Irregularities ot tho stomach, liter, and bowels, and, In a brief time, rellere ths most distressing headache. These pills are highly recommended by tbe profession, and tbe demand for them Is universal. "I hare been amicted, for years, with beadacho and Indigestion, and though I spent nearly ft fortune In medicines, i nerer found any relief until I began to take Ayers Tills. Six bottles of these rills completely cured mo.M llenj-unln Harper, rjymoulli, Montscrrat, W. I. "A long sullercr from headache, I was CURED BY ttrotioies of Aycr'n rills.M Emma Kcjes, ILubitartlsLon, Mass. 'For the en re of headache. Ayers Cathartic I'lIU nro tho most efficient medicine X erer used." llobcrt K. James, Dorchcater.Mass. "Tor years I was subject to constipation and ncrvoin headache, caused by derange ment i-f tho liver. After taking various rem c Its, I ..ate become convinced that Ayer'a rills arc tliu lest. They never fall to relieve my L'litmiialt.icki In a short time) and I am aura my sjilom retains its tone longer after the use f these rtlU, than has been the cast) wllh any other medicine I nave tried." II. S. SIcdce, Weimar, Texas. Aye Pills rncrARiD nr Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by ail frntsgbt. and Dealers la Sfedlchie. The Ckatnot crldenco is now complete mat DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Is the only Tm.neratlon that ncaf. tlfelf does all that 1 1 rl.imM tor It. ItrcmOTtt Brn.VlH. T.lvpr.mntMi- Black '. tiMita. PfmnlM. Till, and all Imperfections of tb.sVtn.wtthoitlnJorT. . A few applications will render a rough or red skin soft, emooth and white. It u not acosmetlo to cover defects, bat a euro, ana o,,nn-itAoMHTAiu,tt.fArtlnn. PrleeUO. At druggists; or sent by mail. Send for testimonials. i O. C. BfTTNCR & CO., TOLEDO, - - OHIO. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE ficientiacallT treated by an aurlst of world-wide reputation, 'jjealnosa eradicated and entirely cured, of from JO toSQ years' stand ng. af ter ntt other treatments havo failed. How tbe mm. cnltT Is reached and thocauM removed, tallf explained in circular., with affidavits and teitf monl&ia of cureef rom promineatpeople.malled Seebiir. A. JfUHIAmB. Tacoma, Wash. Curo guarsnteed brDr.J.ll.Maver IArcbHt,l'hlla. RUPTURE! 10. llnsft at Onm. No atnorittinn tr hnslnsasi delay. Thousands ot cures. Dr. Mayer ij at hums i ten Ha iieaaing, i-a,, mecoaa Kaiuraayoi each, month, bend for circulars. Advice fro. CARTERS mem BfekBcadevefceaad nUeraaU tha tnmblM foot dent to a bilious aUtaof tb ayatack, auob a) DlxzlnMt, Kaoaea, DrowtlnftHsi. Vlttnm altar eating. l'Un In tho fiido. ta. WliUa thtit ooat svmaskalto tMeu baa mnaliownlaGutng , beadacae. yt OarWa Little Uwf XHU U eqmally nlnabla Is Cocatlrpation. earing and pro Tenting tnli atwoyliMoomplauiLvhlU tnT alao corrMtaUdltohlMoitaaaUnucbatim liver and legtotaaboweU. raalXUwjosiy (JabtiieywoiUdtealm(MtpTlee I antor from tail dl treating oomplalnti bu t tenti , vboonca try tham will find tbeao UtUa pnuraliv bla In so many ways that thay will not to wii. tllfiji todowltLouttWa. pat aftor aUatck baa4 AO HIE is ths bane of so many lives that here U where: Iwamtfaougnatboeit. Ouipulseureltwlula others do not. Harare utue uver nua w. tdi j homi HMMnlntil. OnaoptwattUiamaxeadoMb Ther are etrktlr vegeUbla and do not gripe or pane, bat tr their gentle aeUon pleeae all wha ItieeUim. InvUIaetSSeenUi SvefortL, Sol4 ' t7 druggists everywhere, or tent by natL CARTER MEOICINI CO., New York! SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SHALL PBICt AZ RAXLE GREASE BEST lit THE TToniD. Xtawearloc aoalltlMM. naemri.ee.d. aotuallw cntlaatlng- two hos.e of anr oth.. brand. Kok tfectad b r heat. I rU KT X II E O UK U I a E. WOH BILE BT DKALEB8 OEBEBXLLT, lip. IMESTHEin SECURITIES MUNICIPAL BONDS INDUSTRIAL STOCKS CORPORATION BONDS APPROVED BANK STOCKS OAREFUU-Y CKLECTED, l'Y 05CB 1UT3S3SS7. t lOPBHTUI I i-jo. "CrL.iLNCtS .t CO., jrk. " TBsfhinsTJ''"-lM7mnBW II70V NiOnai Beldin'sl ntu aa Mtuou Im UkiB va-BtlUlT aa Konl tkAtwwl4 wa slu Wli kLia Mii4 I Rome J v M Tetvs) IIUiMtM CiOWo. lr lr, I.IIW fr -ni VmfJru J (My trveaVi taSV hrvcV oc, a Wlu . in I . miH fiat gc ui It. IUD11 risfiitf.'.ai tc , jifciiia, ISOHIPFM AHN'8 Asthmn Curoi N. bUi k. .In haul nW la IVVyiO t nur .,a,,BB m j ajl -o. a- ouir r M 1 MTfllC. w B