State M lcu CteM Mattes M Mi I- Aiarftera rMMSM. The Carbon Advocate IXHIQKTOW, gKKXA. Bate far Xtg&l Adrartliinc t S barter Notices . 9 4 00 udUor' Notices 4 CO Commissioner's Notices - - 4 CO Dlrorce Notices 4 CO Administrator's Notices - s 0 Kxcoutor's Notices 09 SATURDAY, NOYBMBKIt 22, 1800. Bona FlcU Circulation Ircer thn that of any Weekly Newspaper in tka County, uun senatorial Oliinci wilt MBeara from In the next Legislator. SenaUr JUpshtr will at one take a leadlns; position amon the brainiest men In that bodr. Xtcerd, Tax lares and Increasing? ootmtatlon ot i this town make, it r, Important that Lrf&n.lg. ffl file we mould ds aeylded in lire wards. AtiKaston, aoutn nscon ana west una uauway th.UU .lection . jot., were polled a-frm. a musical of a noaalbla 1 1B. fP an antltled to and I town. With a somilatlon of coo to TOO. there are ......... ... -s 1 Is tt not done? 1 as closely to the duties connected with their respective office as does LehIsb.ton I , In the Valley would hare btn thrown out of th mails during th past few weeks for publishing raffle and drawing results. rnnn.0, cjT,TWniT , tiiii. t.. CojcamtUMAX SPBmoxB, of Illinois, be- lleves that GroTr Cleveland can be elected . . 0. . . the next President of the United States. It looks a good bit that way: ex-President . - - . . '. (JleTCland has endeared himself to tne I hearts of the American people, more lioxuaua, umu any presmcofc since mv iiiu i of Abraham Lincoln. Tub JLtma ford Uet ord wants E. n. Itauch read out OI 111 UemocratlC parly. 11 1 ralBht h a wnnA M t,tt wt, nnt I i-ii. .v. ' I include the entire coterie of disgruntled 1 DemocraUwho we always against the . . -". - , , . I DartV whenlhBMiAQ'exbn tha machine to 1 urf-Tr,SlA Wn rir m.,,n, n-t I eumuemseiTM. no nan measures, get I down and swipe 'em ail oat. I Ir the scientific researchers of the fam ous German specialist, Koch, results sue- cessfullr, and he baffles the rayages of I thatfearfnl disease, censnmptlon. It will I oeoutoinuman power to pay Domace toinotningtoDotnaniaui ior: sucn encurauer uie m . . ., 1. I earth, and it were well If they got off. him. 'Thousands of suffering humanity .superintendent Bonzano. acting, in place of look tn German and fit Tnrimnri mth I Hnnerlntendent Cable, of tha PhlladelnhlA nnd i.nj. j I longing and anxious expectancy. I Farmers Alliance elected a man yreitdent I j. ,,.. t,.t,..nnn I judge 01 courts who has no more knowledge I ot laws or Its rulings than a cow has of 1 itmnoTn. Tti lwvr mill t.n htn I a upon uio uususuecunKiaruierunu oiuers uy astronomtt ine lawyers will cavetnlnirsliih.,vno!rinriiviifimi hnriiimtnhiv pretty much their own way In that court, I using a utucwra paini nouse. as an mauce andirioAwlllh. m...nL, , tolJLteiJtoRfrJSS , . f orT. perhaps, with the Judg.'. idea of iiiysuparutivo greatness. I r 77, : r,, ,, . . , I Tm; French Cltliens Of PhlUdeiphU haye unyeiled statue to Joan of Arc, the I , . .u n 1 . , . I braremaldof Orleans, whose praise and I Blow Is suns: In averv conntrr .Tnan nf gioryisBung in every country. J oan Of A re was made the victim of jealous hatt, hnt niimnir nv v Juj. . , . nut pnocnix-lllce nsr desds of bravery, her virtue ana christian spirit, comes like a hallowed memory from th past, even I when her neraaentnr ar fnronlten. I Geobqb Delamatbb, recently defeated I forGoberoatorlal honors on the Benub-1 I licftn ticket, hu aacoonced blmitlf ft a I candidal for UnlUd States Senator in op- posIUon to Sector Cwneton. the present Incumbent. This meangSenator De!a- mater beyond a shadow of a doubt. Quay I ),.. t, .t.v. in ,,. v.... 1. 1 1.. 17. , .. . .. ! a vaaea a assurea mat, tneo- pollan of polities will be for Belamater as I a means to punish Cameron for his in-1 activity during (h. lit. mr..i I ..... " r I Lewis Weiss, of this city, one day this week received $15, principal with Interest, stolen when he was In the store business at Welssport many Tears ago. Th fellow writes that he hu decided to live a new life and his conscience compelled him to make restitution. W know a few people whom it might do some good to load a new life, particularly If their conscience wonld trouble 'cm sufficiently to camsa settlement with this office; but It seems to be the gen eral impression that a newspaper can be f&eatea with impunity. A ircuBEs of names are suggested for th yery Important offle ot Attorney General. No doubt Governor Pattlson will make a saft and wise selection. But . as suggesting names seems to be In order, we cannot, says the Mauch ChnniDemocrat refrain from eajlug that all who know (he man, and everybody In Eastern Pennsyl vania does know blm, will agree that Hon. Allen Craig would fill the bill most ad mirably. As a lawyer, and gentleman, and Democrat of the true stamp, he lias no superior In all Pennsylvania. As It seems to us, th mention of bis name should be sufficient. The question of teachers' salaries is re ceiving much discussion at th teachers' county Institutes now being held in many counties In the State. It seems to b the general Impression that teachers sbenld be better paid for the services thsy render and that there should be no distinction between male and female in the matter of pay. Equal pay for equal work Is to be the watchword, and It Is reasonable that so just a matter should be early settled. W presume th teachers and directors who meet here next month will also find time to giye this very Important question some consideration. The Advocate has al ways urged better pay for teachers and at the saute time abused the idea that there should be a difference ot pecuniary con sideration between th sexei where the work is th same, W believe and urge equality in all things. SECRET SOC1HTX XOTES. Lehigh Council. Ho. 101, Jr. O. U. A. If., hu a membership of 1(0 members In good standing Earl Castle, No. 800, E. G. E. of Orbls- oala, will be Instltuteb, onKoy.ritb, by D. a, O. A. j. Blair and staff. Six Commindrlee ot thellllltary Branch of the Knights of th Golden Eagle have been organlxed during the put mouth. The annual meeting for the nominations tor officers of John D. Bertolette polt, 4Si, Q. A. R., will be held on nixt Thursday evening la llebsr Hall. rfashlngton Camps, P. O. S. f A., wtU present the public schools of Keique- honing with the national emblem on Thanksgiving Day. A number of visiting camps are expected to participate In th In- tersUing xerdse. It will be a long time before unscrupu lous politicians will make another endeavor to get the Grand Army In Peaaiylyanla pom lies. Tne soiaier racket cs 11 u called, was never so worked in Pennsylvania as It was daring the last campaign, and the out- rag was never so rebuked as 11 was on TBMday. Th peopl of Pennsylvania bav a better use for their old Midlers thus to bHY thss coanlvlnir at nenslaa Sroth aad doing tke bidding of delgUg OT PASHMS IXTKKH8T. The puollo eeaools la (bis Mate east M7, MS last rear, fennsjlranla produces half the coal Mined la the United States. Bet. J. D. rax ton, ot Ssheneetady, N. T., declines a call to the First rretbylorUn church ot Easton. rennsyrr aala has 45,000 school teaehers, or OB ta about erery 210 ot her population. We ought to be Intelligent. The crows as well as blackbirds have been flocking of Ute. "A sign of an early winter,1 says a weathenrtse citizen, Ths doctors took a large tumor from the body of Miss Molson, at Loek Haven. onHatur- day night which, acoordlng to the Democrat, -The Act 0M8M constitutes It nuisance It two or more persons stand on the sidewalk ot a pnblle street Keep morlnfs and you aroid com nuiuiig a nuisance, Under the new hlen law the owner ot a building need not pay a contractor a dollar until tha latter brines him affidavits that he has paid for all the material and labor. prasa oanasnna orcnesirB, oosiues nuiuucr less small musical Instruments. I Atmrroioi sour icrout exploded tueotner day In front ot a South Bethlehem grocery. We know that nothliur la as It used to be. but would to .tm& cttTormtanut George Grossman, a Bearer Falls farmer, 1 a Lomia idkkb annum lub viDer-wuriDiiiu act. The snake bit him and George has to booze neat swags of bad whisky. lie's nursing his jjfj0 aow ntl expressing momentary desires to Betty Benton was born twenty-fire year ago, near Bradford, and this is her career: Sh The snake bit him and Georgehas to booze was twice a wiaow Deiore sne was is years oia, ,t cUlmea. and last week, at Covington, Ky ., married htr sitth husband. Of the five gone betore four are dead and one is divorced, u UuJeto aMume that not one person In fifty is acquainted with the legal fact that any one who mails a letter ordering a lottery ticket. or senda a postal card relating in any way to a &,,FM ooiu. William TTnrtlv. IS vears of are. has been sick with typhoid fever at Johnstown for several weeks. About two weeks ago gangrene set In on hi rlrht foot and extended tiAit wav ud the leg, His physlclaus decided the leg should be amnntntedand Saturday the oneratlou was per fonned by taking the leg off lust below tne knee, An Interesting case that Is to be tried soon before judge Bucher at lawlsburg. Union coun. ?.' M" ?Sr5?-T!'-th.e.uR!? oi riorvnurooerianu, loeiauj ubviuk bucu iut enuntv for 120 0110 for Injuries received at Mil ton when crossing a swinging bridge nt the foot M1U atree, wffereny sne was hurt so badly taat sne nas neen an mvaua ever since, me ao- Iviuvub uaTUUj IKVIUIUU a jcai Thanksgiving proclamations have been Is sued by the President and all the Governors, The proclamations have been printed in almost people. Bnt they read thoughtlessly. Few peo- ?ilS?Ir0tJmtmtihthSnA Reading Road, has issued an order to the effect thal alfmaln lino crews are to be paid by the I hour for all overtime in their trips. The time ftr south-bound trips has been fixed at fifteen hum anil fnr nnrtn-lwiund thlrteim hnnra. Sun. erlntendent Bonzano has also reinstated the old four - wheel cars as carriers, butthey will run oaiT as far as Ferkiomeu Junction. Anewswlndllnz scbemois belne Denetra- .. .-- -- . . r . . . gttmtai. KVfe unn?ts nyai. Tne contract is men. signea arterwsras of paint at 12.25 per gallon. 17.11 fall It was noticed that the trail of the ground mole plainly marked the letter w on the surface of the earth. That letter indicated -warm winter," and the size of the past Bum- mer'a Ice bills proves that we nad It. Now the upheavals ot the wandering and busy moles dls- tloctly trace the letter "0?' and wise men are uught by this that the approaching winter will te a cold one. The ground mole is evidently KH" SJSTOffiK S?W,.,"2?J SK change. Secretarv Edee. of the State Board of Aerl- tarmsrs are taxed higher than other property 2SFJ n.S.MKS w" S !? fS-.K.11 lIU. VI KfcJkAVlV IlUSCat,JI 1U VVIUUKU9, t; total tax rates in bwouRhs, $1602641; tax 'iSa81N5SSforwt&X& pays about WT.10 more than does a f 10,000 farm.' Ov.rcoaU and Vlatera Should be bought at the One Price Star clothing Hall, Manch Chunk. Where you can buy good men's overcoats from $5 tip. A good boy's overcoat from f 1.70 up. Buy your overcoats at Sondhelm's One Prlpa fltai-(llnLrilnv Trail. Mnch nhnnlc. Facta Worth Knowing. In all diseases of the nasal mncous mem, brans the remedy used must be non-irrltv ting. The medical profession has been slow to learn this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplished with douches, snuffs, powders or syringes became 'tber are all irritating, do not thoroughly reach the affected surfaces and should be abandoned as worse than failures. A multitude of persons who na tor years borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can Inflict testify to radical cures wrought by Ely' wream xiaim. Short Important Ad's Ail advertisements under this head such as 1011, louna, strayea, stolen, wanted, rorsaie will be inserted at the rate of on cent a word for the first Insertion, nnd one haitcent an ord for each subsequent Insertion, ever, that no advertisement be charged less man skm ior a single insertion, ana mat tnsy wo fwu mr uuu iu buvbucc. WANTED, A GIRL for general Housework. ' ' Apply to Levi Bartholomew, Uankway, Le- uiguwu, n. WANTED. Two young Ladles to learn dress ' making. Call or write to Mrs, Thos. J. Nusbaum. rlrst street, Lehlghton, l'a. ITOR RENT Store room and residence on c Franklin St., Welssport. next to Fort Allen nouse. Appiy 10 near? uunsunsn, welssport. COR SALE Two black horsss, one years old, a welffbt 1100. irood worker; one a vearm nlri. weight aw. fine driver. Both in good condition. mcar jnnsuuui, neisspon, ra. ELY'S Catarrh B Clsaosts th Vasal rassagss, Alius rain ana Xafiaxsmatloa. Heals tke lores. Kesteres th Cease ef Tast and Itasll. t xbb croilfAY-EEVER A Particle Is aDnllad Inln nnatrll unci i, aSreeable. I'ViCA BO rnt At Hrmrff1ta, hvmnfl ri.t.H ;v. -.--. -1 1 wiJS HS?TUKR3' M Warren St., New York Special Ankouncement ! Send 25 cents for a copy of my new IIXUS Sporting, Athletlo and Gymnasium Goods. The Finest Ever Issued. RICHARD K. FOX Fxaxxuv Bquakx. Nkw York. County Bonds for Sale At a regular meeting of the Board ot County Commissioners, held Monday, November 17, 'so. by resolution It was decided to issue Bonds in the value ot, ot the denominations of saw auu uu n iour per cent interest, mesa bonds are now ready and nirtlM riAairinv tn make loans should call at the Commissioners UU1CO, MAUCU UQUDK Mov214t THOMAS ARNEB, Clerk. A Valuable Farm at Pri vats Sale. A Valuable Farm of about 19 acres. 1 offered at private sale, situated tn Beaver Run. upon which are erected two good dwelling Bouses, a Swiss barn and other outbuildings. The Mad Is under excellent cultivation with never falling water right at the house. There is alto an orchard ot fine fruit trees. This property la only ottered tor sale on account of f alilsg health ot th owner, and oSara an eaeetlest efaaaee tor a party uMinug a nice ueoie. m rarwer par SAMUEL EVERT, three tsllss tren Msuth Obuak asd oae sole tress raekertes. OeU,iHfw Executor's Sale Of Valuable Farming Lands 1 The undersigned. Executor ot the Estate ot J. . IIOYER. l&fa nf tawer TowAtnenalnB Town. shtn. Carbon county, Ta., deceased, wul sell at Public Sale on the premises aforesaid, on Saturday, December 6th, 1890, MUHD U J 111. UMJ JU11UTV11IK VIUUBUIO Ileal Estate, vu : All that certain Tract or Piece oi LAna suuaio in ujwer lowKixieasiua xuwn ship aforesaid, containing ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY ACRES, more nr leu, bounded hvl nndi of Ad&m Kunkel. Jess Kostenbader, George Walck and others, about Sixty Acres of which are ctearod and under a good state of cultivation, the balance oeing gooa wooamna. lue impioTemcnu mereon are a iwo-Dtory STONE DWItLUNtt BOUSE, Swiss Darn, 40xE0 feet. Wagon Shed and all other necessary outbuildings. Terms and conditions will be made known at time and place of sale by EDWARD BOYEIt, Executor ot the Estate ot J. A. Boyer, dee'd, nor. 22.-WW3 At Private Sale ! A VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY, LOCATED IN MAHONING VALLEY. The undersigned offers his Hotel FrODertv. 31 Acres ot Good Farming Land, located at PLEASANT CORNEK.C AEBON COUNTY.PA., for sale. Tha Hotel Building Is located on the road leading from Lehlghton to Tamaqui. four miles from Lehlghton In a rich farming country. The building Is two-and-a-half stories high, with large hall; other Improvements include a large iihed and barn, nnd necessary outbuildings. This is a rare opportunity tor a person desiring 10 go into me noiei Business, For further particulars call on or address, J. T. SlcDANIEL. Nov. 1&-W6 Pleasant Corner, fa Public Sale OF VALUABLE Farming Stock! Tha underlined will sell at Public Bale, on the premises of the Andreas Dairy Farm, at BALLIET'S STATION, PottsvlUe Division L. V, U.K., near Penrose .George's Hotel, East 1'enn iownsnip, uarDon coumy, ira., un Saturday, November 29, 1890 at ONE o'clock P.,M sharp, the following valu able property, to-witt TWENTV-TWO JERSEY & HOLSTEIN COWS, some fresh, and one-halt to come fresh shortly alter tne saic. TEN HEIFERS AND CALVES, all from the above etcck and a Thoroughbred Jersey Bull, 2 Six-Can Cooley Creamers, com plete. 1 LUY13 OWlflK IfUUILl, 1 JUUCf Worker, 1 Butter Printer, Lot of Buckets, Pall , and Cans, 1 Counter Scale,'! Market Butter Box, for use on wagon, l reed cutter, ONE MOWING MACHINE, l Two-horse Wagon, 1 Cart, 1 Harrow, 1 Thomas Harrow. 1 Land Holler. 1 Boyer Feed Mill. Lot of Harness, Stoves, and a variety- of other ar ticles too numerous to mention. This sale Is to close out the Stock and Fixtures of the Andreas Dairy Farm. Terms Cash on sales ot 85 or less, over s six montns- crean on approved paper. oaowo u dallia,!. For the ANDREAS DAtHV FABU. Levi Harucmak. Auctioneer. For Sale. A TuInaUe Hotel Property In Lehigliton. The Mansion House, on North First street, Lehlghton, Pa., is for sale. The Mansion Is large, commodious and roomy having forty aleeDlnir nnartments. elegant oarlors. large din ing hall, sample room and bar. It is nicely xurmsnea lurouxnouc wuu water auu iirui im provements and is a valuable hotel property. ror iunner particulars can on or aauress. Lehlghton, Pa. Auditor's Notice. Estate or Wzuox Rkmalet, Deceased. been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Carbon funds In the hands ot the Administrator and re port to the next term ot said Court, will meet all parties Interested, for the purposes ot his ap- poininiem, hi nis omcein iuuucn uiuuk, jt., on luunauAX, me ism aayoi unuiiMmiii, a D. 1890. between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M and 12 o'clock M., when and where all parties having claims on said funds are requested to fireseni mem, or ue torever ueoarrea srora com ng In on the same. FRANK P. SHARKEY, Auditor. Nov. 18, 1B90-W4. AT PRIVATE SALE. A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT. The underslened offers a.t orlvate a valu- able bouse and lot on North Becond street, the nronertv of the l&to Mathlas Bchwerer. decras ed. The lot Is S3 feet front, on which Is erected a two story irarae aweumg nouse isxzi wnn kitchen attached. This Is a bargain for any one aesixioff a pieasani numc. Nov.8,'90-3w Adm, Est. Mathlas Schwerer, Lehigh Valley R. R, Co Arrangement of Passenger Trains. In Effect Nov. 16th, 1890. LEAVE LEHIOHTON ForRahwav.Ellzabeth.Newark and New York o.uo, 7.BU, v.01, anu u.ia j.w, omi a u.ui p.ra ror ianunaa unuua sua uemaero u.vs, 7.31, ft.m.t 12.42 n in. For Lambertvllle and Trenton 6.06, 9.00 and u.iz a.m.i a 00 auu o. p.m. i: UI DIMJUKHJU, UMCMUua, 11 C Lll lebem, Easton, Philadelphia and points South T.07, 7.SU, k.'ju aua n.iz a.m. : s.w, 0.-J3 p m, ror xteaams anu iiHrri.uurv i.w, auu 11.: a. m.: s.os. fi.29 and K.01 tun. Cut uvnuauhixuvuu.p, uuvtitiuiu, MU rv's. White Hall. Conlav. and Hokendaunua 7.ui, v.w v.di 11,12 u. ni.j Lic.u, auu ov p. m r orfinucu viiuik muu it.ta a.ra, 1 99, 1L15. K.a.1. ua. B.lrt and 8.38 n. m For Weatherly and nazleton 4.62, 1A2 9.36 and 11.43 a.m. 1 3.1B,6.2i.7.23, 9.3S P.m. For Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Ashland eja, 7.4s, uie ana u.ts a.m.; aid, a i.a p.m. tor Alt. uarmei anu ouanioKia ana 11, a.m.: B.2SD.m. For PottsvlUe 7 .307., e.36 11.12 and U.ts a.m 12.42. 3.15. IS.29 and 7.23 D.Itl. For White Haven, Wllkesbarre and Plttston e82, 7.3, 9.38 and u.48 a.m.: a.15, ss, 7.23 and p.m. For Scranton 6.52, 7.43, 9,M, and 11.43 a.m. 3.1s. B.23 and 1.23 D.1I1. For Tunkhannock 1M a. m. ; 6,23 7.23 and 9.3 p.m. ForOwego, Auburn, Ithaca and Genevan a.m.: 9.38 D.m. For Laceyville. Towanda. Sayre, Waverly, F4 mlra, Rochester, Buffalo, K'agara Falls and the wesi u.vs Hon., auu 7.1 auu jzo p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Fnr New York 4.11. 6.42 and 10.07 a.m. ; 5a n For Phlladelnhla 8.02 a. m.: 2.62 and tim For Easton and Intermediate Stations 6.13, 8.02. 10.07 a.m. ! 12 82. 2.62. 6.29 and 8.31 D m. For Mauch Chunk 8.14, 9J8, 10.25 a-ra. ; 12.28, s.10, 0.13 auu v.ou.ui. For llazleton 9.68 a.m.t 12 2C 3.15 & e.s8 n.m. For Mahanoy City and Shenandoah 12.24 and 9.1D p.lU. For Pattsvllle at 12JS2 D. tn. For White Haven. Wllkes-Barre. Plttston. iuuaubmiuuvai iunauum sic guiaa, ucucrit Auburn, Klmlra, Rochester, Butf&lo, Niagara Falls and the West 9.33 p.m. For further particulars lnoulre of Aefntsfor Aime J.BU1C3 XS- 13. DIIAUXUJI, Oen'l Pass. Ae-entL May 11, d0, ly South Bethlehem, Fenna. A NEW PRINCIPLE. TFe fbsitively guarantee Dr JSoyd's Little Giant Nerve and' Liver Pills, To Cure Constipation, Indieestion, Billons ness. Torpid Liver, Pain in the Back. Piles Headache, Bad Taste in tha Mouth arising from Indigestion, by strengthening the neryea and regulating the action of the Stomach Liver and Kidneys, Do not be deceived, Dr. Boyd's Little Ulant Nerve and Liver Fills act on a new principal. They act on the nerves of tha stomach, liver and kidney giving them health and vigor, what la more evident of tbalr cura tive qualities, than the fact that the longer taken the lees required, tbst Is more than can be aald of any other pill on the market, a triil will convince the most skeptical mind, that what wa claim Is true, these are a few of the many uatimomaia we haye received TirioK, Oi., Aug., 20th 1890. Dear Bin Tha Pills received, thty are the beat I ever used. T. W. Class:. Late Cavern. Mu., May 14, 1890. Dear Bin I have taken Pills seat me, ineloaed And SOc, send me mora I have been troubled for years with indigestion, oeattlpaUea sad nervousness, since I take Dr. Boyd's Pills I feel good, have taken raasy others with no relief, yours reseeetfally. Abik Biivss. For sale by all dealers In medMne at lie per box, seat by tail oa raealpt of priee aamplas iree, agents wanted everywhere. r o, TttvAAi, UreuW. LtubtoB, Fa, as EES UOm riBST STREET, LEHIOHTQU IS THE PLACE FOR Fine MM anil PantalooninES at. the lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per cent, lower than elsewhere. A perfect fit and best workmanship guaranteed In every Instance. Before -purchasing elsewhere call and see us. -31-ly PRANK P. DIBHL, NORTH STREET, Practical Blacksmiths Ilorseshoec Is prepared to do al work In his .line In the best manner and at the lowest prices, Please call. nov26-80-ly.( Money Wanted ! The Borough of Lehlghton, Carbon county, Penna., desires to borrow form $6000 to $8000 Parties having money to loan call on or communicate with. Mahxon Reiohabd, Burgess, ur u. riEROE LiEntz, secy. Dr. H. B. REINOHL Graduate ot Phlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Perseryation of tie Teetii a SuBcialty. OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. ra. to S p. m. OAS BALL, Market Bjxiare, Uanch Ohnni. BRANCH OFFICE) BAST - MAUCH - CHUNK, x wo uoors norm oi rost-umce. OFFICE HOURS : 7 to 9 a. m. and B to 7 p. ra D. J. KISTLER Resectfully announces to the public that he has opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, and that he Is now prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Business Trips on the shortest no- Ice and most liberal terms. Orders left at the Carbon House" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, neztthe Hotel, Lehlghton, au22U- We have In stock an elegant assortment of tne most fashionable styles In Coats, Wraps & Jackets, la seasonable weights, colors, Ac. Don't Buy Unless You O Them, Dress-Making. In this Department we have the services of a nrat-ciass city Experienced Ladv and can guarantee our lady patrons the latest styles ana.oest work m tnis line. E. H. SNYDER, First Street, Lehighton, Penna circulation is growing because we furnish all the latest local news in the best style. Sample us gild's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Permanently located near Valley Depot, for Cabinets and Family Groups. Old pictures cop led andenlarged. augl-y lie OT me We would call the atten tion of the public to our facili ties for executing any kind of job printing, from the smallest card to the largest poster. Every thing executed with neatness and dispatch, and at remarkably low prices. Envelopes In this line we offer excellent bargains, and business men will find it as cheep, and much more business like, to order their supplies from us. We can furnish the envel ope with business address print ed thereon as low as the plain envelope can be bought. Every man should have his business printed on his envelopes, be cause if it miscarries in the mails it can be returned to him. Try an ordor ot 250, 500 or a 1000. Book Printing Societies and others desiring anytliing in this line will find the very low est prices ruling here. Send in your orders. Printing Any and every thing coming under this head wedding stationery, state ments, tags, weigh bills, order books, etc., can be had here. Particular attention paid to all mail orders. Give us a trial. CARBON ADVOCATE Lehlghton, Carbon county.Pa. ALESME WANTED. 1 LOCAL OR TRAVELING-. 135 Livery Stables GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, $wet Pick les, Chor-Chows Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. IPe lead, both In low prices and quality o goods. Oar large stock Is displayed to da vantage, an Item which purchasers wil certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON JA. U. S. MAIL COACH BETWEEN Broadheadsville and Lehighton, IS BUN EVEEY DAY. Passengers Between .and to all Points along mu wiud, win uc mrneu at me very LOWEST BATES, Freight and Baggage Safely carried at lowest prices. Tne patronage oi the public is respectfully solicited. Orders lelt with tbe Post Offices along the line or at ido Axcnango jioioi, ljcoigtiton, will receive prompt attention. itespecttuliy, FRANCIS KOEHLER, Prop, ang&Oyl E. F. XjTJCKE NT3ACH, PIAIN AND DECOBATIVE PAPER HAND ING. nOT8E AND ijIQN PAINTING AND OKAININU. Competent workmen sent to any part of mo coumy. -HKADQUAItTEnS ron- Wall Papers, Borilers & Decorations, Largs assortment, and tbe latest styles. Bools, Stationery, Fancy Gooils WINDOW SHADES. All grades. Shade making and putting up piuiuiuy nucuueu iu. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty. Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Manet Chunk Pa. Itolow tbe Broadway House. A erfbd. Dushino- Salesman hern. First rinm !pay guaranteed weeUlv. Commission or Sal ary. Quick selling new Fruits and Specialty FAltMEKS oan get a good paying job for tno winter. Wrlto for fun terms anif partlcu Iiars. rncu c iuuii. nurseryman. , . Kochester, N. V Welssport Business Directory. JJtBANKLIN HOUSE, EAST WEISSFORT, PENN'A. Tills bouse oilers first-class accommodations to he permanent boarder and transient guest. Fame prices, only One Dollar per day. aug7-iy Joiw Bkhbiq, Proprietor. Oscar Christman, WEISSPORT, PA. Liverif and Exchange Stables, nasy riding carriages and sate driving horses Best accommodations to agents and travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Give me a trial. mav2l-ly The - Welssport - Bakery, O. W. LAURY, PROPRIETOR. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Welssport, Jblgbtonand vicinities every day. In tbe store I have a Fine Line ot Confectionery m mo jwiiiMj iiauo. ouuuuy SCUUOIS UI1U IBS vals supplied at lowest prices. dec3-6m. Over Canal Briflee E. f eisspt. sep D UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, " PARLOR SUITES, . BED ROOM SUITES ., c Prloes the very lowest. Quality ot gooas me nest. atistaetion guaranteed in every particular. Cask&ts, Coffins and Shrouds, We have a full line which we will furnish ss tbe lowest possible prtees. Flonr, Feed, &c, the eholeast quality at very reasonable prices, Call and be couvlneed. JOSEPH P. HEX, AprlMy EAST WEISSPORT Sale bills printed at this office at lowost prices. The N. Y. Sun. .FOR 1891. Home people agree with Taa.Sro'a opinion about men and things, and seme people don't; but everybody like to get bold of tbe news paper which Is never dull andneer afraid to speaa iu mina. Democrats know tbst for twenty vears The Sun bas fought In tbe front line for DeraoeraUe principles, never wavering or weakening In its loyalty to the true Interests ot Uie party It serves with fearless Intelligence and dlsuterested vigor. At times opinion bave differed as to tbe beet means of aoeotapllihlM the common pur- post , tt is not tub bun s mull it it nas seen into the millstone. Blgfeleea hundred and oluety-oue will be a great year in American politic, and everybody bould read The Uvm Dally, per mobUi, ' so 6 00 a.oo s.on o. 1.00 usuv, per year. BjuaSav. per j ear, i oanasjr, per woo m , ta, om year. A44r TK 8U, Mow Yavfc. Rex PLUMBING!! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES The undersigned would respect fully announce that he is prepared now to do all kinds of work in the above lino at short notice, in the best manner and at the raostrea' sonablo 1 trices. Estl mates will be cheer fully furnished. A full lino of all. the necessary articles, namely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., al way in stocli A share of the public patronage is solicit ed, batistaction si 'guaranteed. W. S. KUHNS', North First St., Lehighton. Henry Miller, WEISSPORT PLANING - MILL. MANUFACTURER OF Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, window sashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IN All Ms of Dressed Lumber Shingles, Pailings, . Hemlock Lumber," &c, &c, Very Lowest Prices. -AT THE- OPP. THE PUBLIO SQUAIilt i. 19 HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c &c, choice AVine.8 ,nnd Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want good fit. Rut it vou need SPECTACLES it Is much more important that tbe EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper ty fitting frame which will bring the lenses di rectly before the centre of the eye. If vou buy your sui-ciauies at ur. lioru s vou will una me a Dove points properly auenuea to. PERSCRIPTIOHS CaefoUy Coinpomfleu OCU5-1M7 rB0Y AND GIRL OF OCRS What shall we have them taught and where? OF BUSINESS and SHORT AND BKCORD BUIUJINO, 017-010 Chestnut St., Phlladn., Fa, Second, Third and Fourth Floors. Morning, Afternoon and Ni2bt Sessions, Opening day September 2d, 18T0. Eleven bundled and forty-one (till) separata students um year, cany application necessary. Our students unlformlv bear testimony in favor of tne utility and practicability of the course ot instruction, tbe skill and devotion ot the Faculty and tbe earnestness ot effort and the general success attending the same In pro- No trouble and no charge made to anyone for supiil j Ing llook-keeDers, Cashiers, Salesmen, Stenographic Clerks or General Assistants in the Counting House. Business men may expect more ot graduates this year than before, as the Butnuara oi urauuaiiou una ueen itaisea. Pelree College Writing Slips and Real Busi ness rornis, uy x-ryi. a. r. iwoi, tor noma Practice, one dollar a set, postage prepaid. Twenty-slxtb (28) College Annual, Oraiiua- iuik liicicisea luciuuine auuresses oy rresiaeni Reed, ot Dickinson College, and Bishop Bess, etc., sent when requested. Address THOMAS MAY fEIUCE, M. A., l'h. D .Prlnclpa Alt. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and MMer, Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. RespeMfnlly invites the attention of his friends anuine ettiiens generally to nis immense hew stock of- Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It will pay you o sail and Inspect my stock betore pureliasing elsewhere. REPAIRING Promptly done atlovmt charge, and all work guaranteed, Don't Forget tne Place. SIGN OP THE BIG WATCH, Bank St Lehighton. Ieeiltt FRAZER GREASE MEHT IX THE WOSI.D. lMWMrUitiQu&lUi.&r(utarMai,aoiu441r HORN Peirce College nt assortment of tbe new.vnlo and stylish effects In Fall and Winter surpass o all prevlonj jeora in complete ness. Tbe prices lo, are such as to be a great Inducement to buyers, for as our elegant line of Hate, Bonnets, etc,, sur prises competitors, so the low prices as tontea our lady patrons. We also nave Coats and Wraps in the newest and prettiest style?, in all qualities and prloes. We invite tbe ladies of Welssport, Lebtohton and ths vicinity snrroundlng to call and see onr handsome assortment of seasonable mill inery goods before purchasing elsewhere. In Notions an Fancy Goods, we carry the usual novelties at all prloes. iee-During the Fall and Winter ??.D.,w,n.J? euKBea the services of a FASHIONAHLE CITY MILLINER. .MLCulton WEISSPORT. IGGER That's It The reference of course is to the FINE IUENITTOI now on exhibition in our larcre played in such style and taste jjieusL-u wun me enecc created by the ingenius arrangement. Our Line of CARPETS. TPell, in this line we simply and clearly beat all previous records. That settles it ! Competition comes no where near us as a visit to our Store will clearlv nnnvinr-P vnn Tliov pmhrnPD nil cfitloo j . uuu ii.uuiiues, wnue tne prices means considerable, don't it 1 ana cordially invite you to call Kemerer & Swartz, NORTH FIRST STREET, eIsySve u. s. kresge ' Anda ' InlheOIdPostOfflceBullW " a ANA Fine and Medium Shoes for Ladles. Men and Stylisu Hair Cut, Children at the very lowest prices. goto New Rubbers Inserted In Gaiters at from o to " " FRANK HERMAN A11 klnds of my Cheaply and the BARBEit, and Promptly attended to. 8pljr 8nd ) Over the Canal Bridge. HAND-MADE BU0T3 St SHOES - MtdLffi?: HAIR . CUXTINQ M. FLORY. IT LEADS THEM Welssport Bridge. Manufacturer of ALL IN NEWS. Dealer in So eLcatli- BMOiH6HAVINO (n,. ! inirnnimu er, Finished Calf- In th? very highest 1B 4Pfter,B TtO ADVOCATE." Skins, Kip and Up. Style of Tonsorial Art. HARNESS, collars, BHIGHT perLeatherarneSs Ax HORN'S wnrrar.?NrT CLEAN, ' fehirlpaldtor ' INDEPENDENT Hides, Skins STajlow. Iff HItnl WHITE -o- STREET. Read It I" Ft. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. Eepalring Neatly and Cbeaply Done at Very Reasonable Prices. General Agent for the cilbartb Patent Adlust able Cat rlaee Pole,' and Dealer In Buggies and Carts. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, be, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL Paints, Varnishes, Glass. A.LL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Stxeet, Lehighton, Pa American Business College, Second National Bank, Centre Square, Allentown, Penna. One ot the Largest. Most Thorough, Best Regulated and Finest Equipped Training Schools for Morning, Afternoon and Erenlnar ftoselona. er-SU eleeanthr furnished departments with all the most modern conveniences. Full corps ot competent, practical and experienced instructors. AMSBicAMBDsiNwKtaPionranruuii connected with the College through which good poslttSfi l t aeroFtbsad?ei t?Jro eharge. Fer caulogues.ciroulars,&o., address. O C. DOH.VEr? mnDil. DENTISTBY. Dr. J. A. Mayer &Son. Br. GEORGE H. MAYER, a Uraduate Iron the Dental Department of the Uptreratty of I'eanaylTanla, tui oeod au o&ac tnthesaae butldiag nHh Ms tatnir. aeaoadloer hi the Bw Wl4ew, M BROADWAY. MAUCH OH V N K . FA , i ,s bow prepared to reeetfe evwy eet ta ism irtt-clMs Oeow senrtce. V1W-K THAN EVER ! Exactly. large and complete gssortment of wardrooms. Onr rrnnrla rii. that visitors cannot help but be ...w j VM at 'J - vvw tA4. Uty y ALJ are lower than th lowest, We want you to see that it That is so, and be convinced. bPOT Ca,h Buyer RO to . -A. F. (sNYDEM, And buy your Organs, Planos.Senlng JIaohint i, Wringers, Washing Machines. Implements, Pumps ot all kinds. It will pay you o set prices from me before buying, I can save you money Seasonable Goods Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c., &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular we invariably more than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ot goods desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks iar more eloquently than word. Call ou us for FALL and WINTER GARMENTS, or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits and finest workmanship. Olauss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. HARDWARE, Administratrix Notloe. Estate of Adodst v. RscKBHooBr. late ot the borough of Lehlghton. Carbon cogity, Fa, KluJ 9' admiuistratton ou the abore named SfwiLtelDgbW J5?8 10 ?? undwlgned. all parties indWf to tee aald estate an re wtete4 to nake Immediate payment and thou nartBg elaltna aaaiaat the aitd estate wlU pro SSS! tn?ir "e"W, duly anSeeFcated for let semeetto BUtBN BMOKEMDOKF. Adm I Leblgbtoo. Pa.. Oec it. ise.4w Have you read the Advocate. x