The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 15, 1890, Image 1

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    .It $
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
INDEPENDENT " Uvo and" Let Live."
$1.28 when not paid in Advance.
Single Copies 5 Cents
VOL. XIX.. No 1
Leliighton, Carbon County, Ponna., November 15, 1890.
V $F
Attentive fine of handsome Drew Hoods In Plain aluffi as well n some striking novel,
lies may now lit found ou sale at out Dress Goods eonnrer. Many of ttro goods
are iuile in original iu design as biiv of (he higher priced mI nffn. and for a Rljlisb
drew, at almost ojie-half ibe price of Oner goods, lliey cannot lie surpassed.
Among them are clan wool plaids, numerous stripes In raanyshadliig. Irish twills,
ttnacbcoVt and mixtures, and a long list of plain coeds in Mohairs, Cashmeres,
Cloths. Beiges, Flannels and Camel's Tltir, nil In llio newest Autumn nnl Winter
Priros begin. as low as 11 ccnls and rango up
wards to ?f cents per yard.
Th SO cent qualities are particularly aiti'ii latit. At Ibis price tbn asaorlmenl is almost
without limit, and. as nil the materials are in dnnbl width, 'tho oust nfnh ex
oellent'dresa fa most moderate.
634 Hamilton
Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co.,
Setter's Corner, North First Street.
Would Make this Special Announcement
Of the fact that they havo bought the finest and most complete
line of Gnns, Revolvers, Cartridges, Shells, both blank
v and loaded. Gun Covers, Game Bags and all
Implements and Tools used by the
Sporting Fraternity ever
shown in Carbon county, and that
they have marked them at prices that will dH'y
competition. We extend an earnest invitation to all to
come and inspect them whether you want to buy at present or not.
We also have n line of Dr. Horner's Cattle and Horse Powders.
Have again been awarded the PIltjT I'UE.MIl'M at the hclilgh comity Pair for t In manufacture
and display hf the llnest llneot
Men's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING.
This la luIQelent evidence that the firm ol Koch & Rhankweller still take the lead In thu Clothing
Business In the lhlch Valley. Their slock for this Kill lias been carefully selected,
and l by far the largest ever shown In this seetlon. -
Woriing Suits, Business Suits and Dress Suits in Large Quanti
ties, rtlid of every Description.
Smoking Jackets, House Coats, Office Coats, Bath Holies, Sir..,
in great variety.
Thousand to select from, In all the newest shades. Kersey takes the We have them In
Fourtsten Different Bliades.
Boy's and Children's Clothing.
Our counters are piled lull. We will make any mother proud of herhov. It is astonishing
how cheap these suits arc soiu
you see by rTKST PKKMIUM we had the trade in style, quality, make and finish ar
0 gain all these points : 1st. We slnrl with first class material. 2nd. lixTl cut
left or trimmings, ttb. All skilled mechanics to make the garments. (MiT Perfect!
order to
ami our customers always pleased.
Underwear, Knit Jackets, Hosiery. Suspenders, Dress and Vlannel Shirts, Dress, Street and
DrUlngdloves, Collars, Curls. Neckwear, &c.
IWVt'a make it a point to lead tho trade In these lines and urn the lirst to show all the new de
signs fresh from the manufacturers, (live us a call, and wc w III tr to please 5 on.
Koch & ShankweitJbh,
The Mm anil Largest Clatbiuoc House in tlie Leliifl Valley.
"Hotel Allen Building, Centre Spuare.
Has just opened an entire new line of
Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa
teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and
Fanoy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed
ing low prices.
Groceries, Provisions,
JVood and Willowware ot ttie nest makes at low hgures.
Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Heady
mad a Olothinrr in great variety and at prices with the read
of all purchasers prices fully as
nought lor at any outer general
Carpets, Oil-clotns, Juamps and Jc'iKturea m reai
variety and ot best quality at iiock nottoni rricos.
Best quality ol Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as the
tarae articles can be purchased elsewhere.
A cur load of coarse salt has just been receivedthe price
y been marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goqds of the very best quality and are being sold at pvict s
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general stnte
in this section. Call and he convinced. t'esppotfuljy,
July 823.71 AMOS REIGEL. '
IflRUfflRI ' a "H's nie(-'.V executed
JUD VfUniV at this oHice. Prices low.
For Bi'ussols, Iim'rain and Good Raft'
Carpets. Saxony,
Stocking Yarns,
liriisn mats, can
Excelsior Carpet "Works,
We pay particulur attention to the auuutkoture ot It ij ' arpet
Goods !
St., Allentown.
ml in
s Hts
& S. T)EPOT,S()r
low as the same goods can be
siore in uus vicinity.
Germanfmvn and
Carpet Wool, and
Professional & Business Carts.
W. M. Rapsher,
FlMtdonr above the Mansion House,
Kent ISstate and Collection Agency., Will liny
liul Sell Ileal Hstale. f1nnvvnncliiiifilH'ilmi(
Collections promptly made. Sctlllnfi Ksintesof
Occidents 11 specially. Mnv ho consulted In
KntllsTi and German nor. M-vi
W. G.. M. Selplo.
May be consulted In Knpllsh and Herman.
special nltentlon Riven to (lynecology.
Oi'Flcic Moult.; l'rom 12 M. to 2 p. M.,and
from C In 9 P. M
Mldwny between Munch Chunk & Lenlirhton,
7.. 11. C.'HOM. Proprietor.
PACICEIITON, - - - Pkxni.
l'hfs Well-known Hotel Isjuliiiirablyreflttod, and
has the host accommodations for permanent and
anslent boarders. Ktcellcnt Tables aiid the
ejry best Liquors. MLiblesattaclied. vt Ian
Opposite 1.. k S. Depot,
c. 11, iiom, pjtorr.iifiou.
flits house offers first-class accommodations for
iRinslent and permanent Imarders. It has been
ielv rclillcillo all itsileiuirtnients.nnd is locat
ed In one of the most picturesque portions of the
boroiieli. Terms moderate. fes 'the bAlt Is
iipiiicu wiiu Mi'.1 cuoicesi Hincs, i.iquors aim
nirars. i rcsu iiRcron inn. aprn-ji
"6. 'A. claDss,
oniee wllh Clanss Pros., Plrst street, I.ehl?hton
Only l'rst-class Companies nre represented
lutormallou cheerfully furnished. 4-iy
Ex-Sheriff Rabenold.
l .N.r.tliSI AI.I.KNTOWN.
iu ail ils braiiclms. Fresh gas always on
lianil. 'I'lin patronaso of tlio people is
solir.iled. S.illsfacllnn ci.aronlnpil.4-rP0
DR. J. P. BROWN, "
Sliuiugton. Penna.
Special rrealincnt given In llseaes of Women.
Specialist In IUvcascs of Ke, Ear, Nose and
Catarrh Permanently Cured.
Fine Frameless Kyo tllassesand Snectacles ad
justed my oimi iialeiit. niigo-ly
DR. G. T. FOX,
172 Main Street, Hath, Pa.
Ofllce 1 Imirs From 9 a. 111. to 4 11. m. Practice
limited to diseases oflhe.
Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat
MU-Also. ltef ruction of the lSves or theadlust-
menl of glasses.
F. I. SMITH, a D7S.,
Olllcc opposite the Opera House.
Rank. Street, Loh ton, Pa.
PIIHnKiiud maklns artllicial dentures a special
ly. jAfeui unesuieiics usriv
las ndmliilsteicd and Teeth Fxtptetod WITH
DPFIC1S HOCKS 1 l'rom . m., to 12 in., from
1 n. in., to a p. in., from p. m., to 8 p. 111.
Consultations In English or
Olllee Hours at Hazleton ltverv Saturday.
No. SO Nnrtli Wyoming St.,
Kpeciallst-ln Diseases of the
Dr. I).iuer "111 be At Ihe
Exchange Hotel, Lohigkton,
on l'-ltlDAY ol every week between the hours
if u u. in., and 4 p. 111.
Spectacles and Uyo (ilasses nccurately titled at
ii-!isuoouiu (inccs.
JSy-Cmsultatlnn In Oerman mid Knsllsh.
A.. S. P.abenold, D. D. S ,
Kctt Dfftc'K : Oter .1. W. ltaudenhush'
Uquor store,
ieiitilr In all its branches. Teeth U)tlructcd
Ailhimtraln. (iasadiiiliilsteiedwlieureiuested.
Olllee Days -WHDNHHDAY of each week.
CO. add. ess, AI.I.KNTOWN,
s-yl lhlitli eisnitv. Pa.
rSubscribe for and read
thiR paper. Purely local. One a year.
ick Headabhe
1 S a complaiut from wlilcli many suffer
1 und few are entirely free. Its cause
Is indigestion and a alugglsh liver, tha
euro for which is readily found In the
nan ot Aver'a Pllll.
" X have found that for alck headache,
oitu&od by a disordered condition of the
atomach, Ayer'a Pills ore the most re
liable remedy." Samuel 0. llradburn,
Worthlngton, Mass.
"After the use of Ayer'a Pllll for
many years, in my practice and family,
1 am Justified in saying that they are an
excellent cathartic und liver medicine
a iistalniuB all the clalinB made for them.
-V. A. Weatfall. M. I., V- ! Austin
& N. AV. Hallway Co., Burnet, lexas.
"Ayer'a Tills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the howela,
and for all diseases caused by a dis
ordered stomach and liver. I auffeied
for over three year from headache. In
digestion, and constipation. I had no
appetite and. wns wwilt and nervous
rapstysi the time. Ily using three boxes
of A'S&'s Pills, and at the same time
dieting myself, I was completely cured.
Philip Lookwood, Topeka, Kansas.
" I was troubled for years with Indi
gestion, constipation, und headache. A
few boxes of Ayer'a Pills, used in small
dally dose, restored me to health.
They are riconpt aud effective. ' . H
Suront, MaadvilU, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
! Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., toweu. Mas.
SoW by alt Drum "-" DaWM UMs
SUter arxl lirutfcer fv m.H a yac,
Wiirinir bright weather and fhK Um 4rr,
Slit nd 1.
Keen is our lore as a sword t rw f mm ml,
Time weMs the etomr our nbuoluta mm.
Ha (dull It be till we both arc bot Mt.
fWleaod I.
Jus! to kiMiw this, ttist w never nhM nemnw.
EdtoUhl I:
Kever (row formal and dltM anri fn.nfe,
Bdleasd I.
I ers insy fwle litre a wmimsI' brief name,
Vrlenitshln h often hut fHMOlid la Maw
I Cam. n,v aa .l.m tW ...u
llrotber and KUter and bean wfUiln Imrt.
Kile and t;
Chaos nor death cannot drive us ajMrt,
Kdle and f .
Steadfast as those who hava died for a red.
Trua to each other In word and tn oM.
Never to fall In the hour at lei,
lleod 1.
- Krneet McOnffey In Cbleajo llrfsl.l.
'AVhut on earth d'ye tH that thingr
I aflked, poking; with uiy stick nt n hunch
of grapes poisod nlrtly upon a lirnsa
'That thing," replied ray cousin proud
ly, "Is the very latest Parisian fashion
In bonnet.'"
I sank back into the little lounge that
rait along the side of the room you
couldn't insult anything so dainty with
the name of "shop" and gazed upon ita
! owner with ah exclamation moro pro
fane than appropriate.
It must at once he confessed that the
was a charming object to gaze at.
There was au expression of wicked
amusement in her large gray eyes, and
the blaok gown she Btill wore in mourn
ing for her husband poor Jack Hender
son, who was killed in the Soudan set
off the lines of her slender young ligure,
and threw her golden hair and fair skin
prettily into relief.
"Pull yourself together, my dear boy,"
she continued, opening the door of an
old carved oak cabinet, "andl will show
you something that eren your; crude
male intellect will appreciate. If yop
don't say it's lovely Til rieYer let you in
side the shop again. You may flatten
your nose against the window, or stroll
discsnsolately up and down the street
in vain I No more chat, no more teas in
the back room!"
So saying, she lifted gingerly front the
shelf a a large hat, and planting it upon
her pretty head turned triumphantly to
ward me. It was lovely quite lovely
a sort of arrangement iu amethyst vel
vet and feathers to match. Beiug only n
miserable and ignorant male of course
I can't describe it, but it was uncom
monly becoming, and made Nina. look
like n Oainsbororfgh picture. I told her
so and gushed over it sufficiently to sat
isfy her.
"It's my own idea, shape and nil, und
there isn't another like it in the world,
I may poisiblj- copy it, but I'm not sure.
It' depends upon who buys it. How 1
wish you were a woman, Hon aid!" she
sighed regretfully, "and I would make
you buy it for Ascot to-morrow?"
"I wish I were, my dear. But why
don't you go and wear it yourself?"
"Gracious! and leave the shop for a
whole day at this early stage of its ex
istence? You guardsmen hare no more
idea of business than a baby. No, I
can't go; but I hope you'll havo a lucky
day aud a good time, and Bonald dear,
if you wtre nice you'd just look in one
day Mxin and tell me what eort of day
you had. Oh, and be sure you don't for
get to notice what hats and bonneta jieo
ple wore."
I promised to do my best, and took my
leave reluctantly as a largo and portly
matron, gorgeously arrayed, and whose
features unmistakably betrayed her Se
mitic origin, sailed in and demanded a
small "flower bonnet." woman in a flower lioiiuet! J
hope, ioor soul, that Nina saved her
from herself.
"What are you going tp do this after
noon, Bonald?" asked my mother, three
days later. "I wM you to come and
call with mo on, the randerdeckeus."
"Can't, my dear mother. Promised
to go and see Nina."
A'iMoiiM ojVliss A'anderdeekeu, rich as
Croesus, 'jgyixl m) deadly dnll, hastened
my inurement, and I was. half way to
Oxford street before my mother could
call utn back. I found Mme. Destrier,
as my cousin calls herself, jnst parting
with H-ciistorner. The hat wax in her
"I've sold it," bhe cried gleefully; "just
sold it to thai nice girl for five guineas. "
"Awfully glad. I'm ure. But, my
dear girl, I've u shock in store for you.
I saw tho very model and marrow of
that hat at Awsot the dav before yester
day." "You couldn't, you couldn't! Who
was wearing it?'' bhe cried sharply.
"One of pur reigning professional liean
tlos Lady Loddlngton."
'Lady Ixxldington!" gasped Niua,
catching hold of the chair behind her.
"ltouald, are you sure you aren't mak
ing any mistake?"
"I swear I'm not. She had on a frock
the color of the hat, and the" looked sim
ply ripping. 1 paid her all the compli
ments I could think of in the live min
utes I was talking to her."
"The cheat, the swindle of it'J" cried
my cousin, white with anger.
"My dear girl, calm yourself! I'm
sorry for you, but great minds, as you
know, will jump, and some other clever
woman has had the same idea as yon."
Nina was past taking any notice of the
insulting suggestion. She seemed thor
oughly upset by the coincidence, and
lookiHlaa if ue Were going to cry.
. "Why did 1 ever go into business?"
she cried miserably; "it's simply awful
to get behind the like this and
Bud out how mean women well bred
womeu who ought to know belter can
be. We, were all brought up with the
old fashioned noblesse oblige ideas, lion
you were too and it seems to me
now that there is hardly any one in so
ciety who has notion of honor and dig
nity, as we used to understand the
terms. Society! After all I'm thankful
rm more or leea oat of it. It's just a
herd of people, pushing;, struggling, sell-
J Hich-" of all in Leavening Power
Itttj tmrrrtliitiic f. notoriety txl HMHwy."
"Kmr, har! Yuar tmtitiniiHit, mad
am. He uttM. But I dotTPthlnk they
iImmM wnwtes! on th mere fuct that
ohm tttr wmssu hn ttmde a lint ltkis
ttavmtr cried Nltw iHrtitfimntly.
"Lady Ijotalnftrm was wmrtug litis very
bat! LUton. Ill tell yon the wltnte story.
The mhm ftrVmonn yim railed a lady
oauie In hMattfatly dremetl ami nuked
to nee atmte ItaU. I saw who elm ms,
though I've new met her. I don't want
to meet her." narimelr: "one see unite
enough of Iter In ail the lnvp windows."
"One doe." I remarked, sotto voew.
"Slw wanted a hat the mlr of this
one: ko I lirmnht it out awl showed It to
Iter mid tokl her the price, and explained
why it m n exlMtwive. "Oh. I don't
mind irlritig that for the I nit.' Mie said,
it k well worth It, I am quite in lore
with it, JIme. Destrier, lint I daren't
buy it without letting my kuland eco
It. He is ki very particular about what
1 wear. Could I Imrw It sent round to
night for him to look at? I would let
yon know sotno Winn to-morrow whether
I would take it or not.' Of titinw I said
I should be glad to send it. and she gave
me tlm nddretw, and the hat wear round
there luat evening. Last night sho sent
it back and said she woe very sorry, but
Lord Loddington didn't think it snited
her. I thought it looked Hlittle tnmbled,
but one has to run thoee risk when one
sends goods on approval. Hhe had de
termined to have that hat just to wear
for the one day, and she wim too mean to
get it honestly."
"Of course you'll have it out with her
you'll expose her?" I said.
I was as angrj- and dlgustrd as Nina,
who stood opposite me, with her ptetty
eyes and cheeks ihtmlug with honest in
dignation. "My dear boy. I would if I dared, but
I can't afford to. It would drive half
my customers away from me, and I must
think of Hugojmd Giles. They don't
cost mueh while they are such tinies,
but I want to give them every advan
tage, the darlings, and I was left so bad
ly off, and the husinetw is jnat beginning
to pay so well. I daren't run the riek of
exposing Lady Loddiugtou's meanness."
"Ihad forgotten your children. No,
I Boe it wouldn't do.. Trnst mo to give
her a mauvuis quart d'heure, if I got the
"Promise you'll be i-arefnl. Think of
the boysl"
"I won't injnre.tho dear little chaps,
you best of mothers."
"Well, in that case, I only hope fort
une may favor you."
Fortune did favor me at lust, but she
kept me waiting till the autumn, like the
fickle jade she always is. My chance
came in this wise: My uncle asked mo
up to his place in Scotland for shooting,
and I went. The old gentleman is a
very connoisseur of licauty, and pvory
pretty woman of note is bound to be
asked up to D. sooner or later. I got
there iu time to dress hurriedly nnd ap
pear iu the drawing room juxt-as mj
uncle waa telling every one whom they
were to take in. I was introduced to
some girl I haven't a notion who she
was, but I gave her my arm and took
h'&down to dinner, murmuring com
monplaces on tho way. The truth is, 1
was lml f famished with my journey and
my one idea was dinner. It was not till
I was well on with tho fish stage that 1
looked at my left hand neighlxir. It wa
Lady Loddington herself.
"I haven't seen yon since wo met at
Ascot," she remarked pleasantly.
She certainly is a most lovely woman,
by the way. I stared blankly, and she
"went 011. with an air of well acted re
proach: "I believe you have forgotten we cvet
met there."
Hero wns my chance; I seized it
"Forgotten! AVhy, I remember every
word you said, the color of your gown,
and even tho very hat yon wore the
loveliest and most Woming hat I ever
saw iu my life."
The compliment told.
I don't lwlievo yon do," sho pouted.
"TJpou my word I do. It was a sort
of big affair of amethyst velvet and
feathers to mutch. I remember it with
doublo force because I made a cousin of
mine quite ftiigrjMvith. the mere descrip
tion of it. I dou't know if you have ever
met her? She has gone into millinery,
like everybody else. She calls herself
'Mme. Destrier.' "
I looked Lady Loddington full in the
face, and laid n jteeuliar emphasis on the
I never saw any one so thoroughly
caught in my life. I knew in a moment
that she knew I knew, as Puueh would
put it. She turned iierfectly scarlet to
the roots of her huir, nnd then quite
white, and didn't speak for at least a
moment. Then she pulled herself to
gether as only a woman can, and adroit
ly changed the subject.
But she has liecn monstrously civil to
me ever since, much to tho surprise of
my friends. I am plain and uninterest
ing; I nm not a personage; I haveut a
farthing no'A, even expectations aud
they can't iPVse out where the attraction
lies. ' Thcjrhad better ak Mme. De
strier, of Oxford street, to enlighten
them. London World.
Only rurtiHl KHtlsftutliHi.
Another incident, of tho wheelmen's
oxcurMon over to Europe we overheard
one morning. They were riding along
tlirongh Germany when a Gerptan boy
threw a good sized club out in the road
to see them run over it. fjnfortunately,
the club struck a wheel, broke out four
or five spoktw aud caused a rider to take
a header. They all dismounted and
made for the boy. The puretits put in
an appearance. Between English and
German it wmi dlflionlt to mako them
understand what the lxy had done.
Filially the affair was illustrated by
the production of the Club and the
wheel. Then the old man turned on the
boy and gave him a terrible whipping.
AVhen he got through the wife continued
on in a second edition. Alt efforts to
induce payment for the broken wheel
were in vain. Thev were willincr to
I pound the lsiy, but hail no money to re
pair damage. AVet Chester (Pa.) Iteo
ot il.
IT. S. Clov't Report, Aup. 17. 1889.
I rhrBh.U Dlmcverd, as lie Thought,
Ilia F.slr.m nt Cold and Mamed It.
j "Zero" is Ihe part of every thermom
eter that is moat watched and dreaded
I in this ithangeable climate of our. The
I word is from the Spanish, aud means
empty, lienca nothing. It was first used
on a thermometer in 1709 by a Prussian
i merchant named rahrettheit.
From a boy he wa a close observer of
nature, and when only 10 year old, in
the remarkably ootd winter of 1700, he
experimented by putting snow and salt
together and noticed that it produced a
degree of cold equal to the coldest day
of the year.
And that day was the t-oldest day that
the oldest inhabitant could remember.
Gabriel we tbo more struck with the
coincidence of his little scientific diecor
rry, nnd hastily concluded that he had
found the lowest degree of temperature
known in the world, either natural or
He called the degree zero, and con
structed a thermometer, or rndn weather
glass, with n scale gradnating up from
xero to boiling ioint, which he imm
liered 'JU, and tho frwxing point 84. be
cause, aahe thought, mercury contracted
the thirty-second of il volume on being
cooled down from the temperature "dJ
freexing water to zero, and expanded
one hntidred and eightieth on being
heated from the freezing to tho boiling
Time showed that the arrangement
instead of lieing truly scientific was a
arbitrary . the division of the Bible
into vereee and chapters; and these two
points no more represented the real ex
treme of temperature tban from "Dan
to Bears be bn" expressed the eract ex
treme of Palestine.
But Fahrenlteifa thormotneter had
been widely adopted, with its iriean
venient scale, and none thought of any
better until his name Uxvimo an au
thority, for Fahrenheit finally aban
doned trade aud gave himself up to sci
ence. Then habit lnade people cling to
the established scale, as habit made the
English cling to the old system of cum
brous fractional money.
The three conntries which use Fahren
heit are Holland. Holland and America
Russia and Germany use Baumer's ther
mometer, in which the loiling point is
counted bo tlegs. above the freexing
point, trance u.w ttie centigrade ther
mometer, so called because it makes
the twilling point ion degs. from freecing
On many accounts the centigrade sys
torn i the best, and tho triumph of con
venietieo will bo attained when zero is
mnde the freezing point, and when the
boiling point is put 100 or 1.000 decs.
from it. and 'all the sub-divisions are
fixed (leciinallr.
If Fahrenheit had done this at first, or
even tr ne naa made tt one of hi many
improvements after the nubile ndonted
his error, tho luck of opportunity, which
was renlly his. wonh) havo seenred to
his invention the patronage of tho world.
New York AA'orld.
Calllnc the Tto'll,
It is the custom for tho clerk calling
the roll to prefix tho wonl "Mister" to
each n.niie, but before he has gone for
he begins to retrench his expense of
vocal powers. This leads to some strange
combinations of sound. In the beginning
he call "Mr. Ablctt." "Mr. Adams.'
"Mr. Alderson," and few morn dis
tinctly enough, but by the time he
reaches the Cs ho lx'gin to telescope the
title, nnd calls "M'ster Cannon." "M'ster
Carter." and mi on. When he lirwi gone
a little further he drop off some more,
and it become " 'ster Fltcb." "'stei
Flower. ster Gear." etc. This holds
holds nut pretty well into the H". bnt
at last the two words become one, and
"Mr. Hopkins" and "Mr. Honk" eonnd
like "Stropkins" and "Stroitk." Down
in the M' it undergoes another change.
The sound of the "r" i lost, and Mr.
Mason." "Mr. McAdoo" and "Mr. Mor
row" lieoonle "Stnmaeon." "Htrunaca
doo"nud "Stttmorrow." This goes on
through the O's and the Ps. "Mr. Oate"
lwiug "Stoatea" and "Mr. Peel" coming
out "Stupheel." In the R'a it shift a lit
tle, and "Mr. Ray" liecome "8trv,r
while "Mr. Rife" Is "Strife." -Washington
Ilnma f Attain an4Rv.
The Chicago Tribune has a letter from
the quill of a traveler whom rare good
luck it is to loaf a little in the Garden
of Eden -otherwise on the Sev,ihlle
islands, in tlw Indian ocean, I. too mile
east of Aden and 1,000 from Zanzibar.
It wa "("hinese" Gordon who tried te
prove these ialanJl to be identical with
Kden. 'lite islands number IU. Tbey
were built by coral insert and hare the
riches) soil in the world. Palm grow
100 feet high. The white hoh are
the most beautiful on the round earth.
No ene need work, for the tree are con
stantly iu fruit, ami the many ltnt1
fUhe that flash through the elear
water are a toothnmne a they run be.
Turtle abound. The people live to a
great age. NTo hurricane ever strike thi
islands. . They consritnte. indeed, an
esrthlv aradie.
ait tr rai.4
They tell a good story at the xpen
of Col. Moore, one of the member of
the KveretJ Piano company, and no ene
enjoys it better than he do. Whil he
wa a resident of Colorado torn year
ago he wav appointed a member ef the
staff of Governor Grant, and, on the day
the governor wa4nangnrted Ihe staff
appeared iu resplendent uniform. tht
of Col. Mooro being further embellUhed
with the medals he had won for distin
guished bravery in the Crimean war. for
ho had served thet when a mere lad.
Tite oolonel is a large, handsome man.
and with hi uniform and medals la
pretty apt to make considerable of a dU
play. On thi occasion, when the in
auguration wa over, he ealled upon a
friend while still in uniform. A little
girl answered the boll, and a the went
book into the hone with eye wide epen
in astonishment her mother aVed,
"Who is itr to which she replied. "I
don't know; I think it' Godr Beaton
The late Hainnel '. Randall wa hi
public life for a long peried ef year.
With large opportunities for araawdHff
fortune, it appear that the total ralae
of hi estate amounted ta about
consisting entirely of pereonal effestf.
Tlie curator of the Brsklrn fctttltttte
told a reporter that owe beaatifal kwMer
Ay in the caUertteA ot th tcft4 U
valued at 11.00a, that m having r
oftuuy bees paid fer a dBfJimNt.
BoBcteaalt was a Wed wluoit k mtm
iadered hi fee play ' Tb ixm I as
ffosag us writ Met, be wid afMta ts
1 meet tit proowad cltosuriM
nJr.l, of Thimnands of Iliitlnrs Tn
tMtmt In Tlielr Manufacture The
flrealul Taste ltlarit In Tlielr Delia-it
an-I Make A (Irowlnj; Iivilllitry.
With U10 progress of interior electric
lighting and the gradual disappearance
of gas illumination iu theatres, hotels
aud private dwellings has eoino a new
industry. It might almost bo culled an
art, or at least an ally of nn iirt. for it
ha engaged the attention of architects,
and has called forth some of the best
efforts of artistic designers.
This new industry is the manufacture
of electric light fixtures. Only two or
three years ago it was in Its infancy.
Today it has reached an importmice al
most as great as electric lighting itself,
and has attracted millions in invest
ment. The gas chandelier is daily re
ceding to give place to tho electrolier,
and if the present rate of progress is
maintained tho electrolier may bo seen
in the dwellings of persona of very mod
erato means. It may be the climax in
the advance which mado tlie candle and
the oil lamp give wav to gnsi
Until 183 all the finer elnss of electric
light fixtures were imported chiefly
from France. American companies man
ufactured .1 class of plain goods which
Tailed to -satisfy tho wealthy, and were
loo costly for others. All this is changed
now. Tho American architecture and
th American artist havo taken up the
matter of interior electric lighting, and
the electric light fittings have becomo a
part and parcel of architecture. Tho fit
ting are designed to bnit the stylo of the
architecture, nnd they cover many pe
Som of these nro the Romanesque,
the renaissance (French and Italian),
Loui XIV. Louis XV, Louis XVI, tho
Umpire, Adams (English stylel, Colo
nial (American) and the Nineteenth cen
tury revival of tho renaissance in the
floral period. The materials of tho fit
ting arts chiefly wrnnght iron, brass and
copper hammered.
Three or four million dollars aro m-
vested in the business. TJie American
companies, which used to manufacture
goods inferior to tho French article, are
now consolidated, and many of the boat
French designers are employed by them.
It appears just now that tho Amoricans
are a little ahead of tho French and En
glish in this new art. But the American
iwople nre far from being convinced of
this- yet. The Vanderbilts and many
other of the wealthy Fifth avenue fnnii
lie have imported electric light fittings.
atfd will havo no others. But it seems
to ho only a matter of a few years more
whon American art and American enter
prise 'will have overcome French and
English ascendency.
The fitting made today are. as varied
In stylo and far moro artistic thnn the
gas fixtures. They are considerably
more costly, too. Tito costliest et-rr
made wa an electrolier, wjiieh now
hangs in the drawing room of dames
Rothschild, of London. It cost iffS.OOO.
It is inches in diameter, about 5 feet
high, and is made of gilt bronze nnd rock
crystal. The design is of the Louis XVl
period. Sixty-eight, eleotrio lights hang
from the bronze leaves, ami themnllow
diffusion of light is a remarkable jv
beautiful design.
The cott of nearly all Ihe finer fittings
mount high np into the hundreds. One
of the prettiest is a wrought iron lamp
with a dragon twisting Iteelf around it
and flame in tho form of electric lights
pouring from its mouth. There is one
of these lamps in the residence of Will
ism ('. Whitney, cx-socrctnry of tlie
navy. Another is a rnpid holding a
lamp mado of hammered copper. Ten
of these are iu Mr. AVhitneyTt house.
On of the prettiest of tlie smaller fit
ting is a bronze ily. from tho mouth of
which a light is pendant. Those flies
are placed at Irregular interrals on the
walls, and make a curious and pretty
tffect. Cttpid holding cnt glass balls,
with drooping lamps of bronze, and con
taining twenty-four lights, are among
the tinet of recent productions. One
recently made for a Chicago millionaire
cost 11.000.
For Mnull room the favorite are little
electrolier of gilt aud white metal and
oxidised ailver or eoptwr, with roee re
flector. Th deauRtisare numerous. One
made of nxidiaed silver is a boy' face,
with light shining from the mouth. An
other of the aame pattern ha two light
cortiing through the eyes.
Some of th three light fixture nre
higltlr arlUvi, . One of them, which is
seen in many Fifth avenue house, ha
one light ou a globe pendant from the
center, and the nth at the arm, with
ent glaa drop ectlrttUted tulii-ri the
brilMutncy of the reflection.
To fit up a larga private house in the
latest styles of alctrir lighting coat
from lU.OOO tit 10,000. exclusive of the
plant. Of eottrv handeome Subm can
he had for npe-tesrlh ef that amount,
but those who want the "Utelnteat" have
tt pay extremely fney price. Chlrago
Dally New.
Am.rteaas f4 I Col RtaM.
1h out gist Mm American make 1
foremeet Water gisen la the popular
Strawberry arwi fan pattern fell for from
to f a 4io. Ftosrtr howl in
th aame itatiajs. MX tncbfai I diameter,
eott f eaeh. Ten tVoilar will bay a
hftttdMHit water plk'ttOT. Dataty diufce
for mWsHi vt very MMle. and there 1
an end lea rmUr at aaall ptare for ta
ble tue.
Bartssnt or pranast gbta is tun, h 1
cheaper tksu the rttt. and prt m,w'
oot fren jwtv real to ft or ft i"uv ,
dmtgu r pretty, aad !! price uii
them pufmUur. New Yrk Teh-tri-nti, I
WMslry wfll Uke aM srvry ki4 .j
fruit X rhlld' 4ms will look s.
ttrsly rvfomt kr th tUrk berry Main on
It, but tf wksacv U tsrel est lit 4tMsd
ered ptsvsa b-for s4itaT 11 i tb waah
it w4TI mm
A tr4a Han alio
I vssMstre s ak rati tt we I, a hur
oUan hae kwe tvital. awa tf astt
why Bjirtr TV. friwwl atrW at enilar i
heatitif . asid verr asw tot (smM retMntt
Mmi n ssrvwtiat f tr nMaKhsMHa t rtw
ssrw nsa tla SM-k of thr h-rav Zinc
eeHar Have imam wirti hi re
silt I 4a skm tnwnr. bt it mm-oi in iu
tlsat a wnnim auUar Hunk tm lua-le
tsrhieli wNlM W tJst aaanntn wt estnl. ,
ec ah m aTMaraW a ih U4Mta
Willi ire wtsMi ai airv iwrpoa
Km him ku anrael NVsv
.lrt Hr..
The lul..,l.
Of crises of scrofula nnd other blood diseases
arVle,;odihiry, nnd thorefbro difficult to
ci)fB.i Hut we Wa, l0 Rtalf j t1c. 101t
positive, manner mat Hood's
armpnrllla doe cure xcrofiila in ercrr
rorni. J he most severe rases, loo terrihlo
for tlescriptlnn, have yielded to this medi
cine when nil others failed. If you sufler
from Impure blood in any wav, take HoodV
Snb-dlvided "affections. Jennie-Here,
Jack, it a red rose for voti. that means .
best love, jon know.
.lack You darllnc! Do I -ei. 11191 tin-.
In your other hand, loo?
Jennie No. That'sefor
adorer. It is nnrtle. and
ami fiaellty.
.ii.i,f.Vi ' "v "!' "ie oe 01 tue in
is inHiX h..cnS?,crt A "'""fnce in church
I'.rniij1 U1.A..1.1 ,1.1. . . ....
t.,r ,'.! tnl'' v,h:l!.,.1.,".1 lmn, Oil a surecure
0 ,- - , """" 11,15 sum iiv an ueai
crs l'rlcc milj rents a bottle.
The leopard colcicd o'er with spots
Thai dude can really change their minds
Who have no minds to changot
Jle,la mill Liter tjoundaltit.
Is it not north dm m.vill ,.rr. ......
to tree yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, iryou think so call
at our More nnd get a bottle of Shiloh's
ilalizer. Lvcrv bottle lift at H riMtll Arl
giiaranlee on it, lite accordinglv, and if it
does you 110 gmal it will cost vou noihiti".
Sold at lliery's or Tlioinas' dri'ig, store. "
The skeleton of a big mastodon has been
found in Piatt County, III.
ll Yotlrit Krinji's llnlsam, - "
i1rnylllI?,.KHn'1,',13llfam' bestwSUgh
,i i .;.VV-,'",."" ,':"'" ""sncpua-u,
...... - iivi 1 si. a vnvtm uie ana u Will cur
vmK,,8s"'ill',".8.,e1! W- T." 3SS5 help"
IS1 2? wrl,'," A' n- Amobl. engineer on ths
Chemistry was introduced Into Rnsin i,
1110 Jloors about 1100. '
Stiles Nmesnil Mvnrl-lll..
All imiinrliiiil ,1;
.. ....,v.j. j.tic.r Ul
tlie liver, tolllilch .mil Lnnola (I.
nerves. A new principle. They speedly
aire liiiifnisnct.8, had taste, torpid liver, piles
ail'1 tlillstiiiallini SiiIimi.IM r,.- ..,0., '
and children. .Smallest, mildest, surest. SO
Thomas and W. '. Hiervs Drusr. Store.
Alhons, Ga has a cat that welch, .t.
teen pounds.
Ask Your Frlemla Abinit It.
Your ilistr.
know it because Kemp's Balsam within' the
past few years has cured so many coughs
nnd cold in 8 community.. Its remarks
'Ie sale has been won entirely hv Its tenu-
"." .'"f1."' M,,ne Meni wlo ha used
it what he thinks oriCemp's Bkm. There
is no nicdieiiio so pure, none so effective.
Large bottles .-.Ocand fU.OOnt all druggists.
Niniile bottle free
Dolls that can tun- sotnersatilts are now
in market,
It Snn'tirars from Consiuiiptlon
t'i'iiKlis and folds will tn Pan-Una C01111I1 ami
..eclarei, nMncureflbe bn" tK?y'
iiiim'iV, r .VI ; . ,. !"" ul?eases waicn cause
i&W u r$ Tf"" 'lera'18;'ent of tlie
tPlalor reiiKivea all tlie'seMr'oubles. Trial
illh-s Iree at Tlioinas' Drug Store.
There aro no eels In Lake Michigan.
Drums were beaten for the first time
In 1317,
The VnlpH ami the Sluee.
inVuVri,FiiiM;M!,r.?,,,,,',Ia,,or ,,n"'1 Krethren
l.lmrrli. nine f Inuu.l, Kan., savs: "I led 11 mr
dutr to tell what wunde.s inK-i New iff,'.
coNery has .lone lor rue. Jly lungs wire tad I r
h.,1' ",y J,""'"""""" thmutht I eoS 5
su.l cooAlnelnK evln.uce, 1 am cooadent IJr
mall, and cures when evtrytalni else falls
Oppmtunliv Is aTTorse That must b
mounted on the jump.
I Kon't Want 11 Doctor,
'I have tried them, and they have have
Mif MMiulled me. I have licured up what
iliey cost me l,,r the last four years, it was
JiM MGM.M. If I had II now'it. would be
a f.ruine to me. This year my hill for
medicine wos only live dollarsfor which I
ptirchated six Untie of Sulphur Bitters.
I hey .urtsl me of scrofula alter sulTerinir
four ren!.-P. .1. Cnmmlngs, Trov. N. Y
A mail's brains varv Inversely as the
li" of his nioulh.
SlHrtrlllll. lilHlllI'MIICP.
The t-xcilenii'iif csuse.) by this great
event is -arr-elv cpinled by that produced
ny the .real diso.very of Dr. Miles--the Nervine. Il seediy cures
nervou, proetrution. change of life, pai,,,
dultns km,! cHdisi,,!) in leill( ntj ti '
leesttees, the i,w, n.mlgla, jialpitatioii,
HHilhy twin, etc. C. W. Snow Jk Co.,
if HyrmiiM., N. Y.Tallmtt and Moss, of
OnsriieUirg. In.l., : A. AV. Illackbuni,
of W.ier, )., ssv tbat "The Nervine sells'
Iwller limn aji lliii.t we ever sold, ,,nil
iv universal salishjctiwi." Dr. Mile'
new illustrated treaiise ihi th Nerve and
Heart and trial Is, 111,. freest T. I). "I homa."
nl W. I- liter; ' I hug Store.
Merit is the on 1.1 virtue which draws
steady salary.
The Ladv ioliv hiiikI hare hail nmn.
i,Mly lout; l,.ur .in.v it eotnidetely con-
le.l h.-i l,..-l- M-rf4i. Since Ayer'a
li.itrViaor came nn,, use mich examples
.irt- n.,1 v, larriu. I.inuarlr. 1 not only
,14. the iirwail, ,,1 tlsc- hair, but give
il a n, II. -ilkrll lex In.-,
n. IB.
William lli.wrll. f . York elly. M,
ivpui..lii.a, ,ie t, making sitae strincs
ml ,,1 pa'i .
I h. .mm 10 bare found evidence
n..H.k' ti, ituik Hill of North Dakota
Usat lut. mm iaud there long years
ihtr police court, to New York city, in
ihiee hours dUpoard ol 130 rate aa aver
' Bilimlv aswt a half iu rcl case
l.k. a. re iunl by Kgvptiant.
t.a. Koiuaii. and I hlne.e Ju t'
l,-llll..l-l Uaks ll'l ll,. kt a rSiiv as
tl. w
" H astakrns ruttraf. H. who can
implant otur In tbh butuau soul U (i