The front step are deserted now. The season lin paPd when she Moop to conquo! A pioi'f roailei's sompIv In Hon) on rails itself the "Ileum" of Correct, on " Infant mortality in Finnce is computed at from L'n to 22 per rent, of Hie poputa tion. Head thl paper. I have moil Pr. Hull'i OouRh Syrup penonal It nnuln my family Tor 2 or 8 yon, and run a that tilers in nothing to compare to It afl it rem edy lor coughs, oolds, etc .la. mrric, Unlil mure. Mil. 11 what makes that joy, that mei riuient ' ltheumnilc pains, neuralgic itmu. Salvation Oil halt nut to rout Salvation till, for lieallni sent Snlratiun (III, the liniment. An easy and safe way of proleelinc cur tains and mosquito note against flrp is said to bo by steeping them In a solution of phosphatp of ntnmonla. ob'.alned by mix lug a pint of water with thrpp otmcp) of phosphate. Tho color and texturo remain unaltprcd. Ho Yelled Komp's Iiulgiim. I yell "Tako Kemp's Ilalsatn, the best cough cure." I always do when 1 hear a man cptiisii, and I can't help it. It saved me and It will cure you. 1 was threatened with pneumonia last winter and It broke It up It helps the children out when tnclr throats are soro. cures their coughs, and tastes so good. The first dose helps ruu. no tvrnes A. it. atiidiu, engineer on mo iVost Shore lly., at Uannjoharle, N. v. To protect children')! clothing front lire add one. once of alum to the, last water used In rinsing clothes. This renders flicm un inflammable. D.vspepnln mill LHerUomplnlnt. Ih it not worj,h tho Bimtll price of 75 cents to ireo ybiirfcll'iif efvery symptom of these distressing cotnplaintB, if you think so call nt our store nnd get a bottle of SliilohV Vitallzer. Every hottlo 1ms n printed guarantee on it, use Jiceordingly, nnd if li (loet you no good it will cost 'you nothing. Hold at Biorv's or Thomas' dri'iit, Rime. 'the water In which codfish has been soaked Is very good for washing the zinc under tho stove, Miles' Nervo nntl Liver l'llls. All important discovery. They net on the liver, stomach nnd bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speetlly euro biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile mvl constipation Splendid for men. women and children. Smallest, mildest, uirest. 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples free .it T. D. Tfionius and . F. Wefts Drim Sioro. It is paradoxical, but true, that tho man who Is tho easiest to get all broken up is the easiest to get all broken down. ATontana Is now said to be 'equal lo the best mining region In the country. Uvory Itnme Should Ilnve II. , It Is uot always comcnlent In call physician for every little ailment. Having Bed Flag Oil In the house you have a Physician always t hand; It kills Rheumatism, Nenralulii, Hums, Bruises and nil Ache and rains. 1'rlio as els. There are few thlnci in life of which w e mnj lie certain, but this Is one of them, Pan-Tina Cough nnd Consumption Cure has no ennui for folds, Coughs and Consumption. JVIee 2fi and 30 cents nt Thomas' Drug Store. What did the donkey do when he first heard of tho doctrine of evolutions. lie braved until ho bnenmo a llltlo lio.ii so. Sumo Foolish l'eopln Allow a cough to run until it gets hevond Hie reach of medicine. They often "any, " Oh, it will wear away, but in most tases it wears them away. Could thrv ho in duced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, vililoh is sold on a positive guarantee lo cure, Ihey would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price BOo and $1 .00. Trial size free. At all druggists. Letters to San Francisco newspapers cpmplaln that the. missionaries in Alaska are, in many Instances, unprincipled ad venturers, Mis llcmnrlcnlilc lCcsi'tin. Mrs. Michael Curtain. rialnfleUl, 111., makes the statement that she uauidit cold, which set tled on her lungs; rIip win treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion nnd that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sugKested Dr. icing's New Discovery delight found herself beneflted from tint tloso wr uuisiiinpiioii; sue uougnia ooitic ami to ner Who contlnii (lits use nnd after taking ten bot tles, fojmo herself sound and well, now does Iter own housework nnd is as well as sire ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Jieber's Drug Store, large bottles Gee. unci Sl.oo. A boxing match compel Itlon between rival colli n makers. Always happy to meat Ills euslomers the butcher. A Yankee Sheriff Frightened. A well known sheriff, who lives In Maine, had lieenglve.n up to (lie with what his physlcnn willed Consumption, a friend advised tho sheriff to try ran-Tlna Cough Consumption Cuto; re rovery soon followed, much to the surpriko of tlio doctor, who now prescribes it for Ccuglis, Cold :md Consumption, Trice 25 and 60 rents. Trial bottles free at Thouia's Drug Wore. "What are you doing, ralriek?" "Waltin' up your husband, riia'm." "But why?" 'tUecause it's tin o'clock, ma'in, when I was to give him the dliropi to jimkejitm shlapo." Arrested I Charles A. Daley was arrested last even ing for stealing from the drug store c tihi'efman, a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. Bo fore tho court -litis morning, upon being asked why he should steal, ho stnted thai his mother was troubled villi rheumatism, and tliatkjrwas the only medicine that helped her. ami being out of money and work wa tUe--cause -of. lils-nteallug'. At this was h!s first offence ho waf put on pro motion. Newark News. r The nuisance of the hotel was in the parlor warbling, "Oh, would lwere a bird." "Il'ell, here's a beginning for you," said the landlord, and Jie handed him his bill. failures In Lira. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., haB reason to be vary thankful. She was a great sufferer lrm heart disease loi years. Was short of breath, had hungry spells, pain in. side, fluttering, fjtiiitneas, etc. After Inking two bottler of Dr. Wiles' Now Heart Cure, nlie say's, "I am better thnn for 20 years. My mind and eyesight have improved wonderfully. I .advise all per sons thus sfllintod to use iliis. -great rem dy." T. l Thomas and W. I". Jilsry, druggists, recommends and guarantee it Or. lilies' work on Heart J)Ueaue, contain jug mirvelout. testimonials, free. Can stealing a leg of pork he called a flank movement? Noah lived in the Mississippi valley, for didn't he come nut of tha Arkansas huil? It was ode supposed that scrofula could not he eradicated iron) the s stem; hut the marvelous results produtetl iiy the une ol Ayer's Narwiparilla disprove this tjieory. The reason is, this medicine i the most powerful blood-purifier ever di.-rrveretl. How many spokes are there in the light wheel? If we could only make Hip world think as much of as' we thiuk of ourselves we should then be properly applet Kit. . I. Boston is believed to have more music teachers than any other cliy .u ilie t nited tiutes. Diawiug kioju ear. Kirsl porter (in a liurryt Another washout! Second poller excited'.?! Tl'heie, where? First (loiter as he disappeared through the next carl -On the clothes Hue' Peddler --"vVUi n will 1 find hei in. then:"' Mervant ' tjny ' all , i enoins Wbiq iht'. ool nut . ourf ' JUST A8 OF OLD. In tli crowded hall met we, and she planed her hand In mine With a charm mg cam and grace, wltti a smile Ab 1 hair divine; Seemed we both Rerene and oalm though we had not met in years; Time had dulled, not killed my pain time, more kind, had dried her tears. When the whirling waits was o'er lingered t beside her still; Randera commonplaces passed, thus our share of talk to fill. Till a mndd'nlng Impulse rent every bond and apake at last Words that were as sparks that burst frtini n dying, smeidliug past. "Does our meeting not recall something of a past I" I said; "No sweet odor, no faint breath, fragrant of tha days long dead!" Oht the smile that wreathed her, face smile divine that graced the dance! Obi that look It gleamed again soul destroying, mystlo glancet "Yes, I caught It when we met through the air on wings It roves; flaunts you still that odor rare as of old. you're eating cloves." ' Thus she spoke at last I knew what lay hid In thought so long Thus Ihe promised romance (led, leaving but a Jester's Bong .fames King Duffy Ittlbber Kings Ills Fred. For n Ions time lumps of crudo rubber nntl elastic bands have mysteriously van ished from the counter of Morrissey's "all night" phnrmacy in Brooklyn. No body was able to throw any light on the enigma until Drug Clerk Bosworth made a discovery. It wsa lato nt night and the store was quiot. Trade had been dull for an hour and Bosworth felt like taking a nap. Just as he was about dropping off to sleep lie happened to look up and caught a glimpse of "Doc," a big cat that lives in the pharmacy. He was at ltmch, and was feasting on rubber bands. 'One by one he extracted them from their little glass receptacle1 and munched away with evident relish. Bosworth did not disturb him, but sat still and count ed the rings ns they vanished down the cat's throat. When forty-three had faded from view "Doo" stopped eating, gave a wide yawn -und stretched himself out for an after dinner nap on top of a showcase. Having accidentally solved tho mys tery, Bosworth resolved to l.uve sbme fun at "Doc's" expense, so, after the cat had been dozing for nn hour, he called him. "Doc" came to tho front quickly. In his hand Bosworth held a large elas tic band. This he extended toward the cat. "Doc's" eyes seemed to sparkle as he contemplated tho luscious morsel, and without hesitation seized it with his teeth. Bosworth, however, had a good grip on tho other end. When the cat pulled, Bosworth pulled, too, but the little tug of war did not last long, for the mis chievous clerk suddenly relaxed bis hold on the band, and as it snapped back it caught the unlucky cat a stinging cut on the end of his nose. He dropped the band as if it were a hot potato, sprang from the counter and ran out of the store with a cry of distress. Since then, although Bosworth and his friends, to whom he related the inci dent, have repeatedly tried to induce "Doc" to submit to being hand fed with rubber riiigB, he steadfastly refuses to indulge. His ubnonnal appetite has been cured. Now York Herald. A Change in the Manner of Murketlng. If any ono is desirous Of seeing the only extant Specimen of old fashioned marketina it can be witnessed in and llbont Washington market on Saturday morning. Ju a former generation tho head of tho household rose at daylight, nnd grasping a huge basket betook him self to Washington, Clinton or Jefferson market to secure tho choice and tho freshest vegetable The leonine head nnd mast Gen. Scott could be ceer morning at Jefferson mark burly butcher and red cud. of beef urries. re of very very .arket woman looked for his greeting as :i mat ter of course, At Clinton market the heads of the Lord, Lydig, Griffin, Aymar nnd other families of social note did not disdain to put in a personal appearance, and amid the jokes and laughter that the wit of the society man and tho ready repartee of the market woman provoked the work of filling the basket was a pleasant one. Times change, and the grandsons of the men who carried their own baskets to market are waited upon by the butcher ana green grocer at their houses, but some of tho gray haired sons df those venerable men still go down to market on Saturdays, and they naturally have enough imitators to make this personal visitation a feature, on Saturdays espe cially. This set aro careful purchasers nntl only buy - after examination and fitudy. They know what is' good and whero to get it, and evidently it pysr them to carry fjjeir own basket.- New York Sun. . giauttson of Samuel X'. 13. Morse. Inventor of the electric telegraph, is em ployed in the electrjSal division of the patent offjcoat3yaahjngton. He has de veloped an aptitude for the science which lias made his name famous, and occasionally contributes acceptable arti cles to Die electrical papers. A PROFITABLE PUBLIC FOREST. Pleasure Grounds Which Pa Annually I.arge Sums Into a City Treasury,. The Slhi-Wald has been owned by Zurich ever since 1809 at least, nnd has been carefully adnilnistered for centu ries. It is now managed on the most ap-, proved scientific principles by a corps of trained foresters and a permanent work ing force so well organized that import ant work is succeasfnlly executed by common laborers under the supervision of a forester of .the lowest grade. Econ omy as strict nnd watchful as that of my private enterprise prevails, together with wise und open handed liberality in. providing for the welfare of the prop erty. Ono year the net profits were something over 48 ah pcre, or a total of about $eo,OOQ for the city treasury. The city does the entire wprk Jum bering, manufacturing and administra tion. It employs tho best modern labor saving devices, such as lumber slides, porfJ Uje railways and a railway .to the mills. In the saw mill tho principal machinery is American, and in its facto ries the forest management works up the product into a great variety of marketa ble material, and also, manufactures nearly everything it uses. An elaborate and costly apparatus haa been success fully introduced for injecting wood with a solution of copper sulphate under hy drostRtie prewure, making its products last twice or three times as long as or dinary wood, so tlia; there is a wide de mand for the telegraph poles, railway ties, wooden pavement, shingles and other articles treated in this way. The net profits of the forest" will be largely increased by n new railway build ing into the valley. Almost half the annual yield of wood is from thinnings alone. The proportion of firewood is generally 71 per cent, yielding 04 per oent of the total revenue. Ju this economic treatment of the for est it valne as a plefrary ground is not forgotten. The management nwiutains throughout th domain a neluork of well kept roads and oaths !i occa sional IxucliMi along theii. ,. it itnt wetei '. e the ujidncADo tuiL. eU ana. a k, , DAY'S HORSE POWDER -s Prcvcnta Lung Fever l Cares Distemper, lloavos, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, Pounder, Fevers, &c 1 lb. in each package Sold by nil dealers. DR. BULL' JQi Cures Dysentery, nnd Diarrhcen, SBABYSYRDP EellovDsQriplngandSutnmorComplalnt. Facilitates Teething! Regulates tho Bowels I Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents. 'THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For the euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Incipient Con sumption, tmdfor thoreliof ot Consumptive per sons. For Sale by all druggists. 85 cents. cunvrUMES CUBEB CIQARETTES for Co MilKb tarrhl PrlctlOCU. Ataltdivagltt. (VITALLY WEAK), M!tobto eioseuFpllMtlon t bualnemt or itmly, attvro mtnlnl (train or gritr; 6KXl'jtI KXITSSFS lo tnlddta llfp,fr Tlalarut tiMti Mnt rneteil In youth. WFAIf WCU MCTIUHTO NKKOl'S DRHILlTYor HCHli miln KXIUlHTlOVWASTIMlMtttkNESH, !V YOLIVTARY l,U JfiKSnllh KAKLY UtlMY ta YtltfMJ ao.t MID DLK AftfcDl IteKori-tra, Tlg0r,ant Mtrengthwlltiiextml erpm Impaired an ftVenM preraaturetr In nrproaehlm old nee. Ulurju i::r rau nnnr wcir-.k nom knawinTr ivncn VIE OH I OUnC or rtnASKST fiKKCLTS ia mnnjinomniiq cues ireiuoa ui earea in )it t tweirs fears; TgS&CSsOLTJBIE MEDICATED PASTILLES, la TRIM w nr elht da?" trial Jlimoi.L'1 M.Y I uri, m i r fai-U! m,n, youoc of old, tuffei lag from lhr prevalent irtMiDi mould ifni ineimnareni no we can rurnUL quest lorn to bean re d, that we tuajr know the tn:e condition ofeli cane and rrepnie tnMlele to effect n prompt core. Located lo New York (after li yenri wt L-.ul), wt oITet Uehfinetotr.euril hr the ericbratd TattiHe Treatment THE HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfe. Ohemlats. g4,;v.n.yj.m: This Trado I Mark la on 1 TH8 Best Waterproof Coat !n tho world. font! for IflnirtTfttH OalalpgT'g, jPry The Most SucocHiiful Tteiurdy crer discov ered, 03 it la certain In Kit c- ( I does not blUtor. UCiad pvuot bsaw : BaooicLYS, Coiuin Hay 0, Sa Dr. H. J. Kr-SDAi.L Co.: Biri : Last Bummer I cured a Ctirh upon my horse wltli ourvlet)ratet Kendall's bpavln Cure and It wan the Ik-kI jnblcrersow done. I h.tTe dozen empty bottlt-s, having uptl it with perfftct success, curliigerery thins I trlfd It on. My neighbor had a horso w it h n t ery bail Spnvi u that raalelilm lamo. He askeil mo Imw to cure It. I recommended Kendall' Sp.avm curt. Ho cured tha Spavin In Just three we'k. Yours respectfully, WoLcorr Witter. Columbtts, Ohio, April 4. 9X Dr. R J. Kbndam Co.: iH-nr Hlr : -I havn Ikwii sell I no; more of Kendall's Spavin Cure nud Flint's Condition Powders than ever before. Ono mnn said to me, It was the best Powder I c er kept, uud tho best he ever used. Respectfully. otto X nomiAir. CnitTEHAHOo, N. Y., May 19, 90. Dn, n. J. Kkadau. Co., DearBIrs:-I havo UflM serornl liottlesof yotir KendaU'ii biwivln Cure with perfect success, on a valuable and MoadoJ niaro that vrasqulto lame wit n a Uouo Spavin. Tim mare Is now entirely free from lanienexi nnd shows tto bunch on the joint. HehiKH-t fully, K H. Htncons. KEiSLL'S SPaVIH CURE. , sroe, Liu, May 8,90. Dr. n. J. Kfjidiu. Co.,- Oents-I thluH, 4rmy duty to ren lor you my tbauksforyprtsr fumel Ktmlall'a Spavin Cure. I- hail a jWir year old ftlly which I prized very he had a very severe swollen lojf. I tried jtw-uut eight dltrcrcnt kinds of medlclues which did no good. I purchased a bcttlA of your Kendall's Spa In euro wftUh t-nred her In four ti jys. , 1 remain yours, r jluuox Dowokv. Frleo $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $X AU drug, gists have ft or can get It f or j on, or 1 . will be sent to any addreM oo receipt n( price b thuproprle- lOrs. JIH. II. J. JiKMIAbbUU.. l'.nnlmicrh Fnllr- I. V'l i' rm nnti Tlio'usauils huva ucou permanent) cured by l'MILADKI.pllIA.l'A. Kaseatonce nonperatlec orhHstif Hum (rom butlnes. respionoutHVKl ln curab'jj by others wanted. Scud t-ir-ilrctdar. CURE GUARANTEED. oa&i?& Prof. ALEXANDER BOUDROU, CO CP 3 CO n 1 inn now Tl vera nr nan. iVn n nt Medicine and Buricery fur seven jeiira under tin famom Dr. Nelson, mid alter ten years' ban study uud in consultation with seven of tliemosi eminent iiliysicians In the nlv of riulodelnhlj slnee 18TI. I have discovered tlie cure of inan so-oalleu Incurablo disease. It can no iqnuer be doubted tlial the sulne car be cnrcil. lfit paralyzed limbs will lierestorec to their natural uw, and ceneinl debility cured Conestlon nf the brain, upoplexy, results of sun stroke and the wont oases of rheumatism, scl atlca, neurahila. liver complaint, lirlthts' duv ease of tliojifdneys, hip and bone dUease. ca tarrh. broncbltls, rhronlc dysentBry, and so called heart disease and dlphterla, all enllrel! cured with mire medicines of my own nrepara rlon, It used piouerly as directed. Darlnc nine vearn over m ono nprann. in thl. cltyalune have used lliee niedieines and an iiviiiis iuiTOwif hj inpirvvnriu. Aiitueir nnme can be obtained bv uulllne nt tlm nnip rii.i lnh oratory of l'rofessor lloinlroii, No. lTirr Nortl Tenth Street. Philadelphia. 1 vaa myself In Jured In tho sulne and paralyzed for seven yean and vroiiounaxi luauralile by seven of the nios BULL'S COUGH SYRUP fl PACKAGE J. FOR THE CURE OF -sSik WE&KMEN 7 Wimsk now well and healthy, buying cured myself 1U in) onn medicines J)o uot listen to those prejudiced against im nrovemcnt In niedlcinu and die, wlien sou cai be aned. I will not uo into pnuiire injself, beliiKOrei 71 year, of age. but will sell my umdlainea. 1 havelno eminent pli.siclaus connected will mc to attend to culllui: at the resldanees of tin sick if rtupiired. ( 'ouie one, conie all suflcrets and be restore) to health, cured b these pure madlelue am thus see experience and believe for vonrseJves. office and laboratory open dally frow f.AiM.. to HOOP M Call oi wute to A LEX A. 5 DEI. BOUDBOD. 1W N. toU PWIadrtpUU. V. ' ' ' pit. JUlSO-ly Optional CHiHes"i. Among optional curr.HiH may lie snumerated that which govt m tli "im- I iluot of persons in crowded public con veyances. South of Maoon and Dixon s line no man would brave public opinion by remaining seated when a woman maintained a stmidinir position, even wore she the humblest of her sex. A foreigner wbuld urguo in mich a case that he had paid for his seat, and that there could bo no more reason for his rising in u street car than if he were oc cupying n sent nt the opera or at a hotel table. In Now York, which is too cosmopoli tan a city to be cited as an example, street cor etltpiette is decidedly variable, and whether or not it is necessary to va cate a seat in it lady's favor is n much mooted question. One thing is certain, and that is, that youth and beauty ap peal to both high and low, even the most boorish individual being willing to relinquish Ids rights in favor of a wom an with a pair of bright eyes and a styl ish figure. The poor wage worker, in her faded cotton, gown and with fingers showing evidences of toil, is rarely the recipient of such courtesy. The man in broad cloth, who has been seated in his lux urious office most of the day, keeps his seat without a. qualm of conscience, nnd holds his paper before his face to ob struct tho view of the appealing eyes and worn figure. Women in public vehicles often ex hibit a remarkable selfishness and a total disregard for the comfort of others. Many of them accept a seat to which they have no legal right with a saucy toss of the head and without recognizing the courtesy by as much as a bow or a "thank you." An"audible expression of thanks is the least a lady should offer in exchange for the sacrifice of a place, and this should be tendered as freely to the threadbare clerk us to the dude in fino raiment. Jenuess-Miller Magazine. leaking for Mcl't t the City Hnll. I am bnilding a lionse. I wanted to get the necessary permission to tap tho water main, and went to the City hall for that purpose. I might have gono down into the state of Indiana to have secured the permit, but it occurred to me that I had better ask in Chicago. I stepped into one of tho elevators and told the driver what I wanted. He landed me on the public library floor. I soon discovered I was in the wrong place. I took another elevator, and told the driver of that one what I wanted Ho let me off somewhere and told mo where to go. I followed his directions, and found myself face to face with Superin tendent Howland. I didn't ask him, for J. saw he was busy. I found an officer in the corridor, and told him what I was trying to get at. Ha sent me to the place where dog licensoB are issued, and a smart clerk in that department laughed at me. I didn't blame him very much. I met a friend who has been in the City hall since its occupancy, nnd lie conducted me to the proper place. I had lost nearly an hour. Why don't the proper nuthori ties see that men of " intelligence are put in places where inquiries ore made? Interview in Chicago Tribune. The Opal. While most gems owe their tint to the presence of some foreign coloring mat ter the many lined nnd beautiful opal differs. It is opaque, deriving its beauty from the marvelous property it pos sesses of decomposing the rays of light, and thus reflecting from its polished surface all tho colors of tho rainbow. It needs, therefore, no brilliant, but ap pears to the best advantage when alone. It is at present among the most prized of gems, and lias held its placo for ages. Mark Antony once offered 170,000 for an opal the size of a hazelnut, but the owner, Nonins, a Roman senator, pre ferred exile to parting with his treasure. In spito of their value opals aro unsafe investments, for time and exposure dim their luster, while their sensitiveness to heat is so great that the warmth of the hand lias been known to crack them. The finest stones come from Hungary, and among the Austrian crown jewels are gems of greater size and beauty than that which tempted the Roman emperor. London Court Journal. Danger from Musical Instrument. A Fiench military surgeon has been making researches on wind instruments which liad been used liv nhfhlo-i.r bandsmen, and warnaruslcians of the importance .j? TJlsinf ection. He recom mertdsThat instruments should hn flllnrl with a 5 ner pent. anlnHnn nt nnrhnVn sold, or, in the case of metallio instru ments, that they should be dipped into boiling water. These precautions are of the utmost ininorfannn whnn rl,tl,folnl persons have used the instruments; for u was rouna in sucn cases that liquids uaeu to wasu mem out presented a viru lenoe similar to that of a pure culture of tuberculosis. Fortunately, tho danger is small as long as the interior is thoroughly moist, which of course it usually is; but when an instrument naa been lying by for some time, so that thn interim- lmo v. come dry, there is reai danger of air cunuuning unea germsor tne aisoase being drawn into the lungs of the person who next plays upon it. New York AN INDIAN EXPLAINS A COMET."" The lite Theory or the Kuu and vthe Moon and Tbelr Numerous 1'rogeiiy. During the year the comet was stream ing in tho sky I was camping one night in a canyon near the foot of Cook's Peak, N. M. In the party was an old and for an Indian a fairly intelligent Ute named Jam. Sam liad been attached to some cavalry troop at Port Cuinmings as a scout, but his day of leaving the "service being reached he attuclied himself to me for a consideration. Pointing to the comet I asked Sam what ho could say in its defense from the standpoint of a Ute. Sam was, unlike most In dians, a good singlo handed talker and could speak English very well. He was ambitious to perfect himself in the language and readily seized on every chance for u "talk." lndeedl dis covered him on one or two occasions all alone and talking vigorously at nmark, like a ravage Demosthenes sans the peb bles. "Tell about thatr said Sum, point ing toward the comet. "Sam do it heap easy, you bet. The sun is the man Hid he havu moon for sqnaw. The stars big stars and little stars all are their ihildren. The sun don't like 'em and shase 'em. If ho catch one he eats it. "This makes the stars heap 'fmid. and when the sun has his sleep over and jomes out the stars run and hide. When :he sun comes stars go creep into holes and hide. But the moon ia good. "She loves her ohildren, the stars, and tfhen the sun sleeps she comes out in the ky, and the htaiu-are glad, and they xraie out of the places they hido in and .'orget to be Afraid and ply. , "Bat when the sun wakes again tlioy run. He is always after thttm, and he jatche them sometime. This one," con inued Sam, again pointing at the comet, 'the sun cateh one tin.. He got away, .hough, but the eun bite him and hurt aim. That's why he bleed o. Now he' iftsp scared, and so he keeps his faoe al ways toward the place where the sun Is Ulsg." Cor, Kansas City Star. TJNAOtJbAIKTBD WITH THE SBOORATtiv nr vjrE MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION VHu!. A ST'' THE ROOK SSL&NB Including main lines, branches and oitonpionp Fast and Woaf, of tlio Missouri River. Tlio Dlreot Route to and iroin Chicago, Joltol., Otttvwu. Peoria, La Galle, Mollne, Rook Island, in ILLINOIS-Davcnport, Muscatlco! Ottumwa, Oflkaloosa, Dob Molnes.Wlntsraot, Audubon, Harlan, and Council Bluffs, In IOWA Minnoapollo nnd St. Paul, In MfNNbSOTA Watertown Mid Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, nnd Kansas City, in MISSOURI Omaha, Fahtmry, and Nolson, In N J5BRA8KA Horton, ToOoka, HutcUinBon,- Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS Pond urottu., x.iuUBuur, rort ibuno, in llxjXiLiN xwKttlTUitx tUHKUOloradO Springs, Denver, Puelslo, In COLORADO. FRBE BiollnlnvT OKmt Cans to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodg-o City, and PRiSeo Bleop ing Cora between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new end vast areas of rich farming- and Brazing; lands, affording the beet foqilitles of intercommunication to all towns and cities oast and west, northwest nnd southwest of Chlonrfo, and Paclflo and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading- all competitors in splendor of "ertuipment, cool, well ventilated, and freo from dust. Through Coauhes, Pullman Bloopers, PRKH1 HeollniniT Dos Moines, Council Births, and Omaha, with Free Recfluinfir Chair Car to North Plotto, Neb., and between Chicago and Colorado Sprlnots, Denvor, and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas Olty and' Topeto. Splendid Dining uutiir ultra, unu leutti, ui iuietiuun xiiverj uinmg (jars uauy osLweeu umo&vo. Hotels (furnishinrr meals at seasonable "hours) west California Excursion dally, with OHOIOB OF ItOUTBS to and from Salt Lake. Offdon. Portland, Los Ancroles, and San Francisco. Tlio DIRECT JU1N2. to ana irom i-iKO-s feaK, xnamtou, uarueti or tho uods, tno Banltan ums, and Sconio Orandours of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, ftolld Exnrfiafl Trrtlnn clHllv bfitwottn with THROUGH Reolitiinff Chair Cars Kansas City. Through Chair Car and und Sioux : Fi 'alls, via Rock Island. town, Sioux Grounds of tho Northwest. x'uuo, una vuo Duiumsr nesona anu iiununrj ana x'lsjain o Northwest. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Blufrfe, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Mops, Folders, or desirod inibrmatlon, apply to any Ticket Office In tho United States or Canada, or address E. St. JOHN, . JOHN SEBASTIAN, General Hanagcr. CHICAGO, II L. Uen'1 3 ckot it Sasa. Arjent s Best and Purest Medicine!! EVER MADE .rllt drive thollumor from ronri pies nnu Jiiotcitofi ST ilrli mnr yonr beniitvtn nre caused Ijv lmpurcwl k1. nmf can he rcniovoillnaslioi-tl i, lfyoHore AOvUoand use groat 0, . 4- J J. . Tlio Pose is sirmll-T-ulyA o,unf 1,1 . It. ' Tt aii nvn oniT.n-1 nr frrtnl lilllbt. lioy t)lscaeo. nntl wish to Uvo t old ngo, use HULlMlUit BITTK They never fail to cure. Bend 8 2-ceut stamps to A 1. uiway ,t (Jo.. ItoBtoii.Maea., for best rucillcalwork imbllsheilr BEINfi ilue to- the prosnnci of uric acid In tlio liloml. i most cffrrttiallv ured by tlio use of Ayer's Sarsuim rllla. Ho sure you get Ayer'H and no other, nnd tako it till thn poixnnoii acid Is thoroughly expelled from the system. Wn challenge attention to tula testimony : "About two years ngo, nftor snlTpmis for nearly two yenra from rliminmtli' out, beiiiR nbla to walk only with great isconifort, anil having tried vniioua remedies, Including mineral watera, without relief, I saw by an advertise.. ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing' com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer'H Sarsapurllla. I-then decided to of this medicine, mid took it regularly fur eight months, and nm pleased to state that It has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re turn of tho disease." Mr4. It. Irving Dodge, 110 West 123th st New York. "One year ngo I was taken 111 with Inflammatory rheumatism, being con fined to my'linuse six months. I came out of the sickness very much debill jlated, witll no appetite, and my system ISllsoruered In every nay. I commenced using Ayer's Rarsaparllla nnd liegau to improve at once, Raining In strength nd soon recovering my usual health. I cannot Bny too much In praise of this well-known medicine." Jlrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. II. r's darsapari!las ) 1'Hsimiibi nr )r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. rri$l; U bouli, ti. Worth jnliotUt. Uiuiilaleii tho torpid llrer, rn;rth liillKeitlvaoreaiiH, rccul.ilc l tio bowula, iiMd ure unciiuulcil us uu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial dltlrlcU tlieir vtrtneKiro widely rrueiilzcd,nsllie,y iiojuckn pw Hilar proiiurtlov In rreclni; tliouyKliiu from lliut t'OUon. riecuiillr miar COHleil. Dote Kmull. l'rlev, ftSrm, Sold Evorywlioro. Office. 41 Sliirray St. Now York. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Oirvnl Variety at Samuel Graver's fopulnr btore, Hunk Street. Rooting nml Spouting n sicial ty. Stov repairs I'm mailed on sliort notit e Reasonable! I Purelj local in our aim. t IUa.0 rAM" Aye MfNTNY W'lLLOBT.tM V OF THIS MAF OF ilv lssouii Ulver; Chin o and Minneapolis and ML Paul, El to and from thoso nolnr.a and (FR: Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lnko, Tho Favorite Line to Pinostane. Water AND KANKAKEE Offor3 facilities to " Wll I wont. inalM tht Thonssnd Dollura, but I y'l, mnkuonouBbln saTtcgsoiiinjBlioea to paj'na for tan tronbls. WolffsiOlEBIacking - Art far Pik-In, iehkh V M L STAtN OVO ) FURNITURC w i Stain Cum and CHiNAWunc fi i. 1-(N VOUIfOLD BABKCTd t. r-sux QAavs Coach and Varnteh at the same time W .T,1F ft UAlJDOLPn, PlilladolplMa, COUGH or COLD Throat Affection "Wasting of Flesh BRONCHITIS SCROFULA Or any DUento trtttre the XhroatanH Zungt are Inflamed, Lacte of Strength or Kerv J'otocr, you can la relieved and Cured by OF PURE COD LIVER OIL. With Hypophosphites. -PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Seott'a Emu'tlon, and let no eo pfatiatloik or $olleltatlon indueo ypu (a aeeept a ifbafffttt. Sold by all Druggists. SOOTT &, DOWNE.Chomloto, N.Y. THEPOLICE GAZETTE Istlin only must raleit paper In flip world coiittlnlns nil the latest sensational anil 'sport inK news. No snloou keeper, liarlier or clul room can nlTonl to be without It. It ahvuy. iiikei irleuilt wliereer It goes. Mailed lo any add reus In Dm Unlled Stales securely wniinied, IS veliN fnrtl. Henrt live cents for sample copy. ' .Kicllnrd K. Fox, Fraukllu giiire, ' New Ver k (Jlty. PENSIONS. I'l l suns ileslrint! Petislnn lllan);s mui Infnr imtiimi miller Act of June two, uan ulitin Hit siilue finip the nnil' islRlied, (ii?n. w KfihKit. IVatluwatarv, Huuiif Mnneii C'lumk, 1-a. f1 A FlIPTft M W. I.. Douelin Shoes are viLUllvif vmrrnnteil. autl everr pulr Irh his name nml priou stniniicil on buttoin, si.7S "I.7R L $3 SHOE FOR CENTLSMENe VI op Calf noI I-aced Wntorproof fJraln. Tbe excellence and wetirloK qualltletiof tble aboe cannot be better shown thn by the strong endont mend ot IU tnuiuendu of couutaut wearen. Sk00 IJenulne lIuoflBen ed au etecjtnt and eiyuan irvti nnuu wuicn v uimneiidti Itnelf. .DO liaufueetvea A fine calf Shoe unequaile Ooodyea Allfed for aivli year Wmt t the ctaadArd dreei for style and durability. O.BO SO. GO Patlctiiuan'M Hhat !. especially adapted popular price. Ail made In ConfrtMs, JJUtton aud Loce. iur raiiruou innu, i mi were, wit;. $3 & $2 SHOES hmrm been nuwt fsvombl received since tstrodaoeu est! tne recent buurtivemequ make tlmm supartor to any shoes sold at these price Ask your Deeler, and If fie csnuot supply you send dlreot to factory eucloelnc sdreitlsed prioe, or postal for order uUnks. V. 1.. MO lUf. AH, llrotUlou, Mass. Adam Mehrkairl &on, A; l K H I ; j 1 1 i n Kead tiie Advocate. w. tmt Col Sum. nt t ln I'hiI. Ihe itro. ib tell vTi mm el tin-l'--liii' I nf fi'-li ( i n i r. He! s ni.fl lir in 1 1 niilHs lieTi hp wtys it Unit li.' v.ik ,n l.iinic inn! MnefishlnK off I'"n-i I LiTvl iiiid Hint a Iiik ten pound lilnefisli ran awfiv vith his liotik and I FHinil. nml Hint, hIUioiikIi (here were I m-veral huoltHiiboaril. tin ro were no more nrjuids; thai he wrenrlied ofF the silver ! h.snrtlf if h liatidsoiiin umbrella Ibat had I been ,vi m ui "1 to him the winter before ! 1 his mui Walter, ami running tin-hook ' tlitmi!li il used it for a squid. I The silver head,-' said tho colonel. was bright ami highly polished, anil shnup in the water like a thing of life. I I hud not been trolling with it five tnin- i utee lwfore I felt a tremendous tug on I my line nntl then a quick slacken-1 lug. I pulled it iti mid found my umbrella handle hud been captured. W n fist, Tltaf mt !&1,4. t-r. ' that dny, and we returned to the Hurt hotel much disgusted. I had entirely forgotten the incident, when one day n year later, after return ing from Europe, I happened to be dining at. John Baylis with a party of friends. We ordered bluefish. Mine host brought on tlio tablo in due time a magnificent fellow that must have weighed fully twelve pounds. I deter mined to curve myself, and, sharpening my knife, cut it open in. tho middle, would you believe it, to my surprise, -right in tho stomach of that fish I.dis covered the silver head of my umbrella that I had used for a squid the year be fore!" Brooklyn Eugle. flreely's Telegraph Line, There fi a good story told on Gen. r Oreely. the chief of the signal service. A number or years ago "Old Probabili itii i," treSii a liuutenant in the Fifth cav alry, was stationed in Texas. While there ho was ordered to build 150 miles of telegraph line. Greely decided to pur chase a new kind of insnlutor, u sort of sheet iron, cone (shaped affair. The line was completed, mid fot- a couple of weeks everything .worked welUnnd the lieureunnt wow congratulating himself on the succesd of his work. All at onco the line would not work at all. A couple of line- repairers started out to find the cause. Theiiist pole tiiey tackled was their lart, for a swarm of hornetx emerged from that insula! or prepared to resist all coiners. As tho swarm settled about the two men they ran, and as they ran the swarm increased nnd followed them nearly into tho fort. Tho lino was, rebuilt, but the ordinary glass insulators were used. To this day those linemen have never forgiven thegeneral. Kansas City Times. lie Wouldn't Stop. Two or three days ngo nn elderly man who was apparently waitiug for a train at tlie Wabash depot began singing "Hotno.'Sweet Home," in a high pitehed voice, and in two or three minutes everybody in tho waiting room was laughing at him. Tlie depot officer Anally approached him and said: "My friend, that is against orders." "What to sing?" "Yes." "To King 'Home, Sweet Home!" "Yes." "I don't believo it! I don't believe there's a town in this United States where a'feller who is clean busted and forty miles from homo can't sjng 'Home, Sweet Home,' all he wants to without breaking the law. You go away and "Bo It erer so humble There's no place like h-OKMi-m-e." Detroit frree Press. Professor Samuel Cushmau, apiarist of tho Rhode Island agricultural experi ment station, maintains, ns tho result of personal observation, that bees do uo damago to growing or fair fruit. The juice of fruit is, in fact, injurious to them, and they do not" attack sound fruit, but only bruised fruit, or that which has been previously injured by other bisects. Nuisance In (Stent Cities. Not the least among tho various of' fentes that meot tho eve. and seldom with any palliating incidents, are the signs of all kinds that disfiguro most of tno buildings in the business districts. A plain, signboard, giving the name of the company or individual proprietor and tho nature of tho business, is unob jectionable, ho.viver largo, If set up against the wall, over the entrance or at the threshhoM. The largest concerns in the city have, however, ubirlfSoned oven these, and aro content lo use a small metal plate for tluir names. But tho popular idea in sigrs seems to run to as great'a display i.s possible, and in us niuuigeiico tasl and safety are- sacrificed. .What can bo moro hideous than those great turial wire structures that project from tlio tops of buildings or are imng acroa the stieetB? They are aangerous, too, ns e.-rppviouce has Bhowu. Then there aro those dazzling nionstrosl ties which, in colored glliss, call the at tention of the passerby to the game of billiards and other pastimes. Some of tho porticos which project over the wholo sidowalk aro ntilized for similar purposes. hxaggeratod hat, bonnets, clocks, mortars, saws and other symbols of tlie merchandise for sale within tho stores flaunt before tho gaze at every turn, most or tueno are illegal, as the law al lows but three feet nearest the buildincr for tne display of signs nnd merchandise. and this is availed in many trades for tlie. prolit it will bring, not only to them- , nut m some cases by compensa- iruit vendors or other small connected with the regular fis. America. Valuulilc SmihI Loin. Accidsiit tn5 malting what afterward turn out to ha good in vontmyii te is always a favorite tliemo for diioviiafon. An in sloiico was cited whgro It young man wont to Tacomti on n flylnjr visit in tha afirly days of tha place, when tho prin cipal part of tlie town was its nunie. He ww Uiere only a few hours, hut in tliat time- "was induoed to luy several lot for almoflt nothing. Tliose lots made a fortune for him sosiutdonly tlint Its could hardly realise that it conli lw Kiible. Mnrk SliBliIcm, the wealthy real estate owner or ban rrancisco, made liU'fort nne out of ;i bad debt. He had grown rich and poor in several ventures, and wlieti hard pressetl once tried to collect all the money that was due him. One debtor was unable to give him cent, but compromised Ilia debt by handing over to Mr. Sheldon some sand lots in what U now .Market street, San Fran cisco. Sand lots were not very valuable in those days, and Mr. Sheldon found no opportunity to dispose of his nntir he saw that he jnhjrht matto a pretty sum of mem. o lie nelil on to them, and there is no more valuable real estate in the Golden Gate oity today than Murk Shel don's Market st-eot property. New York Tri mine. flood for .ltile l(liu,y. A Rhode bland man wliqse trunk was wrecked by ihe baggage smasher brought suit for damage, and in gjyiug him a verdict for 50 and costs Misjudge said: "There should be 500 suits where there W now only one. No railroad lias the ents, least anxiety abont a passenger's bag , gage. The way to bring about a refom 1 is to go for their pckutbooka. "Detroit Free Piass, TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM iQOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In tho Side, .the Chest and the Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc, do., Ihe IMPORTED "ANCHOR'V PAIH EMUH Ihn I1FST. IINEHUALtU ntmtUr. rjl with rrent auoceM In tho Imperial 1 aud ttor&l General Hospital of Vie naa Mini (nntir others. On Usisllclttl Tcitlmmltl eat 6f tlouimlj : Ynnr Anchor Pnln Hrneller is reallr excel- I lent. One nf nnr Ktatarfl. MilTerlncr from Rtieu- I rnaium rctr years, coultt nnu noming to ouru ner out your Ancnor fain Eiriener. School BISTlcns VB NOTRE DAIIB. SO Conts a bottlo. I OF MOST DRUGGISTS, On DIRECT TOOUE F. AD. RICHTER & CO.. , BIO jBroadteay, Aeirr Tork, puropenn IIonBCHinudolstsdt, O'y, , i Iiondou. Vienna, llotleraam. Pragoit J - 23 rstzs HEbALS awaked. FREE Books about other Anchor RM medio on Application. iH!M.t kM - .V 'sSr -if A Oiia of the I ? If i:s'r'Vei- I Parnli4t t 11 I tit wo i" hi. Oitf racTlttsvt arc un(iiaim. ana to inimntc tir iuj nor (roadt yr frill ir iidrh K I loovg I iBinv (n ench loriltt , l viii luuir nnu nrii m to t onrernn makA airr oi thrhnr All on have tod. it. a fftprn lo niiir oar fuoai ttt "slnnliit? of thl dTerllictntuI ria thni Rronnd fou The b khotvt the mall end of tha tela. Hit following cat give tlie apparine of ll reduced tu ahnttlHic ffHh part of ta bulk II li a grand rioubtailtattla ropp.aalarRaaa taaaaj to carry. "Va will atioatiowfott how rmt can maka frum fill to 1 0 a day at leaal, rrom tb tart.wlih ontasperleactt Ilrner writa at one Wo pay all ripreiichtrgtt, Addmi, 11 HALLtTT ,. Do ttttU, PORTtANO, Ha IK a. Fnr T.OKTrVATTTNO KAKnODSl beaeral and HEUVQU8 DEBIUT Y( WnkneR9ori2ndvuidISiad. Kffeet AlofErrorsorErcesseain Old or Tonne. tlobol, N6bt8IAM100lin.llyitord. How toonlarn and ih.ol'.tftT nnralllnt; HONE THKATKEXT-neatflta Ip ft daf. Dm trttlfy rrnra 60 Btatea and t'orotgn Conntrlea. Urttt theu escrlotlTe Books plena tl and proofa mailed ataled) rrett tilt IE IYlOtCAL CO., BUFFALO Na V. t v fan a-, btj en . ! au h in lit nnrfrl I . n... Itmi'keeptir. An anted Up , (ui m huiit.nff taut-, lloili lodlea nod grni a aitr i, with works nnd cai i i.'p-'flici nith our larj naljlc iliipof IIfiiiflmlit iltleft. Ihric umr.tea.aa wpii iha rcteii. ere lVo. All tho worlc uu ied ilo U to atmw bat we acrvl you to (huae who eull vour cVlcndi and neighbor! and those aboat ou ihtatwayriulii l'i wttiblfitraaaforo(ivh1 hhoMa foryeart wlienoncaitartaj, nid thin wear repalJ t pi all axpreii, freight, etc After ion know all. If yoa would Hk- to r work for ui. tou can ftrn Atom WJO tn JSKIO pr wuh uud upMinli AJd, Htliton l t,'.. Itnx 8 i a. Jftlntiil. AIhIdd. Stoji iliat Hawking aud Spilling. I will glvo Fifty Dollars for a ense of Ca tnrrli, Cold In tho Hcail, Dc.iinoss, -ItBy Foyer," Affected Eye Slnlit, Astlima or Throat Trouble, I cannot euro wllh iny Beacon Llglit Catarrh Cure. Sonet one dollar to niy postofllce address for a liottlo. I -will mail it to you at my cxpenso. lliiv IVvKi' Ouit'il Willi Tlnoo Unities. HKN1U A. 7.0BIUST, Si 1-2 KScIiango.St.' OpiiPva. X.V. 2-1-ono ynar. roin Tho Bost Remedy ta this world, says J. Hofborr of Syracuse, N. 7.; Is Pastor Koenlg's Kazvo Toalo, beoanBe my sod who was partially parallted three years aga and nttackod by fits, line not bad any symptoms ol them aiaoontf took one bottle ol tno romscly, 1 moat hoattUy thatilt for It. Norvous Prostration Cured. CaoaUAN, K, 7. Jane, 1897. I tras not able to do anything for 19 months, was confined to tied most of tho time, couldn't eat nor sleep, was so nervous and dizzy that I could not walls from tho bousoto the garden, I was all mn down by what the doctors called nervous prostration. No medicine seemed to help mo. Then I took Pastor Koonlg a Merre ToaJo and uow I can est and sleep and havo no acre sinking spells, can do my housiwork again, lain very thankful (or tula and recommend tbs Toolo to all sufferers. HUH1E VSllWUNEIDEIt. Our PaninlilKt lor .uuuun uvul. ni leases will lie sent Ireo to- any address, s.n.1 This reinedv haa been nreoarod bv the Revereml Pastor Kcenlg, of Fort Vayne, Ind., for the pnet ven yonre, au.l Is now prepared under his ilfreo ilon by tho KOEIO MEDICINE CO.. W Wd L'li'sii, nr. Clstei tt, ( Illfiao, ILL. COLD 8V DRUCCISTS. Price ? rov Bpulo, G Similes lor 5. Dr. 0. T. Horn. net.. l.chi"hton No mpr of this. T'M: "COLCHESTBU" HFDjIBH JO, r . -lav Willi tlisldo of hal lined W,, ruhlwe ii. J' "iia, in wits ii niiilirt loll for the "Colehester "AOHSSiVE COUNTERS JOHN i- LEMT2, Wholesale Aueni. W.l.i .row '. n. . HFT.41L JSV 11. Illil ilrHlfl . , 111 h ivf llii-ll Slil IX.--. III-. It. l liert-oniiiplli :ili..,i in.t it, IK'ui i Piles! Pile?! Piles! Kri' I liuri-.i OHIO fill Cli'lj Inlll IkIiiiii; ni 1 .1 I , . i ; Has ui-t i I, titi il. failcil vvnli ,'t i . tol I- i mir-li ih .1 I I'll. -iii-iiii'. m,. .il I'll. . Ililt'liial in (-xlpinal, .:iml l.illK stlllldlnif lasts In .I. even it win him Hi' i i.-.iiMly. Tlil.Niiiioi ' IW, if, heal nml MM tlVHIlllll'f tltfl .Mill Iran, .ttiii i ment-nml mIi.o. I'Iiv U'n jiM- In uinr im.h i ""' "' .ui'i you win lie-ri'iH'v.'il ni!,i eomliiril. If Mii utiiiralsi tines uul kc.-. u ,.i pet II fm uu, Sflid lor lll, mail, fi nt'. :i Lem alWix. Atlilrt'sa. ANimsM II 1bk jtiuHt., '. Mol.l l Dr. K'. K. Hi-Im-i, 4 I Kuril mui T l Thoinus, tit l.lnt hion. Tla- fveiilutt (ounty nt-u.s ui ttiis (a)er. lituu it. eni- P. 'l . ' i .Ijt tiiturisiaiMMifas .