TMa Pnper baa linentnterml Ktllir I.rhlali tonFottOntra n Hrcontl Class Mmtrr The Carbon Advocate I.liniOHTON, l'KNNA. ICntos for Legal AiltertlsInK i Charter Notices ... Auditor's Notices Commissioner's Notices Dlrorce Notices Administrator's Notices -Kxcciitor's Notices ..... MS 4 00 8 08 8 00 SATURDAY, OCTOUEU 31, 1891. Bona FMo Circulation Larger than that of nny Weekly Newspaper In the Unttnty. tSVor District Delegate to tlio Con stltutionnl Convention voto for Itngti J. Slmrpo. -OUIl Ol'l'OKTUNlTV. Tlio Kioto, pang of lackeys reproFont ln tho bolters from the Itegnlnr Doinocrncy tiro more than desperate Just think of it I Klobs mid his politi cally corrupt Rang of lackeys offered to nign a bond of nllORience to n certain Democratic candidate if he would with draw. Whoro would tlio pooplo come in 1 Pills mon&trous oxcrosonoo on the Domocrotic party must be cntBhol, not next year, but now. Now is the time to forovor got rid of them by voting ngainst tlio Combination candidates and tho princlplo thoy represent. It is unfortunate that tho candidatos of Klotz's lackoys permitted themselves to bo used in tho mannorthat they are. Now It is too lato,aud Tuesday will de feat thorn emphatically because the peoplo aro dotorminol to rolegnto to tho roar such mon ns Mickoy Cassidy, Klotz,malloy,Knuch,Enbody and others of tho gang who without principle, without shamo and with no end but thoir own aggrandlzenient,have plunged tlio Domocracy into a state of fomont. From first to last Iiob Kioto to elder Knbody all havo been and aro deter mined oillco sockors, and their slates for ti half dozen years to come are arranged. If thoy should win thoir slato will go through and tho Democratic peoplo who do tho voting will havo to stand by liko wooden men andsoo MICKEY CASSIDY run tho machinery- Think of it peoplo of tho lower end boforo you cast your vote ! Will it bo to nlaco yourself with him ! God forbid I You have had a sample of Ills wily political jugglers'; you havo scon to what measures ho will stoop; you nave nnu enough ot tins man and his followers and of their corrupt. debauched and dishonest practices. You know your duty, it stands out be fore yon plain and clear. Deliver the sentonco of condemnation by ca-sllug your voto against the candidates on their ticket. Don't bo misled by tho foolish sontiinont that you only want to compliment tho candidates, reuiem bor that n voto for thorn is n voto for Mioke Cassidy nnd to put him at the hoad of tho Democratic party. Tho Tlio Domocracy can't afford to havo such a man as a (Igurohoad, for re mcmboringhisdnrk political practices tho intolllgont peoplo of tlio party would blush with shamo at such a leader. You know this to bo true and now that you havo tho opportunity Bond him to tho roar. Voto for Kssor, Sharp, Kutz and Connoll. JSTVoto for Ooo. W. Essor for Trotho- notary. HON'T nu rooi.i:i. Don't bo fooled by any promises that tho Ilossos ot the Combination may throw out to you during the last hours of tho campaign. Thoy aro desperate; thoy soo rapidly lading all tnelr power of control over the peoplo and liko the drowning man will grasp at a straw. Now is tho tlmo to forovor relegate them to tho shados of obscurity; it is tho Tooplo's tlmo nnd wo should toko ndvantago of it 1 Nowornovor! Voto for Hugh Sharpo, Cleorgo Esser, w. lj. Kutz and John Connoll, ami for sherlif uso a sticker lor Unit. Jos. Wohl Elect tlioso mon and tho 150HSES will bo rebuked forovor and tho peoplo will mnko nominations horenftor and not a half dozon corrupt politicians. Voto onco but voto early, and don't let tho Combination gang interfere with your privileges. ESTVoto for W. L. Kutz for Coronor. E8.Voto for John Connoll for Jury Uommlssionor. mniuKi: tiii: iiossi:s. It is in tho powor of tho voting peoplo of Carbon county to handsomely tot down on tho corrupt gang of political upstarts who for 11 dozon years past havo controlled tho alfairs of this county with a rulo or ruin policy. Will tho pooplo do it? Cortainly it looks as 11 thoy would. All over tlio county tho sontiinont has rapidly cryst allized for continuance in oillco of good, honest, faithful olllcials. That moans tho ro-election of I'rothonotary uoorgo jussor by a nandsomo majority, Notwithstanding tlio corrupt practices of tho bolting Combination, Headed by polltlcally corrupt BOSSES, Mr. Eseor's majority will run lar up in tno nuiui rods. A voto for him is to contiuuo a faithful oliioial in oillco and robuko tho 110SSES. Soo that his name is on your tiokot I tSFor District Dolognto to tlio Con stitutional Convention voto for Hugh J. Slinrpo. ESuVoto for Jos. S. Webb for Sliorlfi. E3?Voto for W. L. Kutz for Coronor. tVoto for Goo. W. Essor for 1'rotho notary. UK ON YOU1E OUAl'.I). Tho pooplo of Carbon county should bo nropnrod for any LIE that tho wily loaders of tho Combination may spring just boioro election day. Tho wholo gang nro scared and will soon bo on tlio run; ono broadblde from tlio people will forovor sottlo them, liut thoy aro keeping tnoir last card lor tho last day nnd if thoy nro to bo judged by tho past tuoro win bo nothing low, dirty nnd contomptlblo enough for them to do. Thoy must bo watched I In ovory dis trict DomocrntB nnd Itopubllcnus must koop n closo lookout so that tlio elect ion polls may not bo desecrated by their corrupt motliodsaud sharp politi cal practlsos. A voto cast against the Combination tiokot Is n rebuko to the 110SSES. Soo that W. I Kutz is on your tiokot for Coronor. SaVotoforGoo. W. Essor for I'rotho notary. SCATTlSlt Till: HOSSliH. A voto for Hugh J. Shnrpo, of Lana ford, for District Dologato to tho Con stitutional Convontion, will bo a recog nition of honesty nnd Intelligence. Mr. Sharpo is from tho ranks ot labor and is not controlled by tho greedy power of corporation. Ho will represent his constituency not in a narrow partisan manner but In a broad nnd conserva tive sonso through which the wholo pooplo will bonollt. A convontion of men liko Mr. Sharpo means n revised constitution in favor of tho class who eat thoir broad by tho sweat of the brow. A voto for Mr. Sharpo will be a rebuke for tho BOSSES. Seo that Ills namo is on your tiokot. tSTFor District Delegate to the Con stitutional Convention yoto for Hugh J. Sharpo. It is now in tub tower of the people of Carbon county to deliver a just ro buko to tho big bosses who have made thomsolvoa so obnoxious to the people by thoir corrupt bohavlour during the past dooado. Now or never, the lutelli gont Domoorate should oast their ballots in tto uncertain way in order to relegate theso political upstarts to tho roar so that the political system of tin. county onn bo re-organlBedaud Ipui-gi-d of men ot tho calibre of Kioto, Cassidy, malloy, ltauoh, Eubody, who make nominating conventions a farce and strangle tho will of the majority. Voto to sond theso fellows nut of uight. fcft. Vote for W L Kutz for Coronet r.?r voto (! notary. V. Kssci for I'lirotho THE WORK OF THAITOR8. Editor Advocate: It Is to be sincerely regretted that the loyal Democrats of Carbon county have permitted a low Kolltical boss ot the calibre possessed y Michael Cassidy, to make a division in their ranks. It Is indeed sorrowful to contemplate that in these days of intelligence, ana wnen "Ketorm is tno watchword of the party of Jefferson, and Jackson, and Cleveland, all over the country, it was possible for a pica yune political boss to so disturb a nappy family as to make it almost uopeieBsiy uiviaoa. -mere is consola tion, however, in tho fact that the great bulk of the Democrats remain true to their principles, nnd will ever strive to shako off the influence of domineering, egotistical and selfish mon. MicKey uasstrty and ins small band 01 disreputable heelers prevented a full and free expression of the will of the 1 temoeratlc peoplo or this county by the vilest and most despicable tactics imagninblc. Thoy choked off free speech nt tho county mooting, and absolutoly and defiantly refused to ro cord tho wish of tho majority. Thoy placed in the presiding officers chair a man whose intense hatred for a popular candidate is only equaled by that possessor! by "Shyloelc, who ex acted ids pound of flesh from tho Mer chant, of Venice, as related by Shak- spearo. This combination 01 corrupt and brazen political bossos set up stool-pigeon candidatos in every nook and corner in the county In order to break up tho strength of George W. Essor. the pooplo's favorite: they se lected delegate election officers who were notoriously one sided; thoy re fused all overtures for pence, and efforts which would tend to give an honest ex pression of the views of tho Democratic pooplo; they treated with contempt the request, yea, oven supplications. 01 tlio majority for a fair count, lieiug de termined to rulo or ruin; thoy set, tip a convention with no authority what ever, and nominated a ticket which thoy know would not be olocted, out folt sure that it would servo their pur- poso, viz: the defeat of tlio Democratic party. mis is tuc worK 01 traitors to an Democratic traditions; tho work of low, mean, contemntiblo cowards: tho work of men who claim to be tho leaders of tlio regulars; mon of tho calibre of Mike r 1 .1 T : ti. Tr i ... ri,i ,1 ijiiui j luaiuj, jiuu iudie, will Kartell, Deacon (Spikes) Enbody, and a number or tno smaller iry.wlio masquer- ado as Democrats. What was tlior pur pose ? Simply to "down" tho favorite candidate of the people, (Jeorgo W Esser a man who as an official has liovor been oqualod and whoso suporior cannot bo round, Jssser has to be beaten bocauso ho was getting loo slronc Esser had to bo decapitated because Ik was too closo to the peoplo. and conse quontly feared by tlio Bossos; the courteous and obliging Prothonotnry lias to bo rologated to the rear because lie would not 1hw down before the throne sot up by the Uossos. Esser hnd to bo squolohed because ho had do clared that ho would not support Mickoy Cassidy for Congress; in short, Goorgo W. Essor's political death was sought because he refused to desert tho peoplo nnd carry out the directions of tho corrupt political bosses. Will tho Democrats of Carbon county countonanco this work of tho bosses? Will thoy turn over tho affairs of the county to Mike Cassidy nnd jimmy mauoyr win they so rar lorgot them solvos as to turn their backs on a faith fill sorvant and becomo the slaves of men whose only desire is self-aggran dizement? Will they encourage tho aspirations of a polilicnl dcad-boat liko uassidy lor uougressr Will thoy by their votes so strengthen tlio bossos to permit thorn to nominnto malloy for a seat on the judge's will thoy displaco from tho party's leadership mon into Monator uralg, whoso brilli ancy ns a statesman is acknowledged on nil sides? Will they hand tho scon tor of powor to a socond-rato lawyor, wno nas stood in tno way or uarbon county for years, and thus prevented one ot her able son's to ropresont us in uongrossT wo hope not. The good, right-thinking, honost Dont-rats of Carbon county aro not to bo fooled tliis year, liut they must take off thoir coats and work from now until tho polls closo on Tuesday noxt. It is difficult to tear down political bossos aftor they once get a foot-hold, and the only way to do it is to muko a supremo effort and work altogether. Wo havo right and insiieo on our side, but we must ever lio vigilant, as tho bosses will resort to to political tricks when ovon the most hardened criminal would dospiso. Tho dothironemont of Mtckoy Cassidy and his gang can only bo nccomnlishod throughtho olcctlon of Goorgo W-Easer lor i'rothonotary and Ulerk or Courts of Carbon county. Ho is houndod from one end of the county to the other bv thoro upstarts, in their desporato efforts to take his political nro. J,ot us then good people of Carbon county, unite, and by making one last attempt we will bo suocossful. All riKht-thinkinc mon. who boliovo iu honosty and fair-denling and equal rights and justice to all, should join our ranks, nnd march triumphantly to the polls on Tuesday noxt, unu cast tnoir ballots lor that pure pntriot, tho people's friend, def on nor anu sorvant uoorgo w. lessor. Vox Poruu. E&Voto for Jos. S. Wobb for Sheriff. Vote lor John (JoimeJl for Jury uommissionor. l'LAIN TACTS. Cut these figures out and keep them for roferenoe: GoutSlti'd IMfilrtotl. I 200-Huinmit Hill 166 IA A U.-N. Klililor IS as I SS3 ixjlllnlltnu 191 180 7 IIK-Ainlenrle.1 SS 2 a-Kast Miuicli Chunk.... lao iso s ail ileuver Mnatlow m B5 ' 6 M-llttOkullwrnlc SO S 1 ail Wetttlwrly 112 MS c ilAiisford, middle wsnl Vt K - i ljuwlord, Eastward... fts s f ijunforU, Westward." ST SO 8 u tlaucliCtinnlf, Istw... m 00 t 178-Mftueli CliunK, M w... 78 8 a) -Packet-ton T 34 s 10 UIUMHIQKUUC 11 4 75 Uuwuiaiia t as 01-I'etili Koreit IS t las MHhoiilug ID i 177-Krauklin Ta so a 83 Lanlgb 98 ts 1 15 Lauaanuu 14 I 7a Packer to is 1 12! Towaiiieutlug WW I in BeaqiieniiiiiUK m a JeauewtUe Oft I SMS uw tie? I ft UnoootMtcd lUtrlW lU-Bsat I'enu I I 88-Mlltuort 1 1 &:::::::::::::: 1 84-VVelHrt. 1 1-arrytllle 1 " e Contested KtooUoii Utat'a. Ksser. 41 AMt-K. M Uoeortested " " Kwsr, l AaH-X, a ToUb .' M W The vote under the anti-Esser bmd shows tho total oast for Clauas, Boyd, aud Bauer. tar For District Delegate to tho Con stitutional Convention vote for Hugh J. Sliurpe. AUL Tilt OFFICES IN THK COUUtv UUd district art' slated for the noxt ton years if the combination wins lSrouk the date by i lectin K Essei, Kilt. Klimpe ami uniiell. Tuc c miun viio.s rttOJiist everyone an otrice who supports their ticket MU'KKV fASSlOV and hih kuiik will lie (lcfuiited ami the I leiuocratic l'artv will i ,i ; i k.-1 It. - iminiu.itli.ii- Tni Combination hear their funeral dirge. Mickey and the Major, the omit and malloy and even old much tremble in the dark shadows of thftlr uwn questionable political work. Too late thoy see tho error or tnelr ways. Tho people will deal out the verdict next Tuesday at the iMlls.Hnd then the band of political jugglers will appear no more. (TA-Vote for Geo. W. Esser for Protho- notary. Th a pitiful oosDinos. Tlio leaders of tho Kioto band of lackeys are on their last logs. The other day they in terviewed Huffh J. Hharne. the Domo eratio candidate for District Delegate, and PROMISED TO SION A BOND DIVING) HIM THE NOMINATION TOR ItEOISTER AND Recorder if he would retire from the present fight. Imagine these upstarts signing away the People's rights! Don't this tell you that, you must crush tho huhhhh to keen your liberty, uown with them now, while you havo tho opportunity! E3LVoto for Jos. S. Wobb for Sheriff. CHVote for W. L. Kutz for Coroner. A vote for Esser and Wbbb is an acknowledgment of tlio servicos of two old soldiers who were not round want ing in the hour of thoir country's greatest need. When you voto sco that their names are on your tiokot. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. DOES NOT. ALLENTOWN.PA. The Lnracst and Most Com pletc line of ress Goods COATS, Curtains and Carpets, Tn tho hellish Valley, can be found at w. Cor. 8th and Hamilton ALLEN TOWN. The Celebrated Cypress Shing'lo. Guaranteed full I.i'iigtli, Tho very host Slilnglo in tho Mnrkot Manntncturrilliy RICKERT & SNYDER Clurcmont, VlrKliiIa. roii SALE IN WEISSrOIiT nv- J. K. niOKBRT, OBAI.KItlN All Kinds of Building Lumber, ALES JMI AN WANTED. IXIOAl. Oil TliAVF.I.INO. To noil our nurmrylittuck. Hillary, expenses fttxl teatly eiMttlitviHetit uiuranttHHl. uiy uiiiii OIUMt jinoiiiKiwxHjiiirAr, v. Uuehester. N. Y. Stoves, Tinware. Heaters and Ranges In Grtb VHriety at Sahueu Grayei?'s f opular Stwo, Bank Street Roofing nnd Spouting a special ty. Stove repair furnished on short notice Reasonable! To Whom It May A belter lv eil to my premlMg in Frank lin townthlp, onbaturaaTUotouer 10, 1801 wliro the Mine can be bad by tho owner calling, proving property and paylnf; all expMMet. T. M. WALCK, 8t- Franklin to ivnahlp. To Wnom It May Concern. All penoni aro hereby forbid loedtHioe with one Black Hone, now In poweHloti of AL Quinberl, of l'arrvville, l'a., aa the (ante U iny property and loaned to hlin ilarlng toy pleasure, Uu.niKK Smvokii. 3i rarryrllle, l'a. P I 1,11 I LEADING SCHOOL Or BUSIKESSSHeRTHAHD New M m f GO To '"" IHctin-c Jr tfiWWor ti i 1 ,.i, i t I i t 1 1 (Lure Olo ! 1 wife (HEtfijfcTOBRCCO vtuai iKtai lJS.Viaill ?ld will h that kcin IWL - get It p Cyves adeficious Jastma LpuisvJUc, To Contractors ana Bnilflers. The undei signed aniioiincfs to con tractors and llitllilcrs thaHie lias now opened Ills stone quarry, M llenvcr Hun. anil Is prepared to supply Building" Htones In any ntmntltv at reasonable rates, lie alio keeima Hiimily at hi lesMence on HIX'OM 8TK1CKT. to supply Imniediatu drmaiul. IIAITLINO of every (lescrlpllon, promptly at temlod to. A Wo, constantly on hand a full supply, of the best brands of Flour and Feed, which ho will sell nt Lowest Market Prices. CHARLES TRAINER, HUCONI) HTUF.F.T, I.HIIKllITON, I'A --GO TO-- WILSON FRANTZ, Tho Now Jeweler, Bank way, - Lchightoii, Pa., von Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description, at prices lower than else where. Particular attention paid to Repairing of Every Description, A practical cxperienco ot over ten icars enables tno to Ritaranteo satisfaction In cery pamciuar. liivo tno H 111:11 nnu no eoiniiieeu. Your patronaKo Is rcspcetnilly solicited. WILSON 1'ltANTZ. llankway, oct. a, isai What do You think of this ! WinclowShade with or without a border ready on spring roller, for At the Carpet Store of QAj Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. EAST WEISSPORT, DEALRIt IK Heaters and Ranges, Tinware and Ponms At Very Lowest Pricos. a rartlcttlar attention paid to General JoulM Furnace nndl'iiiiip Work. HHT1MATKS cheerfully fitrnlsheil for lions- IleatiuKwitliHot Air, Mcain or HotWalet Circulation. All work Onurantced I If You Have ARNBR & SOLT, Pioprtotors ol the Portable Steam Saw Mill who will do yoer work at RaMoaablf ItaUt. KtfiDKNi e Union nni,, Bat Wm. WHu u.m I POB'I.J'A. 0t. 24, 'Dl.Jl Election Proclamation.' Paonant to nn rt of Xienibly of Peunsylmnia, ontitlod an Act n-hitinu to the Elections in th"l'ommonwealth. approred tho 2nd day otJuly A. 1)., 1821. and a rnrther mnn ement thereto approved January HO, A.l). 1874,1, llirnni P. liovan, Sheriff of the County of Car-1 oon, ronn a. o nereoy maKO Known and give notice to the electors of tho county aforesaid that on the first Turn- lav after tho Unit Monday in Novem ber, being the 3rd DAY OF NOVEM- ukk, a. 1BB1, at which timetne following officers are to be elected: ONE PEIWON for Auditor General of tlio Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. UNJii PJiattSUif for Treasurer of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas, Clerk of t he uourt or urer anil Terminer, uiern of tho Court of Quarter Sessions of tho Peace and ueneral Jail uellvery and Clerk of tho Orphan's Court of tho County of Carbon. ONBPEItSON fbrthooiBco of Sheriff of tho County of Carbon. ONE PISHHON for tho oflice of Cor oner of the County of Carbon. TWO PERSONS for Jury Commis sioners of tho County of Carlton. OrrioB or SncnrrAUY or th ( COEUONWBALTII, llARRlSBURO, PlHKA., ( SarTKMium ttTir, 1801. To Ifte ShtrljTof Carbon Oonnly: In comtiltftDco with the nrovlilonB of an Act nt infllii-nenii Am-muir, umiueu Auiwtiuinv, vine lor a Uonvenllon to arnenil the Uonstitatloti and the election orileloimti'fl thereto." aDnmved tho nineteenth dav or June, Anno Domini one thousand elirht hundreil and nlnety-ono, tho iluly n,unllncd doctors or tbli Commonwealth Rhtilf, lime iccnerm election to tie netu on tno i ueeiiny noxtfullowlnir the ttret Mondav oriiovembor. next, rote tor or aicfllnst holding a convention to amend tho Constitution, and for menbors or said convention, if tho majority of tho voters In the Commonwealth favors such convontion, nreord. Ins to tho reguliitlons provided In the several suctions oi saiu net bb ncroRiior set lurm, iv-wu : Sbction I. Be it tnacted by tht Senate anil House of Retirenentetivee cfthe Commonwealth of renmylvama in General Auembty met, and it It hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That at tho ueneral olectlon to be hold on theluesday next futlotvlne: tho first Monday of November noxt, the duly qualified electors ot this Common. woalth shall vote for or a-salust holding a oon cntIon to nmend tho Constitution according to tho regulations provided In the subsequent seo tlons ot this act. Section 2. It at tho said a-enoral election to be held as aroresald, n majority ol the doctors or this Commonwealth shall declare In favor of a convention to nmcnu tno uonsiitution, me jam conucntlon shall bo coinposod ordelegates duly elected, and shall assemble as hereinafter pro- vldcd, Skction 8. At tho general election to bo hold v next ftillowlnir tho first Mondav on tho Tuesday next followlni of November next, thero shall lio elected by the quallned electors of this OommoniTonllh, delo Katcston convention to revlso and amend the Constitution or tills state. Tho said convention shall consist of ono hundred and seventy-seven members, to bo elected In tbo manner (ollowlnir: rweniy-scvcn mcmoers sunn uo ciociou in 1110 Stnto at larno. Uach voter 01 tho State shall voto for not more than clKhtcen candidatos, ant tho twenty.sovcn highest In vote shall be de clared elected. Ono hundred nnd fifty delegates shall bo apportioned to nnd elected Irom tho dif Icront Senatorial districts of the State, three delcirates to bo elected for each Senator there from : nnd In chooslntt said delegates, each voter shall lie entitled to voto for not more than two of tlio members to bo chosen irom eacii senator tal district, and tho thrco candidatos highest in voto shall bo declared elected, nnd sal-l delegates shall possess tlio qualifications at present ro. quired Tor members ol the Stnto Senate. Skction 4. Tho following regulations shall apply to tho aforesaid election to bo held on the luesuay louowing mo nrsi iwonuny ui Novem ber next, and to tho return ol tho samo. First Tho said election shall bo held nnd con ducted bv tho nroner election officers ol tho scv. oral clsctlon distrfctsoftho Commonwealth, and shall be govomcd nnd regul itcd In nil respects by tho general election laws of tho Common wealth, so far as tho samo bo applleablo thereto and not Inconsistent with tho provisions of Hits act. Second. Tho tickets to bo voted for or against a convention shall havo on the Insldo, "For a Constitutional Convention," nnd "Against n Constitutional Convention," and no other In scriptions theroon. Third. Tho tickets to ho voted for members at largo shall havo on tho outside tho wolds "lle.o. sates at larirc." and on tho Insldo tho names 0 tho candidates to bo voted for not exceeding eighteen In number. Fotiath. The tickets to be voted for district members shall have on tho outsldo tho words "District delegates," and on tho insldo the n nine or names ot tho candidatos voted lor not exceed ing thu proper number limited as aforesaid, but nny ticket tliat ahall contain a greater number of names than tho number for which tho voter shall bo entitled to voto shall bo rcjectod. Fifth. Tho rolurn judges shall meet nt tho samo places and nt the samo tlmo alter sold olcctlon, and shall mako out tho returns thcroof ot mo votes cast lor delegates at largo and for district ueicgates to uo members 01 tlio said con vontton In the soycrnl countlos of tho Common. wcnitn, ami snau lottow tno samo torm in malt ing out their returns as prescribed lor return judges in tlio enso of an election Tor Uovcrnor. except that tho said returns shall bo transmitted to tho Secretary ol tho Commonwoatth and glial! uo aiiiirosseu to mat outccr aiono. Now. therctoro. In obedlcnco to tho ronulro, mentsot tho Act of tho General Assonitly aforo. said, you aro hereby required to publish this notico with your proclamation for tho holding 01 B.uu Kuiiurui uiccuun. WILhIAJI F. IlAltKITY, Secretary of tlio Commonwooltb, I also mako known nnd glvo notico that tho plaeo of holding tho nforosald elections In tho several Townships and Iloroughs of tho said uouniy, win 110 respectively at tuo places nero, (natter designated, viz: Banks township, Ainlonrieil district, ot tho school liouso in Auilcnried; Heaver Meadow district at the fclioo! liouso al Tjoviston, in said township; Jonnesvillo district, at tbo public school liouso in said diftrict. Kast l'onn township, nt tlio public liouso of 1 enroso uoorge, in saiu township. Lower Towamcnsing township, Millport district, at tlio publio house of George D. ticiiiiiert, in said district. Little Cop district, ol tho public bouse ol Kobcrt Henry, in said district. Itowmanstown election district- nt the pub lio housoof James T. llonaer in said illilriot. Franklin township, nt tho publio liouso of John Hclirig, in said township. Lchighton borough, at tlio public liouso of Jonathan Kistlcr, in said borough. I.ausanno township, nt the fotnale school house, Buck Mountain, in said township. Lohic.1i township, at the school liouso at Uockport, in said towishlp. Wcalhcrly borough, at the public house of r . 1'. bemtnoi, in said uoroug.ii First Ward of tho borough o! Mauolt Chunk, at tlio ciuoe 01 the county uomtnitsioneri, Second Ward of the borotith of Mulch Chunk, at tho public liouso of Peter BUhl, in said borough, 1'asl Maucli Chunk Ulectinu district, at tlio public lions o ol Btrlhotd Seller, iu amhl borough. Mahoning township, at the public house of Thompson Mciraniei, in laid low lump, l'ackcrtou District, at the public school houso in said District. Tenn Forest Township, at the public house 01 J.Dos lioou, in saiu lownsuip. Towamensiug Township, at the public houuo 01 r. i-. sciberiing, to stni Tnwnsnip. I'acker Township, at the publio house kuown as Horn's Tavern, 111 said Township Maneli Chunk Township, Keaquehoniug DlMrlet, at the puuiio 11,, use 01 Uenlamln Oxley, in Xeojuehoniiig. Maueh Chunk Towntliip, le District, at the publio cuool hnuae, in the said District, Blootninfdals Pistrid, at the publio nrhool house in the village of Blooiningdale, in Mid district. Buinmit Hill elwllou diattiot, at the Town Hall, in laid Borough. Kidder Township, North District, at tlx house formerly d Gnome U. 81 i neon, now known aa Streeier's ulBue, at Lehlgb Tannery. Kidder South Pislrii-t, at the public house) of Irveiuan ueti, In said District. Weinsport Borough, at the publii) house of Henry tlirlstman, In aald Borough Lansford borough, Kasl Ward, at lb public school house; Middle Ward, at the pa bile house ot JauvM OallaglMr, and West Ward at the public house of John P. Haloy, in aald borough. I make known and give not lee, as la and by the lttn Motion of the aforesaid Aet of AasemCly, 1 an directed, that "every person, siMptlng jus. UMa of tha ueaea. who snail hold any omoa of want or trust under the Uovernment of the united stales, or or inu state, or 01 any eny or Inaerporaled distrlot, whether a eommlsHacd or otnerwiM, a au Dominate omeer or ageni vrho U, orihftll k vplojftd under tbo JeisU un, ozvobut or jaaiewr aeicimnt 01 inw StaUt or of tlio I 'oiled SutM. or of any city nr lAoriM)roVtl distrlot, uid aliu that crury mcui I UunKrifl, and tho State Ieul'laiure, and b Htu't or Oouiinon Council ul auv city, or UauiulaWluneri Uf fcDy ineurroried district it hy law looapablo ot tiuldlnK ot oieruU.nK, tit thu tan Utue, tb olfiM or anuufntmunt ofjuUgo, taipootor or olark of any eleoUun uf this 'tnn mobwaaltli , and that no invpvotor, iu t,r t hi r ofleurolaii cuch ulectlon, ihull bo UiglbL to aa olttv't) to ho then otoJ lor." 09t. b At all olwllons hcr.iiH.i 1.. hi uh.Ut tblVtiJtrililri t.'UiinoiiWfalt)i, U.o pulls rl.ull ba ouaa t mjvoh u'cU.oi; it iu , ttid clo-u ui ovon o'elook u. ui Ulvuo under my band U Mamli 'hunk, tlio first dajr of October, Anno Uoinlni, out iboujud Igbt liuudrod and ninety unv, aal t-rtbeinde peiutcnctt ol tho I 'nlird niatvi tho nio t.unJred oixl fouriectit I n i' I,r V AN Hborlil It Mil nti" rrtih-mplntini, n enutar In BUSINESS or SHORTHAND, It will pay ymi to villi Mir American mmm coiiep, am,kktowk. i'a . netnro rtwiiuno where mm, thonih you tr.av live n thouxand MilIM away. If stiuirT at the head ot romtnerclal rMne,ln Hi tntnctttlonal elini-Mitcr: msi inHtlutn for anntitv- lna lutsini'M iwn wllh tt-alnrd and WiwWo - utants : iu a means of plncliiR amblrtona young men anil ladles on tlio rntut to itimn. nnd In the extent, etrmneo nnd coat of Its entilnmonts. Six Heparnlo Itcpiirtiin'i-ts with ns many ttnnracs ot Studv. under t he personal supervision of Eight Instrnctni-a- nil speelHll-it-i. Tlluattntei Oiita- lofriie niitllvd to :iii mtdri'Mi. free. Address, O DORWKY, Prin, UTTIawo. nienelnn this intuer. M7-tin: Lehigh Valley R. R Co. Arrangement Af Pnaeiirv Trulai. Ik Effect May 10th, 1881. LKAVli LKtllOHTOIt For Newark and New York tA 1.30, .ct, and ll.taa.m-i .oo,MOftl4p.m. For Mannoka Chunk anil BelvlrlciT 7.80 n.ot). a.m. : U.W and 7.24 b in. rnr lAmuum'tiio aim irontott 5.2s, B, 1 and 11.12 nnr) 12.M n.m. l-nr niannEion, iiuisatiqtia, Allontnwn HKth. lelioin, and Enston, n.'u, 7.07, 7.30, am o.BT. 11.12 H.m . 12 ?, S.00. (1.22 7.S1 mid 10.42 n tn. For l'lilludclpliln nml pninta aintUt at 8.22, 7.07, 7..T1, 11 nti and 11.12 it. 111.: .1.011. n.22 and 7.M p. in. For Itcadiimniid Hart t-'-ium TM, awl n.m, ni 3.CG, a 22 and ..2J p.m. For Iion;iiiis, Lehigh (lap, Cherryford, Lau rVa, White Hull, Toplny, unit Ilokomlauiiiill 5.22,7.07, U.00 u.D7 & 11.12 a. 111.; 12.52, .4S,N22, illlll 1" '. I - I . i'l . or jiisitcii t inirn a.r,?, 7.:t, ti.30. 11.20 anil 1M n.m.: 1.11, r..'.',l. 7.23, 8.M, J3antl 11.61 n. tn. lll.l 12.47 Myllt. 1 or w eatiicrly nnd n.iaeton 0.B2. 7.49 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.18, 5.2H, 7.23. 10.A4 p.m. 1 or Mithtiliov I tlv. Hhonannnnu anil Aalli..l n.52, 7.43, o.: and 11.4s n lir. ; M, B.2S ft 7.23 p.m 1 or ait,. uHcinri una nnamoKin 0.02, 141 111111 .48 n. 111.; s 2S p. nt. For Pott Illo ll.r,2.7..l0. 7.1.1. nl tt.19 nnd n il .1. 111., 3.00, 8.18, nod 7.kl 7.24 p.m. l-c-rw ime iinvi'n. Wllltesliarra nnd Hcrnntnn 7.43, 0..TB nnd A.111.1 J. 16, 0.2S, 7.28 and For ItttMon nnd L. ft B. JnncU, 8.(18, 0,88, id u.4i 3.M. 7.M and wjh p, tn. I'or llinkliiinnock H.n a. tn. 3.1S, 8.J0 -and 10.M rnr or. ego, Auburn, Ithaca nnd (icnevn 11.41 n.111.; lo.P1 p.m. Kor IjBceyvllle. Tonandn, ftayro, Wavcrly, El inlra, lliichcstcr, lliifliito. rrngura Palis nnu the t L"1 1 i.n ti.111., aim lUiOi p. 111. l cn Minim nitdtlie West via finlanmtien at i.n ii in. HLNDAY TllAtMB. 1 1 1 ew York 0.1K nnd 10.07a m.; 5.29 p.m. l or l'lillnilelnlila s.tten.111.; n.s! and S.J9 p. m. I'or Has ton nnd lutorinedlato tttnttana 0.112. .('2. 10 07 a.m. : v m. -mi. 5.20 and M n. Km- Mitiich Chtittk 8.U, o.M, 10.23 a.m.i ls.2i Xk. .1.1:1, .r, nnd j-or iteiiiiing 111 u.v& iu 111, : -..vm nun n,iiii p. m. I'or I lalLton 9.5 11.111. ; IU so, 0.18 ftTo.54 i.m. I'or MalKinoy city and sheiiiiuilonli 12.20 anit 3.IR p.m. Mil- i-otisi me 111 2.03 11. m . I'or White Ilnvcn. Wllkoa-llarrn. Plttalnn. Tiinkliniinnek.Towandn, SAjre, Ithaca, tlonevn, Aiiniii-u, i',iinini, iiiiene'iicr, liunnio, ningnrn eiui una inu iioat 1004 p.m. 1'nr further pnitlcitlars luiinlre of Agents for Time 1 amen. K. 11. UYINItTUN, Uen'l 11189. Acent. May 11. W, ly South llethlehctn, rtMinit T A TV! 'VI? I Men on Hillary nr largo " -'-''eoiimipaloii. of lerrltorv: work nti tho vpnr iini'Slnn. routtol nr the venr roitnil. Von eau commence nt mice, wnte J. aunum HI I AW, Nurseryman, lirnnkl) n. N. Y. 8 Om To Wlioffl ItGoBcerns. Two heifers nro on my property whither' tho strayed rotne weeks ogo. 'I lie owners eart have tlio samo by onlllng.prorlngproiier'.y and pay. Ing all expenses otitic same. V. S. KOlllI, uct. iu oi. ljcuiguton, i'a. SoidoPs Bakery, 1'irht Street, U'hlgliton, you will uhvays find I'reiliostand Beet BEEAD AND CAKES. Rye, Wlicnt nnd Vienna Hiend Fresh Kvery Day. Our Vienna Ilteml cannot be excelled. We rcspectfiUly snU"l! your pnti on nge. Wutch for tho Wagon. .Scidpl's Vienna' Unit cry, Opp. Obert'i, I'll'.ST ST.. IJillfOll'IDN,' PA Lehighton Water Co I.KHIOIIION, I'A., Sept. 7, Iff I Them will ben inri'tiiigarthoRtncklinlilcraof TUB l.KilldimiN Watch C'ompasv m (Inhpl'a Hall, In the Donnish of lAthlshtnu, l'a., at H;00 o'clock I. M.. ou HATUKDAY, NOV. lh,, 101 11113 iin nnu Ul YUllllg on 1111 im'HKAH!r 111' TUK CAriTAl. rlTOUK OP TUB UOMI'ASV. Ity ordor of tho Hoard of Direct r. Wh. E. Abu, President. How AIM) Hf.aiioi.iit, Secretary. Estate Notice ! I'.siatcof Lunwici Mai'-sthinkii, deceased, late 01 me norougu 111 i,ctigutou, carnoit county, Statu ol Pennsylvania. All persons Indebted to inld ealntb nroreqttcst cd to iniiko pajinent wltllln Six Weeks, and tluiBO having legnl elalins ngnlnst tho n unc will prosunt mum wniiotiiueiayin tv voeus uut auuicuiiciiicti inr aeiiieineut 10 1IKN1IY W. YKAHL, Kxreutor, Sept4i7, 1881-ew. Lehighton, l'a. Wcissport Mm Directory. l-Olt A SMUOTU EASY - SHAVE, ANII A Srvi.isn IIaus Cut, 00 TO II'. K. ESRANO THK BAIII1KJI, Over tbo Canal Drldga. IT lEADS THEM Alii, IN NEWS Be "'ADVO A1U' BniOIIT. CLEAN INDKPKNDEHT. lleml III KA8T WmBBFOItT, l'UNN'.V. This Immim offers Orst-chuB acoommodatlona to he poriuanent boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, only one Dollar ir day. Mig7-iy John Kuttnio; Proprietor. Oscar Ohiistmaii, WKISSTOBT, I'A. Livery and Exdutnqa Siubles, tuny riding earrtacos and safe driving horses, fieatoeooiutnodutlonato ngenu and traveller. Mall and telegraph order promptly attended to. tUve ma a Mai. mavsi-lr The Welaspoirt - Bakery, C. W. LAUKY. 1'BOl'KlKTOB. Deliver Frenti Broad and Oaka In Weiaaiiort, SfniePiwa auu vjuiuiumiifwy any. Iu the ftoro I have a Vine Una of Confectionery or Hie Ilullday Trade. Sunday achooii and feafl vala at. ppliexl at lowest prloea. dee.i-. -ut A HEf FKHCIM We Poitively gimrantco Dr. Doyd's Little Qiaat Nerve and Liver Pills To euro CoitHUpaUon.lniliiitniiit.ii. UtiUuunneM lonui Uvor, ram In uw ihurk, vilett, HuAdaclw, XUd Tate Iu tbo MaiiUi arUiiuc from Judtawt- Uui, Hy rtrtHmtbteulbk Uiu uvrvtw ami r. fciiUt' lug the actlou of tut K ton inch l.lvr nnd KutiifM. Im not te decnivtd. Ir. Ikiyd'aUtV IluOlaut NervH uud Ijyer 1'iUa act un h uew i'ii! tJiey iu.t on tlio uujves of the -t.Mi' .'!., liver und kiHneya mIvIdk thoin liuattti an. i v i r.UatUiiit)ioovhlof.toiUutTUiraliV4t luliut il .ft thu tnvi UuU tlM (ouutar Ulutu tli U-'A r Mutri'tl, that Is mow than unu bo saltt i( an other pill on the u.tiil.Pt, ft irlul will con vincolhc niost hiiiitl. that lnt we cl.tin UtuK'.thi'M ,uti .1 1 tf lli- iiun tent I 111 HH.lN .'' ll tt ! ft li-l 1 ifi DiitrHIr; 'I li T. U (JLAKK 'iJ'j II, I - ft ! ,ir ' a I i , I'll. 'U-.4 ll llllll -tK' i duii' ud f. r j- .ii f .t! 't il 'lll.l 1)1 r i UUilh'-n I'-IU 1 ft, 1 lM. M-tl I, 11' l.tki 1.1 I It i.d m h lit' ii wi i i v i'i in u-iwr ui 1 1 l V.M lUlANKIi ! It a i i.f.ib I . til I i-di inu ul ' f nt b in. iti mi rf-('til)it ul I'lict1, huhi .it in wnirfiMl i-ttouhfii' J l TfloM H HiULV't lltM f, pic, I,.,.- iUutttttn V.i WW ! ' M W Jonas Sondheim. t LARGE NEWLOT-" Columbia, GSermanlown, Vicanna Saxony, Columbia Saxony, Hpnnish Knitting Yarn, German Knitting Yarn and Berlin Zophyrs. Fine Jot of Plush and China Silk Mead Rests and Scarfs. The new Venetian Silk, and all sizes plush ornaments for fancy work. Infants and Childrcns silk and plush bonds in all styles, sizes and prices. . A. L HAGERMAN, CULTON IS With a big assortmrnit of the newest things in J ewelry and Silverware at such an array of prices at will Mtonish all bujrs. Juftt look. Said Gold Kings only 75 wits. School Stationery, Puzzles, Novelties and Toys. Couie and See Ui ! And don't think of buying until you do as we hY' loweat ji ire. VUIlJ.t3LIUJLLtry p.!. mi retail Sunda m-IuioI rommitti t w!l i'o well to ' n bfrre nuking arrniiv; im nts I'or tla'ir v luidtnirib rallies. Soda on Tap lavmxy Siturday Might, Read the SONDHEIWS ERCHAlNTJAILORINGALLt Maucli OhiiiLk. We are oonfidout that we liaro the rorj layg'ost stoelc of Rend j-Mad Clothing' for Mon, Yiiuth and Bys, and Jackets, Coats, NeTniiark ets and Reefers for Misses and Ladies rer before on exhibition in thia county and positiroly at th very lowest prices at which these goodshaye eror been marked We want your patronage and good will and intend to morit ono nd doserrG the other by selling; you good honest goods at prices noycr before hoard of. We make no idlo brag's! Don't buy until you have callod at pur store, looked at our goods, examined figures and quali ties and you will save mon ey. Our Morchant Tailor ing Department contains all the new styles and qualities in Foreign and Domestic fabrics. Hero, also, our prices are the very lowest. IN THE LEAD Advocate,