The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 03, 1891, Image 3

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To tho people of Letiighton tied
surroundinga lor their gener
ous patronage bestowed upon
We enter upon a Now Year
with a fixed determination to
do better service than ever.
Onr Motto "TermsCasli. 'Op PRICE."
TTill be strictly adhered to, be
leiving that this is the only;
fair wuy of trading
By this system no distinotibn js
made between tho rich or
poor ; neither lire taken adr
vantage of, and both share
the bargains we offer from
time to time. Another ad
vantage of this system is.wlien
we enter tho markets to buy,
we need ask no favors. Tvith
the readv CASH, we can
make quick, sharp bargains
in any market
Tint Street, between South and IMuin Streets,
Lehlshtou. l'a.
TheCarbon Advocate
Saturday; jauauy 8, ism.
Tha Oonln of the Day Told In a Short
Origin! Manner br n Special Correspon
In some ot the paper we this week
read the lollowlng Item which may amuse
roadera bare: "Ned Kennedy, who -said
he was an alderman In Mauch Chunk, for
three jeara, wai arralgnod before a Uiiffulo
judee on last Tuesday to answer to an
indictment for burglary. lie looked" like
An honest man and the judso said, not
withstanding that Kennedy confessed to
haying been an alderman, ho would not al
low the confession to Influence him In com
tag to a conclusion. Sentence was sus
Work of a Clever Rogue.
Atoung man who Is described as vert
genteel looking, has been successfully work
lug an old swindling game among the re
sldenta of the notbern section of l'liiladel
phla. He called at various houses and ob
talned many valuable articles by represent
lug that be had been sent for them by the
head of the house. On Friday he called at
a residence, and by representing that he
has been sent to get the owner's fine
double-barrled sho.gun to repair, was given
the weapon, which It Is needless to say has
sot been seen since The pollco are active
ly tearchtng for the genteel louklng young
man, and all house-wives are warned to
look out for him. Ho might conclude to
come to Lchlghton. Look out for him.
BreeiT lt-t of l.ol Interest ns TI1 Ity
a i,oni of Mrliiht anil Btpmt Reporter.
SpinI us the news.
Patron ixe ltlsliel's Rnllery.
Our holsery mill will soon be in orwra-
School opens on Monday after ten
days vacation.
Kull line of Ingrain and Brussels car
pets at Ilenrj Sell war tz,
llevtval mealing commenced in lsueno-
;r Evangelic) cUarch Wednesday evening.
We are pleased to note that Jolly
Frank IleffBlfinger Is out after fow days
Lehigh Fire Company will meet next
Wednesday evening at the olUco of J. & II.
Seaboldt, on First street. All member
art) wanted present.
Il a the. talk that both tho Jteformcd
and . Lutheran chnrches will bo enlarged
soine'time during next year to accommo
date growing congregations.
David Kbbert. tho North street livery
man, hires out the noomosi rigs at mo
lowest figures. H'lten vou take your best
girl for a pleasure- ride just see "Davy."'
A largei and cheaper stock of watches,
silverware, &c., than ever before Is now
offered for salo by S. Hagauian, Lehigbton,
I'cnna. Dec. 0 Cm.
Our young friend Will Blank, of
Jamestown, Is the happy dad of a bouncing
baby boy. who arrived Sunday nlghti
'Mother and child are doing we'l.
For a limited time, we offer the Allen
Brlt'annica 26 vols 1-2 Russia for 12 dol
lars less than the ll'annainaker prici for
same. 13. F. Luckenbae.b, Mauch Chunk.
Go to Mallei's for best photos.
The bottom' has dropped ont of the
prices on wall papers at Luckenbach's
Mnuch Chunk. Buyers have the largest
lino to select from lu the. county. Don't
buy until you have seen our stuck.
During the early part of 1891 let the
men who have the money talk about and
do something toward putting Lehlghton
ou a solid, substantial basis. H e must
have more Industries to give employment
to our people.
Last Sunday evening II. V. Mortbimer,
Sr., propiletor of the Camion Advocate
suffered a slight npopletlc fit. lie is much
improved and able to move around at this
lime, tnouuli fur awhile grave fears were
entertained for his recovery.
On Christinas evening while the genial
Tom Snyder, bar-tender at the Carbon
House, was "busy somebody helped tbem
selves to a Christmas present in the shape
of a keg of beer, Tom svt if the empty
keg is returned all will be forgiven.
Our readers must excuse the short
comings of the Carbon Advocate this
week. The foice has been observing the
holidays and lt'e.bard to get back In the
regular routine of things. However next
week the Advocate will come out in Its
old form chock full of live local news
On Christinas day Georgo M. Hunt
zlngfer, a popular young Democrat, of Tre
niont, l'a., was married to Miss Bertie
Wolf, a handsome and accomplished young
lady of Mcyerstown, Pa, The Advocate
extends warm congratulations and best
wlsces for a safe and prosperous voyage
o'er the billowy sea of matrimony.
Flash l'letnres of Vamlliar Faee Oemlm
and Going.
B. A. Wlddoji, ot Bstblsbam, Is visit
ing in town.
E. 8. Levan, of Philadelphia, dropped
in to see us Afonday.
x O. F. Lent, of Fredericksburg, Is
visiting the folks at home.
Al. Bartholomew has returned to
Myerstown after a week at home.
0. YV. Kreldler, of Philadelphia, Is
spending the holldavs at home.
Frank Oerber and wife, of Audenrled,
were visitors In town over Christmas.
Jobn and Itob Lents are spending the
holidays at borne. Both are students.
Miss Ella Heberllng, of Philadelphia,
Is visiting her mother on Second street.
Jobn Brenner, of north Second street,
did business at Mahanoy City this week,
Will IKelsel and wife, of Philadelphia,
are visiting Mrs. Heberllng on Second
A. L. Hagerman, was doing business
at Nazareth, Northampton county, on
Miss Yenle Brannlx, of Philadelphia,
Is the guest of Miss Marrv Ebbert, ou
North street.
Mrs. Kate Nothsteln, the popular
Normal Square milliner, was a visitor In
town Tuesday.
Hits Afay Bntz, an estimable young
lady of Allenlown, Is a guest at the resid
ence of T. D. Ciauss.
Milt Roth and family, of Hamburg,
Derks couuty, did the holidays with rela
tives and friends here.
Miss Jennie Hughes, of Mauch Chunk,
spent Sunday Tery pleasantly with rslatlve
aud friends In town.
Warren W. Pettlt, of Bethleham, was
crushing hearts al Summit Hill and Lehlgh
ton during the past week.
Charley Raudenbush, of New York
City, was a familiar figure on our streets
for a few days last week.
Mrs. Kate Hell, of Fogelsvlll, Lehigh
county is spending a few weeks with rela
tlyes and friends in town.
Our sanctum was graced Wednesday
by B. F. Stelgerwalt, of Parrjvllle, one of
our best pa) tag subscribers.
-Miss Annie, the estimable daughter of
Owen Grosscup, was home from I'lalnfleld,
N. J for a few days last week.
The genial Harry Hunstcker, of
Reading, circled among old friend and
acquaintances during the past week.
W"n bad a pleasant call Tuesday from
E. O. Nothsteln, of Normal Square, a
student In Franklin and Marshall College,
Lancaster Pa.
0, . Burns, W. C. Ronemus, J. 3T.
Scott, R. T. Norwood, T. A. Davis and
G. B. Lulz, a Jolly sextette of genial
spirits from Nesquthonlng, were "doing"
this city on Christmas evening.
Our genial friend Will Ash and
family, of New York City, spent the past
week with his father on First street. Will
learned the art preservative In this office
years ago, and at present "holds cases" on
the New York Time. Will 1 doing well
and we are glad of It.
A Wayward Wife.
Mrs. ' Llllle Owens, of Slatlngton, was
arrested the other day and took to Allen
town to answer a charge of adultery laid
against her by her husband. Mrs. Owens
had lately been living in Pblllpsburg and
Easton, away from her husband. She was
bout to be committed to Jail, when she
was released on bail upon promising to
do better hereafter, aud to live with her
husband. Monroe B. Snjder, of Slatlng
ton, was arrested the lame day to answer
a like charge, and he gave ball for court.
Watch MKhl,
The beautiful lime honored custom of
keeping "Watch Night Meeting," New
Year's Eye, In the Methodist churches.
The Methodists, from the days of ll'eslej
until now have been accustomed to spend
the last night of the year in religious ser
vices. Their custom is to watch the old
year out and the new In with prajers,
songs, renewing tho Covenant, and some
time with the partaking of the Lord's
Supper. The people are reminded of the
flight of time, the swift appioach of etern
tty. and of the necessity of working widle
It Is dav; sinners are exhorted to repent
ance. Christians are urged to a renewal of
their vows, whleh Is ofteu done lormallv
by singing the "Coyenaut" hymn bp
Charles Wesley.
Clean Your ttlilewalk.
Snows are coming, and wuen they do
come, dou t wait, but get right to work
and e ean your sidewalks. If you can't do
the work voliiself on account cranky
whims you an' entrctalu as to the de
gradation of labor, give a quick boy ten
rents to tvhlsliIt off. Clear the sidewalks
of snow and give us lubber y pedestrians a
olunce to more along the streets In safety
Doctors charge right smart for setting
broken bones, and money is scandalously
scarce hereabouts.
A New Taper for Cnrbon.
IKe have been Informed from a reliable
source that Lansford is shortly to have a
new weeUly, to be owned and edited bv a
Mr. Campbell, who Is at present doing re
poturlal work In H'est Chester. For the twelve j ears lion, J. If. Jal'.oy has
published the bright and ably edited the
Record at that place, and any new-comer
will have' to possess a more through know
ledge of the buslneis than our friend
ilalloy, who Is no back number by any
nivalis, If the new undertaking Is to be a
success. Ashland Tehqram.
Precautions Against Consumption.
In a circular on precautious against con
sumption published by tbe State Hoard of
Health of Pennsylvania, the following
adylce Is given: "Tbe duster, aud especial
ly that potent distributor of germs, the
feather austei, should never ie use! In a'
room habitually occupied by a consumptive.
The floor, woodwork, and furniture should
be wiped with a damp doth The patient's
clothing should be kept by itself, and tbor
ougbly boiled when washed. It need
hardly be (aid that the room should be
ventilated as thoroughly a Is consistent
with the maintenance of a proper tempera
Information from all parts of the great
reservation show a mark d Increase In
councils, and as the brothers of the tribes
ascertain wbat great benefit tbe degree of
Pocahontas Is to the order they wl 1 get to
work to organize in their immediate reser
vation It is high time that every tribe In
tbe reservation of Iowa and Nebraska
should have a council organized. The as-
tlstance of the ladles Is the one thing es
sential to the full success of tbe Improved
Order of Red Men. American Red Mtn.
The Masonic fraternity stands at the
head of all secret secistlts with afcoot IB,
838 lodges and 1,082,902 members.
If every Emperor IV'il lam of Germany
had an antipathy to Masonry, ho has
changed his opinions, as reeeutly he has
presented all the German lodges with an
engraving f Frederick tbe Great confer
ring "light" upon a candidate.
-Carbon Castle, No. Ill, K. G. E., of
town, conierred the Pl'grim's degree on
two candidates Monday evening.
A Fecultar IJeath.
Weatberly has a sensation that Is caus
lug any amount of gossip. Tbe facts are
as follows: Charles B. Shatter, a native ol
Monroe county, aged sixty-eight years,
this year took Mrs. Abigail Doney, a
widow, as LI third wife. Tbe honey
moon was short, and they have since, it It
said, lived a cat and dog life. On Christ
mas Day Shafer visited one of his married
daughters, and on the way home was bail
ed by a friend and given a drink of whisk;
from a pint bottle. Shafer ate a beam
dinner al his home, and was soon aftei
taken with a spell of vomiting. He throw
himself on the floor and lay there all the af
ternoon In stupor. In tho evening bit
wife say she failed to arouse him, and
supposing blm to be drunk, left blra lying
on the floor and went to an entertainment.
She futher says that when she returned be
was still on tbe floor that sbesentfora
doctor, and be was pronounced dead. Tin
doctor also said that life has been extinct
for some time. Shaefer's death being re
garded a suspicious, Coroner Buck wat
called and a post-mortem held. No ver
dict will be reached until a chemist who
is making an analysis of the deceased'
stomach has filed his report. The drink ol
whisky from the pint bottle Is tbe only ont
known to have been taken by Shafer that
A. Ghastly Find.
On Christmas Day a skeleton of a man
was found on the Mahoning Mountain, In
this county. It has been Identified as tba'
ot Hugh Harkens. 22 years of age, ol
Lausford, who was last seen altye on
March 17, 1883. On that day he and
Edward Maloy jumped Into a sled standing
In front of a hotel In Lansford and droyt
way. They were followed by the ownct
and aeye al men on horseback. Oi
Mahoning Mountain they were overtaken
by pursuer, when they abardoned the rig
and took to the woods through a deep
snatr. Several shots were fired at them,
The two In their run to escape soon be
came seperated. Jualoy soon turned up
again, but Harkens died, whether from a
bullet wound or cxpesure Is not known,
The Belt) ge of a U tely Town Briefly Chroni
cled la Short SnlivSnnp Order by tile
"(Stroller nnd Chum."
Counall meets on next Monday even
The poles for the electric light wires
are hero.
"Jake" located In hit
new homo.
George Welch, of Ohio, Is doing the
holldaj at homo.
Daniel Albright will occupy the Win.
Knccht residence.
Our public schools open Monday after
two weeks vacation.
Revival meetings arc In progress In
Eoenezer Evangelical church.
Cbas. B Letter come to late for this
week. Look for It In next Issue.
Miss Hattlo Kresge.J spent Tuesday
very pleasantly at Mauch Chunk.
Mrs. Leopld is back home 'after an
extended visit of some monlhsjto relatives
and friends.
Misses Emma1 and Ella Suyder, es
tlniable young ladles of Allenlown, are
guests of Mrs. Levi Horn.
The County Commissioner want to
make arrangements. with Fred Horlachor
to electric light the bridge.
Frank and Alvln ; Jfa.-sb,'.with theli
families, of Stroudsburg, were visitors In
town for a few days this week.
The genial Will Blery was to Phila
delphia this week buying lu a new and
handsome line of wall paper, Jfcc.
Our popular young friend Harvey
Drelsbacb, of the Kellmcr Plauo Works,
Hazleton, was In town over'Suuday.
The irejs In the Park are to bo re
moved and Council will recclvo bids from
people who want tbe job up to Monday.;
Tbe Christmas festival In Eoenezer
Evangelical Sunday, school Christmas
night was very Interesting, nnd qutta a
Our young friend Wesley Fatzlngor,
accompanied by bis belter-half.of Manooko.
Pa., are spending a few days with the old
folks at home.
There are no new developments In the
water plan, but It Is safe1 to go two to one
that we'll getjthe water some bow before
1802. Stick at IU
The County Commissioners should
make some arrangement to have the walk
across the Lehigh brldgecleaned of snow
and.lce. Don't delay In this matter!
Tbe rush for Christmas presents
cleaned us out pretty well, but still we
have many pretty things In jewelry nnd
silverware. Call at C. H. Nusbaum's.
A gang of hoodlums who make night
hideous with their debauchery will soon be
pulled In and fined. Wclssport. so pro
gresslve In many things, can't long stand
tuch outrageous demonstrations of crime
and ylce.
Buy handsome silverware, unique
jewelry, fine plush goods anl funny toys
f C. H. Nusbaum, on IFhlte street.
Largest stock and low prices. Before buying
ilsewhere make It a point to call. The
biggest line of goods suitable for birthday
or wedding presents always in stock.
John W., an eight year old son of
Francis Krcsge, slipped and fell on the ice
while walking near Big Creek church last
Thursday afternoon and sustained injuries
fiom which be died a few hours later. In1
terment took place Saturday, We tender
tiearefelt sympathy to the sadly afflicted
Our popular young merchant, Oscar
J. Saeger, will shortly commence re
modelling the store building aud residence-
now occupied by B. Kuhn's. Mr. Saeger
on'.euiplatc3 Improvements, prior to tak
ng possession, that will make a bandsomo
ind attractive edifice of the building In
Tile Hews of Midwinter Carefully flirted
and Berred to Our Menders by Local
Sneak thieves are 'operating all over
the couuty.
Charles Harlman, aged about forty
years, died suddenly of heart failure at kit
home in Parryvllle on last Wednesday.
-Vr. Eliza Solt, of Big Creek, was
stricken with parallels Sunday nnd now
The Oensns tn Germany.
Americans who grumble at thu soarch-.
tag nature of the census taker's ques
tions, should look at the Inquisition to
which the Germans ore subjected. The
German year book gives the figures ot
even tho income tax. An lnoomo of two
hundred and fifty dollars or less Is not
taxed, and up to seven hundred and fifty
dollars the tax Is nominal. For Incomes
over seven hundred and fifty dollars the
owner must swear as to the truth of the
figures he gives. In Berlin thoro la no
personal liberty. The police methods
greatly old Id the preparation ot an ac
curate census. No room can bo rontod
at a hotol or boarding house, and no
apartment or house can be legally
leased, until the landlord has sent to the
police the name and purposo ot tho now-
oomer and tho length of time for which
ho will probably make the olty his home.
The same method is In vogue in other
German cities. The experience ot one
ot the professors of the University of
Pennsylvania recently Is significant as to
the effectiveness of those methods.
Wishing to communicate with an Ameri
can lady who was abroad, and, as he
thought, In Lolpslc, he wrote to tho
polloo of that city. The answer declared
that no person ot the name was In tho
city. A similar letter was sent to tho
polloo headquarters ot Dresden, and a
similar answor was reoelved. When,
later, however, tho professor wrote -to
tho police of Berlin, tho roply announced
the lady's exact address.
Remarkable Operations Saeeeeeftdly Per
formed by a Hindoo Doctor.
In an out of the way corner of India, in
Knttywar, a Hindoo doctor, Trlbhow
undas Shah, L. M has during the last
six years been carrying on a sueoesslon
ot operations lu rhinoplasty, or the re
newing of noses, suoh as probably no
other modicnl prootltldnor In the world
has over hod the opportunity of attempt-ins.
The Stale of Junagatdh, whoro those I liM n ery precauslou condition
interesting operations havo been per
formed, Is notorious for tho outtlng oft
ot noses, tho praotloo bolng adopted both
by jealous husbands as punishment
for their wives, and by ooveral tribes,
ot whom tho Mekranls uro tho worst, as
a mark ot vengeanoo on tholr onomlos.
Dr. Trlbhowundas has for some yoars
been in charge ot the Central Hospital
atJunagadh, where ho has carried on
tho dutlos of medical offlcor, as well as
surgeon general for tho State, with much
ability; nnd In a book rooently published
be gives the result ot 100 operations in
rhinoplasty which he has suooosafully
In outtlng off the nose, a razor, a knife,
a sickle, or a sword is used, and accord
ing to the sharpness of tho Instrument
tho cut Is a oloan or a ragged ono. Tho
operation ot rhinoplasty varies accord
ing to the wound, and its succoss do
ponds very much on tho quality ot tho
original nose that is to say, whether it
was mostly bone or oartilage. A" soft
nose is tho most easily roplacod. Dr.
Trlbhowundas performs his operations
by removing a Dap ot skin from the fore
head or cheek of the patlont and uniting
this with tho help ot sutures to the re
maining portion ot tho mutllatod noso
Until the junction is complete.
The patients aro put under treatment
from one to three weeks, and In most
Instances all traces of dlsflguremont ap.
pear to have boen romovod.
That's it exactly, and fits tbe case to a T. We at now able to
iiinke an unprecedented offer in tho Shoe line.
Is n constitutional and not a local disease,
and therefore It cannot be cured by local
applications It requires a constitutional
remedy like Hood's Satsaparllla, which,
working through the blood, eradicates the
Impurity wblch causes and promotes the
disease, and effects a permanent cure.
Thousands ot people testify to tho success
of Hood's 8arsaparlIIa as a rcmedy'for
catarrh when other preparation had failed.
N. B, Be sure to get only
- HoocFs
They are of the very best goods in tho market, and we do net
nesitate to guaranteo tbem. Wo also carry a full line of
So)4bral!lraegUt flulxforfS rreraredonly
by O. I. IIOOD A CO.. ApothecsrlM, Lowell, SUn.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
A Good Chance for the
Right Man !
CThetSlncer Manufactures Company wants a
rooU steady man ns Afenf and Collector, lo
take the place ot A. I. llaircrman, who hat cm-
barked In other bus ness. Tills i a anlrmlld
onnortunltv for a young man to get Into business.
Jio money required; mu como welt recom
mended and able to furnish bonds tor honesty,
for full particulars mqulro of
Shenandoah, Fa.
Or. A. L. IIAOEUMAN, Lehlghton, Pa.
Auvocatr Ofpicr, Is headquarters for
shaTine, batrcutttnc and shampooing. Call
GO TO FI18. RODETIKR, under the Exchange
Hotel, Bank street, for a smooth shave ora
lashlonable haircut, ttr Closed ou Hunday's
Koeder's Hilr tonic, cures Dandruff. 'Yo carry
In stock a full line of fancy toilet articles at low
est prices, and we are the only place In town
where you can buy Bender's Cream tortile face.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of riantel Ciauss, late ot Lehlxhton,
caruon county, deceased.
All persons Indebted to said estats are re
quested te make Immediate pajmeut, and
those liavluR legal claims the same, will
present them without delay and In proper form
for settlement. T. I). Clausb, SurvlTing Ex .
Lehlghton, Dec. 28. 1380.
Estate Notise.
Estate ot Solomon Uoppes, late ot Mahoning
lownsmp, ;aruou county, ueccaseu.
All persons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment, and those
havlns; legal claims against tho same, will pre
sent them without delay and In proper form for
seuiemeni. jsi.iab h. iiui-i-hm,
Mahoning twp. dcc20-80
oiiouuE vr. norfr.8.
$10 Reward.
The Borouch of Lehlehton offers a Reward ot
$10 for evidence leading to the detection and
convictions ot the party or parties who break
the street lamps. By order or council,
Not.29-3w Burgess.
The fifth annual report of the Cotnmls-
doner of Labor has just been issued. The
report is the result of an Investigation
uade with the object of finding out, as ac
urately as possible,, tbe relation of rail
vay employes ;and tbe corporations under
which they work,, tbe wages paid lit all
branches of the service and in (different !
jar I s of the country, and the time lost as i
veil as other matters of vital Introst to
railway employes.
Tbe report tdiows that tbe number of
railway corporations In the United States
on the 30th ef June, 18S9, was approxl-
.nfttalv 1 71fl anil tl,A w.Uafina.1 .".A ACifk Tkn
'-- -, - J - - Wl, till' l fh
number of employes on nil the railroads of r ' Y.t
the country at this dle was 030, 012, the -
trainmen" numbering ISSjSO; switch-
nen, Bagmen and watchmen, 31,890, and
ither employes, D22.430. Nearly six hun
Ired of these reads are under twenty utiles
n length, the sbertest road in tbe country
lelng fourteen one-hundredths of a mile
Three hundred and seventy seven com
panies prohibit tbe use of intoxicating
liquors on tba roads under their control;
25 loads Insist on employes living in
kocses tarnished by the company; 140
roads furnished dwellings to sectlen hands,
lection masters, roadbed hands, trackmen,
watchmen, etc, In retaoto places; 10 roads
ire reported as maintaining beneficiary in
Dark and Talr.
Even the complexion Is dominated by
fashion, and blonde and brunette have
In turn their little day. In 'Queen Eliza
beth's time blondes were specially In
faVor. Froquent mention in the lltern-
turo of the past Is mado ot oils and
essences for improving the appearanoo.
A receipt of that century is as follows :
" To render the .faoe a beautiful color
bathe in wine, after which wash tho faco
In warm milk, thon you will bo both
falre and ruddy." A piece of proverbial
lore is : " The fair maid who washes In
dew from the nawtnorn tree, win over
after handsome be." But tho attempt to
cheat Time of his wrinkles has generally
provon vain. Turning to the color of
tho complexion, Shakespeare only men
tions block hair twice throughout his
hploys. Indeed, to "As You Like It " tho
piopherdoss complains of being scorned
on account of her dark hair. Thackeray,
ilowovor, makes all his dark heroines
llco, and bis fair women cruel.
BEST is Tiro woniiD.
mtlaauna two boxes or any otner fira-no. not
ksacted br beat. CiraCTIUC Ql2i VISE.
In tho Orphans' Court of Car
bon County.
Hid fnltowlne Widow' Amiratsemee's w111b
presented at. tne January rerin, januarj iz,
189t, for conflnu.tlon unlns exceptions b filed
inereio, viz: ...... ...
Catharine Bemhard, in F.state Lewis Berr
Haraa Vew, In Estate of Benjamin Wearer,
dd. ... ,. -,..w
Of Interest to Pipe Smokers.
All oloctrlcol onglnoer ot Carphlu
culms the Invention of a mouthptoco for
1 1 pes, that will prevent any connection
t the nlootlne deposited in smoking
rlth the tongue. Ho makes " a hollow
a short tubular or slotted
item attacnea to it,.wnicn is inserted
1 ito the usual orlQoe in the mouthpiece
f tho pipe or cigar or cigarette holdor,
to that the smoke shall pass out through
lie tube or slotted stem and upper
t otted part ot the ball, and the tongue
i mil rub against the ball In the mouth
1 1 the orifice, and thus avoid or prevent
1 io saliva of the mouth from going or
k orklng back In the mouthpiece."
R R 0 B" and otber special
JW Sag C B P tlei tor Gentlemen,
E I "So bm LadleLetcarawar.
ranted, end to Umped on bottom. Address
... . ... ...... a tS I.. Ht... CaM M
Adam Mehrkam &on, Agents
burgest In the YTorld.
France owns the largest Bailing ship
1 1 the world. Her name U the i ranoe.
I ho Is a vessel with five raaate, on four
it which square sail is carried, Tho
1 ngth Is three hundred and tourty-four
k tot with beam ot forty-nine feet. The
'lT20 which the France could carry Is no
ll.-SB than sixty-one thousand tons.
Swindler on III Travels.
A welt dressed itranger Is working
neat swindling game.
town on ICednesday and also at Chester.
His mode of operating l to call al a Douse
in the absence otfthe male occupant and
request the wife vo give hlra her husband's
cun. stating that the husband bad 'stun
blm for It. At Norrlttown hesecured-a
$10 repealing shotgun and sbotily after
disappeared. Look, out lor mm.
Croup, which prevails to a great ex
tent at present among the children of this
county, can be cured in one minute by
taking a piece ot alum and scraping from
It enough to fill a teaspoon, then mix It
With twice tbe quanllty of sugar, and .ad
minister quickly,
John McQ arvoy, ot Levieton, employ
ed, at No. 1 colliery, Jeansyille, was on
Jfonday struck by a piece of coal, which
cut off the thumb of one if bis hands
Unless prevented by the friends of
Bishop Dubs, Ulshop Bowman, of Chicago !
will preside at the meeting of the East
Ptnnolvaula Conferenoe ot the Bvangll
c-al Church to convene in the Rfenser
Church, In Allenlown, next Feb rum.
A Uappv New Year to all. Let each
one resolvo for himself and herself that
better uses of time and opportunities will
b made during the New Tear than has
been of tbe past. Have an; bean exirava
cent, or Injudicious, indolent, Intemperate,
or uncharitable, form a resolution now
that these sins tball net haunt you duriug
the year.
Robert E. Pattibo.v will be lnangurattd
governor ot tbe State of PwntylvauU on
?nu4y, January 19, 1WJ.
Elected New Offlcer.
At a regular meeting Lehlghton CouncP,
He was at Norrlt-.' P0, Royal Arcanum, held Dtc,22J
tbe tollowing ncw.omcers were elected for
the ensuing year: '
Recant Daniel Kroek.
Vlcj !tf tjt A. T. Koch.
Orator George II. Kemerer.
Past Regent Richard L. Koons.
SecretaryHenry J. Brelney.
Collector Win. P. Long,
Treartlrer-GeOjjVl'. Dlshl.
Ubaplaln Elmer E. Belli.
Gulde-1. S. Koeh.
H'arden Frank P. Dlehl.
Sntr Milton Ilunileker.
- Trustees Wm. H. Montr, Y7. O. M,
Slole. and J- Q Urn.
Repreeetoil to Grand Council George
II'. Diehl.
This Couuell was ortantzed Augnst IStb
1870, and now numoars 50 members.
Special Annonncemeat.
We have made arrangements with Dr.
B. J. Kendall Co., publishers ot "A
Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,"
which will enable all oar subscribers lo
obtain a copy of that valuable work free
by sending tbelr address (enclosing a two
cent stamp for mailing same) lo Dr. B. J,
Kendall Co., Enosbnrgh Falls, Vt. Thle
book Is now recognized as standard au
thority upon all diseases of the horse, as
Its phenomenal sale attests, over four mil
lion copies baring been sold In tbe past
ten years, a sale never before reached by
any publication In tbe same of time.
Il'e feel confident that our patrons will ap
preciate the work, and be glad to avail
themselves of this opportunity of obtain'
In a valuable hook
.tttntlons, and 21 contribute to the suport Llp t9 built ot steel, her masts and
oi ouisiae nospitais. beibg of the same material. Bhe
The report states that 04.9 per cent, of if. at present trad tag between France and
ranroaa employes earn $300 or less per nil
The Eastkhn agneullutal press has
ascertained, as tbe results of a canvass of
216,661 farmers In various parts of tbe
countrr.ibai O rover Cleveland Is the choice
ot 71,787 of them for Presidential candi
date io 1802, Illume the choice of 9i,909,
and Hill, lla'.cb, lHrrlson, and Hush of
still smaller numbers. An interesting
ttaienoent of tbe views of rural voters oa
financial aaii industrial questions was also
obtained during the same canvass.
Now, fay Up.
Our collector, George W. Jtforthlmer,
will call on delinquents within the next
few days, and all persons are expected to
liquidate. Il'e nsetl fbe money and must
have It. If vou owe ns ou are supposed
to pay, the sooner tho belter, as we need
the cash to meet the heavy expenses ol
our establishment.
Just What Yon Want.
For hardwood mantels In alt tbe latest
designs, also slate mauiels, open fire places
and tiling of eyery description, call at the
warerooms of
Cbajoiall & Klbohxbb,
No. S20 Hamilton Street, Allrmawn.Pa.
Here's our band, old rnan, shake on
tbebiigbt and bounejng baby boy that
com jour way tba other day- May the
little fellow live long and Democratic. Our
bat is off to Mr. and Mn. Will Nusbanm
aad Iks aew key, of tk Berth tad.
Thursday, January 0, 184)1, at one
o'clock, Levi Uarlaraan, will sell on tbe
premises, Bowaaaiiown, valuable personal
Friday February fiih.v Charles Deppe,
ot Waleksvllle, Frauklln -wp , will sell
horses, cows, ftg, ard farnlcg
annum, 8 3 per cent, of the whole earn
from 301 to $400 and 8.6 per cem, $401 to
tflOO. Thus, 81.7 per cent, earn $500 or
hss per annum.
Work has been commenced at the
Uhlgh Valley erecting ships at South
Easton on tbe first of the 14 new hog en
gines. The engines will each baveeigkt
driving wbee's. The weight of each
cylinder will be 3.700 ponnds. The en-
glnes will be used at this end of the road.
ine Baldwin Locomotive works has
built, during the year, 1890, nine hundred
and fifty-two new locomotives; an average
of three for every working dav during tb
year. Tbe average cost of a locomotive is
$18,000, aud the total business for tbe year
amounted to $20,000,000.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
last week provided tbelr Ice
Pbllllpsburg and other points on the New
Jersey Division with fifty-nine car loads
of lee cut at White Hayen. It was of
thickness of from ten to eleven Indies.
Keport has it that the Leblgh Vallev
Railroad Company will move tbelr bridge
and paint shops from South Easton tn
Richards' farm at Freemansburg.
McKee, Fuller & Co., railroad car raanu
facturers at Ftllertou, have received an
order from the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company for 1000 freljhl care, all to e
supplied with (the air brako aad patent
On Saturday M00 loaded coal ears passed
down the Leblgh Valley railroad
Williamspobt has prospects of an In
duttiv lo employ ooe thousand men if th
olUtens subscribe $150,000.
Wbat ire Lehlghton' npet.r
Missel' fitturM are the bsst.
io Paolflo.
Klch Strikes In Minor
Some ot the most astonishing results
have) oomo from soma ot those prospeots.
E-8nator Tabor (he of the " silk night,
irown" notoriety) "grub staked" two
shoemakers with $14, from which his
start In fortune was made. The shoe-
makers crew tired ot climbing tbe moun
tains, and began blindly to dig at one oi
their resting places. The result was
the dlsoovery of tho Little Pittsburg
mine at the depth of eighteen feet, Ono
shoemaker cold out for $75,000 and his
companion for $800,000. Tabor held on
and pocketed $3,000,000 as his share of the
deal. " Tabor tell up against fortune
andoouldn't heta It," said one ot his
friends. "Take the Chicken Bill prop.
erty, tor example. Hill stole ore from
the Little Pittsburg and threw It Into
his shaft until bo thought he had enough
on hand to catch a suoker- He pnr
suaded Tabor to visit the hole, but the
old rope looked so rotten that the visit
or didn't dare trust his weight in tbe
buoket Well, Bill," said Tabor, " I'll
give you $15,000 for your property and
trust to luck to get something out ot it."
The offer was snapped up, and Tabor
ordered new hoisting apparatus to be
placed In position and work to be oom
meneed. Chicken Dili's trlok was soon
discovered, but Tabor said t " Go on
down, boys, and make a mine out of it
anyhow." At the depth of twenty-eight
feet further down the vein was struck
and the Chrysolite mine was opened.
One chunk of pure gold sold for $880,
and several millions soon rolled to a
golden stream In Mr. Tabor's pookeU.
A luoky tenderfoot came out hero from
the baekwoods ot Illinois and went pros
peotlug In the mouatatBS, and in three
months started tor home with a bank
aooount of $480,000 to his oredlt That
traa better tata r!Ui eorc at 10 easta
TON, renna., at the close of buslncss,Deeemter
ism, lew.
rnn nd Discounts 153.191 M
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 30,000 00
Stocks, securities, claims, etc 41.138 03
Due iromarproveareservengenis. ,
Due from oilier National Banks s.toi w
Hunktnir linntn furniture, and fixtures S.S27 SC
rurrent exnenSM and tai.efl Paid 1.4S0 32
rremrums on u. n. duuub vv
mils oi otner nanus w
Fractional paper currency, nlckels,and
rpnlft 61 43
Specie 38 SO
Legal tender notes 12.SJ8 00
Redemption fund with TJ. 6. Treasurer
is per cfcDheircuuiwou;.. vv
Total. 38o,S"SJB
Capital stock paid in '3,000 oo
no Dollar .Twenty-five a Pair.
ne finest boots ana m
Before making purchases elscwhora como and bco us.
is the price of the Adre
cate for 52 weeks
Shoes for Everybody
Everybody Needs Shoes !
Wo are tho only agents in this tOTf n for the celebrated W.
i. Douglas Shoes. The greatest advertised shoes in the wet&L
TFe have them I Nobody else can cet tnem.
Stock" of Overcoat
Juct como from tho cmnufactartra.
TPe can give you a good Orerecjvtl
TFe can rnve you a izxic. fit I
We can give you tho very lowest pricca I
- Big Otock of Fancy Slippers.
BSggN.B. Ono car ctA Uabbei Boots ;and Shoe.
Booth First Sfirsst, Lehighton.
t full and pushed out at the too with ono of tho proitirri aa&
most dxtensiva assortments of
ever brought to thistown oj possibly the county. Our gos&
must be seen to be appreciated. They include
Plush Albums, Plush Toilet, ShayingL
and SinoJier s bets, Handsome de
signs in Silverware, Pretty Jewels
and TOYS by the hundreds for th
little ones, and the choicest line o2
Confections in the town.
K5gfWe particularly call attention to our display of DOLLS
which is without question the largest, finest and cheapest ia &a
county. Don t miss seeing it
Don't buy elsewhere until you have looked over our stock and .
learned the prices. TPa haven't the room to enumerate, c35
and see for yourself.
TheFashionabl Milliner,
9.000 00
1, 000 00
m ro
!M28 01
m cu
111 w
T81 1!
Surnlils fund.
undivided pronts
National us rue notes ouucauaiuc
Dividends unpaid
Individual deixulta subieclto cheek
Certified dirties ,.....
Cashier's checks outstanding.
uuetoomer national liauKs
Due to State llaults and Bankers . .
Statu or PmrssTXTAWiA.
I. Jno. T. Hem
Bank, do solemn
JOHN 1. BKHMEil. mumcr.
Subscribed sod sworn to belora me this 3lth day
of lfcoeaioer.'lew. . , .
Ooiases-Axmst .
J. O. ZKBK, iDirtrs.
Diuiiiis Uaraxs 1
Announce to the Ladies of
the county in general that
she has opened for the Fall
and Winter seasons one of
the largest and most thoro
ughly complete lines of Fash
ionable Millinery Goods ever
displayed in any single 6tom
in the county. The styles
ai in all the newest and very
prettiest effects and tbe prices
ate roarvelously low. The
ladies" are earnestly solicited
to call aud see our beautiful
assortment of Millinery before
purchasing elsewhere. Wa
leel that our long cxperienco
enables us to please our lady
patrons in overy particular
Latest Styles, Lowest Prices
and Best Quality of Material
and Promptness in finishing
goods when ordered. Again
we repeat, that for low prices
and the Most Stylish Milli
nery Goods you must call fti.
Bbii Hull
work for , by 4m
fort UftW w of;1
rrui and Jno. BoMh ToW4?, u-
CHt. OlbNIIItUfH. Wf
Lt I ., IMtle
anon ill' mnumm w
i. Bn
ind .un 7..u. C. w hwnti;'
o. ii iii. ui. Wit womt
t Fllu. umknotrn tmmt tbMl.
l ...A .. .... I rMflrwlMTfM.
, A. K 15 Alt I
in in Ei rn in -., .... lutuimi
Iw Urir own inHi.t,wtiMvr tMy M 1 wWUI tew
r mt uaUtt ueccMtssI Alto. kaliy nMMr
,ir. btu oi work from uca dtMfM WMWttjr. I
Use sJMaUoa or
X sMir for
bml; uuftl at inu.tjjd Witt twpliumsl; M
d flOI.II. ranMrUculuaPJCUE. Uai
E.t. AI.LK.V. Uu 4l), AuBuilu, Maine,
New York Mi?itiery Si; .a.
By Calling jt the Old Sta.3d-
Si A 9
im I
K I . H K
You will see what progress we are making while striving
to meet the demands of our large army of customers. Iu ad
dition to the Large and Complete linos of General Merohndii:
heretofore kept by this wall-known and reliable businBM hou-,
Novelties are to ba seen in every departmont, suoh ihat . JLj
useful, acceptable and appreciate Xmas presents.
cm b twrorO t ur Vkn Km Mwrk.
rapidly u Uwiuibl. itf lb M
tisiM mx, om.f oUL M im Uw
i lorahUtnl.rrvw fkjr U. J
ik. iuv to Isitwm.
ir wn mmm . u ll yM tliur to tn mh Tfcif II U
uJJTh .il l.rliir ud..ftil iuMrf MW.
IKl'ltA CO., 4lti, IMS.
Mauch Chunk,