XVMMr kM laUrtd atthIhlih- M FMlOaiM m litanl Olui M niter. Th Carbon Advocate IBHIUKTON, FKMKA. Bat fw Xcal AdTerUslne; i ttartar Notices 4 oo Aatlter'a Netlees 00 enmlMloner'i Notice - 4 oo Wroree Notices 4 oo Almlaiitrater's Notices - - sou Kieeator's Notices - - - 3 00 SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 180L ttm Vlim Circulation terror than that of if nMUjr ntwiptpor in ins voumj. Hbbs's anotheb for Frank: "No part of the present political contest Is of mora importanoe to organized laboi than the atrcgglo for aldormanlo honors in the Sixth and Seventh wards, says 9ho Butte City Sunday ByStander of two weeks ago. In the Sixth ward Frank L. Rebor, h loyal labor leader, Is flghf lngasplondldbattlo. Roberts a worthy man In erory particular. For many years he has been a consistent adrocate Of the best interests of tho working peoplo. Ho is htmsolf a working man. Mr. Rebor is a man of cultured mind and can hold his own with tho shrewd est speaker of tho city in debate. Ho possosses good exeoutlvo ability and is responsible and upright citizen. Err tlrely beyond the lnfluonoo of the wire pullers or the rlngsters, Frank Rober would reflect credit upon himself and the whole city if elected to a neat at the council board. His dof eat at this time would be taken to mean that the only qualification required of an alderman in that ward is wealth. Hols one of the ablest and brightest men upon either ticker and thoroughly deserves elec tion.",. QtXH Onoko is having a now Lehigh .Valley station. How about IiehlghtonT The public schools aro growing steadi ly in popular estimation as a moons of acquiring knowledge sufficient for ordinary purposes. Many of the most prominent business and professional men of to-day have had no higher train ing bo far as educational institutions go. While this is truo at tho presont time, the future promises to show a still larger proportion. The introduc tion of a graded course of study throughout the country has had excel lent effect. Young men and women are induced to remain a year or two longer in order to receive a diploma, often with great benefit to themsevos and their fellow-pupils. Bottor super vlslon la needed to keep the township schools up to the highest standard of usefulness. Intelligent directors, who appreciate tho importance of doing their utmost to bring their schools Into harmony with the best methods of teaching, aid in the good work. Better salaries that will retain successful teaohete, and prevent frequent changes in management, aro also an element. Miucn Chunk is having a new Lehigh Valley station. How about Lohighton? Senator. Hines, of Luzerne, has in troduced in the Senate a bill which will be regarded with no little favor by the old soldiers ,says the Standard, because of its Justice. During the war, when drafts were impending, counties, boroughs, cities and townships offered local bounties to Induce young men to volunteer, credit themselves to such from- operations of an indiscriminate draft. In some instances the money was not paid down to tho volunteers, but was promised to them or their families. Some communities were mean enough afterwards to refuse to pay tho promised bounties and have not paid them to this day. Senator Hlnes' bill authorizes such defrauded soldiers to bring suit to recover tho amount due them, and provides that no law of limi tation shall be a bar to such suit. Lift your hat reverently whenyou meet tho teacher of a primary school, ays an exchange. She Is the good angle of the Republic. She takes the bantling fresh from the homo seat full of pouts and passion an ungovernable little wretch whose own mother hon tstly admits she sonds him to school to get rid of him. This lady, who knows her business, takes a whole cor load ol these anarchists, one of whom single handed and alone is more than a match for his parents, and at once puts them in the way of being useful and upright citizens. At what exponso of patience, toil and soul-weariness. Her's is the most responsible position in the whole school Bystem, and if the salary were doubled she would not recelvo more than she earns. Hokendjluqda has a new Lehigh Valley depot But what of Lohighton? Wires Council comes to consider the question of electrio stroet lighting let them act wisely and judiciously. Don't let anything that can possibly be over come interfere with this step forward. This is one opportunity, we should take advantage of it A column of argument is unnecesary when wo can put it in a few words, viz: Glvous electrio illuml nation. The State Sonato having amended Senator Rapsher's bill asking for a 91000 appropriation for the Glnter monument to read $2000, makes it look favorable for final passage. Senator Rapsher and Summit Hill will soon be receiving congratulations. When Council gets a little time they want to give some attention to tho or dinances. They should have them re vised and published so the poople would know what was what. It won't tako much time or money and wo think it very necessary. The Lsraan Valley Company cant keep this town going We're getting too big, and as a result must havo other industries. The sooner we get them the better It will be for business. There are 50,932 taxables in Lacka wanna county ana tne real estate val uation Is rAlw.770. A Susquehanna weather seer pro phesies seven frosts In May, but says rruit wiu oe plenty wis year. SReadlng's easement of $10,000,000 Is 110,000,000 less than the Councils calcu lated upon, hence the Increase tax rate. A man employed In the office of the Great Bend Plalndealer ate 75 ecraat o&o altticg and will wager $100 that he The Bowman Krangellrals. Besides an lntereailnirlv nrr&nired program for the Young People's Alliance in the lecture room of the Presbyterian ohuroh, this Saturday oronlrjg at 7:80 o'olook, Rev. W. A. Loopold, Presiding isiaoroi tno Aiientown District, will deliver an interesting address. All nro cordially Invited. Rgv.W. A. LooDold.Presldlns Eldor of tho Aiientown District, Evangelical Association, will preach In the Prosby torlan church at 10:15, following which, IU. 41. l. . nM munlon will bo administered. In the ovonlngservlces will bo openod at 7:15 Dy tno Jiiiaor. A Good Fhosphato. For Blue and White Land Piaster, l'ure Uono Meal and JJono Kupor rboS' phates of highest grades for garden truck, vegetables and field crops Amors is tno cnenpest ana cost. a. Arner & son mnmuactors wew .Mahon ing and Lohighton. A Good Thing to Hare. While biovclos aro usoful for rleas ure, they aro good for objects more practical. The bloyole has ceased to be lookod urjon as simclv a moans of amusement; it nas become a vehicle or public utily. E. G. Zern Is agent for the following popular makos of biovclos Columbia, icllpso, uroscent and JNon parloL If you want a machine boo him beiore you malto a purchase. Gardens. Streets, and Alleys. Now Is the time to make a gonoral cleaning of tho gardens, streets and alloys of the town. Tho weather Is favorable, and oven the as best of sani tary measures the general cleaning pro cesses should be nut into operation at once. The street comissloner should take note of the condition of the alleys in particular, and insist in Having them cleaned up as soon as possible. Why pay Installment mon $8.00 for a clock whenyou can get a good one for only S3.UU at a. Horn's Mauch Uhunk Jewelry Htore. Joseph Obert has erected a new Fairbanks' scale on the flat to bo used for weighing cattle, etc., tho old scale on irst street Doing inconvenient. An immense stock of silverware received to-day at E. II. Honrs Mauch ununK jewelry btoro. uet our prices, EAST VEHtt. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Poterare able to bo about after three months confinement by sickness. Charles Rehrle took possession of his. farm on tho I8th Inst., which he bougnt or lanory itotn. Jacob Steisrcrwalt is busv at his dwelling house: he will move into it about tno 1st ol Juno. On Tuesday, 11th Inst., Mamie, a lour year old aaugntor oi Jonn ana Amanda Smith, was allllctod with diphtheria and on Tuesday night three atnlr. m fl, ..,1 -it. 1 U Mi Inet Mamie died and on Sunday Lizzie 6 years old dlod, on Monday, Annie. 7 rears old and Ida 5 years old diod. They wore burled on Tuesday and Wednesday, the funoral services for all will bo hold on Ascension Day at 10 o clock A. M. xno parents are also sick with the same disease; the bereaved parents havo tho sympathy of the entiro community. On Monday, April 20th, Glndor's school olosed. It was tauent by T. w, Stelgcrwalt, it being his twenty-ninth term. Ho fools sorry and can sympath ize with John and Amanda Hmltn in their sad boroavoment for Llzzlo and Annlo were pupils of his school, in their illness they often said that they would attend tho "last day school" but boforo tho last dny they had answered to tho roll-eall of that Groat Teacher who said Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me. And the consolation for the parents in this hour, Is that If tney preparo ror a nappy immortality that their Lizzie and Annie will bo the first to tender thorn their tiny hand: beyond tne gravo. JUST A LINK OK TWO. SErle jvumht r.JJirnoao-a'xs-noa bMercer rrabllo schools observe Arbor Day May 1. p.&w,vw dvuvu. UUUOU Will 1U UUllb in Heading tms year. SDallas broom factory turns out 75 aozen urooms a day. , SThoueh credited with 40.CH DODuhv uon rio nas uut six wards. EBusiness at the Phamlxvllle Post Uulce tho past year amounted to $8,550, SThlrty-flve licenses have been crant oa in warren county. 8A Preoland man has written a nlav ana wm spring it Boon. Jamestown has raised 83,200 of the $3,500 of stock in tho base ball associa Uon. SOnly 182 cases to try at this week's session of the Lackawanna County uriminai uourt. The FhIUdelpht Weekly Times. The Philadelphia Weeklv Times mav 1nst)v uiaim hip uue iu mo cueapest mniuy paper u the world, it Is not onlv the phennesr. hur nls Indisputably among the best. Always hand somely printed, it Is, In Its new form nt tliteen- oaaea, more anraciive in appearance man evel mo is filled with a choice selection of the best literature for all classes of readers. Its content ncmoe Di'igni and original stories by leadina topics ana ponueai ana personal Mieiugeuce rom an parts oi me worm, wnn a great nuunu nice of finely executed Illustrations. The de partment devoted to "Our Hoys and Utrls. ' IYU1CU I1HS UBCOUIB OUB Ui LUB IllOSI DODI11 T 1UV- uub jpuuucuuuus in me country, is a leaiuru 01 he Weeklv Times that alone would makeii jlieap at the exceedingly low price of fifty cent). i year, at which this favorite lournal is now ol- ftred. Those who wish a paper that wlllpiease a d Interest every member ot the family, old or youug, snouiu aenu a postal caru lor a specimen eouv of the rhiladelDhia Weeklv Times and read ibeluducements (il.coj In cash) offered to thoes nuu HCb uu viuus. A Morel Duel. It isn't often that a healthy Maine aeer gives up one Horn, teepi tho other, and lights a duel with a hunter, l ut it so lmpiieued recently. A ueutlemnn named West, ot Lynn, Mass., can tell you all about 1L lie was liuuUncr iu Kingsbury and came out upou Thorn Brook, where lie pausod to rest All ut once lie beheld a noble lonkinc: deer alalk out upon the brow of the hill above lilm. He let drive one barrel nnd tlie deer fell Hastily he scrambled up to examine his prize and found to his grief that he had shot one handsome horn oil close to the animal's head. The deer was apparently dead. Half in reverie he fitted the horn back upon the deer's beau in order to see how the animal would look when intact To hU amaze ment the deer sprang to his feet and, thoroughly maddened, pitched into his assailant witli an the lury of an animal at bay. Mr. West, retaining the dlecon necteJ horn in his hand, commenced to belabor the animal and the battle waged furiously. In tho heat of the melee both tumbled plunk into the brook, anJ this ended the conflict, The deer swam for one bank, while Mr. West clam bered out upon the opposite, wet, scared, and mad clear through. His clothes were torn and he received sev eral painful bruises, but hung to the horn. He carried the trophy back to Lynn with him and left a standing offer of (50 for tne mate. Uangor News, Standing Bareheaded at Funerals. .The London lancet deprecates the practice of remaining bareheaded at funerals, It commends the propriety cf cutting short tho burial services in cold and inclement weather, and sug gests use tne nats should be kept on the heads of those In attendance. These suggestions should certainly be approved of, for a funeral ceremony, as at present carried on, involves mucn risk ot con tracting grove inflammation of the res piratory organs. $1000 In Cash to be distributed among Cantata e,t ror uiudi for me wekli.y hues. handsomely Illustrated Paper of Six teen races. LESS THAN ONE CENT A WEEK. CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE WQBLD. THE rUBLISUEltS OP THE PHILADELPHIA Weekly TIMES INTICSTD TO HAVE 00.000SUBSCRIBERS Before January, 1802, and to accomplish this la the shortest space of time luo price has been reduced to CENT8 A YEAR And Cash to the amount of One Thousand Dollars Will be paid to the getters up of Clubs, as iotiows: Kor the First Larsest List, $250 For the Second Largest List, f 200 For the 'l bird Largest List, (100 For the Three Next Largest, each $50 f or the Four Next Largest, each $25 For the Ten Next Largest, each $10 For the 20 Next Largest Lists, each $5 THE ABOVE PHIZES IN OA8II. This comDetltlon wilt be onen to eterrbodr everywhere men, women, boys and tlrls. Care- iui rtcoru wiu up fupt oi me guuscnuera sem iu breach competitor, and the cash will be paid wuen the coutest closes, on the first day of De- cewDer, iwi. The PHlalohhla Weekly Times A. Handsome Weekly Journal, filled with rlchlv Illustrated articles ou every subject ol contem poraneous Interest, including Fiction, Litera ture, Travel. Adventure, Society, the Drama Huorts aim Home i.ue, me l urra ana uaruen, twth nil the Current News of the world. A fea ture ol too Wikkly Timks Is a department for Cur Boys and Girls. ThU feature of 1 iik Tiiiks has aroused more Interest among youug people than any other Juvenile llibllcatton.not only because Its stories sketches, chat, puzzles and Problems are so en teitalnlng and Instructive, but because every Hoy aud illrl that reads it Is n member of the famous Eight O'clock Club. The Crimson and Gold Button Is sent free to evenone of them. There are no lees oi any Kino. Yniirj-n find nut all about the club and the tliimirpri nf Prizes It distributes umouc the liova and Utrls ny sending for a free copy ol the WEEKLY Times, the subscript!' n price of which is only 50 CENTS A YEAR It ti 111 enst von onlv a nostal care to get a specimen copy, and then by sending fllty cents. nnicii we are cure yuu wiu uu, it mu uo bcui to ou for one year. Subscriptions may begin with any number. No continued stories. Address lor an particulars THE TIMES, Uulldlng. riilLAUnLniii. Koch & Shankweiler TUG LARGHST AND LEADING CLOTHING AND Gents' Furnishing House IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY. Mcaiuyr f5inil(lfeniniioiiiiu Men's Business and Dress Suits. Oar Spring lino of Men's and Youths' Fine Clothing excels anything ever shown to our customers In Ready-made ClotUInc, maklne It a fact beyond dispute, that our our Roods are tbe finest bovond queston. Youth's and Boys' Clothing. Beauty, durability, strength and aualltv. all In one suit. We guarantee our suits not to rip. Best values ever shown. Be sure to inspect our lines. Spring Overcoats. Elegant and Fashionable Overcoats In light and dark shades. No back num bers, but all fresh styles. Sell at sight. Samples of Popular Goods at Popular rrices. Children's Clothing. We are foremost in the production of Boss' Suits. Many attractive novelties. Children's Fancy and Imitation Vest Stills Jersey Suits Kilts and lteefers. Boys' Knee rants. Pantaloons. Our side-rooms are resolendont with Men's Boys' and Youths' Medium and fine cants. You mention prices we do tbe rest. Fine Trousers our Specialty.! Neck- Wear. Excellent taste and judgment lias been lisplayed In selecting our New Spring and Summer Neck-wear. The prettiest line ever shown. Must be seen to be appreci ated. Spring Putf tbe rage. Kid Gloves and Half Hose, ire are not out of sight In our great and choice assortment of tbe world's greatest makes oi Kio moves. Dents' own make and Jacob Adleis. Catch It quick! Half nose to sui. an. Shirts. Largest and choice assortment nf Tennis Utctcle, outing and Summer 81ilrts. ruff uosom nirts, the biggest drive of the season. Ureal variety of Night Kobesand Shirt Waists. Under-iuear. Our line of Under-wear the town talk. Always burning for bargains and novelties. Thlncs are humming. We are right In tbe swim with extremely low prices. The Custom Department. Our fame for New Goods and New Styles Is broadcast. Examine our stock and prices before buying. Leading specialties In Men's Fashionable Apparel. Koch 8c Shankweiler, LHAUINO CLOTIIIBIIS, Hotel Allen BTd'g, Aiientown- The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. PENSIONS. Persons deslrlnglPenslon masks and Infor mation UDdr Aet of June lseo, ean.obioln the tame from ut undersigned, aEO.V. BSeKRirrotbonoUry, SAglltt Usueb Obunk. Ps. Administratrix Notice. Estate of James D. Dknhixoeb, dee'd, late of toe Borough of Welssport, County of Carbon, State ot Pennsylvania. Letters of administration havihff been granted to the undersigned, widow ot the late J. 1). lien Dinger, all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to said estato will make Immediate payment ana persons naving claims win present the same In proper form for settlement. ADDILA V. DENNINOEn, Administratrix. Welssport, Pa., April 25, ISOl-wC Estate Notice. Estate of Frederick Tlrlnkman. dereAterl. lain ot Lehlghton borough, county of Carbon and staio oi rennsyivania. ah persons indented to B&iu esuic are requesieu to muKe lmmcaiaie payment nnd those having legal claims against the same will present them without delay In proper order for settlement. "II. If. UKXHKMA2T, Uhab. K. Hrihkmav. Ienlghton, fa., Apr 25, 91. ct, Administrators. Tofhoffl It May Concern. All persons are hereby forbid giving my son, Claude V. Dnimbore, any goods by written order or otherwise on my account, as 1 will not pay or be responsible for any debts contracted uy nun uuer ims ume . , .Mns. JosBrn DnuMDonu. Lehlghton, To., April 17, 1801. Executor's Notice. Estate of Maky Ann Zimmkrman, deceased, late ot Franklin Township, Carbon county. Pa. Letters testnmentatary of the last will and testament ot the late Mary Ann Zlmmermau, deceased, of the enmity nnd state aforesaid, have been umnipil In thn iinilprwitrnfwL ill n.ran, knowing themoelves to be Indebted to said est ite vviumaKo sen lenient at once, and persons hav- iiik Simula miii iiri'seui, uiu aauie uuiy auiuenii catcd for payment. AUSTIN BOYER, Executor. April Jl, 1891-wg Welssport, l'a. Dissolntjon of Co-FartnersMp. Notice Is herehy given that tileco-pnf thershlp heretofore existing between Joseph M Peters ami i.d uesiun, uuing uusineis as me uener ul Wtoro. In the norougn. of l'arryvllle. Carbon county, !'.. has this day. (April 4, 1891), been dissolved bymutnal consent, T. J. Weston re tiring iruin saiu urm. 'llio business will be carried on and all ac counts due to and by said firm will be settled by loseph M. l'etersjT.J. Weston not being re sponsible lor any debts due by or to said fliiu. J. WESTON, 1'arryvllle. Pa. April 0. iwi-ws" Assignees' Notice. Notlee U herehv trlven. that Holnmnn Wnlek. ot Franklin Township, Carbon county. Pa., and Evo Ann his wife, by deed ol voluntary assign ment, have assigned all the estate, real and per sonal, of the said Solomon Walck, to Edward Itabernnd J. K Illckcrt, of Franklin Township. Carbon county, I"a.,for the benefit of the credi tors ot the said Solomon Walck. All persons, therefore. Indebted to the said Solomon Walck, will make payment to the said Assignees, and those havingclalmiordemands will make known tho same without delay. EDWAItn RAP.EU. J. IC 1EICKEUT. April 10, 1591. Assignees of Solomon Walck, Particular Notice. All ners'-ns are herebv cautioned not tntres fiass on the property of the undersigned, for he purpose of fishing, located In the Fine Itun uisirict, towamensing townsnip, garnon Co., l'a., under penalty of the law. YV Jft 1 ZiCil. A. nijlUPiKli. April t School Bonds For Sale. The Directors of Tho Indenonrfent Rehnnl District, of Franklin Township, Carbon county, x a. win uu uu Aituuc APRIL 1st, 1891, Issue Bonds to tho amount of -t3.000. In sums of from S100 to M00, bearing 4 Per Cent Interest per Annum, nnd will mature In from Seven to Thirteen Years. Interest is payable annually and the Bonds are exempt irom uu inxca. 'i heao Bonds otter a snlendldaml aafo Invest ment for persons of limited means who have a lew uoimrs iuia oy ior oia ago. Aoaress, It. J. HONUEN. President. II. T. 8MAWLKY, Secretary, mar. 14, 1891-wS Wbissport, 1'a, ROOFING OUJI-ELASTIO ROOFINU FELT costs only 82.00 per too square feet. Makes a good roof lor years, and anyone can put It on.. Send stamp ior sample anu iuii parucuiura. -. , . ,...no Roorrwo Co., ' 39 & 41 West Broadw&t, new York. Irfioal Asents Wanted, mar. 21, llsi-3n For Sale A "Very Valuable Farm ! The undersigned offers for sale lili farm nt aa Acres, more or less, together with House, Barn, and other necessarv Imnrnvemenfu. thn property Is located In Mahoning Township, four miles fiom Lehlghton, and has a never falling Biniuti ui waici. ApiU w JAMES REnRIO. Bankway, Lehlghton. Fa. or. Cabdon Advocate Office. apni is V3 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE aiic iiuucisiiiiicu mn sen at aunc n,iie on the premises In the Borough ot LEI1IQ11TON, Carbon county, Fenn'a, on Tuesday, May 5th, 1891, at TWO o'clock p. m.. the following described nieces of Valuable Real Estate, late of William Wagner, deceased, to-wlt. All that certain lot or Piece ot of Ground situate on Lehigh street, in tho Korough of lehlghton, Carbon county, l'enu'a, bounded and described as follows, viz: Mtuate on the westwardlv side nf Lehitrn frAHt orustreetluterseciing said Lehigh street, ami containing In (i out or breadtli ou said street sixi-six vooj ieei. mm exienuing westwardly between parallel lines at right angles from wild ttreet one hundred and elglitv nlne(180) feet and nine (9) Inches to n certain alley; sutuwardly by lot of Josenh Maderes': westwardlv liv i.m alley, northwardly by lot of Owen lloyer. and easlwarnly by said Lehlgb street. The Iinprore- Frame Dwelling House, Two and One-hftlf Rtnries. nnd nil nepne.nrv nut. I..,tl,llna Thl. ..mo.u I. A .1 1 ,.(.....'..... aud will make a cosy borne. No. 2. All that certain messuage, tenement and lot or iiiece of land kIIiuim in ttm iini-nitci. of lohighton, Carbon county, Fenn'a, being tne uu,,,nflmiium-ft,i pail, ill IMV llUIUOCrea lYt O hundred nnd thlrtv-flve isasi In Hia rin n, ,.iAr ot said llorough; having u front or width of iiiiriy-iureeixiueeion j,enign street, and con tinuing of that uidlh between parallel hnea at rlallt uncles with said street nnn linnifi-iul anil eightyuln (180) feet and nine (9) Inches to wnciry ney, uuuuueu ou ine east oy Lnerry Alley, on the west by Lehigh street, on the north by the northward one-half ot said lot No. SS&, aud on the south by land of Amos Gerber.' The improvements Uierronare a Frame Dwelling House, and all tho necessary outbuildings. This prop erty is nloely situated and Is a rare chance to seeure a pleasaut home. No. 3. -All those two certain Lots or Pieces Ground situate In the llorough of Lehlghton. Ourbnn county, l'euno, and numbered in the plan or draught of said llorough, Koa. lis and ISB.eachof them containing In frout or width ou Vine street sixty-six (CO) feet, and extending of that width at right angles to Melon Alley one hundred and eighty-nine (ISO) feet and nine (9) Inches. Hounded on the east by fine street, on the west by Melon Alley, on the north by lit No. ISI, and on the south by Lot No. 137. Terms and conditions will be made known at time ard place of sale, by , . PAUL W AO NEB. For tbe Heirs. April 17, 1M1-W3 To get a full line of Split Bam boo $ Wood Fly and Bait Mods, Brass and Niokle Mules, Silk and Linen lines, all kinds of Hooks. Bait boxes, Hand Nets, Trout Baskets, Hooks and Out. Full line of Flies, Ferrules, Trimmings, y-o-, ., go to T. D. Thomas' Drugstore, Lehighton. TO ANGLERS ! GO TO 6ns. Miller's Popular Restaurant, FOIt FRESH LAGER BEER, Finest llrand j ot Liquors, sueh at Oibson's Pure Rye, Dougherty's Pure Rye, Qenuine Silver Brook, Imported Qin and Brandies, Finest Cigars. First-class Free Lunch always on the Uar. To Contractors anii MM. Tho undersigned announces to Contractors and Builders that he has now opened his stone quarry, at Heaver Run, nnd Is prepared to supply Building Stones In any quantity nt reasonable rates, ITe also keeps a supply at his residence on SECOND S rilEKT. to supply Immediate demand. IIAULINu of every description, promptly at tended to. Also, constantly on hand a full supply, of tbe utfct urauus ui JTlour and Feed, which he will sell at Lowest Market Trices. CHARLES TRAINER, SECOND STREET, LEHIOIITON, PA Stop Paying Big Prices! Save from 10 to 25 per cent ! buy your Wall Payer and Decorations, Window bhades and Fringes. LJurtam roles, Uhains, Sash and Stair Rods, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, and all kinds oi Stationery, at First street, Lehighton We have the largest assortment at lowest prices. Call and be convinced. mar. II, lS9l-3in WMo Mifflin Excelsior Carpet forte, FIRST STREET, - - LEUIQHTOK, Opposite the Park. Is tbe place to get your Carpet Wove w your rags exchanged for either Itae. Ingrain or Drussel Carpet, Prices to suit everybody. N. B. I also keep the office for "Tbe Singer Manufacturing Company," and seep ior saie a tun :me oi machine sup plies and attachments, such as Oils Cans, Needles, (for both old and new machines) Shuttles, Belts, Belt Hooks, springs, ituboers, etc, etc. Instructions to opperate machines clad- ly civen anytime by lady operator. Give me a c&ll and be convinced that I sell at tne very lowest figure. First street, next to Dr. Horn's Central Drag Store. Livery Mies. D. J. KISTLER Resecttully announces to the public that be has opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, and that he Is now prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Business Trips on tbe shortest no Ice and most liberal terras. Orders left at the uaroon uouse" win receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel. Lehlghton. lanuu- AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS Mrs. E. FATH, respectfully aououuees to her Lady Friends mat sne nas just returned from tbe city where she nas secured an en tirely new and fashionable stock of all tbe latest styles In Millinery Ooods, comprising Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Flowers, Ribbons, &c., 10 which ebe Invites tbe attention of her friends aud the ladies in general. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST I Mrs. E. FATH, South First Street, 2nd door below M. E, Oburcb, Lehlghton, Pa, inarch 21, isai-sm. H. M. BETZ, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware,Bronzes, Clocks, Bicycles.Piano Lamps, Furniture, Parlor Organs, and almost every kind of mer chandise sold upon the Tontine Plan which is now so favorably known as applied to life insur ance. Certificates are issued to members entitling them to $40 worth of Mer chandise for $ 17 ! The certificates are guaranteed to mature in 17 weeks upon conditions ; clubs now forming. If you widh to get any of the above goods, at greatly reduced prices, and on easy payments, call on or drop a postal to FRANK GERMAN, GENERAL AGENT, TFeissport. . - Jtnn'a. aprllll, 1831-em '' All the very latest news will be found in the Caedon .4dvo OAS. Weissport Mm Uireetory. U. S. KRESOE, " " to th Old fost Ofllee Building. Finland Medium Shoes for Ladles, Men tad Children at the very lowest prices. New Rubbers Inserted In Gaiters at from M to so cents. AU kinds of repairing Neatly. Cheaply and uu a cviiifiiij RiiGnuea uj. HAND-MADE BU0T8 ft SH0ZS MOO Tti EAHY . BHAVE, AND a Sty Lisa IIaib Cut, oo TO IK. V. E3RA Ko tos BAIIBEU, Over the Oanal Bridge. SPOT cii Buyers go to A. F. SJfYDER, And buy your Organs, rianot.SewIng Machine! , Wringers, Washing Machines. ImplemeiU, Fumps of all kinds. It will pay you o get prices from mebefore buying. X can bat 701s snney M. FLORY, 1T LEADS THEM Manufacturer of I hum wcwci iu( iUU nuiuuniii. HARNESS, COLLARS DHIGIIT, UUAimtWB, CLEAN, wnirs, FLY-NETS, tie., &c, &c. INDEPENDENT. WHITE -o- STREET. Read hi- fi. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Don at Very Ueasonablo Prices. General Agent for the Qllbarttf Patent Adjust- auie uamaee r oie, ana ueaier m I)uggles and Carts. M. O- Kuntz. IIAIB . (JTJTTINq l&asl end j,eui!iiion- AMD- welssport Bridge. Dealer In SoleLeath- SMOOTH SHAVING In ths verr hlrheit er. fin shed Calf Styli ot Tonsorlal Art skins, Kip and Up As HOBN S per Leather, uaweas Leather, etc. Highest prices paid for Hides. Skins & Tallow. S . Baiok Try Him! JpttANKLIN HOUSE, EAST WEISSPOBT, PENK'A. This house offers first-class accommodations to he permanent boarder and transient nest. Panic prices, only One Dollar per day. augr-iy John BKitnio, Proprietor. Oscar Christinan, WEISS PORT, PA. Livery and Exchange Stables. easy riding carriages and safe driving horses. Best accommodations to agents and travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Give me a trial. raavJt-ly The - Welssport - Bakery, o. w. laury, rnoraiETOB. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Welssport, jjeuiguion anu vicinities every uav. tn the store I have a Fine Line ot Confectionery or the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools and tess vals supplied at lowest prices. decS-.-u Over Canal Brite E. Welssuort .UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE. PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES ., v. Prices the very lowest. Quality of goods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Caskets, Cofflna and Shrouds . We have a full line which we will furnish a tne lowest possime prices. Flour, Feed, &c, the choicest quality at very rtasonableprlees. Call and be convinced. J-OSBPH P. REX, Aprll-IT EAST WEISSPOBT. AXi. CAMPBELL, Jeweler anil WatcMer, Bank Street, Lehighton, Anna Respectfnlly Invites the attentlenof his friends 1J n (1 1 h M.f.na f.mMllv tr. hia ln.M.n.a new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defv comnetltlon. It will nv ran o call and Inspect my stock before parcfiistag DUBHUUIV. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all word guaranteed, Don't Fonet the Place. SIGN OP THE BIO WATCH, Bank St Lehighton. Deell8S7 Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDROU, nam now It yeras of age. Was a student ef Medicine and Surgery for seven years under the famous Dr. Nelson, and alter ten rears' hard study and In consultation with seven of the most eminent physicians in tbe city ot Philodelphla since iht. 1 have discovered the cure ol many ....ll.Jln.iiHlil.ril.... SajUUGU M.VU.W.V It can no lonxer be doubted that the solos can be cured; that paralyzed limbs can be restored to thetr natural use. aud general debility cured. Congestion ut the brain, apoplexy, results ot sun. stroke and the worst cases of rheumatism, sci atica, neuraurta, liver, cornplalut, Brlghts' dis ease of tbe kidneys, hip and bone disease, ca tarrh, bronchitis, chronle dysentery, and so called heart disease and dlpbterta, all entirely cured with pure medicines of ray own prepara. 1U11 , l U9CU flUpVIIJ M UUCCWU, Durtnjt nine )ears over 18.000 persons In this cltv alone have used these medicines and are living witnesses of their worth. All thetr names can be obtained by calling at tbe office and lab oratory of Professor lloudrou. No. im North Tenth Btreet, Philadelphia. I was myself In jured tn the spine and paralysed for seven yean and pronounced incurable by seven ot the most anie pnysiciani ana buikcodi oi u cur. i bis now well and healthy, having cored myself with mv own medicine Do not listen to those prejudiced against lav proveraect tn mouiciae uq uio, irucu job can be saved. I will not go Into practice myself, being ever M years of ax, but will sell tuy med.eines. I nave two eminent pnraiciaaa conoeciea wiu me to attend to calling at the resldsnees ot the sick It required. Come one, come all sufferers and be raster4 to health, cured by these pore medicines asd tans see experience ana ceuev ior ven rati res. Ofllee sad Laboratory open ally tress t A. M., to tit P. li. OaU or wrlw AUtXAWUlii Joseph F. Rex, Save While You May. STOP IN AT Hummers Queensware Bazaar, FIRST STREET, Don't buy anything in the line or tinware until you have Hanslng Lamps from $2.75 to $8.75. vase iJimps irom i.zoto tz.uu. Common Lamps from 20 to 85 cents. Iron Slono China Vegetable Dlsbcs. 7c, 8c, and 18c. Plates per dozen, 48c, 72c, 84c, Aleals Plates each, 12c, 15c and 25c. 2 quart Piicbes, 20 to SO cents. Cups and Saucers, SO, 40 and 60 cf i. Dinner Setts, from $3.00 to $3, Ladies and Misses Spring Jackets, Blazers and Reefers! In all the New Shades. 634 Hamilton Everybody is Cutting Prices: Our's Remain the Same ! Don't Buy Until You See Our Goods and Compare Prices ! One day time clocks, 60c, 75c, and up to $2.50. One day alarm clocks, 80c, $1.00 and up to $3.50. Eight day clocks from $3.0B up to $10.00. American Lever TFatches from $5.00 up to' $50 and $60 We don't make a " blow " about low prices and we have no need to " cut " for the simple reason that our prices are now as low if not lower than those of other Jewelers in this town or in the county. We repent our invitation : Come and see us and examine our goods and learn prices before buying elsewhere. AGENT. The Reliable Jeweler, THE POSITIVE CURE 1ELT BEOTHER3, 63 Wtrrea Stoves, Tinware. Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Popular Store, Bank Street Boofing and Hpoutinga special ty. Stove repairs furnished on abort notice Reasonable! TEOS. KQm, Lehighton, Fa. D1IALEK IN 1?ins Pa nnnntru Prpfl IUII 1UI UUUUllj JUIiUU UUUUlUj From M to JC0 rounds la Welsht. Prlcu Lower than tha Lowest. Tbess are ot DoCalo Block, and are guaranteed. ty-Call and are before bujlog elsewhere. TITTrt'l'Af'TI A lirr IglWl GALLERY, rarzuasatlr located near VaUj Depot, for Oabiaiti and ramlly Srasp. Otd vlctorw eep JOBWOR fihnnts LEHIGHTON. of queensnare, chinawarc, lamp9 seen our stock of goods. Fashionable Millinery. We have the Lamest and most Stylish' Effects In Seasonable millinery at tha Lowest Prices. In the trimming de partment we havo Two Ulty Milliners to create happiest fancies la effects for our customers. Wraps Coats, In the newest styles and ot ths very best materials and make at lowest prlcss. Don't ko to the city wbsa you can buy cheaper at home. r WEISSPOKT, PA. Branch Store, Lehighton. St., Aiientown. BtVHeYcric rnceCOets.1 If of all kinds nicely executed Si at this office. Prices low. During the year 1891 You will find -AT- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" JUST THE PLACE TO BUY Dry Goods fjroceaief, Notions, Glassware, Oranges, Banans, Grapes, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Candies and everything Usually foune in a thoroughly first-class general store. TTe solicit a call and guarantee satisfaction. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. THE POLICEGAZETTE Is tbe only Uluilratsd paper In tbe world oontalnlne all the latest ensatlonal and sport ing news. No saloon keeper, barber or clnb room can afford to be without It. it always makes friends wbererer It toes. Mailed to anr address In tbe Ualttd States teeureJy wrapped, u weeks far 1 1. Deoa are win tor fttuipi. copy. Bichard K. Fox, M CM aM UH at one meal. uv, uaw uu ass jraiMmuftiMk, sm ytuuasBM. tt atr