The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 21, 1891, Image 4

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We hre a speedy and positive (Jure to
Catarrh, Dlptherla, Canker'. ami
Head-Ache, In SlIlLOH'8 CATAUKH
REMEDY. A Kami Injector free whh
each bottle Use It if you deaire health
and sweet breath- Price 60 cents, Bold
at Blery's or Thomas' Drugstore.
A Patent medicine man who a-.rertles
an 'Elltrof Yunth and Unttulitler ol Hu-
taanlly." says with a grini idKuluVaiice, thai
wa Derson who nses nne bottltftif it, ncourrl-
tag to ths directions, will nover grow any
Bnmmer Tratelen "Look here, I sy
hano-il If there aiu't a Mack hnlr in thl
aoiiD.-' Irate Ltndladv: "Well. I'm auri 1 I
s'posa I ain't hound to beeps citrroty.uairi
oook jest to please )ou, um if
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
I it not worth the small price of 76 ccntt
to tree yourself of every sy niptoni of thcsi
dhtressW coro.ilalnts. if you think ho call
at our store and cet a bottle of ShilohV
Vltaliier. Every bottle has a jirinteil
amarantee on It. use accordincly, and if ii
does yuu no good it will cost you nothing.
Said at Biery's or Thomas' drug, store.
"Jake, vat von glf -juai sou for a bitthdaj
prasentr" "I dou'd know; it's pretty liHr
llmiu. I mass I hf tome bullous sewed
n hla clothes." "Yes, dot's so; I guess 1,
baf my boy's hair cut."
A Sensible Man
Would nse Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and
Limns. It Is curing more cases ol Uouglis, Uohls
Asthma, llrnnclillls. Croup and uU'lliroat aim
,.-n.?rlr,tnr htl fllltlinrlTI'd HIlV CttllirulSt 10 lllVl
you a Sample Bottle Free to convince you ol tin
merit ol this great remedy. Larue Bottles Wt
ana si.
Mamma." said Flossie. "I'm sorr.
about bids:" "Why. dealt" "He Is Ren
ins profane. He says he thinks ibe rlvtt
near the house ooght to be ouly I slumi
lay toe rest or It."
Miles' Nerve and Liver rills.
An imnortant discovery. They act oi
tha liver, stumacti and hotels tlironiili th.
nerves. Anew nrluciple. They speedl:
ure biliousness, bad taste, torpid livci, pile.
and cnnillnatlon Snlendld for men. womei
and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 6t
doses for 25 cents. Samples free at S. D
Thomas and VV. F. Biervs Drutt Store.
A Woman's idet of a true friend is on.
who admires her utilldreu kS much as sL
dots herself.
A Great Battle
Is constantly KoInK ou iu the human systen
When you suuer wiiu cousuiiiuiiuu, vuuaua "
eolds;they strive tornlii health utid (IhikvI.
thus to tho iiruve. Take tlineiy waniiiM nu
1st l'an-Tlna UourIi and Cuuaumptluu Curt
OH n lift fyl pnl a
I)r. Lee's Liver IteRiilator is a sure cure fo
i1vnpmla. i.lllousncsM. heartburn. lhUiislioi.
and all kidney cumulaiuts. Trial bottles lice u.
Thomas' Utut store.
If a manservta bim iaiibfnlly six da
la lb week, the devil doesu't citremucl
whether be itoea to cnurou on miucuy
The transition from lunir, llnperlos and pain
ful sickness to robust henlth marks an epoch Ii
tha Ufa ol tha Individual. Such a rcinarkab
event Ii treasured in the memory rnd the untile?
wliarehv tha uood hoiillll llll been aUUlliCit I
Rratelnlly blessed. Hence It Is that su much Ii
heard In praise of EUctrio Ultters Su man.)
feel they owe their rettoiattun to health, tu th
nianl lhallfnil AltapailVM olid Tnilla. Ii VO.
are troubled with any dUease of klUnets. Ilvn
or ttom&ch. oflonu or short stanUlinrNOU wl
nralT rind Tellef hv la of 1lLCtrlU lllltem
Sold a. ceo, and 11.00 per bottle at KLUt-U't
urugr store.
The cUrcjmu wnaunojed when he sir
in the report of his iermnu that hit) nl
phrase "the peuitentlal tears of lha convert
bad been turned into ' 'the peuitcutiaiy im
ol the oonviot.
lie Tour Own Doctor.
It won't cost you one half us much. D
not delay. Sent three two-cent Mumps fi
postage, and we will send You Dr. Kuui
man's great work, fine colored p ates Iroi.
ate, on diseases, us causes unu home cur.
Address, A. 1. Urdway s Uo., uosti
We might r.a well try to attempt In bri .
pleasure ont of pain, as to unite li.dnltD.
to sla with tbe enjoymrnt of happiness.
May Thank Her Stars.
The narrow escape of Mrs. B. M Sear)
cf Elkhart, Ind., from a prematuredenlhi
wonderful. She slates that "lor ttvrn
years my heart trouWed me greatly. I hi
earn worse. Had smotherinir enells. shot
breath, flmterinj; could not sleep on my Ivi
side, nail much 1 aln in urest, nln.ul.ler an
stomach. Anklesswelled. lluil uiiicli lieui
aeho and dizziness. Treatment did me i.
good, until l tried Lr wiles Hew lliiu
Cure and Restorative Nerve The Orst bi
tie helped me.and I was soon virtually cure
For sale at T. D. Thomas und W. F. Bier
drug store, A fine book on the Heart nn
serves free.
True merriment may be dlstiugnisue
from false by tbe faot that it'beais lefleolim
W tan think of it with pleasure next-da,
ana i it week.
'ThU bread of yours, my dear, if a cor
tradiction of the laws of gravity." ' Im'etd?
"Yes, Us aa heivy as lead, but worn g
Soccers in life is the result of push an
energy. If the blood is impure auj eluggiH
both body aud mind luck vigor. Toclrmi.
and vitalila the blond and Impart new In
to the system, nothing elsa has sueb
marvelous eff.ct aa Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
An old lady ouoe iunocentlv remarke
Ihit her hens were so old that they could ui.
lay iretn eggs.
rrooaoir tne meanest man on recn i
keeps a in San Doming.
Last winter an eartLquske turned tbe o.tili.
clear upside down, aud tbe verv next inori
Ingbe began cbargiug the tarret lodgn
srai oiaas uoor prioca.
Catarrh In Mew L"ucland.
Ely'a Cream Balm glvea BAilnlatlou to ever
Oaorslig it forcatarrahl truuhlrs.R
iicllor. uiagglst, iKorouceter. Mats.
I believe Ely's Cream Biltu is the l-
article lor catarrh ever offered the uutilio
T) . L- , . T". , . at, . 1 .
iuu otvju. , uruguisis, uorcueiler, Uai
Auartloleof real merit. 0. P. Alue
DrUKdUt. SDriniiQ.ld. Musa.
Thote woo use It speak highly of it.-Ge
A. Hill, Drngsist, Snrlniifi.ld. U.i
Crm Balm baa given satisfactory rennli.
n., irapsr, urugiibt. ajrlugQeld JUm
aoung iiny tut IM: "Tke ni
Beat, pioaae." Old Liidy (uear-.ihted b-
uraieioij: inn nil )uu. air. loure are t.
ouiy geuuemau in me "
.n.u.i,-, ... ...
wtueiiu oocupatiuu'a gone.' Ue U.
wausai nava and nishta miriim u,.
nd tbe rbeum tism. Mow be only liu do-
uu lauuua ib iuiuk now easily Le aas iUi.
oy uaivatlon U(l, nt 26 ota.
Wm. n. Vanderford, R q Editor of tl
uemocrauo Advocate. Weatminisrtr, M"
JriUs. that he baa used Dr. Bull's Cuiu
ujioHnun kuows ii m ben giod medioiu
u ii. nj ii. -.o cents.
I that last nigh 'a was now
wveiy raii'ciasi app-anuoa." 'Yea t
wh, duo uasau't oau lime to appear ari
line," b
, AOalloui Organ Beasle-Wben Ganr
leu oersoa cried h Hberbosrt wonld brea
Florenca ( ly) How presompton.I Ju
1. I.UU.UI
Bitorflara Which Affect the Kidneys
nli-l..?".1! t'OO'trerroMaWe known. Iiutwfn
SU." ?." hutthi-y may be av. ned Ly timet
.a'!a".a. A Olefol sllua aat of the urlnar.
a .
WS . ,v,r b foau't 'a HoMatUr'
lensack Bitters, a tnedlalna whlh n ool,
areMithe reqoliue sitmalas whea they bt'
auaae laaetlf e, hat IsHeuu thair vivar an
tSlvii!""" kP '""easing Ihe aollvlt, o
j,.T, r i.u.r, i ma ieuiciD Has III
M4ltlena((treetf axdelllna frem tbe hlawl lia
whljb It II the peculiar ofBee oftbos
rasas to eltail.itte and uasa off. The UilUra i
"parieeraad streBghteBer ol the bon
iiTlL';'? "". and a maieblae
!!.ajr fr lullleaiBiis and fever aad ueaa. 1
well imu a iuJum
wsiwuuasa( atctjaiM U aged uU Laiu
A Few Tlnln Wonl- Aunit Ilia Trf'.
in out of the Cnnb Jtno-Insr illnirtc
I'Hr ltX"t!.iio llnr-lfr lis; Miivt.a f 'i
I'i-IviI.-ii a - I'cr.llnfind mul Ji b I
Tiitte tin. Unit ,V It .c. i-xiermintt. d
There is "lie fact w t liy ol u ti- .n
the co:nln f mi- liundiedth yenr cil
brntlon of the dli-cuv.-ry of tin1 Amni
Oil II oolltiiient, nniiiely, ihnt not one sin
lo f-peclmeii of the Co liuibua di
CO vol od will be on himl to defe id hi
If. w riles A. P. Duulnp in tlie Satur
day Review. Not nluns has the Ciiil
been iK?il from the fiioj of the em th,
but tho oldest iiihnuitauts or tlie weJ
IndiilU Islands linvo not even a hull
breed even of that race, nor do nny ol
them romeinb. r having loen ti Id ihnt
they existed in the time of their futlier
or grandfathers. Columbu9 wiiii's ol
tho-o p'onle us the best he Imd eei
eeon, uud snys they r. ccivi'd him with
overwhelming Un.lnesi He -ny, to.
thut they were mi.nerout, mid tlmi
every ialiind from Sou Salvador to S.iuto
Domingo was thickly inhabited,
Could ono Of tlieao guileless savages
nriso to eny n few words nt the opening
of tho World's Fnlr lie might conieu lmt
dfsurriinge tho mntitlo of glory which
the Saxon, Celtic nnd Teutonio races
linve so prettily nrrnugod nitJiuid the
historic llguresof Cluistoplier Columlus
und Queen Ituibell.i. Tho g.mtlo suvage
might flint list why the iniglity i eoj.le
of North America were celebrating the
udteut of n man who hud ui.tlnug n hat
ever to do with the discovery of lint in
now the U.ilted Slntoa. He uouU have
no iccurd of his own people ho have
not even left n'lraco of their existeno
behind them hut ho rnilit have looked
into the oiioiny's camp fur information,
and there ho would ilnd Hhetner
proved or not that Mr. Columbus was
said by his kii Ferdinand to have Loen
a pirate, or the dsCendtmt of one.
who was constantly on the move, and
who. in the liftm-ntli century, htited
tho homo of the V. Icings, and there
eiird the story of tho discovery- ol
He could readily reconcllo 5Ir. Co-
umlitis's vuiy of doing tilings hy nu
thenlicated ili3iitLhes from ColiimlniB
to " lheir HiuhiicAse. " Isabodu iu.u
Feidiuaiid, by reading a copy of a lotler,
now iu tlioSn.inish mcliirvs, in wlucli tbe
discoverer informs "Their IIUIiiilmsbs"
tliut he "lis tie. ted as a brother by these
savage peoplor that they gave freely till
they hail and conunctru him to tlieir
gold mines. Toe (J. ail) miglittlion rend
the latter part of Uiu.di-daluli, ovidentl
written as noon as ColunibiiB louirued
fiom the irold 'mines, and s "linn it would he to overcome this mi
armed people uud bend them lis slao.
to Spain.
B-pudiating CJlumbus as a uiscov.
ler, lu mlglit, o i tne iiusp.cuuta ocua
don, go ovi'ii fiuttior, by inking why
Coin,, bu. or Isabella should. he a in ire
or held up as examples for the youth of
the laud?
The Republican porty might nlso b'
told that no two poi bons iu the win Id's
history ever wont iuto a (hne 8 rcnl i
turn nmio deliberately. Col. inn
einp'ed the ctt, idity of the Q leen with
inti.l I treasur s as a vcttirii lor hor in-
vestment, and in I i. list letter Is a re
quest for shi s 'loaded with provi-unm.
t couio Ik'vneiu for tliu tr. lllo ol
slaves." Did' he get them? T. d mi-
tneruffw in I lie Madrid nicj Ives it.:
"Their 'lilgliueases will seud tne vee
If the written nccount of theoe S an-
sli piiates be correct, tlio dr b oi.itn'
might fill)' that 13 years after, Columbia
iiriv d in the we-il Ind es not one of
this pre s .eroiis nice was uhve, and In-
could ith truth point to the ire mub
eft by the Dominican frinr, La Ca-n.
vho wrote that 41.003 ol then eiv
.iilled on the Lucaiynn group inside l
a veiy ii in iiiiiu ennui uv tne unuui ui
the liibli of the hi .ve driver.
The native West Indian might sum up
iU argu ojit4v eiiy.n that as nu ex
implo of d dil erate lieachery mid c d.l
olooiled cruelly and hypnerisy, the
world's history has no parallel to Cliri.-
t pher Coluuihii ', "ho ex or.ninated a
nice that he himself says received him
as "one sent from heaven, nor to liw
ide pal titer, who went into the
estate and slave s ecdatiou ith a liar I,
cold greed for gold, and then permiltoil
the ui-coverer to end his miserable life
as a i nuper.
Uln Mo.MllBtcr'H Mux I ins.
I was here siini ly cmrying out the
axiom to keep one's friendships iu re
I daily comment to my cook on the
performance of the previous day.
I he hiht'bt cultivation iu social mnn
ners enables n pcrtou to couoeol from
the vioild his real feelings IIu can go
tlirotigh any uuuoyauce iu if it were u
pleasure. -
1 he sticcesi of the dinner dsponih
much upon tho company iw the oook.
Discordant eloineuU p0; lo iiivitexl h1
phalotically, or to pay oil debts are
You must never be ablo to boo the
tails of your dress coat: if you do, dis
card tlio
When you entertain do it in an eny,
natural way, as if it wtis tin everyday
occui rence, not tlie event of your life:
hut do it well. L-'nru bow to do it;
never be inhumed tu Jearn.
A gentleman can always walk, but he
can not ullord to iiavo a shabby equip
It is well to bo in with the noha who
are born to their position, but tlie cup
port of tlio swells is mure advantage, us,
tor society is sustained au l carried on
by tlie swells, the nobs lookiuir n lietlv
on and accepting the position, leel.n
Hint tliey ate there liy illvlne rign: j but
they do not make fiulilonuble euoiety or
carry it on. A nob oau I e a swell if he
chooeea L e., if lie will 8nd the money
-but for his social existence, this is un
necessary. A nob is like a poet na-oi-
tur lion tit; not so a swell he cieates
M irnl Men should not attempt to do
wiuit is not in tlieui,
TTe la Slnklnc Ilia Own Mnnnni.
Hub i t Herkoiuer has l uaiud Inmself
for some mouths pott iu building a liongi
for his own use. The other evening lir
lectured in Loudon to oblige a fe
friends, aud iu the cuureo of tlie talk
lu England wo are fearfully behind
Ainenc.i in our notions of uimiesiic c an
fort and deeeiioy; but we Kjgliah nko ti
be a long time iu inakiin; any climue-,
and ei eotally iu the mutter of obtain-
.ng hot water e prefer to get nt it in
the meet rouudabout way. Much
ine only way to have n house really
livable and really epieentuti.e, us i,
should be, is to build it v..ui,0lf. I
I "
must denote your owu t istes, c!.ni ictei
-mHwUt-, one else's 'Ihe d,
must all liarnmniz ' with the wliola. "
T i . ,t.
dehlgiilng all Ins owu uteusils, lock-.,
furniture, ninths, aud hauling. do) n to
the very plates and spooue, is liaviug
thm made on the ureiuuwa
benutor Hu-iist's ,.o.i none is the l.u
Mt in a gi i. up of mines ileal D.-a J .l,
S. D.. Bi d is oul.l to be the i ic .est h In,
in the world. Ihiee tli.,u..iiai miueia
areen plovad upon it. and ihey lake out
(W VM,W to (800,000 ever? tboutii
day's mm
Prcventn Lun;r Fever I
Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss
.-if .pi , i. r, round t, reri, fta.
IP) i u .i h i!icka;:o. Biidl y nUdr.ilrrs,
Cures Dyvntery,
fi-d DiarrhaB.
Ourea Wind
C lio, &o.
Ec iicvos Griping and Summer Complaint.
Facilitatca Teetldnc!
Sold by nil drunguits. PriLO &3 cents.
For tho coroct
sumption md fcr tvo relief A
onsumplire per
rons. For baloby ail
iruggists. 85 cents.
euntre twcE s CJsra ciOAnrrrra for Co-
SlflJKt turrht Prlct lOCts. At all drueattts.
TharaimAr below Freezing
ii.rcc fctpmi vi c.iaia; het which m met u.u
face like a thousand needles. Wind forty miles an
hour You say a mtn coukJn't stand Kuch ex
p-rMirc? No, he cooWu't, without Just the proper
clot hi ug And there only one outfit that can
keep a man both warm and tlry at such a time, and
that is ihe "Fish Prand ShcUr V They are
guaranteed rtorm-proof, tvaurproo!, and wind,
oroof. 1 nide or.e oi then, you are nwch ou ol
the weaih-r as if indoors. They aro light, but
warm. Uemg re-enforced throughout, thev r.ever
rip: and the buttons are wire-iastei ed. No rati
roi J who his once trifd one would bu with ut
k fur teu times its cost. Uoware cf worthies im
itationa, every farment stamped w th ' Fish Br'nd
Trade Mark- Don'i accept any inferior ctat when
you can have the " 1'nh Hrand Such- r " delivered
without extra cost. Particulars acd illustrated cat
iJopue free-
A, J. TOWER, - Cocton, Wlaos
aaaaT.Baa f IMseai
Tlio Most Successful Remctlr ovcrdlscov.
ered, at it is certain In Its effects and does not
blister. Head proof below i
Dili's mm mi
DCLVKIINOS, Po., Nov. 27, HO.
Dr. B. X ITf.toall Co. :
Gonta I would like to make known to those who
are almoM persuaded touuICtuuiall's tspnvln Cure
the faot tiiat Itdink UIhu mtwt exclltnt Uniment.
I lia u&i rl I ton l niooilHoavf n. Thu hnntt wont nn
thrco leg for three years when 1 commenced to
use your Kendall's Smvin Cure. X uh1 teu bot
tlaeonthe horse and have worked Ulni tor three
years since ono na. not ueeu lame.
Voura truly, WSI, A. CUIU
GCRMtVSTOWr, N. V., KOT. 2, 1989.
DR. B. J. Kendall Co.,
Enosbunrh Falln. Vt
Gntat In omlsoof Kendall's Snavln Curo I will
"8a , that a year 00 1 liad n valuable yuunu horse bo
oonie vory lanie, lioclt enlarged andswolU n Tbo
horsemen about hero (we have no Veterinary Sur
(jeuu hero) pi-onouuLid bU lameness ttlooU spavin
or Tbonmghnln. ihey nil toltt mo there was uo
cum lur lit 'm "woiim ULruuif umiwi,uuh tun
aidered hliu nluioat w ortbless. A f rU-na told me of
the merits of your Kendall's Spavin Cure, so I
bought a bottle, and I could ftee very plainly great
lmprovuments Immediately from Ha use.nnd before
the bottle was used up I was satibfleti that H was
doing him agrpaat deal of gcxMl. I bought nFecond
bottle nnd before It was used up my horse was
cured and has been In the team doing heavy work
all the Mason slnco Inst .A mil. nhowlnz no mora
stgnnoflt. I consider your Kendall's BpavlnCure
a vBiuaoie ineaicwetiina it snouia ue in very
stable In tbe land. IUwpcctf uliy yours.
Price 1 per bottle, or six bottles for $V All drug-
Cftts have It or can get It for you, or It will be sent
to any address on receipt of price by the propria
Ore. Dlt. IS. J. KEN DA ! Ij CO.,
Enosburgli Falls Vcruiou'
- I'm UfcititUa Ij..v ucc
psrinu'iel. I cuio l by.
illLAl'Ki.CIIiA.l'A, I'm, eatoiicroporitto
1 loMn itmefroiu buntitest UiiabHo uruiMnUo
uiuicjly ttlu-ts Wa ituiL buuu tut I'lttiitf.
CURF. t-UARANIEED. oaio.curl.Iii.
tam now Tl yeras or age. Was a iturtmt ol
vie ll. lne Miruery tor seven ears under tlie
a nous It. N.'lsiiii, .mil niirr leu vrara' IihiiI
amy mi t'ulisulliilLoil llli neveu or Ihe liuisl
nlhi'iit 1 .li s -n-111 n n in Hie i ltv ol I'IiiI.hIi-1iIi.i
iii. c isti 1 n.ive .iKcnirred the cure of. iiiuuy
.. i itllfil me iial'le 'lUease
It cm in lulu lie iiiiii..ied that the nnine ran
. until, paialzt'il limbs can lie i vatored
oltiiMi uali.i.ii us.', uud iteiieiul delillil clued
,nim-,lli,i .l Hi.' tii!itli.a'H.ilexv, leiilfaori.uu-
,..Ue .11 .1 in., wiimt UHs.anl rheiiiiiMiliui, scl
:i, .1, in uralnla. Iter fiuupl ilnt, Uiiuhls' ills-
..I ilia knlueyk, liln and lione dUoaar, c
.mil. tiruiahllU. elimi.le daeiitrv and so
ili. il heart ill.Hi-ase und dlpluerla. all entirely
uieil with iiiire inert let neMif tu, owu prepura
inn, 11 used iiiopel!) ai. dile.'tetl.
Iiiiiluu nine years uier IG.imu iiraous in this
in alone liae iim-iI theiie medicine and are
nu uitnt'SKt s ill theli Horlli All ihi-ir M, lines
hi I ' "Id iine.l in uilliiu hi I lie mn. v Mild lab-
11 ol lJl.ilesH,.i lloiulroil. .i 1727 N01II1
. ,111 Mn 1 1 , I'lul 11I. I.l,l t 1 u.,h iuap( III
in 1 U in tu. a 1 , 1 1 1 - .'ii. I mi.iHzimI fi'i seven jeara
,1 1 r,., ,, 11,. 1.1 nn-, u,, 1. if li ni i, c,t the most
1 I.- .h 1. 1 11, s .mil niveous i I H111 el y 1 am
.n i,oi..i..i in ilil.j, Iiumu cured uiyaelf wltli
uv uwn me UielO'
l)o rut IW. 11 to thou, prejudiced azalnst tni
lovi'itieiit Iu niediciue und Ule, wheu you can
e saved.
I nl nut jo Into practice melf, hetnK over
t'rli 3 Ol
lint will hll iny ntpilie i.(t. I
ut pLym t.tus (tmuectftl Atlh
.tiling kl tUe u-auUures ol tha
lit' lO .itl' tut t"
u il remind.
' "," ''iu all sufffrerh and ! nMoiM
"httiili.iti tl lij tin o P'ire mrflii-lm'S .iiid
i.ti v i 1 1 mm Hiitl l telle fui tnnv i vt-s.
i -tt , I ".ran ii osumi o li f i (tin t a M..
V M l .ill ui ihr Al.LXANUKKfiOD.
issii(iri Mm Dirtxtniv
U H. KRr'bOE,
In the niil I'ckI oilier- llnlldlnit.
Imp mi. I Me.llmn shin toi lmlli. Men nnd
llllilrcn nt Ule fl lewtst pi tecs.
v(V Hubbi-is in-ritcil In (lallem at frnnituto
Ml I'rnlH.
)ii liinl nf I r i i ii. ii c.ii. riiinpi) iu'
,ii .' i'i i.n..ii ,n. ii. i. .1 1...
HANP-MADI- mini, ft HOEs
I l il! A -.MOD I II
B4.oY - S 1AVE,
i vi tMi IIaiii Cut.
Qrer the Uaual Ilrldge.
1 v' 1 Cash iluycrs ro to
nd lmy your Organs, ria,nos,Selng Machines
. ringers, Wimhlng Mnelilnes. Imilenieiiti.
nines of all kinds. It will nay rou otwtpilce'
mm me before buying. I con save you mono
nnrt Denier In
tAitxim roM-Aim-
Ac, &o.
Tractiml Wagon Builder.
tepuirlng Npntly anil Cnoaply Done ui
Very Heuaonable l'rivea.
lenoral As'lit fur tl OUbartti ratont AdjUft
auiauarnaan ruic. unu "
r iinu rn.
M.O Kuntz.
JlAllt - 1 U l 1 INC
In die vt-iy li'clust
Style o. 'ionaorl.,1 An
SnaviNO . . 8ii.ooN
Try Him!
elssui't HtliliiB.
IcaliM in SoleLwub
r. Kliilslicil Calf-
dtlin, Klaml Up
,fi Leal lier, llnrntss
,hhi her, etc.
illii'st-iirl!f paid lor
lines, Bkins'&l'nltow.
flits honso oilers Hrst-olass accoinniodiitlons t
lie iwrmalient bounler anil transient Rues.
,'nnlo prices, only One Dollar 'per nay.
wrt-iy .TonN liKiiiiid. I'rwrleti.r
Oscar Christina n,
VHI8Sr01tT, PA.
Livery and Exchanrje Sinhlo-
may rlillngearrlasxi and sate aitvtna liorsf
.lest accoinniodntioiijtn agents anil travi'Hei
Mail and telegrupli orBcrs proniplly attvmlml
;lv tile a trial. , nm21-l
The - Weisaport - Bakery,
0. w. I.AUllY. ritopniKTon.
Deliverc Krejh llrt-nd and Cakes in Wciaspon
. l.elilgtitnn und Midliltleseery dav.
In tlie store I linve n Vine Line o( ronftfflloner
.1 the Holiday Trade. tn:idsiy seliuolsniid fe
I'ltM .hi nidlwl nt lowest nrlcen. rtefit-.-i
Itct Canal Bridie I Weissprt
Q It
., u. Prices tlie very lowest, Quality
nods the lu-st. SaUsnuHton ijuuaiitced Ii
very particular.
'askt.s, Coffins and Shrouds
We have a full line ivh'cli we will rurnlsli .
lie lowest possible pi ices.
Flour, Feed, &c,
the cliolcost quality at very reasonable prides
'all and be cuiioliict'il.
Sale bills printed tit this offi&
at lowest prices.
E"ast Veissport, Pa.
Green Groce ies,Fruits
Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Phii
nuts, Apples, Sweet Potatoes.
Confections, Cigars, &e., .&c.
Our prices on all goods are as
low as city prio s and you ravt
tlie freight. CM1 at tura.orc
bafbre buying eUewliore.
Have you to-day's Advoa.te
Henry Miller,
Window and Boon Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
w indow aslics,
Mouldings, Brackets,
UI KiPts of. Dressei Mm
Shingles, Failings,
Ilomlook Lumbar, &c, &o.
Very Lowest Prices.
IftwHUoubncMhetkenTOl(tf HT lUt Wftiiura i
MaOruap. whwiwould au dot WImI rSlr tXrtuU tv
uuttii (Htm.
I Remedy
U a tlWllwi, larmlj u.w4r. nd Ii ll mmXwmttmmmu. In
S0rltbM otrf&iiL fcoir fr.ta (iuJr4Ul
OrUMAW FrK., . A MuiiJ pl(r by ull tot IwT
f"TI"P circulation is growing
all ih.i latest local newa iu tlie
I b&u style iSamsb hs
'It ffttrnfO Uiit rny hntlMD f . who prdfl him
Boll on hhtl(arappn.-irn(.' cncin7fmiuhbhWn
dhf.. And all (his duUmm Could ba toWU if h
woo 14 01a
on hl sbaaa, aad ret ha ears It Is tha floesi Draaatast
In Uuo irorld for hla batae s.
Change a Pint Tabic to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cane Rack nr to Mahogany.
Sea what oan bo dons llh S 0 O. worth of
riy it".
J-of tllxe.ll llU.'UlllV
1.000 Will l0 D tltl
nriQi 1 niiiTtltT-r'i-i.ia
fnrncasc wliorobt'L-
notnsfitstorcuro. It
gjitniilruro yon.
Do vou en lie r wit!;
incvcr f;ill3.
that Mretl nnd allfionc
fceJl'nr; It ho. uk'i
Sui.riiun rirnsits;
Cleanse tho Itlntotl
ililOO'lrl'Pn you scti
ts liu, . .iltloa liurst
nartlironch tho Rkln
it u in curt? you.
Oiieruui aw liuuit:
.U.Alr, anHhn,l I.J
in rlmtcsiltlorli08.
'nnd 6tri!C. ltclv on
Mtho nulla nml work-
SuLritun DirrnRB.ra
mil licnlth tilll fn1.l1
anops; cicrks.wnouo
not nrocuro Bnlllclcnt
oxcn-Isp, fiml nil who!
arc rnnllnotl indoors,!
thnuM uiorLrnmt!
I1ITTKS. TllPV will
will curo LlvevCom-j
IplatnU Innt ho dl8-
not ttiuu bowciutanil;
ourascu; it tu cure
JJ s u lpTi v nil it Tk:
, 3vin build vou tip m
i r inn iii nut ivifait
e to suOcrTrotn llneum
lausm, iao n Dotno o
i"jui.rnun urriLRs;.
SULiMiun. Ilrni:ns
aJiwU't lio withy ut ti
.lintl(. Trw itt rnn
will w.nko your blood
!pure,rlrh nnd stronjj,
wl.l not rng-rrf t.
h 1 1 ealir'JenSrr
health, who nro nil
run down, bhould use
Sur.rni'ii IUTTKR8. I
nun yournesn nam,
'i'PV bLLI'IIl'll JlIT.
TKits tn-nlht, nnd
ran win Bieep wen
'i ni i itif i Hotter inrit,
Do rou wnnt the best MetUca 1 Work nulillahed ?
rend o i-rnu wnmps to a. i . ukdwai & uo
Hciid the Advocate.
'Oiitral Drug' Store.
lank Street, Lehightou, Pa.,
' Pure" Drugs and Medicines,
Fine Spapsj Brushes, &c, &c..
"ihoico Wines and Liquors,
Wall Paper qnd Decorations '
Spectacles !
Wlien you buy a pair of Shoes you want .
.ml lit. lint If you ntjeo SPliUTAOLES It
uicli mbre liniioilunt tlmt the KYE should L
i-niniiiiMlatnl with correct leiisesaml u iro
. tlttliiu finine which will biini: Ihu lenses 11
ftly Iwhirv thecHiitre of the eye. If Mill hu
iiirsi'tiicles at l)r. Horn's vou will Dad th.
Hove points properly attended to.
PERSCRIPTIONS Caefiilly Compcnnfi
T. nware, i
Heaters and
. Ranges,
In Great Variety at
Samuel Grater's
Foprflar Store, Rank .Strwi
Roofing and tpuutinga special
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on short notiee
Purely local iu our aim.
r""' a taaHiUa.lHan.r tbr Un.1 will .h HmUb
a. aHaan.Ni or .aiiluruiruit wltkli yuu i.n . .ni lliaiuuaaai
; -r I . " ww, m i .-., aa aawi.ii
1 but ou uaraar in.u Mcb oltirki (.rauanty. I
ur Uu. orwtrk
ITI 1 1 H I I Vu-rtnti'X'.'.'
nir, b) tuaM i
..1.1. .mi la laaii
w Mm u..u JU il t.ix ty Iu Irani
Wa flwttl.h a Wfjiijiri Humk.Hviinilfiili
fom ptii iu ) i i.r tll jnujr tUu to ilf Mrk. 1bUIii
fi u. .i .til r1ifat.otJ-iiul ti.t-t Mokrr
Bviuur i t-41' 1 fSiia tS l . w tk anil it warita.
-1 .rW4. Wa ctu foralak u tb no-
a htit. Jto aM io aatilalav bvta. Pal)
Is the only IfluslrsMd paprr In the worl.
coiiulnlnii nil tlie laiast sensattonsl and spoi l
I ing nawa. n srloon ksniwi, barbi-r or rlul
room can aftord to be wtiboat It. It aJwaji
1 makes Irifiida wherevar It goes.
I Mulled to any Hrtdiesa hi thr CllUd State
anuirly r ""d. 13 wcrks fi rll.
Ibtuut Him muUi lur aaoiula aoy.
Richard K. Fox,
flBA A pnmphlet of Information nndah-5f
n.itruciof tho laws, showing llow UyMS
(fHkV Qiitaln rntents, Cavont., Tradr,
VITMaVMarks, Copyrights, sent irtt.EKy
Tha Hull l''.rrrul lloilv tm thr Ool re;,ti! sillntl.
1 lie niiMl ii .M'i In. H'ul tlie lieat nrraii-
ileil Imilv iiinoiiK tlie lli itlsli work rs to I
tin-coal miners' orimiiizatio Of 1 1 ie
500.000 men employe.! in r e mice of
K iKln i, Si-iillntwl. ami Wnle 801.000
nre nrfTHn zed There ur- flio ni-in. i-.m
iImi. i ly r ireipiitiii); the mine s' or. m
zntioin in ailiiinieiil, fn horn mlu i. s
ure put I avemgiiiK 1.700 a yenr. 'I : .-.e
live niembi'rs me men of nior limn
nremire ability, both as public hpcalu'i-u
aiul oiKimizerj of men. They aw of ir.
repmac able character, and oominai.rt
Oonaiile' abis influence in the iuiuse of
The tniiloa unions of Gloat Dritlan ain
well known iu the United State. In
England these unions are now oonsidrr.-d
lb tie loo conssrrutlve in their ixnior.
Jlr llnry Uroaillmint, IL P., the r.oo,
nizil head of EuKllsliimdea unlonlsln.
Is f eqnently slnriled out for nttnok hv
John Uurivs and Tom Mann, who tire tho
most typical man amonir the daily In-
creasing number of labor ngitHtum iu
liiiiyiiuiu. it is ceitain that we bha.t
witness a covero struggle iu the near
future between the new labor leaders
aud tho oi l.
A mighty organlzttion is ranldlr form
ing-itsuif iu the seaport towna of tho
three countries. Iu London it U oalled
the Doclr. Laborers' Union and Imu Tom
Mann ns president. In other large ports
it is known as the National Union of
Dock Laborers, with its lio.-idquarters lu
QlaRROw. These two hoditM numbsr ul
roiidy close upon 100,000 members.
llio next of the three treat BritUlt
coinblnati, ns of workers dsor ins men-
tiun is tlio Amalgamated Society of Rail
way beivants. Its inembereliip
to the railways of the threo countries.
Thi strike which occurred iu Ireland
lately demonstrated that it is in the
power of this single organization to sus
pend the traffic of the entire railway
sjstem of Croat Britain aud Ireland,
whc.i the members deem it nccessarr to
do so iu furtherance of their intorestx or
claims. This is a fact of portentous im
portance, not only to railway sharehold
ers, but to the entire capitalistic interests
of Great Britain and Ireland as well.
Tho future of tho Liberal party will
bo vitally influenced by the attitude
which its responsible lender must so.iu
take up toward the labor movement
The call e of labor must be represe , t.'il
in parliament hy a greater number of
uorungmeu than lthnsut pio.-eiit. Nine
members out of n parliament of 070 ure
ml .t posseises now. It lies with the
L bernl party to m ike that ninj at least
80 when the next parliament is elected,
nnd lo have state payment of members
adopted ns a proir.uent plunk iu t a
Li era! platform. Michael Duvitt, iu
North American R-vlew.
llie Singed ShIjth-.A Dnlcn'a Drernlful
Duel. -The Hod Hut.
Once up, in a linio Charles VI of g.ive n ir.aiquerailo ball, and he
nd live ut, liia courtieiu look the puit of
nlyi-a. To do this ariillcally they were
.'lutlied in loose linen habits, besmeared
iiih ret.iii und then etticlc all over with
lnwii. One of the c m nny, in a fiolic,
ihted one nf the Eatyrs with a torch,
ind in ' consequence four of lliein wero
lUrne.l (odeatlL ThU U supposed to be
he origin of the tnr and fi-atherclHloin.
During tho reign of G.-oro III, his
royal IhkIiiioms, the Duke of York, had n
Itii'l with O.ilonel Lennnx, and (he
worthy colonel succeeded in Blmotins
.i ay one of the duke's curia. Hence
it became, the direct thing to wear a
curl on one side of the temple only.
Tlio i eru.o is said to bo due to the
misfortune of Philip, Duko of Burgundy.
IIh hair full out, un.1 his physicians ad
vised him to cover his head with artifi
cial hair, which ho did, uud thus sot the
The practice of tho cardinals of Rome
of wearing red hats at ceremonials aud
roconbious was introduced by Popo In
nocent IV as a symbol to indicate the
readiness of the cardinals to spill their
blond fur Jeus Curist,
O le day Francis I of France was
struck ou the chid with a p ece of tile.
Oi course, the wounded pint could not
he shared. Tims beards came again
into fashion, lifter having beou out fur
nearly a, century. Clothier and Fur
nisher. '
Anecdote or Admiral I.uco.
An anecdote is told of K 'tir Admiral
Stephen 13. Luce, United Slates Navy,
the author of the text book on seaman
ship, which has long been the standard
at ihe naval acad. ny. When Luco
was u midshipman h made a cruise to
the Mediterranean in tlia old C. institu
tion. At Villelianche tho Constitution
anchored near the British man of
war Belleiophon, the bhip on which
Na oleou the Great was a prisonorafter
the 100 days, and before St Helena.
The iiUlcrs of the American and the
British shlp3 exchanged the usual
There was an interchange of cabin,
wardroom, and steerage dimi'Ts. One
evening just before dark the Constitu
tion's midshipmen relumed from a din
ner with those of tlio Bellerophon. 'J ho
Constitution coutiimout was feeling
very well indeed, Midshipman Luce
piiticulnrly so. After the Couhtitu
lion's spar deck was rencho I, and the
diners out wero about to go below, tho
llloerof the deck stopped Mldshipmau
Lua. and said sternly:
"Young inuu, I believe that you are
With great gravity and emphasis
Luco replitHl: "Sir, if Stephen B. Luoe,
how can he be light? " That us the
Inst heard of the incident officially, but
not bo oUiprudse. New Yorit Sua. Allor I'orly.
Tha hest half of Hie is in front of the
man of 40, if he lw auythiiitf of it mini.
The work he Mill do will Le done with
the bund of n mnt r. and not of n ra
apprentice. The trained Intellacv doea
not se "moil o trees walking, " but ten
everything olearly aud in jut measure.
The trained tiuier does not rush at
worJc like a blind bull at a haynlack;
but ndvunoes with the calm and milered
pace of concclous power and deliberate
determination. To no man is tho world
so new and the futuroso froth ns to him
who Iihs epeut the wirly years of his
manhood hi striving to understand the
detp r piobleiiis of science and life, and
who has mudo Mime headway towiud
compre. ending them. To In m the
commoiiuat things are rare and wonder
ful, boUi in themselves and as part of a
beautif ul and Intelligent hide. Such a
thing as staled eatf lu life and its duties
he oan not understand. Knowledge is
always opeulug out before him in wider
exiaiis aud more ooinmandiug
heights. The pleasure of growing
knowledge and im reaaing power makes
every year of lib life happier aud more
hopeful than the hut
ilia LHtEaac Halt In the World.
A Louisutua elec.fio light oompdiiy is
liaviuj; iusmIb for it what Is said to be
the largest belt in the world It is mad
of two thickness ss nf leather, consist
ing of tlie skin of 173 animals, and is 6
feat w J Is and 190 feet loug. The serv
ices of 20'msu for a period of 3 months
will be required to complete it, aud it
w ill wlien finished weigh 0 tons. The
ntire eost of the belt will be about
0,009 HlgaJJ JMIfVi
A nnnlitg tlf.Hr.
Tim rojuto j on must ki n il very
stu, ill uluiiit some tilings, and in al
innM all l'lii-lili faii sioi.i'.- is tho
viitim of ono juko or anollici. Tho
boat-, on tho othi'i hand, is one of tho
wisest of animals.
Once upon u time the K-id-deh (tho
bra;) and Too-uha.v -deh (the coyote)
cl ii ed iv me"t at a ceitain spot ai d
sat di.vtn to tali.. After a Wiiilo the
lie i- ' u d :
"Fn nd t'cyoto, do ycu see wlitt
g iid land lias is horeV What Ao
,miu say ii v iarm it together, shaiiug
oui labor and theciop'i"'
Iho Coj,.to thought well of it, and
said so; ard after t liking thov agruod
to t lant i eta toes in partnership.
" Now," sa.d the lleni, " I taink of
a good way to divide the crop. I
will take all that grows beluw tho
ground and you take all that grows
nlkoto it. Then oath tan tko away
his gliaie when ho is ready, and thero
will bo no trouble to measure."
Tho Cojote agiocd, and whon tho
time came they ploughed tho placo
with a sharp stick and planted their
potatoes. All summer they wot Led
togctier in the Held, hoeing down tho
woods with stone hoes, and lotting in
water now and then from the irrigat
ing ditch. "Whon harvest time camo
tho Coyote went and cut olT all the
potato- tops at tho ground and canid
them home, and aftonvards the Bear
scratched out the potatoes ftom the
ground With his big olaws and took
thorn to his house, when tho Coyote
saw this his eyos woro oponod anil ho
"But this is not fair. You havo
thoso round things, whloh aro gotd to
cat, but what I took homo we otuinot
eat at all. neither my wlfo nor I."
" But, frior.d Coyote," answered
tho Bear, gravely, " did wo not make
an agreement? Then we must stiok
to ft like men."
Tho Coyote could not answer and
wont home, but he was not satisfied.
Tho next spiing, as thoy met ono
day, Boar said :
Cnme, friend Coyote, I think we
ought to plant this good land again,
nnd this time let ns plant it in corn.
But last year you were dissatisfied
with your share, so this yoar wo will
change You tako what Js below the
ground for your slraro, and I will take
only what grows above."
This seemed vorv fair to tho Covote,
and ho agreed. They ploughed and
planted and tended the corn; and
whon it camo harvest time tho Bear
gathored air the stalks and cars and
cariied them Uume. When the Coyote
came to dig his sharo ho found noth
ing but roots like threads, which wero
good for nothing. Ho was very much
dissatisfied; but tho Boar reminded
him of their agreomont, and he pould
say nothing.
That winter tho Coyoto was walking
one day by tho river (the Mo Giand?)
when ho saw tho bear sitting on tlio
ico and eating a fish. The Coyoto was
very fond of iish, and coming up he
said :
" Fricrd Boar, where, did you got
such a fat fish ?'
"Oh, 1 broke a hole in tho ice,"
said tho Bear, "and fished for them.
There aro many hore." And ho went
on eating without offering any to the
" Won't you show me how, friend ?"
asked tho Coyote, ftfnting with hun
ger at the smell of fish.
"Oh, yes," said tho Bear. "It is
very easy ;" and ho brolto a hole in the
ico with his paw. " Now, friend Coy
ote, sit down and lot your tail ha- "
In tho water, and very soon you wi1!
feel a nibble. But you must not pull
till I tell you."
So the Coynte sat down with his taU
in the cold wator. Soon tho ice began
to form around it. and she called :
"Friend Bear! I feel a Ultol Let
mo rnll him out."
"No, not not yet!" oriod the Bear.
"Wait till ho pets a good hold and
then you will not lose bim."
So the Coyoto waited. In a few
minutes the hole was frozon solid rind
his till was fast.
"Now. fnend Covote" called f"
Bear, " I think you havo him I Pull !"
Tho Coyoto pull- d with all his
might, but ho could not lift his tail
from tho Ice, and thero ho was a
rrisonor. While ho pulled and how'e'1
the Bear shouted w th laughter, and
rolled on tho ico and ha-ha'd till his
sidss woro soie. Then ho t"ok his fish
and went home, ftnpping often to
laii"h at tho thought of the Coyoto.
Thero on tho ico tho Coyntn had i"
slay until a thaw liberated him, and
whon ho got homo ho was very wot
and cold and half starved. And
from that dav to this ho has never
forgivon -tho Bi'ar, and will not own
sreak to him when thoy meet, and tho
Hoar pavs politolv, "Good morning,
friend Too-whav-deh."
They Want W'lvas.
The "supei fluous woman" of which
the newspapers are talking so much
would do well to migrate to the Frenun
Canadian settlements in tho Nm-tliuc.t
Territories, 'lhere is a powerful dearth
of women, nsido from squaws, to bo
found among the settlets. and tho young
men are crying for wives. Tho nra
willing to put themselves in tlip ban is
of their friends providing these friends
will send thorn a reasonable assortment
of marriageable women from uliie.ii
they may select their choice. The priests
have taken tho matter in hand, adver
tised it in the French Canadhm pnpoj-.,
and the fiist party of oamlidnte fur
matrimony will leave for Calgury within
a few weeks. '
This Is not a new idea by any menus.
In 16CVC0 the same agreeable schoino
was curried iuto effect, and more than
300 girls were sent from Franco to Can
ada as prospective wives pf the settlers.
Thev were in charge of Mother Maria
do I'lncaruatfm, who .referred to them
in a letter as "mixed goods. " B.icli girl
will be required to furnish a certificate
to the effvet t'int she is free to nrry.
Tills provision U roresenry In view of
the fact that in the good old days a
num'ier of giddy dninxel who were
already married onme over to the new
country to try their luck ngaln.
Eenrned nr( Cur ou Kolas Jteaptctlnff
SI a ii of tha Time.
Tli following are derivations and
meanings of name of eoinu prominent
iiihii of the I'twut day;
Piittis u This is an Irish name, and
etuis the son of Patrick. The name
Patterson is the same. Prtrlolc is de
rived from the Lutiu Patrioux, meaning
noble, a senator. The ua ue was be
stowed upon the eldest sons of the
Roman seunU ri
Delimiaier Tills Is a French name,
from Le Maine, meaning the preceptor,
a nutter or landloid.
Blaine Tills nam is from the town
of Blalii, in Fi ance. It has also a claim
to Welsh origin, and iu that oukj it sig
nifies the summit or top.
Tillman Tne farmer or Alliance Gov
ernor of Sun'th Carolina is well named,,
as his name means tiller of the soil.
Purnull Tne deposed Irish leader has
not an Irish name. Itoomes Iroin Italy,
uiid is derived from Petronilla, a pretty
Stone and also an immodest girl.
MoCurthy This name is uure Irish,
and means the son of Oantlmck, who
was an It leu chteftalu of tn eleventh
Dillon is Welsh, from P.Uyn, meaning
handsome, brave,
VnuJ-ibilt is Dutch, from Byl, a
hatihoi or bill, 'ihe ship oarpeiiters In
AtiixWrdum wi-ie me .ua. ed D.rB.xltye,
tlie hatchet .r bill men. Van; tlie Dutch
for the word of. Heuoe Van die hill, or
of the bil hien.
Asu.r s So inillnaviAn, from Um town
t Otteri iu Jutland, meaning liar.
I GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In the Side,
i tlio Cheat and tbe Joints, Neuralgia,
Sprains, etc, etc., tho
Pim EMlliif
fn Wflw? vffvi www
Used wlili effat -cms In the IrapfirUt
nnd Rual General Boapltat of vionna
anil many others.
Ci TTtiilMtil Tettlmmltl eat cl Tircillds!
T kut. ,roLis, III., Jmi.W. to.
YourAnenor i-ain uxpeiier is rraur rxoi-
WHO "I, iuuhiiuh imu, ihwu- i
natlim tor rears, could and nothing to cure
nar DiilTour Ancnor rim B.xpriicr,
EO Conts a bottlo.
F.-AD. RIGHTER & 00.,
i OlO Broadway, JTew Torh.,
Enrnpcnn IIonseaiRuaoUtadO'r, ,
I i)DOin, V lenno, iioiveruam, i raKUi
Jiouiieia, mien, .uromuexv. ueipaio.
bfREE Books about other Anchor Re-i
medics on Application,
Tcrsons deslrliiR nslon lll.uiks snrt Ii tor
nmtlnii under Act of .lime 1800, can obtain tbs
tuie from the uuderslnned,
QEO. W. ESaEK. rrothnnotary.
iiuiRstt Mnucb Chunk, Pa.
) Jo ssmutLi u ' ..oil f 9 OCflJt
6tsioona as anon
It 0DV IID I '-W Wl 0 ! ';rtlt HlJa 03
"OO 3Mi3f33yj eiM20M ,
'IV t't npnn puRfljid Ainu tit pan 'sjdoC aa;
. Tt j. 1 1 JOJ paj Uva jio JO 'SllTDJI iClSVc
itiiaAi2 Aq D94Vitul ujaq vvrt Aiiatuaj I
-su'iuoi) oSanrt io .a4t
lTirpani fi upiio ct.n mo Mtwjrvd jporf
'naaiPi.rf Xa i 0) OJI )U38 oq u Br root
d rmoAJ1 Ti f.i.iTnn jo, i-ia.lriin -oq
Tho Best Romody
fn (bis world, savs 3. Hofberr of Byraonss, 17. Y,
is lVsior Uoonls b Norvo Toalo, becsusa my ton
Tvho wun partially parallzed threo jtui sru u4
attacked D7 fits, bus not bad any symptoms oi
thum BlnCa lio tootrono bottlo of tno ismsnj-. 1
most hjartlly thanlt for It
Norvous Prostration Curod.
CnoaruN, N. Y. Jane, i&SA,
Iims not ablo to do anythlrja; for IB mctitln.
wa i confined to bed most ct tlio tune, cot Jdn't
at nor sletip, was so nervous and dizzy Hat I
CouU notwullc fro. itlio housoti thogartfsn, I
was nit tun down by what the doutois called
nsrvous prostrat on. Ho meulclno ceml to
help tnr. Thea 1 took Taftor Koenles Iterre
ToiitonDd now I can cat ami steep ana bate no
taaru ciiiWnirfDcIN, can ilomyhiusi work rrnln.
Itim vnry thankful for this and recommerj J tha
Toalo to all sufferers.
Ir n. T. Tlnrn. nf . 1 .ehigliton
'No more
Rubber Shoes unless woro uncomfortably llzbt
wU vlwa aliw olt tne feet
oit a rtioe wtth ln.lda of heel lined with mbbea
' ii o In tn tlio moo and prsTenu the r.bbei
I i a.lplujt oir.
Call for tho "Colchester '
JOHN E. LENTZ, Wholesale Alfsnt,
Retail dealers can have their nameijlnj-rted
hern iniminllcfltlon. mavlT. Iseo-vi
lick Ueadabh
IS a complaint from which many suffer
and few are entirely free. Its cause
Is ludlgestion and a sluggish liver, the
cure for which is readily found In the
use of Al'er's fills.
" I have found that for slclt headache,
caused by aillnorilured condition of tho
stomach, Ayer's l'l I Is are the most re
liable remedy." Samuel C.'Bradburn,
Wortlilugtoii, Mass.
"After the use of Ayer's Fills tat
many years, in my practice and family,
1 am Instilled In nuylnc that they are aa
exieliunt cathartic nnd llvfer medicine
sustaining all the claimsmmle for them."
-W. A. VVcstfall, M. ., V. P. Austin
& N. W. ltailway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills ore the best medicine
linown to me for legulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dis
ordered stomach and liver. I sufTtrsd
for over tlneo years from houdauhe, in
digestion, anil constipation. I' had co
appetite ami was Weak and nervous
niost of the time. By using three holes
of Ayer's Pills, and at the same tltoa
dielliiE myself, I was completely cured."
Philip kocltwood, Topekn, Kansas.
"I was troubled for years wltlr Indi
gestion, constipation, and headache. A
few boxes of Ayer's 1'IHh, used in small
dully doses, restored me to beallh.
They are prompt and effeatlvo." 'W.IL
Strout, Meadvfllo, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
rsxrAsxp bt
Dr. J. O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt.
3old by all Drugctiu and Dealers In Uadl&ltiSh
film iy aul lutkt) sU MHHaa, 03 t Mil
ieaob jununirkty bow unni fam aft t
tiotxtliKl ru.h.V..iM wMk ftr ism. Kmoi
ana. wmmvw, aTT. M Sk
Atntrlcv. jiuh Hit mmituv M fWMT.i
'tug tvli ytHar iluv-r ra pHurrti Jdj t
work A.l 1 iion. bmt ii Tl trier
,'i.Nl7uiie Jtt. A4drsV Tt,
Subscribe far and
this paper. Purely local. a year.
g ll.ti CsrtuarUn(sMKMf tt
k lur iu. Aivusi Vmrnm. Ai Mbt.
rM Usi M Ik Msf CsVi llvaa
Cal tat
a Start ymm. (
til Ui .Iw,
II.IfHlllt.t' lo.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Frer's De1ti1 Ills Supeettoty. X ma
cure lor every form of MUs.ltemaj or tmai,
itutiliiKorblsedlui, and Iodic siandlos cases.
Hm nirr tsllad Try It. even ll yon bar
failed with every other remedy. This Gepjxtil.
lory Is eountbaperi, aaajr tu apply, sale, nest and
clean, sua roiesses cvsrv sdvaMSce Tr mnt-
7 m ..UWL..MlITirpiRC,
n.Hll.M Bu 1 ... Pin ...... n .. . . . k . . .
la nlva I, u xtfiui u ..A dm. .ukfi .U ..t '
eouytneed. II your dnia-rtM dees not hfp it or
Wni 99 IWT
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w- s'jp Jvu. whi av u ujf aaau, i xi-mc, iu i ariat
sBexVAdtlraai, JfUKJCW . tjUT.
i, smuI lu Uhn mail, CrlDt, w l acts