The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 17, 1891, Image 4

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and Winter
There is not a desirable weave, shading or
style made by the most famous makers
of the world that will be found miss
ing in this interesting display.
mH i l ih i a a i la i ts m ft. 'a. a i m t k
yui LIU W KJ
634 Hamilton
Worthy the attention of Buyers.
Early Fall Announcements.
Brand New Fall Stock Now Ready.
We show the largest and cheapest line of Fall Suitings and
Trouserings in the latest styles and newest colorings ever shown
before. The materials used in the manufacture of our Custom
garments have all been carefully
and mott desirable loreign and domestic makes.
Eovs' School Suits in an enormous assortment. Children's
Fine Jersey and Double Breasted iS'uits in endlesi variety. Per
fect in fit and workmanship.
Our line ot Fall Overcoats in carefully selected fabrics at
popular prices, surpass all former exhibitsand must be seen to
be appreciated.
Furnishing Goods, we are
Men's Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs,
Hose, and a complete line or Underwear. Agents lor Dr. Jaegers
world Renowned Sanitary woolen
tree on application. Open livery
CMMi Specialists ai Mil Leaders of lie Valley.
Centre SquareHotel Allen BuildingAllentown
Bed Room and .Parlor Suites, Tables,
Chairs, Book Oases, Couches, &c.
Our prices arc positively ns low
anywhere in the county. Don't
making your purchases as we can
This line of business receives our special attention.
.. Flour., Feed, &c, ..
The very choicest brands at lowest prices, j
Over the Canal Bridge, Bast Weissport.
Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport
Peas, Beans, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Bananas, Oranges, Lcin
ons, Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apples, Cocoanuts, &c.
Melons and Peaches in Car Load Lots.
fl" n a
Supplied to the Trade at Very Low Prices,
Goods Delivered Free !
Store keepers will save money on all things bought from us
t it in n 1 -
ana we aenver goous nee oi cnarge.
"A Feat to Properly Fit Feet."
But it is successfully, sntisfactoriallv, cheaply and monorlv
done at The Only Boot and Shoe Store in Weissport
where you can have fitted to your feet at a moment's notice al
most any make or quality shoe at prices which have been provwi
positively lower than the same
purchased eisewlicre. We have
do not carry on n adjunct or side show buiineis to occupy ot
space or time. Come and see us, learn our prices and be coi
vinced that it is to your advantage to deal with us.
Lehigii GoeS k HartSwers Co
Myer's Pumps
A complete line, including repairs for the wure.
Cucumber Pumps
A complete line including ropniw for tho jme.
Coal Oil
At wholesale and retail.
Usual line of Hardware, Oils.
St., Allentown.
selected and represent the latest
making a leading specialty- o
Dress Shirts, Suspenders. Half
Underwear. Catalogue mailed
and terms as good as you can get
fail to call and sec us before
positively save you some money
in all its Branches.
quality, stylo and finish can br
a lull line to select from, for v
B00T& SHOE Dealei
Coal, Sand, Coment, Plaster, &c
Livery Stables
Itesectfolly announce to ihe, publlo that lie bM
opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, and that ho ta
ow tin-pared to furnish Teams or I'unerais,
Wedd'tyrs or Iltisliiesj Trips on the shortest tio
lceana most liberal terms. Orders left at the
Orooti House" will receive prompt attention.
next the IIi.WI. Lelilfttiton. lanitiA-
Ubancii Okfipb :-Ovor ,J. W. UBiidentiusti
Liquor store,
uenllslryln all Its liranelies. Teeth Extracted
vrUlioutl'aln. Gas administered when requested.
Oiltee Hays vi kdnishua x oi escn ween.
r O.ndmcsv tWdtMOWN,
s-yi lUliRhcoiinty.ra.
The rhansin seasons once more
brings back the
to every man, yourself included.
Of course you arc going to fix
up a little', as every one else
does. Nothing extravagant
A New Suit
tlm1; will afford eoinfoit for the
warm weather and nt tho same
time embrace good workman
ship and style, together with a
few of the nobby articles from
our extensive
Furnishing Department
is nerhans all that will be re
quired by you. Still there will
be no dodging The Hame Ulcl
Where Shall 1 Buy
My Clothes 1
And it must be decided before
you make your purchosc.
Let Us Answer the Ques
tion fot Tou this Time,
And we will give you
1st A Square Deal.
2nd. A. savinir of several
dollars on each Suit of Clothes
we make you.
3rd. The newest and best
stvlcs in fabric, best workman
ship and very lowest prices.'
Give Us a Call.
You shall have the most careful
attentiou, unlimited opportunity
for satisfactoiy selection, a per
fect fit, and the fairest prices.
Lchighton, Pn.
ty-Tlie usual largo assortment oi Hats aim
Cans, Doots, Shoes, Rubbers, Slippers. &c.
Bus. Miller's Poplar Marat
Finest llmnds of Liquors, such ns
Gibson's Pure Rye,
Dougherty's Pure Rye,
Genuine Silver Brook,
Imported Gin and Brandies,
Finest Cigars.
First-class Tree Lunch nlways
on the 13ar.
Freight Ba&w and Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
Careful attention paid to the Delivery of
Freight, IJaKsage and l'arcels to all part
ottownattuo lowest puces, a snare oi
public patronage Is respectfully solicited
jtyl.eavo orders at Sweeny's, Koch's
or Lelbenguin s.
Simplest, MMt Durable, lleonomioal and per
fect In use. Wattes no grain : Cleans It rends'
VnMw Mm M Boise Powers,
Cnn, M;ilc(l Standard Implements gen
Oa tinssraliy. send for III OHUlegae.
A. Q. Farquhar & Co.,
Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York,
Jeweler aaft Watcliinaker.
Bank Street, Lehighton, innn
Mpecttnlly Invites tbe atlenUon ef lilt trie ndt
and the eltlzensgeaerally to his Imineiu
new (ock of
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Jewoly,
at rrl that defy eompetitlou. It will pay you
o sail aiul Inspeet my stuck befoie )irelMtiag
lis m awe.
1'riMOiHlf oq at towent otutrge, ui(J all woik
Dd't Forget tbe Piaee.
Bank St Lehighton.
yilead the Advocate.
How He "Woi-KmI" Ihe Ihiinn r-l
Ttoaril fov tin Order.
The typical book canvasser is genei-nlly
a needy looking individual with n $-Va-week
ond-lncky-if-you-gct-lt nir about
him. Ho appeals to your synipaHiyrutV-r
that your judgm-nt , he look" jolnine,!',
so weary, eo f.irlorn. It is n mlalake.
however, to think that all men in hid line
ot business are like him. Tho princes
among book canvassers, who make large
galea nod realize handsome t-ommissinns,
It may not be tpivrally kuown, deal prin
cipally in school be iks, encyclopedias,
nnu high class art publications. A can
vasser connect'! with one ot the largest
oliool book publishing hnnses in this
country related to a reporter tho follow
ing story, illustrating lin m-'-liOM or
transacting busiuesi :
"Our house had just ptitilmii'ii an im
portant work ot l-efori me i'i 'vr-rnl vol
utnea, especially adapted for w-lmol libra
lies. We had done well 1th it in New
York, but in order to have it null in New
England itwaaneceaaary to linM-ltplmwl
in the school libraries Of Boston. I wr.s
U'lrc-atod to accomplish thiti. When I
arrived I put up nt one of tho lest hotels
and spent severdl days in apparent idle
uess. All nil l nne. liowerer, t was look
ing about fur lnesnsof Uitrodurtimi
to the mo t M 'Tt'o.! membffr of the
board of uln uiiou. I knew that any
rash pi ), o iiii u on my part would
Kt'catiy if ' 1 my chances of saccetj),
nod was i . d to employ stratagem.
I dually i- i o-e it-;! In Retting acquahiied
with a memVr f tho hoard, ami made
myself so ngiee.'ir.o to liim that I had no
dlrBouUy in f.-MM his support,
'You will pflinly tvacpi your work in
our school h't"..tri.i,' lietnid, 'if ymi can
gel Mr. 11 ' rtvom.i.M,(l it. lie has
supreme irwl i M cc in Hiich niatteiu, out
unfort pin' !, ha jnw now very muuli
opjiosid (it Bpt'ndiiv; any more of Iho
public funds for bo Tm of reference.'
"My ni Miinintiinen cave me a card of
introduction, ami tho nest day I called
on Mr. U: at his office. lie was not
in a very good lramor, and addressed mo
' 'Well, young man, he said, 'pleaso
state your business briefly. I am a man
of iiffnli's, nnd my time is woith a dollar
a minute.'
' 'If that is tlio uif?.' I answered
suavely, 'I Bhall certain iy pay you nt
that rate for whatever time I tako.' At
tliia ho appeared to bo somewhat sur
piised and oven ploased, I thought. At
all events he cavo mo sufficient time to
expatiate on the merits of the work I
had to soli, and to persuade him to grant
mo n longer interview at Ids home that
evening. I drove up to his door in a
curiae and entered his library in full
evening dress. I concealed my anxiety
to gain his good will, talking on general
topics untl Hie hlin : If introduced thesub-
tuot of our lut-irriev.-. Then I affected in-
dilfprenoe, telling him that it made very
little difference to our. house whether tho
work was taken by the schools of Boston
thou or later, ns io certainly would be
when its great merit was m'oio widely
k.iown. Tiii.i was a mauler stroko on
my part, for Mr. IJ was intensely
jealous of his reputation as a man of
judgment, and could not lolerato the
thought .that :i work rejected by him
i, ii 1 1 1 nfternnrd be cdoprcd by his sue
cc sur. lie a iked mo to send him the
volumes for his inspectio i, and so our
interview ended. At tho nrxt meeting
of tho board of education, which oc
curred soon afterward, Mr. I recom
mended the purchase of tna work for tho
13 toii schools, ajul it was unanimously
adopted. The sum involved was consid
erable over ? 1,000, but this amounted to
little when compared to tho prestigo
gained for the work throughout New
England." New York News.
IlfWilili Rllu.
Tho coinor of Jaclcson and Dupont
streets witnessed as heatheuUh a boeno
yesteidny moinlng ns any four coruera in
Chinatown ever presented.
It was about 10.8'J o'clock and the nar
row thoumjl, faro was crowded, but tho
i- o . d made no difference to the Mongols
wlm gathered there to perform their
heathenish lites. First a bonfiro was
buil in the middle of the street, then a
bigM ion idol fully tlireo feet tall was
ran l.'d out and placed in the center of
the d-i nes. Twenty-four bowls of rico
wcio l.iid out in a chcle about the fire;
six L m U of fat came next aud then four
loat-tod chickens.
A crowd of Chinese gathered with un
covered heads. First ono sal.iamod to
'he idd, then another, then another, A
lorn torn was sounded until those in the
distance thought a holier factory had
st.-rfpd up near by.
The big idol gilivifil and griuued and
grained, aud did nothing but grin, albeit
the flames were fast consuming hlsgodly
person. And as tho idol griuned the
heathen worshippers grinned, until it be
came n grinning match all nrouml.
"Ilini bad luckee," said Tin Chum,
who was a-ked to explain tho (juear per
foriiiimees. It seems that the family of
Ilod Ding Leo were consuming an old
patron idol of the family bcauo ho
brought ill fortune on the house. Last
week Bod Chee was locked up aa a va
grant and on "Wednesday Bod Lung fell
ill and died. So on Friday the patron
idol was burned alivo. San Francisco
TooU Iler for n Dummy.
Mr. Jones came home tbe other night
nnd hung his overcoat nud hat on what
ho supioed waa the dummy which hut
his wife keeps to tiv dresses on.
"Handy arrangement this, Maria," he
said pleasantly, "auswws for both of us. "
"I'd like to answer for myself just new
if you'll take your hat oir," responded
the dummy in a muffled voice, arid then
Mr, Jones unearthed his wife's aunt, who
had come to ay them a visit. He ex
liects to loaa $80,000 on that transaction.
Poller Did.
Miss MoFadd Palmistry is all the rage
now. Do you understand it, Mrs. Pot
ter? Mia. Totter. No i but Jack does. Last
nlghtl heard hhn cry in his sleep: "Show
your hands, boys!"
How She Learned ISilglUh.
Modjeska's account of how she learned
English is a lesson to those who would
triumph in their undertakings. Located
in San Francisco, with her husband and
boy lyinc sick in the mountains of south
Ualifornla, the plucky Polish woman
started in with a vim to conquer our lan
guage, so that she might speak it upon
tlie stage, uer urac tcaciior wosauerr
man, and several weeks were wasted in
learning English which was flavored
with sue) a strong German accent that
it all had to be unlearned. The next
teacher was a young Polish woman who
spoke excellent English, and who taught
Miue. Modjeska each day from 8 iu the
morning until 8 o'clock at night. Iler
first appearance was such a decided suc
cess that Modjeska telegraphed juitontj
word to lierlmsuanil, and Uiat word was,
''Victory,'' In Modjeska's own words,
"a uew career Ida new country was open
to me. and tlie wares of tbe Bay uf Hun
FraucUco no more called me tollwir cold
Erowu-I don't are Jerry with Miss
Charmer lately. You told mo he hud
fallen io love with her. Fogg Yes, ha
did fall A) love with her, but her father
raUoff him Bo ton TranM-ript.
Tbe peculiar enerva-tln rffeat or summer i
weather Is driven oft" bi Hood's Sarnpanll. I
whloh "rnakas the weak strnns."
The eooiier can "liuop'er up" with any ,
of tlie boys.
A flrent ISallle
1 conlanlly nolns on In tho lituo.'ii h .t i !
olds. 'they etilve to mill lienllh anil ilniK i
Mmsln the gmc. 'lkc timely wm iilne huh
use I'sn-iinn uouvn anu vonsiiiiiiHiuii uii-.
rrloe ii and GO cents.
nr. i.iver Kegtuaior is a sure chip ini
vaneiwia. I'lllouiiiiHs. heartburn. InUigvntlun,
iihI nil kliliiey ccimiilalnli. 1 rial bottles free lit
honiiis' mtiiE rituie.
llaimaceda Is In hot water, and of course
lie can't keep Chill.
Nervoand I.Uer Villa.
in important disouvery. They nil on
die liver, stuniuch nnd bowels tlirouijli tlir
nervi8. Anew priiicip e. lliey tijieeilll;
ure biliousness, bnd taste, torpid hvei, pili-
ind conslipstlun Splendid for men, women
mil children. Kmuilest, nuuieii, surest, ou
loses fur "" cenli. Snnnil'H tree st T. 1'.
Thomae and W. l' lllerv's Drug Store.
A new choir matter In a church ought to
make evorj thing jnil hum.
Archtilititip Dennlsou'a Kniiione TohsI.
"litre's liealih to all that wo love,
Hero's health to all thai lore ns.
Here's henlili to all those that lovo Hum,
That lovo those that lore them
That lovo us."
Do von nonoe what a larno elrelo this wish lor
health Ineiudei? anil will you notice the rsfereuco
isnuitothe wlne-oui, out to a slumlartt metli
olue.the1 Uolden .Medical l)ioover," Ihoi ean
brlnic hoallh to the largo number ot Irltiids wo
each love. Tiue, H is uoi a "beverage," and
does not Inebriate, but. Is t health-giving- racill
clue, a blood-purl her, liver Inrixontier utnlitene.
ral ionic n remedy lorlillliousness, Indigestion,
and Stomach trouble!. It oures ooneumpllon.
In Its cany stages, scrofula, bronchitis, nod
throat dhoases.
A turtle is a lazy fello-y: but no blhcr
fellow thinks he has a soft snap.
Jtnclllcli's Arnlrn SnHe.
The best Mulve In tho not Id for Cuts, llrulses.
Sores, bleers, Suit hheuin, Finer boies, 'teller,
Uliaiiuutt lluiuls, Cliilbl.ilus Uurns, and all SKin
arupttous, mid ijoslllvcly euros riles, or no py
requlioil. it Is guamuleeil to give lierieet SMIa
laettou, or muury letunded. n ice is cents per
box. Forsalo by M. 11. KKllKlt, Lehighton,
aim W. 1'. tilery Weissport.
Ilawfever sufferers say It's snetzy thing
to get rid of, If you go to tbo tight place.
I have been a suflerer from catarrah for
years. Haying tried a number of remedies
advertised ns "sure ernes" without obtain-
iuc any relief, Iliad resolved never to inke
any otnet patent medicines, when a friend
advised me to try Ely's Cream lialni. 1
did so with great reluctance, but can now
testify that after using It for sis weeks 1
believe my-self cured. It Is a most ngree-
.tblo remeili an Invaluable llalm. Joseph
Stewart, 02-t Grand Ac, Brooklyn.
Corn Is well provn'cd with ears, but Us
lalkdoesn taniount to much, It's too husky.
A ScnslbleMnn
Would use Kemp's Ilalsam for tho Throat and
i.iniKs. ii is curing luoie cases ui luimus, cuiut
vathina. llionchttls. Crotm and nlllhioat mu.
Lung Troubles limn liny oilier medicine. 'Hie
uropiletnr lias niitlioriztd miy tlrugiilst to give
ton a Sample llottlo Tree to convince Son ot tin
merit of this mctit lemedy. Iirge Bottles Mi
iiut Si.
For a man of small calibre Sena or
Is getlln? to be a veo big bore.
llo Did Not Cull,
l'lio man who tried Ilr Bane's Catarrh
medy, nnd was sure of the $500 reward ollercd by
the uronrletors for an Incurablo case. neM'r call-
ud for his mnncr. Why not? O, becauno ho kuI
urcui no wob cureu oi lire iiiinuff: tij inm
his catarrh could not be cured. (2 That he
would have thai (iuO lie Is now iure of cm
hlngi, and that is, that his catatrli Is ireno con
nlvtelv. Hotio Is nut 500. ofooursp. ThelfiiiUer
of Dr. Sagi-'s Uatarrb Iteuiedy have la:th In hell
ability to cure the woret cases of Nasul I'atairli.
no raaiicr oi now iouk sinnnir, ana niie&i ineir
uun 07 meir Bianuinii rewaru ot eeou, oiierin
lor many years past, for an Incurable caso ol Uf
Inathsome and dangerous dtspnee. Tlio Itenn d
Is sold by drUKglits. at only 50 cents. Mild, roolh
inn, clcanelnK', deodorltlni;, antiseptic, and Ik a I.
lVlltishana that kin Ho nud won't He ah
ultlln skeercer every year.
When the hair begins to come out in
combing, lc shows a weakness of the scalp
that calls fot immediate attention. The
best preparation to arrest further loss of
hair and restore the scaln to n healthy con
dition Is Ayer's Hair Vigor.
Many ouii2 hearts have been set nn fin
this summer by tennis matches.
A Husband's HUtuko.
llurbands loo often nermtt wires, nn.1 inrnr
their children, to suffer Iroin headache, dlzili 0 ,
neuralgia, sIoeniessiiesi, His, nervonei., tri.v.
lylhouso or lir aill.s' IttHurativo Nervine
such sorbins results could easily bo prevented
Druuglsts overrwhere say It ksvcs uulrersi 1
satliiuctlnn, and has an Immense' sale, w oou.
worth St !o., or Fort Wayno. Iud.i Snow & i!u.,
of Uyncuso, N. Y.j J. O. Wolf, Hillsdale, Sllc'i :
and hundreds ofothers say It Is tbe reatrsi
seller thev ever knew." It contains to opiates.
Trial bottles and tlno book on Nervous Iilseusi-r,
free at Thomas, Lshlghton; and lllerv, Weiss;
Africa Is now cotnnletely cncirclexl hi
submarine cables.
Curo Vnnraolf.
Don't pay large doctors' bills. The bosi
medical book published, one huudrod uacee .
elegant lolored plates, will ba sent you on
receipt, ot inree l cent stamps to pay tbe
postapre. AddiessA. P. Ordway A Co.
Hosted, Mass.
A fish with two tails was caught al Jad'.
sou, Ga,, lust week.
nappy Ilonslera.
Win. Tlmnions, Postmuster of Idavllle.
Ind., writes: "Ulectrlc Hitters has done
more for me than all other uiedlclnias com
bined, for that bnd feeling arising from
Kidney and Liver trouble." John LesJIe,
farmer and stock man, of same place, says:
"Find Kifctrlc Hitters to be tho best K'dnej
and Liver medicine, made mo feel like a
new man . J. V. Gardner, hardware mer
chant, same town, says: Electric Hitters h
just the the thing for a man who is all run
down and don't care whether he live, or
dies; be found new strength, good appetite
and felt Just like he had a uew lease on
life. Only &0d. a bottle, at llebers droit
(tore, Lehighton; and Hierv's, Weisiporl.
Kind words never die. unkind woids
don't die either.
Most of the things longed for b men
hare no existence.
Many u reputed wag turns out to be
merely a scalawag.
It does no good to take a stand and
then run oft with It.
Tbe aferage ballet dancer I like the
brook. Sbe "goes on" forever.
Holler makers want sight hours next
Liverpool has $0,000 dock laborers.
There are seren cotton mills In Greece.
Gen. Lew ll'allaee Is at work on a new
story, but as he Is an extremely careful and
pains-taking author, It is not likely to be
published for some time.
Jay Gould says be has not read a news
paper during the List three months. Me
Utile knows what he hat missed,
A Uelgluui mine Is 3,700 feet deep.
A Western observer lias ascertained that
Cbauney M.Depew wa simply enchanted
to And one of his latest stories chisel i
ufon tbe wall of a house In Pouipell,
Promises made In time of affliction rc
quire a better mesiory than most people
Always hope fnr the best. You will
never get it, o there will be po excuse for
abandoning hope.
An office coat usually lasts Ions; I'eeause
it is seldom worn out.
Jo be lillo Is tbe ultimate object of '.be
It is a Rreeii itttlle tUt will got into the
Uncle Sam baa etl.Uio oil wells.
The South has 350 cotton mills.
Machinists and moulders won a six
weeks' strike at Sparrows Pond, Md.
ine oiggta ipontii in wirld aie
found at the fr e lunch counters.
r- s nt ro a. 1 1- 1
Vrr MY iTlNlTr I
tLL.lTll OI UllUL-V
cent a foot
Io change the appearance of old
Furniture ao eomotetalv that
your husbands wilt think it la new.
WOLPF Si RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
r& K .- -VHri"-...
Aiei yIimi u: i i-i
, :.o mticli admired In
' j Iho use of Ayer's
: nothing better than
plug the scalp clean,
f I'll I r.-. i"i' t ' I
enr.l. i,t,d V
pray li.tlr lii
vents I :.!.!.
slli'.y teMlti
crr.ii".'. Ii.
e; M.l.vs l.i
v.:.;. .v:.y:
Ii.-. j- i (-stores to faded awl
nginal color ami beauty, pre
, hi. I impart to the hair a
inl .. taxiing and delicate fra
most i ' , and eeonotoleal
itun 'i.'' no toilet H complete
i If -.;v i;ir.
;.t!llevc liie money spent
for Ayor's 1' iH' Vigor was tlio best Invest
meu'iku" is".; IMmpartsasoft
t:A ,cy Texture
ta tho! n'r.rftli 'vc- I'.-.noh satWactlwi."
i. A. A i.i Ai -.s'liie.Tewu.
"All-.' ' ... ivi." '. cr of other prepara
tluiii wltlmittiii'.y taiiKfnctory result, 1 And
that A yoi's-Pnlf Vlfr U causing my hair to
grow."-,4. 4. -m !.., Qeiioral Merchant,
liHlran Ii.-.l,. V.'. X.
"Aycr1". lls!Vii .T Ii the only prcpavatleu
I i'.,-v int.! H ramovo danilrnll, cure
ltd ! it: 1.' rvl proveht loss ot hair. I
cnudV:!'- liiiM.ii.d It." J. C. Duller,
r..-.':i-. i.
ttoft From Using
"Ayci-.- -r Vlr-r irMf prtttnl prema
ture loMof h ritd when so lost will stim
ulate a new growth. 1 ltave used the prepa
ration fur Uioao purposes ami know wlicroof
I afilrm." A. IteemlJO, Opelousns, Ij.
hyefs Halrigor
rnsTanxD r.T
Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lcwsll, Mass.
IntUntlt rUtfi th mfftt vtoiMit ntUr and lontret com
forUblt .top. AO 1T1IT1KU for tUne mtd by
InhaUUon, IW tctloa U tmmllitte, direct ual COrtalna
ud cur Ii tha matt la til rnrmbU A fgn trial
fnlne tht mott ikcptlcaj. Price, atod t.uo of any
druggl-l, or by rrjall. Samplet FreO for tlimp.
OK. Ka SUMIr-HMANNi w, raoi, Minn,
tmi CrwiD.wtut wouU too do? What pbjticlan could ave
ifvnti ntfiA mm .rwinlil la tAkn Tn.N P! T with Hera Ural t
luiuor hum
SOreanUbaineTer filled. Onler NOW from jour drnuUi
(Uijiaregtiftrd. in
OT from nt. rrlCsNSW. A inmnm imwoor pi man wr mvs
IS to S3 Whitehall St.. ifew York.
rUIl.A.KBi.l'HM.l'A. I--
0rlO.l(lf l HUrt I. mil ( 11
cuiaii'el'y I'thera i:-l.
Si- . ... t ;vi:r.
CURE bUABAHl f.EO. I.": .ei-w
in irernMmoirt' list ofwirfe
jdji and Is- is. toblf. If thasj ti
i lsar , ttMtusf rr stJeltaHd In tkrii
vu1vsaililta,mirrrrfhrylvf' Ap
ir an i'.i ilit v rk. Lair to lesuu
lt Mull CN. u rtek. t. rB rJut4
nil m.( ilMf to lit work. Thra !
mj WBuilutulMiirva i fvcrj wufctf
ri 'wi Is tMile TWmUatMl uptardt
1 1 i-ik. WV tiwul-b yon iIm iv
, i-Ca, .Vo pr Its ripbdit bar. Vul
(t AtO.tH a ref U blsT " J
Oeodtthi.lrij.S.V,,! nuwk ht u. Usta4M
f'ou mi) mi-i iiik tuBffe, hut f caw
sacli yuutiuUklr towtn lYttiiaUtt
tadsr at tttu aiart, anl '! a tat, g
Mi. ftoib avt.t.1, all M. IdtapMi
lAwcrirs. ri CUilUIMMl lwkiit.jlv
WsT Iktl J""r , HssW1il lUrM
'i 1. 1 n.Al.i 1 1U fc. Ai
i l-r-.-'
, I wis)
i rr zFOWr
Ii tur!t atM. lit 1
ii i if. l.ri. txf tl I
Is nir i Utt m iitU
.1 .wit ) tltrti
arful I'anl. .Uia ii f -)arHl.Mr
l Ii ! I MltdtvUke 1m 4
"ilij u. ) .11 1 1 rxtiufi
li i imd antl vrltr, and ,
after Iihuiii .l.m, wlU Wwrk In taatrlwu:
IttHSr ta r tm 1 1 lbasawaaus Ik liar
ivaruilli' ii uv
Iho tltualli n i r
Ni mom t i )
it n.d. 1 .1. i
k'rali U.whrrt.tcrlLarllr I Hinlsuifiia
iHi.t.ijini i. Mi wlil-li). .trait araitUMisii
u'.l.a ncraedilai al r, tariff I ipin
I ui tne Mrkr n nut tb ttiHfkl ulv i.uij
ka-a 1 t
i ie aiflk'nir otr ftsUMM a rs rti Ii .
sun nsj a. If
kl. Iui i-.tLuleFKKM. Ak -.ot,
.. IIuk ICO. AiiCMMR.
All the very latest news will
be found in tin ('Aiinov Auv
Is tlie ui.lj ll'utinted i .tp, r In tin- nil
eoiitaliiing all tin l,.u t 1 1 .n d m i
lu; news No t,.ilr.i.ii,, i .r , iub
.'ooni inn attoril to li ul it. u ,,i
makes irlends w herever It goes.
Mailed loany atlilress In tlif t'i.ii,-,i sit, s
securely wrap-d. 13 wi cks tin l
Bend flvw et nts for SAiuple io y
Richard K. l-'ux,
rraokiui Mquaie, .. iL(ii)
BX A pamphlet of Informa'ton andab-r
VBABtrailtof tho larrs,E!lor. ng lior lo&f
oBObtain Patents, CaviM",'i'nu1o0Kb,
MHaVMarks, Coprrishts, mt Ua-MHc
r'i m.f Mn '. In 11' tieel V
r . . H ' It. - .In. ' ' '
r . ,i. Sr i .! ) Ihe SlllltlMn.ra
nl i, ute.
1 ... n t!i vnru r. r . i
breil;' ! (.rv.iii " ''
Ui'Ccutll rmil' i rii' i liir H '
tlie nam" .f . n'l. ns we : ' '
Tb"y cons mIiI tn.i iirtnlil- i
stoupi, thu t pi-'r Sir: 1 ii" i I
tnnii'il upi,ii the Iij-vi r mnl run- .'. i
I - ii .mi of nn iro i or Klen I
ti '.t'.iiu Im-Iok' ilvt'l U' t i - i
1 1 v i st'inrn w ere ..- i illv obta m ii f i ' n
B (I'.urry in tbn v.' iini , r 1' li ti t n
nlii'li sufrli'iiit ."i ii t i"-i
nllOie Eastct ii unf
T!ie crln n' i
rf.,r 1
u- It
I WI v r. n
In -iti-
op 't-l
i irk m
- rv-1 'ft
hj- two fcui i' . I n
o'.li-r witli tltomlll. -
i. the umwr stone tk-m t
si: m inotlnn hy the hiMiili ; '
on. fty ifin tlifcs tlls
rw- i:ri l t" priiiotwn, erkw cuiv
mr .
to:.'. ;
eRiriliiiK task. Tbla t
in UoJrWrt,ta wbk
it Sanison "did grind It
: tlie. 1'lsiMsUaeat" an t
1 1 ii-p.
i ilio fact that Mm U "i
r vooBf retitOBT!'i l
Two fa'tiottsMiflasnpsW !i-vi.Tnii's
and Asrl. plntWa when -Uu '
stntlifii! Athsoa, trafa eni'iiil to fy
for ti.tsr Htttniort and scWm'Ihi': by actm
us mil. in after aohool liuim. recitui
the r " tlHrsmt sum of l ms uwo
dr:i i i-ev night. Baj.j ily thetr f -I-Io-..
. .. tiponlieariuj, this, rat- la
sub or'ption sufficient to defray th n-
pcnftca of tlwso deeerrlng ytunt n
AVIiile women wera milling tit.- .
ally relieved tlie monotony of tli-n '
by siugriis boues of a Uy ami rli-oi I
eii:u.vt?r. Ordinarily they priT11 -1
nmKi meal in the moraUag as w. -il ' .
required for the day. On tlti ac i e
Hebrew writers associated the rti.ii' ol
tins morning mill with pnisrity'aud
h :plnws. If, on tliecon'.rary, tlila worst
mvi rrrfurmed in tho prenlng, they
iiii:VTueit titer was the sonti 1 of adror
sily owl rnilnese In tlie notes of tli sons;.
Tlio, among whom agriculture
vrao a hi -':ly fnrored occupation, were an
inve:il:v rat, espeolally in tho matter
of lnb-ii-rivbig niachlues. Recognising
the ill ' ' -ry of hand mills, they invented
tliono v i ' motive power waa imparted
by asse.i, i.iiiku, aud oxen, and Introduced
them Inti n',1 tho conn tries conquered by
their ict.ivi r.w armies. There is no posi
tive ic?ord of the name of tho original. ir
of Hits iinproveiucnt in ralllln.
About tlio year 70 IJ. C, Mltbrl.liites,
King ot Cappnilocia. one uf the moet in
genions and abls princes of tbo time. In
vent"il tbo first mill driven by wotor.
This triumph of bis skill and ingontiily
ho ra'tseil to bo erected in tho immedi
ate vicinity of the royal palace. In the
course uf lime tho Cappadoolen bakers
became celebrated, ami were in great de
maUil throughout nil jmrta of tho world
ns thcu known,
Tl:e8 mills wore usually placed upon
boats on Iho river, being so elevated anil
contrived ns to be easily driven by the
water, and the millers were thus cnnblejl
to movo from placa to pl.-ice, dlstiibiiting
tin1 meal to their customi'in.
I'lior to the introJuolion of water
Vun-cr mills the public mills in I'nmn
neio opernteil chWIy by slaves. TIum-i
cutabllshmenls wero looateil in the van It
of an immense building, known as the
I'i'.tiir.uni, devoted oxcluslvely to tho
tses of the Wilier of tluit city, Ofteu it
litippeued that thlj) slave labor was very
iJiflleult to obtain, and to supply tho waut
the mill pioprietors resorted to violent
measures. They onticed stmuners and
ignorant persons into tho bulldiu;; on the
plea of inspecting it. Iu some of th
looms ingeniously constructed trapdoor
ucre placed in the floors. As soon ni nil
unsuspecting victim stepped up ni the
trap he was precipitated to the vaults be
low and there imprisoned nnd cuiuli'i.irteil
to perpetual labor. No cliaueo of i-'ni-numlcatlng
with his friends" was n'l.T !. 1
the prisoner, and thus lie was compilled
to drudge until released hy don'h.
This horrible state of affaire roiilitiiti-'l
for many yoa, until it was finally un
masked by the merest aooldent. A lusty
soldier of the guard was enticed into tbo
Pistrimun and treated in the iisml iu-i:i-nor,
but not being rendeiwl un -oiii-im
by the full through tlie tfap, b ' ilu-.v lui
sword, and after killing two of ii , wnu.d
be rnsluu'Va forced his way " of l.f;
vault. lie soon laid bare l!..- euine
scheme, the oiuperor iaiuiedi-u ly or
dered the building to be rase 1 th-
Kiouml, and nil who war nroivn i
been actively pngaged in this n..
Dietlioil of obtaining workm.-)
quickly executed.
. !.:r.;
iviit k iv i wnsuesi ar-
That oitIs root lias a sweeb- and m -.
periaueut fragrant tluui any u' r r
fumo powder.
That nothing la so bmh-fl i
complexion aa a bath la . m
night while you stay in tl:o i. . . .
leaving it to dry on the faco. an 1 (. u
nislit cap a Ug glas of rli'i .
milk taken joat before you go (n
That your diamonds should I - I
in boiling hot suds, rinsed in roli v ut. r
clouded with ammonia, sad dried in
jeweler's sawdust
Tliat almond meal is better for the f:. co
than any soap except castiie.
That tlie woman who never comp'. mu
gets ten times as much sympathy in hur
trials aa th woman who frets about
everything, from Use shoes that ilo-.'t tit
her feet to tbe husband that diet aud
leaves her penniless.
That your dress waists hul-i. C
shape better if folded away In a ' r.
and are delicious to wear If tm., uo
wrapped in perfumed covwra.
That the woman of to-d v ,-. n U
mon over Use shape 4 the ee m in Ik i
bodice than over her sottfs saji at
That the useful sdii never eels m-ii , i, 1
because site can 1 1
It is eatiuuttad that a
aaed foa
ponnila of rubber aea
bii ol tire.
Dr. David Stnrr Jordan, prssadrntetert
of tiiu Ixlanil Stanford UaKerait) . is n
albletouud Hiru-iiaii. aawvltua v.luMr
aud, m. tie - of luinx-ll . --it
fivt one aad om-l.jlf it.. !n Uih. I wi i, 'i
SIS IK.imibt, but 1 an iin. ii -liull,
und talk Nunvi-s , said yoMiuji
Ut t.-ll bim much, if anythiu. that he
docs no: aliDOdy kuuw about Iruut, rudd,
and inela.
M's'll V Air.
Near Dai ton, Ga. , tlmro u a t.
locally kurr.vii as Um well uf tiut a "
Iu drilling the neli a stratum . f fi. u
clay and gravel was eunxur , I ,1 t
depth of .U fti't. AfUi psuao i i .hi
tin-fl i t of tins iiunu roiu ra . . .. ,
encountered ttM a., -..i. j
pueti. The escape of lbs atr from ti.
11 can I heard roaring for Dr.,i'i .-m
ytirilr. The air which toiur f. n tho
suijin.iutuu depths is ao fn. 1 1 i. .t
not - lolilo lor ally one Ui h. .1 I.-, i .i..
mu ll.o,'- for u. n il ., i .
ruiMii! u.tiioul l.iiH( il f. . u A
lnukit of i.M.1 the vi w
tiMx lUr.i .h ii4 llrfvtiU IU.j a f. .
hours. It l.i LetdUxe to oxtd Uu!
n.i .tlai.'..iied do (he wall ...
.ti-. of -froo au'wsav Ui.o.
f iuLi .i ljjij. lJj-. i.
tb' offif sjaaila IVv U puMftw
of Dr. HeWa C'tMsaWh Hrtn.Ay h
a rvward ef tMM rh f r s n
earabl ni of eal asrS -. ma4 i
how betl, tar (A how ,.t slastdmsf
Tlxsyll riirfr I' i-wt, U' '
thing to untl- t!r itr It 'v
different thing t massr it y.l f'
cwsldn't Im arm', n
eitrsKr''iris?T srwdH im- Hist th! .
what tl. . iip H, rt
aoolbiny, cl.tminB srxl tn-ei n'
propeiii , lr Hssg,- Ri-hmIj . nr.
tlx wc-nt aaaea It d .n't sssuth
psvlllatn fr a Has-, or dm tka d
ea' to the laag It pr idssnee a
perfet! bus! p rmarwmt .tine Tr
It nnd m'.
can't rw ifonl! '
If u
. ly qti.-aii' ti
1 3 fttakr tin
A willing
test, If
Io tSi
Iho rtwl i rvi Y !
jour ilt-nggiat fifty -iri' setd h
K lou're wanting lh' tsHW y11
Qo. utetliHig Ulli r aMrt
I ) far aM
niiMi" A
rut BUTtHOE w tw mki roa fit asan
tl U MMtMal "i, ttk lau'ki f f 1 ")"
har taW rHt MMkl (f tfc- LsSM ft rstlf M ) I i .
I e7. sUMl sWassw ejsj.r J I-
'.t-lsf thmm t0 hr inatattyffat. II e -j talsi bji
.' e4 abs rit3laf trm 4 m tr- fc .
ma MJalUr SUf-a-wrJ. tltr fir-
4s) tWMf rviT isfirr. f ef fVi , ixtnala lt
ip Fflssrl tayx' whd hi- I frwi (''
M1ldlfHftrtl Welt VtlfX. r..-
I'll a0" 1" a i 1 .It. sails T
,ih i itw laffsTv-t at till i rt. k ) BrtV '
' n u'M "sfctn-sj fisgttn i fr n t
tf rfttT rSsPi I ,n.n Kaalrrav U
mna idiivri irk itt v- - r ttm Hi
i 1 ai NriJh Jn-I !, t , i ...
I I 1 f f )fl 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 v I .
-W IW rrlli u I
.itTaB tbla rl s . lila! v. i mii
53 v44 nud J.IM.
I tcut t hi nt I I latl
UTS ,.r i I., it,, u
"O tlv.Tr nitwits ill' l ri
an all
LifiCi ICS T..ri vr -.t?)tI,7
iiiaarr' 1
imnnrtMl annr r-Tiflnu t nmi t
MfibMMlaWiMatslDll- .', M 4l4 .1 ufM
a"ssllli Ata NM (Self to
INTO M sMftsB uil b
t i4 BsVsat.
W. U uu;'( t AS llnklsM. MsVM,
Adam MehrkamfcSon , Agents
! cMalttor. P
lfekXa4atMSd nUmeatt sk DmMM BM
stent to a, I lllotu tu ol ta afMia. saa M
ma ot taw a jaw, sawn mm
, riuiiia, IHsiwaa alt
i M la. aa. While tkMrraoat
a Vxm ibuwa la esulrq
eatlnr.yalDln th I
Hasfttehs. yet OarWa UHls Una TO ara
eyaally TmlnablaOowtJftui. c.otg n I pe
vealtas! thlaaorlaiiinfll.aU tberalacs
Ilrta- nad ktiUu tae IwvaU. Xyc UUxy otiiy
As)m IW woeM UUaatvtoaiaaat4 Onswha
eafov rroaa shss dlaireaias cuui pUlati tml ut iu.
aetstr lhlf gimanmi dot noteoa hejBd IhoM
sMbiMBaaravtliatthr will no, bevi).
tticteawillMiiaMs. Bel srteeaUate. bsaJJ
letb Vsm ef se ataar Hvm that ban U srhee
VMMiha amt eal Was. OoitU4unvkiU
OaiVr's Ltttle Xir Ptlhi ar vwr saaB aaJi
ftr eaay to lata. Onae Mrs aiOauiaaaa duM.
TVay aea stitstlr Tasatatila iA do av gH or
rets, hat hy shear saajaW aattm atataa asl M
umIsvbh. larlatsaTsSaaaMi tMfHll BsU
Is- OfassSaasaTaty vtara, ar aaM h ssasl.
Tliilaaa't iiiMa.annii.iia.Mtaally
-:" A-" "- -y "ii an
awu tri iinaHsiii sss.
tEIOill. 3 SUM.
t I I
Ik.. ...
a.. h
4 ., . m ,
TV -
mnm. j
BaKstST' BSa&SJsvaaSBaaasi
ThaMoj .r i '..I L.- r, -.-t . ...
iKi i