The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 29, 1891, Image 1

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    IS I j i
Arc vdii Kulmrrvirr 10
paptr yon arr note rwidinfj? If mil.
U tefH cost you but $1. for 52 meek
to become one, and fben you ran
Ml yr nefflMor that you will
neither borrov) nor lend.
Olosina- Out BARGAINS
Koch & Shankweiler
Evevv pnrt of our store is attractive with Closing Out Bargains
nr onnvmous reductions will make your coming profitable us
there never was u time like now
Our Men's Department :
Strong Union Cnsslmere Stilts........
loral One-halt Wool Oasslmcii' hulls
Kervlccablo All-Wool Hiitts ix,,V,"l;!liU,i!m'''iy''iy.y.y.A'tn(!TY
Kino All-wool Jlrown. Oruy nnd ellow Mixed ' " Korine riy
Working Pants Special.
'no lot, SO J pair flood strong y, w .
tree lots, comprising liw pair. uaviiiB to.. - -
Boy's and hildrcns Suits.
Rnnmora. at Positively Ouo -Half Former Price.
M. Ill J - - --- j
l..-t imitate, but t!e B4nta tnc .
tn 11 iwirii UTfl Willi B. mil Ul I III 111 III IUU liui" ""
" Odds and
Tlilnss must bo kept luovlnt!.
liuir former inco.
Orcat Choice In ljrlfos " 0"" W,"' vaTlctv ol Snteci . Cheviot a id Jllnrk
SiTlfflMVSrai iSHSS "n'rlSSTAi .""Iter iibeu and
Mhrre jwi look nround our liargaln lioomi, tho
The Largest and Leading Clothing
Centre Square-
Everybody is Gutting Pncess
Our's Remain, the Same !
Hmi't, Tlnv Until You See Our Goods
and Compare Prices !
One day time clocks, 60c, 75c, and up to $2.50.
One dav alarm clocks, 80c, $1.00 and up to $3.50.
T?iiU dav clocks from S3.00 up to $10.00.
American Lever Witches
Wo don't make a " blow "
need to cut for the simple reason that our prices are now as
low if not lower than those of other Jewelers m this town or m
the county. We repeat our invitation : Come and seo us and
examine our goods and learn prices before buying elsewhere.
Tlie Reliable Jeweler, ;
Ice Cream is Down to Thirty
Cents per Quart.
I'nrties, Picnics and
Festivals supplied with
very lowest prices.
Confections, Fruits and Groceries.
Games and
In this'line wo have everything
ways the
Wo r-rm't tlf t.nnt in n tine lino
have all the new effects
WK A HE now nicely locsted In our new store room and with
Increased facilities anil conveniences are better than ever pre
pared to cater to tlio public. We extend an earnest invitation
to tlio people to call and eco us at out liandsorao now store,
Ico dream and Confections, STJS
tie promptly supplied at the very lowest price.
prices. vo furnish all laTors oi I reupi ill any iuaiuiy u amii i iiup.
WE CARRY as flnoainlaj completo a line of the above pooils
as can bo found In any Jewelry Store In Carbon cpunty. Wo.
have all the newest novelties anil the prices aio Hie very loff
sel. JCoine anil seo us before you buy.
All the Very Latest
Ghas. H, Nusbaum,
We are
Special Prices in
Light Weight Dress Good
634 Hamilton
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
VOL XIX., No 42
for buying.
C03 Now
7 DO Now
0 ot) Now
it 0,) Now
18 Oo Wow
v ' f,Vi, the season nt l.oo anil M., en
. -
" "
, ui.irto
nnolot.rA dozen, nomelt
buyers arc hero anu uuij.
House in the Valley.
Hotel Allen Buildintj-Allcntown.
from 5.00 up to 50 and $60
about low prices and jve have no
Ice Cream at the
the New Novelties.
that is new. Our prices arc al
very lowest.
of silverware and iewelry. We
at the lowest prices.
Don't liny elsewhere until jnu call niidjlmrn our
Novelties in Toys
a 3(DGL
St., Allentown.
Jho Best and Purest MedicinoS
4tJV'cLcleiin nnd smooth. .Those
i,0 V,,5&"'l",inmr your beauty
V W "VTk IHffln pl nnti JIIOICIieiKU
iblooa, and can be
V, ?oVV . Jfc. time. If. you arc
Sw-xvIpo and use
e. blood nu-
v. -n. . . .i . . .
fc''V W WJ!
. 1 oa.'Ii. ',' I
? K. '
ThO IJOSO IS "A -o. -
emnll-oulyatcar;. ftVrV'-
poonful. ItHthoVJf. 'i .
belt nnd 'Jrt . A V V
T va urn enflTdHnef from KldVk.
.nH fti.An.n fin.1 ivifili tn Urn I
tola ngo, use SUWiiuit uixix.iw.
Xlicy never fall to euro.
c..,i !i u.f!it Btnrana to A. P. Ordwar & Co..
Tintn.Mas.. lor beet medical work published?
PrtMoial & Business Cards.
W. 3M. Rapahor,
First door above tlio Mansion House,
Ileal Estato and Collection Agency, will liny
nul Sell Ileal KsUjte. Oonvcyanclnu neatly done.
Collections promptly made. Settling Estates ol
Decadents a specialty. May bo consulted In
tfnntlcl, ntiH Ourfflall nV '2J-Vl
Heal Estnto and ColIectKm Agency. Will Buy
Hnajlsi and (lefmaii
O. A.
Olllco with Clauss Dim, First street, Lchlzhton
Fire, Life and Accident
Only 1'rst-class Companies are represented
Information cheerfully furnished.
Slatington, Penpa.
Latarrn rermanently uurcd.
Pino l'raineless livo masses and Bnectacles ad-
Justed my own patent. auga-iy
DR. G. T. FOX,
172 Main Street, Bath, Pa.
(imce Hours From 9 a. m. to 4 n. m. l'r.ictlco
nnmeu 10 diseases oi tut:
j.. .
Eve.har, INoseot Inroat
twAlso. Itcf ractlon of tho Eyes or the adjust'
ment of glasses.
onleo opposite tho Opera House.
Bank Street, Z,ch 'jhton,
FWinz and making nrtlMclal dentures a special
ty. Local anesthetics used,
(las administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH
OFFICE HOURS: From 8 . m., to 12 m from
1 i. in., to s p. in., IIOIll t p. in., 10 h p. m.
Consultations In English or (icrniHii
om Hours at Hailetan-Every Saturday.
Oct t5-87-l,Y
TrT TU "571 T 1 1W71?1)
lilt. V . Si IAIM ZiJCiit,
No. 2(1 North AVyomliiB St,,
Specialist In Diseases ot tho
l)r Danger will be at tho
Kvf'linncn TTntel. Lohidhton.
.a...M..JDiI,.i. nr.f,i, fltted at
re.uoiiaole prices.
-Oonsultatlon In 0rnm.n VgJJjJiotrn
The Cure For
Eerotula was once supposed to bo ths
touch ot royalty. To-day, many griteiul
people know that tho "sovereign remedy"
Ayer's Sarsajiarllla. This powerful altera
tive cxtlrpatps "tha oyll" by thoroughlj
tuminaiiiig an inu siiiuuuus ituui iuq
load.' Consumprion, catarrh, and various,
other physical as well as mental raaUdlei,
nave weir origin iq
When bercdltar)', tlili disease manifests It
tell lu childhood by glandular swellings,
running sores, swollen joints, and general
feebleness ot body. Administer Ayer's Sana
mrllla on appears uco ot tho first symptoms.
" My little girl was. troubled with a palatal,
s(oiuioiui swelling unuer ouo oi uer arms.
The physician being ntiablo to. cflect a cure,
i gave ncr ouo uoitie o:
Bmrllla, and'llio swelling disappeared, 'A
W. V. Kenuedy, JIcFarland's. Va.
M wm cured of serofula by the use oi Aytrt
Sfrrasnerilla." C, Deny rieerSeld, Mo.
was troubled with a sure band tor over
two years, ueing assured the case was
serofula, I took six bottles of Ayer's
J SarsapariUa,
andwiueuiart." II. Illukius, lilrertoji.Htp,
Dr, J. 0, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Held ty all riHigcUU. File tl ; lx uttlti, IS.
TluMUMiilv LVtt iwi i r .iT'u . I' i s' ed b) -
rniLAUKi fit. ir i .rrU"ii
,1 In...' LU. f l.l 1 l ' ! .ImI-iLIi.-
1.1, . ii j ' . i
tu;u i Lir .vu no :. ' .''n-
if , si. r It iii t itrif r.sti ft
Lohigliton, Carbon. Oonnty,
ITIio Wichita Kngle unvs that tills Doem was
lelt nt that otllco by an umkiiowii man nou
I to ask for work.)
Near tho camp-flro's illokorlng llRht
In my blnnkot-bod I He,
Gazing through tho shades of night,
At tho twinkling stars on hlgh4 '
O'or mo spirits In tho air
Silent vigils scorn to koop,
As I brentho my childhood prayer
"Now I lay mo down to sloop."
Sadly sings tho whip-poor-will
In the bough ot yonder tree
Laughingly tho dancing rill
Swells tho midnight melody,
Foomon may be lurking noar
In tho canyon dark and doop;
Low I breatho In Josus' ear,
"I pray The, Lord, my soul to koop.'
'Mid tho stars Ono fnco I see,
Ono the Saviour cullod'away,
Mother who in infancy
Taught my baby lips to pray,
Her sweot spirit hovers near
In this lonely mountuiu brake,
Tako mo to her, Saviour dear,
"If I should dto boforo I wnko."
Painter grows tho flickering light,
As each ember slowly dies;
Talnfully tho birds of night
Fill tho air with sad'ning cries;
Over mo they Boein to cry,
"You may never more awako,"
Low I lisp, "If I should die,
I pray Theo, Lord, my soul to tako.'
"Now I lay mo down to sloop,
I pray Theo, Lord, my soul to koepi
If I thould dlo boforo I wako,
I pray Theo, Lord, my soul to tako."
I T TbTflCim 1 TTPT1
A i l X A i H H,
nlJiUUUl t UU 11,
I think I wont mad that summer, I
know I should havo. shrunk back in.
horror at tho thought of anyono olso
doing as I did; but lll:o so many of our
most blttor, trying, and top, often
humiliating experiences in life, it camo
U,pQn mo bofqrp I yas awaro of Its ox
istenco, like o, giant full grown, a,m
hold n)0 in a hand-to-hand con (Hot that
seemed tp rend my vory lifo.
had I ever soon him why had
I over rescued him from tho rapids in
which ho would cortainly have beQU
hurled to his deotht Far letter would
it havo boon, fern us both, wo had of ton
thought, and moro than onco said, if I
had loft him to tho shortor and moro
merciful agony that would ended tH
his bitter heartache, find robellion
against futoj for thon thero. would havo
boenbut'ono to suffer abriof, physical
pang simply for I had not known him
thon, and God pity and forgive I Iftd,
uiuu, ouu uuu uuu luiivui fifty,
t given to wm tnwepuniuvito,
tion that had been garnered in my
vory hoart of hearts not, Indeed, un
sought, but untouchod all those
"Vou bettor not vonturo out, Miss
Edna," old rotor had told mo on that
fateful day. I've seldom seen .such. i
heavy sea on and if; yo,u, should get
cauglrt ytb,pvb.lrlpool down by tho
sunken rooks yonder, I would not give
a fig for your life. Thoro isn't a boat-
however woll-mado could ''vo thero
three minutes to-day.
But you know I'm half mermaid, any
how, Peter! I laughod twit. And I
haven't yet seen, tlio storm I an afraid
Out thoro in tho boiling waters my
boat rookod like a shell, and it needed
an my skiu anu oxpenenco to Keep it
upright. Tired out at length and quilo
willing to give up the contest, I turned
tho boat's head toward tho chaimel.i
when something m,o,YP.d we to glanco
bohind mc-rtQ behold a sight that
chilled tho blood In roy volns a boat
drifting boforo tho storm, with ono
occupant-a man uut witnout an oar
or any moans to gumo u or prevent its
iiwiyiutuw uwuiiy iu oo huckuu mm
tho whirlpool that roared roind the
sunkon rocks.
I Nover shall 1 forget the look on hlH
fll0e w,litP wlh tho calmness of utter
uuspuii , uuv ui luioiuor momeui. my
boat was around and I was rowing with
a forco that inado tho oars bond bo
ncath my stroko.
How I fought my way through tho
seething wators and ov&rtopk. htm, I
could nevof telj. I ply know that I
gained his sidp just as his boat gavo n
final lurch; that as Uo wont over, I
caught hjm by tho collar, nud with tho
old of a friendly wnvo swept him luto
my boat, laid him face downward, and
began my strugglo to return.
I had just struck tho oxtrome outor
edge ot the whirlpool, and for a time
was half ready to givo mysoH up for
But my efforts finally prevailed, inch
by inch I fought my way along, until
at last, dripping with spray, and too
far spout to spoak, I forced my bpt in.
to tho cliAHnel,
Old Pater, standing kuefedeen
water, waa on tho wo,tcl(, tuit w noon
as I curjo near enough, a ropo came
spinuing ovor tho wator toward mo,
which I seized and fagtenod to tho
Thon, utterly spout, 1 sunk down, ulsq,
and know no moro until I. opened my
oyos to moot tUve Uent so anxiously
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Live and Let Live."
Fenna., AuguB 29 1891.
upon mo, and know that I was at homo
nnd in my own bod.
Hut tho stranger is ho lost? I naked
as reco"oction returned.
iNo, they told mo; ho had rcovlvod
and was sitting up most anxious to
know how' I fared.
A lady had beon to seo him his wife,
witn their llttlo girl.
Thoj woro staj .ng at tho now hotel
on tho Poitit for a few wooks, hut sho
had gono back ogam, as thoro was to
bo a bti'l at tho hotel that evening that
sno did not want to miss, and she had
16ft tho llttlo girl to stay with him, ns
tho doctor said ho better remain whoro
ho was for tho night.
Sho is n handsome woman Mrs.
Carlisle, said a noighbor wholiad come
in to help. But oho don't soom to caro
tho least about him, I didn't hear her
say one kind or hardly pleasant word.
Sho scolded him for going out nlono in
oho boat, when ho did not know how to
manage it -said it would bo so awk
ward to have to go to the ball without
him, but that sho did not Intend to
miss It for all that, and whoa she was
gouo his llttlo girl just crept up to him
nnd put her arms nround his neck, and
said; "Mamma didn't ovon say sho was
glad you woro saved, papa, but Inm,
and thon ho drew her faco close to his,
and I knew ho was crying.
So tho first result of my successful
effort was sadness and tears, and us I
sat thoro a strange npprehonsivo shiver
ran through my veins, and for a
mornont I was disposed to lot him com
ploto his Isit without ovon attomptlug
to see him.
Then tho fooling passod, and unothor,
equally strong took its place, nnd In
nn.Qth.or hour I was up and dressed,
and tottored weakly along toward tho.
room whoro the pationt waa scatod,
Ho had his llttlo girl on his knoo
a lovoly child qf about sovon yoars
but as Iontorod, ho looked up with a
glad smllo of recognition and welcome,
and said to tho child;
This Is tho lady that saved papa's
Ufp, Gladys, darling! and jumping
down, tho llttlo creature ran to me, led
mo to a scat bosido hor fathor, and
then throwing hor orms around mo,
laid hor soft cheok aga'nst mne, and
I shall always love you so much for
bringing back my papa!
ErQ l(Wg I know tho story of his lifo
-the marrtago that had beon mado for
him, and into which ho had beon urgod
by tho combined pressure of parontpl
authority and outsldo influeno, only to
to learn that ho had yoked hinisolf for
lifo to a woman for lifo ton woman who
had not ono thought beyond the
prestlgo and increased social advant
age tho union would aeouroto her; that
In hentt. In mind, in tastes and feelings,
they woro as for apart as though tho
.poles had separated therr.
Mr. Carlislo stayod with us three
days; thou, at his request, coupled with
her own most cernest plea Httlo
Gladys was nllowod to remain awhllo
longer, much to her mother's evident
relief, ,nd enjoying, unrestrained, tho
freedom, that tho hotol life could not
afford her; and with us sho was as
happy as tho day was long, and every
day brought her fathor to soo her.
Thon it was that tho madness canto
upon mo, and I know tla,t I lovod-this
man this man, handsome, gifted, but
fettered for Ufo to quo totally ostrengod
from any Interest, or one thought in
common with his a woman thorough
ly selfish, seeking her own pleasuro al
ways aud ovorywhero, to whom ho was
merely tho purveyor of the luxuries
that filled and formed tho sole aim and
purpose of hor life; and looking Into
his oyoa.xl read tho samo madnoss
It eamo out 'nto speech as wo stood
together on tho day ho came to say
farewell. Their stay at tho hotel was
ended; his wife desired to roturntotho
I im going, Edna, ho said, but I will
comodown (Again in a fowweoks I
pyust see your face, and hoar your
yoloe, thouih fato has so cruoly divided
our lives. Oh, I could wish you had lot
mo drift to death, rather than live to
bring this agony upon us both! Good.
bye, darling! I must say it once, fori
am leaving my heart, my vory life be
hind mo!
Ho almost ornshodmy hands in his
a.nd was gone, whllol sunk down In an
agony of such bitter shamo as I had
never deemed possible
i' uu won I Know no would como
again I dared not think what the
issue might be what barrlors of stotp
rosolvo, of duty, of honor, mlgbt not
yield boforo tho lava tldo. that seemed
oating into their foundations.
Tlen I reached tho apex end pinuaole
ot madnoss, for I rosolvod to condone
ono sin by committing another.
It was tho second day after hU de
parture, aud a secpjUd WW hrowlng
wnon iffent, dpwn to, the beaoh, and,
a before, indifferent to Voter's warn-
Uig, got luto my boat and rowod out'
turning wy oourse toward the whirl
Fit omblom of my own passion, it
would recoire mo and wash away the
life that could no -longer contend
against the ovll that threatened It,
I ronohad tho outor odge of tho
ropldsi itoaught tho boat, then Twos
whirled madly around, a roaring sound.
od In my oars, and then-
Was I in heaven? had wo both
passed tho portal? for Chostor Carllslo's
arms woro around mo, his tears drop
plug on my face.
Oh, Edna! ho exclaimed passionately,
what monstrous evil would you havo
wrought? On tho vory night I loft
hero I was mado a widowor'by a frJght
fnl accident to tho building whoro my
wifo wns attending a fancy ball. Somo
impulso that I could not w:tli8taud
promptod mo to como back horo to-day
I scorned to bopr you ca" mo In poril.
I ronihod tho bench whilo you were yet
in sight, and with Peter's holp went
c. or you nnd pullod you from that
awful death. Your mad hasto has cost
youn'uiostnlifo, aud mo woll-uigh a
lifetimo of bitter, unavailing rcmorso.
Steadying myso' nga'nst hm, I roso
to my feet.
Lcavo mo now, I pleaded. Come back
in.n year not sooner!
Do L'ssod me onco on tno lips, and
wps gono. Then came tho dry when ho
stood with mo again, and sold:
Ednn, my probation is ovor. May I
claim my roward?
And I did not nood to say h'tn nay.
OiK-.y tho news to Mary,
And, pray, be not too long,
For sho Is last dccllnlui?,
And surely, 'twould be wrong
Hot to tell her of Dr. Tierce's Favorite 1 ,'e-
scilr on. Wo do want Mary to know, In somo
way or other, that this world-famed remedy
will euro her beyond any douhtl It's Just tho
modlclne for young womanhood, mid thousand
has It bridged over that perilous sea.
I' rom every State, Inm eveiy city, from near-
ly every neighborhood In this broad lan-1, comes
tho grateful acknonledjement of what It has
done and Is doing for our daughters. The only
medicine for the distressing and painfol lrrn
gularltles aud weaknesses of woman, sold with
a positive cuaranteo toglvosatlsfacl.ouln every
case, or mony refumtei'. In other words, sold
Wlth'.n tho noxt few months un
earnest effort will bo mado on tho part
of tho Carbon Advocate to increase
our subscription list from 1SCD to a
high water mark of not loss than 2(J
copies with each issuo. Wo bollovo
this can easily bo accomplishod ,f our
many friends ovor tlio county aid us
in tho enterprise. Tho Advocate now
leads all papers in tho Lehigh Valloy
at tho pvlco, both lu oxcollouco of nows
and bao of papor, but wo will do moro;
in event or our expectations being
realized wo will increase tho slzo of tho
Advocate and keep the price tho same.
Will you holp us roach this oud? Lot
us hopo so, Got your frionds to send
2a oouts for a throo months trial trip.
Iu that time wo will convince them
that our papor is a necessity in their
Tno Secret of Success.
At Thomas, Lohlghton and Iliory,
Weisspot. druggists, believe that tho
secret of success Is perseverance, Thoro
foro thoy persist in keeping tho Pnost
of pei turneries, toilet uiUclos, cosmet
ics, diuss and chemicals on tho market.
Thoy cspocip'ly Invito a'l persons who
havo palpitation, shoii breath, woak or
hungry spoils, pain In sido or shoulder,
oppression, nightmare, dry cough,
smothering, dropsy or hop c dlsoaso to
try Dr. Miles' unequalod Now Hoart
Cure, boforo it is to lato. It has the
largest salo of any similar romody.
Fine book of testimonials froo. Dr.
Miloa' Rostorativo Norvino is unsur
passed for sleoplossnoss, hoadacho, fits,
etc, and It contains no opiates.
Tho very art of lifotasfarnsI huvo
beon able to observe, consists of foi tl-
tudo and perseverance
When your faco aud ears bum so
torribly batho them 'u vory hot water
rshotasyoucau bear it. Tnls w.''l
bo moro apt to cool them thru nuy
cold application.
A OSOO-foot tunnel drains u subter-
ranoan lako in the Centralia (Ponn.)
coal baslu.
Tho rarcnt of Tnsomnln.
Tho p: rent ot insomnia or wake.'i u. i Is lu
nine cases out ot ten a dyspeptic stomach. (Jood
dh.estlo.1 gives tound sleep, Indices on Intel
fcicswlthlt. 1 ho brain nnd stomach syiupr
thUes. One ot the prominent symptoms of a
weak state of the uastrlc organs Is adlsturbance
ot the great nerve entrepot, tho brain. Invigor
ate the slo.nacli, and resloro equilibrium to tho
fu cat centre, A most reliable medicine for tho
purpose Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, which Is
fa.- prcferabio to minerals latites and power-
i'jI uareotlcs which, though they may fora time
exei t a soporific Influence upuu tho brute, soon
cease to art, and Invariably injure the tone of
the stomach. The Hitlers, on tlio contrary, r
store aclliltj to tho operations ot that all lm
portaut oman, and their benellcrut Influence Is
reflected in sound sleep and a traiKpill state ot
nervous system. A wholesome lmietus Is like
wise gli en to lie attton ot tho "ver and bow els
by lis use,
A SenslbleMan
Would uxe 'Kemp's Dabaiu for tho Throat and
Luins. It Is curing moro oases ot Coughs, Colds
Asthma, limncliltls. Croup and nil Throat and
LungT.iii ii'es tbati any other medicine. The
proprleui, 1ms authorized auy druggist lo give
j on a Sr'u'i'i) Ilottle Free to cumluceyou oi the
merit ot litis great mnedy. Large Dottles We
and sjt,
The juiee of u half lomon in a tea
cup of strong black colfeo, ithout Bug
ar, will often cure sick headache.
An attempt to produce urtlflcial
rain is to jO mado in Kansas. Br'lons
filled with hydrogon and oxygon gas
will bo sent up and be exploded by
electi laity.
Eleotrlojty Is to revolutionize ruin
Tho King of Ashuutce Is allowed
3333 wives. Many of them aro tho
daughters of tho olilef of tributary
tribes over vhch tho King has juris
diction, and are tout to him as in
Now York doctors j-ooently treated
a three-logged man for rheumatism iu
all three lege.
Tlie 1'resldent
Of the Bank of Waverly, Iowa, suy
Bulphur Bitters aaved my life. For ten
years I buffered from oatarrh and
I 'ver Complaint; I lost forty-live
nounds and was Krowiiur worse rapidly,
I had lost all faith i.i medicine, but
hearing your bitters so well recom
mended. I gave them atrial. Six bottles
cured me. Smith P. Hunt, Waverly
$1.26 when not paid in Advance.
Single Copies 5 Cents
Out on tho wators found floating,
Only n Magdalen's olay
Only a frail lamb that wandered
From tho shophord's fold away.
Ovor tho fair faco disfigured
Cling the wot curls of gold;
Ovor tho passionless bosom
Tho wan, whito hands enfold.
Gathor tho wludlng-shcot higher
Ovor tho vlolot oyos
That ovon in death seems holding
A gleam of tho Juno-tlmo skies;
But lay hof awav to 9lumbor,
Far from our beautiful dead,
Whoro njyer a daisy shall blossom
Ovor hor sinful head.
What right has sho to tho sunshine
To tho songs ot singing birds
She who has wanderod in by-ways,
Lured by tempting words?
Gfvo hor a place In tho shadow,
Whoro only tho dew and the rain
Shall fall llko pitying toar-drops
Ovor her bod of shamo.
God may forgive hor but never
Man, who has lod hor astray,
Cau look with n throb of pity
Upon hor Magdalen's clay;
Tho angels who dwell in tho Presence
May mako for hor spirit room,
But earth has nothing to glvo hor,
Evon a roso-troo to bloom.
Then bury her under the shadows,
Whoro only tho dew and tho rain
Shall fall liko pitying tear-drops
Ovor hor bod of shamo.
man cannot bo truly eloquent if
ho knows not how to listen.
Tact can afford to smile whiiogonlus
and talent are quarreling.
Both courago and fear owo much to
the armed neutrality of prudonce.
It is oxponsivo economy to mako a
part of tho truth sudlco for tho
Tho scorning longth of u sermon is
goncrally proportioned to Its need.
Bowaro of tho vicious man who pro
poses to reform bis Hfo on tho Instal
ment plan
Virtuo and luzluoss may livo to
gether, but thoy nro not usually on tho
best terms.
Don't worry your braiu about tho
man in tho moon, but study tho nun
in your own overcoat.
Tho truo princo will find it easier to
dlsgulso himself than tho world would
havo him bollovo.
Bread cast upon tho water purely as
a business speculation is liable ta sink
boforo reaching port.
Whon impudonco dons tho mask of
roparteo, It is timo for tho company to
disporso for tho night.
Tho dog that bays tho moon is wiser
than tho one that bays a bigger dog
that is viciously inclined.
Thoro' aro plenty of good llsh nlwuys
in tho sea, but thousands of worthy in
land people can nover got to tho sea
shore. Thero is many a roguo in tho world
who objects to tho Ton Commandments
on account of their hackneyed ideas
and lack of originality.
Tho balloon routoto the top of Olym-
pushas never beon successfully travel
ed. Francois Conpoe. tho Froncu auth
or, is fond of cuts that surround his
desk and nibble at h's pen whon he
TEUiiiESTitiAi, aiAostimsni.
A well known scientist has just pub
lished u new thoory to account for tho
variation of tho compass. Ho claims
that it Is duo to an electric, circuit
that is goncratod by tho motion of tho
earth whirling between two magnotio
Holds, and that tho varying intensity
of the curront causos tho variation of
tho noodlo. Tho two currents, ho bo
liovos, nro streaming to us from the
sun, ono being produced by tho corona
tho othor coming dlroct with tho sun
in straight linos' In othor words, ac
cording to this theory, electricity Is
generated by tho sun. It reaches us
tho samo way sunlight does, and tho
conclusion is that it Is akin to, if not
identical with, sunlight Itsolf. Tho ro
volvlng earth is the gigantic dynamo
which excites electrio currents and
makes them manifest.
Slaking u Harbor With Dynamite.
An attempt Is to bo mado to doopen
tho water on tho bar at tho entrance to
Brunswick (Ga.) harbor by using dyma-
mlto. That part of tho bar whore tho
explosive will bo placed Is only a few
hundrod foot in width, and but little
troublo Is anticipated In working a
channel across so narrow u shoal.
Divers will bo sent down with the
dynamite cartridges, who will ploco
them In the doslred position und sink
thom to the nocessary depth in the
sand. During strong ebb tide the ex-
plosions will be confined to tho outer
side of tho bar, so that the sand, when
loosonod from Its compact state, will
bo woshod out into deop wator by tho
forco of tho outgoing tldo. When tho
flood tide bets in tho work will bo ro
moved to tho innor side of the bar, and
tho sand on that side blown up so that
it can bo washed Into deep water In
the Sound.
Wheu Strychnine was Discovered.
Suloido, by moans of stychnine, n
calls to mind the fact conuectod with
tho discovery of. strychnine In 1818, by
tho French chemists, Pelletlor and oaV'
erton. They called tho now poison
Vauquollue, in honor of their former
master, the eminent choiuUt, Vauvue
lln. But old Vauqueliu, having seen
the terrible sufferings of the unimale
on which the effect of the poison was
tried, negged the two dlsooverere not
to connect his name in any way with
thin terrible "new substance." and it
was then that stiychnine re tivod the
name under wh eh it Is no.v knoivn as
jar you teanl a paper that own
and fn't afraid to tell the
; that believe tn public
morality, and the enforcement of
the lam against malefactors; that
hat opinions, and Un't afraid to
express them, get TI1E OAJiDON
"Just bs fleoil,"
Say somo dealers who try to tell a sub
stltute preporatlon when a' customer calls
for Hood's Sarsaparllla Do not allow any
such falsostatcments as this Induce to bur
what you do not want. Remember that
tlio only reason for making it Is that a few
cents more projlt will bo made on the sub
stitute. Insist upon havlngthe best medi
cine Hood's Sarsapar'lla. It Is peculiar
to Itself.
S'lk furulshos tho largost continu
ous fibre known. Ono cocoon has been
known to yiold nearly throo-fourths of
a m'-'o.
What Shall the Harycitlle?
WIIVl What can It I,A hut .iifrrlnn on.l
sorrow, tlLeaso and death, It you neglect the
symptoms ot a disordered liver? Take Dr.
I'lcrcp's Uolden Medical Dlseove. '. It outsells
all other remedies. Sold under condition that
It must either benefit or cure the patient, or tho
mony paid for it will bo prompt y returned. It
coresn'l diseases arising .rom derange arising;
troin ucrangen nvor. or "am Impure blood, as
biliousness, "liver complaint," nllsklnand scalp
diseases, si 'rheum, Ui ter, scrof n'ons sores and
jwcMlngs, fever-sores, li'r-jomt disease rnd
k lK'rednl'ments.
Amorlca has 80,000 miles of bounda
ry or moro than tho coast linos of Asia
Africa, Europe, Mexico and South
America combined'
A Hurglnr Captnrcd.
This mornlnc about two nVlnnt- .Tnhn
Wood, tho wofi-known plumber who
residos ou Main Stroot, was awakenod
by hearing glass break. On getting
out of bod ho receivod a blow on tho
head. Ho immodlatnlv ot-annlnrl mlfli
burglar, nnd after a torriblo strugglo
succeeded In holding until Ms wifo
obtain od holp. On being searched at
the station, Mr. Wood's watch and wal-
loL Was found on his nArsnii. 11b rnivn
the namo of Robert Terry. Tho broken
glass proved to bo a bottlo of Sulphur
Bittors which had almost curod Mrs.
Wood of rheumatism. Exchange.
A discharged chorlstor In an Ohio
town took rovongo on tho congregation
by sitting in a pew and purposely sing
ing out of tunc.
Hold It to the Light.
Tlio man Vho tells you confidentially lust
what will cure your colli Is prescribing Kemp's
Dalsuin this year. In the preparation ot this
remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no
expense Is spared to combine only the best and
ljalsam to the light and look through It; notice
imret uigreuienis. jiom a oouie oi ncinp
the bright, clear look: then compare with other
lemcdies. Largo bottles at all druggists, co
cents and $1. Sample bottle free.
Puulding County, Go., has n farm
horso that drinks two gallons of butter
mPk por day, and seoms to relish and
thrive on it.
llucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho 11K8T Salvo In the world for cuts, bruses.
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay
iuiuircu. it is ftuarnnieeu to give perxeci satis
faction, or innnev refimrttiil. T'rlcA 9K (pntsnor
box. For salo by druggist
Tho production of Iron by tho Krupp
works at Essan, Gormany, Is givon nt
C3 tons a day.
"Awa ! Awayl There Is danger here!
A lerrlole phantom Is bendlnc near:
With no human look, with uo human ureal ,
Ho stands beside tiiee-lho haunter Death . '
I' thero Is ono disease mora than another thn.
comes like the unbidden gueit at a banquet, It
I9WWIU. juaiuiuusiy it steals uutiii yuu,
with no human breath" It eraduallv. like tha
octopus, winds It colls about you and crushes
you. lint there Is a medicine, called Dr. Sf jo's
Catarrh llemedy, that can tear you away from
lie monster, aud t.'rn the sythes' oner. In good
al th. a standlm? roward of 4513 for rn tncitra-
ble cuss ot Oata'.rh In the Heart'.
Thunder storms ore gradually de
creasing in numbor lu tho largor towns
of Natal, South Africa, according to
th Superintendent of tho Natal Obser
vatory. The l'ulplt and the Stage.
IUv. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United brethren
huroh. Illue Mound. Kan., ssts: "I feel it my
duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's Mew VI
eovery has done for me. My lungs were badly
diseased, and my parishioners thought I could
lire only a lew ween., i look qvb domioi oi nr,
King's sew Dlrcovery sound and well,
iralnlnfi? 20 lbs. In weluht.
Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks
Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial
and convincing evlnenee, I am confident Dr.
King's new Discovery lor consumption, beats
'em all. .ml cura. when evurvthtnir else falls.
The greatest kindness I ean do my many thous
and friends is to urge tnem to try it." jrree
trial bottles at BEUEICS Drug Store. Ilegula
sizes sco, and 81.00.
Many of tho big paper-ml'ls have
turned out papor belts said to be super
ior to leather.
If SufTerers from Couaumptlon
Coughs and Colds will try Fau-Tlna Cough and
Cousumptlon Cure, they will find quick relief
and permanent benefit. The medical profession
declare It a remedy otthe highest value. Try
IU Frlce ss and CO cents. Trial bottles free.
A largo proportion of the diseases which cause
human suffering result from derangement of the
stoinacn, boweis anu liver, ur, im)
Itegulator removes all these troubles,
bottles free at Thomas' Drug Store.
London was slow to accept tho elec
tric light, but Is now making up for
lost timo.
A young lawyer of Savannah, GaM
swam across tho Savannah river five
times ono day last woek for a wagor of
830. Tho rivor at the point Is 203 yards
wide and twelve feet deep. Fully 5000
peoplo watched the performance.
Some I'oolijh 1'conle
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond
tlie reach of medicine. They often say,
" Oh, it will wear away, hut in most cases
it wears tliem away, ittuiu mer be in
duced to try the successful mcdlcmo called
Kemp s Balsam, which Is sold on a positive
guarantee to cure, they would Immediately
see the excellent effect after taking the first
dose. Price 50c and $1.00. Trialsixe free.
At all druggists-
Brass bands aro not allowed to p'ay
in the streets of Nashville, Tenn.
Kverr lloine Hhonld Have It.
It Is not always convenient to call a physician
fer every little ailment Hating lted Flag Oil
lu the house you have a Thyslelan always at
liaid; It kills Kheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Burns,
Bruises and all Aches and Fains. I'rlce X ets.
There aro few things la We of width we may
be certain, but this Is one of them, Pan-Tina
Cough aud Consumption Cure has no equal for
Colds, Coughs and Consumption. Trice as aud
50 cents at Thomas' Drug Store,
A Pprlslan camorlet has devised a
method of taking panoramic views by
causing tho camera to revolve on an
axis so that tho sensitive paper may
"tako In' the hor'aon.
For a sluglh and torpid liver, nothing
can surpass Ayer's Pills. They contain no
calomel, nor any mineral drug, bnt are
compose. of the active pi'ieiples of the
bast vegetables cathartics, and their nsa
always resells in mrrked benefit to the
ABsouuTEiy mm
one ot the utro-oeat poUoc.