t-S. OBIGIHAL CHEAP CASH STORE Holiday Goods Are Ml on tale. IfHi i.;- T K pjEbf course tha ' lines are tfot as Urge us beor CbrlitmM, bnttbe prccs have Uksn'such a'great drop t ;to;ma1co the balance very attractive. We are (honing vast lines ot UNDERWARE Fon Women, Mimes and Children, Men, Boys and Youths, at prices far lover than you'd expect. s Although there was a raid made upon our BO OT and J9IIOE Department before Christmas, It Is again In jjood shape. Tbt stock bas been sized up. The broVen lines haye been mado whole. Many choice bargains abound owing to the closing out of several Hues. If you want to reduce Tour monthly coSee bill use either of the following brands of Coffee. NUSBAUM'S GOLDEN RIO, NUSBAUM'S MATCHLESS. J..T. nuSbaum, Flint Street, between South and Plum Streets, Leliluhtou, ra. The Carbon Advocate BATUltDAT, DECEMUEU27, 1890. BAILUOAD NOTWS. Lehigh Division of the Lehigh Valley If bow supplied with switch lights ot a nen design, The Dickson Locomotive Works at Screnton has recently received an ordei from the Lackawanna Company for 40 en Bines. The Lehtgh Coal tc. Navigation Com panr has sold to the Lehigh Valley Rail road Company a strip of land north of the Ice boaso at Laury',s. The contents of the strip are 11 acres and 112 perches, and tbe purchase price was $1,104. Don't Be Fooled. On tbe Sd and 4lh Inst, a slick-looking In dividual made a canvass of this locality, representing hlmrelf to be an agent for the Plymoth Rock Pants Company, of Elllott treet, Boston, Mass, He carried sample of fine cloth and agreed to make np pant t rnlnous prices. A fit was guaranteed of course. But each patron, or victim, was required to pay a certain sum, varj Ins from $1 upward as a guarantee of good faith. Tbe goods were to arrive not later than tbe 14ih. IPell, they are not heie jU Between 40 ana 60 orders were taken here. Another good lesson to patronize home Industries and avoid being fleeced by harpers. Easton Ex Fuullo School Statistic. Tha Superintendent of tbe Public In struction. E. O. Chapman, has partial! mpleted tbe compilation of the school statistics for the year ending Aug. 31. Tlir total amount of money expended In tin yarlous school districts for the year war $3,483,503 31, of which amount $802,021. 18 was spent on repaid and bul dingnen ecUool houses. Tbe amount expended foi teachers' salaries was (2,227,131.08, and for fnel $111,388.62. The total atnoum expended for school aggregates $3,273,222. ltavlng a balance of $210,281 to tbe credit Of the districts. Tbe total value of school property In tbe State Is placed at $8,029, 493. Tbe table shows an Increase In at tendance of 10.000 over that of last year. Taking It all Id all It Is a very Interesting repert. flpeotal Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on tbe Horse and bis Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of tbat valuable work fret by sending their address (enclosing a two cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburch Falls, Vt. Thlt book Is now recognized as standard au thority upon all diseases of tbe horse. a its phenomenal sale attests, over four mil Hon conies having been sold In the pas' ten years, a sale never before reached b nny publication In the same period of lime We feel confident tbat our patrons will ap preciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity ot obtain' Ing a valuable book. It is necessary tbat you mention this paper In sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short tlm, In Variety. The steal mill ot tbe Bethlehem Irrn Com panr shut don on Saturday evenlcg as Is hollered .Indefinitely. The workmen were not Informed of the stoppage until tbe last moment. Ed fucbter, a trakeman on the Bath B- B. and Ella Melxell, a dressmaker, bave ynysterlottslv disappeared from their homes lit West Bethlebem.and as It Is knowntte) were Intimate, It Is believed they have elo ped together. Miss Melxell is single, bnt sWucbter has a wife and several children whom be has left destltnte. -Some people seem born with an lnlier nt Instinct to devote their lives to mind, log everybody's business except tbelr own, Tfcty are tbe prime causes of trouble the world over. -Polk Wilson, of Cbamberabnrg, has been sent to Jail for elghtf days for swear Jsi eighty profane oaths. Under tbe Penu 4jlvnla blue laws, act of 1794, the penally for profane swearing Is 67 cents for each ath, or. In defanlt of payment thereof.one .day In jail for each oath. Wl son would not ay the fine ot $37-30 for the oaths uttred during a earonsa on Sasurdy night and be went to jail for eighty davs. rOBLlO 8AUS UEQISTSB. Thursday, January 0, 1891, at one o'clock, Levi Harlemao, will sell on tbe premises, Bowmanstown, valuable personal property. Thursday, January 1. 1891, Lewis Wales and Fieita Costenbadar, will sell it yaluabla 300 acre farm of tho late Oeorce Wa'ck, between Little Uap and JdUIport, fa Towamensing, Do To Beek'a rThsn looking or holiday presents yon eilll lad Bock, tbe jeweler, to be tbe very seta yen want. Hi keeee fa (took a full Unset watefaM. clocks, rtaee, bracelets, seeklaee, &e. Plae are lower thsa any wbecsj eta is OeUa eeaatr- Fatteahn HOLIDAY DASHES. Breeiy Itoun of t,oi Interest at Told by corps of Bright and Breeiy JUporters. Seud us the news. A Happv New Tsar. , Drive1 out tbe tramps. No school next week. pAtronlze Rlsbel's gallery. Talk about Improvements. Ulsbel's photos are tho best , Go to Uishel's for best photos. Start '01 by paying your debts. 'Commence 1891 by booming things. Dire your teams of David Ebbert, Terms lowest. Leblghton will bays electric lights or private It'uminallon. An Infant child of Benjamin Shoe- tnaket died Monday. The Lehigh Stove Foundry Is cloied down for tbe holidays. Full lino ot Ingrain and Brussels car- nets at Henry Schtt ar tt. The Reformed Sunday school will elect new ofQcers on next Sunday. Save money by buvlng Wall Paper at Luckeukach's Mauch Chunk. Sucda). School cards and books, lower than ever at Luckenbacb's, Mauch Chunk. 1890 was tbe blgitist year In the his torv of the Uersh Heater works, of this city. Mrs. Al. Neff , of Second street, Is con valescins from a serious Illness of a few dais. Go to Nusbaum's, Welssportj for all kinds of tov. lewerll. plush eoods and silverware, Mrs. Granville Peters died B'ednes dav morning after lying unconclous for sev eral davs. Buy holiday presents at Nusbaum's store, Welssport. Finest llne..of jewcrly, silverware andlplush good. A larget and cheaper stock of watches, dlverware, &c, 'tban ever before Is now .tiered for sale by S. Hagaman, Lehtghton, Penna. Dec. 0 0m. Our old friend Charles Froellch, of Teuton, Minn., will accept our thanks for Intcrestlne copies of weslren papers. It took 'em about an hour and half to slaughter 150 hogs at Obcrl's butchering 'establishment last Saturday morning. It'a a fact 'that Charles Nusbaum, Welssport, sells the finest jewelry, silver ware and plush goods at lowest prices. Graining and fancy paitfllng walls and ceilings. All work neatly and cheapi. done by W. C Banta, LebleUton, r. u. Some saloon keepers, In this town who "don't keep the law," will bob up In court some day. Keepour left ee on It! For every oath there Is a fine of sixty- even cents. If the law were enforced me borough exchequer would swell almost to bursting. George Swartz, of Carbon street, who ell under a moving cosl train last October, and xm badly In juried, has reported on duty agsln. Lehlshton should elect a Democratic ax collector next reoruary. mere is plenty of good, solid timber in tbe party lor the ofllce. The names of William D. Clauss and , Johnstone Duncan Lehighton boys.are on the graduating roll of Pierce's Business College, Philadelphia. A young son of James Webb fell on he Ice Monday afternoon and cut a three inch sash In his cranium. Dr. Eeber ewed up the wound. The general George Kemerer received a h.tppv Christmas present In the shape of of a bright and bouncing baby girl. The mother and child are doing well. The most foolish people are those who ;o to Allentown and other cities for boll- lay presents, when tbe same goods can be bought at home for less money. The Central railroad depot, at the north end of town, has re elyed Its annual coat of paint. Tbe depot Is not beautiful. but It will pass at least for a time. We bave a few delinquent subscribers whom we would very much like to bave -quire themselves with this ofllce. Come, step up, we need tbe spondulix. The agitation for a Sunday mall con ilnues. A Sunday mall for this town would ceatalcly be a great convenience to our business people. Keep the ball rolling. Kor a limited lime, we offer the Allen Brit'anntca 23 vols 1-2 Russia for 12 dol l.xrs less tban the IKannamaker pr.ci for same. E. F. Luckenbacb, Mauch Chunk. The most reliable proebets predict tbat ibis Is to be a severe winter. One tblng tt certain and that Is, so far in December tbe veatber has been colder than during tLe vholtt of last wluter. The temperance people of this city have filed a remonstrance against the grant ing of a saloon and resturant license to Captain Joseph Webb. This Is the second -Ime tbey bave done this same thing. irith the beginning of tne New Tear some aotloti should be taken on the qves- lon ot dividing Lehighton Into two wards. With over 050 voters we are certainly en title I to this distinction. Let us have tbe wards 1 Lehigh Fire Company meets In J. & H. Seaboldt's ofllce on IKednesday aven- Ing. Jan, 6 lb, 1891, and Charley Miller. who takes moreintrest In the organization tban all tbe rest of tbe members, would ilka to see a big turn out. Our old friend Dr. N. B. Rebsrhas supplied quite a number of our Sunday school papers with Uulbert's international essons, a $2 book for lbs low price of 00 cents. The doctor has a few more copies on band at the same price. This office Is now equipped with two muskets, and tbe "deyll" bas put, "Tom and "Punch" In training for tbe next 'bum" that strikes this office for money or exchanges. Schwartz will furnish the coflln, and the funetal will be al night. Two Tramps, uamed Brown and Mc Deimott, arrested Thursday night a ia- homug siding, bv Constable better and Policeman Iremer.were discharged Friday there being no evidence comollcatlnc them with tbe Wednesday night robbers In this city. Webster Nrtbsteln and Miss Gertie Ifeldaw were happily united In tbe golden bonds of matrimony at tbe home of tbe oride s mother, on south street. wednes day evening bv Rey. J. H. Kuder. We ex tend happy congratulations and best wlibej. Toe Good Templar lodge In this place Is now, and for several months past haa own a thins of tbe past, This makts the third tlmathlsorganlzatlon has gone under. The old adaee, ' If at first vou don't succeed, try agam" can find demonstration here. Captain Joseph Webb, who wants a saloon and restaurant licenses, will co ha. tore tbe judges and court with a formidable petition lor the ssme. Tbe paper is about a yard long and contains the anagraphs of some of our leading people, Capt, Joe Is an old soldier, and ts nnable to follow manual labor as a means of earning a itvituooa. William Mitchell, wbo Is a toush from tbe slams of Baltimore, was arrested Fri day morning last on suspicion of having ereked the Atjtootb safe and robbed Gabtl's hardware suire, on tha Wednesday previous. In 'Squire Bella's conrt be roulda'i make things just clear and he was naaded to U s oonaty prises. M will NEWSY WEISSrOttT. Tha Doings of a Uraty Tomx Briefly Chroni cled la Short Balp-Smap Order by Uio UtrolUr and Chum." RJ.Uongen did business at Slstlngton en Sunday, The water was drawn but of tbe canal on Friday last. , The tall and afthe Horlacher dam Is about completed. -Solomon Yeakle. will next spring, take up bis residence on Union Hill, Miss Addle Miller Is home from a pleas ant visit to her sister In Brooklyn, N. T. Druggist Uiery is the owner of a hand some bay mare, "Delia" without a record Percy Peters, one of Prrjvllles handsome young men, circled round town Tuesday. A series of revlal meetings will com mence In Ebenzer Evangeilgal Church ou Haw Year's eve. Don't miss seeing Nusbaum's holiday goods. They are the finest and cheapest in this section. Thus far, the directors of the Franklin Independent school District, hayo Issued $1800 worth ot bonds. Hongen & Albright have the contract to sink an arteslon will for, the Slatlngtou Rolling mill, Slatlngtou. Mrs, Joseph Ilex is slowly convaleslng from a serious Illness of several wetks,mucl to the pleasure of many friends. -IK, F, Blery, our popular druggist, was at Catasauqua Tuesday attending the fiual obsequies of a near rela'.lye. -The "Stroller" is much pleased to noto tbat Mrs. Joslah Bucb, ot the cast side, is slowly improving from a recent at tack of paralysis. Handsome holiday presents at Ntu- bautn's. Fine jewelrey, novelties an silver ware, beautiful toy, and confections In great abundance. Howard Frants and Susie Kneclit were happily wedded Tuesday evenlne. fbe "Stroller" wishes them fair salllnc oe'r llfes billowy sea. The canal bridge Is dangerous. The other day two teams collided and Tommy HehrlK, a joung Doy, who was on the orldge, was badly squeezed. Let the court make the Nayagatlon Company do some thing. Oursuperstltuous people were ranch puzzled Monday night by a bright colored ring which encircled the moon. In this age ot phenomena we can expect almost anything, outside of a four year delinquent settling up in full. Metn host Reber, of the popular Harrity hostlery, served an elegant turke.. supper to six jolly Weisspor er'a on Sun day evening, among tbe number being that wholesouled fellow, John Zern. "Brad)" was put up with cough medlolne to pay for one cover. The following new officers of Knights of Honor, 2037; rast Director Tllgh Markley, Dictator ft Hepner, Vice Dictator John Lelkel, Asst. Dictator Oliver Hoegh, Guide H. H. Musselman, Chaplain S. Breyfogel, Reporter A. J. Guth, Financial Reporter E. M. Fenner. Treasurer lleub Musselman, Medical Examiner W. L. Kutz, Trustees W. H. Whitehead, T. F. Arner J. S. Miller, Rspresonatlve J- S. Miller, Alternate B. K. Culton, Now, I"y Up. Our collector, George W. Jforthlmer, wjll call on delinquents within the next few days, and all persons are expected to liquidate. We used the money and must have U. If you owe us you are supposed o pay, tbe sooner tho belter, as we need the cash to meet the heavy expenses ol our establishment. Counterfeit S3 Note. A new counterfeit $2 bill Is in circulation. It Is good enough counterfeit when by Itself anl might be easily passed, but place l alongside a genuine bill of the same de nomination and Its defects apnear plainly Tbe green back Is much darker tban tbe genuine one, tbe private mark Is too dark, be pink stamp Is too dark and tbe silk fibers through the genuine are not to be seen In the counterfeit. Change In Oaine Laws Desired. The farmers of Berks county are organi zing and will petition tbe next Legislature to make some red leal changes In the game and fish laws. They want the fishing sea son to open a month later, and no hunting before November 20th. and after Januarj 1st. Tbey claim rabbiu andbirds are shot off before they are fit for use,andthat game is out regeousty destroyed. Tbey say the hunters go up to the very doors of farmers' house and kill birds and rabbits. YFEDUED. On Saturday evening last, at the borne of the bride's parents on Third street. Miss E la E., danghler of Chetf Burgess Mahlon Kelcbard, was united In the holy bondrof matrimony to Xngleman, of Weatberlv ffae ceremony was performed In the pre sence only of friends of the contracting parties bv Rey, J H. Knder, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church, this cltv. The Advocate-, joins with many filerds, In wishing them a bright and happy fntnre. ThUWasan Unhealthy Tear. As a fair specimen ot tbe unhealthful- no'S of this year of 1890, tbn tables of vital statistics of the Stale of New Tork, which have just been completed, may be taken. Tbey show that the death rale has Increa sed almost one per cent. Tbe figures ere 18 03 per 1000 last year acd 19.80 this year. Tula excess Is laid to tha grip, though the deaths from consumption and acute lung diseases are shown to be on tbe Increase. Last year tbe reports showed that 1772 males had suceumed to this disease and 1672 females, while this year the number has reached 1903 males and 1769 fema'es. There were last ear 2S03 deaths from cu e diseases and this year the. number It 3860, or an Increase of npr!j 1000. A True ChrUtmaa Olft, The value of Christmas gift lies not In Its eostllet, but In the etilmony It gives of the affection thai jiirmptilt. If vou can afford a rich gift and are moved by affect' Ion to make It, all is well. But It your meant be small and you affection great the expression may be as affective as In the other case. The Ne Tork World relates the case of a poor Hill toddler once, the son of a laundress, who on Christmas morn Ing spent 1U lolltarr penny for a clay pipe apd tolled through 'hAnow to give it with a radiant face to oue for whom be bad con ceived an effection. It was a very common clay pipe, and he to whom It was given possessed carved meersehanmt with costly mber ttetms. Da. this was to bin tbe mast precious ot tbsm all because lathe moke wreaths that rSfO from It be taw tbe love of a little child regeeted. Tbjtt was a true Christmas gift, bcpstly mivde (a the pint or uarttuuae. lea tm the iim U to 10 laebee tfe.Uk a&a too brt am iretej) MM, THE COUNTY SEAT. Tho Oontp of tho Day Told ta Short Original Kuatr bv a Special Co rrtipon dent. James Condon bas, ot this city, bstn granted a pension. Stroll's Shoe Factory on west Broad' way has shut down fur tbe holidays, The twen'yflrst anniversary of tbe Toung ifen'a Cathollo Lyceum will bu observed with appropriate exercises some time during next mouth. Messrs. S. S. Smith, C. O. Skee James I. Blakslee and J. A. Mayer are County Treasurer Mullhearn's bondsmen, The money will be kept in Llnderm'au bank. Barthotd Zelscr, mine host of the Pennsylvania Hole), on Susquehanna street, fell on the pavement In front of his hotel, Sunday, and sustained a fracture of the left leg near the ankle joint. The anxiety is over Chas. A. JVernel, a well known Democrat, of Kidder town ship was appoluica to the position on Monday afternoon. Mr. IKcrnet Is the keeper oi a hotel uear Albrlgbtvillo and Is well-known all over the country as a poll. liclan. He will make a good Appraiser, Tho appended Is verbatim copy of a written notice, numerously posted In East Mauch Chunk, that Is affording considers ble amusement to the humourously Inclln ed. It certainly Is qulto orUlnal in its or thography: "Ho Sportsman. A grand ahudlng Match' Will take Placo On the sec ond Day ot Christmas the 20 of Dora 1890 In East Mauch Chunk OpposldeTue Caus ing Flore For A gold Watch 60 yards with Shod Toone up jour old shot gons & in us gots & bridge loders Com one And all." OUR MAN WITH TliK CAilKItA. Flash Flctnres of Familiar Faces Comlnc and Golnc. The genial J. W. Raudenbush circled at Allentown Monday. Victor Bowman, of Bowmanstown, dropped into see on Mohday. William Yenser, of Urslnns College, Coliegevllle, Is home for the holidays. Jfiis Annie Raudenbush Is hems from a pleasant visit to frleada at Allentown. -H. J. Morgan, of the Hersh Heater Works, Is seeing the holidays In Phila delphia, Misses Sallle Gable and Ella Ebbert are home from Wyoming Seminary for the holidays. -Isaac Oyerhaltzer and wile are spend Ing the holiday weeks at home with Colum bia, folks. Assoclste Mohr, of the. bright and newsy Slatlngton News, made ns an agree able call Sunday. Big hearted "Barney" Bartho'omew will go to Allentown and Philadelphia over the holidays. Goorge S. Hallman and wife, of north First street, spent Sunday pleasantly with Allentown relatives. Miss Slbbet, of Shlppensburg, Pa., one of ouryoungandsnccessfull school teachers is spending her vacation at home. Mrs. Fourl and daughter, of East Afaucli Chunk, spent Saturday with ifri. . V. Morthlmer, Jr., on Bankway, Jesse Manuel, of Columbia, who has been playing sad havoc with the fair sex In this neighborhood for a year past,la doing Jhristmis at borne. Just What You Want. For hardwood mantels In all the latest leslgns, also slat mantels, open fire places and tiling of every description, call at the warerooms of Cbandalt. & Kmsciiner, So. 829 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. The Luther Union Meotlntr. The Luther Union will hold their regu lar meeting Monday evening Dec. 20th for which occasioq an interesting programme has been arranged: Opening exercise, L. M. Beldler; recita tion, Jauile Gabel; selection Geo. Moitli imer; sketch by Freddie Rex; selection, Llllle Relcbard; recitation, Sarah IKert- man;soln, Jary Ebbert; Scripture John 3: 14, 15 by L. J. Uausman, Ira Notbitetn and Wm. Auge, trio. All are cordially in vited to attend. Obltnary- Charlee VI. Sweeny. "In the midst of life we are In death." This old truth was again exemplified Tuesday afternoon In the sudden death of our old and esteemed townsman, Mr. Chas. M. Sweeny, of the well-known firm of Sweeuy & Son, general merchants. First street, this city. Deceased was engaged waiting on customers when stricken with heart failure and death almost Immediate!) resulted. Interment will lake place on Saturday morning from his late residence on south First street, following which ser vices will be held In Ebenezer Evangelical church.) eve Charles M. Sweeny was born on the fifteenth day of April, In the year 1830, In Frcnchtown, stain of New Jersey. His parents were Daulel and Jarparel Sween , highly respected people in the community. He was educated lu tbe public schools and at an early age was apprenticed to a Lehigh county coach maker to learn that bnslness. Some years later, during tbe decade of '60, he commenced business for himself at Ifelssport which be folio sred for some years. From here he went to Paekerton, nhere he was employed by the Lehlgb Valley Rat'road Company In tbe capacity of foreman, which position be held np to 1880, when be retired from their service and, with bis son, Robert L., launched in the general store bnriness In this place. under the firm name of Sweeny & Son, In which be continued up to the time of his death. Sometime during the'vear 1854 be was united la marriage to Annie, daughter of Lewis IFelis, of Third street. Four children were born to them two, Robeit L.. of town, and Harry E., of Drlfton, who with their mother, survive him. Deceased was a strong adherent of the Evangelical church and a close and consistent christian. Enjoying many years acquaintance with him we cannot fail at this time to pay our tribute to blm, He was a kind and affec tionate husband, a geneious father, and a close cbrlstlar, a warm friend and an hon est man, end were we to write bis epitaph It wonld read : ' IPell done thou good and faithful." To the sorrow stricken family we offer our heartfelt sympathy In this the dark and trying hour ot their sore affliction, commending tbem to tbe mercy of tbe all wise God who doea all things for tbe best. Geo. HEAV15U RTJX. Tbe spelling beo at tbe Beaver Bun school last Friday evening was largely and cutuutiMiicauy attanuea, ana proved a yery Interesting affair. Among tbe large number present were tbe following, who made no a delight fnl party from Lehljjb- tons Bsrtba Hollenbaeb, Lizzie; Lenti, Uzzle Scboeb, Mable Wbeatley. Anabei Brekate, Marv Fenttermaeber. Daisy Horn, Ella Seabotdt, Fred. Bex, Eddie Gilbert. Will Koeb, Harvey Gombtrt. Harry uejiisi BnubiwuHiretger. i ne teaeber, Mr. eqgar .under, it a gradual at the Leblghtoa High eeaoal. aad paoe U V a mie. COUNTY PARAGRAPHS. Tho Iftws of Ktdwlater Carefolty lifted and Served to Oar Reader by Loeat Scribblers. Jeauesville had four marriages on Christmas day. James O'Donnell, of Levlston, Is dead at age of G4 years. A $200,000 charter bas been granted to Reed & Lovett'a silk company at Weath urly. -The old talk of a roadway by tbe o' planes from Weatberly to Beaver Meadow Is again ripe. Tbe grand ball ot the Manhatten club at Weatberly last Friday night, was the event of the season In this section. The Lehigh Valley yards at Paekerton art said to be the finest In the United States. The company can stand tbat kind of slander. Governor Beaver bas appointed 8. H Hollinger. of Lansford, aud Jed. Uollen bach, of Audeorled, trustee oftheMlner' eospltal, Hazleton. Ambrose Mann, of White Haven, fell under the wheels ot a coal train at Coal port, the other day, and bis- leg was so badly crushed that it had to be amputated He Is In SU Luke's Hospital. Bethlehem Bethesda chntcb of the Bvangellcal Association, a new edifice for the worship of God, was dedicated with appropriate exercises on Sunday last. Tbe church membership numbers only thirty-one. The building cost $12.50. - A Mrs. Fink aud her son, of West Penn Township, drove Into Tamaqna on ihursday and while crossing the Jersey Central tracks tbe wagon was struck by an engine. The woman was severely Injured and the boy was dragged a distance of fifty yards. The Jurors to serye In the Carbon county court for 1891 are apportioned at follows: Banks 13; East Afauch Ouunk 3; East Penn 3; Franklin 12; Kidder 3; Lau sanne 1; Lansford 9; Lehigh 3; Lehighton 10; Lower Towamensing 2; Mahoning 2; Munch Chunk Borough 10; Mauch Chunk township 4; Packer 1; Parryvllle 3; Pann Forest 2; Summit nill Borough 0; Towa menslngS; Weatherly 14 and IKeIssport-2. When Messrs'. Gabel, Bower & Co., went to Little Gap Monday to take posses sion of their metallic paint ore miutt, operated for ssme time past by Rutherford Jt Barckley on a rojalty basis' they bad to call officers Raworth and Weldaw to the front the miners offering reslstence, by adylca of the operators. Tbey were soon subdued. The mines have been leased to William Freyman, of Mauch Chunk, for a period of twenty-five years. . msiuqii oaf. Tou certainly want tbe Oamjoit Ad vocate. Subscribe now I H. P. Klotz contemplates a ylslt to his brother at Old Point Comfort, Va. a. tenea or revival meetings com menced In Millport church last Sunday yenlng. The metallic ore mines and sand quarries around here are on the ruth sup plying orders. The Lehigh Gap Sunday school of the Evangelical church, will elect oflicers for 1891 on -Sunday. Paul Snyder bas just received a car load of lumber for; the Breyfogel new house' at Hazzardsvllle. The families of Wllsen Kline and Alex Beers, haunted with typhoid fever for some months past, are gradually re covering. John Fenstennacher, a ve'eran wbo served his country well, In the late war, Is back home from a pleasant visit to IFblle Haven folks. There Is considerable push and pro gress In oar people. They now talk of building a cbapel. Such an edifice would be well supported. The Christmas festival of the Evan gelical Sunday school will be held in fit. Paul's church on Sunday evening, 28lb instant. An Interesting program of gospel song bas beep prepared. Sportsmen from neighboring towns who come in our neighborhood on Sun day's for huLtlng purposes want to be a little careful or they will find themselves In the clutches of the law. Much Is already being talked of con cerning the coming February election. Great care should be exercised In placing men In office, particularly for the office of school directors. Efficient. wel!-aiiliflad persons should only be chosen. HAHOXINO. People baying Ice bouses had them filled last weak. Tbe college students are home for the noltday vacation. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Musselman are visiting at Scranton. David Eberts purchased tbe farm owned by the late Henry Fritz, deceated. -It it rumored that A. H. Seldle will take charge of tbe Wabnetah Hotel, at Glen Onoko. On Tuesday Charles Itotb, Jr., moved to Kelly Point, Union county, where be will engage In tbe merchantlla business. Editor Raucb, in his paper last week, was very anxious about Editor Malloy gel ting an office. Let'e see didn't Editor lUuch want an office !ast fall, and because he didn't get It refuse to support the tlcketf A few weskt ago a correspondent of the Gatttltt claimed that J. O. Smith, of Lttt'.e Gap, was tbe champion horse sboer in the county, haying put on 44 shoes in one dav. Our blacksmith, Afahlon Noth- steia, disputes Mr. Smith' right to the championship. On tbe 8nd lost,, !. N. put on 46 shoes; on the 3d, 68 shoes; and tha 4th, 44 shots, being a record of 148 sboes put on in three successive days. Mr. Kothtteln will put up $10.00 that be can pnt oo mora shoes in a glyen time tban Mr. Smith or any other blacksmlih In tbe county. rAiuirviixjs. No. 1 fornaceof tbe Carbon Iron Company was blown out this week with a view of thoroughly overhauling and re paring It and resuming operation In tbe early February. No. 1 furnace of the Carbon Iron Company is being rebuilt. The Carbon Iron and Pip Works will give tber employes work all through tbe winter. Henry Raue Is quit seriously I1J with dropsy. uuuiua oayuer it mt owner or a new fast trotting horse with a reood tbat will throw everything else In tbe county la the shade. There have Seen twenty-one secession to the it. E. church tlnee tbe commence ment of tb mid winter revival Farad at Freel t Bd A parade under tbe auspices of fredaed CcubciI, No. 5W, Jr. O. U. A. M., Will be held at Fre!and en New Tear's Day. The r- O. S. of A. Camps aad Junior p. V. A, U. FrMlaad, Htsfttoe, LeblgatM, Lit. It a Uif Xm vM aatelrftwiK, Utieofctelent Hamr or the Frees, In the course of an eloquent address, mi orator alluded to Oato and Brutua. The papor spoke ot hla " fooling for oats and brutos." A Western odltor gave out two artioms for his paper, one on political subject, nnd tho other ou fat- tuning owluo. Ho uealeotod to corraot tho proof, and tho next morning, to his cnagnn ana disgust, ha found that the printer had ohangod the heading bo that ono began! "Great Hogg. Under this head we tnoludo tho olorgy, the odltorlal iratorulty, and tho member of Conurnoa.1 At a largo public demonstration, a popu. lar and nromlnnnt mnn irnaa it annol- and was groetod with enthusiastic oheer- lng and shouts. In speaking of It th uoiTHimper boio. : " ins vast ooucourse rent tho air with their enouts." Gold smith, who was known as a most faa- tiuioua writor, foil a vlotlm to the errore or tho pros3. In a beautiful poem, In speaking ot the nightingale, ho wrote Anu that low tone, more oweot than all." Tho printer said i "And that low tono, moro sweet than ale." A New rorii editor, who wrote an obituary on tne aoatu or a man ot soma oelebrlty, said i " He bogan lit a a Ieal nraotl. Honor, but was diverted from It by a love oi iBttora." uo aid not see the nroof and was oonfrouted the next moraine br Ahls i " He bogan llfo as a legal politician. oui ne was aivortea irom it by a love of bitters." A printer by no means famous lor pioty, came to the words. "No cross no crown," aud prooeeded to maka th type tead i " No oow, no oreata," An TJhkuown I,angnaee. notwithstanding baby's wonderful qualities, it must be admitted that he speaks an unknown tongue to the unin itiated. Mamma can ot course under stand her king, but she enjoys unusual advantages. The Listener mar mention the case of a fond mother of his acaualnt. ancewnonaa a remarkable baby that. tbe mother Insists, say " Mamma's lit. tie girl" so distinctly that anybody 1: the world oould make It out. And this is the way, exaotly, that the baby pro nounces It i "Lubble, lubble. tubbl!" This Is not nearly auoh plain English as that of a friend of the Listener's, now man and an honest, able one, who, when ho was two years old, mystified the mombers of his family by oalllng out In tne most imperative moodt "Blxlt, baxlt, cloxlt I" They all gathered round and trlod hard to make out what the youngster meant But the most deflnlto statement that they could get out of him was, " Blxlt, baxlt, oloxit ." At last, by JI..1 a oe uini oi a gooa aoai or. pantomime, tha child got tnom into tho panlrv and In. dlcated a particular plaoo In It, and then bis remark translated Itself to them, What he meant to say was, " I want i blsoult, In the backet. In th olouttt" A S,e0 Found Plat or eiitn. Tho lar jest plate of glass ever cast In ne world was drawn from the annaallns urnaoes at the Diamond plata-glass fas- ory at l okomo recently. It measures 45x193 1 chos, weighs 3,000 ponnda, aad parieet to every particular. ts the most ancient and most general of all diseases. Scarcely a family Is entirely fre from It, while thousands everywhere are Its suffering slaves.. Hoot's Barsaparllla ha had remarkable success In curing every form of scrofula. The most severe and painful running sores, swellings In th nsck or goitre, humor In the eyes, canstng partial er total blindness yield to tit povetfal Seats ot this medicine. SoKbralldnintits. t i tiforH.lr.r,rd.i bC.I.HOODCO.,Apotncr1l,Low.n.StMe. lOO Dosos Ono Dollar OTUBER'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite tht Advooatb Ofpiof, Is headquarters for inarmg, liatrcuttlng and shampooing. Catu GO TO Fits. ItODEItER, under the Exchange Hotel. Bank street, for a smooth shave ora niiuuiiHuiR iiair cut. ia- uioseci on rmnday's lloerter's Hilr tonic, cures Dandruff. We carry In HtOck A flllt ttnnn rnnrvtntlt rtll at linT- est ltrlccs. and we a thn nniv'niAfM in tnwon where you can buy Bender'stCream lor the face. Executor's Notice. Estate of Daniel Clauss, late of lehighton. A'l persons Indebted to until ettnle rn rr. nested te make Immediate pAjmeut, and Dresent them without delay and In rrcper form or settlement. T. I. llr.Anmi. Riivi.fnnirr l'lilgliton. Hi-c.2. wo. Estate Notise. Estate of Solomon IToppes, late ot Mahoning Atl persons Indebted tn Mfrl tatA rm - quested .to make Immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same, will pre sent them without deliw and in proper form lor soltlement, EM AH H. IIOPI'KH, ,. . , . QKOHUE W. HOWES. Mahoning twp. decso-oo Adm'a. $10 Reward. The Boroueh nf T.rliluhtnn nff-r. nwri nr I0 for evidence leading to the detection and convictions of the party or parties who break mo pirvefc iduiu, iiy nnier or council. JIAHLON BElUlIAttD, Burgess. Not.BWw In tho Orphans' Court of Car bon County. OF JANUARY TERM, ll. Th following Widow' Appralsemen's will be presented at the January Term. January IS, 1891, for c-Mifl-nutlon unlets exorptloni Ceiled thereto, vli: Cothxnno Bcuihnrd, In Estate Lewis Bern hard, deo'it. Sarah Weaver, In Estate otBsrdamln Weaver, dst'd. obu. w. ESaKft, Cletk AXLE BEST IIT TIXB WORLD. IttrefcrLoff qu&UUsra amuirftMed, acteaJl ruUMttac two bozee ot eny other brand. Mot Ufectwl by beet. tVUET tUC OEJt UOUC roaaiXiBTpiurjnaoEyiirmT T.T, xur REPOUT OK TIIK CONDITION OF THE PIltST NATIONAL HANK flir T.KIIIfSII. TON, rnna., at tlie closo of bustness.Deeembsr 19th, two. iicauuuuca. lyoamnnd Discounts I153.ni u V. S. Bonds to secure circulation 30,000 co Stocks, securities, claims, etc st.iss 03 duo irojnapiroveu reserve agemt e,iss 65 Due from oluer National Banks j.coi eo Banktne.noute . furniture, and fixtures s.asr m Current expense and taxes paid MMsa rremiuins on u. n. jionus 4,1100 00 Dills ot other Hanks tSS 00 Fractional paper currency, niekejtnd cents l M 8pele......:.... uit so l,eg(iJ tender notes ujsfi 00 Redemption fund with V. 8. Treasurer (9 per cent, circulation). coo 0 Total. .tK4.M9.ft LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ujoeo fit ttiirpKietund MQQ 00 Undivided profits lSJft is National Dank notes outttandlng lg.ooo 00 Wvideiids unpaid 489 09 Individual deposits subjeotto check.,.. tttm 01 Certified checks Ill W Oatbler's checks outstanding m m Due to other National Hanks r M M Due to State Banks and Hauliers . will Total. .9rvaai State or rr.NVsTi.VAXi a. 1 . Cototy or Oahbost, f " I, Jbo. T. Semmet. Ctebtor of tbe aeercsamsd Baak, do soteainly twear tbat th e abere tiautuiS ta true to the twsf ol my knowledge td belSL Joax T. Swmjil "najir Bubteribed and sworn to before me Milt Mb day HOWARD OEABOUrT. K, p, OSST.MWI ATTEST: p. Borrom, 1 J. O. ZaiW, VMreeta. Ucsms mavuav I TaV , V 1. (Urfe UbSA esyS"SPSfw ea. eTt SssesTfj m ft JIB rUMtCillElEISE SLAUGHTEREI That's it exactly, and fits the case to a T. We are now able t mqlco an unpreeedontcd offer in tho Shoe line. JUSTOurhaK AT IT 2! TPE ARE SELLING AT ollar Twenty-live a ne D Thejr are of the very best goodi hesitate to guaranteo Uiem. Before making purchases The Fines! loots and Shoes. L 3 Your Shoes for Everybody AND Everybody Heeds Shoes! TTe are the) only ecenta in this town for the celebrated TT. L. Douglas Shoes. The greatest advertised shoes in the world. Wq have them I Nobody else New Stock Just com from ITe can give you a good Overcoat I We can give you a good fit I We can give you the very lowest Jig Stock of jsggN.B. One car load Rubber Boots and Shoes. Adam Mehrkam & South First Straot, Iiehighton. Il-la't 1 1,!. J . JmrJUlt! . "I1 , BBBSC " !!'!. . .' I 1L JgifJEgL' L MM if mslii.sjji i m iii.iiei i ir Cotton's Christmas Stocking: s full and pushed out at the toe with one of the prettiest and moat )xtf niivc asaortmonta of ever brought to this town or must be ssen to be appreciated. They include Plush Albums, Plush Toilet, Shaying" " signs in. Silverware, Pretty Jewelry and TOYS by the hundreds for the little ones, and the choicest lino of Confections in the town. JirWe particularly call attention to our display of DOLLS which is without question the connty. Don't miss seeing it. Don't buy elsewhere until yon hav looked over our stock and learned the prices. Wt havtwi't tha room to enumerate, come and see for yourself. The Fashion a Announces to the Ladies of the county in general that she has opened for the Fall and TFinter seasons one of tne largest and most thoro- ghly complete lines of Fash ionable Millinery Goods ever displayed in any single store the county. The style are in all tho newest and very prettiest effects and the price are marvelously low. Tho adies are earnestly solicited to coll and see our beautiful assortment of Millinery before purchasing elsewhere. Tra ce! that our long expenenca enables us to please our lady patrons in every particular- Latest Styles, Lowest Prices and Best Quality of Material and Promptness in finishinsr goods when ordered. Again we repeat, that for low prices and the Most Stylish Milli nery Goods you must cull at New York Millinery Store. By Calling at the Old Stand 11(1 You will see what progress we arc making while striving to meet the demands of our large army ol oustomers. In ad dition to the Large and Complete'linVs of General Merchandise heretofore kept by this well-known and reliable .business house, Novelties are to be seen in every department, such that make useful, acceptable and appreciate Xmas presents, Mauch Chunk, Carbon OF $2.00 in tho market, and wc do not Wo also carry a full line of elsovrhero come and see us. K G. is the price of the Advo cate for 52 weeks can gettnem. of Overcoats tha manufacturers. " . prices 1 " Fancy Slippers.- possibly the county. Our goods largest, fiuest and cheapest in the b 1 Milliner, Co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers