w ORISINAL CHEAPGASHSTOREl The Prndent Man Looks Before Ee Leaps. BO JT IB WITH TUB ECONOMICAL BUYERS WHO BELIEVE IN BARGAINS, Ho cau do bo by looking our stock over. It U tho largest by far and can not be touohod for choapno93. Our stock of Dry Goods, Dross Goods, No tions, Ladloi nnd Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers, Queensware, Glassware, Sil verware, Ac, simply surpasses Itself this season. Whoro there Is chopping you will find chips. Whoro there Is cutting In prlcos you will And low prices. 3T SHAWLS lu endless variety shoulder, single and double in all the latest things. J. T. NUSBAUM, fhst Street, between 8outh and Num Streets, LenUhton, Fa. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY OCTOBER 24, 1801. OF lNTKItliST TO CAltHON COtlNTIANS. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 17. 1891. Editor Cahb.cn Advocate: Tho General Conference of tho Evan gelical Association now In session in this city for nearly three weeks has been doing some of tho most Important work and legislation over dono in the history of this church. Owing to tho revolt in tho same, every act of legisla tlon is dono only after tho closest dellb. oration, and sanctioned by tho ablest legal counsel employed by the church, both local and general. Some of Carbon county's best known men have been and are still in attend ance. Bishop Thomas Bowman, form erly of Millport, was re-elected by a large majority to the office of bishop. This is his fifth term and entitles him to tho full twenty years episcopacy; ho has boen a fearless and courageous leader and is droadod by the malcon tents. To-day Gen. William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, called upon Bishop Bowman during tho sossion and ex pressed his sympathy and congratula tion for tho bishop personally and for tho loyal part of tho church represented in tho Gnnoral Conforcnco now in ses sion hero. In roferoneo to tho cause of tho loyal majority of tho church tho General spoke very encouragingly and enthusiastically. Other well-known Carbon county ministors are present. Rev. J. Stewart Nowhart, pastor of tho Lohlghton charge. Rov. S. T. Leopold, formerly a resident of Weissport, now pastor of Immanuel church, Alleutown, is also a dologato, and is announced to proach to-morrow morning in tho Madison avenue M. E. chnrch. Revs. W. A. Leopold and W. K. Wie nnd have boon elected members of the newly croated court of appeals, consist ing of fifteen ministers from various parts of the church. Tho two East Pennsylvania members aro tho young est members of this supreme court. Presiding Elder W. A. Leopold has since his visit in the west received an invitation to become tho pastor of an influential Congregational church in a leading western city at a handsome salary, but wo are informed that he has declined to accept this tempting offer. KEPORTER. SPICILY TOLD. The Xewi of a Lively Town TM In n Few Word, by a Hustling Iteporter. Patronize tho market I Pull lino of lngrnlu nnd llrussel oarpots at Henry SohvtarU's. Voto for a Constitutional Conven tion ou Tuesday, November 3rd. Remember that Tuesday, the 3rd day of Novomber, Is election day. For sale cheap A double range In good condition. Apply to I, S. Koch. 2t Seldol's Bakery ou First streotusos ouo and n halt tons of flour ovory week. Excellent teams nt reasonable charges nt Jakcy Klstler's livery on North street. Tho electric lights don't give the satisfaction that they should. There Is a good bit of kicking. Naturally you go to Luckenbach's Mauch Chunk, to buy tho best wall paper at tho lowest prices. Teams for funerals, business or pleasure furnlshedJatDavid Ebbert's popular livery, on North street, at tho very lowest prlcos. For stationery, blank books, wall paper nnd decorations, go to E. F Luckcnbach, Broadway, Mauch Chunk. Prlcos the very lowest. A fluo lot of single nnd doublo bar rel breech loading shot guns just re ceived by the Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co. 4w A voto for Joseph 8. Wobb, for Sheriff, on Tuesday, November 3rd, will be a recognition of the services of a faithful Holdler of the late rebellion. Copt. Daniel Baltzer, of north First street, on Wednesday was summoned to tho bedsido of his aged mother who lies seriously ill at her homo in Phlla delphla. Votors throughout, tho county will not forget that Tuesday, November 3rd, will bo election day. A vote for Geo. W. Essor, for Prothonotary, will bo a voto for honesty nnd fidelity In ollice. Don't forgot it I Two grandfathers' clocks have been brought to town. Ono from Lehigh county, nnd tho othor from Schuylkill county. John A. Peters, of north First street, received tho former nnd David Mantz, of Second streot, tho latter. Thoro will bo no service in the Re formed church on Sunday. Tho pastor, Rov. J. Alvin Robor, is attending tho meeting of tho Eastern Synod at Harris burg, Pa. The Synod meets ontho2Ith and will continue in session until tho 27th or 28th. Saddio Scanlan, tho beautiful and accomplished actress, supported by n first-class company, will appear in the Opera House, this city, on Tuesday evening, Oct., 27th, in tho romantic comedy drama "Elly." Tho press speaks very highly of this company and they should bo well patronized. Dr. W. F. Danzer, tho eye, car and noso spoclalist of Hazloton, will be nt tho Exchango Hotel, in this city, on Friday, November 13. If you require tho services of Dr. Danzer don't fnll to call at tho hotel on tho above date as his will bo his last visit to Lohlghton. James O. Ebbort and Miss Emma S. Hold, of this city, wcro united in tho golden bonds of wedlock by Rov. J. H Kuder on Tuesday, tho 20th inst. Tho young couple have a largo circle of friends who offer host wishes for a long life of happiness and prosperity. Jim, here's our ty , shake. The first threo days of tho enforce ment of tho now ordinnnco relative to tho taxing of butchers, bakers and hucksters of whatever kind, 8107 rolled Into tho borough treasury. Tho heath ens who nro kicking against council In this matter will soon commence to kick themselves. At this rate Lohighton will not n clear $300 per year out of the licenses. A Hull Dog Hold! Train. William Amor, of Mauch Chunk, is engineer of tho Lehigh Valley passen ger train that leaves here forShamokin nt 8:06 p. m. Saturday night, as Amor's train was Hearing Raven Run, he observed an ob struction on the track and, believing the object was a man, he applied the air brakes and stopped the train. Arner left the engine in charge of the fireman and started up the traok to tho obstruction and, as he approached' he fonnd that the obstruction was the body of a man who was evidently stupl- fled by drink. Approaching nearer the engineer heard an ominous growl, and, as he approached a few steps nearer he found that an ugly looking bull dog was lying upon the prostrate body. As the engineer continued to ap proach the bull dog grew more vicious' in its demonstrations, but rofused to leave the body until Arner got quite close, when it gave vent to several savage howls and made a spring. The engineer turned and ran back to his engine and the dog returned to the prostrate form of its mastor. The engineer, accompanied by mem bord of his crew and several passengers, prepared for a skirmish. As they ap proached the place where the man lay they found the dog full of fight, encour. aged by the "hiss 'em" of his intoxica ted master. Tho engineer tried to explain the situation, but the man was too drunk to understand and persisted In hissing on the dog, which succeeded in kooping the train poople at a distance. All strategy to got the deg away and get near the man failed, until one of the passengers, who recognized the man, went to Wild Cot, a patch near Raven Run, and secured the assistance of a young man who could exercise in fluonce over the "drunk" and his faith- ful protector. The train was delayed wily nan an nour by the incident., Shenandoah Herald. ItAILROAD RUMBLINGS tTho Lehigh Valley railroad sur. geons' have organized. Dr. W. W. Reber, of this city, Is a member. Railroad etiquette requires that passengers should enter the car from the rear and leave it through the front door. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was founded ten years e( with twelve members, and now has 4.1 subdivisions and & membership of 315, OW lotemonvs engineers:. IN A FEW WORDS. A Lively Writer Tells the Story ol The Hannenlnae of n Ylt In and About Old Carbon. Tho country in beautiful at this season. Work i slack In the foundry nt Weatherly. Cider presses throughout tho farm Ing districts wero In great demand. Audenrled has organized an Irish Drnmotlo Company nnd will soon play nt Tnuinnua. Jim Oliver, of Highland, nnd Geo. Freed, of Weathorly, will likely shoot n pigeon match for 83TK) n side. Tho Wenlhcrly Herald Is out that Burgess Smith, of that town, will be re elected. Tho editor of that paporbeglns to show nomo sand, Myers & Co., oporotorsof tho York town colliery, aro sinking a new slopo nenr Audenrled. This should make business lively iu that locality. Pittsburg optrators havo been in the upper end of tho county getting Hungarians to accompnuy them to tho former place. A rope slipped off tho drum of the hoisting engine at tho shaft iu York town on Frtdoy morning as tho carriage with h loaded car wus being hoisted; both fell about .TO feet, smashing tho carriage Into pieces. No ouo Injured. Tho many relatives nnd near friends of Mrs. Conner, of Parryvllle, assem bled at her residence Monday evening, tho occasion of hor 71th anniversary, and treated her to a delightful sur prise. Mrs. Connor is ono of the oldest ladles in Parry villa nnd much esteemed nnd respected. MTTl.i: A1 A I.I rt'ly Community Itrlelly ltemlteil by h llrlfiht Feiicll l'nslier. Hie Drmers arc now busy husking com. rieorge. liner, accompanied by Frederick Smith, circulated thioiiKh uurillMrirt.on Friday but. (Jodfiey Urcen and nlfe. of Ktinkeltun, were the cuestKir Cluule Oretn and wife, on Sun day Inst. Joslali M. Mlflps ami it I re, of I.thlclilon, were on a sojourn to friends and relatives of this place during last week. Hubcrlbc for the Advooatr and read all the latest news, only one dollar a year It paid lu ad vance. Try It. The potato attains to very hefty proportions In our district, tieorgo M. Henry, exhibits one weighing three pounds and fire ounces. On Sunday morning, Dallas 1 a live year old son of Charles llreen, had the misfortune to break his tight arm below the elbow. Dr. ,1. C. Kramer, of Mlllpoit, was summoned and set the arm. A speedy recovery is wished for the little lad. NEWSY WEISSPORT. SECItKT SOC1KTT GOSSIP. Camp 122, P. O. S. of A., of Weiss port, talk of placing bibles in the pub lic schools. Carbon Castle, 111, K. G. E., of town, conferred tho Crusader's Degreo on two Sir Knights, Monday evening. Lizzard Creek Council, No. C32, Jr. O. U. A. Jf., will hold a grand pic-nlo at tho public house of W. B. Moyor, near Ashneld, on tho 10th of Novem ber. If you want to enjoy a ploasurable time don't fail to attend. Lehigh Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A, M., will celebrate their sixth anniver sary on next Thursday evening by tho recital of an interesting program of musia and addresses and the serving of refreshments. All the members should be present. The Second Battalion, Fourth Regiment, Military Branch of the K. G, E., composed of Commandories of Al lentown,Hellortown,Froomansburg and Bethlehem, will have a "Drill Day" at Hellertown, on October 21th. There will be a parade in the afternoon and a ball in the evening. .Camp No. 05, Sous of Veterans was formally instituted in Reber's Hall First street, this city, on Saturday eve ning, by Chaplain of the Penn'a Divis ion, Walter Smith, of Allentown, with delegations from Catasauqua and Al lentown. Prior to tho institution there wns a little parade up First street, and following the ceremonies the visitors were treated to a generous luncheon at Capt. Joseph Webb's restaurant, The following officers wore installed Captain, Phaon Strauss; 1st lieutenant, Charles McKelvey; 2nd lieutenant, G W. Fry; 1st sergeant, Frank Campbell chaplain, Irvin Kresge; corporal of the guard, Ed. Hibbler; color bearer, Caleb Fisher; chief musician, Thos. Webb: camp guard, Joseph Webb, Jr.; picket guard, Levi Patterson; camp council, John J. Hummel, John Campbell, Wil son Weidaw. The Camp has 21 mem bers and will moot every Friday evening. I.ehlRbton Tubllc Hcboolt. The following is tho report of our public schools for tho mouth ending September 28th, 1891. Tho following are tho pupils who attended every day during the month: Hioti Seitooi..-Ellzabetli E. tenlz, Annabel Ilrokatc. Albeit Y. renstermacher, Llzzlo It. Schcch, Mattle TValp, Daisy Horn, Clara Kttntz, Mamo (.ornery, Katlo l'enstcrmacher, Martha Loner, William Dtenner, Annl Iicnmnnn, Frank Miller, Mamie Semincl. On.utMAlt. linima Buss, Minolta Ettinger, Nettle OeKRUs, Haltlo Qeggus, Mamie Rhoads, Alice Blank, Wllmer Filtzlngcr. Frank Wlcand. George Lonir, Louis Smith, Chas. Wnlp, llarrj Waterbor, Walter Weiss, John Xander. Oim.s' adv Secondabv. Lizzie Oabel, Elsie SteigerwAlt, Carrie Dlank, Carrie Fenster- maeher, Ida Fuehvo, Alico (label, Gertie Ueydt, Izzie Kuhns, Beulah Itelchard, Annio Ktrour., Minnie WalcK, Aggie Iscnmann. Dors' adv SECONDAnv.-Chailes Sandhcrr, Scott Iioth, Harry Nothstein, Harry Hunslcker, Willie Krock, LlndneyGombert, Harry Wagner, lllic Voorhces, Robert Miller, Charles Wagner, Jacob Meltzler, Fiank Trainer, Chas. lteber, George Heberllng, Herbert Nusbaum, Harry Spanglcr. Harry Wleand, Harry Moore, timer Trainer, George Newhart, Dert Horn, Ernest Wheatiey, George Ruch, Thomas New-hart. Dots' SKroMuni 31aro Shecklcr. Harry Deck, Charles Longltamcrer, John Nothstein, Milton Walk, Harry Sillier, Wesley Sandherr, Jessie Krock, James Xander, Charles llretney, Chas. Sampsel, Ira Holtenstcln. Oini.ii' Skcohdauy. Clara Kttlngcr, Sadie Hontz, Clora DeFrehn, Mattlo Geggus, Mattle Helm, Hattio Ohl, Carrie Stout, Mamie Wcldaw, Sophia Nothstein, Agnes Hunslcker, Daisy nennlnger, Katie Trainer. Dovs' ADV ruiMAnv.-Claudo Nothstein, Charles Gilbert, Robert Gombcrt, Rcinhold Komatusky, Arthur Kemerer. Harry Relchard, Robert Swartz, Edward Sella, John Waterbor, Edgar Schaefer, Milton Drumborc, Charles German, Clark Hontz, Freddio licigel, Wilbur Nusbaum, Eugene l'eters, Chas. Ruff, Calvin Sheet?, Ednln Wertman, Maurlco Klstlcr, Robert Ratcllff, Eddie Harleman. Girls' Adv rniMAnv.-Carrle West, Katlo Williamson, Lulu Dotter, Minnie Frcy, Mamie Snyder, Florence Chrlstla, Buela Trainer, Cora Xander Eva Anthony, Helen Hough, Lulu Trexler, Dessle Dretney, Ilessle Illank, Laura Chrlstman, Carrie Anthony, Ella Smith, Gertie Tonehrea, Lettla Smith, Laura Sandherr, Maggie Sittlcr, Mamlo Hunslcker, Rcna Rnch, Sallle Frey. Sadie Newhart, Annie Fntzlnger, Annie Kreldler. I.llllo McComilck, Carrie Meltzler. Girls Second rniMAm .-Florence Daux- dator, Clara Relchard, Estella Scheldt, Laura Armbursler, Mattlo Koch, Esther Kemerct, Sallle Freeby, Minnie nrlnkman. Lizzie Emmert, Esther Gabcl, Emma Kuhns, Maltha Ritz, Mame Strauss, Maud Rehr, Maud Wcln land. Boys' Skcond Prim Aitv.-Cliarlcs Schmidt, Willie Waterbor, Johu Deck, Fierce Nothstein, Howard Fritzinger, Willi" Rennet, Robert Cum ferd, Clark Evans, Julius Komatusky, August Komatusky. Chas. Meyer, Morris Stout, Roy Frcy, Allen Sheckler, Eddie Dock, Albert Eisenhower, Robert Bowman, Charles Bailey, Robert Ruch, Henry Eventt, Asa Obcrt, Harry Rehrig, Earl Sheckler, Harry Authony, Howard Straup, Thos. Gaumer, Tuos. Chrlstman, Chas. Anthony, Herbert Rehrig. Fddle Bailey, Harry Hontz, George Nusbaum, Jesse Snyder. Boys 1st FjitMAnr. Oscar Ashncr, Thomas Filtzlnger, George Gilbert, Frank Lawcr, Robert Sheckler, Archie Trainer, Fred Koma tusky, Bertie Sheckler, Walter Itltz, Win. Daux dator, Ernest Harleman, Willie Teters, Chat, Freeby, Derlle Rex. Robert Kemerer, Walter Fritz. Willie Ruch, Howaid Rartolette. Girls' ltr Faim art. Lizzie Kitiu, Ada Meltzler, Martha Ratcllff, Ilsttle Gombcrt, Sallle Seinmel, Alice Reber, Sadie Ratcllff, Eva Fritzinger, Mabel Treiler, Cora Bailey, Millie Sella, Cora Nothstein.Cme Ruch. VISITORS. Mrs. and Miss Stever, M. O Bryan, Rev. J. S. Nenbart, Mrs. J. II. Werner, Miss Sadie Werner, Miss Clara sutler, Bert Hurling, Allen Peters, Miss Gertrude Peters, Miss Jennie Morgan, Prof. Werner, Mrs. T. A, Snyder, Miss E. Dechaut, Miss A. Vasblnder, T. A. Snyder, Mr. Shone. Mrs. Andrew, Miss The Doings of Lively Town Briefly Citron! rleil lu Bliort Hnlp-Hunii tlnlrr by lite Stroller and Cliiun." -Snydor's new brick planing, mill will soon bo under roof. Mrs. A. Groot, is visiting relatives nnd friends at Easton. Daniel Graver nndHetiry Christ man, wcro on n bustuet trip to Bangor this wook. -J. F. Snydor nnd family of Moun1 tnln Top.' Luzorno County, spent Bun' day with rolntlvos and friends In town, Songer's Hall is ready for occu pancy. Tho room will no rented to societies cheaply. 8w Tho Lutheran Choir, with Miss Louisa ltnpp ns organist nnd leader, is making rapid progress. Their rendi tions nro excellent. To-morrow, Sunday, Kov. T. A. Hubor,wlll preach lu Graco Reformed church, at Hnzleton nnd ndmlulster the holy communion. R.ov. T. A. Huber loft on Wednes day, for Harrisburg, to attend the sosslous of tho Eastern Synod of the Reformed church, of tho United States. Tho funeral of Henry Campbell, which took place on Saturday after noon, wns very largely attended. Mr. Campbell was well-known throughout the county, ho was n justice of the peace for Franklin township over fifteen years. Ho leaves n wife nnd six grown up children who mourn their loss. Sportsmen Taste This In Yotir lint. Here is a digest of the gamo and fish laws plainly stated: Turkeys, October IS to Jnuuary 1. Ducks, September 1 to Mny 15. Plovor, July 15 to January Woodcock, July 4 to January 1. uail, Novsmbor 1 to December 15. Pheasant, October 1 to Jnuuary 1. Hall and reed birds, September 1 to December 1. Deer, October 1 to December 15. Squirrels, Soptombor 1 to January I. Babbits, November 1 to January 1. Trout, April 15 to July 15. Black bass, May 30 to January 1. Pike and pickerel, Juno 1 to February 1. ermnu carp, September 1 to May 1. Bass six inches and under, nnd trout flvo inches nnd under, if captured, must bo returned to tho water nllvo. Catching of bass nnd trout with nets prohibited. It Is unlawful to hunt with gun, or dog and gun, on Sunday. To bo found in tho fields or woods ou Sunday with gun is prima faclo ovidence. Penalty, 925 for each nnd every offense. PEOl'LE ON THE an. Flash l'Icturol of familiar Fr Cumin and Going. Miss Lizzie Mantz is visiting at Lansford this week. Mrs. L. J. Chrlstman, of Troohs ville, was visiting friends in town Tuesday. John E. Seidel and wife, of Bank- way, are visiting relatives at Rook Glen, Luzerne county. Dr. W. 1. Kelchner, of Camden, N, J., was a guest at the Seller residence, on First street, last Saturday. James Williams and family, of North Walnutport, spent Sunday very pleasantly with her sister, Mrs. Daniel WaJp.joa Sond street Whitehead, Mr. U. Ueekel, Miss A. Reiehard, Miss N. Relchard, Miss M. Snyder, Rev. E.A, Bauer. LHa Fink. Emma Kneas. Kl a Ehbert Gertie Horn, Mij.A. Beck, Mrs. J. R. Evans, Mrs. Harm, Mrs. Mccormick, Miss Emma AlCRZ. Ile 1Vi Shaken Up. An unknown Hungarian boarded Lehigh Valley train at Slatington on Monday afternoon, and having no money wherewith to pay his fare, was ui on ul ijonign uap. wnen toe rain started again the wily Hunk made an attempt to jump on board but for his trouble ho was thrown across the tracks and under the station platform wnere ne "come to" mucmy shaken up and a little bruised. He's lucky, an American wouia nave Deou Kineu. Will You Do It I Use the Averltl Paint, and paint iter osrec. In a lonir neriod. or usu aomethiue "said" to ha as good, and repaint every year or two? Averlll Paint Is the best. It Is the handsomest; no other has so brilliant a gloss. It Is cheaper than any other at any price, tweaute It out wears all others. It lasted 30 years on the house ol E. U, Forbej, Winchester, N. 11., la years on nouses oi w . u. neyooios, uroion Lane. N. V.; li years on houses of Mrs. . Cole, Mt- Vernou, N. x Avenu faint uu been in use vearsandla xuaranteed. If you are urced buy other paints duuand proof of their durabil, tv. The oueallon Is not ' What Is the first cost t" but, 'How loeg will it lastT" Beautiful ssniple raiu si lunwuauiv Hun nmm. ukkh luaj. S H Ait ft J. A UU., A.KflIJN:S. The rnmous Anderson Grejs. Wo publish from tho Whlto Haven Journnl tho following history of tho fnmous Anderson Greys, from tho pen of T. H. Sourwlne: Tho Anderson Oroya wero organized at Mnuch Chunk in 18G0, under the command of Capt. Eli Connor; First Lieutenant, Thomas Wilhelem; Second Lloutcnnnt, Amous Stroh. When tho rebolllon begun by tho firing upon Fort Sumter on April 13th, 1861. Ell Connor and Robert Klotz sent recruiting officers through out Carbon and Luzorno counties, and en listed 311 til on. Tho memorable Sun day, the 20th of April, will never bo forgotton, when tho population of Mauch Chunk seemed concentrated in Market Square nnd Court Houso cor ner. It was n recruiting mass for mou. Mr. Robert Q. Butler wont round with the hat and in two hours ho collocted about $1,000, in aid of needy families of men who steppod into ranks. Moth ors, sisters, wives, daughters nnd sweet hearts wcro participators in the patrio tic scene. Tho ladles of tho town pro sontod Capt. Connor with a beautiful silk flag, and next (Monday) morning tho throe full companies left Carbon county, organized ns follows: Co. A, Capt. Eli Connor; Co. I, Capt John Craig nnd Co. K, Capt. Thos. Wil- helm. It was intondod that Robert Klotz should tako command of one compnny, but nt that time he was Treu surer of Carbon county, and his bonds men would not allow him to go us an enlisted officer, so ho assigned his cap taincy to Col. John Craig. Mr. Klotz Is entitled to much credit for tho uctivo and prominent part ho took in organ izing those companies. Tho Greys then proceeded to Hurris- burg nnd wero nt onco mustered into tho Cth Regimeut, Pennsylvania Volun teers. Thoy wern uniformed nt Phila delphia, nnd sent to the Potomao the following day. Tho Cth Rcgt. was tho first, to cross that river, and was tho first body of Union troops to take pos session of Hani onburg, Va. On July 2, 1BG1, they took part in tho battlo of Falling Waters, tho First ongagoment that took placo In Virginia during the war. When they murched through the streets of Baltimore they were insulted by loud cheers for Jelt Uavis. wnen tne urst battle oi isuii itun was fought the Greys wero on their way home, their term ol enlistment having expired.' ForMuslral l'eople. Tho Song Friend, for October, is nt band witu its wealtu of Vocal and In strumental Music, and its bright, in terestlng nnd Instructive paragraphs and articles on cnurcn music, instru mental music, voice culture, theory, musical uews, etc. Among the pieces of choice music In this number, there is a new boio ror soprano or Tenor called "When you said Goodbye." It has a beautiful Violin obllgato which mokes the effect exquisite. The other pieces are: My Heart's o'er the Deep Blue fcioa, song and cnoras, and an easy but Instrumental piece "Clover Nook Polka." The Song Friend Is a 32-page journal of rare excellence, The subscription price Is only $1.00 a rear. with a premium of threo pieces of select music xno publishers, b. w. Straub & Co., 213Stato Street. Chicago, oiler to send ono sample copy ror iu cents and make liberal inducements to canvassers. To Our Subscribers. The upocial announcement which up Beared in our columns some time sinoo, announcing a special arrang omont with Dr. li. J. Kendall (Jo., or Knosburg f alls, vt., puuiisners ot "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby our subscribers wero enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free sending their address to B. J. Kendal Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp ror mailing same) is renewed tor a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of ob tainlns this valuable work. To every lover ot the Horse It is indispensable. ns it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which omict this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make It standard authority. Mention this paper wbtn sending for Treatise. JuMl-lOt PROM IY1AUCK CHUNK. The County Onpttnl Spiritedly KpllomlMil liy n Special Oorretponilrnt. l'evMital and Othervr inr. B. J. Hunts, Lehlghtoh'ii wide- nwako Mayor, wns h prominent vitltcr in town Wednesday. County Treasurer Multiem-ii, of Lansford, wns shaking hand with friends hore on Tuesday.";" ""' i "Marriage license No. 1887 nnd 1589 wore Issued from the Prothbnotnry office on Wednesday morning. Tho now steamer of the Marlon Hoso Company was given a trial on Tuesday and worked vary satisfactorily. "Hnppy Sam ' Cortrlght ban been olectod tin honorary member of the Altooun Flro Brlgnde of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Comtmuy. Hugh J. Shnrpe, of Lnusford, ouo of tho Democratic candidates for Dclegato to the Constitutional Con dition, wns in town Tuesday. -Tho Women's Rellot Corps will hold n grnud fair nnd oyster supper on Wednesday nnd Thursday ovenlngit of next week, nnd tho Indications nro that it will be n grnud success. - Monday evening Mnuch Chunk Council Royal Arcanum, gnve a supper nt the Mansion House to District Deputy George Boycr nnd n number of tho members of tho Hnzleton Council ho paid Hint lodgo u visit on tho ocension. Tho-propoity of E. It. Slcwcrs. on Brondwny, which wns sold by tho Sheriff sovernl days ago to Hon. W. II. Btroh, has been purchased by W. L. ncger, of tho linn of Yncger Bros., furniture dcnli-rs. The price paid wns $0,500. Possession will bo given nt once. Tho property wus sold to Judge Stroh for S2.000. subject to n mortgngo of P2,S75. "Il.tl'I'V 1AMI" Fhiihk'I M. t'nrtrlirllt, of Mnucll Climili, 111 Town. Tho Allpiitown Critic suys: Every body knows "Hnppy Sum,'' of Munch Chunk. Ho arrived iu town this morn ing. Ho has his nrm in it sling, tho re sult of shaking hands witli his Humor ous friends. Theio is not n better known gentleman in tho Stnto thnu Mr. Cortrlght. Ho is it live mid uctivo man, n good nil around fellow nnd ho makes u brilliant Ritrcesi nt every thing ho undertakos. Last week ho mndo u speech buforo tho council nt Slatington, emphasizing tho necessity of purchasing ti flro engine. Suni'H eloquence scemod not to havo been wnsted for In loss than thirty-flvo hours tho Council purchased Sllsby engine for 83300. Snm don't deal iu engines but by request of tho citizens of that place nutdo tho .speech "Happy Sam" is full of schemes ns Colonol Sellers, but unliko tho colonol his schemes nil linvo n hnppy Icrmiun tion. When Hnrry Rntcliffo, of Lohigh ton, met with u sudden and horriblo donth nt Pnckcrtou on Jnnuary 0, leav ing his fnmily homeless nnd penniless. Mr. Cortright interested himsolC in tho welfare of tho poor widow nnd her sovornl small childron. Although ho only trlod to ralso n fund of 8.")00, ho secured In nil 8003.35. A very good follow, n friend of tho poor and op pressed, nn honest, upright, manly mnn. Samuel M. Cortright is worthy of tho highest respect nnd esteem of his fellow citizens. Fenco Pnsls. For good tlrcssed nnd solid feuco posts, fenco rnlla and other timber Call on Frod Schmidt. Lehiguton. Peculiar To Itself in msny Important reticulars, Ilood's SuiiptrlU Is different from and superior to any other medicine. Fecnllar la combination, proportion and prep aration ot Ingredients, Ilood's Saruparllla pos sesses the full curative valno of the best known remedies ot the vegetable kingdom. recutlir In Its medicinal merit, Ilood's Bariapa. rUla accomplishes cures hlthorto unknown. recuusrln strength and economy Uood's Sar stparlUa Is the only medicine of which can truly be said," 100 doses ono dollar." Medicines In larger and smaller bottles require larger dotes, and do not produce at good results as Hood's SarsaparllU. recnllar In Its "good name at home "there Is more of Hood's SarsaparllU sold lu Lowell, where it It made, than of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar In Its phenomenal record of sales abroad, no other preparation has ever attained such popularity In so short a time. Do not bo In duced to take any other preparation. He sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldruggisU. $ltslxfor9. rreparedonly by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apotliecarlet, Lowell, Mats. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar )ay double Price buy poor goods put up with annoyances 8 take anything you get ? not loo, our areat stock over B not heed onr lent wises $ not at least corrs in not? If not. why not ? Opera House. Lehighton. The Eye Has Not Seen. Nor Has the Ear Heard, Neither hns it entered into tho hearts of the men and women of tho community wlmt tp hnve in store lor them. Have You Seen our elegant assortment of Furniture. Nothing like it wns over put on exhibition in this town before, lluve You Ilrard (hat wo are offering this grand assortment of goods at prices way down, the very mention of which will make you think that wo must hn,e made a mistake. It's ti 1 act. IVe've uot the coods. You have the monev. Wo. wont to exchange with you, and if you will call at our store we will olfer such inducements that it will be a pleasure for you to make your purchases from us. Come and Inspect our stock and buy whatever you need nt our very low pnrcs. Schwartz, The Fur ui hire Man GLOBE WAUEIIOUSE. Handsome New Effects in Fall Millinery ! are now on exhibition in our stores, and the Indies are kind ly invited to call and inspect both prices and styles. Our as sortment is larger than ever and includes the most stylish and most fashionable things the very cream of stylo. Come and see us. Wc have threo City Trimmers which enables us to promptly accommodate our pa trons. Delay purchasing until von have first called on us. mSMm Branch Store, Lchighton, Tho ladies of this city and vicinity arc invited to call nittl see the most fashionable line of new and seasonable muhnerv goods ever exhibited in this town now on display in our Bazaar of style and fashion. Carelul attention will bo paid to tho wants of our patrons and satisfaction will be guaranteed in every pai ticular. While our prices are very low you will find our goods to be the very best unci we will merit your confidence and pat ronagc by always furnishing the most fashionable millinery at (he very lowest prices. llcspertlully, irs iHe fL llclipiil; VVieand's Building, Bankway, JLehighton Administratrix's Sale Of Valuable Ileal Estate. Itv tlrtim of un order of the Ornhans' Court of Carbon county, there will tie exposed to public Hamuli me pieiiusrs ui mu i.ua ri'Murnrn m Ellas George, dee'd, In Kast l'cnnn Tomislilp, Carbon county, I'a., on Tuesday, Nov. 17fh, 1891, at ON li o'clock . in., tho lolloulnedescrtDrd Heal Estate, late the property of KliasUeorRe, dee'd, to-wlt. All that rcitalu messuage, piece. parcel auu iraci ui taim suuuie in r.asc renn Township, county and state utorcsald. bounded and described as follows, to-nlt Beginning nt a pos', thence by lands ot Stephen Ilalllet, south Ti 'a decrees, east 23 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel hn)der, south 2i degrees, nesttl perches to a stone, thence south 12 decrees, cast 33 perches to a stone . thence south 41!1 degrees, cast 22 iierches to a stone thence oyianus oistepnen naiuei, souiii nvt decrees, west 20nerchestoa stone, thence south ao de grees, east 20 perches to a stone , thence south i , ueBrccB, w est w 4 ltrcues 10 h sione . inence north Ml decrees, ueat 17 rierplip to .1 tnnn thence north 82' degrees, nest 4 pprches to a maple thence north u degrees, west 72 perches to a stone; tnenee north 4, degree?, east 12 percnes io ino piacc oi ueginning, containing 21 ACRES and !W PERCIIEH, atnet measure, exrennnc tnerenur nhnut ..wre conveyed tot'liarles Menitel by Khas George and who vy ineir uovh uaieu ma) li, ihi, and re, corded, in the ollke for the recording ol Deeds In and for Carbon couutv. In-Deeri linnk. Vn. page Ml. The Improvements thereon rouslat of a two-stoky i'uxk mvci.umi house. with a one and one-half hLoi-v nlanii MtHien attached, a Frame Hnlss Darn, and oilier nece;. sarynutDuiiuings. terms win ne matte known ai imie auu piac or .jam i y FX1ZAJ1ETH UKOllliF. Adiiilniatrntil. Kreyman f; Ilevdt, Atlnmeu. oi l. 2i, mui-na flO TO FRS. UODKREB, uudor Uie Kxeuanjc U Hotel. Dank street, for a nxiotli shave ora faalilonable lair cut. txr elated on Sunday's Itoeder'a Hair tonic, cures UaudruR. We aarry In btock a full line of fanry toilet articles at low est prices, and we ant t ho only place In towu where you can buy lludr's Cream fer the law. ICE CREAM, SODA WATER, MILK SHAKE, CON FECTIONS AND FRUITS. WE AUE now nicely loestul In our new stole room and with. Increased facilities anil convenhnces am better tlian ever pre pared to cater to tho public. We extend an earnest Invitation to the pcoplo to call and see us at our handsomo new store. -r rf-s r . . in Retail or Wholesale lots, l'lenicandu- JLCB IsreaiU ana V-iOnieCCIOn, rival committees and weddlnc rallies will bo promptly supplied at the very lowest price. Pon't bnv elsewhere until you call an'ljlearn our prices. ve luruiMi an navors or uream in anv quaintly m suoii iiumr. F it SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND BEAUTI FUL JEWELRY. WE CAIIKY as fine and as complete a line of the above foods as can be found in any Jewelry Slore la Carbon county. Wa have all tho newost novelties and the prices ate the very low set. S5TCome and see ns before you buy. Latest Novelties All in the Verv Chas. H. Nusbaum, BlilDGE STREET, "W HISSPORT, Toys PA. MARGHL STlTUElt'K HIIAV1M! WAI.OON,oppo.ltoUie Advocatk OrricK, Is IteadquarUrs fur shaving. uaircutttoE and alikiupuolDK. Call. House, etita Tialr. tthaves and does every thing In flrst-elau stvtn I)iop In aud see hi in J. A. PHILLIPS, UKALEU JK Pianos and Organs, WUUMPOST. PA. CYinr Cardinal BeMODi Why You Should Buy Our pi1B6a aBdOrgaw si Pbrtlinr1 lyl'Ullll pobas no Agnu i UrPhullpa bus no Collectors : UrFtilUlas lias no Kipetue. l . Wr-FhUUps cau lime Flauu. Huomtus ' You will find us In tho lead with morn Fresh S vies and Beautiful Goods than ever. Large opportunities to buy your Fall and IPintei ioods are offered. Our enormottt . . i. ( t- . t. , .. C-. .. 1 : - - 1 - . - t .. i Biuca ui aeutuuuutt ot;i9 is upvueu luiu tt-nuj now is tne time to buy. NOTIONS Wo havo lookod welt to the nei Department In selecting the stock for this season, use we have made special efforts to secure little well as ornamental. UOSIEHV, UNDERWEAR AXD GLOVED - Hie beet selections, ana popular 1'' Ices within the reach of all, and , of our Notion and Fancy Goods ?ide from tlw staple anicles lu daily oroides, that aie always useful as arehousE. ow potations -ON- (f'C, &c, :c. A lino of tufted Dress Mater- ini in plaid effects and a variety of colorings, 58 cents a yard a very desirable stuff at the price All Urool Cashmeres, 38 in ches wide, a full line of shades at 39 cents a decided bargain and worth inspection. ll'e aro the headquarters for Ladies and Misses Cloaks and Jackets, the greatest assortment of desirable styles at popular prices m tins section, Jackets and Piccfcrs trimmed with fur of almost any variety desired; also untrimmcd, in the differ ent grades. Have you examined our line of Uuderwcar for Ladies, Gents and Children, if not, it will pay you to look through the many grades ; there are no such val ues offered in this city. Hosiery, Gloves The lurgest assortment and lowest prices. dew U large. We of course carry We lead the trade In Ihese lines, , i ices. ..Is department Is fully up to iflf We are letertnined to make , ised with onr stock. The assort-1 stiles prevail in this department, as the scope of c all grades 01 goods, wnicu are soiu on tneir merits because we sell the Uest Goods at the most liberal CORSETS, and MUSLIN' UXDKRWEAR- I standard at all tiuiea DRESS GOODS, I1LACK GOODS and SILi: this deoartment win. and vou cannot fail to be I ' ment is large and so varied In price as to mtet the , nise ot all. FLANNELS, COMFORTS and lIIiANKET - This Is a department that appeals to ihe necessities, consequently we are show Ins a -'k that will delight every house keeper, by offering generous inducements in price- ror thoroughly first-class goods. LINEN'S and DOMESTICS - Our showing In 'his department of Staples will be appreciated by every shrewd buver, as we carry an immense atsortrueut of everything pertaining to the lines, and ate always up to the times, qualities and prices combined. SECOND FLOOR. CARPETS, UUOS and I URTAINS Onr assortment in Nottingham Curtains cannot be eseelled In deslnf and qualities for the very low price at which they are offered. New Fall patterns In Woquett and Extra Fine Smyrna Rugs at right priees. You wi'l have to see our carpets to get any sort of an Idea of what we carry. New effects in prevailing coloi log-, embracing all wakes and finali ties and always to bo seen. THE ANNEX contains our Grocery Department, which has do equal lu this sec tion. Choice stocks of even thing that It neeessury to make It first-class has been carefully looked after. A trial order will convince jou that we are leaders in this line. As to qualities ami prices, tuey are aiwavs rigui BROADWAY, Mauch Chunk, Fa, Oe JL JRlE-X. GrlobE No. 711 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.