The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 03, 1891, Image 4

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    Horn Bhonld Ht It.
It It not always convenient to eall a pturstcUn
fur every little ailment Having Red
t I'm
In the houso you hare a rliyslcl
von hare a I'livslclan always
band; It kills nheumatntn, neurattlft, Bnrna,
nana: it kius iiirauiiittuvi", rui
BmttM and all AnhM and rains.
Price 35 eta.
There are tew things In lite ot which we maj
be certain, but thlsHs one ot them, Pan-Tina
Sough and Consumption Cure has no equal for
olds. Oowthtanrt Consumption. Prleo K and
M cents at Thomas' Drug Store.
The reaso why ao many old families die
out Is because the younger ones have noi
bee sense enough to swattn. The; want
t stay together and live on eaoh other anti)
that all starve.
Oh, What a Cough.
Vflll yon heed tho warning. Tho signal
perhaps of tho euro approach of that more
terrible disease, Consumption. Ask your
selves If yon can afford for tho sake of sav
ing 60 cents, to run the risk and do noth
ing for it. Wo know from experience that
Bhiloh'i Cure will cure your cough. It
nerer fails. This explains why raoro than
a Million Bottit were (old the past year.
Tt relieves erouD and whooninor couth at
once. Mothers do not be without it. For
limn hack. side, or chest. UBO Bhiloh'i
Porous Plaster. Sold at Biery's of Thomas
drug store.
A. eomlo opera has Inst been written
which deals with baseball matters. It there
is an nmolro in it it would be better describ
ed M a tragedy.
Soinetklne for the New Year.
The world renowned success ol Hostetter's
Htnmncli miters, and their continued noiwlarlty
tor over a third ot a century as a stomachic, Is
scarcely more wonderful than the welcome that
JreeU the annual appearance ol Hostetter's
Jmanac. This valuable medical treatise Is
published by tho Hostetter Oompany, TittsburB,
l'a., under their own Immediate supervision,
employing CO hands In that department. They
are running about it months In the year on tills
work, and the issue ot same tor 1891 will be
mnm than tan mltllnns. nrlnted In the English.
German, French, Welsh. Norwegian, Swedish,
Holland, llohemlan and Spanish languages.
Beterto a copy ot It for valuable and Interest
ing reading concerning health, and numerous
tAutlmnnlara n, fn thn pfflp.Rf.V Ot Hostetter's
Stomach Hitters, amusement, varied Informa
tion, astronomical calculations and chronologl
tal items, &c. which can be depended on tor
orrectness. Tho Almanac tor 1801 can be ob
tained tree ot eoit, trom druggists and general
tfuutry ueaiers iu mi pans ui mo cuumi j.
Bead in a shop window near one of the
ptinolpal .Pails cemeteries: '"Ife make h
specialty of onion soup, which we fnrnlch
where refreshments are provided at fnncrils
Some foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond
the reach of medicine. TJicy otlen say.
" Oh, it will wear away, hut in most cases
" it wears them away. uould they be in
duced to try the successful medicine called
Kemp's Baluam, which is sold on a positive
guarantee to cure, they would immediately
see the excellent effect after taking the first
dose. Pnce 50c nnd $1.00. Trial size free.
At all druggists.
Somebody suggests that it Is useless to
go to the expense of buying works on Vota
put The dialeot stories in Ibo avirage
magazine will answer all practical pnr
$oes. If Sufferers from Consumption
Coughs and Colds will try Tan-Una Congh and
Consumption Cure, they will find quick relief
and permanent benefit. The medical profession
declare It a remedy oltlie highest value. Try
It l'rlce 25 and cv cents. Trial bottles tree.
A large proportion ot the diseases which cause
human suffering result from derangement of the
stomach, bowels and liver. Dr. J,ea'a l.iver
Regulator removes all these troubles. Trial
"aettles f rsa at Thomas' Drug Store.
The heart of a man guillotined in
Trance recently continued to beat six urin
ates after the head was severed.
This li what ijra ought to have, la fact, you
unit have It, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are
Marching lor It dally, and mourning bocauie
they find It not. Thousands upon thousands of
dollars are spent annually by our people in tho
kopa that thoy may attain this boon. And yet
K may be had by all. We guarantee that Eleo
rle Hitters, II used according to directions and
tho us persisted In, will bring you good diges
tion and oust tho demon dyspepsia and install
tastead euoensr. We recommend Eloctrlo Hit.
trs for dyspepsia and all diseases of tho liver,
stontaoh and kidneys. Sold at' too. and 1.M per
kettle by Beber, Druggist.
Pralsa everybody for everything they
do to make the world happier or better.
Bnoklon's Arnica Halve
The BEST Salve In tho world for cuts, bruses,
seres, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
ahapped hands, chilblains corns and all skhi
eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, Price 23 centsper
sex. lfor sale by HKHHlt druggist.
At Eureka, Oal,, one of the minors has
a pet sheep lhat followes him all through
the mine.
What la the Vsa
Of buying worthless medicines, and spend
ing money on quacc doctors whose only
idea is to gull the public? Is it not better
to buy reliable medicine Hfco Sulphur Bit
ters? I think so, at they cured me of ca
tarrh after suffering three years. F. P.
Clark, Manchester.
Norwegian women are said by travelers
always to look ead and pent over. They
bare low foreheads ana high cheek bones,
and walk apout with their oyes east en
the ground.
The special quality of Aycr's Hair Vigor
is that it restores the natural growth, color,
and texture of the hair. It vitalizes the
roots and follicles, removes dandrufl, and
heals tolling humors in the scalp. In
this respect, it surpasses all similar pre
parations. A young woman who has a dress
making eeiapltabment In New York city
makes her rent by storing furs, wraps and
winter dresses lor ber customers during the,
warm weather.
Sweat and balmy slumber secured for the
Utile ones suffeilng withcoughs and colds
by the use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Price 25 cents a bottle.
I have had occasion to try Salvation Oil
in my famity for neuralgia and rheumatism.
In every instance it efl'ected a permanent
care. I also tried it on ray child suifaring
with a sprained back with like succes. I
take pleasure in recommending It to all.
P. 8. Costello, 821 Park Ave. Balto. Md.
The State geologist of New Jersay says
)ha ooast ef that State Is sinking at the rat
ef at laaat two feet In a century. Other op
servers hold that tba rata is muoh more
They!! Fulled.
The following letter from Mr. W. A.
Thomson, of Columbus, Wis-, is peculiarly
Interesting: "My wife," says he, "has been
treated for hei head, stomach and nervous
prostration by three doctors in New Yo k,
two in Chicago, ene in Philadelphia, one
in Cincinnati, and at the large institute in
Buflola for 16 months. They all failed.
But due bottle of Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine helped her wonderfully." This
should be used in all headaches, backaches,
changes of life, pervous disturbances, fits,
neumatlsm, etc. Ask at T. D. Thomas,
ad W. K Blery drug aloro for a trial
battle and Dr. Miles' new book on the
Ntrvons and Heart.
Somebody predicts lhat "the telephone
will develop in time so that everybody will
e oompellad to have It. The tnrajenger
bey must go." We have a great deal of
faith in eeleuoe, but we don't boilers that
Ik will be able to make the mauler boy
Mere woman ia proportion to papa
latlon are employed ia Industrial aea
rations in Bnalaad tbaa In any other
Sarepean eoantry. Twelve per oast, of
tba tndnsttial eUates are female. -
Wheat a steamer passes ovtr the Port
Haras (Mieb.) taael the seise of ue wbut
ea be readily beard ia tbe bola, wbieb fa
Uetl arty feet under tba water.
A lMsrlttaalta; BtM.
Tha following atory la to id ot a roupta
ofeportMMB. Thir tmriras won Holt
man and Cowan (ad both wre wUei t
shot and Mt a llttla give to betttn
of their skill. Om day Uiy wat out
on a deor-hunting expedltiOB, and, attar
getting into the wood, where Uwy
tocted to find dew. Uoy leparabed.
Shortly after Hoifmivn beard Cowan's
gun fired Off, when ha Immediately wont
over to the spot whero no uaaru weanot,
expoctlug to bo obliged to help Downs
to hang up o doer. lie fotad Oowaa
Tory busy loading bla gun and aboutod
out I
Hollo, Cowan I What dkl you sheet
at Just now t"
None o' your business, uo atoBg
over tho hill 1"
(Surprised at thle short awl orttsty an-
awor Hoffman looked around and dis
covered a calf among the busbee. Again
ho cried out i
1 1 say, Cowan, did yon shoot at that
'Yes, I did; but it's noao o your
buslnoss I"
" Why, what tnado you shoot at It
"I took It for a deer."
"Well, did you hit ltr
"No; I mUsedltl"
"HowdldyoumlBS it?"
" 1 wasn't quite sure that it wasn't a
" You are a protty sportsman," repllod
Hoffman, " to shoot ot a oalf for a deer,
and mlBsitntthatl"
" Don't make a fool ot yourself," re
plied Cowan. " I shot at it Just bo as to
hit It If it were a deer and miss It It it
were a calf I"
Son Against Father.
Iran Domltrleff sued his laborer, Potro
Demltrlcff, before a Justloo of tho Peace
In Bt. Potorsburg lor damages to the
amount of fiO rublos, because the laborer
had spoiled his horse. " Domltrleff vs.
Demltrieff." oallod tho Justice. "Aro
plaintiff nnd dofendanl rolatel "To
boBuro.' answered the plaintiff t "the
laboror Is niy father." Tbo Justloo was
amazed at this answer, and trlod to por-
suado the litigant son to drop the oaso
against his fathor. But the eon would
not listen to it, insisting that he de
manded justloo, and that the Judge had
no business to lako tho part of tho do-
fondant boctitiso tho later happonod to
be tho plaintiffs fathor. Tho ca40 was
tried in due ordor, nnd judgment was
found in favor of the defendant. The
plaintiff, however, was determined to
have his father punished, and appealed
from tho decision of the court. Tho
case was tried again In .a higher court,
and the Judgment ot the lower court
I "eras sustained. Leaving the court room
tho son exclaimed i "Thero is no use
I , Hk,.n In Taata I '
' The Queen's Table Service.
The table furniture of Queen Victoria
is kept in two fireproof chambers, with
double Iron walls. It Is said to repre
sent a value of 20,000,000. Among' it
is the golden table sorvloo of George IV.,
calculated for 180 guests, with a oham
pagno coolor lined with crystal, largo
enough for two men to bathe In. Thero
are many pieces that belonged to Queen
Ellzaboth, and splendid vessels from
India, China and Burman. Thero Is
teacup owned by Charles XII., and a
solid golden peacock, whose tall Is cov
ered with splendid gems, which was
znado tor George III., and represents
a value of 40,000, The walls of those
treasure chambers are bung with pro-
clous arms flashing In rubies, diamonds
and pearls. It Is to be presumed that
all this la family property attached to
the wearer ot the English down, and
sot a personal possession.
I A Combination Cane.
I In appearano, this Ingenious walking
ailuk looks like an ordinary ebony one.
Tilth a large silver plated mounting.
.This head screws off, and in It are stow
ed away the seat of a camp stool and
)t of dice. It can be used as a drlnk-
.lng cup or dice-box. The ferrule also
arrows off and has concealed In it a fan.
iThe stick itself is composed of three
piocos of bamboo that makes the oamp
'tool. The weight of the cane la only
thirteen ounces, and the stool Is guar
aateed to bear with ease a person weigh
luK two hundred pounds. This new
aprlng noVelty would be a handy com-
punlon tor camping out, excursions,
base-ball, races, fishing, and all outdoor
tournaments or games.
Benefit of Sleep.
Imperfoot sleep will in time Injurs the
strongest constitution. The man or
woman who Indulges In the habit ot
reading after retiring, courts wrinkles
and old age. " Two or three nights ol
this sort of dissipation," eald a lady the
other day, " makes me look five years
older." It is an experience that any
woman can verify, and, conversely, she
con seo that sleeping in a perfectly dark
and vrell-vontllated room brings back
the contour and the roses of childhood
or early youth.
f A l'erlpatetlo Pulpit.
Among the curious things offered at
down East sale was a queer open-aod.
shut pulpit, which a century and a halt
ago was used by a pioneer Baptist clergy
man, in his ministrations throughout
eastern Connecticut. It shuts up
compact shape, and the parson strapped
It on his horse's baok as he travelled
from place to plaoa on his wide olroult.
An Automatic XSseutcheon. -
A dlflloulty with which hotol keepers,
householders, and transient lodgers have
bad, unavailing, to contend has been tho
ease and readiness with which thieves
could enter unocouplod rooms by tbe
forcing ot a look or tho displacement of
a koy. Thero has racontly been put
upon tho market what Is called tho auto-
snatlo koy escutcheon, which Is a moohan
ical contrivance designed to make the
burglar's lot a most unhappy one. The
objoet ot tho osoutohcon la to securely
hold tho key in tbe door when locked,
thereby preventing its being shaken out
or removed with a skoloton key. The
burglar who attempts to remove tbe key
from the door that be may Insert a ekel
eton from the outside Is baffled by this
contrivance, whloh, besides furnishing
this security, prevents tho key from be
ing lost or mislaid, It remaining in the
door when not in use. The Introduction
ot the automatic escutcheon will be a sad
blow to tbe eavesdropper, for it closes
tightly the aperture. Tbe escutcheons
aro made ot bronze and japanned Iron,
aro easily conneoted end weigh ne more
than a silver trade dollar.
Jfa Mot Company Manners.
It Is no longer lemm il faut in polite
elrolos to have company manners, com
pany clothes, company china and oom
pany ooojtiag. What is good enough for
the family ought to bo good enough tor
the guest. There is no honor In terrapin,
truffles, lees and marrons, but there is
honor in a welcome to a refined home
and a cover at the table where culture
assembles. Cordial hospitality takes on
an added graoa when, forgetting self and
personal comfort, the hostess antici
pates the wants of the guests aad mani
fests in Innumerable attentions the es
teem felt for theea. A perfeet meal Is
only a question of a tew dollars, but the
freedom ot the heartbstoae 'that friend
ship extends baa a atgiiK vsjue tfcaa)
KQUIJ egtjKfseeA. ,
Prevents Ixmg Fever!
Oarea Distemper, llmref, Olandart, Loss
of Aprctita, Founder, Fevers, Att.
1 lb. in each package. Bold by all dealt.
and Dtarrbtta.
Our Wind
Facilitates TccUilxigl
Regulates tlto Bowels!
Sold by all druggists. Price 85 ccnte.
"Tmt PEOPTiirs
For tho cure of
sumption Croup,
and for the relief
Consnmptlvo per
son . For Saloby all
druggists. 25 cents.
r,nclA.'CIS a CUBE B CI0ASmt3 tor Ca
SMUKb tcrrhl PrlflOCtf. AtaHdnagttti.
Storms, tnow, drenching mint, and f uriotra winds
wempartol theresuUrrmiUnoUift, Tiro-thlrda
of the sickneit throngh lift) U cautved tj- cold ( yon
cannot be too well protected la utonny weather to
rftld them, A min ha nee & " Fitli if rand Slick
er" may bo exposed to a storm (or twenrytoor
hoars at a stretch, and still to protected from try
jrop oi rain, besides Hire smeuwa irom ins
bitliif winds. No nutter whit vour extra nation.
it you are uibie te ta caatiit m a ran or snow
stnrm, you should hare on haad a ' fish Brand
Slicker.1' It will surely ears ymir health, sad
perhaps your life. Bewsro of worthless iroKaUBS
erery carment stamped with the TUh Hrsnd"
Trid MarV. Han't aerent idv Inferior eoat whaa
you can hirs the " Fth brand Slicker" dsHrered
without extra ceU
Faruculam and tUustiaUq
catalogue tree.
Hoe ton, MaaSt
. Tho Bloat BttccoiiBftil T
trcd, as it tfl eertsdn In tk,
etna dee not
bUater. Head proof below i
Broosxt?, Oosjl, U&J 5, 9(X
Nrs . -Ia. aummer i on rod n Carb rrpon my horse
wi tii yotir eetebratesi Kendall's feparln Oaro And It ths b"i6 JobXvrsrsArr dons. X rtare a Aoutn
ftraptj Dftltra, having uM It wita perfect soeorbts.
eurtatTHfrr thlmltrlMtt on. ay nHahbor bad
a horm wlUi n rery oid Spavin that made aim tame.
Ho nte(t mo how to euro It. I rfcomraeudtta
Kendall's Djrrrt Cars, lift cured tbe Spaitn la
Jltlk VUaTVU IV (TO 11.
Yours rcspocUuTIf ,
Wolcott Wnrtas.
OottnrBux, Ohio, April 4, 9X
Dn It. J. rTa-vnat. Co
Dor Ulrs t bare bcn eelllas; mor of Ken flail's
Sparln Cure aud Flint's OufiaiUon Powders than
aavtrr beor o. Oto man aald to ma. It waa tbo bo4t
rowuer i rrr kpe sou inn cmhs uo OTcr uioa.
lUspecUuily. .
Cmrnctxsao. 2f . Y Mar J9, $
Tin. Tt. J. Khmhitj. P,n.
l)9ar Sim:- I have used noreral bottles of your
CtrnditlVfl Sprvln Care with perfect suoccss, on a
valuable and blooded mare that waaqutto lam
wit h a Bona Sparln. The maro is now en t Irely treo
Kokpectfuiljr, K. IL mrrcsaa.
imm mm cube.
rw - - UonhoEr La Mat
Octs : I ttuttK it my rtnty to render 70a my
1 had a roar year 01a any wmen 1 pru
ona nna n very 8jtcto iirota
iht dliTerent kinds of medlefcea
. 1 Diirahiuod a bottle of your JCandall's
Price SI ror bottle, oriJx bottloa for! AKdrtw-
osM baro t b or oan g It for yuo.orit w.H ikb
to any aaarest ou teeeipior prwo ov apropos
tors. u:-. it. J ikuuaiii i ii.ff
-Tbunaauds nare do nrmei:etr!t urud bi
I'iULAlMCI.r'HlA.l'A. Ka at 00 no operation
cruMiif Liaiairuoi uBtiitffai. dnk nMvuii'.
curauu wj oinora wauiet. Bna tor u.riiwa.
I am now 71 rcr&s ofaje. Was astudantof
tledlclnn and Kurgary for aaren jtara under the
famous Dr. Nelson, aud attar tea Yours' bard
atudy nnd In consultation wltliseten of thHinoat
eminent pbyslvlans In tbo eity of I'liilodelphl
sine mi. 1 bavs discovered tbo ouro ot many
so-called Incuralile disease.
It can no ionxr be doubted tliat tbe aoina ran
oe eursai uiai lutraiyzwi iirons can ie restored
10 inoa r natural nse. aim central uebiiity cured.
Conuaatlon ut tbe brain, apoplexy, i esults of sun
stroke and tbe worst cases of rfieiuiwulsni. sol'
atlca, nt-uralela, llrer coniUlut, IJrlchU' dl.
ease of
tarrb- brouehltla- elironifi
111c aiaueys, nn spa pone disease, ea
dysantery. aud so-
railed henrt disease and dipbterbi, all ratlrely
cured wllb pure medldnea ot im own prrara
rlon, If used properly aa directed.
During nine years oter IC.OUO iiersons tn thja
eitv alone have used tbeae medicines snd are
Urine wltneeaes ol tlielr worth. All Uieir uainra
can ue ouwinea uy eaiunit at tne omoe und lab
oratory of Trofemor Doudrou. No. im North
Tenth Street, l'blladelplda. I was myself In
Jured In tlu spine nnd pa ruined for serea years
and nronouuead inn
able pbvdelana nod suiftaspa ut Ibis ally 1 atn
"n auu i cauuy, imping garoa isyirll wltn
my own roedldnmi
I)o not llatan to tbosa prajodleed SIlaat Im
provement In rutx!lliic and die, wbtn yoe oan
I saved,
I til not go lota practice mmlf, balsa: avar
years ot ar, but will sell my ineaioiuaa. I
haw two etanaiit physiBisoa oonseotMl Hb
roe to attend to calling at tba tetmHat at Use
slek II reqBlrad.
, Oonwouv. ioine all anffarera and barantorad
ta health, cured by tbrsc iiura mrdtclors aad
ttlBa See expariaore and believe tor vonmlte,
O flics tad Laboratarv onaa
froaa T A.M..
tap f- uan or wrui
KUtt UM-
inn ji. istu t.
Mffeee erf BeMI FeeMiwne.
An erect bodily attltudo Is of vastly
Importeuoon to health than most
people generally Imagine. Crooked
bodily positions, malntalnod for any
length of time, are always Injurious,
whether In the sitting, standing or lying
poeture. whether sleeping or waking.
To alt with the body leaning forward on
the stomftob or to one side, with tho
heels elevated on a level with thn hands,
In not only In bad teste, but exceedingly
detrimental to health. It cramps the
etomneh, presses the vital organs, In
terrupt the free motion of tbo ohest,
and enfeebles tho functions of the ab
dominal and thoroolo organs, and, In
foot, unbalanoee'the whole muscular sys
tem. Many children bocomo slightly
hump-booked or severely rouud-ahoulder
cd, by sleeping with the hond raised on
a high pillow. When any person finds It
easlor to sit or stand or sloop In a
orookod position than a utralg..t One, bo
may be euro his musoular system Is de
ranged, and tho moro careful he should
bo to preserve an upright position.
Useful Things to Know.
Nothing bo qulokly restores tono to
exhausted nerves and strength to a
weary body as a bath containing an
ounoe ot aqua-ammonia to each pailful
of water. It makes tho flesh firm aud
smooth as marble, and rondora tho body
pure and free from all odors.
When the glass globes ot ohandellero
have beoumo smoked and grimy, soak
them In hot water to which a littlo eel
soda has been added. ThOn put somo
ammonia Into hot water, ontor the
globes and serub briskly with a stiff
brush. Klnso thoroughly and wipe dry.
A bruise may be hindered from dis
coloration either by the Instant applica
tion ot hot water, or by using a little
dry stAroh or arrowryot merely uols-
tenea witn com water ana piaeeu on mo
Injured part.
The mending of kid gloves shows far
lees It done with cotton thread than It
does if done with silk.
Kin 1 Ilnby.
When baby ontera tbo bouse, tbo holt
less little handful Imrnodlatoly becomes
king of It. Its volee not exaotly the
voice of the turtle olthor bolng heard iu
the land, all other sounds nro forgotten.
It matters not who has no dlnnnr so that
he has his, nor who Is tlrod bo that bo
enjoys himself. Ordinary occupations
ceaso, and a group gathers cbout tho
cradle to sea hint put bis fist In his
mouth. King fiaby, do you know -any.
thing about all this ? If you did, you
might loolc forward very sadly t for, In
after life,-thore will bo no suob adoration
for you. Words of wisdom will fall
unnotloed from your lips then, though
when you have learned to say "bla I
blal" the household now goes Into
Economy Is Wealth.
A capricious young woman, on becom
Ing ongaged for a seoond tltno, wui somo
what astonished at receiving from num
ber two the Identical ring sno bad re
turned to her first love. " Why, Oharlos,"
she said, " this Is tho same, ring I had
when I was engaged to Ilarry. '
know it," roplled tbo young man.
" Ilarry Is an old friend of mine, and
whon he heard of our engagement bo
came -around to congratulate mo, and
offered to sell me the ring for half cost.
Ho said you liked It very much and It
attod, so I took H. Good scheme, oh ?'
The young woman Is again disengaged,
Cheap Postal Kates,
It Is tho popular Idea that Japan has
the cheapest postal system In the world i
a letter can be conveyed to any part of
that kingdom for two ten, equivalent to
about one-third ot an American cent.
But It appears that the Indian Emplro
takes the palm for cheapness. Post
cards there cost one farlhing each, let.
ters are sent for one halfpenny each,
newspapers up to an ounoo and a tjuartur
In weight for one-sixteenth ot a ponny,
and books and patterns throo farthings
tor four ounces, or six oenta a pound.
Color and Sound.
A curious connection exists between
color and the auditory sense. A physio.
Ian has discovered that persons suffering
from daltonism, that Is, oolor blindness
to cortaln hues, bavo a corresponding
deafnoss to certain musical notes. Spec
ial Instances are given. For example,
persons not having the sensation ot red
cannot distinguish tbe note sol, a per
son blind to green cannot recognize re.
nor can the uotos be produoad by the
JMJjCUd so. 0
jCpoiera otrtvo ptr epooa voui jo eepos
ostie9J pu esjii iOAiMoons oj aptrai
B B8rjM oqj rj)j4 papaauoD inDtna3tnu
xu 8at5tins 'Ji n,i ut jinoqn peAdm
f 1 Xaj otrj ro 's8uu jo siJ8s jq uonn
91 etjl aodn 'uiojoti esAop ej silX
peU0)a uoeq nq o? iothuj y
ujpi(ti3 m joj 0eaR
VIoweM m Yood
The water Illy Is said to be Urgalj
used In some parts ot India aa a tetd
stuff. The fruit ot oas kpestVs that
grows plentifully In the lakes' ot Cask,
mere is rloh In stareh, and bas ni ish tba
flavor of a chestnut It the uuU aro
drlod they will keep for a long tine, and,
when ground, may be Into eakes
or porridge, o tkey may be aoakad for
some hours and boiled. The aU of
the lotus are also tauah used far dMary
purposes in India.
Sweeping- Clean With an Ohl BruMa.
Does every honewlto k6w Mtat i
old broom, area the laoet saMve of Its
kind, may be made to aweee efeaa 1 Tbe
proeess is very staple. Take an old
broom and some sharp setaaeM, and cut
the wisps (layer at a ttsse) uatll tfcay ar
straight aeross the bottom i by wttlnat
far enough up, the wisps will be found
to be stiff asd unbroken, a ad with t
exception ot having been torte4
little, the broom will seeta like imw.
ITIne Worth a IS a Urep,
Tha oostllest wins in tbe world it la
tbe wonderful wise seller wader Use
Hotel de VUle, lo tfee Rom afrtMiita.
There are twelve easec of holy wtaa.
eaoh ease Inscribed with tbe of oos
ot tbe Apostles. This aaoietii wise was
deposited la Its present ratlins; pits u
the year 168-1 NO years 140. Agkasot
it Is worth 8250,009, or at the hu at
(370 a drop.
BraTO Mather Mark.
At Keaenderf, Prussia, tne Uctate(t
area me game ena H a earn wHm
pair of storks had bntK attair neat fax
years. The fiaaaes soon taught Use stat
In which the brood was rntiisnlng. bot !
the taoUier stork, rehtsMf to loava.
sproaa ner winff over Ut
and was burnt allvs.
Taa KIb( at Orutaan,.
II. M. S. BlMbetas. laajMsVtjsl, sHll
be tbe king of antWar. SM W al 1.000
ton dtgpUaaaaattt J0.MB auraa .
SB It Bote apt 4 tor Imu boors, uaartaorad,
With tl dek taaaaa tMak, two a.
ton gun, and athtr saaaJI arm.
A VTarsa )Vaa m His,
TKe lira-sat wm Ia tk rtat at Mm
Atffntiaaa astrUtweam It ta aas bat
I 1 aWstial
Best and Purest Medicine
fetrm, nnu nwnu jour bmii
null eimmui. a ,,,,
iplea nnd BlnU'hea
liVh mnr volr Ifenutv
J,'t .'4. 'Jroltl blood, and can li
rewov o 1 1 n ft ahml I
A. A V
time, it you ai-cfi
Awlne nnd unci
me gronii
i. "A "O V
1. ?i
Tho Doso laSk" '"V'JPuOa'
B.ii tiltl Im n-itlsrind.
DonTWait. Ggtitatoxck
Tf vnTi nro aufffertriiT from
3 blseaao, und Hlijh li) JJvo
old niro, use suu'liuu uixl'aisb.
Xbcy never fall to cure.
Send8 S-cent , etamps to A. 1. Ordway & Co.. I
IF not remedied In. soason, Is liablo to
become habitual and chronic. Dras
tic purgatives, by woukunlngtlie bowels,
confirm, ratlior thuu euro, tho evil.
Aycr's Pills, being mild, otTcotlvo, and
strongthouing In tliolr action, are goner
ally recoiiuiiuiided by the faculty as the
beet of apurlciits.
"Having been Subject, for years, to
constipation, without being aljlo to Unci
much relief, I at last tried Aycr's 1'ilU.
I doom it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have tlorivcd great ben
efit from their use. For over two years
post I huvu tukeu ono of theso pills
every night before lutiriug, I would not
willingly bo without thetii." G. W.
Iluwtnau, SdEust Mulu St., Carlisle, Pa.
"T linvo been talclnj: Aycr's Pllla and
usIiik' them In my family Mince 1S57, nnd
cheerfully recommend them to all In
need o n safo but cfTe-ctnal cathartic."
John M. lloggs, Louisville, Ky.
'JFor eight years I was nffllctcd with
constipation, which nt last became so
bad that tho doctors could do no more
for me. Then I bognn to talco Ayer's
Pllli, nnd snon the bowels rocovered
their natural ami reenlnr action, bo that
now I ntn In excellent health." S. L.
Loughbrlilgo, Bryan, Toxas.
" Ifavlncf used Ayor's Pills, with good
results, I fully Indorse them for the pur
poses for which they aro recommended."
T. Connors, II. V., Centre Uridgo, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mass.
Gold by all Druggists and Dealers la Medicine,
A torpliT llTer rtornugca tho wtiole ays
teu, and prociuces
Sick HGaclacIs,
Dyspepsia, Costivencs9, Rtieu-
matism, Sallow Skin and Pile3.
There la no better remedy forthoso
rommou dlaonaes tliau Tutt't I.lvar
Yllli, sts n trial will prove, l'rloo, sac
Sold Evcryvrlioro.
Heaters and
In Groat Varioty at
Sajmuel Gjiaveii's
Popular Store, Bank -Street.
Goofing and Spouting a special
ty. Stflvc repairs furnished
on short notice
Purely local in our aim.
tn I
Unaaa. bratnebes stnd
o Dlrvt luiau
aauiix.,, sicK isiina.
Lit). Ut
oooa, DMMolnsu.wlnturaot, Audubon, Harli
luua. tn IQWA-
MlnnestnolU and Bt
ylrbury, iud Notoor
bUievill-i, Abll'na,
Ism. In tha TWD1
Port hio. In tba
Drmarm. uanver
OhSoswrc. OetldwnlL Hutchinson, end Dodaro Oltr. and Palaoo Bison-
nrwyDKaiu, wicaita,auici oucsiiison. iTavcn-oaa now ana
or rlob bumiasr mad frraJuiur land, oxrordlnsr the beat faolllttea
Ot !
utaKHsuoualatijn to all towns
wwaww oi uBioaaro. aoa riuaua
T all eosBpaUtors In upland or ot
ns -iniousrn uuwsh,
t TUi oufh
liaastof llta
TUiouMh (WcbM,
Cra. ausd
out I Uivri
alp , Oouu -si Ol i7, ma
ui 1 Utnua,
li Pkui. Nob, iu-.1 b-tviil Otilu
I uaiblo. vl j bl. Juei h. or K
oiaw ir irr.Watiuf rt.dAU
t ae-M
iw diiv villi CHOIOE Ux' UOUrKB to and 2
OjOau. P.
; tl-.iiJ Ix .ua-iM,
i. Man
u ! fi -ai I'l
usua. aud oaaio Oi mu
Ifana-ta Csttr fisrouvji CTuar cUr a4id
ad Boux WmtU tTUK.7l..d. Iba
Fw'U aui 1 Ova duuii&wr
lata ail o In v;a bmsc
TSTM artnWJil) S .i7UK, itl
sriAinut. AmvaauaaiajfijE x - v w inn '!!.
War TtM5, MiaiM, VuUlan
OsBut lu Ota Onttiatfilaaaa m
ECW i:
r SxHm-3t Ly tho nao of
yon sare on pair of bftoes a yo&r, and
n bottle- as 10 ceaitu laats three months,
fbr Lktw manr f-eem blanklnsrlllona
yaeur'a earrntf In slfte L.eatber pay t
A U lns, PoSit XT ink; rmUMfl BloruVr
Ifk-Ron, kM
wiu. rmiri Oto a n,w ruanirunc fnrnlah
will CTAtfl veun Olo Baskets
VTOLPT it RAisOOLPB. HiUsdelphlO.
Wasting Diseases
V a a y n jv
I V w B m v
Wonderful Flosh Producer.
Many have gainod ono pound
per day by its uso.
Scott's Emulsion is not a socrot
remedy. It contains tlio Btlmiilat
ing properties of tlio Ilypophoa
pUites and puro Norwogian Cod
Liver Oil, tlio potonoy of both
bein largely increased. It is used
by Physicians oil over the world.
SoftI by all Dmgalsts,
GCOTT tu BOWNE, Chomlsto.N.V
lathe only illustrated paper In tbe world
containing nil tho latest sensational nnd sport
Intr news. N'o saloon keeper, barber or club
room can atfoid to be wlthoat It. It always
malted lrlends wliercver It goes.
Mulled to any address In tlie United States
securely wrapped. 13 weeks for 51.
Send Ave cents for rumple copy.
Richard K. Fox,
Franltltn fkiuare. New York City.
Vcrsohs deslrlnu Tension Wanks nnrl Infor
mation under Act ot .tunc lEtK), can obtain tbe
same irom mo uuucrsigucu,
fiEO, W. ESbKlt. 1'rothonotary,
uuir23tf Maucli Chunk, Pa.
f A TTTIT AW w. I,. Douailaa Bhoea are
wrxUAlUll lyprrrinteil, nnd. evorr pair
baauleiiauionuu nrloo atampea on uotic
Fluo Calf and I.accd Waterproof Grain
Tho excellence and wearlne qualities of this shoe
cannot bo batter shown than oy tho strong endorse
ments of Its thousands of constant vf cuers.
Sef.OO flcmilno Ilnml-scwcd, an elegant end
f Ktvlish ilmna Rlinn whloh commends ltBelX.
Syl.OO llnnd-nowcil Welt. A lino calf bnoo
unequalled for stylo and durabllltr., .
SO. GO (iaodrcnr Welt Is the standard dress
O Shoo, at a popular price.
SO. BO Follccninn's tilino Is especially adapted
O for railroad mon. farmers, etc
All made In congress, i:utton ana uce.
have been most favorably received since Introduced
and tho recent Improvements make them superior
to any shoes sola at mese prices.
Ask your Dealer, and If he cannot supply you
direct to factory enclosing advortlsed price,
ou send
postal for order b'anks.
W. V. BOlTai-AS, nrockton, Dlnae,
Adam Mehrkam &on, Agents,
Ri'nd the Advocate.
ztansiona Bast and West of the
ti and from Ghlcorn. -Tnll
in ixuuvK;ia iwven
Puul, lu "MINNB80TA
City, In
Bt. J-Bunh: and HlanBaa
, In NEBRASKA Horton, TopOta,
uoiaweu, in xwiixu-fvp t uim
TOBY end Colorado
iftrUnins; Obstlr Carato
and rttfaa aaat and wost, noruweat
sua vausacewuc aaaiporia.
aaulprnast, oool, well vantllated, nnd
Hi UciAji HI
rinunaui nitMpars, rtwm Jtaonning
D'clnf Cars J
' botwfran rjtuoaTO,
nlncjr Ohair Cj-T to
wita ftao
ma t utu ColorcAO
'li.y unit Topatua.
Liable be jLr woat or
and Sen irnuusUoo. Tm
Pons, Itwiltou, Owuus of tba Goes, tba
hlosvra suul Minnaapolla tttad
i it Kan i - aaa irom uioae V
B'-Mtpbr buiwsoa Paorta, Bpl
1'uvoiu., um lo r
ltd I .im lo Plnaatona.
U-utu mud HuutmtT stsd .
a.Mj Unkaku ofPara IwUlttos to
U j , lMKbwtt. IMVl OOU0
i rv
ci:y. ZiiuMmtx Urn. ood Bt. f Ut.
at. Paul.
or 4Mir4 uJorvzMioa. apply to aav Ttateat
D,UU nisdt(aVA Awat.
DrankcmiMa from Cslreo.
Dr Mimd.'l ot Berlin mils attention to
the iika of ooffee tn A manner to makfl
bin n marVa of imririrtanra. The Ineb
riety of oorfoe. If not m dangerous to
others, may be aa harmful to ltd subject
as sloohollsm, and Ren orally leads to it.
Dr. Mendel's studies have covered Ger
many, but tie haa given special obser
vations to tbo great working foreo In tho
fltm fad tori ea at Keeeu, vrhero war;oa are
high and employmuut uninterrupted,
ami a ct.rapnratlvo degree of luxury la
within thrt jeaoh of nil.
The reopU of Beseii drlnfc lmmonee
quantities ol ouI.h), bringing tho aver-
aje for a large portion ot them up to a
pound n vrewk, many men tailing much
tuoro than that. Tho rosult is a form of
neurosis, tn which tho uorves nro dis
turbed In a degrea nnd matmor approaoh
Ing. that which aocorupanios delirium
tromous. Intoxlcatloij Is followed by
gloom and sloeploesnosa, and about all
tho disorders characteristic) ot aouto nur-
votts dernngament, added to a ha to for
work. As In tho uso ot nloohol "or
opium, temporary relief can bo had by
tuoro aud stronger ootfoo, by tlnclurea of
coffeo formed by crushing tho berries In
spirits but tho euro ot a confirmed
coffee drunkard la noxt lo unknown, un
less the final Change to puro aioholhim
bo counted as a ouro.
Troubles of thla naturo nro said to be
much moro widely spread than one
would think from tho lmmodlalo evi
dence Moat ot tho stages ot exoessive
cbffeclsm aro too obscure to be apparent.
And thoy uro Increasing. Tea is merely
a weaker agont of tho sarao sort, so that
In taut there Is no suoh thing as a cup
which chcors without Inebriating.
Moderation must bo the law for tea and
coffee as for alcohol.
" She la a Simple llomr-rKidr."
Bometlmes one hears It said ot a good
wlfo and mother that " she's a regular
home-body." Tho phroso la simple, but
What a world ot ennobling qualities it
Indicates, and what a unlverso of friv
olities It exoludes. The matronly home
body Is, ludoed, " Heavon's best gift to
man," und the husband capablo ot mal
treating so true a help-meet, la only fit
for suph companions as Nebuchadnezzar
found In the Babylonish pastures.
Cashing ladles, whose mission It la
to set tho fashions, won't you look in
upon your gontlo sister as she sits in
her well ordered nursery making the
children happy with her presenco ? Noto
how ho adjusts her little difficulties,
and admonishes, encourages, Instructs,
nmusou them, as the caso may require
Do you think any nurso-matd could pro
duoe such harmony In that little circle 7
Is sho not an enchantress ? Yorily, yos,
and her charm U "love stronger than
death" for those sweet young faces
whero you may see hor smiles and frowns
(though sho seldom has occasion to
frown) refleoted In glee and sorrow, llko
sunlight and cloud-shadows In a qulut
pool. What sho is, she will toaoh her
daughters to be, and blessed aro tho sons
that hava Buoh a mother.
aican TV ills.
Husbands who profess to loys their
wives intensely, sometimes pluy thorn a
very mean trick when about to depart
tor that better land whero there Is
"neither marrying nor giving In mar-
rlage." Ono might suppose that a ten
der spouse, on the eve of being divorced
by death from tho partner ot hla Joys
and sorrows, would bo govoruod In tbe
disposition of his wordly goods by an
earnest deslro to render hor earthly
future a happy one. if he has a fortune
to bequeath to her, why should ha mako
a dog-ln-the-roanger will, providing that
she shall onl .y it only during hor widow.
hood? What right has he to condemn
hor to a life of lonollnosa, under penalty
of pauperism, In oas she shall marry
again f Husbands about to shuffle oft
this mortal coll, It you desire to be ten
derly borno In mind by your relicts,
don't seal witn tnem after this con
temptible fashion.
Slodlolnal Value of Hops.
One ot the best hot applications for
pain In pneumonia or dysentery la a
llanuel bag flllod with hops and wrung
out with hot vinegar. The wringing
process may bo avoided by tbo use of
two tin plates. After the bag la ready
pour a little vinegar Into ono plate, set
it on the stovo and lay tho bag In It
Placo tho other plate on the top to keep
In the steam. When the vinegar has all
evaporated Into the hops add a lltllj
more and turn the bag. In a few min
utes the bag will bo steaming hot, but
not dripping. This keeps It light, a
thing always to be consldorod when tbe
chest la weakened by pneumonia, and
saves the hands ot the nurss from the
scalding vinegar.
XXovr to ITocp Flowers Frah.
For keeping llowera In water finely,
powdered charcoal, in whloh the stalks
can bo utuck at the bottom of the voso,
preserves them surprisingly and render
tho water frco from all obnoxious quail,
ties. When cut flowers have faded,
either by being worn a whole evening In
one's dross or as a boquet, by outtlug
halt an inch from tbo end ot the item In
tho morning, - and putting tho freshly
trimmed ono instantly into quite boil
ing water tho petals may be seen to be
come smooth and to resumo their beauty.
often In a few minutes. Colored flowers
(carnations, azaleas, roses and gura.
nlums) may be treated In this way,
White flowors turn yellow.
Taking; For Off Olasa.
Asa rulo warm water and a soft
cloth aro all that la required to keep
glass in a good condition; but water bot
tles and wine decanters, In order to
keep them bright, must be rinsed out
with a littlo mttrlatlo add, which 'Is the
best substance fpr removing tho "fur"
which eol loots In them. This acid la far
better than ashes, sand or shot, for tho
ashes and sand scratches tbe glass, and
if any shot i left In by accident tha
tha lead la poisonous. Klchly-out glass
must do cleaned and pousnea with a
soft brush, upon which a very littlo fine
tholk or whiting la putt by'thla means
the lustre and brilliancy ore preserved.
TTbat Ladlos Talk Abunt,
When two or three or more married
Indies aro gathered togethor In a confiden
tial way, they almost invariably talk
about servants, babies, and eometlmos
husbands are discussed) but oookg
chambermaids and waiters are, upon tha
whole, safer subjocta. Differences of
opinion have always existed and olwaya
will exist in mixed society as to tha
merits of Infant prodigies and model
spouses i but in relation to tha short,
oomlnga ot domestics tbe ladles are all
but unanlmont,
Now, the eye of servants may ba full
ot mote, but are tbosa ot their employ
ers free from beam f It roust be confess
ed that the majority ot ladles do not
treat their domestics on the "
you" principle. If thero la any ground
lor the saying that good husbanda make
good wives, there la certainly aqual rea
son to expeec tnat just ana considerate
employers will bo faithfully served. In
the treatment of domestli-s, tbe f am liar-, I
ty that breeds contempt should be core,
fully avoided i but It ta quite possible to
make those who do your bebasta your
friend without making thorn vour eon. i
Sdasto. Be thoughtful tor thalr oos
tort awl wl fare. Do Bet raaulre too
awtait at them. Fasay yeurtelvee eat
GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In the Side,
lUio Chest and the Joints, Neuralgia,
Sprains, etc., etc, ths
no Deal, wn sjsj'urtLi.1 "-"- 4
aSdl koVli WSerat noVpltal oTfina
A ...(.ll.l Tf ..I n.t niJil 1
Taororous. Itu, J. S. f 1
Yonr Alienor rnnw(w.ri .Ty 1
loot. On ot our Bisters. sunjnnR inraj g
matism for years, could nna noUilng to otoro I
bar busyour AnorPalnItxpeJlarv.,Y I
GO conto a oottio. i
F. AD. RI0HTEH & DO., i
BIO Broadway, Jfiru Toffai
TREE Bosks about other Anchor R
moaws on Application.
N a HUB TTa r4 Ta H UrVBM SI
Q lTn Ori4n4M ef both mc fiJrtel to tool roiHttja.
0vtr flB4ftr CireoUn m4 Report nf fvrT"-
IUD uoriii. vtr imcimrmmrr,
natqatlrd, smd toinirsH)sr0.i
NTmw pvodi trill Madriatat
to OX B I K.OrT la Mb lortlltr
aUtbovt Oil lhorh) irrllsj
tout at eneAMn mtki 9xxr t
laMtlutnc Atr;hvMd4it
nuimUto bow ur tfc
thOMtfhOfull 9tw arlrtUa
nd thii aroaM J-- Thi
ffMifBie ef ttil admUwnwavt
haarfl Ih until ftd Of lb Ida
Hop. TW foI)awlaf
bent the AIth rrt luUlka U U a rran. alU Kit
.top, aa lama aa it niy lo curry. Wi will alio Uw Ufnt roa
ten' moka from fXl la H I O Aty al Itaat, from tat lUrt.wfifc
ei ai ptrfvitca ftttT writ at Wa par all al praaa thttrii,
Addrt it, 11. UALLKTT WM B (J, Wal LAUD, tUixm,
'cr LOST
Qeoerai and
I War-naai
JJof Zrrorior
i-t.t. Ablm BUSIlOOOfBliT He
OaacHntl Book. sxplaaati a praoraMaiMlsoaiMl iYM,
ieRiB K1&OICA&. CO., BUFF UO, H. K
,oua RBW 1
LlYOOh VI UU.VU, ixsai
fwatt.Ii IA Ht world. IctrKt
UnktHir, WarrantarrJ boaty.
I Dot a ladlfa'andfttiiaatxaCa
with worka and eaatfa cr
'farli loralitr aaa aaaetirai Data
ftwrual valut Ox l'HBMltlra
Vre, ttibf lta our larfff
id vluablolinfllouehola
'Miunrjlea. Thto nmn)t.a wall
aath waiAh. an All taa wortt tm
rod do It to ataow nruit yr tend m to tho who ct yoar
ritntla and ntlffhhnraand tbcaa a boat you that alwara raaal.a
1 rataabla trad forn. whkH boldi faryrtra wbtn oa itartadL
nd 'htu wa ar rapald. Wi tif all ? pma, flraicht, ata. ARatf
on know alt, If jron wnnld Ilka ta n to work for 01,704 ca
aro from 9Jt to ttO rt wtk and opwanll Aodrtaaa
4tlnaun fl Co., llox M t . rortlaiad Mmln
Slop Ural HawMDa SpilllDg.
I will clre Fifty Dollars for a caseiof Ca
tarrh, Cold Id tbe Dead, tDeatness, Hay
Fever, Affected Eye Sight, Asthtna'Cor
Throat Trouble, I cannot cure with my
Beacon Light Catarrh Cure, Send oue
dollar to my postofllce address for a bottle,
I will mall It to you at my expense.
liar Favor Cored -wlthTlireo llottlea.
184 1-2 Excbuoce St.' Geneva, N.T.
2-1'one year. ,
St joj aeinosj u -IHOII Jtxr tt B3UJI
sieioonua Aa aios
in oov.iia j 'ta i 'tmt tA 09
"00 afiioiasw oiusom ,
jorro crq Jopaa parortajl mo3 ei pus 'aJDaXtr;
J d om jnj noi 'auiUAv W3 JO 'lusoj( jo;w
iru sq) Xq pjiviliid Qsq kiq ipeemi tm,
8Q CXOij 0S4V0a to
niorpora ni trri))qo osiu no aiuaitvd jood
on 't'sajpm iaa 01 ou )ts oq nt aatvat
IP taoirr to ejnT8in 101 i.iqilfuiri tnQ
The Boat Romody a
ta this world, anrs J. Hofbarr of Srracosa, IT, ?J
Is Pastor Kuaols'a Norro Tonlo, baaauaa my soa
vtbo aa TmrtuDy porallzad tbraa yeara ago and
attaoked ty flta.ima cot had any aymptoma xA
Uiam alsoa & took one bottla ot ua.remadyk I
roost heartily tbanlt for it.
Norvous Prostration CuroU.
OnooDAif, N. T. Jane, ISA
I was not able to do anytMsjr for 19 tnonttu;
vat confined to bad most ot the time, couldn't
eat nor tlsep. waa so ncrrous and dlzxy that X
eould not walk from tba bouso W tha garden, I
was all run down tr vhat tbe doclois oallaa
EerroDS prostration. Ko maulclno aeonsad to
elp me. Tben 1 took Pastor Eoenla; a tterre
TorIo and now I oan eat andalaepacd bare no
pjorti sin kins spalls, can do my bouat work axalth
Ibb vry trwnkrnl for this and recommend tat
Tonlo to all suflerer. .-.
Dr. 0. T. Horn, ogt , Lehirhtoa
No more
li ras -ui. -i tT rwt.
- ' '' 'i "t i l na1 srttti rahjara
r. H tf t"ia TsnLsbMsar
""""" .iiwyrrtm.
JO JIB B, 1ENTZ, Whoteials Aiat.
Itetall dealers can have thtlr disim tMi
Here onapuiitauoa. matir, Uso-n
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Frty'a 17rdrcrsal Ilia Snvosltorr. A u.
cure for erary form ot lllei. iiisruiwoWui
ttchlnit or bleodlns, and loajr tte&4leg uut,
Has narer iKllad Try It, area If ye har
failed with erery other wasdy. TbltSfcaa
tory Is coctsBaped. easy to analT. uf, .uiui
clean, auq iittes evanr adrsaiaga arar wal.
i-I J,,... "? . oawaiia iisa ipweirprM
Ice. Olrj It trial and you srlH ba rcjlrre! ac
ri7ia r M JVUl UIHII1U WW! UW If
xvu um vunuy ouu, mH, ki
T HMie as. A210a&W TV. 47 a Z a
Tke county aorra la
or rAtOMO liAWHOOJ)!
of Body tad Mind, BfMt-i
alert)!. Haw tat tatarn 44
awasff astw sVfaT "Ww'