The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 15, 1891, Image 2

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Decisions Analysed In llio Suit Atready
llrouglit lT Either l'nily
Probably no church quarrel In IiIb-
tory has brought nbout so much liti
gation lu the civil oourU as tho Bow-
Thin Paper has beenentered attlie Lehigh
ton roitOffice at second Gins Mutter
The Carbon Advocate
Rate for Legal Advertising i
M&wm&L 1 f am and Anti-Bowman quarrel in tho
Commissioner's notices .... 4 oo Evengollcnl denomination. In tho last
KlTorc Notices - 4 oo , ... ,, ,,
Auminisiraior 9 .notices .... j i.j i mom uu.u ..
Kxecutor's Notices 3 00 f r,nn t.wrtnr.v.t.lirfin ilnnlftlrmn In ns mnnv
1 i "
SATURDAY. AUGUST 15. 1891. lawsuits on various phases of tho quar
.! i rol. It nnnoars from those, that thus
Dona rid Circulation Larger than that of . , ,f ,, 001,.n,i
sixteen doclslons, and tho other sldo
Annual Democratic County Meeting. KOVCn,
The annual Democratic Meeting will be held Pollowlno is a summary of tho (loci
any Weekly Newspaper In the County.
Stenmlittr the omplf-xllirl.
Frequent .-s nl tlin popular nfternno-i
tea nrr l-etniirkin:; the cTtrnonlimi' v
pniu(i pietty kii'Ir wlio pour Mio nm' '
bi'veriiiro n,rc t 1 tlirt'ct the t-iprn'
rpout of tlic kettle in tin- direct. nil o!
llii'iv rtny cliiK'ks or whito lu-rm Mini chin,
It appears that some one Inn nsminvl
tliem tlial the wnim, fragrant Htr.'mi
arising from the stepping leaves is mod
bennflcinl for BoftouinR and purifying tin1
complexion. True, the heated vapor
doe-. I'riiiK a deep pink flush and cam
dampened lockH to curl tendril like abou
fair foreheads, but them amateur wait
resses are laboring under a grcvious error
when they imagine that this treatment
beautifies tho skin. It is harmful in tho
at the Court House, in the Borough ot lauch Bion9 thus far that havo boon in favor extreme, and union tlie suffusion Is im
mediately followed by a brisk towelling
a chapped and roughened complexion
will be the result. All through the
orunge growing country, where that ex
quisite fruit is eaten from tho time lie
rind shows the faintest gilding, girls
always peel the oranges at arm's length,
being fully convinoed, because some
negro mammy has tola mem so, tliat the
pungent oil springing from the skin will
leave a freckle wherever it touches.
How to Tell 'Wlielher It I Hood or n
Bale Counterfeit.
The Treasury Department is worried by
moro than one first class counterfeit, if
the statement of a Department clerk who
is now visiting at his homo in this city is
true. Said ho last night: "Tho now
the 'aueer1 coin are quite easily detected
aud suppressed. But there is ono bogus
dollar in circulation that is so nearly like
tho cenuino that it is causing consider
able alarm, Thomas Carvalho, the Treas
ury expert, who is said to lie tho best
judge of money in tho world, recently
was sent to Birmingham, Ala., to testily
VUUU.,VUHUUUUJ HIV ' 11 ""J V. ""(J"-", --- I j, j 11 n f nil
(INK nv-lnck P.M.. to fix the dav for hold nir """ '"''"
the Delegate Election la tho several boroughs Chicago (Twolfth Street Church).-
townships and election districts and also the I Injunction oppllod for by Antl
time ror holding tho sounty convention anaio Bowmnnitos. Doniod by Judge Uor-
titntunr i-.ioamv i
b.uh., Woohlnonr. Til Ar.r.lln.nHnr, for in.
unairmaawemograuououiHy vuiuumura. .,,., . ... t,,H,lt, rnnle,1
,UUtUVU JJ (1.UU'WUI1U1IU11VV9I iwutvi
T.-.,lrv. Rlmitf
i-r . ' .i I "J Muuti.
nir tub VjommiPSionors wouiu oraor . . ia. ...
that-U Job printing for tho county 'oitwhui, xi..-ipncauou u u.
Bhoe done by contract, awarded junction by Bowmanltos. Grnntodby
from time to time to tno lowest, anu judgo Uartright.
best bidder, oven tho IiOiilgnton Apvo- Roberts, HI. Injunction obtained by
gate might rise to tho dignity of nn . . ,,', . r,u i.n
atrftmcm lr.ra.1 nowannnnr. Instead of ltd- Antl-BowmanltcS. On motion by Bow-
vertlsing itself as a moro laokoy and manitos to dissolvo injunction, Judgo
blower for Ueorge, who in return gives Reeves, of Bloomington, ordorcd that
Morthlmor all tEo .offloial job printing ti1B tnlnnctlnn ir vacated and both
that ho can command and hoips mm , , . . , , ,
tn Rwlndlo tho rrmntv bv cortlfvlnir ox- ""OS uso tho churob as before
tortlon prices as "correct," M. C. Chicago, Thirty-fifth Streot Church. Liiver certificate counterfeit is so danger-
Democrat. Judgo Hortou ttrantod injunction nnolv nicn the bill that the entire
Tho above item wo copy in full from restraining Antl-Bowmanltos from do- issue may be called in as the best way out
tho Hauch Chunk Democrat, anti,lt D09iM Bowman trustee. of tho dlfflculty. Tho counterfeits wiiicn
pons to nroTO most conoluslvolv what TCnnlrnlrnn Til Tlilrtonn Ttmvmnii. cause the Treasury ofllcials the most un
we havo all along maintained, viz: that htos indicted for preventing Bishop easiness are bogus bills; counterfeit coins
on account of George W. Esser refus- Dubs from speaking in church. Ac- worF is wdl done, and
tue w uuyd ivujrbuiuK iy uu nibu ku i quiivua luu jury truii.
Ranch's In tho way of giving patronage Aurora, 111. Injunction granted on
they are opposed to him body, soul and application of Bowmanltos.
Dreocnos. Tno animus or tno item is S(. -p.,,! Ml pn- -s i,0 nrKf.
piam tne wemocrai wanis pap uuu nni tnjrd ij0ing uegun ,y Anti-Bow-
ior a iock oi it is Buuenng useu to ue- manito3 anti tho socond and fourth bv
generate into one oi tno most uisgrnce- nowmanitoB. Tho inlunctiona nnnllod
fnl and contemptible organs of tho for by tho Antl-Bowmanltcs woro do- as an expert in a counterfeiting case. In
bossos that the Lehigh Valley has over nied, whilo thoso asked by tho Bow- explaining to tho jury tho secret marks
known. Disappointed in his political mnnifa nrn rnTiofi Ti,oon n which the cenuino silver dollar boars ho
aspirations tho editor has become a Woro based on tho validity of tho trial said: 'The designer of the stoudanl silver
cbxonio growlor of tho worst sort, of nishor, Eqhnr dolIar Mn M"1"1' stamped tlie initial
, A . ' fJisuop issuer. f,i,n,m. in tw nW on the con.
ana nas tanen to aousing men wuo ottor Croek Iowa.-Protiminnry in- T, " " ctandnr J silver dollars bear
have the courage of their convictions, junction obtained by Bowmanltos made taTle
Our books are open to show that the perpiitual by Judgo Preston, and Bis- neck of the Goddess of Liberty just at tho
prices we charge tho county for print- Bowman's trial doclarod null and point whoro the longest lock of hair
tag wo the same as wo charge indlvi- vot,j crosses the neck lino, and another ou the
duals, corporations or business firms ' gi0UJc city Iowa Injunction ap r0Terse B'do of the coin, on the left half
and we emphatically pronounce the piiedforby Bowmatiites granted and of , looP of ribbon tied nbout 11,0
accusation In the abovo itom as mallei- ond mado perpetual by Judge Ladd. Cwin, from l,l noeket a handful of
ousiy laiso ana tne writer a contempt- DStauton,Iowa.-Porpetual injunction coina he left the witness stand and walked
uuio iiur uu uiuguuru mo wo grnntod against Anti-Bowmanltos. over to tho jury box. 'If you will look
Sort. His political history Is B9 Spotted Bmrar Proooln NTol,Tn4ntieflnn nt thnan ilnllnrn verv rjirefullv.' said he.
as a leopard and as deadly as the poison obtained by Antl-Bowmanltos was dls- 'yu will observe the marks to which I
oracoora, ana we cnauengo roiuta- solved on Anal hearing and tho Antl- "a. auuiloa- "e ulen umuureu mo
tlon. Dnrlni? his residence hernlinhas n n t Dollars among tlie lurors anu aSKeaiiiem
uunuiuuiiD uuuiuruuuu uvuiuruu mwui. . . ... , .
in ono way or another boon connected Bollovuo Kon.-Iniune.tion srantod W ,Cammo, ulelna-, Ite.r slUQylne
,, t , ,, ,,, , . , , I "ouovuo, ivan. injunction granted QWjiie au but three of tho jurors wcro
with all the low, moan and dirty tricks against Anti-Bowmanitas. t.i mif n,n
encompassed in the party. NVlthout In the f lowing cases tho Antis woro expert Corvalho smilingly volunteered to
munu ouuuiuu, uuu iuuhiiib i.uu uai SUCOossful: point out the secret initials to tuo three
elements or deconcy no one wonders Napiervillo, HL Temporary injunc- gentlemen whoso eyes woro not acute
at bis present position as tho puppet tlon granted to Antl-Boauites. enough to detect them. Taking the three
Oi one Of tho dirtiest political rings or Til Temnorirv Iniunetlnit coin3 m hk hand he danced at them
combinations ever formed in Carbon J0
county. Itis because the editors of m.Tomporary injunctlon Z1&Z12Z&
thaniUTinu AnrnniTP hnTrnrhn ftnnrnrra ...... n .. I ' .... .
" , " o- grantoa to Antl-lJowmanites. the benefit of a clearer Uglit. Then lie
to iacK against suon a ring ana oxpose BanKor, Pa. Injunction granted to turned to the jury, and said : 'Gentlemen,
some of their plans that the foul ele- -Antl-Bowmanltos by Judge Schuyler, these coins well illustrate the point I was
Bieuraopenineir mourns ana Dream Caso appealed to Supremo Court,
ue us mac as tueir own pouucai jug- Roading, Pa.-St. Mathow's Chapel.
giery. -J-Tiis fapeb owns itself ana is injunction crantod to Antl-Boivman.
not to do oictatea to Dy any one-some itea by jU(lg0 Ermentrout.
01 tne aspiring pOUtlClans in tUlS neign- nami-atown. Md-Hnwmnnlto nrnnnl..
1 1 J 1 - . 1 nr 1 I Q '
uoruooa aavo foarnea mis anu a lew er compelled to vacate parsonage.
tlon publishers enjoined from paying
tho salaries of Bishops Esher ond Bow-
I man
Nearly all tho suits havo boon over
To Onr ffabscrlbern.
The special anuouunement which ap
peared in our columns some time since,
announcing a spoeiul arrangement with
Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburg
Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on
the Ilorse and his Diseases." whereby
our subscribers wero enabled to obtain
a copy of that valuable work free by
sending their address to B. J. Kendall
Co. (and enclosing o two-cent stamp
tor mailing same; is renewea ior a
limited period. We trust all will avail
themsolvos of tho opportunity of ob
taining this vnluablo work. To every
lovor of tho Ilorse it is lndisponsable,
as it troato in a simplo manner nil tho
dlsoasos which aQlictthlsnoblo animal.
Its phenomenal sale throughout tho
United Statos nnd Canada, make it
standard authority. Mention this
pnpor whou sondim? for "Troatiso."
o uiy ii-jii
SwIlcli-IlRclt Tlmo Table.
Cars leav Bwltch-ltsck Dcnot. Jlnucli Chunk
nt ou, umu nnu ii.9i a. m,; i.uv, v.w,
ana s. p. in.
Gars leave Summit Hill at 0,10 ami H.lOn, in
12.30, 1.60, 3.10, 1.35 and 8.18 p. In.
Leavo Mauch Chunk ot 10 and 2,ss p. in.
Iave Hnminlt Hill at 3.26 nnd 4.oo p. in.
Teachers' lfixnmlnntlonfi.
Tlie Onrbon County Teachers' Examinations
for 1891 will be held as follows:
Millport for Tiwcr Toivamenslng TWp. Trl
dar, aur. 21.
fi OurPepufifBr&ntf
Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Weissport Bnste JJirectory.
Caiq8maltoyi7ot edurays
tafeTjad. - .
A RneQualitvof
ArrniiBeiiient of l'BMenser Trnlns.
In Eppkot Way 10th, 1891.
f,l!AVli I.ItlllOllTON
For Newark and New York 0.22. 7.30. 9.B7. and
ll.ix a.m. i s.06, 1Mb p. in
Stylish llAin Cur,
ao to
tub nAnnBii,
Over tho Onunl llrldge.
Fnr Manunka Cliunk Rnil lielrldere 5.12. 7.30
2.00, a.m. i 12.52 and 7.21 1 m.
ror jAniuvrivuio nuu ruiuvii v.w nuu
II. IV 11.111. i uuu I.IU. i
For Statlnslon, Catasaunua, Allcntown, IVetli-l -rnii aiuttt iv nii!ui.
lehem.and lianton,, 7.30, 9.00,0.57. 11.12 TTUlANKLIH HOUSE,
a.m , iz.02, 3.U0, o.i T.m anu iu.42 p m. 1 jl.-
For rlttladelpmaana points soutn at 5.22, 7.07,
7.30, U.00 ana 11.12 n. in.; a.vd uuu 1.24 v. 111
Head Itt
John W. Heller,
Heaters and Ranees,
Tinware and Pomps,
At Vory Lowost Frloos.
ForltcadlncandllarrHburg 7.0, auail.l2fl,m
1 7.i p.n
Tilt ft liminn nfTpr flrat-Mnv flfmmmruln(lnni trt
now mini ' . Oai. Cl.errvford. Ijhi- Permanent boarder and transient guest,
ry's. wlilte linn, t oplay, nnu lioKenuauqua i nmo prices, oiuy uno uouar per (my.
5.32,7.07, JI.M8-M ' I'2 ' i -2. W. M1R7-I j .Ioiut ltKiimo. IToprleU,r,
nuu mii ..
I'orMauciiciiurK 1.49,11.30, 11 au nnu 11. o
I a.m.: 1.11,3.18, 5.25,73, s.M, 0.33 ami 11.11 p. in.
and 12.47 NlBlil.
FOr Weatncrly and llnzletnn C.B2, 7.13 9.88 and
1 11.48 a.m. i 3.18, 5.26, 7.29, 10.51 .!.
ensant Corner for MnhonlnB Twn. Tucfilny,
aur, -a.
Stemlersvlllo for Upper TownmenslnR Twp.
thtiMilnv. Antf. vn.
Hlony OrceK Hcliool Home for yenn Forest
Township, Saturday, Auk. 28.
Lelitglitoii, Special isxamlnnlion Saturday,
Sept. la
Simplest, Host Durnblo, Bconomical and per
fect In use. Wastes no grain ; Cleans It ready
sor market.
ThrcsWna: Engines anfl Horse Powers,
Cnw AHlloand Standard Implements gen
OUW iUlUSeraliy, send for 111 Catalogue.
A. B. Farquhar & Co.,
reunsylvnnla ARrlcultural Works, York, Fa.
To Wliom It May Concern. Wo liereby Bi?e
notice that tho party advertising ns Aaron
Hnvcler. nt Hast Wrlssnort. Fa., and rlalmlue to
sell Davis Sewing Machines, Is not an neent for
tho machine but unknown to us. Any person
lmreliasiiiK from him would do bo nt their own
risk. Our guaranteo will not cover anv
inaelilnes exnent those sold liv our miMinrlzeil
representative, who has nn miiToiit In supplying
penccc macmncs oniy.
Tlio Commissioners of Curbon Coun
;y, Poun'a, will oxposo to Publio Salo
ho County Brldco spannincr tho Poho
l'oco Ureolc at llarrity, fa., ou
Saturday, August 22, 1891,
at 1.30 o'clock p. m.
Terms and conditions will bo mado
known at timo nnd placo of salo by
July 25, 1891-Cw.
attempting to impress upon you. They
are counterfeits.' Just before entering
the courtroom Mr. Carvalho stepped into
a grocery and had a $20 bill changed in
order to got cnougli dollars to pass among
the jurors. Three of thoso coins wero
bogus. j plucaeo Mail.
lesson. From the 11th of Juno up to
the present time tho Advocate drew
$2125 from the county for printing
this Is certainly not very rich feed and
lf 1LK 1. 1 1 ,. i 1.
yTd ri m r, T tT th0 Possession of churches by tho rival
babyish cries of tho Democrat and Ko- i . . ,,
cord, two papers suffering from tho
some complaint laok of pap. We
have taken up moro room in reply to
the old political bummer than was our
first intention, but in conclusion wo
doslro to say that, if our record were
as dirty and our presence as odious to
r" T" ""'T,"1' , "" In many instances tho lawyers, fees
preachers of tho two factions, and
many of them aro still in tho course of
litigation in the lilgher courts. Thoro
aro, bosldos, many cases in Iowa.
Oregon, nnd elsewhere which havo not
as yot been decided in the lower or
higher courts, it is a record of litigation
that has seldom been equalled, aud
and live the balance of our life in ob
equal to tho whole amount of church
property involved. Both sides are con-
i 1.. ..!..: , ,
TV, rm, t !,! I luuuoy ior Ifgill ox-
You are the dirtiest blackguard, the , "P5??S
mcanestnnd most unscrupulous Har " " , , n " , . , , ,
. . , . -r i I wAAi.WAWAiV.Vi9 lUUCl 1U UULUUUr LU It OI I
vrt nave evor met; may tne gooa ojora fhn nH.T,morllte. , ti,ii.i-ii.i. I T70H DELEOATK TO THE CONSTITUTION-
hardened soub "A " x' " ,T al convention-
is Lenox.
have mercy on your
and that of the Bowmanites in India-
u . . napolis-u now crop of lawsuits is
.,'., promisod as a result of their action!
excellently well.
Chat. lAiKkammcror Dead.
At about nine o'clock Sunday morn-
While in Pottsyhxe tho other day
r?nlTrn0fRfef lDg, T ia8 last Charles Longkammerer.for
52SS;S! foreman in tho Lehigh
t i t; T -7-"""-"" Valley shops, Packorton, died nt his
, ?. r nomo in that place, after an illness of
In the coal regions. Since he left ;Car- about three weeks, resultant from a
bon county he has advanced rapidly in buUot wo,ln(1 ,,, ,,f
the newspaper field and is looked upon shouldor, received In the bat'tlo of Fair Foil SHERIFF.
m uuu vi. lta uwHu0ra. uaKS. Va..on Juno 1st. ifino nr. T.
Frank P. Sharkey,
Of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, I'a.
Subject to the decision ot tlio Democratic Con
Jonathan Kistler,
01 Lelilshton, I'a.
Subject to the Carbon county Democratic nomi
nation convcmion.
I vnfl n mnrn ui r.r i i, o, , i
DA.,n. !. 1 I VI., OJ.BI,
very disgraceful affair in this county
Regt., Pa, Vol. Tho wound was a bad
nnn nlinlfnt-tnrv lin Un-n 1 .1
wbnr, n r.nWln nfflrmnnnWnWI. . . . """"
i vV m . It. r l ' , much trouble Tho bono bocamo dls
tute his office for the benefit of any eased nnd mortIflcation sct nwh .
xuaaorse, or men xne very latest, was foUowed by blood poisoning and
that comes on good authority, is that death.
1,"', ls,ufnth?Pri- Deceased was born iu Wittenbach,
vuegesot his office in behalf of the Koenig-reich Bairen, Germany, on the
oomblnatlon against George Esser o4th ot Juno 1830. Ho came to America
U'bl.8vlJe!,0trdlrf,, L!e"' ben 18 years of age and ever since
wu uu .Buu,u uut uu - has lived in this neighborhood. Intor-
ir ,. v. T T mont was maa to tho Lohighton
rt8! 3ei ' T8t ? i1, cemetary on afternoon and
toxmsis TBUE the director ehould was large, nttondJ
ST, inendsana John D. Bortolotte Post,
certainly never a more contemptible p, G. A. R, of which he was a mem
method of electioneering pursued in bor. Rov. J. II. Kuder officiated,
this county or elsewhere a damable
course that should bring the direst , r" '
consequence on tho heads of those who erl ' Mntiemn
are connected with It It Is this open 3. wlien j10 fa with a lady who bows to
prostitution of tho will of the people any person, oven If the other Is a total
that is rapidly threatening tho over- strangortohtm.
throw of our free institutions. It 3. When he salutes a gentleman who
hould bo stopped; It Must bo stopped, ia company of ladies.
a 4v, ii.nii i, .ni,it 4. Wlien he u in the company of an-
calBchemeshould be exposed HtffiS'lSl'l.
up to punuo contempt, xurn on tne gentleman whom he knows.
light I 0. When be offers any civility to a lady
I who is a stranger to him.
"A Luzebne county Judge last week 7. When he parts with a lady after
rendered this decision which will, no spealfB to her, or after walking or drlv-
doubt, interest many taxpayers: "A ingwiuiner, etc
taxpayer has a right under the law to In tl,e el.eTOtr. rt, J dles,
uwu"" , IiT men may keep on their hats with perfect
work out his road taxes and the super- nmnHl,t,. Nina out nf vr tn ,iiv with
Tisors must give him a full opportunity good omi sufficient reason. Elevators are
to do so. JJut it la not lor tne taxpay- draughty places and are publio convey
er to say what kind of work he wlU ancei, though, witmn doors. To raise the
do, nor to dictate the time and place hat when a lady enters is becoming oour-
when and where he wlU do it. DUore- Jf Iff?nt 'rom Blond-
.i i i, .,i , ,,. t,, uig witli the hat off while an elevator
tlon In these matters Is vostod in tho mmto to the mTieoaih floor A Jiat
supervisors. when not on the head in In the war In an
: - 1 slevator. It is embarrassing to the oocu-
For good dressed and solid fence fc'l
posts, fence rails and other timber. kn,.k. it ln or m.v lth thn
Call en Fred Schmidt, Lehighton. 1 uap - (The L orret t Thunir.
John Brighton,
Of Coalport, Mauch Chunk township.
Subject to the Itules of the Democratic Noml
uuiiUK uuuvenuuii.
For Prnthonotary 1
Ehvon Bauer,
Of liast Mauch Chunk, Carbon county.
Subject to tho Itules governing tho Democratic
Fon ritoTnoNOTART,
Oliver A. Clauss,
Of Lehighton, Ia.
Subject to the rules governing the Oarbou coun.
The undersltrnetl offers bimself aa a candid
ate for I'rothonotarv and Clerk of Courts, and
reeuecuuuy eoiiciui uiv i'iuocraiic iiuiniuuuon
anu me suppon oi uia iiow eiuwas.
Mauch Uhunk, TliOS. E. I10YD,
For PR0Tii6N0TARy,
George W. Esser,
Of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, I'a.
Subject to tho Hides of the Democ ratfe Nomina
hub liuuveuuuu.
pO TO FltB. KODUltEH, under theKichangc
w iioiei, jiauK sireei, ior a sniooiu suare ora
fasbtonable hair cut. 13T Closed on Sunday's
ltoeder's llilr tonic, eurea Dandruff. Weoarry
In stock a full line ot fancy toilet articles at low
est prices, and we are the only place In town
wnere you can uuy jieaaers ureain loriue lace.
Advooatk Offiok, Is headquarters for
soaving, uair cuiunff anu suauipooiuK- uau.
S12KMAN, the barber, oppoelte the Opera
llmiAA. i-iitu liAlr. ilmtM find flmu Amrv.
Freifll Bannase antl Parcels
John F. Hottenstein.
U&reful attention paid to the Delivery of
Freight, Baggage and Pareela to all parts
of town at tho lowest prloea. A share of
public patronage is respectfully solicited.
jyLeave orders at (Sweeny's, Koch'i
or lieitHiDgum e.
Fnlc Sale of Goriuty Briflae.
Aufflinistratrix Notice.
Estato of llas OcorKC dee'd lato of tho Kast
J'cnn township, county oi u.iruon, suiie oi
Tetters nf administration liavliur been urantcd
to the underslimed widow ct the lato Kllas
OcorKO, ail persons Kimwine mcmscives io uo
inueuieu io sum csiihu vm jiiuku pu,viiii:iiii
wlihln .-uirlnvs rrom tho data hereof, and per
sons having claims will present tho samclu
proper form for settlement.
KIJZAIIlilli (.liUKUE,
Eastrenn twp., July 17, lffll-wo
Seidel's Bakery,
Flist Street, Lehlghtoji, you will aln ays find tho
Freshest nnd Host
Rye, Wheat and Vienna Bread
Frcsli Every Day. Our Vienna Bread cannot
bo excelled. We respectfully solicit your patron
age,. Watch for the Wagon.
Seidel's Vienna Bakery,
Opp. ObeU's, FIItST ST., LEIIiailTON, I'A,
July 18, '01-ly
Branch OrriCE : Over J. W. Baudentmjh1
Liquor Store,
uentlstry ln all its branches. Teeth Extracted
without ram. uas admiaistercd when requested,
Office Days WEDNESDAY of each week.
t.0. address, ALLENTOWN,
3-yl Lehigh county, Ta,
We Positively guarantee Dr.
Boyd's Little Giant Nerve
and Liver Pills
To cure Constipation, Indigestion, Ullllousness
Torpid Liver, l'aln In thoBack,l'IIes,lIeadache,
Had Taste ln the Mouth arising from Inulges-
cion, oy sirengtueniug me nerves uuu regulat
ing the action of tho Stomach l.lver aud
Kidneys. Do not be deceived. Dr. ISoyd's Lit
tle Ulant Nerve and Liver rills act on n new
principal. They act on tho nerves ot the
Ktntniirrli. liver and kldnera irlvlni? them health
and vigor, what Is more evldeutof thelrcuratlvo
qualities, man the lact mat tne longer taken
tlio lees required, that Is more than can bo said
of nnv other Dill on the market, a trial will con
vince the most skeptical mind, that what we
claim is true, inose are a lew oi tne many icsti
nionlals we have received.
Tltton, Ga., Aug. soth 1890. Dear Sir: Tho
I'llls received, they aro tne best i ever useu.
I.ike Orvslal Minn.. Mnv 11. 1800. IlOilrHIr
T bale taken Tills sent lne. enclosed find AOn
send me morel have been troubled for jears
with Indigestion, constipation and nerveousness
since I take Dr. lioyd's l'llls 1 feel good, havo
taken many others with no relief yours re
spectfully. ADAM IlEANKIt.
For sale by all dealers In medicine at me
per box, sent by mail ou receipt ot price, sam
ples free, agent wanted overyv. here. i
T. D. TIIOMAS, Drmmist.
Lehighton, I'a.
for WmM
Oscar Christiiiaii,
For Mahanoy City. Shenandoah and Ashland I and Vivclinnan RlaltlrJi
O.M. 7.43. 9J0 and Il.lSnlll.ia.ll'.ll.aS&T.IB 11.111 LKWy UUU JJJ.UtUlU0 OIUUICS,
tasy riuing carriages ana saio urivina horses.
Best accommodations to agents and travellers.
Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to,
Ulvo mo a trial. mav21-ly
i.ts and
B . IMI 11
P,Oi( l.tO( V-W ttllll Ihian Itlt, tr. ' is
For Mt. Oarmel And ShuiwiKln cfia,
Ml JiJ n. in.i H K ii. in.
For l'ottsv le U.W.7..T). 7tr.iii ujuami n.w
u. tn., n.oo. 3.JP. and 7.2a, 7.24 p.m.
i or Willie IlKeil Miiriwiflinrniiu ctiaiiit'ii
0 M, 7.3, 9.30 UUd 11.18 A.m.; :U8, R.'iO, 7.23 nua
in m n.m.
Yot lMttttton nnd I., fi II. Jnm-t., (t.M!, 7.48. 0,90,
and 11.48 turn.; 3.1?. fi.'ift,7.ii3 uml 10.6I p, in.
l or TUiiKliannocK n.e a. in.; d.-.o uuu
1 in ru tun.
For Owcro, Auburn, ltlnwa mid Ueiievti 11.48
1111 ru, JiOCUUSlr, uuiiuio. ji uiiin uuu miw
west 11.48;nnu iu.oi p. in.
I'orKimira niiuine veBi via oHiainjuivi t
1 .1.1H p. in.
!ir Nbw York fi.02 nnd 10.07 n.m. : n.m,
i'or rjuiaaeipuia n. m.i x.oz anu o.-u v. nu
lor lamon unu inicnneomio ntunuiw
. , (SLW, 1V.VJ( it.illti UW, ..4jaiiuii.v4p.i'i
For Aiauch Chunk 8.14. run.: 12.2G,
I o.i3, 8.04 aim y. p.m.
i or Jtejuiinc nt u,uz a in. : .rz uuu o.jtj n. in.
j or iiuzieiuu v.ouu.ii.; i ito, o.i
For Mahanoy City nnd tJhenandonh I2.2tfana
3.1 h p.m.
Fnr White Haven. Wllkes-HarTe. nttston.
1 Tunkhannock,Tovanda, Sayre, Ithaca, Geneva, j
I AUuuTii, Jiimim, nocneier, iiuiiuiu, iiagitiu
1 Falls ana tne west 1004 p.m.
For iurtner parucumrs mnuiro oi akculslui
(len'l Pass. Audit.
Boutli Itelhleheni, l'enna 1
Tho - Weissport - Bakery,
c. v. IaAury, rnorniKTon.
Delirors Fresh Bread and Cakes In Weissport,
inignwinanu vicimues every aay.
tn the store I have a Fftio Line ot Confectionery
or the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools aud feso
vais seppueu ai lowest prices. oec-.w
Over Canal Brito E. Weissport.
Joseph F. Hex,
Time Tables.
May 11,'
AstcVbuR Dealer For Ix
v. Prices the very lowest. Quality ot
goods tho best. Satisfaction guaranteed In
ovorr nti rtlinltii.
I TfAeprtfnIitr nnnnnnnM to thft nubile that llO lias I Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds
.... v. ...... r. 1 1- 1
1 . t ...... I -V. rrnrn. n t'lmornli I U'a hava a full Hna nrlitnli urn urlll furnlkli
I I UW OrfllUlUU IU 11111111(1 icaiitl 1U A uuviHio, I - 11.MU n iuu nuu " nn,ss ' v . .iflta
Weddings or Easiness Trips on the shortest no- th0 iowest possible prices.
I 1UL-UI 1 1I1UBL 1IUV1111 IC11113. VIM. i-i. ,.
ICaroou House" will receive prompt attention.
Livery Stables.
Flour, Feed, &c,
ncxl the Hotel. Lelilshton.
!in22lA- I thocliolccst quality at very reasonable prlees,
uan ami uo cou.incea.
Aprll-IY EAST WEI8Sr01tT.
Buy My Clothes,
High school principal
Moro students In
all other business colleges"
University eraduato
The changing seasons once more ,TYerm upcraior
hnngs baclc tlie
to every man, yourself included.
Of course-you are going to fix
up a little, as every one else
docs. Nothing extravagant
A New Suit
thai! will afford comfort for the
warm weather and at the same
time embrace good workman-
Second National Hank, Centre Square,
The Largest ani Best in Eastern Penna. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry,
Eight Experienced Instructors,
Experienced bookkeeper teaching Bookkeeping I
Exiicrt nenman " Tenmanshlp 1
Court Reporter " Shorthand
lixpcri operator . . ijimHinmg
" ungusnurancnes
TelecraDhv I
" Commercial taw I
Llgtn' gcaic'tlon l
Silverware,Bronzes, Clocks,
Bicycles,Piano Lamps,
Furniture, Parlor
Mnrn cUnlptitt In rl.illv attcndsnco than at
I m mo AniKn vauoy i j ii .,., l,: A nf
combined, uuu uiuiuni, uvcj.j' iviuu ui iuw
Write for catalogue and full particulars to Mmnfllcp cold unon the Tontine
0. 0. DORNEY, Principal & Founder, CIianUlBQ S01Q Upon Uie AOHHIie
-riea3e menelon this paper. o-2T-cm I Pan which IS now SO favorably
k'e.r Suod for Clroului .nd Rrpurt ol Cummebc.rn.nt.
known as applied to life insur
ance. Certificates are issued to
members entitling them to
nuniiirnn.-jnunnTii mn
Ml Um $40 worth of Mer
chandise for $17!
Aak tnv norentB far W. Jj. Donitlas Hlioe
.1 .1 .i I If nnr inr mla In vnnf iilnAM n air vnil
StUP and StylC, rogetlier WUU aiAenler to nend for cnlnloaue, .ecuro lb.
- - - m ncpiifv. nuu 17 pi i ii piii inr toi.
few of the nobby articles from
our extensive
Furnishing Department
is perhaps all that will be re-
quired by you. Still there will
be no dodging The Same Old
Where Shall 1 Buy
My Clothes 1
rem. walk iwm&k roi
S3 SHOE CEfjfPgvir
Ani-1 it must bp dppulod hpfore THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY?
2.U1 It lUUbt UL UtUUCU n S geamleMbot3, with no tackor war tureort
you make your purchosc
to hurt the feetj made of tho best flue calf stylish
nnd omv. nnrl htviuxA fvt mirl-x mnrn ahewjt fir this
grade than anu other manitfacturer, It equals hand-
T.r- TTci A n omav f Ii n On na dtZ OQUenuIuo llnnil-sewed, theflufstcalf
A4ww w m wmm ww wmw X-i K j m guoo qyct oliereu for cj.uu; equals creucn
ininorisa iinooa wnicn coke irnni si.uiiui bh.uu.
eT m IHI Ilntiil.Snu'rxl IVnlt Slinf. fine cult.
stylish, comfortable and durable. Tho lictit
duo CTer uiicreu hi mis jiricn i namo itrauu ua 1110
tnm.mailA shnoii rnsttntr from iUi) tn
OU I'onco Puooi rarmrrs, unuroau jun
and Letter Carriers al 1 wear them : Duo calf.
seamless, smooth insiue. neavy tiiree soies, cxwn
lion euge. una pair wm weurajear.
The certificates are guaranteed
to mature in 17 weeks upon
conditions ; clubs now forming,
If you widh to get any of the
above goods, at greatly reduced
prices, and on easy payments.
call on or drop a postal to
TFeissport. - - - fenn'a,
aprll It, 1801-cm
Pattlcular attention paid to General Jobbing
Furnace and rump Work.
ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished for Honae
Heating with Hot Air, Steam or Hot Water
Circulation. All work Guaranteed I
fn Ob Ti HuitNi
Central Drug Store,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c,
choice Wines and Liquors,
Wall Paper and Decorationo I
Spectacles 1
When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a
eood fit. Out II tou need SPECTACLES It Ii
much moro Important that the EYE ihould be
accommodated with correct lenses and a proper
Y fitting frame which will bring tlie lenses di
rectly before the centra ot the eye. K you buy
your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will Sad the
above points properly attended to.
f BB
Fine Snitinss anfl Fantalooniiiis
at tbe lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per
cent lower than elsewhere. A perfect fit
and best workmanship Guaranteed ln eyery
nslanco. lief ore purchasing else, where
call and see us. -31-lf
tion fot You this Time,
And we will give you
1st A Square Deal,
2nd. A saving of several
dollars on each Suit of Clothes
we make you.
3rd. The newest and best
mo 30 flue cnlfi no better shoe ever offered at
liAi this price i one trial will convince thoso
trhn want ft KrirtA fnr romfnrt nnd irvlm.
QQ 3 and 82.00 WorkliiHiiinn'n shoes
wmm are very strong anu uuraute. iuom woo
bare given them a trial will wear uo other make.
DUVo worn by tbo boys everywhere; they sell
nn theTr mrrlta. th I ncfeaaln f talcs show.
Decorations, Picture Rods,
Cove TTindow Shades,
Spring Rollers, Fringes,
Carpet Lining.
Lnrl IfSB l!;."!. ;.vt hr,,,.vvn,,, s ri i. n i 1? 1 i r.
styles in fabric, best workman- .fflM.lMfo, DHl,m J,uunB' luUm'ia'
ship and very lowest prices. "IfflS'frSffllSria J51ocks,Pancy Cards, Etc., etc.,
nrla lira itAmnnd on tha bottom of each Ihoe. ' '
. W. L. 1XJUOLAS, Brocttoo.MaM.
ixlVe US a Uail. Adam Mehrltam &on, Agents
I , utiiniiTiw
You shall have the most caretul
attention, unlimited opportunity J- POLICEGAZETTE
for satisfactory selection, a per- ... nnlv I11,tr!1,11, mri(r . tllB world
feet fit, and tllC fllircst priCCS. containing all the latest ensatlonal aud sport
' 1 inir news. No aaloon keeDcr. barher or club
room can afford to bo without It. it always
maaes menus wuerever it eoea.
Hailed to any address ln the United States
securely wrappeu. 19 wcvks ior i
Send Ave cents for sample copy.
Richard K. FoXj
FrankllaSquare, New York City.
Clauss & BrOn
Lehighton, Pa.
ETJje usual large assortment of Hats and I
Cups, liooti, Shoes, Itubpers, Slippers. Sc.
Hummers 0
Mason Jars,
$1 per Dozen.
ueensware Bazaar,
First Annual Grand Ball,
Lehigh Lodge, No. 292, B. of il. R. T.,
In Gabel's Hall, Lehighton, on
Friday Evening, September 11th, 1891,
Grand March at Nine O'clock. -
Ticket, for. Gent and Ladies, $1.00.
Carbon County Improvemeot Co.,
Weissport, Pa
"Whore you can have all kinds
of lumber sawed at the
very lowest prices
Satisfaction guaranteed in ovorj
Fire Wood !
In all longths and in all quant
ities supplied cheaply.
For Sale at a Bargain
A House and Lot with a uever falling well of
water, Fruit Trees nod Vines, situated In the
Uerouib of Ijliljjliton, between Third and
Fourth Street, about three hundred feet from
tbe public school building. Reason for selling,
present owner lives out of town and cannot at
tend to tbe same. Apply u
I may le-iiu
Mm I. H MI1.I.KH
or K. 11 I AltAsn,
i'uekerton. IV
PAINTS, Oils, Glass,
Putty, Brushes, .
Colors, Artist's
General Painter's Supplies,
No. 61 Broadway Mancb Cinmt, Pa.
ho TO
Gns. Miller's Poplar Restaurant,
Finest Brands ot Liquors, such as
Oibson'8 Pure Rye,
Dougherty's Pure Rye,
Genuine Silver Broolc,
Imported Gin and Brandies,
Finest Cigars.
First-class Free Lunch always
on the Bar.
To Contractors anil Bnlers.
The undersigned announces to Contractors
and Builders that be lias now opened his stone
quarry, nc Heaver ltun , and Is prepared to supply
Building' Stones
In any quantity at reasonable rates. He also
keeps a supply at bis residence on SECOND
STHHCT, ia supply Immediate demand.
HAULINU of every description, promptly at
tended to.
Also, constantly on hand a full supply, of tbe
best brands of
Flour and Feed,
widen he will sell at Lowest Market Prices.
TTe print picnic bills.
During the year 1891 You will
"Corner Store"
.Dry Cooda Croceaiep, Notions,
Glassware, Oranges, Banana,
Grapes, Lemons, Apples,
Nuts, Candies and everything
Usually founein a thoroughly
first-class general store. We
solicit a call and guarantee
Corner Store,
Henry Miller,
Window and Door 'Frames,
Doors, ShuUers,
window fashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All KMs of Dressed Mer
Shingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c.
Very Lowest Prices.
Fine Picnic Bills
printed at this office
at low price.