The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 14, 1891, Image 3

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Very Attractive
ABR the HEW Spring linea of
The Btock in each of our
many departments has beon se
lected with i he utmost cars and
with the object of making it as
near perfect ae it is possible for
a merchandise Btock to bo.
IVe do not claim to be strong
in one department alone, but we
claim to be strong in every de
partment of our store.
We claim to have the most
complete stock in this section;
wo also claim to have the beat
lighted store for showing goods
This is an advantage enjoyed
by very few stores, and enables
you to buy goods in all depart
ments of our building by natur
al light.
J?arly purchasers will have
the advantage of selecting from
unbroken lines.
Mist Street, between South and I'lmn Streets,
Lchlsnton, Pa.
The Carbon Advocate
Hash Plotnre of Familiar Faces Coming
and Going.
Crlt Coon, of Witkesbarre, was a famN
liar figure in town this week.
Jolly J imes Bonser, of the Bowmans
lown Hotel, circled In town Tuesday.
Miss Stella Howard, of Bethlehem, is
Visiting Mrs. James Tenser on Third street.
Tbe jovial Wilson Miller, of Wilkes
barre, spent Sunday In town. Romeo,bow
art thou?
Mrs. Robert Natrcss and Mrs. John
Bender, ot Mauch Chunk, were guesws of
Mrs. H. V. Moithlmer, Wednesday.
We had a pleasant call Wednesday
from Ervln Farver, one of Farrivllle's pro
minent young citizen's.
JLftss Lilian Keuierer, of Easj, Mauch
Chunk, spent a few dajs very pleasantly
with Miss Kate Arner this week.
If e had a very pleasant call the other
day from J. F. Boyer, one of Millpoit's
popular and successful merchants.
Mrs. Ed. Schultz accompanied by her
daughter JJrs. John Hummel, spent a few
days this week with Bowmanstown friends.
JPilltani Waterbor, of the firm of
Knerr & H'aterbor, clothiers, Bangor, was
In town this weel' owing to the Illness of
his father.
M! Hattte L. Durborow, of Allen-
Bit ol Loral Gossip Sandwiched- with
Timely TnplM and Maria Intonating
Beading for Our Headers T
Our public schools have four months
more of a nine months teitn.
Cuuncilmen should be elected who
favor Improvements.
The people want streot crossings,
IPIll Gonnoll furnish them soon?
Y. II. Nusbaum has purchased the W.
t. Semmel property on North street.
Engineer Al Siller will build a frame
dwclllnc house on Third street, near
Aflss Laura Masters Is out after two
weeks Illness to the pleasure of her many
f. lends.
Tho Republicans Thursday night put
In nomination a full ticket to bo voted for
next Tuesday,
The many friends of Mrs. Joseph
3tro m will regret to learn that she Is III.
Eugene Everltt, of ll'elssport, is now
a Lehlxbtonlan. "Jeno" Is a whotesouled
fellow and wo wish he irould decide to re
side here permanently.
IVetwo ward question for Lehlghton
Is acuta receiving soma agitation. Let us
have some activity and less wind I
Boss" Clauss will assume control of
i he popular Valley House about April 1st.
''Boss" will make a jolly good landlord.
Big, fat and Jolly Frank Gross was
driving Jeff Bretnev's express while the
latter was laid up In bed with sickness this dellquent subscriber.
Switch tender Rob Dolan's shanty on
tho Valley road at Packerton was destroyed
by fire .Monday night. No Insurance
Charles Ruff of Second street Is im
proving his residence by additions.
Elsewhere our lady readers will find the
advertisement of Hummel Bros,, queens
ware Empoiluui. 1; is a cordial Invitation
to attend their grand opening on Saturday
evening coming.
A delightful little surprise party in
honor of Daniel Baltzer, camo off at his re
sidence on north F"irst street, on Tuesday
evening. All the guests present enjoyed
themselves Immensely.
For Sale. One 24 lneh planer and one
9 Inch jointer, in good running order. Y
G. Mitchell.
The Counclloicn elected next Tuesday
should baye pretty sound views on the hose
x market house questlon.Both are ofpracll
cal necessity and benefit. We need them 1
Lizzie Smith entertained a few of her
friends very pleasantly at a select little
social, at her home on north Second street.
Thursday evening.
The sale of ttie Dan'l Clauss property
advertised to take place on Saturday was
postponed because the amount bid was
$2050 und $3000 was wanted.
It Is complimentary to Assessor George
Dlehl, of this city, that the County Audi
tors In their report hold up his chaiges for
services rendered as a model for others to
The ladies who, last year, spoke of
forming themselves Into a society for the
beautifying and permanent improvement
of the Park,, want to get together soon and
commence operations.
We know that we can savo you money
If you buy wall papers, borders and decor
utlons at Bjery's Welssport drug store.
Largest. Him stock in the county to select
from And always the lowest puces.
Orlciu.l and Cllpued. Little Matter
lutereit that ore Worth the Itewdln ,
Lansford wants a new bulldiug a :
loan Association.
The salvation Army Is added to Je .if
ville's other uouoles.
It cost Carbon County $9,808.30 to a
Its G'uuit-lngln 1800.
The county on fox and wild cat sea us
in this Couuty .amounted to $BO.oo last
Philip Hoffackjr, Master Mechanic if
the Lehigh Valley shops, was slilcken wltt,
paralysis Sunday afternoon, Uo has los
all power of his vocal organ.
Mls Luclnda Sirohl, aged about tlilrtj
j ears, died -Monday, In Lehlbtoii,and was
burled lu the Big Creek cemctory Wednes
day afternoon.
A Hungarian employed at the Dick Ss
Monti Audeurled stripping was hit by a
runaway car and instantly kil.ed Saturday
The accident, was caused by tho rope break
ing as the car was being hoisted.
Tho awful catastrophe that has befallen
Jeanesvllle. a Utile uithiug hamlet In the
upper end of the county, has awakened her
neighbors, and public subscupiions are be
ing raised in all theadjolulug towns to allovl
ate tho wants of theulllicted people.
Neyer judge a man by appearances. A
shabby old coat may contain an editor,
whilo the inau wealing a high toned plug
Lai and supporting a dude cauo may be a
town, slsier-ln-law to Dr. E. S. Jlflllrr,
spent Sunday very pleasantly with Afr. and - vety nearly, or quite all tho house-
Mrs. Philip Alllier.un imru sireei. holders on First street will have their resl
A handsome "gang" of good looking dence, numbered. This shows good com
find Jolly LehlgntouiansaoiDgauBi uiuquti
at Wllkesbarra on Monday night, were P.
F. Clark, Ed Campbell, IKeb. Clauss, Ed
Ifusbauro, and last, but not least, Henry
Nlceolas. You can be'.ieye it when they
say they enjojed themselves.
One of the largest and most successful Local
institutes in the history ol Carbon county was
held at Mauch Chunk, on last Saturday. There
were one hundred and six of the County teachers.
In attendance, and several from other districts.
Prof. Uandy's lecture, on Friday evening, was
.thoroughly enjoyed by all who were so fortunate
as to be present. The audience was small, but
It seems to be the rule In Maurh Chuuk that the
better the lecturer the the smaller the house.
The Saturday morning Besslon was opened
with music by the Institute. The devotional
exercises were conducted by Rev. Stevenson,
ot Mauch Ohunk.
The following officers were then elector!
President, BupL Suyder j vice presidents, Messrs,
McCabe and McLaughlin: secretaries, Miss
Haukand Messrs. Keleerand Minnich.
Following a brief address by the chairman,
Prof. Handy took up the subject of History. Hy
emphasized its Importance In the school, citing
the Benefits to be derived from Its study, and
gave the methods to be used In teaching the
ublect and in Inspiring the child with a love
for It.
The class drill on number by Miss Dechant
was very Instructive. It aroused a discussion of
the raetht-ds ot teaching iiumDer In which
several primary teachers took part
A talk on penmanship, by Mr. Oerber, fol
lowed. The speaker pointed out the faults In
writing and showed how theyniaybe remedied.
Mr. Watklns was the first speaker of the after
noon. Ills subject was "The Object In View."
Us showed very clearly why the work of that
teacher who has no definite object In view Is a
After apiece of music by the Institute, Prof.
Handy concluded bis talk on History. As a
lecturer Prof. Handy has few equals and be is
ecmally good as an Instructor.
Mr. Kldd then took up the subject of irregular
attendance. The teacher must direct his ener
gles to overcome this point, as Irregularity ot
attendance is subversive ot mucu good
Miss Dana then gave an excellent class drill
In primary reading.
The teachers were very much Interested In
the work. The class drills reflect credit on the
teachers In charge.
A carefully prepared essay on The Poetry of
Burns, was then read py Mr, siCLauguiin
The characteristics of Burns' poetry were well
brought out by the reciting of appropriate ex.
An address to the teachers by Mr. Toung, ot
Wichita. Kansas, closed the exercises tor
the day.
The Institute adjourned to meetatAuden-
rled on March B and 7. Supt. Snyder announced
that Prof. Handy would deliver the Friday even
Inn lect ire and that he would give Instructions
la Language work at botn sessions on Saturday
A large audience should greet Prof. Handy on
Friday evening as bis lecture Is sure sure to de-
luzhthls hearers.
Supt. 8nyder Is to bs congratulated on tbe
grand success of the Institute. M
ire will close out our entire line of
Si n lay school and reward cards below tbe
wholesale cost price. Don't miss this
chance at E. F. Luckenbscb's, Mauch
Exeoutor's Sale
inon se,nse, as under the new plan strangers
In our town will find great convenience in
seeking friends, relatives or particular
business houses.
Thev sar on the street that Charles
Lilly will sell his tonsorlal saloon on lower
First street, to a young man naneil Lawfer.
son of the genial George Lawfer, who
superintends Fred Horlacher's bottling es
tablishment in this city.
Organist Wanted Tbe St. John's
church in Towamensing wants an organist.
For particulars address the Secretary L. F.
KERN, Lehigh Gap, Carbon Co , Pa. 4w
A larger and cheaper stock of watches,
silverware, die, than ever before Is now
offered for sale by S. Hagaman, Lehlghton,
Penna. Dec. 0-Cm.
Look here I When you buy wall
papers, borders or celling decorations, buy
them at Blers Welssport drug store. We
have the largest new stock of goods in tbe
county and tho prices are astonishingly
Charles Clauss, of town, a Lutheran
Theological student, will likely be elected
pastor of the Weatherly Lutheran church,
vice Rey. Kunkle, resigned. Mr. Clauss Is
a bright young man and gives promise of
developing into a good preacher.
William B. Rebrlg who was nominated
by tbe Democrats for tax receiver Is a
deserving citizen who should receive the
support of our people for the office' He is
a poor man, unable to work by reason of
bodily afflictions. Give him a bl&Affme.
He is poor and honest 1
There was a disgraceful lackct on the
public highway In the south end one even
ing recently. Such exhibitions of deprlvlu
must be stopped and Ibe sooner tbe police
get their work in on the ranche the bettei
It will be for the town, H'o don't wan:
these Imbroglios, the respectable part of
the community are tired of them.
They beat the record at Obert's Pork
Packing Establishment one day recently
when they slaughtered and made ready for
market 118 bogs In 103 minutes. This is
doing a thing about as rapidly as It can be
done; not a dozen years ago it would bave
taken one, and possibly two days to have
done tbe same amount of work. But, we
do move,
On the occasion of her forty-flrtt birth
day anniversary Tuesday evening Mrs.
Douglas Miller, of south second street, was
agreeably surprised by a host of young
ladies bursting In and taking possession of
her bouse. Tbe party was nicely planned
by Jflss Mattle Shaale who Is to be con
gratulated on Its happy culmination.
Miller fc Krum, executors of the Mo
Peter Krum, will sell on tbo premises in
Franklin twp., Saturday,., Feb. 21, atone
o'clock, valuable real estate.
$385,000 was paid during 1800 by
Carbon County for the burial of old soldiers
This Is in accordance with an act of the
Legislature providing that $33 bo paid by
eich County for tho butlal of indigent
Nathan Drumheller, for fifteen years
past Master Mechanic of tho Lehigh Coal
it Navigation Company shope at Lansford,
died suddenly of apoplexy Jfonday evening.
Several boroughs and townships In
Carbon owo the county $1,664,40 for main
t lining Indite it insane in tho Asylum at
Danvllto. This money has been paid by the
county, but according to law It must be re
funded by tho district haying claim on the
-Miss Tlllle, daughter of William
Schweiblnz; of Big Cieck, died at Cata
sauqua Saturday and was burled in tbe
former place on Monday. Death resulted
from consumption.
-There are people who pay thousands of
dollars to doctois for trying to cure or al
leviate diseases that brought on by neglect
ing to net upon tbe following piece of im
portant advice, which Is hero given gratuit
ously to all concerned: Keep )Our feet
-An observant exchange remarks that so
far as economy Is concerned, it is cheaper
for a man to tuke his home paper than it Is
to stop it, for nine out of ten after ordering
it stopped win in the course ot n year wear
out two dollars' worth of sole leather trying
to borrow the paper they ordered 6topped.
Lewis Chrlstman, the jolly landlord of
the Tractsviile Hotel, will liavo the celo
brated Kunkletown band at his place on
the evening ot the 20th instant, at which
time theie will bo agrand hop. If jou de
light in skipping the light fantastic toe
why, don't fall to Do there, icrgeiesnel
On Friday evening Rev. Stevcson, of
Mauch Chunk, delivered a lecture In the
Presbyteilan church at Weithnlv on "My
lind." The lecture was largely attended
and was very interesting. After the lec
ture refreshments wero served In the leo
nun room by the young ladles of the
The Republicans of Weatherly haye
nominated the following ticket for Tues-
iay's election: Buigess, L. Smith; Coun
cilman, Sam Gangwere and O. J. Klstler;
school directors, a. is. bcoonover and
James Roda; tax collector, A. If. Lauder-
burn; assistant Assessors, J. R. C&ssler
and T. J. Roberts, Judge of election, Chas.
Uenslnger; Inspector of election; John F.
Movers; Auditors, r. r. Uheeseiuan 'justice
of the peace. Geo. II. Jones, County Com
mlttee. J. J. hernial, j. Li, roeieger and
Wm. Mi Lougblin.
A. J. ll'oineUford, the engineer of the
flooded Jeanesvllle colliery was In Jeanes
vllle on Saturday evening from New York,
with a submarine ulver, named ueam. The
situation was fullv explained to Beam. He
then declared that it would bo Impossible
foi him to reach tbe breasts 800 feet below
the surface: that it would tako almost an
hour to reach the bottom, ami with the
immense water pressure It would be impos
sible, even If reselling the place in safety,
io do any effective work. He was offered
a purse of 0300 by a member of the firm
to make the attempted rescue. This vast
sum was no inducement to the diver. He
dec ared It would be a pleasure to him to
make the mothers, wives and children of
i he victims happy to restore them, but be
declared It would he Impossible to recover
tbe bodies unless the water was an nnmped
out. Beam has left for his home In New
f. The new pusher engine brtng otm
Strurteil at ihr Lrbigh Valley erecting Shop
, at Mutton will bear the number 681.
The Lehigh Valley shops at Uaiteton are
building five new locomotives. The ave
rage time required to build one Is said to
ba two and a half weeks.
Tho railroad accidents In this country In
December Included eighty-collisions, 111
derailments and fourteen other accidents,
in which 53 persons were killed nud 183 In
J trcd.
Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad will open lis
li w Now York branch on February 10.
Ti.n route shortens tbe distance from
Easloti to Jersey Cfty about five miles and
enables the Valley company to use its own
tracks ns far as Newark.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company is
emulating the practice of other railroad
companies and has commenced to test the
eyes of Its employees for color blindness.
That some railroad employes should be un
ablo to distinguish certain colors Is gener
ally regarded strange, and soma people re
fuse to believe lu It, yet color blindness does
exist, more frequently than is supposed,
and it can be satisfactorily explained on
scientific principles.
TheLeblgh Valley Railroad Comany Is
building a new lot of passenger cars at Its
s'lops in South Easton which aro con Ide id.
the handeomesl day coaches In 'ho country
Tbe coaches are the same length as the
chair cars, have a seating capacity of
seventy (ordinary size BILtb 00), are sup
plied with twin windows, and are heated
by steam. Tho Comany has also com
menced the erection of a combination car
for theatrical troupes. It will be the size
of a Pulman car, ho supplied with berths,
and troupes can uso It from New York or
Philadelphia to Buffalo. The car will be
handsomely finished.
A bogus Masontc lodge has been expos
ed Id Scranton.
Among the members of the Imp. O. R.
Af. the subject of admitting members into
the order at the age of 18 great suns is again
being discussed.
A Graud Army Tost, tbe third in Cana
da, has been established at Hamilton, Ont.
It is named after Colonel William H'lnn
Cooke, who was killed lu the Custer battle.
Bernlce Lodge, No. 124, Daughters of
Rebekah, of town, Installed their new of
ficers Thursday evening In Rebcr's Hall,
following which the memocrs enjoyed
themselves at a suniptous banquet.
The burlesque Initiation by members
of Camp 07, S. of V., of Allentown, in
Gabel's Hall, on Wednesday evening, for
tbe benefit of Guaden Uuetton Castle, 310,
K. G. E., was a grand success. Tbe large
andlenco were convulsed with laughter
from tho beginning to the end of tho side
splitting burlesque.
Word from a Former Iteildent.
It may interest many of our readers to
know that Mrs. Adam Doser, formerly
Weidenhelmer, of Kansas, at one time,
years ago, resident here, is quite well and
prospering. A letter received some days
ago by the editor says of her family:
"Sheridan Weidenhelmer, is located at I
Fort Hadlock, Washington; Fred and
Lewis aro engaged In the butchering busi
ness In Scranton, Osage county, Kansas;
Tlllle and family are living In Chcllalis,
Washington; Georgo and Annie are resi
dents of Colorado; "Jtass" Is farming.
The brief la coneluston, says, that Mrs.
Doser belongs to the''old true Evangelicals,
and.belleyes In Bishops Esher and Bow-raun."
Miller's Flalnlng Milt.
One ot the late acquisitions to Lehlgh-
ton's Industries Is Henry Miller's Planing
Jlll, near the Lehigh Valley Railroad, in
the south end. The mill Is CO x 100 feel,
two stories and a half high and Is perhaps,
one of the most complete Mill's to be found
any where in tbe interior. The machinery
is operated by a new fifty horse power
engine and has tbe following machineary;
planer, rib eaw.ruouldlng machine, sticker,
for edging purposes, jointer, shaper, two
tennon machines, pannel raiser, mcrtiser,
cross cut machine, sand paper machines,
slat machine, emery stone, borlug roach
lne, slat hooker, turning lath, jig saw, &c
The Mill will give employment to ten or
fifteen mechanics.
O. O. Blose will open a grocery s'ore In
Fire Line.
It is given out that T. S, TFcston will
be tbe proprietor of a new general store
soon to be established here.
Tho L. & S. R. R.. have built swing
gates at the railroad crossing near uralg's,
l.elilgb uap. John Ash has charge of
Victor Ilexer Who was quite seriously
Injured a few weeks ago bv falling from a
wagon, is reported as being mucu im
John Frutzman, section boss on (he I.
& S, R R., has been transfeired from
Bowman's section, to tbe Lehigh Gap
tectloc. icccntiy vacated by John Ash
Roser Brown has been appointed to fill the
seoiwn vacated by John Prulzinan.
"nappy is the bride whom tho sun
bines on" he was out just long e:oueh
on Tuesday to be a witness to the marriage
of Jir. Authur Brown, of New York city,
and Miss Carrie L. Smith, of Newark, N.
J a sister to Dr. F. I. Smith, of town.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J,
H. Kuder, of Trinity Lutheran church, at
the home of tbe bride's brother, on First
street, and In tbe presence only of close
relatives. The bride has tbe warmest con
gratulations of her many friends here.
Tbef young couple left on the 3 p. m., train
the tame day for New York where they
will permansntly reside.
A Rare Opportunity.
RIsbet, Ibe photographer, will take you
sitting for a photograph fuee of ciiauqe
if you desire to have tbe picture enlarged
and leave tho order with blm. This Is an
usual opportunity and you should take ad
vantage ot It.
Mrs. Watson Slglln, of Coal Dale,
yliliing ber father, Nathan Kelnstnltb.
Abraham Miller lost a yaluaole horse
by death last weak.
No teacher has yet been secured lo fill
tbe yacancy caused by tbe resignation of
Our Postmaster Geo. M. Henry, made
a butlness trip to Mauch Chunk, on Satur
day last.
Nelson Deppe proprietor, of the Mauch
Chunk Hotel, circulated about Little Gap
and vicinity, on Sunday,
Miss Alice J. and Laura E. Green, two
young ladle of this place, vlsltM their
parents over Sunday.
Tbe Little. Gap school was closed on
Monday last, because the teacher Charles
Coslenbader, was attending court at Easton.
He was accompanied by Benjamin Correll.
Lillie Green, of Parryvllle, the young
est daughter of Benjamin Green, who mar
ried tome time ago Is at present visiting her
parents at Jonesvllle.
Rumor has it that JPIHlam Filtx, of
Lehlghton, employed as helper In tbe
Paekerton car shoop, fotmeiy of this place,
will be united Into holy matrimony, ou Sat
urday next. If it is true, wo oxtend con'
gratulatious and best wishes.
Cbamolou Council, No. 417. Jr. O. U
A. M. c Aquasblcols.fMillport) organized
Alfred E. Strohl will sell on the pre
mises of the late Peter P. Hawk, dee'd ou
the road leading from Tracbsvllle to
Kresgeyille, on tbe 10th of Marcb, horses,
cows and a variety of farming Implement.
On Afarch 5th. at 12 o'clock noon. F.
J. Heidt, will sell at Public Sale on tbe
old Heberling farm, In this borough, hottos.
cows ana a. variety of Farming impiimentt,
Chas. F. Roth, will sell on the old
Reigel farm, Mahoning two., on March 13
at 12 o'clock, valuable farm Implements,
furniture and llyo slock.
T. D. Clanis.executorof the late Dan'l
Clauss, will sell valuable real estate on the
premises, Lehlghton, on Afarch 7, at two
The DeiBfts ef Lively To w Briefly Cliron I
eled In Short Snln-Bnep Order by I he
"Stroller and Cham."
Mlu Llllle iusrelmsn Is vlsl'lng
IPIIkFsbarre friends.
Frank Kintz, of the east end, Is so
seriously ill that he cannot recover.
John Zern and wife spent several days
with Ifllkeebarre friends ibis week.
Ervo Fenner is all smiles and happi
ness. It's a bouncing young Republican.
D. A. L, Davis, of Lansford, Is the
new principal of the Bast Wei-sport
John Hauseman moved into theWtlss.
port House Tuesday, and the firm Is now
Emltt& Hauseman,
William J. Garrison, of Wilkesbarre,
was a guestat the home of John Zelgenlus
on Union Hill this week.
Squire Kresge, of tbo east side, sports
a handsome pair of three year old black
horses. It makes a dais) turnout:
Miss Lottie. Maynard, after a sojourn
of three months lu tbe cast, returned to
her westeru homo Ohio, Monday evening.
Mrs. Belle Meredith was to Philadel
phia Tnesday .where she engaged a fashion
able city milliner for Mrs. M. Culton's
popular AflUlcery store,
Some one has tightly said that the
voters ot this town would do a good thing
if they would elect John S. Miller and
Milton Flory members ot Council.
IPIll Esrang has purchased tho good
will and fixtures of Frank Herman's pop
ular barber shop, over tho canal bridge.
Billy is a good "shaver" and ought to do
a big biz.
Tho carpenters having finished, the
painters are now getting In their fine work
on the Central station, and It will soon be
toady for occupancy.
John Rehrig, of tho Fmnltlln Hausc,
has considerably enlarged and Improved
his livery and sale's stable.
The Interest having revived In the
protracted meetings In tbo Evangelical
church, they are acaln.ln full Mast, and
many penitents 'nightly seok God's grace.
Let the good work go on.
There will a citizens meeting at tbe
Fort Allen House Saturday evening for
tho purpose of forming a ticket to bo voted
tor at tbe Tuesday election. Be out I
Tbo resignation of Rev. J. J. Stauffcr,
for several years past pastor of the Reform
ed church in this town, will take effect
April 1st. As yet It is not known who will
be elected to fill the vacancy.
Tbo Krum farm In Franklin will be
sold on Saturday, February 21s', by exe
cutors Miller & Krum. It was put up for
sale onca before, but on account of the.
failure to secure the desired aniouut the
salo was postponed,
Valentine Schocnberger Is again at
the head of the Union Hill scboo's, having
decided not to accept the position ot mall
route agent tendered him by Uncle Sara.
He's right, a bird In the band is worth
two In the bush.
Tbe""StrolIer" hopes that at the Tues
day election the yoters of both Welssport
and Franklin will exercise their sovereign
rights In such a manner as to bave men
elected to the several offices who will be a
credit to the districts and a benefit to tbe
There will be a public meeting In
School Hall to-night (Friday) to talk over
matters of more or less Interest to the peo-
of the town In general, and every one
who can should try and be present
Among the most Important subjects to be
discussed will be gas and water.. '
According to the county statement just
published, this town owes the county
several hundred dollars for maintaining
Mlltou Delbert at the Dauvtllo Insano
Asylum for the past several years. Before
this money is paid, however, there wilt be
some good, old fashioned kicking, as
Delbert, it Is claimed, was neyer n bona
fide resident of this town.
The voters of tbe Franklin Independ
ent District, will meet In the East ll'elss
port school house, Friday evening ard put
In nomination men for tho office of school
directors. The "Stroller" would advise
that none but good men be put on the
ticket for this office one of the most Im
portant that Is to be filled.
The East Penn Conference of tbe
Evangelical Association will convune In
annual session at Allentown on tbo 21st
instant. Rev, I, J. Reltz, the affable
pastor of Ebcnezer congregation, will be in
attendance, but It is hoped that ho will be
returned to the chart, e here assuring his stay
with us, he has made hosts of firm friends
by his kind christian demeanor.
Tbe people on both sides of tho canal
should petition tbe conrts to compel the
Lehigh Coal & Naylgatlon Company to
erect a new bridge In place of tbe old one,
which has been reported as unsafe and
Inconvenient to tbo traveling public time
and lime again. Will Judge Dreher do
something In this matter? If not, w by I
Since Fred Horlacher built tho dam
across the Lehigh, many of our people
bave entertained a fear that during high
water Welssport might be lunundated, and
they now talk of preyentlng this possibility
by erecting a guard bank from the Central
bridge to the timber sheds of the L. C. &
N.Co on the east side of the Central tracks
A pretty good Idea:
Road Master John Bender, of the Cen,
tral Railroad Company, was in town Tnes
day when it was learned that the ap to tbe Central railroad wero to be
walled up. fi led In and paved and that
a stone walk would also be laid from the
railroad tracks to tbe canal bridge. These
are some Improvements that tho "Stiollei"
has suggested and agitated from time to
time. We're, glad tbey have como. we
t . the most ancient and mKt general of all
diseases. Scareely o family la entirely free
from It, while thousands everywhere ore Its'
suffering slaves. Hood's Sarnaparilla has
had remarkable sueeess In curing every form
of scrofula. The most severe and painful
running sores, swellings In the neck or
goitre, humor In tho eyes, ceasing partial
or total blindness yield to tho perowfuj
effects ot this medicine,
That's it exactly, and fiU the case to a T. W are now abi t
make an unprecedented offer in the Shoa line.
BoldhyalldniggliU. fl ilxforfU. mperedonly
by O. I. HOOD ft CO., Afothetarln, Lowoll, jjjm.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Short Important Ad's
All advertisement under this head such as
lost, found, strayed, stolon, wanted, for sale
and all minor notices not exceeding six lines,
will ba Insertedat the rate of ono cent a wort
for the first Insertion, and one haif cent a word
for each subsequent Insertion,
ever, that no advertisement he charged less
than arjets for n single Insertion, and that they
bo paid for cash In advance.
poll HALE A frarr.9 dwelling house on 4th
street. Property Is nicely located and will
nw'fnijVtrKtL.on easy terms. Apply to
u. w. MOlinilMKIt. Jan imi
DTtJHKlfa.HliAVlNO BALOON, opposite the
Advooatk. Office, Is headquarters for
ihaving, halrcuttlng and shampooing. Call.
GOTO Fits. RODErtEIt, under the Exchange
Hotel. Bank street, for a smooth shave ora
iHShlonaWe haircut, tar Closed on Sunday's
Boeder" Hilr tonic, cures Dandruff. Wo carry
In stock a full line ot fancy toilet articles at low
est prices, and we are the only place lu town
whefeyou can bnyliender's Cream lor the face.
Permanently located near Valley Depot, for
Cabinets and Family Groups. Old pictures cop
led andcnlarged. auglyl
The Singer Manufacturing Company wants a
good steady man as Agent and Collector. In
Lchlyhtou. This Is a splendid opportunity for a
young man to get Into business. No mouey
required: must como well recommended and
able to furnish bonds for honesty. Married
man preferred.
THE 81NOEltSt'F'G. Co.,
. . . . . Bhenanrtoah, I'a.
Or J. A. L. Dupaquler, at the Carbon Honsc,
Leblghton, l'a. aw
Administrators' Sale
There will be exnosed at public sale on the
oremises In Franklin Township, Carbon county,
ra., Saturday,
L'EBUURY 21st, 1891,
at ONE o'clock In the afternoon the following
valuable Ileal Estate, Of the late l'eter Krum,
deceased, containing
more or less, under a good state ot cultivation;
uoimileu and described as fellows, toultionthe
north by lands otc.D.Mlner& Co.: on the south
by lands of Iteulien tfolijon tho east by lands of
Nathan Sole, and on the west by lnuiti of Wm.
Schwelbenzand Itobt. Anthony. Tho Improve
ments thereon aroadnoAnple Orchard. Hprlng
and Well of pure Water, a Two-and-a-Halt Story
latAMK .
with Kitchen attached, a large Darn and other
necessary outbuildings. On the property Is the
well-known JJdcamp Slate Quarry
Eff"Terms and conditions will he made known
at time and place of sale by
JUUH B. iUll.l.fclt, I
JOSEni KlitBl,
Farm Stock!
The undersigned will sell at Pnhlia Snln nn
the Old llcberllng Faun. In the Uorougn ot
ijemgnion, ra., ou
Thursday, March 5, 1891
commenclnir nt IS o'clock M.. the fnllnwfnff
articles, to wit:
Two Horses,
One Black Horse, 8 years old, good driver single
or double; 6 cows, three with calves; 2 Durham
ueuers, i nun, l iwo-norse wason. i nne-norse
wairon. 1 SDrhm wacon. l lleht buckboard. 1
Champion single reaper, 1 light mower, 1 Mc
Sherry Grain and fertilizer Drill, 2 threshing
inacmncs. i norse power, i iccu cuuer, i lauuiui
mm, i ccrnsueuer, i uroaucasi seeu sower, uui
tlvator, plows, harrows, harpoon bay fork, with
Terms t months credit
rone and imllevs. hay ladders, lot of harness,
rakes, forks, lotot chickens, hay, straw, corn
stalks, und a largo varlet
numerous to mention.
with approved security.
lis, u.)) ouun, vuiii-
ot other articles too
6 months cred
l. J. HliLDT.
200 PAIR OF $2.00 SHOES
One Dollar Twenty-five a Pair.
They arc of the very beat goods in tho market, and we do not
hesitate to guarantee them. Wo also carry n full line of
mest boots ana snoes.
Before making purchases elsewhere come and see us.
For all the New and Beautiful Designs ia
You must go to
Obert's Block, South St.
ofmw Musical Instruments.
To TIib Lafties of LeMeliton and :
You are cordially invited to be present at the Grand Op-
pening of
South First Street, Opposite the Opera House, Lehighton, Pa.
Saturday Evening, 14th.
During the evening the Avion Cornet Band will be in attend;
ance and iurnish choice selections of music,
SliTIJEti &
Estate Notice.
Letters ot Administration on the estate or
Kobe it A. Henry, late ol Lower Townnieiislne
Township, Carbon county, deceasol.havlng I e tn
granted to the undersigned Administrator, all
persons inueuieu 10 saiu rsuiio are requeued 10
mako lmmedlato payment, and all having Just
claims against the same will present them tor
settlement to J. G. KK15AMU1!, Administrator.
resldlnc at Millport, in said township.
Feb. 14-Dl-Cw.
ses. mom.
Lehighton, Pa.
Watolls Spaoe.
line Pa. Coitrj BfeiI Slioals,
From 40 to 100 rounds la Weight.
Prices Lower than the Lowest. These are
not lJuffalo Stock, aud are guaranteed.
J3T"Call and see before buylne elsewhere.
leo.T.iv am
Malo Teacher Wanted.
For the Beaver Run School, to fill tbe
unexpired term, Apply to
J. n. MILLER, secretary.
Mabonlne School Board. P. O. address,
Lehigh ton, Fa. 8w
-The "Stroller's" old friend. B. F. Vow, AJlVlTl I? 1PK S AJUIii.
foriuely a Welssporter. is now located In
Uuena Vista Va., where he Is engaged hv
the Buena Vista Iron Company as private
secretary and stenographer. Of tbe town
of Uuena Vista says: This Is one of the
new and boomlcg towns ot Virginia with
3000 inhabitants, and Industries building.
which will Increase it lo 10.000 In tbe nnxt
(Democracy at the nomlnaiinB convention two or three vears. and possibly in ten years '2-Krnrv Frame Dwelling House
of the above party in ibe Opera llonse on it will .. .ease to 25,000. At present It is y "welling .OUSe
Monday eventnjr, when the following ticket very dull nd rough bere, same as In all
waspunnnominauon: new towns. Natural Bridie Is ten miles
Burgess, Mablon Relcbard j eouncllmen, from here, Luray Caves TO.Roanoke bo and
II, T. Straup, L. J. Ueldt, Moses Heliman Lynchburg 80. Lexington tbe seat of tna
and George Blank; school director!, L. J;- Virginia Military Institute Is onli 7 miles
Tbe Democrats Nominate.
There was a large attendance ot tbe
Tbe underslcned offers for sale a valuable
farm, located in Mahoning township, Car
bon counlv, about two and one-half miles
from Lehighton, containing
The Improvements thereon are. a
Of Very Valuable Beal Estate !
Edgar Iteinsmltb, of Freeland, spent
Sunday In lha Valley,
Ellen. an infant child of Alvln Franti,
died last Saturday. Interment look place,
Taesday, at the Brick Church
Let only Rood men be eleetsd to offlee
next Tuasday. Jotah Mussetaan is a
Tnsundtrslcned. Zxsoutor otthn Estate ot
DAK I ix OLAUSf, deceasM, win sell ai ruDiu
Hal oa the premises lu tan Borough ot Lehigh
too, uaroou wubi;, r uu
eommenclDg at TWO o'clock P. M.
In valuable ltfl Etute. to-wlt: 1
Ufa Lot or ot Ground situate on North
i., ins iouow.
All that cer-
last spring, is rapidly Increasing, and now I Hauseman, E. u. Snyder, Daniel Wieandj from here In the same county,
numbering about 180. justice or tne peace, u. A. llelujtaxl It is with regret that we this week
The nominating oonventlon, which conecioj, ra. u. itenrig; overseer of the chronicle the death of one of our most pop-
poor, reier ueira; assistant assessors, f . ular young men, In tbe person of James D.
Semmel and Samuel Seller; Judge of Bennlnger, for several years Dast thAefflci. and
elections, inos. a. owartrr Inspector, ent and agreeable Central station acenL
uweu-nenng; auauor, i. J. KDiutnm,
and all tbe necessary out-bulldlngs, Sever
al neverfalllng springs of waier, suitable
for fish-dams, are on tbe properly.
For further Imrormallon apply to
Cast Mauch Chunk, Vs.
Feb. 11 Ow.
laiurovmRti therein ara a
Kltahea texts fMttiaend. end
nuuuqinu. uo lue
e a
Pint Strut, In the Borough of LlileUtoo. bound.
d OB the east by First street, ou the smith by
prODe-riT 1 uwkuq . uiHMiia, on mo v
5r"eh Alley, ou the north by Ross Auy
wHb Two-story
mii nuiiurv outbulldlniis. On the nu of the
DWELLING, was iset. Terms ana somium
yfa b said snown at Urn ot sal by
T, . OkiVSi, Barvir'Bf BssmWi
Candidate for re-eieetlon as Jusilee of tbe
Peso. Tie has bees a good official and
should be re-eleeted.
Tbe Saeramect of tbe Lord's Sapper
was administered Id tbe Evangelical ebureb
last Sunday afternoon. Eev. J M. Rlnker,
ot PotuvilU, and Rpr. A. M. Sample),
pastes' of ifc kwaboAeUUd.
will be held on Saturday next, at the pub'le
house of George IL SiilHert, at Millport.
for Lower Towamensing Towiisblr. The
fn'.lnwincr are eandlates for officers, to wit
Por Justice of tbe Peace.Cusrles Green, of
Little Gap, and William II. Gruber, of
Lehich Gat: for supervisor, William H
Sirohl, of Little Gar, and William Bebler,
of Ilaurdsvllie; for Uveeseer of tbe Poor.
Samuel George, and Lewis Smith-, tor
School Director. Nsthan Ueurge;tor Judge
of eleo'lor, (Foi Little Gap District)
Adam KunUU; for Inspector. William li.
George, and William It. Silrles; for Assist
ast assessor, tteujsmln Green and Levi
Boyer. It is hoped that the Demoerats of
the above samM Township, will give
JStU tOMMft,
Wo Bald So All Aloor.
The annual statement of Carbon eocntv
appear In supplement form with this banc
ol the uerald. in looklozover ihmsta
uieot, tbe account show that the chares
preferred against the commissioners the
past tear tiave' been false lo a considerable
extent. It Is true that tbe ex&Misu are
very bigb.but taking low consideration tbe
large new uridgea at Lehlghton.
Deceased was only sick about two weeks
wim typnoid pneumonia when the dark
messenger of death called him hence and
made a widow ot bis young wife, wbo Is
borne down under tbe weight of her sore
sanction. Mr. Bennlnger was a native of
Walnutport, Northampton county, and a
son oi me late Benulnger who died
several mouths ago leaving bis son execu
tor of an estate valued at tSO.000 or 1 00.000-
t join auy irtetio in exiewnng .be
warmest s apathy to the relatives of tbe
DAW lirid ( I.AlllnktjtH Xtmmt
MMh Chunk and ethers tbey seem to be l'' iBiertneat will take plaee 8awur
BvtttnueBHfvuTYe,iaKir jferst. I 1 "('""
To Contractors and Boilte
The undersigned announces to contractors
nn rinnHAHthAt he ha. now ooeaea hla stona
quarry, at Ueaver Ktlu, aou Is prepared lu supply
Building Stones
in anv quantity at reawMble rates, lie also
keep supply at his residence on SUCONT)
STIIBET. to supply Immediate demand.
HAULING otevary dvcrtplton, promptly at
tended to.
jkUo. sniutaaUt ot baod k tull suoelc. ot tbe
best omuis or
Flour and Feed,
wbteta be wUl sell at Lowett Mark Vrl-
Opposite the Park ia Headquarters for
Best Assortment in town
At Lowest Prices.
Spring, 1891.
An Exceptional Large Stock at Low Guaranteed Prices !
New Black Goods,
Espresentlngth best known taAttuxi finest dyers. Ercrored Bilk Warp Henri.ll.s,
Priestly Silk Warp Armure, Trlestly All Wool Tpe Edg Nun'e Veiling; KiwYtDsy
Weaves, Whin Cord, Strip, Wool EenrUtts..8nrab Olotb, Sf rgi, Bbsstopol, Qanti'
Hair Btrges, uasDmerw, uounr,
New Dress Goods !
LUest Colorings. PUln and Fancy Dross do vis In Urge witty. The thadei for Sprit
a-etxautlfol. We bars lbm in ak now . prist fewer tun,mraally sikd for sncfi
II. oh Diss b'-ona.
Black Silks.
ton know we gusrsulre ear BUek Silks to wwr. That mM. should Usy eat poll
orsok or brk,w. will give yon yard far yard. W.bav. war had oa dtmTn jM
in tbm jef , wbioh Is aa exellot woord fe any tax W(Bg silk ,0 be proud of.
Mauch Ohunk, Fa.
O. A..