The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 14, 1891, Image 1

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,,,, ,1','V- '' ' '
,!' ("l ,", '
'i pjifrmn,, r '
, rprcs ti', ',' ' w.'
$gAr jon i nuhFrrlber to .
pitwi yon orriimn rrtttfinfyf
tnW rrnf you hut tl G2 wprtb
i 'nrnn' ont and f nt yo
ttl ymtr ljhhor that jyvtu vtlU
nnlksr harrow nor lend
$l .OO a Year in Advance.
Lohighton, Carbon County, Fauna., November 14, 1891.
VOL XX,, No. 1.
PKMioial & Business Carfts.
W. M. Rapshor,
pint floor above the Mansion House,
Meal Estate and Collection AnnrT. JX'","??
and Bell lla Estate. Ctonvrytwln. ; nseHr '"Mi,
liollections titomntly made. Wi', f,ftL??n
May be coiaultcrt In
lcc,lfnls ft specially.
Ogle with Clauss Drew., First street, Ulilgnton
Fire, Life and Accident
Only Frst-claas Companies Ate represented
Information cheerfully furnished. t-'J
172 Main Street, BalOi, Pa.
" BAVS 0,T,,T.uS?i'AJSinA.
.t ll.-r.i VitfnAVB AND HATUltUATR.
ORIcr Honrs-From a a. m. to p. m. Practice
limited to diseases ol the
Eve.Ear. Nose & Throat
IWAlw, Rof ruction ot the Kyes or the adjust
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.
onioo opposite the Operallouso.
Bank Street, Xeh "liton, Pa.
..m-ntr tvt ITT. ITtl nllATIfltlKS.
irimna hid ; maklnit nrtindal donturpj a Mmt
Uas adralnfoerod ft"li,hwli'Jttractd WIT"'
OFFICK HOUIWt-From 8 . m.,fct tiniMfrom
1 P. U.. lOOll, III. I" "
ComiiltaUon. In EnRUshor ilernmn
Mii Hours at Hazletou-KTerv auturdiiT.
Oct JiViT-lV . . .
Seidol's Bakery,
First Street, Ulilghtoii, yix will alwairt nail
Freshest and Best
Rye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
Fresh Kverjr Day. Our Vienna Bread cannot
be excelled, wo respccuuiij sorim your niuun
ago, Watch for the Wagon.
Suidcl's Vienna Uakcry,
Tin ware,, f
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Graver's
fopular Store, Bank Street
Roofing and Spouting a special
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on short notice
Decorations, Ticturc Bods,
Cove TFIndow Shades,
Spring Rollers, fringes,
Carpet Lining.
Blank Books, Easels, Gamcs:
JSlocks.Fancy Cards, Etc., etc,
PAINTS, Oils, Glass,
Tutty, Brushes,
Colors, Artist's
General Painter's Supplies,
Gl Broadway, Maucli Chunk,
During the year 1891 you will
: AT
"Comer Store"
2Jry Goods Groccaies, Notions,
Glas3waTe, Oranges, Danans,
Grapes, Lemons, Apples,
Nuts, Candies nnd everything
Usually founcin n thoroughly
first-class general store. Wo
solicit a call and guarantee-
satisfaction .
Corner Store,
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
window wishes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
Ml KMs 'of DresSbu Mer
Bhrrigles, Pailings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c.
Very Lowest Prices
To sett oan nursery fatook. Salary, expenve.
ehigh Valley R. R Co.!
Arrangement f rnMeeT Trains.
In Effect Mat 10m, 1891.
'ar Newark and New York 11 .22. 7.8(1. 0 S7. .mil
.110. to.; XC5, tUB & t.24 p. in.
l'or MambMOunnk anil nclvldcrr 11.22, 7 so
. n.Hl, t 11 anu Tj,pm.
it Lnmuertvfllo anil Trenton 6.22. 9.00 and
.11 u.ra.: ami 1IJ pJn.
Itor RlAtlnEton. OalnMlinua. Allcntown. llctti
lenem, and Hasten, S.a, 7. to,, n.tio, 57. 11.12
tn , iwb, 8(00. 0.2s 7.24 ana io.s n nt.
for PnnailelriaBnti points aonlh atn.22, 7 n
1. mm ana 11.13 a. m.: m row a in i.'i n in
orneadfnaandlarrisltunc7n')0. and 11.12a. in
lun, 1MB and 7.24 p in
For Jtowtoanf., I hi all (lap, Cherryford. Iao
rB. white Hall. Coplay, ami liokmrinu'iim 1
QlHi T.OIi 9.W U.07 a. m.; vim i.vt, n.r,
iror Mncn uiiiim o.nv( t u,,u.wnnii 11.4a
I.! 1.11,8.18, 7.83, 8.M, Rlltl 11.01 t in.
1 12.47 Night.
or WefttiTerly nud Ilmcleton o fa, 7.43 0 :w aud
, v.xa, iu.m
imnduali and AMiland
CW, T.4. 0J6 And 1U8
'or ML Oarme) and BhrimoUit o K, 74.1 and
,48 a. m.i '
For rottTnio6.Ba,7JW, 7.43, ox 11.12 and 11.48
111.4 Ihltl, UIIU I. A). 1 7t I'.IU. 1
l-Vir Wlilt llAviMK WllkpOmrrr unfl Hornntoti
6JO, 5JK and 11.49 a.m.,, 7.23 nnd
!r inttston and L. & 11. .lunct.. (U2. 7 4n. 9.36.
ami IMS R-m. ; 8.1. B.Sft. 7.23 and 10.54 i, m.
For Timkliannoclc n.4R . m., 3,i, 6.25 aud
10.M n.m.
l-'orOAfeo, Auburn, llbaca nnd Uen?vai1.48
ft.iu.i-lo.M p.m.
For iACteyvttlfl. TowandA, Sajtc, AVaverlr, Kl
mlra, Itoeltoster, DuITaio, Niagara Falls aud Uic
wmi 11.49 a.111.; win iu.iH i. in.
ror Kimira anuino wusc via naian-anca aii
is p. 1)1.
For New York A.0Q and 10 07a.m. ; p.m
For i'lilladelouta a. m. : 2.59 and i. m.
or liaston and lntrrmedlatr Htiihon
8.0s. 10.07 a.m. : 12 52. 32. s.20 and 0.02 n. in
For Munch Chunk 8.14, 0.00,10.28 a.m.; I2.2A,
xiB. o.w ana ue
ror icmuinx ni u.iu a. in. ; 'i,m aim d.b p. m.
For I lazlcton o,ro o,m.: 12 lie, a.if ft io.m p.m.
ror AiauanorfJiiy aoa nonaunnau iT.'juann
is mm.
For 1'nttsvHIo at 3.83 n. m .
IHnr WIiIta Uavon. Wtllcoa-flarrp. tIttt.!nn.
Tunkhannok.TDfandft. Bd.vie.Uhaca. (Jenevu,
Auburn, Kliolrn, ICoohester, Jiufialo, Nlagaru
ana una inn wissl hi ivm.
hot iiiriuvr iniiuciuars innuiri 01 AHmsiori
Tlino Tables.
It. Ill liTliUlit,
(lfn'1 Vhm. ALfPllt.
Bout 11 Bethlehem, retina
We Positively guarantee Dr.
Boyd's Little Giant None
and Liver Pills
1U iruru vJiiaMj.Nuui. i uuii-ai,i'ii. uiHiuuaiii-sa I
J onuil layer, i nm w inejmcK, men, juwimmu, i
iiau jnsioin ino aiouui arising iroin muices
tton, by strengthening tho nerves ami regulat-1
1 nt tli a action nt t ho Stomach Liver and
Kidneys. Do not bo deceived. Dr. ltojd'sIJt-j
ueuiani neno mm iircr mianc. un n new
principal. They act on tho nerves ot the
stomach, liver and kidneys Klvluz them health
nnd vigor, what Is more evident of their cumtivo
luauties, vnaii mo uwi uiat vno lunger utKeu
lm ions retmlred. tluit li nioro than eau be said
of any other put on tho market, n trial will con
vince the most b kept leal mind, tliat what we I
Cimin li true, inesn are iuw 01 itm nmny hjru
inonlals wc have received.
Tifton. Oa.. Auz. SOIli 1800. Dear Sir: The
ruis receivea, mey aro ina uesi j ever uneci.
Tjilrn nrrsf nl Mlnn..Mnv 14. lftOO. Dear Kir:
T liAvntfiktm Tills sent mo. enclosed llml GOc
send memoro 1 have been troubled for years I
with Indfcestlon.couitipatlon andnerveouness
since I take Dr. llojd'a Fills I feci good, have
taKen many utners n un uo renn- youn ro-
llfWSJUttJ. OUA4II IIUlltllilH
For salo by nil dealers in medicine at aec
per 1kt, sent by mail on receipt ot price, sun
pies tree, ngent wanted evemvhero.
men ci:riiiH.
T. D. TJlOMAH, PiUKRist.
Lohlghton, Ta.
II you aro contemplating a course In
It will pay you to visit tho
ALlkntowsj. TA, before deciding wlicrotogo,
though 3'ou irjiy live o thousand iintes sway. It I
stands at the hood of Coinmcrclnl UollogvH, In Its I
educational character; m a medium for sunply
Ina business men with trained and capable as
sistants: as a means ol placing ambitious jounji
nmit nml inillow nn thn to snceeM. nnd in I
the extent, elecanee nnd cost of 1-s cmilpmcnts. I
Hlx Separate Departmertswith asmanytumrses
Jnstructors-all Hiwclah'ts. illustrated ..Oata-
loguo mailed to any address, free. Address,
tSTlcaso menelon this paper. 0-27-Cm
Eonirotfs Miractilons Ecicto
Liberal Minded rbjslclans Undone Them
AnbelnefLhe tl rentes t
Discovery ot the Auo.
I'otltlve cure when used
In accordance to Instruc
tions, In diseases hero
tofnre FO-called Incur
able. Diphtheria, asth
ma, bronchi t If, catarrh,
congestion or the brain,
tho result ot sunstroke.
tielr natural condition.
Hitlne. hin and bone rlln'Ase eurtA.
BC1UIIV, II VUI nielli. JlilUUIEI U131N13D Ul HIV MU-
neys, liver complaint, dysentery, nud so-called
heart disease arc entirely cured by pure medi
cine of my own preparing.
During nine sears over 1C.C00 persons havo
iwd theso medlelnes and aro living witnesses
of their north. I will not go Into practice my
self, being over 72 j ears of aice j w 111 sell my nied.
iRlneia onlv. 1 liavo tun eminent nhiiilelaiiscon'
netted with me to attend to calling at the real
uences oi me sick u require!.
TiiaTifilOK I A Loi
Hear Rir--Tn thrwo nfferlntr from Hi dual
trouble, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Heart DiwaneB and
jEuenmuiisin, t ivouiu iiigtny ruwiiiiuvuu i iui.
lWsiiiirtn'& rpinmliMt: I wn a sufferer of thee 1
roinplalnlsforyeartat tlines; was liardlyable
to mute: could notatralKhtentnyeU. The pain !
ana agony wai inezpretwiuio. ironureu wuu :
sereral piiyslclans fur ears; found but little
relief, not permanent, until I was cured by bis
medicines! his Is unsurpassed; would highly
recommend I'rof. lloudrou's liniment and rued-
rinM to all sufferers.
. J. Vanartdolen.
Newton, thicks co., To.
Nkwtow. Feb. IT. Ml.
Pnnr. Ttnimnnn.
Hear Sir Allow rne to write yon a testimony I
of vnnr mMtdne. 1 nan snv to all those suffer-1
aghoiend l'rot. lloudrou's medicines. Ilaoier -
uc wiin eiiraenu, oi iny uewripiiuu. whiiu iv i
ttramend l'rof. lloudrou's medicines. .Had ter-1
suaeriDg with palu tor hours at a time. I loctored
wfthaevMral plosielans; their medicine would
in A.hfl. relieve me. but would sooh lose thBir
effect; byaeing 1'iof. Boudrou's remedies nave
X entirely enreu; womu reoommeuu ui. reni
to tlwae suffering with slmllor comiualnta.
lteapeeifuiiy yours.
T. si. Vanartulalen.
Newton, liuyksoo., ra.
OOMand Laboratory open dally Iroui T a. m. UMlorwriiau,
1797 Kortli Tenth Street.
nov. T, tt-ly.
llilMrtphla, ra
Watches, - Diamonds,
Jewelry, Silverware,
thinp in thfi IfiWfilru
50c. Per Week.
Join a club in which you only
pay tho abovo small sum and
your watch, vrdiiwl at $40 is
cstimatwl to only cost $17.00
Certificates are now being
Issued by
TFeisenort. - - tewi'a.
W. P. HorroRB,
MrU IS, 1M14C,
German Remedy.
niHniM anellHiieDCltn
rmin itrrrKns will
Jit will mtro yoa
hot ntwlrt or euro. It
never fnlM.
Iki vim autTer ultltl
CleanM the Tit luted IT1
uooajircn you see
ts lmiTuritlen htin-t
rift through the nkln
n l'lmnle. tltntrhes.
It 111 giro yon.
i us u liu art
kml Sores, Itely on!
ftrtrnim Bitier9,
closely . conllnod In
Htho m",t nna 0TY'
imi iicaita mil 101
nnt HTYM-mrn UlimiJont
oxerclte, and nil who
arc ronunoo in noorn.
should nao Biilhiib!
will cure ureruom
htntnL Dontlodll-
I niTTFni. Thevwlll!
vinrairaa: it win curt
If voir do not nlshl
nil 1 bnl Id ran u n and
1 to Buffer from luteum
iatiamtisoaiwttin oil
nake you strong and
a it tWTpr ri m 10 euro
SDLl'Iltrn 111TTK1W
Don't l wltltout r
will make your blood
DimiO. J.TT III :
n'lirvi rn-4i nint iiniiK
1 will not regret It.
imi your uesii nam.
Jdtca In ilellratr
I health, who nro all
tecs to -night, and
k-ou will elecp welli
Irunuown, unonm uav
Sin.niPK rtTTTrn.
inn twi iwwr rorit.
bSid'sT scnt Biamns to A. I'. Oirowjir & Co-
JIOOTOn, Jilfi.s., unit iuvvivu m wvji iitv.
Ayer's Pills
May always bo relied upon as & certain
euro for liver troubles, constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, Jaundice,
and rheumatism. Unlike most cathartics,
Aycr's nils strengthen tbo Btomach, liver,
and bowels, and restore to theso organs
their normal and regular action Taken In
season, they check tho progress o! colds,
lever a, and malaria. Being purely vegetable
and sugar-coated, Aycr's nils aro
The Favorite
family medicine, whtlo travelers, both by
sea and land, find them to be indispensable
" We sell nioro ol Aycr's nils than of all
other kinds put together, and they give per
fact satisfaction." Chrtstcnscn & Ilaarlow,
Druggists, Enid win, 'Wis.
"I have used Ayer's nils for the past
thirty years, and consider them an Invaluable
Family EViedicine
I know of no better remedy for liver troubles
and dyspepsia," James Qulnn, Hartford, Ct.
Capt. Chas. Mueller, of the steamship
" Felicia," says: M For several years I havo
relied moro upon Ayer's rills than anything
else In the medicine chest, to regulate my
bowels, and those of the ship's crow. Theso
rills are not scvero In their action, but do
their work thoroughly. I have used them,
and with good effect, tor the cure of rheu
mulltmi, kidney troubles, and dyspepsia."
Ayer?s Pills
Fret a red nr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell. Mass.
Bol'l hy nil Drnggl.ts sed Dealers In Ucdlcine.
Central Drug Storo,
orr. this ruiiuo sguAim
nnnlr Strrrt Lphicrhton. Pa..
illllt oirLLl, LiOlllliluu, i u.,
l'nrn llvunra nnrl MnrunmPQ.
r?;n cn.m Hmslips &r At
U me BOapS, UfUSnCS, CCC., C.,
choice Wines and Liquors,
Wall Paper and JJecoratlonO I
Wlien vou buy a ilr oi Shoes you want a
good at. Hut II von need srEcrrAOI.lM . It Is
mw"V"-'ititl sprang forwanl and fell into the
Kla'nelXfvlff wiwffifu: stream, from which it was soon dragged
reclly before tnoceutraoi uveeye. i; vou miy
abnvo8v"rVrlyat "
carefully com-
Carton County Impvieot Co.,
Weisaport, Pa.,
wi l, ll biniln
tv uuiu uu wn , iv ....
of lumber sawed at the
very lowest prices
I ... ...
Satisfaction guaranteed 111 every
Fire Wood !
In all lengths and in all quant
ities supplied cheaply.
7Tt"s 7 i in- , s
of this 1
ky inclowShade
with or without a border ready
on spring roller, for
25 Gents,
At ,hc nrt sto,e
QfA Harnilton Street,
AllontrvTXvn. Pfl.
Allentown, Pa
innos ami Organs,
WKIBtirOatT. 1'A.
p. tlwdllUk 1 BMaous Why .vou hliouW llu
iiumm ana urstana m rmuius
HP-l'bllllu haa ao Ageats !
ajtr rtldUl- naa uo Collectors 1
(VFMllli). has no stapas-es :
lrPtUllius u tune Ftawn aud Oman.
"Ton m," I aald to my small bay,
"Where Um iky to bright and ml,
Well, that Is when lb. mstt Ug ana
Is Jut settling down to bad.
itojrlvo. nelltht and beat all day,
Though he eonrtlnm dmm't aliow,
Rnt itin he's there behind the ehwidn,
AH the same, ray ret, yo ktum.
And when Id. day's work (lnlanedarana,
And downward ho look, to sink.
We any that be baa gob to bed'
Mot really, thoiwli. I think."
And then, before 1 could explain
How bo lighted other lands
In our bedtimefor he hea none
(In one place he alwai-s abandA
Indignantly, my email loy orled,
With a shake ot hi. wise, head
"I fink so, too net weally.
For of tone heM bora bte bedr
Now York Adrertlser.
In a large mining town In the far weet
there lives 6eorge ltandolf, a mining
king, who by nature la as stern and ar-
bltrary as men are apt to bo when they
acqniro sndden riches, in addition to
his gold he possessed a rare treasure in I
tile person or his dnngutr uessio, ns testation, but (Jlyde .kept toe are burn
sweet a scventwn-year-old maiden ns ing brightly while his boded ktmMlf in
ever lived.
Pretty Bessie did not lack for lovers,
and rmito ns natnrally the lavoroa one
was tho very one that her father object-
ed to. I
Clyde Brown was frank spoken, with 1
an honest, manly face, a trne, loving
heart, and little else.
Why. Elisabeth" her father always
oan i-on forget that jye nro descenaoa
from the Itandolfs of Virginia? Just a
little longer, daughter a year or two nt
the most nnd wo will go oast ana live
as other people do. Then my jewel may
find n worthy setting."
I want no one but Clyde, papa," pro-
tested Bessie tearfully.
But tears made no impression upon
tho hard heart of George flandolf.
However, ho condescended to give a
conditional consent to their union such
an absurd condition that people laughed
and shook their heads nnd Bessie's merry
face gre"v grave.
"When you can show the possession I
of $100,000 you can have her," ho said
arimlr. in answer to Clyde Browne's
manly petition. "Until then I'll hear
no nioro about It.
You can novor do it," sobbed Bessie
when they stood nlono in the moonlight
by the road a few moments later, While
her father watched angrily from tho
window. "Fortunes aro wonderfully
made in these mines sometlmos, but
none will fall to us."
Don t be discouraged, my precious
Queen Bess," Clyde returned, with all a
lover's unreasoning fondness. "Only I
trust in me through all and wait for mo,
no matter what may happen. Will you
promise me thatf
"Indeed I will, dearest! Yon know
that I would before you asked," she
murmured. "But do not try me too
innch, for father is as hard as n rock."
"I must co away for awhile, my dar.
ling, Somowhero in yonder endless
chain of mountains n fortune is waiting
for mo. I feel it I know it as wen as u
it wero already in my grasp," ho an
swered, in Solemn earnestness. I
God grant that It may he so," she
And then sho wnlkod slowly to tho
houso, to her father's great relief.
The next morning Clyde left the town,
fullv equipped for a prospecting tour,
and quite nlono excepting tWhrco large in tho throat., Hiswifois a mostsuc
dogs which followed Ecdaflly at his cessful writer, especially Of children's
heels. books. The Pressenses are all more" or
For somo time the prizo which ho
sought eluded him, but it camo to him
at lost in n strnngo manner,
One day, after following tho courso ol
a noisy, shnllow stream into a narrow I
valley nermnea in uy lorty mountains, ju. uemus, ana ens seven cuiiaren, ane
ho camped nt tho foot of n gigantic tree has inherited a grat'denl of her illustrl
near tho water. ous father's energy, for besides tho enre
Tho dogs whlnod uneasily and sniffed
at a holo among tho roots of tho tree,
but ho called them away and went on
building a nro to cook supper irom tno
looso wood nnd branches around. I
IIXT. .Un. ,t,n Co ta wnrtv ItA I
mnSed aloud, "I wonder if I'll find any
game nereaoout. 1
As if in answer, a hair grown aeer
camo down to tno stream on me opposite
bank not many rods away,
It stopped, with ono foot upraised, and
looked at tho dogs with startled eyesi
U,,,. ii.ft nalt instant the report of Clvdo's
raug out) ieer ieap6a into the
Dy tho dogs.
But the echoes made by toe report had
other sound aroused them again.
It was tho scream of an angry panther
from the mountain behind him, aud it
was instantly nnswerou Dy anoiuer on
tho right, and yet another far down tho
valley on the left.
Clydo heaped tho dry limbs upon the
Arc. and the dogs, usually as bravo as
lions, whined pltcously as they skulked
close to his feet,
Uo waited in breathless anxiety for
several minutes, bnt could hear nothing
except the crackling of the fire, which
now threw a wide circle of light, nnd tho
nignt winu among tne trees.
Boon, following a magnetism which ho
could not account for, he flxed his gaze
upon a tall tree near the baso of tho
mountain and encountered the glare of
two uerco, yeuow eyes.
A panther was crouching there upon a
ion "mo, every nervo oi ma uouy jo
i motion
as he prepared for tho fatal
To aim and lira at mm was tne uo -
nnlse of a second, nnd the tawny brute
sprang outward with n snarl of rago nnd
cain. nnd fell squarely Into the fire.
There was an unearthly shriek, o smell
ot burning hair, a shower of cools and
light! wood, then the brute stood
wounded ana Dunaeu near tne tree.
"At him. bovs: at himl" cried Clyde.
And tho dogs closed on him, bnt,
wounded as he was, be was more than a
match for them.
lie KUieuono ana sent tne outers nowi-
lnc to a safe distance before their master I
could surely aim the second bullet, which
quieted him.
us was not an instant too Boon, now -
ever, for there came another terrific
aomm. this time from the tree directly
over bto bead.
"l m ready ter you uowi no cnea,
ooolly suthting another panther directly
net ween tne somuuaHug eyes.
-Ue fired and pranK aside, while the
neavy tnnu, ciaweu tne eartn ana air
oonvuistvely for a few seconds ana tnen
lay quite miL
"This is getting interesting," muttered
Clyde grimly eying the two huge, tawny
bodies, the dead dog and the skulking
Urine ones, while lie threw fresh wood
upon the soaHerea are and peered in
every direction.
"Meowl Meow! Bet-t-t!" I
He turned sharply to seetthe heads of
two panther cubs thrust out ot the hole
near the
tree, their ears laid close to
ind heads and their eyes sweep -
icne in flsroe inquiry.
thetc round
uur th scene in flsroe Inquiry.
Highest of all In Leavening
futl A rcgniar mmify jWrty I've
stmnbled on," laughed Oljrde. "S-s-al
Seek 'em boyal"
And the dogtj pnllecl one kitten ont to
bl death, while the other scrambled
buck In the bole.
Suddenly tliore was a elliht noise In
the edge of the foreat, and two half
grown pan then oame onntloatly Into the
circle ot the light, entiling the air un
easily and evidently afraid of a trap.
The swell of the aoorouexl hair and the
blindlnfr glare ot the fire rmaled them.
Hut tjiyae dm not wait for them to
become aatUAed of the safety of an at
tack, lie ured two shot In nnlck snc-
oeeeion, killing one animal and badly
wonndlng the other, which the dogs at
tacked at once.
When the sham, short flsht was over.
?VB !5ft 'VVl M
beeide 1U dead foe.
"Yon and I are alone now, Brave, my
boy," said his master, patting the dog's
head. "WU, When daylight comes
we11 see after that little varmint In tho
Tho night passed without further mo
sklnnhur throe of the panthers the one
which had sprung into the Are being
Two were monstrous brutes, male and
female, evidently the parents of the
smaller pair as well as the kittens.
After a erenerons breakfast of roasted
venison he enlarged the hole with his
nick aud shovel, nnd, nfter examining
lighted torch, wUllo the dog remained
outside protesting against euch fool
hardy conduct by dismal yelps and
The cavity under the spreading roots
was deserted, bst a larger opening led
Into tho rocky mountain side, and
through tills the astonished young man
crept, to find himself in a natural
Ho soon discovered and killed tho kit-
ten, but could find uo signs of any inoro.
Tho floor of tho cave was covered with
bones, and a neatly made nest of sticks
and leaves was in one corner.
But Clyde did not notice thesej he
was examining the rocky sides, which
were of n peculiar veined grayish stone.
There was n smile of satisfaction on
his face when he linn nmsneu mis exam.
Ination, and when ho crept forth into
daylight again he muttered, tweaking
Brave's ears until the dog yelped in pain
nnd wonder:
"Queen Bess is mine. Brave! Theres
gold enough thero to satisfy oven George
ltandolf, I should say, nnd I claim it as
the pauther bequest.
George ltandolf could sny no more, al-
though he insisted on visiting the pan.
there den to see for himself,
"Some folks are lucky," he admitted,
reluctantly. "If that mine is worth
100,000 you can have her, for a ltandolf
never goes back on his word,"
That was only a year ago, and tho
mine has already netted its owner over
But he regards as a dearer prizo tho
loving wife who rules his heart and
homo his yueen lioss. aaturoay wgnt.
The fressense ramlly,
The article on Mine, de Uaspann in
tho current number of Tho Queen news-
paper Is written by tho eldest daughter
of Edmund do Pressonse, the eminent
French pastenr. historian and senator.
who died a few months ago of cancer
less remarkable. Francis is a brilliant
leader writer on Tho Temps and author
of a work on the Parnollltc movement,
praised by Jlr. Gladstone. Tho eldest
daughter married a learned Pasteurlte,
of her largo household, sho gives lectures
on history nnd literature and contributes
,1111. T ,i Rtar.
to many periodicals. London Star.
, winter lu Italy,
T- T..1.. 1 .l..l-.. T.lla
spread rugs over their floors, hang tap-
estries uixn their walls, pue cusnions
everywhere, and carpet their sofas with
long haired skiusj this they call warmth,
But u ureless room, with tho thermome-
ter on its walls Btandlng nt 83 dees. Is
not warm, no matter how inanv cush-
Irtna vim, ,nnv nnt Into It: null nno lmtna
to believe, too, that necessary accom-
pnlments of health aro roughened faces
and frost bitten noses nnd the extremo
ugliness of nanus swollen andro.1, Uon
6tance F. Woolson in Harper's.
Tim Trouble with, Dress llcforiu
Mr. Savellttlo Well, my dear, did
you go to that dress rsform lecture, as I
Mrs. S. Yes, and it was very inter-
"What do you think of tho idea?'
"Tho reform dross is certalnlv sensi'
hie, convenient nud decidedly becoming,
1 "Well, what's the 'bulf "
"I can't em. mv lovo. how such a aim.
I nl n-annmit-cnn ever beinado to coat
enough to bo respectable." New York
Kegroe. lu London Fast Life
in London a necro can co into the
I finest restaurants and be served just like
8 white man. Uo can elt at any publio
tnblo if ho is nuiet and can nav tha bllL
white waiters serve him without a mur-
mnr, and tho American darky lmaglnos
he is sitting sideways on acloud, picking
1 a harp with one hand nnd eating honey
I Hfh Hm nther. when h la tnmul Innsa
w tn9 English metropolh with fifty dol
lars in his pockets. lUcbmond Dispatch.
Arkansas roultlr
Dr. Cunning has a clay bank yellow
beo which hatched eighteen wnlte chick
ens from siarteen eggs, lie also has a
Texas roaster three feet hhth. Charles
I Graham says ono would think it was a
horse to hear it walk. Siloam Springs
(Ark.) Locomotive.
The farmers in tho Pale-use oountry,
Washington, havoBtraw roads, wklrti are
1 pronounced oioeueut. They take the
straw after It to thrashed and soatter it
over Um roads, aad, after awhile, when
it Is settled, it makes a road like papier
maobe, smooth and aimless.
i uanuah, the lonnaer ot me xianintes,
the most ancient ol the tour sects of
me aootrine of absolute preaesunatton.
I uio commentary on the Koran was en-
tlUad "The Uelp.
I The most powerful telescopes now in
naa nuurnifv 9.000 diameters. As the
moon is 910,000 milse from the earth, It
u thus, -to all intents aad purposes,
I brought lo within 130 inllea of the earth.
In the ten years that tuarjslbetween
the oensns of I960 and that ot
to increased in population by mare i
1 J ,000 per cent., Taooma by 8,000
Spokane Falls bv 6.1m per cent
Spokane Falls bv 5.SM per
Power. Latest U. S, Gov't Report
Joekn'. Rdhday Iteereatlon.
A few pedestrians who were out for a
morning stroll witnessed a brief but
bloody battle through the windows of
the Market street bird store Sunday
Among tin denizens of the plooe is a
monkey called Jocko, whose proclivity
for mischief lias led him into disgrace
before. Un the morning in question
Jocko determined to go on a lark, lie
succeeded in picking the lock of his cage,
and once free turned his attention to
his feathered companions. It took bnt
a few minutes to unlock a dosen of the
various cages in the room, nnd soon a
tunny procession of monkoysanu par
rots were strutting about In a few min
utes trouble began to brew. One of the
parrots, in a spirit of misohlef , probably
bit Jocko, and a lively battle ensued.
folly soon found that she was getting
the worst ot it and made n rush for her
cage, minus her tail feathers and part of
a wing.
Jocko, who was then thoroughly
nronaeu, sailed in for a general massacre,
nnd in a short time had the floor to him
self, save for Minnie, n little nightin
gale, who was too dazed to escape. With
one blow the bird was stretched lifeless
on the floor. The monkey then offered
battle to a big stulled owl which had
been gazing solemnly upon tho scene,
aud receiving no answer to his chal
lenge, threw the bird oft its pedestal.
Jocko's Waterloo was awaiting him
however. A huge vamplro bat, which
had been watching the battle, lumped
down from his perch, nnd Jooko started
for mm. Tho contest was brief. Tho
sharp beak and talons of the bird burled
themslves like a hash In the monkey s
flesh, and Jocko was glad to make his
escape with tho blood flowing from n
dozen wounds. At this Juncture tho
proprietor appeared and hostilities
ceased, San Francisco Chronicle.
A True Hat Story
Hero is a new und absolutely true hat
story. A New York gentleman, dining
at a hotel in Doston, found on coming
out that ho wa3 the lost to leave the
dining room, and his hat had been taken
by somebody who hod preceded him.
leaving ono very similar, but unmis
takably not his, in its place. It was n
BufuclcnUy good substitute to allow of
bis wearing it for three weeks after his
return home, when, after dinner one
day, three weeks later, ho said to a
friend with whom he had just been din
"I must replace this hat: its not mine,
and it doesn't fit. Come with mo and
I'll do it now."
Together they sought a neighboring
shop and began to examine hats. One
nfter another was tried on by the intend'
ing purchaser, none qulto suiting him.
"It's too bad," said his friend. "Llko
you, I am hard to fit. How, this one la
the most comfortablchat I ever had."
"It looks so," remarked the hat seek
er! "let mo try that on." The hat was
handed to him. It adjusted Itself per
fectly to Ids head. "Man alive 1" ho
ejaculated, "this i3 my lost hat." and he
took it oil quickly, turned back the in
aide band, nnd, sure enough, there was
his name aud residence in indisputable
proof. It turned out that the friend had
been in Boston tho same day, though
they had not met, had dined nt the ho
tel, but had not discovered that ho had
worn away another man's hat. And the
shop lost a salo of a hat. New York
Not uu Klceinosnary Institution.
"It's funny nbouV somo people one
meets traveling," remarked a drummer
at the Cadillac ts he threw his feet upon
the-writing table.
"How?" inquired tho man next to
"On a dining car, for instance, the
other day," ho went on jerkily,
"What?"' asked tho other man en
couragingly. "Coming over from New York. Odd
sort of a genius across tho car from mo.
After he left tho car tho waiter who had
served him brushed tho crumbs off of
my table.
"Seo dat man, boss?" ho asked.
Reckon he nevah was on n dlnln car
" 'Wliyj1 I inquired.
" 'Cnze, boss, ho axed for a second
helpin. Geimnen what eats on deso yer
dlnln cabs, boss, knows dey ain't no
char tible institutions fer glvin victuals
away in no sich mannah as dat.'
"I had been thinking I wanted a little
moro than had been allowed me, but 1
didn't ask for it after that," and tho
drummer sighed. Detroit Freo rress.
llless Ilerl
Tbere is a family ot little folk not far
away who nro delightful from their lovo
for each other. Vin has the greatest ad'
miration for his sister Molly, and will
do.awthing for her "You's so pitty,
Molly." lis is five and she is three. One
cold morning Molly's mamma set her in
her high chair, while baby had her neces
sary euro and pnpa ate his breakfast. It
was rather chilly, ana tuouy was tn her
Vin wanted to make her warm, so ha
wrapped up her feet in a newspaper, but
poor Molly slipped and fell solidly on
the floor from her high chair. "Oh,
Molly," said Vin, in tears, "did you hurt
you?' "No," s&ld Molly, winking back
tho tears whieh would come! "No,
bruver, I fell on 'e paper." Gardner
(Maaa.) Home journal.
Cousin Jennie -Wholly cured of your
lore, did you say?
Coualn Tom Waouy.
Ootuln Laura What killed it this
Cousin Tom I asked her a simple
?ueUon. And when her faultless lips
ormed the words "I dl rem water, M my
love becauui a corps. Pittsburg Bul
'Poor little eouir said Uncle George
gazing; &t the baby.
why poorr asked toe proud fattier.
'Nature haa riven bim bl&olc ere to
start with," replied George-. Earpers
A Telepathic fjolnekteaee.
IhftdM a gaest la my reeldencoin
JamaiCA a lady of unusual Intelligence,
who wm very intimate with and much
atUohed to Mrs. Jieeeher btowe. They
frequaatly oorrrpoiidd. Bhe had a
dream In which Mrs. Stowe seemed to
be occupied, singnlarly enough, in dig
ging the ground, and sue uuiuixea u
tbere was any foundation for this. From
the reply she learned that Mrs. Stowe
had been shortly before tn SooUond on
a visit to the Duke of Argyle, and had
been asked to plant a tree as a memorial
of her visit on leaving. Here it U proba
ble that, besides the general sympathy
between the parties eonoerned, there
was some special thought, on Mrs.
Stowe's part, of the friend who dreamed
of her ant, connected In time either with
the actual handling of the spade or with
the remembrance of her strange occupa
tion. Few people would suppose such a
coincidence to be purely incidental, unless
from the apparent impose! MUty xor ac
counting for it otherwise, Dlackwood'a
lie Had CtLAag.
Tramp Have yon change for half a
QentlewaaYes. Where's the half
Tramp-1 havcu'l aay, bftt I Hipt U
m had efeaafe jer a) ejte, n
auajnv aav a
ft jmiMMmrttmn
That I.ltlle Tlrkllne
In yonr throat, whlrh makes you eonirh
once in a while and keeps you constantly
clearing yonr lliroat, arises from catarrh,
and a catarrh la a constitutional disease
the ordinary cough medicines all fall to hit
the spot. What yon need Is a constitu
tional remedy like Hood's Sarsnparilla
Jlfany People who have taken this medicine
for scrofula, dyspepsia, loss of appetite,
and other troubles, have been surprised
that It should euro this troublesome cough.
liui to know tlie actual cause or the congn
is to sole-, the mvsterr. Many cases of
consumption can be traced back to the no
gleet of some such slight affection as this.
Consumption can be controlled In Its early
staff os. and the effect of Hood's Uarsana-
rtlla in pnrlfylna the blood, building up
the general neaiui, and expelling tn scro
fulous taint which is the cause of catarrh
and consumption, has restored to perfect
health msny persons on whom this dreaded
disease teemed to have a Arm hold
It does not take so much to bo con
When the balloon collapses in mid air
the best of friends often fall out together,
A HAlm noiiT.
I. enn.tmntlv vnln. on In lhA limn,.,, iviim,
when you suffer with oniummpuon, oouehs it
coMai they strive to ruin health and draft vfo
tlmsto the grave. Take timely wamlnv aud
use ran Tin a cough and Consumption Cure.
wee so ann an cents.
Dr. Lee's Liver lteiriilfttnr I. n .urn rum fm
dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn, indigestion,
aud all kidney complaints. Trial Mtles fi co nt
Thomas' lmiB Store.
New York Jockeys organised. They
want W00 on winning a stake race, 25 for
ordinary, and ilO for losers.
Nerve and Liver l'ltl..
Ail important dlscoverv. Thev act on
Ike liver, stomach and bowels throiurh the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles
and constipation Splendid for men. women
and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. B0
unses ior 20 cents. Maniples tree at I . V
Thomas and V. F. Blerv's Drue Store.
Five-cent sayings banks are provluc a
great success in a number ef Western cities
Fat offices Inspire patriots with conn
deuce In this country.
A Itotnance,
She was lalr-and my passion begun I
Slio smiled ihd I oonld not but lone I
But when from afar I detected eattari h,
No beauty my passion oonld move!
tn despair she sought doctors In vnlu,
1111 Bhe learned ot "Humanity's boon,"
Now her breath Is as sweet as the dew
Which falls upon roses in Jnne
To-night, as we sit In our home.
And 1 kiss her sweet lips o'er and o'er,
W e bless Dr. Sage in our bllas,
For the Joy he brought to our door.
There Is no rilMttv.0 i.m ,r.i, tn
than catarrh) Th enn.tjui, Attmt tn .t... th.
throat and nose, the foul breath, all the featuies
ui mo uiwm, it oa iiiucn (ireaaeu oy me
friend as by the victim. Humanity baa cause to
bless Dr. Boge for his "Catarrh Iiemedy." The
mauutactorhig offer to torflt SHOO tor any uase
.t,j imit. i-uiv.
A movement is on foot in Texas to raise
a monument to General Sam Houston.
flucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best Salve Intlio world for Pitt. Itrnlvi,.
Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheuni, I'eter seres. Tetter,
Uhanned Hands, Chilbbiins Uorns, and all Skin
Eruptions, nud positively cures Hies, or no pay
requited. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satla-
faction, or money refunded, price 2B cents per
box. For salo by N. II. KEllL'll, LoblKhtmi.
aud W. v. ISIery welssport,
Denmark proposes an international
union of machinists and blacksmiths.
. Tensions Is a powerful arsymcnt in favor
of patriotism.
A SenslbleSIno
Would uio Kemp's Ilnlsam for the Throat and
Lungs. It Is curing more coses of Couahs, Colds
Asthma, llroncliltl ,. Cronn and nil Throat and
Lung Troubles UAn any other medicine. The
proprietor has authorized any druggist to glvo
you a Sample hottlo Freo to convince jou otthe
gejlt ot this great leinedY. lArge nottlesBoc
Uncertainty is the keenest favor of.
Cure Yourself.
Don't pav larzo doctors' hills. Tho best
medical book published, ono hundred pages,
decant colored plates, will be sent vou on
receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay lhj
ojiago.. Auaress a. i: uruw-ay uo,
lostod, Mass.
Most of the things longed for by men
have no existence,
Gaarnntecl Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist to
sen Dr. Kins's new Discovery lor uohsuojd
lion, Coughs and Colds, upon this comlt
lion, ii vou are aiuicieu witu a uoucu.
Cold or any Lung. Throat or Chest trouble.
and will use this remedy as directed, giving
It a fair trial, and experience no benefit,
you may return the bottle and have your
money refunded . Il'e could net make this
offer did we not know that Dr. King's New
Discovery could be relied on it. it never
disappoints. Trial bottles free at the drng
stores ot ueocr, L,enieuion ; ana uiery.
Canton, Switzerland, municipal authori
ties have decided that all employers must
ih&ro profits with the laborers.
The Secret of Success.
Thomas Lehlghton; and Uiery Wclwport drag
stilts, believe that the tocret of suooeii la nerse-
verance. Therefore they perdit In Iteeftngtbe
hnet line of perfumeries, toilet artistes, oos ava
il w, drug i and chemlcsli on the roarkst. They
especially Inrlts all personi who have pi) pat o-
liuu, utt, isr iu( noat vi
tius or iQouiuvr,
eouzb. tmotherlnr.
lir. Mllei nnaaualtHl New Heart Cure.
la to la te. U has the largest sale tf any similar
remeur. Fine boon ot testimonials tree ur.
RlUei' KestsratlTe Nervine la nasurnassed lor
leepleHness, hadaeh,llti,U., and It oontslnt
no iriiiftie.
Promises made In time of aflllction re
quire a better memory than most people
Dolh air and water abound in microbes,
or ms of disease, ready to Infect the de
bilitated system. To impart that strength
and. vigor necessary to resist the effect of
these pernicious atoms, no tonic blood-
purl fler equals Ayer's Sarwparllla.
Hold It to the I.lslit.
The man who tells you oonlidi
oonlidenllall Just
lirescribinu Kemp's
iirabarwtlan ol this
what will cure your eold ia
Ul la in
luusam tais year, in uu
remarkable medicine lor
ne i
r col
lotne for eousns and colds no
expense is snared to combine ouly the best and
purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's
IlaU&ui to the light and look tttroujcli It; notice
the bright, cleariook: then compare wltb oilier
remedf... Large bottles at all druggist. Ml
oeuts.aod ft. tsaupla boose free.
The Canada census shows a total popula-
lion of 0,000,000 in the Dominion.
My Head wns Fairly Itottwt,
And how ranch I auffend it is hard to
describe. That leaUisonie disease, catarrh.
cauted tne above, and the doctors aald they
could cot relieve roe. I paM hundreds of
dollars, for which I received no bsmfll, I
cot mare good Item two bottles ol fjulphur
Bitters than from all the money I paid to
doctors. I shall coot in ue the Sulphur Bit
ten, as i nays great lauu mat tney win
cure me. 8. M. Day, 41 Hanover hi.. Bos
ton. roUitkhsua tbat)klu lie ami won't lie air
Klttln skesreer every year
Kind words never die. unkind wids
don't die either.
A Western observer has ascertained tha
Cbauncy af.Depew was simply enchanted
to find one of bis latest stories chlsul"d
upon the waO of a bouse In Pompeii.
Do not trostj toe much to your iruH-
Tbra are 270 women ordained or licens
ed to prsach in this country.
JassaChusetta sweaters make per cent
Qeoiada has increaed her watermelon
Western retail lumbermen kick against
retail Mies by wholesalers.
Hm cavtalu of the future is always
A hare Is Mmoltisui sword to the
fjasavo- is out of oataano. ia ontofhls
No Jurisdictioti in the Boyer-
McC&mant Cases.
Kntl of the Ijoiik lnoiklKittlon of Tenn-
iylvunln stnt- Oiiti iali mt Harrlnfaarg.
Senator Oobin's KrAolutlans Adopted
After b RiirlteI T little.
HAliiiisiUKt;, Nv )j The extra oR8i on
ot the Pennsylvania tonate tidjourniHi
flnnlly aftvrndoptinK tboGohln resolution
that tho senatu docs not hfivo jnriscllctlon
to make the hivetiKtion agnioat ll no-
cusefl State Troamtr Hoyer, Auditor
General McCamanf nod the Phflailelphltt
magtetratos for whloh pnrpoie the gov
crnor called the body together. The reso
lution wm adopted by a vote of 138 to 19,
repreeenttag the two political parties. The
Demoeratic feoatore kept up a vigorous
fight to defeat It.
The CHTernor Attacked.
Intheoonrse of the discussion, which
frequently waxed very warm. Senator
Porter, chairman of the Republican city
committee of Philadelphia, declared that
the governor called tho extra session from
partisan motives, and no assurance from
the attorney general to the oontrary could
Induce a single Republican senator to
think otherwise
lie said the people of the state thorough
ly understood that, as the BS.OOO majority
at the recent election indicated. lie said
he would vote for the resolution because
ho did not believe the constitution should
be thus abused for political purposes by
any party.
Dennunerd by Sni.tor II nil.
Senator Hall denounoed the extra ses
sion as a farce, for which the Republicans
were responsible, and to tnein must ue at
tributed the loss of M0.0U0, the cost of the
extra session to the state. At the begin
ins of the sesHton ho presented a resolu
tion declaring tno jurisdiction question to
bo the senate s tight, and at that time the
senate by a unanimous vote adopted the
same. Senator Hall said he knew at the
time that the Republican senators were
not sincere In their declarations for a
"careful and searching" Investigation,
xor no naa neara whispenntcs mat niter
tho olectlon the matter would be ended
just as It has ended.
Mr, Koss denied the charee made In Air,
Gobln's resolution, that the charges against
Hoyer and McCamant were vindictive or
Impeachable. Mr. Fackor read a short
speech charging that the government and
attorney general had called the session for
partisan purposes. Mr. Gobm replied to
Messrs. Ross and Hall in a flvo minute
speech. Tho vote was Anally called on the
Gobln resolution, and It was adopted by a
strict party vote yeas, SB; nays, iv.
The neeoluMon,
Private Secretary Tate was then an
nounced and presented the nominations
made sinco the adjournment of the legis
lature. Mr. Packer then offered the f ol
Iowlna preamble and resolution:
V oereas. tne eeiuto tuts already decided in
the case of llenry 1C. Doyer, eteto treasurer,
that It has no Jurisdiction under the oonatltu
tloa In this proceeding to lnqnira, to hear and
to determine the charges of official inlfloondact
preferred against him, and to address the gov
ernor asking for his removal from the sold
office of state treasurer for or on account of
anything in the proclamation of the governor
contained; and.
Wberoas. the cnaruwa airalnat all tho other
officers named In sold message are also charges
ox cinciai misconduct, ana said ruunn or the
senate on the question of Jurisdiction la the
said caso oi tne earn uenrv x. liovcr aodiics
with equal force and effect to tho casos of all
uio other orucers named in tee said message;
whereas, it tnrins hr-m derided bv the sen.
ate in manner aforesaid that It is without juris
diction In the premises, no good end would ho
ac compile nod Dy runner protracting the ses
sion i therefore,
ltesolved. When the senate adjourns todav It
gOAU aujoum tune aic
This was agreed to, after some confu
sion, upon a call of the roll, resulting!
xeas, nays, m
The Governor's Nominations.
After a recess and the transaction of
somo routine business the governor's nom
ination's were taken up. The yene and
nays wero called, and all were confirmed
except one irom Armstrong and two from
Juniata counties, which were laid over at
the request of Senators Showaltcr and
Wood. The committee nnnolnted to
wait on the governor reported that he
had no further communication to make
to the senate, and Mr. Grady then moved
that the senate adjourn sine die. which
wasoarrled unanimously. The senators
had consumed just thirty days in arrlvlna
at the conclusion and expressing their
opinion in a formal voto that they had no
Jurisdiction m the cases.
Sbe Der.niletl the Flat;.
.CRaWFOHnsviLLE, Ind.. Nov. 13. An
immense throntc wltnoased the presenta.
tlou of a magnificent silk banner to Miss
Emma Connera, tho brave and pretty
school teacher, who, single handed, de
fended the American tlag which waved
over her school house from the assaults of
copperheads who tried to tear it down.
General Iew Wallao. mads the presenta
tion address and paid on eloquent tribute
to the. heroism ot the young lady.
The Maiiuftteture of Caps.
In that oddest, nestlike part ot New
Vork, the French quarter, 3,000 or 0,000
men and girls make annually (5,000,000
worth ot oaps, exclusive of tho fjl.000,000
worth made by the furriers of that re
gion. At least 1,000,000 dozen caps are
turned out in this Quarter every year.
As to style, there are nearly BOO varie
ties. Of yachting caps alone there are
something like two down kinds, if, in.
deed, twosoore is not nearer the correct
A few leading styles, however, persist
with little or no chance from year to
year. Th. west constantly demands a
cheap cap with ear coverings. Every
year sees some can for RlrU the rage.
Stub, cape sell by tha hundred thousand
dosen. A bint comes from Paris, nnd
In a few weeks the new cape swarm In
every street. Nm York W orld.
What tie feared.
"While I was in Eugland," says one
wumau, '! win told of an American who
on Ills first trip on an English railway
quite held his breath at the rapid run
nine;. When his nervousness rather
overcame him he approached the guard.
" '1 aay, guard,' be ventured, 'this i
pretty fast traveling for safety, isn't iff
" 'Oli, no, sir,' replied the guard, 'we
never run off the una here, sir.
" 'But,' said tlta Yankee quickly, re-
sentuurthe patronage, It is not the Hue.
I'm a ridd of running off yonr confound.
ed little island.' "New York Times.
Amesliw BQpeMlttlons.
If yoit count warts you will increase
their unmber, or to handle a toad will
cause watts. If two persons wash in
the same water oy dry their hands on
the same towel they will shortly quar
rel. To bore a hole tn tho door from
and put tn it tbo hair of a colored per
ton is supposed to curs whooniug cimgli
Tho rattle of a rattlesnake if carried tu
tha pocket will prevent rheuuiatiam, or
if plae d in the bureau drnwai will keep
nway m,itju. I'luiadolphla Leader.
A new aluminium alloy, with titaninm,
is being manufactured inPltisbuxg. It
Kc-lhi ut fr.u tweuty-liv oenta to on
dollar per poiwd mon thAapurealuinii.
ium. It is very hard and elastic and is
an excclleut material tor making tools.
Abont 10 per cent, of titanium Is need.
Sums peoples rest the neck instead ot
the head on hard pillows In Africa ex
traordinary headgoara make this practice)
necessary, and many a civilised woman
ho Ixwn compelled by a somewhat sim
ilar coiffure to forego both the pillow
and tho recnmbeut posture.
A wonderful wall hi uu the property
of Culonel W. 11. Wnrbq oi Henri
Ma, Tax. Its depth of water is usually
eight faoti but when tha wind is trout
to north tha well beoottws dry, aad w
Ex-Governor Waller and the
Piatt Divorce Case.
lie raid Money to Mis. rlatt'a Lawyer,
Who tVti. to H.l( N Defense, but the
Woman. After iti-o'Ihr to Help 8ave
Yuuufc tVnller, li,k-d Down.
Nkw Vom,, V' ii Tho correspond
ence of ex fjor-'onoi Tuoraas M Waller,
of Ctinnoctlcut, ir 'mlsoa to play a very
Important part in the adjnetment of tho
domostic wraniile f Minnie A. Piatt and
herhnaband, Knuluoer William IL Flatt,
United Rtatoi nnvy. Aooordlng to the
wife, who In mode defendant in an action
for divorce, In which the son of ex-Governor
Waller ia named as corespondent,
her defense rests almost solely npon lotters
which, she Bays, were written by tho ex-
governor and his son and are now In her
Mm. I'latt Infers strongly tnat some ono
has broken f atth with her, and after agree
Ing to shield the name of the corespondent
from the publio wns practically instru
mental in making it known.
It Is true." said Lawyer lirnvos to a re
nnrter lut iivenlntf. "that the Utmost 60-
creoy has been maintained regarding this
ease. We desired to avoid all publicity.
Doth plaintiff and defendant were oi me
same opinion. We Hucoeeded until a few
days ago. That was my only object In ask
Ing for a private hearing, ana on tnat co
saslon I statod my roasous to the presiding
judge in full.
What tho Bi-Governor raid.
In consideration of this azreement on
tho part of counsel not to force pnblloitj!
Governor Waller agreed to pay Mrs
Piatt's counsel fee, and her husband,
through me, agreed to pay her thirty dol
lars a month. That ha paid until a Bhort.
time ago, and only ceased, as far as 1
know, because he atated to me that he
thought moro was being done for young
Waller than for himself.
What Mrs. Piatt's relations with the
governor or his aou may have beau since
this difficulty other than this I do not
know. The only money paid by him was,
as far as I know,-to Mrs, Piatt's counsel.
What hush in ono y he may have paid, as
lnierrcu in an lninrview in n moruuiK p
per, I cannot imagine. In view of the
ecmlnuly strong as.iertlons tn tntsregara.
I think some letters I have may throw
Borne light."
Sir. Waller's Letter.
Mr. Graves then produced the following:
Ann. 11. 1901.
Mr Horace Graves
Wmlo I have not tne pleasure of a personal
Acquaintance with xpu, friends of mine eatrore
mo tnQBSf nail roenvo irom yon in tno maicer
ln whicIfVam interested the full oonrtcey on
from ono member of a profession to another
Ton are acting aa tho attorney In certain mat
t.ralu wmcn a wayward son or mine seems co
be Involved I am doelrons of saving all parties
from unnecessary notoriety and scandal, and
with this In view X should llko to eoo yon per
Bonally tomorrow, if corivoulent
This was written about the time the
cose first appeared lu court
That no time was lost in preventing tho
scandal from leaking out is proven by
Governor Waller's letter under date ot
Aug. 23. In it he states that in coming to
an undcrstandlua wltb airs, l'latt's coun
sel be tried to get Lawyer Patterson to no
cept tlOO as his f ee. The latter, the letter
him more, nnd ho would not accept lens
than fJW. which sum was uuaiiy paid.
Lawyer rattersou a receipt and ,nu acr
mane not co renew nis mocion ior aumoi
and counsel foes.
The 8eandal Sure to Com. Ont.
It was at this time. Bald Mr. Graves.
that plaintiff agreed to pay his wlfo thirty
dollars a month. Other letters passed be
tween the governor and Mr. Graves, in
cluding the following.
um. v, mi.
Mr DeAu Bin Your noto of veaterdar ro
ceivod. 1 agroe with yoa that you have In the
Interest of decency done all I can ask you to
do to prevent tho publio ocandal which the trial
of Piatt vs. Piatt la likely to produce. X am
confident her lawyer ia to blame tor her change
la to ooenr, tnat i may adviHG my eius-son
against taking any course to sink him deeper Id
ma tony. xooius u WAuaa
The following letter was written three
days later by the ox -governor's private seo
Nsw Tons. Oct 13, IH1L
Qoraco (Iraves, Epl :
IJEAll Bin I regret I did not nave an nppor
tnntty to call and see yon today I received a
lett.r from the plaintiff in which it Isanggested
mat 'mere are nut two wave or Bettuna we
she doos not name tne ways I nave
asaea ner m a lector to uo so. x auoum uito w
nave her proposition in writing. I am aatlaHed
that It will only restore a little money to have
a default In the case and X shall Buffer a littlo
money to escape scandal It necessary. X hope
yon will not object to a postponement of the
matter until my return Yours vary truly,
T 11 WA.T Vn M f. It T
That." resumed Mr. Graves, "aives the
truth regarding any expenditures o
money in this caso as far as I knqw. It
you think I have done wrong in agreeing
to secrecy to protect an honored m?no,
when it could in no way prejudice the
merits ot the case, I wieh you would tell
me. Whether Mrs. Piatt has suggested
money to Waller or hjs father I cannot
say. Tho governor's (Stoience seems plain.
My' impression is thcho intended to
marrv roumz walteraiser her nusoana
had obtained his dlvdfos, out finding that
this would bo Impossible, on account of
thacloso watch kept by tne eiaer Mr.
Waller on his son, Bhe broke her agree
ment. She has not seen young Waller for
some time bocanao ths father did not per
mit h lm to visit her."
. Counselor Patterson refused absolately
to discuss the case or reply to Governor
Waller's criticisms and Insinuations ot his
method, and motives .
Kx-Oovernor Waller Speaks,
' Ill-Governor T. M. Waller seemod great
ly disturbed over the fact that his letters
to Lawyer Horace Graves had been made
The money that was paid, tbs er-gcv
ernor aald, had been given to Mr. Graves.
lie declined to make publio the amount,
but said it was small, lloth bis son and
Mm. Piatt, he said, claimed to be innocent
of ths charges, and be felt satisfied that
upon the trial they would have no trouble
in establishing this foot. Mrs. Piatt Is ac
cused of being improperly intimate wltb
young Waller at tile Long lirancb hotel,
corner of Washington and Bands streets,
June 83 and July 6, H and P.
rugllllt Fat Slattery la Trouble.
Rochester, N Y , Nov. li Pat Slat
lery v,oa arrested un a warrant Issued by
the district attorney of Cattaraugus coun
ty, charged wltb prize fighting. II. is in
Jail here.
A compound comM-d of oxygen and
U ...1 . I V ,....-..1 ..,.t,
will diaaolvs uirtal., nttd when ttnitad
with mercury and silver it forms a pow
erful explosive
Th. Connecticut Hons Adjourns.
ILurrroBD, Nov 1J The Connecticut
house met at 1 o'clock Wednesday, and at
msU adjourned to Jan si I p. m Noth
ing elau was done The vote was 189 so
llltV It waa along p.irt y Unas, except that
one Republican (llelkeley, of Soutunort.)
read a paper declarluK hla belief m the
eleotlon of tho mluut Ilemooaatlc oBloere,
aad then voted no
Oomner. to FlgbS Soetallscn.
Nsw Yiikk, Nov 1. Samuel Gempera.
nrasldcot of the Amarloaa Federation ot
Labor, ia doterinmad to fight sootaiUim
with sill his streugth. He proclaims hlin
self a champion of trsda. anions, anil hue
selected for battl. ground the cruarrol ex
iku sua ui. aw Kara. ffeuarautaggKX.
bor- W
Mr. Olevtlsnd Pvim ramelL
Niw STumk, Nov u The com m it mm of
arraiiiiemsnt for tLu proposed prnei;
memorial oieeiiisg at iht- Academy uu No?
1ft have rectfiod a It iter fxutu ux-Pretiden:
Cleveland, who pny hji elouiuut trltutr
to Paruell'ri iiietu .ry atitttobis great ti
VttCa. foi Iiifcud
tr HUmi I, aidj; Oroautl
NxwYojuc. Nov la Chtj Herald aa
DecuocTialo munben ut couurtbm fr-jut the
west and utgt'iJ.iaU are daeiarinK aKalost
n iiiK tv"J
pptnJEc i
and ths ailrwr tJraf eauw nrmKn"