This Taper has been entered nttheI.en.lRh toaPottOmce bi Second CI nn Blotter The Carbon Advocate I.IUIIGHTON, l'UNKA. Rates for X.tal Advertlslnc Charter Ifotlces $ 4 On Auditor's Netices 4 00 Obntrntssloner's Notices - i 00 Dlrorce Notices 4 On Administrator's Notices - - s 00 Biecutor's Notices 3 00 SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1801. Bona Fid Clrcnlntton larger tlinn Hint of ny Weekly Newspaper In the County. It is certainly Tory amusing to hoar the honorable mister jimmy malloy, trustee of tho stato hospital nt Hazlo ton, call on the votors of Lansf ord to show that no one man carries tho vote of that town In his pocket. Poor jimmy; ho ovidontly romombers whon ho tried to deliver "the goods" from that lively town and fallod. It does make a protty picture Ranch enthroned and Cassldy, Klotz, malloy, ot al kneollng humbly at his foot, but thon wo know not what a day may bring forth. If George W. Essen makes tho nomi nation for Prothonotary and Clork of Courts tho Lansford Record and tho Mauch Chunk Democrat will ha'vo to swallow a dose that would malto a decent man sick at tho stomach. It's an insult to loyal Democrats that such a perfidious old turn coat as oditor Rauch. of tho Democrat, should talk about purity in politics, when he has boen personally interested one way or another with all tho low, mean and contemptible tricks encompassed in this county during his residence bore. It iias developed that tho candidato who makes tho dolcgatcs in this town will havo to fight for them. Boss rulo Is a thing of tho past. Tho time has gone by whon ono or two men could name a list of delegates and havo thorn voted for by Democrats and thon do with them as they saw fit. Tho Demo cracy Is to bo heartily congratulated on this. It shows thatthoy havo boon do' lng some thinking for themselves in tho past few yoars that Is fully com' mendablo of their Intelligence. They want to keep up this thinking and not allow thomsolves to bo imposod on by the people who aro after tholr favors. The Methodist Advocate speaks out In meeting In this way: "Just nt this time our country needs a religion that will mako a man pay his debts. Shout ing don't settle old dobts. Shouting don't sottlo old accounts with God or man. Wo want to bounco right on a fellow and put him out of church if ho goes to a ball or theatro, but never say a word to the pious scamp who never pays his debts. Preachers and people who never pay tholr dobts aro doing the church more harm than dancers or drunkards, for there aro moro in tho church than olsowhoro. Reader, wo aro gottlng protty closo to you. Then lay down and go and pay up, and you can read at ease. And don't stop paying becauso the Etatuto of limitation cuses the open account which you made for bread and meat. You must pay In cash or God will mako you pay it in fire and brimstone God knows no such excuse as home-exemption When you raise that oxcuso to keep from paying your debts you can stop singing 'When I can road my title clear, "You Vo got nono up there." Yo dolln quentd hoed tho Advocato's volco. It's God's voice. ADTOCATI! EXPRESSIONS. C3T" Council should prohibit, under penalty of fine, the tacking of placards on telephone and tolegraph poles in the borough. t3f Fast driving in tho borough should bo stopped. Somo day some one will be killed or baly injured and then the pipor's to pay. t3y Cornor loafing should bo broken up. If the police would squint ono singlo optic at tho Opera House cornor that would sottlo the whole busiuess, It's exceedingly embarrassing for ladies to pass through a crowd of that kind. let alone having her skirts covored with tobacco juice. TUT. POLITICAL CAM1JKA. IT The appointment of that self-impor tant individual, jamos w. maloy, Hansford, to a placo on the Board Trustees of tho State Hospital, contin uos to bo referred to with unfoigned disgust by tho good people of Carbon county. "Bushy" has placed hlmsolf under the wing of his friend, "Mike," and is trying hard to assume some ot tho lattor's dignity. Ho is a failure, however, and, no matter how much w dislike it, our county will bo represent ed on the Board by this creature. M, O. Gazetto. U Tho next Democratic Stato Con vention will be hold nt Harrisburg, September 3rd. If Frank Sharkoy, of Mauch Chunk, has announced himself as n Demo cratlo candidate for dalogato to tho Constitutional Convention. Mr, Sharkey is a young lawyor of consider ablo ability and would mako au ox cellent delegate. H At a meeting of tho Berks County Alliance a resolution was passed com mending Gov. Pattison for his veto of the road law, endorsing tho represen tatives who voted against It, and reoom menaing that supervisors annuall macadamizo a portion ot roads of one township. U State Chairman Pattou issued his call for tho Prohibition State Conven tion to meet in the onora house Harrisburg, on Wednesday, Aug. 20, at 030 a, m., for tho purposo or nominat ing candidates for Stato Treasurer and Auditor Goneral and 18 candidates at large to tho Constitutional Convention As intimated, Capt. Jos. Wobb, of this city, is a full fledged candidate for Sheriff honors at tho hands of tho com lng Republicans convention. Joe would make about as livolyn candidate as our neighbors could llud in a day travel. SHORT AND TO TUB I'OINT. Bottsville is to have a new bank. Mr. Powderly has sent Gov. Pattison lils resignation as a member of the World's Fair Commissioners. A Bethlohem police offioer was badly Doaten ny tramps me otuer day. The barb wire trust is the latest Fotato bugs are numerous. 10,000 people saw the corner stone of & new Uatuolio churoh laid at Potti Tille on Sunday. Berks county farmers have organized to deal witn "nre tmg. The Use Ilnfe. Tho dog days, a Hoason of the year about which considerable Is said, and of which there are many superstitions over which timid people tremble, will oommenee on the 14th, and last forty- two days. The rising and setting of Sirus" or the dog star, with the sun, has been universally regarded as the causo of tho oxcosstvo heat that pre vails generally at UiIb particular season. Tho poor dogs, that aro made to bear the infamy of tho source of our dis comfort, nre, perhaps, nlliod In some manner to tho oxtromo boat of tho in terval, but they, as well as human bo ings, share allko tho afflictions which aro at this soason common. Dogs at this season aro supposed to be moro suscoptiblo to rabidnossthan at any. othor timo although thoro is no percop tlble dlfforenco betwoon tho presont condition of tho sun and that it will bo whon tho soason commoncos. Tho Harvest, All tho grain throughout the county has now about boen housed, and for onco wo hoar of no murmuring about short crops. All tho farmers unlto in saying that they wore nevor bottor, thoro being an nbundanco of straw and grain. Tho olomonts woro most favor able to agriculturo this year, and it can bo truly 6ald that the farmer "tickled tho earth with his plow share, and it laughed into his lap an abundant har vost." Tho farmer is glad and rejoices. Thankfulness fills his heart as he sees how a kind Providonco has blessed his labors. Indeed wo think this abundant crop is cause for gratitude from all hearts. Not tho farmer and laborer alone, but every class should bo remind ed of tho preciousnoss and valuo to our wholo country of this overflowing ingathoring. Our granaries will be loaded with wheat and rye, and barley andoats, whilo com nnd potaloos con tlnuoto look well and promise a largo yiold. Garden vegetables aro abund ant, and woro never finer, l'nlronlze Home Industries Noxt to tho doop abiding intorost which overy man has in his individual possessions is tho prido and satisfac Hon ho feels in soeing his town prosper and its people happy. Too many men, selfish in tho extreme, nro envious of tholr neighbor's prosperity, and henco wo soo many who patronizo foreign establishments for everything thoy need rather than buy nt homo and holp tholr town. Many articlos that aro bought elsewhore aro no bottor or choapor than thoso olTorod by homo dealers. This shortsightodnoss doos not permit thorn to soo that tholr in terests aro identified with thoso with whom thoy aro continually cominc in contact in tho everyday affairs of lifo. .Now It soems to us that a man In the community in which ho lives can got anything good enough lor himself with out Bonding away to othor places for it. iivery resworn; suoulu tauo suulciout intorost in tho town in which ho lives to do his trading and thus keep the money in circulation in his own com munity. In short, if you want to kill a town and Invito hard times to your door import everything you can export as little as possible. Patronizo your homo businqssmon and merchants, and soo wnat a uinoronco it win maKO. JUG CHEEICI The huckleberry cron will bo vory largo in this soction. Farmers nro busy hauling in tholr grain. P. E. Boyor left for Ashley on Mon clay. Jacob Gravor. of Catasaunua. is noro looiung niter nis iarm. -Mrs. Myra Rowo and Miss Edith Miller, of Wilkes-Barre, woro visiting mentis in this section during tho wook, William Shoonbergor lost ouo of his bost cows on jMonclay. Li. S. Bovor and James Arnor and wife loft for DunntlQld on Monday. Rev. J. J. Yottcr will discourse to tho Salem congregation on Sunday . . I .. . n . in , ' -l i . l iuuhuuk ul u uiuuu. vin nru curui- ally invited, Tho Salom Evancolical Sunday School will hold thoir annual nio uio in Paul Buck's grove on tho 8th of August. -Tho St. Paul's Suneay School will pic nio in Reuben Bolt's grove on tho lUth lust. When nartios como over horo from Lohi'ghtoii thoy should ask for chorrios and not steal thorn and break branches off tho trees. Important eclslon. Tho Courts of Pennsylvania havo re cently rendered two decisions which uusiuess men ana others intoreetod will do woll to notice Tho first is as follows: "In tho distribution of an assigned estate among tue creditors, tho tiro coeds of tho land sold will bo awarded to tho holdors of lions thereupon until thoy are fully paid, and not until thon can nnytning go into the general fund lor tue Deneut oi the unsecured credl tors. If ouo who lias u lien unon two tracks of land ban bo fully paid ont of tno saio or ono or tnom, ho should not be permitted to take his money out of tno otnor, to tho projudlco or a junior onoumorancer wuo would thereby re ccivo nothina excent as u ominml nrml, Itor." Tho othor is a decision of the Philadelphia courts and reads "When the association declares that any series has matured, the lwrrowers iromtnat series nre ontltled to have their mortgages satisfied; and couvers ly when the association declares that the borrowers are entitled to have their mortgages satisfied, it thereby, by necessary implication, declares that tho snares are worth the full 8200 as agreed on at the beginning as the max imum, and tho non-borrowers are en titled to their shares In full in money. at is necessary, or at least not imils pensible, that tho association should resolve that the shares have matured: if it does any act which it could not do exoept upon the basis that the sliares have matured, then the implication is irresistible that they have matured." To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap peared In our columns some time since, announcing a speoial arrangement with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburg Falls, Vt, publishers of "A Treatise on uie Morse anu his Diseases, wherehv our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to B. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp tor mailing same) is renewed for a limited period, we trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of ob taining this valuable work. To every lover of the Horse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which atillot this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the united States and Uanaua, make it Btandard authority. Mention this paper when sending for "Treatise." Julyll 13t Swltcli-llark Time Tarle. Oar leave Rwlteh-Back Depot. Hsueb Chunk at sjo, and 11.37 a. ra.; 1.00, KM, 3.V anu s so p. ni. Cars lcae Summit Hill at !i,to aud 11.10 a. in 1.36, 1.60. S.JO, t.r Wld b 15 p. IU. Sl'NllAV I.eate Mauili ('hunk at 1 U) and 2.x p m l.eate Summit Hill ut 4'J and t.w m. POMTICAl,. Article under this heading nic charRcd for at our IteRiilnr Aihrrtl'lng luteal. Rummit Hill, July 10, 1891: Editor AivocTn: To an outsider to one who has no personal interest in the political parties, other than tho desire to see good officials elected to places of publlo trust In order that wo may secure good, honest and economic al governmental administration -the presont fight in the Deocratic ranks certainly presents some food for thought and-tin abundant room for speculation oven to the uninterested political observer. To begin lot us go back nnd analyse tho various elements that formed tho circle last year. True, it was Incongrous but not moro so than tho situation now. The combination that made it possible to nominate and oleot Hon. W. M. Itnpsher to the Senate, did so to favor Judge Drehor in a re election. It put Mr. Itaushar out of the field for the office of judgeto which tho Carbon Advocate was urging htm and made him n Senator at the ox ponso of Dr. J. G. Zern. It required no diplomaoy to do this. On the part of Mr. Rapsher was recognized tho fact that ho could not under tho circum stances become judge and it didn't require tho expletive argument of Rob, Klotz to convince him ot the met. Not being able to secure tho first he wisely accepted the second price. No one will blame the honorable gentle man for this. It took more than one quiotly arranged caucus up In Bob Klote's back room to fix things proper ly, for it was a well-known fact that Zern's friends were grooming him hard for tho Sonata Klotz damnod Rapsher moro thau once, but the old war horso know the only way out of it was to give him the Senator nomination and thus mako Drohor judge without quibbling. Klotz didn't caro whether Zorn's feel ings wero hurt or not, ho wanted Droher Judgo. In this combination was Miko Cossidy, and it is an open secrot that thero is no lovq between tho two, Durling, of Lehighton, was in it too: for ho lias no lovo for Zorn and considerably less for Rapsher, but Drehor had to be judgo, and Rnpshor was in wny, so Andy, humbly follows tho greater light and closed fingers with Klotz, Rapsher, Cassldy, ot al. But that was only tho beginning. Old Rauch, who was in tho schomo until ha was rotired at tho convontlon for tho logislaturo, tUrnod against Rapshor and until within tho last hour did all In his power to defeat tho Democratic ticket. Ho ovon wont so far as to signify a willingness to sorvo as au independent candidate The wholo busiuess mado a nico program. Thoro was Klotz, Cassldy, Durling, Rapshor, Qulnn, tho Swconoy's and Malloy against Zom whilo Tom Arnor, J. W. Raudonbush, Sam Carpenter, Ed Spikes, Enbody, Loo Stllos, ct nl wore tor iiorn. wow, in somo mystorious manner tho elements have become mixed: Klotz, Durling, Rauden bnsh, Malloy, Swocuy, Qulnn, Rapshor, Cassldy, Arnor, Stiles, Rauch, Enbody, ct al aro In the combination and with out projudlco or reflection on outsldo parties, I am frco to say that it Is as protty a gang of moral political reform ers as I havo vor heard toll off. How this combination can mix is hard to toll but thon thoy all havo tho ono aim in view, viz: to dot eat Q corgo Essor. Georgo, by tho way is getting too big nnd he must be decapitated by this moral band of fellows, so, whilo Klotz damns Cassldy and Durling looks with ono eyo on Rapshor, sp ikos Enbody squoozes closo to Qulnn, Arnor grasps Malloy's hands, nnd tho rost of the fellows fawn on Rauch, tho band plays and thoir littlo side show opens. But thoro must bo somothing radically wrong when n crowd of thoir kind can bo had to work together. Noxt year a I'rosident nnd uongrossman nro to bo elected and if tho Klotz ring wins thoy will havo a largo patronago to dispenso, If Essor comos out a head his followers will hold tho matter in thoir hands. This is tho wholo business and Klotz Cassidy is willing to sacriflco a good official that thoy attain tholr own onds and cot ovon in their porsonal hatred to Goorgo Essor. You will find that I am not fur wrong whon I sny that the people won't toloruto dictation from a sot of follows who havo no bet tor ond in view. Georgo Esser will certninly bo tho next Prothonotary. Ho has made a good official and tho Domocruts should keep him there. Thoso of tho peoplo, and thero are n good many, who know how the combi nation is working, denounce them as they justly deserve. Very truly lt A Democratic Voter. Will You Dolt! Usu the Avcrlll mint, and paint but onck. In a long period, or use soinetuius- "said" to be as itood, and repaint everyyearortwo? Avertll lnfnt Is the best. It la the handsomest : no nther has so brilliant a gluts. It Is cheaper than any other at any price, because It out wears all others. It lasted 30 years on the House oi l-.. it, i-orues, " inciuwier, i. ii., i years on houses of W. 1. Ileynoldii,UrotoiilJtke X. V.; 14 jears on houses of Sirs. E. Dole, Ml! Vernon, N. Y. Averlll ralntlias beeti In use as ears and Is guaranteed. If you are arced to uiiy otuer paints uenuitiu urooi oi uieir auraun tv. The Question Is not "What Is the first cost?" but, "llow long will It last?" Beautiful sample card of fashionable tints free. Lxhiiih Coal & 11AH1 AUK CO., LKllIOHTOK. AuMMtratrix Notice. lislate of Kllas George, dee'd late of the East renn township, county ot uarnnn, btate or l'ennsylvanta. Letters of administration havlOE been muted to the undersigned widow of the late RHas ueorce, au persons kuowws lueuueires to ue luuenwi in aniu ensw wm wase payment within 80 days rrotn the date hereof, and iwr ons having claims will present the same in proper lonn ior settlement. KI.IZADKTII UKOBQK, Administratrix Kast l'eun twp., July IT. Ml-w Seidel's Bakery, First Street, Leblguton, you will always nnd the Freshest and Best BREAD AND CAKES. Eye, Wheat nnd Vienna Bread l'reah Kvery Usy. Our Vienna Bread cannot be excelled. We retpMUully solicit your patron- ace. Watch ior the Wsgon. Joseph 13. Seidel, Prop'r, Oup. Otter', FI118T HT LEHIQHTOK, 1'A July it, w-y gut i-na Carbon Advocated I -All the Xoxrg I) V52 WEEKS i.oo. Teachers' Kxnmtnntloos. The O.ubon County Touchers r:nnilnntion-; for lR'il will lio held ih follow i Furiuwe Seliool Housi- lorFt.inklln Township, linrvliiy, Auk. t. Ilnusondale for Packer Township. Haturclnj, Aug. 8. Ilook ;oekixrt for Lclilfrli Ami Lfttmnue Twps. Monday. An?. 10. Lehigh Tannery for Kidder Township, Wed nesday, Aim. 13. Ashfield for Gust I'enn Township, Thursday. Auk. 20. Minor lllnnrt for Lower Touanienslng Twp. Sat unlay. Aim. 22. riensant Oorncr foi MithoniiiK Twp. Tuesday, Aug Sti'inlcrsvillc for I'ppci Tonaim-uslng Twp. Thursday, Ainr. 27. Stony Creek School House for Venn Forest LehiRhton, ftieclal Examination Saturday.! Sept. 1ft jj iii nii.iK-iiis iiinni in t-xununru hi uie District, in wnicn tnev intend to teaci cli. unless wrlnen permission to do otherwise be by the Hoard of nirectors desiring to employ such teachers. No certificate win he granted grantee to applicants under 17 years ef age, nor to ap- ullcAnts who have not made a earef i.1 several ot the best works on leaching. All IIV iiuurtiibs Having mil one iu m any oi we examined In siioh branches this year, ltefer- urHiiriiBB u i last Year s cenincaw neeu not ue ence as to character will be required of all ap plicants not known to the Hnperlnterjdent 111 rcctors are respectfully requested to be present hi. uiu examinations. T. A. Skvdbr, (Jo, Sent rirevrootll Firewood 1 it you need llro-wood, leave your orders nt this office for H. J. Dnnier, of Heaver Run. -It The GroteBt KUcoiory of the Ago. CATABIUIAL DSAFITKeS OVBBTD. HO HOUR UBK KOItKAR-TuuHPKTfl. TRIUMPH AT LAST. An infallible remedy for tho cure of catarrh and deafness in all Its stag by one who has been a great sufferer from catarrh and almost total deafness. No catarrh or slimy green and yellow sticky matter discharging from the nose. No deafness. No ringing crack ling soundB in the head. No mucous matter lodging In the throat. No oc casional hacking cough with throwing up slimy green and yollow stioky mat ter. It is a blessing that words cannot not accrlue. For further information write for circulars. Address Prank Wort A Co., wausau, wis. urawor uau. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. CAUTION. To Whom It May Concern. fo hereby give notice that the party advertising as Aaron Snyder, at East wchsport, l'a., nnd claiming to sell Davis Setting Machines, Is not an asent tor tho machine but unknown to us. Any person purchasing from him would do so at their own risk. Our guarantco will not cover any machines except thoso sold by our authorized representative, who has an interest In supplying perfect machines only. DAVI8 SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. W0BDS1 HQNOH AND HONESTY. The nboro In business nnd social life aro ot great importance, and maxims worthy of practice, the uavis sevungaiachlne company, i-iuuus iimi uuiv peneci inuciuues ure sold u; their authorized Htrent. T enn oroip. uluit have to be perfect; and lire bought fromnnoof tueir auiunrieii agents, who is not realizing as large profits on their machines as their Lehigh ton airent. he believes In livinir and let lira: Tho tiouble in tills sectlou has been, all seeing machine agents have been holding on to the list price on machines; which Is about like the piano nnd organ business, they make it high enough, that sou can gUothe trade ai per cent off aud still make a nico naKotinico margin uutiueywant that extra CO per cent themseiies; match-horses must be fed, feed high prospect hay will advance, I am going to cling to list price. Now mat wnv ot doing Dimness is going to die out In this county, and I am anlmrto Oiiht hlch prices: by selling a WO.oo sewing machine for ftuoo cash and guaranteed for 5 years. Come aud see ior yourseii. A. r. HNYIimt. July it iw East Weissport, ra. T?01t DRT.IHSATR TO THE CONSTITUTION- AL CONVENTION- Frank P. Sharkey, Of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, Fa. Subject to tho decision of tho Democratic Con- ierenee. poll SllEKIFF Jonathan Kistler, Ot Lel,ilghton, l'a. Subject to the Carbon cottuty Democratic nomi nation convenUnn. Foil SUEIUFF, John Brighton, Of Coalport, Maneh Chunk township. Subject to tho Uules ot Uie Democratic Nomi nating Convention. Pon 1'IIOTHONOTAUY, Oliver A, Clauss, Of Lehighton, l'a. Subject to lite rules governing the Oarbou conn, ty Democratic Nominating convention. Foil PliOTONOTAKY, The undarali ilgued offeraUimself as a oaudld- ate for l'rotllo&outrv ami ritArk ej n.mrta u ... 1 respectfully solicits the Democratic nomiu'ntlon toiary ami tue support ox uia leuow citizens. such Ohunlt. T110B. K. 110VD. Foil PKOTIIONOTARY, George W. Baser, Of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, l'a. Subject to Uie Uules of the Democratic Nom Ina ting Convention. OSCAR J. SEAGER, Over the Canal Bridge, East Weissport, WHOLESALE Watermelons Peas, Beans, New Potatoes, Cabbage, Bananas, Oranges, Lem ons, Peaches, Apricote, Pine Apples, C'ocoanuta, &c. Melons and Peaches in Car JLoad JLots. Confectionery and Cigars Supplied to the Trade at Very Low Pricei. Goods Delivered Free! Store keepers will save money oil all things bought lrom us and we deliver goods free of charge. JOBWORK H3g.Good Fire Hood only orders with Geergp Morthimer. IT IS TRUE that if tobacco chewers will insist upon trying tno fbbacco) fev; Will HOT but will get the 2$ EST and MOST tlatc;an bejiVen for tl2. mone. fsK your dealer for fit1 flrafat on haWnqit The chansinsr seasons once more hrings back the to every man, yourself included Of course you are going lo lix up a little, as every ono else does. Nothing extravagant A Mew Suit that will afFord comfort for the warm weather and at the same time embrace good workman ship and style, together with a few of the nobby articles from our extensive Furnishing Department is perhaps all that will be ro- quired by you. Still there wil be no dodging Question, The Same Old Where Shall i Buy My Clothes 1 And it must be decided before you make your purchose. Let Uq Answer the Qugs tion foi You this Tiihe, And we will give you 1st A Square Deal. 2nd. A saving of severa dollars on each Suit of Clothes we make you. 3rd. Tho newest and best styles in fabric, best workman ship and very lowest prices. Give Us a Call. You shall have the most carefu attention, unlimited opportunity lor satisfactory selection, a per tect lit, and the lturest prices Lehighton, Pa. Hsr-Thu usual large assortment of Hats aud Caps, Boots, Hhoes, Bubbers, Slippers, Jtic. DEALER, IN and Peaches of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. $2,(K) a load, delivered. Leave Lehigh Valley R. R, Co. Arrtip;;cim'nt" of Pnfiniger Tfltltn In Effect May lOin, 1891. tEAVK LHIIIGHTOX For Newark and New York C.2S. 7 Ml, n.ft7, and; 300, b T.U4 p. ni. For Maminka Chunk and Hclvideie 5.32. T.90 SJOO, a.m. ; 12.82 and 7.2 p in. I or Ijumbertvtlie and Trenton 6.22, 0.00 and 11. 11 a.m.; and 1--' 'J p.m. For Slatlngton, Cinnsnuqna, Allentown, fietli lehem, anil Kaiton, r.w, 7.07, 7.30, 0.00, 0 r7. 11.12 a.m , 13.52, 8.00, 5.22 and 7.24 p m. For rniiaaeipniuaiia points south arri.22, 7.07, 30, ti.oo ami 11.12 u. 111. ; a.m. ft.22 and 7.2-1 11. m. For Hcarituaaiiil llariisimiu T..';0. and 11.12a. in 3.00, rt.22 nnd 7.24 p.m. ror iinwmang, i,enign i.ap, I'lierniont, loll y's. White JJall. Conlnv. and llokendauaiin r.28,T.U7, 0.00 K.67 & 11.12 :u ni., 12.63, 8 42, SJJ, and 10.42. For MauchChu-.-k c 53, 7.43, o.3fl, 11.20 and 11.48 a.m. 1 1.11, 3.18, ,VA 7 -i-i,, 0.33 and 11.61 p. in. and 1147. l or Wcatherly ami unzieton 6.62, 7,uo.Knnd 11.48 3.1, 6.2.1. 7.2.-J, 10.64 p.m. For Mannnov City. Klieniindoah nnd Ashland 0. W, 7. 13, 9-16 and 1 1.48 a in. ; 3.1s. 6J8 & 7.23 p in l-or Ait. varmei ami suamoKiu 0.02, 74anu 11.4S a. m.i 6.26 n. m. For roltsvllle B.62. 7 JO. 7.43. 0 36 11.12 and 11.48 a. in., 3.0S. 3.1s, nun 7.23. 7.H p.m. For White Haven. Wltkeshari-e and Hcrnnton 0.5, T.43, B.SB aud 11.18 n.lll.; 3.18, 6.26, 7.23 nnd iu.o For I'lttslnn and I.. & 1!. Junct.. 6.52. T.43. 0.36. and 11.4s im.i a.t. 6.2.1. 7.2a and 10A4 u. m. For iiinkhaniiucK 11.IB a. 111.; 3.1s, 5.86 and 10JM n.m. KorOwegd, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11.43 a.m.; 10.64 p.m. For Ioeyrille. Towanda. Snyi e, Wnvcily, El tulra, llochester, lluffalo, N'ogara Falls uud tho West ii.tii.; nnd 10.61 p. in. For Elmlm and tho West via Salamanca nt 3.1) p. in. SUNDAY THAINS. For New York 0.02 ami 10.07a.m. 1 50 p.m. For Phlladalnhla 8.0-2 n. m. ; 2.62 and 6.20 n For Hasten and Intermediate Stations A.m. 8.02. 10.O7 a.m. : 12 GI. 2.62. &.2U and 0.02 1. in Fur Maiich Oliimk 8.14, 9.50,10.23 a.m.; 12.26, 3. is, s.19, e.04 anu ror Meaning nt u.ik a. m. ; 2.62 anu 5.2 p. in. Foe I lazleton 9.66 a.m. : 12 26. 3.18 St 10.81 n.m, For Mahanoy City aud bheuauduah 12.26 and 3.18 p.m. rur x oitsvuie m p. in For White Haven. Wllkes-Ilarre. IMttston. xuiikubiiiiuck. xunuiiuH, on) IV. illiueu, vteueiit. Auuurn, ivuuira, ltocnosier, iiuuaio, iNiagaru Falls nnd thn West 1064 n.m. For further particulars Inquire of Agents for Tlmo Tables. li. 11. llYlNUTON, (len'l Pass. A cent. liny 1U fit, ly South Bethlehem, l'euna KISTLER lloscctfully announces to tho public that ho has opened a NEW I.1VEKY STABLE, and that hols . ow prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, Wcdd'ngs or Business Trips on the shortest no Ice and most liberal terms. Orders left at the Carbon House" will rccetvo prompt attention, STABLES ON NORTH STREET, ncxttho Hotel, Lchlzhton. lanMtA ATTEND THE AMERICAN BUSINESS Cofe Second National Bank, Centre Square, ALLUNTOWN, I'A. The Largest and Best in Eastern Fenna, SIX SUrAIlATK DUFAKTMUNTS. Eight Experienced Instructors, Experienced bookkeeper tcachlnft Bookkeeping Expert penman " Penmanship Court Reporter " Shorthand Export operator ' Typewriting University graduate " Eiigllslillranches Telegraph Operator " Telegraphy Ijiwvcr " Commercial Ijiw High school principal " I.lgtn' gGalc'llon More students In dally nttendsnco than nt all other business colleges in the Lehigh Valley LUIUUlUCIl Write for catalogue and full particulars to O. 0. UOUNEV. Principal & Founder. Hffricaso menclon this paper. fl-27-cm nRI0KETTG0LLE6 S.i!COIlflVlERCE THE LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSIHESSSHOBTHASD jfl Til nrnrliiftU'i of twtb irxcfl KiililM to gnoi poiltloai WYcar StiDiintr Circulars nlRrpori.irL'vaiuouciuenL Ask my nsnti for AV. Tj, Douslas Slmc0 If not for snle Ju your plnce nmU oh tirnior io neiui ior cainiosuei secure ih njjfvucy uiiii net mem ior yu. rSTTAKIS NO HUHSTlTUTE.-fll S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY"? It Is a seamless shoe, wltb no tacki or wax thread o Jiurt the feet; made of the best flne calf, etyllsU tv QMy, and because tre make more ehoen of tMa niiuc inun uny vtiicr manvjuciurer, icutjuius uauu t)wLHl fibnea cost nir from aijjU ta ta.m. G! 00 lleguluo IlamNscwciI, tho finest calf 1 I. rmm suuu it;r umicu lur fji.wj ctuni p 't'wirtM Rtirvca which post frnm s.iHtofirJ.O'L thou ever offered tor $1.0Uj rquats frouuli Wl llnmUScwril M'oll Shoe, lino calf. Jfvm Btj' Hah, comfortablo and durable. Tho boat aoe er oiivrou ai iuis prico t flame eraua as ciu '.iiin-ni&ilo Hho6S CD&tlnir from a.(lt to ftB.IHL JO 50 l'olico Hhoe) Farmer, Jtatlrnail Men wiiu Ijthui bi i tvtir litem ; iiuuituk, (auiluds, smooth Inside, heavy three bolus, cxttu .lou edee. Due nalr wilt wear a roar. JSO 30 floo cn!f no better thoe ever offered r t v prifut une, iriai win codvjuuu tin vhn want a thna for oumfort nnd nt?rvliA. ICO nnd t00 VorklncinnnH ihix'n umk are very irou(f nuu aura uie. mom wi-o 'mvo given them a trial will wear no other make. Rniic) $4.00 nnd 173 school shoes am U JJ E worn by the boj severyw here; they Bull na their merits, as the to creasing wlos how. I Qlinc WH.00 Ilntid-neni'd shoe, Ieit bbuu i w w jjougoia, Terrstyiitn; eui ltnrtortfMi fthosi cnstluir from 4 1.00 tn MJti. l,n1leV 'J..10, SE.OO nnd ft 1.7.1 sboo for Misses are the best flne Don go I a. etyllth a od durable, i'nutlou. Seo that W. I Douglas' name ami price ore stiunpeu oo tue tMiiiom ui eaou uoe. W. U LfOUQLAS, Drocktoo. Mass. Adam Mohrkam &on, Agents LKlUflUTON. THE POLICEGAZETTE Is the only Illustrated paper In the world containing all the latest eusattonal and sport ing news. So saloon keeper, lwrher or dub room can afford to he without 11, It always in&aes inonus wuerever it goes. Mailed to any address la the United States securely wrapped, is weeks for $1. Bend five cents for sample copy. llichard K. Fox, I'ninlillngquare, New York City. TO WHOM IT MAY OONGERN. All persons are hereby forbid meddling with sDV Part of the farm stock horses, cows and rtarietnenta. loaned by me to JOHN MtilNIl AKT otTowamensliigTwp., Oarbon county, l'a., m the same Ii my property, the same being my nronerty and loaned to him durlnir my vleaswe. June U. Ul GKOltUE ME1MHABT. Auditor's Notice. Iu lie Assigned Estate of J. Y. KuoMa. The undersigned, appointed by the Court oi Common Picas of Oarbon county. Auditor to pass upon the exceptions, restate the account if necessary , and nuke distribution tic., will meet all parties Interested, for the purpose of bis appointment, at his office lu Mauch Chunk, l'a. on MONDAY, the tttii of JULY, A. V. 1891, at 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all tar Ilea having claims upon said estate are required, to present them or be forever debarred from eoalog la on the same. 1'ltANR. 1'. SIIA11KBV, Auditor. June 28-1 w. For Sale at a Bargain A House and Lot with a never falling well of ater, Fiult Tiers and Vines, situated In the llorough of Lehighton, between Third and t'otiith Streets, ubout three hundred feet from the public srhiHil butldluu. Reason for selllnti, present on ner lit es nut of lot.u and cannot at- luiui io inn same Apply to Mns. I., oi K. II. H. HII.U H, I. AKAM1I, I'wkertun, l'a. Hla lo-Ji i PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Permanently located near Valley Depot, (or Oabineta and Family Gioups did plrluiea cop tod audeolargod. auajl-'yl' D. J. WHY IS THE W. Lb DOUCLAS Weissport Btiw Directory. FOll A SMOOTH iIT LEADS THEM EASY - 8 HAVE, ALL IN NKW8 abd a rm,n ii imrnnimn i Stti.1811 UAin Cut. 1110 MJ Ubil 1 Jj, OO TO F. ESItANG BltJOHT, T1IK 11AHBRH, INDEPENDENT. Heail III- Over th Oanal Uridge. JpUUNKMN I10USH, BART WKIfrOKT, l'KNN'A. This house often ant-class accommodations to he permanent boarder and transient gnest. 1'ntilo prices, only One Dollar per day. rtugMy Jonn Umtmo, Proprietor. Oscar Christman, WMWiTOItT, FA. Livery and Bxchanqe Stables. rtnsy riding carriages and safe drlvttm hones. Best accommodations to agents and travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Ulve me atrial. mayai-ly Tho - Weissport - Bakery, O. W. T.AURY. rilOPBIKTOIt. Delivers Fresh Ureal! nnd Onkesln W.eisiport, inigntoii and vicinities every day. In tho store I havo a Fine I.lno of Confectionery or tho Holiday Trade. Sunday schools nnd fes6 yuis Bunpiieu ub lowest prices. uec-.-ui Over Canal Bridge E. Weissprt. UNDERTAKER AND HKALIUt IN FURNITURE. PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, , c. Prices tho very lowest. Quality of goods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Caskuts, Ccfilnc and Shrouds, We have a full line vrhlch we will furnish a tho lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &c, the choicest quality at very reasonable prices. Call and be convinced. JOSEPH P. REX, Aprll-lv EAST WEISSPORT. H. M. BETZ, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silvcrwarc.Bronzcs, Olocks, Bicycles,lJiano J .amps, Furniture, Parlor Organs, and almost every kind of mer chandise sold upon the Tontine Plan which is now so favorably known as applied to life- insur ance. Certificates aro issued to members entitling them to $40 worth of Mer chandise for cfl7 ! Tho certificates are guaranteed to mature in Li weeks upon conditions ; clubs now forming, If you wiih to get any of the above goods, afc greatly reduced prices, and on easy payments call on or drop a postal 10 FRANK GERMAN, GENERAL AOENT, TFeissport. - april IS, 1891-cm Penn'a, WALL PAPER, Decorations, Picture Rods, Cove TFindow Shades, Spring Rollers, fringes, Carpet Lining. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Blank Books, Easols, Games, 2?locks,Fancy Cards, Etc., etc., PAINTS, Cils, Glass, Putty, Brushes, Colors, Artist's Materials. Cencrul Painter's Supplies, Ho. 61 Broadway Mancli CiinDt. Pa. GO TO Gas. Miller's Popular Eestanrant, pon FRESH LAG Ell BEER, I'lnest Brands of Liquors, sash aa Gibson's Pare Rye, Dougherty's Pare Ryo, Genuine Silver Brooh, Imported GUi and Brandies, Finest Oigars. First-class Free Lunch always on the liar. To Contractors ami Builders, The undersigned announces U4 Contractors and luillders that be has now openld his stone quarry, at Ilea ver Bun , aud Is prepai td to supply Builcliiig 8tones lu any quantity at reasonable rates. He also ,eepa a winpiy at ins resiaence on bjxaihjj 1TI1EET. to supply Immediate demand. HAULING of every description, nramntlv at- leuded ta A lap, constantly on hand a full supply, at the best brands of Flour aud Feed, which he will sell at Lowest Market Pieces. CHAELES TRAINER. SKCONl) STREET, I.EIIUiinO.N. I'A Wo print picnic bills. John 9 EAST WEISSPORT, IlItALKR IM Heaters and Raines, Tinware ami Poinps, At Very Lowost Prices. rartlculur attention paid to Oenerat Joblnn p Furnace and rump work. ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished for House Hi'MiiiR with Hot Air, Ulcain or Hot Water Circulation. All work Otiaranteed ! B 3 B BSPUtlBt AT THK Central Drug Store, orr. Tin: ruiiLio squakk Hank Street, Ijohighton, Pa., IS HlUDQHAUTKnS FOK Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Sonps, Brushes, &c, &c, choice Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles t When you buy a pair ot Shoes you want a good fit. Hut It you need UFKOTACLES It is much moro Important that tho EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and n proper V fitting frame which will bring the lenses di rectly before the centre of the eye. If yon buy your spectacles nt Dr. Horn's you will find the above points properly attended to. PERSCRIPTIOKS CacfQllT tfOMMeu 0CH6-1887 KORTH nUST ETEEST, LEHlOUTOlT, IS THE TLACE FOR Fine Snitiiigs anil Pantaloouines at tho lowest prices which aro 10 to 20 per cent, lower than elsewhere. A perfect tit and test workmanship Guaranteed In every ns'auco. Before purchasing clsowhoro call and seo us. - -Sl-ly During the year 1891 You will find -AT- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" JUST THE PLACE TO BUY Dvy Goods Croceaiep, Notions, Glassware, Oranges, Banane, Grapes, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Candies and everything Usually foune in a thoroughly first-class general store. Wo solicit a call and guarantee satisfaction. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. Henry Miller, LEHIGHTON. PLANING - MILL. MANUl'AOTUItRU 1V "Window and Dooh Frames, Doors, Shuttors, window tashes, Mouldings, Braclcots, AND DEALER IN All KMs of Dressed Liinte Shingles, Pailings, Homlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lojvest Prices. Fine Picnic Bills printed at this office at low price. nr n t mm fp gSafj S v o teres! A psT" ' I & NT 3 H & I iiiniiii XT H