The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 24, 1891, Image 1

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    1 1.
yjB-Arc ih a nberlbr to tiit
paper von art now refldlnfff
( will coil yott but fl.orM ttk
to btcome one, and then tou win
. ttM your nf (ffWor that yeu will
nrilWr terrow nor tenth
Br"lfv wn(n;Mir(mloin
Ksefnsd ln'( ttfrttM to (sit i
news; that btUtie In ivM(c
morality, and tA nbrfement of
We lam ayetlml mtfteuctors; thai
hm orfntent, and Itf afraid to
tttrittlim),eet Tltli OAlWOff
$1.00 o Year in Advance.
INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live.1
$1.2B when not paid in Advance.
VOL XIX., No 50
Lehightou, Carbon County, Ponna., October 24, 1891.
Singl Oopiea 6 Oejul
Ready for a Lively Fall Trade
In nil your li(b you certninly never seen anything in this city
M.t mulct or run aurnnss our new Tall exhibit, either in prioo or
style. The prices nvo as varied
be seen to be appreciated, so come nnu sec our cmuuu.
Ueautilul. varied, comnleto and
day while a lady was looking at our fait exhibition of Furniture.
It must bo seen to be appreciated. I'rices are marked down to
the lowest notch. Come and see
KS0PP0S1T1! J .
Has just opened an entire new line of
Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa
teens, Prints, Ginghams, MuKCillCS, Seorauckera. nnd
Fancy Drcsa Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed
ing low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockery waro.Glasswaie.
Wood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures.
Cloths Casaimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Eeady
made Clothing in great variety and at prices with the reach
of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can he
bought for at any other general store in this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and isturos in great
rnriety and of best quality at ltock Bottom Prices.
Best quality of Flour and Food at prices fully as low as the
tame articles can be purchased elsewhere.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general stoic
in this section. Call and bo convinced. frspectlully,
Ice Cream is .Down to Thirtj
Cents per Quart.
Parties, Picnics and Festivals supplied with ice Cream at the
very lowest prices.
Confections, Fruits and Groceries
Toys, Gaines and the New Novelties.
In this line wo have everything that is new. Our prices are al
ways the very lowest.
1 can't be beat in a fine line of silverware and jewelry. We
have all the new effects at the lowest prices.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa
la i. .uxim that Arruu with rtocuut roues to acaooxa.
Williams & Roe-era' Rochester Business University
Stands tit the bead of the list of commercial schools In in hi character as an educational force, a
a medium for supplying the buat&rsa men of the couuti y w ith trained and capable uMlstauti. aa a
meant of placing ambitious loung men and women nn the hlxhroadto success, and In tbeeitsii
elegance ana coei 01 iu equipment. iiiunuuuii miiuncm iai oiiuuiii Anu nstit rnA. e
T10AL. KIsGLlSH GOUKSEcl. The Twcntv-teveulhAniiual Catalogue will be inatledfmoe
On Second Street,
School Books, and
in School
At the very lowest prices at which
town. We also have a full assortment ol
:-: Newest Stationery :-:
that inoludes everything in that line. Tablets in all style
shapes and prices. Don't buy until you have seen our fine
new line, ire give the very lewest prices te be had.
as the pnttems, nnd both must
cheap, was overhead the other
S. l)ElOT,-3fcr
juuaa-os 4
Is Headquarters for
all the New Thing's
these goods can be had in the
During tlm jvnr 1S91 Yon will
"Corner Store"
JJty Cronds (7ioreni?p, Nolions,
Glassware, Oianges, Uanans,
(J rape?, Lemons, Apples,
Nuts, (7andicsand everything
Usually founeiu a thoroughly
lirst-class general store. Wo
solicit a call and guarantee
Corner Store,
Henry Miilex
Window and Doon Frames,
Doors, Shutvrs,
uindmv fashes,
Mouldings, H rackets,
All Kipfls of Dressed Lumber
Shingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c.,&c.
Very Lowest Prices.
Watches, - Diamonds,
Jewelry, Silverware,
Bronze Clocks, any
thing in the Jewelry
Join a'club in which you only
pay the above small sum and
your watch, valued at $-10 is
estimated to only"cost $17.00
Certificates are now being
Issued by
IPbissport. - - A'lin'a.
Lchighton, Pn.
nprll is, lsei-Gm
Decorations, Picture Rods,
Cove Uindow Shades,
Spring Rollers, Fruiges,
Carpet Lining.
Blank Rooks, Kasels, Games,
TJlocks.Vancy Cards, Etc., etc.,
PAINTS, Mls, Glass,
Putty, Brushes,
Colors, Artist's
General Painter's Supplies,
taEB Si
61 Broadwny, Mauch Chunk.
Carbon County Impvemeot Co.,
Woissport, Pa.,
Whore you can have all kinds
of lumbar sawed at the
very lowest prices
Satisfaction guaranteed in overy
Fire Wood !
In all lengths aud in all quant
ities siPi;jiwd ckeaply.
00c. Per Week
077k? Greatest Blood Purifier A
Tills Orent ricrmfin Mcdlr'ne t IliOiSV,
i-m Hill III 113 fr, ICBHthan
Q worst cages of ektn ilisenso, from
common jilrniilo on 1I10 facr-i
uuq ri'nL 11 iinpn. it will nira nil
iti mas niTiui niftnn Hcroiuin.
Ht'I.I'IIUIC 11I1TKII3 la Ihl
best moitlclno to uso In nil
enaci or encli Muulioru nndArv-n,,. iri.t
clcjp aratral Ulnoaso. Uoffmmoai
not ever tako rnrnv.i. i.
Ki BLUE PILLS ?.ILI'.,:"W.1'
ormorcury.tliejrBroileaJiR "hiii.tC
It. Naro'vour Inut ln,?"f1,f,kj!,i;
tho imrett ami hcetff Ioa ,,8
wltli n TcllowBtlckyyybon't wait imtll yon
ninininiiLur iBjourjHfitiv uiinmv KinniKur
brrnth foul nmlanra flnt on vour bark.
offonslro? YourjTlnitjrrtBomont onre, It
Btomnrh la outtAn 111 euro you. Sulphur
ofonlrr. UecyDIUcrsla
iiirrV usiTho InmlU's rrlcnil.
lmmnllaiclTnioyonng,tlion(rPilnnil tot.
U yonr Ur.jfftcrlng aro poon mailo well by
lno Ihlck.HtsiiPQ. Itcmombcr what voti
roiiy, clo.ifrend hero, It may pavo your
ndy, orAiifo. It tins unveil linmlrcUs.
A Don t wait until to-morrow,
Try a Bottlo To-day I
M . . .... .
Aro you low-ppiruwi nni ttprk,
f duffeilntf fntm tha currfwn o(
mil? it bo. bULriiim liriTuiis
f will euro you.
Semi D 2-rent tnms to A. P. Onhvny A Co.,
lIotoD,Mu.i for bObt nicitlcal work iiuLUsLcU f
Praioil & Bnsiuess Carfls.
W. M. Itauaher,
l int iloor uoo tho Mamlon House,
Heal Kitalo nnil Collection Anenc ). Will Buy
slid Bell Ileal I'.italo. Conuyanclni neatly done.
Collection! proniittly matle. Kittllng lMateqo!
Dec.Mlenls a specially. May bo eursulleil III
Kncllah nnil (ierman uov. M-vl
omce with C'lnusn llros., l'irit ntieei, l.i-lil-lilon
Fiuk, Life and Accidi nt
Only f'rHtflasi ComimniM nto rrpi p nloil
IufoiMiitlmt chen fully ruitilslicd. 4-iy
DR. G. T. FOX,
172 Main Street, Ilalli, l'.i.
AT RtalON, SWAN llOl l!t, Vlll'SIIA YH.
AT AI.l.KNlOWN, KAOLft IIOTP.I., TlltlllMllA
Vt Mai ii, riiniivs ami H ruin) via.
OITlce Hours From 9 ;i. in. to 1 n. m. T'l-actlce
limited to diseases of the
Eye.Ear, Nose &, Throat
tVAlv). llerrAetlnnortlio Eveq nr the nil Inst.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
ORlco opposite llio Opera Uou4C.
Bank Street, Zch 1 ton, Pa.
' " I. UlWIllVIII-i.
Fining and lnaklnK lu tlllcl.-il dentures n special-
nifVTIUTIJV T VI TT ITU 111. . . if I l.'U
... 4III.-A. Ill-lU--, llSfll,
ins administered and Teeth Extracted WITH
Ol'FICK HOUI!S:-lfroin '. in., to 12 in., from
l n. in., to s p. in., from 7 p. in., to 8 p. in.
Consultations In liiiKllslior Herman
Ortlfh Honrs :lt 11' .-li.fnn lvrv Kritnr.liv
rulllc speakers, actors, auctioneers, teach
ers, preachers, nnd all who aro liable to
over-tax and Irritate the vocal organs, find,
In Aycr't Cherry l'ectoral, a safe, certain,
and speedy relief. It soothes tho larynx,
allays Inflammation, strengthens the voice,
and for whooping cough, croup, soro throat,
and the sudden colds to which children
are exposed, tlilt preparation Is without
William II. Quartly, Auctioneer, Mlnla.
ton, Australia, writes: "In my profession ot
an auctioneer, any affection of tho voice or
throat Is a serious matter; but, at each
attack, I have been
a few doses of Ayer'a Cherry Tcctoral.
This remedy, with ordinary care, has worked
such magical effect that I liavo suffered
very little Inconvenience."
" Having thoroughly tested tho properties
ol Aycr's Cherry l'ectoral as n remedy for
bronchitis and throat affections, I am heart
ily glad to testify to tho Intrinsic merits ot
this preparation." T. J. Macmurray, Au
thor and Lecturer, Itlplcy. Ohio.
"Ayer'a Cherry Tcctoral has cleared and
strengthened my voice, 10 that I am ablo to
speak with very much more ease and com
fort than before." (Kov.) C. N. Nichols,
rastorof Daptist Church, No. Tlsbury, Mass.
Cherry Pectoral
rnsr-AKiD sr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Miss.
Sold by all Drnti,t. Trie $1 i six bolt!'-, 5.
Coutrni Drug Store,
Hank Street, lehightou, Pa.,
Pure Drugs and Modidnop,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c.,
choice Winos and Liquors,
Wall Paper and Docorationo!
Spectacles 1
Wlwa yew bur fair I UbM you want a
good U. Hot If too tttM HfwrAOLKS It is
naata taon tatnMt tbat th. KYE ahould b
awamina4alwl with aorru Iwiim anil u proper
vStttottrMW whkdi wttt bttuK UlMdt
rMtly kre the rente ol tt yr II von buy
yur spectacki at Dr. Horn's ou will Cud Uie
tbrnre posau properly ittide4 ta.
Preacriptiong carefully
poundsd. 0cl
Of a Ce Th HOlHIlj
UnuloJoli l)roter win like u grwit
nmny oilier Ainerlonti irenta lie Iml
Jiiirfict i liildrfii.
"Tin' ' ho waa rout to my,
"wou'-i , . tnarry nry woman lu the
count) ; nut hut wlmt they'u ilmily good
enough nn' belter, but they have oilier
platM nn' projec'a!"
A liretty achool loaclier hoarded at tiw
Foreater'e, nnd It wai her nppaiently In
liocenteelf thnt waa niakltigall tho trou
ble Lew Forester, tho younger of the
boys, wns lioiwlesely lu love with her,
nnd ia he wna young, with Ms Ufa's woik
Bcnirely mapped out, and ns Hay Uern
Ins w ns poor, with nn abundance of jioor
rclatlvce, the marriage wasdeeined highly
Inexpedient. Uuclo Job ni initiated upon
the subject ho followed his ly, ft
tenia along tho corn rows.
"Sceu.s to me," lie sollloqnlised, "of I'd
joV speak to her father drat the weedsl
I do wish I'd a check rowed thlsl Tho
cockloburn is a goin' to jes' plum leeto
tnlly tnko hit he'd stop lilt, being so poor
nn' high minded. Hut llke's not Low'd
git mud at my interfering, an marry her
anyhow, jes' to teach mo'iiot
a nlinln' to ninny her nt nil, before. I'vo
knowed parents to put thoy foot in it
mightily nfoio (his, nn' I've often won
dered If JIalinlyAnn Ilrlggs would n bon
a better chanco than Mary Ann, though
I wouldn't liavo uuther ono of 'cm a
sposln' that I rlcleck nuythlng about
thein times. No, I rcckln I'd better not
call on her pap for any help, soelng as I
spilt his prospec's in our young days, Oh,
you git up there, you lazy heifer! Looks
Ilka tho moro you feed em' the lazier they
git! No, but of I can't hatch up some
thing 'thout show-In" my hand, why, I'll
jes' let 'em marry for bcln' a fool. "
"Low," said Undo Job, the following
Saturday morning, "I want you to tnko
llio ono sealed gig on' go to Chilllcotho on
business, an' I want you to not pick up
nny passengers either goin' or comln', for
that left wheel alu't any too strong, 'u
watch an' don't go Into any ruts. I'd
Ilko for that gig to last till I feel nblo to
get another one. "
" Can't Dan go ? " Low asked petulantly,
"I do hale to ride to town all by myself
over tho hills an' through the red bresli.
I'd rather plow hard all day. "
"Well, plow, then," Undo Job an-
swered, with a merry twinkle in his oye,
mat meuaer piece needs plo win' mon
strous bad. You and I can plow, nn'
Dan'l can go jes' as woll as not. "
"If I was him I wouldn't driro no eiir."
Low remarked, utteringtho words beforo
reflecting upon what might follow.
"l alnt ngoln' to," Dan answerod,
with tho confldonco of a young man who
owns a good team of hi? own. "I'm
agoin' to drivo Btcll and draco tho
buggy needs a little fliiu' up. "
Lew hitched up his team and wont to
work. Ho despaired of having a cliafc
with May so early in the mon.!ng, but
ho could como in at half pant 11; alio
was not busy thou.
beo horo, Dan l, Undo Job Ixean. as
60ona8 Low was out of earshot, "any-
uoay can see mat iew is sort on tho
teacher, and tho ijit will marry her cf ho
ain't stopped; not but what eho'splonly
good enough for him, on' too good, as to
that, but you know wo'vo alius had other
plans for Low. I nover saw nich a hard
hearted creettir 03 he is. IIo can cut an'
slash on livo animals, nn' I think ho'd
mako a good doctor. That's what mo an'
your maw wants, an' of course, cf ho mar
ries the school teaclior ho can't never bo
nothing but a farmer, for you know he
can't more'n writo bin name now, thou h
lies learnin' considerable from her. God
bless her! She's a good Jittlo thing. Well,
what 1 was going to say i? this: you
mako up to her. You'vo got your now
horses and buggy and lots of nico clothes,
an' you can cut him out quick as wink. "
"Then s'poso I tako her to town to
day," Dan suggested, notatnlldHpleascd
at tho prospect of a 24 mile rldo with so
pleasant a companion.
"Yes, yes! ou hitch up an' I will go
tell her. I'll Hx It."
With that ho hurried to tho house.
elated at tho working of his plan.
'Miss May, bo said in a low whisper,
from the front door, "you como hero a
" In a moment, undo, " a pleasant voice
"Como out into tho yard," ho mur
mured, "l want you to do a favor for
me. I want to get tho old lady two new
gingham dresses, an' I want 'cm to bo
nlco nu' look nice an' fit nico, and I want
you to pick them out nn' pay for them.
1 11 givu you tlio money. I want you to
go with Dan'l. "
ics, certainly. May answered with
a suspicious pink mantling her cheeks.
"Could you tell me anything nbout what
kind of gingham you want!"
"You jest use your own jedgment get
sonieUiing becomin' to old women and
you cut It an' make it an' I'll knock off a
week's board for one, an' another week
for another. We liko to have mother
look nico. "
At about 10 o'olock Mr. Forester went
over to see how Lew was progressing
with his work. IIo found him busy, and
cheerily whistling "Marble Halls. "
"It's a plum shame to tease the boy,"
his father soliloquized, as he approached
the grassy turning row. "But all the
evils of life roust ba keoved with sonio
suffering. I know I'd better keep him
free to go on an' make something out of
hisself than to have him tied down to
hard work with a wife and a pastel o'
little children. I see you're been a
humpin' yerself," ho said as Lew ap
proached. "No need to kill yerself and
the team too."
"We've taken it easy nice dirt this
never seen better wish you'd givo nje
my shur on this side when you dlvido
"Maybe but you'll be a -selling yourn, "
his father answered, locking with pri'do
upon his various fields strtiching away
in tho distance, some with wheat, some
with oats, beside small patcliet of castor
beans, flax, cane, millet, and pasture,
and moadow.
"No, I'm thinking of bulldln' an sot
Uln' right here," Lew repljsd. while n
boyish blush dyad his di6y cheak.
"I' re been a-thlnking that ef you and
maw was willln' "
Highest of all in Leavening
"Yes, A weuttonin' ef your maw pufai
rnn in mind that I fit by May thU
morning to get hor a oouplo u' new
diwses. Seems to tuo wo dert't lay
enough utore by tha way she looks, "
"WherVU May gu?" Low asked with n
sinking of thaheait.
"Sliowent with Dan'l," looking over
hit fields andmemirully turning hit back.
Without a word Low turned his team
Into the corn and bngau to plow. His
falhnr noticed tliat he wtvt unusually
gi"itlo with th tN. nd hlatia:I''ii('n
troubled him n it h litllii as im w.ui,.'il
toward the hoiiie.
" Kf I hadn't a tol him," h? sld, . on
templates; the variegated sod with un
initlug", "!) would ai.'LM'i : at
'levon, and When he found ili.t vanl
licii', he'd a-wut out agiu jo ' (jm, .-..
li" 1 mil 1 fjt Ida dinner un' a plo -d 1 :
dio'1,, nu' Oiafrt to,) nmi h ou tlie tii
Vwriimoln at a iiuut lur Uelt,.,
nt- hla dinner in silenoe, and wm for
staiting liaok to the Held.
"You musu't lake the nor mil till
two. Lewlo, " hil fathei Slid. Yuu K"
lio down atidsleop under a tltad 11 -
you'll reel lots boltor."
"I don't want to sleep," te grnwlwl,
"F,f j 011 don't Mm horses .loet,' ' nid
hi " f,ithor. "Bntef yon ain't sl'epy, l'J
gf out here mirii.rtlietreee. IfwflSinder
i l';s nn' loiifliKime with Dim ti" May
U.jii", and I know mother don't ban ,0
h; mi'ii folks around till lh lir
w nrk done. You an' Dan'l Is young acd
frei, nn' I Jut saw Jim Lucas "jitw. on' I
could. i'l help n caiilrajjting ye. Jim was
jo'iug about 10 years back, an' so wan
8:iIIm theyhad ambitions. Jim was
a 1 inly good schnllanl for this ronuty,
nn' In- wanted to lie a runjrremmsn or
Bom. 1'iln'. Snllio was purty I'lul si t.
nu' most any man in hie tvw nul l
lm''lieilil.aii'tliPi nisr.leil,
nn' now they havn six children, and .Urn
can't do nothin' hnt jes' dig for (li(.i,i.
lie ain't able to biro a hanel, ah' ha itnti,
nnd he don't got no richer every year,
oven cf Snllio do coulrire an' save. It
looks purty hard, hut Jim'iKot to die an'
save an' scrimp until he's old, and hmt1j0
lon,,or. "
"I suppose he loves 8111," Lew x-ig.
"Oh, ys, kinder S'.rtrr; but bin life
ain't what ho bargained for. Mani-' f
lacks n good deal of bciu' a' t.,.-ii
people looks high sod ii p r. Thin nrfr
lasting grind forsoinethln' to rat is t,n
hard on a feller wiOi i inbitjons. Vo ir
mnw an' 1110 want you to be a dortor, v;
I wns a thlnkln' "
"I'aw, I don't know anough." !. 11 1
up and looked resolute. "You limn I
never was fond of lnol.n, u,' I don , I
nolhiiiK but turninj; up dirt an' iu- nlii.
etock. I'll never mako a doctot : oi n
congicssman, nor nothing lvit.a p .m fi .
mer, and I wnut to marry May or.' k"
to housekeeping as soon a? I'm of ire,
which will lm in 10 tnoiiths and 1 ; -1,
"Walt till you're SI, and lli'D. i-i r,i
wont to man-y her. why, nil right ; h it
I'll tell you now tlut tVie day'll rom
when you will wish you hadn't. May's
na good a girl ns ovor lived, but I'm
nfrnid you'll be ovorrnn by hr kin.
They're groat folks to com" an' etar all
night nn' bring llio whoU family. "
That afternoon ho confided his douba
nnd misgivings to his wife, and rtctivfd
some very sharp advice shout th amia
bility of nttending to his own busine.
' Well, my heart joe' bleeds for ether
pcoplo's boys," Mr. Forester asseverated,
"nn' when it comes to my own, H 'p-strj
liko I would do anything to keep 'em from
a uinning their heads in noosM tliatfll
keep 'om down the rest of their dsyj. "
"You'll see, paw, "Mm. Forester replied
with the confidence of an observing
mind. "I've knowed and heerd of a
good many matches a bein' brob off,
and very few of 'em over como to any
good. "
"Htuff!" scornfully replied Uncle Job.
"You know the girls in this country av
engaged lots of times 'ore they marry
Why, I know a young fellar thsk'd jetf
set down an' writo in a girl an' ait ker U
marry him, an' he didn't hav. tbs lrt
intentions that way. Don't you ihn&
that engagement ought to be broken etjl'
" I'm not talkin' about that kin 4 I'm
a talking about where they love an' waai
to marry. "
"Well, we won't quarrel. " And rhev
During tho rest of tho term Dan paid
May the most marked attention. Scarce
ly a day passed that ha did not taks her
driving or horseback riding, and flu 1st
a horse with the utmost grace. May
brightened and looked her prsttiest dur
ing these happy days, while Lew at ftrat
sulked and then liecame genuinely InSif
fornnt. He kept to his work in all weath
ers, and it began to be noticed that hl
part of the crop looked much better thai
Dan'H, although Lew had helped hlt
more than once.
"I will plow this afternoon," he would
say, "and you may help mother and
May with thor yard. " Or. "I'll go after
the cattle and you and May ean drive
down to Spriughill and get the mail. "
At first this indifference was assumed
to hide his wound d pride, but it soon
came to pass that he found himsilf hap
pier and nearer real contontmsnt than
ever before.
Not so wlUi Uncle Job. At first he
rubbed his liands complacently, and
smiled to think how easy it was to man
ago boys 00 .well brought up a his were.
But Dan .waa continuing hit aMatio)fi
too long, and they wen too marked and
too ardent. He resolved te speak to hka.
- Look bare,' Dab!" he began one (jay,
when tUoy were building the new rail
fence around the pasture. "Don't rtou
think you aro carryioj this thing too far?
May might fall in lore with you. "
" I hope site has, paw," Dan replied
with a sheepish laugh, "for we ar (orag
to marry when her aehool is out, ajtrl if
you'll let me I'd like to liulld on ts
west 80."
"Yea, Dau'l, jea'as you like, tpeekly.
"May's a mighty flhe girl, an' Hfe got
overy thing to ba nrelul 0. Thankee,
Dojn'l. for briugin' in aoch a alee rtr. "
He turned away for sonio rjnV and
paused a moment looking at thefr irpUirt
ery eleanlinoss.
"Out of the fryiof pau into tko Kre."
he jimttflred, "an' I oone it, horn's fatal
Asa Olanval.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
1. tbui, tin,
All Um VtH t kMii, mar rln.
All tht Wlilt ( bum mr tla$,
All Ut wtllj f MrM r mlmt.
AJt tkt wlass U Mrtk r bf lag
AU ivitl tttkar:
lir..i,r fr IU. U Ulas bwtrd.
Bi4 ! luttlxr, U of bird,
tftu4 f wwXi .t nattvt .llrrod,
WtUlat vuttr't ntMn word,
TTUJ lnnri wia Mtkr.
Oil Utla ret thiM la that m,
HMtla r IU oktiM k 4n
Katwi att .U tk tooMloiia
t t bm ktsutk U .un,
Sltp! fa k.V. kraattr:
8nft aad itrtac Ml Ud and light,
Tr M814 ,t y,tf lUkt
Mtard fra tkt arel' roslnst h jiit,
'Tb tkt or ill dtUckt
fill a oklld't eltr Uughltr.
SStldtn Wljf of lriat rallwl
trtr fonk taeh utw, asr toM
ite m klltkt la tone m beld
AS tkt rMlAtt atntk of seld
Htrt tkat rtat furti Win,
If tbt r.i1l-tlW wtm a BlMil.-wk. tkw
kV.nietMut ttta hwrt ot ian
.Vljht It )t m M whu
L&oe 1m a oblU ut toTtn.
A. O. Hwlnbnri 0.
Ammanla a ntlva P.war.
A most nirceeaful test was mad In
this city of the nm of ammonia as a
motive pewar Ui dlipljce sternn. Tlio
test waa the flrtl thai hao ever Wvn made
on a marina engine, Mid the trial was
most aatlsfaotory. An ammonia enjjmg
plant has bran fitted out on the tug K. W.
Hartley, which made a trip up and down
the river, aubjstlng Wis newschem. !- a
rrscllcal tett. It Is known as the Ciirip
111 ammonia engine syitem, ami iu
workings ar. evsl and Interettint. nut
only to the mechanical aud soientiib cir
cles, but alo tu the laymen of tbo indus
trial world.
Any ordinary engine can be converted
into a Campbell ammonia engine simply
by the addition ef a "generator," whKli
is much Ilk a boiler. Steam it md
simply for tha wnrpoeM o beating th
aqua ammonia In tlie generator. Tho
lwated ammenla oxpels a gas, leaving a
weak solution of trninonla in tlis Itott.mi
of this boiler like affair. When, by
raising ths temperaturs of the ammonia,
lumcitnt powar is generated tha throttle
valve Is opaasd and tbe gas pawes into
the cylinder the sajrlnk and propels
the piston rod la every way th unit m
steam. It Is her axhamted th same a
tteam, tmt at this point the gas i co.ll
and conducted back to the generator,
Ilefor It rwebet th latter vessel it Is
carried by a "spray eoll" te a point
whoi the (ui aortiM la contact with tlv
ammonia rohiMen whieh hn been i
jected from ths gtneratoT, and here Um
solution Is fsoliargaj by absorption and
by th natural afHulty titlnir Ivtwemi
water and eramsnln.
By this menas th rams budy of am
monia Is ntd wliStaflMy, exhausting
itself only to b rtchargtd with new lrf
and to 1 rtturnsd to fh generator. Tne
enmo is trt f the waict used. Thi
atrnm in tb gwiaratOT Imparts ih ha.t
to th araraonia and ti fhsraby ecndsnwd
nrifl carried rk to th heiler to b ihVI
ajrala. In etrtawnrla Bjrn thsra is
aisolntery an waste. On th other hand
,1 1 l4 - A . .4 . - ,
mm, in a tiTai vt evai, as m engine
rjtn ka nraM 4 r V. 1 ikj, -. .
nf fuel. On Or Hartlwy en of ft
rwo rnnisees waa bwm, tm un ws all
the speed and ereiTtrr tha conld h
desired rhllaialnWn Rrrd.
At tho EattaM of tha Saa.
Th city authorities of Rovlgne, on tho
penlnrola e Isrria, In ths Adrlatls tVa,
have lcTeT4 a 1IM1 south ef ths
psninmila th rnhu el a large town at
the bottom f the na. It has Ijwj oh
eervod for mm yra that llshtrmen'j
nets were nMmrftn! entea?!4 fa what
appeared H be masros of masonry, of
which frugrneritu r brought op from
thcMiftbad. A yer or twe ao a diver
declared that k hail -ev walls awl
strreW bilow the wstrr.
The dry entherlrloa detMed t tnvj
hrvite. They mt irtrn a elrer whe, at
the depth ef 15 feet, fennd hlsutV
FiirrouniUd n th botroot of ths est
by rained walls. H nays hs kae-wa hy
wrr th work ol man. Ha is a huildtr
by trade, and h momittrl th layers ef
DonUnning his esfleratlens, h traced
the line ef th walls and was asl to dlv
tirgnish haw th strssrs were laid out.
He did not srry doora or window
openings, fer rhey wr hlddan by th
mawfs ef seaweed end Uermtetioi. H
trsi-e tha mteonry fer a dlrtAnee ef
I'XI feet, where h hed te stop, as
h.s diving eov iH net pemlt him to no
farthsr. H hed pnred h-"rond a doubt
ti.a' h hrd fennd th rutns of a un s
inhabited tewn, whia'a, through me
OAterrrophf, b4 been r ea the hottoin
of the tee. Real swiple think thay iden
tify this Ui town whh rtie ieland men
tifr.ed hy Pliny the Wdr. neder th
name nf CiMse. near birm TVi Ulaci
can not be found aew, aad it h thought
that the subrnerged town may havj keen
a settlement on th lilaae that se mys
terioufly disappr4. The sen men I a el
Iitria ir. a leek ot taai, jnMag inte tha
Adriatic "i the rest, aher Creatla, and
belonging e Auaeria.
TMneappte Cnra far rHphfhtrla.
One of my chfldrea was dnwn with
diphtheria and watsaerlWealeeetdiHon.
An old man whe har4 ef th ran asked
if we had tried etneapfl jnlcs. W triad
it, and th ehlld get w8. I hav known
it tried In hisndre ef ernes. I hare r-1d
my friends afemt tt whenever I heard ef
a case and atver knew H te fetl. Tea
gotarrpeplnf,ssre ent (he jtrtes,
and tet the par) rat swaBew H The hrfr
is of a eerrVeire a netswe that H wfn est
out diptherivt aswen, ad kf ye vdll
take th frurt hefer ft is Hp and ftva
the Jnlca in a aamo rhe tkreet well
It raskee th igotesn nihta ef YM
throat anre Cbteafe Trikaiee,
a tui..-
The Iart-st rti n reeeH fn the old
timi-6 wts nn hsrflt Ety rtetemy Thtloe
ter, ktsg ef Xfyri. she t saU te have
been 4tt f Us, H feet VtW . TI feet
hfgb from Ae heel te the ten el the
prow, and M feet to Ibe tey ef the peon,
he had fesir hehsu est to feet, anal ht
largest ears were W feet Vsatf. Khe h4
i.fWd rewerj.
World's Kesr EofldlnsBt snthy IS, WW
Texas sawprflVs are enlrTrter! by
over pjediisfnn.
BeeAe Kew York hem ear mess j-et
for 18 hears.
Dm mate t m Beeekvyn nenet wear a
license ba-'je.
Ke-r 7ok naahhss weodwoTkere
ba the 8 :i 4ay.
. Se wk teefrey he been o4ete4
fl- a ' f,.i '.
. stHeta m few tn Londna
i.- - li a week.
Tte 0eVr RsrfV ty fW)ltt ( his
It R nssMtn
Slat;. five "Uutis, who work on Ibo rail
road near Mecbanleibitrg, live together In
a home 30 by 40 feet.
Farm lands In the United Stalei, taking
llio country nt a whole, occupy only 280
acres In every 1,000.
Pfew York jockeys organised. They
want WOO on w Inning a stake race, $25 for
onlluarv, and f 10 for losers,
Canton, Switzerland, municipal authori
ties have decided that all employers mutt
share proflls with the laborers.
Most of the llilu'i loiiited for bj men
have no existence.
The Canada ecmiu shows a total popula
tion of 0,000,000 In the Dominion,
A movement la ou foot in Texas to raise
osmnuiimttit to General Sam Houston.
Whn tht. balloeu collfipies In mid air
the beat of friends often fall out together.
A man named .n'edge wai arrested reccrt
ly for swindling. IIo struck hard luck.
Of quaint mopoitloui Is a silver match
box disguised as a huge pea. pod.
The moonston Is said to bo the appro
priate gem for the August born.
Admired for Us simplicity Is a queen
cliarm fasbloncd as a lima bean In gold.
lliiw Hie human flvalein ever reemrn frnm Ilia
had effects of t lie nauseous medicines often lit
erally limited into It for the mpposltlve relief of
dyspepiia, liver eomiilaliit, eonsllpatioii, rheii-
iiiifiiiviii im oiiht niuneiiiH, in mysiery. llio
niisrlilet dune hv had medicines Ii Rcnrrelv le
than that ( Hiis-'l by dlwoie. If they who are
wcai, uiiiuux, nj!!iei)iir, coimipiueu or men
malic, would nflener he irliuleil hv tha etnerl
enve of Invalids who have thorouahly tested
ll'istetter's Stomach Hitlers, they would In ov
ery Instance ohtaln the speediest aid derivable
from rational medication, This medicine Iss
searching and at the same time a thoroughly
Hiifo remedy, derived from vrEetahle souroos.
and possessing In eoiiscqucnce of lit liasls of
pure siiriii, pruperiKi nn a rneuicinni sumil.
lant not lotie found In the flerv loculliltteraanrl
stliimlantH olten rosol ted to liy Ih drMlltatad,
dy.peptl" and Inneuld.
l'loilila Is shipping lemons.
Coal has gone up in Kncland.
If MinVrer from Consumptlan
( o-.iuhs and Colds nil' !rvIan-TlnsfVnthaud
t onsiiiiiplh.n Cure, they win find quick relief
and permanent IM-nelU. The medical profession
d" hire II n remedy of the hlehest vilne. Try
ii ri ire vnaii'iouienis. i rial oniiies ire.
A urge prnpoitloiiet tha diseases which caasa siinerlnE lesnltfrnmderincement ot the
,innj.ioli, lionets and tlrer. Dr. Ie's Uvar
lleuulat'ir remnvrs all these troubles. Trial
h itllea lice nt Thomas' Drue Mlore.
A miner dres;ed In armor went into a
binning mine at Ilepiibllc, Mich,, to fieht
ths firs.
Willi health and tiranty laden,
A ruh and priceless thing,
i i woman, palo and wasted,
My precious allt 1 brine.
. o h the object nnd such the mission of wo
niD'i's rained rrlrnd, llr ritrce's Favorite Pre
si'iipiinn. Don't let unreasonable prejudice
pie lent vmi from sharlne the heallh and ueauty
proIT' it d. In Kond fallh, hy this most excellent
Rrniedv' None ot the almost countless weak
nesses and diseases peculiar to women, hut that
readily )leltl to Its maclcal powerl Manufactur
cil, recommended, sold thraitah drucelsts, and
liuaratiteed by llio World's Dispensary lied leal
Axoclatlon, Ilurfaln, N. Y., toylve satisfaction,
in i icrv ease, or money pal'' for It cheerfully re
luri'letl 1'ioiulscj made in time of affliction re
quire a better memory than most people
Hold It lollieMclit.
lie limn who tells you conndeiitlally just mil euro your cold Is prescribing Kemp's
Hslani this year. In tho preparation ol this
rrmarkable medicine for roughs and solds no
r xpenso Is spared to cosihlne only the best and
purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's
Hal. am to the Unlit and lcok through it: nollca
the bright, clear look; then compare Willi other
remedies. Ijirge boitlas at all druggists, 50.
"i!s,.iMlil. Hainple bottle free
A dog at Deposit, N. T., found a pocket
book recently containing $100.
Home Fonllsli Vrople
All iw a rough to run until it gets beyond
the r.arh of medicine. They often say,
' h, il will wear sway, hut in most cases
it iti.irs lliern ar.ay. Could they be in
d.,i i to try the successful medicine called
K niji's Hal-nm, whleli is sold on a positive
i,'..i anleB to cure, they would immediately
the excellent effect after taking th first
do", l'ricc 60c and J1.00, Trial nil free
At'' druggists
A Western observer has ascertained that
I,! aui.ey M.Depew was simply enchanted
to Snd one of his latest stories chlistled
ni on i h" wall of a bouse In Pompeii.
Uicrv Houia ahould Have it.
It nM always comenlent to call a physician
lor e.irv little ailment. Having Kef flag Oil
In tl a house ou have a Physician always at
hand; It lills fthcitniatism. Neuralgia, Burns,
I'.rnlsesand all ehrs and 1'alns. Price zsets.
There aro few things In lite of which w may
he certain, hut this Is one ot Ihem, Pan-Tina
I i.unli and Consumption Cure has no equal for
r,l, Coughs and Consumption. 111c 39 and
ream, nt Thomas' Drug more.
'I Iiit.- are 270 women ordaloed or llcens
"I to prearb in this country.
The aecret nt Hllceess.
1 li. m is I.ehlghton; snd liiarr Wtliiportdrug
g'sis. I there that tha seeretof sortt.i Is perse,
veranea Tktrafort thay psrslst In keeplog the
flneit Una afptrfamtrtcs, toll a t articles, eosiaa
tics, lirags sad oktmlctls on the raarktt. They
erpcetilfr tnrlte all parsons whe bava palpata.
Una, short broth, weak or hungry spells, palaln
ride tr shealdtr, eeprtssloa. nlantmara, dry
toogh, rnothsrtng.dr epsyarkesrldlseisototry
Dr. Mllss' naciiasled New llttrlCart, beforalt
remedy, rina keok tf ttstlmonUls fre. Dr.
Mlltt' Ssitoratlrt ITervhia It unsarpassod for
sleeplFtmtsi, hesdeehe, flti.tte., and It tentalni
no opiates.
A mm that's got a good offls Is a plum
f.l : tst won't fits fer It tooth andtoe nail.
i in ma ie nam ine isrrrsL sain ri i mnw iixiiim
My Head was Fairly Ttolten,
And how Rtach I suffered It is hard to
i sci ibe That leathsome disease, catarrh.
an ed tbe abeve, and the doctors said they
onlil cot relieve me. I paid hundreds of
dollars, for which I teeeived no benefit. I
ant more gogd frsm two bottles of Sulphur
Bitters than from all tbe money I paid to
locora. I shall continue tbe Solphur Bit
ters, as I have great faith that they will
cure mt. S. K. Day, 41 Hanover St.. Bos-
Only six horses have ever trotted twenty
illi'S within oae hour.
fleeraseteed Cure,
We authorise our adTOilieed druggist to
sell Dr. King's Ssw Plsootery forConsiiDiD
' ion, C'ongbs and Colds, upon this condi
tion. If you are afflicted with a Cough,
Cold or any Lung. Throat or Chest trouble,
and Kill use this remedy as directed, citing
U a fair trial, and experience no benefit,
voa may return tbe bottle and have your
money reloaded . fTe ooald not make this
otter did w net know that Dr. King's Kew
DUeotery eenld be relied on It. It never
disappoints. Trial bottles free at tbe dra
s'ortt ofSeber, T.ehlghton; and Biery
Wets port.
You. kin (airly bear this grate and glory
! i- .us Republl- of ours tprooUn' aud growin'.
If ton wteh to sassn a aertain and
speedy result, when using Ayer's Sar
snperllla, bo careiul in obeerring the
rnlee of hMslth. or thA IubSi mat
retarded. A fair aud persistent trial
nt this medicine never faU-
r1lTcHoiiaare followed.