mi -i Miiiin immmi t -1 n - r - ..... i ... - . .. . . . , , , ., MB Brery Bom Should Hare It. It 1i net always caavealuit u Mil t ctirtltUh lor every little ailment Having Reif Flat 01) ; is ice nous too oars a rnrssetan always at ka&d; It Mill Tlheuraitlsm. H oxalic la,. Born, Bnstse and all Actio and rats, file aBots, be certain, bat tliiu ono ot them. Pin' mere are row uynaa id "MM wmenwe:na) Coukh and Cbnsaraptlon Cure bM no eqnal for n'lina uj uoueob ana uonsumpuon. Pries so and K) onU at thorn,' Dm Wore, Bit 1 reported that a 'tblepbon line li about to be constructed between Belkjavlk and Haveueflord, Iceland. It will b the most northerly one la tbe world. Oh, YFTiat Ooogh. Will yon lieed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that mort terrible disease, Consumption. Ask your selves If you can afford for the take of sav lag 60 cents, to run the risk and do noth InR for it. We know from experience thai Shlloh's Cure will euro your cough. I never fails. This explains why more that a Million Bottles were told the past year It relieves croup and whooping couch ai once. Hothers do not be without it. Foi lame back, side, ot chest, use BoliohV Porous Plaster. Bold at Blerr orThonas drug store. The total, length of the streets, avenues. boulevards, bridges, quays and thorough fares ( Paris Is set down at 000 miles, tf which nearly 900 are planted with trees. Somethlnc tor the Mew Tear. ' The world renowned success of Hostetter't stomach Bitters, ana tnetr continued populsrlt) for over a third ct a century as a stomachic, it scarcely more wonderful than the welcome thai 5reeu the annual appearance of Hostetter't Jmanae. This valuable medical treatise It published by tbe Uoi tetter Company, 1'itUburK. Pa,, under their own Immediate sucervltlsn employing 60 hands In that department. They are running about 11 months in the year on this work, and the Issue of same for 1S31 will ni more than ten millions, printed in the English ucrmMixnuco, neisn. norweziatr, Dwcaisn uouand, uohemlan and Spanish languages. SuerwA Kopj oi is lot Taiuaoi ana intcrcil le reading concerning? health, and nnmeroro testimonials as to the efficacy ot Hostetter't Stomach Bitters, amusement, varied Informa tion, astronomical calculations aid chrtraoloxl eat items, sc., which can be depended oatsi correctness. The Almanac for 1S91 can be ob tained free of eoit, from druggists and general eeuniry ueaiers in au parts ot me country. Professor Elliott, of the Smithsonian in stltutlon, estimate that Ibsrs aro coir but 100,000 stall left is American watsrs. The most obstinate cases of catarrh are cured by the use of Ely's Cream Balm, tht only agreeable rtmeer. It is cot a liqud or snuff, is easllr applied into the nostrilit For cold in the Head it is magical. It gives relief at once. Price 60c. It is not generally known that tin clean d with newspaper "will shin belief than whan cleaned with flannel. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond cue reacn ot medicine. They onert say. " Oh.it will wear away, but in most case Jl wears them awar. Uouid thev be In duced to try the successful medicine calico -Hemp 'a .Balsam, which is sold on a cosittv iruarantee to cure, thev would Immediate! see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 60o and 1.00. TriafssM free. At all druggists. A flea can jump oyer a barrlsr 500 time his own height. At that rate a man could jump over a wall nearly a mile high. If Sufferers from Consumption Couxhs and Colds will try Fan-Tina Conrrh and Consumption Cure, they wlu turn qulcx relief and permanent benefit. The medical profession declare It a remedy of the highest value. Try It. Price H and w cents. Trial bottles free. A large proportion of the dlseasss which cause human suffering result from derangement of the stomach, bowels and llrer. Dr. Lee's Livsr Regulator removes all these troubles. Trial eotues iree at i nomas' Drugstore Restlessness is frequently due to thirst. A drink of cool water will often make an angle of a cross baby. Bapepey, Thills what VOT ongktto have, to fact, yon mt have It, td-fully enjoy life. Thousands an starching for It dally, and mourning beoaust they flud It not. Thoaiandt upon thousands ol dollars are spent annually by oar people In tht kope that they may attain this boon. And vet Aollara are spent annually by oar people In tht UMi iiwt max attain vais I Bay be had by all. We ffuarai it mar oe had or ai: 1. We Ruaraatee that Eleo trlt Ulttsrs, II Bled aeeordTnr to dlreetlons and the ass psrslstea In. will bring yen geed disss Uon and ouit the. demon dyspepsia and install Instead euoeDtr. We reoomnend Eloctrla Bit ters for dyipenil and all diseases ot the liver. stomach and kidney t. Bold at Mo. and 11.00 per Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, of Eng. land, Is nearly 70 years old, and rejoices In the receipt of a comfortable salary of $40, 000 a year from the crown, Botklen'e Arnica DaWe. The BEST Halve In the world for cuts, brines, seres, nlcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis in, or money refunded. Price 23 ceatsper Por sals by BKUKtt druggist. set Glue from whale refuse Is a new article of commerce in Russia. VHuit U the Cm Of bavin? worthless medicines, and anend, ing money on quaes doctors whose oalv idea is to gull the public? Is it not better to buy reliable medicine like Sulphur Bit ters? I think so. as thev cured me of rai tarrU after suffering three years, P. P. viars, Manchester. This season's Florida orange crop is val nod at 14,000.000. VaUaree la Ufa. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich has reason to be very thankful. She was great sufferer from heart disease for years Was short of breath, had hungry spells pain In aide, fluttering?, falntnsea. etc Atter takins two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, "I am better than for zv years. jy mind ana eyesight have im proved wonderfully. I advise all persons thus afflicted to use tbls groat remedy." a. u. j. nomas ana w. r. aiery, arugatsts' recommends and guarantee it. Dr. allies, work: on Heart Disease, containing marvel aas Kjumomau, free There Is a scarcity of lieutenants in the British nayy. Mo remedy for blood disorders; ean eaaal Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Though eonsentrated ana pawsnui, tnig msaioine Is perfectly saze. ana msy be taken by children as i aa ainlU. Physlelani rscorameud it preferanoa to any other. Pries f 1 Worth 15 a bettlv. A Delaware prisoner is offered $10,000 cor a toy Invention. Do you snore J If you do, sooner or later you will beoome a victim of aasal catarrh. We advise you to nss Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, a safe and pleasant and sure remsdy for catarrh. 25c The difficulty of administering medicine to young children ts entirely overcome py usina Dr. Bull's Baby Byrup. the safest. most pleasant and efficient mnesr fer the little one. Price 25 cents. It Is said that torn of the tree at tbe t ase of Uouat Taoooa, Washington, are ((feet tall. fata aad dread attend th a tt mat catarrh remedies. Liquids aad taafi a unpleasant as well a dangerous, Ely's Cream Betas Is safe, pleasaat, easily ap plied late the nostrils, and a anra ear. K cleans th nasal passage and heal tW inflamed aoest-rana giflag relUf ittMt, Frle U) If fruit stains are washed la tepid water they wU generally came oat. It's tht pat tiag them In suds that sets (he color. Tbe State geologist of Hsw Jersey aayg Jheooastof that State is rt&klttg at lbs rat of at least two feet In a stalary. Other ep servers held that the rate is asaeh ster CE0AV CLUTCHING. A NOVEL WAY OF CUNNING TRAPPING BIRD. fcheir Loyalty to One Another Protre Their Iow'nfhllTbe Deooy Crow Makes a Victim of tbe One Who Would Do rr tend Ilim-.Deitrlty of the Hmall Roy, Who Hakes Ten Cent on livery Crow Caught. Indiana farmers In tho back dlstrlola have a novol and effective way of trap, pins crows. To trap In this way the .trapper must first catch a crow nllvo, Which la generally done by crippling ono with fins shot The live crow Is tho trap. He la ploood on his back in the field and fastened In that position by driving a forked stick deep in tho ground over each wing, near tho body. Tho crow's foot have free play, and thcro la no embargo put on his luuga. Any ono who knows anything about crows knows that tho moment 'ono Is hurt or in trouble it makes tho fact known by loud and peoullar cries. Thore may not have boon another orow aeon or heard In the locality for hours, but In less than halt a mlmito aftor tho injured crow gives Its cry of distress crowB will comu scurry. Ing in from all points of tho compass, answering tho signals of distress with emphatic and assuring caws. Tho mo ment tho distressed crow is discovered by tho others they swoop down upon it, and, unless It Is hold in duross by soma trap or oontrlvanoo of the enemy bo it can't bo removed, bear It away to a place ot safety, whero It is nursed back to soundness and health. Crows aro not often doluded into falling into ordinary traps, but once in a while one will get his foot unawares Into a steel trap set for something else. In answer to his cries his reooulng comrades have been known to got enough of tho flook's beaks and claws to boar on the trap to carry it off with Its prisoner. How thoy havo succeedod In releasing him from this trap afterward no one knows. The. live orow fastened by his wines on his book on the ground becomos at once the -only sure and never-falling crow trap ever tried. He sends forth tho most distressing of cries, and along comes a flook of yolllng crows In response to thorn. They pounco down upon tho prostrate bird to rescue him. Tho bound crow's claws and logs aro freo to play at the bird's will. In his desperation ho dutches the first orow that swoops within his reach. He not only clutohes, but he holds.on Ilka grim death. Some ono Is always In hiding noar by, and the moment tho decoy orow fastens on and makes a victim ot the crow that would bofrlend him tho watcher hurries to tho sceno and captures the oaptlvo's captive. This crow la in turn made a decoy In another part ot tho field, and he Isn't long in fastening on .to a vlotim from among his would-be rescuers. In ten minutes altor the first orow is set a farmer has no difficulty in getting half a dozen other traps in operation, all doing steady and Infallible work on their excited and phllanthroplo brethron. Tho farmer may t as many crows as he llkee, for after getting his first one the supply will last as long as tbero la a free crow In tho neighborhood, but half a dosen of these yelling! and olutchlng traps, well set, will depopulate any average orow settlement In the course ot a day or so. Cunning as the crow Is, he throws his cunning all to the winds at sight of a comrade in ills- tress, and evon so far loses his bead under suoh circumstances as to fly to the rescue of a wing-bound crow in a Hold Bitot having been made a trap ot hlmsolf, aa a crow will sometimes manage to work his fastenings loose in tho ground by his struggles and cscapo. Ono farmer ot Indiana says he nas, with only Mvo of these traps, caught nlnoty-slx crows in half day. Somo ot tho Hooslor small boys ot tbo rural districts acquire such dexterity ns crow clu toners that they are nblo to earn big wages In their efforts to make the big black bird extinct. Their method Is to lie closo along the side ot somo old log at the edge ot a wood, covering all but their eyes and ono hand with loaves, Then, by a remarkably exact imitation ot a wounaod crow, they soon brlna score or more ot the excited birds swoop. Ing about the log. A smart boy can easily dutch a halt dozen or more of the crows beforo they discover him, und they era worth ten cents apleoo to him. A. T. Stewart's Start In Life. The idea that A. T. Stewart began llfo in New York penniless Is so deeply rootea in tne puouo mind that It Is doubtful it people will ever comprehend the true facts. Very few men havo as good a chance tor a commercial opening as had the great dry goods prince. His entire fortune was placed in his hands whon ha was twenty years ot age, and he waa sdlowed to do exactly as ho pleased with It Tbls fortune amounted to con alderably over $20,000. The first pur. chase which Stewart made was in tho shape f a big consignment of .Irish linens In Belfast. A lot of tho $20,000 went into this primary transaction, and, after he had sold the goods at a little shop on the corner ot Broadway and Chambers street, he found that he had nearly doubled his fortune, so that a year atter he had established his buslnoss he had nearly $40,000 In cash and a good credit already established. With such an equipment at twenty-ouo years, his subsequent success loses something ot Its marvellous character, particularly whon It Is remembered that tho, war trebled the value ot all tho big commer cial houseo like that ot A. T. Stewart & 09. Taking Care of the Piano, Flaeo the piano in a dry place, and do not expose it to draughts. Keep it free from dust, and don't place pins and needles on top of It. Thoy -very often fall In among thn strings. Do not load the top ot the Instrument with muslo and other books, as it deadons the sound. An upright Instrument sounds bettor it placed two lnohes from the wall. Always keep It Jocked when not In use. To make the polish look nice, carefully dust i with a Mean slit hsndkor.ihleI. A Self Kitlngulihlng Candle. A candle has recently been brought out wnion exungujsaes itsolf alter It has burned for an hour. Tbls Is done by a tiny extinguisher ot tin, which la fasten ed In the wax by wires and which effect ually performs its task. It la only nec essary to remove this diminutive .axtln. gulaher, when lta work Is done, and the candle ia ready to burn another hour. ' II Meaanrtn- the Sense of Smell, An eminent uerman physician has been .experimenting with a simple arrange. Bient ha has devised tor measuring tbe smuaiBiuty oi emeu, it la simply a glass Enba turned nn tr n t a. ft,. nn,.t,ii . n .1 noontainlng a sliding oyllnder ot a' ma- A..l .k... ..II . . w"u mum, aiiuns ins passage 01 ouors. The extent to which the oyllndor is pro tested beyond the tube that Is, praotl. eally, the amount of surfaoe of it exposed to en odor would measure the keenness f fioent of different nnnla nr fha i. tire strength of odor from different Bourses to vat same observer. Trying OAS tuba In eaah nostril, aiuili unul n diSereat odor, It waa found that only so eouM ee poroeivea. in some oases aaa odor aeened to eooal tha athar esfeet, ura sU tfeaM no toasatlou 9& Mlw M4 s m a ora. ssaasaMssi lIlA Y'X HI1KNI- nsr irna w tt m wr mas POWDERS Ere vents JUtmjr Fever! Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, x ounaor. fevers, 650. lib. in eaoh package Sold by all dealers. Cures Dysentery, and Diarrhoea. Cures Wind BABY SYRUP Collo, Bollovos Griping and Summor Complaint. Facilitates Teething! Regulates tho Bowels! Sold by all druggists. Prico 25 cents. "THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro ot COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness H Asthma, Incipient Con Croup, Whooping uoncn. sumption, and for tho relief of Consumptive per sons. For Solo by all druggists. 25 cents. VMnvclANQES CUBES CIQARC7TE8 for Ca dlWKb tarrhl PrlctlOCt: Atalt drugglttt. PACKAGE PR0F.HARRIS' FOR THE CURE OF (VITALLY WEAK). Vide lofcr too ctoostrnltntion to fcn.lntf r ttuAr: evervj neutt: etrr.lDOr fHrf; SKXl'AL iiAi miaoieinor vicinti rum form acta in rati t&. VCAtf tytCU AHU TICTWbTO KKRVOI R lKRlLlTYr IftZfllY mCVi KXIIAI HTIOV WAHTISOWKAKHKBS, IX YOUMAm LO SPA wtlh fcAIlLY DWAY la 1 0l'Stl mil HID DLB AGLDtUffe oftim, vfnr, t,nd atrcrrih.withinitDklergMtu imrsueuajmi'ii.nCT rriuiamrpiv in apTrocr-llsT Old IK Ufurei tun ivivniimrfr iri froi t knawurTn tl' 9 w vf SOLU JiLK MEUICVTEDP1 STILLtS I-VTiTIM wtosTfrtUMdajfiitrl 1AUfcOI.nKI.TmM! V9 -' rIHUiH mar. onua or o' ' at.tTcrliis frnm 1M fcrefil-nt tro bit rliou!1 ftft thfir til in1 n we can ftirniat qucsUona to bitur of-ft, tht up miiy 1 ow tlittr condt'loi tititb Mil nntl prvvinra inedlrloe to effect powi,t curs loeatd In Nw York faftT iJ j.reat Rt.Im), ffi all chinos Is ba eurM br lbf OAlrttrs't'l I'attilla Trf-atntrat THE HARRIS REMEDY GUs, nflfp. ChemlfitSt This Trado Marl; la on Ttio Best Waterproof Coat In tho wort tf, A. J. oyri Pyttan rni Mo HacCflftil VAy ortjr dtscoT 3rcd, as It U oerUUn la iu - t, I does not tUs27. Head proof below : TlaooKLYjj, Conn, Hay 5, "0)1 Dr. a J. Kuvdaix Cn.j - fsirs i lAH Summor I en ml n Curb xrpon royhoreo wltb ojr c cietTfttoJ ttciulfclTB BpavluOuroondlt 7v h-a h"- Job-I ever eaw done. I have a dozen 3mnt vt'ipn, having tweii ft with perfect success, cnriutviry 'htfli; Hrld It on. My nplghbor had a horo with a very bad Spa via that made hiralame, ITo asked how to euro It. I recomtuendod fitr.JaH'a Simnn Care. lie cured tho Spavin in juKt threo wwkiL Vor respoctfnllya WoLcorr Wnrcn. Oolumecs, Ohio, April 4, V3. On. D. 3, KjTNDiu. Co.; lxr strti i-I ItAvo been selUnff mom of Kendall's Spavin Core nnd Flint's Condition I'owders than m-er bftfore. Ooe man wild to me, it was the lst Powdr 1 er kept anil tho Wat he ever used. Bespeotfully, . w otto La, Hornux. CxnTTWAeroo, K. V., May ft, TO. Dr. n. J . Kit.Ti.Aix Co., Iiur Sirs: I liavo ud ftovernl bottles of yonr lleadatt's Spavin Cure with ptrfoct suocees, on a YAlaabla and blooded mro that was quite lame with a Bone Spavin. Tho jnarelsnowentlrelyfrco from lameaetonndfthowsiw&unon the Joint, Respectfully, 1'. IL Hutcbiks, KEIILL'S mn CUE Mosoe La May S. tO. DR. Ii. J. KE3fDjUX Co., Cents t I think It mr duty to render yon my thanks for your tar famed K ndsirn Spavin Cure. I had a four yar old 11 Uy which 2 prized Very hlffbly. She htwln very severe BwuUale. Xtiiel about eight different kinds of medicine) which did no aood. 1 purchased a bottle of your RVadalT Spavin Cure whlab citml her In four days. . 1 remain ours. AUmoN Dotoxev, AeeStperbottKorstxbottlesfortl. Alldnis gifts nave It or oan k1 1 1 tov yuu.or It 4I1 be sent to wiy &atlrca, on rreelpt of nrl"3 by trieiiroprie tonie Dir. It. J. KEN OAU- CO., ETiobisrh P.'iin, v er.-uou rUlLADEUPIUA.i'A. Katnuce.n operation orliseof t line f nun buFtiMMS. CusttapruttouucMl In curably by others wanted. bona fur ,trular. CURE GUARANTEED. oatJHcfei P(0f. ALEXANDER BOUDROU, I am now 71 yeras of ace. Wrs a student of aieuiouiu-anu surgery i or eerea jearauuuer tu famous Dr. Nelson, ana alter ten rears' hard study and in consultation with seven oftbeuioat eminent physicians lit the city of PlnlodelphU since 1 811. 1 liave discovered the cure of many so-called Incurable dlseaee. It can no loDiier be douhttxi that the sulne ran be cured; that paralysed limbs can bereetorM to tlioir natural use. and geuural debility eared. Congestion uf thebraln. apoplexy, results of sun stroke ard the norst cases of rheumatism, sel atlea. neuralala. liver complaint, JtrUfhU' dis ease of tbe kidneys, Iilp and bone d Inane, ea tarrb. bronebttU. chronic dysentery, and so ralled bean disease and dipiiteria. ail entirely cured with pure medlclnre or mv own prepsra rion, it used properly as direr ted, During nine years oter lo.ooo ixruona in this city alone hare used these medlelnen and are living wttnessesol tbeir worth. All their name eu be obtained by ealllntf ai the ottlee and lab oratory of rroieeaor Boudrou, No. 1727 North Tentb Street, Philadelphia, f Has myself In lured in the spine and paralyzed for seven yearn and pronounced Insurable by seven ot the moet able phreictarui and tin aeons ot this ciiy. 1 am now well and healthy, haviua cured myself wltb my own medlclm-a Ito not listen to tlinw pie'ndlced against lm nroTetnnnt Hi nu dlclne and dlo, beu toucan b saved, 1 will uotgo into practice miselt, being ovei 80 years of aw-, but will tell my medu-iuta, 1 hare two eminent physicUns connected rllti me to attend to callliUjC at the residence of tbe elck if required. Come one. coma all stifle rers tuid be restored to health, cured by these pure medicine aad thus see experience and believe for TO&reelveft. Office and Labnrator) upon daily from T A M,, teauvr M. fall or wrlle AI.KXiNIKK SUM.' , jitlM. W until, Waadulaala. f- j o HHMi' RULL'S Kill I Hunm KMEM CARE OF WATCHES. Ttmeplwi of the Vlneer Workmanelitp Beqalre Oood Treatment. A watou even of very good quality oan only give satisfaction tt it is treated ao- oordlng to Its Subtle construction. IW posaeeeor must prevent it from lolling or being knocked about. A Jump from a street oar has more than onoe caused a good timepiece in tbe Jumper's pooket to ohango lta rate. A watob must be kept In a olean place. Dust nnd small articles ot tbo pocket lining gather mn. tlnuously in tha pookets, and even tho bost fitting caao cannot protect the movomcnt from dirt finding Its way to the wheels and pivots ot tbe movement. Watch pookoU should bo turned Inside out and oloaiicd at regular Intervals. A watch ought to be wound up rfgu. larly at about tho satno hour every day. The best time to do It Is In the morning, for two reasons. (1) Because the hours of rising aro more regular than tho hours of disrobing and retiring. (2) Because tho full power ot tho mainspring ia moro llkly to reduoe to a minimum the Irregu larities caused by the movements of the owner during the day. When not oar rlod in tho pocket a watoh should always hang by its ring in tho same position. that it la worn. As a mln watches will run with a different rate when lalU down. Only high grade watohos aro adjusted to position, and will bhow only a few 8oconds difference In twenty-lour hours, while common watchos may bo out of time several minutes in ono night.' - Ladles often complain that their watches do not run regularly. This may be on account ot smaller size and more difficult regulating, but tire main rejuWm for tbe faulty rate Is to bo found in ilie fact that ladles do not nfways carry thoir watches, and consequently often forgot to wind them. Never leave a hunllng caso watch open during a constdoroblA length of time. A caroful observer will find in the morning a layer' of dust on the crystal ot a watch that has been open during the night. The dust will Und Its way into the movement. Tho dust on. the outside of tho case will be uncon sciously rubbed off by the wearer, but whon the watch ia closed tho dust tnsldo ot tho case must remain there. A watoh ought to bo cleaned every two, or at the "Utmost three years It It la not to be spoiled. Tho oil will change. It will become thickened by tho tjust that cannot bo kept out ot the bestcips Ing case. Tho dust will work like emery, and grind tho surfaces of tho pivots- of tho train. The best ot movements will bo spoilod-lf this requlromorit Is no glocted. Even atter being cleaned and put In order they will not reoovor their former exactness. Many times It ""has been observed that a watch ran well for years, and that it was unrellnblo aftor having been eleonod. Tho reason is to bo found in tbe fact that the p'ivots nnd tlielr thick oil lit the Jewel holos, and the cloaned pivots and thoir clean oil do not fit tho same Jewels. The Difcrect "Woman. A recent writer has summarized. the qualities of " the dlsoroot woman " some thing as follows : She can think as" well as speak ; does not rely on her" woman's Instlnot " to teaoh her how to do every thing, Tmt Is willing to be shown that which she does not know and taught that which will be useful to her : conor. ally managos to have a reserve force of knowledgo which is not porelstontly dis played upon every posslblp and impos sible occasion ; does not tell a He, largo or small, If she can help it, but it' one seems a necessity she " stioks to Jt," though heaven and earth coinbino against her ; she does not tell tho '' Why And whoroforo " of everything known or sup posed, evon to her best friends j Bho can ba blind, deaf, or dumb, whon"occaglon demands; does not display her- posvror ovor any man, or demand aiiytfilng as hor right j but knows her rights and how to got them without friction or Ill-will. To this it may be added that sho mingles kindness -with a rebuke, gentleness with firmness, consideration for others with an earnest care for the special Interests ot herself and her family, and in spook ing of her neighbors' dwells with more satisfaction upon thoir good deeds , than on their shortcomings. Unpopular In Spite of Speed. The wonderful speed of thcr Cushlng ana the dynamite crulsor Vesuvius ex. cites deep Interest among naval olUeors, ana these two vessels are oonstant topics of discussion In tbo ward looms of other ships lying at the navy yard. Nobody Is anxious, however, to bo assigned to either of the swift vessels, bocausa the economy ot room necessary in ships of their build has resulted In providing ex ceedingly narrow quarters; for all on board. It is the gossip of the yard that no fat man can find hta way into tbe bunks of the Cushlng, and it Is a tact that when tbe ward room officers sit down to dinner thej hayo to remain seated until tbo labia can bo unhinged ana lilted out of their way. Shed Your Waistcoat. The most oppressive garment in hot weather, according to a fat man who has made more or less of a study ot tbo way to resist the nigh temperature, Is tho waistcoat. It Is by no means an unusual sight to see a man walk along the street with his coat over his arm, while he wears a heavy, cumbersomo waistcoat strapped tightly around tho body. He would find it cooler If ho carried hU waistcoat and kept his ooat on, Old.Tlme 1'rorcrba. When tbou sittost among many,- reach not tny nana out tirpt of all. A good life has but few days, ' but a gooa name cuaureth forever. "When ono bulldetb another' 'talleth down, what profit have tlvay but labor. Better is the life of a poor man In a mean cottage than dplieat6 faro in an. Other man's house. Vot Tea Lover. Some practical but inartistic "German has made up a compound of sugar and condensed milk and tea, from hleh a cup ot tea can pe had by simply pouring on boiling prater. Danger of Iljrpnotlsm. In -i l-i .a n . . vuitiimih yuyaiwuu Ul i IQT&- barg waa called to a patient, a younp uy ox goou lamuy, eunertng with ner iyoua prostration. On examination he found that tho young lady had taken part in hypnotlo seances and had been liypnotlaed several times. He reported I the faots to the medical oounoll. Hu&slon of three eminent phystalans ox. otnlntKl tbe jiatlent and substantiated tie fact that her aliment waa due to hyp notlo praotiaoa. Another Myth, Another fondlv baltavad i - i ' mui Ceetroved In the annihilation nt th Coloaaus of Rhodae ballet. II. Siffel Lae worked the whole thing out moat carefully, ami wltb II. Banholctt has coma to tbe oonoltwlon that tbe Coloaaua ot Rhodes, uoh aa it is dasoribed to na la anoint history, could not poaaibiy have exlated for toohnloal rMaona. I . Vae Beet Sngtlsh Is Spokaa Ib IreVaad. 1 Thr ia absuMtaat avktaoe, btatorioaJ and phllolettoal, to prove that pMHtaa eUUaa of ta Kogliab laogvaga kaovru aa "Irtah brogtu " ta u l ir tw Pt Kagilafa pokB. fhfS'FVprVIeciicinf:' w "hhl EVER MACE. Cf Jj!gSL M In isVjaVltwllMrlvothe Hum irfrnitiynnrl;! I 1 v v-. fffjfla V o '',', ''J'y,C'JJ' I "Obmi rn eo horn, nd try thlJ, and eoelf I can's A 4, Aae " f nuke Uut TboawDd " L3 k o-' , f "i- 1 .I,. iii , I,.. I, QA "ff0 XVV ! Ptk-Kon, M 5k V A ?! AA I .IUjT.OUMMtN111.,r ,tbe 1 'WVlli y?. , iuSniTiMi ,m, I A.A - n - ' . 'hi I w"-"-tain roue Oto flAenrre time. III small only n toaL i, O n JJ-. Ill M c'" " rTimoumTi "!'" spoonful. Itisthoavf . . TJjL , I I WOLFF tt RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. I Ibest nnd clicnpslflkX T V. VBl ' I Imculfllne. Try It, mfi?v-' HI " 1 I lyoiiwIllboiiiitUflod. tiV.:i l IS Get It of your Druggist. "fc v J MHinnB HH taomsi Hdos'tWait. G bt it at ondt I y MM aWiii Cn.i it.Qjcnfc stamo to A. P. Ordvrsv ft On.. Boston, Mass., for lisetineillcalwork puullabedP 9 rr' ' I ovtT r r. I, ii f ,'o- i ) fJi,"M 111 lail1'!!.' JOll .,'.!.. , 1 nil.er " N Mjuryl to , . ; '...'.. It n -i ;.. i ii Mr ns, .-K.n-g . i'.. '. ' ".i.I i.) i',e I'"icqi' ai." . e e mi A-. :v'' v. -i i Jii.m in liri'ati -i, I ' tri tt i'c "Of ;h : a pi W, I .r Tin i - p r i'r.s-rir-'r rp I'm , o ft ( oU 4, e.ougiia, ,':i !r- a .'?ea--s, tl'.-io ; i r. .ere cf 107 exr ni AyVs Cherry Pi c l vis su'ujtct to ral'ii, , ' 1 off rliR. About fojir rt , I'iLtr.,! I nil. 15 n- ; t . .. M t'i em e, ! ''i ,W. ti . !. i ' 'Vi. U i'.w. 1 by : . I. ',nm1 N. trv Am-, ti.lioin Fe.fiii'nl s.i;t to ! tiU ""1 ' i'-n lie". ru'..p ' i"'1 io, rtnil within u ee'c wan "-eP oT ii,"-c-'il nil 1 ();' . S'i'cr- thou f. Lfr't1 al vns kept. ihU prepevnuon in the h'j'it.i , ".nit it1-! t Hij'"L':tioW aoonvi'. ' ".;.. j. !'!'" " n, Ienmp.rk, "A f- v .t" s B,"i) I took 0, Revora co' w' ic!' aTi't'i. 1 niv Jn.if,. I !)!"' J 1' nolo oo.i.ili. f" 1 pi!tt"(l ni!"!, I n"rr n'lit wi'lmi.t op. Ths ilm wrs ffi1 in i'.J). Itilwl . iV"'i t'hnri ' i.'-'on'', w lik'li lollnve t m" J 'tiri, iii'Iiicmi nee 1, a'ld aftorileil t!if rt"" n.-cfis-m v fn't'"' recovery of my MnMi"li. H ti ccn tiiinal use of tin" i'c "tovnl. n iifinpsnent 'iie-VaseiTecteci." iiiinu.-1', nlnoUu'C, H i.-lcingham. Yt. pr's fej resftra: J O rBBFAmo r Dr. J. O. Ayer & Cs.. LmvtH, Was?, fiolrt tij- All PrnitrHriB Trice Ji ; l alee, .. 1. Intolligent Ecaflers pill notioa tiiai ttro not tearrnf fo etire" ell clneiei of alscasou, but only suclt as xeault ' rrom a UlsordcrcU liver, vie t Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Gostiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. r?r,,,?5,e.he3f' oot warranted In. fallible, lit) t nr us Hourly nn mn It lit rxs sluloto niHko rwrtcxly. Prloe, Oanta, ' B OLD E V-EKY WHEK1J. Stoves, Tinware) Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at " Samuel Gravbh's Popular Store, Bank Street.. Roofing and Spouting a special ty, Stove repairs ftmushed on short notice ' -treasonable! Purely local in our aim. tJNAOQUAnrED WITH THE GOGRfVPHY or THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIT7 Xttoua VALtUABXdB nrrOHMATIOB THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISUD & PACIFIC R!LWAYr t5i-i-S,2Brr.?la,n brunch-s i.nj Paoria, LaBtaie.Molino.Rr.cltloldi.a, IMuffg, In ipWA-jsIinutttiiolwt j:u Br VSI " 4ll4llt.4llHlU and Bloux Fall a, in DAKOTA MISSOURI OrjoatiB, tai,-bur 1 nd Knl nuicniosQii, wiemta r-.-i . tt n. wijoi, n-ingnsnor, fort, lti.no, 1 '.., u:o... Bpnnge, Denver, Puoblo, m OO: : ADO &nd frum Cutcasro, Cnu w-ll, 1 "11 , i,.,UJii,, .1, Imr Care botwoon Olnosrro, i;"-tK.i i l ( vtiat oreae of rich rurnju.sf : ! 1. 1, of lnttiTOOLuunuulcaiion to elu o . 1 . a .d . and south wuuc of Chica a.. 1 i-u U ur.a 1. MAGNIFICENT Vn.3T:BULE tDf'-'RESS TRAINS, Loftdtnse all competitorn in nplrnd n- ! t-itup,n.-nt, rool, well vnntilated. and free, from duet. Throuw Ooa.'l.... I'i'iIjih.- .-.ip,nr.r V a t A, 1 i, Chair Care, and lan-st 01 Ui jniu-l j Doa Moinse, Council Bl'it", 1 n 1 " North Platto, Njb , una L a.', . n and Pueblo, via fit. Jo 1 pi., ui BoteJa tfurnibhint; nu iO.s. hi , , Callfbrnia E .ourion.i d.n,v, , Lalre, Oudon, I'oriLu .1 !.o, A. LINE to und from v ?t , tuna, und bcomc Gi ouuuaru ot 1. l. VIA THE ALBErlT Bolid Bxproas Trains dauV bn wtth THftODOH Eacliiilngr Gh.11 CuJd n xLHsntu otvy. inroutu unair t-swd-Sloux FaJlb. vlakonkljlH U Ohttir 'Coi- unit a. ih .a'ol. ra-'la, and toe oumnicr rounaa of the North west TI??.iiH08TAIifP VIASENBOA, AND KANKAKEE offsre foclUtiea to teval bweeoClnoinnuU,InJUiiapojiJ)lfdf. j , und Co'incll BluBSTst. Joeeph, Atohluon, IuTii,uorUi ljiuuu. Clu' -illuiiaapolle, esnd Bt. Paul Tte"-,anja, Poloart .ordnired lut'ornussion, apply to scv Ctotet OBos in the Unit Siltea or (Waau, 01 uo(JU-ub E. 8T. JOHN, JOtlN SEBASTIAN, feos Macacos. OHlCAftO, II- U 4b1t ?. AfkyC CQMSUFIP7I0H SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting iDisoasea CURES Wonderful Flos.h Producer. Many havo gained ono pound por day by its use Scott's Emulsion is not a secret romody. It contnins the stimulat itig properties of tho Hypophos phites nnd puro Norwegian' Cod Liver Oil, tho potonoy of both boinff largely increased. Itisuocd by Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sofil by all Druggists, 6COTT&BOWNC, Chemists, N.Y. THEP0UCE GAZETTE Is tho only lllmtmtetl paper in the world containing" nil the latest sensational and sport ing newH. No saloon keeper, barber or club room can iifford.to he without it. It always makes Irlomls wherever it goes. Mulled to any address In the United States securely wrapped, 13 weeks for SI. trend live cents for sample copy, Ilichard K. Fox, l'ranklln Square, New York City. PENSIONS. Persons desiring Tension Wanks and Infor mation under Act of .Inno 1860, can obtain-tlie ovuiu liuui tne HiluersiKHCU, OBO. VT. ESSKlt. rrothonotary, miBKltf Mnuc!i Clinnk, Ta. fiATTVTAItT w nonalnij Shoes urn VBUllun warranted, and every palp ban tile naiuenudprleo stumped ou uottoui. iADES W. L $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. lino Calf and I.aceil AV'nterproof fJrnlu. The excellence and wearlntr qualities of this shoe menu of lta thousands of constant we&rere. Si. OO Setmlno llancl-eeil, an elerfnnt end O styllsn-drcss Shoo which commends Itself. S.4.00 Ilnnd-iieireil Welt. A Una calf bhoe v unequalled for stylo and durability. $O,&0 Uapdvoar Welt Is tho standard dress O shm, ut a popular price. S..60 rvlieeman'n rilmo Is enpeclsllj adapted for rnliroad men, farmers, eto. All uado In Coagrees, Iluttou and Lace, $3 & $2 SHOES lafd.s, have been mont favorably received Inc introduced and tha recent impmvemenu make them superior to any shoe nold at tUerv prices. Avk your Dealer, and If be cannot supply you tend direct to factory euolostng adrertUea price, or & postal fo-r ordfr blanks. V. h J)01JCJLA8, Urockton, HI n si Adam Mohrlcam &on, AgentSj UUUOHTOK. Road the Advocate. FROM A ST0DY OF THIS MAP OF oil 'ru-ioua Kast and Weat of the In 1LIN01J-Dawnrdioo: h..". :n .UiWSk'iOTA-atRrtJJtSS .1 Jr. jjh una Kojasaa City, la ,0 I .-.X , 1 1 li, In KANfiiiS Pona ' .-'..I;Y- una Colorrtlo Ii"..;.apf Chair Care to Oi.-, ruil FaJaootUaep 1. T.-avcrEuo now and 1 Jidingr tha best facilities j-st. tuiu west, northwest -on-iiu coupons. 1 rj.n.'.Lf C 'ii Utiily betwaon Ohioturo, ii 'it'' ;v , p ,oiiultiir Chiiir Cto ' 'jn 1 1 C jlrrlo 8prin", Denver, - r.J '.'14 SnUndld Dinlna 1 lionfji we..', of MiojoUri Bivar. j 1 -' I- i,JU .J3 tg umi from Baut j, mj.u r-c pr ii.i;o. The DIBBOT 1 jj, Otud-.u or ttu; Qodd, tho Banltarl- LEA ROUTE, t. FLkll-'l . i.n.l 11 nm tli.-uu, rw.lr. j am4 r.ir-i, i r. J ?..rrtii( fnnttr fcnrf ft.. SSaii) ii' ot. r oeiwrun PwoHo. Brjirit Liake. lovcko Una Pmmitone. Wnlse ItutorvB and Huntmj- und Lsuuoe; SCOTFS T . rin I " ' iJV Alt lOlrlRfrii 1 ffir,. A r 11 tfik'i . 1 1- jmxfi k r "i a DOUGLAS . t TACf OF THE BEAVER. mSi An Kxitraple of tha Animal's Remark ahle Intelllreaee ad Ptteftolty. No aulmal la at HHr palua to havo a dry plaoe to live Id, and none live oa coareer tare or show so much patience and Industry. His aagaolty and Intelli gence are proverbial. "An example oatno under my notion while trout nan. Ing on a rcbuntaln stream a few years ago. A yonng man notlocd a fresh beaver dam iiunr tho house und coaxed me to help him tr.ip a beavr. The dam was of mud and alder brush and ran ncrosu the oreok, some llvu yards wldo at that point, with porpendleular Ijunka and bordered on en oh side with dry land lifted as paature land. We broke out one end of tho dam by an hour's hard work, nnd sot our trap, using a large groan alder bush for a stake, wlilnb wo forced Into the mud out In tho pond as far 1X8 the chain would pormlt. Tho next morning we found that tho break In tho dam had been carefully re paired and our trap with tho ntako waa wovttn into tho very bottom of tho break. The repairs were so well dono that It took us about an hour to recover the trap ; and wo reset It la another place. The samo result followed for five nights In succession. On the sixth night tho dam was repaired as usual, but about the mlddlo ot tho dam was a eoml-clr-cular groove cut through the woll pack ed bushoa and mud forming the top, true and smooth as no man could do It. and lowering tho water Is the pond some six or eight Inches, Of course, by So much It rolleved tho prossuro on the dam.' The beaver concluded tha dam was too high for the strength ot his mater, lal (although tho young man and myself knew tho faot to bo decidedly othorwl90) and he made tho pressure loss In the safest way. The trap out no figure In tbo experiment beyond Its being attach, ed to a fine green alder bush, Just what tho beaver needod to ropalr with, and so ho dug It up every nlgut and draggod It with tho trap to thobreak ; and It was for the first and oaslost material hu could get hold ot to help mako his re pairs t tho other bushes which he neodod to cut for repairs to tho dam grew at quite a distance from the creok. Abovo the dam on this creek are meadows and a gentleman In hunting grouse was walking over them and was startled at tho sight of an animal com ing toward him in a path loading through tho tall gross that appeared like a little old man. On a better view he conoluded It was not; human and shot it. Tho animal turned out to be a very old, gray-bearded beaver, which had lost both of hta foro feet by steel traps, and was now walking on his hind foot and carrying a tew stioks In his stumps of arms and evidently trying to provide for his future subsistence. s Intelligent as beavers aro If they oould bo domesti cated so animal would attraot greater Interest. Tho instinct for dam building might make him troublesome. But the object of that labor Is to protect the en tranco to his home from his onemlos and to provldo a place for his winter's supply of food, whore he an use It In safoty and below tho reach of Ico. When the 0-i.-csslty no longer exists for this protec tion, in a generation or two, it Is likely hero would bo longer be the desire tor Jam building. The Claim of Lots and Lucre. The instances aro very rare In which two strong wills can harmonlza In close companionship. Most young women study tho charac ter ot men but little, bocause thoy have but little opportunity. A brilliant match, In tho oyes of the world, atones for low morals, uncongen ial tastes, and lukewarm hearts. A -woman possessing tho bost elements of womanhood cannot bo happy with a man who has not a sound charaater. It is hard to examine eharaoter, and profit by tho Btudy, after the hoart has become the seat of an absorbing paaslon. Wealth In hand, without business habits, business tastes, and buslnoss intorests, Is tho most unreliable thing in the world. " Love In a cottago " ia Iaughod at by very " judicious people," but It la a very sweet thing by tha side of Indifference in a palane. Good business habits, good eharaoter. enterprise, ambition all thoao combined are nlinoac euro to secure competence anu success. There Is nothing moiQ disgusting Id an tno world than that meroonarv tie which, under tho name ot marriage, blndt a woman to tho bosom" of one' who bought )icr with hl6 money. Service, Service" Is. one of tho conditions of society. It is duo from all to all in different ways, and the moro fully and neartuy it is given, tho moro happlh and permanently will social life progress. bo far from service over being a mark of degradation, It Is tho very mark 01 nobility, and ho who refuses to render It, whatever be bis talents, or power, or wealth, or education, is tho trae oblect ot oontempt. it is very oiten the cose that this service Is bought and sold. and, whore the terms of the contract are fair on both sides and honored by ootn, 11 is as purely a business matter aa tho purchase of goods, their delivery, and their payment. Thore Is no ques tion 01 superiority or inferiority, no mark of authority or subjeotlon in the ouo case any more than In tbo other. The Passion for Knoirlns. Knowledge Is valuable as a levtr to lift men and women to a higher plane cf oetng t out it is not in itself tbe be-all and the end-all of existence. The pas sion for knowing is superior id the knowledgo itself, but both together ara not sutQoent to Insure the welfare of a nation. There, must also be the desire. tho effort and the wisdom so as to use the knowledge as to Improve and exalt the oharonter, and bo to cultivate the whole nature ot those we teach aa to mako them not only better scholars, but cottar and nobler men and women. lfnw In R u 'TturiVt'a 1rrik. Bv eaturatlnc the bullets vrlth llne they may be easily seen In their course from the ride to the target j their trajectory course is marked by a beautl- tui ring 01 smoke, caused oy tho vaseline oaing ignitea on leaving the muzzle o the sun, the smoke belnir BuannnHnl some time In air If not too windy. Much better eoorea result whon grease ot some kind Is used 1 bullets are not so apt to put, tne reoou is not so great, and It la believed tho course ot the missile la more true. A Natural Mistake. Train Robber (vraking naasenBer In his berth on a Pullman) " Vour money VI TUUI IIIU. Paaeenger (angrily " Whafe the matter with yen I I .will" Than ob. aurvlng a large upatviaeed revolver and bis error at the same timet " I beg your pardon. I thought you were the porter." A 8Teu. Pound ilem. Tbe latveetivat'fswa at wklah a i. any record waa feeeatiy fouad by a dlogu efQHlla, Osrylo. ft watefea nearly aarefi pouada. The fludar waa a Mow ass who had been rery or. Be baa baa oatd fl00,W by a fwaeaW ol leeoi TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM GOUT, BACKACHE, Pallia In tho SIdo, j .tho Chest and the Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc, etc, tho f M PORTED "ANCHOR" PAIR EMIM 'tt..lftHPWHr.BYERJrV Th BEST. UNUALED REMEDY. Used wttn rrwst f -"tf In the Imrorui 1 and Bojal Ocntrsl llonpltrU of Vienna 1 Ou CtisUcitil Ttitiarelil out tf Tteuniit a Bku av'l SL.ia. a sais-atVf w C Tflfit Afirtitir Vain Exoaller la rcallT ix6Sl 1 ttril b, SIia Dl UUl 1CJ SiBUUn UlRIi UUI srvu- L tn&unn tor roars, com a nna Doming so onzv i li er Dm your Armor rin j,xp?iictr. . BoboOL 8I3TEBS DE liOTUB DXSOL I GO Canto a bcttlo. 07 MOST DRUGGISTS, OR DIRECT yROXl F. AD. RIOHTER & CO., i BIO Snadwav, ITcw Tork.t Kuroaenn JienJH i xonstew, oiten, nurmnDeiv, ivupsio. j uuuuuii, vicuna, nvMnuaw. i ...ih, "3 HISS USSaU Z.WAS3Z3. FREE Books sbtnt other Anchor R ctcdiet on Application. SBro! ul CV-um fit -flT rmi.i fir.T i niA TMS LCAO.NQ SCHOOL Of O JO Tit Orv1fjt f KfrS i- as"'--: m . OMfff til- r Mrnuri Inn (lie WOrld. GUI' MrlltlJriT tqosiJWI. ami ta intrw1)of Mit ntwrior tvodi tHIl MnilrRSi o ttx K lftOH fa mi l-KUtr ai abov Only tbo wj tniU t4 t one run mu.k4 rart M 0' KY iru ih tixmi Aitjvwnmwmviaom L. IV,... Mllsiar arkWrm nd thMt tretmti yo 1 fc bJ. finnlnt f this tdmtltenitnt tp. Tb foUowhaf Illirri lolimiiimn is ixw fWt tit if pMrane ef It rvifJ t abl the i11ta Vrt ot IUblli. It U I rrend, donbletit ttl- it wit tfiTf. Wi will t thaw yew bewrmi taiQlOsidir tt (. fnm tht nrt.irftb ktl irtk frnm tatCltMsrtine HlsrwniiPC. tlMTi(mapru)sia-s. Vddrril.ll HALLLTT tXJ.. Bos UHOt fOlfUSI, HAtrft, FOR MEN ONLY! tHOnasrsl sad ltfjltf ODB D Uof BrrarscrEirMsMinOldnTniaia Iwesxnsst of Sod j and IJli J, il. Stkls MAMSCwDninT llM1r. nrm 1. .niarp j MrmelMttnSiK, KHPSrRUrs0UKMAnvrAKisur n tbMiatHr nunif hum TDUTHEnT oetrtau im a am .!:rir!lrVnVi...ea.l rrelr CasBtrW Writatkii SSSnSsT ERIE fagQICAL CO. BUF FsftiO, .OU B H BIT I MfiAArtllal 1 'Hold UiuhB .ffarthHlOtf.lHI, iMtufl irratrK 1 m ! worM rtmtm tlrketpr. TrarrtiitlhM7y tWLlP VQLD isntlttRC MsNi Both Udltv'tttdrrMiiilBsja, rMtial vain OJfB rittOBI MeW locallir MR vrMr) 6M Trc? tcnthtr with car Uijr id Talnablellnsj t Ilonsehold nsTnniiil.. TbtM MmttieK.il wrt mZthm mttJi. V IVrr AU tat woik d do U to hovf what m tand rou o thoM wbo c&ll yovr Htsdt and nf4fbbr and thoco a boot )roalhit)vaj main 11 Tt'tibU trad fbroa, which hold for j-mm whamo tunod, icd'hni wrrepi Wanijall mprtii, fkrlrst, ate. AfNi -oa know all, ir 70a wnld ltk to fro to work for as. ran ea wrnrVom S30 to SUO ptt w?k aad npwardk Addnn, 4 tin too fe Co.. 11ik 1 3, Xortlunii. Slalnts $5$ HeWsiie(ilS Stop that Hawking and Spitling. I will give Fifty Dollars for a case of Ca tarrh, (Cold In .the Head, Deafness, Hay Fever, Affected EvefilRht.l Asthma or Throat Trouble, I cannot cure with my Beacon Light Catarrh Cure. Send ona lollar to my postofllce address for a bottlo. I will mall It to you army expense. HtTTeter Curort with jThree Mottle. I1ENIIY A. ZOBRIST, 1S4 1-2 Exchange St. Geneva, XT, 7. 2-1-one year. sioioonua Aa aioa in 'ODrninj 'to ohij 's?7rjj ti a "OO SM!0G3M OIW3051 , etrl &flt traft xurp TI paa penilaitl turn mi 'sj-qv! m id eqi tm ' pai 'suXsm sjoj jo 'ainax jojirtj asiSAg eqi peiwioia noi rst( itpemej sinj, so. aot) ortraqs to eaji tjiorpetn rr) tiroiqo osin nvt maerrsd' aood trs 'tsajppe in ot OUJ (ttss eq nfs sesues ,p snoAJen rr eiMoijne Jr. i-tin.iio no Tho Best Remedy tn this world, say 3. Hofliorr of Byraouse, N. T is Pastor KoenJKS Nerra Toolo, because mr too Tho was partially porallsed three years ago od' attacked tj fltu.hns cot had any symptoms rj. them since he tool: one rxjttle of tha remedy, f most heartily thank for it Nervous Prostration Cured. Ccoazun, N. T. Jans, ISSt. I was notable to do anything for 19 month,, was confined to bed most of the time, couldn't. eat nor sleep, was so nervous and dizzy that I could not walk from the house to the garden, I was all ran down by. what the dootoia called perrons prostration. Ho medicine seemed to help me. Then 1 took Pastor Koenlfr Nerra Tenia and now lean est and sleep and hare co mer sinking spells, ean do my houst work icatn. lam very thankful fur this and recommend tha Toalo to all sufferers. . EUSHS VraBIINETElIE, ' Dr. 0. T. Horn, agt, Lelngliton No more of this. TtotkVr SSe. tmir rrv sunnr.aW Met -WLCrirsTtn" rubbsii oo. ' " ttksi MtvH keel liar wUk remwe -- ttra v! pRnnSi u lOfoa -i 4' rx t Cw'l !rn !' "Onteksaiet' J0HH B. LENTZ. VTholsisls Aesat. ALLEKTOWN. Yk. AT RETAIL BY Itetall dealers oan bar their nsmes lnsertaV here onapplleatlon. mavlf.Jsa.yl Piles! Piles! Piles! Prey's tJalfmal H Supoeltary. A Mrs eure f or every fans ot lite. Internal er xteral. iicuihk r turwiiitg, aau khu slandlus ease, lias neitar failed. Try It. vo If you bar failed with ersy other rewedy. This Suotxsl tery Is ooneshaped. easy to apply, safe, neat and SSi?'0? WsssajjeiTadtaiwi; nvor otat lOWUaBd wires. rtiy4rans us tn tbelr erae. we. aire it a trial aitd you will be rettrved aasl oaarlaMsl. if your druarlsr doe ou keen tt a H ItW jwt, 4 tor n 9j inau,lrlt.UCBl Uneasir, Pa. hold l.y Dr. h-B. Kter. O. & Honi aad T D. Tba, t Ufcltetoa. Pa. ANiuycw a. Fbkt, Tlii oouaty bws ia fMohsa; thin QAsax. Saatt & flKlbftfcfgb m mmmmmm -1 Win ml WN ViWV VV v v im. ww
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers