A Typical America.. John rianklntontvas r millionaire, and that is nfl definite aa kla wealth can bo estimated, although a man In position to know Bays it will exceed $10,000,000. His Interests wore almost entirely in Mil waukee. Mr. Plankinton camo to Milwaukeo in 1844 at tho ago of 24 years, and the char acteristics which made him famous as a liuslnoss mart and a citizen were brought tnto action within a fortnight after his arrival. A native of Delaware, he re moved with his parents to Pittsburg at the ago of of 13, received a scanty edu cation, and in 1844 camo to tho city of bricks before tho utility Of tho mud had been discovered. When ho reached tho village, a practical young butcher, ho found that the friend with whom ho was to havo formed a copartnership had mado better arrangements with another, and made tho excuse that young Planklnton's capital was inadequate to the enterprise designed. Angry at the betrayal of con ildouco, a business failing which ho never forgavo in any ono during his long ca reer afterward, he resolved to start in opposition. Po'wessing $425, he rented a house to shelter his wife and child at $8 er mouth, bought a cow for $9 and ;urnod her out to pasture and fatten oa the open wild laud where his palatial In iiiso now Btands on Grand avenue, while he rented land and proceeded to erect a butcher shop, which cost him $108. fourteen days after his arrival ho was retuiling his meats. Industrious, honest, economical, lie bo camo tho leading butcher of the town, ;md his business tho first year averaged neurly $1,000 per month. Ilia increasing uiifliness demanded new quarters, and h moved, but it was a peculiarity of his life to retain tho title to nil roalty which lie had onco occupied, and at tho timo of 'iu death the land upon which ho first inmid a home in Milwaukeo was in his name. In 1850 ho entered into n partner- hip with Frederick Lay ton, and the new .inn began the packing business, which, ..t the timo of dissolution in 1881, had reached proportions equal to any house, west of Cincinnati. For threo years Mr. Plankinton continued alone, and in 1804 united with P. D. Armour, under tne firm name of Plankinton & Armour. .The business was extended to cover the low famous establishments of Chicago, j 'Jew York, Kansas City, and elsewhere. I ji 1881 tho firm.dlvided, Mr. Plankinton etaiulng tho Milwaukee houso and con- I lulling the business here till 1888, when illing health and increasing business re- ' iwnslbilities impelled him to dispose of ' Jus packing house. tonsas uity limes. Shot Gun Shclli. Hero is a story of a practical joke flayed by an ex-Confedrate officer, Col onel Aylett, upon some of his old com - anions in arras, lie. had a company of lriends at liis country place, near Rich nond, and ono evening a display of fire v. orks was announced. Toward tho close ." tho evening Colonel Aylett called ino id two or three young follows to Mm, .udsaid: "I want you to help me fool omo of tho old soldiers, it you will. " Of course wo jumped at tho chance, "ml asked for orders. "What I mean to do," ho said, "is to make these veterans believe that I am )ting bomb sholls from my shot gun. . o are some giant firecrackers. Each you take two them, go down into tho Id yonder, spread yourselves out In a ie about a hundred yards apart) and .Lsten for the bugle. I shall aim at you In rotation, and as soon as you see the flash f the gun,.tho one whoso turn itisrSust ,'irow a cracker into the air as high as ossible, so that it will explode before . . aching tho ground. " Wo slipped away in the darkness, and 'c guests were invited out upon the wn to see the Colonel shoot some small mb shells from his gun. The signal was given; and the gun was .'red. In a few seconds a bright flash :is seen in the air, and a loud explosion illowod. The shots were repeated until x had been fired. We could hear tho exclamations that inllowed each discharge, and in a few .inutcs were baok again mingling with . is crowd, and listening to the comments . J tho veterans. "It reminded them of the war," they --.id. Some of them could "distinctly . aco the flight of tho shell from the in .ant it left tho gun till it exploded." Wo begged Colonel Aylett not to un '.eceive - them, but he deolared tliat it i.-ould bo "wrong to leave them under a Aso impression. The whole affair loived wliat strange pranks imagination will sometimeS'play with sober reason. -M. ,- ..i .. Catarrh. Catarrh is an Inflammation of the mu cous membrane. As tho membrane lines every cavity of the body that lias an out let, there may be as many different forms of catarrh as there are such cavities. Tho closod cavities aro lined, not with mucous membrane, but with one that secretes a thinner fluid serum for lubri cating purposes, which is readily absorbed after doing its normal work. Still, the serous membrano also maybe inflamed, and its secretion abnormally increased. Thus wa may have pericarditis, with ita "water" around the heart, from in flammation of the membrano that lines tho hcort bag, or pericardium , pleurisy, with its fluid crowding against tno lungs, ami sometimes causing their complete col lame, from inflammation of tho mem brane that lines the chest! peritonitis, so painful and dangerous.f rom inflammation of tho membrane mat lines ine cavuy oi tho abdomen j synovitis, with its painful and puffed out joints, from inflammation of their similar lining memorano, A. common " cold " is an inflammation of the air passages. When it is confined mainly to the nostrils, it is popularly known as a cold in the head, but medically as coryza. When it is confined mainly to the bronchial tubes, it is called bronchitis, which, when it has gained a permanent hold, greatly resembles "consumption," and is often mistaken for it by the people. Catarrh of the ears and catarrh of tho Eustachian tubes often cause deafness. Catarrh of tho stomach loads the stomach with tough phlegm and interferes with digestion. Catarrh of the gall bladder obstructs the outflow of the bile, which is absorbed into the circulation, and thus gives riso to jaundice. Catarrh of the bladder is a dangerous disease, from tho difficulty of getting rid of the mucus. Two forms of catarrh are due to pollen ; one, in summer, known as "rose cold" or "hay foverj" the other, in autumn, known as "autumnal catarrh. " " Tho word catarrh, as popularly usod, means either nasal catarrh or bronchitis. Nasal catarrh is often helped by snuffing up, so as to carry it into tho mouth, a weak solution of salt and water, repeat ing the operation several times a day. Where tho disease is very persistent, it is well, whon possible, to try a change of climate. In bronchitis the case should be attended by a physician. A Parisian oameriet has devised a method of taking panoramic views by causing tho camora to revolve on an axis so that tho sonsltivo paper may "tako in" tho horizon. Urass bands nro not allowed to play in tho streets of Kashvillo, Toun. London was slow to accept tho oleo- trlo llnht. but is now maklnc up for lost timo. Tho production of iron by tho Krupp works at Essan, Germany, is given at 700 tons a day. Electricity Is to revolutionize mln ing. The PAi-ent of Insomtiln. The parent oi insomnia or wakefulness Is In nine cases out oi ten a dyspeptic stomach. Good digestion gives sound sleep, Indigestion Intel feres with It. The brain and stomach sympa thies. Ono of the prominent symptoms of ft .weak state ot tho gastric organs Is adlsturbanco of the great nerve entrepot, the brain, lnvlgor- ate the stomach, and resloro equilibrium to the creat centre. A most reliable mcdlclnoforthe purpose Is Hostctter's Stomach. Bitters, which Is far preferable to mineral sedatives ana power ful narcotics which, though they may for a time exert a soporific Influence upon the brale, soon cease to act, and Invariably injure the tone of the stomach. The Bitters, on the contrary, ro- store activity to the operations of that all Im nnanl nrnAn ntiit tfiMr tMefli.nt. InfliienfA 1. (HJ MU V. .,. ............. . . . reflected In sound sleep and a tranquil atatoot j' . QTTT"s'r A TRT "r7 nervous system. A wholesome Impetus Is like- JL xVO J-JLXVli V. JJ J-iJ-J wise given to the action of the liver and bowels by Its use. Tho King of Ashantoo is allowed 8333 wives. Many of them nro tho daughters of tho chief of tributary tribes over which tho King has jurisj diction, nnd aro sent to him as nuac- norg A SenslbleMan Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and LunES. It Is curing more cases oi Couehs, Colds Anthma. ftrnnehUW. flrnnn nnd nil Throat nnd Lung Troubles than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized any druggist to give you n DlimiHG duiuu r ree w touviueo J" ui merit of this crent remedy, larce Bottles Wc and si. IT IS TIME TO TALK ABOUT And we Have 'Em! In great nssortmcnt nnd at all prices. Wo can't tell you all about them, but thoy are perfect in style, workmanship and price. Como and see and also take a look at ; Our Carpets and Furniture. In. which lines arc included everything worth bc- ng Everything is new stylo, price nnd Don't buy until you set? our stock of goods Kemerer & Swartz, NORTH FIRST STREET. JIWII'.HT. Wo havo the Largest and. most StyMl , liffeetsln Beasonablo Millinery at the Lowest rrlces. In the trimming de partment we have Two Oily Milliners to create happiest fancies In effects for our customers. I Wraps -AND- Coats Inlhoucweslstylcsaiid of tho very best materials and mako at lowest prlcss. Don't go to the city when you can buy cheaper at home. Si nilfnn Tike Women ot IntlU. The ago nt which marriage may bo legally consummated in India is 10 years. The physical, mental, and moral objec tions to marriage at such an early ago ic qulreno explanations; tlicy aro patent to all. That a child is in no senso lit to become awifo and mother, that her own health often pays the penalty, and that tho race that springs from her is likely to lose in physical and mental vigor, nro facts which do not admit of contradiction. Marriage, however, will always take place in India much earlier than in Euro pean countries, nnd that it should ln postponed for two or three years is all that tho most ardent reformer can hop. or expect at present. It is calculated tha; in India ono woman in five is a widow : of these a very largo proportion must b women who, having been betrothed at any time between the cradle and 10 years of age, have become widows without ever having been wives. To Understand tiif full misery of their condition ono must realize that marriage is the very Alpha and Omega of an Indian woman's exist once, and that the whole bent and train ing of her mind points to a husband as tho end and object of lite. He is, in fact, her only ralson d'etre; and when, there fore, she either altogether misses the ful fillment of her destiny, or loses her hus band early, she fa, both in her own and in public estimation, a most unhappy being. The Bhorn head, the plain clothes , the absence ot ornament, the abandon ment of all luxury, are not gratuitous cruelties j they are but tho symbols of nn overwhelming misfortune, and seem to be accepted as the natural expression of a hopeless grief. It is not plain to see how this sentiment with regard to widow hood is to be modified by any reforms that we can suggest. It is only by th education and elevation of women tha any change can come over the feeling o the people with regard to marriage, and it is only when public opinion ceases tu regard her as a chattel, and begins to recognize her as a helpmate, that a woman's condition, whether as wife or widow, can become more honorable and mora worthy of respect Thunder storms aro gradually de creasing in numbor in tho larger towns of Natal, South Africa, according to th Superintendent of tho Natal Obser vatory. I am an old man uud have been a constant sufferer with catarrh for tho last ton years. I am entirely cured by ihn iism nf TCIv'h flronm Halm. It Is strnngotbnt so simple a remedy will Branch Store, LehightOII, euro such a stubborn disease Henry Billings, U. S. Pension Att'y, Washing ton, D.0. I suffered for more than ten years with that dreadful disease, catarrh, and used every available medicine Qygj. fa (Jana Bridge, jBaSt Wc.SSpOI't, which was recommended to mo. Icon- V'-11 ,,lv V"0'J5 7 BBWaB' WEISSPOllT, PA. PRESERVING THE HAIR. A SUBJECT THATNTERESTS EVERYBODY. Noitmnie Are aless-Commoi Sent! Method! Ilecoinmendeil Brushing end Cold IValer Will Sv or I.ock. Tim mnit rwacntlftl thine for the preset- vnllon of the hair is the General healtl of the body, and this Is to bo obtained by keeping the skin in perfect order, liven in man fmo hair, though tho mederr fashion ot dressing it robs it of all il real ttrnce and beauty, is a dosirnule tiling. while the greatest ornament of woman has ever been esteemed a luxuriant growth of hair. Tim nrevalllne notion of using qtiacK comjiouucls to stimulate thogrowthof tho Iwir when It lias grown wean or mm is u very bad ono, and orio that is usually fatal to tho after restoration of tho hair. In Its most delicate state the hair has been likened to a delicate plant, and the In- Inrv wa Inflict urjon It by Injurious treat ment is obvious, it is, However, uui rarely that tho root, or bulb, beneath the nkin is entirely destroyed, even by tho most acute lovers or local diseases, ui- Jinutrh for vears it may appear, to all ap- " .i .i" ...-, .., i-i. . n.nrnnnn. iii'hii. huu liiu urn ir .i... ...... AT. d! A IVT P I-S li) I 1 1 J J It nveniimllv fails becomes bald and 11 c -- 71 ,. , nousneu. Scurf, or danuruu, which annoys tu many persons, may bo kept from ac- 1 i ; 1... . nn, nnf 1 ... .in 1 trnl v nro- . . . -n CL1II1U1ULLL1X UUI VUU I LJ w - - J Batik btrcct, JLehlglltOn, ilina Tented. It lias often been attributed to an abundance of hair, but this is not tne ,l ;v.l Iw'-n't ni.t'. .-'hit 'riK.nwmlPc.nnM.botl ' luiikicmmrhio i i jl m U)7 toctl la paj mo Af j f AIM TlMWAIf V TAifJ 3ACrB COACM AND ruANtrunK Sl.lNAWARC at Via time. 77fV 7. XtOVFP tt EAtlDOLPH. Philadelphia. Jeweler anil WatcMer, espcctfnlly Invites the attention of his friends ami the citizens geacrally to his Immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, that defy competition. It will pay you skin will come off freely In the brush oi d Inspect my slock beforo purchasing tomb. Th'o hair should always b reason, iuo uest cure is uiu uiusn, which should bo used freely, tho best brushes being thoso which aro not too hard, yet aro sufficiently so to reach the skin through the hair, w lien tno neau porspires freely the dandruff will become saturated, ana loosening ltson irom vm at l'rlccs o call and Inspect my elsewhere. REPAIRING rromptly done at lowest charge, nnd all work guaranteed, Don't Foraet Hie Place. SIGN OP THE BIG WATCH, Bank St Lehighton. IVClOlSST not thank you enough for tho relief which Ely's Cream Balm has afforded mo. Emanuel Moyors, Winflold, L. I., N.Y. WHOLESALE DEALER IN A 9800-foot tunnol drains n subter ranean lake iu tho Contrnlia (Penn.) coal basin. Nerve ami Liver l'lllt. An iranorlant discovery. They net on tho liver, stomach nndbonelu through Ihe nerves. A new principle Tlicy spcedly cure biliousness, had taste, torpid liver, plica and constipation Splendid for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. fo doses for 25 cents. Samples free at T. D. Thomas and W. P. Biervs Druif Store. i'nhitofs. Cfihlincro. Bananas, Orauccs, Lem ons, Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apples, tfocoanuts, &c. Melons and Teaches in Car Load Lots. An attempt to produce nrtlflcial rain is to be made in Kansas. Bullous filled with hydrogen and oxygon gas will bo sont up and bo exploded by electricity. Supplied to tho Trade at Very Low Prices, Goods Delivered Free ! Store keepers will save money on all things bought from us and we deliver goods lree oi charge. A Oreat Hatllo Is constantly coins on In the human system when you sutler with consumption, coughs or nlria. thov fttrlvn tn mln hr:ilth nnd flnitrvlc- tlms to the grave. Tako timely warnlnir and use ranainu uourii una uonsumpiiou uure. i-ricn 'zn linn i.i irfniH. Dr. Lee's Liver Itegulalor Is a sure cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn. Indigestion, and ail kidney complaints. Trial bottles free at inomns urug enure. of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. When your faco and oars burn so torrlbly batho them in vory hot water as hot as you can bear it. This will bo more apt to cool thom than any cbld application. -IS HEADUUARTEItS FOR- Wood Stein. Wood in certain forms is a constant ' rlicle of diet on tho Lena River and . round Yakutsk. North of Verchoy . ,isk, except in sheltered valleys, there is .o wood but the larch, and tho natives at it because they llko it. Even when . sh aro plenty it forms part of tho oven- :-sS meal, as the cleanly stripped logs jear' every hut testify. The people know that the fact of their eating wood arouses tho sympathy of strangers and shrewdly ko it to excite pity and obtain gifts, t hey scrape off the layers under tho bark ..f n log, and chopping it fine mix it with now and boil it. Sometimes it is mixed with fish roo or milk. William Scheutze -ays ho has often seen it eaten without nything additional, oven when tbere was other food on hand. Tho strength of spider silk is incredi Mo. Sizo for size it is considerably tougher than a bar of steel. An ordinary spider thread is capable of bearing a weight of three grains, whllo a steel thread of tho same thickness would sup port less than two. Tho period of "a generation" has been lengthened. It used to be 80 years, and later increased to 84. Now a scientist lays tho avcrago term of human life has increased in the last CO years from 84 to 48 years. A new mineral has been discovered, to iiifh tha name sanguite has been given. 1 . is bright red in color by reflected light, rMvl upon analysts is found to contain sll- i r. arnenic, and sulphur. llitl Trmprr Mostly Involuntary. M.-.iiy pebplo consider that "bad tem per" is entirely voluntary on the part of th' KM-non who displays it As a matter of fact, it U often to a vory great extent iinaluntary, and no ono is mora angry at it than the bad tempered person himself. Of course every one, whether ho is bom with a bad temper or has acquired on from hublt, or has been visited with one usthe tesult of dUeaso or injury, should at least try to control it. But his friends nlimiM also iwar In mini that bad temper limy be, and often is, an aflllotlon to be 8yuiathized with not an offense to ba punished. INew York Ledger. 1 A liiu li willi a poor foundation never C .mi nu.tliiiiK by having a very tall s.i- ik' Ham's Horn. Alter we uave uutmi u manniooi i nlways pleases us to have hjm get road uud provo it Bmghamton Republican. 1 i.nKgtt Lioea your wile ever tftroatea to pa home to Iter jiotlier ? I am willing to Own that mine does. Brvggg No j she threatens to send for her mother. Indianapolis Journal. Weeks Well, how ore things over id B- ton ? llai e they named any aew jus Aristotle yet t Wuntman- No o But I beard a man there ask fur a Flaw suqi. Carriage NoincnclntArc. It is probable that the idea of a vehicle with wheels, to be drawn by auiinals, must have occurred to men soon after tu . domestication of tho horso and ox. Tl first attempts in this direction were vciy rude. In this country tho prevalent mode, of traveling for the first two ccnturli-i was on horseback, the roads preventin;; any very extonsivo uso of wheeled vehi cles ; but aa the country has increased in wealth, and the highways, city and town streets have improved, the demand for public and private carriages has grown to be very large. A writer in tho Detroit JVee Press gives tho origin of the names of some of the most common vehicles now In use. The popular Hansom derives its distin guishing title from a certain Mr. Hnniom. The Brougham, which was first used by the famous Lord Brougham, took its till ' from that nobleman. Landau, a city iu Germany, was the locality in which was first mado tlu stylo ot vehicle bearing that namo. Hacks originally were termed hackney coaches, because they were drawn by hackney a name applied to easy goin horses. The Gig was given that name from ito peculiar jumping and rocking motion, the word being taken from the French gigue, signifying the jig or a lively dance. The term Coach Is derived from tho French coclie, a diminutive form of tho Latin conchula, a shell, In which form tho body of such conveyances was originally fashioned. Coupe Is French in origin, being de rived from the verb cooper (coopay) to cut. This was considered nn appropriate designation because It greatly resembled a coach with the front part cut off. Seldom, if ever, is the full term Omni bus applied to those lumbering vehicles. With the characteristic brevity of Eng lish speaking races tho title has been clianged to Bus. These were first seen in Paris in 1827, the original name being nothing more than the Latin word signi fying "for all." Cab is an abbreviation ot tho Italian capriola, which is changed to cabriolet (cabriolay) in French. Both words havo a common derivative oobriolo signify ing a goat's leap. The exact reason for giving it this strango appellation is un known. V The artistic and fashionable JInie. Lierre (Lady Granville), dressmaker and milliner, ot London, thus speaks of Iter American patrons: "They are easy to please, pay their bills promptly, and never dispute prices; in short, they are my best' customers. " Oscar Wild has not abandoned estlieti cisni entirely, it seems, as he dines sow in a wliito room with a shelf upon the wall and no furniture except the tabic anil chairs, while the drawing room has sottt pa with high white bai ks and sage i gl.'vll i UMuolto A Scrap of Taper Saves llcr Ufo. It was lust an ordinary scran of wraDnlm: dumt. but It saved her life. Hhe uas In the last stages oi consumption, toiu uy puysiciuns mat GENERAL HARDWARE. she was Incurable and could live only a short 1 311UUS' I of Dr. time: slio welched lesstliiu seventy pounds' On a slip of wrapping paper she rend Klncr'H New niseoverv. nnd cot a samnle be It helped her, she bought a large bottle. It help ed her more, bought another and grew better I last, continued its use nnd is now strontr. I healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 1W pounds For fuller particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole, I uruKKisi, r on oniuu. inui uoiiies ui iuis wun dcriul discovery Wee at iteber's Drug btore. Paints, Varnishes, Glass, AXiL KIND OF GOAL, &c Gain rapidly In health and strength by the uso ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine substitutes rich and pure blood, tor tho Impoverished fluid left in the veins after lovers and other wasting sickhchj. . proves theappetlto and tones up tho system, so that convalescents soon Become Strong active, and vigorous. To relieve that tired fnsiinrr .ipnrclnh of snlrlts. and nervous uebulty, no otner meaicino pruuucc mu spsody and permanent effect of Ayer's Bar- ftanamiA. if. u. lAirinc. urociiwu, iim.t writes: "lam confident that anyone suffer ing from the effects ot scrofula, general de bility, waat oi appetite, aepressiuu " . ad lassitude win be cureu By Using Ayer's Sarsaparilla ; for I have taken It, and sneak from experience." "In tho summer of 1888. 1 was cured of nervous debility by the use of Ayer's Sarsa parilla." Mrs. II. licnolt, 0 Mlddlo St., Taw- lucket, It. I. Several vears aeo I was In a debilitated condition. Other remedies having failed, I began to tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was croatlv benefited. As a Spring medicine, I consider It Invaluable." Mrs. L. S. 'Win. Chester, Iloldcn, Me. Avers mM a m arsapanlla rnxrARXD BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold fey all DruggUti. Frlee?l; six bottles, 5. SDHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE f.i.Hlt valitvM Ih tnmt vtalaftl iLtlfk J lUDTM MB t.M.VMn. frkfTIKO for BXSCLTB. Binr 4 fey lafcfcUuo, fa mum it tnuiMdiau, dirtct ud certain ad cmrt It tfe rwall ta tJt rartUi cam. A trial on Tin cm tha BtMt ikaptfcaJ. Frica, K. a4 1.00 of "7 Wiup-u, bt anwu. oaosiiin riOO ,,r .... DR. ft. SCHIFFMAMNa fiUPaal, Waa. if Ton little one thoold be taken TO-BIGHT wltb Hcmbran. K Croap.vbatiroaldyoadof What pUjalcUn coultl wti life m n m r . Beldin'sflllsIIO New York doctors rocently treated I a three-legged man for rhoumatlsm iu all three legs. If the ladles would abandon cosmet ics and more generally koopthoir blood pure and vigorous by the uso of Ayer's I Sarsaparilla, naturally fair complex ions would be tho rulo instead of tho oxcoption, as at present. Puro blood is the bestbcautiQer. OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank treet, Lehigiiton, Pa ! a taatalaM.htmleii powder, and ( Mia oolj iftfagti art. In ao mn It baa nartt fauao. uraar auw iron roar arvgsuB I VT Iron ui. rrlca, Wc. A mmpiepwaor cy raaj i ryr j wj. TNI DAa VlWn raarHlalAKI Wf JAHAlbAllt & s. Tho largest forest flros iu Michigan haveoccurrod a decade apart in 1871, 1881 and 1801. BOPPOSITE X FIRST STREET, - Has just opened nn entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! 5 DEFOT,S$r LEHIGHTON, Pa Eupepay. This II what you ounrhtto nave. In fact, voa &7fc?i"H,W! in White Goods, Sa- llara an spent unuallT by our people in the ceeUS. rillllB. UrlUCaaiUH, lilrtl.MIIIIM. aacxnuv.a.ci.n uuu of the very best qualities at exceed the ute penlltea In, will bring you good dlgei. inC lOW prices, sSSSSiV yL'XX Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glassware, soid it su .miiLHr AooA and wiliQTjrware ol tho best makes at low iieurea. Doui.DyKeoer.ureggiit. rl,l. r , T3r. TJ 4-r, -r?nAr, T.f t i i r t i I m i a 1 i il . x 1 V jiuiKruuui teuvuit; oweuen uiubi. mnQe uiotiiinfr m exeat vftneiv nnu at prices wiiii uie reacii imvo a letter of recommendation from of an piirclmSers prices fully as low as the same goods can bo i ' hmirrhf frr nt nnv nfhm rvnnnrn ctnrA m thia VlPlliirv llWUbttV l V . J J k il A, iVllV-AtA WWAU vasr vaav Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures m groat ncty and ol Best quality of Flour and Peed at prices iully as low as the the price .sfHilka, BH . Mm.l,lat nf l.fAnn.llAii .nil hl VSiir.ctol the Uwheboninir How toSB OhtJtln intents. Croati, Tra44422fe wKvllarki, Coprrichta, tent V'Jmmf Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDROU hraalipil bforo retlrine to rest, nui1 should bo brushed until the scalp l cnniM nulbawarm. when'asmallaunntlty of oil (cocoanut oil Is considered best) . . , , ,, VI 1 lHU .1,A rnti ,' siiouui De wen ruuucu mw .o .w.. j the hair, The hair, if weak, should be frequent ly rail or trimmed, not merely the ends in discriminately taken off, but weeded of weakly and Impoverished nnirs as care fullv as a cood cardener trims a favorit. ulant. Tills, of course is best performed by a hair aresser, who, u ue oo masu-r of his profession, discovers at a giancc what is needed, distinguisliing easily the healthy from tho sickly hairs, tlio latter liaving a dry, withered, or uumt out np oea ranee. When tho hair has been allowed ti. rrow too long tho hair becomes split nt the end into several divisions, biiowiu.. '.liat it lias grown beyond its strenctli. The ends must then .be clipped of nbo the split part, and Uio brush used vigo; -ously. Under any circumstances II hair should bo trimmed onco a month, only slightly, 'to promote the strength an growth ot tills most aesiraDio auuuion i our natural beauty. Ono of the most unpleasant con'.' rmences of early neglect of this branch our toilet is Uie tailing ouotmen '' We do not refer to loss of hair conseqm upon ago, for that is natural and can u bo called a disorder. Instances iu wh; the hair has become thin In early life ai far from being uncommon, and if ne . lected might terminate, with men ei-p cially, in premature baldness. This i- -cesslvo loosening of the hair, however, i far from being as irreparable as is geni ally imagined j and if proper treatment adopted the hajr will grow afresh and sumo all its original vigor and Btrcng" Tlio head should bo bathed dally In o water, into which a little eau de color, lias been poured. Tlio scalp should tl, bo brushed until tne scaip occomes i and a warm glow ensues. This sinij treatment is recommended iu all ca where the hair has fallen off from f eve: . or any protracted illness. Much advantago will also bo derivv. from having tho head occasionally slum pooed. Instances might bo cited in whi !. the hair has been restored by tills proc ess, when baldness had seemed luovii ablo. All that is required to Insure uw cess in almost every caso is persevei ance and a strict attention to tempera 1 diet. Tho necessity of tha constant use of cold water Is important It is ono of t' finest cosmetics known, and has this n! vantage, tliat, whilo it in almost eve instanco improves the hair it can not pos: bly do It any harm. It tho danger of ta' Ing cold be npprehentled, begin by ush. tepid water, and in a few days, by havln the water gradually colder.lt may 1. used quite cold by tho moat delicate wii perfect safety. Indeed, it Inures ono u. tho cold and makes one loss delicate ami liable to catarrh or other head colds. Tlu best modo of application is to hold tho head over a busiu of cold waterand grad ually nnuly it to thohoad with thohands, rubbing the sk(n briskly with tho finger Ups. Dry on a sott wwei anu wien brush fur 10 or 15 minutes. With very long hair, however, this mode is a little innnnvenlent. To dampen a sponge In cold water and apply to the roots of tho hair, nibbing the skin witntiiounger tips, will answer every purpose and aiiow of the hair being dried easily, aa it Li the root of tho matter, as well as the lialr, at which wo wish to get, Thp invigorating effects of this treatment very soon Be comes apparent, The hair becomes glofcsy and silky in appearance and Its tendency to curl strengthened and improved, Under all clroumatancos avoid nos trums, washes, or dyes, which, though Uicy may apparently bo of temporary benefit, in the end will ruin the finest head ot hair and often lead to neuralgia and blood poisoning, TI10 lreldent uiiueuanKor wayorly, lowa,says:i .,, p w i;f f l?nl,nnitnm PrW lire, i' or ton I " h""" """" - Sulphur Bitters saved my years I sufforod from catarrh and uiver ompiaim: i losi lorty-nvo l i .1 ! ..1 pounds and was growing worso rapidly. unities uuu uu ptiruuusuu i-iuvuuiu i nan lost ail laitn in meaicino, utu hearing your bitters so well recom- CO a lit Carried lUr Off. ."Yes, I liad all Uio feljqws in town for my rivals wh'en l was courting." "And yet you carried off tho prize," interrupted Ids enthusiastic friend. "Well, corrected the other slowly if not severely, H don't altogether know- about that, puf l marnau iip s"i ' It Is nronoBod to establish a mail serv: lco on tlia-stre'ot cars in Sf, Iy)iU. mended, I gavo them a trial. Six bottlos cured me. Bmltn 1'. Hunt, wavorly, lowa. I am now 71 yrras ui age. Was a student ot Mwllclnn ami Surgery Inr seven years under the stwly suit in eonsHUatlon w 1th seven ol tlio most 1 l IlIllHIl-ipillH euro ol many A cow belonging to n farmor near Marshalltown, Iowa, is tho proud mother of triplet calvos. Will lie Given Avar. Ouronterprislng druggists Thomas Lehighton and Btery, Welssport, who carry tho finest stock of drugs, perfu meries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a large number of trial bottles of Dr. Milott' celebrated Rostorativo Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, dizaluoss, nervous, prostration, sleoplossnesa, tho ill ef teats of spirits, tobaooo, ootfoo, eta Druggists say It is tho greatefct seller they ever knew, and is universally sat isfactory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure iu all oases of nervous or organic heart diseases, pal pitation, pain in side, smotuering, etc. (1M dook on ".Nervous and Heart IHb eases" IN. A cur load of coarse salt has just been received y been marked down to the vory lowest notch. All goods oi the very best quality and are being sold at prices eminent picau iu tiie.ityoir v nn Imv nq tlio cnnift rrnndn nnn iimiflir. ntmiv rrnnnrnl stninl wMidinciimi.iotiieaA. . 0 V . . lit nan nn inniof ItM tiA flint Ihn atilnA Mil 111 this SCCtlOn, Call nnd be COnVUlCed, itOSpecMuliy. benirtMl: that narulyz?! Hmb- can bjsrestorojl i ui meir uiuunti ujms. uiiu Knierai ucuuur cumi. July 823-71 A.M0S REICtEL. ?XlS!!Sf,tor atlra, neuralgia, liver complaint, urimiu' ills- chills, chronic dVHtuteri'. and allud heart (llsease uud illplilprla. all entirely I eas ol Ihe k larili. uronci .nrp.1 ith tmre uimlleilies of rilvoun nranara. I nnn, ll oeu lirujwriy mrev.mi. TAventy-three Revolutionary widows aro on the pension rolls of our Govern ment. though we are in the second cen tury since the close of the war. ' They must nave been youthful brides of veter ans, like Uio Scotch lass of 17 who mar ried John Jfnox when ho was In his COth year. Although the carpet purchaser is look ing for good quality, he wants qne tlmf can le beaten, Bingliamton Hepub- DiiriiiK nl no leurs ovr 10,000 persons in this itv alone liae umiI these medic in living nltneasMoI their worth. All their names u A mis that imia yrra rmumi wmwme to wjhoou. in a uxxjh hut Arrwa mru nmimi wiMt to sohoqu. Williams & Rogers' Rochester Business University Btai'd' at the head of tin lUlul i i.-nlal it'lionls In In it iliaruilir na .111 eiliicvliomil fort. 11 a tili-dluiu (ui stipdiiK the Ijif.lnt'.t hh-ii nl tli iottiitr uilli traitu d nnd 1 iiiiahle Miist.iiits. ai a neann of uluitiiK Hn'ibmoiit ouiik mni uutl woinnu nn rtie hiit load 10 sue, . v., .tin! In llie t-xloitt elegauce and ra.i ol ll euiilLineiil 1 IKlHOlljll ( ciMMI'Kl IAI . MIOMHANH AMI I'ltAC TICAl. KM.LlSll OIHRMW I In runl ill !!iAHM...I r,ll..!oln Will he nulled free o ddrev. juue i oui .111 ( obtained bv eallina at the oulce and lab. oijlnr ol l'lofnwor 1 loud roll, Nn. im North Tenth Hi net, I'hllurtelplila. I wni myself in jured In the spluo and paralysed fur svn years mid pronouneed Incuralde by seven of the most able ih slelana and mimeous ol Ihiscliy. 1 am now well aud healthy, ImviUK cured myself with mv own ineuieineF. lln not lbtten to thoae oreludleed ftffftlnat 1m- iiroveiueut (11 uiiMlivJue and die, when you eau be saved. 1 wiu not go into practice myei, Mine over SO years of age, but will tell my medicines. I bata two einlneut physicians eoonssted wilb ma to attend to calling at the residences ol the sick If rvqidre1. Come ooe. come nil suderers and be restored to health, em ed b) tlitse Of re inedluhien uud Uui', see eileiiee and btlleve for torn selves. OnteaHli'l l,boiatoi one 1.1 M!i I' M (all .0 wilte AI.HSIANDI but HUOl i;7 N inum , fMUUlpliLa, la. ally f I DID 7 A M - ' l.IJ'i A Startling Astrouomlcat Fact, Pixifessor Cliarlea A. Voung, the em. pent Princeton astronomer, recently sat chat ling In the court of Uie Palace. Ono of his listeners could not refrain Crow iisLing him in an offliand way: "Wliatis to you tho most wonderful and startling fact ot astronomy 1" "The fact that your great Lick tele scope reveals about 100,000,000 of stars, and tha trpry ono of them is a sun tlimirolftalfy, and' by (mulogjr giving lij5hi aud heat to his planets. You know Mie Uvk telescopo reveals stars so small that It would require 90,000 of them to be visible to the naked eye. 8an Fi&n .! Eii miner. is and will ever bo tho Tbest TlnmedV 101? - - TinnVnnrin. r Fains in vno lu"i s i Joints, Nouralgia, Bprains, &o Beforo yon ntea m i aa-pREE OF CHAHQE-Wk aMS.JX2SS'u ef nromlaeut phTslclans. , J.AD.RIUHItUfiiui aiu Droauvii uBir F1S" PrTa Horials isardedl nrovean nousesi jn.unei.. R',""--r i J Mnrsmbsrg, sutaauw . B g 50 Oent9 a bottlp, Vot Salo byl 1 , r-t m t T n 1 a tii.ii iteuor, v. . x. iium " T. D. Thomas -r irnz&tu- CARTERS STYLE P8US. I "HHalff laai' "S alfBII CURE BleV noaflacho and rellST all tha troubles tad. flent to ablUoua aUtaof ths ayitem. suoh Dlzzlnot, Nausea, Droiittrieaf, DlitreM aftaj eating, rain In tho Bide, &o. Wills thalsj moat sviaauable taccoea has. been shown la owing j Hoadacho, yet Carter's little Uw Ms aro eauilly TaltiaHo In Oonstlpatlon, oaring and pr ontlng this annoying oomplauit.whll they alsa eorrecfaU(U8ordrsofthOBloniahjUnmlalth liver and regulato the boweU. EvenUtbeyoalf ' 1 HEAP leu'rerfroiJSidWrS butforto Bataly thelrgoodneas does notettdhera.and thoas who ones try them will find these UtUa plUavalo. ,BbU In ao many vrays that tbey will not bowll lXi0Z to do Tf itliout them. But after aualcfc bwt ACHE ls lbs bans tt so many Utm that bora Ij whsrs I we make out groat boast. Ourpulaouraltwhlla i others do not. - Cartert Uttlo lint Pitta are very small an4 very easy to take. One or two pills jaakaadoas. They are strictly veeetabla ana do not gripe or puina, but by tbelr gentle action please all whs .use torn. lnvlaUat25cenU fivaforSL, Sola by druggists everywhere, er sent by mau. CARTER WEDlCINC CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE EillEB AXLE raMatlORiiISi BEST 1ST TIIK WORLD. Itsweartaaqualltlcsarounsurpaased, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. U n coectui bVWt, typEl'-f HE GEM VINE. mBAtpaMflgmBATvtyl job printing! II VTTHK J Lowest Price J ' "tot dlsoovv ill 1 not Tbo Moat Successful Tt ered. as U Is certain In . Mister. Erad proof tx-ton . Pa. a Cxr..u. JJ."f,a5'yS' bits: -lit Summer I curod aCuruponmyliari wltli )ourctlebratet Iweiia&U'i fepfcYtnCuraanqti was tuetit Joblcrersaw done. Ihaveadoattn empty bottles, Imvlutt vusl It with perfect auocet. curiurf tVL-ry thtafl tried It on. My neighbor bad n horxa witu a very bad Spavin that madoltlm lama. Ht a&ked ma how to cure It. I recommfluded Kendall's Spivtn enrc. Ho cured tlio Sparta in just threo.week. ' Yours respectfully, J3ouikpDi. Oljlo, iwll 4, Vtf pa. H. J. ruvniu. CoTt Dear istr s-I Imve been eUInmoroof KondaU'i Spavin Curo nnd JTInt'a Condition jAowdara Uifcd ever bororc. Ono man ald to me, U wo tbe httt,t Powder i ever tept and the beat bo ever used ncjpectfuMy. CmTtraaiTao. K. T.( May W A Dn. II. J. Ks&DALL Ool. . m Dear nira:- I hav usod aoveral bottleiof your Rend All' Hpivln Ouru with perfect tcocetw, uu TP lu able and blood, mare that wagqulto laum huh a UfWff Bpavln. The mare U now entirely fru mlifiapaw ftud s"?,?3 9 b?c! o th joint KENDALL'S SPM GORE. . MosaqB, Ja., Mar Ulf. (1. a). nUUU I hid a four year old Ally vnivi hfirhl v. Him haul a varv aavurit awol ti: armnt nlfrht iliTrnntiit kinds of inidlcitM no ffiiod. I purehawxl a bottlo ot )our Urr Bpavtn uuro wnuii cureu nr in iuur ua t. I remain your. iULio:. 2 m x Pr.oe $t por IvXUa. or U Uxl.e. for K. Alldror; atlsti bar itoroantn tt for you, or n wiii oe tout tt any ftWrwi da reorlpt of prto b ti.- prop l lor, lift. II. J HV:Nlr4S.'. WU, Gaosbiir'rh ! tNf ,ont l thiuK It mv duty to renier ron nir tliankt for your fa famtd. Ken; laH HpayiN OUr-V IX l1 'll it rax " ad m can tM rantrd al ewt WI lifrarfc ratahlljr ami huuuraWjr , by Iboaa it rlibi-r Mt, totuiir utekaDd Im thalf oi.l,iMriVM ikan-oafc HUltiJ i I riibaOiidlU)BumMluariyirlkal-. ir-tw 4 till irwrrk aud Hfwatt!. eibtrltM, W tttm fbiniiiu yu iCc eitf- -UDIIaVtrU.aatlTttflt, l(a seoo.co a j U Ular fmI by Jh 9 UvuiIh hi,Truy,N,T.tiit tvfk ft ita ta4I, ; vu hj ro laiaka a Ultcb, but wf ) Mob yottatlali.tl iMstV ib ram fiuw ! l IU a ear at lk aUH, at4 tnei a y t. p ou. Hulls Miat, all aM. lu asj art ui AlaVarica, you r aiaamar at lu ma flv assrkcr Ma fwl von mlahlaa 'ijUiIm fcAeiLI'.MPt.kllll.T (AiW I'AlfllrUUAlW FHC.. aaJraaattae, mH)N A tt)., 1-VUTUlll. Stlk r v: i ll. I, rtnisi hawr lrtj fti.!r-at f.r tl-, b , nl.4 I Bf. a ll'. till Just. I'nttu. tulf4u, Oto.it i Oll)iran dsajaawftl Wt.y at a...a r ( ltLf a lull r-t it i i ll.. ti.k.ui! fit? t H"lllr. tl Wl ,.i s,j. a.r ktistat.fi raaxra wv caall i vai(.ltii ftoujtC IMair.AlLua;- jr. ) hhhc aJ aUft f 1 an trk If. iafllU or M Ifcp iliirst. lilp n.oaa; An vimV II.BlHlIflt.d' '-.ithetOIort..iiiU.Woic Tear (Blawlr wa lalliU,krar Ihajr H I will a Lao runatal. tM Utoa.t1.ti nr aannlouirtl arhMi jum ran . ru thai bbuonbi N mtiitav A r niatinlMaaaccvHrailaaabawa 111) aad ulalily earned I - but om wasrkar IVoan aswk dlnri. i or county I ka?a alrl, provtaUd with tteimruti tambtr, wku ntakkif ovar ltM a rararb U aNE W T -".lll Pl.1)' tAiOcaUM V It XI V.. Addmaa al ok All the very latest news will be found in tin C'abdun Ava CAT8.