The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 18, 1890, Image 1

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p tl 0 c ii .( $
Carbon Advocate!
All the New.
AT H1K li
Lowest Price
$1.00 a Yeai in Advance.
VOL. XVIII.. No 49
INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live."
$1.23 when not paid in Advance.
Single Copies 5 Cents
' Lchighton,. Carbon County, Penna., October 18, 1890.
toil Cml lfii? Store,
dim-, thu runuc smuii.t ,
Brink Rlreet, lchighton, Pu
tt HUAuyuAirneiis nut
Pure l)ni find Me.dirinM,
Fine Snaps, Hiuslicft, &'.,
lioice fine's iind Liquors,
Wall Paper nnd liecivritions!
' When ynn lmv a flr of Shoes (u want b
ciMxiiit. Iiul It von, need SPBCTACI II Ik
iuiicIi mur ininoiiant llit tUe RVK siinuld be
accommodated with correct leiisestuul a proper-,!
Iv fitting fiame which will bums the tense di
rectly before theeefitrenf the eye. If von Imy
your spectacles at Ir. Horn's von will find the
ibove points properl) aitemfed to.
oiiifi m
Wcisspl Mm Directory.
This house "Hern flrst-cla accommodations to
he p-i nmnent hoarder Mid transient Idlest,
panic pi li i'. nb One Dollar Kr ilajr.
uig; ,j .limn Rmtmu. Proprietor.
This standanl brand ol plug
tobacco is acknowledged to be
the best chew and the largest
jjiece for the money in the mar
ket. " Vinco tin tag on each lump.
Its extensive sale for many year.s.
ha established its reputation.
There is nothing better.- Try it.
For sale by ileulcr-i and uiocers
Oscar Christnmii,
fmery ami Varhunqe iStihh'.
sv ruling carriage, ami safe dihnm horses.
Ilest accommodation t nvents mid travellers.
Mull milt telegraph ol i1iT prmti 1ly Hi irixlccl o.
Hive me a trim.
The - Wciaaport - Bakery,
c. w. i.Attnv, rittipiiurroii.
IMitTN Fresh Hri'iid 11ml Cake in Wei-spntl,
Lrhtitlitnn unit vlci littles everj iliiv.
In llro store 1 lmv.' n Flue r Cmifei-tl'incit
r the Holiday Trnilc. Niinuay senimis hh s
val siipimcu ;it inwesi prices uei .-i.m
Over Canal Brile I Weisspt.
Prevents JLtmgrFevcrl
Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss
of Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &c
1 1I. la each package. & ild by all dealers.
3 Cures Dysentery,
rij and Diarrhoea.
Cures Wind
Colic, &o.
Facilitates Teething!
Regulates tSio Bowels!
Sold by all dnurgints. Price 25cents.
Faisiwoll! Oed sneedlUee on thy way
Across the wate of waters blue:
From dangers guard thee night and day.
And keep tliee gentle, kind and true.
Farewell ! Though weary league apart,
On foreign land or alien tea,
We'll draw togetlier heart tn heart
In closest Imntle of eympailiy
Owl Iteep thee In Id tender care
Where'er on earth thy foott)w roam.
And under kiea nerehe and fair
Retnrti the wanderer to hie liimte.
riilladelphia Teleplinne.
ANII tK,l.l 11 I N
, 0, 1'rleet the vein lowest. (Jnalllv of
joiuls Hie liest. SHII'tfii.'tlon Kiiai .mlei it In
mtj imi tictilur.
Cnskbts, Coffind nnd Shroxids
We have a full line wlileli we will rurnlsli i
he Imvesl pusaihle piiees.
Flour, Feed, &o:,
Hie plmlcest nualltyitt verv reawinnlile pi ii'ob.
'all ami I icliimi.
Miruiy liAST WKISsfl'OUT
17i Main Slrci'l, Until, I'n.
VT DANllOH. llltOVIlWAV Hill'MV, MliMlAM.
at kaktin. Swan JUii'ki., n-Ksims
AT llprili.KUKM, tfvs ill" I KI,, ffwiSMm,
Oftlre lUiuisi- l'rnlii !in. in. lo 4 p. id. 1'r.u'lli'i
llniltwl Hi iliHoasei) ofilie
Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat
CdTU)o.Ui,rrAi,tl''inu"tlU' liu tn thf jIJuh1-
Had tho Desired Effect I a
Cabboixw), OaarN Co., Iix., Kov., '88.
T lunhly- reoominsnit Pastor Koenig'a Nerra
'i bio o anyuouy luai. litn puuww hum, udw
bvlie aa my aon ula (or C yuare, because a bottle)
i.t tut medicine cureu uim,
Saved Hor Life.
5,Hbw Hates, Conk., Feb, 9, 1689,
This It to oattlfy that my mother baa Budored
from nervous wtuUuosa tor over 20 jeara, Yft
liv. tried lnnuiaernblo teoiedlea and phy.
uinsrabe alio went to Ocrcuauy (or hex health,
epcndjng in all thousandt ot dollars with only
temporary benefit. At lat we tried Pastor
i;o.ul(! Keive '1'onlo and Ellilr of Iron, and I
LontiUy aud sincerely beltovo Uiat eha not only
cert red tofire Da'nettt from them than alt others
combined, but would L-vva died before this with
cattuain, as she getting weaker every day,
Lefcre wo began wirh the above tnediolne.
101 Dr. iiOJiT. F. EUNI, 771 Chapel It
Our I'umpliU t for euUtrors of nervous ui
enuscsni ba sn.t-frvu tu nny address,
roor tat)nts can alio obtain this ruedliin.
i-ee of charge from us,
Tula reruwly has been prepared by the Haverci:
l'astor Ku-nlg, of fort Wayne, lud , fur Hie p-"
ten years, aud U now prepared under hii dii c
tl0'"J7 KOCKia.MEBItiE CO.,
towtj aaiwi. f,itw.-i iHiiiuo, iv
IPrlre ?l slot tie. d tlniilea ifir t
Dr. ('. T. UouMiBt , Lchi-'lili 11
, D r hh B . R E I N O H L ,
""''Vlwdirate ol Phtla.' iviii..ic.illeue.
It? A I.I. ITB ItlUNi'HK.
VmnWi of UM a Specially
or'l'lfK inn Its-. Ifrmniiy,!". ur. p. m.
OAK EALT, Martet OittaieMaiich Chunlt
iiiUM U ni'i'ici'.
Irtu Duois NullH "I I'OKt UK"'
.11 l U'r-. Illll'ltS: . I" '. in- "I"' ' ' I' l"
Al.llls Jill
ti. Rulieuold, I) V). s ,
Sale bills printed at this ollic
at lowest prices.
Kllio (inlv Illustrated iper In the worlu
coninitiinu all tne inleKi xenHtitlnnal iml '.ptni
iiig news. N11 lim keeper, barber 111 ilu'.'
nmin can anoiu rn ue wi'iiimi 11, 11 uiwav
makes irienilK wherever it goes.
Mulled hi any urMreM. In the t'K'ted sinie
securel.i rpped. 1:1 week for SI. lUe ei-nls 101 sample enp.
JUclmid K. Foxi
Frnnhiln Square, New V.irk Citv.
'Subscribe Ibr and
thi-s paper. Purely lueal.
dollar a year.
of this.
m-ii iirne:-ia" J. W Itaiuleiii'iisii
I.H.UOr Stine,
tilrv In all Its r,. lies 1' eelli Kvl"ej
. IIh.iiI I'H'.H llK.s.4diiiiiiHlei.-dwlienieiUeleil
,lin, e l"v WKIIMMI'AV ,"l ''h wk- .
l- 11 aclitiess. l 1 i-M"V ,-
1 t 1 I.. IUUII
i-iHitilv. P-
rtubher Shoes unless woni uncomfortably tight
Hit, t.,w 11 tiii me IMJL
T, r a yhoe with Inside of hl lined with rubber.
This e'hiiiit tn Uie Ik- and preveuu the rubWi
Call fr the "folohestei"
JniIN F-T.BHT2, Wholesale AReni,
.7 7' KF.r.llL BY
IJeiail de.ili-i-M .111 li tli, 1r names IiisciI.hI
Here nnupph.-.u niaylT, 1smi-i
Mln4 wndMnc carvd,
in unit rMiiiuir t
xumliK lsTiM 1 1
WtimoniuA lrin ml
PrtM of (a globe. rrtmpoctaiipoeT
1. ljutmi. sn rina avv. mw york.
Jewder and Walchmato.
Hank Street, Lehigliton, -Viuiu
llespettldlrttlTltflmtenUol..l Ills Mend
Indllie Atl'e geiier..l 1 t Ins iuiii.. iise
uew siiiek of
WatoheH, Clocks,
Silverware, ilewely,
Hgmj Miller,
rmd for the relief A
Consumpllva per
sons. For Saloby all
druggists." 25 cents.
For tho euro of
. . Ji n Aimeo iiiini-Trro rt
SMOKE tar rht Price 10 Cts. At alt druggists
S not'only a distressing complaint, of
itself.-lmt, by causing tho blood to
become depraved owl the system en
feeblod, is t)ie parent of innumerable
maladies. That Aycr's Snrstipariua
is the best cure for Indigestion, even
-when complicated withl.iver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
Jrorn Mrs. Joseph Lake, ol Brockway
Centre, Mich.:
nlnlnt nnd indlctestlon
'made my life a burden and came near
eUUlIlg Uiy IJXiSlUIIUiS. mum ..
four years I suffered untold agony, -was
reduced almost to a skeleton, nnd hardly
had strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of lood distressed me, and only
the most delicate could bo digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
plivsicians treated mo without giving re
lief. Nothing that I tonic seemed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
tho use of Aycr's Sarsaparilla, which
has produced wonderful results. Soon
nfter commencing to take the Sarsapa
rilla I could see an improvement in my
condition. My appetite began to return
Olid with It. came tho ability to digest
nil tho food taken, my strength im
prWFd - encb - day, -and after -a few
mon'tlu ot faithful attention to your
directions, I found myself a well
woman, able to attend to all household
duties. Tin, medicine has given me a
new lease of life."
Iyer's S
Dr. J. C. Aypr St Co., Lowell, Mass.
Piisc- $1 ; U batik-., I. Worth $( n bottle.
W. 3VT- Rapsher,
l'lrst door above the Mansion Hou'e,
ieal Kstate mill ChII.tImi geney. Will Ihi;
nil Sell lie il "l i!e. emiv.-vuiclliu neatly 1I0111
nllerhoiH irnipllv m.nle. Sealing hstates
lei-.'dee.N i ,.i eialC . Mm he i-nrsnlted
:nc1lsli ami li. i ,k in ' imv. M-V
w. g- rvr. Soipie,
30TITH STRI'.l-'.T. - - - LEHIOHTO
Ma be emi-u'lcil In Knirlish and Oerinwi.
iieelal alb ntlpn 'iueu neeiilogy.
Orrii K Hot lis
rom li to ! I'. M
Kfim l!f M,
to 2 V. 711.,
mar. ai-vi
.,1 Pmei cli,il defy
, , all and lli-iei-l
II, slikk li
II will U NuU
fun- puri'ii.'iMiu
I'l.illlpUV dune Al I itt'sl i
t u.ndl.leej.
Don'l romol Jlie n'ace
MINI I M II 1. 1 l! III'
Window ani I'oor Framkp,
OimiI'm, Shlll'ers,
window aslics,
MmildiiiiJ, I'raekets
Ml Kinds of Diral Luito' '
Y'u . i' i l we.itli r. Ya want an "U-
rather t In i it. i',e bent vatcmrDuf coat
tn the . - ! No (rail ruMxtr i&Mt that will
rip befot i wc.K u tut. Kubber cotts tvtt
And tut lu t n li rt i t. e. It ui tramfttcra oat ol
fne wear t " 1 i li Ll:ii. 1 " wterorcflf Alfiihtilt.
The v arc ill - .tny w .i- .n waterproof CMU that
ie iitit, m u v', i u j: , . a u.em iwy cwt
irenr i ti ? A ' ' " thr never get
ttcJty tr i. I fii 1W bett ' r wfr.atcDtd,
and nrwf - ' l'h v ate l-ohitly wtter
pioofatitn .Vvr.i ' i-'-.tilatiuwootte you will
ntvtr Vn- iiu .aiiort of iai.iy day. Bawar ol
worth'cd !t. ' i.uwiK, evry f nt ut damped with
tU "Flh )irat.d" TwU Kuk. Doivt accept
any infettor ooat whon v t on have th uiwx
brnd Sin her " dU ttd ihout efa coat. Par
toiUra i'.I UAtW t jlogue fiat.
A. J. TGWkR. - Boston. Mass.
Mulwav P 1 . riu M.liii li l luink 1 l.enialilon,
II. ('. lliM, I'mlirletrtl-,
I'.M'KKItTON, - . . Psa.
i in- eli I nnwn I Intel Is adimrablvretllted, arid
h,i-1 hr in . i ai'CirtiiiiiiMlalloiis for peinuiiienl and
,uim,-ii Kxeelle-.U Tildes aed the
cj i liesi .iii,Ms. Slalil.-s iltiii'h.-.l 1 an
D. J.
From mv earliest recollection we had
traveled, tnivoled the world over, it
seethed, my mother and I. Wo had no
kith nor Wn but one another, so can the
world wonder that wo were all in nil to
each other? My mother's fare, although
the Bweetest mid gentlest of faces, wm
always sad, even gloomy at times. SI19
always wore the deeposf of mourning
for my father, although I conld newt
get lior to mention him. And after sev
eral inquiries I ceneed to trouble, her. for
such a look of pain nnd agony would
come over tho dear features at the men
tion of Robert Rndcliff. The only jew
elry she ever wore consisted of two
rings, a plain gold wedding ring and a
beautiful opal set in n heavy band of
gold. Through Asia, Europe. Auiericu,
and even to Africa nnd Australia, wo
had made our way. And whenever in n
crowd or conversing with a stranger I
uld notice my mother looking at her k
pal ring, which she wore on Hie third
finger of tho right hand.
One summer we hail wandered through
Russia, had spout some tiino on the
Rhine, nnd finally brought up in a-littlo
town .tinting the mountains (if Switzer
land. Hero my mother was taken ill
ith a general decline of the heart, as
the village doctor called it. 1 was very
much frightened and wanted to tele
graph tor a man lroni runs,
but sho soi ill. "No, Carl, do nothing
whatsoever. My time has come, and 1
must have yon- to "myself for tho few
hours left me."
I would not Vjelievo it. It did not
seem possible that God could take her
troni me.
Mother," I wiid, controlling my emo.
Hons for fear of making hor worse,
'you imagine that you are much worse
than yon are. Yon nre looking better
than l have scon you tor some time.
Vonr cheeks are bright red."
Ah, what n fool 1 was! Death's very
ign I took to be tho line of returning
Carl, I havo no time to waste in use
less words,' sho uaid. "(Jome and sit by
inv side and learn why your mothers
sad face has darkened your young life
No. do not interrupt, my boy. I know
how much you think of your mother
Sixteen years ago, when you were i
child of 4, wo lived in a beautiful coun
try home in the north of Ireland, Your
father was of that country, you know
I did not know, for she had never told
me anything about him; but I did not
interrupt, and she coivtinucdt "Well,
one night I waited and waited for Robert
to return. He bad gone to the neighbor
ing village to buy new carri ige horses
The wind blew a gale, and tho rain fell
in torrents. I walked tho floor in an
agony of fear till 13 o'clock, thou called
ii faithful old servant and tolu; firm to
harness and to go with mo to look for
his master. Ho thought me crazy, but
did as I told him. Put another pillow
under my head, Carl. There, now I can
breathe easier,
We found him, my sonj found him
all hloody and beaten to death. Foully
murdered !'
Her face was ghastly, ai4 although
shakiug in every limb I managed tQ give
her some drops tho doctor had left so
that sho was able to continue. "I can
not tell yon more of that dreadful time
except that thero never was the slight
est clew to the assassin, Wo never knew
that he had an enemy in the world. It
was not robbery, for his watch nnd a
large amount of money wero not touched.
You will find papers telling you all of
that. My part is what I wish to tell
you now. I lived with you nlono in
the old homo for ono year, One night 1
fell asleep in a chair by tho hearth, and
had' tho strangest of dreams. I dreamt
a voice said to me: .
" 'Take thy child and the opal ring
and travel the world over, and when
thou dost find thy opal tuniest n blood
red then thou willst ba in the presence
of thine enemy and thine husband's
"When I awoke I pondored on it for a
while, but came to the conclusion that it
was the result of it fevered brain. The
next night -I hud tire Rime dream, and
again the next. I then took it as my
missiou in life to find the man who had
foully killed my Robert. I awoke from
my apathy, sold the- place, and takiug
you with tue started on my pilgrimage.
You know the result. Never hat my
ring changed color. Now, Carl, 1 am
dying, and into your liands I consign
this ring.'and I aiikou by the memory
of your murdered father to iind the per
son and bring his crime home to him."
Saying this she placed the opal, with
Us fine red lines, upon my finger, and
then lay imck exhausted,
"I promise, mother, never w give up
tile searf n wmie mere is orenui in 1111
body," I said, intending to find the s
safcbin by uiotlcrn means instead of super-
atitious, bat I would not puin her by
doubting her dream.
Three days alio lingered, during which
time bhe told me of her financial stand
ing, and that she did not know of iv rela
tive in the world, The third night she
passed wny, leaving me alone in the
,urtil with :i tHrrihlM void in mv life
and an unutterable grief. I saw her!
buried in the little Swiss burial grouud,
aud tbeii returned to the inn aud looked i
iny future in the faoe. I liud JCW.OOO, I
o friends slid a veritable vendetta. A
week later 1 stitel for Paris, stated my
tronUe, and had the best detectives to I
wok np a IwpeWss case. In Loudon I 1
did tho sauie, and then croKscd the ocean (
and followed the same course in N-w
York. TUe opal ring I wore, but seldom
looked at it. I made wveral pleasaut
traveling ncrjuaintances, and hnd rt uum
ber of invitations to visit in Washing
ton. Baltimore and other cities in the
States. I- refuged them nil, and went
west to San Francisco, staying there un-,
til .Tan. 1, when I returned to Washing
ton, where I run of my trav
eling friends, ltiy Carrington.
I refused nil overtures to go into so
ciety or to visit Carrington, but when 1
Was taken ill Hnd threatened wtth pneu
monia my friend had me removed,
against my wishes, to his home, where
a tall, stately lady smiled graciously
upon me, mid where I had all tho care
and devotion possible during n serious
illness. This lady, who was Ray's
mother, was an angel of mercy to me, a
homeless wanderer. One day I Was ly
ing on tl sofa deluged with shawls,
wraps, etc.,' rending my correspondence
from the foreign police- office. Nothing
had really been done, although a man
had been sent to Ireland. So many
years had passed they oould hold out llt
tie hone to me.
A rilp nt th0 door, hnd "May '1 come
inr frotirKay.
"Of eotUM," I frpllml. "Why do you
"Because I have brought you n vist
tor," he snttl, run he entered with htrflrin
around a bKiutifitl ybtmg girl, whom he
introduced ns his sister Lilian
I told her alio was very kind to visit
an invalid, nnd wondered wlmt they
would think if they knew I was hunting
down a murderer of sixteen years ago.
Many happy days passed m spite of ill
liess and vendettas. They insisted upon
keeping me for a ball in honor of Lilian's
twentieth birthday. I found resistance
useless, so yielded with ns good grace as
possible, although I know such gayeties
were not for me, and my mother's death
was too recent not to destroy any desire
for such pleasures.
However I btaid, sind on tho ovoning
of the ball arrayed myself in my dress
suit and descended to tho ballroom
which was beautifully decnratejl with
tropical plants mid lovely ferns. Lilian
was receiving her guests by her mother's
side. Sho was dressed in a gown of sil
very fabric, which made her look moro
than ever like the beautiful fairy she
was. I easily miuglod unnoticed in the
As I K!iz"1 on fb f- brilliant scene 1
wondered what i... Joar mother was
thinking m sho -loi ked down from her
home on high. I thought of the little
grave in tho far away country, of the
vendetta, left mo ns n legacy. Ray broke
in upon my meditations, and finding il
impossible to persuade me to dance said:
"Well, do take Miss Van Dyke into sup
per and relieve me
I Complied, and upon entering the
supper room removed ouo glove, as my
hand was wariu. Upon doing so 1
glanced at tho opal ring, and to my hor
ror noticed that it had uecomo a ulood
red. What could it mean? I glanced
around the room und noticed only a doz
en people, but these brilliant society
people of Washington. What had they
to do with my opal turning red? I must
be mistaken. Noj it was a. deep blood
red. I noticejl-Uiiy's uncle among the
crowd a tall, tlarU man, conversing
with alady; and I mechanically watched
him leave the room, then glanced at mj
ring and, great heavens! my blood hewn
ed'tnrniu': to ico, for tho ring had re
sumed its original color. I escorted
Miss Van Dyko back to the ballroom
and delivered her to ;v partner.1 Then 1
sought an introduction to Ray's uncle.
"Mr. Rndcliff," he exclaimed, and I saw
him start, "whero was your home, if 1
may ask?" "In tho north of Ireland," 1
replied, "and my fitther was Robert
Radcliff." I noticed my ring had again
become red, which fact dispelled all
doubt from my mind. Notwithstanding
how rjdicnlous it seemed, I continued.
"Mr. Carrington, I would like a few
words with you privately."
"Not to-night," luvstnmnicrod, "but
to-morrow at 10 n. m." "Very well," 1
replied, and then sought tho smo'cing
room to be ablo to think, Lilian s uncle.
She to whom my heart had gono out wiu
the nieco of tho murderer of my father,
for I had faith that I had found the man.
I retired that night to get littlo or no
sleep, to wonder what 1 should sny nnd
do to Howard Carrmgton. and what mo
tive lie could havo had for such n deed.
Tho next morning I called at his resi
dence promptly at 10 o'clock, and was
told that tho gontlainan was not yet up,
had not answered when ho was called.
and must bo very tired. A horrible sus
picion came over mo, and I told tho man
to come with me, for wo must break in
the door..
We easily did so, nnd there, with hi
head on his arm, leaning on his desk,
was Carrington. Then to our horror we
miw a stream of blood on the floor nnd a
revolver near it. We went to him and
found him dead. Tho bullet had done
it deadly work. On tho desk lay an en
velope addressed to Carl R, Radcliff. 1
opened it mid read)
"Mr. Radcliff You have tracked me
at lust. How I cannot imagine, for 1
never supposed there was a tingle clew.
Now 1 know myume has come, i am
tired of being hounded by remorse, and
should have made way with myself lie
fore Jong nuyway. t killed your father
nearly seventeen years ago in Ireland. 1
hnd fallen pssionately in love with your
mother long before tue knew or your fa
ther. She rejected nw with worn be
cans I drank. When she married Rad
cliff I was wild with jealousy. Still I
never should have done him harm if it
A Winged Lllard.
One of the strongest of the mnny
strange creatures that inhabit the wilds
of southern Asia and India is the "Hying'
flowers,"' a small, brilliant hued ll.ardof
tho order brncovolans. On the wing
braoovolans resembles a richly tinted in
sect! when at rest it compares favorably
with others of tho lizard tribe, with the
excopHon that it has an extraordinary
protuberance on both sides of the body.
Tkeso are the wings, which are formed
by a cutaneous flap, winglike in shape,
supported by a series of false ribs. In
ooior these flying lizards nre hluo and
gray, with intermediate tints of various
kinds and shades.
The tall is long, slender and very
snaky In appearance. A largo double
pojicli extending below tho hend ndds to
the ferocious aspect oLtho little rainbow
colored .brute. The wings lire not true
wiufls, strictly so willed, but nre used
merely ns tmraohuteS. Wlion tholMrtl
leaps fiwn thqJimh of a treo into tho air
the tippoimirrBUeBriag9"tliwh but and;
enables the-posseseorosoar awny at an
fthglo to it greater or'losser distance, ac
cording to. the height of the starting
Tho liiard can change its direction
while in tho air, a power not possessed
by our "flying squirrels." Hence the
Oftstinl observer might readily believe
that they had tho powor of moving the
winglike appendages, which Would, in
that coso, be true flight. Ronnng is.
however, the limit of thgir power, the
height of the starting point regulating
the distance traveled In the soaring
flight, which is rjuito frequently several
hundred yards, an aerial exhibition
which strikes terror to the heart of a
stranger wandering for tho first time in
the jungles of tho antipodean wilds.
St. Louis Republic,
Cactus mid Camel.
Tho cactuses aro very peculiar plants
ns peculiar structurally as they are
bizarre aud grotesque in outer appear
ance. Thoy have spared no pains and
shrunk from nosaorificoin accommodat
ing thomselvcs to their uicho in nature.
In the first place, they havo no true
leaves. What look like leaves in certain
joiirved cactuses aro really flattened aud
extended steins. If this seems at first
hearing a hard saying tho analogy of
tho common stonecrops, whore stem and
leaf are hardly distinguishable, will hell
to inako it a little less incredible. In
other ways, too, tho stonecrop3 (or se
dnms, ns the gardeners call them) throw
much light upon the nature of the cac
All thoso rook haunting or desert plants
naturally get very littlo water
long intervals nfter occasional showers,
Hence only thoso can survive which' form
themselves, as it were, into living reser
voirs to retain all tho moisture they onc
absorb. As soon as, thpraili falls in their
arid haunts tho roots, and rootlets eager
ly drink it up in a groat hurry and stove
it away in tho soft and spongy cellulm
tissue of which the main part of tin
plant is wholly formed. For this pur
poso, both in stonccrops and cactuses
tho stems have- become floshy nnd'succii
lent, and being also green and loailiki
thoy closely resemble tnto leaves, Bnl
they aro covered externally with a thick
skin, which resists evaporation and kecp
the moisturo, onco colloutcd, at tin
plant's disposal for an unlimited period
In short, the cactus does ns n plant n
what acamel does as an animal. Gran
Allen in North American Review?
Mllltonrtlra Lehman's l.iiYitrloits Apnr.
incuts tit IIIiMitttltiirdule A,vlum.
Descending to Hie first floor the locked
doors on tho right of the parlor open
upon the privato suite of apartments
oooupled by the insane'Chtcago million
aire 13. .T. Lehman. Mr. Lehman was
and is still the proprietor of tint biggest
retail dry goods store in Chicago
Mr. Lehman Is siuTeruiKlrniu a form
of paresis, aud although he is but 43
years old there is not the slightest hope
of his recovery. He lives like n king in
his apartments, and bis family pay for
the luxuries with royal liberality.
Ho has three apartments, which occu
py all tho right side of the house-ou the
lower floor. For .these rooms and board
alone he pays $180 a veok. Then he line
threo special attendants who keep with
him night and Tii These cost $4Ji a
weak Additional.
Ho keens his hrJiXeB ami tnrrintre nnd
Hue otit once a tiny. One of the attend
ants does the driving, while the other
two sit on either side of him. For tho
many other luxuries ho enjoys Mr. Leh
man pays out in all f-100 a week. Ho
ays more than any other inmate nf the
While at times he is quiet and pleas
ant Mr. Lehman is ono of the wildest
men in the asyhim whou an insane fit
strikes him. It is because of this that
it is necessary to keep threo attendants
watching him. Ho has smashed thou
sands ot dollars' worth of furniturosiilco
his incarceration. Heis a tall, athletic
ally built man, and is possessed of enor
mous strength when ho beoomos wild.
Although his threo attendants are all
trained athlotcs they have great difficulty
ill holding him at timos.
While ho sleeps in one of the small
ooms an attendant sits nt his bedside
and watches all night, while tho other
two sleep In the large room a few feet
In addition to the usual iron gratings
on the windows several strong bars have
been placed. Soveral times a week the
Chicago millionaire tries to break out of
tho rooms. Ho has almost wrenched the
ron gratings fro.m their places, and on
ono occasion almost succeeded in climb
ing up tho wall to the glass transom
abovo tho top of tho door nnd breaking
through. To guard against a repetition
of this tho glass has been removed and
wooden boards have been nailed In its
placo. '
About once a month Mr. Lehman's
wifo couios on from Chicago to seo hei
husband. SonieUmos sho brings ono o!
her four children with her. Sho is noi
permitted to speak to him or allow him
to seo her.
While sho stands in ono part of the
grounds ho is driven past her in his car
riage, and in this way sho is enabled to
catch a brief glimpo of his face.
In his rational moments Mr. Lehman
talks to his attendants about his wifo
and children. Ho says that ho has the
sweetest family in the world and that
they ail lovo bun.
In his parlor Mr. Lohman lias a hand-
sonlely carved organ, Ho h Very fond
of musio and Is a musician of no insig
nilicnnt skill. He plays upon tho orgm
at times half tho day and completely en
chants tho other inmates of the house.-
Now York Journal.
il never disappoints Ir. Hull s
At all dealt rs. Pi lee j cent a
Tr It. fui
ennui .u up
le ho vie. lis in,- nurse steals Mash : but he
tthn uantiinh purloins invbntlle ofHslvnlion
il. steals soiuetlitntt that em telle-. Iitm Indeed
ml leaes me bankrupt, a Wctlni tn ,u lies and
n rewind, woeful ilen, until l ean sIohK
i-i-p to Hh- in .uest drug stole
Voollsli CnimUlcncy
Emerson tells us that thero is no par
ticular virtue in consisionoy. How stu
pid a man nfust bo, ho says in effect
Svho is not wiser today than yesterday
and who does not accordingly have li
change some of his opinions.
"A man will nover chango his mini
who has no mind to change, says Arch
bishop Whalely, and Faraday expresse
the samo idea when ho charges us to re
member that, "In knowledge Hint mai
only is to bo despised who is not in astati
of transition.
There is a medium between what
worthy old gentleman calls "whifflin
about like a woathercock" and romain
Ing rigidly in one nit of belief. Most o
us know instances of men who cannol
bring themselves lo eay anything whicl
would contradict what thoy uttered last
week or last year.
A certain Irishman once declared that
bo had owned a horse which was fifteen
feet high. A few days nfter he reforred
fo tho same animal ns being fifteen hand
Hut, said a listener, "you gave it the
other day as fifteen feet.
Did 1, thinf Baid Patrick. "Well
I'll stick to it. He was fifteen feet high.
Youth s Companion.
A Rental-kHhlM Cntin!
The most remarkable canal in the
world is the one between Worsley nnd
St. Helens, in north England. ft
sixteen miles long and underground from
end to end. In Lancashire the coal mines
are very extensive, half tho country lieing
undermined. Many years ngo Hie man
agers of the Duke of Bridaewater's es
tates thought they could save money by
transporting the coal underground -in
stead of on the surface: therefore the
canal wob 0Otustrnetd, and the mine
connected and drained at the name time.
Ordinary canalboats are used, the power
being furnished by men. The tunnel
arch over the canal Is provided with cross
nleeee. and the men who do the work
hadn't been for meeting him that dark propulsion He on their backs on the-Kvl
night all alone. I was mad with drink, of coal, and push with their feet agamsl
and the deed was done beforo I realized
the crime. I have never since touched a
drop of liquor. No one suspected Mr.
Carrington, the tourist, of such a deed,
and after some time I came here to iny
friends. Now you know all H. C."
I never told my friends of this lettei
or of the crime. They thought it tem
porary insauity. 1 now felt free to offer
myhelf to Lilian, and to my joy and as
toiiishment was accepted. Eighteen
mouths from the time of her uncle's
death Lilian becwie my wife. I have
always worn the opal ring, which lias
never changed it rolor since it howed
me my father's i;urdem'. L. M. A. in
Boston Ulolw-
Afler 'pending an hour with a prelty
fool, how refreshing homely people are.
100 I.iiiHes M auled.
nd lull men to call nt driiEBlsIS. for a
Vcc pin kage "I Lane's l aniilv Medirine,
lie Brent nut and lieib renu-dv, discoveeru
i.vlh- Situ- I.nne while in (he Koi-ky moun
ains. Fm ih-ease-nl (lie liluixl. liver and
kidney il i )ilive cure, l-'nr eoilstipa-
iiuiand clen intt up the complexion it does
wiuulirs. I luldii'ii like n. Everyone
irnlses il. I..ififp. sire packace. -'iO rents.
At nil drucKiat-'.
Seeing is believing; and when a man
sees a swarm of bees about, to settle on hi
head it Is lime for him lo be leaving.
lKicflin and I. Icr Complaint.
Is it nut wmili the small price nl 75 cent';
Id tree Viiur-clf of evelv sMiintotii of lhesi-
lisl re-.sini; i mnplnliils, if miu think sot-all
ill our sinre and ict a Ivnlile of Khiloh'--
ilaliti. Du-iv liiitih- has n minted
u nl'-c mi il, use nccnnlinulv. and if if
Iocs vim in, nn(il ii will ,-i.t von nothiiu'.
hi ai Iherv's or Thcina-.' druc, store.
A clever woman is one who acts like
lot water on tea, she brings the sweet
ness ami streneth out. of everybody
i- h ive n speedy and Positive Cure for
Catarrh, liptlieria, Canker Mouth and
Head che, in SIM LOU'S CATARRH
REMEDY. A Nasal Inie.tor free Willi
each bottle, l se it if von desire health
and sweet breath. Price "0 cents. Sold
il Hier 's or Tlininn' Drugstore.
A clever
the other
is one
who makes
herse'f the
Hvrry Home Should Have It.
11 Is nnt'nhwivs cnmciilcnt toeiill a. nlivilflnh
foi every little ailment. HavhiK lted l'lag Oil
in the house you hae a I'hsstclnn always lit
hand; It, Kills Hheumallsni, NeuialRia, Burns,
lliulsesand all Aches and l'nlns. I'flcc 25rts.
Theie sre fen thinas In lire otwhlchwe ma
be eeitJilu. but this is one uf Ihetti. Pnii.Tlnn
Cough and Consumption Ceie has no equal for
Colds, I'ouubs ami consumption. Price 23 and
Ml eenls at rhnni.ts' Drum Store.
clever woman is one who is mistress
of fact and knows how to make the social
wheels run smoothly.
Miles' N'erieiind I.lver Pills.
An important discovery. Thcv act On
Hie liver, stomach and Imvcls through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedlv
lire biliousness, had taste, torpid liver, pile
tid constipation Splendid for men. women
.iml iliildren. Smallest, mildest, surest. 8ti
doses fur 2i cents. Samples free at T. D.
Thomas nnd V. V. Hiervs Drue Store,
A clever woman Is ono
takes nothing that she does
who nnder
not unilcr-
A rortuno from llcans and llcef.
Oliver Hitchcock, the Park row beans
and beef man, has mado more mone
from tho sale of tho two articles of diet
mentioned thnn any man in tho world
nis fortune is estimated to bo $")0,000.
Ho is said to own considerable stock in
tho New York Central railroad and tt
have a largo sum invosted in bonds and
mortgages. Ho is a remarkably sturdy
man for his age he being 74 years old
Every day finds him behind his counter,
at tho corner of Beekmnn street, slicing
tho juicy cornboef or ladling out tin
Boston vegetable. He works only foui I
hours a day now.
Mr. Hitchcock began selling beef ami
beans forty years ago, and he has been
at tt continuously over since. Some ot
tho most famous newspaper mon of New
York city liavo dined nt his humble re
taurant. Horace Grceloy was ono ol
Hitchcock's regular customers. Hitch
code cannot remember why ha made u
specialty of beef and beans, but he has
tangible evidence that if thoso article
are properly cooked and decently served
they will bring a handsome remnnera
Hon. New York Journal.
Ask Your Vrlciutn About It.
Your dislrcssing cjBiigh can be cured, We
know it because' Kemp' Balsam within the
past few years hiis cured f,o many coughs
and colds In this community, Its-reniarka
'do sale has been won entirely by its genu
inc merit. Ask Rome friend who has used
it what he thinks of Kemp's Bnlsim. There
is no medicine so pure, none soeflecttve.
ratine Iml lies "iPcniiil $1.00 at all druggists,
-'ample bottle free
A clever woman is one who looketh well
ifler 1 lie ways of her own household.
Tiik iikkt medical wiltcm claim that the sne
(CHutiil lemciU fur nasal eiitairh mutt he non
liiitidliu.', easy oi application, and our that mil
icach all the i-eiuoie sores apd ulcerated sur
faces.. ThclilMon ottlieclloitstntreateatarih
duilngllie past niillces iistu admit that only
-uie leuiedy has mi l these conditions, and thai
is Hl' ( ic.-ini lialui. Tins pleasant remedv
has iiuiHleieii eatiii i h us iiothhifr else ha ever
done, and liolh pmslcuins Hull patients freely
, otieeile Hi Mad. The more ilWtressllils snii
inllis tleld In It
r,onllii(t for Wealth.
The first question that an enterprising
young immigrant asked, at the barge
office upon his arrival tho other day was
"Where is Gold street?"
"Silver street is a good deal nearer,'
answered a waggish officer.
But the young man had no interest m
silver. He wanted gold. When be wn
askesl why be inquired" for Gold streel
he assumed a mysterious air and de
clined to answer. The officer told him
whero the street was, apd he went awaj
"Now, there's an instance of what
thy expect," observed the officer. "1
suppose that young fellow thinks that
all lie has to do is to go to (told street
and fill his trunk with gold cobl ilestonee."
New York Tiniue.
of all in Laavenlng Power. U. S, Gov't Report, Auk, 7, 1&S9,
K'Ht-cUnll rtii'i-Mi . .
'.) in .1 n i' w 1 1 v n,
n tHt-pan it in liit
Oil hps ii l;uiiif s
I'.f II. I l .1 Mil" I tl I
I lll'.H Mi'liM- Will I
iilillr I hat he has
'ie iHtlll
lil.K, .Hid lliat lit- is 1
1 1 .ins for ruueruu,
- mi the slimiest 110- 1
. unlets ten at the 1
- pi.uiipi attention.
HI Ml!. I
-Mil, II, i. I
IN" "i ! II
I r v j w i
Bank St L. iiigiitcm. j v cry .LsOWesl l'l'ices.
All the (rendu t
this paper.
county news in!
It cad it. 1
the cross bars of the roof. -St. Louis P.
Hound tn Save Her Hat,
On a Western and Atlautio train Hi
pulled out f Atlanta recently was s
negro woman who had paid her fare to I
Chattanooga When on the outskirts f
the city hr twenty-five cent straw hat
was blown through a window. She
jumped up and pulled the bell cord
The train ' stopped, and when the con
ductor rushed into the coach he saw the
woman disapiiearing through the oppo
site door. While the woman was ciaa
ing her straw hat over the meadovs the
tain pulled out and left her behind.
UlsUUes In Print.
"Did you ever notice, " said a newspa
per man the other day, "what straruo
mistake ,-riteis will soueHines make?
Why, a day or two ago in one paper a
column whs devoted to a discussion of
the seal fisheries question, in which Sir
Jnlian Pauucefoto was repeatedly called
1 Sir Johu Pauncefote. Was it ignorance
or temporary abei-ration, or what?
Probably what There Is an old story
of the one pet feet hook ever printed,
after almost infinite paius bad tieen
taken to make it typographically cor
rect. When it was finished the word
book' was f juud ou the first page print
ed with iluto oV New York TriWue.
hi ha
1 mil
I ' '
m t'.
ir ,
iH'e, t h i ei
limt !','its h
Item : i rod i
lie- 1 in,
I II O II -rl. '
i m I i-i
rl .rh s. i r
,-trlc IlRllt. In K Tlicstr.
trician who visited the Lyric
n London, where a torv com-trv-al
inatallaHon ha i lieen put
I'Mi-ai purposes, s,i , that the
n i , i n the stage aie perfect,
in ev seen any theatre in
;ht ri(m the batti-ns can be
ii i, ti-ii itv and ( olor to so
nt . nd with such ease N
o n- -.1, the nivesf arv effects
ced In- portable .ire lamp.
a s' iule gas jet an where
i -s ;e, and the plant has
.ie month.; v. ithnut the
,' town.- Londo t Letter.
lli DeiiBI
etc i,H
. IT '
d t
tn .'recent v. ilcr saws
, ikivvr-re'l m (lei many and
. Inch ludong to tbe bronze
iiiPtsl of which they were
- ts cant into a thin shaft, and
b.i breaking the edge.
,V clever woman is one whose ability Is
never unpleasantly felt by tho rest of the
Ills luiioritnce CnM Me 81C0.00.
I was sick idied for three months. The
Icclor said I had Prolapsus Uteri, which
was mi 1 1 ue. lie didn t try lo cure me hut
wanted to make a $1.50 every day. My
mule is a driieglst. ami he told me to turn
he doctor oil and irv, Sulphur Bitters. I
lid so and five dollars worlh of Sulphur
Killers cured me of general weakness and
lehi'iitv. Mrs. S. , New Ifnven.
4 The Mexlraus
eat salt with their
When the hair 'shows sins of failing
begin at once to use Aver'-- Hair Vigor.
Tin- preparation -trenRthi us (lie scalp,
prnmoic- the growth of new hair, restores
iheuaiuial color to gray and tailed hnlr.
nd reiiili i- it soft pliant, and glnwy.
A i-leM i- woman i one who acknowledge-
her neighbor's light ;o Hyp, who
ilo-en'l believe that she alone is the motive
power ol the wolld.
1!mip HnnnlerR
Win, I minions. I'iisluitci of lilayllle, Jnd.,
wtiii . 'I li-, trie lutti-is ha- limit- more for nit
iliad , in nl In i inedli tin- i-nm bint-d. for that bad
leelm nii-iui: fiom Milne) .mil liter trouble. '
liihu Ij-sile, lariner and sioeUni.tu, of sun e
idiee. -in- -Kind l.leiiiii- minis lo be the
brst kuliiet .nut lltei nicdeiiir. mails me feci
til-.,1 .1 new in.iii " .1. W Carilner. hardware
un ii-lianl. saeie tntui, nms "PIk trio lllttei-s Is
just the timer for a man who Is nil run (town
.pd don 1 tale whelhel he IU,s or (lies, lie
found licit sin iijcth, good appetite and fell Just
'ike h,. had i neu lease on life ' Ont Hk' a
lioltll-. .11 Itfl'fl's ll IIU Sinn-,
In '1 iiilvt-i . at the pn-seni da the mourn
ing hue i- t lolel.
Tin li.ll.ilii rnoih i- a native of Eti-inpc.
v K"lnx "i In the li uuaii system
ii- r uuii i on-iiiniiikiu. cetiuh
A (Irput Haiti,-
I- I incl.iiil
It lll-ll Mill Nl
old-, ihet iiie In nun health and tlrae le
inn-In He m.ic. lake tinit-H u.trtiiui; and
ii-i Pan I in, i Couch ami nu-iimptlou Cuic.
I'l Ice Ji .111,1 Ai it Ills
in Lie'- I ler lte(:iiialor is a -nre cure fm
, -pt piia, I'llioUHiies-, heiii Hun n, indige htluii,
ainl all klitm y isunplalnls '1 ilnl luiltlea flee at
flioin.i- In ui: stoic.
Tli llteen' English.
I'll I -hniaii- I say, Jo Un iw, what's
li 1 i k,i ,! to BoHion?
l;.titn,.,l Ticket ClM-k Tint whaUge?
Englishman The bookuge. ye knaw
the tariff. What's th' tariff?
Ticket Cleik1 haven't time to' talk
politics. New York Weekly.
Browning had a uiarvelot s memory,
fie ahve.j s ( mild tell tbe exact place of
any quotation oi 'tiagment of quotation
referred to Imn, and was vexed greatly
whenever he heard his own lines misquoted.
A clever woman Is the one who II at
case in any place and among any people,
M.irttflou :iiilliruuee.
llie.i-t .inioiint of It. 1 m it- pretormetl l-y
lite In. ut in I fcpiiiK all poiiion- of the bnd
mpili(i! uiili blond i- not gem-tally knowii.
Ii I,. ,,(n loo i.oi) inuc-, nnd Ion 1 1- the blood
at tin lau- ol I'' mile- a ilut. which is
..,(Mai,isMl,lMNi lime- and r,o,ssu uitles in
a life time No vioiulei then- are so hisiiv
slidl 1 lit
ill t Uf i
III tllll
ol l.i
i lit III-! h
t'l mIh-u e
l'iles-i,i. iht li
inol lit i inn -;i,
111 I ,, ,1,1.1m
v uiplomi- are
n i-ing, pain
i mti, choking
lolltiw weak,
II-, svtollru
Mile,' New
l nre is Ihe only relialde remedv
Stiltf by T. Thoiius ami W. V. Hier.