ha Victoria. Attstrell. I M oarnattou u meet ear free. aled tbat Mr. H. J. Moon, of I bow la his a xtv asooad yur, ta .lbs original p Longfellow' I "Village uiaeismtui,' At the Lee Anselei fair on of the curio IUm waa b oacttmbsrssven feet long. It wss 09UM ilka ItrpbaBI. Two aoft-abtlled rem connected bT lltr- ebt of th material as the abell, where Hid th other dj by a ban la Pw, A Sensible Uu Would We Kehb'o Balsam for the Throat anrt LtnK). It IS curing more casestit Coutht, Colli Astbma, Bronchitis. Croup and nil Throat anr juint irouoiea tiuih any oilier meaicme. mi arnnrtefenr hsji ai.tlinrir.-d anv rtrucvlst to rlvi youja Sample Dottle Free to convince you of thi odl, One-Mventh of the land owner In Oreal Britain in women, Msxloo will soon adopt the mettle aya . of weights and tneuarw. ' " "icil irv. and Urer Villa. An important discovery. They act 01 thtllroi-.-itomach 'and boels through th atrvco, A new prluciple. They speedl euro biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile and constipation Splendid for men, women asMcUlldren. Smallest, mildest, aurest. o, doles for 25 centa. 8a,mples free at T. I) Thomas and W. F. Sierra Dru Store. Tbl two most preoldus tbloga on tbl lie of the: grate are oar reputation au. our life. Bat it is to be Umeuted that lb. moat contemptible wisher may depriv. us of to one, and the weakest weapo of Jh other. A wise man therefore wn bempre anxious, to idesetT a fair nam UumbJ to' posses it, and tbla will lean him klso to live aa not to be afraid to ii anjtlmt.' A Ureat Battle Is constantly golnr on In the hitman svsten when you suffer with consumption, coughs u olds; they strive to ruin health and draK vl Urn J to the crave. Take timely warnluir urn usf .Can .Una. Cough and Consumption Curi rrtse 23 and bo cents. Dr. Leo's Liver Itegulator Is a sure cure fa dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn. Indigestion end au kidney complaints. Trial bottles free u Itiomas' Drug Uf ore. it . i 1 Keonomy la a Virtue which la need.d Terywbere. No matter if persona get nt er have large iucomsa, tber should I oonomleal. 'To waate i wioked. Then are better wava to spend money ana goon than to waate thsnv It la the poorest u thsyoan be pat to. .Cpoch, Tne transition rrom ionic, lingering and pain fal slekneis to robust health marks an epoch h the life of the Individual.. Suoh a ramarkati. vent Is tratsared in the memory and the ageno) whereby the good health das been attained li ratelally bleind. Hence It is that so much i Esardia-ptatsslof Electrie liltters. Ho man miu uib unit auBrmiTB anu iomo, Ir vii are troubled with any disease or kldntil, Ifvti rriwiBHii, ui igni ur luort lunulas; sou wi sorely And rBll.r nv ui. or Hiectria Htttrk Bold at Me. 'and t.00 per bottle at BElibR't vnB tire. Pari. Ky., olaima to be tba lamest liv taak'ey market in the world, and that fat ia attaetlvely set forth in an advertiaemet ef advantages ocounni to lbs forinnate pel am who are wise enoog to livoanywher. ill. Grandmother Baysl ITben she was a girl that her mother al ways .give ber'solpbur and mola&iesto ourlfj her.bjood.but abe now Rives Sulphur Bitten to) ber grandchildren, as It la tbe the besi uedlclna she ever saw Tho Father, It la estimated that If all the tobaco used in France dnring a single year wer twisted Into a cord two inches in thlokneai- It would be lone enough to encircle th' earth thirty times, following the line to tbt equator. May Thank iter stars. The narrow escape of Mrs. B. M Searle cf Itlkhart, Ind., from a prematuredeatli f Wonderful.. 8io states that "for twent Tear my iearttrouWed me greatly. I bl cams' worse. Had smothering spells, shor breath, fluttering could not sleep on my lei side, hail much Pain in Brest, shoulder an etonuch. Ankles swelled. Had much head ache and dirtiness. Treatment did me n. good, until I tried Dr- Miles'New Hear. Cure and Restorative Nerve. The first but tie bolped roe.and I was soon virtually curei- For sal at T. D. Thomas and W. F. Bierj drugstore, A fine book on tbe Heart am. Kervwree. -st- .Frsdrick Baonoe Of Readlns, Penn aoddeiily experlenoed a loss of weight frni 116 to eigblysix pounds, and aoon afti-r ward found tbe cause of it to be fii liCSirds that have been living in hisstom o forabae time. rhave been troubled with chronic ca tarrh for years, Ely's Cream Balm is tin only reme ly atuonc the manv that I huvi used that affords me relief. E. W. Willaid. Sruggist, Jollett, III. I have ben troubled with catarrh for tei years and have tried a number remedies. but found no relief until I purchased a bottle of Ely'a Cream Balm. 1 consider ii the most reliable preparation for calaril and cold in the head Geo. E. Cntudall P. M.;,Quon6chawnuug, R. T, Each section of our great onuntry ba i "SDMia'tt" which ia more or leas dsslrucl Its to tha productiveness of the soil;uol only this but to tbe general welrare of tb human family. A oheertol, wife makes a bsppy bom , baoanse the emottou la contagious, ant alssostuuaoh'cldnsly tbehonssbold is bapp In response, bceauso every member ofth fatally ia cheerful by the genial influence o laeTwifeand mother. Do Yea suffer with chilblains? -T certify to the prompt relief, obtained irom the use I tfaivauon-ijil lor chilblains, and do not haslUCs to 'recommend It as the best cure 1 var tried. U. IIOOD. 749 W. Pratt 8t. Baltimore. Md- "What fine cblsel could ever vet cut bresthr' and yta hard.vaxlng cough is cut all to bits with one bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, the favorite, Gloves with - webs between tbe flnaen- art a new invention intended to aid tbe wlramaxa In getting a better pnrobas ca tba water tbaa can be given by tbe bare asao. A Pennsylvania bona thief, reosntly osptnred, bad a memorandum of maut owners of many valuable-bora, and maps auowicg aTery roau in ine eastern part ol ana nulla. Tha two dauehtera of tba Rnantili Queen are nine and aevan yeara old, re- specuvtir- loav U1K Bpauiab, French Ostntan and English flnsntiy and are strong, awafisj;iesiujpnuareo. Habits art lass easily acquired in malar Ufe,tbaaln yoalhi bat even tben tbelr nrmauon la not impossible If w oan only an ibb rigm doiivs. ii may not alwav. be tba baat In itself, bat the best thai Has power at tba time, and for tbat Indi VidBal. An Iron slsvatsd railway, ranoh Ilk- the New Tork pattern, six miles long, Is u oooairncuon in iiiver mwtw aus can are 10 ufl woraea rjv aeeAt.i J , . , - "n f' aiirtr . ' T,con? ' ' 1S3M vaat nai-. aaaAnif. anil ,t.,m a. il rata of 3000 fast per second. It would take a column of ateam fifteen rails in height to prodaoo a pressnr of flfisin poaoas. i1 " rsdlnj( far LMKoas Around Irt'nJaXtna- Sal? seuintrroQ river banks, winch five them Mrttktb.titsof malaria Impiegnata the air. and ara i-hall at .nrr h.ih t. .h, a. MprovIdBd with anv adeaaatasafeauardaMin.tl tt baneful Influence. Tet snch exlit-potenl UKeu remedy or to proveot, pur In Its con- PHiBaj-na vas proiessionauy recognized auoatmKcior ine nawm drux. ou n Ine. In waana tm K.MtjittAra fttnn,a..K Til. . 1, . mdll and a.fn.m r... ... I. antldiiu to malaria, but also uiuii.i jftrBn,H rsntoTlm dyspewla, and rtlieilDg wseptjwiiPBi uvsr compuunt, rheums tlim, Udney nt bladdtr aliments, and nsrvonsness. AtsoBf inviieraats uukrsthsnrst pise and, I doubtless baa en axe to grind, but it tsjAj sap tpfrtiiv. Vh it i7ttsuli.dcWt follow that you must turn tbs A 6KRMON VKUM TUB HKNCH. A Chief Justice Ordaf a Chnroli Bold lo ry tlis l"ri)elir. Chief Justice Bleckley, who hns won a reputation for eccentric departure in supreme court decisions, in deciding- llmt tJiO Antlocli, Uu., Baptist cliurcli muit be Bold to pay the salary of the preaohor says: 'If any debt ought to lie pMd. it is ono contracted for the health uf souls, for pious ministrations, and lioly services. If any class of debtors ought to pny, ns n matter of moral ns welt as legnl duty, the irood people of tlio Oiirlstinu church are that class. Ni church can have any hlglier obligation resting upon it tlinu that of belnir jusL The.study of justice for more than 40 years lias impressed mo with the supremo importance of this grand and noble virtue. Some of the virtues are In the naturo of moral luxu ries, but this la an absolute necessity of social Ufa. "It is the hoe and hominy, the bnoon and beans, of morality, public and pri vate. It is tbe vxnet virtue, being mathematical in Its nature. Mercy, pity, charity, gratitude', generosity, magnanimity, eta, are the liberal vir tues. They flourish p irtly on voluntas concessions made by the exact virtue, hut they have no right to extort from it any unwilling concession. Tlioy can only supplicate or persuade. A man can not give lu charity or pity, hospi tality or magnanimity, the smallest part of what Is necessary to enable liini to satisfy tho demands oi justice. in law grants exemptions of prop. erty to families, but none to private cor porations or collective bodies, lay or ecclesiastical. These mifst pay their legal debts If they can. All their prop erty, legal and equitable, is subject Vfv think; a court may well consii'itlu tills church to do justice. It Is certainly tin energotio measure to soli the church to I ay the preacher, nor would it be al lowable to do so If other means of satis fying the debt were within reach. " Nine Qnaru of Hot Watar fur Una Cant. me nickel in tne uioc muciiine lms found a very useful adaptation in Pari-, where a new app.rutus lias recently been sat up at several points lu the pub lie streets for the purpose of supplying not water. A small .tructureli utilized as a bill. board for ad ertisiug placards, and at a convenient . oiut a faucet pro jects. Near tho faucet is a slot, nud lieside the slot a button. To use the ap paratus a pall is .ilaced beneath the faucet, a fhe centimes piece (equivalent in site and value to uue of our old fash ioned copper cunts) is dropped in the slot, the button is nuslied. audiorthwitl a jot of steaming ho water gushes from tho faucet into the pail, running until nine qiiurts have licim delivered, when the steam stopi automatically. llio interior (if tne a.-iiamtus Is partly occupied by a coil f pipe, within which is a gas burner, exactly as iu contriV' aucos U'cd in this country for heating water quic kly. The coll commuiiiottes with thn city uuler supply, so that the water drawu Is ai ays fresh. The gas is not vnsieu by iHi'Ug Ucpt burning al the time, hut i-i lighted by tho i're:-aiiig if the button which oi ens- the faucet, and the nulomatio closing of the faucet und shuttiuj.' nir thu gas aflor the pailful oi water has been delivered nre easily effected by devices In common u e. O it uf the chipf usui uf this new iustitutio is the lilllng of hot water caus whici. the cub drivers place In their carriages iu cold weather to warm their patrons feet. Ciiuirliea nu Cr Vt heels. Tho touiui no thei li is a null known theme of tlm ilranni. hut the chinch on wheels is a moiloiii iilit,L Two chapels. built after the inuiiiier of Fullniun bleep ing cars, in which loligious i-ftviccs wt be held, nre toun to Isa lulioiliicod oi the railroads if the u est. One is citlleu 'The Calbedial Cur," and was re cently complu'i'd at IJio Pullmaii works at the order of the rrotn-taiit Kpiscopa bishop of North Dakota. Two win ions, protecting from Ihu center of the Becoud roof on e.vli mile, ulth foil panes end auntrcfnll at the npex of the arch, givu the car the appearance of n cathedral. A private upurtinent, nine by six, witli foldlug bed and nppropri ate furnishings,- is set apart, leaving spaco for a chapel GO fcot by uiue. Tlier is a sma'l pliilforiu, with clinir, fir the bishop, and uliar for conimunicnutH witli n lecture and au audience room provided with btatlonary chairs that will accommodate CO people. Camp riinlrs may Le placed lu the aisle to seal SO more. The other car is the Independent sug gestion of Dr. Waylnud Hoyt, of Mill- neapoli. Its espouse wilt be met hv Colgate Ilnyt and G U Colby, of New York city. lis dimensions v 111 ho'Oj feet by 10. Eighteen Icet will be re served for a livlug apartment rind the rest arranged as a chapel fur puhlii worshliv Two Baptist missionaries will be permanently employed as preachem for the car. iliese cathedral cars wil be attached to freight trains und will visit overy hamlet of the West. An Xtg Ihat UrouEht a Ilunbanct A proposal canio to a pretty Maine scnooi teacher In U very novel manner. While at her father's home iu Sidney, c few yeara azo. she wrote her name nud address upon an egg, which she seoured in all Its warm freshness from the ma ternal nest. The eirc went to market. ana the fact that it bore an inscriptio was f rgotten. In the course of weeks ; letter came to the schoolma'am. aud to her amazement she learned that that particular egg bad hatched s trance re sults. The son of a bic commission merchant In a Massachusetts city had seen the name and had written to say that "it the young lady was ns pretty as her name lie would uue to form more Inti mate acquaintance." With the ciiarac teriatic modesty ot the Maine school ma'am, our heroine dbcouraged the ad vances of the atranjrely ocaulred ad mirer. However, ho was persistent, and came don n to Matuo. It is to be sup- .pnsea that he found his ideal, for an en gagement and .weildiiii! followed lu quick succession. L n Iston Journal. A Solid atone from Oranlta China. A new material for huildinir nurnosea is now made from fragments of cranite finely crushed, molded into form, and afterward burned aud hardened. To oil appearances It is as hard end strong ana aurauie as the original atone from wiiiz-i, ii fMi-monfa ti i- ' " ....K...VUM Mimn .iicib u, I elosa resemblanoa to tha anlid atnnu. th f oolor and texture of which are quit I . , - . .. . accurately reproduced. It is claimed that by tills process all kinds ot orna mental arcniteciurai lorms can be nro- duced at a cost much less tlinu the cost of cutting from solid rook. The saving t. - 1 -. I . u 1 i , t . fr-1 ,, , ot "l Bra"" " duplicated by i,,ii.i .!, ,.. , .1 . , 7ry,D8 ths molded forms, thus r.1v Uam a fine surface at a trifling cost " compared with polished granite. It I M possible to utlllcs avast amount ot gram" chips and waste material by I anon process as mis. I ""w -lIUrT, Don't worry whether the man who "ays nice things to you ificans them or 1 noc ins jaot tuat lie tabes tbe pains I to say them is a compliment E Cores Iili-ov Complaint, Bilious Affec- AXADOR; TIOIIS, LiOSS Ot Appetite, Sick Ucadaoho,Siclc Stomach, Gid dlness.Costire. ness.Dyspepria Kldneytronblo AXADOR and all delicate Pemalo Com plaints. Sold every whore. Price 23 ocnts. DREXEI1AGD1Q6NE Fragrant I iip Lasting 1 he Leading Petfume forihe Tclletand HandKeicnler. Bold by all dealers. Price 25 cto. BVBBInHa.lJlllJIWWBUUHVI"Ui " Prlct enty !S eti Sold bu dlirugghtt. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,B,'uisos,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Soros, burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites, Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. MirMLA"" riuua. ra enn loeoccoifo Lnclr tldof.Prlca lOCtt. At an atuaalitt. A STAIV1PEDE. CorratliDs & irove of honrs eircs you plenty o! irorlt for boats. You don't Have time lo think what tbe weather fs. You let everything slide, till tho work Is over. Bat the cowboy is never un prepared. When this "picnic happens, what ever iue wcAiticr, ns 19 noi urenenca ana v ei 10 the ttdn before it over, because he Is always provided with a " Fish Brand Pommel Slicker." with one ct these saddle coats on, you can't ret tret if yoa try. Your entire saddle will be Inside the COat. and ft will he drv. tnn. Did vntl pvh Irv the r-rnmcl Slicker 1 just try one, they cost ry little. Then no more colds, fevers, rheuma tism, Rod other results to erposure of weather. Every raiment stamped with " Fish Brand n Trade Marie Don't accept any Inferior coit when you can have the "Fish Brand Slicker" delivered nithout extra cost Particular and illustrated catalogue tree. A J. TOWER. Boston, Mo&s. n l-M- .A. The Slost Snecessfnl nemedy everdUoov (red, as It Is certain In Its effects and docs not Ulster. Read proof below i KENDALL'S SPAVJH CURE. Bslvessom, Piu, Nov. 27, Vk Da. B. J. EcirDiu. Co. : Gent-1 would like to make known to those who era almost nerau&did to use Kendall's Snnvln Curo the face that I think Ulsa most excellent Liniment. I have used tton it BloodSpavjit Theborse went on three leg for three years when 1 commenced to use your Kendall'a Spavin Cure, I used ten bot tles on the horaa and have worked him (or three years usee ana nas not oeen tame. Yours truly, WU. A CURL. OsaMiVTowir, K. Y Nov. 2, 1SS3, Piu B. J. Ekxiull ca. Enosburch Falls. Vt OenUi In pralsoof Kendall's Bpavln Cure Xwlll cay. that a year ago I had n valuable you nit horse be come very lame, bock enlarged and ewollvn. The horsemen about here (we have no Vetrrtuary 6ur areon here) Dronounced his lameness Blood ttoavln or Thorough pin, ihey all told me there waa no euro lor ii ue utrctunaDuout ukhm.,adii i cow siaerea nim almost worm less, a mend told ine oi ine menta or your Keonaira spavin jure, so bought a bottle, and I could see very plainly great im proTrmcnia immeajai ei j i rum us use,ana oe; ifora tne Dome was used up i waaaatianei dolnehlmasTeatdcalof Rood.. I boi bottle, and before U was used up i cured and haa been In the team dolm nt It WPI I bouRht a second, up my horse waa all the season since last Aprtl, showing no mere Siena of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure' a valuable medlclneand tt should be In every MAUWUtUlO iBUUt .UMUWUllllTTUUri, EUQGNIi. BEWITT. Price 91 per bottle, or tlx bottles for $X Alldms (Uts have It or can get it for you, or It will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the propria fX. DU. 15. J. It END ALL. CO., Enoabursh Falla, Yermon.4 SOLD BY ALL DIIUGGISTS. 3k -TUwuaiiUs tiuvj cee pennaneuily cuied by fflt-TOJW.erfi3 rillLAUEI.l'IUA.l'A. Ea eatonccnooperatlon uriuMfi: umn i rum uusies, uawprunouiici iu CURE GUARANTEED. Acvicein'o. OflLolivurwtoS; Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDROtl CP 3 t o MsmnowTt yeras of age. Was astorlentof Medlcln and Surgery for seven years under the ramnus Dr. Nelson, and alter ten vcurs' hard -.tudy and lu conwllatlou with seven ot the moat emineai imjrsiuittii. iu tne cuy oi riiuoaelplili 1111:0 inn, . ii..,- iiisdu.cicu IUB so-called Ineuiahle disease. It can no louner b doubted that the snlne can be cured; that paralysed limbs can be restored 10 their natural use. and general deullltv cured, fongestlon ut th brain, apoplexv. results of sun- nroneiiruwowuni cakes 01 rneutuallHnl. st't- stlca, nmrahrla. liver oomplaliit, IliUhts' dls- -aiKoi ine Kiuiirys, inn ana none aiseuse. ca tarrh, bronchitis, chrniilo dsentery. and sc-i-alled heart disease and dlphterla. all entirely iMired with pure medicines nt im own pre para rloii, II used proerly as directed. Duiius nine yMtrs over 16,000 persons in this rltv alone have used these medicines aud are livinz witnesses ol thoir wortb. All tlirir names tan he obtained hv calling at tbe office and lab oratory ol Professor Doudron, No. im Noith Tenth btrcM, Philadelplila. I was raysell in jured In the spins anil paralyzed Iur seven years aud pronounced Incurable by seven ot the most able physicians and sui aeons ol this cl y. 1 am now well and healthy, bavins cured myself wltb my own inedlein Do not llatrii to those prejudiced atnlnst tm nrnvvmeatlu medicine and die. when you van be saved. I will nor go Into practice myself, beliix over ei years ol ag, but will sell my medic. nr-. 1 nave two eminent physicians connected hb me to attend to calltntt at the residences ol the ick 11 required. Otxae one, earns all auSerers and be restored to ho&Ub, cured by these ware medlciues and thus see experience and believe (or vonrselves. OIBee and Laboratory open daliv trom T AM.. toa-OuP. M. Call or write ALKXAVDBK BOU St(iV, V. vatb sJ.rPhadclllaVP. - Weissport Mm Directory. U. S. KRESGB, In the Old tnt OITlee Itulldlnff. Floe aod Medium Shoes for Ladles, Hen and diiiaren at the very lowrat price. NewltuUlMrs Inserted InOaltersat from 40 to 00 cents. All kinds ot TtepnlrlnK Neatly, Cheaply and and rroinptly attended to. HAND-MADE BU0T8 & SHOES lull A UMUOlll EABT-SHAVB, AMD A Stylish JJaiu Out, 00 TO II'. F. BsltANQ THE DARBEU, Over the Canal Drldce. Pf VP x v Cash Jlu jer. rro to A. F. lXYrER, nd buy jour Organs, ri.mosewlng Machines Wrlu&crs, Washing Muclilncs. ImplementK. limps of all kinds. It will pay you o get pi leer nm mebeforo buying. I can save you mono M. FLORY, Innufacturerol II' LKvlJS THEt ALL IN NEW 1 .Tbe ADVOCATE' anil Dealer In IAKNCSH,rpi.f.AUS IlLANKKla, VIUPS, KI.Y-NET8, uaioiii, CLEAN INDEPENDENT. Head 111 CC.. AC., ac. VV 111TE -o- ST1EHET. R. J. HONCEN, Tractionl Wagon Builder. Itepairing Neatly and Cheaply Done a Very iiensonauie rricts. eneral Agent for the Gllbarth Patent Adjust ablu Can late 1'ole, und DealiT lu IlugKlv. mid I'nrts. M. O Kuntz. HA1U . DOI'IINl. 1KD Chiu end l.fliininuii- elssuort UrhlRC. SMOOTH SHAVING Dealer in SoleLfaili- In the very htuhest r, Finlhlieil lair Sklns, Kip and Up Style o Timsorlai An At HOllNS per l.eailier, Harness Leather, etc. lllKhcst prices raid for Hides, SKI us Si Tallow. SniviNo . . IHLot Try Hlml IJIRANKMN II011SH, E.VST WEISSPORT, TENN'A. rills bouse oilers nrst-closs accommodations r io permanent hoartler und transient guesi 'nnlo prices, only One Dollar per day. ug7-iy John Hkiiiuo, Proprietor. Oscar Cliristman, WEISS POUT, PA. Livery and Exchange Sialic. uisy riding carriage) and sate drlvlnit horses lest accommodations to nirents and travellers vlall aud telegraph orders promptly attended ti five ine n trial. ina21-l The - Weissport - Bakery, O. W. LAUItY. PEOPKIETOn. Delivers Fresh Dread and Cakes in Weissport. jxiuguion unu vicinities every uay. In the storoi have a Vine Line of Confectioner irine iionuay iraue. sunuay scjiuuisauu lew vais si ppueu at lowest prices. urf- Over Canal into E. Tmspl UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN URN TURE. PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES. ., e. Prices the very lowest. Quality ol oods the best. Hatlstactlon guaraiiteed.il very particular. Jagkbt.3, Colilna and Shrouds Wo have n full line which we will furnish i tie lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, 8tc, Hie choicest quality at very reasonable prides. an aim ue couvinceu. JOSEPH P. REX, vurlMT EAST WEISSPORT. SO East Weissport, Pa. WHOLESALE DEALER IS 3reen Groceries,Fruits )ysters, Ornngrs, l.emons,Ppti ints, Apples, Sweet F'otntoes onft-ctions,. Cigars, &c , &c Vur. prices on all goods are' a- ov a city prices and you save lie freight. Call at our siort jt'fore buying elsewhere. AX,. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and Vatdnnaker, Bank Street, Lehighton, Vinna .tespectlnlly Invites the attention of bis friend uuuiue cmzeus gcucranv 10 ins iruincnse new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely it Prices that defy competition. It will nav-von o call and Inspect my slock before pure)iaiu aiacn ucrc. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all wort guaranteed. Don't Forget tlie Place. SIGN OP THE BIG WATOH Rank St Lehighton. Dm man SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE farUUalMB. KO WilTUfl lot RlStLTS. Dm mi kj taULtMlMt m Mttaa. U jcbmIM, itm.t u4 Certain. Mi r U tU rwmlt U ut ntUt M.H. A 0MIom lU nxtt uindMl, Prlei W fttl 1 ou f u incftot, or 17 bmU. stnrw Free " 'mr UK. K. bCHIFFM ANrlv Eb PmI. KIIai. SfTVsr UttM mm boald U Ukn Tf HOT wltU Memonn Beldin's I tintriMl tiirmlf t r"TTtttr inii ! tha nfitTiifBrtimi l M Tri 1 1 bftTvr fklLad. Unit NOW fiom yrr dnijjUl nitu pcwltr W mktl fur twi. niftAST CO- UMAICAiHT ossph F. Rex "Thank ran, no othr droaaUm for m tmt Wolffs Blacking If you unci rontctistomers ir dise&Usfitd ithl tt is bocAQM jrera did net know hot to t it. Aft PatnL JtnS II ohm frnUing Skirt fet Pile-Ron, "AfcA wiuftTMN oto ncw purnitun Tamt WILb STAIN OUII AND CHINAWAftk ol Uf WILL STAIN TlNWAftC Sltttt will stain toun Old Babrctm time W'LLBTAIN 8ABTCttAeH AN WOLFF t$ RADOOLPII, Pblladelpbl. $Tfie Greatest Blood Purifier A Tills Great German Medicine Is Voaff, chenpest nml hi"t. 121 dotes of 8VL-f PIIUHDlTTi:ilSforSI.OO,lessthanjr 5 one rent n dose. It will cure tho ff m worst cases or sum uiseaso. from M common pimple on the facejg to that awful disease Scrofula. OUI.11IUU illllllilU) IS UlUf best medicine to use In all enscs of such stubborn nuffYaur JCId. uccp senteri uiseascs. iJoWnevsnrcoat not ever toko ZmV,! 0 BLUE PILLS .ULPHUita ormercury,theyaradead""iViS ly. l'laco-your trust 10?,?,?,? aULPHUIt BITl'EUS, J;mftl" wuat tho purest and bettSf's' ,lso incillclue ever made. Snlnnne T!!llrl Wl,ToUIToBgIisCoated''"'"'" " " ta withaycllowstlckya'Don't vralt nntlt yon substance? Isyourwaro unable to walk, or breath foul andaro flat on your back, offensive? Yourrbutgetsomeat once.lt stomach Is outwwlll euro you. Sulphur ot onlcr. TJsenBlttcrs la 8ULPHOTI ..i.-t mf..i n I1ITTEUSA' xuu S""U'u - i i lfu'j. !iln,mn.1lntAlM7l.M.n- .1 1 I .... Is your Ur-4rtcring are soon maile well by Ino tlnck.jWita use. ICcmcmhcr what you ropy, clo-firrcad here, ltmar save your ucly, CTffate It has saved hundreds. jty ruon'twaitunui to-morrow, O r ff Try a Bottlo To-day la Are rnu low.SDlrltcd and weak. for euffcilufr from the excesses of Vvouth7 It so. SULPUUU iUTXKItS k : win cure yuu. Semi 3 C-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway It Co., Boston, Mass., for best medlcalworkiiuGllfthcUr Read the Advocate. -at the Central Drug Store OPP. THE PUBLIC) SQUARE Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., 13 HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c., &c. choicri Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorations Spectacles ! when you buy a pair of Shoes you wants ,-ood fit. But if you need SPECTACLES It It nucli more Important that the EYE should bt icoominodated with correct lenses anda proper. rutins ir.iuie which will bring the lenses ill net ly before the centre of the eye. It vou buj .mi Bj'cintica ut, ut. tiurus vou wiu una tnt .uuye irviius propeny utieuaea to. PERSCRIPTIOKS CaefDlly IComnMuCi A pamphlet of information andab-l Llincia loo iana,BuuninB xiow io UDtAin ratenis, mveni i, i'mA voprrirrnia, mi iJ'-A awiBi munis a. tiu. . xaui uroaawnr. new 1 flrK. , Stoves, Tinware, f Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Grater's fopular Store, Bank Street. Hoofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished on short notiee Iteasonabln! Purely local in our aim. A TKAIt I I BBSwIafc I Wbftf Uufc may tMj IwIIU(vmi pnu r4lhr MX, k cm rwd wd tft.ttd k, ftr IHmHm. UI work ImiihiImiI,. kaw le .an, 1 kr lkiu. iMtlmr. tnlhalrDIBlae.ll(lu Mlk.MVHlhHll.. 1 wilt .lu hnJA Ult St,lljG or omiikjioouMI wMrh Jmu MB Mm tboloiiMMIatt So Mono BrtnHtiliMOMOi.Mnilaaobooo. riallfaod4oill kit, ouo orotvar Itora ooeti oSorrici Hu.nlr. 1 !. olrooil I. .uittbor. wbo ara makUc ovor SIMM o raaroocS. lloNV "I"' WO WM .PaOIIHOOt O . ina nua.oir. run ,nd IIUI,III. I paruwluaFlti;!;. i SSroaa ol ooiao. U. V. A.l.Li;. llox 0. Aueutta, Mulu. THEPOLICE GAZETTE Is tbe ouly llluitrated paper In the world containing all the latest ensalloealaod sport us news. No saloon keeper, barber or club mora can afford to be without It. It always makes trlenda wherever It toes. Mailed to any address In the Ualted States wcurcly wrapped. 13 weeks forfl. bend live cents tor sample copy. Richard K. Fox, FranUllntQuars, New Tork Clty.p UODKTSMfP IM JAPAN. Mediation the Most Usaal rorm. bnl Puttry and tTe Hona. I-ermliolble. In Japan, oourtahlp ia regulated by maiiy eurloits oustonra, It Is oarrled on 1 1 many different wars, but tlio most iiuai ono le liy mediation. Tiie duty of the mediators is to Investigate and in form ono party lo regard to tlio nron. uity, reputntloo, and character of the other. A tor this investigation there is ft meeting of the persons intending to ninrnrana mere they nre Introduced to each other. They may promise to marry at this time, but before the final consent Is given ench one must Investigate the other's diameter. If both are satisfied tlio marriage ceremony wilt bo per formed ly the help of the medlatora. nnd the name ot the contracting parties must be recorded In the official register. This is considered ns a civil contract; lit some instances children are betrothed to each other by their repec(Ivo parents wneu more babies, but of course sucli an engagement is voidable when tiro chil dren become of age. The employment of mediators la a necessary one; all the people in J pan are obliged to follow this method, notwithstanding their rank In society. The service of the middle man is considered very honorable, and the Japanese term for this Is "inusu buenokami," which means a god of con nection ot the opiostte sex. Among middle clnst people there is poilllvely no courtship between the partial them selves. With the higher classes court ship by poetry is in vogue. There are two binds of this poetry. "Bhl and Uta. " The gentleman sends poems to the lady, and she replies In poetry. The following Is a translation ot a cele brated answer: "The first tilom bottom of tha Iil of Onoshln. This night shall ope, my lord, for you. euouiu yon long to know all the ebarmi ot this flower. Come singing to the moon at the hour of mid night." An allusion to the moon or flowers al ways stands for the word love. The fol lowing is a fine conceit attributed to a gny youug ludy: "Parted and from thee, IgRzeiipo't the heavenly vault, How delightful were It for me. Could but the moon turn to a mirror." Among the lower classes flirting is practiced by the use of the fan or hand kerchief, or with a wave ot the right linnd, with palms downward, or by the fair charmer waving her long sleeves. Instead ot winking, tlio, convey the same meaning by tu itching the left corner of the mouth or rolling the eye balls to the right or loft. Jealousy is expressed by erecting the two fore Angers on tho forehead, In Illusion to the ninnstor, Tho courtship of the lower class ot young men and women ia on Ilonnml, or picnic day, and on that tiny one can hear whispering be hind tha trues or flowers, but no kiss ing or slinking of hands. If they did such n thing they would bo excluded from the society of their order. Middle class people could not go so far even as tills; (hoy are always endeavoring to pveserve their reputation on account of their social standing; The celebration ot a marriage ceremony is required not by the law, but by Bocloty. There are several forms, but usually the first step is "yulno," or tho exchange of presents nt tlio time of the espousal, usually of fish. belt, fan, tuonsy, etc., which consists of seven articles, a-i the number of seven is considered a fortunate one among all classes. After the exchange of presents a few days are sultered to elapse and then is celebrated the marriage cere mony. This Is not performed in the cliurcli, but tuUes place in the house, as the people think the church the place ror funerals and not for merry making. The expense of the ceremony varies ac cording to the social standing of the parties. Tlio married couple do not take their honeymoou trip until two or three days after the wedding; it is gen orally nothing more than a visit to the theater or a hot spring resort, ot which there are many in Japan. Tlio wedded pair very seldom separate from tho par ents, but lire near thorn, though not in the same house. When the parents be come old and fee Lie, the children are obliged to make them a comfortable home called "Jnklo," which literally translated moans a resting place. This is customarily built in the same place by the son. At a certain age the parent generally turn over as a gift their entire prop -rty to their son. Mr, raruolt as a Playwright, Mr. Parnell is known to a good many Australians in a character in which he has never figured on the northern side of the equator that of dramatlo author. For more than five years a piny entitled "Shamrock Green. By Uliarles Stewart rurnell, ti-q., M. f,, has enj yed prodigious favor among provincial audiences in the colonies. The lucky exclusive proprietor of this piece boasts ot having already netted 3.0 JO by It Whether recent events will add to or diminish its popularity remains to be seen. Its proprietor an Irishman, by the way has never yet ventured to produce it In Melbourne or Sidney, doubtless from a shrewd sus picion that the dramatic critics of these capitals would want to know some thing more about its history and ante cedents than the bald announcement on the play bills that "Mr. Parnell wrote this play when a young man at college. ' Provincial presrmen are not so un pleasantly skeptical, and the Irish men and women of the interior towns con' sider It a patriotic duty to roll up In their hundreds to sea "Mr. Pornell's Iba Adventures of a 1'lelurB. Here Is a tallo setting forth the strange, eventful etor of the apprecia tion of Millet's "Angelua. " The picture has been bought, by the way, not for the gnlleiy of tho Louvre, as has been stated, but for the rivate gallery of M. Cliauchaid, who was formerly director ot the Mngaslns de Louvre (henoe the contusion): Sold by the painter to M Fey ileau Who sold it to M, Blanc, of Mon aco . a s Wlio parsed it on to Mr. Stevens, who so d It to M. Van Praet a a 73 120 200 When, after pairing through sev eral hands, it was bought by M. Wilson 15,200 At whose sale M. Becre tan bought it 8,400 At whose salo th American as sociation bid 13,000 While M. Proust, for the Drench government, bid . 3,120 Chamber refuted the money. Pict ure went to America, and has now been sold to M. Chauchard for 60,000 A Novel run of Irrigation. An important experiment has been made in the province of the Don Co sacks, Russia, by M. Sberebsov. He collected the water from rain and the melttug ot snows Into two pools, hold ing together about 1,872,000.000 cublo feet, and dUtributed it among the fields In spring and sutntssr. These pools supplied sufficient water to irrigate mora than 8,290 acres, but were unable to contain all the water which flowed to ward them, and therefore two new pools liavo been m. da and the irrigated area enlarged to 2,080 acres. In conse quence of this irrigation, says Th Scot tish Geographical Haoazine, the wheat crop has Increased from about 0) to 13) bushels per acre, aad the profits of tbe undertaking have bets, aieordlajr to it AT MOUNTAIN MEADOW. BRIEF STORY OF THE MASSACflE THAT SHOCKED THE WOflLO. On tTanrti-Bd and Twenty Unarmed Men, Women, anil Children Wantonly ltnteh red by Indians and Wlilta Man Dis guised aa Indians-Aid Sought for tha ttnrvlvon. Au atten pt Is now being made to give C ingresslounl aid to those who wero lived at the time of the Mountain Meadow massacro iu 1857. That terri ble alnuchter of Innocent women nnd clil'dr-n, as well as of unarmed men, took place so long ago that but few now remember nny of the details surround ing it, A band of emigrants number ing, tt is variously stated, from 120 to 160, had started from Arkansas to reach the gold fields of California. Their train consisted of some GOO head of cat tle. 80 wagons, and 80 mules and horses. und tlio totat value ot their possessions was between $W,UO0 and 170,000. They had proceeded us fur as Cedar City, Utah, and it was alleged that dur ing their Journey from Suit Lake City to that place the emigrants had been guilty of poisoning streams and of com mitting other on tt ages. These charges, It Is believed, had no foundation, but were brought to cast reflection upon the emigrants and to enable the Mormors to throw the responsibility of tbe crime upon the Indians. Theattnck commenced on Bundnv. and the emigrants at once "placed their wagons in n circle, dug a pit in the center, in which they placed their wives ana children, and prepared to stand a siege. In this wa";:.7 offered more resistance than was expected and with stood the attack for four days. During tins tlmo their ammunition gave out and many suffered Intensely from thirst, (or water could only be obtained at night, and the trip to the creek, although but a short' distance, was attended wltb great peril, as the approaoh waa covered by the Indians. Finally a company of Mormon militia appeared, and one of tlfelr numter was seut forward with a flag of truce. These Mormons agreed to protect the emi grants it they would lay down their arms and ammunition to avoid further exciting the Indians. This was done. John D. Lee, who was afterward exe cuted for being the principal participator in this horrible crime, in his confession gave the following as the plan of the massacre, which he asserted was ar ranged and ordered by high Mormon official". It was arranged that Lee should con clude terms with the emigrants, and as soon a. they had delivered themselves Into the power of the Mormons should start for a ranche on the eastern side of the meadows with the wagons and arms, the young children, and (he sick and wounded. Tlio men and women, the latter In front, were to follow the wagons, nil in single file, nnd on each side of them the militia were to be drawn up two deep, and with 20 paces between their lines. Within 200 yards of the camp the men were to be brought to a halt until the women approached a copse of scrub oak about a mile dis tant, and near to which Indians lay in ambush. The men were now to re sumo their march, the militia forming In single file, each ono walking by the side of an emigrant, and carry his musket on the left arm. As booh ns the women were close to the ambus cade Higbeer oue of the Mormon lead ers, who was in chargo of the detach ment, was to give the signal by saying lo the command: "Do your duty," whereupon the militia were to shoot down the men, the Indians were to slaughter the women and children, sparing only those of tender age, and Lee with some ot the wagoners was to butcher tho sick and wounded. Mouuted troopers were to be iu readiness to pur sue and slay those who attempted to escape, so that, with tho excptt.m ot Infants, no living soul should bo left to tell the tale of the massacre. This diabolical program was fully car ried out to the letter. All the men, women, and children over seven years ot age were butchered and but 17 lives were spared. These were of children varying in 'age from two months to seven years. AU the stock and prop erty uera carried (iff and the bodies of the dead wero stripped and robbed of every ornament or money found on them. But the lamest attempt was made to bury the victims. A little earth was scatteted over the bodies, but the first rain washed that away and the remains became a prey to the wolves and coy otes. Many of the bodies were fright fully mutilated and when, two years afterward, a detachment of United Stales troops was sent to decently inter them Buulla and bones were found scat tered for the space of a mile around tbe ravine, whence they had been dragged by wild beasts. Nearly all the bodies had been gnawed by wolvea so that few could be recognized and their dismem be led skeltons were bleached by long exposure. Many of the skulls were crushed In with the butt onds ot mus kets or cleft with tomahawks; others were shattered by firearms discharged close to the head, A few remnants of apparel, torn from the backs of women and children, still fluttered among the bushes, and near by were masses of hu man hair, matted end trodden in the mold. These bones were carefully gathered together and buried, and over thorn was built a cone shaped cairn some 13 feet in height, and leaning against its north ern base was placed a rough slab of granite with the following inscription: "Here 120 men, women, and children were massacred in cold blood early la September, 1857. They were from Ar kansas." Tbe calm was surmounted by a cross of cedar on which were inscribed the words: "Vengeance is mini: I will repay, aalth the Lord." The 17 children who were saved were placed In charge of Mormon families at Cedar, Harmony, and elsewhere and were all rescued after about a year's captivity, Princeton's Product. Princeton stands second to none of our American colleges In the part her grad uates have played n tbe general history of the United States, Her roll of fame is long in proportion to her numbers. She has given her country nine ot the IS college graduates who sat In tha Con stitutional convention, one President, two Vios Presidents, four Justices of tha Supreme Court one ohlef justice fire attorney general!, and 18 other cablnst officers, 28 Governors of States, 171 Sen ator and Congressmen, 188 Judges, 43 college presidents, and 17S professors, 80 of n horn have been appointed since Dr. McCosh beoams president, It is a safe assertion, therefore, that in tha Middle and Southern States no single educational influence has bssn as power ful as that of Prince ton, Harps re Magaslne. Ittlng Hull's Wlros. Sitting Bull had three vires, tw of whom lurrtv Mm, The name of on ot them ii The-One-That-Had-Foun. Robes, The other seems to have distin guished herself by doing more than ft wife's share toward keeping the nam of tbe Bull family upon tins Sioux oan run roll, end Is culled Tha-One-Tliat-Ht TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM iQOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In tba Side, v thn Chest and tho Joints, Nearalflia, sprains, cto., etc, the IMPORTED "ANCHOR" PAIR EXPELLEif Th BEST. UN3UALED REMEDY. t7ud with trnftt t.yc-ftn tha TmnarfAl Cat) raiolldUl TtttlmefiUl nt of nminAi t 1 auu lutuxj outers iiuTvruus. iu. 4 an. av, iu l nrtrr Afiffcfw PtlnRTnalUrls raillvavoML I jenc. una or otzr suur. innering rrom uno EittUm for rtart, could find notntnf to oar r but your Anehor Fain KrpeUeiv 60 Gents a bottlo. Or HOST DRUOGISTS, OB DIEXOT THOU I F. AD. RIOHTER & GO.. , HO Bnaduay, ITtvt Tork. i Sai-opean nenaesiRndalstsdt.O'r, i k Ajuuuva Vistula, uamnuo, rauraa. , Komuui, oiten, NurtmberY, Llila. i , ran vssAin avauss. I REE Books about other Anchor Rs-i nsdles n Applicstka, PENSIONS. Persons desiring Tension Blanks and Infor mation under Act otJutve 1880, can.obtaln tba same trom the uuderslmied, OKO.1V. ESSBll.irrolhonotsrr, augntt Mauch Chunk, Fa. qt Joi aoiiiuu u Hilton 18 e3JI -sisioonua ao cnos nt 'ODTSIDJ '13 ws toim I'A u "oa awoiaaH oihsom , oqtiqnou sonp spi jopun pnaoxa su)a sf prr 'sivoot of nnd oiu joi nai 'euXsM Poj jo ISranx 2oin. iauD.un qi q iAVdMdoM) mrq jCpemei q.L ia inol; e&nrs 10 03 Jl laprpota tjrjj trruiao oS nvs navjivd 4ooc pas 'ssaipm las 01 imj ma eq hjjl (mix IP eooAjn" ti areieqnB am siriilmHcX 4fio Tho Boot Remedy to. this world, pays J. nofhsrr of Syracuse, H. is s-aasorAoezua a nervs iwo, ueouse mv 1 who waa Dartlaur rarallssd three vsara aso 1 attacked, ov fits, hue not had any srmptcma Hum unoBhs took one bottle of tba rtmsdy. raosi. uammy uiim lor iw Horvous Prostration Cured. CnoanAH, H. T. Jane, IttX I was not able to do anvthlstf for 19 months, Was confined to bed most of the tiros, eoulda't eat nor sloop, waa ao nervosa and dlxsy that 1 could not walk irom tba boiuo to the garden, I wss all run down by what tbe doctors eallod perrons prostration. Ho medicine seemed to belp me. Then I took Pastor Koenbi'a Herts Tonlo and now I can eat and aleep ana have no nore ataklns eoells, can do my housework aralsv lam very thankful forthlaood recommend the voalo to all eutTsrera 6TJ3IE vehbuhiideii. Pr C T. Born, ngt , l.ehightoa more of this. Rubber Shoes unless worn ttaouiutottablj Usfct, tin often .li oS us tset. THE "COLCHESTEI." BDBBEB CO. oTrr a shoe with bulds of host Used With mbbaa Thu olns to ths shos aad rsmats ths rabbat tpjta tUpplng1 oO. Can for the "OolchMtar "ADHESIVE COUNTERS. HN S. LKNTZ, Wholesale Afceat, ALLENTOWN, VA. AT RETAIL Br Retail dealers can hare their names Inserted here onapplleatloa. maylT. IKO-vl P&5 PS 170&TB riBS? ETBEET, LEHtOnTOJ. IS THE PLACE FOU Fine Suitings M at the lowest prices which arellO to SO per cent, lower tban elsewhere. A Derfecl fit and best workmanship euaranteed In every Ins'auce. Tiefore purcbiufoR elsewhere call and see us. -31-1 7 MONEYil mi bw tftnti t f 3E W Bntfwiit. iBM.n bewrtr iln II w. Any Am uk Via tea laana. Tfall.trt7ttilnr Vv Mrt h. Ka titk. Tf tS Cmt pr inittw't, r til jrvar ttnx U tluwcik, Ibb U tin I at !r J.i nd tirli.rMMdarfMt lauM ta Mt WttlM. &wta.n-m i' -nin from Mi W 9h s4 KrwariJ, Ms) mar- k tlftflB"- W 9 frmlai yxa tlm " I'll U13 i CO ua.TA, UXML CMo.eo tt u uui not hr Jki r OM4lwfai,Trr,N T rk K-r IUmAm, Ml 'mf HI u HUSCB, m WT mmW imt. waMOklakl how Mum bonllls IIQtAsr i the fiwili4 mf Mrct A M-tPcc. jr ran auu-vi vrcrr vrar. vt inn th. nnmiif I vtt. hnltalif lirtCl!LAUa mix. idarattliati. u( tlfila fctt .! !-? (rtwtt fcr hr Am rp,4vtln. Tama. m4 J- Uin, Tll. Oil pCC(il. VIMirjnBMSWBiifc '"r Ul'st s-jr MMMTI m 'mwm.U Jm. mm 6 tk wk M.wn mn mpij Nrwii nvwm mm m T-iUf. WtlEtwjrMwir mM MAT! ymm. LSI WMTV H fmfm wmv all lb ttmim, if kMr far wrkw m. rsrili.M m.wm mm.mm.rn ikaiaa. lUWiDl wndrfti.. rsrUraian ir.1l nlt( tU fW.,TUC S8QPoiunl,Ut Piles! Piles! Piles! Frej's Uslrerul Hie Buposltory. A sure cure for evsry form of PUss, Internal or external. Itching or bleeding, and lotur atandlue eases. Has never failed. Try It, even If yoa bare failed with vry other remedy. This Supposi tory Is eoMshaped, easy to apply, safe, slat and clean, and rosetses everv advantaca ever oint ment. Boa uivw.r jr us bicauo iibo iu uivir pibvi Ice. atveltairUlandyouaillbertlievodaod convinced. If yoor drugs. it dors uot keep It or gt It for yon. send fer IVbf mtl,m, ftOCmti a Box. Address, aneaaturJM. Wt brOc.tt- . P, & A wo R VA far1 N I 13 J?F:AmmmmW, mmfrmamWVCm. iiaTTtyftSI at, m tyi'nuw'n'i -