The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 24, 1891, Image 4

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    ft the iMtftcl dtetroetlon of roaebfa
Ur Into a ball plat of hot paste a dine s
worth of pboephoroe, adding, when oool, a
quarter the bulk of grease. Tbls should be
Slaoed where tbey friqoent, and the; will
Is wblle eating It.
To Preserve Pineapple. llemove all tbe
skin and eyes, dnt in pieces from tbe core
and chop rather fine. Allow three -quartets
or a pound of sugar to each pound of
pineapple, mix the en ear and pineapple
well together, and let it remain overnfgh'.
In the morning poor off the simp and let
It bull fifteen m Ion ten, than add the fruit,
and oook until transparent. Fat In alr-tl&ht
Jars and keep in a oool place.
Wahavea speedy and positive Cure fo
Catarrh, Diptheria, Canker Month and
Head-Acht, in SHILOH'S CATAUR11
BEMEDY. A Nasal Injector iroe with
each bottle. Use It if you desire health
and sweet breath. Price 60 cents, Bold
.itB.ery'a orThomss' Drugstore.
Ho man is strong wt.o has a weak spot in
bis character.
If the heart is rotten how can tbe life be
.Dyspepsia and' Utot Complaint.
Is it not worth tho small price of 76 cents
,to trss yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, if you think bo call
at our store and get a bottle of Sliiloh's
Vitalizer. Every bottle has a printed
guarantee on it, ute accordingly, and if ii
does you no good it will cost you nothing.
Bold at Biery's or Thomas' drug, store.
Apple Bnow. Bake alx good apples, take
tout the pnlp, and wbon cold bait it tho
roughly with tbe whites of three eggs, atid
sugar enough to stiffen a little; serve with h
boiled costard lor a sanoe. uoston uungti.
v Pionl who think are the ones who act.
No man 'works well who does not work
TJa Tailed Kemp's Balaam.
X yell "Take Kemp's Balaam, the bolt cough
" T lwava do when 1 hear a nan couxh.
ana I een't help It. It tared roe and It mil cure
you. 1 waa threatened wllh pneumonia, last
winter and It troke It up. It helpt the children
eut whan tnelr throata are sure, curea their
ecuitn.and taatet to good. The Drat dote helps
touT tfo wrltea A. B. Arnold, ennlneer on the
Wert Oners Jlr., at unJoharleN. X.
It is recommended to mix atove blacking
wUhsplrils.of turpentine, as it will than
takeJoff tbe rust, polish mure easily and
keep gloojy longer than when water is used.
The Japanese always bury tbelr dead
With the head toward the north.
Ho man can live wrong and die hippy,
Miles' Nerve and liver villa.
An HtsmvAra. ThT net On
the liver, stomach and boels through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedly
ours biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles
and. constiDatlon Snlendid for men, women
and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 60
dotes for 25 cents. Samples free at T. V.
Thomas and Wi P. Blervs Qruic Store.
A woman who was passing up Gratiot
arenas th otbsi day lost a far solUr off her
ntoxrwitboat stcmlns to notice tueiao.,ona
h boT ran after her and shouted: "Hey, lady
van .have 'droDoed vour nrcakrat conarr
He held it oat to ber, and tnreeor lour ped
estrians cams to a halt. She was eqial to
to the occaslou. Drawing nerself up, and
aaaaminii all the dlanlty of queen, she
waved the bov aside and said:
"Thank von. little bov. bat some poor
woman probably dropped it. My sealskin is safe at bomel"-Detrnlt Free Press.
4 Aa& Tonr Friends About Xt.
Your distressing cough can be cured. We
know it became Kemp's Balsam within the
riaat few vesra has cured so many coutths
ad colds in this community. Its remarka-
Marsala has been won entirely by its genu.
in .merit. Ask some friend who has used
it whathe thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There
IS' , no medicine so pure, none soeuective.
Large bottles cue ana ji.uuat ail druggists.
Bample bottle freo.
Tbt first saw maker's anvil ;was brought
10 America in jbiv.
The Australian dog and the Egyptian
kspnera aog never ostit.
A Great Battle
Is constantly going on In the human system
when you sutler with consumption, couulis or
colds: they itrlve to niln health and drag vle-tlras-to
the grave. Take timely warm 111: nnd
use ran.nna uourii auu wonsuinuiion (jure.
i lo ok and SO cents.
Dr. Lee's Llrer Hegulator Is a sure cure tor
VJI.TOlJ.ia, UlllUU9Ur9. UCall , VU1 II, IllUtKCBliUU,
ana au money complaints, mm Domes tree ut
lomaa' Drug Store.
A good rule is to ut. pantry flour when.
vtz baking-poKder is used, and bread .flour
witn veast
If-our prlnolples are not worth living and
dying tor, wnst are tuny good lorr
A Scrap of Paper Saves llor Ufa
It was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapping
paper, but It saved her Hie. She was lit the but
stages ol consumpllou, told by physicians turn
she was Incurable and could live only a short
urue; sue well qcq iessii.u seventy potinus.
n a slip ol wrapping paper she read ot l)r
King's ew Discovery, and got u sample bottle;
it helped ber. the bouirht a larue bottle. It lit-lic
ed ber more, bousbt another and grew hetter
mil. contumra us use nua is now stioiL'.
tiiialthy, rosy, plump, neighing no pounds F01
ruiier particulars sena stump 10 w.
iller particulars send ttamn to W. U. Cole.
urutttst. Fort Hmitn. a rial bottles or
rugglat. Fort Smith, a rial bottles ol this won.
darlul discovery tree at Iteber's Drug store,
The mn wbo is disloyal 10 his convictions
Kill tailia loyal to any thing.
He Vour Own Doctor.
It' won't cost you one half as much. Bo
set dday. Bent three two-cent stamps fur
postage, and we win send you Dr. Haul-
man's'grcat work, line colored plates Iron
life, on diseases, its causes and home cure.
Address. A. tr. uraway oj wo., jUostun
No 'man can do bis best for a cause In
Those justice, be does not believe.
Allow xik to add my tribute to tbe efil
cacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was suffer
log from a aeyero attack of Influ&nza and
oatrrau and was induced to try your remedy,
Tbt rsault was marvelous. I could hardlj
articulate, and in less than twenty-four
noura ins catarrnai symptoms and my
heart eaeti disappeared and'I was able to
alng heavy role In Urand Opera with
voice unlmpolred. I strongly recommend
11 to an singers. William a. Hamilton
Leading Basso of the C. IX Hess Grand
Opera yompany.
Every time a man gets the smallpox tbe
nor naaiy it is to sin mm.
A Valuable Dlseovery-
Dr. Brown Sqaard's elxir of youth may
dsj an important discovery, oat everv out
knows that Dr. Franklin Miles' New Heart
Car eertaioly is. It has given thousands
affiloted with serious heart disease a New
lieassof Life. TJrnggiats wbo oan observe
ltaefltota on many customers everywhere
pea very nigniy 01 11. ur. Jonn weaver.
of Knlghtatown, led., ssjs. "I have sold
tnnea ol Dr. Hues' Jiew Cars and have re-
alvtd many good reports. O. Monroe, ol
Dunkirk, N. reports Urge sales. "And
ue bast part or It is every bottle has oive;
satisfaction " Bold and garanteed by T. D.
Aoonias ana it, r. uiery.
VT txt nsvst so weak as when wa
we ars very strong.
Mr. H. T. Brown, living in Shady Grove,
Franklin Co., Va. says: Having tborouab
ly tsstad Dr. Bull' Baby Syrup in my
iamuv-1 onseiioiiy otrtuy to Its nnilormly
srooa eusci, ana reoommena 11 as a most ex.
esusnt remedy.
"Ha that It down need fear no fall ," but
fat that is down with citarrh need nse at
one Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, tbe aura re
llsf for this troublesome diiesse. Price 35
Mats. At all dealers.
Disooloied rattan ooalrs are mad prettv
by Boosting of black or goldsn brown paint,
flnlsbsd with handsome ouahlous.
Lamp-burners, to giv good light, shoul)
b cleansed at least onoe amontn. To clean
tbsm, take piece of soda the a ze of a walnut
pot it lito a quart of soft water, plsee tbe
lamp-barntr in it an old tomato oan Is good
nough and set It on the stove; after boiling
for flv ralnn es, remove tbe burner, aud.
when pot paek on the lamp, it will baas
good as nw.
Apple Jellv: Us fair sour apples. Bile
them, skins, seeds and all. and simmer witb
OB-baK a cup of water till well oooxed and
eft. Than train through a elotb, add a
si posod of aagar p pint of Juiee. boll a few
saosBjgtaJ akimraifig till oiear: thsti pour
taiogUss and WW whsa solJ. Indian-
. i
will krpit the hair from fnlllne out-
Never take a cold or hot both tin
three hours or longer after a meBl.
U the leet are tender and sore natno
them xvitli alcohol each night.
Attenuate exercises in the open air
should bo taken in order to help tho
skin throw off offeto matter.
Good and nronerlv cooked food
should bo oaten, not food seasoned to
cover up decay, partial and complete.
water, not loeu, but cooioa uy being
placed upon ico, oitbor in -pltcnora or
bottles, is com onough to drinic.
Aiucn sicicnoss in larmers' lanuuos
in winter is duo to keeping largo
quantities of potatoes and othor vege
tables stored unaor sleeping rooms.
Horseradish roots crated and mnlst-
oned with vinegar, put .in a haa and
applied to the seat of pain, will euro
occupations which are 01 an out
door onaroctor are tho best for tho
health) eight hours for work, eight
hours for sloop, eight hours for rest
fixro air is the food ol the Jungs.
This is obtained by scientific ventila
tion, which consists in admitting cur
rents or movements through two or
moro apertures.
I'ronor and sufHeient elothinc should
be worn 1 that which is looso, light,
and warm. Light colors for summer,
dark for winter. In winter wear a
flannel bandago about the abdomen.
personal c pan Iness is essential.
Bathe onco a day. Baths to be of the
iamo tomneraturo as the hoiy. Bath
ing enables the skin to throw off
Itcto matter, causinu the dead and
Useless epidermis to peal off.
Tho sun bath is boneficial. No sit
ting or reading in darkened rooms or
those lighted by gas. Gas burns up
oxygon very rapidly. Sitting under a
gas let turns tho nair gray, ana by
overheating tho scalp destroys its vi
tality and causes the hair to fall out.
l or billiousncss squeeze the jtiico of
lime or a small lemon mtn half a
glass of cold water and stir in a little
akin a sodai drinic while it foams.
To be taken when rising in tho morn
ing. This will also remove tho sick
headache if taken in tho beginning.
Malaria is duo to microbes, which
reach their victims either from tho
nir, by inhalation, or from drinking
water. Avoid tho night air, sleeping
in tho higher rcom of the house,
and guard against all excesses.
A New Garden Tool.
An old scrceant. beloncine to tho
colored troops stationed at Fort Bryan,
New Moxico, and who is detailed as
head gardener, was directed to furnish
tno quartermaster with a list ol gar
den tools wanted for tho coming sea
son. On the frillowine dav tho list
was handed in and taken up by the
quartermaster, who was somewhat
puzzled over an item of "six testi
monials." -jvever havinc heard of
such a tool, the old .sergeant was sent
for to explain. Pointing to the item,
tho quartermaster asked what it was.
"Uom am testimonials." tho ser
geant replied.
ijuc there is no such tool." tho
quartermaster said.
"Oh, yes," replied tho sergeant.
"Dat's do namo what do cataloguo
tiring mo tho catalogue."
A few moments later the sergeant
returned, a big twinklo of satisfaction
lighting up his coal black cduntenance.
With a step full of confidence ho
walkod UD to the Quartermaster's desk.
opened the cataloguo, placed his fin
ger on tho illustration of tho tool in
question and said,
"Da's do tool," and turning over to
the nest page, "da's do name, testi
monial." Tho Quartermaster "caueht on."
The illustration represented a nowlv
patented weed hoer, and immediately
following, on the opposite pago, came
several testimonials as to its useful
ness; tho word testimonial, heading
each paragraph, being in large typo,
which the sergeant naturally con
cluded was tho name of the tool illus
trated on tho other page.
1 Of course the quartermaster, baing
convinced, informed the sergeant that
ho 6hould have the testimonials, and
the old man departed highly pleased
with himself and his knowledge of
garden tools.
A Itepnrter's 1'rnottcal Jnlco.
Amontr the amusintr nranks nlaved
on his colleagues by Toter Finnerty,
tho old-time Parliamentary renortor.
remains one of tho best cm record, and
though often told, deserves to bo told
again, Tho special victim iu this raso
was a renortor named Morean O'Stil-
livan, who, being too drowsy during
a aun aeoaie 10 ueop 111s eyes open,
asked Finnerty to supply him with
any important speeches made during
his nap, and then went to sleep.
When ho awoke Finnerty gravclv in-
iormca mm mat during ms nap tnero
naa ueon an important speech cie'
livered by Mr. Wilberforco on tho
virtues ol tho Irish notato. Morsan.
never pausing to think that the suMoc
naa a suggestion 01 tno niatorous,
would not be pacified until the speech'
had been dictated to him by Finnoity.
Tho speech, entirely Finnerty's con
coction, made Wilberforco say : " Had
1 1 1 1 .. 1 i r 1 -1 . i
it. ucuii iiiv tut id uu Durn ana rp.irpa
In Ireland, whoro my food would have
consisted mostly of the potato tho
most nutritious and salubrious root
instead ol being the poor, inlirm,
stuntcu creature you, sir, ana honor,
ablo gentlemen, now behold me.
should have been a tall, stout, athletic
man, and able to carry an enormous
weipnt. 1 noia that root to be in
valuable, and the man who first culti
vated it in Ireland as a nublio bene
factor of the first magnitude to his
country;" Morgan took all this in,
and so delighted was-ho with the
speech that he gave it to his col
leagues, with the result that next
mornins everv nanor of note (excent
Finnerty's paper, the Chronicle,) had
this amazing report of Wilberforce's
great speech on tho potato. New York
Eev. Dr. Hermann Adlor. recently
choson chief rabbi in London, traces'
Us descent from Aaron, and his an
cestors have immemorially claimed and
been allowed certain privileges in tho
synagogue which are only allowed to
descendants from the first high priest
ox israei.
Victoria is the oldest monarch of
any great country in the world in age,
as well as in service.- She is sovontv-
one years old, and has been on the
throne fifty-throe years.
A tTUd Western CheeterfleM.
Hera is a very neat littlo story illus
trative of the fact that even the wild
and woolly west can produce a natural
born Chesterfield upon occaslou. At
party given last winter was a bashful
cowboy, who had not bean in civilized
society for several yoarb. He was
sood looklnz fallow, and one of the
young ladies present -kindly took an in
terest in liltn aud tried to make lilm feel
at ease. He fell desperately in love at
once, and the hostess noticing this en
couraged him all she oould. In leaving
the house the young lady who had taken
a friendly Interest In tho cowboy forgot
Iter overshoes, and the hostess told tlta
young Loohiiivar from tho plaius that
he might return thorn to to girl if he
The herder leaped at the ohanoe, and
presented himself in duo tims ut tho
young lady's house. She was surprised
to sea him. but greeted him cordially.
"You forgot your overshoe lat night, "
awkwardly lianding her the paokage.
She thanked him aud opened it.
"Why, there's only one overshoe here, "
aha exclaimed.
"Yea, Msm ." said the blushing
vaequar, earnestly, Til bring round
the otltar one to-morrow, and I only wish
to God, pita, thatyou wars a wEtij4 "
Keep lii Good Mculth.
Wash the hoad in oolil sago ton ;
Cnre Iilver Ornnplolnt, Bilious Affec-
a mar a nnrn tions, Ijoss of
Appetite, Sick
Stomach, Old
dlness.Ooet lio
ness, Dyspepsia
Kidney tronblo
sssasasaa and all delicat
delicate Female Corn-
Sold everywhere, rrioo 83 cents.
Fragrant 1 lyi Lasting!
The Leading Peifume fortheTolletand
Bold by all dealers. Prlco 25 ots.
Prlct onlji 25 ctt Sold ba clldrugglets.
Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Hoaaacho, Toothache, bores, uurns,
Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache,
Frostbites. Chapped Hands and Face,
Gout, on any bodily pain or ailment.
nucurtMWS PLUQS, TKe Creat lobaceaAi)'
UnCir tldou. Price 10 Ctt. At an arugglstt.
Th one ih'nz you'll always find la cvtry cow.
boy's outfit hen he goes on the eprina round-up
is a " Fish Brand " Pommtl Slicker, They miU
ths only perfect saddle coat and come either black
or yellow. They protect the whole front of the
rider's body, being made to fit round the outside of
the saddle entire. When nsed as a walking coat,
the extension pieces neatly overlap each other,
tnikipr a regular overcoat with a double storm
proof front When riding, the saddle is dry as a
bone, from pommel to untie, ard the rider is en
tirely protected in every part of his body. Theta
"Slickers,' being of extra width, make fine
blankets for camp. Beware tf worthless imitations,
every garment stamped with " Fish Brand " Trada
Mark. Don't accept any Inferior coat when von
can have the ' Fish Brand Slicker" delivered with
out extra cost. Particulars and Ulostrated catalogusj
A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass
Tho Slost Sncoessfal Itcniccly ever dlseov.
sred, as it Is certain in Ha ctt . s and docs not
blister. Rsad proof below t
nnoc-Kmr. Conn liar B. fXL
Da. B. J. Kexdau. C'i.s
EIra i-Last Bummer I curort a Curb npon mjhorto
wltb your celebrated lCendsll'a fapaTlnCnreandlt
empty txittlea, liaTlnjuwl It with perfect auoeeaa,
cunoz I'very ininz i inca n on. bit oi-iKaoor uaa
n horae wltti a very baa Bpnvtn taat made aim tame.
Ha Aftked ma how to cure It. I recommended
Kendall's Simvln Cure. Ue cured the SpaTln In
juat tares weeka.
woLCOTi WrrtEB.
'Counaos, Ohio, April i, 10.
Do. B. J. KtrvniLL Co.:
DearBlMi-Ihave been aclUnx more of Kendau'l
Bpavln Cure nnd Flint's Condition Powder, than
ever before. One man aald to me, it was the best
Powder I ever kept and thu brut Us ever nsed.
Orro L. Homux.
Cumomoo. H. T., May 19, to.
pa. n. J. KEtniM. Co.. , . ,
laar S'. tl hare used several bottles of your
Kendall's Spavin Curf with ptrrect success, on a
valuable and blooded maro that was quite lame
with a Bone Gpavln. The mare Is now entirely free
from lameness and shows no bunotinn the Joint.
Respectfully, F. U. II uremia,
Uoxnoc, May 8, to.
XJR. U. J. li.KKBkl.lM i;u
uenisi i imu
thanks for your
Gents -I thluK It mr dnty to render yon my
lanks for your far famed Kenrl all's Spavin cure.
I had a four year old nlly which I prized very
highly. Bhehndaverysevereawoll.nletj. Itrleil
RKiit ntrrht tHirnrant ktnda nf millclnei whleh did
no guo-l. I pnrcnosed a bottle of your Kendall'a
spavin UUJV WlUWll viucu UJ-B.
1 remain yours,
Price 4)1 per bottK or six bottles forJ. Alldnig
glsts have It or can get It for you, or It will be sent
to any address ou receiptor price by the propria,
tors, DR. It. J. ICENDAIiI. CO.,
EnosbarBli Falls, Vermont,
-Thuu&auUs tiuve oee - pemiaueutiy cured by-
I'lIILAllKl.PlIlA. I'A. Ea.-eatonce,nooperatlon
or luNfl or lima from oukiness. uuses prunouuci iu
curat4 by otnvrs wauted. Beuu tor Clrrnlar.
I am now n yeras of age. Was a strident of
Medicine, ana surgery lor seven years under tlie
r f . - ..nH n,aH . ...... I I. .. -.1
IHIUUlts 'l . iiciauu. nuu unci tru icais uuiu
study and In consultation wlthseren of the most
eminent physicians in the city ol Pliilodelphla
since 1S71. 1 nave discovered the cure ol many
SO-canea incuranie niseuse.
It can no loniter be doubted that tbe spins can
be cured ; that paralyzed limbs can be restored
to tneir natural use. ana general ueDitity curea.
Congestion ut tbe brain, apoplexy, results of sun
stroke urd tbe wont cases of rheumatism, sci
atica, tit-uralitla. liver complaint, llrlchts' dis
ease ol tbe kidneys, hlo and bone disease, ca
tsrrh. bronchitis, chronic dysentery, and so
called heart disease nnd dlphterht, nil entirely
curea wan imro wcuiciucs 01 my own prepura
rlon. If used nronerly as directed.
Murine nine years over lO.coo persons In this
r-ltv alone have used these medicines aud are
Urine witnesses ot their worth. All their names
can be obtained uv canine at tile omce ana inn
oratory ot Frofosaor llottdrou. No. ITS! Nortti
Tenth Street. 1'hlladelDlila. 1 was mvselt In
jured In the spine and raralyied for seven years
nnd pronounced Incurable by seven of tbe most
able phvjlelnus and suiEeODj ottbuopy. lnm
now well and healthy, baring cured myself with
mv own medtolnpt
bo not listen to those prejudiced against 1m.
provenieui in ineuiciue sua aio, wuen you oan
be saved.
I will not go Into praotlce myself, being over
ou years 01 hs; , out win sen oiy medicines, i
have two eminent nhvslcUns oonneeted with
me to attand to calling at tbe residences ot the
tlelt If rAfinlrMl
Come one. come all sufferers and be reetoji
to health, cuied by these pure medicines ai
sous see experience aud believe tor vonraelves.
OIBce sod Laboratory opeu daU
Salvation Oil
111' till
Here's The "Sucker. hqS
" Those evenina; bells I I love thorn,
for they brine; vltrldl.y to mo thn mem
ory of dear old times," said our host
n busy, man, one whom we
had not suspected of indulging in
About tho cheery flro in the grate we
had gathored at tho twilight hour, tho
mothor holding closo to her hoart tho
baby. Sho, too, loved tho musio of
thtisn evening bolls.
" Tell us of Mrs. Glenn, Paul," said
Mrs. Vail, softly.
" Tho good that people do livos after
thorn. All that I am to-day I owo to
n sweet, puro woman who reached out
and drow lust such neglected waifs as
mysolf into tho sacred homo circle
where she planted in our souls tho de
tlro to giow up into good mon and
" 'A puny oroeter and drag, to her
farmer husband,' tho strong-armod
womon of Poplar Valley called Jlxa
Glenn, who was an invalid and un
llttod for hard labor, but sho was a
tower of strength in her household.
"A little sister and myself were
takon from the county poor-farm and
hound out to people who fed and
clothed our bodies, and starved us
mentally and morally. For the good
folk of Poplar Valloy had almcst a
contempt for education and refine
ment, counting tho man, woman, and
child a failure, who was unablo to
turn off a lot of work.'
"My master did not wish mo to
spend the Sabbath afternoons with tho
Glenn family, foaring 'Mis' Glenn
might spile me by puttin' notions in
mv head, unflttln' for a workhouse
brat. But he gave a reluctant con
sent to my doing so, nevertheless.
"Sister Mary's mistress dared not
offend the Glenn family by refusing
to aiiow nor to go, but tnougnt it ber
duty to warn her against 'takin' up
with that crazy creetur's notions.'
in tno nomo-niro parlor tnero was
small snindlo-loeeed niano. unon
Which Mrs. Globn TJlayed wonderful
musio, and soon we boys and girls
sang lustily to the tinkling accompani
ment. 'Billy Bov.' 'Mv Willie's on tho
Dark Blue Sea? 'Rosalie, the Pralrio
Flower,' and other favorites.
"Alter a time we boean to iovo tho
sweet, sacred songs which sho sang on
Sunday. After a patticularly hard
week, wo pauper brats, whoso hearts
wero sore from grieving and longing,
found sweet comfort in the good old
" Mrs. Glenn talked to us so kindly
when we carried to her our sorrows,
that we felt wonderfully helped. Sho
always auvisea moro iovo ana pa
tience. If we felt injured or ill
treated, we were made to sco that by
striving to do better wo could right
iManr's mistress, a nara, ariving
woman, often said,
vvitn an her soit, tniun" ways, ru
own that Bus' ulenn novor sets tho
pauper children agin' their masters."
vvo must nave oeon a sorry icok
ing group, and there wero at least
eight of us, poor and ignorant young
people who literally didn't know that
tho world was wide and roxmd, and a
bigger place than Poplar Valley.
" Mrs. Glenn in timo managed to
teach us many things in the w eiijy
talks which were to us rich treats.
With the Bihlo wrt heeame familiar.
consulting it oftenor than wo should
liavo aone it wo naa naa a larger
library to select from.
" A littlo treat was always provided
for us, usually apples, or a slico of
gingerbread,, perhaps a saucer of baked
beans, Mrs. Glenn being a Now Eng
land woman, far from home in Poplar
"Her husband, an old sailor, who
had in his youth been around tho
world, had wonderful tales of adven
ture to relate of foreign ports nnd
towns, which wero enjoyed by evon
the smallest of his auditors.
" Time hrounht chances and sen-
nrated old friends: before many vears
had gone I found myself in a large
city among temptations sore and thick.
jwy wav to mannoou was not an easy
one. Friendless, with no one to care
whether I did right or wrong, I have
often been tempted to do that whieh
would have grieved a mother, had I
had one.
'Hut unrestrained as I was. and
utterly uncared for, there was an inr
fluence that held me back from fall
ing into evil ways. The sound of
church bells always broueht before me
the sweet, white face of tho one friend
who Aid love me.
"While a young lad I had a friend
who loved the gaming-table, and had
long been trying to induce me to Join
him in a game of chance. One even
ing I consented to go with him.
While we Vet stood at the door the
bells bocan to ring softly. Instantly
I seemed to hear the dear voice of
Mrs. Glenn. The bells sounded a
warning. Their clang, clang, said
don't don't r impulsively i cried I
will not I never will I' and a wonder-,
ful content and peace came to me.
" 'Eh, what. Vail? Come on, and
don't bans back.' crumbled mv com
" 'I will never enter a gambling
den while I livol Come with me to
ihat house across the street,' was my
'That? That's a church,' sneered
"Then I told him of Mrs. Glenn
and the tails. After a little thought
ho turned about, saying, resolutely,
" 'I'm going with you.'
" 'That is well ! I said.
"Wo found ldnd friends who sang
with us the old familiar hymns, and
from that evening my wild young
friend was a changed youth.
" In a year or more I was able to go
back to Poplar Valley for. Sister
Mary, who was plad to keep my littlo
home lor me. I found Mrs. Glonn still
engaged in the old work of gathering
about her children from tho poor
farm who loved to learn at hor feet.
" Truly the good wp do lives after
Not a Weak Mntu
"Soadley weak? I should like td
know where ?"
"In his not being able to resist the
temntntion to drink."
" Oh, I thought you meant bodily. I
was going to say I'vo seen him earn
ing the biggest loads of any man I
ever know."
A town sever has a chance to re
turn blow for blow when a oyolono
striKes it,
Erastus Wlman, worth 82,000,000,
began work on a farm at 50 cents -a
The Jndge Would Rather Pay In
A judge In a neighboring Stato
onco intervened to prevent a waste of
words. He was sitting in chambors,
and soeinrf from tho nle nf '
the lawyer's hands that tho first caso
ijr to d naraiy contested, ho
asked :
!! Whatis,!Ae amount in question ?'
"Two dollars" said tho plaintiff's
" I'll pay it." said the Judge, hand
ing oyer the money. " Call the nost
case 1"
RI?wmll"0r.tll9J,atlPnco of taoiturn
Sir William Grant, wlin afn. it..
Ing for a couple of days to the argu
ments of oourtsel as to tho construction
of -an act, qu otly observed whon they
had done: That act has been ro-
peaiea." Minneapolis Journal.
rfnbody Objects,
Professor W. D. Marks is willing
to stake his reputation as an electrical
export that he can construct a motor
to taite a train, oi oars xrom New York
to Phlladalnhla in thirty-six mlmitaa.
this betas a rata of speed equivalent
to 1 00 niilM an hour G . alioad, pro
fessor, wre ready lor anything now-
' 8KB MV
your Ohoeo
Othor days wash them
clean with
EVERY Housowlfo
EVERY Counting Roorri
EVERY Carriage
EVERY Thrlftu Mechanic
EVERY Body ablo to hold a brush '
Wat, btsin old e. New rueNivuee
Will stain tinwanc
Will stain voun old bahkt
at th
Will stain bait's Coaoh
' W0LIT7 b HAKDOLPH, Philadelphia,
S77;t? Greatest Blood Purifie.
i s Tills Great ficrmnn llpiUe'nfl Is
I Ichonpestantl ljct, 128do!csof SUL.
1 1'llUHUITTIiltS for St.OOICBs than
Ujuoe reus n uose. is Tlll curs
m worst cases of skin disease, fn
Ug common pimple on the face.
ii to mriui Olson so bcroruia,.
SLTL,1"I1U11 llllTUUS is tt
best medicine to nso In nl
cases or such stubborn nndTvonr Kid.
deep seated diseases. Donoysnrcout
not ever tako ffnt ro
ormercttry.they are dead,"" i '''fst '
ly. I'l.teo'your trust ln"nf'chn
SULrilUK 1HTTEUS, imtt,?Lv 11
tho purest and boetj4'rou U6e
medicine ever ado. gMtfm Dlttersl
la with n yellowstlcky ffDon't wait until yon
1 1 stilistiucc? IsyourTaro unable to walk, or
1 1 breath foul andnro flat on your back,
1 1 ofTenslve? Vouriybut get somo nt once. It
I Jstomncli Is onto' will euro you. Sulphur
iui uniur. UBc-Jy uittciB l
Jllj.lIi.Rnw AUU AHIU11U O JL A lUUUl
ImmeillatclyiffXhoyonrig.tlio aged and tot-
isyuur jr-Mteringare soon rnaito well uy
Ino tlilck.Tits ubo. KomembcrwluUyou
vor.y, clo-rcad here, It may- save your
hits saved hundreds.
wait unUl to-mon-ow,
Try a Bottle To-day I
Aro tou low.solrlted and woak.
7or aitrTci-lnff from the excesses of
yrouth? if so. sux,puuit MTuaa
ywlll euro you.
aanu a ?4xni suinips to a. 1 . uruwny a l.o
Boston, ilass., for best medical vvorkuubUshcdr
Read the Advocate.
at the
Central Drug Store,
Bank -Street, Lehightou, Pa.,
iPure Drugs and Medicines,
Fine jSoaps, Brushes, &c, &c,
choice Wines and Liquors,
Wall Paper and Decorations!
Spectacles !
When you buy a pair of Shoes yon want a
sood fit. But If vou need (SPECTACLES It 1
much more Important that the EYE should be
accommodated with correct lenses and n proper
Iv tlttlnir frame which will hrlna: the lenses di
rectly before the centre of the eye. If vou- buy
nur spectacles at Dr. Horn's vou wlU find the
move points propeity aiteuaea to.
PERSCRIPTIOHS caelhlly Comromifleil
If You Have
No upnotlte, Imllc;cstIon, rintnlenee.
Rich IlouUnclio. '-nil rua down," lost
Uigz ieu, you wilt s iou
thoromcdy you need. Ther lononp
the treab stomach and build untlio
flegi"e ciicrirlea. Nnffcrora from
menial or nlivaicnl ovcrtrooh will find
relief froui tliom. Nicely sugnr coat ctlU
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Grater's
Popular Store, Bank Street.
Roofing and Spouting a special
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on short notice
Purely local in our aim.
Bill 9! tuch nuyfllMy luulUffut rt0u f wfciff
1 1 1 1 1 H1, S " rtw.sid whe,
1 1 9 I I !' bulfUa,wlU mk iKtuutMily,
w V Vhwto (am 1 a I Tb. ,..! Uwjltrt m
Tr In I hair own UMtlil.a.wli.n. ffc.v H va.l win alaa fftrnlah
in iiujaiwa or,u,iof ni.u.,ai wince, joa, un pub iui
aianlM. avcn-kamlki be. KMMIyaiM "ilfc(y
kalV StTMdj-Ullfttf and prflvtd.4 wtttl lft"J Ml Ut S J'W
uemb-, wbotrt iua1dovr f SttOO .Mr imS. Ii'iKKW
id SOT.I1I. Full p,tliUri I'll 13K. iliHwi tl Mil,
bnl uu. worktr IrMt b OULflcivrMiiBty. 1
u. v, .v 1. 1. 1. A . isox 4su, aueuiu, aiuine.
Mlf na-jresn btMniadaiMirSEff Hoaafwork,
i B Nl B W r.pldl. aud ticwiiblr, by tLoaa of
1 1 IU I" U '-'r . t U.ud In isatt
ltll B B ul.illra,nlinmll,ryU.r.Alir
x& I - Bos tt ou. i an as ilv k. It.,, lo 1. ru.
W ronllh tfl7tblHr Wa atari M. Xorlali. YuBOvll
ynr tpare n-anwi'., or all j-oitr Hum m tbt work. Tki la aa
adnty now ladrinil brlnsaMMdwfal IMMnmij.aktt.
altuivar. arr t-iuliis from SSS to Se parntokaad upwardft.
and n
r a utiia oainoMO. wa can ramus j os is.
i.oorHBK. Ha apsoa to .ilabti. Tull
TJKtJl: as CO., atCTsTl, JUUS.
Jsthe oulv Illustrated paper In tbs world
contslDlac nil tbe laisst sensational and sporV
ins news. No saloon tMstr, bsrbtr or club
roots can afford to be wltliout it. it always
mattes friends wherever it goos.
Mailed to anr uddrtsa Iu the Usltsd 9tts
sscuralT wrppd. IS weaka torSl.
trMid five cauls lot asiuple oopy.
Richard K. Fox,
JrisuUta " Tsak Cttf.
1 - "asstf I AO
Cbp 1 01(111 f I
stubborn nnd:
Iscascs. Dot
trttat In??,'
I boatru
urjforo unnb
nWnro flat oi
rybMtRct son
.ffviill euro yi
Bitters Is
Tutt's Pi
I sit haktde the singing stream,
An-l wnt'h the laughing ripples play,
.' nd a I drimm youth'e golden dream
I h m l.n to the words they say;
1-ni eo alng thoy unto me
In Joyous cadence, " Natalie."
Ii d deep within the leafy t-ee
The thrusb 1- Blnrlnz to bis mate.
And well 1 know the melody
Wblch thrills his bappy soul elajys;
For o'er he warbles In hi nice
One sweet name only. " Natalie."
I wander in the grave alone
Anil breathe the fullness of the sprttur,
And every tree resinsive Brown
To my ueart'B throb Is whispering;
Within my ear-full soft, full free
That one dear name of " Natalie."
And ever more, where'er I be,
A fairy presenoe draweth neari
She fills my soul with ecstasy.
And eaoli sweet sound that create my ear
Doth Rtiees my heart's felicity
Ahdnnswer fon.ily, "Natalie."
-Howell Stroud England.
Tho Home That IViiehlngton llilllt.
Few people, cvou In WasIi!ngtou,Beem
to bo arro that the only Ikiush wliich
the immortal George Washington ever
built in llmt city is atl.l Kttitullne nnd lit
a rcnsonablo Rood Btate of pieservatlon.
it is situated near the Cunitol Grounds,
closo to the Baltimore nnd Ohio depot,
on North Capitol slroet The house was
01 iglnally of three stories, but the ttiaroh
of Improvement caused the Street on
which It stands to be graded, and when
this wns done two more stories were
added to the building, which Is now used
as a hotel. Some of the rooms are pretty
much in the same condition as they were
when occupied by the Washlugtons la
A few old pieces of furniture are said
to bo secreted a'toitt the house yet. nnd
the Interior t f tlio place bIiows ita nge.
It is a peculiar thlm; that none of tho
many guide books published of this city
mention tlila houso as having any his
torical value, and it is never pointed out
by old residents to their country cousins
when they come here on a sightseeing
expedition. Boston Globe.
Tlio Old Mnn Went Too.'
"Pop, "said tlio small boy, "do you
care if I go ter the circus?"
"Yes, Bir, I do. Circuses are demor
alising, and there is no tolling what may
happen to you. "
"But I want to. "
"Got yer mind mndo up, have yer?"
said the old cenlleuian, looking up from
his paper with an oxpre.ssion of interest
tluit wns momentarily quickening into
"Ye.-i, sir," said the boy, with somo
"Nothin' will change ye?"
"No, sir" ( ith growing oonfldence)
"Ef I didn't give you the money you'd
sneal: in under the tent, au' maybe get
on;ested, wouldn't ye?"
"Yes, sir" (with great positlveness).
" Woll, it never shall be said that I was
the cause of my own child's gettln' ar
rested, and to mako sure that nothing
happens to ye, I'll go alon; with ye. "
tVomuu's Fair Figure.
Dr. Snrgeant, of Harvard College, who
recently awarded to a young lady of
Allegheney College tho highest prise for
symmetry of figure, contributes to the
current Sanitarian a paper on the sub
ject, iu which he says:
"In spite of abuse in the use of cloth
ing to which most women have sub
jected themselves for centuries, I nm
glad to be able to state that the typical
woman as shown by several thousand
measurements In my possession, U not
quite so ugly and grotesque lit her lines
and contour as the dress sli often wear.i
would lead one to infer. As women are
born of the same parents that have pro
duced men, so their measurements en
mnsie ure as true to nature as men's
are, "
All ordinary china or earthenware' is
porous and the fine pores will fill up
with grenso or fatty substance, which in
time becoming rancid will give an
offensive odor and taste to any food put
into such vessels. Soap should not be
used for washing such ordinary china or
earthen vessels (tne solution of soda is
better), and all vessels should be after
ward well rinsed with cloan hot water,
free of any fatty sub tnnce. Soda forms
with any grease on the vessels a soapy
compound, but, acting stronger than
8 ap, it will remove the groaso moro
ller Season.
Mr. Blossom I don't think you aro
doing right in forbidding Nslly to re
ceive gentleman callers. Why did you
do it?
Mrs. Blossom I do not desire the
child to ever mnrrv.
Mr. Blossom You seem to forget that
you were once younjj, that you received
gentleman callers, and that you mar
ried. Mrs. Blossom Indeed, J don't, Mr.
Blossom, and whnt is more, I d n't in
tend to have Nellv make a fool of her
self because her mother ditl
The pleasantest things in this world
are pleaaut thoughts; and the grentest
art in mo is to nave as uiuuy uiu w
possible, Emerson.
TIIC FniLADELPillA TRESS haswontlie
foremost plnreanione I'ennsylvsrila newspapers
oy tne iiooiTtiiiy, enterprise, unu miriiess who
wbLh It conducts Its business, renona urea
events, rind tlie completeness Willi which It re
cords, uay uy nay, tno me oi tun city, ouiio ana
Its Held Is world-wide, null Its staff. Us sneclsl
correspondents, so many and well-organlred,
Its source ot news so mimerous that It appeals
toa wioercoiisiinieuey man any outer news
tinner ever nubllshed In Pennsylvania.
"THFI'niitSS." said one nt the luanaeers o(
tne western union leiecrapn uomuany.nnrr
receives more telegraphic news than all the
other rhlladelphm news apers combined."
Mils statement Is authnratlve and conclusive,
nnd UIK I'llESS presents as dally w Itnesser lo
irs truth, Its twelve to twenty lour briRbt and
InterettliiK panes. ,
Uutttlsnot only by Its news enterprise by
the zeal, etirrvy. and IntegrltVof its reporters
andcnriespoiidetidets that TlIU 1'ltEsH has
won and held the confidence ot its many thous
ands of readers, reniesentlnc every axe and
every condition of lire, very trade and every
profession, every laltli and every political
opinion. It Is the excellence and varied Interest
of THE rKESS as a itetieral family Journal,
appealing ti women as well as to men. whteb
have made for It so ii.aiiyfi lends at home, nnd
extended its reputation throughout tho country
tt points every important event of the world's
The printing of news always Its fltst business,
but Its columns ate also enriched bv contribu
tions from the ino.t nlfted special writers, the
most famous novelists, and some of the most
eminent public men ot the time. The literary
engagements already mada for 1801, probably
surpass In number and variety, aud nearlyequal
In i-ost, any contemporary magazine, for the
field and resorcea of such n newspaper as THE
I'HIChfl make It no only s dally historian, but n
dally forum and a dally Iiltmm-.
Its steadily Krnwlnjs tirojlts and Its steadfast
constltuenvy not only demand, but Insure pro
gress. The. erratest authors, as wil as the
brightest news correspondents. And thelrlsrgest
profits derived from any rennslvabla news
paper, as well as their beat Pennsylvania audi
In politics THE PRESS Is Republican, but It
knows no other master than the people whose
rights, aspirations, and needs Italways defends.
It bus no enemies to uuulsb, no individual polit
ical ambitions to foster or promote, and Is sub
servient to no politician or clique. Faithful to
the great body of readers and voters, whom U
truly represents. It promotes Its own Interest and
influence by faithfully upholding theirs. Its
rdttnrlal opinions are fearless aud frank never
captious. Its news Is alwavs impartial. In Its
pages the worklugmen finds as ready audience
as the capitalist, lo all commercial aud Indus
trial progress, to tho best thought and best action
in every sphere of human enterprise. It accords
a generous aud en lahtened hosullalftr. In the
columns of Tint I'HILADBLPHIA MIESS Jus
tice finds "all seasons Summer."
Terms of The Press.
By mall, postage fre la tbe United States
and Canada.
Dally (except Sunday), one year, 843.00
" ' ona mouth, .SO
" (Inclndlng Sunday), one year. - 7.50
" " " one month, . .65
Bandar, ona year. . 9.00
WBKKI.Y PRB8B, one year, . X.OO
Drafts, Obtwks and otbsr RsniHtaaou sbosld
be made pays-fete tcrtbe order of
Tho Pr(3ojtgyiamttsd
BnftTl store of worldly goods bars I.
And ret no man may ea.ll me peer.
Tho' wealth and lienor pas ra by.
And Fame goes by mr deer.
I have a root not high nor wide,
A nd yet ot It fm not asbamedi
Two royal guests sit at ray side i
Content nnd Lore they're named.
I have one heart so true and kind.
It Would outweigh tbe flnesOrold,
And when I count Its worth, I find
My wealth may not be told.
And If Into the scale you'd throw
ft Rlolies and honors and renown,
A look, n smile from one I know
Would bear tbe balance down.
-Howell Read.
Travel In Chin.
Trnvol in northern China la accom
plished In a cart, a mule litter, or tho
saddle, Tito first method is the most
uncomfortable, but the most rapid, the
second the moat comfortable, hut tho
slowest, tho third the most independent,
but tho most uncertain.
Tlie cart used in northern China has)
two heavy wheels, vtlth wooden nxle.
no springs, and n. body- about fuut feet
long and three broad, over wliibh is a
light f i nine work top covered with blue
colton. Two mules driven tandem by a
carter seated on the lelt shaft tako it
along at n into of about three miles on ,
hour, and one can mako in it an avorace
of 85 miles a day, even over the rough
est country. It will carry about 806
pounds of goods, and ono or even two
passengers; and tho tighter one is
squeezed in the more comfortablo it will
prove, for that, and that alone, will be, a
protection from the terrible jolting over
the rough country roads.
It is told in some old book of travel la
the narrative of the mission ot Lord
Amherst to the court of Peking, if t
remember rightly, that one of his at
tendants died from tho effects of the
jolting lie received during a short jour
ney In one .of" these carta. But this
mode of travel ling the jnosi rapid, I
adopted it. Several years of experience
of curt travel in China had made me
be Id, bo that I did not fear the fato
which had overtaken the Amherst mis
sion man. Comfortably wrapped Irt mf
wadded Chinese clothes, I squeezed my
self into my cart, feeling like a delicate
piece of cliinaunro packed in cotton,
and nftcr a hearty farewell to thai rlonds
with whom I w as staying at Peking, the
cat tern cracketi their whips, and with a
shout to tho mules we wore off. An
American in Tibet, in the Century.
Canine Generosity.
Mr. J. A Bartlett, who discourse", of
"The Faulting. Instinct" in tho pages of
Longman's Magazine, knows a New
oiiiidlnnd dog whj) can drink the de
light of battle with his) peers, and yet
can show himself on occasion a gener
ous foe.
One day this noble creature had whnt
tlie vulgar call a row, though Mr. Bart
lett prefers to refer to it as a "smart al
tercation," with a predatory mastllf. It
was about that proverbial source ot con
tention, a bone, of which tlie predatory
mastiff had sought to possess himself at
the exponse of his neighbor, and it hap
pened in the oourse of the struggle
that the combatants fell over a bridge
into the stream deep down below.
Of oourse, the Newfoundland Bwara
at once to the shore, but not so the mas
tiff. Tio Newfoundland, after a good
shake, was preparing to depcrf, when he
caught sightof ills Into antagonist wildly
benting the water and .drowning as fast
as he could.
"One look," says Mr. Bartlott, "was
enough. In went he of the shaggy coat,
and, seizing the other by the collar,
brought his late enemy safe to land. "
The two dogs then eyed eaoh other
with a perfectly indescribable expres
sion for some seconds, then silently and
solemnly wagged their caudal append
ages and with dignity departed. fLon
dtn DailytfNews.
Plp.t In Everyday Ufe,
A New York novelist has been telling
how he finds his plots, "I have found
nearly all ot them in real life by inter
course with people in all sorts ot society.
There are no plots to ba drawn from the)
invagination that are equal in interost to
those that can be learned by knowing
the aotual experiences ot many of our
men aud women. In New York you can
hear-of plenty of love lorn damsels and
bold swains; you can find heroes and
heroines a plenty; you can hour ot mar
velous adventures; you oan find people
whose career has been romantic; you
can hear ot intrigues and their denoue
ment) you oan meet characters who
would shine on the printed -page; you
can easily find In the actual experiences
of your acquaintances all the material
needed for tragical tales or humorous
yarns. Why, the best plot I ever wrote
up was one not of m invention, but
was in the story ot her own Ufa given
me by my own-cook. "
Shall TV"'nv Watsnlnff Pans AtaJn
There is an old time institution that
ought to be raviv.d, and that is the
wnrmlug.pau.- -One authority says that
accordin&itn medical protests against
damp or cold beds, warming pans should
come into fashion again. One medical
writer sayst "Not only tbe guest but tlio
fumlH-often suffer the penal trot sleeping
In cold rooms and chilling tho If bodies
at a time when they need all their bod
ily heat by getting between cold sheets.
Even itr warm summer weather - oold
damp bed will get in its deadly work.
It is a needless peril, and the neglect to
provide dry rooms and beds has in it tho
elements ot muroer ana suiciae, - Peo
ple crawl into the chilly sheets and spend
halt an hour in "getting the bed warm, "
wben the warming pad -would put them
into a cozy bod that would give them
warmth instead of taking it from them.
We lock to sea the warming part become
a fad. Cincinnati Commercial Oatstto,
Too Moon fun Air.
Too much pure air seems to be as bad
as too little of it The average life of
mountaineers or seashore residents is
no greater than that ot the people, of a
smoky and dirty town. . The farmer,
wlio has all out doors, lives but little
longer than the convlot, shut upln stata
ITe. Was Muff.
"My hands aro awfully oold," said
the pretty girl suggestively, on tho
last atiarter of a starlit sleigh-ride."
" Why didn't you bring ft muff with
yon?" asked the practical young man
"I did!" sho snapped, but shn
-wouldn't explain where the muff had
gone to, and be has been wondering
ever since just what she meant. Sora
erville Journal.
Her Opinion of the Wattarv
"Oh. What's to a name,"'
quoted, airjir.
was her evddantlv eon.
vinced reply j " In fact it's a matter, pf
so little concern to me that I wouldn't
hesitate to change mine to-morrow."
The I-at Word.
"Oh. In disputes wW ray wife I
alwavs manage to have tie last wdrd,"
"Why, how do you manage It 7"
Tve bought a new dictionary."
I was told in London last summer,"
writes Edward W. Bolt In the Boston
Journal, "and by a very good authority.
too. that Rider Haggard cleared orsr
tlB:000 from his books 'last year, and
that he had at present mm fflJ tft
aeates loan V yewwy w
GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In the Side,
: the Chort and the Joints, Nouralgla,
Sprains, etc, etc, the
TJaad with treat fjcesln the ImwrUl
and Iloal General Hospital ot violin
and many otbera.
Oil VugllcUtl Teitlnrolal out (f ttauslsl I
Tkutopolh, Iu., Jan. is, W.
Win KxtMil er la r.allv xnal.
lent, One or oarsisters.snirerlntt from niiau-1
rnatism for xaara, oould find nothing to cure I
Bvr pus your Anonor i-m jsxiwimr. .
1 BO Conta o bottlo.
I or most DnuaoisTs, or direct fboh I
i 810 Xrcaditay, JITeto York. I
Saroponn Houses t nuaolstaut, u'r, ,
i ixraaoa. Vienna, lwrnroun, a-ttio, j
Konstsin, Olten, Huramberg, llpalc J
REE Books about other Anchor Re-
inedlet on Application,
Persons deslrlne Pension niauka and Infor
mation under Act ot June 1890, can obtalatlie
same from the underslcned,
OliO. W. ES3E11. rrotbonotarr,
aufr23t Mauch Chunk, Pa.
If You
Throat Affection
Or myJUnnt where th Throat and .Gumps
mr Xnflnmed, Xach of Btnngth or ffanst
Jtautr, yosl can b relieved and Curd (y
With Hypophospbltea.
Alkfor Seolt's JSTmu'afois, ontt M no
fftanatUn or o!fri(atlo Induce pm to
siemjsl a fiisadfnte.
Sold by all Druggists.
eoOTT A BOWNE.Chomlato, N.Y.
Wa&kntisof BodTandlffiBtl, EiTeet
latiKtl. Uttm BiNJIOOU tally IlMtortd. Uw tm tmUrw t4
urn kO BUUi ksmI I rtf CulHs. Wrttthm
tftristlr took, t i1utUa ft4 prftofi tatld(talH)frtsj
$511 liewaa!
Slop thai HawMim and
I will give Fifty Dollars for a cass.of Ca
tarrh, Cold In tbe Head,.Deatnets', Hsy
Fever, Affected Eve-Sight, Asthma or
Throat Trouble, I cannot cure with, my
Beacon Light Catarrh Cure. Send one
dollar to my postofllce address for a bottled
I will mall It to you at my expense.-
Bay Fever Cured wltblThrae Bottles,
184 1-2 Exchange St. Qensvit, N.T.
2-1-one year.
sieioonaa ab ai09
111 0DTDIU3 0 'teurtlt tl& 09
"09 3W0.Q3M 0IN30M ,
aeirp srq isprrttpersilsKl aoa ej pin 'urni a
nd eqi sot ' put 'ujti!A, sioj'jo tSjusoh yn&
UMiauQ eqi Xq paivtlwd naq rvq Xpamsl tm,
' sa tnor) eSivqs jooojt
urtoipota mt nrajqo oers uvo sioajitd joost
ima 'assxppe tan o oajf uas sq ill setves
IP rooAsan rt ajtuaooa aoi uiqdiuei ino
The Best Remedy
fa this vrprM, says X Eofbsrr of Syraenstt, H. 14
Im Pastor Soeala's Narvo Toaloi beesuas my soa
nbo vru partially panluted three years ago acq
attsekad or fits, nus not bad any symptoms q
tbsm sue ) took one bottle ot tbs remedy,
most haartllyUmott forlt,
"Nervous Prostration Oured.
Caoonnif, N. Y. Jane, iSt,
I vnts tot able to do anythlmr for 19 tsontbs.
was confined to bed most of tbe Urns, couldn't
eat nor sleep, was so nervous and dluy that I
eoold not walk from the houto w the garden, I
was (11 run down by what tbe dootois called
E (irons prostration. . rlo meulclne seemed to
elp me. Tbea 1 took Pastor Koenla a Kervs)
Tcrala and nowloanestand sleep and have no
Btoni aicMctr r pells, can do my boustwork arata.
lam veryttMsUol for tbls and recommenatb
Tenia to all sufferers.
Dr. 0. T. Horn, agt, Lehightou
No more
V aa a a
of mis.
Rubber Shoes urdesa vroni nstiomtortablr C2hl
win often slip ou: the fttf.
ran "COLcnESTEB" bubdeb ca
-"t a iboa srlth Inside ef heel Unad with rahtKi
""ite'laim to tbe tti4 aoij pnreuta we nbbes
..jut kiptuiil ox
Csll fur the "Celobttter
MBrT B LEKTZ, Wholessle AKeat.
Its tall dialers oan have tbelr, psraes Inserted
hsrs onapplleatlon. msvlT. n-oo-yl
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Frey's TJtlvewal Pile Snposttory. A inrs
euro tor every forts of Piles, lutorusl or external,
lteblng or bleeding, and long stsndlug uiaos.
Uu never failed. Try it. even It yoq bsvo
tWled with every other- remedy. Tbls Supposi
tory la eonesbsped, easy to spplj, safe, neat and
dean, and pouists every adrwitage ever otnt.
meats and salves. Phyalesns tuts Inthrtrpraet
le. Olye It a trtsl and you relieved and
eonvtneed. It yoor dnyrUt does not keep 1 ot
tet It for yon, send for D by jnau, Pries, to Conn
a SSoxsrAditress. awjwew Q, Pnxr.
thfe pipe;. Ktftfilt