0RIGIU1L CHEAP GASH STORE ! Big Slaughter SPICILY TOLD. the Van ot: n lively Town Tola In Vexr AVorils 1y n I!iiUiib lteiiorler. Work Is slow nt the llorsli Vurn- ace Comnimy. Business Is Improving at t.ho-Xielilgli in Summer Silkd.r Beautiful Check Silk in var 10US colors go down froitl 65c, C(irpet8 nt Honry BcUrnirUTs. Cheap A good rouge. Antily at this offlce. lion Culton soils loo cream all flavors- nt 80 cout a quart. Pull lino ot Ingrain mid Urussol (way below cost), to doc. per ynrd. ' This is a thing never be fore heard of and the goods can not last long at this price. The knife has been applied to our entire Silk Department. FROM MAUCH CHUNK. The Con Oily Onplinl Spiritedly Kpllonilieil by a 8eclnt Oorrespohilont- l'ernntinl Bllll Otherwise -Tlio now Valloy station Is oompM eu and the oflioliils In possession, Oharlos Lattry, Wolssport's popular bakor was In town on business Wednesday. Tlio storo room latoly occupied by Sam Garpontort jowolry store, is being remodelled prior to Its being occuplod as a branch of tho popular Hon Maroho. iMox Johuson, of Upper Mnuch Chunk, a brakeman on tho Central, was killod Wodnosdav while making a coupling. Ho had boon on tho road for a number of years. Uornnrd Thomas, had a leg brokou whllo at work in Montana. Ho died from tho effect, and his body was brought homo to Nosquohoning for in- Tho Epworth Loaguo havo discon tinued their mootlngs until fall. A full lot on 3rd stroet, will bo sold cheap. Apply nt this office For Salo A slnglo framo houso on 4th street. Apply to 0. W. Morthimor. For a good smoko.go to Doifondor for's and got 100 good cigars for 81.00- ti :a;A n,oo AitturtiR Tho Loliieh Stove Foundry has in white and black black with r9UmodoporatlonnfteravooUof Idle- tormont. Ho leaves a family. Ago 45 white embroidery Work, have nlSjIlr0 of Davld Ebbort, the Tho County Commissioners will been greatly reduced in prices. Hvoryman, for ploasuro ridlug. Terms soil at public salo tho old framo brldgo XJ, ( -bailie nrn here and Vorr.loW- . crosdng the Dig Creek at Harrity's on - a young gin visitor at ur. xoicamp 1 tno istim 01 August, in us placo an tlie prices on inem ciiuiiui. uc kicked hor anklo out of joint, Wcdnos- iron brldgo will bo built. matched liny where, When the day, whllo playing foot ball. Jnko Buss who runs rt good hotol nt quality i8 considered. Miss Lulu Burham, of Chowsvlllo, Nesquohonlng, will perhaps hnng up n 1 Md., has dcclinod the primary school shlnglo as an attornoy. At any rato ho Some New Shades of Silk In this city to which sho was oloctod. was in town Monday and succeeded in Lftce Mitts for ladies and misses Bishop Thomas Bowman is ox- sottllng a law suit botwoon two sous of bifvn nrrivml At the mices Pcto1 to preach for tho Evangelicals Italy. Blcssod is the pcaco makor. ... ...... . - 1 1 1.. i 1 1, i ., 4 1. inn, 1 mi. . , . 1 1 , .,, 1 111 kuia uinu uu tuu uigiuuh ui buu uuku. iuu uuw rvKiairy UUUKa will uo Hiram Boor was bit In tho finger sont out to tho assossors, Saturday. byasnako,Wodnosday. "Dr"ICauden- Six books go to each district. Of tho bush furnished an autidoto and Hiram's numbor, tho Assossors keep ono, ono O. K. goos to tho polling placo and one goes Wo aro very much ploasod to stato to tho Commissioners. Tho Com that our esteemed old townsman, Fred mlssionors dupllcato tho books, they Lueckol Is recovering from a sorious koop ono, sond 0110 to the assossor and T ho (id rhnn AflVnnate 'hnoss. ono tp tho polling placo. Conslder- I I I w . . , ... I. . ., ..... Aiiuuuuru xvumurur, or., wau wua 1 uuiu ixuuuiu, uy tuo way auu lots 01 ex- taken quito seriously ill whllo at work pense, last week, is now on a fair way to re covery. The mombors of Ebcnozor Evan- golical Kunuay scnool picnlcou vory pleasantly in Lindorman s woods on prices they are marked they will soon be disposed ol. J. T. NUSBAUM, Pint Street, between South and flum Streets, Lehlichton, l'a. SATURDAY, JUYL 23, 1891. T.ITTXK OA!". Postmastor G. M. Honry was doing business at tho County Seat on Satur day last. . Tho namo of a business firm in htghton by a scratch. Cutler and Gil- T.nnhnnWli Mmmi, rn.imh- . Philadelphia is Nico &, Good. Wo I1ASIS HAM. GOSSIP. The prettiest gamo of ba'll played on the home grounds this season was witnossod Wednesday when Catasau- qua's strong aggregation won from Lo- Vodnosdoy. bort were in the points for tho visitors, . , , . . ... , . , hopo they aro, whilo Kalbach and Blmmons manipu- Bp0rjin(. g00(i3 0f a kinds at vory " 1110 Inrmor3 of this section aro lated tho ball for tho homo team. Tho , f . nearly dono harvesting, oats will bo rt , . 1 in-U , 1 1 - 1 1 . I I in ueiu ana out ueiu uuenuu ujj urai 1 . . ATra Pnthnplnn V.onli lq Klmvltr onn. noxc " Program. respective batteries Iiko a giant bul- , , f , stroko that Mrs- Lovi Oeorgo, of this placo, wark. Lohighton was first to bat and has rondorod hor almost holploss for celobratod hor 30th birthday anulver retired without scoring; Catasauqua , v. f sary on Sunday last. had ono man pass over tho home plate A younB daughter of Jacob Blank Wilson Kuntz, of Allontown, was in their Inning and then retired. Tho fell from n swing '-vvodnosday, at the a vlsitor to Mrs- Robert A. Henry, of gamo was nip and tuck, Rothormal, at Evangoiicai Sunday school picnic, and this Plaoe lost week, short playipg phonomonal. Later . 8iiniiHv inlurod w Interest farmora to learn Catasauqua scored a sooond and Lo- prauk a young son of Danlol ia a tablospoonful of pulverized lilghton madon run and tho sc&ro wicand, fell from a cherry tvoe tho other nlum nnd chlmnoy or pipe soot wiU wpuld havo stood that way, but for an , , , rrln!, ,,is ti,.j. rm instantly rellovo a cow bloated from in a sling-its broko. oatln8 Kreen dovor error of Chambers which left in two runs tho score being 1 tp 1, About four hundred people wore prosont. Tho very strong Tamaqua team plays ball boro Saturday afternoon. The game will certainly bo a vory spirited one, Lohlghton, under tho now Quarterly oonforonoo will bo ob- -Messrs. Charles Sllfios and Chas. served by tho mombors of Ebenczor Greon' accompanied by their wives, TCvnnimlWl mnwmiuri nlinmh n,i novf . wore tuo guosts oi iur. ana Mrs. Sunday a wook August 2. Godfrey Groou, of Kunklotown, Sunday last. managementbeingconsidorablostrong. "i'rj17r" D"Vf" Motalllo Mine Co., on tho Chestnut er in all points. The pooplo of town", v , , 1 ' - x, I "111, Is now in tho hands of Messrs. phould give th.e new aggregation rZ:"ZTZZ'Z soloct from In tlio lino of wall paper, Rutherford & Barclay. They rosumod Strong support. w.u ..B. wQrk QU Thursday la!it Reese Reese, tho lively Lansford -Jnmes Schwartz and Charles Hess, player with the homo team sustained borders and decorations when they go two trBToUlngBnIeBmon, tbo foimorto anuglygashintheloftthighlnsllding to Owen Rehrig's on Second street. Jolmstou & Sch,mrtz of AUcntowll( to second. Tho doctor put a half dozon I , ' and tho latter (or W,G. Stewart & from Allontowu to the formor- placo, whore ho holds a lucrative position. -Ed Strauss sings tho old song:."Oh I its nice to 1)0 a lathor, us nico to bo a 'w i . ,. . i . , 1 i i I wnu uuii liiu i.un li UV.L iui ban- volopo Into lino ball playors: Schafer m m ing an imm0nso lot of logs for Nathan . V... J ing well. A. Lukons Hagorman has leased I tho Opera Houso from Daniel Wieand, Hazloton sports talk ot ptlohps ft o put six npbes Jons apd two doep and ho was sont homo. Rooso is a good little player. There aro a number of young fellows in the vicinity who aro going to do- and Conoraty, of Packerton, are among tho iumb?r. Glyo 'em a chance. Last Saturday's gamo with Catasau- nnn vrna TincT"rvi t nr.min4. n f T"ll 1 tl " ' - ,1 ...111 i Un, V..l- ...l.o. l.n a club for ..,... . ... .,.. Tnonncrllln o,l r,t Tfrnn. COmpanlCS. Sou, of paston, mado their regular trips through this soctlon on Mouday last. Mossrs Amor Bros., of Bowmans town, who had tho contract for Georgo & Co., comploted thoir work during last wook, nnd moved thoir steam sawmill to their old homo on Wednesday. SUMMIT mix. Jand, Saturday, Jeanosvllle capturod scalp, Friday. 8 to 4. The Summit Hill nannln nrn nwf nll,r This week tho family of William Ljlsnrmninfo,! i,n,,.n Ttcinf,, CiL 1 .1 i. T ntL-. ...I I 11 t-w...v-. w Freoland's ri'uu -"y failed to pass tho appropriation grant tnoy wui m tno iiuuro raaKO tnoir lu(, tw0 thousand dollars for tho oroc- uuiuu. J inuiius vwan uuuuuuu- tion n monnmfint to Pl.UIn filntfir A Vmll.y limUciuan Killed. anco Of success. ,,, ,1tc,,i u u i A distressing and fatal railroad ao- To soo tho prettiest lino of jowolry n,i , m,, i,.,,, . wsrS SfUS n ari,T dl8playod ,? fBociori &t bTtweon1 t'rndfou; Wtani at Slatlngton about half, post the state see magnincont now stock thousand dollars and If tho Legislature eight o'clock Wednesday night, in JUst received at E. H. Hohl's Jowolry had thn Bnnrnnr,ntBn ti, am. had given tho appropriation the dodi cation would havo takon place this coming September,, and Summit Hill, would witness, a big tlmo during tho exercisos. Tho pooplo of tho "Hill" aro not altogothor at a loss for somo at traction and excitement for this sum mer, for a now and largo ice cavo has beon discovered at tho "Upper Pillars" and tlioro tho inhabitants can go and which Robert Henry, a brakoman on a Storo, Mauch Chunk. coal train, lost his life. Tho coal traiu, Young Frod. Miller must bo near whloh roaohed Slatlngton a few minutes sighted. Tho other day ho shot nt a after piglt o'clopk, had parted and turtlo for a bull frog, and not satisfied Henry was stationed on tho front car with this ho fell headlong Into tho of tho roar portion of tho train hand- water. Como off, Frod. ling the brako. Ho was attempting to 'Mandus Mortz, Press Koch, Chas. chock the speed of tho cars and In do- Kvagnor, Barney Bartholomew, John ing so olther he lost his hold or else Kunold and Isiah Moyer mado up a the chain broke, He fpU to tho track 80?d poking apd Jolly gang to Tracks- u ! In ffinf rt fliA t rn I n nml tuna rim nVAf I ntlln M Mni1n Xfrv wnmo1rct I v ' J Tho rear sootloa passod over his Tho friends of Bon Roth, of Slat body aiwUcut off both his legs. Ho ington, will bo sorry to learn of his was also rendorod unconscious and wife's death on Friday after an illness when Dr. Miller arrlvod tho man was 0f somo mouths with consumption. yet alive. Tho body was taken to tho Intormont was mado in that placo on freight station and tho Doctor washed Woduesday, tl)o features, of Henry, whose face was rho smallest watches madp In bloqdy and an examination showed Anioriea, in gold, for ladles ' received that he had also sustained a bad cut to-day, prices 810 to $20. Thoso aro on tho baok of tho hoad. Ho Hvod un- roal bargains in gold watches, now dis til twonty minutes of nino o'clock whon played at E. H. Hohl's Jowolry Storo, ho expired. Mauch Chunk not bo obliged to resort to that vory often, for tho town Is about tho coolost in tho Stato during tho summor months. Somo timo ago thore was heard at times awful noises in tho direction of tho burning mine causod by tho explosion, of gassoa in tho mlno coming in oontaot with tho fire, and thoso subtorraneau explosions havo caused now fissures on tho surface that givos tho tourist to that place, an ex. collont opportunity of viewing the l'KOI'LK ON TDK GO. ricturr of Familiar Vncn Coming nml Ciolnc. .laoobltrong, of Mountain Top, was in town Wednesday. M. A.WoIsh, of Allentown, olroled In town on Tuosday. Sonator Rapsher, of Mauch Chunk, gave ub a pleasant call on Tuosday. Miss Mamie Gabol Is enjoying a pleasant visit to friends at Boyertown. John A. Poters and daughter Miss Carrie, spent last Sunday with Slatlng ton friends. Harry Lynn and wife, of Bothlo hom, spent n fow days this week with R. L. Swoony. Miss Jennie Nothsteln, of Bothle hom, Is tho guost of Mrs. C. A. Harding, on Iron street. V?. J. Trowholla, ono of Nosquo honlng's popular young mon gave us a pleasant call on Saturday. Georgo Bsser nnd Harry Swartz, two County Seat Democrats, passed through town Wednesday. David Ebbort and wifo of town, and William Leukel and wife, of Frank lin, are at Atlantic City. Missos Tillio Sohoch nnd Goorglo Freehand, of Jersey City, are tho guests of Mrs. Al. Campbell, on First street. Miss Emma Spioso, ono of Tama- qua's estimable young ladlos, spent Monday calling on Lohighton friends. County Commissioner Dauiel Cannon, of Rockport, was In town Tuosday talking politics and buying hardware Dr. Jacob Bolder and James Bonsor, two of Bowmanstown's promi nent citizens wore In town Monday and called to see us. Mrs. Bohm, of Now York, and Mrs. Hauoy, of Stubonsvillo, Ohio, with thoir families aro visiting Charles Woinlaud on Fourth ttrcot. Charlos Ehlngor, with Misses Hellcn and Annie, his daughters, of Philadelphia, woro visiting Daniel Baltzor this weok. Miss Sadlo Poters, of north First stroet, returned homo, Tuesday, aftor a dolightful visit of a wook to Miss Mary lustier at Lansford. Isiah Moyor, Conshohockon, was in town for a fow days during tho early part of tho week. -Mr. Moyor Is a lead ing business man in the abovo town and also, a jolly good follow. A jolly trio Ashing in tho creek in Wyoming county on Friday last woro Will Obort, Georgo Roichard and Charloy Brinkman. Thoy had lots of fun and plenty of fish. A. L. Bartholomew, of tho firm of Wagner & Bartholomew, cigar manu facturers, Conshohockon, was a wel- como visitor in town for a few days this wook. "Barney" reports business good. Wo are ploasod to note bis succoss. Lnmllorils Alarmed. Tho Lehigh Coal & Navigation Com pany has created a groat sonsation in this county, says a special to tho Press, by taking stops to prohibit tlio solo of liquor in Lansford, n borough of ovor 4000 inhabitants. Tho site on which tho town of Lansford is built was or iginally owned by tho company, and tho titlo deed for every lot sold con tained a proviso that no liquor shall be vended with or without licenso on tho premisos, tho furthor provision be ing insortod that in caso of violation tho property shall rovort back to tho company. Monday tho company notified tho owner of every hotel, and saloon pro prietors In the town, to surrender thoir properties becauso of tho violation of this clause, Tho order has causod intonso excitement, and tho landlords aro consulting attorneys and will resist In every way tho efforts to oust them, No Guilty Man toKecaiie. Uovernor l'attison was asked if any action had beon dooided upon by tho Administration In connection with tho recent developments in tho Bardsloy caso, and also if ho had received any communication from Auditor General McCamat in reforonco to his alleged connection with tho robato division. "I havo not seon or hoard from tho Auditor Gonoral," said tho Govornor, "and tho whole matter Is in the hands of tho Attornoy General. I can assuro you this," continued tlio Governor, "that civil actions for tho recovery of tho Stoto's monoy will bo institutod and pushed until tho resources of tho law aro exhausted, and, further, that every person who is criminally connected with tho affair will bo criminally proso- cutod." IN A FEW WORDS. Tho imfortunnto brakeman resided Rov. Father Morsch. of tho Cathollo ... i.x,.. o.n-,.i..i. t,. j' ...... . I wuu ujjuruiu mu owiiuiiuiiuii jyiliruuu, ohuroh, this town, on Wodnesday L ,i,t i, ,,.! , D ,uTim Unmarried, Ills run was bptwpen chaperoned twp wagon loads of boys ,,,; 1nro ,, Eftnannnaiwi ' t vv( vw I " I (tUU IW UUU OUmU U1UU J.U1JIS IU UUI" weeks aga Henry becarno a member of Unsviljo, Lehigh county, whoro tho day the Urakeman's lirotncrliood, a bono, was pleasantly spent. It is tho talk on the street, that "Slabby" Stansberry, formorly of town, now of Porham, Minn., camo out victorious in his recent pugilistic en counter with a fellow named Joe FJotchor, Four rounds woro f ouglt by the contestants, flolal organization, uud his parouts will receive a benefit of 81500. ItAir.llOAU HUMISLIN'GS. Mart Hough, brakcniau on 310, L. V. R. R., had two Augers mashod Wed nesday night, The Now Je,r$ey Control dlrpotors dpclared a quartorly dividend of ljj ppr cent, payablo August 1. tit is said to bp a fact that when a number ot uig excursions booKou, and that with a grand ball at tho Eagle Hotol Pavilion each weok, tho Hill pooplo aro not loft much reason to complain for attractions ovon if thoy woro left on tho Gintor monument. "JUs Joe" Wants Duumgea. "Big Joe," tho most famous of the four survivors of tho Joanosvillo dis- Perhaps tho most beautiful snako nstor. has not dono any work siuco ho story of tho season was one P. F. Clark KOt Woll, Ho claims ho can't on ao- was telling about Jako Raudonbush C0Uut of trouble with his oven, brought Rudy Nuss, a Valley "runnor" goes Monday. Tho jovial ox-sheriff was Qn by tho nineteen days' confinement " r.. ' .1 .'. lIIltir. nlnnnt id w.tl I i.nn.1 inn.la I. . . . . faster than a walk It always prosagt '"" '"TiT v Tr ,u 100 mm08- "o iuiukb tuaiiuo least 'jT, 'f t'i ...v.,: vlp ouo day this wook. when ninoustprL,,,, Qll,,M ,,,.,, W- "U"U4.. snako, nino feet In longth ronrod up in . . . . . . tTlio Readiug, Central and Ponnsyl- front of him. It's dead now. Bivo mm enougn money to suut up vanla Railroads are considering a Speclol dosigns for souvenir gold some business In llazleton by which ho movement to abolish pilloago books, work or art, will bo mado on papor rreo could nyiKo HYUlg Tor ills family, ill nassenuers will bo carried at a ttnl. 2.'. llWBe Pji B-, lI, Hold's, Mauoli Tho company only gave him fifty dol- ununic jewpiry store, we reior to a , , , T ,. !., f, wair.lrtinivii mnn wlm Imvn linil linn larsl ftUU tllls J0 OOllSlUOrg Was giVon gold work dono horo: Mr, Jas. I. to him as a present. He has a family lllakosleo, Jullous ICommel, ueorgo of four chlldron, tho oldost boinga ittlo moro than five years old. Ho has suod tho company for damages, uud Veutloit Letters. thinks he Is ontitlod to a nice round Tlio now ruling of the post office do- sum. Two of his oomradee havo gouo Won't ray Out State 1'uihIk. Notwithstanding tho opinion of Judge Slmouton, declaring Dr. Waller the do facto Suporintoudent of Public. In struction until his successor Is duly appointed and qualified, tho Stato Treasuror declines to pay out school funds. He said n oonfereuoo would shortly bo hold by all concerned to toko tho mattor Into consideration. Dr. Wallor has not yot decided, but It Is protty woll unroofed that ho will carry tho controversy to tho Supreme Court, in whicli ovont n final decision cannot bo roachod until next May. Homo From ldiropo. Rev. Thomas Bowman, tho alloged doposed Bishop of the Evangoiicai Church, has returned home from Ku rope, whoro ho has beon holding con. ferenoee and had his conduct indorsed. llo will atteqd bevemloi the camp meetings in this soctlon, and so ilorcoly Is the war waged botwoon tlio two fac tions that half-slioet post ore have beon spread broadcast announcing the ro turn of the "unconquerable" Bishop Bowmani All passengers will bo carried nt a unl form rato of two cents a mile, lust d of discriminating In favor of tho mile age book man. $We dou't glvo it for tho truth, but it may bo all right. Erve Schooh, at tho Valloy tetophono shanty answered an advertisement in a paper "How to $ritp without pen or juk," Ho was told to wrjtp with a lead pencil, Nq kmilp has played on his faco slnoe. Ruddol.Goo. S. Twilling, Dr. J. S. Woute, I A. W. lelsring, nobt. uiotz. liartmont in regard to tho dplivory of to n.p pid oouutry, ono of thom having Ln given 8150,and his pa-Ke. and It Is very oxnllclt and directs that let- tho other 9200 without passage. Ho is t Mart Kronior, conductor on a gravel ters address to a pensioner must not permanently inonpaoitated for work In train on the Jersey division of the SXS miam, and as ho Is quite a young Valley road, is laid up at his homo lu oircumBtaiioas must the letters of nen- mnn uls lamages will be mensural ao Easton with a broken arm and leg. He was iu an aceldont. Mart Is known by the boys hero, having formerly Hvod at Weiss port -18 k. gold wedding rings, at Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. E H sloners, sent from the pension office, cording to his expectancy of life, or from any United States pension Plain Speaker, ageuoy, bo delivered to any attorney, -. nlaim iimht lirnkar nr nnv nt 11 Ar nArnnii I ml,. i,At r.,.l la l.n T A1.4l..... . ... . j , . ... . IHlWb IUU 19 IUO uouih UIVU. S'!. t,?,n,d J L?rfe, 1 r- St-rltaK Silver Souvenir Spooiv, r : : ' , . . i . ...i.. ..i . . ,.., i,,,.., i n. t.1 tt Irtxpieut or late years, in rue jnsun i'" (' dupartmeut. I Hohl's, Mauch Chunk Jewelry Uture. A Lleljr Writer Telli th Story of Tho Happening of a Week In nml About Old Carbon. - A wild out 1ms been seen at Itork port. - -A new Methodist church building is to go up at Woothorly. Joanosvillo had an oxcursion of nino oars to Glon Onoko, Saturday. Summit Hill should havo flro apparatus mid a good flro company. The Nis Hollow Sunday School will piqnonicquo Saturday if it don't rain. Boavor Meadow young mon havo organlzod ti drum corps. Wo wouldn't llko to llvo lu Beavor Meadow. A youug girl of fnrmor Otto, In Townmensing, swallowed a pin one day recently. Sho has not yot suffored any lnconvonionco. Wcathorly wants n flro company and a national bank, and also, wants tho town to own tho water works. That town has somo snap. Towainonslng boasts of having a man ngod 74 years who works every day for the Valley Company In the blacksmith shop at Packerton. Tho Laurytown poor houso Is got- Ing a now steam pump from tho Stroll Foundry, Mauch Chunk. Wo thought that institution had ouough suck-tlon. At Wcathorly tho othor day, a woman was arrosted and flnod by tho Burgoss for using "swear" words. Wcatherly's ovldontly an intonsoly moral town. John Harman, of Audenried, who lost an oyo somo years ago by an ox- plosion of dynamite, the other day had the sightless optlo removed by a Hazlo ton doctor. John Bacilli, a Hungarian, hung himself with his suspenders from a door in tho Schuylkill county alms house, Monday. Bacha was from Audonriod. Tho oldest furnace In the LohlgU Valloy is tho ono formerly oporated by tho late John Balllet, in Lizard Crook, East Ponn. Tho iron was manufactur ed with charcoal. Banks township school directors havo genorously raised tho salaries of nil primary school toachors in tho dis trict, from 835 to SiO per month. Tho toachors smile visibly. Mrs. Catharino Kolpor widow of tho lato Potor Kolpor, of Dottorsvllle, Monroe county, diod Sunday morning nt tho ripo old ago of 75 years. Inter ment was mado Wodnosday. Robert Henry, Jr., a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad was killed Wednesday night at Slatlngton. Ho was horribly mangled. Henry lived In Franklin township with his parents. Ovor In East Ponn tho Italian fleas are so numerous that it prevents tno holding of picnics in tho woods whoro the Italians camped last summor whilo orking on tho Lizard Croek railroad. Tho now school building at Packer- ton will bo opened somo timo during tho month of August. For tho oc casion a very interesting program of exorcises is now iu courso of prepara tion. Commencing August .1st, J. C. Haydon & Co., of Jeanosvllle, will inaugurato tlio semi-monthly pay sys tem. Thoy had bottor if thoy don't want to get Govornor Pattison after cm with a short stick. Johnny Meighan, a young boy em ployed as a driver nt tho Coalport schutes, foil on the track Friday, while taking an empty car to tho yard; tho wheels passed ovor tho boy, mangling him in a horriblo manner. Ho dlod. Felix Boyco, of Beavor Meadow, has purchased tho old Valentino Wot- zol farm in Quakako Valloy from Stephen Gerhard for a consideration of 81,000. Tho farm adjoins what is known as tho Spring Mountain Hotol farm, owned by Patrick Garra. Tho deadlock in tho appointment of teachers In Banks township for tho Boavor Meadow and Audonriod schools Is still on. Tho directors mot in tho Joanosvillo school houso on Monday evening and attempted to unlock It. Sovoral ballots woro taken, but no do cisiou was arrlvod at. This Is tho version of a Wost Ponn snake story. A farmer named Bohlor was unloading n wagon load of hay tho other day, whon a monster black snake crawled from tho wagon and entered his boot leg, winding Itself around like a garter. Tho snako was killod. St, Peter will do somo oloso questioning about that snako racket on tho day o judgment, or wo looso our guoss. Henry Johnson, who was employed as ongineor on a "locklo" at Coxo Bros. & Co's Boavor Meadow colliery la at tho llazleton hospital suffering from a strango aceldont. Whllo running ids eiigiuo from ono colllory to tho other a keg of powder in a car on tho train oxplodod In some mysterious manner and set Johnson's clothes on fire. John son was unablo to help himself be fore ho was badly burned about tho body. Tho G. W. Hooven Morcantilo Com pany Is spreading out. It now has stores at Hazelton, Mauch Chunk, Pottsvillo and Ashland with a main offlco at New York. Now stores will bo startod in othor sections and a Wostorn ofllco openodin San Francisco so as to facilitate the shipment of fruits, spices, etc Tho growth of tho Hooven Company has been romarkablo. G. W. Hooven, tho head of the concern isatNewYorkauddlroots the business. Ho Is a very young man but bo has de monstrated Ids ability to build up a big business. Information for 1'alr Goert. Tlio following are tho dates of somo of tho fairs to bo held in neighboring counties: Sullivan oounty at Forksville, October 1, 2, nnd 3; Columbia oounty, at Bloomsburg, October 14. 15. 10. and it; ljuzerne, at Wyoming, tsoptemuor 8, 0, ami 10; at Dallas, September 00, and October 1,2, and 3; Wyoming, at Tunkliannook, September 10 ,17 and 18; Bradford at Eavt Towando, September 22, 2R, 24, and 26; nt Canton, September 15, 16, 17, and 18; and at Troy, August OT. Oil 47 oiwl Ofi. Pinm miiniu at Uaiu. not stated. came out with lueed to he A lady, whose hair every combine, wac iiul Ainc'u Hair Vieor a faithful trial. did so, and not only was the loss of hair checked, but a new and vigorous growth koou succeeded that which lias gone. NEWSY W&ISSPORT. The Doliiftunr a Lively Town Hrleflj Clironl- cletl In Short Snlp-Rnan O filer by (he stroller nml Chum.'' -New black-boards will lc pl.xd in our school rooms. William Sohweibinz mourns the death of a fine horse. Paul Buok lost a valuable colt by death ono day last week. John Weiss is building a largo new barn to moot the big crops. Seager sold a oar load of water melons lu two days last week. The genial R. J. llongen did busi ness nt Allontown on Monday. Mrs. Robert Graver, spent Sunday vory pleasantly with her parents. -Rubon Zimmerman, of Union Hill, did business at Fogelsvillo this woek. For rontohoap A dwelling in East Wolssport. Apply to Dr. P. A. Andrews. Mrs. R. J. Hongen, of Union Hill, Bponl Monday with Slatlngton friends. Tho Mossrs Lovette aro the ownors of n flno horso and colt purchased from Daniel Strohl. Tho electric lights aro going up, and in a few days tho town should bo known as tho littlo Electric City. Wo still hoar some of his friends say that tho Republicans should make R. J. Hongon a Jury Commissioner. Rov. I. J. Yotter will preach In School Hall, Sunday morning at tho usual hour. All aro invited to attend. Honry Chrlstmun and wifo will loavo Sunday for Niagara Falls, whore thoy will spond a fow days vlowing naturo's wonders. It is said that Austin Boyor has leased tho dwelling formorly occupied by J. D. Bonulngor and will fix up tho samo for his ofllco, &c. Lou. Wagnor, on tho east side, has an order to build 500 feet of tho com bination picket fence for Mnurico Bowman, of Bowman'stown. Somo pooplo In Wolssport who aro In the habit of borrowing tho Advo cate, should stop It. 81. pays for It for 52 weeks. Got It and bo Independent. Tho Choral Socioty, of tho Evan goiicai Sunday School, will hold thoir picnio In Franklin Park tills Saturday. Tho woathor last Saturday being vory uniavoraoio. Charlos Roth and family roturnod to thoir homo in Hamburg, Monday, after a pleasant sojourn of a fow days with old friends and acquaintances in tho neighborhood. Soomingly tho water question Is a doad letter. Why? Tho opportunity was the best tho town ovor had. Let some of our enterprising citizens got to worn unci push matters. David Krcamor, of Lehighton, nas just completed n numbor of oxcollcnt jobs In this neighborhood including Snyder's storo uud Ruch's rosidenco. Tho workmanship is excellent. John Zorn, Hiram Rlckort, Dr. Kutz and Honry Druniboro formod a happy plscutorial party tho othor day to Lizard Crook. Thoy roturnod loaded with tho spcckolod beauties. Tho widow of tho lato Potor Drois bach died at hor homo in Franklin township, on Sunday. Sho was agod about soventy years. Interment was mado Wodnesday. Rov. Wuchtor officiated. Tho hoirs of tho lato Dr. Kast aro looking up thoir cstnto which was ad ministered by Anthony Beers, formerly of town, now of Alabama. Thoy claim that "eppes is lotz" in tho sottlemont nnd ot courso want It righted. Tho Central Railroad Company should certainly placo a guard gato at Goisol's lock it is'ono of tho most dan gerous railroad crossings along tho lino. Tho propor parties should roport this matter at tho earliest momont. It is important. -It is vory likoly that tho famous Rov. Madison Peters, who is now serv ing a lashlonanio metropolitan congre gation at a largo salary, will bo in at tendance at tho installation of Ills brother, tho Rov. Morgan Peters, as pastor of tho Reformed church In this town and at East Mauch Chunk. Tho installation and ordination will bo dono by members of tho EastPenn classis. -All things como to thoso who wait Lovi Horn, for tho Loliigh Coal & Navigation Company had mon nt work diutrinirn ditch to connect tho stagnated old pond botwoon canal anu raiiroau with tho sowor. This will, wo hopo, completely do away with a nuisance that for years has boeu almost Intoler able. Tho matter was ronortod to tho Stato Board of Health a fow weeks ago, and it is thought that, tlio company hearing of this, at onco commoncod work on romovinc tlio disease broodor. Now, thoy should do something wltu tho brldgo. Tried to Heat the Urocer. Philip Sweoney, of Boavor Meadow, purohasod groceries of Miles J. Minor, of town, to tho amount of $28. Mr. Minor learned that Sweeney intended leaving tho oouutry without paying the bill. Mr. Minor hail u warrant issued and Constable Boylo arrested Sweeney as he was nurohaslucr a ticket for New York, intendiug to set sail for Ireland Wednesday, llo was taken before tuiilty lo settle. He refused and was locked-un until noon Tuosdnv wheu lie was taKou to Jan. llazleton standard Will You Do It I utelue Aenll ralnt, auu nalut hut oNcr, In a loiiti period, or ue ftoiuetuiiig "Mbl" to bv MKood.auil rfiutuiteeryearorlKor A frill ratnt U tbe bnt It u the h.uuloiut-ti, no other lui so lirttlnuit a gkws. It Is rliraiwr than any oilier at u priee. beeaiite it out wears all others. It lasted ao years on the kousu of H. II, Forbes, Winchester, N. II., la yars ou uouscsor w. h. Jteyuo'fis, uroton Lake' V V - 11 . m ..ti lu.nw.nrH,. P 1L1.I Veruou, N. V. AverlU I'aiiit has beeu In use A fiirsaudls uuarauteeil. If you are urged to uu) uuivr paiuu uviiuiiu urooi ux uteir uuraDU t. The question In not "Wltut Utile first cost?" but, '-How loug Mill It I4S1V"' Beautiful sample HI litSllltMlillMP IHlUi lit' lHKiHIull 6. lliUI'M All IU,, J-KIIK.H ION What is Scrofula It Is thst Impurity In tbo blood, which, accumu l&tlng la the glands of tlio ueck. produces un sightly lumps or iwclUngii which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; lrulch derelopei ulcers In the eyes, ears, or note, often causing blindness or deafness ; which Is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or many other manifestations usually ascribed to " humors." It Is a more formidable enemy than consumption or cancer alone, for scrofula combines the worst possible features of both. Ilelng the most ancient, It Is the most general ot all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. How can It bo cured ? 11 y taking Hood's Sana partlla, which, by the cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines haro foiled, has proren Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. For all affections ot tho blood Hood's garsaparilla Is unequalled, and somo of the cures It has effected are really wonderful. If you coffer from scrofula In any ot Its various forms, bo euro to glre Hood's Sarsaporllla a trial. Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldrugglsts. lljsliforSJ. rreparedoaly by C. X, HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, ahull. 10O Dosob Ono Dollar Canvas Balmoral. Bicvcle cut. with loiifr Brown Goat fox ing, making a shoe easily adjusU'd to a High or Low instep, and to a Narrow or IHde foot, thus giving a very Desirahle and a much moro Comfortable shoe than the ordinary Canvas Baimorrtl- The Eye Has Not Seen. Nor Has tlie Ear Heard, Neither has it entered into the hearts of the men and women of the community what we have in store ior them. Have You Seen our elegant assortment of Furniture. Nothing like it was ever put on exhibition in tins town before. Have You Heard that we are offering this grand assortment of goods at prices way down, the very mention ot which will make you think that we must have made a mistake. It's a l act. JFe've jot tho coods. You have the money. Wo wont to exchange with you, and if you will call at our store we will offer such inducements that it will be a pleasure for you to make your purchases from us. Come and Inspect our stock and buy whatever you need at our very low prices. Schwartz. The Fur oritur e Man Gain rapidly la health. an4 atrengtu by the) uis el Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine substitutes rich and pure blood, for tha Impoverished fluid left fa the fclni alter feyerj and other wasting Bickness. It tm prores the appetite and tones up tbe s jjtcm, eo that conralescents soon Become Strong actire, and vigorous. To relleyo that tired leellng, depression ot spirits, and nervous: debility, no other medicine produces tho speedy and permanent eSect of Ayer's Sar caparuUv. 1'. O. Lorlug, Brockton, Mass., writesi "lam confident that anyone suffer ing from the effects ot scrofula, general de bility, want ot appetito, depression ol spirits, &nd lassitude will bo cured By Using 'Ayer's SarsapartlU; for Ibare taken Itand creak from experience.'' 'In the 'summer ot IBM, I ras cured ot xerrous debility by the use ot Ayer's Sana-T&rllhu"-Mrs. 11. Jlcnolt, 0 Middle St., raw tucket, IC L, "BSTeral years ago I was In a debilitated condition. Other remedies bavins failed, I began to take Ayef s Sarsaparilla, andiwas greatly benefited. As a Spring medicine, I consider it Invaluable." Mrs. U B, Win chester, Holden, lie. Ayer's Sarsapariliia DrTTD. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. -field fey idlDrgftbW. frits li sUttUi,tS. ASONABLE FOOTWEAR For Everyb ody. Men's, $1.25. Boys' $1.10. Opera House, Lehighton. Just look at this. 49 piece set of best white granite at 3. One storo sells the same thing nt $4.91. 103 piece dinner set, best white granite at $6. Complete Toilet Sets at 1.75. eensware Bazaar, FIRST STREET. LEHIGHTON. Fashionable Millinery. Wo havo tlio Larcest and most Stylish Kdrcts in .Seasonable Millinery at the lowest Trices. In the trimming de partment woluno Two Oily Milliners to create happiest fancies In effects for our customers. Wraps -AND- CoatSj In Iho newestlstilesand of the very best materials mid mako nt lowest prlesq. Don't ro to the city when you can buy cheaper qt home. WEISSPORT, PA. Branch Store, Lehighton. eliiii Ileal & Hardware Co., LIMITED. Specialties. Myer's Pumps A complete line, including repairs lor the Mute Cucumber Pumps A complete lino including repairs for tho samo. Coal Oil At wholesalo and retail. Usual line of Hardware, Oils. Coal, Sand, Cement, Plaster, &c. New Dress Fabrics, FOR THIS AN 13 WARMER WEATHER. S1IANTOSU l'ONGKKS. are Entirely New, all thoao prottv naw tints whloh nr so ilaairahle llile season are icpresenteU in silk Tesisns ami finish on an Kxtia Fine "ClIINACl.O'rn, another Wash Fabric just out this season, beautiful patterns on Steel, Tan. Orrr, Uluc, ilult, While ami Illauk (i rounds, 81 Inch nlde only 12 1-2 per y8nlVIUK GirAM.IKS on light grouuUs, New UootU Just in, only 8 cents pet yard. a .,.,1.11 I.! nt Naw Satleuna ao at 0 cents rwr yard. A Urge lot ol new DHEhS OINtiHAJt In Stripe anil p'aWs at popular prices. Uristlnal Outing Cloths, best itoods at 10 cents per yard. A Fine Line of Drvsa (iowls iu the New Shades and Weave. Mack (loods auiiablo fr Summer Wear, suoli as H'ool Nun's Veilice, Balls TauiIso, Oloriosa, &-.. at guaruuteed prices for flrsl-claw Goods. llin loi Ladies Hihbed Vests for Summer only 8 cents each. Extra Value in (lauxu shins and Drafters for Jfen at 25 cents each. Complete lines of better Uuodi for Ladies, (ienta and Children. lUmember we are offerinc Extra qualities iu UidiiV Muslin Underwear at special prices. 20U Do'. Seal lope J ivke, llordereil. Ladles' Haudkerelilefs at S cents each. Ulack silk Drapery Nells, Laig-; Variety of Styles, from 06c to $2.60 a yard. Swiss Kloniicinjj for Lartios and Children. Fast UUck and Coluied Ilotierv a specialty. Our Caro.:t Depsruueiil will interest everybody that Is in ueed of CARPETS. First, because our stock is tlie largest aud everything usw. Second because our prices are lower tlutn thoic asked elaew here for the Same Class uoods. BROADWAY, Mauch Chunk, Pa. ifc r frill VjfrrVja .iMaistelg nsJfWLj-JI