Bntcrcd m Second Gla.a Matter at the Tie hlghton l'ott-Ofllce. The Carbon Advocate LKniOnTON", rKNNA. totiik 8iti.bcrii.I5KB of the cah- 4 x p., VCkf A Knln 1 On .Friday morning, Nov. 1, last, we icni uie uAiiiiun nuvuv.r. ...... l- -r-r-m-r-i y TVrark'DT'TJiT'V" liluhmn noil office for dellvorv through I ttELUJ. Xi il XTSWJXr XjXXX X, -o , - - - I Ji tho malls to our tilbscribeit. IKetecro .. vooATKI) IN MAlIONlNU YAI.liKY. .... i.-.l .!.( Tl-Hfl I Boraewuai .uiunscu uU..v .,,,-.,,, .,.. m. ,r.i IVn,rtv. o ciock oi mai uay ouo or iwu ysmuiiai! Acttti 01 (looa rai A VALUABLE Kate for Legal Advertising i Charter Notices Auditor's Notice QOmtnlMloner'a Notices 1J1V nvoroe Notices Administrator's Notices Kxecutor's Notices S 400 4 00 4 oo SI Artifl OT (bod Arming IUd, located at IM In nn,1 alil tlinlr nanprii WCro not VliBASANT COllNnil.CAlllIOCOlJNl Y.l'A.. droppod IQ anasalU tlioir papers wo nui Mie.fcThe Hotel llulldlnit la looatect on tho 00 I ltl 1110 POSfc OUlCOi WO CUUIU UUt uuuwoimm fUHU iwuiUK ifuiii ijenigtitou iu j.HinHuw y" I . j Iu t .i. r.Mi f mtiea from Lehighton In a rich farndiiK country. una anu so mm luriu. iu xne build. mc Is two-anu-aHiair Mones mgu, mm rmed that A. H . large hall; other Improvements include a larsro Mini mm utiru, uuu ucurrwwiy uuiuuim nsa. oAiuituAii wuvjsmujsk io, ibw. , ()ay wo were ,nformed Bonn yide Circulation Lnrircr than thnt of llaudenUUSh. mo postmaster, uau i i"" Tills la a rare opportunity tor a person tietiruiB any Weekly Newspaper in tne count. ..meestlon of one of our iUbscribrr , "'"u'"3' I'VT uiriiitT mrii('iiHvfj cmi uii ui auwiens, T. McDANlEL, Nov. lvwe l'leasnut Corner, ra With this issue the CAimoN Amvooatb embarB08d them in tho post office, for the mm . i,in- ,i- reason that the Issue of tho Advocate ped than ever to cater to tho Interests of Kve lh "" f,the wlnno" of P'M In I,,!. Tfrti. ... .nr. roinm &10 cents local tlrawlDS. Upon inquiry hearty thanks and aslc for a continuance In the future. Public Sale Stock ! OF VACUUMS Farming we found that such was the fact that a 1 law or rulInK of tho post office department prohibited the publication of such matter; The necessity of Ballot lleform Is very that the matter was referred to tne l'ost In Harlmn omint V wliara tlm enrrnnt miliar f! (Ml oral, fit H'aslllnEtOIl. D. O.. In TIlH lltlllRnlirned Will Sell lit l'llllllc SnlC. On " "I 1 I 1 .... I l. .....l.i.. in.lMin, rtalrv Pann ill practices of the city ward have taken the meantime the papers werohelduy ourJ ,!AViwts station, l'otuviiie Division v. rmmih Thl. hnrlnir nf vntom. Iindv. nnl nntmivtpr. with the oxccDttotl of those to K.U., near Penrose Oeoriw's Hotel. l!ast fenn .mi kMuki, Mi,.! iu. Hinntt.1 1h i1,a Viiii I k .iAiivni.AH t mm tlii T.nlilfftiton nostofficfl. ous i p. ar n ooun y, a. Let us have honest electlpns, even If some which were delivered to us on Saturday baturday, JSovcmber ZV, 18JU, of our codfish aristocrats must go to Jail evening. I no answer irora tne jvnsniani nt ONK 0.cioek p. at., aimrp. the followliiK vnlu- fnrit Atinrnn General reached us ll'cdnesdav amc property, wwit: I morning, when we oDiAlnwl the balance of TWBNTY-TWO .IBItStSY St IlOLSTIilN COWS, the papurs from the post office, as follows: solne rre8ll) nml one.IBlf (Come fresh -shortly next Leclslature. and It Is said In the Inner V. wiirthimkii, "er me ... circles that Qeoree W. Delamater. the de- "taJ r .... , .,. TKN iiEH'Kns AND cai.VUS, feated Giihernatnrlftl ramlirlfttfl will bo i , , i all from the above stock ami a Thoroughbred leaieu tauoernaionai canuiaaio, win uo able." Jcrney Hull, 2 Slx'Can Coolcy creamers, com puted against Senator Cameron for tbeu. a. w. iiAUDBJuiumi, i-. iu. piete. I Davl Hiving nuiris i Davis nutter o u.-.i..i,i n.. . , . .,!.. I Lohlchlon. 1 1-12-00. Worker, 1 Butter Printer, Ixit ot Iluckets, lall , S Senatorshlo. Cameron was not as active l.oihi,iu"". iii.i,i and Cans, Counter Scale, l Market liuttcr ux, in the late campaign as Quay deslreil and wnercupon we i v uui. i ror use 0n wagon, i feeu uutter. this method Is llkelv to be taken to eel ,l"ry" Lc L,". '"i .M, lav. ONE MOWING MAOHINK, , He llu IIU niiwniwfis - 1 oven with Cameron for his Inactivity. Imktlnc to local charitable drawings, and i Two-horsp W Then, too, it might be a ylndlcati for Do'.amatcr. hi 1 florf 1 llflrniitF 1 t,t.nia i I T1VndBr.lttnd nor no-ituiaster.althoucb Harrow. I lndltoller. l lloyer Feed Mlll. Lot Jon balm as we understand, our postmasier.aiiiiuueu ,,,.-, 4 atovos. and a vnrletv ot other ar- . having the law in ins quice, was in iuo tClM tooiinmerous to mention. ThWsalolsto Tub Lansford Record, continues Its generous offer to Register and Recorder Handwerk: viz the lit cord will donate $50 to St. Lukes Hospital If an investigation of the Recorder office falls to disclose Illegal charges and dishonesty on the part of ITandwerk in the collection of fees, Is an excellent opportunity for 2Ur. Hand werk to fully vindicate himself. Jimmy's many friends are anxious for him to re fute the serious charges made by the Eecord. Now is the time to do It. umo tlx. until his attention was called to ntoso out the Stock and Fixtures of the Andreas . ' . I 11.1... rVB.. T ...... .. 1.b. nn .nlu .1 f M n. It by one q our mioscrwers trj RKCltET SOCIETY NOTHS. Tun inconsistency of the post office de Pennsylvania has 083 I. O. O. F., lodges, with a niemoersnip oi vz,om. Tmnr.nel Csstlo. Ko. 393. of Sallna, West- Tir morcland connty! and Mlzpah Castle, No. om M'l.nnllnn1 'Mnrcor rnnnlv. were ln- Uin, ui ii .il. -t stltutcd on November 8th. Eight Rebekah degree lodge of Illinois ham mirremlered their chartors. caused, it 1b said, by tho grand master Indicating that he did not want any dcadwooiVIn tho order. linne (;. Mills Castle. No.3H5.of Middle- lngijimeu uii Tkrus Cash on sales of S&or lesi, over s six monins' cieait on approved ,iaiiii.o 17. imuiaui, For the Anduras Daiiiv Kakm I.kvi HAIU.E.MAN. Auctioneer. Dairy Farm. paper. - an ( p g W TT 3 69 hrf -GO TO- NORTH FIRST STREET, lEHIGrHTOtf. IS THK TLACK FOR Fine Suitings anfr FaEtalooiiinis at tho lowest prices which aro 10 to 20 per cent. Ipwcr than elsewhere A perfect fit and best workmanship guaranteed in every Inslauce. Before purchasing clsowhcro call and see tyi. -81 -IT far Jino printing PRANK P. DIBHL, NOIlTIt STIIEOT, Practical Blacksmith Horsoshoor Isrreparedto do al work In his lino In llirt lit. mntuier nml fit thfllOWOSt prices. I'leaseonll. Money Wanted ! The BorouRh of Lehigh ton, Carbon count', Pent) a., desires to borY form 56000 to $8UUU. arties havme monev to loan call on or communicate with. MAnLON Keichard, Burgess, Or l Pierce Lentz, Secy. SWEEN Y'S i "Corner Store" 1 Bottled Gherkins, rw et Pick les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware '&c. Wo lead, both In lqjv prices ntid quality o goods. Our large slock It displayed to da vantage, an item which purchasers wll certainly greatly appreciate.- REMEMBER THE UOUNERbTORE, PLUMBING!! N ALL ITS BRANCHES We would eall the atten tion ot the public lo our facia ties for executing any kind of iob printing, from the smallest . 1. ... 1.- partmenl is very apparent wnen it refuses jiov.'lUh, and Nazareth Castle, No. 390, card to the largest poster. Every to allow a newspaper to go through the of Naxareth. Northampton rouniy, was in- jnjn executed With neatness mall which contains an item concerning a slltuled on Nov. 14th. o ' .i i.m.i,i,l dnwta of local slenllicance elven a, a The first issue of the "Knights of the and dispatch, and at remarkably matter of news only, andglycs freedom to KnW lw Pr,CeS tho circulation of licentious qnaclc medl- last week, enlarged and improved; It de- "P!,r,'lnr,r. Tn 4 linp cine circulars with obscene Illustration to serves the support of every Eagle Knight. xiuvuiupcu xn uuu nuo debauch innocent young hoys and girls. The recent encyclical of Pope Leo X 111 we Otter excellent bargains, and in our opinion Postmaster General Wana- copies iof wmcn .are 10 L" business men Will lind It as maker Is infringing on the liberty of tho on,,lyj CSpCClftUy the Masons of Italy, and cheap, and much more business press.or perhaps, the reading of the law Is declares them to be "animated by the spirit f nrdev thoir snnnlies from mn nlnt' .l.iin h IaMi hn..i.,. nf .Satan. whoso Instrument they are" The 1,KtJ 10 or'tLl uicir bupimw nuiu Masnns"are consnmed'llke their us. Wfi rim furnish the enveL Devklopwexts since the 'election of W- "h!??K.!n!,mT?, with business address nrint Tuesday a week show that the defeat of tlfy ,,0 tuelr utm(t l0 overthrow or ench- ecl thereon as loVn8 the plain ocuiuiei, mr negisier aim jiecoruei m tin Masons aro uiauieu lur nrnnj u , , , , . -r,.. encompassed through tho most dlspicable the Indignities and abuse heaped upon the envelope can be bought. HiVery Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Uraduate o l'hlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! in au its nrtANPHEs. crservallon of the Teeth a Snocialty. OFFICE nOUItS: From 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. OAS HALL, Market Sgnare, Uauch Chunk. BRANCH OFFICE: EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK Two Doors North of IMt-Ollloa. OFFICE HOUltS: t in 9n. 111. and (I to 7 p. in Alirll28-sro means outside of the reckless use of money and tho wanton treachery, of lead ing Democrats, bogus tickets were jatraed off on the more Ignorant voters. Particu larly was this so at Jfauch Chunk, East Mauch Chunk, Summit Hill and possibly Lansford, In the two latter places where considerable trading seems to have been done at Semmel's experse, "But chickens come home to roost." Pope by the Italian Government. l'ACKEHTON LOCALS. Thnmas J. Uarleman and W. ii, Long were both ou tho sick list last week. Cards aro out announcing the wedding of Miss Mamie, daughter of our towns man Charles Lanckammcrer. Tho happy event will occur Nov. 27tn- As Tim holiday season Is approaching, the season when the purchase of articles out of the usual every day lino Is made, a little admonition on the subject will not be out of place. Don't he made a subject for other men and women to plunder. Bo careful not to be taken ,for a fool. All sorts of schemes .aro being concocted to cheat people under the old Inducement of getting bargains. All the so-called literary papers are filled with alluring advertise ments about .bargains in rlnbons, watches, jewelry, cutlery, perfumes, soaps, tickets In lotteries, Investments In lands, rare chances to get homes in the remote parts man should nave nis business printed on his envelopes, be cause if it miscarries in the mails h can be returned to him. Try an ordor ol 250, 500 or a 1000 Book Printing Societies .Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Dllluv. of Willtos nrul nrhni-R rlpsirinrr nnvt.binrr in Tl ... .i.uiH ilm nnlopnnl linma nf . - W Le'e-Stl es ' The, ' weK : In attendance this line will find the Very lOW at the wedding of Jtfis I.ulu Zehner. of es(. prjcos rulinc: hero. Rend in T)r Zern and tho 1'rllielixll of the pub- 5' OUl' Orders. lie pchoois of ii'eissport, paid the weigh Printing Any and every- seaie oiuco at l acKerioua visit oaimuny i , . , j t j SnZn mi ti.ev each wore a vard wide thing coming under this head wedding -stationery, ntale ments, tags, weigh bills, ordor books, etc., can be- had here Particular attention paid to al mail orders. Give us a trial. CARBON ADVOCATE Lohlghton, Carbon county.Pn Democratic smile. Bennett Council, No. 00. N, P. U., now has eighteen members with a ptomlna of several additions. The Council will occupy their new quarters over tlm For warding office. Tho meeting nlnhta aro tho first, and third Wednesday of each month. John Scholl, has returned from Los Angeles, California, where he was. In at tenOance as a delegate frotn tho Brakemau Brotherhood. Ho Is delighted with his trip and grows eloquent in describing it. of the country, Don't bo a fool aud spend John comes back with enlarged 'views of money in each line. Don't send the money for anything von have not seen. Don't buy of parties who are not face to face with you when the transactions are con summated. The holiday season Is ap proaching, when sharpers will be about prepared to swindle unwary people peo- i who think that an article bought a dls- the vastness and enterprise of our country. Senator Rapsher now can feel proud of the vote cast for him. He beats all records. No one acquainted with our new Senator but what admit his ability to rep resent m creditably. Ballot Reform will have an able, persistent champion In lilm. UV. Pattlson will need just such men tn bis office to secure this needed refotm. Wo are creditably informed that one of chased from a local merchant. Dupes are ecret society aeciarcu inai no American tnh. -.l.M K I. .,-,. COUIU oi Eliuuiu i,mo iur UlUIOIKHOl lur w. u,v.j..v, ... public office. Poor fellow now narrow time the class is rendered extinct lathe and bigoted his declaration, and yet, this lleht of so many warnings huns out hv the truly loyal American born, voted for newspapers. There Is no reason why peo ple should be swindled by sharpers, for be -who runs can read all about such scoundrels. ltAIXUOAD NOTES. Stewart like a little man. The bald truth Is that such fellows aro so partlzan that none but Republicans get their vote, Time may broaden their views, but It Is rooro than possible that they will remain bigoted partlzans, Early Tuesday mornlug, wo visited the noils as is our habit, to see that the tiekets and all other things were In order, ll'e found our friend ex-sherllT Relgel and The question of putting a third man oil railroad locomotives making long runs Is lielncr aeitated bv natrnnn nf nninn wenlern postmaster SlcDanlel looklne after their -..a. - party Interests. Postmaster McDanlel was ' .. on duty all day zealously caring for his un pnnuay, rov. jo, new :ime tables paftj'g success. There aro some who will go Into effect on the Lehigh Yalley, think the postmaster was a little, ont of New Jersey Central and Philadelphia A his proper sphere, but we aro Inclined to Tteadlnir Tlallrnarl OxwK otherwise. . it is to be remembered Iieaaing ItaiirOaa. , , ... , TJonnlillcnn mlmlnlltnilm, A locomotive on the Mississippi Valley ari that such action meets tho approval road hauled 160 loaded cars with 1,844,851 of Johnny Wanamaker, therefore no cause pounds of freight, the total estlmatrd lor complaint. weight of the haul being 0.442,831 pounds. . -YouF patrons were surprised at the i .i. ... ' h. ,C i . de ay or ast week's issue, out wnen me A grievance committee of Brotherhood hosrYd tliat tue moo JieW at the hi brakeman made complaint to the Lehigh blghlon post office because containing so Valley officials at South Bethlehem, when called lottery matter. Why? Well what It was informed thatcomtilalnts must coma is the use commenting. The attempt to as from employes, not from Brotherhood hold the issue of a paper because contain men. Ing au attack on Br'er Quay Is a sample of There was a time when a man could tho, espionage, possible by tills so called i.n,n ,i .1,. ,. , X. neb toned, strictly moral business admin- other by sbo-vlng a switch lock key or a '"ration. Fortunately we lave only two conductor's punch, but things are changed m.ore ysarSu of Tol'Dny " ,"lt n'p. now and railroad men find a difficulty In of course that Is a long time, but when the travallnrr. even on the road crxm which new onler occurs, Johnny will be dropped they work, unlets they can show au em ploye's pass or a straight ticket. into the basement of his notion store with a "thud. President HarrWon Appoints November 27 as Thankngivlns Uay. Tbe followlnc declamation has been MLde bv Ibe President of the Unit! Slatna -Sol 1 7r. . . . ...,.. J . I ftur .laraev By ine Eraco anu lavor oi Airaiguiy uou, LrKe t6 windbw d spo jjvupio ui im uatiuii uvtT wen leu 10 I enitM. uie ctOHns; uays oi me passinK year, wuicd I i""i- Stray lem, - Dr. Bailer, of WetnenDerc toHnslilp. clalnu 10 nave uiscovereu uwire auiraote iot nuro- linoota. we uuKnown person tired a snot at a pua- t uenirai train at uoai Dale, r ue tnot rauuiiw naauoia ni A pieee oi broken kIms alto out m about tlM For Sale. - A Valuable Hotel Property In Lehigliton. Thu UmiMton House, on North First street LoliiKhton, I'll., it Un ,vile. The Mnnsjou Is l M u....nn,,tln... I,i,..n fnt,, i uuu. sanipie room aim uar. 11 19 niceiy fitrriithMl throuuhout with water nml ltcrht im proveoMntft and 1 a valuable hotel property. ror niiHtrr pttniruwrB chii 011 ur uuurws. . ii. iiuni) riiur., Ihlxhton, Pa. A Valuable Farm at Pri vate Sale. A VaiuabU Fkira of about 19 acres, li offered aturltata aala, alluated In Beaver Hun, upon milvu Bio ostcm4 inu unniiiiK wwn, Witt barn and other ouuiulldiiun. The land it under excellent cultivation with never falling water rtcnt at tbe bouw. There It alto au orctwrd ot flue fruit tree. Ttalt property It ouly ottered for tale on account of falling IieallA of the onner. and oSert an excellent chance for a party detirlni a nice home. For further par- neiiMni ran on nr aanreta, BAMl'KI. KVKHT, Heaver Run. three lullet (mm Manrh Chunk and one rule rrotn racKertou. uci..two-iw ULESME! WANTED. LOCAL OR TRAV ELING. ill uui Nuraery Htork. Salary, tKpeniet CHA8K BROTllHRIJ COMPANY. 8-"-2iu Rochetter, N. and AT PRIVATE SALE. A VAI.l'ABLK HOUSE AND LOT. The uudtraujDed oflert at private salt a valu able house and lot on North Hecoud ttraet, the property ot tne late uauiiat senwtNr, aaetat ed. IM lot it ss ie ironi. on wnien u erai a two ttory frame dwelllur tiouie itxM 1 klteben attached. Tult It a bargain for any Xov.,'Jw FHANL-ta HtlKIlKHKItf Adm. Kat. Mathlat Uohwerer. lias been full of the blotting of peaee and the comforts of plenty. Bountiful roro peBtaUen bat ootno to tit for tbe work of our nlatU asd of our ha fids in ovary de partraeet el hweatn MiHiry. Now, ibefafora, I, Itfltib) Jlaniton, Pretldeat of the UutM Sum 4 AmM. do herebv tpfotet Thartday, the Ink day ot the ptatent noMh of November, to be ebtened at a da of prayer and tbanktglv lag, and I do invite the ppl upon that day to coate from tbir lM, to meet In ibair aeenttOHliid boutot of wofabiD. and to C&XTc'rJZl'X & S h o rt Important Ad'sifS no mtmmvi iv u. mw m wumi hn hi -Tlia l'realdent will aav nothine prlet of potato! ixl t'lgart In bis TTuuikasiviot proroaiuaiion. At a rvoeut Ilunaarian ehrittenlne at Tarr. Weatmoreland county. ltOpoundtof beef, 10 nal kHW of whiskey ana 35 kegt of beer ere consum ed by the MueotK. -Hour-krout and potatoes Mill he tin- . lin t article of diet tbit Winter. The w,,niu that l able to make Apple-butter belouKt to the arltto-rai- and won't aatociate with the common claw. - The Blalltuiton rolling mill la Iu lull opera tion awl lota of iiu n hanl Iron In being turned A NEW PRINCIPLE. IPe bsitively guarantee Dr Boyd's Little Giant Nerv nndlver Pilla, ivery Stable D. J. KISTLER Besectfully announces to the public that he hai opened a NEW UVKRY STABLE, and that he low prepared to furnlth Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Business Trlpi on tho shortest no- Ice and most liberal terms. Orders left at the Carbon House" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, net the Hotel, Lehlahton. au22lA- We havo In stock an elegant assorsment of the most fashionable styles in Coats, Wraps Ik Jackets, In seasonable weights, colors, Ac. JJon't. Buy Unless You O Them Dress-Making. In this Department wo have the services of a llrst class Uity experienced L,aav and can guarantee our lady patrons the lalcu styl and best work In this Hue. B. H. SNYDER, First Street, Lehighton, I'enna circulation is growin, Vw LLX because we furnis' all the latest "local news in the best style. Sample us fl$iel' PHOTOGRAPH GALLEEY, Permanently located near Valley Depot, lor Cabinets and Family Groups. Old pictures cop led andenlargcd. auct-y Lehigh Valley R. R, Co Arrangement of Pwstenirer Trains, In Effect August 18th, 1890 LKAVK M5IIIOIITON l'or Kahnuy.Hllzabeth.Newark and New York coa. 4.22, 7.31, 0.S7, und 11.12 8 00,69 and 8.01 p.m. l'or Manunka Chunk and BeHIUeieaoii, 7J1 : 14.37 n m. l'or tambertvllle and Trenton 0.00, 9.00 mid li.i: a.m.; sou unu o.w p.m. l'or SlHtlnrton. Cataau(iua. Allentown. Beth lehem, Uatton, riillade'iihla and points South vi, J.OT, T.31, .'J0 and 11.12 a.m. .ui p iu 8,00, 5.80 and For Iteadlnc and IlarriiburE 7.31. sus7 and 11.12 a. in. ; s.uu ana b.ui p.m. I. I. .. . l.hl.hd.n f1kn.n..l .h.. Fill lIUIVUIIIISi A.D.HKI1 UUfl. UJICIIJlUIUi 11 rv's, While Hall, Coulay,,llokeiidauqua and t'reemausDurg nxi, i.m, v.uu .07 k ii.iz a. m. It-s7, and a.28p.m. roroiaucnuiiupK, i.M, v.n ami ii.,s a.m S.1&. IL4&7.'2S. and a.38 antl 12.41 n in. For Weatherly and liazteton .. T.4S 4 M and i..n.. ...k kqk i am atf.i i.-ra n.iii. . ..a, u.ov ...iti. For Mahauoy City, Shenandoah and Ashland Mi, J6 ana ii.ii,; 3.13, r.ana t, D.Ul. For Sit. Carmel and Shamnkln 7.13 and 11.43 a.m.: 6.28 p.m. For rotttvllle 7.S1 7.13, 86 11.12 and t.m n.u. and 8.01 n.m. For White Haven, Wllkecbarre aud Pittwon a.47, 7.1J, 9M and 11. IS a.m.; J.15, f.2t,74Siuid xat p.m, For Soranton &W, 7.43, 9,36, and 11.4 a.m, O.ID KUU Fli For Tunkhannook 11.48 a.m. ; SJM & 7.2a and lKS p. 01 . For Owego, Auburn, IUuwa and Gentvall a.m.; .w p.m. For Ieeyvllle, Towanda. Sayre, Waverly, tnlra, ltoehiMer, lluttalo, N'aojral'alU and Watt aju.; and 7.25 and BJeii.ra. SUNDAY TItAINS. For New York 6.42 and 10.07 a.m. ; 6J p.m. For Fhlladalnhla 8.02 a. m. and X.A7 For Gaston and' Intermediate Btttioua S.27, a.O. 18.07 a.m. : 12 62. U7. 6.28 and 8.S4 n m. For Maueh Chunk 8.14, 8jfi a.m.; iSJs, 3.1. n.tR, BMf auu I'.iu. For uauetvu a.m. , is an, hi cv y.i, ana To Cufj new, Ti llendatl from J ana and Li 111 Mi CEIoaj Cotittipatiou. IndigetUoa, Bilione- Liver, I'aiu 10 the Baok. FilM Bad Tlr in tiit Mouth ariung ion, by l renal hen ing the nerve ig the action of lae Btoaek Livar . Do not bt doatived. Dr. iU'd't at Nerv and Livtr P1IU act t a For Mahanoy City and Hhentndoah 12.28 a us p. in. For Pe4UvUl at 12.M n. m. For White Haven, Wllkea-Uarra, l'ltlatou, Taakbanuotk. Towanda. Sayre. Ilbaca. Geneva. AuMro, Blinira, fkiehoMer, lluttalo, Niagara VSiS, and Uhi fttt 43 p.m. For iurtnr parneuian inquire 01 Ageuuior n. n. uiinuiu?), Time Table. Ma 11, '88, ly Oen'l Pata. Airrnt. 8uuMi fWthlehem, Peuuu The undersigned would respect- ntlly announce that he is prepared now to do all kinds of work in the abve line at short notice, in the bent manner and at the most rea sonable prices. Esti mates will lie cheer fully furnished. A full line of all. the necessary articles, namely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., nl- way in stock. - share of the public patronage is solicit rd. fcatislnctioiL si guaranteed. W. S. KUHNS North First St., Lehighton. LEHIGHTON PA. 1 O ur assortment of the new, ntoe and stylish effect in Fall and Winter surpasses all previous years incomplete- nets, ine prices to, are such as to be a great Inducement to buyers, for as our elegant lino of Hats, Bonnets, cto,, sur prises competitors, so the low prices as tonish our lady patrons. We also have Coats and Wraps tu tho newest and prettiest styles, 10 all (jnnlitlm and price. Wo -invito the ladlea 01 Welseport, Lehlgbtou and the vlolnlly enrronndlng to call and see onr handsome detriment of aeanonablo mlll- merv goods betoro purcbardug elsnwbero. In Notions anil Fancy Goofe we carry tho usual novelties nt all nrloea. "i.DurluE tbe Fall and Winter aon we havo eugaged tho servicee of n x abuiunaihjE vir, JlTY MILIJNEK. TJ. S. MAIL COACH uirrwuEK - Broadheadsville aud Lehighton, IS HUN EVER K DAY. Passengers Botween mid to all l'ointt along tbe Line, will be Carried (it the yory LOWEST RATES. Freight and Baggage Snfflly curried nt lowest prices. The patronage oi tbe public Is reipoctluliv solicited. Orders left with the Tost OlTices along the line or at tho ExCjhango Hotel, Lehighton, will receive prompt attention. Repectfully, augSOyl FRANCIS KOEHLER, PfBD. E. F. LtTckentbach, PLAIN' AMD DECOliATIVH I'APKR HANO- INO. HOUSE AND SIGN FA1NTINO vVNI) ORAININO. Oompetmit workmen 4ent to any part of tno county. lrsJ.GygfO!i WEISSPORT. Hem j Miller. WEISSPORT PLANING- - MILL , MANUl'ACTUItKH UK Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, window fashes, Mouldings, Hmrkets, AND DBALUH IN AL Kinds of Dressea Aim Bhingletl, Bailings, Hemlock Lumber, &r.,&c. That's It, Exactly. I he reference of course is to the large and complete gssortment of fllJS fOBVieUBB now on exhibition in our large warerooms. Our gqods are dis played in such style and taste that visitors cannot help but 'be v pleased with the effect created by the ingenius arrangement. Our Line of CARPETS. IPell, in this line we simply and clearly beat all previous. records. That settles it ! Competition comes np where near iis.a's'-a visj0 m our store will clearly convince you. lhey embrace all styles and qualities, while the prices are lower than tho lowest. That means considerable, don't it We want you to see that it is so, and cordially invite you to call and be convinced. Kemerer &c Swartz, NORTH FIRST STREET, HEAPQOAUTRllS FOB W all Pacers, Borders & Decorations I.arga assortment, and the latest stjles. Boots, Stationery, Fancy Goods WINDOW SHADES. AU Krados. tthado making and putting up promptly auenueu 10. Painta, Oil, Varnish, Putty. Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No, 01 Broadway Hancb CliiM, Pa. Helnw tbe Broadway House, Very Lowest Prices. A aood. DUililiiL' SnIeniaiLhere. First classS Ip.iy niiaraiitccil weekli. Commission or Rai l illy. Quick selling new Fruits and Specialties I'Allluiills can get .1 iiood paying ion fort 1U10 winter. Write forlull terms nii(riartlcii fi liars. FlthU 12. oi'X(l. Nurseryman, 1 Itochester, N. Y. jicptomiiei' u-2111 Welsprt Bnsiness Birectory. rjHANKUN HOUSE, ItABT WKISSrORT, l'HNN'A. This house oilers llrst-clAts Aecomniodatloiit to he permanent boarder and transient guest. Panlo prices, only One Dollar jwr day. aug7-iy John ItKimin, l"roprtet..r. Oscar Ghristman, WBISSrORT, PA. Livery and Exchariqe Stables. nasy riding carriages and aafe drlvma bortea. UestuoeommodatlonstQ oceiiU and travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Give men trial. mav2i-ly The - Weissport - Bakery, C. W. 1.AUIU.'. I'ltOPItlKTOll. Delivera Fretli Ilreail and Cakes in Wenuiuirt. Ihlghimi und vtolnltlet every day. Id the store I have a Flue Line of Confectionery )rine Jiounay traue. aunaay acnoois auti ie- eu at Yals suppllft t lowest iirlcea. doc:) -am. Over Canat Bridge E. Weissprt. Joseph F. Bex, UNDERTAKER - AND DEALER IN FUllNITUttTE, . PARLOR SU1TKS, BED ItOOIl SUITES, ., is. Irtaaa the very lowest. Quality of joodn the beat. Hatitfactlon ituarautef d In arery partieular. Casket, Oolllns and Shrouds, We luvre a full hue which we will (utnuh a Uie lowest potalble prices. Flour, Peed, &c, the eboloett qualltl' at ver, n'aiuiiiable price. Call and he eonvlnoM. JOSEPH P. R53X, April ly KA8T WKIB8FOET. vkiM tke eoallnnaoc al Hit protaction an4 mimm for the futur. I coamand to y latltw cillteot ibe prrvllage ot remem btM Um poor, tb hOMMle and the tor rowfal. Let at endeavor to merit the proantead rcotapote ot chtrily and the jrraeious accepunre ol our praiti- lu lattlujoiiy nbruof i iittc 1,,-ieuni,, att ny hand and , tuae.i 1 L. tcl ,.( ihr I iiiiel siatet iu e adi. ' I 'one n ' y t i-!j 1 k . - 1 ' , N . , 1, Ah aiUi-tlKi-iufiils muter tlu liciiil stu h .15 1 i,hi, Iu4um1, tdayed. bUilvu, nauled. lui sate and all uiiuor noilco uut exceeding all lines, I will be liuerted at the rate ol u cent a wont I Mi I lie tlrnt liiM-rtloii, ami one hailceiH a word (n tacli siiliaeiiiiem limerliou. nroldliia.hoa 111.11 un .imertiH, meiii i. i n.ucti len 1 ,..1 til. Ill Is 1,1 t i iul l,u , t Itlllle I11-..TI 1.1 -.11 111 a,ll.l .IImI Ihe nw DTiadnal. Thev ad on the ar ,,1 tk ktomacb, ltveraod kidnev tiring then health and vigor, what it more eviueol or thwr oura- qusliliri, tbiio the lact thai th lunger d the lew required, thil 1 mure than oau Ik iiskI of any other full ou the iuarkH, 11 trial will oonviDce tli uot imud Ihitl tflibt we clhiio i& true, Ihvwe ur- m U t.t U, many leuuuuuiaia we bae revival TirroN, 1,4 , Aug, 20 th lSt. Dear Sir The 1'ilU revived, lhy are the bt 1 vi T W l'i,u Estate Notice. Kit l of Joalah Howman, tote ol Bowuiant lown, Carboa eounty, 1-a.. deeeated. AUperaont Irulebtnd to aald estate are requetted to make iiaineaiaic payuwui. 1 .1.1 w HT-1II ! Iu,e Ukt t, 1 In,' ui, Mi ti I' 1 . Ma It la -eul me 1 and those haviui leaul t-taluu aaaiutt the aanw will, present them with uut del) In proper order, (or teltleiueut. lo rXNN COWMAN. Kiecutor 1 let t. law w Ituwmanstowu. Pi. Auditor's Notice. rr41 OV WlIAOTi KCMAIK.. DhCftAftfti. Kfji.k I' Htmrkr,, the ..iwltirniajiii-U, hutitf t uiiui i jiuuiiiii . in uuar intiiiuuiiuu ui tic 1 1 lit- lift. nl .if 111. A'l! Sale bills printed at this office nt lowest prices. -AT T.IK Gontral Drug Store, " OW. THE PI ULIC HijUARU Bank Street, "Lehighton, Pn., IS UltADQl'AltTKKS I'lilt Pure Drligs and-Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &o., lioicr jines and Liquors, Wtll Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair ol Shoes von want a goixl fit. - But If yon need SPECTACLES it Is much more important that the EYR should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper iv nttlnu frame which will brlna the lenaaa dl rnctlv before the centre of the eve. If V0U buv your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will And thn tbove polntnTiroperly attended to. FERSCRIFflONS Caeftlly Gompouufleii oetls-iBVT THAT BOY AND GIRL" What shall vi e have them taught and where? Peiroe College BUSINESS and SHORT AND HKI'UHI) HI II HIS'., (rtl-IUH Cheatnut St., I'lilliidu., I'u. Hecond, Third mid Fourth FUwra. Maruti, AncniMD antl Night Sessions. Ooeiiluu da September 2d, ibo. Eleven hundied and forty-one IUI) aeuarate student hiM year. Early application ueeesaary. M$$pvi m4i $xvmhv) FOU A SMOOTH EASY - SHAVE, AND A Stylish IlAin Cut, no TO FltANK HERMAN THE nATillEll, 0 cr tho Oanal HrldRC. U. S. KRESGE, In tho Old Tost Oftlee Building. Fine and Medium Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children at tho very lowest prices. Newltubbers Inserted InUnlttrsat from 40 to CO cents. All kinds of Repairing Neatly, Cheaply and and rromptly attended to. HAND-MADE BU0T8 & 8H0E8 M. O. Kuntz. Uast eud Lchlphlon Vfelssport Bridge.. Dfaler In SoleLeatb or. Finished Calf skins, Kip anil Up per Lcattier.Uamcss .Leather, etc. Highest prices paid for llidos. Skins & fallow. HAIR - (JOTTING AMD SMOOTH SHAVING , In. the very highest Style of Tousorlal Art. At HORN'S SlUVtNO . . Bat.oon. Try Him I IT. PLORY, Manufacturer ot and Dealer In HARNESS. COLLARS. Pi a vir ifTo . ... 1 WHIPS, FLV-NETS, &C..&C, &c. - WIJITE -0- STREET. IT LEADS THEM ALL IN NEWS.-" TliG ADVOCATE."., ; , orjEANr'1' independent - Read ltl R. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. Repitirinfr Neatly and Cheaply Done al Very Reasonnble Prices. General Agent for the Ollbarth Patent AdjusV iihle Carriage i'olc, and Dealer In Buggies and Carts. IsPOT Cash Uuyera go to .4. F. &XTDEH, And buy your Organs, Planos.Sewing ilacliines, Wringers, Washing Machines. Implements, Pumps of all kinds. It will pay you 0 net price, from mebefore buying. I can save you money GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. Seasonable Goosd , Uur students uniformly favor ol the utility and pra course of Instruction, tae tUll r testimony in leabilitv of the and devotton ot tho Faculty aud the earoeMnea of effort and the geoei al siincesa artendlBjr the aame in nro- moting their interests altar leaving Ooflege. nouble and no charge made lo anyone for tupplying Hook keenem, t 'ashlers, Saleamen, Stenographlo Clerks or General Aaalttautt In thConttng Houae-, uustii nil nf vradiiates this year Htaiidard of Uraduation has beeu Kai iea men mav exnect year than before, as th iiata. Petrce College Writbtg Sllpt and Real Butl uata Forms, by Prof. A. P. Boot, for Home Practice, one dollar a set, postage prepaid. Oradua fealdenl shop Eott, ting rnntviiith r26iColleiie Annual. Kxeretsat lncludloir addreste bv President Heed, ol Dtcklusrmi:ulie,te, and Bl? etc., tent when reniiFstert. Address THOMAHMAV PEIRCE. 11. A.. I'll. 1.. a2in .frlnolpa Al, CAMPBELL Bank Street, Lehighton, 7nna. Kspoctlnll) Invites the alteutltm of III- friends andthe elttzens generally to his lmiliene new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewsly, at Prices il-l o call ami ins)" et laewhere I'ouipetitioii lll Hl.Hk 1, 11 mil iiy you 101 1 pui 1 6ud r I ' 1 The N. Y. Sun. FOR 1881 Horn peoplr uuroe with in Hi s'h oiHtium about men and tutugn, uU M.tae --urlf uuu'i . Itut eeryUoil llki tu get hold f th' newt (taipei which tuiit'it'r ilull tihU new) dfiutil to , KfM-ak Ith laittd 1 DAiiux-ruU know ihul fnrtu-iii) M-arH liii- Hl'H hAH lOUXtl IU lllf (ltia lllt Jul irtlirt l.ttl trln(-ipltt, Der wuvri lute or HHiifi,litg In its j loy< lo the trut- int rvUoniir prl U vr Milh (rttrlfM iutllirfi,t- auti idslntrcHttBd ' ' ikoi Al tutu s iitnitin- n.tvf uir.t rtn h- u in luiiipll) done tit Mw"t .uU tit w.rk ; KUtfl .UiUM-tl, 1 Don't Fine! tlic Place. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Hunk St 1.1-liiglitoii. HATS, CAPS, Boots k Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Cassinieres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, .Olieyiots, &c.s t&c. Satisfaction. Tliere is a good deal of satisfaction in hein perfectly satisfied, and espoc inllv so in regards to what you went. Jn this particular we invariably more than please our patrons.- Our stock being largo, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ot goods desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks iar mora t eloquently than word. Call oxv us for I-ALL and WINTER GARMENTS,! or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits and finest workmanship. 01a,uss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, AIX KINDS OF COAL, OPS. .PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa American Business College, AND MODERN OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL,. Second National Bank, Centre Square, Allentown, Penna. H0U1 x In the 1 Finest Kuiiiti TrlH(c Hobooli. for te l'il!H'll I'onut't-ii lIurntHst. Artrooii uud Kf nlng ScmmIous. No Vatiout. v .-1. k,untl fu.uiUd ttopartOMiU with nil tfc nwit modern oavatiK Full cortM or m, prfiHteal ad expnAed luriotor? Amkmioan Bcsiums KMriovHBiT Hi'weau d with tin Oolkne Ui rough which good msitiim tirt- tiuiired tor Uie gmdmttes frer ol I'm ranUogm',i Inulai, Siv.t addr. O. C. DORMCY. Pilnclxwl 1 1 1 t-U vt . -I. ! nil I WIi Him r ll! hifi t (. 1 i In. 1 1 r 1 Mill IX"tt III ..I lt i.ii.ils.ii ill- nit II 1: Min. n put hits n . I hi- AXLE DENTISTRY, Dr. J A. Mayer & Son, Di GEORGE II MAYER, Administratrix Notioe. Kat.tie 01 Aim ar K Hb kKKOOHl'. late of Uie ihhiiukIi r i-hiailiioii (arboti rounty, fa 1-tIviN ul lulii.iiiKiratUMi un tbe abot nani.U . lalr hat In In 1 1 .iiil il to 'lit- uud.rslc'Udd all u 11 1 ii iiiilrliud ii, the suta i.uic are rr .ilit'stil It, hi..k, 'iiiiiirtltdti i.4vlii,-iil aiiil tlitiM- I..HI11H I. ill, - , ,,,( ii,,- ,ur will u,r 'I 1 ' 1 1 . ,,!, ji(-U IOI -irl