The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 11, 1891, Image 4

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    Cum Iron " llrl '
Most of the liuilillng iiuttprinls nmv In
tilt liavis Won employe 1 witli (jivalrr
or less Skill foi thousands of years. Since
Srimitlre man discovered the .np.n
Hlty at stone, wood, nnd Inn und It uk .
onipOMid of oloy and mind for Ileum.
building, no equally useful liuiHinn ma
terial line been nilded to tlie list Accord
ing to tha Amtriean Fvrniture Qazeitfi
a German mecliimio lias recently
ented an Invention which lias rerminly
many ndvnntnuen over the old fnshionpd
brick of clay, though Uso may not prove
it to bo in nil respects superior.
Its practical design and ingenuity nro
cliarnctrristlo of the modern tendency
of Inventions. It is in the form nnd of
about tile size of nn drdlnnry brio';, but
is oompood of oast iron and is hollow,
Tho shell Is so thin that the brick
weighs less thnn one mnda of clay. A
wall is built of such In- oks willioutlhe
use of mortnr, nnd no skilled InbopU
required in laying them. Ihe up)ier and
loner sides of tho bricks ore provided
vv 1th grooves nnd projc aiug ribs, whloh
fit into each other easily nnd perfect.)
and form n wall of great strength.
Tuere aro also two large clic ilnr open
ings in the upper side of each hr c't,
arranged so ns to receive proj"Ctloni on
the lower side of the biiok that is to be
placed above it One of these, proj o
tlons is book sbnped, which Iti-uires a
solid hold. A wall of the bricks is very
quio'cly put together.
After the wall is built it is covered
Willi paint, 'lids closes nil the ornoks,
renders tho wall airtight, nnd prevenls
the bricks from rusting. By the use of
good paint tbe tttill c m be made highly
ornamental. Tho bricks are very dui
able, nnd a building made of them is
perhaps ns nenrly fire proof ns possible.
A wall thus cmstruoiwl cm be .taken
down or rebuilt ns readily ns it can be
put up. Thero is no mortar to be re
moved, as there is wben clay bricks are
used. A bouse with bucU vaills is cool
in summer nnd warm in winter, for (lie.
large air spaces prevent tbe passage of
With a Bupply of such bricks n mnn
can put up his onn house nnd be en
tirely independent of bricklayers, mortnr
mixeiB, and hod can lure If lie does not
like his liouso ho can lake it don n and
build another with tho stipie material,
which is always ai good ns new.
TTho Aro tlie Iliipptcst I'eoploT
The Enrl of Derby answered thi- quest
ion recently iriun wldress to the Scientific
and Technological School, of Liverpool,
an institution of ulilcli ho wus one of
the founders. lie said: ,
"Having known men of many pro
fessions, I should say that tho hn p.e-u
lives are those which have been de
Toted to telouco. Every stop is inter
esting, and tho success of those who do
succeed is lasting.
"What general, what orator, what
statesman, what man of letters can
hop to leave ti memory liko that of
Darwin? An iitvalid in health, a man
who seldom stirred from hoiiic; n man
until his later years wa9 very little
known to tho outer world, but who
from his quiet study revolutionized 'the
thought of Europe, and will bo remem
bered ns long as Newton and liacon.
"If fame be ever worth working for
(I do nut say it it.) that kind of fume is
surely the most durable, and tho mo3t
desirable of all. "
These words aro true of the disinter
ested men of scionce. Wo have never
had in this country men more uniformly
cheerful and good tempered than
Franklin, Rittcnhousc, nnd Jefferson,
who spent most of tho leisure, of their
lives in the pursuit of knowledge; and
Professor Agaasiz was noted for tlie
buoyaucy of his spirits in every com
pany where ho felt at homo. But we
can say something similar of evcrr
pel son who has a pursuit suited to his"'
talents and circumstances.
The happy people mo they who have
an occututiou which they love, apart
from any advantage it may bring them,
one that they puisue with neiierou
ardor. It is the elenn-ut of disinterest
edness that cheers their lives, whelhe
they are engaged in ordinary or extraor
dinary aocntions; and this is the
reason why earnest students hnvo sue.
a keen enjoyment of existence.
Youth's Companion.
The New Continent.
Now If wo compare the map of Af
rlca 10 yo-irs ago with tho preeut ma; ,
vre Und Immense changes. No parade
can be fouud in the history of llio world.
At the present limo tho whole of the
vast African continent, except the cen
tral portion surrounding Like Tchad,
has been divided up, and tix stales lmv
allotted themsulvoi immense dependen
cies. However unpiecedented the pro
ceedings nt.ending this par.illon hate
been, nil friends of humanity can but
rejoice nt the result. In tjiu llrstnlnce,
tho most ndmliable principles hvv?lwc,ii
admitted to govern nil tho central
including fre trade, liberty of wonlilp,
equality for all nllke, nud p?noe u.iitM
on neutrality. Even on sod where the
states ptirsuo their own inleie-ls will
arise centers of civilization and prog
ress. One inestimable benefit will re
suit from this remedy, namely, the u
presslnnof the slave trade, which devax
tales the Dark C aitinent, nnd winch, u
is calculated, condemus yemly n on
half a million human beings to dent
from ill trentmoiit or starvation. Tli
llave trade is, theiefore, destined to sue
:uzub, for it will cense to profit t'.iu
who carry it on. Tho United Stat,
which abolished slavery at such an im
mense cost, can not fall to applaud lliu
result. In point of fact nn entire conti
nent has just taken it place in tho co
nomlc and social world precisely us
it had just been discovered. No one n
yet can foresee wliat will be the conm
quencea of these groat changes. The
During all ages the i-trnngo fashion '
mutilating and adorning tho human cm
has been practiced, and lias lieeu ii
vogue all over the wot Id. It has es
peclally enjoyed great favor among til
Orientals, and by Persians, BbyloiiMiin
Lydlans, Lybians, and Cm tliageniHii
the earring was worn as commonly by
men as by women.
A Chinamen who died reoently
Portland, Ore,, left property valued
Chief of Police Marsh, of Chloago,:
great believer in plenty of light at nl
m a preventive oi crime,
A Successful Stratagem.
Among the hill tribes of Ilia Ansrlov
Indian frontier cunning is quite as
highly esteemed as personal prow ens:
but even these master of stratagem mi
occasionally outwitted. A Iliudoi
trader who had occasion to pass throuirl
their country reoently laid out all lu
money In several large diamond.
which he bound round his head with n
soiled rag made to look like the bandage
of a wound, lie then nut on raicired
clothes, and loaded a donkey w ith lonve
of tpioexi bread, such as the mount
alneers like, putting a good doe of
opium In osoli. lie soon fell n witli
half a dozen uiigamls, who p nd no at
tention to the ragged li.ive.n, Inn
pouuoed upon the biead mid mc il.
whole of it The opium wi pm ili.-m
to sleep, whereupon tlio ti i . ft r io
what money lluty had. tu-u r , ano
thebetof their clothes, uud' went lii
way in poaoa. Bit lie took uuie not tu
By the hut of tbe peasant where poverty
Anil iiIkIi to Ihr tower of the kinc,
'l"e, c'o' to tlie crailln w I'elP Infancy sll'f r
And Joy lnves to llngi-r and slag.
Lies a mmlon of UgUt full of liesveu's per
fume, TVhei e never a tear drop Is thei
And the rme and the Illy are ever tn uloom
"lla tbe land of the beautiful dead.
Eaoli moment of life ft messenger oomes
And beckons man over the wayi
TUrouah tlie heart sobs of women ana rolling
of drums,
Tbe army of mortals obey.
Few Him ttiat have ktued sot a motionless
brow, 4
A face f iom each flrenlde h fled,'
Hut wo know that our loved oaee are watching
tie now
In luo land of the benailfal Uad.
Kot a charm that wo knew ere tho bonmVrc
rnn croiBOd,
Ami we siooj in too vaney niuuc,
Kota trait that we prized tn our darlings is
i . . .
. They In ve fairer and lovelier grown.
as lue line uurei toriu wueu iiwiuuuv... -
wwitngq mull; uicnn mi u
go they bank la tha glow by the Pillar of
... ..... , ., , ii
In the laud of the beautiful dead.
- Uoun Jerome Rooney.
SSvlta f Iiniiilffrntlnn.
Dr. Hamilton tells us that. It is the
settled policy of foreign governments to
encourage immigration to their own
ool'lilcs, and Hint no government in
Etir pu cnoouregos immigriitiiiii to the
IT.iltMl Stiitee. But England does en
nurHen tlm tinmlriitimi of the pooler
elus'es, nnd she eiit us hist yeiir tiO.OOO.
w hile, despite tho efforts of Germany lo
letuln nil her able bodlod men, that they
.may carry, tho musket in the coining
wnr, neaily 100,000 l&9,oS. enmo to
llajte elioies lnntyoar. And the Italinun,
too. are comliic over In orondt, nud nl
the preetntYato of 'increase will soon, in
point of numbers, stand next to tho
Irish. Jl noted feature of llils im igni
tion' is Hie' fact that while only 3 100
neu skilled in the nrofessinns, nnd 00
OSS skilled laborers caino into the ci un-
try last year, the number of common
laborer.-) nnd "miscellaneous" wus over
a qiiuitel- of n million 239.014,
The effect of such an incursion oi
foieicn hoides upon our shores can bet
ter bo imagined thnn described. And
let us say, bo lapidly is the country dc
velopinir, and so thickly is' the (tiblio
domain being settled, nnd so great is
tho number of foreign unskilled labor
ers already in the country, that we be-
., 1.1 l. If
lieVO llllll It w OU1U uu ll );it:iil. (hiii fi inn
iinutber 'ouo of this clasi came lo this
couujry during the rett of the century.
That till i is so becomes str.kiiigly np-
paieut when the fact is lecnlled that the
iverage immigration for tho hut eiht
years is 07 pi'r cent larger than the
iiieiao immigration for tho eight yeuis
icxt preceding, while OU per cent or
his ii cienss- is of ioiboiis without any
occupation or training, nnd the tondency
is for the lenst desirable Kinu-i nl liiniil
grnliou to increase much mure rapidly
than Hint which Is valuable.
To remedy this evil Dr. Hammond
tecoii'in-'iids requ ring n consular cer
tificate ns n condition' precedent to im-
iiiigintion. This plan, n liich isnotnew,
has just been embodied in a bill w hich
!iooa further than measures previously
introduced, in making the certificate
moro thorough and detlnile, nud espe
cially in the provision shutting out illit
erate persons ns well ns those w lio nro
physically or mentally unsound nnd lia
ble ty become a public charge. The bill
has unquestionably merit; but we
greatly doubt if ourconsuli would prove
adequate to tits task of inspecting nud
certifying to tho coudhiou of tho half
million in. migrants that tho Old Voild
em tics upon Ihe Now every year. And
it certainly is true that consular certiil
catcs will mail little till our laws
are made moie restriclivenudnuriiumi
gration system U entirely recast That
the insane nnd idiotic should le sent lo
our shores is bad enough. But tho uco
non ic is the lowest test to apply in lids
mailer. It is certainly better Unit 10
idiots come lo this country to be locked
up, even becoming a pub ic charge, Hum
that one lliiishtd scoundrel here
to piny his pinuks lluoughuut the coun
try. It is further to bs hoped Congross will
at the earliest oppoi tunity lovido for u
commission of int-lligent mon .and ex
pcils having knowledge of tho Mibj. ct,
who shall (inverse 'existing laws, con
sider all avaihiblo fifcts, tdlclt the views
of thoughtful men, and revise our present
immigrant laws nud prepare a measure
which wlllle sn If not holly repres
ex sting nbuses, , Such a result, enacted
ijito Invjavouldrglve us a higher class
or immigrnlioii, and If It wi.uld not
oting more dollar- in the country would.
. hat is far teller, purify the social
structure nud ole nie the now degraded
itHiidnrd of citiZMishlp which, in Dr.
Uumiiumd say, is nowhere so iihcap, ns,
it should nowhore b so Milualile ns in
the, United' States, f'l'ho Christiuu at
The Irue frnceamlsnr.
Don't be n grumbler, a me people
contrive to get hold of the rickly hide
f everything, to run against all the
blimp corners mid diigrenib e things.
Half the stieugth in grow ling
would often tot thliiKBlight You may
as w ell make up your "mind to bein
.with tlml im one-exer fouii.i ihe world
quite ne lle-woiitit like it; but . uu aie to
lake your part of the trouble and bear
it bravely, You will be sure to lutvu
burdens laid upon you that belong to
other people, unleM you are n shirker
yourself; but don't' grumble. If the
w oris needs dolug, nud you am do it,
never mind about that other fellow who
oUKht to hate done It and didn't. Those
workers who llll up the gaps nnd smoo h
away the rough spots and finish up the
j bi that others leave undone thi-y are
the true pwiceiuukers, nud urth a w hole
regiment of growlers. lNbraku
Mrs. BHz.1 L. Wei ster ''Jones, tho
youngest danglyer of Noah Welwter,
who died recently at Bridgeport. Conn.,
was so little at the time of her birth that
her muse could put her in n common
sized silver tniiknid and shut Ihe lid,
mid yet she lived to be 88 years old.
Fuvarty Develop Genlui.
Burgess, the celebrated liont builder.
wbq0 na)e i' known to the yachtsmen
of two QonUDenlB and the public at
large, Is a Harvard College boy. "I as
lu'Jiie class',", said n ' I'hihrdelphfau the
other night, "He was an enthusiast on
boat sailing, and ha I been at it siuoe he
was six years old. It turned out to be u
luoky thing for him, too. He gave no
particular evidence of aptitude at col
lege, but then It seemed to make no
difference, M his father was very rich.
The old gentleman lost his money, how
ever, and then his sou's iurlicular gen
ius developed, -at the world kuows. lis
had the advantage of poverty, whloh
old, Rimini OauMrou lamented had uot
been the lotot his souDja " Philadel
phia Pre.
That Irrltatlnc CrOM TalU.
It is staled, sai s Industries, Unit Lon
don telephone subset iitrs aie mull In
lnie n.ciul leiurn wires, Tins will
ciln, male the "cross talk" wl.icU is so
auuojuiK at i ii'si iir.
Lov and Ruushine are thewainet at a
Every one knows how to cure narrow,
but ovoryhody tins it. Tho principal
thing reoommendod is "not to think of
Thore is a sound foundation for the
dortritip of forgivencm. If a man robs
you, it is olioaper to torglvo mm tuon
to go to law. If a man ows $100, It will
cost you moro than that to collect it.
To ho slow to ansor Is better than to
own the best kind of n seven shooter.
T.ib man who is n bull v to his wife Or
child is a ooward in the presejiceof
Whan n. man is in tho mild unto Ills
neck it is a poor time to put on a clean
I have boon n trreat sufferer from ca
tarrh for over ton years; had it very
liad, could hardly breathe. Somo nights
I could not sloop and had to walk tho
floor. I purolmsod Ely's Cronm Balm
nn-1 am using it freely, it is working n
oure surely. I hnvo ndvlsod sovoral
friends to uso it, nnd with happy results
In nvnrv nnso. It la tho modlcino tibovo
all others for catarrh, and it is worth
its weight in gold. I thank Uod l havo
found a romody I can uso with safety
and that does all that is claimed for It
It is ouringmy doafnoss. B. W. Sporry,
nartford, Conn.
Sweetness that never sour will do
more to smooth your pathway through
this vale of uuis than considerable
if you want to find tho bravest of all
men, Dnd the ono who knows ho is
wnere uou wants uim to no.
it you iiaeu i uot xe. gion enough to
keep you sweet when tLe tread is sour,
whose lauit is ltr
Road this paper.
A elillil.-MHii
Would me Kemp's- nnlmtn for the Throat mm
I.iiiiKS. It Is cm (tut more vases nl Culiulim tolax
Asttinin, llioni'litili. Croup and nil ifuoat and
hung Troubles thnn imy other medicine. Un
uriinrietnr lias niilliorlti-il any unipjUt IiieIv,
ion n Sample Dnttle free-tu convince you ol tin
merit oi this gieat leuiedy. Large UottlesWr
and SI.
There is nothing dry or monotonous
about tho tebtimouy ot people wno con
tinually walk and talk with Ood.
Men turn coldly away from us when
wo fail to accomplish tho grand things
wo sot out to do, Out Jiou never does.
Miles' Ntrveitnil Mter I'llls.
Ail im'unrtant discovery They act oi
die liver, stomach nud bo els through th
nerves. Anew prlncip e. The speed I
lire bilioiisiiess, bud taste, torpid lirci, siih
nii'l oonslipiitli'ii iplenilid for men, woinei
mil Lhihlien. Smallest, mildest, surest. 0,
loses lor 25 cents. Saiuples tree at T. D
I'lionius and V. F. Biers Druu Slure.
The tlmo when nooolo need religion
tho most is when they can't havo their
own way about things.
Nobody wants to keep a runaway
horso, but a good many keep runaway
tampers ana tninlc notning oi it.
A tlrellt Ullltlp
Is constantly pilau on hi the liuiuan system
wueu ini suaei wiiii consiiiiiiniuii, couyiis ui
colds: ihev stihe to ruin licallli una driti; vie
tuns 1 1 lliu urac. 'lake tune.y winning iiiiu
use r.iu-iiua collllll aiiu i;iinsauiii.uu vine.
I'rioe ib anil Co cents,
tn-. Leu's l.lvcr ltezulator Is a Slue cure foi
l)5iciMki, lilllniisiii'is, lieiutliui'ii, lliu gestlon,
aim uu kiuncy i-oniplaliils. Dial ooiues nte ui
i nonius uiuu &utie.
When the Jovil dou't know what cist
to do in tho churoh; ho most generally
kicks up a rumpus m the choir.
As long as wo look nt other people to
find out what God is doing, wo shall be
suro to bo disappointed.
Tho transition from lnnir. Ilnuerlnr and naln
ful sickness tn robust health murk nn epoch In
the Ufa ot Iho luiltviiluiil. Such a rumarkab.i
event lit treasured in Iho memory rnd the Humcy
wherchv tho iruod heiilih dns been ntlnlneil
Kratelully blestcd.. Ilenco It la Hint so much It
heard m praise cf Etectrio Hitters So many
ft-el tbey uwe their rertoratlon to health, tu tht
use ot the Uro it Alterative oml Tunic. II you
ate trnubled with any Uleeaso orklitneys. liver
or stomach, of long or short siBmlliu you will
sure y ftuu relief bv uso of Klectrlc Hitters
aula a. WC and tl.UO per bottle at KKllLlfa
Drug Siure.
If somo peoplo could look themselves
squarely in the face, they would want
to have tholr head cut olf
Grauduiother siiyst
When she was a girl that her mother al
ways nave hersullhurand inolas iesto puilfj
Dor blood, but she now Rives Sulphur Bitters
lo her grandchildren, as It Is the the heat
medicine she evei saw The Father.
No man can ever take a slnglo step
townrd Heaven unless ho is looking to
ward Chri&t while ho does it.
God's mercy never fails, but when
tho sinner sees his own heart as it is,
he has no morcy on himself.
Muy Thank Iter Stnn.
The narrow escapo of Mis. 11 M. Pearl,
f Elkhart, I lid. , from a prcin.Uiii e du th I
n'miilerl'iil. She stales thai "lor twent
enrsniy heart Inuil'led me greatly. Ihe
nine un se. Had smothering spells, short
'i'en:h, llutterin.i could nut sleep on my lefi
idc, hud much I'nln in Hiesl, sin. aider and
liminch Anli K-s swelled. Hud inncli hunl
ichu and dizziness TieHlniriit did mono
;od, uiuil I tried Dr Miles' New Heart
lire and Kesioraiie Nerve The 'irstbnt-
u 1 1 c 1 1 n,i I ifn'.and 1 uussiHia virtually cured
cor sale at T. I). Tliinnas mid V F. llierv
Irtigsiore, A line honk on the Heait uiul
Serves Iree
Tho sermon that does tho most to
make mon fall in love with Jesus Christ
is the ono that has the most of God in
Dalmlo persimmons, weighing oigh
teen ounceu have been grown on the
iilaceof Colonel Church, just oust of
Orlando, Flu.
In England's Australian properties
the sale of opium to the aborigines and
ttanikasisvory largo, and the drug is
even K.vm in wages.
A savant estimates that tho number
of persona drowned in the world sinco
the creation is 160,000,000.
Sir Samuel Baker, the great hunter
and explorer, says it is the most foolish
thing in the world to look a savage ani
mal Tn tha eyo.
Tho London libraries all havo a
small stationer's shop oounocted with
them, whero various convonionces for
writing are supplied.
Ono of tho students at tho Kansas
State University is a barber, and is
making bis way through school by work
ing on gaturdaya.
A man who hates to And out that ho
is wrong, has a good tlaal of th e mule
in him.
A pig with a gold ring in its nose will
squeal for Swill whenever it gets
Tbe fellow who locks at the sun
through a smoked glubs oan't see any
If u nu n fires a gun in hie own hen
ho .be ana knocks off your thutn, who
is to blame for it?. x
It is curious fact that all of the girls
in Wellesley College who lend their
classes are blonde.
Within-sixty-two years Mexico lias
had fifty-four Presidents, one regency
and one empire.
Protect Your Health.
Cold aud uiotKlunt combined liar a torporit.
Inn eSecl upon tlie bodily organs, end the dlnri
tlve nnd secretive pnieensee ai e ant to lie moie
lardlly neilormed In winter than In tlie fall.
The sHine is true, also, of the excretory funo
rtoiiM. (The bnuls aie often Hluiuilsli. and Uie
norse of tlie skin thrnw off tint little uaete iwat
iei at this season. Tin- nteiu, tlipisfnie. re
quites upenlim un a llltle, und slsn tun irvlsisr
uiul reiful. ilui!. snd tin- s.if-it, sun sr snu mnet
tlnu mili ionic aud alti-iHltie tlmt i-nu In usid
ha tlii'sc i'ia pu-es N ItiAuim-iN Ntiitna Ii llll
I, In Per-nms tt Im wish In' tile rllilin.llti
lu liiuei. tile iU sn-,tn- Hliinili N tin- pall. fill ills
i ai 1 1 un i - il i f li'iult-s Un- ImIIiiiis .11 1,, i It, nnd
III - li' iv mis ll'llitUini sin niiiiii ui at IliK lime
ol Ihe :.e. it, will ili Hell lo ri inline,- tin Ii s-
ti'iu Willi tins 1,-iinwneil vei:tuilili- nlnni,ii lilc
,1 li.v luni alll ll lluiuuves tile uuuetlle.
sireairtheus Uie LuS.i. cheeis the sflrltf, aud
ituevutiM Uw vUU puyslpue,
During the year 1891 You will
"Corner Store"
Dry Goods C?roccniep, Notions,
Glusswnro, Oranges, Bnnrtns,
Grnpcs, Lemons, Apples,
Nuts, Caridies and everything
Usually founein a thoroughly
first-class general store. We
solicit a call and guarantee
Corner Store,
Valuable Rtal Estate,.
Uy virtue of a mil of rieif racial, Nn.rl
Aiill lenn. INI. to mo directed, .Hill be mill nt
lililillc veuilue, at the (.otlit lloune. III Uu
Miiough of Miiueli Chunk, Cnibun Loiuiiy, lu..
MONDAY, Al'HIL 13, lftOI,
at One o'clock 1'. M.,.tho folIowlnE described
ileal UsUte, to nlti
All that crituhi plrre, parcel or lot of latin
villi; nod bclliu situate hi tin boruiiuli n.
aintiicily, (!ai linn couuiy. lViiusyiviiui.i
niiuaileil ami descilbed us follows, io ult:
iieithinltiK nt a ttuiie curuei 2 jieuiies lioui il.
me ut uuiil ul Llainl l lll), and t ieicli trtm
lue wesiei l.v line ul Hie track I lulu vvlili ll tills
Inl fur J. T. tli lei is Uiken; tlieucu ul the ills
iHiiceul two roils from siitd Hue of 1 eli.v s
leifviiijj said iivu nnls loi in a road, nurtliCSde
iresuaiHu inltiutes, east 3,1 U-IU perches in i
stiiiie eoi-iieri tlieuce- by said load und .olliei
l.unliil.l A. lleeis. solltlt mS4 clei;lees, eust 7
liercliis lo a sioiiii turner 1 rud fiiiiu l.u
tioiiKlicrty's lauui tlieuce alunii nt a dlstauceoi
1 luU fium said lluuiftieity Viand and 1 1 cm laiai
uf I'eler UUKlies tsanl rud left for load) Simla
US deurees, wesiao peic-hei to a stniiu corner one
tod fioiu land uf l.e,U llruiubure, lliencualoiis
at ti.e distance of 1 rod Iruiti said l-wls Diitnt
tioie's land and fioiu land of said David Pclri
llOrllrHJl Ueulecsl west 71 8 lu lieleheH tn tin
place of tieclMiiliifc', is.ild iml also left lor ruad.i
i-iiuiaiiiiiiK iu acres auu nereues, strict Ulcus
uie, mule or less,
Siczed and luken Into execution as the pro
pcrtyufd. i.Bi'iel, and will tie suld by
Freyman & Heydt, Hlierlff.
Alttuinejsfor rialntlffs.
Slieillf's Ofllce, Muuch Chunk, Pa., March
Valuable Real Estate.
By virtue of a writ of I-evitrl Facias, No. 2J.
vprlrlerni. tsai, to me directed, there will bi
sold at public vei diie. at the ('nun House In tin
lioioiuih of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, Penn
sylvania, ell
MONDAY, Aritll, 13, 1801,
it One o'clock P. M., the tollowlng aescrlbed
ucai isiuic, tn-vvii:
All that certain lot or piece or parcel of land
situate lu l.ausalilie Tovvnsliln. Carbon ciiuntv.
and btate of Pennsylvania, bounded and d'e-
scnueii as lunuvvs. lli-vvit: iseimininc; ut a stone
corner w est of tho Duck Mountain Kail ltuad and
in me. iMiruivvaiiii) line iuinirK"BlulUiei3, Jr .
tract; thence by laud of Frank Freed north
eiElitj-flvedeuieesaiiil fifty-four minutes, west
elt;lit-oue-l!iiiidredt!i perches tousloue corner:
tlieuce nartlv bv lands clatnicil hv Ij-vvl lllel.
Inscr noith seven ileisiees and foi ty-tlirce lulu-
uves, vvcsbuiie iinuuieu aim iiiuriecii ana ioriy
two nne-lllllidleillh licrcheH to u sTnin. rnnn-i
south of the imck Mountain Hall Itoad; thence
ulutiK said Itall ltoad and lands of said William
rreyiiiau tiurin sixty-riuni iickiois and tint
seven mhiuti'S, east slxtv-nluu and slxtv-tihu
oiie-liunihrdth pel dies In a stone corner; thenci
by lands ot the Hack Mountain dual Uompum
suiitli four dciri'ecs and tvventv three ininures
west lllly anil nine uiir-liiiiiilivuth pel cites to a
siunr curuer iiiuiii oi inn mica niuuuniin nut
ltoad; thence nloiiKHidd Kalllload south tncniN
two demers and tlili'ty-inlntites, west nlucly-nvi
una slxly-tliree oiie-liuiuli uillli peiclies tin hi
place ol neclnnliiK, cniitalului; flurly-twn (K)
fuies, iiuc iiiiuuicu niui iiiirv-ciKiit i ercnes.
Ihe Improvements thereon consUt of a
tlxll and lfl feet high, with slilnglo roof, and
iici-trs&iiiy unt uiitaiins.
Seized ami taken Into execution as the "roper
tvotUeoiuc Baelinian, anil will besuld by
II. T. LEVAX, Sheriff.
Aitonieys lor I'lahilifTs.
Sherlft'j Office, MiukIi Ulmnk, Ta., MkicIi
Lehighlon, Pa
Flue Pa. Conntri Bred U,
Fi"in 40 to 100 Pounds In Welaht.
I rices Lower than the Lowell These aie
nut IJuffahi filucK, ami are ituainnieed
2J"('all and see before bpying eNewhere
fell 7. ti 3in
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Graver's
Topular Store, Bank Street.
Roofing and Spouting a special
ty. btove repairs lut rushed
on Rimrt notice
Is the only Illustrated paper In the world
ronUhilne all the latest ensatlonal and snort
lug newt. No saloon keir, barber or club
loom can afford to be without It. It always
manes menus wnerever it goes.
Mailed to any addreiw In the Ualted States
securely wrapived, 11 weeks fur 31.
Send five nuts for sample copy.
Richard K, Fox,
FrankllaSquare, New York City.
To Contractors anil Boilto.
Tlie undersigned announces to Contractors
and Bulldrrs that lie lias now opened Ills stone
quarry, at lieaver ltun. anu It prejiared tu supply
Building' Stones
In any quantity at isaeonable rates. He alto
Keeps a suniuy at ins reftiuuuce on hucumij
b i itisn i . to supply uiiineoisie nrinkliu.
HAULING of uverv descrllillon. orolnntlv nt.
tended to.
Also, (mutually on hand a full supply, ot the
best bruidt of
Flour and Feed,
vvluch Ue will tell at Lowest Market meet.
Jjjissyt Busing Jirectog.
it. s. krbsqb"
In the Old I'o Office Bulldlns;.
Fine and Medium Shoes for ladles. Men and
Children at the very lowest prices.
Newltubbers Inserted In Others at from 40 to
60 cents.
All kinds ot Ttepalrlag Neatly, Cheaply and
anu i ruinpuy niiBiiuru lo.
hand-made isuotb & shoes
Stylish IIaiu Out,
00 TO
11'. F. EdltANO
Over the Oartal llrldge.
3 1 O 1 Cash rtnyers bo to
And buy your Orcuiu, rianos.Sovvliiff Machines
Wringers, Wusliincc Machines. Itnplementt.
I'limpsol all kinds. It will payroll ocetpilees
from ineheforo buylnjr. I can savo you lnonej
Manufacturer of
and Dealer Inl
The ADVOCATE', rni.iits
Head lit
Sc.. &c, iic.
WlllTF. -a- K1KFET.
Practical Wagon JiuiliJor.
Kcpairinp Neatly nnd Cn ply Done at
Very Keu(imihlc 1'rices.
Ueneral Apcnt for Uie Ollharth ''stent adjiut
able Cal l latte Pnli , und llenlrr 111
IlilgKli"' anil ' nits.
M.O ituntz.
b-lsl end I.elllKII'llll-
elssport Bridge
Dealel in Suli'l.i'alh-
r. KlnlOieil falf
Sklns. Kip and Up-
er l,cai tier, Harness
Leather, etc.
Iluhest prices paid fur
Ihles. SKIns & Tallow.
II AIR - uUi US"
sMoorusii vVisi.
In the Very hluhest
St.vleni Tottsii. lat An
8 AUiO'
Try Him!
fills house olleis first-class accoinmodntions ti
ic i ermaiietil boarder and transient niiesi
. anlc prices, only One Dollar per day.
uur7-iy John ItKiiiiiu, I'roprletur.
Oscar Christnian,
Livery and Exclianqc Sialics.
iasy rldhij? carrlagdi and safe drlvlnu horses,
llestaccommodatloiisto agents and traveller
Mall aud telegraph orders promptly attended tn
.live me a trial. mav21-l
Tho - Weissport - Bakery,
O. W. LAUItY. PltoritlETPR.
Delivers Fresh Dread nnd Cakes in Weissport
l.clilghton and vicinities every day.
In the store I havo a Fine Line of Oonfectlonen
irthe llolldayTrade. Sunday schools and fen
vals si pulled at lowest prices. dect-. u
Over Canal Brilis E. Weissport
., c. Trices the very lowest. Quality ol
:ooils the best Satisfaction guaranteed h
ivery particular.
Caslcbts, Collins and Shrouds
We have a full line which we will furnish i
he lowest possible prices.
Flour, Feed, &c,
the choicest quality at very reasonable prion
Call and be convinced.
Jeweler anil Watchmaker.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Ponnn
rteiiiectlnlly Invites the ntteutlnnof his
andthu citizens uenerally to Ins Immense
uew stock of
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Jewelj
it Prices that defy competition. It will pav yn
i call and Inspect my stock befnre purcbium
New here.
REPAIltING cliarye, und all wur
Don't Forsel toe riace.
Hank St Lehighton.
Joseph F. Rex,
"lam now 71 yeras ofase. Was a student m
Medicine and Surgery for seven yeais under tin
famous Dr. Nelmui. and alter ten vears' han
study and tu coiii.ultutlou with seven of themii'.i
emliieut physlrlaim In the ctly ot Philudelilil.
since IHTI. I have, discovered the cure ot liianv
so-called Incurable (Unease.
It can no muter be doubted that Die solne can
be cured; that paralyzed llmba can be lestomil
to their natural use. and general debility cured
Congestion of the brain, apoplexy, results uf nun
stroke ai d the norst cases of rheumatism, sci
atica, lu-uralala. liver complaint, DrlvhU' din
ease of the kidneys, bin and bone disease, ea
tarili, bronchitis, chronic dysentery, and so
called heart disease and dlpltterla, all entirely
cured with pure medicines of mv own prepara
rlon. If used properly as directed.
Durlne nine years over lcooo persons in this
citv aloue have used these medicines and are
living nltnesses of their worth. All their nainee
can be obtained by calling al the office and lab
oratory ot Professor rioudrou. No. 1TVT North
Tenth Street, Philadelphia. I was myself in
lured In the spine and paralyzed for seven years
and pronounced Incurable by seven of the most
able physicians and suigeons of this cliy. I am
now well and healthy, naviug cured myself wltb
my own ineillclnt".
lo not listen to those prejudiced against Im
provement lu medicine and die, when you can
be saved.
I will uot go Into practice myself, being over
) jean of g but will sell my ineillc net. I
bave tno eminent physuilaus eoaueeted Klih
me to atleud to calling at Use residences ollbe
sick If required.
Come one. eonie all sufferers and be restored
to health, cured by these pure medicines sad
thus see einerteooe and believe for vnni sslves.
Olttee anil Laboi atory open ally from 7 A. M.,
to ski 1 .. . li r write ALKXAN'MKB
saesuou, wt u. isui tu mhuieiiiku, e
1 I 11 .ksdP
TliMfe rou, no other draentiie far me tmt
If ywiMwi yottr enstomrrs are dlMitkfled with i
It 111 boeauss joa did not Xnaw ho lo w it
2tk in Paint Urn? nH IIovh tnrni thing Stomfor
PUt-fcm, uhich
"WOLFP U RAHDOLPn, Philadelphia;
Tlie fnV ik1" that will vrtt a man r.ho wears a
"Fi-h n..-r:d . ickcr'M a flc I( but cvrn ihcu
ho mu-t be under 'Ills autemci t may
Mtn t ronp, but a coat tliat v,U t'aiul a t .a dayi'
elo m v.nhout leaking and ill not r p c r te.r, is
sure lu fit the biJ. 'tht rjdJtlional advanu.o is
that It costs Iqis and wears longer than anyoilvr
waterj root coil. Hare you o. i If not, why do
jou wait unlit it niiis? bold evcrylierc lit y it
now. It mistake to wait uuulitraintlo
buy n TCtU'irruof coat. Tlie timrf tobtyltuhen
tha deakr lias n dean, frpsh ftock. Ue sure tho
cnu u inmped -with the ' tVh nr.iiid' Trada
Matk, nnd you whl ret he beit waterproof coat
ever mndc. Dnnt ficcpt any inferior catuhen
you can have thi "fish Ilrand Mickcr " e ivered
uithotit ixtra cosn Parti:ulr? and illustrated
ratalogus fec
A, J. TOWER, - Boston. Maes.
Tbe Most Successful Remedy cTerdlsoor
ered, as it is certain la 1U effects and docs not
blister. Read proof below i
Belvkimok, Pa., Nov. 27. WX
Da. n. J. KoDitL C0.1
Genu I would like to make known to those who
are Almost persuaded to uae Kendall's spavin Cure
tbe fact that I think ltlsamoat excellent Liniment.
I have used Hon Blood Spavin. The horse went un
three legtt for throe years when 1 commenced to
use your Kendall's Spavin Cure. X used ten bot
ties on tbe horse ana have worked Ulin for three
years since and ha not been lame.
Yours truly, W1I. A. CURL.
armMivrowrf, K. Y., Nov. 2, 1839.
Ca. D. J. KEmtLL Co.,
Enosburgh rails, Vt,
Gents t In praise of Kendall's Spavin Cure I will
say. that a year oro I had n valuable younii horse be
come ery lame, hock enlarged an't swollen. The
horsemen about here (we have no Veterinary Bur
feon here) pronounced his lameness Blood apavla
or Ihornufthpln, they all told mo there was uo
rare for it he lecame about usetess,and 1 con
sidered him almost worthless. A friend told me of
the merits of your Kendall's Spavin Cure, so I
bought a bottle, and I could seo very plainly great
lmprovementalmmedlately rfomltsuse.and before
the bottle was used up I was satlitned that It was
dotneUmacreatdealof good. I boughtaeecond
bottle and before It was used up my horso was
cured and has been In tho team doing heavy work
all the season sinc-e last Anrl I, showing no more
signs of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure
a valuable medicine, and it should be In every
stable In the land, llespcctf ully yours,
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $ All drug
gists have It or can get It for you, or It will be sent
to any address on receipt of price by the proprlo
ftftt. DR. II. J KENDALL CO.,
Encvburcli Falls Vcrroon
- liioUbamiH u.v. uot porrnaiiea iy cuied by
flHL UKi.IIliA.l'A. a easo c no peratlnr.
r 1ihii' ituiofiuiu Im- nass. I aie.priKifuitf! hi
uruiyjbv uilii is buiftioi t In-ttUr.
:,wr LjjAgA'i ' efp. ..''rrrAi:
ItenLlmoy ulrly hitrljlfi in miitirrliht-r
Hi. i lut kiii read ml MHir. ul Ua
A YI'A 13 ! I utiiti rlHk tn tirlrfl
riTliiniuiUon,IH Murk iuduttrlotitly
I Inlltclruwn l(Mslllllia.uhfVTiirlliir II t tktll
lit -Ituilifi) crfniiiti.riii. iimi u it). U ju, hi. . mi-ii llitMii(itit
niioiiri r..rn liM-iu t-litiatalit I ii'llj und (julckli
i nrrtpa 1 if l.tii mi worker num. each dtiilrt iruuntr.
itlreilvi lt;'it nrr iruvill wltlt nii.!. unrnt Urrr
uinbcr, wlm n, iiiaktug- over SSIIOO trrremh IUXKW
mi NO I.I t-ti imrtlculor FJti:!:. AtJurewai out
. '. AI-I.KN. liox 4o, AiiBiutii, Alitlne.
iVUUl. sWn. KO WilTIkU n.r KKStLTS. Bunt 4 fcj I
Sod a cu t it U malt In nit icmbli wtu A tTnl trtO
ounvtocM lav noil iktpurau itic m& i oo or uy
UK H oUnlrrWAHNt s- fvu una.
out Croup, wht wouM yon dvf Xfbtt pbjticUa could mv
Ifworllttls oao livmldlUksn TDNirUT with Urrnunin-
iuuii Hunt
IsstMUls.harmtesii)wiJr ndUtisooQlyskfsffosrd. In
SO fnlt bu noTr railed. Dnlur NOW from ymr druggUt
East Weissport, Pa,
Green Groceries.Fruits
Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Pen
nute, Apples, Sweot Potatoes.
Confections, Cijrurs, &c , &c.
Our prices on all goods are as
low as city prices and you save
the freight Call at our store
before buyiag alsowhere.
" ''JVHBittfl
fti A pamphlet of Inf orroat Ion and ah-1
W&strui-l uf tho ;aws,iiUowmg Uuw toV
sfgB OtiUln ratunts, C'aTea!, TradejMfes.
MilarKS, Coprrlahts, nt rfPy
1h. n.Tolntlnn In Mudlcln.
W'liiln tlii ilnttt for an fixiiot Hpprrcin
lion uf tlio euro for consumpilou pio
y oneil hy K rh nie lij mi m nn com
I If to. nflii'ii'ut fuels ist to m :n i unt n
ilt-cui-'-iiiii nf tin' -Mill,)- c: nt llw ii sent
ti i . ic. 'lln' uupiofi' siuiinl ii a loi .liunld
HU'lorstniul tlietK'ich. iimliily bj ri'iwon
of lik ilUcorery of tl'fl causo uf oon
umtuion, lins for several yours Loen tlie
most prominent flRiiiu in medlciil
sclenoe tlmt. Iihh been knoun In our tren
eriitlnti. Ills niellioils linve been models
of sclenllflc ncoumor, nnd tlio nnttinilty
of Ills slnlenients Is now nlinost unques
tlonrd. In an ai Hole published by ICorli
Hlnuillniioouslr in (Ills onn n try nud in
Oermnny, on NnVemlier 14, 189D, tho de
tn Hi of tlio new treatment of serernl
l-rnisof Hilieiciilonls ore given. In n
Berlin pup r. six (lava Inter, is n de.crip
Hon nf tlio mode of pioparHtion of llie
"curnllve lymph. "
'Jhe latter, in nil prolinblltly, is eub
slniitinlly correctj nt lenst, nocoriectioii
or oniilrndlotlnii lins thus' far iippenre.1,
niui tlm uiulhod Is esientliilly Ilia ono
tlmt is employed iu ol.tiiinlnjr polsiinous
pr. iliicls fioiu . tlier t.-xlo burllll. The
motliml. nt desoill td, cnn isti In pi ciiu.
in nn iiiottl iitlii.T nppnriitns n pure cul
lure of tubvicle Uuilll in Kliithi i-'l
lieef broth. The nipnriiUn it divide.i
iiiton.i 1 1 1 1 or nml n lower portion b n
diiiplitngiii of liiipilvnii zi'd p Hi-i'lnii;
(ho In cilli Leiutr plncuil in tin1 li i'i
O' ni nriiueiit. In i lie coi rse of tutu
the g. liilii a IkjiielisK, nnd 11 liquid slim y
fllleis lliiiuigii the porceluiii intu the
lower couiptti tineiit. This liquid Is the
ciui.tive lyiup'i. The lynip i thus oh
mined iiui) o iiitiiinii ploliiiiine. nltlioUKh
the lul-ercle ploiiml ie, ir it exinUi, lui
II el b foiv been foil-id Ceitiili pto
iiiiulie nie iil tiiine.l fr nt inicni'iruiiii
inni lyuielhi'ds reneini li,ig tlmt j lit
dei-crihed. The InSic'ptuiiiiiines lire pio
d'icetl dy Ihrlizio Imcilll, nnd these mv
slip o e.l to be tlie d.rect muse ol
vuiiolis dlsetiiies, the 1 ncllll lei g toxic
only in so fur ns they ploduoe ihe e
potunmines. As very ninny Iniullll lire
not toxic, ii imy ) toinniiies linve in.
pois nous proi urtio-. Prolmlily tin
productio i ol ptouniines is limited, nnd
in the tiise of I iu llli, tl use thin
have liiiluceil piomiuues iu the
luotlnoun oU, nfler liuvin, ton greater
or Ie-s extent, ilnmngcd i lie pints in
hldi tlioy linve Leeu lodged; but the
organisms thus thrmvu oir, if they iiud
n loilgment in nuoliier body, Inuy iiiulii
ply, prodtiie ploiutiiues n niu nnd re
pent the pi oce&es just descilbed. It is
iu this wny tlmt c.-rtniii dUeusos lire
propngate.i by lontngioii."
From the menger mid disconnected
re pint a tlmt cuiio from Euro, e, it iip
peiirs tlmt uu niiiilyMH of the lymph fulls
to leu-id the ireseiiC3 of n ptoiniiiue
cheiniciilly coubhleredj but (ho lymph
cerlniiily cou iiiiis ono or more sub
stances c.ipullo of producing certain of
tlio eirects of loxio ptomaines. Ho
over, the chemistry of tlie pioinnines is
in Us infancy und we iiiunt uvvuit exact
uud eliiboiuto leseuiclies before it will
be pobsiblo to decide upon tho compo
sition nnd properties of tlio lymph ob
tain d by Koch. The statements made
by Koch himself mo of n character
fully to. justify the profound impres
sion they have made upon the public os
well us upon the medical profession.
Ki ch's previous career entitles his ut
terances to the most respectful con
bideiution. A few years since ho dis
coveied tlie cause of luloiculods, and
this discovciy nt tho pio.-cul day tlm no
scientific opjositlon worthy of serious
cuubideintion. Ho now b lutes that he'
probably lias discovored u euro for
I can not but think that this also will
soon become nu acknowledged fact. I
can not lesUt tho conviction Hint tlio
idea in tho mind uf Koch which led (o
the discovery of the curative lymph,
was. that a toxic bacillus is capable of
pioducilig u poUou which would possibly
destroy the bacillus or at least limit Its
activity nud dislo.lge it from llieuyslom.
Probably the curative nnd aoiivo agent
m the lymph wns.oUiuiied from
clo bacilli and produced Uy thorn. Ii is
now said thai Koch regards his studies
Iu Ud:e ruilnsis as complete, awaiting
only tlie results of exp neuce ith re
nin d ti the peim uii'iicy f the cuio and
its a) plication to tidviinced uf
di.-eane. It is uUo said tlnu K c i is ex
lemlini; Ins experiments and is en
deavoring to Und cm es for tyi bus aid
lip. oid, scarlet fever, measles, nml
Ui iitlierui. It may be ti.ut his 1 ne of le
earcll uiil be iu lliedirectiou of IIiuIi -l;
a special poison, produced by unci -
organisms eunllar to eacli iiireutlnui
diheiL-e, which will net upon tliee iiueio
" uud the dioeuiod parts us the
ciluitive lymph has been found lo not
up.iii tuLerclo bacilli uud lubeiculuiis
It i- possible, In the liht of iMiat li i
leceiiiiy been iiccomplisl e.l by Kou ,
that in the near future nintiy dilative
lymphs wil be discovered, eao.i pr
uncoil by ti e s ecial iiiicrourKniiisui m
o pariiiuhir diKense. It will then be no
.oi much to expect tlmt Ihe-e ueiiu
tviu pro aplly iii lest tlie Uitlereiu is
eiue8 to which (hey nre applicable. Fur
txaiiiple, tlie lyp.ioi.l lymph, die dip.i
neriiiu limp., the lymph for mensiei.
that for scai I t fever, m d so on, will
piomptly arrest thete diseases and save
pa.ieuts from Ihe degenerations ami the
accidents which are liable to occur when
moi bid p oces-es ore allowed to rim
.li ir ton i se; nud convalescence will l
prompt, Ut'iiu-e the disease will not
navo pioiiuceti tiamage which oan U.
re aired only by time. Truly, this woulii
o a revolution iu medicine, uud it now
i-oeins to be impending. Dr. All. tin
X'ilut, m ins l'orutn tor J.iuuarv.
lllil.LO, IKILTOltt"
ili Ainulii- Iiiixivu-ir Hold by Tli.
Many useful aud wonderful tilings
ire acinmplislied by the telephone
0 ie of lis most iu p irtaut functions is
lie enabling of patients to oomiiiuiii
ate promptly with their pliyslCMmi
-Him 'times tlie instrument may be of
1' ii lit ful servioeto the doctor.
One afternoon u city dootor was
called fiom the dinner table, just as he
md finished his oai'ving for the family
uid begun to oat un his own account, to
msirer the telephone.
"Hello! Hello!" onmo a sharp ecger
call over the instrument.
The doctor recognized the voleeofa
very nervous man of his ricqiiflintHUoe.
"Well, what is it?" he asked,
"Oh, I am not we'l at all, dootor, but
1 haven't got time to aome and tee you,
uid I want you to cuie me by tele
phone, you know. "
-Well "
"But, " the dootor began, "I can't "
"Well, just Iiesr this cuukIi, ahum!
ahuml ahum! Isn't that pretty bud?"
"And list do you thiuk of my breath.
Now, I'l Lrentha into the telephone?
Fhueel D i you get that?"
"But I can't judge your breath
through the leleplnyie?"
"You can't, eh ? Si you can't that's
h facil V1I, I haven't any time to
ouinu and see you, nor to wait here uu
III you com. down, so I guess I'll call
iu nt Di. Hnndy's on my way down
t ivn, and get him to prerorlbe fur me.
t)h, I say I Don't put this iu your UU,
As the doctor goes back to his oold
uuis: be i pi dilutes as to nlelherthe
dwurUly ihoujrliUM and nervous man
or Uie telephone is the greater ouuoy-
uuce. 'Vgutli's Comauion,
SGOUT, BACKACHE, Pains InthoSldo,
t tho Chest nnd the Joints, Heuralola, i
Ik Sprains, etc, etc., tho Jk
wm expellehSh
9 rsedwlthmttrtjcerflnthslmpfrtu V
w and Uoyal arm rl nospltal of VUnna
tori many others
m Oil rjtisllcltil Trsttaottil nt et tlcniull! 9
Ff TKtrrorous, ltx., Jn. as. 'SiV n
J Totir Anchor Fain Kzpeller Is really excl-1
inatlsm for ream, could flnil notning to coze R
ber but your Ancnor Pain BipHlar. D
BO Conta a bottlo. I
n 810 Broadway, JTu Tork.m
b Jvuropenn HonaosiRudolstailt.O'r, U
Wk London. Vienna, Rotterdam, FrairuH
Xonstcln, Oluin, Nuremberg. Lelpalo. Apl
HFREE Books about other Anchor R-H
HL medio on Application.
Would rather bo without bread
Dissof's EiaiDEKCE, Uarnuottto, lllcb . 11
NOV. , 168J.
Tho Rev. ,T, Kossblel of above plaoe vrlttst
Iliavn snffeiudu great deal, and nbtneverl feet
now a nervous attack; coming I take a dose of
Pastor Koonlg'S Merro TodIo and feel rsllevsA,
1 think a ereat deal of It and would ratbet be
Without bread than tbe Tools.
Cured entirely after 12 years I
TouAwAttDi, Ems Co., N. Y., Febr. 1889.
My daughter bad Cts from fright sinco li
yoarn, sometimes 3 to I attacks within SI hours
without any warning; durlrg these spells her
thumbs would bo cramped toward the inside of
her hands, hor mouth be drawn sideways, ber
nock would swell up, and hnr face assumed t
bluetsh color, this would last from 10 to 13 ml
mites after that she slept, was drouay for about
3 hours. We tried many romedtes without any
Improvement, but 0 bottles of Pastor Koenlgs
Nerve Tonlo cured her at last; we therefore re
commend this remedy to all sufferers.
. HfimpUli't for eunnrcrb i.i
ifctis will txi ecnt tro to my euurr-sn, nud
tor pattrntn can a so obtain thu xneoktna
o' charge f icm us.
his remedy nm tieen prepared by the Reverend
wtor Ku-nl:i, of 1 ort Wayne, Ind for Uie p ot
n vears, and Is now prepared under bis dircc
jd by tho
1 V7ji Lhlns, c:r. CIciss CL, mil AGO, UU
"I'fco 31 vov Tlottle. O Ilolllcs lor S.
Dr. 0. T. Horn, ngt , Lehighton
'TOti -i--irn
v.. w.vw
IviiriVr ChtH iin'.PM wrra nncomfortaMj U ht
i )It.-i Si., t it ttiU ft.
' .'o iniuip rf horl lined with rahU r
' uLoit aim prevents iti .' Ihji
" 1 ,'t "Colchwtcr '
JOHN E. LTtNTZ, Wholesale Atrent.
RrtAll ilenlers cim have tholr names Inserted
lieie onappllcatlon. rnnvlT, lsso-vl
WThs Greatr.t Blood Purifie,
Tills Orcntrpi-mnn lleitlr.Inott
clic-pest nml bci-t. liAtloscsLf SUL-
t'liuit BITTi: tsforst.oo.lcsatriani
one rent n doso. It will cure theaf I.
worst jases of skin disease, from B tn
9, common plninlo on the face.
to that awful (llcr.ise Scrofuia.o' cr
u'u.i"ituu un-ri:i!3 is the
bet incillclne to nso In alls' "
emu's or jucii saibiioni nnilYm,r r-i.i
nS'lov':.'?dllCael- Do87snrcout
Muimucr i ho
morinreuiT.t!ieyareaead&"" i'
113 tlio unrest nnd hDUSJ0"' u
mineillclno ever mode SnpI,Br Jj;l(ers J
wh n n yeiiow sucKyje uon t vnn nnu i you lavourare unablotovrill..or
brcnth foul nnJyareflnt on your back,
offensive? VounvbutgcCEotneAt once, It
&tomnt:li Is out will cure julu fiulpUur
wi onicr, UBtvriiiiMJrw 19
U Imrnw Uo(elyrbe young", tho agetl nnd tot.
IU) our terlDff are wwn mocto well by
line tiiiek. six use ItememlcriThatyoa
lrorj,clo.rread here, It mnr bhvo your
ludy, ctSMq it !ms saved hinulreUt.
J T a0 walt UDtl1 to-mon-uvr,
Aro mil low-snlrltod and trmk.
3 ffov utTe'i'liifr tnun tlm oxnewun at
iW.-..n. j win niim itiTri.nj
'will cure you,
Semi a 2-eeut lanii to A. P. OnUvny it Co-
Lktouf Muia., for Lci wwtlcal work jjubllUioar
nd In inntt1r. by IIiom
uwu lrBttlc, CriWM Ikry ltr Any
on 'an il ih- Mi hJUf lu tram.
r wM,tnil hi tbtlr
Wm fbrniah tvvnibli
pourapsu- iuoui
Mtfrl7 ii. ! . -
Ud (IK'I.
t nil jour iirw to lit wrk. 1hi i
. I iirlnira tioutiifrul mbcom ivntnmnkii.
frwwmuvw ti civ is (-) u iva inr m
ti fllHt. k pcl viplabi brt. Full
k64MMI.IM jrt-ar U Ifiuf WtWt bj Jot,n ft
Cixiflti hi, I rot .N ) 1 vtvrk fr wa Uandtr.
JfUII 'in Qui iiuakc MUctl bl HV Ml ymniil kly bout !. m IrviuMto
t IO iWj at lb inn, axd i utx ft. (
ou Hutu n rs mrl ol
Auicrh . ton tu coiirr m biui it-
inf nil yt nr (Itim.i r imtu m miiiit vu',ttt
tlie HMk All ! iirw. t I U- IW
tin h Hitter a auii j i.ii.intUtlria;
i.iyihuur. IU.BII.V,! t ILV Wlriiasl
lAlUIl-TLAIta VUKZ idlHMiloMt,
hltMfli 4. (O., IOU1L1AD, JIllSS.
a, aiitl Jisu. I i
.-it Otl.iail.liii--nwlt Vbr
i 1 "u rtt do 1 1 ' h "rh aac 1IB
M, tthav-. r ym Bwiil
tsin niilT nniii-j AtaattU
lrlai Allav W hw yu uot
nd not jrsiii ( aH wort In snr tbia)
rr all thr itnw Illy: ajM hp tW WftrW
ii Fatlura m known aiBMribrM
N I1W ami WAMtlorAtL rrb-aUn Bra.
il.lliillrlt.t' Ca.,Hui HHtl lwrluiMlSl&ln
HlDitrwuttiiaiiluiriwtloBi frc. T .
AT HOME ""o- pgE
rivniiii aukliiiiiu- UDurpad, aMujlr
: i two bixra ot ur other brand. Hps
.aoctodby Lm uruCTTHB OBND1MB.