This rpr hM ten entered nt the &etilgli I ""mlvl"wl ' new,n" "'" Tl t I A J i I IIW OdrUOl I MUVOCatejcounty have, to allappBaranoes, formed muioutob, fbnna. iutoa for Lruni AiWortimnic i Matter Notices 8 Oo commissioner's Notices - - - - oo S&Nou,- - S8B xecutor's Notices 3 oo in SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1801. I BVASffiS&h.h$.0Mma'' whMB 8" Greon" In ktksi town vfliero thoro 1b onter-1 prlso you always see some now ovidenoe I of improTomont; somothing that shows wook a long, windy article of abuse and a dosire on tho part of the people to malediction because tho peoplo havo get up and git. How is it here? Lot seen fit in their desire for good govorn tho winds answor. ment to oleot Mr. Esser l'rothonotary IP tiie rnorLE of Weiseport and Franklin do what is right they will petition court to navo tno Li. u. . Uo., remoTO their old death trap trom tno canal ana uuua a image wioi ai onco auoras tno neoessary sareiy ami convenience. Tho old struoturo is a disgrace to any well regulated oom- Jnnnlty. ar.. w tit..m i . t. - I TT 1 A. J 1 ui uumsuurg, was m wjwii uiw uuj I n f irntr IJ r mna rrin TTnn VV A! I "-JW Jt ... i i T . i . . i . , . ; f iuipsucr is one oi mo nuiesi. meu iu i At.- n 1 . l l... I tuu ouuuxu. uuruuu uuuuiy uiuy uu i proud of having such an oloqnent man to reprosent tno citizens ot tno ais- met. JU.uuemocratcorrosponaonce. Wo may add that tho Harrisburg papers nave beon saying tno samo tuing l for somo timo. The citizens of Freoland 11 soon voto to inorcaso tho borough dobt $0,000 for tho purposo of building eewors. Competent enginoors say that tho town can bo thoroughly sewered for that sum. A year ago when tho Advocate agi- tated the sewor quostion for this town there wero a cortain crowd of moss I backs who wero horrified at tho idea. This town is not very much largor than I TVeeland and 510,000 to 812,000 would havo given us a sower. Somo of our peoplo soo this now, and tho othor's will come 'round in timo. The Commander of tho Grand Army of the Republic puts it thus beautifully In urging tho observance of Memorial Day, and the honoring of the Nation's aeaa: -opreaa aoovo tuem spnngnmo s ncnost ouorings. wave aoovo tnem tho flag thoy loved. Lot sUvered old age, standing Dy tueir tomo, iooi mat wiuueauHoi sucu men in our son the futuro of the Ropubllc is safe. Let x Lt ii n i i i i trusting ciiuuuoou weave gananus lor tnem, ana at tnoir graves loarn lessons that will keep them carnost in loyalty, puromciuzensnipauuiiutnimtouuiy. Eeverencofor tho memory of tho No- tion s aeienaers wm oncourago m nor mu - e.v. u -,.UJ-.vj, triotlsm that will keep hor socuro." Tuv Pntfilnmrnnf Mnlilnnlmivr fol. W Allrntown. Pn.. nhaim tlmt this a-. 1 . , iuoi.ii.uLiuuiiuui)ru:iJuruuis uuuuLbiuii. I Tho attandance during tho past year 1 was 84 in tho C!o11pir Hlassns and TiR in ... .J 1- T i. L. il J.... ting class numbers 17, maMng tho total number of the Alumni 207. Tho ablo Presldont Rev. Thco. L. Soip, D. D., is I . .1 l.n 1 .. O T, t , . - . . ...I uuu iusuruuia. xho uuurso ui biuuiub, as well as tho location, buildings, equip- ments of various kinds, togother with .o ran. n-.r.CKr, ,t uioai. uasirnoio institution lor young L 1 . 1 I Hi XI men in Eastern Pennsylvania seeking a well rounded education. Catalogues are free on application to tho President. Don't hesitate to Invest a dollar In some scheme for the public good, whon yon can sparo It, and tho schomo needs support. Act always as If you want to eeo tho town advanco and show that you will do what llttlo push- lng you can, oven If you can't hold tho ribbons and drive. Don't be mean with your town. Treat It generously and It wiii not iorget you. xno Kinu or 000m producod by following thoso directions Is not that which comes from auction saleB of real estate, but It Is a healthy growth, This prlnclplo wants to bo carried ont by some of our people who havo a habit of sneering at ovorythlng pro posed for our advancement. Act llko men, and don't bo so mlsorably mean that you talk through your aoso to avo your teeth. ADVOCATE EXPRESSIONS' BL.By voting for tho Light and Water tax you won't mako taxes any higher. It will only mako lawful what Council karo beon doing all along. If yon want to seo Lohlghton progress, why, voto for Itl is vory Inconsistent for Coun cil to compoll property owners to lay ! pavement whon they don't do tho same along proporty ownod by tho borough Don't you agreo with us? DESTlt'sa mighty poor borough that can't buy Its own lawn mower. Don't you think soT EF"For tho henlthfulnew of this town tho alleys should be kept clean of nil timo, uon t you lUinK EOT ra m,,. smm . n, . ESi-J-ue season for Longreaelonal nominations in . this district is some . .... way oil as yet, still some fellows aro shape. Wo'd adviso 'om to hold baok a little. C3L.A fellow oven" with a tin eya will admit that when tho grate is nicely cut and the Park kept neat and clean peoplo will admiro it. Why should they not? It isn't every town that lute raSuThero aro somo people who havo an idea that they can build un a town by skinning and squeeKing. They aro - - wrong. Don't you think so? HinU to CorrespoRdeots. Write on only one side of the paper. Do not refor to peoplo by their ini tials. Be brief; do not abbreviate any words. Avoid personal items ae far m pos sible. Write legibly, espeeially all proper names. Qet the news, the whole news and nothing but the news. Do not write an item that will be : understood by only a few of our readers. Always sign your name, not utveb- suily f or publication, bvt fMrthepro- teoKcs of the pnbho AlTXIlXEllT OFMODKRN KKFOKMEHS A certain number of dofoate.l aspirants tor political honors In tills themsalvfis Into an Auxiliary ot Aioaern iteiorm uemocrtrts witn view firstly and all the time of defeat- ing Georgo W. Esser for a re-nomlna- tiontotbooffloe of l'rothonotary, or the orent of fallinc In this to en- coraposs his defeat at tho polls. ' With this ond in view one of the coterie, backer, unigut oi moor, at. ueorge and lastly Democrat, is full of untold interest, writos to tho Democrat of last of this oounty. This article is sent 0V6r the county to leadina Domoorats nmi TuDUblioaiis aliko with the bono that it will result in deoapitating Mr, te Fortunately tho peoplo two not to be hoodwinked by anon-pmous com- munlmtlons nor fooled hv n lot nf Udlotn ho hato no better claim in tllelr offort!, t defeat Kl. EsHcr than that they want to net there tliem raIvAr Thft vtAnnln will nafflr, ii ' lho Auxlllery of Modern Reform ... . . inmonro.t will ha snntilnhar! Tliov " AnIi,f f n i)fl " rotlnc for a water anil Unlit tax you wonit rnlso your taxes one oent. It ,vill only Ictralizo oxnendilurw mado ovory yoar by Council. Voto for Licht Vator. SECRET SOOIETr OOSSI1' Tho Eed Mon havo a stnto mombor- ship of 20,253, Next year the Grand Lodge of lho I. O. O. F., will moot in Heading. Elmor B. Eeod has beon olectod Warden and O. Frank Acker Trustee of Lehigh Council, 101, Jr., O. U. A. M., in this town, Tho summer encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of tho Ropubllc, will bo hold in Williamsport, from July 11th to 18th, inclusive Tho Adjutant General's De- partmont at Harrisburg will furnish tents, At tho session of tho Grand Tjorlirn. Tndcoondendent Ordor.of Odd FoIWr. in Lancaster, the per capital tax was r0(iucod from ten cents to olcht emits. Tho following officers were elocted for tho ensuing year: Grand Master, W. Edward Marsh, of Philadelphia; Deputy Grand Mastor, WUllam S . Withorup, of Phlladolnhlat Grand Wnnlnn. John Wunch. of Readinc: Grand Rfinn.tnnr. J(un08 B. Nicholas. of Philadolnhia; Grand Treasuros, M. Richards Mucklo 1 of pi.iindolnhla: Rnnrnnnntntivn Sovoroign Lodge, Francis M. Rea, of rhlladolphia. Tho Rebokah DeKree Mra elected the followint-r P. idr. t Mr3, Abbto Lynch, Allegheny; Vi irosiaont, Mrs. rnoeuo Ukiilhom. Scranton; Socrotary, Mrs. Mary N. Jo' - lyn. I'miadoiphia; Treasurer, Mr. Jnni M. ljyOll, MahaBOy UltVl V 'ardCR. I.U! Mary Hardy, Bradford: Conductor, virn. Mnnr. . .rT-nrr. a rnnnn' nici n no:, Viuaraiail, JlrS. Catharine A. Witzcl, 1 one. Iiliuumu. UUMIl, v., for somo timo lias beon promoted to engineer of No. 7 running south nnd No-42 running north. Bplly for WIU. ' 4. I I A4.Uft.U4 U If UU A A JI. Ull MX J-Jt to servo at tho special oloction on Tues- day, June 9th whon tho people will vo for or against n Light and Water VOIU 1U1 II. llIED-Mrs. r. M. Vanllew, Mrs. Jeanotte, wlfoof P. M. Van Llow died suddenly of apoploxy at hor homo In Bothlohem on Tuesday last, aged 38 years and 8 months. Interment will take placo on Monday afternoon at one o'clock from tho rosldenco of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Komoror, on First street, Doceasod was a daughtor of AVilliam and Wllholmina Komerorand was born in Lohlghton. During December. 1871 was married to I Van Llpw. SXn of wlomTwo survive with tho lather. Tho boreavod relatives havo tho sympathy of many frionds in thoir 6oro "mlcuon The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. Executor's Notice IUtatn nf LOUISA llOYRH. dvosunl. lata of I U)nerTonieiuliiTovnhlp,OHrtKMicoualT Letters tetuntcnutanr of the last Hill Mid I twumtnt oi the lw Louisa boykr. dceued. ?' 'l!252ttPiL"i;.i,..,,J!?,f1!- ,..'! P""?l I nuvwiuK innwnin m in iiiueuwu ,u wu sttwlll make settlement at oiioe, and person LLV1 HU, Rxecutor Aqiiablilcola, 1 AIi. CAMPBELL Jeweler anft tthmahr, URnK i3lreol -LiCaigmon, ennaj ""MM! BSS?iW. i lanuLii ae cUIuds generally io liis Immense uswatwk ot Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prlwa UM defy eompttlUou. It will iiay you REPAIRING rreBpUyOone at lowest oliare, ana all work guaranteed. Dffl't Ferurt tie Place. 11, SIGN OF TH33 BIG WATOH, Bank St Lchighton. oeemtst lBaia Qewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO WILL S00fl FliND JrrT l LASTS L0SGEr, TASJES 6WEETER 0Jh)E( TO BACCOS, AfID WILL pLE6E uft,f ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, YUU' AND INSIST ON GETTING IT. EEIty pLlJc SJAIpED Ut abov'e cJ. SHO. FKZER & BR0S,i Louisville, U lioch & Shankweiler THE IiAHQKST AND MJADINa CLOTHING AND Gents' Furnishing House IN TIIE LEHIGH VALLEY. Men's Boys' & Cliilta's Clothing. Men's Business and Dress Suits. Our Sprine lino of Men's anil Youths' Fine Clothing excels anything ever shown to our customers In ncndy-inado Clothlnpt, making lt a fact beyond dispute, that our our goods nro tho llne&t beyond queston. Youth's and Boys' Clothing Beauty, durability, strength and nualttv. all In ono suit. Vfo guarantee our suits not to rip. Best values ever shown, lie sure to inspect our lines Spring Overcoats Elecant and Fashionable Overcoats in light and dark shades. No back num bers, but all fresh styles. Sell at sight. Samples of Popular Goods at Popular l'rlces. Childr-on's Clothing, Wo aro foremost In the nroductlon of Hoys' Suits. Mnny nttracthc novelties. Children's Fancy nnd Imitation Vest Suits. Jersey Suits Kilts uml Reefers. Boys' Knee Pants. Pantaloons. Our side-rooms are reaolendoul with Men's Hoys' and Youths' Medium and Fine pants. You mention prices wo do the rest. Fine Trousers our Spaclalty.E Xeoh- Wear. Excellent Uste and ludemeiit has been displayed in seleetlne our New Snrinz and Summer Neck-wear. The prettiest line aver shown. Must be seen to be appreci ated. Spring PulT the rage. Kid Gloves and Half Hose. Wo are not out of slcht in our Kret &nd choice assortment of the world's greatest makes of Kid Gloyes. Dents' own make and Jacob Adlers. Catch it quick I Half hose to suit all. Shirts. Largest and choice assortment nf Tennis Dlcyele, online aud Summer Shirts. Puff Bosom Shirts, the biggest drive of tho season. Ureat variety oi Night 1 lobes and ouin waists. Vnder-wear. Our line of Under-wear the town talk, Always hunting for bargains aud novelties, minus are uummiog. rve are rlgut in the swim wun extremely low prices. The Custom Department. Our fame for New Goods and Now Slylee is broadcast. Examine our stock and prices before buying. Leading specialties in Men's Fashionable Apparel. Koch 8c Shankweiler, LSCADIHG CLOTHJKBS. Hotel Allen BTd'g, Allentown A M PRINCIPLE. We Positively guarantee Dr, Boyd's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Pills To euro Constipation, Indigestion, BilUousness Torpid Liver, Pain in tue Baok, Piles, Headaohe, Had Taste in the Mouth arising from Indiges tion, by suengtheuinz the nerves and regulat ing Use action of the Htomach Liver and Kidneys. Do not be deceived. Dr. Boyd's Ut ile OUnt Nerve and Liver rills act on new principal. They act on the nerves of the stomach, liver and Kidneys giving them health and vigor, what Is more evident of their curative amines, tnau the not mat tuo longer takeu is less reaulred. that Is more than can be said f any other pill on the inui ki i, ;i trial will con vince the most skepttenl inliiil, that what we eiaim is true, mese are a iew oi inn many lesu monlals we nave received. Tltten. (in., Aug. LWh 1890. UearHIr: The Pills received. the are the hot I i er used. T. V. ULAliK. Lake Orvstnl Mlun., Mjj It. 1H90. Dour Sir 1 hie taken Pills scut me. enclosed llnd 50c send me more I hue lieeu triullcd for eais n ith IiiiHki si ion, i oustip itinii .ind ncrveounness .since 1 Uke lr UoU s rills 1 Icel Kootl. have laken mail outers uiiu i,o ichci- ours ic apii'tfull AilAM UKANtlL li'or K.ilt' l) .01 dialcis lu n.t'dlclu at lite per MX, MUt i", inailoi, lccciiil ot prlVL, -aiii pies free, agent Mauled rw-nulirie. T. 1). TUU.VAU, Druggist. LebighUm. l'a. All the very latent news will be found in the C'akbon Idvo Administratrix Notice. Vstateol Jamks D. ItKNNiNOKn, ilrc'il, late of tho Bnrotiglt of WHisport, Counlj of (Iniljon, Htutc of rennftj lvunlu. Letters of administration Imvinv been gmnteil to the undersigned, widow of the lute ,1. 1). Hen nliiKer, nil Kelsons khowinE themselves to lie indebted to sala estate will mnke Immediate payment and persons having rlulmi will present Itio same In proper foi in for sctllcmeut. AUIllI.A V. IIKNNINCKK, Adntimstrntrlx. Welssport, ra., April SO, isal-nc. Estate Notice. Estate of Frederick Brinkman, ili-ceased, late ot Lebljrhton borounb, county tr Carbon and state of rcnnsylrnnia. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment nnd those having legal claims acalust the saiic will present them without delay In prciMT order for settlement. Wm. ci. Drinkman, UUAS. K. rilllKKUAX, I.chji'liton, Ta , Apr 'JO, ol. ct. Administrators. Election Notice. A SiH'cini Elecllon will be held on the Ninth I):iv of June, A. 1) lwil, ftt the Public House Of Jonathan Kistler, in the llorough of Iehtghloo, between the hours nf 7:00a. in. nnd 70 p. m., for the purpose of adopting or rejecting the pro blems u inc aci oi- me general Assemmy .isaed the sixteenth dnv of April. A. I. 1S7R. ml Ihc Mippleincnti thereto, unthorlrtng the loiouirh Counell to lav a sneclsl tax to be an- pmprlatcil to water and light purposes: at which into mm piare uic leKai vou'rs oi sua jmrougn hnlUote for the adoption or rejection of the ild Act. bv vntinc on written or nrlnted li tvlni! on the outside the words "Oas and water lax," and on mo insiue "ror jias ami W.'ter Tax,1 Against (iar. nnd water Tax." KUWAHD BAWOKTn, Mai .1 . 18H-W2 Constahle. Atoioistratrix Notice. Estate of Reuben Fenstermacher, dee'd, late nf me iwroilgn oi uenignion.uoontj oi Laroon, oiaio oi I'ennnriTaniii. Tllnrfl nf lulininliitriittnn bavinff ben crranted to the undersigned, widow of the late Tteuuen Fenstermacher all persons knowing themselves ija he Indebted to said estate will make navment within 30 dais from the date hereof, and per sons having claims win present me samo in proper lorm ior seiiiemeuu LEVINA rUNBTKItMAUIIEII, Adnilnlstrnttlx. Thlghton, in., llayl, I801-wo To Whom It May Goncem All nersons lire herebv oautioneil not to t rust my wue Aiary, sue naving ion my uea ana hoard without lint cause or provlcatlon and I wilt na Innerer lla ren. onalbln for debts con tracted by her, all oi which you now have nonce. ivunimo iinui, Ijeliigiuon, ra., aiay z, ipui. ai Dissolution of Co-Partaiiip. Notice It herchv irlven that the co-nurtherslilo heretofore eTtUtlTlc helween Kd KellflV and IJ. T. rmnphcll. under tho firm name ot Kelley & Campbell, dolni; Iiuslness on south First street, m ine uoiougn ul ijeiiioiuo, vJuuijr ui v,u wuu, l'a., has tills day been dissolved by mutual con sent. All debts contracted by the said llrm nnd all moneys owlnc will he adjusted and settled by tho undersigned ttho will eontmuo the imsiness. J', i. uAnii-j)jijiM Lchlghton, Ta., May II. 01-St For Sale at a Bargain A IIouso and Lot with a never failing well of water. Fruit Trees and Vines, situated In tho llorough of Lchigliton, between Third and Fourth Streets, about threo hundred feet from tho public school building, lteason for selling, present owner lives out of town and cannot at tend to tho same. Apply to Mils. I. R. MILLER, or li 31. LAUASII, mav l wm racket ton, Ta. EAST WEJSSPORT, in Ull) UUU ilUUKUU, Tinware aoi M$i At Very Lowest Vricen. Particular attention paid to General Jobbing, Furnace and I'utnp Work. ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished for IIouso Heating with Hot Air, Steam or Hot Water Circulation. All work Guaranteed I During the year 1891 You will find -AT- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" JUST THE PLA(7E TO BUY Z?ry (roods Grocoaiep, Notions, Glassware, Oranges, Banans, Grapes, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Candies and everything Usually foune in a thoroughly first-class general store. TFe solicit a call and guarantee satisfaction. REMEMBER THE Corner Storje, LEHIGHT0N PA ROOFING OUM-KLA8TI0 ROOWNn FELT costs ouly 88.00 per 10 square feet. Makes a good root for years, and anyone can put It on, Head stamp tor sample and lull particulars. Gum Euistio KooriHO Co., M & 41 Wm Bboadwy, Nkw yobk. Irfieal Agents AVuBted. mar. 21, isi-3u HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SAW? IF SO, CALL ON TUB Carbon County lirnvei&ot Co., WeisBport, Pa., Where you can have all kinds of lumber sawed at the very lowest prices Satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. Fire Wood ! In all lengths and in all quant ities supplied cheaply. SAY i GO TO Gbs. Miller's Poplar Restaurant, FOB FRESH LAGEIi BEER, Finest lirands ef Liquors, snsa as Gibson's Pure Rya, Dougherty's Purs Rye, Genuine Silver Brook, Imporltd Gin and Brandies, Finest Cigars. First-cluss Free Lunch nlwayo on the Bar. To Contractors aitt Wm. The undersiirnfld nnnouncss to Oontraettfrs and Builders that he has now opened his stone quarry, at Hearer ltuu. ana is prcpsirsd to supply Building Htones in any quantity at reasonable rates. Us also keeps a supply at his resldeocs on SKJOMI) HT1IKKT. to supply Immediate deinnud. 1TAULINU of erenr deccrlntlon. nromstlT at tended to. Also, constantly on hands full lunnlr. uftks r uraous oi Flour and Feed, which he will sell nt Ixmest Karket Pilots. CHARL1S TEAIMS1, SECOND STTtKBT, LBHIOHTOa. PA Stop Paying Big Prices ! Save from 10 to 25 per cent ! BUY YOUR Wall Paper and Decorations, Window fc5hade3 and Fringe?, Curtain Poles, (Jhains, Sash and Stair Rods, Brushes, T'aints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, and al kinds of Stationery, at 1! First street, Lchighton. "We have tho largest assortment at lowest prices. Call and be convinced. mar. li, lsai-sm Film' STREET. - - LEUIGHTON Opposite tho Park. Is the place to get yoar Carpet Wove oj your raas oxchsnged for ellher ltag. Ingrain or Brussel Carpet. Pricos to suit everybody. N. B. I also keep the offlca for "Tho Singer Manufacturing Company," and keep for sale a lull :1:1c nt uiacniBS sup Dlies nnd attachments, such as Oils, Cans, Needles, for both old and new machines) Shuttles, Belts, Belt Hooks Springs, Kubucrs, etc., etc. Instructions to opperato machines glad Iy given anytime bv lady operator. Give me a call and ho convinced that sell at tho vory lowest figure. 9 First street, nest to Dr. Horn's Drug Store. Central D. J. KISTLER Hescctfully announces to the public that lie has opened u.nkw i.ivisky iABi.E.,unauiaiue it ow prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals v(i(1rtlpirnr lliislnens Trios on the shortest no. Ice and most liberal terms. Orders loft at the Caroou House" will recehe prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STEEET, next tho Hotel, Lehlxhton. lauMiA. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, Mrs. E. FATH, respeotfnlly anuotuc! t tor Ltdy Friends tuat sue tins just setnroea iron uie city where uhs cu geearad an en. tirsly new and t'sibionablo stock of nil tbe luleot styles laAIilUuery Goods, comprising; Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons, &c, te wblob abe Invites the nttenlion c.flisr friends and tbe ladies la xar&l. PKI0K8 AS LOW AS TUB LOWB3T Mrs. E. FATH, SonUi First Street, Snd door below M. OUuroli, litbUbto, l'a. marsh 1, lMl-ara. gHERIFF'SSALE -OF- Valuable Real Estate. Bv villus of a writ ol Levari Facias. No. Jane Term, 1W1. to me directed, will be sold at plume veoaue, ai me uoun nouse in uw wr UUKU Ol WU1DI1 UWIHI, UWIWO DUUII, A CUU syivania, on MONDAY, JUKE 8TH, 1W1, at One o'clock p. in., tlis fijUowloe described neai mate, w-win All that certain bait part or lot or el fee ground, situate on the Westwardly ale si Sen Street In the Borouah of Isst Bsack Ohso County and Mate aforesaid, ouaitered In the or pios mereoi i winiy-rjur, caniainne in Iron! or Breadth on said Seuthstiset tweaty. ' nreaain on sain eeuinsiieei iwusiy-nve feet and extendhut tbencs Westwsrdly ot that width, at ri-ht ancles with sU atrtst in lenxth or depth, two hundred teet to a thirty reet wide alley. Bounded Northwardly by Ixit So. 28, Bastwardly by said South street. Southwardly by the balance of said lot No. M aad Westwsrdly by said alley. It being part of the premises which Catharine Kbaraey by her Indenture (ranted and oouveyeo unto ttdwara sn eeiuy. The Improvements thereon are a TW0-8TOBY FBAME DWKLLINO HOUSE, feet, with other out buildings. Seized and taken luto execution as the prop erty of Edward and Rosu Hweeuey, and will be sold by II. F. LEVAN, SUerlll. F. Bkktolkti e. Atl'y for l'lalutlff. Shertfl's Oldcc, Muuch Chunk, reiin.,Ma; 12th. 1881. Jeremiah Roth's PoMic Sale of an entire herd of 80 head of Registered IIolstein-Freesian AND 20 HEAD OK Registered Jersey Cattie, ci uslstli'g of Hulls, rows, Heifers aud I'alM's, 011 tli fair (ironuds ol Hie Lehigh ( oui.ty AtTirultanl So- etety, Allentown, Pa., 00 Wednesday, May 27th, 1891, at 12 3D o'ckv-W 1' ilium luid mill bt hlKhett Wdder. M Tlia caltic arc all Bit S'llil wilhoat lewne to lho JEHRMIAU HOTII I.BW1TV Huxk Kirsi. Akaein M Weissprt Bnsine. Directory. -OK A SMOOIH ir muds thkm SASY - RHAVfl, A I.;. Ul sawt W. F. E9RAMO CLll.Vb, Till BARSEl, isrJ.n 1. Otsr the Oanal Bridge. Read 111 BAST WDIMfOBT, rSIflf'A. rale konte oEsrs Drnlass accommodntlons to he remanent boarder and transient guest. Fasts prion, oalr one Dollar per day. aunT-iy Joss Rnnnio. Fniprletor. Oscar Okristnmn, WBlnHFiiwr, IU. Livery and Exchanqe Stables. aasy rldlnt srrlgi iwd u drwnia horses. leitaooouiisodstlensis ai,l and travellers. Mill and ttltiitph ors'sn prus.p'.'. aCrnded to. GlTssisatrlsl. Nnnv2l-ly The - Tiajit - Saisory, C. V. LAl. liY. fJWU'ltlH. Dshvsrs rrenl. HrMd t (Tslci In TTcmport, ad I'ilf, In l.hlghr sl vicinities etsry asy. a m store i nsvs a line or (onfectloncry tors Ihsvs a : srths nolldsyTrads irtns Hoiiasy iraas. aunaay scnoois ana lose vsisssfrutuatiowMt prieei. dcc-. Oyer Caml Brifite I. Miml AND DIALKR IN FlTRJSflTUUS. PARLOrl SUITES, BED ROOM SU1THH, t. Prices the very lowest. Quulity of toods tho best. Satisfaction irunrnutectl In every partleslsr. Casksts, Coffin nnd Shroude Wo lisvn a full linn vhlph wa nil fiirnlli r me lowest possible prices Flour, Feed, Sec, the choicest nnsllty at very reasonable prices. CftllAnd be cunlsced. JOSEPH P. RBX, AprlMy BAST 'WEISBrOltT, Tiawasre. Hoatory aud Hanf?;es In Great Variety at Samuel G-rateb's opular Store, Bank Street. rsoonng ana spouting a speouil ty. Stove repairs furnished on short notice ltca90nnbjp! Lehigh Valley R. R. Co Arrangement of Passenger Trains. In Effect May 10th, 1891 W5AVU runiaiiTox ror Newark and New York 852. 7.30, 0.S7, and 11.12 IUU1.; .)l, 0.22 01 t .1)1.111. lor Manunhu ChuiiK and llelvldero ff.32, 7.30, 0.00. n.m.: 12.5'i and 7.24 i) in. Fiir Lanilicrtvlllo unu Trenton 5.2S, 0.00 and 11.12 a.m.: unu l: p.m. For SlHtiuatou, Ciitdsamiua. Allentown. Beth lohem, and Kaston, 5 -12, 7.07, 7.30, 9.0, 8 Of. 11.12 u.m . r- Tti, a.uu, a unu ni. For rilliiiiU'lph!.! :itul poinls south St 5.22, 7.07, .no. I'.oo ami 11. iv. i m : .1 to. - and 7.24 n. in. For Keaillimaiul n in i .:n.ii; ana 11.12a, lit 3.0U, I) 22 HltU t.J-i p III. For Howniaiit, l.i (i ip. I'hcrrvford. Lru, rv's. White ll.ill. ( oplay, and llokcndamiuu 6.22,7.07, U.00 8.57 & II 12 ,i. 111. : 12-2,andr..22 p.m. ForMaiichChui'l. i .U, 7.4J, :'.;;, 11.20 and 11.48 a.m.: 1.11, 3.1s. 5.20, 7.1, .m, vi.ajanu 11.51 p. m. and 12.47. For Wuathcrly and Hazieton 0.62, 7.43 9.36 and 11.48 a.m. ; ,1.18, r...'; 7 vj, 10.&1 p.m. For Muliaiioy ( II), .Sliciinndoah and Ashland 0.83, 7.43, 0J10 uml ll.iSaiil.i 3. 1, s 6.251 7.23 p. Ill For lit. I'arnu'l aud Hhaiuokin 0.01, IM aud 11.48 0. ni.: 8 28 p. in. For I'ottsville i . 2., 7.43, 030 11.12 and 11.18 a. in., 12.52. 3.011, o.ip, and 7.21!, 7.24 P.m. For White Haven, Wilkc sU.iric and Soranton OSi, 7.43, 9.3(1 and II. Ill a.m.; VMS, 5.25, 7.23 and 10.84 p.m. For Pittstou and L. & li. .Itmct., 0.52, 7.43, 0,30, and 11.48 a.m. ; 3 it, -i.2i. 7.23 and 10.54 p, 111. For Tunkhmuiock !1.18 a. 111.; 3.18, 5.25 and 10.M p.m. ForOwcRO, Auburn, Ithaca and Geneva 11.48; iu.h p.m. For Laeeyvillc. Tovraudn. Savre. Waverlv. El- intra, Rochester, lluS.ilo, N 'ugara Falls and the west ii.4 a.m.; nna 10.51 p. ui. SUNDAY XBAINS. i'ut nvn loriv i'.u unu aw.ui u.111. ; dh,i.iu For Philadelphia 4.11, 8.02 u. ui.: 2.52 and 0.20 p. m. For Easton and Intermediate Stations 4.11, 0.02, 8.02, 10.07 R.m. ; 12 52, 2.B2. 5.29 and 9.02 p. Ill For Manch Chunk 8.14, IUW, 10.23 a.iu.; 12J0, 3.1s, im aua V,lpjll. For KeadhiK at 0.02 a. 111.: 2,03 and 8.29 p. m. For Uatleton 0.58 a.m. : li 20, 3.18 Si 10.54 p.m. For Mshauoy City and Hhenaudoah 12.20 and J.IS For Pottsrllle at 12.82 d. n, For White Ilavuu, Wilkes-Barre, rlttstoB, Tnnkuannoak, Towanda. Sayre. Ithaca, Oeneva, Auburn, Blmlra, Bociioster, Bnlfalo, Niagara uuu tuo nun iu-o p.ui, ror iiiruiei Time Tables. or furtlier particulars inquire of Acentslor (len'l Pass. AHnl. May 11, '01, ly 8outli Bethlehem. Fenna H. M. BETZ, Watches, Diamonds, Towelry, Silverware.Bronzes, Olocks, Bicycles.Piano i .ainps, Furniture, Parlor Organ, and almost every Itind of mer chandise sold upon the Tontine Plan which is now so favorably known as applied to life insur ance. Certificates are imuod to members entitling them to $40 worth of Mer chandise for $17 ! The certificates are guaranteed to mature in 17 weeks upon conditions ; clubs now forming. If you wih to get any of the above goods, at greatly reduced prices, and on easy payments, call on or drop a postal to FRANK QrBRMAN, iK.SFP.AI. ACKNT, Weissport. , april ii, uei-sm A-nrra. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Perinaaeat'y xnut t.tsr TlU-y Oseiot, for ilbinu and faisAr n M tsstuies rop ttsd 4inru useSBWi THE ONLY BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN WEISSP0RT. M ft f ait l RGQtioi a few fir m just is ihv tit m sell a tetter quality foods at a lower im M yon m ki k mi article ftr eliewhere. lea's Calf Siia Ste at $00. Youth's Sues, 90c. aid iiianl WoggE'. Siea $1. ami ip. U. S. KRESGE, WEISSPORT'S LEADING BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. Ladies and Missess In all the 634 Hamilton Everybody Is Gutting Mm: Our's Remain the Sam ! Don't Buy Until You See Our Gq&5 and Compare Prices I One day lime clocks, 60c, 75c, and up to $2.50. One day alarm clocks, 80c, $1.00 and up to $3.i0. Eight day clocks from $S.0 up to 019.00. American Lover TVatchcs from $5.00 tip to $59 mi $8 We don't make a " blow " about low prices atud we tare ws need te " cut " for the simple reason that our prices ara ism sfc low if not lower than those of other Jewelers in tkis town cr ia the county. "We repeat our invitation : Cone and sac w mi examine our goods and learn prices befora buying elsewhere. AGENT. The Reliable Jeweltr, The Warm Weatlw...; Makes it Quite Seasonable for m "Rich Ice Cream, Fresh Soda Watsr Sc Good Milk Shake. Parties, Picnics and Festivals supplied with Ie Cream ftt tho very lowest prices. Confections, Fruits and GrocprjG. Tojs, Games and In this line we bnve everything ways the very lowest. SlLYERWAftE AND JEWELRY. We can't be beat in n line line of silverware and jewelry. We have all the new effects at the lowest prices. , . THE POUCEGAZETTE lslbe ouly Illustrated p' i . I . M eontalnlns all the laif!,t ma-., i i lng news. No saloon ktepei. barber or rlub rooai can aDurd to In- uiilioul it. lt alays makes Iiknds Hhrrnwi' It goes. Mailed n 8115 ndUn-H In iIh- Valt'd 1 hii 1 s:uifl . r,u d, IJ n l'i il. bnd f w rvsti, lor M.un'.if nc , Uiehiird K. Fox, HtaiiMllrMX Ksw uik Hy Millinery. WoliflvctUo trecual most (ArtlcHg Effects In Seasonable Stllllaery ttCrs Lowest l'rlces. In tike trlientvf ( partmcnt wchavo Tno Ulty MMImm to create happiest fanclts In ettoses Hr our customers. aps -AKD- Coats, In the tipwest'styles and of tho VC17 bent niaterlnln nnd mako at lowott prli-is. 1'on't ki to the city when in can liny chriper at home. WEISSPORT, PA." Branch Store, Lchiitoa. New Shades: St., Allentown. the New ;vlti$. that is now. Ournrjfl(vare al For Sale., A Very Valuable Farm ! The undersigned oners fat sals his farm ( .is Acres, more or less, together with limit, H.uii.and other necessary laiproTemestevraa inoiirrly m limited In Mnluuilne TownskltLfm inlli-s luiiu lohlghton, sd hctt a asm t?3t spring nf watfr. Al'l'll JAMIfl XBBTW8, lisskway. UJeaiS. LeejaiswM inss asset.