AN EXHIBITION OF Fall and Winter Dress Goods. There is not a desirable weave, shading or style made by the most famous makers of the world that will be found miss ing -Iii" this interesting display. 634 Hamilton ou SPECIAL Worthy the attention of Buyers. Early Fall Announcements Brand New Fall Stock Now Ready. Wo show the largest and cheapest line of Fall Suitings and TrnnRcrinfR in thfi latest stvlea and newest colorinirs ever shown before. The materials used in the manufacture of our Custom garments have all been carefully selected and represent the latest and moat desirable loreign and domestic maices. Unvn' Atari nnl Knits in nn enormmis assortment. Children Fine Jarsey and Double Breasted feet, in fit nnrl wnrTfmnnRhin. Our line of Fall Overcoats g popular prices, surpass an lormer Vin nnnrppintprl. Fiimisbinrr Goods, we are Men's Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, ww m a m TT t Hose, and a complete line oi underwear. Agents ior xjv. j uugurb world Renowned Sanitary woolen Underwear. Catalogue mailed fcrec on application, upen wvery evening. Koch & Shankweiler. Clone Specialists aufl Fashion Mrs of tie Valley. Centre SquareHotel UR LIN IS COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. IT INCLUDES - Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Tables', Chairs, Book Cases, Couches, &c. Our prices are positively as low and terms as good as you can get anywhere in the county. Don't fail to call and see us before making your purchases as we can positively save you some money UNDERTAKING This line of business receives our special attention. . Flour, Feed, &c, . The very choicest brands, at lowest prices. - Over the Canal Bridge, Bast Weissport. sv.m Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport WHOLESALE Watermelons Peas, Beans, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Bananas, Oranges, Lem ons, reaches, Apricots, Pine Melons and Peaches Confectionery Supplied to the Trade at Very Low Prices, Goods Delivered Free ! Store keepers will save money on all things bought from us anu we deliver goods lree ol charge. "A Feat to Properly Fit Feet." But it is successfully, satisfactorially, cheaply and properly done at The Only Boot ana Shoe Store inWeissport wnere you can have htted to your feet at a moment's notice al most any make or quality shoe at prices which have been proved positively lower than the same quality, style and finish can nurchnsed elsewhere. Wn hnvn n Pull li do notTtarry on an adjunct or space or time, oome and see vinced that it is to your advantage to deal with us. WEISSPORT'S LEADING Lehigh Coal & LIMITED. Specialties. Myer's Pumps A complete line, including repairs for the'same Cucumber Pumps A complete lino including ropairs for the same. Coal Oil At "wholesale and retail Usual line of Hardware, Oils. Coal, Sand, Cement, Plaster, &c St., Allentown. n B Q .Suits in endles variety. Per in carefully selected fabrics at 111 ta 1 L. 1 i- exniDits,,ana must ue sueu iu makimr a lcadine snecialtv: ol Dress Shirts, Suspenders, Half ft I t T X Allen EuildlngAllentown in all its Branches DEALER IN and Apples, G'ocoanuts, &c. in Car .Load Lots. and iigars side show business tooccupy oui us, learn our prices and be cor. a BOOT & SHOE Dealer Hardware Co., LINES E OF FUNRITUR Feache Livery D. J. KISTLER Reectfiilly announces to tlio imbllc that ho has opened nNEW UVKHY 8TA11I.E, nnd that lio Is now prepared to furnlsli loams ior rune, Weddings ot Business Trips on the shortest tw ice and most liberal terms. Orders left at the Carbon Houso" will recolro prompt attention. STABLES ON NOIITU STREET. noxtthellotel.Ulilitliton. (anMtA- .S.Rabenold, DnAttcit Omen i-Ovcr J. W. llaiidvntmsli' Liquor Btoro, TIANK STREET. LEHIOUTON. .... t if ft- . i. ... rrnntl. VvfrnMori uenusiryin uu us umui. ......... nllhoutl'aln. Uas administered wiicnreqiicsiea onico Days WEDNESDAY or eacu wcck. P O. address, MXKNTOWN, S-yt iLeiiRiicouniy.iii. The changing seasons once more brings back tlio Emm wmMivm to everv man, yourself included Of course you are going to fix up a little, as every one eise does. .Nothing extravagant A New Suit that will afford comfort for the warm weather and at the same time embrace good workman shin and stvlc. tocether witii i few of the nobby articles from our extensive Furnishing Departmen is nerhans'all that will be re nuired bv vou. Still there wil be no dodging The oavie uia Question, Where Shall J Buy My Clothes 1 And it must be decided before you make your purchase. Let Us Answer the Qnes tion fox Ton this Time, And we will give you 1st A Square Deal. 2nd. A 6aving of several dollars on each Suit of Clothes we make you. 3rd. The newest and best styles in fabric, best workman sbip and very lowest prices.' Give Us a Call. You shall have the most careful attention, unlimited opportunity for satisfactory selection, a per fect fit, and the lairest prices Lchighton, Pa. rsr-Tlio usual largo assortment of Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Slippers. &c. GO TO Ghs. Miller's PopMestara Fon FRESn LAGER BEER, Finest Brands ot Liquors, sucli lis Oibson'8 Pure Rye, Dougherty's Pure Rye, Genuine Silver BrooJc, Imported Gin and Brandies. Finest Cigars. First-class Free Lunch always on the liar. HAVE YOUR FiwL Baorae ai Parcels DKLIVEKED AY John F. Hottenstein. Careful attention paid to tho Delivery of Freight, Baggage and Parcels to all parts of town at tlio lowest prices. A share of puuuc patronage is respccuuiiy solicited B5TI.cavo orders at Sweeny's, Koch' or L,eiocngmn s. TURFQUIMft MACHINES I I 1 1 I L-U I 1 1 11 U A 81F.CIAI.TY, Slnrnlent. Most Durable. Economical and nar. feci In use. Wastes no grain ; Cleans It ready ThresMne Engines antl Horse Powers. Saw M ills11"',. Standard Implements get crony, ocnu ior ju iMiuiiogue. A. 0. Farquhar & Co., Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York. 1'a. All. CAMPBELL Jeweler ana WatcliiMer, Bank Street, Lehighton, JVjnna espectfnlly Invites the attention ot Ills friends and the citizens gcacrally to Ids Immense new stock ot Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Trices that defy competition. It will nav vou o call and Inspect ray stock beforo purchasing eisennere. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed. Don't Forget tie Place. SIGN OP THE BIO WATOH, Bank St Lehighton. DeiisM OgjPItead the Atlvorate. Where Shall I Buy My Clothes. Clauss & Bro FIQIITINO A MA1I WOLF. A Dangerous Gnt.t Hidden In New Mexican Home. My room was at the end of a lone hall, was familiar with overr crook anil turn about tlio house and didn't need a light, bo I passod Into my room and closed tho door. It occurred to ino then to talco a smoke, so I felt around In tlio dark and found a cigar, and stmeit n mnrcu to light It. Tho iloxt minuto l uiinic you could have knocked mo down with a feathor. Away down in tho darkness under tho bed two fiery eyes shono out llko burning coals just for mat unci mo mont that tlio match was hurniiiK nnd then It went out. Beforo I had time to think tho creature was upon me, and was springing at my throat, tho most savago animal I had over met. i ion lmner than saw what It was. The creature was a wolf, and It was mad. Sororal animals aluictcd with Hydro phobia had been seen in tho nelghlioor hood during tho past fdv months. There la no animal moro formidable man a wolf when It hasrabios, and I know with what I had to contend. Iliad to strug gle with n largo wolf shut up In n dark room, and that when tho slightest younu from Its sharp leeth meant certain nnd horriblo death to mo. As it camo to me Urst I throw out my hands, and by some good fortune happened to ulrlko its nock. I got both my hands about its throat and managed to hold it awny from my faco, but It was all that I could do. I was ncnous, I suppose nnd tho wolf was far stronger than it would liavtt been undor ordinary circumstances. The froth was dripping from its mouth and flow Into my faco as it struggled. It was me most desperato strugglo of my life, just to hold that wolf and Hoop it from my faco and throat, at which it constantly leaped In tho most furious manner. All the lime, from tlio moment It sprang at mo first, I had been shouting and calling at tho lop of my voice. There was very lilllo hopo of doing any good with it, as tlio servants wero loo far away, and my room was on the oppo3lto side of tho houso from their quarters; but that was tho only chance. It was very ovidont that I coulun t let go my hold for an instant. It was just as evident that I couldu t hold out this long, nnd that unless help camo after nwliilo my strength would oventu ally give way, nnd tho wolf could tear niy throat, as it was struggling theu to do. Ami how long do you think this kept upf For two hours, for two mortal hours by the clock. I stood there, light ing for my lifo with that savago wolf, and shouting for help every moment of the time. A hundred times I thought I jny ctrjngth was gone, and that my arm would biivoiy emit uown powerless me next moment, nnd yet I always managed to hold him off a little longer. At loiit, just 03 1 was almost in com p'olo despair, ono of the servants was aroused by my continued snouting, and came running with his gun in his haud. I managed to hold tho wolf until ho made a light, and then I held him whilo tho man put tho muzzle of his gun against tho wolf's head and killed him as dead as Hector. And then I -went to my sister's room nnd had n spell of uomothing that would have lieeu li ysterlcs It I had been a woman. Doing a mun, it was nothing but a tnso of nervous prostration. The tit. Louis (J lobe-Democrat, Negroes In Southern Cities. Tho St. Louis JtcmibHe sees in tho ten dcucy of Southern negroes to flock to cities nnd towns a sourco of serious evil to thorn as well as to tho public at large. It not only depletes tlio rural districts ol labor, but by overcrowding urban com muullics is prollflc of destitution, disease, nnd crime. Many negro men in cltic: who could be usoful tillers of the soil says tho Republic, do not hesitato to live on tho scanty earnings of women, nn become idlers, drunkards, and gamblers. Children bora of thoso who have mm! to tho lowest level of tho social Bcalo arc tainted with the diseases of degradation and die of theso diseases, rapidly du vcloped by neglect nnd semi starvation a fact which accounts forthe relatively Iilgh uentli raw among tlio colored popu latlon of cities. There aro, of course many Intelligent mid worthy colored people In the towns nnd cities,' but it can scarcely bo denied that there is n very largo percentage who would bo hotter oil had thoy remained In the country. Tho condition of the Inass in tho cities, in the opinion of tho Itejmblic, "is not to be compared in point of morals or of value to society with that of tho negroes of tho agricultural regions of Missouri, of Ken lucky, of Tennessee, or of any other locality wlioro tho males nro so subject to tlio inlluenco of nn educated public opinion ns to bo forced to support their families. In tlio cities they nro Isolated, Only tho pohco pay uny particular ntton tion to lliem. In tho campaign years they aro sought out by whito politicians and voted, but otnerwiso they aro nl lowed to indulgo Ihclr strong Inclination to segregate themselves. As a rulo, tho whito peoplo who would llko to do some thing for their elevation are too ignorant of their disposition and habits to reach them. This ought not to bo so, and prob ably it win not continue, for certainly tho 'Darkest Africa' of tho great cities is a lower Africa than that to which bcnoV' olent America has sent so much money for missions. Alter nwiuio, perhaps, tho colored peoplo will And out for thorn' selves that their opportunities of leading well ordered, comfortaulo lives, and of rearing their children to respectability and good habits aro greater In country than in town, and tho evil wiUgradually bo corrected to a greater or less degree. It is doubtful if anything could bo moro fatal to them as a raco than tho present drift to mo clues. Of One Mind. Mr. Petcrkin Oh, I llko to sit by you, Miss Dell. Miss nell (who Is exclusive) And so do I. Mr. 1'oterkln (puzzled for the moment) But er how's that? Miss Boll I like to sit by myself. Puck. Too Deliberate, "Jimson is very de liberate In his movements." "Yos, It tikes him about an hour to get n 10 minuto wait. Harper s Bazar. Heads of More and Ralrlah. When tho wise and witty Sir Thomas Moro was beheaded, his head was stuck on a polo on London Bridge, whero it was ozposed for H days, much to tho grief or Ills daughter, Margaret Roper, who resolved to secure it, "Onodav." says Aubrey, "as she was passing under tlio bridge, looking at her father's head, sho exclaimed; 'That head lias Iain man v a time in my lap; would to Ood It would fall into my lap as I pass under!' Sho hod her wish, and it did fall into her lap. " Probably alio had bribed ono of the keepers of tlio bridge to throw it over just as tho boat approached, and tho ex clamation was intended to avert the sus picion of tho boatmen. At all events, sho got possession of it, and preserved it with great caro in a leaden casket until her death, and it is now inclosed in n mono in tlio wall of her tomb In St, uuainn s cnurcn, uonterbury. Sir Walter Kalelgh's head, in n rod bar. was carried to his wife, who caused it to lo embalmed and kept it with her oil her life, permitting favored friends, like Bishop a ood man, to see and oven to kiss it II is son, Carew Raleigh, afterward preserved it with similar piety. It Is supposed now to rent in tho t'imrch of West Hursluy, Surrey. BASK 11AIX NOTItS. hho Testeru Saltier' Chosen Specific. With every advance of emigration, Into tho far Wett, a new demand Is created for llostet ter's Stomach Hitters. Newly peoplJd roslons are frequently loss salubrious than older settled localities, on account of the miasma which rises from recently cleared linil, particularly along tlio banks of rivers that are subject to freshets. Tlio agricultural or mining emigrant soon learns, when he does not already know, that the Hitters afford (he only sure protection against malaria, and those disorders ot tho stomach, liver and bowels, to which climatic changes, exposure, and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject lilm. Consequently, ho places an estl mato upon this household specific and pre ventive commensurate with Its Intrinsic merits, and Is careful to keep on hand a restorative and promoter of health so Implicit' to bo relied up on In time of need. Dloeencs was a crank. English syndicates aro still bujln? big ranches. Admired for Us simplicity Is a nucen charm fashioned as a lima beau In cold. Indianapolis planing mill employes are trying to start a co-opcrallvo mill with $100,000 capital Oreat works are performed, not by strength, but perseverance. If Sufferers from Consumption Courtis and Colds will trv Tan-Tina Couch and Consumption Cure, they will find qulck.rellef and permanent benefit. The medical profession declare It a remedy of the highest value. Try it. rrice so ana w cents, inai uouiesiree, A large proportion of the diseases which cause unian suilorlnir result from derangement of the stomach, bowels and liver. Dr. I8' Liver Hcgulator removes all these troubles. 'Jrlal uoiues iree at i nomas' Drug store, Confide your secrets to tho wind, but do not tell them to a woman. Some men have a heep sito more Inlrust In poll. l:ks than prlnslplo. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until It gels beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, " Oh, it will wear away, but In most cases It wears them away. Could they be In duced to try tho successful medicine called KcmD s Lialsarn, which is sold on a posilivo guarantco to cure, they would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price BOc and $1.00. Trial size Ireo, At all druggists. Faith is tho greatest builder, and envy the createsl destroyer. Chicago cabinet makers now want eight hours, $2, and weekly payments. ICvery Home Should Have it. It 1 lint nlwAvft convenient In call a nhvslclttn for everv little ailment. Ilavlnc lied Viae: Oil In the houso you have a Physician always at nana; it Kins iiiieuinatism, neurotica, imrns, Bruises anil all Aohaa and rains, frlco 2S cU. TherA are few thtne In Ufa of which we mav bo certain, but this la one of them. Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure has no equal for uoias, cougiis anu ixnisumpuon. nice xs ana ou ccuis at inomas' Drug mora. Tho successful rival Is always a contemp tible scamp. A man named Slodgo was arrested recert ly for swindling. Ho struck bard luck. fel'ISCIMEN CASES. Win. TImmons. Postmaster of Idavtlle, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for wo man an oilier medicines com bined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie farmer and stock man. of tame Dlace. tats "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made mo feel like now man". J. W. Gardner, hardware mer chant, samo town, says: JSlectrlc miters is iust the tho thing for a man who Is all run dowp and don't care whether ho Uvoj or cies; lie found now strength, good appetite and felt lust like he had a new lease on life. Only DOc a bottle, at ltcber's drug store, benign ton; and liiery's, weissport A miner dressod In armor went Into burning mine at Republic, Mich., to fight the lire. WIU. B15 GIVEN AWAY. Husbands too often permit wires, and parents their Children, to Sulfur from ha&riinha. illzilnaiit. neuralgia, sloenletinett, nti, nerroaiaen, when by the use of Dr. Miles' lttitoratlve Nervine iucu lonoui results coum easily tie prevented. Druggists everrwhero say it gsres universal uii.iacucm, aaa uas an immense sale, woou Wnrlh V (I. nf Vn Wanna 1J . Unau n. ofUrracuBO.N. Y.j J.O. Wolf, lllllidale, Mloh.; and hundreds of other! say "It is the greatest , : Y fc contains no opiates. iniM win-. nu uue uooa on rtervous mieaiei, free at Thomas, Lohlghton; and lllerv, Welis You kin fairly hear this grate and glory lous nepubll'! of ours aproutin'aud growln'. Farm lands In tho United Stales, taking tho country as a whole, occupy only 289 acres In every 1,000. nOW I SUFFintED. I havo been a suflercr from catarrah for years. Haying tried a number of remedies advertised as "suro cures' without obtain ing any relief, I bad resolved never to take any other patent medicines, when a friend advised mo to try Ely's Cream lUlm. I did so with great reluctance, but can now testify that after using it for six weeks I believo my-self cured. It Is a most agree able remedy an Invaluable Balm. Joseph Stewart, C24 Grand Ave, Brooklyn. Slxly.llvo Huns, who work on tho rail road near Mochanlcsburg, live together In a house 30 by 40 feet. Lowell weavers can average $8.50 a week. IKhen all other medicines fot scrofula fail, Ayer's Saraapartlla, if persistently used, effects a cure. Being a powerful al terative, It cleanses the blood of all im purities, destroys the ccrnis of scrofula, and Imparts new life and vigor to every nervo of tho body, rollltlshans that.kln lie and won't lie air gittln skeerccr every year. Kind words never die, unkind words don't die either. do tell It. ye breezes, from desert to sea. 'ho "Prescription" has triumphed, fair wo man Is freel Dr. l'lerce's Favorite 1'rescrlntlon Is tho ouo princely remedy above all others I Made expressly for woman, It Is adapted to her special needs, nnd fulfills every requirement. Nocoudltlon so critical as to defy itl Ha emergency so ereat as to baffle Itl As a woman's restorative and regulator, the "Favorite Irescrlptlou" Is roaster of the situa tion, l'osttlvely guaranteed to alve satisfaction In all oases, or money ald for It returned. The only medicine for women sold au trial I .Massachusetts sweaters make 88 per cent profit, Ceoigia has Increased her watermelon acreage. The Witty Irishman, when told by a doctor that his liver was almost Kone, said. "Faith, It's glaj I am, It's alters bothered met" The liver, more than any other organ. Is the Index of tho body. With a morbid liver the wiiuiu Bjtuein n out oi Kean aiost powenuuor tho restoration 01 this "cltldal of health," Is Dr. l'lerce's (loldeu Medical Disooverv. lu action Is direct, prompt, effclulyl Itecommended by eminent physicians, It has Rained a universal reputation ns the "Croat Uvitr lteculatorl" uorrect tue liver, anu vou cure many nisi me Uolden Medlttlf Dlscoverv." 1l warranted In all eases of liver disease and blood disorders to uenciiinrcure, or money promptly and cheer fully relumed. Last year's wpo) plp was 207,000,000 pounds. Western retail lumbermen kick against retail sales by wholesalers. Tbo curtain of the fuluro It always drawn. Do not trust too much to your liust fulness. A One art now means one by wblcb a person .can make come money. Pirates make Vou "walk the plank j" society Insists on your getting married, The bubble society, blown from lbs pipe of folly, Is pricked by the pin of common sense. Fuss is the froib of business. The snowflakes shivered M the j fell will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Wolff's Acme Black ing- at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at iocabottlc. At present the retail price is 20c. Thlt offer U ooen until Ttnuarv ..... 1B01. For particulars addrcis the underslgnea. Acme Blacking is made of rare alcohol. other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that we can make Acme Blackino as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle t WOLFF- ft HANDOIiPH, Philadelphia, it the name of a paint of which a 25c botllry is cnouch to make six scratched and dallcfl .1 1 - , . . ,!, -!.!. .l 9 encrry cnoirs iuok ukc ucwty uiiuucu m. HUgBUlCS. II W1UUU luaujluutM 1. things which no other paint can do. iui retailers ecu iu Scrofula was once supposed to bo ths touch ot royalty. To-day, many grateful poonlo know that tho "sovereign remedy" Is Ayer's Barsapai Ilia. This powerful altera llvo extirpates "tho evil" by thoroughly cllniluiilliii; all tho strumous poison from tho Llooil. Consumption, catarrh, and various other physical as well as mental maladies, liao their origin In SCROFULA hereditary, this dlscaso manifests It self In childhood by glandular swellings, miming sores, swollen Joints, and general feebleness otLoily. Administer Aycr'sSarsa parilia on appearance of tho first symptoms. "My little clrl u.19 troubled with a painful scrofulous swelling under 0110 ot her arms. Tho physician being unable to effect a cure, I gave her ono bottle ot er9s Sarsaparllta, and the swelling disappeared." W. F. Kennedy, McFarland's, Va. "I was cured of scrof nlaby thoiiso of Ayer's Barsnparllla." J. C. Kerry, Dccrflcld, Jlo. " I was troubled with a soro hand for over two years. Being assured tho caso was scrofula, I took six bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparllta .ind was cured." Il.IIInklns, Itivorton.Web. mirr-amD nr Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold ly all DraggUU. I'rico 81 1 six bottles, $5. SCHIFFHANN'S ASTHMA CURE lattantlr nUrrM a mot klnl tud and Ituum eom frrtabU iU. 10 WIITIRQ for KEHCLT8. BalnffMdbj baktUtUioa, 1M Mtln U lmmdUU, dim ud Oertattla Md ft rare It UM rttmlt U rail nrrabU cum. A iTnf 1 irM mtImm llw mrt rtvptksl. rrto, K, tod ft.OO ef uj 4rai-a-taiL tm ma.lL RaunnlM EVam for itsunn. . - DR. R. 8CHIFFMANN. St, .-ml, Ulna. ,.Him .hamI. h titan Tfi.nir.ltT with Membrtv 0DI OnOP, WbU WOOU TOQ SOI WliaVl DllJUCUUi CUUiU mur.t im. Beldin's I Remedy Xl ft UitlMf .bftrmlM powder, and la th onlrtangnara. Io 0 TOftr It bJ navar f&Ul. urdar nuw rrom yonr arugsi. Otiromu. rnc. OC A limpn puwuor uj iumur sw TKI It tlltll fEOPRltTAlY eo., muaica, n.t A pamphlet of Information nrnJaW, StraCtOX tag lwi,.aunutH uu. Liy S. Obtain raienis, caveats, 'lTaae vuaru. uoprnimu, imii r. aUiM IflUHN a. liu, vSOl llroaawor. . new ort. , SEGUR1TIES MUNICIPAL BONDS INDUSTRIAL STOCKS CORPORATION BONDS APPROVED BANK STOCKS CAREFULLY SELECTED, TRIED, OAFE, PAY GOOD INTEREST, ALSO DBSIHABLa INVnOTMENT PROPBRTIB8 IN PROSPEROUS CITIES. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND REFERENCES WniTE H80HBACH, MoDOHALO & CO IB lo aa Whltahall ef.. Now York. Thousand s tiav.t lK.'U!!..'.!IHi' ifi!5Ka -li 1 1. Alirci.l'll 1 A . t'. . tjxo' ..LCMinoperat cu or linsof limn from Im ,Iwh. Ibit-ieiuicI In. curalVd by bthers wiiMt -.rnrr'riular, CURE GUARAHTfXD. oVm!,1u,s. tinw tanirti ai out nn iinaoi v i , raistillr and b.mrllr, tr lhaa or li hi r ik. rttuiiv r ilil. and Iftlhau ou luratitfra.u irrcvcr Ibrjr lira. Any rata ran tlu th Ijt lt Ivaru. ; -a alart .. rlfc. vu ran iUMt r nil j rtwr Uir.a to Hi Wi rk. ItiUlaan 1 1 day, ucniUifut !. in i 1 fry witker. lo lat" , -t.t au4n)-arila. trt hc li a itll rui )mi ina rn .tr. tiieW iUlu hera. Full UU al: rO.i alblUTia BiUK. CfltMHLDO a la balntr tmada b John B UootwlatTru,N T.lWMk furua. Urwdar. iaacli vuHonleklr bow toaaru trout ftft la Its tlar al Iba atari, and invi" a jw ( . Balb aaiaa, all acaa. la toy part of laiuarica, you eau aomiuvata al liutua, Iy iu c all juw iluia,ur ar niomrisii only to tliSwork AllUnaw Ureal y kl Uf ft avary workir aUrt lov, farulaLlity av.rylLlr.(T, ItASILY, Hl'KbltlLT iKr&aX l-AllllLlTlJiUa mEbt. Addraaa at oaaa. uk tin la fun unfa hat liacn madrat rnfk fur ui, liy AuilA 1'iiira. Auat4u, Ts-iaa, ami Jun l)nii, loWdo, OIimi. iaa . ul. Ullinaaranoliif at wall, n by tol uV Soma .ni r 00.o a V'Mi I" i.'ir wmk au Ha tt b iua, ijvimr. vi 1 . 11 . Kfcta Ua mm ra arc 1 ji 11 a-Mi ,iHr iruw a k fUa.Ur aUmj V- ltxw iuiww nil atari y u 1 rU In fwrw iia or 'I lb lima Vi r tot work ar. tOluif tjakuM it imh tbtw lUWamlynuiiiarfui I'.ril. uU.a firm a. tl.llnllrlt.t- 'n.(lla KM) IrtltiuI.Muttto 1 U, tlMlr ow la.U(lM,M b.r..r lh.jr h I w III .to frnl.b Iht .Muillwa w .UJa,Mcll wLkb,iMir...nilbl UWMI X fcj. M ..Im umublu abut, burl), .ml bkl l.trvM. I Arrm bot wi. werb.r frM Hlri. I jtmuiit. I b.t tlreaJr iwrbl bm4 ,9.bld wltb mbl,nMi ub.r, -b. tn i.bbw .r w . ,,.rudli IT, KliV X":1 P- .K"1' WtkaUr. l'Jt t:i:. Mr .1 M.., HO,AI,l.i:. I lux 4UO. Slulnr. AH thp very latest news will bo found in tho Oakiion 4nvo OATO. THE POLICEGAZETTE Istlie only Illustrated paper In tlio world containing all tho latest eusatlonaland sport Ing news, No aaloop keeper, barber or club room can afford to bo without It. it always makes friends wherever It goes. Mailed to any addreaa In the IlalU'd States aveurely wrapped, is weeks fur ft. Dead five ceuU for sample copy. Richard K. Fox, VraakliiiSiaare. lamVK! Vurkoit y iSlW IPESTHEH mm curi-d hy anIiJSuvSB Wa ftimUb r far aimr if aatiraljriK Dcrlnio Ma ui IRON HORSES DERANGED. AN OLD ENGINEER DESCWBB8 THE WHIMS OF LCCOMOTIVE6. Ifn Locomotive (leia n Ilnil Name Iter Pnle It Si-nteA -Kltclueera Ara Ilrave Imt Siipwiillluni-An Biilne Tlmt Woa Tronbltil With Wervotn Pro liallon. "Ixiooiuotivos liecomo dcnvneeil nml nmiilaciil, like liuiimn beings," wilil Jolm Bowclier, the oldiat oxpress engineer on tlio Bin Four. Bowcher won, 20 yonin ngo, ouoot tlio lxnit known locomolivo cnginoera in tlim country. 110 nivt tna fnut run on tlio old IJullofontnlne lint-, ijo tween tlmt town nnil IndinniiiioliH, 110 miles, nnd nindo it In about tliriv uud one-lmlf hours, including stops. It v.-iis a renmrknblo run on n sIukIo track road. ticcoBsitntod by tlio many connections that had to bo mado with otliir loads. Ho has tho siipurutilitins coaiiuon 'to nontly nil men In ItU businoss. "I nssuro you," Bowcher continued, "Hint locomotlvos ivtiulro regular r.'ut, constant nttcuuon, oven nursing wiiun thoy don't U-el right. An engine will tnktyipolls wlu'ii lidthiiip; you can do will mnko'itnct iiruiioiiy. Then tlio shop is tho only placo for It, nnd tlicro my ma chino has got lo go, or I quit tho scrvico of tho road." "Do certain engines got bad characters dnvelon koiiu! unexpected taint in tho blood, so to speak, after being in uso n while?" was ii;teil by a reporter wnomoi met Mr. rtjwi-hei- at a reunion of locomo tive engineers. 'They certainly do grow uumanage- bio sometimes. O-ncrally this is from ovorwork. Etigiuw are llko a thorough- hmd hoi-so hi that mrticular respect. They will got 'off their feed' by which I mean that they will not pump up rignt, tho furnaco will clog, nnd tho efficiency of tho fuel will not bo obtained. They Riiffei- from n lack of energy. You nro liable to stall on an upgrada. Thoy will ar:t badlv on tho curves, manifesting a decided inclination to moupt tne rails or to Utko sudden Blnrta that endanger tho couplings. Old No. 0 that I used to mako tho best time with, when she was 'right,' had nn annoying habit of starting with nn nwful ierk. It didn't matter how carefully I opened tho throttle, how thoroughly I understood tlio condition 01 tho steam, nwiiy wo jumped every time. It seemed ns If tlio steam gathered itself soniowhcro and, nfler It got ready, lot itself go. Tha"t old monster has been broken up, and I am glad of It. Sho was tho last of tho 'seven footers.' mo num ber of seven foot driver wheels now in uso aro very fow. I do. not personally know of any. 8lx feet Beoms to bo about right. But, recurring to tho temper of locomotlvos, they aro affected by the weather, which is readily understood, but a dull, heavy sky or a deute atmos phere has a liko effect. This I can not explain in any way wnntover. vuy, Mart Smith, who was a strict church man, couldn't do nnythlug with ono of his engines during Lent. After tester Day tho disinclination to make timo dis appeared. Slio would 'hustlo' whenever callodupon. Sounds very absurd, doesn't It? But it's true. Tho grip Is the only distemper to which I can liken a locomo tive such ns Marl's was. When a machine gota so, I tell you, sho must havo treat ment tho best scientific overhauling. She needs a masseur needs galvanism." "When onco a locomotive has lost forco ot character or self respect, does sho ever regain it?" was asked. -Ooncrnllv not." said Bowcher, modi- tativelv. "but I know a recent caso'in which nn onglno recovered from astroko of this paralysis and becamo, ns sho is to day, tho beat on tho road. When engiuo 'No. 71, on tho Louisville, New Albany and ChicoKO Road camo out of tho shop, brand new, a littlo moro than a year ago, sho was successively put Into tlio liauds of a half dozon of tho best engineers on tho road to mako the run from Lafayette to Now Albany. After a fair trial every man, without exception, pronounced No. 71 an utterly worthless piece of machin ery. Tho gonoral superintendent heard of tho encineand ordorealior condemned, but the master mechanic blurted out to him: u,Sho doesn't liko the run. It is d -d mean run, and sho knows it ns well as you do.' "You sec the master mechanic wanted tho locomotive to havo another chance Well, sho got it, and I tell you It was to havo been her last ono. She d havo been sold for scrap iron or run off the track into a forest and converted into tho mot ive power for a sawmill. No. 71 was sent up to Indianapolis anu put on the run to Monon. I went to tho round liouso and looked her over, for I'd heard of her and am very curious. I was nsked what I thought was tho matter. I spent nu hour over her and everything ap- noared to bo right. I took an off day and ran down CO miles on her. Sho mado croat time. To day bIio Is tho fust- est on tho road nnd tlio most reliablo. Sho can pull n vestibule train of fivo cars a milo a minuto. Now she's tlio pet, tho 'banner cnglnoof tho road. A montli ngo sho was in a fair way to bo turned out to die. but now nothing is loo rich for her blood. Sho has tlio best engiueer nnd fireman nnd tho best attention in tho shop. Ask your Indianapolis correspond ent to go and seo hor. She's worth look ing at, is No. 71. " niioile Iilaiid'a Blind Genial. Tlio blind genius of Rhodo Island, Her rcehoff, who lias produced such marvels in ship building, seems to havo mado a revolution In yachta. It was considered that his siiecialty lay in steam vessels, since tho queer looking Stiletto created such n suqiriso on uio waters in new Vnrlr lln v It wm Raid that tho blind In- r.hln. muM nnt (ltinHrnta n wonder. Tfta mnlv wna tlin nrodtiction of steam yachts still faster than the Stiletto. To provo this theory moro conclusive no lias L.tltf n m.llni. n nnr,1 1 II tt In tTlfinV TWHTW-frt uuii, (. i.w.w. . j - i . to tlio English cutter typo, without the centerboard, and has eclipsed all other experiments in yacht bulliling. The blind genius of Rhodo Island Should be EOJUtod by tho Navy Department to mako designs for its new cruisers. Albany Argus. Ilettrern Two Fires. There is such n thing ns being too nblhrmg. Whon Oommodoro Billings uml Mr. Slain wero off tlio river Kahlmn tho had for attendant a young man from Kanogn, nn island between Kam- bclmtkii nnd North America. Ono day iiir. wain asKou 111111, - wnat wiutliesav- agi do to me if I fall Into their power?" "Sir."ald the youth, "you will never fall Into t'i"ir power If I remain with you. I nlways carry a sharp knifo, and if I soo you pursued and unaulo to osoapo I will pluiitfo my knife into your heart; then Hie suragai onn do nothing to you. Tilts recalU the words of tho French kntidit reported by Joluville i "Swear to ma. " aald Quean Margaret, "that if tlio Samoena beoonie masters' of Damiotta .. . ...Ill . . . r I I ... . ' ) uu iii vui uu my iiuau uciuro iney can take ma," "Willingly,'' returned the kniKht; "I luul already tliought of doing tit If Uio contingency arrived. World's Fair bulUHnas employ 15,000 bunds. 'i'gxog sawmflls are embarrassed b ever j loductton. tSomo New Yolk horse cat men get $3 (or 10 hours. lirumriifi-apLtaroobiyn must wear a lii-fiibi- l,ti:f As aood as new that's tlio condition of liver, stom ach and bowels, when Dr. Tierco's Pleasant Pellets havo dono their work. It'a a work that isn't fin ished when you'vo stopped taking crc, as well as relieve And it's all dono so mildly and gently! Thero's nono of tho violonco that went with tho old-timo pill. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet's a gentle laxativo thrco to four act as a cathartic Sick Hcadacho, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigcs tion, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements of tho stomach and bowels, aro provented, roliovcd and cured. A3 a .Liver nn, tnoyro un equaled. They're purely vegetable, perfectly harmless tho smallest, cheapest, and easiest to take. Tlioy'ro tlio cheapest pin you can buy, becauso tlioy'ro guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for tho good you got. Can you ask moro? That's tlio peculiar plan an xr. Picrco's medicines aro sold on. Ask my nscnts for W. I.. Pinalaa Shoe r not for snlo 111 vonr placo nak you, Innl.p la ..nd fnr rfllnloau. aeenro 111. ntrcticy. Hint iret lliem lor you. E'i'Aivu nuiiBisa-u-a-ab.u S3 SHOE CENMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MOREY It Is n seamless sbo. with no tacks or wax thread lo hurt the feett mado of the beat floe calf. stvU&b and easy, and tmM tn maks ptor that of thU or ad than any otfur manufacturer. It equals hand ..ore eh net costing from $i.U0 to 3.(W. CltZ UOdenuluo 1 1 nnd fie writ theflnettcaU 99i ehoo ever offored for $5.00 j equala French Inipnrted shoes which cost from $3.Ui to li iU T;i! OU llfinf1Hwcd Welt HUor, line calf, ii S? stylish, comfortable and durable. The best hoo ever ofTered at this price i same grade as ctu-tom-mad ft shoe costing from (sou to $SJM. J2 .50 l'olloe Hlinei Farm era. Railroad iTen Oa andLettcrCarrlersall wearthemi ilneralf, warn less, smooth Inside, hearjr three soles, cxtcu rion odite. One pair will wear a year. uO fine cnlfi no letter shoe crrrofTrrod tit this price i one trial will couvlnco ttuwj who want a shoo for comfort and serrlce. CSO "5 nnd kfi.00 VorklHtimHtiN shocj ZPiZm aro Tory Rtrong and tlu ruble. TIiom who Iisto clrcn them a trial will wear no other make. BAUG! 8J.00 uml tS1.75 school shoes rwo J S worn by tho boys every where; they sell on ineir menu, ns iro incrouiuK wiciiuuw. 8 ar1t3 ?300, llnnd-newcd alKe, best bCiU ICS DonRola, vervetjlUhjoquauFreuch Imported shoes costlufffrom i UU to t&Md. I.aillca VfHUt vjmu nun i7a snoo ror Mlsaea are the fcst line Uongola. Stylish and durable. C3nit tion .See that W. IH Doualas1 name and price are stamped on tbo lxttom of vach shoe. v W, U POV0 V-a, Drooktoo, Kim, Adam Mehrkam&Son, Agents, LclilRliton, Va. J&URE tScSc BuuUcha and rcllaTa aU IhattmUM fact. Cent lo abUlons atataof tlio sjBtom. cuoli as Slzzlsua, Kaiuea, Drowatawa, DUtraM aflar cause. Fain la the Bldo, bo. whlla UiaU moat rcmukablesaceeainu UanahowalaowJeg j SIOK aTtalacha, ycl CarUr'i TJtUa Liter FfOJ era equllx Tiluable In OonatlpaUon. carina and pn TenUcK tnlaannoTlngooinplalniirhUa UuralM eometaUdlaordanoftliaslomactaaUmalaUtba llrer aul rcgoUto Ui boweu. JSTtauUwio curca HEAD (AeliatbeymnUboalznoitpriooloatolbMavM laulbr f rem thii dlatniulng oomplalsli tml fort tiatalr their goodQoai dooiuotand horand taoaa .whooncetrj loam will find tbasaUtUapUlania, Inula In aomanr vara taat they will not bfl wll. VBB to do wlltoat than. But aflar alltlct hvu flaUKbasaotaosianyllrea Ustt barafjwaeri vamakaonrgroatboait. Oct pllla onra It vatl4 clneradonot. ... I Oarter'a Uttlt lirer PUla ara wr amall and very eat to take. OnoortwoplUamakaadota. Thoy are etrlotly Togetabls ana do not irrrpo or pcrc, bat by thnlr gentle action ylaeea all M (tuetaem. to Tlala at 39 cental Are for ft. S9U 'by drugstita orcrjwbare, or acnk by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; SHALL FILL. SMALL DOSE. SHAH PRICE SEST ITT THE WOM.D. XUTreartaa aualltlMare unearoaeeed, actsaTly ontlaattna two boxes of anroth.r brand, Mee oaocted brbeet. trO ET Till: GEM UIB rOnSAlSDTDEALEIt30ENEimXT. llrf WHY IS THE Wa L. DOUGLAS mam AXLE tho Moat Bnocraaful Hcmedy eTerdleoot trad, i)i l( ! certain la Itl effecte arj4 Hi nl tlslr. Read proof boloiy i KEKDflLl'S SPAVIN GUSE, w . UrtT5Wo,PaK0T.r(,W. Do. XL X KiorDAlX Co. I OcntsX would like to make known ta those wh are almost poreunltit to uso Kendall's Poavln Cure the fact that 1 think UU a most axoellent Unlrowt. I have used Hon a blood Spavin. The horse wanton three- less fur throe years when 1 oommanoadlo use your Bendairafipavla Cure. I iuud ten bot Uec on the nurse and have worked him for tnrea yean lncc anl hj not lxea Ums w t ' Yours truly, Wit X CUIUe, O ctxiXTowv, K. YH Sot. 1, 13B9L Da, D. J. Ekxdxll Ca, . . . Knetbnrsh FalLs, VC QetltA In pratje of Kendall's Spavin Cure I will say, that a year ago I had a ToluabU younjr horse tie oome very iane, bock enlarited and awollen. Too horsemen about lierefwe have no Veterinary Bur geon here) pronounced bit lameness liloodfipavta pr Thoroufhpln, Oiyil told me there wusa tne mejita ot your Kendall's Spavin Cure, so I bought a bottle, and I could aee Very plainly rraal troprovementa tramod lately fromlia usetandbeure the bottle was used up 1 was aatUnad that It was doing him a OTeat deal of good . I bought a aeeoaal bottle and before It was used up my horse was eurrd and has been In the team dulng heavy worse all the eeaaou since last April showing no more signs of IL 1 consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure a valuablo Tncdlclne,and It should be In every stable In tbo land, itcvpectfidly yoara, kDQtNK 6 1 WITT. Price $1 per bottle, or si battles fqrJ. AM (fro gists have It or can get it f ir you, or it will be sMl to any artdr-ks oa receiptor prleebytheproprto . UU. He J. KENDALL CO., Unoaburgh Fslla, Vermeil SOLD Hi ALL DUrUUlSTS.