The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 11, 1891, Image 1

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    2j ll U 0 C St I
5 B
Jpvlrs you a suosrrfher to the
paper y guar now readingt If not,
U will twit you but lbr62 vmkt
to hieomt one, and lcn you cen
tell your neighbor that you will
neither borrow nor lend.
Or. 0. T. HORN
Central Drug Store,
Bank Street, Lehightou, Pn.,
Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c,
choice Wines and Liquors,
Wall Paper and Decorations !
. Spectacles ?
When you buy a pair ot Shoes vou wiuit
good at. But It Ton need 81'ECTAGt.KS It I
much more Importnnt that the EYE should t
accommodated with correct lenses and a proper
IV fitting frame which will bring the lenses ill'
rectly bofor the centre ot the eye. II vou bin
your spectacles at Dr. Horn's vou will find tin
above points properly attended to.
PRESCRIPTIONS CacllY Coranomiiei!
FiHB Suitincs and Pantaloonines
at tbe lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per
cent, lower than elsewhere. A perfect Ml
and best workmanship guaranteed In every
Instance. Before purchasing elsewhere
call and see us. -81-lv
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
window fashes,
Mouldings, Brackets
Ml KiPfls of
Shingles, Pailings,
Ilem.lock Lumber, &c, &c,
Very Lowest Prices
Decorations, Picture Rods
Cove JPindow Shades,
Spring Rollers, fringes,
Carpet Lining.
Blank Books, Easels, Games
iJlocks.Fancy L'ards, Etc., etc,
PAINTS, Tils, Glass,
Putty, Brushes,
Colors, Artist's
General Painter's Supplies,
No. 61 Broaiway Manet1 Gtimilc. Pa.
and other
lira war-
Adam Mehrkam dion, Agents,
All the very latest news will
ba found in the Carbok Idvc-
fek ?
I &
jLIJ e-
1 Jl I
?7fl IJU" 'St,
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
VOL. SIX.. No 22
Professional & Business Cards.
W. M Rapsher,
First door above the Mansion House,
teal Hstnte and Collection Agency. Will IUiy
ml Sell Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly done,
ollections promptly made. Settling KMBtespl
eejdents n specialty.
May be cbrsulted In
ftncllsli and German
nov. a-vi
)Rlce with CUiiss Rros., First strect,Xehlghton
Fire, Life and Accident
inly rrst-clns Companies ie represented
Information cheerfully furnished.
Ex-SherifF Rabenold.
4184 N. Bill St., - - - AI.M5NTOWN.
n all Its brandies. Fresh gas always on
ami. The patronage of the people Is
iliclted. Sallsfacilon guaranteed 4-0 Ud
Sla ington, Pcnna.
pi'dai Trentmenr given in uisen'ss ui noinen.
loclallt In Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and
r'ntarrh Permanently Cured.
Ine l'rnmeless Eve masses and Spectacles ad-
uited my own patent. augD-ly
. 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa.
t Danoor. BnoADWAV iioubk. Mondays.
t ranton, Swan Hotkl, Tuesdays.
r IlliTItl.lCIIKll, Sun Hotel, Wednesdays
Offlce Hours From 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. rractlce
lulled to diseases nf the
tye,Ear, Nose & Throat
37-Also, Refraction of tho Eyes or the adjust
ucnt of glasses.
I. SMITH, D. D, 5.,
OfJco opposite tho Opera House.
Bank Street, Z,eh hton, Pa.
.'Wing and making artificial dentures a special
ty. I.niyil anesthetics used.
Jasadmlulstercdand Teetli Fxtracted VITH-
1KFICE HOUR3:-From 8 . m., te t2 in., from
1 v. in., to B p. m., irom 7 p. m.. to 8 p. m.
Consultations In EiiRllsuor (lemun
Offlce Hours at Haileton-Every Saturday.
ct 15-87 lv
No. 20 North ITyomlns St.,
Specialist In Diseases of the
Or. Danrer will be at the
Exchange Hotel, Lehigh ton,
pectacles and Eye OUsses accurately fitted at
reasonable prices.
-Consultation In German and Encllsh.
Bbancu omen :-0ver J. W. Kaudenuusii'
Liquor Store,
uentislryln all Its branches. Teeth Extracted
without ?aln. Gas administered when requested.
Offlce Days WEDNESDAY of each wcolc.
.O.adlioss, LLEN10WN,
s-yi Lehleh county. Ta
Dr. J. A. Mayer &Scn.
Graduate from the Dental Department of the
University of Iennsylvnnln,
mi opened an office In the same bulldlna with
ils father, second Hour In the Uav Window,
.now mennred to receUe every one in need
nrd-i'lKS lienlal service. - anliH'it
Lehigh Valley Pv R Co.
Arrangement of Passencer Trains.
In Effect Feb. IGth, lb91.
For Newark ami New York 5J2. 7.S0, 9.57, and
1 1 . 12 a.m. : S Oj, 6.39 Si 8.01 p. m.
For Muiiuiika Chunk mid llelvideie 0.22, 7.30.
inn, a.m.; 12 it l 111.
Fur l-iniburlvlllf and Trenton 6.22. 9 00 mid
U.12 a.m. : and U.4J p.m.
Fur SUttntitiui, Caiasuiiqua. Allentourn, Reth
.a lem, and Kuiton, e.22, 7.07, 7.30, OS, 9 ". 11.12
Mil . 12.41. 3 08. B.28 and 8.01 p III.
For I'liiiaili-lplilaanu poinu south M 5.22, 7.0T,
7.1 1, ff.ou uud It. 12 a. m.: 3.08, C.29 and 6.01 p. m.
For Readuiaund llariubiiiKT.SO, auu 11.12a, in
.t. in.; 3.00, 5.2S and 8.01 p lit.
For llowmans, LehlKh Gap. (Jherr)ford, Ijiu
v'k. White IIkII. Cuul.iv. and lloki4udauauit
6 22,7.07, 0 030.S7 4 11.12 a 111. , 12.12, and !i.2 p. Ill
MirLlueui. on k u.oz, i.4, aim 11.40 a.m..
I 22, 315, 6.25. 7.2S, 8. Ill and 9.3 11. Ill
For Weatlierly and llulelou GJU, 7.13 0.36 and
ll.J9ii.lll : 3.16,6.26,71)3, 10.2 p.m.
l'or Manaiioy l ill. uneiiaiiiioaii ana Asnianu
e 52. 7 4S. aj and ii.tlaiu.; 3.t6,6.2S& 7.23 n u
ror All. sjHrinvi anu siiuiuuhih d.i, i.tiiuiiu
11.4s a. 111.: 6 26 p. 111.
rur 1 itlisvuie u.,7dv.i.ia,i'dii u.ivanu ii.i"
A. III.. 12.42. 3 (M. 3.16. alHl T.V9I. S 01 ll.ln.
l IB, 1 1 V.IMt .WW, - "
For White lliiveii, Wilkebarr and gtranton
12, 7.13, 0.30 uud 11.48 3.16, 6.26, 7.23 and
10.28 P.IH. I'liutnn and I.. B. Junct.. 0.62, 7.43, 9,30,
and 11.48 a.m.: 6.2. 7.23 and 10.28 p. m.
For TunkliauiiucK 11.48 a. m.i 6.26 7.2S ami
10 J6 p.m.
I'm Owdko, Auburn, Itbaea aud (leueva 11.18
a.lll.: 1U.M U.IH.
Fur laceyvllle. Towiinda, Havre, Waierly, El-
inira, Kocnesiar, liunai", is nKHra rauaiiua ine
Went 11.48 a.m.; ami 7.23 and 10.18 p.m.
rut nvvt i ui ft .,i,u niiw w mi a iii. i a.avi'.iM
For l'hlladeluhlu 4.11. 802a. m.: 2J2und62li
p. m.
For Eastnn and Intermediate StAtionn 1.11,
s.4i. 8.02. 10 7 a.m. : 12 52. 2.62. 6.2 ami .34 i). m
For MaueliUbunk 8.14, S.W, 10.28 a-m.i 123C,
3.15. 3.U aUU M-M p.lll.
I- or ItKmilim al 6. II a. m.. and t.M p. m.
For llaileton 8.58 a.m. ; n. S.16 & 10.28 p. in.
For Manauoy CUy and Shenandoah 1UH ana
3.16 p.m.
For I'liUsvllle at 2 M v. m.
For While Ilutuu. WIlkM-lUrr. lltuton.
Tunkbanncok. Touauda. Savre. Ithaca. Geneva.
Aubuin, Eliniru, ltneiieah-r, UuHalo, Niagara
runs ana me ,vinh iusb p.m.
ror lunuer purueuiars muuireoi Aiennior
Time Tables
Gttn'l Faas. A Mat.
May 11. '90. ly
South Beihlebem, Penan.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
rreya universal rue eupository. A sure
cure tor every form ot Files, Internal or external,
lU'hlng or blevdlng, and toon standing ce
failed with every other remedy. Thlttiupnosl
w. j - J. u , rm"f w I' 1 1 J . ir , urai mill
clean, nun i o-khjs everv advantage i ter unit
meals and salves Ph) biotas use tnthelrprart
lee. Give It a trial and vou will be relieved and
eoDVtuced. Jf your druggttt does not keep It or
gt It tor you, Mod for It by mall, Prtw, 60 cwk
a Box. Address. . Axdkjcw O. Fbkt.
Htf..C4.. ld Uy DfcM. B. lteow.. 0. T.
Lehinh Coal & Hardware Co,,
Sailor's Corner, Jjohlghton, Pa.
Articles of (Special Merit.
Seasonable Articles,
ns such we name :
King; Philip
A good and
rhosphate !
IWt i IT
A very good
rlhe very best general Fertilizer.
A and B
Fertilizer !
The Uoss
All of the above have been used
for years around here and
are thoroughly reliable.
Also, several other Brands of
Fertilizers !
He says, 'It Kills
Burs !'
Grape :: Dust,
kills mildew on
and Grapes.
A line of
Hose and
Rubber Cloth!
Tho "Amorioan Round,"
The "Anthony Wayne,"
and "The Miller" Washers.
Any kind
rnosi the
TO Til It
Grass and Flow-
or Seeds.'
Hardware, Oils,
Glass, Paints.
The Largest Line of
Machine,, Pump and Too!
Repairs in tho Lehigh
v alloy I
Coal, Slate,
Cement, Sand.
If you need anything in these
lines a Oil t mil tO Call,
lMl Coal & Hariware Co,
SiliJs Corner, Lehighton, Pa,
tetento r
firpnfi pardon, Field,
Lohighton, Carbon County,
Orer and over airatn,
No matter which way I turn,
I always find In tho book ot Ufa
tiome iHsen I have to learn.
' must take my turn at the mill,
1 mostgrrhd oat the Eoldsn grato.
1 mast work at my task with a reiointe will.
Over and over again.
We cannot mninra the need
Of even the tiniest flower.
Nor oheok tho flow of the eolden sands
That run through a single hour;
liut the morning dews must fall,
And the sun and the summer raid
Mas do their port, and perform It all
Over and over again.
Over a-d over again
The brook through the meadows flows.
Over and over again
The vonderaus mill wheel goes;
Once doing will not sufllce,
'ilioagh doing bo not In vain:
And n blessing falling us twice
May come K we try again,
The path that has once bon trod
Is never ra rough to tbe feet.
And the lesson wo once have learned
Is nover so hard to repeat.
Thouih tbe sorrowful tears molt fall,
And tho heart to Its deptn ba driven
With storm and tempest-we need them all
To reader us meet for heaven.
One bitterly cold winter's evening
Ave men were seated together In a
small room .in a liouso situated In the
Jewish qunrter of n liusy nnu lnigoly
populated Kusiim city. Tlio appear-
nuco of tlio room was ns wrcicueu ns
the exteriml aspects of the liouso itsolf.
Tlio solitary window iw totally con
cealed by a heavy faded curtain, de
pending from tlio roof, and as the wind
moaned, dismally through the broken,
pnnei of Klas, its somber folds swnyed'
(o ami fro. The inmates of this mourn-
fi 1 den wcro sentod round tho table,
imotd'ig tlieh- pipes aud talking, as if
furtively, In whispers. Ai the feeble
rays of the caudle fell fitfully upon tlio
company they roveuleil the youtliiul
faces of four students. Hie chief spokes
man, however, was a mucli oldor mnu,
apparently about CO, with n short
pointed beard, shaggy brows, and Keen,
penetrating eyes ot tho darkest hue.
The othrri deferentinlly addressed tlio
speaker ns "professor," and such, in
deed, lie was, nt that time, at a well
known school of tnedlcino in Russia.
On the present occasion, however, lio
was speaking, not of science, but of the
terrible doctrine of assassination.
Professor V was n Nihilist, a re
puted Collossu? of craft in the dissent
inntlon of revolutionary doctrines, and
on the particular evening in question
lie wo3 engaged in advocating, with
fiery eloquence, tho assassination of a
certiiin colonel who had lately been pro
moted to tho rank of chief connuis-
sionorof the secret police. As the night
woro on their whispered conversation
wns Kiulilemy Interrupted by a low
huiic'.iiiK nt the outer door. In a mo
ment tho conpirators sprung nolsolessly
to their feet, mid listened with bated
breath. The s.mnd was ropeated a pe
culiar whistle was heard from without,
and tlio liiteners exchanged signifi
cant glances nnd quietly resumed their
seats. Presently cautious foottteps
wcro hoard in an outer room, tho door
wns opened, nnd a young man hastily
entered. Hii face s pale, his manner
ngitnted, aud as 1 o returned his com
panions salutations ho regarded them
with a fixed uud angry staie. '
"You havo kept U3 waiting, com
rade," exclaimed tho profes or, puffing
calmly nt his pipe. "TJhl we are
almost ftozen, for tho. nlr of this
wretched apintinent is qulto Siberian.
But now to bu-iness. Wo will warm
ourselves with talk, and fire our minds
with the prospect of revenge.
There was a murmur of approval It
was noticed, how over, that tho young
man who hud just appeared upon the
tcene toolc lits sent In slicnce, and, rest-
in ir. Ids elbows upon the table, slowly
torutfuized the faces of his comrades.
"My dear professor, " he said at length,
"we can not possibly proceed at present
with this business. "
"Why not?" wns unanimously asked.
"Because," replied the latest comer,
as lie quietly snuffed the caudlo, "be
cause one of us is a traitor."
"Atrnltnrl" exclaimed the men, start
ing to their feet.
"Yes co nrades, we are betrayed; and
ns no one knows ot thia plot of ours ex
cept ourtelves, it is plain, I think, that
one of us hus turned informant."
"You nre mad to say sol" honrselyex
olaimed the protestor; "but in heaven's
name, what has happened? Come, tell
us quickly. This is no jesting matter."
"Listen, then. On my way thither,
comrades, I entered a Cnfo de Paris to
sip n cup of tea and smoke a cigarette.
I Inippetied to sit down beeldu two of
ficers of tlio Secret Police, and, as one of
them was somowhat tipsy, I could
hear his conversation. I found It rather
iiiteiotting. He told his companion that
ho xna under oiders to surround this
o!d deserted house at midnight it U
near 11 now aud to arrest nil persons
found within. He mentioned, more
over, all our names, una added, with a
maudlin laugh, that a certain peison,
to whom the administration is eternally
indebted, would be found in our mi 1st
playiug the part of conspirator. Now,
comrades, I havo done. What shall wo
The men looked at each other lu dis
may. A dead silence filled tho room,
for the mere suspicion of treachery
among the men who had solemnly dedl
cated their Ures to tho sooted cause of
liberty seemed to hold them dumb. Such
villainy In their very midst among
men bonded together In saored brother
hoo.l wai a greater crime than the
nwcllets aots ot a depot and his ruin
"If this is true," said the professor In
a voice of suppressed rage, " then I will
no longer believe in human fidelity, or
the future of our cans. But Dathl
If the story is true. Which ot us is the
Informer?" added the speaker, staring
neroely at the Dale faces of his com nan
t ioni.
"Unlit It if useless to ask that, my dear
profess'ir, exclaimed Ivan suoh was
the name cf the youth who had brought
the strange intelligence as he advanced
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Live and Let Live."
Penna,, April 11 1891.
tn tho door of the room, locked it, and
paced the key In his pooket "Every
one will astoit his innocence of course.
But. com miles, suppose wo endeavor to
find him otU? Let us seaioh each other.
'11 io traitor, whoever ho may be, must
tlouhtlass havo in his poso6tou somn
proof of his guilt At least, the experi
ment Is worth trying. What say your "
Agreed I agreed! exclaimed the Nl-
lilliit-, ns with ouo accord they sprang
oMiruIslrolv to their feet. Ono of the
students a tall, lank youth, with a
somewhat foppish appearance ob
jected, however, to the proposal
'liut why?" hotly demanded the pro
fessor, who seemed all eagerness to be
gin tho investigation.
"Bcuse, was tho liesitatme re
joinder, "because it is unnecessary. Our
word of honor ought to be enough. Be
sides, there is something degrading in
llig Idea of searching ouo another, ns if,
indeed, we were a lot of pickpockets.
So let us break up the meeting. Tills
excitement is nbstird, and renders the
Ilscussion of tho plot impossible. As
for the story told by the drunken soldier
in the cafe, I don't hellove a word of It,
These words produced an angry mur
mur nmeag tho excited conspirators.
The prot(Bt seemed so ridiculous; and
ns tho clamor ivicrcnsed Ivan turned to
the speaker and warmly oxclnimod,
"Very well; wo shall abstain from
searching you, sinco you wish it; but
remember this, that If we fall to find n
clue to the informant among those who
willingly submit to the examination wo
hIiiiII then know upon whom to fix our
suspicions. Now, comrades, ssarch mo
first; I am ready, "
In n moment tho speaker s pockets
wcro emptied of their contents, and
wen the lining of his clothes wns care
fully searched; but beyond a few old
lovo letters, some political pamphlets,
and an English newspaper with n para
graph obliterated with lamp black,
nothing of an incriminating character
wns found, A second student readily
submitted to the test if test it wns
with similar results. Then a third
stepped forward and placed himself lu
the hands of his companions. But at
thnt raomout n curious incident oc
curred. An Invisible hand suddenly
extinguished the light ot the candle,
and tn n second the room was plunged
in utter darkness.
What did it mean? Who had
quenchod tho light? F.ov n momont.the
Nihilists remained motionless, ns it
rooted to tho spot. As they llstenod in
nlarm, they heard a strange Creaking
sound in the direction of the curtained
Suddenly tho voico of Ivau exclaimed
in the dnikness: "Comrades, this is a
tiickt Listonl Some ono Is endeavoring
to cscnpo by tho window! It is the
traitor at last. His attempt to escnps
betrays liU guilt. Stand backl I know
how to deal with him!"
In an Instant tho rcpoit of tluco re
volver shots rang through tho room, and
wns followed by an agonizing yell ns
Borne oue fell heavily upon the floor,
A profound silence then ensued.
It wai an awful situation.
At length Ivitn' spoko to his torrified
"Strike n light now, "ho said in n
trembling voico, "and let us look upon
the face of ii traitor. Will no ono move?
Are you nil afraid to gaze upon tlio dead
body of a miscreant who has betrayed
us to our memies? Come, profefisor,
where tiro the matches? You had them
last. But hush! What sound is that?
Li-ten I By heavens, comrades, the
police are upon us already, -The houso
is surrounded I Quick I hero is a trap
door, known only to myself. It leads to
the main sen or, and is our only hope of
escape. Follow mo."
Qroplug hand in hand in the dark,
the hfftightcd men followed tho speak
er's directions, and after some moment
ary confusion, disappeared into a
noisome abyss. None loo soon. In an
other instant the door of the room was
battered to piecos, and n compauy of
gendarmes entered. Lights wcro now
flashed in every direction, hut it was
obvious to nil that tho conspirators had
ojoaped. Tho officer in charge swore
long nnd deep, nnd ordered the men to
search the house from top to bottom.
Then, advancing toward tho window, ho
stumbled over a hitman body,
"What's this?" ho exclaimed, exam
ining the dead man's features with n
lantern, "H,il so they have caughtyou
at last, my friend, have ihey? Well,
you played the spy long aud well, but it
always comes to this end. "
And, (earing down the window cur
tain, the officer threw it over the rigid
body of the professor. ni McDougal,
in Pall Mall Budget.
Families la Heligoland.
The women iu Heligoland are, gener
ally speaking, small and gracefully
formed and preeut a remarkable con
trust to their tall nnd strapping mates.
The fomalo loveliness is unfortunately
somewhat transient, no doubt owing in
largo measure to tho Inferior fare aud
rough work with tho nets. No idea of
female suffrage is ever likely to enter
a Heltgolander's head. His idea ot the
relation of the sexes is tho old one that
the man is the head of tho wife and that
women, take them as you like, are an
Interior order: they nre kind nnd courte
ous to their women iu all respects, but
there Is no doubt who is lord and bread
winner. Tlio patriarchal system has
scarcely died out
Each lusty, broad shouldered on,
though he may have passed his 21st
birthday, is required to give all or
nearly all his earnings to his father so
long es he Uvea iu his father's house.
When he marries and takes up house for
himself then only does the natria pro
testae come to an end. Ueligolanders
as a lule marry young; there are more
women thau men, and It Is not diftloult
to find a mate. Housekeeping is not an
expensive job, and there is plenty ol
money to be earned if a man is intelli
gent and industrious. It may be some
time ueiore the young nusuand lias it
boat ot liia own, for a boat costs $136
(they are all built on the island), but lie
can always hire one, paying for its hire
about 85 per oont of the payment lie
himself charges.
Bliidrn Bclpntifle Itnttareh ami Modsrn
Hie relation of the tesohings of geology
to the first chapters of Genesis line ox-
cited so much attention in these later
years that the moral truth contained in
this portion of tlio bible has often been
left in the background. Thnt tho earth
was gradually nrermtod to be the dwell
ing plaoe ot man, and arranged to cor
respond to tho wants of his nature, Is n
fact of importance. But higher truth
than this enrlchos tho first pages of the
sacred volume. Tlieie, at the outset,
stands the great protest against pan
theism mid atheism the sublime an
nouncement Bounding llko the voice of
tho Creator himself: In the beginning
God created the heavens nnd the earth I"
Thou thoro is the description of man, ns
exalted abovo tho lower orders of being
through the possession of a living soul
that comes directly from his Maker and
bears his Image n dental of tho de
grading theories which, on account of
resemblance of physical organization,
have sought to Identify mind with mat
ter aud to represent tlio beast as on n
level with the rational creature.
Then follows the momentous fact of
man's fnll from holiness Involving, of
coui'bp, his fiecdomaud responslbleness,
tho origin of sin in tlio voluntary trnns-
giession of law, and that wonderful de
scription of tho phenomena of guilt, to
the escnlinl truth of which every heart
responds: "And Adam aud his wife hid
thoumelvod from the presence of tho
Lord Gjd ntnongst the trees of the gar
den I " Wo have hero a series of state
ments that warn the conscience,
now as always, not to listen to
(he suggestion that Mu is an accident, or
somet hing involved In theuntureof man,
as tho plant is Included in the seed, but
over to look upon siu ns man's own
perverse, guilty net, done in disregard
of the will of God. Aud then the mys
terious connection of physical disorder
and distress with the moral ruin of man
is asserted; nnd thus the sufferings ot
the human rnco nro made consistent with
God's wisdom and justice.
It would bo easy to show that this
mass or truth however it may bo
clothed in figure mid symbol enters
into all Christina views of God, of man,
Ills rights, aud" his.dutiea to his master
nnd his neighbor, and constitutes to
tliis day the impregnnble doctrine im
pregnable because grntoful to reason, as
woll ns verified by scrlpttiro by which
Christianity confronts pauthoismnnd nil
tho diffoicnt theories that .no really,
though unconsciously, its fruit On tho
foundation of this mass of truth, Chris
tianity, tho syslom of redemption from
sin and its consequences, ii founded.
Whence, ono might ask, did the Israel
ites get tin so moral ideas, by the sido of
which tlin Greek philosophy, tho ripest
product of uninspired wisdom, is so do
fectire? They must have had light
from above.
But while geology has oxpanded, tho
lesson of Genesis is that the earth was
made for man and wns adapted to meet
his wants, tho science ot astronomy
would appear to havo a contrary ten
dency. In tho room ot the old idea that
the firmament was spicad out nnd hung
with glittciing lights for the sake of the
earth uud man, wo are no , taught that
tho earth is itself n diminutive star, and
that but a small portion of the stellar
unlvcise can ho discerned by tho human
eye. Indeed, tho Copernlcan discovery
has produced a total revolution in our
conceptions of the material creation.
The oarth has been driven, as n usurper,
from her throne of glory in tho center
of tho worlds to a little nook in tho
boundless empire. Yet, as the old He
brews Lclieved, as we know, to whom
the Gospel has come, ovon better than
they, God Is mindful of man. He does
think ot us. He nover censes to care for
us. Even tho host of stars, whatever
grander office they fulfill in the universe,
nro made at the sumo time to ba for
signs, nnd for soaioux, aud for dayy, nnd
for years, and to be lights in the firma
ment of the heaven to givo light upon
tho earth. Whatever nobler purposes
they may accomplish, for this use, also,
they were adapted by the Creator,
The intention ot tho Creator to elevate
and gratify the hunmu miud by spread
ing over us the sunlit and starlit sky is
undeniable. One motive, therefore, in
the structure of the material universe,
was the good of man. Tims does tho
Creator consult our happiness in those
contrivances which nre destined to ac
complish other onds remote from our
comprehension. Out ot all tho worlds
he has erected a root over man's destiny.
At tho moment whon we are awed by
the revelation of his greatness wo are
touched by the disclosures of his conde
scension, Professor George P. Fisher.
The nttsburc Huron Munchausen.
A certain young lady of Pittsburg,
who has not yet reached her third birth
day, makes her papa's lifo n burden by
her persistent demand for "'tories. "
"Tell mo a 'tory, papa, " sho will say,
and papa has to submit
Under the encouragement of his llttlo
daughter "papa" is developing into a
Baron Munohauson ot no mean cali
ber. One day, not long ago, in response to
an urgent invitation, the following
"'tory" was told:
"Once there was a mosquito. This
mosquito had a family of throe young
mosquitoes in a nest up a big tree. The
little mosquitoes said to their mamma,
We's very hungry.' Thon the mamma
mosquito went to a house where there
was a nice fat baby asleep in a crib,
The mamma mosquito carried tho baby
off to her nest, and divided it up among
her children.
"Two of the littlo mosquitoes had a
leg apiece, and the mamma mosquito
and the other little baby mosquito
each ate an arm. After thete wero
eaten the rest of the fat baby was put
away for supper. That's all oT that
When the narration was concluded
the unsatisfied Infant remarked: "Tell
me a bigger 'tory than that, papa. "
Harpers Young People.
A nephew of Dr. Sohliomann, Carl
Sohllemann, is singing in the Emma
Juch Opera Company.
The richest man in Boston is Prwl L,
Ames, whose fortune h reckoned at
about 50,000,000. His grandfather,
Oliver Ames, used to peddle shovels of
his own handiwork.
now to Tk Flattery.
Don't worry .whether the man who
eays nioe things to you moans them or
not The faot that he takes the pains
to sy them is a compliment He
doubtless has an axe to grind, but it
doesn't follow that you muM turn the
$1.28 when not paid in Advance.
Single Copies S Cents
Tbar's some folks have an Idee that life can't
be enjyetl
Unless ya have a fortune and a famous naml
They say tbar's no aoconntln', for tastes era
often queer.
Dot I, somehow or uther, enjyo Jtt 11 n" here.
When oherry trees ore- bloomln' I ake ray
hat and cane
And cross the deftoon's meadow nnd saunter
down tho lane ;
Tho birds are all a slngln', and when the
breeses blow
The blotsdms fall around me, jsst like the
winter's snow.
Tho mornln' wind Is bracln' and seems to do
me good
So fragrant-lllw and sploy, when blowtn'
from the wood.
Oft In the summer ven's I sit down by tho
And listen to tbe pllnkln of banjos on the
And if I get to noddln' I'm wakened from tbo
Dy faint notes of a fiddle or echoes of a danoe.
Then In the winter even's we gather 'round
the fire,
Tbar's me and Jones and Oakley, the deaooa
nnd tho 'sqnlre.
And each one tells his story, of bow he's
lived his day
Whllo sleighs with bells a rlngla' sound near
and far away.
Now, these are my ejyments, and, perhaps yo
think I'm queer,
Bat, I, Bomehow or uther, cnjye Just beln'
-III. Knowles, Pittsburg Dispatch.
na rrnpoves tn Drop l'eople Safsly From
tlio lilffel Tower.
A French inventor, having in mind
people who doto upon the particular
sensation that ono feels on a high swing,
on tho odge of steep declivities or in any
place whoro thoro is a rapid doscont,
proposes to give to the public tho feel
ing of a vortical fall of several hundred
meters Into space. To hint a jump from
tho top of tlio highest steeple is a moro
bagatelle; it requires the height of tho
Eiffel Tower to satisfy hi3 ambition. It
is iu ono word a question ot letting
amateurs fall a distanoo of S00 meters
and giving them baak safe to tholr fami
lies. At the end of 110 meters ot fall
tho into of descent of this now species
of tourist will bo 45 meters a second; at
tho end of 200 meters it will be 05 meters
per second; at tho ond of SOO meters it
will bo 77 meters por second. Tho most
rapid railroad trains mako about S3
motors por second Never, theu, has
tho human rnco experienced so high a
speed as that proposod.
It is always easy enough to fall 800
meters, but it is not so easy to pick one's
self up safo and sound. This Is tho
schomo of tho inventor. Ho builds u
cage similar in shnpa to a hholl for a
cannon, - In the body of the shell is a
largo space, having a diamotor of three
meters and a height of four meters,
with room to hold 15 persons comforta
bly seated in arm chairs. Tho floor is a
mattro33 having springs 60 centimeters
high. Beneath, nnd forming tho point
of the shell, Is a series of cones inclosed
ono within another. The total height of
tho cngo is 10 meters; its weight four
tons. From tho top of a tower ono can
let this gignntio shell fall with its load
without injury to any of the occupants,
Whoro it strikes the inventor has
hollowed out a large basin filled with
water, shaped like tho bowl of a cham
pagno glass. Tlio shell is recolvod in
this soft cushion and displaces about 30
tons of water. Tho shock that the
voyagers would otherwise foel is by this
means entirely deadcued. Tho buoy
ancy of tlio shell causes it to riso to tho
surfaco and tho bold experimenters can
then get out The shell is then to be
lifted up by an olovator to tho top of the
tower, where everything is ready to bo
gin again. The price for this venture
some journey Is already fixed nt 20f, a
person. This might be rccomniendod
03 a now idea to tho directors of tho
Chicago exposltloa Now York Times.
Sir Edwin Arnold's Ilousa In ToUIo.
If I name my garden at Azahu among
tho scenes ever to bo remcmborod In
Japan, It Is because it was typical ot a
city residence there, as well as being
really a protty spot, and full of "things
Japanese. " Provided with an outer as
well as au inner range of sliding shoji,
wo could make it warm in the winter as
well as cool in tho summer, although
the outer plass (amado) would certainly
rattle a groat deal in a stormy wind or
an earthquake, this latter phenomenon
occurring pretty frequently, A Japau
ose house is really healthy as well as
comfortable. Being built not in the soil,
as with us, but abovo it, freely venti
lated by the airiuess inseparable from
its construction, and being entered only
with bare or stocklngod feet it is always
sweet'aQd clean, Tho tataml, tho mats,
of suclian abode remain so froo from
dust or dirt that tho dellcato silks or
muslins of their kimonos nro laid upon
tho floor by Japanese ladles without the
least fear of soiling them. Cheap to
build, beautiful in appearance, spotlessly
pure, and, with proper arrangements,
eminently salubrious, the Japanese
domicile seoms to me entirely admirable
and lu almost all its good qualities rich
and poor share alike. Tlio palace of the
emperor and tho hut of tho ICurum
aman are practically on tho same plan,
and even in tho smallest tenemenU I
havo seen apartments so clean, so neat,
so bright, and so charming that thoy
might have been boudoirs for the om
press instead of the back room of n mat
maker's or a carpenter's abode. Ed win
Arnold, in Scribner,
Why Soys Are Mtiohlevoiu.
A boy can not invent anything he
can only imitate; and it is easier to imi
tate evil than good. You can imitate
war, but how aro you going to imitate
peace? So a boy passes his .leisure In
contriving mischief. If you get another
fellow to walk into a wasp's camp you
can see him jump and hear him how,
but it you do not, then nothing at all
happens. It you set a dog to chase a cat
up a tree, then something has boen done;
but if you do not set the dog on the cat,
then the oat just lies in the sun and
sleeps, and you lose your time. If a
boy could find out some way of doing
good, so that he oould bo active in it,
very likely ho would want to do good
now and thon; but as ho can not ho very
seldom wants to do good, William
Dean Howell,
Archdeacon Oolley, preaohlng on
Satan recently at St James's church,
Marylebooe, London, replying to an im
aginary remonstrance from those who
believe in giving the devil his due, ex
claimed: "Ah, my friends, if we gave
the devil hie due many of us would be
misting. " The awkwardness of the use
of "us" in suoua oaso occurred to him
afterward, and he seemed seriously em
barrassed, while the congregation
A staUsUoUn has estimated that ooui t
thlpo average three tons of coal each,
WP" you Ktant a paper that otens
iUef and lin't afraid to ttll tte
newt; Mat believes in jm&llc
morality, and tht enforcenient o.
the laxet agatntt maltfaetori; Mat
hat opinion; and ttn't afraid to
express them, yet TUB OARBOtf
A short slghtod man in a money
makor for other pooplo.
If you want to know tho truth you
must tnko off your glasses,
The truth always gives llfo to those
who take it to tholr hearts.
A man whn known n m-nnf Hl
knows hotter than to try to toll it.
"Kvery Spring."
Savs one of tho best housewives in
New England, "Wo fool thonooosslty of
taking a good medicine to purify the
uiooa, nnu wo nil taico iiood's fciarsapa
rilla, It keeps tho children froo from
humors, my husband sars it aivos him
a good nppotlto, and for myself I ai
suro I could nover do all my work It it
was not ior this splendid modiolno. It
makes mo fool strong and cheerful, and
i am novor troumoci witn neoaaens or
that tlrod feeling, as I used to be,"
A fool thinks he Is rlaht because he
can't seo very far.
Tho blinded man is the ana whn
thinks ho has ho faults.
Every Home Should Have It.
It Is not always convenient to call a ahyiltd
ir everv little allmenL Havlntr Reif Fiaar OS
In tho house you have a Physician always at
hand; It kills itlieumatlsm, Neuralgia, Jim,
Bruises and all Aches and rains, Alee ts i.
There are few thlnjs In lit ot which we saw
be certain, but this is one of them. riB-T!tL&
Couch and Consumption Cure has ns equal ter
Colds, Coughs and Consumption. Frit a aid
50 cents at Thomas' Drug titer.
If you want to fed right do right.
Everybody gains when a bad man
Tho higher men riso the more de
pendent they bocome.
Some Foolish Peopto
AJlow a rough to run until It get beyeod.
the reach of medicine. They often say,
" Oh, it will wear away, but in most case
it wears them awav. Conld ther be In
duced to try the successful medicine called
Kemp s lialeam, which Is sold on a positive
guarantee to cure, thay wonld Immediate!
seo the excellent effect after taking th first
dose. Price 60c and 1.00. Trials! frw.
At all druggists.
Whenever a man wants anything and
can't get it, it's about the same as throw
ing dust over anything he does have.
If you want to keep on thinking well
of a man, don't go his security.
IfSnrrcnr; fromlConsumptloa
Coughs and Colds will try Pan-Tins Coujt
Consumption Cure, they will Ind aiekreuef
and permanent benefit. Tbemadlcaiprofstsloa
declare It a remedy of the highest value. Try
It. l'rlce 23 and w cent. Trial bottles free.
A large proportion of tbe diseases which oau
human suitcrlng result from derangement f ta
stomach, bowels and liver. Dr. Lae's Liver
Regulator removes all these troubles. TrRH
bottles free at Thomas' Drug Store.
A good many people think that there
ought to bo moro fasting and praying,
but they want some one else to do It.
A contented spirit is better than n
bank account of seven figures.
Tu Fulplt and th'Stog.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor UntUd Brethren
Church, Blue. Wound, Ken., iaj: "Ifwlltiay
duty to toll what wonders Dr. King's Ntw Df
corery has done for nt. My lungs wore testy
diseased, and my parishioners thought I 9M
llva only a few weeks. I took Ave btittcs f r,
King's New Difcovery soao and wall,
gaining SO Ibi. In weight,
Arthur Love, manager leva's Fanny; Ftlki
Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial
and convincing evlnssse, I am onfiaMfc Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consumption, ts
'em all, and curts when everything elio t&Ss.
The greatest kindness I can do my many tkoas
and friends Is to urge them to try It." Fres
trial bottles at BEliEK'S Drug Store. Regala
stiei tco. and 1 1.00.
The man who does not believe In re
vivals never has any very hard battles
with tho devil.
The less a mnn knows the more he
finds fault with other people.
BnciUen's Aral c a Sly.
Tbe HEST Salve In tbe world tor cuts, brusca,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, ftrcr sorM, tafK
cbapped hands, chilblains corns and all sflst
eruptions, and positively cures piles, or a p
required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect saiw
faction, or money refunded. Frlc J eeattptr
box. l'or sale by HKUttU druggist
If you haven't got religion enough to
sustain you in trial, how do you know
that you haro any?
A hA'docrito's mouth has more death
in it than that of a mad dog.
Two Tear Ago!
I was a tight to behold and was nnakl t
enjoy life at all. Now I am tka plrtir f
health and can eat anything. What' did ltf
Sulphur Slttsri cared me of Dyspepsia aa
Liver Complaint, after suffering two yean.
W. H. Bowman, Uanchesttr, N, B.
The German army is using hore-shoes
mads out of paper.
Siam is to have a W00.000 eUctrlo rail
way thirty miles long.
Th 'Worlds Fair.
The excitement canted br this grsat iyt
is scarcely equalled by that produted by la
great discovery of Dr. Miles th Sestark
tiye Nervine. It speedily cures nerves
prostration, change of life, pain, dolhicsa
and confusion in head, ills. tleeplec8ess,tk
the blues, neuralgia, palpitation, .jaonlhly
pains, etc. C W. Snow A Co., f Byraoust,
N. Y., Tolbott and Moss, of Greensbury,
Ind., and A. W. Blackburn, of Wootter, Q.,
say that "The Nervine tells better than say
thing we ever told.and gives universal satis
faction." Dr. Miles' new illustrated treatise
on the Nerves and Heart and trial botUa
free at T. P. Thomas and W. F. Blsry,
Drug Store.
Giro a man that which ho particular
ly longs for, and In fire mlnutofl he
lougs for something else.
The smollor the town you llvo in, the
more people thore aro interested when
you got your hair out.
Hold it to tb Light.
The man who tells yon confidentially last
what will curs your cold Is prescribing Keats '
ualsam this year. In tbe preparation ot on
remarkable medicine for coughs and. colds Mm
expense 1 spared to combine only tke best and
purest ingredients, nold a bottle ot Kemp'
balsam to tbe light and look through Iti inn
the bright, clear look, then compare with other
remedies, ltrge bottle at all druggists, so
cents and II. ttainple bottle free.
A Missouri man, aged ninty-three, hi
uttlng a new sot of teeth.
A London Journal proposes the rab
bit as a wool-producing animal.
D. A. Slaght, of Buffalo, N. Yhaaa
oat which weighs twenty-eight pound
Every tissue of the body, every bone,
musolo and organ, Is made stronger and
moro healthful by tho uso of Hood's
For every man in love thore are 090
men who think they aro.
A woman will givo up everything for
love except the, man she lores.
You oan make a martyr ot the mean
est man on the earth by killing him.
The beat friend a man has is the
friend who makes him tho least trouble.
Deal in flattery if you would learn
how few people ore not subject to vanity.
After a man has met bis disappoint
ment he is very apt to confound wit
with sarcasm.
The surest way to become poor in
earnest Is to try to keep all you get.