A MAGNIFICENT MIGHT. Superb Wild Horses Try tn Coax Ihe Tame Steed Amij. "Near tlis forks of the North and Bouth Platte, " mites a correspondent of the St. Louis Star, "1 onco saw n specta cle that mud's my nerves tingle, and I would giro n great deal to see onco more such n magnificent display of horseflesh. There were about 200 ani mals in the drove. The sun had just come up over the plains when I came out In front of them from a little grovo where I had camped during the night. I was on the back of my own mustang. Uo lifted his bead high into tho air, be gan to paw tho earth with his fore feet, and commonced to snort in n most aris tocrats manner. Every animal lifted his head on hearing tbo cry pf wolcomo from my steed, formed In a circle, and otood stilL "One magnificent black stallion, who appeared to be the leader of the troop, after looking at me for a moment, came toward me with an easy, graceful stride from the opposite side and took a posi tion In front of his followers. He was the finest specimen of a horse I ever saw. Ills tall swept the ground, and bis mane bung to his shoulders. Ilia body ehoue like a looking glass in tho morning sun light. He looked as if he had just re ceded most flattering attention from an experienced groom. Some of the ani mals appeared neglected, but tho major ity were sleek looking. "My own nnlmal became so excited at the sight that I made baste to tie him to a tree. Soon after I jumped from my horse's back tho black stallion gave Ms head a toss 'and started on a rapid trot aoross the prairie, the entiro band fol lowing him in single file. After going about half a mile away tho band re turned, the magnificent black still in tho lead. They came within 100 yards of me, and the leader whinnlod as if to in vite my horse tar come and join them. "My poor Jack, I felt sorry for him. De stood looking at tho wild rovers, his lariat drawn taut, and at the call from the leaders made the most frantic ef forts to join tho wild band and thus for ever put an end to his drudgery. Sweat came from every pore, be was so ex cited, and his body was covered with foam, as if he had just finished 'a 80 mile run. I was afraid he would succeed in breaking away, 60 1 fired inj rifle into the air to frighten tho drove, and the leader took the hint and scampered off across the plain, followed by tho others. I watched them until they wore out of Tiew, and actually I wished I were one of them, they luorted so contented. I have since looked upon a magnificent collection of horses, but that sight was the grandest I ever witnessed. Gifts for Invalid!. A very small thing of beauty that will be a pleasant sight for an invalid s eyes while it lasts Is a carrot or sweot potato hollowed out on the inside to leave a wall about three-quarters of an Inch thick. The vegetable is suspended by cord passed through holes pierced In the side, and the cavity filled with water. In n few days upturning sprays of green will sprout from the bottom and cover the outside, and if a small bunch of violets is put In the little quaint banging basket it wilt have a charming appearance. A pretty llttlo thing to leave on a sick friend's table is a plant saucer, with three pine cones standing upright in tho center. The arrangement of sticks or hairpins, by which you compel them to assume and maintain an orect position, may be concealed by a mat of real moss. There should also be a layer of sand in the bottom of the dish. Qrain or grass seed should he scattered over the cones, and If tho saucer is kept full of wator the seeds will Sprout and show a beautiful tender green, in fine contrast to the rich crown of tho cones. It is such a pleasure to watch green things growing that either of these slm pie gifts is an aid to pass tho weary hours. Even a finger bowl with a thin layer of cotton nprinkled with flaxseed, which grows and lives for a whilo on uch nourishment as it drains from the water beneath, Is a cheerful, pretty dec oration for a sick room. For a friend who is too feoblo to sit at desk or table to write it would be a pleasant task to fit up a writing tablet, wincn can De men wnen one is in a re clining position, and which offers facil ities for storing writing implements, cotes, and other etceteras that an Invalid dislikes to .bo always asking other people to procure for her use. The fnuudation is a seasoned pine board, 25 ly 21 Inches, This is covered with felt, which upon tliieo sides hangs over tho edge, and la supplied with fiat pockets to hold letters. The front of each pocket is cut into a point, which buttons down to protect the contents. Across each end of the board aro straps and little superimposed flat pockets to and pens, pencils, stamps, cards, and envelopes. Of course these convert lences must not invade the space needed for writing. A leather covered tray Bier's inkBtand, with a strong spring in the cover to prevent the spilling of ink, can be firmly glued to one upper corner, and a pen tray and a stamp box on the other corner. A row of brass headed nails should "be put all around the edgo of the board, and straps and pockets can be fastened on with smaller brass nails. The valances with the buttonsd down pockets can be folded over the top when the writing board Is not In use. Harper's liazar. 1 It is said that the tourist season brings " PA OHO OHO. vnnriv Infn f3witxArlAn(L Enough lluit Come. "The Chicago Exposition," remarked an Eastern commissioner recently, "will nave one feature which no nrevlous in ternatioual exposition bos over had, and umi is a Bonos oi extensive aud caro fully organized exhibits from all the Latin-American nations. These Latin American countries afford tho best ex isting market for the various products of tho European manufacturers, and these manufacturers have never had be Iforo and never will have again so good an opportunity to meet the representa tives of the commercial Intm-MU nt li V Latin-Auietican States as they will have 'at Chicago in 169a One of the main .objects of the Pan-American Congress f of last year was to get these people in terested in tho manufactures of the United States, and to win, if possible, a share of their trade away from tho European nations, who now practically have the whole of it. It makes no dif ference what the Kuropean manufactur ers think about the markets of the United States or about the McKinley bill, their largest interests on this con tinent are In the markets of Central and South America. They now control that i trade and will go to any length to pre vent the United States from getting I that trade from them. European man ufacturers understand peifectly that the trade of Central aud South Amer ica is likely to be lost by them entiiely unit BJ they make a desperate struggle at Chicago to retain it in opposition to the growing competition of American manufacturers and merchant. This consideration alone insures a large and representative exhibit of the industries and manufactures of every Important European oouutry. " A Chinamen who died recently at Pm-tlai.d, Or, left prowtj vsiusd at A MODHRN OOUKTMtflP. 'rora t " And lire In stile, von know. Dwir, don't It make rou blush to Me Yonrirtrttncalleo!" " I've nlwa lived hero on the farm And I can not compare With city girls who dress in stria And know lost what to wear. Her fresh, sweet faoe was now upturned To his. Blie heaved a sigh. " And yet I might (she looked Quit grave) Be stylish if ltry." " No, no," lie cried, as close h wrappod Her In bis manly arms, "I'll take yon, darling, as you are. Without the olty charm. " I'll lake you and I'll cherish you, You and your goodly pile. For your papa's swell farm, my dear. Is more to mo than style." nr. CHANGED TO STOHB. Singular Man to STranoo Who Can Make Ilia Body Rook fclke. One of the most remarkable human curiosities over seen bos just boon ex amined by M, de Quatrofagos, the French naturalist. Ho Is a provincial named Simoon Alguler and is 80 years old. Aiguior, thanks to hia peculiar sys tem of muscles and nerves, can trans form himself in a moat wondrous fash ion. He has very properly dubbed him self "L'Hommo Prole. " At ono moment, assuming the rigidity of a stntuo, his body may bo struck sharply, the blows falling on a block of stone. At another he moves his In testines from above and below and right to left into tho form of a largo foot ball and projects it forward, which gives him the appearance of a colossally stout per sonage. He then withdraws it into the thorax. opening like a cave, and the hollow look of his body immediately reinlads one of skeleton. Aiguicr successfully imi tates a man subjected to the tortures of the rack, as also a man hanging himself, and assumes a Btrikingly cadaverous look. What most astonished M. de Quatrefacos was the stoppage of the circulation of the blood, now on tho left and now on tho right side, which was effected by muscular contraction. Cincinnati Enquirer. Dreams of the Deaf. An oxpert West Philadelphia physi cian in talking of the dreams of tho deaf and dumb remarked: In visiting institutions for tho blind and the deaf I have made inquiry, and have never found an instance of a per son born deaf or of a child who lost his hearing before he was 4 years of age dreaming of hearing. Among the re sults of recant inquiries I present the following from tho principal of the State Institution of the Blind aud Deaf at St. Augustine, Fla,: I have closely questioned the deaf children here as to whether they have ever dreamed of hearing, and tho Invari able answer Is 'No.' I have asked the samo quostion of upward of 60 deaf per sons with the same result, except where the person interrogated had lost bis hearing after learning to talk. These lost mentioned are all grown persons of some education who understood the question fully and are very positive that thoy had nevor dreamed of hearing more than a rumbling sound. A "Uolden" Ilule for Advertisers. Said a gentleman, tho managing man of a concern, the only rule I have for determining whether or not n paper Is a desirable one for our house to use as an advertising medium is to ascer tain if the paper,upon examination, has Interest for me as a reader. I go through its columns carefully and con sider what is being presented from month to month to its subscribers and readers, and then attempt to conceive of the kind of people who are likely to take the paper in order to obtain suci information or such reading matter. believe, he continued, that this rule en ables me to weed out many papers which have only a free circulation and some of those nlso which do not employ editors or which do not make any real attempt to take high rank at) periodical.'. When I find a paper that I think I could afford to pay for as a subscriber on ac count of the matter It contains, I am impressed with the idea that it circu lates among a class that I can afford to any for to reach with my advertisement iTlie Milhtoaa. Lapland Lullaby. Here is a lovely little poem written by a Texan a Mr. Sjolander, a native of Lapland, but for many years living in me .Lone Btar Htate. This is as charming n lullaby as has ever been written. Listen, and you will see a quaint, beau tiful picture unfold and you will hear the tintinnabulation that heralds the coming of tho bell deer: The smoke Is nn-curllnir. tba embers burn law Tho bell-deer Is coming, Usg-Ung o'er the snow. With father's swift aokle filled full to the top iv uu wonaariui playthings from King If ion' snop. Bo WIS. WIS. mv babvt a nine ha will brlnor With sound liko voloes of birds In the Spring And, oh I a top spinning and Sinclair around Till Springtime shall come at the musical sound. And wrs, wra. mr babvl a tnatlcal class He'll bring for to look ln-and Winter shall pass; The streams shall burst loose from their chains and be free And singing go down through the vales to thi sea. And wya, wye, my babyl the mirroring lake From under Its cover of Ice shall awaka i And heaven, sweet smiling with sunshine, will . leap To earth and kiss softly the flowers from sleep. Bo wye. Wra. mv babvl tn dreamland wa ao To wait the dser coming, ting-ling, o'er thi snow, With father's swift aekle Ailed full to tho top With wonderful playthings from King Etna's shop. Chicago Hews. "Millions In lb" In the studio of J. H. Mosor, of Wash ington, D. a, who is Mrs. Harrison's teacher in painting, is a happy witticism In greenback pulp. Many years ago Mr. Moaer painted a portrait in oil of John T. Raymond. It is a superb likeness of the comedian, and he wasted to buy It, until he learned that the artist's price was no joke. After Raymond died Mr. Moser hunted up tne greenback pulp man ana cad lilm make a handsome large frame for the portrait, Then be low, in a neat panal and in gilded let ters, he set the inscription: JOHN T. It iTMOND, 183S-1W. This Frame Is Made of Greenbacks. "There's Millions la It." The idea has proved a bit, and many an admirer of Raymond visits Noser's stu dio to see his frame, made, as Colonel Mulberry Sellers would have had it, "with millions in it " Bxssesl of Solomon. "Seest thou a man diligent in his busi ness," says Solomon, "he shall stand be fore kings. " Wo have a striking Illus tration of this aphorism in the life of Dr. Franklin, who, quoting the sentence himself, adds: "This is true; I have stood in the presence of five kings, and once had tba honor of dining with one. " All In consequence of his having been "diligent in business" from his earliest years. What a lesson is this for our youth, and for us all Exchange. We know of a gentleman In the trade who stood with "tour kings and a quen" and did not have enough left to dine alone. Ti'ie n as a lasson for age. Dry t Qoodi Curoaisla. The devil U hapw as Ions as he oan keep a bad man from thinking of his mother. When you aro willinc to have all tho world put out of your heart, Qod will como In. It is n blossod thing to know, whon wo bavo dono our boat, that we have pleasou God. fl A BemlbleHan Would use Kemp's Balaam (or the Throat and Lungs, it is curing moro cases nicotians, uoias Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup and all Throat and I,une Troubles than anv other medicine. The proprietor has authorized any druggist to give you a Sample Dottle Free to convince you of the merit ol this great remedy. Large Dottles boo amid. Ono blind man can easily prove to another that tucro is no sun. Tho devil is in troublo whon ho finds man who lovos his work. Lavo is tho onl v thins that can lighten minions oy adding to tnom. It is romarkablo how liberal a con gressman can bo with garden seed. Miles Nerve and Uver Tills. An important discovery. They act on the Uver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedly cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation Splendid for men, 'women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. So doses for Ho cents, samples ireo at X. u. Thomas and W. F. Biervs Drue Store. X.VUIJ' lilt? A3 U nJUIUUU( for (Jurist or against lilm. When tho world can't understand a man it calls him a crank. Tho man who is not afraid of little sins is tho man tho dovil gets. Tho devil nover asks anybody to go oil the way home with him. A Ureat Battle Is constantly uolne on In the human system when vnii suffer with consumntlon. couchs or colds; they strive to ruin health and drag vic tims to the grave. Take timely warning and use jt'an-nna uougn ana t-onsumpuuu uura, Prion 2J and Ml nftnts. Dr. Lee's Liver Kegulator Is a sure cure for dvAnensln. biliousness, heartburn. Indurestlon. and all kidney complaints. Trial bottles free at Thomas' Drug Store. No man over lost his religion by trusting Uod too inucn. Thoology alono, is a poor thing to take into tho pulpit. There is no such word as light in the blind man's dictionary. Kpoclw The transition from long, lingering and pain ful sickness to robust health marks an epoch In the life or the Individual. Suoh a remarkable event Is treasared in the memory and the agenoy whereby the good health das been attained Is ratelully bleesea. Hence it is mat, so mucn is eard In praise of Electrle Dltters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the use or the Ureat Alterative ana Tonio. 11 you are troubled with any disease of kidneys. Uver or stomach, of long or short standing you will snrelv And relief iY use oi .iecirio isuiers. BOia at dug. ana ei.w per uvuiu at .ncjjf... a Drug Store. Tho dovil loves a quarrel some Christ ian. A Ho is the devil's best attempt t ward creation. Never co round a sin. Strike it square in the faco. The devil never cots tired of watoh- ing the cradle. Grandmother Saysl When sho was a girl that her mother al ways gavo her sulphur and molasses t purify her blood,but she now Rives Sulphur Bitters to her grandchildren, as It Is the the best medicine she ever saw. The Father. Littlo troubles are tho most deadly. Tho right kind of sugar never sours. Love is always willing to bo crucified. Faith is the real basis of joy in re ligion. May Thunlc Her Stars. The narrow escape of Mrs. B. M Searly, cf Elkhart, lnd from a rrpmaturedeath is wonderful. She slates that "for twenty years my heart troubled me greatly. I he, came worse. Had smothering spells, shori breath, ffuttcrin: could not sleep on my left side, had much I'aln in Brest, shoulder and stomach. Ankles swelled. Had much head ache nnd dizziness. Treatment did me no good, until I tried Dr. Miles'New Heart Uure and llestorative Herve. The first bot tle helped me.and I nas Boon virtually cured For sale at T. D. Thomas and W. F. Biery drugstore, A fine book on the Heart and Nerves free. Don't do anything that will wound your conscience, if you would please God. If you want to find the most misera ble man in tne worm una tno most self ish ono. If head-work could have saved the world it would have been done before the flood. I have been a sufferer from catarrh for 20 years. I found immediate relief in the use of Ely's Cream Balm. Since using it I have not suffered a moment from headache, sore throat or loss of sleep, from which I previously suuered, caused by catarrh. I consider your liaim a valuable remedy. k. li. vassar, 50 Warren St.. New York. Ely's Cream Balm is worth its weight in gold as a cure lor catarrh, une bottle cured mo. S. A. Lovell. Franklin Pa. If you want to make Satan tremble resoivo to be a nappy Christian. Tho devil's best time to make hay is when Christians are not busy. How wo do admire the wisdom of those who como to ask us for advice, When you want to see the crooked made straight look at a raiirona map. Eupepsy. This Is what yon ought to have, tn fact, yen must bave It, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are taarchlnir lor It datlv. and mournlna beeaoia tbev nuult not Thousands upon thousands at aouars are speni annuaiij dt our people in to hops that they may attain this boon. And jat It may be nan by all. we guarantee taat eiss- the use persisted In, will bring you gosd dlges. tlon am id oust iht demon dyspepsia ana install Instead eupepty. We recommend JDectrlo Bit ters for dyspepsia and all diseases of tba Uvsr, sloraaoh and kidneys. Bold at Wo. and J1.00 per come oj Meuer, vrusjBiBfc. Every man oats, but it is only here and there that you find ono who thinks. A now roofing paper is made by ap plying to the paper a composition of boilod linseed oil and pulverized char cool. The paper so prepared is said to bo perfectly air and water proof under ail circumstances, Tho residuum of petroleum distilla tion, which at ono timo was a by-product of little value, has now, owing to increased demands for lubricating oils and wax, become more valuable than the first product It is proposed doing away with the old system ot lightning rod protection and replacing the rods with narrow ribbons of copper, which will use up the energy ot the lightning and save the building from destruction. An English engineer has designed, and is now manufacturing, a portable crosscut saw; that is, a largo two-man saw that con be folded up Lnjo small compass. It is really a lloxiblo chain of sawteoth riveted together. Tho ratio to tho circumference to the diameter ot tho circle was computed by Archimedes as 22.7, and P. Met! us made it 355.113. After a tedious calculation Shanks has now fixed it as far as 530 decimals, and Rutherford has verified the result up to tne iiutn aooimai. The great Lick teleeoopo, of Califor nia, reveals about VMfxufiu or stars. The irreatest ocean depth ever found by measurement was in the Atlantio near I'uervo juoo, sooi laiuoins. Aluminium bronze is rapidly super sedlng manganese bronze for screw pro- 'lieuera in lugu-speeu vesaeie. "NOW, PLAY We keep a Base Balls, Bats.j Gloves, etc. Which we are soiling at regular city prices. Tfe will equip Base Ball Clubs with complete outfits at lowest prices and give them best quality goods. Stationery, Puzzles, Notions, Our assortment of the aboye goods include all that is new and novel in these lines. Don't buy until you know our prices and see our goods, OBERT'S BLOCK. Adam's Express Company. IT IS IW - And we Have 'Em! In great assortment and at all prices. We can't tell you all about them, but they are perfect in style, workmanship and price. Come and see and also take a look at Our Carpets and Furniture. In which lines are included everything worth b ing. Everything is new style, price and Don't buy until you see our stock of goods. Kemerer fc Swartz NORTH FIRST STREET, THE ONLY BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN WEISSP0RT. How we want to m just to slow fkat we sell a letter pality pils at a lower Drice than yon can 1)uy tie same article for elsewhere. Men's Calf .Skin Shoes, at $2.00. Yonth's Snoes, 90c. anil nnwarfl. Women's Shoes $1. and np. U. S. KRESGE, WEISSPORT'S LEADING BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. J Lt BAH IS HEAJJUUAETERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, faints, varnisnes, mass, ALL KIND OF GOAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank treet, Lehighton, Pa Save While You May. STOP IN AT Hummers Queensware Bazaar, FIRST STREET, LEHIGHTOW. Don't buy anything in the line of queensw are, chinaware, lamp" or tinware until you have seen our stock of goods. Hanging Lamps from $2.75 to $8.75. Tase lamp from $1.25 to $2.00. Common Lamps from 20 to 85 cents. Iron Stono Cblna Vegetable Dishes, 7c, 8c, and 38c Plates per dozen, 48c, 72c, 84c, Meats l'latea each, 12c, 15c and 25c 3 quart Pitches, 20 to SO cents. Cupt and Saucers. 80, 40 and 60 ctt. Dinner Setts, front $3.00 to $5, KS OPPOSITE J FIRST STREET, - - LEHIGHT0N, Pa Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, MarS6ill6S, Seersuckers and ancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Grooeries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glassware, Vood and Willowware of the best maes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and r.eady made Clothing in great variety and at prices with the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price y been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices uqually as low as the same goods can bought at any general store tn this section. Call and be convinced. .Respectfully, JJy 8a7i AMOS EEIGEL. BALL THERE!" full line of TIME TO TALK ABOUT '5 mention a h 0 0 & S. DEPOT,-fif UJU1LU Huak ru, no oihsr d'araln? tat ma but Wolff sflOiEB'aoking If you and your enrtostsrs aro dissatisfied with 1 ft la because you did ntf Intern hon to tu in Paint. J)rvf ant Daute FrnUlG 8ow for PDc-llcn, uhtch will Stain old a new rufiNiruHC rarnfrfc will stain Qu and Chinawark rt( the W I U. STAIN TlHVSAKt gamti WILL STAIN TOUR OLD DAtKtTS ftn?, WLL STAIN BABT'S COACH AND TtV I I'm WOUTF ttAHSOLHX. FtUadelpMlw TO THE SPORTSMAN. rimn hi h a Dccuiiar charm t but. to fnllr en Joy It, you must be prepared for all kinrft ef weather. Did you erer catch yottr rubber coat on a iharp twig or roujh rock, and tpoil It the first dar? Atk any hunter or tportamaa ho ceet FUh Brand Slicker' how he likes them. He will tell you it it tent, blanket, and coat, all tn cme. Light, dry. and warm, and will stand any amoanf o! hard usage. No need of being concerned sboot the weather. Why do you wait till it rains, when you can be proTided for all weather if you buy 9 "Fish Brand Slicker" now 1 Don't wait. Adiy'e delay may be the cause of a month's sickness t cats you afford to take the risk? Beware of worthless Imitations, eTeir garment stamped with the ' FMi Brand" Trade Msrk. Don't accept any inferior coat when you caa hare the " Fiih Brand Slicker delivered without extra cotL Particulars and Illus trated catalogue free. A- a. TOWER, - Booton, Nines. The Most Successful Remedy ererdiBCor end, o$ It Is certain la Its effects and does not bllater. Read proof below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. Belverxok. Pa., Not. 37, 90. Da. B. J. Koto alt, Co. : Genta I would like to make known to those who are almost persuaded to use Kendall's spavin Cure the fact that I think ttlsa most excellent Liniment. I haTe need Iton aCloodSpavln. The horse went on three less-Tor three years when 1 commenced to use your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I used ten bot tles on the horse ana have worked him tot throo years since nod has not been lame. Yours truly, W. A. CURL. GEBX43T0W, N. Hot. 2, 133X Cm, ft. J. Kkhdaii. Ca, njiesourKn f aint vu ay, that a year ago X had a valuable young horse be come very lame, noclc enlarged and swollen. The horsemen about here (we have Ao Veterinary Sur geon here) pronounced his lameness Blood Spavin or Tborourhpln. they all told me there was no cure for It. ha became about useless, and I con sidered him almost worthless. A friend told me of the merits of your Kendall's Spavin Cure, so X bought sv bottle, and I could see very plainly great Improvements immediately from Its use.antfbefora the bottle was usod up I was satisfied that It was doing him a great deal of good. . I bought a second bottle and before It was used up my horse wan cured and has been fn the team doing heavy work all the season since last April, showing no mora signs of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure a valuable medicine, and It should bo lnsvery stable In the land. Itespectf ully yours. EUGENIC DEWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $3. All drag" gists have it or can get It for you, or It will be sent (0 any address on receipt of price by the proprie tors, DU. II. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburgb Falls Vermonfw SOLD BY ALL BBEG GISTS. -.ThoubamJs uarti oce permn;.e:U '-ured by I'lIlLAOEl.lMUA.l'A. ha.searoura,i,ooperaMtn or lots of time from business. Caes pronounced la suraUd by others wanted, Send tor Clrfuiax. CURE GUARANTEED. omcauS&fti A. Tr Alt I I Undertake to Kri.A. teach ny fairly InteUlfriit prrtua ofalthcr mi, who ca rud aDtl tit, and who. Taarln tbelrown locallta,whrver Ibajr Ilvs.l will alaofttrutiti lh aituatleu or ample; mal,at wblch you can earn that amount. w hivu.1 iur mevsim uccniiuiai dut taalljand quIeaiT Itarned, I dealn- but ana worker from each dlitrttt or county, I have already uushl and provided with eiupb jmeot a Urra nnmbar.wbo art maklaf ortr Mono a yraraacb. !f JVHW tt4 -"Ji1 !,i.Fu11 P'Uiilare V It 1313. Artdre.. at onct, lw J, AI4L.UX, llax 4o, Auifuatu, JMuloe. SCHIFFHAHN'S ASTHMA CURE TsmIhH taltana ah iu.1 .ti..l ..4 1. forUkla ala. SO WAITUS far REKCLTS. Btag wl bv I UaaUtioa, lw action It uamadlaU, direct as Certain. I ud a care to Ut malt la all earakU aaua. A &U trta, I aaThMM ts bm kntkftL FrVea, SOa, aad 11.00 of air I tiurtlt. at hv naJL Himalu Fua tnm ' I DR. H. nCHIFFMANM, St. eu Croup, lift t would you dor What phjalclan could save uiuvr aunt Beldin's (Remedy Xi a taotoleaa.haru: aa iwwder.aod la tba uulraJifeiraard. In yaart U taa navcr faUod. Order WOW from ymrdraggUl an. iTtce, wc a aamni powoar aj man lor ioc TKC BE. eEUUK FRO PRUT AIT CO, JAMAICA, X East Weissport, Pa. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Green Groceries, Fruits Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Pea nuts, Applee, Sweet Potatoes, Confections, Cigars, &c., &c. Our prices on all goods are as low as city prices and you save the freight. Call at our store before bujing dUewhore. pamphlet of Information wd&fv' Vsirsct ut the laws. Showing liuw toMr taK, Obtain Patents, CaTeata.Tra4H Muta, Copyrights, sent Srt4.mmj 9 Oscar J.Saeger Athl.MM and ni.l. Given a man wltoe Ufa is devoted to A profFMion&l puicult, and who draw, chiefly on his mental energies, how shall lis get the most and best oift OT himself, and ranoh his maximum limit of lon jovlty f Thero ore two seemingly oppo site methods now on trial. The one is hearty food with plenty ot athletics, tho other Is moderate diet, avoidance of ex citement, and good air. The athletic type of health seoker eats hoarty food and brings his dlgestlro and alimentary organs Into the fullest activity. In order to absorb It and dispose of tho surplus of traato matter In the system ho takes active physical exercise every day. In short, he keops tho physical mill hard at work constantly. The seeker of health through abstinence eats modar ntety, his purpose being to tax his alimentary organs no moro than Is noo essary. If ho can keep his organs healthy he does not need bo much ex orcise, since thero Is less matter In tho system to be assimilated and disposed of. lie keops himself as calm as possible and avoids friction, but insists upon fresh air and takes mod orate out ot door exercise. Whlah ot those two hoalth seekers is pursuing the best course, which will do la the aggregate most work, and which will wear out soonest? Immense attention is devoted to athletics, but far lees is said of ab stinence and the avoidance ot useless friction. Tho wonderful fonts of fasting during the past tew ears have created intonso interest in the modical world, and certainly point to Uie possibility that the great mass of brain workers overburden their sotems by eating too heavily of strong foods that properly bolong to men engaged exclusively in, bodily labor. Athletics aro tho natural supplement and corrective of such diet. But Is it necessary Z Possibly, as in other things, tho middle line in these matters is the proper ono. But, at all events, tho two methods of getting the most out of ourselves are very interest ing subjects of contemplation and study. net Milk and Vlohy. "There are a great many men who aro overworked and underfed," said an up town physician; "tuey think they are too busy to eat lunch at midday, and re sort to stimulants as a substitute for food. It only takes a minute to step into a barroom and take a drink, STbis makes them feel betttaforn time, butthe effect soon passes away and another la taken to get rid of tho empty feeling. The habit crows until it tak es eight, ton, or more drinks a day to keep them go ing. Alcoholio stimulants are the worst thing in the world I r an empty stomaoh, finally causing caujxh of the stomach. interfering with tu secretions at the liver, destroying the ability to assimilate. When a man comes to mo in this con dltion, the first thing: I do is to cut off ma whisky, or wht-tever form of slimU' lant he is addicted to, and substitute food for It. I can't substitute solid food, because bis stomaoh won't retain it must get him to take something that it wilL This is where hot milk and vichy comes in. Cold milk is too harsh. It shocks his weakened stomach. Hence I givo it to him hob Vichy lightens and livens it; ma lies It more easily digested. I tell him to take a glass, two-thirds milk, one-tb Ird vichy, twice a day; to order it ovnr a bar, anywhere he can get it, oua to let whisky and all stimu lants severely alone. If he obeys the orders I w'ill cure him nnd save his life. "A gooi 1 many men among my owu patients, .ast growing permaturely old, and bring Ing upon themselves a multi tude of I Us by the steady and excessive uso of alcoholiostlniulants iustead of the nutritions food which they should take, have bean reclaimed by tho uso of hot milk aiid vichy. It you find you aro losing your appetite for food and correspondingly gaining that for alcoholio stimulants, try it It will do you good." New York Sun. Athletics and Sensualism "I have given up all interest, " said an intelligent woman recently, "in tho movement for the so called physical cul ture of women. It is not that I do not believe most heartily in the full and symmetrical development of tho body powers, but the whole cult is being per verted to sensualism. The beauty teach ers are devoting themselves, not to wholesome training for healtii, but to making 'visfpns of loveliness,' with di rect regard to their effect on tho other sex, and after as (rank methods as oould ever have been employed in filling Cir cassians for the harem, A woman's first ii terest in physical culture is to fill out hi;r neck so that sho may look better in a cieoelette gown. It's all in a line with the manicure business which is making very ornamental but worse than Useless bands! It all goes with our heaps at cushions and shaded lights and refinement ot perfumes, If the de velopment ef curves and tho study of poses and the absolute deification of dainty Eemvualism, It would bo a good plan to let In .on the business a Uttlo wholesome sunshine and fresh air. Sill Kje'a llk Ut The lionest truth U that since William Edgar Nye, knowu familiarly as Bill Nye, took up his residence in Staten Island and mingled froly with the New Workers, he has become one of the best dressed men in the East, outside of the tanks of the upper swelldom. When he was postmaster in the far West he never knew the effete use of suspenders, and linen cellars and a boiled shirt were curiosities. Imagine how be looked then and gaze upon the present picture, viz: a silk, hat, always brightly polished, a high. standioK collar, stayed and ridered to, keep from breaking down it any of his old friends should happen to weep upon his neck, an elegant suit oi navy blu e broadcloth and patent leather ehoes. The only thing left ot the original Laramie Boomerang Nye is the broad expanse of forehead chasing over his head when he lifts bis hat. Ho met an old friend recently, who did not reoog nlrehlin until he pulled off hb hat and exposed his bald head. It is Nye's humor to caparison himself in fine rai ment, and his friends like blm none the leas f r it. The Besnll ot Lying. A negro who was giving evidonca In a Georgia court was reminded by the judge that ho was to tell the whole truth. "Well, yer see, boss, "said tho dusky witness, Tee skeered to tell de whole truth for fear I might tell a lie. " Judge (to witness): "Bo you know the nature of an oath? Witness: "SahJ" Judge: "Do you understand what yo are to swear tot" Witness: "Yea, sahr I'm to swear to tellde truf." Judge: "And what will happen If you do not tell it?" Witness: "I 'specta our side'll win de Qgsc, sab, " A charitable lady has presented a brand new graveyard to Jefferson City, Ma, but, so far as heard from, nobody there has gone crarr with joy over the gift PrnfACJtAr UnnAlti.ftr with il njilftn Of S10.000 a vear. l the iiest nald te&eher la the United States. Zbe empress of Austria, who sailers feraob fata rheumatism,, has a Inly doe. tolnjMtendftnoe. TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM InOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In tho Side, klho ChestBnd tho Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc., etc, tho I M PORTED "AHCHuR"43 PS1H EMlLEIf flT K AMP WILL EVER-BE The BEST. UNEOUALED REMCDT. U1 with Rt suwrfln the Imperial and Royal l ueiu ueral HoKDltal ot Vienna OBaUuoUdtelTiittffloaUlontefThontudit 1 TrmYimui. Itj. Jan. 29. IfflL 1 ana many otaon. Vim Anrhnr Tln Kxnflllerll rt&llT excel- I lent, un oi our uuwra, lanenoR inira miew tnatlim for rears, could find nothing to ccro bar but your Ancnor rain jzriir. m Bcaootv BISTERS DS MOT RE DAUB. BO Cents Q bottle I OF MOST DRUGGISTS, OR DIRECT FROM J F. AD. RIGHTER & CO.. 9iO Xroadway. JVew York, I European IIoiiaeiiiuadolstsdt,GT i ijnnaon, Vienna, iwiuenjaui, ,-nwut,, XoDsteln, Olten, Nuremberg, Lelpalo. M S3 ntUS KISA13 A77AEDI3. FREE Books about other Anchor RthA mediet on Application. ,VfiTot' Would rathor bo without broad Cmtor't Bumzxas, y&rquctttlflch." m. Rot. X irnsiMol nt titata Dl&as xtrrltsst X have suffered a great dsM. and whenever I fast now a nervous attack coming I take o doee cf Fastor KoenisB nerve 'aobju uiu .ue. iiuiimi, ltUacrul deal of It and woold ratlsar be Without bread than without theTonls. Cured entirely aftor 12 years! TOSawisn. Kara Co., N. T., rabr. 1889. . AtnmtMr had flta from frfffht slr.ee IS years, ssmstlmes S to attacks within St horns without any warning; daring these spells i her IIIUEIUS WOuiu Dm Diaajueu luwuu tu. iuajuv ut bar Lands, car month be drawn sideways, her neek would swell np, and her fees assumed a blnefsh oolor, this would last from 10 to Its ml' nuMs after that arts slspt, was drousy for about S hours. We tried many remedlea without amy rmprovement, cut o nottiaa oi rasior aoeniga YraTvuTYmfiienred her at last: we therefore re COnansnaMi remedy to ail SBflerera. , !mplilrt (or sunero.- Ul iscswlll b3 tor.t free to any Marees. and tor patients can nso obtain this medicine oo ol clmrgo f tov: m. his r.medy h&i U. prepared by tho Reverend istwKccnlR. of Kort Wayne. Ind foe . the past a years, and la now propaxud under his dlreo on by the0EfJf Q WCD,C!KE e0., 3 Vtl Ssilr.s, r. C.atea Bt, CHICAGO, IIU SOLD BY DrtUCCISTS. rleo 31 per Iloitle. ti Rotilee fop t5, Dr. 0. T. Horn, ngt. 'Lehighton No more oj this. .... a. TaV UiTbber Bhoea unless worn uncomfortably ttanfe will itrton slip oft the feet, THE "OOLCHESTEB" RUBBER CO. nfff r a shoe with ln!de of heel lined with raWya TO. ciimm to Ihe aboa and prerenta the rubbw fivul slipping off. Coll for the " Colchester "ADHESIVE COUNTERS. JfJHH E. LEKTZ, Wholesale A Kent. ALLENIOWN, PA. AT RETAIL BY . IRelall dealers can have their names Inserted lere onappllcatlon. maylT, 1890-yl N Msg liin TLo flronioet Rlnnit Piiri-fior, Ill KNOWN. A I I This Great German Medicine la iheff. 111 cneapest ana dosu ras uosos or du irg II PlliTltBllTEK3forS1.00,!essthanir a lone cent a dose. It will cure Ihe if Ifc. nommon nlmnlA on tha facear r CM I to inac awrui disease ocronua.jSr n j IsULl'nCB BITTEltS Is the7 ? I I best medldno to use In all' I leases of such stubborn andaryonr Kid I suecp seated diseases. uotfneysareont of order. Use BLUE PILLS SULPHUR J I It. l'laeblybur Sust lnJXh,Cftfi. I I SULPHUR BlTTKltS,?,tt"'wlu,t ymeutoecTormade.mIir BHtrS 1 IjB wUhayellowatIclrX)on,twaltiintll you IJl substance? Itjomff are unable to walk, or a jl offensive? Vourj9Dutgctsomeatonce.lt s sstonuicn xs ouijvwiu euro you. otupuur oioruer. u 6t' JCT o .a lUBUl.l'lllJIt n BITTERS FThelnTalia'a Friend. "2 ImmeillatclyjSXhe young, tho aged and to t 1 1 Ja your Ur-wtcrlng are soon mado well by f 1L" Ino thlck,ita use. Beincrolicr what you ropy, clo-yfread here, It may tare your I"?. orufo, It has saved hundreds. lUlD. , u ua oo.vu .... uu. Don't wait until to-morrow, J: f ff Trv a Bottle To-dav 0 Am too low-snlrltcd and weak.fH S ffor euffbrlng fnim the oxoeasea of IS 2vouU.i' If o. BULfUUU BITTERS! 3 2-ccnt Mnni) to A. 1. Onivrar & Co., .Mafia. i for IXAt medical work juiwliahaclr can lx Mrntd at our KKIf Una f work, raulttlr bimI bonunblr. fcr IhttM M (. do lb work Eaar 1 ltaAa, W ftirtiUh (rwewr'hlof W Msrt mi M rlak. tn tu 1s)tH roarapara m arana, r all ywt Uena (4 tba work. TkUiaa) anl4il naw I .ami txiasjt maanlaarfttl iKti ca Tory wfxksay, Baftanar i us; frusn tlh to 9 it piak aad upwarda, bJhim i MrisSM W (ma fbntiak ym ika aam- n rxtk ra tM 10 aipiaun oar, rvu 'llVi: ti CO., itOlklie MUikaV f 4UMK).0ti jaar la balya; anada byJoUm K tiuedwrn, rrojr.N V ,at work fct ait. Ktdx, tasscli .uiickii bow te earo froan II M s)l9adar at tba aun, aad bm a jroaga osa. Doll , H . Inaavinrlaf nui suaiKai swbcb, an wr cn :!, quickly bow U earo froan h M sssewa.jmiiwiww'" UT"' r Z in! all four llme.or auswa wosnruM oiuyl lb. woA I1Iiw. ftwtwMlllftl trn ..rkr Wm aiart , fcraUMn lyikUtc. KiBILi.M'SaaPa.Y lXt& f r iinaa hf a a 'a iMs1 $t, .1 u., b Aumi r it, Aaatis. Hit.) Jnu. , luIafeeQlu. OthrraaradsisiffaVawtlt Vhf Sosua rrn tmr f iOO. .it, rasa do tba urta a4 Kt t istfiua. wlmturT y. ar Rvaa ba- fliinrra an tJlv aaraltiK ft tt to f (O a ib) Allr-e, WathtTxt nqud W WHWiMiwadaril.r.ii ueMafrta. atTtkaua It.llullrttat '4..Sutf80JartlMUUkMaaU4 I EARN TjsfiFjftfjlt' HOBlDatruuiaulasrid iusrtrurtimu li . laxa svdJrt-M Til A fa. II. Ktt. i AT HOME ""SStf- FftCy- AXLE mEkBE aTi li V aVfr It EST XV THE WORLD. IwcvsAriugima 'ilMareanaurwafd.actufJli' juriwiliiB two boxaa cf any other bruwi. nut. gTOSjtLjWrii:iaaoriNitaiJjt. iyr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers