The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 20, 1890, Image 3

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M HoTfilte MaMe for Gifts
. ... tiMthir.-
' FcMsUln,
W also Offer
A MM Ton of JPur Clear Tor 0ndy'it
loe pound.
X Hlf Tod of Par Mixed CaadjU 12 l-2c
h potted.
Sancf Iflxed Candr in one pound boxes
W riso hare a larsa supply of Florid Or-
djc. .Jfessln Lemons, Capo Cod
Cranberries, LarRa Shellbarks, Fancy
. Dried FrnlU and Canned Goods.
Trias Imported Swiss and Llm heritor
unetse ana fancy if an ('ream cheese.
W ratal ns&ny things lower than others
can bay then for wholesale.
N.B. The store will be open to-night
(Oatardsy) and every eight up to Chrlituu
Ull 900 o'clock.
Itisi Street, between South and Pliun street,
lehlghton, Fa,
The Carbon Advocate
Uremt Reduction la Ladles and Misses
We bare cut prices down to less than
1-Jand will sell 70a a jlrls' coat at $2, $3,
94 and $8, a ladlal coat at 4, $5,(0 to
$10 each, coat werth double Its price. Call
at the One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Haoch Chunk, for bargains.
Thursday, January 0, 1601, at one
o'clock, Letl Barleman, will sell on the
premises, Bowmanstown, raluable personal
Thursday, January 1. 1891, Lewis
Walck and Fletta Costenbader, will sell
the raluable 200 acre farm of thalate
George Walck, between. Little Gap and
Millport, In Towamenslog. .
Bead Sweeny Sc Son's adyertlsement
this week.
Christmas at E. H. Hehl's JUauch
Chunk, Pa.
Christmas helot; a legal Holiday the
Bank will be closed.
Fin sllrerware and jewelry suitable
fer holiday presents at Kubaum's Welss-
Tbo LehUhton Water Company bas
nad a. surrey of a water line through
The wan who lores the beautiful snow
to much that he won't shovel It e9 his
sidewalk, should be fined.
All things come to those who wait. A
street light has beeu placed at the Lehigb
ton end of the Leblgh bridge.
Pint assortment of gold rings, neck
chains, car rings, bracelets, studs Ac,
at Bock' Jewelry store, Lehigh ton.
Baseball for next season promises to
beutte interesting. Manager Reber, al
mdy has a first-class club In prospect.
Bay handsome holiday presents from
Cbas. Nuibauro, WelssporLLatestnoreltles
fa all kinds of plush goods and sllrerware.
Buy holiday present at Bock,e Jewel
ry Stare, Lehtghton. Finest line of watches,
clocks, gold pen end. bolder in the
A larger and cheaper stock of watches,
allrsrwire, 4c. than rer before Is now
t erad fer al by 8. Sagaoan, Leblghton,
Peflna. Dec. 0 6m,
Peter Helm ha remored the awning
from the front of hi bnsliess house on
First .street, and nest spring will put np a
saor imposing front.
Don't forget Bob whin yon want
oranges, .bananas, grapes', candles and all
kind of mixed nut. For these things
Sweeny' Corner store leads.
A nice Christmas present rou an bus
at ike Oae Price Star Clothing Hall,
Vaueh Chunk. Namely sulu, oyercoate
etonn coats for Ben. and boys.
A cash discount of 5 per cent on all
mtt. oyereoats, ladiet coat and Jackets
will b allowed until January 1, 1891 at
Bondbelm' Jferchant Tailoring Hall,
Hauch Chunk.
Headauarter for Peanos, Organs and
Hewing Machines, stamping and pinking
dent with neatness and dispatch. Now la
tha time to buy a Christmas presenC In my
line. Geo. W. Nusbaum.
Hereafter Dr. W. F. Denser, of Has'e-
Un, whs baa a branch office at the Ex
changa Hotel, will be In attendance erery
other-week, commencing December 20th.
Hours, from ten a. m., to fir p. a,
Buy your girl or mother on of our
plush Jackets, wrapt, or long coats for a
holiday present. Our styles ar the latest
and our prices the rery lowest at the One
Price Star Clothing Hall, Uauch Chunk.
The store windows, with tbelr abund-
ant. and artistic display of holiday goods,
attract much attention from passers-by.
There ar a great many pretty noyeltles
for holiday presents offered the public this
Jamrt N. Jflller, of Weissport and
Aflss Hose Heln, of town, were happily
wedded on Tuesday, Roy. Bber, at tb
Refers! ed church officiated. The young
couple bar tb best wlshss of a large num
her et friends.
Next Sunday, Slsl, will be what Is
called the shortest day of the year. Nine
hour and ten minutes will constltnte the
tha tint between daylight and twilight.
The sun will rise on that day at seren
o'clock and twenty six mlnntes, and est at
four o'clock and thirty four minute.
Judalng from our effort to collect
hill duetts, w opine that money must
either be "awful" scarce or those Indeht
ad to a must think the printing business
can he carried on without the "needful,"
and that the printer lira on waste paper
am old type, not a rery dlgestloie article.
To tell the facts la the case, a small don'
tlon from each of our patrons that are la
arrears would be of rast Importance to ns
last at this tine Maura mlcklaasaket
a sjaoekl." (That say reuf
Breeiy Items of Local Interest a Told br
ik Uorpa of Bright and Breei Reporters.
Bead Sweeny's ad.
Christmas festivals next.
Go to Itlshel's for photos.
Talk about electric lights.
Christmas belt Thursday.
Rlshel lakes the best photos.
Several weddings are on the tapis.
Patronise merchants who, advertise,
Sunday will be the shortest day this
The Methodist church was re opened
free of debt.
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car
pets at Henry Schnar tz.
Oo to Charles Nusbaum', Wetsiport,
for fine plush toilet articles,
Save money by buvlDg Wall Paper at
Luckenksch's Mauch Chunk.
In 1702 Lehlghton had a population of
thirty three. 1890 we hare 3000.
The macblnerT will be. put In the
hosiery mill before the old year dies,
Sunday School cards and books, lower
than oyer-at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk.
A petition Is being circulated agalDst
the granting of new saloon licenses In this
A thousand and one toys and dolls for
the little one at Charles Nusbaum's Weiss
If yoa want a Cbtlstmas tree call on
Klepplngeri IPlcand. Prices the rery
Onr public schools close' Wednesday
next until the Monday following, January
1, WW.
Council has granted Fred Horlacher
the right to run the electic light through'
Webster Nothsteln, of Third street, Is
caret ally nursing a badly sprained right
knee joint.
'Squire Belts Is now nicely located In
his new ofllca next door to the Lehigh
Wagon ITorks.
Frank Aflller will soon take up a resi
dence in Mauch Chunk. How can 'the
band spare him?
Will Anthony and Tom Setfert antici
pate a gunning trip through' the.soutb
following the holidays.
A good old Democrat spoken of for
tax collector Is Ferdinand Frelscb.He would
mate a good official.
Un, James Tenser,' of Third street,
we are pleased to state. Is convalescing
from a serious Illness.
The handsomest Jewerly In Carbon
county will be found at D. S, flock's
jewerly store, Leblghton.
"Boss" Clause won't likely take
charge of the popular Valley House until
the flowers bloom In the spring.
A marriage to come oil' on Christmas
ere, Dame Rumor says, Is that of Webster
Nothsteln to Miss Gertie Weldaw.
The First National Bank of this city,
will elect seven new directors on the
second Tuesdsy in January, 1891.
Graining and Decorative Fainting
walls and ceilings. All work neatelr done
by W. C. Banta. Lehlghton, P. O.
D. S. Bock sells finest gold watches at
wonderfully low prices. A watch would
make a handsome Chrlstman present.
Handsome teams for wedding's, pleas
ure or funeral -purposes can be hired at
Ebbert's livery stable. Lowest prices.
1 Canary birds, for holiday presents.
Eyery one a singer guaranteed, (3.00;
cages 85e to $1.60, at Beber's drug store.
We congratulate our jroune friend
Charley Harding on his promotion. He
succeeds John Tptton as night operator at
p. Frank Acker, of town, who has
quite a reputation asi.knight of the brush,
will handsomely jilnt Aaron Snyder's
Union Hill residence.-
The County Institute conies to Leblgh
ton again hext year. The teachers must
be "stuck" on tha place. But we're al
ways glad to see 'em.
a genueman writing to this paper
says: ' Send me the Advocate; I want
It Ju preference to any other couuty paper."
Thanks. We give the news.
John Hummel Is the new foreman In
L S. Koch's cigar manufactory. John has
rolled cigars for a dozen years or more and
Is the right man In the right place.
A smile spread all over Percy German's
face when Wld'tbat he was the dad of an
other bright and bouncing baby girl.
Mother and child are doing well.
William Koch's generous offer of a
free site for the. building of a manufactor
In industry Is still, open. Why don't
some on take advantage of it!
A double team belonging to Klstler's
ilyery runaway Friday and did damage to
the extent of 180 or $100. Trexlerft
Kreldler will repair the' carriage.
Don't buy holiday presents until vou
bare seen Bock's . display of handsome
rings, watches, clocks, ear rings, bracelets,
Ac Cbtapest place in this county,
For a limited time, we offer the Allen
BritUnnlca 25 vols 1-2 Bussla for 12 dol-
l.rt less than the Wannamaker pnw for
same. S.-F. Luckenbacb. Mauch Chunk.
If every citizen of Leblghton bad tb
Advocatx' 'persistency the town would
baye it boom sufficient to make her the
metropolis of Carbon. Mauch Chunk
At Sweeny's Corner Store you will
find a full line of grapes, oranges, nuts,
apples, lemons, figs, pates, candles, fcc
Don't buy Until you hare seen Bob's fine
line of goods.
Among the most dangerous specimens
of counterfeit silver dollars which has ever
appeared Is one dated 18S3 and is possess
ed of as good and sharp a ring as genuine
coin. It Is made of antimony and glass.
Tb annual Christmas festival of
Trli-lty Lutheran Sunday ichool will be
held on 'Wednesday evening next. A pro
gram of gospel song and responsive read'
Ing bas been arranged for the occasion.
George Stubers' eye opened like
saucer's the other morning "when be found
the door of his sharing sa7pon open and
tlo or$20 worth of gools missing. It was
alright later when he found (t .was all
joke. Biitmy!
William Koch, of the jouth end, who
owns considerable land In that neighbor
hood offers a lot free -on seventh street
providing tbeiiarty taking the same will
build a home there at once. This Is a good
oner woo win iao iu
Another effort Is being made to bnlld
a machine shop In this city. The effort is
a noble one. IFbatwe need just at this
time Is Industries of one kind or another to
boom the, tou. men who are at
the project slick at It until success - smiles
on iDem.
Dr. W.F. Danzer, of Hazlelon. who
" ui me ear, eje ana nose.
a nBuniwu wu uimmug Drancn omce
hare,wlll also -visit Danville onr r.
month. The doctorjs a native of Carbon
and his soeeess is gratifying to .many old
tA. Lnkeas Hagerman bas resigned tb
The Mews or Mldwintw OnrefMUr Mfteil
awl Served to Our Raeders by Looal
Caual transportation for 1800 Is closeft
Ice un the Parryvllle dam is seren to
eight Inches In thickness.
Carbon county bas six newspapers
Ave weeklies and one daily.
An elstedfodd will bo a Lansford at
traction on Good Friday coming.
Three Hungarians were killed In the
mines at Yorklown .Monday afternoon.
Sneak tbleyes are operating In nil parts
of the county with mora or less success.
Supt. Zehner, of- Lansford, seriously
III for some mouths past, Is now Improving,
Summit Dill bas given the Tamaqua
Manufacturing Company an order for flro
James O'Donnell wants to be the next
supervisor of Banks township. Ditto
Domlnlck Ferry.
It Is estlmat"! that 2000 drummers
look up trade In Carbon, Schuylkill and
Luzerpe counties. .
Mrs. Charles Blose, of Parryvllle, aged
48 years, died Monday. Interment took
place on Wednesday afternoon.
James McGinn, of Packerton who
brakes! on the Valloy road, Is out nf the
hospital after undergoing treatment for
several weeks for a broken head.
Oharlcs Nusbam, Weissport, carries
the handsomest line of goods In stock for
holiday presents. Prices low. All kinds
of plush goods, sllrerware. jewerly, &c
Alex SchaiTer, of Mahoning, a brake
man on a Lehigh Valley freight, Injured
some .weeks ago by fallltia -froairbe J.op of
a .car, was discharged from St. Ltiko's
Hospital, Bethlehem the other day.
If you have diphtheria In your family
ke,ep the children away from school. This
Is a good way to keep the disease from
spreading. It also shows that vou bare
some regard tor the welfare of your neigh
bors and their families.
Miss Minnie, daughter of Mrs Nathan
Fowler, formerly of Beaver Meadow, cow
a resident of Juontgomery, Lycoming
county, was on Wednesday evening last
married to Mr. Scudder Shoemaker, of the
same place. The ceremony took place at
the home of the bride among only tho im
mediate relatives of the contracting parties.
Patrick Gallagber,ofLansford,a young
man In the etsnley of the Lehigh coal and
navigation company, met with a shocking
death the other morning. He was employed
atlhe company's No. 9 colliery, and while
dropping some empty cars to the breaker he
slipped and fell, with his head over the track
The wheels passed over his neck,kllling him
A Hungarian employed at the Jeanes
yllle stripping met with anaccident tho
other day In a peculiar manner. He had
a stick of "duallu powder In the stove try
ing .to thaw It out. The powder took fire,
and the Hun tried to extinguish it by
stamping on It with his heavy nailed boots.
The friction of the boots exploded the
dnalln.and his foot and part of his leg
were badly shattered.
funeral and Marrlago Notices.
We desire to Inform ministers, funeral
directors and. the people In general that we
no longer publish funeral or marriage no
tlces free. That custom bas gone out of
date aud in the future a charge o'f twenty-
five (25) cents will be made for each notice.
A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Warned.
This is a good problem for you to study.
We will save. yoa un every $25 worth of
clothing bought Irom us $5 cash. Wo will
sell too Ihn best suits, overcoats, ulsters,
ladles coats and jackets dver shown In this
region at Sondbelm's Merchant Tailoring
Hall, Mauch Chunk.
New u. A. It., Officers.
Post Commander Joeph Webb.
Senior Vice L. H. Nothsteln.
Junior Vice-Cbarles Badltz.
O, of the D. James BIgley.
Q. M. William McCormfck.
Chaplain John Koons,
Representatives Thomas Musselman,
William McCormlck.
uoit mam mrm rm oassjhra.
aad (loins,
Mist Jennie Hugh, of MaaekCtwlc.
Is y (siting relatives and friend la tow
A Lckens Hagerman u lit ,N,w'
Tork CUT this week buying la sew feoodH
J Onathan Klsller, of the Carbon House,
circled at Allentown and Saston on Hon
Our young friend Rob. Behrlg, of Ash
field, made our office a pleasant call while
In town on Monday.
Mrs Crater accompanied br hr ton
Robert, of Mount Union, Pa., ar visiting
R. L. Sweeney on First street
Mr. M. Krauts, wife, and ion from
Slatlngton wero visiting Mr. John A,
Poters and family on north First ttrt on
FackartOn Ituns,
Last Sunday's Issue of tha Philadel
phia Times contains an lntorvisw with
Jar Gould which will repay anyone read'
ing It. While there are few, it any that
approve of bis career in the financial world
yet there is no question of hi general
knowledgaot finance and politics, he It
opposed to the present tariff and tb forco
bill, says the present unrest in financial
circles is due to the meddling of a partlztn
Congress, and In this he Is supported by
the business Interests of the country.
Depew, Vlllard, if organ, Drsxel and others
hare so expressed themselves. If tb
President could divest himself ot the Idea
that the pfioplo had great confidence In hi
ability. It Is possible the country would
have some legislation not labeled Republi
can policy" authorized and Insisted on by
Benjamin Harrison,' Reed, McKlnley and.
The "Ladles Aid Society" of the It.
E. church of this place held a Bazar Intk
school bouse last wsek, the weather was
unpleasant both evlnlngs jet Ike result vas
worth their effort, netting the sum of 195.25.
The "album quilt" upon which their best
effort was centered brought the. handsome
si;m of 507.25. The society consist of
Mrs. Clara Eyerltt, Misses Anabal McDan
lei, Kate' Zimmetman, Martha, Clarissa,
Emma and Gussle EretltU These ladles
propose to repair and beautify the church
pJoperty and immediate step rvlll be taken
In this direction.
A Certain Judge this weak sentenced
poor fellow to two year In the. Penettn-
trary for stealing a duck and a can of to
matoes. The half starred fellow denied
the accusation was tried foundgullty there
fore sentenced .In this age of high handed
theft any comment Is unnecessary. It Is
no wonder we bare anarchists.
The coal trade on the L. V. R. B. con
tinues satisfactory full time now, and the
outlook for the balance of the winter It
very encouraging.
If the present financial policy Is to con
tinue we wont be surprised to hear all who
have a little ready money insisting that the
Old Stocklog Bank" Is the safest place ot
East Penn Clipping's.
Roger Andrews aud family, of Leblgh
ton now occupy their handsome new bom
In this place.
To-day (Saturday),the School Director
meet at Ashfiela to pay the teacher'
their salaries.
Dr. A. M. Skier did business at Mauch
Chunk this week.
Rev, A. Bartholomew, ot tho Pennt-
yllle church, bas organized a das of
Oliver Behrlg and Leon German Spent
The Latest Invsn'lon of the Swindler.
A swindler with a new game is working
this way. He makes a tour of a street, call
Ing at nearly eyery bouse. His game Is to
present a 25 rent piece and ask for change.
He holds between his flngers a three cent
piece and when tho change Is given .him
dextrously exchanges the three cent piece
tor a dime and calls the house-keeper's at
tentlon to the mistake, which Is rectified
and be passes on to the next bouse. It Is
said his victims are many and ho Is making
big money.
A Correction.
Editor or tub Advocate. In your
Issue of this date appears a lelcrenco to
our unhappy church strife with which my
name Is connected in such a way as to call
for a word of correction 'on my part. Tour
Informant was, apparently, himself misln
formed on certain points.
1. The petition for egqnltable relief by
toyself and others, representing hundreds
of ministers and tens ot thousands of lay
men, was brought In Cleyelanl, and not In
Columbus, Ohio.
2. The ksngtby scathing artlc'e from my
pen to which reference Is made, was not
published lu the Messenger, but In the
Evangelical, of Harrlsburg, Pa.
3. My article was not a reply to the
anonymous paper purporting tobo published
In Pittsburg. I have not except In private
conversation with friends, taken any cogniz
ance ot the anonymous sheet, whatevor,
believing that the only treatment to which
it Is entitled Is that of contempt. How-
ever since you have mentioned tne affair In
your columns, will you allow me to say to
my friends among your readers, that no
man more deeply deplose, than do I the
fact that ministers of the Gospul hould so
far forget the dignity of their bob oltlee as
to enter Into the publication of oartoons
which would not be accepted br any re
putable political paper. Resp. Tonrs,
Lehlghton, Dec. 13, 1890.
Od la sjsjrft nifar Order br Mm
"trc iptrwet." " ;'
Kep aarstst asiUtlpn of the
water question. - ,
Aaron Snyder watto Philadelphia dor-
Ing lb part week. -
Mrs. Joha W. HelUr I reported ai
beig quit seriously I1JL
Knecht & Drelsbach are a nw firm of
contractor and builders.
Henry Shoemaker abd 'wife Visited
Kunklstown friends last Sunday.
-Jacob Stratutbtrger will occupy bis
new residence on January.!, 1891,
On Union Hill they still talk of build
ing a chapel for the worship of God,
William Schwab, of Rtckertsvllle, In
onr day recently shod fifty head of hones
A mamouth pig slaughtered br Frank
Klol this week, tipped the beam at 485
IT regret to announce J.he illness of
Un. Joseph Bex and hope tor her speedy
uongen ft Albright are sinking 'an
artesian well on the'puhllo school campus,
union Hill.
Th Evangelical Sunday school will
bold thslr annual Christmas festival on
Christma nlht. '
Warren Stranssberger bis tendered his
resignation as a salesman In Jos. Fenner's
post office store.
Mr. Eugtn. Everett and daughter
visited Allentown friend during tha early
part ot the week.
To reader who hare followed us dur
ing the past rear the "Strolltr" wishes a
Merry Christmas f
We sure pleated to stato that Mr? .
Jostah Buch is Improving from a recent
attack of paralysis. - .
Several lea bouse In this town hare
bean filled "wl'.h Ice measuring Seyen to
eight inch In thickness.
H&udtoraa Christmas presents at
Charley Nusbaum's on White street. Don't
buy until you hava seen thtm.
Elect only live, protreislve men to the
several borough office to, be -rated for at
the comlnR spring election.
Miss Annie Zimmerman and. Mrs. Al
Hawk spent last Sundar rery pleasantly
with Bowmanstown friends.
Council has granted Fred Horlacher'
the franchise for electric lights. 285 lights'
have already been subscribed for, "
The annual Chrlstmaafestlralof the
Lutheran and Reformed Sundayschol will
be held on Wednesday evening next.
Charles Knecht bat built himself a
coiy little home and now rumor say that
he will toon be you' guess the rest.
Big hearted and handsome Charley
Maurer, one ot Wllkesbarre's most popular
young men. was a visitor here oyer Sun
TJ. S. Xresge, who is one of.our ad
vertisers, bas just had tha Interor of his
shot itoro nicely re-moddled and Im
proved. ...
Eu gen "Ever lit has dropped" his suit
for slander against John Kern, through
the lntervertlen of tb litter's friends,
Kern la in luck. '
.The Chrlstman dwelling" In Franklin,
which was dlttroyed by fire last week, was
Insured for $1200. H will bo paid that
amount soon.' -
For Bent A nicely located residence
on reasonable terms", located in Franklin.
Four rooms, fine attic and good' cellar.
Apply to Dr. P. A. Andrews. St '
While In town one day last week Rev.
ff. A. Leopold, of Salem' Evangelical
Sunday with friends In Lehigh county,
A little stranger has made It appear- church, Allentewn, fell on llppryide-
wajic and turtaiued a fracture ofonoof
bit arms.
Ther 1 no truth In the current rumor
lhat Eugene Everett will retire from the
WeUsport Hons with the first of 1891,
His Jolly ppla will contLue to smile from
behind the bar,
Tb following new officer bare-been
elected by the Ebenextr Evangelical- Sun
dar school: Snptrintendtnt. J. W. Heller;
assistant superintendent, H. T. Smawley;
secretary, DK A. P. Andrews; treasurer,
M. A. Laury; librarian, Wm. lybltehead,
Jr., organist, Mrs, .Clara Andrews
r-Sunday school, churches and festival
committees are. nere advised that u. j,
Ssagsr, of East Weissport, bas enteied Into
th wholesale confectionery - business,
Conftctfens put np in. boxe-or bags will
b furnished cheap.. Don't' buy four holt
day - candy until yon bay learned bis
prices. 2t
John W. Reed, of Weissport, Is the au
thorized agent for th "Wnmt Dove
MxHoniiV' 14x23 Inches without frame
auce in the family of . CuatlM Smith.
Mother and child are doing well.
Tilgh. Bebrig and family, of Leblgh
ton, are now residents of Ashfleld.
Miss Ida Moyer Is convalescing from a
serious illness much to the pleasur of
manr friends.
Subscribe for and read the Advocatx,
$1.00 a year. A weekly letter will appear
from this vicinity.
Our Sunday schools are completing
preparations for their annual Christmas
Peter Bacbman and Miss Emma Koons
were on last Sunday happily united In the
golden bonds of matrimony.
Go to Charles GInder, the barber for a
fine shave or a good hair cut.
Mrs. Scbaffer.wife of Thomas Schaffer,
of East Mauch Chunk, formerly old resl
dent here, died suddenly last week. Inter
ment took place In the Peunsvlll
One ot our popular young men was left
Saturday owing to the failure of the train
Tha alp sf the Day Told In a Short
Original Manner lT a BpMlai CorrwtitoH'
Who will be the Oetaml$6ar' Clerk?
All the eoauty bonds bare been dis
posed off. Amount $12000.
, The mercantile appraisement appoint
ment is still hanging but not because no one
wants' it.
The barroom of the Mansion House
was broken into tha other night and
Recently a freight car standing on a
siding here, was blown through a safety
twitch and down the tracks for a distance
ot two miles.
A gang of toughs from the east side
who tackled the - Kallo Emmet Company
the other night were badly worsted and are
now iinrslng rery sore heads.
James ' ' Gsllagher.of the east side,
while-skating on the dam Saturday broke
through the Ice and was only tared from
drowndlne br the timely assistance of
Among tha Banks In Pennsylvania In
which' state funds are deposited, are the
Frst and Second National Banks .of Mauch
Chunk; . Tho former has $20,000 and the
latter 710,000 of tho money.
-Jajor Bob Klotz Is evidently getting
desperate; he Is now grooming four candl
dates whom he will trot out against the
present able Incumbent for the Frothonot-
ary office. He don't cars which ot the
four win so Essar Is done up. Just as
likely as not the people will hare some
thing to sayrln settling this question and
it' two to one that Klotz won't be In It.
For nolldayUJood I
Mrs. O. DeTschlrschsky, of Second
street, carries in stock a full line of holi
day goods in great variety. They Include
dolts, toys', fancy notions, wools, zephyrs,
tc A sbaro of the public patronage Is
solicited. . Prices will be found as low a
the low. 21
f Now, ray Up.
Our collector, Georgo W. Mbrthlmer,
will call. on delinquents within the next
few days, and all persons are expected to
liquidate. We need tho money and must
hare It. It you owe us you aro supposed
to pay, the sooner the better, as we need
the cash to meet the hoayy expensoi of
our establishment.
Just What Y011 'Want.
For hardwood mantels in all the latest
designs, also slate mantels, open fire places
and tiling of eyery description, call at the
ware rooms of
10. 829 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa.
ljold Kobbers.
Sometime- during Wednesday night
burglars forced an entrance Into the
Cahbom Advocatk office and J. L.
Qabel's hardware store. At the Advocate
office the safo was blown open, In a manner
which indicates tho burglars to hare been
professionals ;abou $ l(X),and a bat and over
coat belonging to tbe senior editor was se
cured and valuable papers destroyed: a gold
watch was -overlooked. At uaoers tho
show caso was robbed of a large number
of revolvers, poeket knives, etc, aud tbe
money drawer carried awav: tbe empty
drawer was found near the Lehigh Valley
Kailroan early Thursday morning. Mr.
Gabel's loss Is fully 200. The tbleyes baJ
forced an entrance into Trexler & Krled
lers earrlage works and secured a number
of tools with which to do their work; a
large screw4 driver belonging to that firm
was found amidst the debris of tbe wrecked
safe. Up to tho hour of. going to press
there Is no clue to tbe perpetrators.
Go To BocVa
IfTben looking for holiday presents rou
will find Bock, tbo jeweler, to be the rery
man you want. H keeps in stock a full
lino of watches, clocks, rlugs, braclett,
necklace, &c. Pines are lower than any
where else In Carbon county. Patronize
to stop at our station. His best girl disap- wMeh ho Is lntrodneln to ih nwoln of
pointed. Eh.Calvmf. Lehhthton. WeJa'sooft injfcinltV: It I.
a beautiful sovynfsr.and Will make a, hand
some usristms .present to parent or
friends. Orders by mall promptly Attended
toby him through th fFelssport post
office. - .- -Nor. 203 ws
Ont young friends, Charles "Boyer and
Miss Carrie Beed, wer hkpplfy united In
matrimony' golden bond at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Besd on White
ttreet, Thursday evening by Key. J. J,
Stauffer. Mist Ella Jtapp and Elmer E.
Reed participated at bridesmaid and
groomsman. The ceremony wa per
formed in tha presence of juany rtlatlres
and close friends. Following tbe ceremony
a sumptueu Wedding lupper was partaken
of by th guest present. Mr. and 3In,
Buyer have the best wishes of many friends
the billowy sea of.
ftsmtifil collection, of eheiee
-t riser store or & 15. rrntatuy on Flrsi
Xwdry Start.
a nil
TPtieatUv oa Vtnt
I t rl ... Tn "AAMbkAirAM )W 41.1. t..
Sw0DTf CotBtlf StdM will I HtnBt, bas also been agfolotad acsat
v- m Vn.iAuw.iAa B Aaass' 'UWftai.' f
Bowmanstown Special.
Maurice Bowman Is building a laige
wheelwright shop In Bowmanstown.
Mrs. Blose, wife of Charles Blose, of
Parryvllle, died last Sunday of cancer.
Interment took place in St. Johu's ceme
tery on Wednesday.
Tbe Lutheran and Reformed congrega
tion ot tbe St. John's church will hold the
annual election for organist ou .Saturday
afternoou. Mr. Hahn Is tb orgalnti at
Many of our people aro beginning U
fill tbelr ice bouses.
Mr". Helutzleman the popular butcher,
Is building large buloher shop at Ilow-menstown.
Dallas Bowman Is building a isigr
house at KittUnr.
Given Away XTm or Oturs
A Me looking glass or pswlur etock to
every purebaser of $13 wettb uf gov at
lb Oa Prfo Star OlettOag Mall, XMk
The members of tbe Peansvllle church
will elect uew officers on the 20th Instant.
A young daughter of Charles Rehrls
died suddenly Tuesday,
Northampton County has 99 person
In the State Insaue Asylum at Norrls town.
Two men on Tuesday of last tteek
swindled Easton housewives out of $200 by
selling them boxes of soap for $1 each.
with the promise of a rubber door-mat
which -boweyer failed to materialize.
Eight patients have Just died at Paris
after baying undergone an Injection of Dr.
Koch's lymph. All of which Induce the
undertaken to say of tha lymph: "We lore
It foi the business It makes."
r-Mrt, James Lewis. 67 rears of are.
who was alone In her house a few miles I for -' T0TSe 9'w
fromAltoona, was assaulted by unknown Mtrimony.
irei juiia uu to mjoriM p.ctat JUaoanoem.nt.
which causta ner aea,n Monaay. -1 w, hMe te.fcrangemenl wun Dr.
now. o, geu. xi ysars, area in ibj "J. Kendall Co. publisher of "A
Heading from in eaecu ot a pistol shot Trektlt en th Horse and his Diseases
wound In the bead recelred at the hand -blch will enable . all our subscriber t
of John F. Fair, aged 16 years. Fair, wbb obtin a copy ot that ratable work free
. ,u u..v, .......... .uwuug wu Dy tending tbelr sujdress (enclosing a two
ccmeui. A cent stamp for Railing same) to Dr. B. J,
-waster a owueriy, rreaiusni Kndall Co., Euosburgh Jails, Vt. This
l'oik. ortherarmer-a, Alliance, and other, took- I. uow teognUd a standard an
new a meeting at jacasonvuie. and tnoritr upoaWl disease of- the'-horse, as
oeciueu to giye up me conference at cm- lu uhnmenaial attest, over four mil
clnnatl, that was called to eunslder the Uon copies tiavfrir beetfiotd ' in the past
question of forming a third party. fi ten rears, a t1 ' faTr'btore reached by
-The Slatlngton rolling mlUwbnt any PuhlIcatloIluthe:'meMr1od.of time.
down Saturday.owlng to the declining eon- We feel eonflJent ronrpatrpna srllCap
dlUor. of the iron trade. The mill wa. predate ,h wor&V-&i.ll
IV . ui u i 1 themselves or this oppojtnnlty. of obtain
wi,wv,ui nuitu uiuuut nm. r. uopxm 1 Qg a valuable book.
lo' ?""M 01 B1M K w neeeotary tbafc. jou. tneatlon this
ington a,vw, leaving a cunt of $10,000
Employment was given to IIS men and tbo
monthly pay roll amounts to $12,000.
It Is satd that tbe Bethlehem Iron Csa.
pan' freight bill for material received oa
tbe Leblgh Vallty Railroad br about $80,
aju per montu.
A Farmer' Institute
It u Aeceotary tbab.sotv tneatlon
paper lor ttndlag far th "ffrtaUsa." This
oSsr will remain open for only short
Is a constitutional and not a local disease,
and therefore It cannot be cured by local
applications It requires a constitutional
remedy like Hood's Saisaparllla, which,
working through the blood, eradicates the
Impurity which causes and promotes the
disease, and effects a permanent euro.
Thousands o! people testify to the success
ot Hood's Barsaparllla as a remedy for
catarrh when other preparations had railed.
N. B. Be sure to get only
Bollby all druggists, fit tlx for f I Prepare! only
hy C, I. HOOD CO., ApolliectrUi, LowU, Mua.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Mminwntu otti.rrui. DiTnnu ....
Advocate Omen, Is headquarters for
snaviDg, nair cutting ana snampoqinx. uall.
0 TO Kits. ItODERUn, under the Exchange
VI uotei.iianKsircei.ior a sraootn bubtb oro
fahlonabit haircut. KV Closed oa Sunday's
Roeder'a Hair tonic, cures Dandruff. We carry
In stock a full line of fancv toilet articles at low
est prices, and wo are the only place In town
wnere you can oiiy itenocr s uream mr wic tacc.
To Whom, It May Concern.
This is to notify all persons that tbe chairs and
ill appurtimances In 'he llarber shop of George
Horn, lu WelMnorC I'a.. have been pur
:hased by me and are owned by me and loaned
to blm durlnu inv pleasure only, and all persons
are cauuoueu noc to mcuuie wiui me same.
Nov. 29. 1830-3W.
Estate Notise.
Estate of Solomon Hoppes, late ot Mahoulc i
uwusjiip, iiruuu i-uuuiy, uevweu.
All nersons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment, and those
liavlnic legal claims against the same, will pre
sent ihem without delay and In proper form for
tetueroeot. isi.ias n. tiurrra,
Mahoning twp, decto-PO Adm's.
That's it exactly, and fita the caw to a T. We are now abb to
make an unprecedented offer in the Shoe line.
200 PAIR OF $2.00 SHOES
One D
ollar Twenty-live a Pair,
They are of the very best goods in tho market, and wo do nt
hesitate to guarantee them. Wo also carry a full line of
The Finest Boots and Shoe
Before making purchases elsewhere come and see us.
I a Year
is the price of the Adrb
cate for 52 weeks
Shoes for Everybody :
Everybody Npeds Shoes !
We are the only asents in this town for the celebrated Wi'
L. Douglas Shoes. The greatest advertised shoes in the world
We have them I Nobody else can get tnem.
New Stock of Oyercdats
Just come from the mamifacturersr ,
We can give you a good Overcoat ! :
We cangive you a good fit !
We can give you the very lowest prices I
Big 8 took of Fancy Slippers. ; '
K3iN.B. One car load Rubber Boots aud Shoesf-
m Meiirkam
South First Street, Lobighton.
& Son.-
Culton's Christmas Stocking
Is full and pushed out at the toe with one of the prettiest a&4
most extensive assortments of
GMstmas k Holiday Geoii
ever brought to this town or possibly the county. Our goods
must be seen to be appreciated. They include
Plush Albunis, Plush Toilet, Sharinr
ana moKers Bets, Manasome ao
sig'ns in Silrerware, Pretty jewelry
and TOYS by the hundreds for the
little ones, and the choicest lino of
Confections in the town,
ngfWe particularly call attention to our display of DOLLS'
which is without question the largest, fineat and cheapen in "the
county. Don't miss seeing it
Don't buy elsewhere uutil you hove
learned the prices. We haven't the
and see for yourself.
looked over our stock itnd
roorp to enumerate, eoKM
The Fashionable Milliner,
$10 Reward.
Tha Roroueh nf Lehlffhton offers & Reward of
f 10 tor evidence leading to tlie detection and
poartcttbns of th& rarty or parties who break
mo sireei iauu. iiyorueroiuouncn,
County Bonds.
Announces to the Ladies of
the county m general that
she has opened Tor the Fall
and TTmter seasons one of
the largest and most thoro
ughly complete lines of Fash
ionable Millinery Goods ever
displayed in any single store
in the county. The style
are in oil the newest and very
prettiest effects and tbe prices
are marvelously low. The
ladies are earnestly solicited
to call aud see our beautiful
assortment of Millinery before
purchasing elsewhere. W
leel that our long experience
enables us to please our lady
patrons in every particular-
Latest Styles, Lowest Prices
and Best Quality of Material
and Promptness in finishing
goods when ordered. Again
we repeat, that for low prices
and the Most Stylish Milli
nery Goods you must call at
New York Millinery Stotfe.
By Calling at tho Old Stand
Slnemsster's IUU, tt
wu opsasdla
Msennjle. oa Uon.
Card of TbwUs.
To th, wsraben tf Lebiih Iodcs, No.
Ml, B, of R. B. T.; Jbe vuderilfned ds-
slm to Ihjis paWldy . extend her slncrs
thsnks to tbs orftElsUao fer tbslrklnd-
dy ereolnK, under tli suiultes f th I Rs followlns tb' dlh of hir babnd.
!,"'.VWS." BSTmsat at lh llSm Iriinrnn. Wobt.
Wrdi etasat xjres tbe sppr'eeiKtlon et
SflA the, .Tl!riftAn r f-l JIB. BtXMT BsHKMfDOBf.
Notice Is hereby gtren by the Oommlsslonors
of CarbonCounty.that by virtue ot power Invested
In them by au act of Assembly of April 20th,ls7t,
bonds will be Issued at S per cent, per annum,
and payable semi-annually, for tl3,ou. belm an
increase of county Indebtedness to said amount.
Tbe bonds to be Issued will be In denomination!
as follows:
U Bonds of feoo each,
H Bondi of W each, (SfiOOM.
for nither Infrvrmation. tersaot de'ilrlnr ta
take bonds will call at the ombe of the County
Commissioners, County tlis Ilorougn
oi nauoat;nunK.
n. MIIiI.EB.
J. 8. HAWS.
duetory address was
A. EIbjib alter, of Ibis olty.
eiosta inetaay eTeninf.
Tb sasttnt
old watohfti at tbe Ma.ur.kl
hunk Jewelry tM X.T&tt E, Jf.'1rhi'.
JWt new desigHsIn silver
vr rv..i.
la the Orphans' Court of Car
bon County.
You will see what progress we are making while striving
to meet the demands of our large army ol customers. In ad
ditien to the Large and Complete lines qt General Merchandise
heretofore kept by this well-known and reliable business hotisa
Novelties are to he seep in every depMtmont,'8uh'thtisM
useful, acceptable and appreciate1 Xrnas presenla . T
mm. th;
OsHts nsie HetsttMC
la IMs tents Bn-
r. to AM of HMiJawtc WSTr,
Mauch Chunk,
Carbon Co,
ifumt ; i' j-j 1 . lYtt stun ituvt
1 j-
KV. W. SWk'X. dSfC.