The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 31, 1891, Image 4

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all and Winter Dress Goods.
There is not a desirable weave, shading or
style made by the most famous makers
of the world that will be found miss
ing in this interesting display.
634 Hamilton
Worthy the attention of ISuyers.
Early Fall Announcements.
Brand New Fall Stock Now Heady.
lro show the largest nml cheapest line of Fall Suitings and
Trouserings in the latest styles and newest colorings ever shown
before. '1 he materials used in the manufacture of our Custom
garments have all been carefully selected and represent the latest
and mof, desirable foreign and domestic mahes.
Hoys' A'chool Suits in an enormous assortment. Children's
Fine Jersey and Double Breasted fimis in cndles variety. Per
fect in fit and workmanship.
Our line ol Fall Overcoats in carefully selected fabrics at
popular prices, surpass all former exhibitsjind must bo seen to
be appreciated.
Furnishing Goods, we are making a leading specialty oi
Men's Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs,
Hose, and a complete line of Underwear. Agents for Dr. Jaegers
world Renowned Sanitary woolen Underwear. Catalogue mailed
See on application. Open livery livening.
Koch & Shankweiler
Clijiliil Specialists ani Fasln Leaders of lie Vails;.
Centro Square-Hoto! Allen BuildingAlleutown.
Bed Room and Parlor Suites, Tables,
Chairs, Itook Cases, Couches, fcc.
Our prices are positively ns low and terms as good as you can get
anywhere in the county. Don't fail to call and see us before
making your purchases as wo ran positively save you some money
UNDERTAKING in all its Branches.
This line of business receives our special attention.
Flour, Feed, &c, ..
The very choicest brands at lowest prices. -
Over the Canal Bridge, Bast Weissport.
Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport,
Peas, Beans, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Bananas, Oranges, Lem
ons, Peaches, Apricots, Pino Apples, tfocoanuts, &c.
Melons and Peaches in Car JLoad Lots.
Confectionery and Cigars
Supplied to the Trade at Very Low Prices,
Goods Delivered Free !
Store keepers will save money on all things bought from us
and we deliver goods free of charge.
" A Peat to Properly Fit Feet."
. But it is successfully, satisfactorially, cheaply and pioperly
clones nt The Only Boot and Shoe Store inWeissport
whom you can have fitted to your feet at a moment's notice al
most any make or quality shoe at prices which have been proved
pogitvoly lower thnn the same quality, style audjfinish can be
nurj&iMetl elsewhere. o have a full line to select from, for we
up' not carry on nn adjunct or side show business lojocoupy oui
space or time. Come and see us, loam our price and ho con
vinced that it is to your advantage to deal with us.
Leiiigfi Goal & Hardware Co.,
Myor's Pumps
A complete line, including repairs for tho'sarop.
Cucumber Pumps
A complete line including repairs for the same.
Coal Oil '
At wholesale 'and retail,
ffsual lint (.1 Himlvvnu', Oils. Coal, Sund, Cement, Plaster, &c
St., Allentown,
Dress Shirts, Suspenders, Half
end reaches
Livery Stables
llncetfully annminrat to Hie rmnllr Hint lie liM
njwnod nNKW I.IVBHYHTAM.K, Mid Mint lie li
now irtrl to furnish Tesma for Pimento,
WwMlnw or limine Trip on the shortest no
Ice ami inott lllteml term. (Vnlm ten at the
Otbon Ilmne" will rewlv prompt lUtentlon.
next the llr.tet. telilslitnn. IsnHlA-
llnANCii Orrirn :-Over .1. W. itntiilrninnli'
Liquor Htnre,
tn1l.trvln ntl lt hranplil. Ti'ptll Htlmrtpri
Hlthontraln. UMmlinlnMMmlwliMireqtiMtNl.
Offlco IH WIWNKKD VV of parh week.
V O. mUien, U.I.HNTOWN,
a-yl llieliKliFoiintVit'it-
The changing seasons once more
brines back the
mm s$mm
to every man, yourself included.
Of course you are going to fix
up a little, as every one else
does. Nothing extravagant
A Hew Suit
that will all'ord comfort for tho
warm weather and al the same
time embrace good workman
ship and style, together with a
few of the nobby articles from
our extensive
Furnishing Department
is perhaps all that will be re
quired, by you. Still there will
be no dodging The Same Old
Where Slmll 1 Buy
My Clothes ?
And it must be decided before
you make your purchose.
Let Us Answer the Ques
tion foi You this Time,
And we will give you
1st A Square Deal.
2nd. A saving of several
dollars on each Suit of Clothes
wo make you.
3rd. The newest and best
styles in fabric, best workman
ship and very lowest prices.
Give Us ji Call.
You shall have the most careful
attention, unlimited opportunity
for satisfactory selection, a per
fect fit, and the lairest prices.
& Bro.,
Lchighton, Pa.
rwTlii largo assortment of Hats ami
Caps, Root, Shoes, liuMiers, Slippers. &c.
Gib. Miller's Popular Restaurant
Finest lSranils of Liquors, such as
Gibson's Pare Rye,
Doughertys Pure Rye,
Genuine Silver Brool;
Imported Gin and Brandies,
Finest Dinars.
First-class Free Lunch always
on the Bar.
FrL Bapse and Parcels
iii'.i.ivitunn ay
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful attention paM to the Delivery of
Frolgut, jiagRage and l'arcels to all parts
of town at llio lowest ptlces. A share of
public patronage i respectfully toucuec
jyl.oavo onlere at Sweeny's, Koch's
or l.eioenmuu s.
Htmitlaar. Mont Durable. Itaftiimnieal and iter.
feet In lwe. Wiwtra ihi grain ; Cleans It ready
sor market.
TbresbiDE Engines aofl Horse Powers,
Cn... Alillc"'"' Htamlaril Implements gen
Oaw JlllinUy. (towl for 111 Catalogue.
A. B. Farquhar & Co.,
rwnmjflraula Agricultural Works, York. Ph.
Jeweler and WatcMaler,
Bank Street, Lchighton, inna
espeetfully Invites lle attention of tils trie lull
ami tiie elUiens generally to Ilia imwieMe
new stoek ol
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Jewoly,
at Pftaes that defy eawpetltkm. It will pay you
o aaU awl lKt)et my staek before pureiwung
Promptly 4e at Wwoat aluwaa, and all work
Don't FflTet tbe Plage.
Bank St Lehighton
K.-utl th A
Where Shall I
Clause enrnvs to talk.
They Miscount Parrota anil Are Iltap
Mnre Pun.
Crows mnlte very nnuwlnj; rt for any
one who enn put up with their Innate
spirit of deviltry,, nml beetilea Hint they
can be tatight totslk nioreilletlticlly than
most parrots. It Is a ootnmo.i iden
nmong the country people that they will
not talk unices their tongues are cut nt n
certain tender nge. Tie that as it may, I
have hennl crows tnlk excclleiitly Hint
never had their tonnues cut, mid aoino
whoso tnuirues nre cut never wilt tall: nt
nil. I always take my chances without
cutting, nml out of nearly n dosen that I
have owned only two proved devoid Of n
hump of laURiiaBe.
To be sure of lmvinc a good, affection-
nto crow, tnko tiint fmm tliu net ns soon
nfler lintcliiuR ns you enn II ml him. If
It is the first of the brood hntclieil, nil tho
lietter. How nro you to tell that? Why,
If you llnd one baby crow and four runs
in the nest, does not that settle the ques
tion brrond dlrMitc? Nom him enin
as you get home. It li a good plan to
bavo a family consultation on tin sub
ject, for a rechristeuiiig is futnl to tho
projier editi ation of your cnllow chnrRO.
Always rail him by tianio whenever you
feed him. llo will lc.iru his name be
fore he knows wiint feathers ate, nud re
spond to it whenever he henrs it uttered.
Feed, until Iinlf, on tuenl nud
wnti'i regular "chicken dough'1- und If
any "chicken sicknesses" come on con
sult the "chicken doctor." In other
words, tho young crow must bo raised on
about the asmo diet as a young chicken.
Feed plenty nud feed often. A M ow's
next is tho best thing thing to keep him
in during his infantile days. If you
haven't ono make a aubslitute. As ho
grows in strength and is .nblo to travel
nlwut n litllo ho nocils ntoro variety In
his food, but Iki unrcful he does tint swal
low anything that is very salt. Dump a
handful of gravel down his mouth occa
sionally, and gio him minnows and frogs
once in a while. Swallowing liU ltrst
live frog seems to givo a young craw n
inot agreeable new sensation. Do not
Ihi in any hurry almut making him bathe,
lie will wash himself whenovcrlt is ueo
cfwnry, and if taken nml plunged Into
cold water while the pin feathers aro full
of blood, it tuny cause him to literally
"latch hU death of cold." As soon as
he Is well on tho wing his language les
sons should begin. Shut him up in a
d.ukened room when well fed, and begin
by whispiing tho word or phrtHO you
wish him to learn. If lie Bcenw to be
listening repeat it alittleloudcr.and con
tinue until lie eithergrows restless or goes
t'isl"ep. It will be but n few minutes.
Ki' the same lesson and nothing clsa
every time you visit him or pass within
li '.-.ilng for a vl; or 10 tlays, anil if
yn.i crow doesn't talk in that timo ho
pii..:ibly never will, tlener.illy they will
Iwiu to practice to themselves tho first
or second day of their Imprisonment, but
once n word or phrnso is learned
others will (illicitly follow. If really tnl
onted, you can mnko your ciotv appear
to answer a question, r or tnstanco, call
his name gently and add "what," in a
loul, emph-illc tone. Soon, when ills
name is called, ho will respond "what"
with just tho samo emphasis and inflec
tion that lie has heard you givo. Then,
again, if you say "It's dinner timo"
whenever you food him.soino day ho will
walk into tho houso hungry and gravely
announce, "It's dinner time."
As ho grows In years and knowledge
your crow will develop a variety of thiev
ing and nmiumg tricks, too numerous to
mention. Ho will cultivate tho most
friendly acquaintance with some people
ami show nnnccoitntahlo animosity to
ward others. Uo will attend you imrt
way wli-never you leave homo, nnd if
your hours of return are regular, will
probably meet you at tho samo Bitot and
weli-i tine you ovulierantly. Every timo
li fails to do so look for him at once, ho
ill Ither be in somo utterly entrancing
bit of mischief orelsodcad.
Cliccrlitr; Tiinrkcrny.
Mrs. Ritchie, Thackeray's daughter,
who has lieen giving in Macmtllan's
iUiiiuxino some interesting recnllectioni
of literary lifo, s.iya that sho has a dim most delightful t'cinombranco of a
p uty at tho houso of Dickens, when ids
children nnd sho herself wero very Utile.
Hho recalls her admiration of tho wliita
satin shoes and long whito sashes worn
by tho Dickens girls, nnd tho fact that her
own sash was a bright plaid of red and
blue, a combination which sho could
not liear. " Tho evening passed, happily,
adlantly, and nt its clo30 camo an inci
dent which brings tears to tho eyes of
thoHi who love and reverenco tho satiri
cal but always warm hearted novelist.
Only this do I retiiemlxjr very clearly,
that wo had danced nnd supped, anil
danced again, and that wo wero all stand
ing in a hall lighted and hung with
bunches of Christmas green, and as I
Iiavo said, ovcry thing seemed altogether
inagnillceut and important, mora magni
ficent and important overy minute, for
ns tho evening went on, more and mora
pooplo kept arriving.
The hail was crowded, and tho broad
staircase was lined with iittlo lioys
thousands of Iittlo Iwys, whoso heads,
nrms, and logs wero waving about to
gether. They wero making a groat noise,
nnd talking and shouting, and tho eldest
sou of the houso seemed to bo marshall
ing them.
Presently, their noiso liecnmo a cheer,
nnd then another, nnd we looked up, and
saw that our own father had como to
fetch us, and that his whito head was
there alxive the others.
Then camo a third final, ringing cheer,
nml somo one wentup to him it was Mr.
Dickens himself and laughed, nnd said,
quickly, "That is for you I"
My father, surprised, pleased, touched,
settled his spectacles, and nodded gravely
to the lioys.
Nothing great or durabio bos ever been
piuduced with ease. Labor is the parent
of tlte lasting wonders of tho world,
whether m verse or pyramids.
Honor U like the eye, which can not
nilier the Ifit.t Impurity without liarm
it in a precious stone, tho price of which
is lewnod by the least flaw.
If You Pause to Consider lis Size,
Von Will B Atlouuiltd.
Did you ever commro Hudson Day
with other and lesser bodies of water and
land? It you never did, and will take
the trouble to do so, you can not help ut
tering exclamations of amazement when
the immensity of this great inland oceai
dawns upon your understanding. From
Fury Strait on the north to tho moat
southern Indentation at tits mouth of
Abbltlbbe Illver, It is exactly 1,80 miles
while tho width from flu turn's Hay to tlw
mouth of Whale River U but little under
700 miles.
It hi as long as the first Atlantic cable
and nearly as wide as the combined
lwigtlw of Lakes Huron, Krie, and Un
btrio. It extend over IS degrees of latl
Uude, and covers not Urn tlian 500,000
. i . , , . it . i.
Afltktn its limits thanoan be found within
borders of Great Britain and Ireland,
SuYden, Norway, Qreeoe, Switzerland,
k, the NeUterlandg. and lielciiini
oomMued. It drains B,UW,uuu square.
inilJi of territory, receives rivers from
limky Mounuuna. Lalmdor, tl.t
AioUc rcgfJiiH, uud sou which luivi
tiifir uiiiiii aluiial aiUin the liinlU ot
tli. IJniu.l fjtaUi. - St (iiuu, U. i uiJ),,
A lo per cent lnereae In price of rom-
mon white and yellow crockery has bwn
Sbto men have a hep lle more intrust
In pohttekstliRti prliislrde.
Indianapolis planing mill employes are
trying to start a co-operative mill with
HOO.OOO capital
Cnnton, Switzerland, municipal authori
ties have decided that all employers must
sharo profits with tho laborers.
Most of the things longed for bj men
hnvo no existence.
The Canada census shows a total popula
tion of 0,000,000 In the Dominion.
A man that's cot a good offls Is a plum
fool that won't file fer It tooth and too nail.
There nro 270 women ordained or licens
ed to preach In this coantry.
A Western observer lias ascertained that
Chauncy M.Depew was simply enchanted
to find one of Ills latest stories chiselled
upon the wall of a houso In I'onipcll.
A dog at Deposit, N. Y., found a pocket-
book recently containing HOO.
Promises made In timo of nlllletlon re
quire a better memory than most people
A miner dressed in armor went Into n
burning mlno at Itepttbllc, Mich., to light
the fire.
A tlrent Untile
Is cnntantlv eolnir on hi Hie human Sistem
ulif-li iimi nnlfpr Willi rftlisinmitlmi. cittuilis fir
eoliln they strive torulii health ami drag vie-
llilis l lliu Knivu. JllKU lllllfl 11IHI
iho 1'ail llna Coimli and Coiisniiiiitlun Cute.
rriee a ami i veins.
Dr. U"s Liver llegnlator Is a sure eere inr
anil all klihicy ininitaiiits. Iriat bellies free ill'
Thomas' Drug Store.
A movement Is on foot in Texas to raise
osmonumcut to General Sam Houston,
Nervonml Idler 1'IIU.
An important dlsrovery. They act on
the liver, Htoiuacli and boviels tliioiigh the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
cure hitintiHiiChS, had taste, torpid liver, piles
and constipation Splendid for men, women
and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. AO
doses lor B.i cents, hainples Ircent T. u.
Ilininas anil V. 1'. liierv's Drut btorc.
When the balloon collapses in mid nlr
tho best of friends often fall out together.
Iliickten Arnltn Snlve.
Tho best Katvo In the world for (?ut. Ilrlilsps
Sores, Uleeis, Salt ltlieinit. Fever Borep, Tetter,
Uliaimed Hands, Clillhlalns Conn, and nil Skin
Krtnitlons. and noslllvelv cures Plies, or no niiv
reiiuircii. ii is Kiianiwet'ii lo givo periecv saiis
factlon. or money refunded.- I'l ice 20 rent a per
box. Fur sale nr N. 11. Itlilll:!!. Lrlilidituu.
ami y.i'.incry iveisspou.
Admltcd for its simplicity is a queen
ctiarm fashioned as n lima bean In gold
A SenslljlcMnn
Would liso Kemn's llilliani for Ihn Thrnnt nml
l.tuiRS. It h curliiE more rases of Coindis, Colds
Asllnna, llromhllli, Crmi)i and allThioat nml
l.uiiir Tmtihles than nnv ollmr imilliinp. 'Hir
nrimrletor has nutlinrizL-d anv driiL-i-UMo l.Ivb
jmi a Maniple llolllo Tree to convince you of the
nifiltnf this gieat remedy. fJirge floltlcf doc
Ullll 1.
F.nglisli syndicates are stilt buying big
Curo Vnursoif.
Don't pay lariro doctors' hills. The best
medical hook published, ono hundred pages,
decant colored plates, will be sent vou on
receipt of thrco 2-ceiit stamps to pay llio
nosiage. Address a, r. Urdway & (Jo,
llostod, Mass.
(leoigla lias increaseil her walcrmelon
Oilnrnnti-etl Cnro.
W'c ailthoiizelour ailveittseil ilrnvLdst In
sen jjr. King a jew Discovery fort onsuinp
tlon, Coughs and Colds, upon this condi
tion. If vou are aflllcled with a (.'nnnli.
Cold or any Lung. Throat or Chest trouble,
and will use this leinedy as directed, giving
u a lair trial, and experience no benefit.
you may retnrn the bottle and havo your
money refunded. Il'o could not mako this
offer did we. n-tt know that Dr. King's New
Discovery could be relied on It. It never
disappoints. bottles frco at tho drnir
siorcs nt iiener, i.citigiuon; and lilery,
Jlfassachusetta sweaters mako 88 per cent
Tlio Secret of Success
Tbomas TjChhthton: and llierr WeltvnortilrniF.
ulsts. bollevo that tlie secret or nucccia n Mrin.
veranco. Thercrore they poulst la keeping tho
finest llns of porfumerles, toilet articles, eon mo.
tlct, drugs nnd cliemlcols on tho market. They
cDiv-i; in, nu nil iiurcujin nug lluvo Jiaiinia-
tton. short breath, weak or humrrv mielli. nnin in
slUoer shoulder, oppression, nightmare., dry
rough, smothering, dropsy or heart dltraie to try
Dr. Miles' uncqualed New Heart Cure, koloro It
lstolato. It has the largest salo of any similar
iciukuj. fiu, iwi i ivDiiimiiiiuia irt'O. lir.
Miles' Itestoratlre Ncrrlno Is unsurpassed for
ilcenlesmoss. headache fits. otc. and lteontaini
III! UlUUlt'8.
Last vcat's wool clip was 207,000,000
Hold It tO till! I.lRllt.
Tlio man who tells you confidentially
nuai win ruio ur roiu is irescrililiig Kemp's
llalsam this vear. In Urn iirpn;iriiii,ii nt iiiia
remarkablo liicilk hiu for roughs ami colds no
expense li spared to romliuio only the best ami
purest mgiedlenls. Hold a bollle of Kemp's
Italian! to tho light and look through It: notice
tlio bright, clear look: then eompnio with oilier
remedies. Ijugo boflles at all druggists, CO
vmi'viiiu VI. Oiiiill'iu UUIIIU irto.
Western retail lumbermen kick against
retail sales by wholesalers.
JUy Head whs Fairly Itottcu,
And how much I suffered It Is hard to
lescillic. J liat loathsome disease, ratarrli.
canted the above, and the doctors said tlmv
could not relievo mo. I paid hundreds of
dollars, for which I received no benefit. 1
got moro good from two bottles of Sulphur
Hitters than from all tlio money I paid to
doctors. I shall continue tlm Sulphur Hit
ters, as I hayo great faith that they will
euro mo. a. m. uay, ii lianovcr St.. Ilos
ton. If head religion could take nconld
i to
heaven, somebody would find how to set
thcro In a balloon.
Oooil Seuso t
DiSfiAMI l fill, fAantt it li.,n,...A 1.1.,
Tomiriry tlio bloiKi, Isumiro the disease I As
'.. .. u iniiiiiiT nun viuuizer, nr. fierce s
(.olden JIwIIchI Discovery stands heml and
shoulders above any other known specillc I its
power In this illrpulion N nothing short of
,,iiutiii,i, iiii.iiraiibpni ill iH'lllflll or cure 111
uirijiaw, uriuuueyroiiiiHitHi.
Unless a man has a character that won'
lhow dirt, ho had better not havo much
do with pollloj,
Tho great Dr. lloorhoavo loft throo
directions for preeervinc tho lienlth
Keep tho feet warm, tho head cool, and
the bowels open. Had he practised in
our day, ho might havo nddod: nud
purify the blood with Ayer's Sar
SHiirallla; for he certainly would oon
aider It the best.
If the earth were covered with flow
all the year round, the bens would
Lowell weavers enn average t&SO a
Slrly.five Huns, who work on the
road near Msehanleiburs. live iMtalhsr in
house 30 br -10 feet.
Farm lands In the United Slalss, taking
llieeountry as a whole, oeenpy only
acre In every 1.000.
Vou kin fairly hear this urala ami alarv.
ions RspuUlh of ouii taffttttln' and growln'.
uniy six nriei uaye ever Irotlsd twenty
muss wtinin one bony.
A fish with two talis was oaultt at ifadi
mhi, ua, iau week.
If yon are a seamed of your rellctau.
can write it down for a fact tlut
to be, for )ou'v got the wroag
The raoonatons is said to be the appriv
pru'e geu, for Uie August bom.
We Can't do it
but are willing to pay for learning hew to
make as good on article ns Wolff's Aumb
lltiACKtRO of cltcnp material so that a
retailer can profitably sell It at 10a.
Our prlco Is SOc.
The retailer ears the nubile will not par
it. Wo say tho public will, because they
will nlwavs pay a fair price for a good
article. To show both the trado and tho
nubile that wo want to give them the best
for tho least money, wo will pay
For aliovo information ; this ofler la open
until January 1st, 1893.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Plk-Rnn U thn n
does work that no other paint can do. Atu
it'ood painted with It looks llko tho natural
i nod when It Is stained nnd varnished.
will nnd it jn-ontaUlo myeatlgaU.
Usually results from a deranged stomach or
a sluaglsh liver. In cither ease, an aperient
Is needed. Ayer's rills, tlio mildest nml
most rellablo catliartle In use, correct all
Irregularities of tho stomach, liver, and
bow.-K nnd, In n brief time, relievo the
nrw' distressing headache. Thoso pills are
itbl ly recommended by the profession, and
the diimaml for them Is unlvcisal.
"I havo been aflllcled, for years, with
lienlnclio and Indigestion, and though I
si"iit nratly a fortune In medicines, I never
f.iund any relief until 1 liegan to take Ayer's
I'll! i. Sli bottles of theso Pills completely
cured tie." Itenjimln Harper, Plymouth,
MnntTTin;, V. I.
'A i :IT rer from headache, I was
two hoses of Ajcr's l'llls." Kmma Kcyes,
lliiliii iriUtmi, Mass.
"For the euro of headache, Ayci's Cathartic
VI1W -ire the iunt efriclent medicine I over
Hi' !."-Unbelt K.. ) allies, Dorcheslcr.Mass.
" I'.ir yan I was subject to constipation
nad nei vnus heada-he, r.iused by ilcrnnge-im-itiif
llio liver. Auer faking various rem-
e 'lei. I have I omi n nvhiei'd that Ayer's
11111 an- Ihe I rif. They never fall torellcvo
my bill itKilin. ki Inn short timet and I am
sun my nitei.i r.-ln'm IN tone longer lifter
tho li :n of Pills. Ihan lias been tho caso
with any o:h' r bii'illi liie I havo tried."
II. S. SI ii , '.. ii.i r, Texas.
Ayer's Pills
rniTAiini. iit
Dr. J, C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Dii.. :li'. trd Dealers In Medicine.
wvv-y n T rA-a-wwt
TnrtwiUr mIUth Ihsi mwt Mil twk uuJ toiarti mat
loruois sisvp
tep. HO W1ITI1TO for REMILTS. h4 bv
. m Mtlon Ii ImmftlteU, dim uid certOln
li tb mall In J1 trontbU hw, A iTnitl IrUl I
tBbauuoe, i
utl ft nn !
mifinrt th bmI UpUrl. Prlc, 6e. lad 1.00 of uj
wUl Biau, niii)iin r rOB nirssMip. ,
UHi H. OCHIFFHIAWWsj M rtBl, Uiniu
(imi Croup, vbiit would 70a dof Wht pbelclaa eould Bare
U tafrtoleM.tiaralMt puwtlcr.and la tho tmlyirifegmrd. In
flOTearail pal tlOTBriMjeu wmt-rntjw JJ'ur uriiRgios
IN pnoopenoua cities.
IS to 23 WhlloNall Ol., How York.
TiHtuMutlri tuvu iHHt 'rm,uiuti' Mirtxl by
l'IUUAlKI4'lllA.r Kv. -it out. iii'UpHUUwi
Iir I'WI ll IllUtl IH'Ill liusium ' ini-iHiii--i
rune riiAOAUTCCrv . 'Y'c '
uunr. uufMiniii ului omit iiLiir-
an liit i ornirfal urVliH lint f work,
miUly nil b-xi.-mhlv. Ii IIsdm
it Ii r i, ton ir r nd In ibcfi
ntl..iliJi,wlnfft'f iln-y U Amy
Wa ttrul-h .
Mr tan v.iu o H.k u dot
l all .. Mtr tltiw fa lb Mrfc. TM U
iIujii M Ml il rful mi, i rv litpirv MOtkrv.
ii - Hi iiti whim fJiti loiram.
M)lrfl I
ttttl 114
v , tu no W imu IWtaUk) fa etn
1 lit' l; tl: I'U,. sltHBlA, XJlia.
f KOOO.C4I a ar Is klna nuula br JUm It
atL Tim'niUaly btr Iomiu rVosn f ft t
$ IW ty at inv umi, mI mrm mm jum (
tin, Ibiia . U M In anr ft l
Un all 7" UMt ,r tperu tuouM a uyM
tbuWoik All w m Urral iy fclWVltac
ri a. i 'UiUi tiliaHtca ftl biMH. Ktv
k.iiliir kASIIT.MI
I Atl It 1 hUtiL.
1 1 ii t. iii r siaxi
kTllMlX a lO., IUU1U1U. XAllaH
v -4 f. i nt, lit tnii lvT, Awataw,
I a.l J... II .in., lnNo,
mi tiiin i. urr.t-'iiisiiisi mm. t uy
t n' h.l .n. . ,.rfH.W a,
mil f m i mm tin- Mttib BMC Hs
in", ! r r m air- Ni !
: froui f 1 M
I aiart v. t uu u - ik lu Bau Haw
cri allMrn Hnkunuu amsthaa
KKW a ui I wndarful I'artirkikaM Am.
Il.llllltb -.. IIuk MHO ltMluuU,Alulua
3 AAA A YI!A! Itmd.rtaati.lariaflf
I B IB IB tMck " Uriy luU " mbm
GIBm. kh r-tvJ aisd mHu.mmI wkva,
IB BJ Banr luuni:ltMi,Ul MasUWI;,
-! lltiiroMTB luFUliu kA.aillu. 11.. ( wilt .lu
U IbmiUh .k M,i.luyMlt kiii ym raw iu iImI a4UOtBt.
" mmum wtmni aa uwv c ai im maa ly
1 donln bl umm Aw tmmk -""t'iI - f f-fmff I
ha? tkmmdt Uugbt mud (rvtaV4 with mvuIwimmI m. Imimm
ajMW,wbUwaiuklawSiNHiaMMdb It'aNJUW
,t,!..ut"w-iJ,ie;i A4awiMM,
All tho very Intost nows will
be found In tljo Cauuok Idvo
U tho ottly UluUnteJ paper in lbs tld
eouUUaliiK all tU UUiW enatloasl sad sjiott
liC naiia, Nn asloou WMfMr, barber or slim
room esu ftOord to Imi wubaut It, it slwy
inakea friends wherever It goes.
Hailed to uy luldrt aii lu Ike Uulh-d iu
aecurfly Mmiied. 13 viuuku fur $1.
Scud fit i' t'uu fur aauiijle eopy
Richard K. Fox,
A pamphlet of Information andftt-n
nkitract of the lawg.Bhowinte How towr
sKX Obtain Patents, Cftreati, Trad((
WBUarki, CopyrlRhUj, Merit rvMv
ruk.ln 4 tuai.
New VolkClly
Their Choice n Task Tli it Worries
nallroait OfMrlnta.
Tliere Is n youtis man in one "f tli'
ifT!ee of rnrli of the great alecpin - car
iDiniwnles wlio Is enpui'il rveiy i'nv,
xcept Bitmlay, of niure. In lieiiil n r
mer an nllnssenreliln forsttilnMe neni s
for the sleeping, dining, ntnl pnrh.r
oaclies vrlileli nts turnexl out by th
vonipatiy. It Istiosntnll matter wlu'n
you come to tmderslamUliat orery name
must stfrnlfy something, and that there
nro already ml the road many liumlre la
of such cimehes and new ones lielng:
turned out nt the rote of two or tlnee
hundred a v ear. AVIien the first sleepers
were built tlie owners took the nlplmhi't.
lettering tin1 Hint ono "A," nnd so on
until the alphabet run out. Then com
menced the search for names. The fiat
sleepers lo tie named were those run on
Ihe Pennsylvania limited lietween New
York nud ClilenRo. They vrete named
for tho various nations, Ametien Ih'Ii r
the first one i hosen. The oiIrIuhI ati tv
ers are (il"c liist named) America, Kn.
land, Flam., ltussin.Scollaud, Oeriuany,
nnd so n.i.
The next names vrero taken from the
vnrlous ton in IImourIi which the road
runs. If the nmd was in Ohio, for ex
ample, the sleeiietn on such roads were
named fur some nf the principal towns
and cities In (hat Hlate. This plan, how
ever, was soon iltemed unadvlsnhle, ns It
sometimes lieroniea neeessnt)' to transfer
the sleepers lo funds in other Suites.
1 hen camo the plan of naming tho
conches after the sections of tho country
Those which run on the roads of the
West w ere given Indian names.
As far as ticaslulu it is now tho rulo for
the mimes of tho palace coaches to bear
some relation to tho nature of the busi
ness in the section where sleeiiers tun.
For instance, on the roads rimnlnp; out
of Wruhlngtoit there arc such names on
the sleeiiers as Senator, "Diplomat1
" Congress, "etc.
On n few lines which travcrso noted
battlefields Bomo of tlio sleepers nra
named in honor of fnmous generals.
The lioolts of one of the prihciiml coin
panics show that Achillea, Ajax, and
Ulysses have been honored on wheels.
Tho puwent is an ago of colleges,
Theeo institutl .us hnvo associated with
their ciinlinlum boating, football, and
other nllili i . xerclscs. Tliiisame conv
pany corchnli'd for nwhllo to embalm
tho names of the l.-ailing literary iustl
tiitinns by painting their names on their
sleeping cars. 1 his was tho most popu
lar idea which tho company had adopted.
Hut there is a limit to noted schools in
America, just as there is n limit to tho
alphabet, and it was soon discovered thnt
thcro wero not enough colleges to go
round, or, which w.n tho samo thing,
there wero too many sleeping cars.
Then comini need tho hunt on tlio atlas
for names. Tho astem of naming is
now follnwi d in this manner : A young
man is employed to mako out nn alpha
betical list from tlio atlas. Having so
lected his name, ho goes to tho root of it,
and ascertains its origin and significance,
When a list is pep red It is wsscd to
tho vice president of tho company, who
adopts or rejects.
Sometimes suggestions nre sent in by
outsiders. They aro filed away, nnd If
any of tho names thus suggested nro
adopted in tho courso of construction
they llnd their way to tho gato of tho
traveling public.
Dining cars nro named, as far as tlio
names signify, for rivers, lakes, and bays,
In tho West for Indian chiefs. 1'nrlor
cars are ncnrly always feminine in no
menclature. Tho mythological deities
on tlio feminine sido havo been liberally
honored, Tho names of somo of tho
moro notable female characters in history
nnd fiction hnvo lieen transferred to thro
palaco cars of tho rail.
Tho instruction to tho young man
whoso business it Is to keep tip tlio list is
to get snort names wncro they liavo any
significance, keeping in mind nt tho Bamo
timo those, which nro most cuphoncous,
This is a busy ago. It not only costs
less to paint a short name, but you do
not want to stop to read or write such a
word as Asslniboino when there nro so
many shorter ones, and ones which nro
so much smoother to speak and wlucl
moan moro.
Tlio naming of theso cars Is no small
job, and tho man who has triplets to
christen is not half so much worried
about names as tho vico president of a
sleeping car company, Chicago Tribune,
How tlir Emperor of RimaU TrMtr
Among Ilia IiotIiiq Bulijrcta.
When tlio czar travels in ltnssi.i Hip
precautions taken for Ids safety oil.'
not be greater if lie wero in tlio em nr
country, writes a foreign corresiniU"
A battalion of Infantry is dntuiUil i
every two milosof distiincn, aiulnllnv. i
600 men as tlieeuVctivofoicn of encii Ik
talion, ovory stxit of ground on Imi
sides of tlio track is covered by penli.ii'l
within easy distance of cadi otlit-r. Hi
czar is suddenly whirled off In the station
accompanied by a chosen twelve or hi
bodyguard, without tioinp or ciutim
stance, swiftly nnd silently, Tho czar
always travels In a train of llvocnrrlagpd,
Ilia carriage Is built in a neculinrKtylc.
Tho windows, while ample for li;lit,
are high, so that a person sitting down
Is invisible from the ouUido, and tlio
sides of tho car are fortified with plates
of steel concealed in tho ornamental
woodwork, but amply strong to resist a
bullet. Thcro are two sentry boxes In
the carriage, ono at each end and ench
looking out at an opposite side from the
other. The guard m.'ii on duty in tlide
apartments are shut in from nny olxer
vation of tho interior of the carriage, but
at intervals of aliout two feet, the whole
length of the saloon, are electric bultiius
commuulcatinguitli tho guard chuiiibetn,
as well as with tlio two carriages, one
containing the suite, and the other, in tho
rear, occupied by the guardsmen not on
duty. So far, therefore, as the train itself
U concerned, the czar could be no mure
secure in St. Petersburg.
The train speeds along to its destination
without a halt, except on account of
accident. At a distance of not less than
five miles ahead is a pioneer train, in
which the imperial director of railways
and the chief engineer of the particular
railway on which the czar Is traveling,
always ride. As the pilot train whizzes
by the reserves along the line rush to
nrnu and guard the sides of the railway,
waiting until the imperial train has
passed, so that tlio spectacle is present of
continuous lines of soldiery for hundreds
of miles. Arrived at the end of his jour
ney, the csar is escorted to the quarters
intended fur tho imperial family.
The streets are guarded by special con
stables, in the attire of citizens. Every
property holder has boon called upon to
sujiply one or more of these men at his
own expense to do duty when tbe sov
ereign makes a publio appearance. Tho
constables average one In ton ot the
crowd that throngs tliestiveU, and being
in ordinary dress, they can mingle with
tlte people, note wliat is said, and per
haps do something that will obtain them
regular wuplayiiteut among the secret
police. With aue-touth the population
engaged as spies upon Uw rewaiuder,
with, troops enough oottcentntu-d to stand
a formidable siege, ami his faithful
guardsmen duggiug every step, tlte csar
got through Die forms of a viait to the
umii-jit ctoitul of Russut, or nliut. ver
city ite luvcliouse to bunur.
"run-down," fcoblo women, nued
Dr. Pieroo'fl Fnvorito l'roioriitioii.
It builds them up. It's a jioworfttl,
rostoratlvo tottio. or Rtronutli-civfr
free from alcohol mid injurious
drugs. Tlio onttro system is re
newed nnd invigorated, it im
proves digestion, enriches tlio blood,
dispels aches and pains, gives re-
lrosmng sleep, and restores liosit aim
strength. As a soothing nervine, it
allays and subdues hysteria, spasms,
and all tho nervous symptoms com
monly attendant upon
and organic dtsonso. It's tho only
flttaranlced modieino for women.
It does wiint is promised or u
asks nothing. It gives satisfaetton,
In every case, or tho money paid
for it is refunded.
That's tho way tin makers prove
their faith in it. Contains no alco
hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar
to derango digestion; a legitimate
medicine, not a hevmujr. Purely
vegetable nnd porfeetly harmless in
any condition of tho system.
Ante inr nnrntH rnr W. Ii. DnnfflflM RIlfH
lr unt riir Mill. In Tout tilnpo fink ill..
itrnlrr In nrml for rnfiiloirtir, aeouro II,
ncciicr, nml ('t thrill for sun.
SV T.l li r. Nil HIIIIST1TUTK, .OJ
It la fiwamlCHs rIiop, with no tricks or wax thromt
in hurt thefoct, mndo ot tho ticat Una calf. Rttllnh
.'id rnay, nni irf-nruid tec make mure thorn of thin
tiiiffp than any other manufacturer. It (HjuitH imini
-tvutt olio cost Inn from $At to $"UM,
CC 0() PiiiiIih llniiil-rtr-wfilt thfi flnost rMf
$!Jm tthfio ever nfTeml for $.VM (finals l'ri'uch
limiortrii shoes which ctmt from $.(Hto tl'iiKt,
$4. (M IIiuh!-ScwiI Wi ll Hhmu flno r.tlf.
ti6 eljtiiih, ctnufortahlr nml ilurnhlt1. 'IIipIh1 t
t.oc ever offerM At llit .rlcoi itaiiio Kr.ido t.s cl
to-ii :nndo ulinc con 1 1 nir from p.iM to Qam.
frO ToIIpo ttliflot KflmicrB. Itnllmnrl Men
nml Iicttt-rl'ArrU'rfinM wenrthrm, tuwi 'tie
m a'lilt's, smooth Infltlo. heavy thrcn mU , ixi n
il.m orU. onotiilr will wrnr ayr-ir.
SO rnlfi no bettor hoc ever ttd r. n 1 1
tills prlcuf " 'lie trial will cn.nJnc- u
v, Iki want n Klioo for comfttrt nnl Rnr Ico.
anil 3.1.(10 Worhtiicmun'M -U '
4?dG urn very utrnnqr ntil ilnrnM. 'lliow iw
h ivo clvcn tliom n will wvnr no other make
tajUTS worn hy tlmh'jjscvcryttlipre; theym II
nn thcTr merit, on (he Inm hJiik Hulen "fujiY.
f trC W:i.t(l nnn.l-mwd nlioo, he t
LaUUIUD ltonutiln, cryhtlllii fMiualtFroiich
iiniiorteil ithoc cost liitr from $IJ to
I.ikIIcn 'tMi nml l,5 Phon for
MIHcftnro tho (nut linn liontcola. Mylifliaii.ilnral)lo,
('niitlnti. Seo that W, 1,. limtKlaH nnm.4 tt
prlco aro fltamiK! on the Ultini ot ieU mo.
W. h, J(Uul.J'1 Itntcktou. Main.
Adam Mohrkam&Son , Ap;onts
I'hluliton. V:.
Blclc IToadicho tind rcllovo all tho tronblM (lioiV
dent to a bilious etato of tho ayitam. Bach tut
DlzzlnoKH. Katmoiv, DrowslDosfl, Dlstrou nftos
Mtlng. I'aln in tho BMo, a, VThilo tholrraoc
roxoMltable Buccoaa baa boon shown la curing 4
no&d&cho. yet Cartons Llttla Utoj PIuM ftttt
equally valuabla In Constipation, curing and pro
Tontlnft thisannojinffcomplalntwhllo they aUa
correctalldisordcraof thoatomacliUmulatotho
XlTcranarogaUtothobOMrels, UvonirtUeyouJy
( AcJ fi they wmld bo almoa t prlcolona to tftoM wha
Bnf tor from this dlatrcAalog complalntj but fortu
jiatfllythclreoodnofiadoca notendheroand thosa
who rmcotry thorn will find theso Iittlo pills valu
nblo In nomany ways that thoy will not b4 wl!
XtoC to do without thorn. Bat after all tick haaA
fla tlis Uaa ot to many lit os that bora tu wbsN
I vromakoonr groat boast. OurptlldcaraitwtillQ
I Carter's Uttla Liver Pllla are Tory tmall anil
eery ousj to Ulto. OnoortwoTitllJiinaVaadoaa.
Ihcy aroBtriotly vogotabla and do not grips or
Iran-), bat by their oontloactlon please all wtm
iiuottum. In vlala at 25 can ta 1 five for $1. Hold
ty draggltts overywliuio, or toot by mall.
IlawnarfairaualUteciarannaurpaaaMl. Actually
otillautliitf two boznri t r i.nvotlir brand. Mtit
Oltaclul by bent. UTCCV I II U Ot ON li.
r0nBALEnYPrTj:il.tONEmLI.Y. yj.
Tho Moat Buccpur.fnl Kcmeily cvcrdlaeor
rel, m It li crtain ln lu .tfoc'i ana tloei not
bllKttr. Ki-acl prnur b ! .w
. BatvuuKon, Ta., Nor 71, HI
Do. a J. KonaU. Co. :
aw laI would llko to mako known to thoao who
ara Jlrnoat iiarauaded k iuu Kondall'a Huivin Oura
thefaat I bat tthlak ItUa nut eneellantLlnlinMii.
1 hateufted It on a Bloud (pavlo. Tbn horaa want un
tbroa ton? fur thro jrnara wnuu I ooiutnanoej h,
m XStf lifkU"'" Wll "uw. I iwjal Uw but
Usaoa tbs bun aoilna workatt uun fortbre
yaaraaljHKaudluvinotiwanlaina, '
Vouri truly, WH, 4. COM.
aana!iTow, . Y., Nor. 3, isL
P&, D. J. Knuu Co..
KuMCarahPalU. vc
Genu 1 tapralotKeudll' Sialn Cure I wilt
My.thatayearuolliaita valuabla toam none l!
tbiua ?enr liune, Wk oouuioa ua4w3lu Ti
fnoroWnln. tly aJTtbWnVTthwS t
1) Driinoum
11. ha uuuaAuialMufe . .
rMrtta p your KaodaU'a fhwrlu Cure, bo i
. . . ....... , .... 1
hi a bottle, and loould baa ..1.1 ..1 u .
upfoiBUrniiallali tnm&uxali
iLe.aeaiun auya 'ja ratabiinliui nimot.
naaflt. looi
pmliliir ynur Kandaii'a Hnavln Cuit
?. '.V040 inoilfctiio, iumJ li abuubl bo In rJ
Moblo In tbe land. iCjaxitully .,u!C!
rrlee tl por bonk, or a uottlni fqr Alt drug.
ftiaU nave u or can bi i i for you. or it will bo. aen
to any aOdroaa on reoaipt .r prlco br lha proprte.
tor K. II. J. KENDALL, CO., wl
KnMlurgtt 1'alU, Verraon
sold liv mi uurumsfs.