The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 04, 1890, Image 3

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There is no store in Carbon
' County so well suited to the
Wants of our People as Ours.
We have made larger pur
chases, invested to a greater ex
tent, and ore offering more in
ducements than ever, with the
sole aim of outdoing all com
petitors, and giving to Lehigh
ton the best equipped store in
this section.
Never before was our store as
attractive in the way of bargains
as now. (?oods are being-sold
at such low prices as Jo cause
comment everywhere.
Besides offering great bar
gains, our store is Cheerful,
Roomy, well ventilated, flooded
with light, and goods are dis
played in such a manner as to
make selection easy.
Fltst Street, between South and Plum Streets,
Lelilcliton, Pa.
The Carbon Advocate
Aweuibly In Comity Meeting nnil Chance
the Utiles.
It was not a large meeting of the Demo
crats of Carbon county who met In the
Court Houses at Mauch Chunk on .Monday
afternoon for the purpose of considering
tbe subject of a chango In the rules now
governing the party In this county. This
would naturally leave the Inference that the
old rules are good enough for the masses.
Ilowever It was a great opportunity for a
few of the leadersln the great Reformation
to let off steam. "It wis an amusing
spectacle to see such great men at the
helm as Robert Klotz and E. II. Ranch
talking of Uie buying and bartering of the
delegatefstem and crying for a change.
Perhaps had these men not been so deeply
Interested In It the masses of the party
would have taken more stock In the pro
posed change and turned out In greater
number. Hon. Michael Cassldy, chairman
of the County Committee presided, with
Frank Sharkey as secretary. Alter con
siderable light discussion the question of
adopting the IParren County Rules was
put to the meeting and defeated 13 lo 11
a two-thirds yoto being necessary to a
choice. Next the Crawford county sys
tem was presented and defeacted the vote
standing 17 to 0. Then an amendment
was presented making the 5th section in
tbe presented rules read that the minimum
representation for each township or elec
tion dlsttlct shall he one delegate to every
fifty votes cast and wherever the fraction
shall exceed two-thirds one delegate for
such fraction. Provided, that no town
ship or election district shall have, less
than one delegate, Article 17 Is entirely
struck out and tbe apportionment of dele
gates made every two years on the Presi
dential and Gobernatoial elections:
Audeurleil Bernard Ferry.
IlloomlUKitale Itobert J'.reslln.
East Mauch Chunk .lames Ciallaglier, Henry
Hackelbarnle Henry Dartles, Daniel V hlte-
La'nstord, M .Tames Mctilnley, J. It. llrlslen.
Lanstord, 15. Frank Helster.
l.ehlgliton I.. M. Ileldler.
Lehigh Uap-O. M. Henry, Chas. C.reen.
atlllport-T. B. OralK. j ,
Jlaucli Chunk. 1st ward Cleorge Ksser, Frank
P. Sharkey, Herman Slrohl.
Mauch Chunk, 2nd ward-11. E. Swart.
Mahonlng-A. 11. Seldel.
Nesquehonlng Jacob Buss, Felix McQnrry.
Packerton A. F. Delfenderfer.
Packer-J.H. (lerhard, Jeftderhard, William
Summit mil Sol. lllckeit.
South Kldder-S.Hawk.
Welssport-Mllt Flory.
Mahoning Items.
IP. O. Xanler Is visiting at Scranton.
Jacob Anthony moved his family to
Sand; Run.
Our farmers have about finished their
fall sowing,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zimmerman
were visiting at Ashley oyer Sunday.
The Afahonlng school board held Its
regular monthly meeting last Saturday.
Solomon Hopper, Jr., and wife, of
Mabanoy City, were visiting In tbe Valley
last week.'
Owing to a rot the potato crop Is a
failure, hardly anyone getting above a
fourth of a crop.
An'old-fashloued hnsklng bee will be
held at S. Fensterinacher's on Saturday
afternoon. All are Invited.
William Jllller, aged 76 years, died
last week. Interment took place, Thurs
day, at St. Peter's church.
The exhibits at the T.ehlghton fair
next week, by .the farmers in the valley,
should not (all below the exhibits of form
er years.
The viewers appointed by the court to
view the proposed new road near Fenster
inacher's hotel, met last week. The new
road was not granted.
A large party of friends assembled at
the residence of John Not lutein on Hon
day evening, the occasion being the 00th
anniversary of bis birth.
Our schools will opon In one week
from next Monday on the 13th Inst.
Parents should see that their children are
ready la attetid the first day.
The sacrament of the lord's Supper
will be administered to tbe Lutheran con
gregatlon of St. John's church on Sunday,
October 12lh, by Rev. W. IT. Strauss.
H Miss JJInnle Miller and David Long-
acre were married last Sunday, Rev. W.
II. Stratus performing the ceremony. The
J e mi g couple has our best wishes for a
prosperous journey through life.
One day iccently while out hunting!
Tllghman Halllet had an experience with
snakes which he Is not likely lo forget In a
hurry. His attention was at first attracted
by a black snake with head erect at least
six feet from the ground, and which, he
says, "was as hlg round as a man's thigh."
Jur. Halllet shot at the snake and as he
fired It gave a thrill whittle and dropped
to the ground, doing up to see whether
he bad killed the snake he was attacked
by about half a dozen otber black snakes.
He tried to kill these, and during the fight
with them broke the stock of his gun.
Rut finding that tbe snakes were too much
for him, Mr. Halllet ran for the nearest
field, some rods distant, pursued by the
snakes, Only one. snake, however, follow
ed him out Into the field and this one be
killed with the aid of his dog. This suake
measured 7 feet i 1-4 inches in lenetlu
Hreesy llHtienliig as OniiRht by Wide
Awnke Iteiioiter nnd Spicily Told to
"Ailvocnte" Header.
A slate root will soon cover Miller's
planing mill.
lUso hall supplies at Luckenbaeh's,
Mauch Chunk,'
The total membership of the Reformed
Sunday school Is 427.
Tho prlco of milk has been raised from
6 to 0 cents per.quart.
Ftamod artotypos very low at Luckcn
bach'j, Mauch Chunk.
Full lino of Ingrain and Mttissels car
pets at Henry Schvf artz,
Progress Council, 03, N. V. N Is
swelling in membership.
The addition to tho Reformed church
will not bo erected before next spring.
A flag stone pavement Is now In front
of George Anthony's First street residence.
"Coach for tho Fair Grounds." Look
for D.wld Ebbert, he will make tho best
Tho foundation walls, for the engine
house to Miller's planing mill, are go
ing up.
Work,. for this season, has been dis
continued at Henry Graver's brickyard in
the south end.
A pavement along ' the Philip Miller
property on Mahonlngstrect Is a creditable
H. A. Delfenderfcr, the tobacconist,
has added a handsome show case to his
store fixturee.
The pavements should be free of all
obstructions during tho" rush of strangers
to our town next week.
. Mrs, George Rapp, of Welssport, will
please accept our thanks for a fine basket
of scasonablo vegetables.
Rey. George W. Gross, of Allentown,
will clyo a free talk on temperance nt the
Paik this Saturday evening.
All the newest styles In fall and win
ter millinery at Miss Grayer's New York
Millinery Store. Prices the very lowest.
F. P. Hell, the north First street car
pet manufacturer, has woven 8,000 yards of
carpet, to order, since tho first of January.
riarence Weiss, of Third street, is said
to be doing some excellent missionary and
temperance work at Bangor, Northampton
Ladies, don't fail to- call at Miss
Graver's popular New York Millinery
Store for fashionable hats and bonnets at
lowest prices, . i
The contract to fresco the Interior of
tho M. E. church has been given to a man
named Bantam, of Stroudsbutg. Work Is
now In progress.
A jolly little sociable came off at the
home of Peter Kerrigan In the south end
on Monday evening. All present enjoyed
themselves hugely.
John Esrang and family, of north First
street, have taken up their residence In
Franklin, where Mr. Esrang has purchased
a valuable property.
Every Democrat will vote for James
Mulhearn for county treasurer. He Is a
strong candidate and an honest man, and
will make a good, faithful ofilclal.
John Hank Is the new owner of
"Fanny C," .formerly owned by Joe
Strohl) of Franklin. The mare Is .mold
tracker and atone time sold for $1500.
George 'B. M. Stocker, of town, for
some time past the gentlemanly dispenser
of liquids at the .Mansion House, Mauch
Chunk, has quit the job and Is back home.
You are all ready for tho fair, of course.
Don't miss It, Every Indication points to
a successful exhibition, and while In town,
you folks who"owe us, please settle your
little accounts.
A frame structure, to be the temporary
residence of John Lontz and family, Is
about completed on Third street, and next
summer on thosamo site a handsome homo
will be erected.
Mrs. Morris Statiffcr presented her
husband on Tuesday morning with a fine
girl baby, with hair on her head a full
finger In length, and jlforrls Is consequently
yery happy.
Brlnkinan Bros., placed two hand
some monuments In tho cemetery here
this week. One for William Rex and
Aaron naupt and the other for the late
Thomas Kemerer and John Seaboldt, Jr.
The fall and winter line of millinery
goods at Mm Graver's popular New York
Millinery Store surpasses In complete
assortment all previous years. Ladles
should not fall to call before making pur
chases. It looks very pretty, In fact one hardly
recognizes It as the same place. We mean
the Park. The grass has been cut and the
Road Commissioner with a few men have
nicely cleaned tho walks of stones and
The Daily Aihocatr will make It's
first appearance on Tuesday morning. It
will ho a neat little atfalr giving all the
live local news of the town and community,
One cent a copy. Business men will find
It a valuable medium In which to advertise.
Key. E. A. Bauer and family, of Hazle
ton, have taken up a permanent resldenee
here. The Advocate extends a hearty
welcome and trusts that the reverend
gentleman, who has been ill for somo time,
Will soon regain his former health and
Notice is hereby given that all viola
turns of the license laws at our Fair next
week will be strictly .attended to. A word
to tht wise should be sufficient. This little
article was handed to us by a gentleman
who undoubtedly means It, so look a little
bit ont.
John F. Esch, of town, Is the new
manager of the famous H'almetah Hotel,
at Glen Onoko, where he will be pleased to
see the hoys. John Is as lively as a cricket
and the right man in the right puce. Ho
will inako money for ttie stockholders if
any one can.
Recently tbe following resolution In
regard to funerals was adopted by Trinity
Evangelical Lutheran cougregatloti of this
city: "That parties who are not members
of this congregation shall be charged the
sum of Uyo ($.") dollars for the use of the
church In case of funerals."
A fine pair of mules has Lewis A.
jlflller, of Franklin, who works for Coon,
Gabel A- Reler. The animals are seven
years old and perfect specimens of the
quadruped. Recently they placed In posi
tion a ten ton machine after a half dozen
horses hail failed to do the work.
There Is some talk among the ladles
looking to the formation of a society for
the purpose of raising funds, l7 public con
trlbutlons, to beautify the Park and con'
tlnue It In good order. This Is a bright
Idea and well worthy of our excellent
ladles. Let It result In something more
than talk.
Let us hope that the contractors who
have tho inaoadamizlng of First street In
band will clear the pavements of the cobble
stones piled thereon during the week or
the fair, and thus convenience pedestrians.
If the contractors won't do It, the Burgess
siiouiu uump mem in iu street the stones
we mean.
A reporter of this paper dropped In
Nusbaum's Original Cheap Cash Store one
day this week and had tbe pleasure of
leasiine uis eyes on one or me largest as
soriujeniB oi tan and winter goods ever
placed on sale tv a single llrm in this town
The array Is wonderful and Includes every
tmng mine uns or general store goods.
The OOMlii r Hie liny Told In a Nlinrt
Original Manner lr1ll Coriwiion-
Jfarrince license 1343 1ms been Issued.
An Audenrled Huuearlan Is a new
occupant lu hotel de Hiram Levan.
Larry Tarlelon. of ireatherly, was
closing dlgets with tho "boys" Monday.
The tegular term of our county courts
convenes on the second Monday in Oc
A naturalization court was held
Tlmrsdav. A number of papers wens
James T. Mulhearn, ofiLahsfdrd, tho
Democratic nominee for County Treasurer,
was In town on Monday. Ho is just get
ting out after n serious attack of typhoid
Jack McCall, a Philadelphia moulder
who was here on an excursion last Mon
day, Indulged too freely lu that which
cheers aud Inebriates, and strolling too
near tbe edge of the wall alongtho Switch
back track fell over board. Ills jaw was
broko and right leg badly sprained.
J. J. Gallagher, of Beavor Meadow;
John Faga and A. G. Brodhead, of town
werejionfccrcs to the Congressional con
ference comprising Monroe, Carbon and
Northampton counties, at Stroudsburg on
Thursday In tho Interest of Carbon county's
choice, Hon. Allen Craig. Hon ll'llllain
Mutchlcr, of Northampton was nominated.
St AJoyslous T. A. B., are perlccting
arrangements for the proper celebration of
the centennial anniversary of Rev. Theo
hold Matthew, the apostle of temperanco
on the 10th instant, in tho church of Im
maculate Conception. On the occasion
Rev. Thomas McCarty.'of South Bethle
hem, who has a wide reputation as a tem
perance advocate, will be present and
speak. The public Is cordially Invited.
The Judicial Conference" of the 43rd
District, comprising tho counties of Carbon
and Jfonroo, convened hero on Tuesday
and ratified the nomination of President
Judge Dreher. The confeercs represent
ing Monroe were Hon. John B. Storm,
Col. Baruet and Holmes and
from ibis county, nons. A. J. Durllng,
Robert Klotz and James Sweeney. Fol
lowing the business of tho conference the
party took In tbe Switchback and Glen
a Knglnecr mid Two Firemen Killed.
Cars riled Sky High.
When passenger train No. 0, drawn by
cngino 170, on the Central Railroad, left
Mauch Chunk on Jtfonday evening It was
with orders to run south to Lehtghlon on
the north bound track; when midway be
tween the above place and Lehlghton, op
posite Packerlon, there was a collision
with a north going coal train drawn by
cngino 310. The monsters of the rail col-
licd with a horrible crash the passenger
engine was thrown back and tottered In
the air for a moment and then fell down
the bank onto tho Yalley tracks. Tho
tender was forced half way Into the smok
er which was badly demolished the occu
pants of the car barely escaping with their
lives. T. T. Palmer, of Scranton, who
was sitting in the thir.1 seat to the front
escaping miraculously being forced down
and out under the seat and only being
slightly hurt. Tho diamond dirt burner
engine 310, drawing tho coal train, was
badly dismantled but Its great size and
weight prevented It leaving the track.
Fully fifty cars were piled thirty to forty
feet high and represented a hugh pyramid
of debris which took all night and a goodly
part of tbe next day to clear away. Traffic
was delayed fot a number-of honts. Three
lives were lost.
Kl.MF.ll MlTCHKLL, Plllllipsburg, N. J.,
fireman on englno 310.
Jositrn Dt'NLAi", Mauch Chunk, fireman
on engine 170. Biolow, Bergen Point, N. J.,
engineer on :ll.
THK lNJUrtllD AllK,
John Scum.ey, Bergen Point, N. J.,
brakeman on ill).
Fred Boymi, of Scranton, passenger,
hurt about head and face.
TATton Belsford, Mauch Chunk, engi
neer of nu.
T. T. Pai.meii, Scranton, passenger,
slightly hurt.
The blame of tho terrible affair Is satd
to rest on Frank Glosser, of Mauch Chunk,
day operator at this place, who -in some
manner neglected to leave tho order given
him to hold all north going trains, with
the night operator Frank Fatzlngcr, when
he vacated his post. Glosser is said to
deeply realize his position, the strain on
his nerves being so great that he even at
tempted his own life. He has left his
home and at this time his where-abouts Is
Help to Mnkerlt Iptereitlnc
Wo want to make the AnvoGTK a real
local paper, one that the wbolo community
can appreciate. In order to accomplish
this we ask the assistance of all our friends
If you hear of any news, send It in and we
will publish It. Unfortunately we are not
blessed with foreknowledge of everything
that Is happening or likely to happen In
the community around us, but mnit. ibid It
out the same as our teiiow morto..p if
you hear of anything transpiring In your
vicinity and fall to Inform us, If you should
fall lo find It In the paper don't blame us
for IU
Hale of Lots Clie up.
An immense lot of men and boys suits
and overcoats will bo sold for the next
thirty days at such low prices as tasavn
dollars for all In need of either ready made
or merchant tailoring clothing at Sond-
helm's One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chunk,
A IlHuatltded Mortal.
Jack McCarty, of tho Hazleton .Sentinel
kicks himself as follows! "Cockroaches
run around the ladles room In the Lehigh
Valley station at Mauch Chunk, the
A big sum mer hotel Is talked of for Penn
naven. It would be a good placo to go
and take a rest from lire's worries by sui
Lebighton's streets are macadamized
Into a condition that makes driving over
them a torture.
Want! Ill lifetime a Town,
The property holders of BeaverMeadow
are taking steps towards organizing a bor
ough. The town has grown considerably
In population and Improvements lately and
new dwellings are constantly being built.
In I860 the total popu'atlon of Beaver
Jfoadow proper was 600. Tals year the
population numbers 334 ti, an Increase of
845 In ten years. Tho number would be
still greater, but for the want of more tene
ment houses. Every house In town Is oc
cupied and rents arc the highest. In a few
evenings a meeting of the prpprrty holders
will take place when it Is expected that pro
ceedings toward the organization of a bor
ough will commence.
Dlreu Away Free or Charic.
A walnut parlor clock or mirror wil! be
given to every purchaser of fi- worth of
goods at bondhelru'a One Price Star Cloth
ing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
The llnliiRnof LI veljr Town llrlelty tllironl
cleil In Htiort SiiliAliap Order by the
"Htroller and Obmii."
Al. Koch and wife spent last Suntlay
at Mountain Top,
It. J. Hongen, of Union Hill, circled
at Nazareth Monday.
Hnrvoy DreUbach, of Hazleton, was
homo with tho old folks Sunday.
Boyoml loads more of stone have been
dumped on the slto the new Central depot,
Continued In our next.
Hiram Campbell, of Calasauqtta, and
Miss Lllllo Walck, of Franklhi, wero hap
pily married by Rev. I. J. ltellz, on Satur
day. '
Miss Mary Oborly, a fashionable mil
liner of Philadelphia, has been engaged
for the fall and winter season, by Mrs. M
Culton, our popular milliner.
Seagcr, over tho canal bridge, Is the
cheapest placo to buy- alt kinds of fruits
and seasonable vegetables. Retailers and
hucksters should bear this fact In mind.
Daniel Graver and wlfo visited Wlll'cs-
barro friends this week, Tho rumor is
again current that the genial Dan contem
plates a business venture In the aboyo
A booming business C'hailoy I.anry,
tho baker, sells 4000 to 5000 loaves of bread
every week. Ho also has a bakery at
Lan9ford where he bakes and sells 1200 to
1500 dozen cakes per week.
-John D. Bcrtolctto Post, 4S4, G. A.
R., .of Lehlghton, listened to a special
sermon by Rey. I. J. Reltz, In the Evan
gelical church on Sumlayfcyening. Sub
ject: "War a good war faao."
-Mathias Ruff, of Franklin, aged 01
years died on Friday after an illnoss of
some weeks. Interment took place on
Sunday Rey. J. J. Stauffer officiating.
He Is survived by a second wlfo and four
sons, Albert, Joseph, Henry and Rclnhart.
-A few practical jokers have built a
boat, painted It a carmine hue and pre
sented It to Levi Horn, tho Republican
candidate for comity treasurer. It's a
little too previous, for as thlugs look now,
Levi Is going to poll a rattling vote in the.
The jovial Henry Miller, Democratic
candidate for County Commissioner, is
making a lively canvas. He will poll a
big vote through this section particularly,
and In the county generally more than
hold his own. Every Democrat should
vote him, ho Is a live, enterprising busi
ness man.
-Tho Carbon Count Democracy will
fire their first great gun by' holding a grand
public meeting In Welssport on next Tues
day evening. Among the many prominent
speakers to be present on tho occasion
will bo Hon. Il'llllam Snowdeu, of "Allen
town. A grand rally of tho Democracy Is
looked for. .
The Allentown Critic's story to the
effect that during tbe visft of Lecha Wonk
Tribe, of that city, to J'olio Poco Tribe,
Imp., O. of R. M., herea watch and J-20
was stolen from one of the visitors, is false
In toto. Tho amount mentioned was lost,
found and returned before tbe party left
the lodge roqm, as to the watch, well, that
was taken by an Allentown man In tbe
way of a joko and has been returned so It
only proves to bo a fake as the
following clipping from tho paper
shows: Tho leader will remem
ber that several days ago we told how two
Allentown Haymakers had had their
pockets picked of a watch and $20 in gold
while installing a lpdgo of tho Order at
Welssport. Since then, both watch and
money have been returned to tho owners,
and it turns out that tho whole affair was
merely a joke played upon tho unsurpect
Ing "farmers" of this city."
Packerton beat a combination club at
uten unoko Sunday 21 to 17.
There was no game hero on Saturday
last owing to the Inclemency of tho weather.'
The Miners' Journal advocates a league!
of base ball clubs composed of PottsvllloJ
Ashland, fllauanoy City, Shenandoah, Ta-
maqua and Lehlghton. They overlooked!
Lansford. " L
Perhaps it will hojho last gamo of thf
season and lovers of the National snort'
can't well afford to miss seeing It. We ro
fer to tho coming struggle between LehlgK1
ton and Tamaoua on the home grounds
Saturday afternoon. It will be wlthoir,
question tho hottest contested gamo of tli
year, as tho championship of the Antlta
clto Coal Region hangs on tho result eich
club having won two games out of tho fur
played. Game will be called at 3.15 o'clotfc
sharp. Don't miss It.
Sale or Fair Privileges, c.
Tho sale, of stands and other privileges htt
Saturday resulted as follows:
tio. to candy stand, Mrs. John lllose.
" " " John Utpp,
" 1 eating stand, Herman Hildebfaut,
2 " " Jacob Slraussheruer.
" 3-4 " ' John Riches,
" B " " l)ald lteert.
o " " William llehler.
Henry Drumbore,
Fred Sillier,
Track privileges, D. J. Klstler,
Alter the sale ofthestnnds thedlieetomnad'
lliti following; appointments:
Enlrv Clerks-Alfred Whlltlngliam, 11.
Ticket Clerks J. V. liandenbiish, Joll.
Cnte Tender-N. (1. liex.
Driving (intfe Tenders-Knianiiel Hex, Ji
Fair House F-ira Newhard. foreman.
John Sheekler, Wm. Schadle, Joseph Del'relti
ana wm. itorn,assltants.
Hostlerr Alfred Drumbore, Simon Wnlck.
cattle and Poultry Jolah Kolb,
i-t-nw iinicuuien-seliattiau Halm, Ames
Kbbei-t, Jefferson Itex and Frank Merli.
Night Watchmen Alexander Keiiimererand
Milton Koch.
lUIra Watclimaii-Oiveu Dean.
Carpenter-Daniel Shoemaker.
Policeman Fdwaid Itaunrth.
Miirshall-Keiiueii Kreie.
Aitendaiit-F. a. Frey.
i i
New- Stjli-j, New (looiln, Low Prices
In ladles and misses jackets and capes.
Our stock Is larger than ever belore and
prices lower than ever at the One Price
Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
For Hale.
A house and lot, situated in Jamestown,
just outside Lehlghton, Is offered for sale.
The lot Is large and the dwelling is 18x22
i set, with Kitcuen attaohed 10x18 feet.
The price is Sl& cash balance in
monthly payments, por tiirther particu
lars call at this olllne. t. f.
Lkiuqhton, Pa., Aug. 5, ISCHi.
Dit. W. F. Daxzkr, Hazleton, Pa..
Dear Sir: After trying for three years to
get a pair of xlawet to suit my eyes, and
failed, I ftod to my surprise that thoe pro
scribed by you, fit aecurateJv, they have Im
proved my eyesight a great deal. I wmilj
not do without them.
Respectfully yours,
T. I). Thomas,
A Free lixvnrnlon
will be run lo Soudhelm's One Price Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Thuuk, where a full
line of men and boys suits and overcoats
can ue uougm at a saving of 25 per cent.
Call and be convinced.
Personal OomI about People who Visit
and o n Visiting-.
HHiiy (label In home from New York City,
riiailt-i l,ili i liob il at Allenlown im Mon
-Mls Mh Man! I visiting at Allentown this
-Tobacconist T. H. Koch did Wllkesbnrre on
-llRiilel, of First street, Is doing
ruiMtieipiiia this week.
- (J. M. Sweeny Is bnek from two week's
sokiurn with relatives lu Ohio.
-l'liaon Strauss and wlfe.ot iioilh Klrntstreet,
are visiting relatives at Allentown.
, Miss Jennie Hughes, ot Munch Chunk, is
visitiuj? relatives and friends In town.
StierlfT lllrftin I.evan, ot the Comity Heat
was an early Monday iiiortilnK visitor.
The genial M. C. Ti exler and wife lire sjiend-
ihr n ween with Philadelphia relatives.
-jsnss oarrle Hmltb, of Newark, N. J., Is visit
uig nr. aud Mrs. Hinlth on First street.
Wilson Hell, ot orth First street, snent
last week union tlio Lehlali county girls.
Dai Id Noblebach, of Phlladellilila. visited
mren Klotz at the south end over Sinidav.
-Mm. Niinoy Flick, ot Second street, -nwnt
annuity in wiuio Haven Willi lief sou Frank. .
-ltd. A. Horn left on Tuesday for Phlbidel
lilda where ho villi attend uliarniHcv leetures.
-Mrs. William Noll, Mrs. Frank Kchultz and
Mrs. Xaudcr and daughter spent Tuesday at
MIss Debbie Dcrr, an estimable youne ladv
ot Beading. Is visiting Miss Anzle Montz on
mini street.
-William Yenser left on Saturday for Ursinn.
Colleges Collogevllle, whero he will continue
ins similes.
The venerable Un Is Weiss, wlfo nnd diumh-
ler uaine, aro sojourning with friends al
-Miss blla llravcr, who H attending the
American Dusinoss Collone, Allentown. spent
ouiiuay in iiome.
Misses Kiiima Itiibrecht and Alvena- Wehr.
of Sltller, Ph., spent Salind av with frlAmU un,r
relatives lu town,"
Mrs. J. W. Itiniilenbush accompanied bv
uuio i-i-niik" spent this week at Ocean fJimn
and Perth Amboy, N. J.
Miss Ella Kckcit. an estimable vonnur lailv
ot Stemlon, spent several days with Mrs. Philip
Miller on Third street this week.
-That good, old ltenublleiiu war Imivn
William Thompson, of Upper Maiieh Chunk, was
In town for a few hours Saturday.
-Itcv. Father Hainiiiacke. formerly nanior of
Ht. Peter and Paul's Catholic church, this place,
now of Philadelphia. Is vlsltlmr here.
A. J. Ioniser, of tne firm ot I.enii.'Hr llrm..
wholesale and retail druaslsls, Ilanvllio, was
tho Kuost of Mr. aud Mrs. A. Shlvo tills wook.
-mil Mulhearn, of Jjinsfovd. tho mind look.
Ing brother of "Jim T" the Democmlln
date for County Treasurer, was working along
the lino tills week.
Mrs. O. W.Sawyer returned to her simile
at tho Palmer College of Phonography and
Typewriting, Philadelphia, after spending n
week very pleasantly with the "folks at home."
- UOV. .1. II, HarlHiail and flllllllV. of Hanover.
Pit., were welcome guests of Knglnecr Thomas
Fink and other friends lu town last week. Itcv,
Itartuiau was formerly pastor of Zion'sltefoi-mi'ii
chinch In this city.
.lust for a few minutes, while In town on.
Saturday did the genial licorgo Hiuitzuiger, uf
me popular swuuiiuack ltestaurant. Summit
Hill, grtico our "den." During the dav he was
cpt busy gripping numerous friends.
Alter n 111b lirfort Siuecss Smllus on us
nt Last.
The Advocatk Is pleased to stale that
Lehlghton Is to have one of tlio finest
hosiery mills In tho eastern section of
Pennsylvania. It will have a capacity of
one hundred and fifty dozen pair of stock
ings per day. Tho mill will be under tho
management of Mr. J. Fink Thompson, a
gentleman of lorg practical oxpcrlcnco In
tho business, who has already secured two
jobbers in New York City who will lako
all tho goods manufacture 1 by tho com
pany. 1 he stockholders aro requested to meet
at tho rcsideuco cf A. W. Paudonbush,
opposite tho Opera Houso on First street,
Monday evening at seven thirty o'clock.
Calvin Wilhclm, of tho Lehigh Valley
Paymaster's Department, has Invented a
now blook system of signals for uso o n
railroads and has applied for the patent
rights on tho same
At, a meeting of railroad trainmen In
Jersey City Tuesday It was stated that In
tho United States in tho year ending June,
B0 last 300 men were killed while coupling
cars and 0757 wero in juried. By falling
from trains 403werc killed and 2020 Injured,
By overhead obstructions 05 were killed
and 290 Injured.
Tho employes of tho Now Jersey Central
Railroad are soon to appear in new uni
forms. Tho conductors will wear double
breasted Prince Albert coats, lliobrakcmcn
double breasted sack coats and ticket agents
and baggage masters will wear double-
bicastcd cutaways. Like tho coats, tho re
mainder of tho uniform will ho of a dark
blue color.
Two now Iotoniotiycs, Nos. 30 and 159.
built on tho same plan as No. 7, tho Albert
Lewis, bavo just been turned out of tho
Wilkcs-Barro shops of tho L. V. Co. Thoy
were built to replace old ones. Their fire
boxes and Bclpalrc boilers aro of steel and
tbe fire-box is above tlio frame. Tho box
is 11 feet long and 43 Inches wide. Tho
(cylinders arc 20 Inches In diameter and
2d Inch stroke. Tho big drivers are 02
jichos lu diameter, The tender Is built to
old 300 gallons.
1.100 Uoya-Killts
ust be sold at a groat sacrifice price from
$t Hii up io $7 at the One Price Star Cloth
ing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
The 0!d Fellow's grand Jurisdiction of
Pennsylvania had at the close of tlio year
088 lodges twelve less than than the coyet-
Aied 1000 and 02,888 members. Of this
'number 53,501 are Past Grands, or a little
more than one In four.
Chalks A. Wagner, ot Lehigh Coun
cil, Sft, 101, Jr. O. U. A. M this town
baa htm appointed Deputy State Couu
oUtor Of tho 50th district which include
tfelfrifewin!! Councils, Not. 101, 385, 357,
-HO. The appointment is woli made
Charley being an Indefatigable woiker In
the cause.
BThe new Commander in Chief, Uuu. II'.
G. Voazey, has Issued a circular in which
he says that the Giond Army of the Re
public was never In better condition than
at the present time. Its strength and pow
er aro commensurate with its numbers, now
nearlv one half million Comrades. Hosavs
by vigorous co-operation along our lines
thoy aie sine to be greatly advanced, and
our countrymen will ever rite up lo bless
us for true devotion to "Fraternity, Charity
and Lovalilv." even as they hold us In
honor for brave deeds on the battlefields of
the Republic."
The parade In honor of the 15th aniii
versar of the Knights of the Golden Kagle
wmcii iooic piaoe in i-uiiaueipiiia on weu
day was a Brand success. There were 47
Commanderie In line aud a large number
of castles. Theie were over twenty hand
some banners, costing from fcMQ to WOO. In
addition lu many other leu expensive ban
nets; also, silk flags and guidons. Some of
the gorgeously decorated banners were
among the must beautiful ever exhibits)
in a Philadelphia parade, and they were
universally admired. In the line there
were gaudy uniforms, bright tlagi, Ixjaiili
ful feathers, iiiaDiilllcent banners and gor
geous tableaux. There were handsomely
caparioned horses prancing in the streets,
and they were mounted by still more gaily
decorated riders. The Order is kymbollcal
in its history of tbe Knights of tbe ( Yusade
when Peter the H, rum aroused tbe gallant
youth of Kurope. to go forth and reseiu
tbe Holy I'liy from the Saracens.
ailterlnic Casket of Crisp Condensations,
Original nnd Stolen from HieNewsyCrea
Jeanesvllle has a new brass band.
The olllclal census gives this county
total population of 38,013.
In Carbon conuly tho average ylol
of wheat is twelvo bushels to tho aero.
In tho upper end candidates for town
ship ofllcos, to bo voted for next Febrnaiy,
aro announcing thomsolvcs.
John Brong, aged sovcnlY-elght years.
who died at Woalherly on Thursday last
was burled Monday afternoon.
Packerton is to havo thn Inntr l-ilkml nf
uuuucii oi li e .national I'rnviiienL imimi
i nc membership will bo fair in numbers,
Kdward Tobln. employed by Haydon
it Co.. at Jcancsvllhj. was hadlv bnrnml
tho other day by tho accidental explosion
ui i Keg oi power.
Amos lioucrt, of sutler r. O., now
has two looms running and Is turning out
a nrsi ciass ariicio oi rag carpet. Call and
sco him when you want anything In that
Jamoa T. Mulhnarn. nf T.nnrnrd. thn
uuiuui-raiic nominee inr ununtv -rrr!iiirpF
IS out Of n sick bed and Is now elrrllnr.
aruniiu ma county making nosls ot menus
in uoin parties wno win volo for him on
election day. "jimT." Is a mighty popti
lar fellow as tho tide shows.
lnihelm Sandharr. nf Paelrnrlnn. enln.
lil. ,-.r.ll. I.l.ll..ln -....I -. i i-
. uu.uurtj ..iiiiiveiscMy ab ins
iioino in racKcnon on iunmi.iv evening.
the event was made auspicious by the
Ucrmania feiengerbund, of Lehlghton, of
wiiiuii nu is uiu noDUiar mil rjil fllrnnir
calling In a body, and besides treating him
to a number of excellent vocal selections
presented nun with a handsome desk and
Wo won't vouch for the nf It
but an exchange gives publicity to the
following: "Jfrs. Druralscb, wlfo of a
Hungarian miner of Audenr led. iravn l.ln.h
to triplets lato on Friday. Tho next morn
ing sno was around attondlnc to the wants
of fifteen boarders, and expressed great
surprise when her neighbors marveled at It.
In honor of tho event flfteou kegs of beer,
tweuty dozen pickles, five cases of nectar
(lvolargo hams wore made way with at the
christening of tho babes the same nlnht.
Tho Kenncll Obi rt Nuptual.
It was a nreltv aceuo Thursday nvenlnr.
In tho long parlor at tho brldo's homo,
lunumcrablo electric lights scintillated In
thousand fanciful forms throimh the
decorations and made a picture no yer to
bo forgotten by tboso present. Up stairs
and down stairs in every toom, nook and
corner of tho spacious rcsldoii-o wore
guests numbering In all between two and
thrco hundred. Pleasant, social and de
lightful tcpartco and genial conversation
provatlcd, while In tho din tie room iho
guests wero partaking of of a delectable re
past oi nil tlio good things in the catelogue
known to the epicure. Tho brldo and
groom, always tho ccntro of attraction,
wero continually besclgcd by friends who
showered upon them well wishes for a
happy future. At a late hour, after tho
young couple had left, the gay assemblage
adjourned pleased beyond expression at
tho excellent manner of their entertain
mcnt, The presents surpassed anything wc
hayo over seon and wero as numerous as
they wero beautiful; we below append tho
Silver plcklo castor, F. 1". Lontz and family;
toilet sot, Mr. and Mrs. Lallan ono half dozen
nut nicks and craokor, Mr. and Mrs. W. (1.
Mitchell; two fancy vasos, Mrs. W. W. Bow.
man; two camllo sticks, Mr. ami Mrs. . p.
Worley; tpldcr wob, Miss Sadlo Host; ono dozen
cut glasses, K. II. Fonstormachsr and wife;
pitcher brlc-o-brlc, Dr. '.ma and wife; whisk,
Mr. and Mrs. A M. Kunti; white counter pane,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Lentz; silver tatlo pick holder,
Geo. w. Morthlmer; oasol and picture, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Mlchol; counter pane, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Mlllor; run, Mrs. Meredith
and Lllllo Guth; clovor loanable, Mr. and Mrs.
Smith; plush tablo coror, Mr. and Mrs. llauser;
salt and pepper, individual, M. A, Barr; one
luill dozen stool knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs.
A. N. Kennel; sliver cako basket, Mr. and Mrs.
D.Lutz; tablo cloth and napkins, W. F. NelTj
Klass pitcher, Mrs. Mltohol; ono halfdozcn tea
spoons. Old Mrs. Ilcljorllnir; dinner boll, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Michel; silver nut cracker,
Kuuna Dover; book, LllaMay Snyder; two hand
painted placaucs, Mary Knjder; rockor, Emma
(loirnus, Kll Oravcr, Jonnlo lrvln; ono towel,
Mrs. Oarrio nunnaii; brlc-a-brlc, P. J. Klstler;
watcrsot, L. J. Stoflet; wldto countorpano, Mr.
.T, and Aunt Stottet; table cloth and napkins,
Itcv. Stollct; table cloth, Mrs. VI ert; cash 6.0C,
a friend; silver plokel castor, Mr. and Mrs. F,
P. . Pommel and dauKhtor; breakfast castor, Mr.
and Mrs. It, K. Boyer; sugar shell, silver, .1. I).
Kmack; ono halfdoron picks and nutcracktr,
KumiaL. Seldel; brlc-a-brlc, Mr. and Mrs. O.
Trainer; sllvor borry spoon, Lsou B. Stein and
sister; silver card receiver. Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Kloppinjcer; lancy glass pitcher, Emma Koons;
cracker jar, Mrs. O.Td. Sviceny; onadoion but
ters, silver, Mrs. N. B. and W. W. Kebor; sllvor
soupladol, Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Snyder; toilet
set, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Morgan; two lachot
slippers, U'odna E. Dorr; pitcher, two cups and
saucers, Sallle O. Walker; silver carving set, O.
F. Klstler aud wlfo; one half dozen fruit knives,
J. L. (Jabel and lainlly; sliver butter knife, Ida
Mantt; one sot Irons, Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Bryan;
ono half dozon knives and forks, it. A. Stottler;
silver cako basket, It. F. HoHord and family;
silver plckol castor, Tobias Buss; silver salts.
Individual, U. I), Ulauis; one dozen cups and
saucers, havllandwaro, Louis Grebe, Sr., and
wife; one half dozen fruit knives, Mrs, llcbcr:
two nankin rings. II, 8. Dlehl; suirar shell,
silver; Mr. and Mrs. 1). MoKenna; ono hair
doon nut picks and cracker, Mr. aud Mrs. F..
Hlbblor and daughter; fancy plate, Miss E.
Bauer; silver berry spoon, dussio Ulauss; silver
chorrydlsb, Julia A. Kcinmcror; sugar shell,
silver, llr. and Mrs. Heinle; work box and mous
tache cup, llev. and Mrs. J. II. JCuder; fruit
dish, silver, Mr. and Mrs. J. Soaboldt; borry
dish, Lilly J. napp; silver crumb liananil brush,
It. L. Sweeny; borry dish, Einmellno aud Sallle
Ulauss; one half doien fruit knires, U. W. Soldel:
sliver trait basket, IV. O. Fatzlngcr; glass berry
dish, Mrs. Sctuuale; berry dlsb, Mrs. A. Hebor
ling; engraving, Misses Annlo and Llzzlo Llnd
ainan; engraving, "In Love," O II. and P.
Llndauian; engraving, "Return of Mayflower,"
Emma Klstler; engraving, Agnes Bauer; on
graving, "Itustlo Love Making." Mr. aud Mrs.
P. V. Weaver; engraving, LueLuts; engraving,
Mr. and Mrs. Lutz; pair orrases, Misses Leuckoj
and Koons; one dozen colics spoons, silver, Fred
Louckcl; fancy pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
arobo: lamp, Ella lickort; carving set, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ash; ono dozen cut glass tumblers,
Mrs. Miller: ono dozen cut glass tumblers, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Seaboldt: sugarstlter, Emma and
Clara Clauss; salad dlsb, china, Mrs. Kramer;
Sickcl castor, Mr. and Mrs. Heydt; brlc-a-brlc,
Ir. and Mrs. I. O. lloberllng,- water pitcher,
Mrs. A. W. Ibudenbush; one half dozen Irult
knives, M. O. Koons ainUwilo; two china dishes,
Anzle Bower; two sliver salts, individual,
Lieut, and Mrs. Moiser: silver tray, Mr. and
Mrs. Evans; ono rocker, Mr, and Mrs. U. Kent
merer; one rocker, John W. Jones: tidy, Uarrle
Adams; tablecloth and napkin, Lilly and Aggie
Iteicbard and Sallle Itaudenbush; table cloth
and napkin, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Miller; table
cloth aud napkin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Seaboldt:
table cloth, napkin aud towels, John Kennel
and wiro; pair of towels, Mr. and Mrs. Er S.
Whoatloy; pair oUowcls, Mrs. John (legsus:
pair or towels, Mrs. Anna Balllel; table cloth
and napkin, Mr and Mrs W. It. Montz and
daughter; ono half doien towels, 11. Ebbert aud
family; ianey towel, Maggie Miller; onedoien
napkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Zebuer; table
cloth and napkin, T. 1). Ulauss and family;
table cloth and napkin, Mr. and Mrs, J. F.
Wardoll;towelstMr. Iteubon lUberllng; towols,
Mrs. E. Lentit towols, Mr. und Mrs. Levan;
toclJ, Katie and Mattle Obert; towols, Mrs.
Ureenawalt; lamp, Reuben Fenstermaolior,
There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
" jwst as good a's the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar . J ,
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap :
insist upon having it.
'Tis sold everywhere,
Estate Notice.
KsUle of Junlah lUmnmii, labs ol HjHwwai
town. anion oonnty. ra.. deceased. All ueraoiu
Indebted to aald estate ale requested tu make
ihtmeuiau pauieni. alio hum? Having ffbl
-lalioH agulust (be same will, present tliein with
out delay in uioper oraer. rot- settlement, to
I-KNN BOWMAN, Kiei-utor
kt. i, ioj-e lion iuauown. l'
Zero's Shoe Store.
Although Leather is rapidly advancing thero need be no serious
apprehensions as to the result in this town and vicinity for we
took time by the forelock, so to speak, arid contracted for almost
our entire itll and IFintcr stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers,
which we are enabled to sell at prices lower than ever before.
At this particular time we desire to imrticularilv mention a word
oi- two in regards to School Shoes lor .boys and girls. Wc think
there is nothing in the way of school shoes equal to the
" Little Trojan School Shoes ! "
Wo guarantee them ! Thcv have solid lonther mitnr snles. Rolir!
leather under solos, solid leather insoles, solid leather counters,
high cut uppers, stitched with silk, soft, durable, main stock.
goat button piece, worked button holes, heavy drill linings.
They are heel and spring heel, and in price run as follows : Sizes
5 to 7i, 80c; 8 to 10, $1.00 ; 11 to 2, 1.25. See them before
you buy any otherHandsome Finished like a Kid Button.
Men's and Boys
flfMI Meat's
511(1 Hoy's Overcoats
311 Children's Overcoats
Al! Styles and
TFhen you visit the Lehichton
call in and examine our lame
every department.
South First Street, Lehighton.
Our Story is S
We only want to tell you that
has been dissolved and in the
who will keep up tho excellent
ing the purchasing public
Confections, the Best
and Ice Cream and Fruits,
Finest Groceries, Silverware, Fine Jewelry,
and the newest novelties in TOYS of all kinds. Prices are the
very lowest. Call
Parties, Picnics and Festivals supplied with Ice Cream & Con
fections at reasonable prices. Call and see us.
0pp. the Park, Lehighton,
Should the fashion ltazaar from which
ailvocato that Plain Cress Goods will bo the
Just call on us and wc will show YOU
iiuahtles and prices, that you will say, my
a doubt do some trade, with you.
Dress G
On tlio other hand should your authority say that to bo In keenlnn with Persian.
Knells)! anil other creators ot fashion you
see our stock In this lino you will sar rlcht
luiiiuis just the sumo tu tlio f ancy Materials
l'lalu shades novcr showed such lotto
colorings are simply perfection. As for fancy stuffs such as plaids, stripes and cheeky,
1'hcy ivcro never prettier (nor possibly brighter) yet some are quiet and rich, the
shatlo blinding of theso goods aro all that could bo desired.
Larco stock of Velvets and Silks In tho
Wo always carry a large and welt selected
have been added,
Good Values are always to be had in our
Big Stock.
Boots &. Shoes.
5 in 1
flHave you Read
a. ZERN.
Honestly Made Up.
Lowest Prices
Fair next week, don't foreret to
stock of goods, now complete in
hort To-
the firm of Nusbaum & Culton,
future will be continued by
reputation ot the house in supply-
with all the choicest things in
Milk Shake, Soda Water
and be convinced.
oods for
you receive vour Information, r-nntpnd -and
proper thing for yon to buy this season.
tlio most l.lecant line of shades In so manr
faslilon book was rlht, and we can without
must bur Plaids. Gtrlues ar (YhesVi when vou
again as wo aro preparwl to meet your de-
as tu mo nam Qoods.
nor richness as they do this season. Tht
new shades, boueht to match woolen stuffs.
stock of lllack Goods, to which new Ihlngi
Cheviots, &c, &c.
There is a good deal of satisfaction
in being perfectly satisfied, and espec
ially so in regards to what you wear.
In this particular we invariably more
than please our patrons. Our stock
being large, varied and complete gives
satisfaction in making a choice ot goods
desired, while in style, finish and work
manship our reputation speaks lar more
oloqucntly than word. Call on us for
or parts of Suits. Wc guarantee per
fect fits and finest workmanship,
Clauss Bros.,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
the Advocate ?