The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 28, 1891, Image 4

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    Charley. "Haw in tbo world. OM.d0
J 00 tB9ge to nn with that tlnjtU yee;laai
f yews?'' Oavge: "My deeb fallow, I tee
1 h the other eye."
A Sensible Man
Would aw Kemp's lialmm tor tlm Throat an1
tanks. It la outing tuoro onsea oIOotMtli", Colds
Atthm, HrnticliUlj. Croop and all Throat 'and
Lung Troubles than any other tnedlolne. The
proprietor naa anthemed any drumtlstto
rou a ttamnla Bottle Free to eont ln& vou 01
merit otthl great remedy. Law ubnles
rrion. "rFliy, Biobmeier, you lwve
been married thirty yeM, and da you lsb
toseperste now?'' Baohmettri "Tea, isn't
that long'
, , fc
Hlles Nerve and Urer l'llls. '
An Important dlscovory. They net on
the liver, stomsch and bowels through tin
nerves. A new principle 'They speedl
oure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile
and constipation Splendid for inon, wonun
and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. &,
dotes for 25 cents. Samples free at t. I)
Thomas and W. F. Biervs Druic Store.
U then (a ever a time when it's abksiiut
for a man to be blind it id when he U ii
lev. He oan't sea what a fool be is makt.
lag of himself.
A Great Battle
Is constantly going on. In the human systen
vrheuyou sutler with eonsuinutloivcouglis 01
folds; they strive to ruin health and drliif vic
tims to the grave. Take timely warning am
asa Pan-Tina Oounh and Consumption Cure
Prloet and SO cents.
Dr. Lee's Liver ltegulator Is a sure cure (01
dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn. Indigestion
aud all kidney complaints. Trial bottles tree hi
Thomas' Drue Store.
He. "They ay it takes three Ronerttlom
make a gentlemen." She: "Indeed! Wba.
' pleasant prospstfor vonr grandson.'
Ths transition from long, lingering and pain
fa) sickness to robust health marks un epoch li
the Ule of the Individual. Such a remarkab..
vent U treasared in the memory end tho ascne)
whereby the good health das been attained 1
Sratelnlly blessed. Itenee It Is that so much It
eard ID praise of Eleetrie Hitters So man;
fesl they owe their restoration to health, to th
Meet the Ureit Alterative and Tunlo. Ir yo
are troubled with any disease or kidneys, lirei
erstonaob, otlong orshort standing jou wl
sarely find reller bv use of Klectrlo Hitlers
e.ld a. ooo, and 41.00 per bottle at KEIILU s
Drug Store.
, The lost cord "I oan't seem to get tbsl
cord again,' said .Miss H.onaway. ''Nu
yon broke the strings when yon struck it
Be Tour Own Doctor.
It won't cost you one hair us much. Di
aotdelay.. Sent thrca'tivo-cent stamps fof
postage, and wei will .send you Dr, Knul-,
w.u a jjiG.i nvif .liiiciuiiwjm jiciici .1 1 I'll,
Jil,Son diseases, its causes and home crtrc
A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston
, Met fast colors. Whippet! " What do jot
thiak ef young Airs. Giddy' compl xIclV
Bnappei: "I'm afrsld H won't wasM"
May Thank liar Stars.
The narrow escape of Mrs. B. M Searle
cf Elkhart, Ind., from a preniaturedeath r
wonderful. She slates that "lor twen
years my heart troubled me greatly. I M
cams worse. Had smothering spells, slim
breath, fluttering; could nut sleep on my lei
side, had much Pain in Brest, shoulder am
stomach. Ankiesswelled. Had much hem
ache and diuiness Treatment did me i
good, until I tried Dr Miles' New lhui
Cure and Restoratiio Nerve Tho first b.i
tie helped me,and 1 naseoon virtually cure
Far sal at T. D. Thomas and W. F. Bier
drug store, A line book on the Heart an
Serves free.
The man who is always wishing be wer
dead, is snre to be the first to rush for th
door of tke theater r t ibe cry of fire.
Catarrh In New England,
lily's Cream Balm gives eatlsf atlon lo ever
ons using it foroaiarrahl trouble. ft. K
Jaellor, Uragqtat, Iforchoster, Maes. .
I Bailers Eli's Cream lMui is tho b
article for catarrh ever offered ths puoliu
isusa as uo., xrrugsists, worensster, Ms
An artiole or real merit. 0. P. AlOei
Druggist, Springfield, Mass.
Those who use it speak highly of ll.-Oe
A. Hill, Druggist. SDrluiifleld. Mass.
Cream B.tlm hag given satisfactory resnlU
n. r. ursper, DrugjlM, SpringBeld Mass
ilea would not care to be wlokel i
women did not look on nanghlincss wit,
mingled dread and admlrallou.
It lias easy to tell the truth to yonrwlf
as to UI1 a lie, bat it Is not always so expt
"If a woman will, she will." If shew))!
ute ur. unit's uougb ayrnp for bcr cola
ae will oe oujia.
Take good advice. I have suQered wit
bad baidaches lor years, and have trie
many remeoles without obtaining relief.
was advise to give Uilyatlon Oil a trial
aid it bu eotlrelv 'cured ma. Karat-,
B.lie. (Ilutoher,) La Fayette Market, Bilu
snore, us,
Visitor (to butler who Is showing him
through the picture gallery of the old man
alon): "That's a fins portrait! Is It an ol
maelerf" Butler: "No; tbal'a the ol
A'When I drink much, I can't work
and sol let it alone."B.: "Tbo drink
lng?" A.: "No, the working."
He: "ire swells carry Tatcbea In oui
eanea.' The girls: "Tliafa nothing; w
girls hive clocks In our stockings."
Baelej;: ''What do jou say, Bailey, 'hlc
cod or 'hlccuff" ltall "N.m,
- . . - J w aiv.vuv., ...
coy. 1 just aay 'hlc,' and let It go at that.
A wife is a man's belter half, but tt
fellow who elopes with herdoes'not alwat
get the better of him. lie usually gels tbi
Earl: "1 tee the typewriters are formlnj
onions all over the country." Wilson
"Indeed! I hadn't, beard .it. Trad
onions" Earl; No; matrimonial"
Mother: "Fou'd better put on a veil
lae wind will chap jour face." Clara
Hever mind. A chap never hurts in
face. I rather enjoy the sensation.
Examiner: "Can you clve an Instance ol
a person Inciting another to perjurj?
vanauate: "xesj wben the court asks
female .witness how old she Is."
JPltb a woman it Is a struggle to proyidi
aometblng for the comfort or the Iduh
man, and witn a man it is an . ITjh m pio
Tiue someimng ior tne outer woman.
"I seem very popular wlih your rather
nog, -saia ueiosrtto Maba . "Irfnu,ir
"yes; the last time I tried to lake my leaie
Ma mil Mia wun ig ueiaia me.
Vlf,ol ,iIT .. Tr... ..
tt ' -""-""f- win yon xsairj
""' "ui.ori "11 i. was b clergymh
.uvuiu ueyirasea , ut. l?(,dgy. Yfj,,
u ice nippy girif ,
Mistress. -Did yoo tell ttjelsdylwa.
ntf U.Id: "Yis, m'm " Uutrs-: "Di,-
an seem to nave any doubU about it?
Man. "No, m'm. She aald she knew TVhUh Affect tha VCMr,
tIW?!W.Ul"Ino,Uorl,"duknewa. DUbrt'
MTsre esssa, batthry mar be arimVa l. !i"2-.i'l
ai'oSi'.,ii.?l,t,rl: " whlen m " TnTy
lSS,.,.h.,"l,y", nelus h.D they he-
IBlOtlfa. Bat Inirn.,,.. " '
tke kidn... .v fcrnvr.-
power. B lasreuhg ma ..Jini'sf1
latysaad bltddsr. this "lielD hd'tlie'I
oaf of tidalllair from tli. tlJj bat
B rules
Maiu.-fe?Miil u ,l0II";,,j matebissi
'ujas aja 9pjauvi i4 &jm
NO Till at LIKK 1IIX Oil) 1IMIC
There l no time like tb old time, when yon
and J were younit,
Wben 'llo bod of April blossomed and the
,, btrds at sprint tl ne sunt.
Tm gMri Brightest glories by summer
buiir aro nar-ied.
But, oh, the sweet, s voot violets, ths flowers
tuatopsned 111111
There ts no place like the old place, where
rou and 1 were born,
Whetowo lifted first our eyelids on the splen
dors or tne morn.
From tbo mllk'whlto breast that warmed us.
from the cllnaimr arms that bore.
Where ti.e dear eyes Ellitened o'er us that
will loot on us no more.
There is no friend like the old friend, who
has Hiared our morning dsya.
No greeting like his welcome, nq homage Ilka
uis pratm.
Fame Is tho sconttess sunflower, with gaudy
crown ot gotd,
Cut friendship Is the breathing rose, with
sweets in every ioio.
There is no love like the old love, that we
courted In our pride:
Though our Idavre are falling, falling, and
we're fading side by side.
There are blosloms all around us, with the
colors or our dawn.
And we live In borrowed sunshine when our
day-star Is withdrawn.
There are no limes like tbo old tlmos - they
shall never be fortrott
There Is no' plnco like the old place keep
green tho dime old spot!
There are no friends Uko onr old friends-
mar heaven uroIonK their llvesl
There are no loves Ilka our old loves God
bless our loving wives !
-Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The Way to Arnld It Is to Have the
ltarber Htnge xoar Ilnlr.
Did you ever Imve your hair einsed ?
If not you nra behind the time Tin
prnctlco involves n now fnd in voue
with barbers u ell up in their business.
A reporter wits hiiving his lmlr lliinmecl
la tt prominent , shop, in om f our
Inrge cities, wlien tho burbor engaged
nt tho j ih lcmnr.toil:
Your lutir is linrsli and dry. You
ought to have it Binged."
"he reporter wanted to know tile
why nud wherefore, nud the barber
It la very bonoflcial to the hnlr. It
invigorates 'nud softous it, nud gtvos it
new life nud growth,"
Tho customer concluded lie would
undergo the treatment, but wanted it
full explanation, and the briber pro
coeded with tho operation, importing
additional liiforinntion ns he coiitinu.'d
the work. He hnd finished trimming
Ills customer's lialr, nud ho now itum-d
himself with n wax taper uboUt six
inches, loiiK, which .lie lighted. Run
nln thd" coiiih umlcr tho hair, us lie
outd in tritmiiing, hn npp.ied the
light to tho ends ' moving o imb and
tiller gradually ov.r tho citstoinev
li'nlr. 6onu t e shop wns filled with the
dor of burulug hair, mid the c-
oupnnts In the other chairs began tu
mil ituil inquire what wn nliro.
-imnliB arose from the loporter's head,
mil the hent 11-mle lilm nervous, for lie
us becomiugeu'picious Ihuttlm barber
vits ldiiying n practical joke. The lat
ter ren-siired him, however, an 1 con-tiuui-d
his pliiloxophical pzplanatloii.
" lou neo. ho mud, the hiiirt of the
iend nro hollow tubes, as vm can tlij-
over witli u i.tioug inngiilfying glu-M
ifter they lire cut 1 ho uct if cutting
; e hair causes it to. bleed, just in driv
ing nn nxe into n tree will Imve n Mm
lar effect, this fluid, which ooz
rum the hnlr when ends arc tititei
df, is about the color of the hnlr iUeli,
vhatever that color limy ba, and wlille
t cm not be seen with the naed'Ve.
.lie nldnf itbtrong glass makes it plai.ily
llscerulble. The coiislimt catti g
the hnlr and its cons'queiit bleeding
uirdcns It, causes it to lose Iti stren ;tn.
md finally kills it. This causes b.tld-
neai nmoug uluc-teiilhs of men.
"The hair does nut fall out, under-
itand, " continued the barber. "Hint Is
1 mistaken idea. It simply dies mid
i ileal; 3 off at the scalp, leaving tho dead
rout in the liciid, jiiatii the dead noiH
r a tree are left I111 bedded in the ground
long nfter (lie trunk is re in 0 veil Ol
couiso tlieso dead roots furnish no new
hair, but the use of the glasi reveals the
broken hnlr all over the BCalp.
"But nil this docs nut explain how
your procesi prevent- the los-i of hair,
suggested tho interested listener.
"Singeing the hair closes ilia tuhei
r jiorei nnd stops the bleeding, " wns
the reply. "This prevents the conse
quent exhaustion Of the supply of
Htrcngtli and vi-or nnd induces now
growth. As proof or the correctness or
nty theory I will remind you thnt
man bald on the hnck of his head to-
waul ids neck is very rarely seen. This
is because that portion of liU head
not covered by his hat, nml contact
witli the wind mid dust soon closes tho
pores of the hair there nnd consequently
saves It. Xhetopofuts hair, however,
Is covered, nud tha resultant humility
keeps tho pores open- and the' bleeding
eventually cuiho-i iuUiio-h on ton.
Acnlii. bald headed women are unusual.
xiiiipfy because they ruroly have their
hair cut. Yes, sir, it is trimming the
hnlr that cause.) such widespread uiil.l
ness among men, nnd -while singing
c in t restore lose hair, it Is the best pre
s.-rver that Olil ba employed. "
lie hnd finis ed the job, and the man
who was "next" took the ohnlr.
TVootna; In At rloia
A plot for a new novel, with a gloss
ot novelty, illustriitiug the old fnngled
ways of un aucient ruce, reen hv Stan
ley In Africa: He was a young Yumluya
Vhlef, stultvnrt, proud, and black; she
was a Xumbtiya maiden, Iiatnlsnme,
graceful, and swarthy. lie whs brave
in the field, bold in the hunt, and mei ry nt
ue 1 east; mis was true nearteu anu geu tie,
and could carol like n bird. He wooed
1 ,. but the was coy; ha nlmost won
her, but she pliranlc.-frum nis- embraces.
He gave her flowers for her ho'lr, chnrins
for ber fingers, nud handkeiclilefa for
her wardrobe; she required lilm to fetch
for her the oklu of a tiger, the j-iw of a
serpent, mid the head of herrital. The
next day she got them all, and ere tho
ret of the sun they worn wedded. They
lived In happiness ever, nfterwnrd, ho
proud or his pnz, she vnlu of her ba
Ilea. J.ilm bwinton.
There are usually ut lenat two ways of
loosing at h tiling, nnu it la well now
and then to clmnee one's nolnt of viaw.
Little .Haus htrd jtut fceguif litsTsohool
lire, and his mother was Hiuhitlous to
have hitn keep ft highrstauding iu his
"Why. Hans," ah? any regretfully,
nt the end 6f his secuud .week.- "Inst
week you gnve ine so mutli pleasure by
geuiug 10 no ntiue neud uryqur class
ana now you an only number four,
lee. "
"Yw'm, I know." ndrntttal the little
fellow with' great gravity, "but then.
lie added, "om other boy'a mamma.
uas me pleasure tins week, so I though
pernnps you wouiuut mind so very
mucUl" '
"You're quit right, Hans, " said his
motiier, iguing lilm an appreciative
sums, -i-uon-t nuua it Rt nil now!
Slllli.c Hull's Wlvea.
Silling Bull hail three wives, two ot
whom survive him. The name of 0110
ot .llitm is The-Oue-Ttiat-Had-Four-
Ropes 3 he other seems-to have distin-
herself by doing more than a
wif'- share towanl keeping the nami
t.. Sioux cen
ana roll, anu ta oaiieu iue-ujitsinatriittu
Onresi IjIct Complaint, Bllloui ffeo-
Cures LtrT Complaint,
tll" JjOS.1 or
Aj-pttito, Erck
Btomnoh, Cnl-dlneiB.Coftho-noss.ryp'-p'ii
Kidnevtrorl lo
IHHHbb anl a" lclioato Female Coin-
plaints. Sold everywhere. PrlcoUOcrnts.
Fragrant! m0 Lasting 1
he LeadlngPerfume forlheTolIetanJ
Bold by all dealers. Price 25 cts.
Prlca onl) 26 ctt Cold by altdrugglatl.
Will roliovo Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
tloadacho, Toothacho, Soros, Uurns,
Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backacho,,
Frostbites. Chapped lands and Papa,
Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment.
nUnilAHQC'S naOS, f-e Cfedt o6iiccon.
1tlClr tlUati. frtct 10 Cti. 1 all arugtllll.
Tiiermonisler Ualow Freezing
auii a fiirco nctm ol c-i-.jiufet which utttti li.o
fact like a thousand needles. Wind ftrty miles en
hour. Vou lay a man couldn't ttand ruch ex
pofture? Kc, hecoaldo't, without fust the rPf
dot hi riff. And there's cmly oue ouifit thai can
keep a man both warm and Cry at such a time, tod
lhat i the " FUh Prand iaheker " They are
Kuarat.teed rterm-proof, waterproof, and wlod
proof. Inside one of them, you are as m.ichout ol
ibe weathtr a li indoor. They am Tight, but
warm Beinj reinforced throughout, thev reer
npi and the buttons arftwire-Uitened No rail
road roan who hicra trird one would b -ithut
ItforteaMmeaita cot. Deware of worthless im
UatioBV, erery jarmcnt stamped wijh " Fish Brand'1
Trade -Mark, Don't accept any Inferior coat when
you can hart the " lih LJrand SIicUt " delivered
without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated cat
alogue free.
ft. J TOWEt?, - Cocton, Mass
Tho lttoit Sacceatsfbl Remedy ererdlscor
reU, as It Is certain la tu effects and does not
bUater, Head proof below t
BcLVERHOif, Px, Nor., '00.
Da. IX J. CxNCAtx Co. :
Qcnta t would like to make known to those who
Are almost persuadrd to uso Keiulall'a Spnvln Curo
the fact that I think 1 1 laa mobt excellent Mntment.
I have uatdltonn Blood Spavin. The horse went un
three leg Tor three years when 1 commenced to
uso your Kendall's Spavin Cure. X ustxt ten bot
ties on the horse ana have worked him for three
years sloce and ba not been lame.
Yours truly, WSL A. CTJRL,
G EEMiKTOwit, N. 7 Not. 2, 1S83,"
Da. B. J. Ebkoauv Co.,
tnosourgn j-aus, vc
Oentst In praise of Kendall's Bpaviu Cnro twill
ay, that a year ano 1 Imd a valuable youna horse be
say, that a year ago 1 Imd a valuable
come very lame.liock enlarged and swollen. The
geon hero) pronounced hUlamonesa Ctofxltipavln
or Thoroughpln, they all told mo there wns no
bj u 1 17 iur lit I'd iiwaiuigituuuii usaicas, a in i i ajuu
Bldered him utmost w orthlesa. A friend told me of
the merits of jour Kendall's bpavln Cure, so I
bought a bottte, and X could aee very plainly great
Improvements immedloi ely f i om 1 ts usend oef uro
the bottle was used un I waasiatltifloil that It" was
doing him a croat deal of good. I bought a second
bottle and before It was used up my horse was
cured and has been In tho team doing heavy work;
all the aeason since last April, showing no mora
signs of tu I conntder your Kendall's Spavin Curo
a valuable medlclne.and It should be in every
Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for $ All drug
gists have tt or can net It for you, or It will be sent
to any address on receipt of price by the proprle
fjnu Dlt. II. J. KKNDALT. CO.,
Cnoaburli Falls Vcruioa
Tucuhauus LuTti I'cc rrern'BtieiiU cuit-U by
HIU.AlJKU'JUA.l'A. 1a atf.i)C(.iM peiatlpr.
,r lt-mjf iltmiirom luiHtiieM. aiir.istJueKt lu
mraUsi by uiu-ro waatuti inuit ti-r in ular.
"(fBmnowTl yeras of age. VrV n alurtenloi
aiedlelne and nureerv fur avi tm utiHi-11..
laiiHHS Dr. Nelaun. and ullrr tru Tears' bard
uuly nod In ciiosuliKtloii with i-erni o! the maai
tMiiliieiit ulivslelaiii lu Hie itv nf fiiti.uil.iiakiu
since 1STI. I have illaeorered tbo cure ol inaux
allml liiniiral,lrflu... ' v
It can no lonuer b tiuiiniMA.'t'Wai tku .
im cured) that paralyzwl llUlie'ciin leretofd
iu urn "-'" " aHHiu neuiuty eurro
i unaestltHi kit tlibvla. niwuRxy. resulu of miii
trukeai d UijeftiUtMs Si set
itlea, iit-uritur."vfr comfHnlul, BrlchU' dln-
t-aw wi i no r,f ) '"'' none uiwm, ea
..'"Ji. wnul wjariiMfry. anil so-
UaUi d hf arl mese i and dlpluerla. all entirely
i-ured with tiureinadleines ni m, owu iireuHra
iiifiirilipwnuili mi rvim,
lHfainsr fue years owi tu.eoo iwrsiins in this
i-ltv aloue hae ued these medicines aud r
living T.iiifSes or their worth. All thf ir uairleh
can be obtained In eallinir HI the iiltlix ami l ib
oratory ol I'refe.Br Boudrou. No. 1727 No th
Tenth street. I'lillnri.-li.hln. I was iiivshi In
Jrrd In Ilia spliie aud imraljiel for st-vrn veni
and proaouneed luciirlils by saveii ol the nioai
aWf physicians aud aui neons of this cl y. 1
iiw well and healthy, having cured inysril with
my owu loedlclui's
l)a not llatpii to those nretnnloed against Ira
LTlaVed' medicine auT die, when youcau
I will uof Info practice myself, being over
any.Hr..faMmt lil my medic, ne.. I
hare twp eminent nliy.l, .-onuected llli
sUUfVequlred. ' ,eld""' oflhe
Oiihj-.m.i come ail surferi-rs and bereetored
o health, cm ed by ', iro mMlcl iT and
th is see ex eilence a id olivu tar TOniselves:
Dffl.s i ami I abor , , UJ(ell lremT A M
u. srirRESG"
In Die Old I'ml OITlie liiillrtlna. -Fine
ana Mel lain Shoes fur I adli-a. Men and
Children Httlie vi-iy lim-M pflre.
'ow lttibbi.13 lnioitert In (falters nt Irian e to
tu 0' nt.
Ml kind of TtppnlrtRK Nenllv, Cheaply anil
Hiirl Piniiiislv atmilnl In.
Stvi.ish Hair Cot,
00 TO
)rer the UAnal Bridge.
1 Cash Buyers (to to
vnd buy yonr Onraiu, Planos,Hewlng Machine).
Vringers, WrsIiIiik Maehlnts. Implement'
unii-s of all kinds. It will pay you oeetpilee
win niebefore buying. I ran snvti you mnne;
liiiiufucCiirer ot
lr l E Dk ihe
flic ABYOCATE.''
lleail III
ami Dealer In
iVIIII'fl, l'f.Y-NET8,
Sc.. c., &c.
vllITfi -0- STHr.KT.
Practical Wagon Builder.
tepnirin? Neatly nnd Cheaply Done
Very HeasoTiiible 1'riccs. '
leneral Agent for Hie Ollbnrtli Patent Adjust
able Carriage 1'olt-. and Dealer In
BugKles nnd i u-t.
Vt.5 Kmitz.
HAtii - ilinlN-
AND; " v
I u the n-ry Iilfthes
style O' liium iiul it
Try Hlml
0lsO(irt liringe.
ealer in SoleLfRili
Klnlliwl Hlf-
Sklns, Kip anil Up-
l.fallit-r. UnriieM.
Leather, etc
tmliratl iii'u-e't pain ini
1 1 J os, SKI lis S Xulluw.
his houw otters tlret-clits Accort.iuodatlont i
e permanent boarder unci traiifient'8uui'
nnln prices, only One Dollar lier day. '
ig7-iy John IrKumo. l"ronrlet,r
Oscar Cliristman,
'Avery and Exchxtnqc Slullr.-
-my rldlns earrUige and safe tlrlilntt lior-
estnccoinmiKlutlonstii ui'cnW nml travetli
all and telegraph orders promptly attended
Ivemontilal. - m:i2) 1
Tho - Weiasport - IJakory,
c. w. LAurtv. rmirniRTOit.
lelivers Fre"!!) lln-ad and fnkeain Wcissjw
Lclilghton nnd lrlnllleseery day.
ii the store I have' a l-'lne Line of fhufeeilnnri.
Hie llolliliiv Trade. Kuiidav schudls nud fe
nh sipniletl at Inwest nrli-es. dec-.-
ver Canal Briip E. Weisp:
AND DKAI.tlt IN ' .
.. u. rrlces tlie very loivesty Quality i'
oods the best. Jfiftlsfactlou guaranteed
very particular. .' 1
Jaskst.Sr- Goiiinq.and Shroudt
We have a full Iiim which we will furnish
lie lowest iu3sll)lixi)rlces, -
Flour, - Peed, &c,
the choicest qualltv at very reasnnablo prle
'All uud be couvlaccJ.
vprtl-ly . EAST-WJUSSroiA '
iule bills printed at this ofTi
nt lowest prices,'
East Weissport, Pa.
3reen GroceriesrFruit.
)ysters, Oj-nngcs, Lomons, P pi
iiits, Apples, Sweet Potator
"onffctions. Cigars,
Our prices on rill goods are. i
ov a- city priofs and you sax
lie freight. .. .Jail at .our stoi
oefbre buying ciSQwliero. ,
Have y-iii tn-ilitx's lviM-ni J
lH.AXTWfte .UMI.
Window ad' Dqoi .Kiumep,
Doors, SliuWr3,
uindow tasjiee, '
Mouldings, Bracket?
fill Kinfls of lirtljilisr
Sliingles, Pollings,
Ilemlock Lumber, &c &i
Very Lowest Prices.
ItrraiimM na ihnaM Iki uktn TS-BIC MT wtib llnm,
Is s lutehn,tmnai u.wtUr. u4 tti Salt ttfwatrf. n
S0T6raliLriftuUd. M v fr.xa -n? (jr"ii2Ul
ertivaui. Frwr,. AuiH.ncK.lirtmiift)p!L
Tinrn nasm I
Ill nT joa new IUbbarsf
. My. Why, nut These an tbe eM one
axeesea itlta
lt rnV, jhtra Inolt Iftj n.wi and y ibocs aba
MKt nlth tt, hold lblr polish IfaDlill tao
nb, Tn afaoald th anow creep "
Change a Pins Table to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antigua Oak.
A Cane Hacker to Mahogany.
an w can ba i" -na wRo 2 0 C. worth of
WOLW a BAMOOLra, PhUadalpblo.
n J)ru3, Paw and 2Z?ua Fa-Minn '19.
jGerman Remedy,
h itu p i
ului.H)'Ahi':oV-'l''!S I
iuu Dimity Pi
tt will euro yon.
notnsslntorcuro. li MS
ihat ilro.lrt tid nil gone
Cicnnaetiic viti.ircn
Ijloo-ljil'cn roit so I
U iTITlMos biirat
inq llirongfa tho sktu!
II u rimnlnn.Tlliiii hQ
lioud.ii, it un, use
It will cnro you.
c.omIt conilucd In
land Sores. Holv on
the .nllls nnd worl;.pIJVr.IllTl,t.KI,171Ei'B3
stops; c1crJTho(loB,,m l"lth Will rol g
not nrocuro fm jilt-lot, t
excwlso, find nil rlio
arc confined in doors,
itionld iidO Pt'Lrncrt!
;u Jirn i:rs I
i nuLi'iicu iiini:nsi
tvIM euro Uvcrt oai.R
Itlnint. rmi't1iod!9.l
I l.l.i i lil"V Willi" ...-,,. Ia....lll V
It "li . "hi Mcwfaiiri -Bi.riitjre liinEnsfi
to inlfur from lthcnm ! vl ',' 'UUti you up and
atism, ueo n bnttlu oil J
Slit.fiiL-n inncnaif'?''''1'?'
uiiko you stronsaad? If
it i-cvrr T.tns tncuro.
t-tLi'ULll Ulrriiits fit
I)iirt ho i ithout ni
bolllo. Try It: you
wtil not regret It.
fiTlll mal.0 yonrblood SS
!ji!TV,i!Cii nnu sirong, iu
piiiu yourucsn iKiru
hcnltli, vfho nro nil
run down, should use
Trv SL'Li-mrit Hit.
teus to-nlght, and
koiv xvllt atonti tpplli
IT i I 'ii'ikiui. Hnicijiiter rorit.
j 10 you ivnnc ino uosi iueilicn 1 1 oric puDllshedr
Rend 3 S-cnt stamps to A. 1", OitDWAr & Co.
Ilustsu, IJiis3., and xccclvo a copy, free.
Rend the -Advocate.
j 'oiitral Drug Store,
I : opr. the runnio s'quaue
j Sank', Street, Lehjghfb'u, Pa..
V, is lirjADouinTEns ron
. :iPure Drugs and Medicines,
pine Spap$, Brushjis, Sc.', &c.
. rhoica Wines and Liquors,
vVnll Paper and Lecorations '
When you buy a pair of Shoes ypu want i
,ood At. But If you need srECTACXES. It I
.', rtioh nibre Imjiortant that the JfYE sltould b.
cV,'!uJ,,0l',cd lvlt" correct Iciimss uud n proiwi
' fflWf fame which will bring the lenses d
. ctiybetore tlieuentreof the rjv. If vim Im
-ir siieowcles at J)r. Horn's vou win tlDd tin
novo polios properly attended to.
PERSCRIPTIONS Gaefully Comprfii
A pamphlet of Information and ah
Auuuiia i-ntenis, caTOHlR, TrftQPA
jtiorits. uoprriBnis, sent jrct.A
vAaoma rdUNN CL CO,
acw i. ore. .
Tinware, ' r
Heaters and .
- , Ranges,
- ln- reat Variejy i)t
uFopular Morp.'Bank Street
. loofing and iuutinf.a special
ty. Stove repairs Auniihed-
on liort notice
i HVasonarilp!
"'t'iirt'lv. Icnl in our aim. - -
KAH l I MaUfteli tm LM
uy mtr wiriiifiitjm..uuriihh:
KkilUMII MatJ taA aril. ..d
lH.lrutUfto.HlU lWttMMTr'
"JtV''r,'-BSlS Miilij Iu,
4w smajr imiii
Is the only-Uttutrated fSiper In ' the
Hswe. .'MiVihhrkeefr, -lbvfar1
..n,UWfajljbSVrirJiuc ft.'.ft.ilway.
Mriie4ttaity!nd4i-M In the United 94at
-jcuiejy wreetl. fj weeka- for CI.
at i. a Ave ccpu hr eninple copy.
Rieiiard K. Fox,
Pr mi-'ir K()iiare.
Vw Vrk rirv
iMMIka T
The pnlo bull was an old one,
aran-pi, c)iii-cd, and dintod. It stood
on iIil- lhiu i u - icn o among tho pipe
atoni iiim It Imam Din, khitniatgar,
woi ilnaiiiiiK lor mo.
"Dni's tho H(!upn-lKrn want, this
liall ' said Imam Din defoiontinll.v.
Tlic Ileiiven-born get no j'ai-tii nlar
stoic-by itj but of what uso wai a
polo ball to a khitmatKar?
" Hy your honor's lavor. I liavo a
little son. He lias a seen thit bull
and ilesires to play wtth it I do not
want it for ui.v ell ."
No one tvuiild for an instant accuso
rortly old Imam Din of wanting to
play with polo balls. IIo carried out
tbe battered tiling into the verandah i
and there followed a huriicano of Joy
ful squeaks, a patter of small feet,
and tbe Utiid-thud-thud of tho ball
rolling along the ffround. Evidently
the littlo son had been waiting outrido
tho dsor to secure his tremmio. But
how had ho managed to sue that nolo
ball ?
Nest day, coining back from offico
half an hour eailior than usual, I was
aware of a small figure in the dining
room a tiny, plump figure In n lidlc
ulously inadequate shirt which came
perhaps, half way down the tubby
stomach. It wandered round tho
room, thumb- in mouth, orooning to
itself as it took stock of the pictuios.
Undoubtedly this was tho " littlo son."
llo had no business in my room, of
course; but was o deeply absorbed in
his discoveries that ho never noticed
me iti tho doorway. I stepped into
tho room and startled him nearly into
n lit. Ho sat down on tho ground with
a gasp. His eyes oponod, and his
mouth followed suit. I know what
was comjtiB and ,ilod, followed by n
long, dry howl; 'which reached tho
'sorvanlaj quarters lar mora quickly
than any command of mino had ovor
done. In ten second Imam Din was
in tho dining-room. Then despairing
bobs aroso, ar.d I returned to Hnd
Imam Din admonishing tho small sln
nof, who wan using most of his shirt
as a handkorchlof.
"This boy'" said Imam Din judi
cially, " is a budmish, a big Uudmash.
Ho will, 'tyithout doubt, go to tho
Jailkhnna for his behavior." Re
newed yells from tho penitent, and an
claborato apology to myself from Imam
" Toll the baby." said I," " that tho
Sahib is not angry, and tako him
away." Imam Din conveyed mv for
givoness to tho offender, who had now
gathered all his shirt round his neck,
stringwiFO, and the yell subsided into
a erb. Tho two set off for the door.
"His name," said Imam Din, as
though tho namo were part of tho
crime, " is Muhammad Dint and ho is
a Uudmash." Freed f torn present dan
gor, Muhammad Din turned round his
father's arms and. said gravely : " It is
true that my namo is Muhammad Din.
Tahib, but I am not a budmash. I
am-a man I"
From that day datod jny acquaint
ance with- Muhammad Din. Never
apain did ho come into my dining
room, but on'tho neutral ground of tho
compound, we gre"eted each othef with
much state, thnuch our conversation
was rnnilno.1 to " Talaim Tahib" from
1 is side, and" Salam. Muhammad Din"
from mino. Daily on my return from
(ifflt o, tho littlo whito shirt and tho fat
little body used to-iiso from tho shade
if tho creoror-covered trellis whero
Micy had been hid ; and daily I
hecked-rav horso hero, that my salu
'ation mght not-bo slurred over or
siven unseemly.
Iuhammad Din never had any com
panions, lie used to trot about the
compound, in and out of tho castor-oil-
bushes, on mystoiious errands of
his own. Ono day I stumbled upon
some of his handiwork far down tho
ground. Ho had.half buried tho polo
'ball in dust, and stnek six shrivelled
old marigold flowers -and in a circle
round it. Outside that Cirolo again,
was a rudo squaic, traced out In bits
of ted brick altorffatijig with frag
ments of broken xhlwa; tho wholo
hounded by a littlo of dust.
Thbbhistio from tho Well curb put in
,i plea for tho small architect, saying
that it was only tho play of a baby
mtl tlid not much disQgnro mv garden.
- Heaven knows that I- had no in--.ontion
of touching tho ohilu's woik
then or later; but, that evening, a
stroll through the garden brought mo
unawares full cn it ; so that 1 1' amnled,
liofoto I know, mailgold heads, dust
bank, and fragments of broken soap
dish into Confusion, past' all hope of
mending. Next morning I camo upon
Muhammad Din crjing softly to him
self over tho ruin I had wrought.
SonSo ono ha'd cruelly told him that
tho gahib was very angry with him
for spoiling tho gaidon, and had scat
tered his rubbish, using bad language
tho while. Muhammad Din labored
for an -hour defacing ovory traco of
tho dust-bank and pottery fragments,
and it was a tearful and -apologetic
face that ho said: "Talaam Tahib,"
when I camo. homo from the office.
A hasty inquiry resulted in Imam Din
Informing Muhammad Din that by my
singular favor ho was permitted to
disport himself as ho pleased. Whoreat
the chi'd took heart and foil to tracing
tho ground-plan of nn edifice which
was to eclipse tho marigold polo-ball
For somo months tho chubby littlo
x-centrioity rovolved in his humble
libit among tho castor-oil bushes and
n tho dust; alwavs fashioring map
ifcent palaces from stale Howors
ur -'Wn, away bv tho bearer, smooth
ivator-worn pehftlos, "bits of brokon
rlaso, and feata'ers pulled, 1 fancy,
from- my fowls always alone and
always crooning to himsolf.
A gayl.v-spotted sea-shell was drop
ped one dav close tn the last-nf Ms
Mttlo buildlnrs; .and I looked' tr-ar
Muaammau JJm suouiu mnld somo
tliins more limn, ordinarily on tho
-troncth of it, Nervt-as-I dteairpoiritd;
"Je rheditsted for th? bettor part of aT
hour, and his Wonfrtft, roso to aTmM-
'nt song. TheliTi lioefln -.tracing in
lt. It widd,cdtt,fBly;be a'-'wondrcms
alapo, this onr-, for- jt wa'twi rai'ds
op?-'aud a yard brond ihrtSYmd plan.
"tint fte palace wai rlever completed.
i - KoJrt day there was 'no'iluliammad
bn at the head of the1 carriage dnvo.
id no '.Iftlaam Tahib" to welcome
my- return. I had grown accustomed
to tho grcotinff,- and its omlsoinn
frrmliled mn. Nort dav. Tmnm THn
told mo that tho child -was-snffering.
llghtlv from fao- and needad-nnln'-o.
lie got (ho mo die ino, and aa-English
doctor. .- .1-.
I'They have no- jctomina-. -.'fiieac
hra'ts." said tho doctor, i$h.loi'tiirjri:n
Din'.sxiuartots. '
- A, week later: tftoucJjjjjjouTd.havfi.
lvn--muea''te TOflf a.Jt&tt
oatho.rd trTtlie MuSBihnfoymwiOK-.
ytmind Imam ninrjuuihmnanfacl tiviha
let :ftiBnd, . oarryJmx jArWeV arms,
Pf4 'in a wHu olatlta.sft)l that
s-i left of litUeJuhamnjad Din.
Budyrd Kipling.
.Gsrouimo, tho rfed Apache irar
or,.Tis reported to bo teaching a
.Hurray schpni class a year or two ago.
JsoTvwBn Alabama dispatch describes
he bai-fjim of his squaw and rP-;-oafter
the Otthblio ritrial. G7T.
onifflo was droned becomingly for tho
cession and painted in -highest colors,
fie watched attentive! nmrv -nimv.
mnt of the priest, ancl-seemad htlly I
i'jrainw every wora Ulat wM
uttored. kneeling during the cen
monjr.. '
kilk tul lllv
around th nrifa ui. v, I
a aim aro mrAiiiiv Ma.(..
Ita'y, eonsumiag tha harvest befara it I
U ghorfed ad making the
for the farmw pouiirly dtoieJ. Id I
some places tbe peasantry have takeo I
to efang tho rodeats. and ham lmi
them vary ailteni food, Yu..TI
arneonttfcc "to lto,QCtMilZ
Kx-Sf tnfater Anfiill Herlare. 1hfy An h
Luppr nr Unea t tin, Jhpihma
Ev iv inn e'er " aiiiil l'rwiideiil Ax
' I. of A nn A i Inir UiiivernitN , in a Ip t
i e liefme tlie Arl Inilllute. "wlio win
r to Cliiim nnd Japan gisja with ihr
'iiv n ii,n tbnt the jiipanese niu tin
Ui i r jiei'ple lie i-omei IwoW will.
Ik- hi.ou !i-il :o tlint tbe ChltienH an-.
iliy lu-ve the stnyiiiK p cr; tli Ion.
i.miik j.u'lof the AiiRlii-Snxnn. "
He lo'il n Ktory of n grent Chiuoso gon-i-inl
of his BcqiiniiitaiiCH ho wa tbs-ru-tsiiiK
witli Mia tho Nihilistic trouble
in Ku hin.
" vvhv, " anld tho goneral, "I had peo
ple if t 'nanini' f.ort down south hero,
lint I didn't luive inly trouble with tlioin,
imt a hit. "
"Wlint Mas your policy?" inquired
Mr. AiigelL
"Why, I just beheaded 8.40Jof 'am;
no truulilo v-hutover," nnsworoJ tho
"Tlie ailuoe. said Mr. Augcll.
"seeln to onre very1 littlo nl out killing or
llng lcilltnL " Speaking of tho (in pj.ik
nlily Ixvil judicial system of the co mtiy,
liosaid it wnsH fuct, almost incredible,
Hint a man condemned to dentil couM
hire n nubuitute fur tlmt intureitintc
ceremony. Tlio mib.tlt.ilo bad nil the
oi iiiu he wnulcd until the executlou,
nud whnt more could mini ask?
The ep'uker filiilno i, whnt Imd nl
vinyi been n mystery to lilm until he
went to Chirm, just why the country
wus 8.000 years behind the times. It
was nil due (o the system of education.
A 1 vducntiou, so culled, in that couuiry
ih biu-od upon tho oue great pervading
idea that nit Hint is gieut in any Hurt of
learning Is that which lins gonu bt-fore.
The exiimiuutliin of eligiiileg for nil
tdiolnstic and political positions isb.tsod
on the nine books of sacred writ, re
e Hied ' by Confucius. A man it called
a scholar if he knows tlieso and uot
tini thing else. Everything Is ju-lged
by these nacred bt-,ka The ouu good
and democratic t'llug about it U that
any tnau is eligible to ouy position
under that of umpuror.
"As to society,' said the speaker,
"lliey hnve none, ns we uiiderstiuid the
term." This Is simply that they dou't
recogillza wumaukliuL If you ask n
Clilmiman how Jimny children ho luia
ho wih only count -his boy The lot or
n O iitiese wmiinii is a vtrolched one."
Here tiro a few fnots gathered frum
the nddress. Drun. euuesi is nlmostun
known in Chinn. There nra few chari
ties. Tlieio is tho mostiuteiis-iguoriincj
no to cuireut events; there wcro no
uewsi iipnv, no tel, Tiiph liue-i. Polite
ness is part of -the Cilinese religion, but
the average Chlnuimiii la tin ttuniitlgated
liar. Filial obedience Is n C.ilnes. vir
tue. The Celestinls nro great believers
in "signs, " thousand in number. They
havn no st night streets or wnl s, be
cnuso they Lollevx- tho devil trnveU' in it
btraight They wuiit no f. r iuers.
"The Cliiuese," said Mr. Auell, "nre
docile, they nro not n warlike ruce, nnd
yet onco moused, witli theiruiiuu nl.ered
millions, they would make a tivmeinluim
nmount of trouble to any nation on tlm
face of. the envtlu Ilia country is gntiU
ually mi cuiiibing to Western civiliza
tion, but slowly, very slowly. "
A Qufullon n. to Uho Is the Hole .Sur
vivor or Hint Notable Unity.
In regnrd to tlm interesting qucstinn
whetlu r. Judgu Rcliiud P. jiurvin, of
Jamestowti, li the only surviving mem
ber of tho Twenty -fifth Congress, an
esteemed corrpspoudi ut writes;
"Charles Qayerre, nf New Orleans
where he still resiles, rejire-euted
LouWfnnu iu tho TJulled Stales Senate
This is not quite nccurnte. says the
New York Sun. Ju.l;;e Gayurre wna
elected In 1S33 to the United Stales
Senate, but lie never took hU sent, ill-Hi-si
btuilHhed film to Europe, where he
remnliied for seven or eight years, and
It ibert Carter Nitholun as elected ns
Sanatoria his place. Judite UayerYe.
therefore, did not lepre.sent L-iul-ilaiia In
tlie Senate or serve with Judge Marvtu
in the'Tivenly fifth Congress.
Is tliero any otiiorHUi vivorlhnu Judge
Marvin of the distinguiihed body that
luomled Cay, C.illioun, and Web-ter,
Tom Bentoil. James Bnclmniin. Jihu
Crittenden, Franklin Pierre, nnd Silas
Wright, nnd, in the House, John Q i-ucy
Adams. Jonathan Cftley. Thomiis C ir
win. Millntd Fillmore. James K Pollt,
Joshua If. Giddings, Odeu H .fTmnn.
John P. K"imedy, Hobert M. T. Hunter,
Sergennt S -Prentiss, Isaac Toticey, and
Henry A. Wise?
In that remarkable Twepty-fifth 0 in
gress,' besides the great Senatorial tri
umvirate, there was not less thnu live
statesmen wljo cither ltad been or nfter
wnrd were PieVidenls of the United
Slates, namely, Jpliu Qiilncy Adams,
James K Polk, Millard Fillmore, F.n'ik
lin Pieice, nud Junes Duchnnnu; nud so
fur as we nave 'ascerlii.neil, the ener-
nble Judi;e Marvin, of Chautuuqua, U
the sole eurrlvor. "
1'finnlHr lien Franklin.
By bis u turners mid ays nf life he
became the mot po-ulnr niiiu in France,
no tluit lien lie gai ted his pre-entatioii to
tlie lilng his future was iisstired. A he
pursed through the BtreetfldrParUb. wns
followed by ndiiiirlng eyes and cheered
loudly by ..ontkusjistio .-. voices;'' siiyH
tlie Century. A cSSuteiiipilrnry writes;
HA friend of 'nUhep-iTdsora-IIilh'fof -a
place at a two pair Ofls.tfcl vtud6v to
nee lilm prf 'by'ih hU ctcc'i, but tlta
crow tl -td rv gceat, M&U : but
luirely sav'Jiie, sn,v,Iurp.,. .Je aviis tli"
FreiichmuuV einliodliiwii'or, tho tUenl
rcitizan, repabllcniit philoiopliaiv nnd
Tiieitd. 41e conipU-talycnutlvilteU nnd
captured tho people of Fiance, whimi
lie peifeotly underfctnod, and lie7' well
kuew "tlmt a xipulnr man becomes
booh morefiwcrfiiflh'tii p wer jieelf."
Ond 'reel ia3',J) wns t(n lumor lo
have seen lorn. PvoiJe. .n-peated what
they had. lieard, lil'ut.eay. .Every- fete
which h consented to receive, over
house where livetinsented to uo, -Spread'
in s'gOty new'eWnireH,- who l eo.ifrie sy
tuaiiy imrtlsana of the AiiitrlcanTBjfvof'
iutioii." " - ' '' ; V,
a.1 i "J ' ' ' ' -
Xli Q'.d-Mt Klailiiir.Murj'- . s
Tlie oLte. tllng atory is 'prnbnb'
tliat of tbtt Hind- o berUtninn who wns
walking rrfong -tiie-roiid-ivith' ifn Ifou
keHlu oii his bnclc, a llva goose iu .onj)
Imndi nnd ih thedthdf'rttiflpe op'n, lope
by wl.lclrlie ns.'.reniiji'(iTut Frp
eutly a w6.ninn.j"ilaed" hini,.and Ihey.
walked olii)g together uutil they reached
adaik rnviue,. when she shrank back,
deolnringi-alio was afraid lie-might kiss
her by force tlieio in the dark. 11
man explained that by reason of his
burdens ho could not I osslhly do ia
"Yes, " ald ' the ,vcm "but what is
to hinder" yu from slc!iljigiie,o.uje In
the giound'nud tying tlie gnat toil, ami
then lay lug the guose on tho- ground nnd
covering It with the bottler And then,
ho could I 'help myself If you wick
edly icr-iisled in kissing me?" '
"Many thanks," said Ilia man. "I
never should have thought of all thnt.
Y-'ti are an ingenious womaa May
your ingenuity always suoce -d. u
So they went on until they reached
the darkest pert of the ravine. Tlteu he
stuck the .oane iu the ground and tied
the goat to it, nnd put the goose untjer
the kettle hr the tiahe. -and then -li.
edVkfed the woman "Id' spite if he
.GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In the Side,
k tho Chest and tho Joints, Neuralgia,
Sprains, etc., etc., tho
tToed with B-reiit m Mtflrln tha Imrrrlxl
and Boyal Uneral Hospital oX Vlenzui
and manr othera.
lent. OnsofourSletert.iufferlnp; from Rhn- I
tnatlam for yeari, coula fladnointog to am I
bor bnt your A nchor Pain Kxpeller. I
CO Contn n bottlo.
i 810 Iiroadtcay, A'aie York. I
Knmpenn Houses t Ttndoutailt, OV, i
i l)ndon. Vienna, llolterdam, lajni i
V JConjtoln.Oltfn, tiurombwv. Laloala A
-ts rsizi KLsua at amis.
fcFREE Booki about other Anchor Rt-A
nwdies on Applicatien,
Tenons desiring Tension Wanks n( Infor
million under Art ut June 1890, can obtain the
same from tho undersigned,
OKO. W. KSSElt. rrothonotarr,
itumt Mauch Chunk, Pa.
tt Jof 0i)"tl i . .,)) jdii ttaiJH
oxsioonsia ao aioa
.11 'OOT.UU i t3 w o -ia "wcTrn lifl C5
"09 3NI0ia3H CIH30M ,
om Xq con
"ni nt ftmn panrtsid nnn sj pm'tra. n
t d jui joj paj 'dtiXiiAv i jo sioaiTj jogmv
ij( pMuauil nthxi vq Xnflnui erov,
'br tnoij eSisqo jo eoji
iprponj tii uTotrio o a co oicumd wot
in 'asnjtpna Ha , ot o-Mf ?u rq m& sefmer
Tho Best Remedy
fa this worM, says X nofherr ot Byrsoois, S. T
Is Vaster Koenia a Nerve Tonlo, bceauss my- sos
who was partially parallied tnrea years aco sad
nttaokod D7 fits, h..s not bad any symptoms of
tbsm elnee no took one bottle of JUis xeaiedji I
moat haartUy thank for It.
Norvous Prostration Curod.
-CnoanAtt, K. T. Jane, Utt.
I vru not able to do snytlilncr for 10 months,
at confined to bed most cf Uie tune, eoaldn't
eat nor sleep, vras so nervous and dUsy that I
coula not tvallc. from tbe houso W tbs garden. I
vras nil run down by what tbe doetoia called
gerrous prostration. . Ha meulelne seeised to
elp mo. Then 1 took rattor Koenlgs Kerra
Tmilannd now lean eat and sleep and haven,
more sinking fpells, oan do my liousttvurk smlo.
Inn; vi'ry thankful for this and recommend th
Toalo to all sufferers.
n Hnrti tirt . ,ehllltoa
o more
N ....
of this.
Rubber Shoes trains vfom aneomfortsbtr turbm
vrtu otwn tlm on uw feat
Jjf .l'0.wltb InjMe of best lined wlta rnebea
Thl, ailnRA to the shoe and frercats the rabbet
fevja. aUpptair off.
Call for the " Colchester
JOHN LKNTZ, Wboletale diitu,
Itctall dealers can have their nsmesnserted
'lorennannllmition. mavlT. loo;vl
IN its first stages, can bo successfully
checked by tho prompt use of Ajrs
Cherry l'ectornl. liven in the later
periods of that disease, tlm cough Is
wonderfully relieved by this medicine. '
' r have used Ajer's Cherry Pectoral
with the best etltc-t In my practice.
This womlirrful preparation once laved
my life. I hail a constuut couch, night
sweats, wus greatly irduccd tn flesh,'
and given un by my physician. One
bottle ami a linlt of the Pectoral cured
tne.' A. o. Lidsuu, Jl. IX., MHdletln,
Tenncssen. f
" Several jtnrs ago I was severely (11.
Tlie doctors suilt I was lit consutnnilon,
anil that they could do nollilinrfurine.
, but advised a lust resort, to'try
, layer's Cherry Pectoral. AfUir Wkllnr
iui mmicino iwg or turee montni 1
' tras" cured, and my heollli remains gopd
to the preieut day "James Blrchard,
Uurisn, Coun.
' " Sevcrnl years oro, on a rassaps home
from' California, by water, I contracted
so severe a cold that for some difys I
VTastconflnoil to tny state-room, a'nd a
fibyslciau on board considered ray lit.
ii danger. Ilapjicnintf to have a bottle
.of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used It
freely, and my lung were soon restored
; ti) a healthy condition. Since then I
have Invariably ri-comiiieni1.eil this prep
aration." J. 11. Chandler, Junction, Vs.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
pr J. C Ayer U Co., Lowell, M&at.
4JIMHt IK , , pf It Utstf ifMdt b, J9U4.
you -'us mil tnu It Ba iukMk. liktr tut mk
lMh jDitHtilihty bsm rru imm k lo
fit) dj ct iti. aisirt, and tutxr uwt Q
u. ft.-lu stvt-t. Ju atkrri !
Amcnvst fti m mtrnttuw , rtv.
Inir ftll S'-vr liiiw,. r inf u Hk- latest to
nM vilUntu. ktcci 'MirftaT
rrt Mitkcr U 1 ML, lntttU
.r.ilitnst LA8av,lilrftuf tKt
rAUlltri,Al(h VHit. Attn tl MtMU
hiiitHx to., uuiUTii, lutii?
Subscribe for and
tjiis paper. Purely local, a renr.
luia I. ii r, nM-bWrw tn!!
f-rS tVr ii. hr Antti lBP, Ibubu
awl J..O. hrt, IwMeS-ClbA.
i rxti. Of larra ar 0Uf4 vU,W lijr
- "ut ftatu tn r i oy.jEp
"(it TnM r s1 thfl Werfc
b Mbur ifX's. kMi t-
luutn t4 ataaflt atssaJaur linn tl u
nd Mart ( su i-irsil rmrt drta
t all tluM. lllyBMsna) WwnrW
ifc Falliirawialtn'aun M'tU tttau
low HAo JNtrUMtul.JU&ln
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Prey's Universal rile Snpoiltorr. A una
jure for every form of l'llss. Internal or extfroal.
IteblDii or bleeding, and louit standing eases.
Uas never tailed Try it. even 1 von hsv.
tailed nltn every other resaedr. Tbii Subdo.!.
tory ts cooesbaiied, easy to epidr, safe, nest and
eiean. sua i-oii-asrseverv advantage over omt.
meats and safi n. 1'IihI,-d ii.f To the! r btb
lati. On ta I rial n.,A wu, 0,111 1,. ..Tirl.iS riS
foaylaeed. If your druuisi does net ktee 4t or
Ct It for you. saod for tTby null, f&i, t TfjeaS
1 at tZAw a .,...