FINS GET THE Carbon Advocate All "tho News 52 WEEKS $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.2S when not paid in Advance. SI. OO. VOL. XVIII.. No 39 Lehighton, Carbon County, Ponna,, August 9, 1890. Single Copies 5 Cents limp hi . y w m miw ii i iti7 iii f j - .... i ' , Dfa Ob Td HOHb AT Till! Central Drug Store, opr. tiik souahe Bank Street, Lohiplitnu, Pn., IS HEAIHH'AMEHH I'Olt Pure Drugs nntl Medicines, Fine Snaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles! When" you ''' " "a'1" of Hhoes you want a good fit. Hut if von need HI'KdTAni.KS II is much more Important that the EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper IV fltthiR frame which will bring thelensesdl rectly before the ee litre of the eye. If vntihii) your spectacles at Dr. Horn's vim will flutl tftr above points properly attended to. " PERSCRTPTIONS Cacftllly CmnuouiiflcC OC11B-1R87 - This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the. mar ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its . reputation. There is nothing better. t. Try it. For sale by dealers and crocers. liults Worst Form. ' I Benton, Iiir. Co., 'Wis., Dm,, '63. BeV. 3. G. Bergen -vouches fcr thstfollowlng! Junes Booney who vis suffering from VItu S&aoe In lti wont form for about 151 years wa treated by leyeral pbjilclana yflthout effeot, two bottle of J'aeior Uoesigs Herol lOBiQ enreahlm. A Montreal letter. EffiSSetTaSl ioaId Uontre,a Cw We aro in receipt of a letter from one of oni well known citizens, Mr, K. Hoisvert, who writer that upon recommendation of the moBtltev. SL Marcliand, of Druramomlville, lio -was induced tc 'ouat inost dreadful of Bl1 nervous dlseas, es, FITS, a few bottles of Pastor Koenig's Ntrv '1 onio: and is glad to state that after having naff, f red for eight years is now entirely cured, and Heartily recommends all eullerera Of nervous, dia, eases to try this remedy, ' Our I'amplilct for Batterers of nervous di seases will bo sent loo to any address, and ioor patients can also obtain this medicine reo of charge from us. This remedy has lieen prepared by tho Uevercnii Pastor Kienlg, of l-'ort Wayno, Ind , for the pnst ten years, anil is now prepared under bis dlrrc tlon by tbo KOENIS MEDICINE CO., C9 Wil. Ulllioi, cor. Chtra CI., (IlH AtiO, II.l, SOLD BY DNUCCISTS. Price 81 per lloulo. fl Hottlca lor n Dr. 0. T. Jlnrri,ngt, Lehighton Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Graduate ol I'hlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS HKAN0HE8. Pfirservaliou or llic Tcclb a Specially. OFJ'JCE JIOIIR8: From R a. in. ton p. m. OAS AiLMMiaDiinare, Maueh Chunl:. OFFICE; HAST - MAUOH - CHUNK, ,..,, .TV." 1.)"ors Nn,,1 of J'ost-om. OFFICE 110U1IS: Tt.iSR. in. ami is to T p. m. Aprl Whu A.. S. Rabenoltl, D. D. S , K('H Omc'R :-Over .1. V. ltaiitlciibiiKir Llfllior Store, HANK STUB 1ST, IRIIIOHTON. Dentistry lu all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without Pain lias administered when requested. office lla i WEDNllBDA V uf oach week, r. ft. addie-.i. A1.I.KNTOWN. "Vl 0nh piHiptv. 1'a. AL. CAMPHELL, Jeweler and Walclimaler, Bank Street, Lelughlon, nnn. ltespeitluUylnttellj attention of his friends audthe citizens, g rurally to hit lminviiM new atoati of "YtcUos, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at PUces that defy competlUon. It will wy you o call nd lupeci wy slock before uurobiuuur elaewluirr. IlliJPAIUING I'loiiipUydojw at lowest ebsrue, and all work guarantMd, Dou'l rorgcl llic Place. SIGN OP THE BIO WATPH, Bank St Lehighton. TOJCO Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE Weissprt Mm Uirectory. ItANKMX HOUSE, EAST WElfWOltT, l'UNN'A. riiU lioviie olirra llrt-clas necnminoilatloni to no permanent bonnier and lninipnt sjnest t'nnlo iricM, only One Dollar ler day, nwTny ,1mm Ititiutin, l'mprleti.r. Oscar Chris toaii, WKlMSPOltT, I'A. Livfiry uwl Exchtinqe Stithies. iny riillnjr parrlago anil anre drlvum horses, 'test nceniiinioilallnns to mreula ntul travi'llers. Uallnud teleRi apli orders prompt lyattemleil io. live moatilnl. ma-2l-ly Tho - VVqissport - Bakery, r. w. LAiinv. rnoi'itiirron. )elivers I'rrsli Bread and Oaken 111 Wensport, l.i'lilghn,n and Mclnltles every day. n the store 1 have a Fine Line nf Confectionery ir the 1 1 illil.LV Trade. SiiihUn selnHils and fes vali siinplleil at lowest tnlees. doe:n;m. w Canal Brife I Weissport. UNDERTAKER AND DEALlili IN PintNITQRE, PARLOR SUITES, BRD ROOL SUITES, ., u. Trlees the very loweit. (Juallty of coods the best. Satisfaction Kuaratiteed In verypaitleular. Caakbts, Coffins and Shrontls, We have a rail line which we will fiirnMi a he lowest possllilcpi lees. Flour, Feed, &c, the choicest quality at very reasonable prices, Jail and be convinced. . JOSEPH F. REX, Vprii-iy EAST WEISSJl'OItT. DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Slain Slreet, Hath, Pa. AT HASlflN, SWAN 1irTKItTtKHI S. r AI.l.UM'nWN, HAOI.K IIOI'KL, TIIIHISDAY VTllAMlOR, UROADWAV IldimK, MONil.WH. IT llATIt, WKIINKMIIAt R AN1 SATl'llllAYH. Olllcc Hours From 0 a. 111. to 4 p. in. l'ractlce limited to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat CWAlso, Kef rart Ion of t he Eyes or the ad Just ment of glasses. D. J. KISTLER llesiclfullv iinnonnces lntlie public that, he lias opened a NEW L1VEKY STAIIl.E.amllhathe Is 1 uw prepaicd to turuKli Teams for KiiuerJds, Wodd'niisor ltnslnessTilps 011 the shorteht 110 leeaiiil most liberal terms. Onlera left at Hie Carbon House" will reccle prompt attention. STAIU.ra ON NOItTir. STllKIiT, next the lh.tcl, Ihlsthton, lansstA- All tlic freshest county news in this paper. Ren,d it. For Newest Designs nnd Meet Fashionable Styles or DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c., &c. 00 TQ r- R. H. SNYDER, Bank Stroot, Iichighton. Goods Eunrantel and prices as low as else where for thosame uallty nfeonils. Inlv 18. 18S5 iy) No more of this. Tin: "roLcmisTr.u" itunnuii co. S?rr .'"'ewlUl ll'ls of bael Uni wtih rubtxE Cat; fnr (lie Tv.m titer "ADHESIVE COUNTERS.' JOHN . LENTZ, WboUsaU Aneut. Al.l.ENTOW N, I'A. .IT RETAIL BY iltM.til tlt'iiU'ts t an li.tx' tlif 1 1 uiiiiics insert ti lu'if "iiaphlifaium. it. 1cmi i EMORY pltt ! t Lir l,jie ('r.fUi ti,9 sVOOl Kfcr at itt UU fluhLtm hu U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, RONSUMPTlONr IN Its first staRCR, ran bo successfully clieckeil liy tlie prompt use of Ayor's Cherry Tcctornl. Even in tlio later periods of that dlseaso, tho cough is wonderfully relieved by this moclicino. " I liavo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with tho best effect in my practice. This wonderful preparation oncesavoil my lifo. I had a constant rough, night BweatB, was greatly toduced In flesh, nnd (jivoti up by my pliyaiclnn. Ono bottle'and a half of tho Pectoral cured 1110." A. J. Eldgon, SI. D., MMdlotou, Tennessee. ' Several years ago I was aeveroly ill. The doctors said I was in consumption, and that they could do nothiUK for 1110, but advised nie, u3 a last resort, to try A'yer's Cherry Pectoral. After tnltlup; this inedlclno two or three months I was cured, and iny health remains good to the present day." Jauica Wrchard, Darien, Conn. " Soveral years apjo, on a passage, homo from California, by water, I contracted so severo a' cold that for sonio days I was confined to my stnte-room, anil a physician on board considered my lifo 111 danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used It freely, and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy condition. Since then I havo Invariably recommended this prep aration." J. 1J. Chandler, Junction, Ya. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, n rnEPAniD bt Dr. J. Ci Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, Trloo $1; libottle,$5. Professional & Business Cards. W. M. Rapaher, ATTORNEY ASD COUNBELIiOIt AT LAW, First door above the Mansion House, MAUC1I CHUNK, .... PBNN'A. Ileal Estate anil Collection Agencj, Will May and Sell ileal IMale. Conveiineini; neatlv (lone. Collections promptly made. Hettllng Ehtatesof llee.-ileiits a specially. May be eoi'Milted In Kimiisli anil (iermau nov. 'J2-V1 W. G. M.'Soiple, 1 l'HYSIOIAN AND SUHOEON. SOUTH STREET. . - - TiEIIiailTON. May be consulted In English and (!erman. Special attention ttlven to (IyuecnloKj Oi'i'rcic Hoimsi From 12 M, to 2 1. M., and 0111 n I o n I, si - m ar. ai -v 1 A CAB? Wht.ll Vuu aro addressed &s atinv vmif first im pulse U to look at the drivtr. If the 'ay be stormy audtho diivcris auUsman, vou ii tlod tliat ho wears &t" 1 ish lirand Slicker," and Lc will tell you that lie is as comfortable on the box as his pass en per in the cab, and Out for his business this coat is invaluaUe. When you get once intide a " Kish lirand Slicker," therms no such thing as weather for you. It doesn't make the tmallcst difference whether it rains, hiUs. sleets, snows, or blows. You are absolutely and solidly comfortable. Get one at once. No danger of your not liking it after wards. It is a waste of money to buy any other waterproof cort. They are worthless after a few weeks of hard usage, tteware of worthless im itation, every carmen t stamped with the ' Fish lirand " Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when you can have the'1 Fish Brand Slicker" delivered without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER, - Boston. MaaOs F. I. SMITH, D. D. S oniee npiioslle the Opera House. Bank Street, Z,eh -jliton, Pa. DRNT18THV IN AI.I. ITS IIItANCHES. I'ilHiut and makhiK aillllelal deutuiVK a special- ty. Ihm-.iI aueslllellt'.s used, lias ndntliuWred ami Teeth Extracted WITH- - OUT t'AIN. OFFICE IIOUIIH: - From a . m.,to la m., from 1 i. m., to 8 p. in., from 7 i. m to K u, m. ConsullnUiins In iiiiKlislior lieimau Olllce II on it) at Hazleton- Every Haturdav. 0ell6-W-lv DENTISTRY. Dr. J. A . Mayor &Scn. Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, a tlruluate from the llental Dt(rlmcnt of the Vlllverslly of l'iiillilanlii, has opened an olllee In Hie salu bulldluK with Ins lailier, second Hour in tlu I lay Window, ail lIltiiADWAV, MAl'CH CHUNK, I'A., and Ik now prepared to ieeelteeeryoneln need of Ill-si ctus-, nenlaVaei ice. lime -8-lf MANSION HOUSE Opiwlte I., 8. OeiKH, BANK PTllKKT, - . LKIIIGIITON, C. H. HOM, rilOl'fllETDIt, tills Imiise otters llrst class ueomtuMhition fur imiisleul and peinmnetit luiardera. It has lie n nculj ivniteilin allltsdenurtiueiits.aud liH-al-ed in one of the most pfa$ureqne lutilhins of the IwriiiiKli. Terms moderate. Mr-The AU Is mpplled uilli Hie choicest W I lies, J.kjim i ami 'JUtui s. Fi iuier ou Tan. ape 1 7 1 FRANK P. DIBHL, NOHTH HTRHET, 1 Practical Illaeksmlllut Uorseshoer Is pit-iiired lo do al woik 1111111 line lu the best maimer ami al the biuct trice. PI. .iv 1 all. il-t Mi I) PACKERTON HOTEL, j Miliu.U llllHl'.MI M.OII'll t'llllllk & 1,1'lllu'lltlUl, ' . II. C. HUM, frupiuiltn. PACKICR1H1N, - . . Pkn N . llil Hell know 11 llcili l Is iullllliabl ivlltti'il, .mil I h.i!. thr bfsi u.-cuutiiiiMtatious loi h-i im ut.-iil ted aiiHient bourJeri Excellent lbles and Hit I oJry bust Uuuori. atables atuulmd laiul 1 B-IAVE BESSIE AND WILLIE. "Whet you altllnff side of me t or?" Smile's blue cyssopwied wider As little Wllllo Jenkins Took tlie vacant seat beelde her. "I hod to ootne," implied tlie boy, "For the teacher toM me to; lie said I'd been Bo Muchty Imustsit'longeideotyou." ' "Is that what makes you look so cross ?" Said Bessie with n mille. "I like to have you alt by mo; Oan you stay a good long whllef" "I'm 'frald I oan't this time," snkl Will, "For 1 wasn't very bads" "You'll be ladder nett tuno won't youf" "Yes," lisped the little lad. rsrtMnd Transcript. THE 1TUSI0 MAN. "Aunt ItotHj-," said DoHa Grey, "cnu I go over to the Drdw plnce, to BingingH 6(Siiooi, to-nighir "No, you ain't, nnd thare'a nn olid on't." Said. Aunt Boteoy Blatohford, laitting away as If her needles were mado of slieot lightning and her elho worltcd by oleclricity. Delia looked sober enough. Sho was a tall, fresh complexioned girl of 17 or 18, with largo brown eyes, a forehead surmounted by naturally curling rings j3t chestnut hnir, and sweet red mouth always ready to break into gracious smiles. Sho had Worked hard all day making soft soap and finishing off tho family ironing, but her labors hud boon cheered by tho anticipation of tho ovoning "sing ing school" that was to cOmo. Itismoro than likely that Aunt Bet say know all this, but sho Bat thoro liko a determined Pato in a brown calico gown and iluted cap frills. Aunt Betsey was the autocrat of Redberry farm. Sho owned the house and the surrounding acres and tho quartz mill by tho river, nnd Delia, although by courtesy called her niece, was in reality only a distant relation who, if not takcii in and brought up by old Mrs. Blatchford, would have been turned over to the tender mercies of tho town poor house. "Delia's a good girl enough," said tho old woman, "and a spry worker as ever was. But I don't believe in eirls larkinir around the neighborhood the hull time. Thoy'ro a deal better off at home, sowin' on their patch work or cuttiu' rags for n new kitchen carpet." "But I promisod tho schoolmaster, Aunt Botsoy," said poor Delia, her dim pled faco falling liko tho barometer be fore a storm. "Ho's to call for mo at half past 7! And ho will seo mo safe homo afterward." "Well, lc hint go away again," said Aunt Betsey. Delia could hardly see the glitter of the knitting noodles through tho tears that blurred her vision at these, cruol words. "There's to be a danco out,in tho old bant nfterward,'sho ventured, to add, "and I ironed Jny pink, calico" dres3 so neatly, and my laces aro all done up! Oh, Aunt Betsey, I'd work sojhnrd at tho carpet rags all tho rest of the week if you would let mo go this once to stag ing school." " Aunt Betsey wheeled herself round in her chair nnd eyed Delia sharply through tho moon ljko glasses of her big silver bowed spectucles. "Well, well, go if you want to," said she, tartly. "Though all this music is nothin' but clear waste o' time. In my young days if wo could join into the psalm tunes in church it was all folks expectoJ of us!" "Everybody plays and sings nowa days," ventured Delia, whose loftiest and brightest aspiration was for a melodeon or a cheap parlor organ of her own. "Humph!" commented Aunt Betsey. "They'd a deal better play on tho wash board nnd sing calling homo tho cows! That's tho sorto' mnsio that pays!" Delia sighed and abandoned tho ques tion. Consent to go to "singing school" was sufficient of a victory for the pres ent time. And when Marcus Woyte, the villago pedagogue, called for her nt tho specified hour bho was all ready, in the stiff, rustling, pink dross, tho freshly ironed laces and n little pair of brown cotton gloves over frilled ribbon wrist lets that were entirely now, "But it's tho last time," sho sighed. "Aunt Betsey thinks that musio is use less and nonsensical, and she won't have me fooling away my time at singing school, she says." "Oh, Delia and thoso lessons on the melodeon that I have been giving you at Dr. Bartlett's." "They will all bo of no use," "said Delia, with a little tremor in her voice, "Does sho know that people sometime! earn their living by tho aid of music?" peruisted Wayte. "She don't believe it!" "And you have such a taste for it, Delial Nay, more than a taste a decided talont. Oh, we must not let the thing drop. You must havo a melodeon it won't cost much to hire ono by the quar terand go on with your lossonsl" Delia shook her head. 'It will bo impossible," said she, nujnrAfully. "I'll esq about that," said Marcus Wayto. "My cousin is in the businesw. I'll snd him to see your anat" Delia shrugged her pink calico shoul ders. "Ah," said she, "you don't know Aunt Beteey!" "Well," smiled Marcus, "we'll sea," Mr. Jves Wityte Usten&a with tlimai earnest interest to the tale of Ida oonjin, the schoolmaster. "Got a roal talent for musio, eh?" said he. "A most decided one." "And poor?" "She is," answered Marcus. "But the old lady lias plenty of money, if only she chose to spend it in this way; and she ought to do so." ' 'Plenty of money? And plenty of pf&. judicec, eli?" "That ig Jt, oxaotly," said Marcus, smiling. ' ' Very well. I'll promise to do the beet 1 can ft oblige you, Mark. For," ad ded Mr. Ives Wayto. with a genial twinkle of the eye, "I eee' your heart i in tUo unsiuekb," "It is," frankly oonfested Marcos. "For if Dtlia Grey oould be qualified to givo music' lessons we might 1m married and tike tho Weirwills academy at once a day and boarding school, don't you see' Ami she is tin- deal est little thing." Mr. Ivi s Wayto Ltiiihol. "It' ua good as dune," Bald lie. It was 11 dieury, raim night toward tlie cl'juu lu that dreariest month of nil the year- the Mad November when there eanie a knock at Mrs. lllatvhford'a duor. .She wa all uloue. Thomua Bates, the hired ruuu, luij gono to tee hie brother uff un Uiu fciiiamer fax t'lufiii. wWu-ha ..iinttiiTtnir if, Urt Delia Grey had been summoned to the bedside of a sick neighbor, where she was to remain until Into. But Mrs. Blatchford had yet to see the trmnp, tho wild animal or the tamo ono of whom sue entertained thti least fear. She got up and went to the door. There stood a drlrmine traveler on th tlimdinhi. "Is Mrs. Nugent's place near here?" cum o, minng oit ms cap in spite or tho rain. "Bless your heart, no!" said Mrs. Bhttchford. "It'fl nine good miles away on the other road. How over camo yon to take this way?" "I'vo a narlinr nnn limw " mll tu musio man, glancing backward at the mm outuno ot a wagon in tho road, "thnt I was to deliver to Mise Nugent." "Gtiow you'll hardly deliver it to night," said Aunt Betsey. "A parlor Organ, eh? For Mntlldy Nugent? Woll, I wonder what folly shell bo guilty of noxt." "Would yah kindly allow me to bring .it in here?' asked Mr. Ives Wayto, with his most ingratiatory air. 1 ",Whnt, in all tho rain?" "Oh, it is safely packed in rubber wrappings. It won't injure this nice new carpet," said tho bland traveler ' "that reminds mo of ono my mother ha just finished up in Nantucket." . "Yes," said she, "you may fetch it in. I never seen a parlor organ. There was a man camo by with 0110 in plum time with a monkey nt tho end of a long string" "Oh. tlllS is flllifn 11 llifTaroTit- nT.,ii- " ' . .fcv,s,M winced the musio man. "If I could sleep. to-nignt m your Darn" "You needn't do that," said Aunt Bet sey, quite propitinted by tho humhlo-air and manner of this chanco visitor. "There's a spare bedroom opeuin' out of the kitchen that you'ro welcome to." "Many thanks, madam." bowed tho agent. "As I was about to remark, if you will kindly givo mo houso room 1 should liko to play a few airs for you on this instrument, iust to show von its tune and compass." "Well," said Aunt Betsey, who novor objected to .1 treat which she could get for nothinar. "it would lin vntbor n -ml .for mo to hear Matildy Nugent's organ aioro sue nearu it norself, wouldn't it, now? I guess, young man, you may put it up if it ain't too muph tronblo." 1110 musio man dried himself lfnr the tire. lie refreshed himself withi plato of Aunt Betsey's excellent dough nuts and 11 drink of her niilor. nml tlmn cheered both in mind and body, ho ap- niieu mmscir to mimnpsR nn ann-n ont tho melodeon up in the littlo sitting room. "It ain't bad loiikin' ." n.u'd lTrs. TTIntnl, ford, viewinsr it moditativelv. Mr. Ives Wavto sat drmn hrfnrn ilm instrument, nnd touched It with a master hand. Ho ulaved "Itock of Aires." "RhinW Shord," "Bmce'a Address," "Killarnoy" and a fow such age worn votorans of melody. "Kin vou nlav 'Old Rosin tbn Tlmi-?' suddenlv demanded Aunt. TtfirKPT- wltb something liko tears in her eyes. "I think I cnn." said Mr. Ivos Wnv( -ond-ho ovpkcd tho sadly sweet" chords of the old time lay with "crescendo" and "diminuendo" liko tho wail of a human voice. "Seems 'most liko 'twis sneakin'." said Mrs. Blatchford. ' 'I novcr knowod there was. so much in the parlor organs. Be thoy very costly, mister?" Mr, Ives Wayto named the price. Aunt Betsey hesitated shook her head pondered. "It seems a good deal o' monoy," said she. "But, arterall, what's money? And Delia. rIio'h drpdfnl fnn1 n' mnci T, most certain sho could learn to play that thoro instrument, and it sort o' sounds nico to hear them old fashioned tunes that folks used to sing whon I was a gal! My money's my own, I guess, to do as ra a mind tor nait denantly. "And J Willi I say, Mr. Musicman, if you leave that melodeon just whoro it stands, and cart up another for Matildy Nugent, I'll tako it, and pay you cash down for it," said Mrs. Blatchford. "There now!" "Well," said ho, "since yon dosiro it, 1 think it might be mannged. Tho instru ment is here. That counts for something." "It's proper -sightly," said Mrs. Blatch ford. ' 'Delia has been a good, hard work in' girl. Play that last tune over again, Mr. Musicninn she's comin' up tho path now. I heerd the gate' latch creak." "Am I dreaming?" she cried. "What is this? How camo it hero? Oh, Aunt Betsey" "It's a present I'm goin' to make you, Delia," said the, old lady, with beaming eyes. "Come hero and kiss me!" And I'll hire Miss Barton to givo you music lessons and we'll take solid comfort out o' this "ere! Seo if we don't!" Tlie music man pocketed a roll of bills and wont his way rejoicing. Marcus Wayte heard the tiding with great joy. Little Miss Bartou welcomed the news of a new scholar with heartfelt thank fulness and Aunt Betsey went around the house humming "Those Evening Bells" nud willing the dust off a new joy every few minutes. "It's something to get ahead o' Matildy Nugent," said she. "And Delia's been a good, dnjtiful gal all her life!" "Didn't I tell you it was as good as done?" said Ives Wnyte to his cousin when next they met. "I think," SMdMarotw,laoghiug, "you ought to have a diplomatic appoint ment" "It pnys better to. be an agent," ob served the music man composedly. To ronto. Meil. A paper recently published a lengthy andexlianetive treatise upon "Monkeys," and a contemporary the next day curtly remarked; "It would lie more interest ing to the readers of the if the edi tor printed news instead of making his fiunily affairs public tliroufch its col umns." Exchange. A tanner's wife living near Dover, N. J., broke a duck egg into a frying pan a few days ago, when out rolled mi egg of smaller sire. The larger egg was of or dinary suto and contained a perfect yolk. The inner egg was about an inch and a half long, with a perfect shell and nor mal in every way. I'upulnrlt 11I Sii'iufi'i Ytuil.s. The total Baled of Herbert Kpeucer'' works in Greut Britain up to April 18, 1P90, have amounted to lfU.UJil topic, exclusive of the "De-vriptive Sociology." Tlus muulier inilude. "',.'. 1 1 1 ,i the various volumes of "The Svntln (ii Pliil.iM phy." ."I'.l.raal copies of "Eduea tii iu" and 'i,ihiO copi. 1 of "M.m cr-n.-tlli ttute." 'I lie total Mllei of tile all thonged Amen, on Mr. ttpen ctr'a works to date have amounted to 164,000 copies, mill ( h".ii reprints ot eer tain book-, li ive had a large hal,' Them ha urea arc given bj tin puulmhuir. lie Got the Lower llerth. The smallest man in lhe state is not Superintendent Thomas Jefferson Carl ton. All reports to the contrary, he is one of the heaviest men in the west. His weight is not altogether in his diameter cither. He is big up, big in brain nnd heart nnd overy way. When ho has sport it is colossal. One night ho hoard ed a sleeper to start for the Baltimore conference of- charities. All the lower liertlis were taken. Thero was ono up per lierth, mid Col. Carlton engaged it. He had the conductor point out to him tho ponwBsor of the ticket of tho lower berth, same section. He was 11 slim, dud Isli young man. "My friend," said the big man, ap proaching the youth, "I am glad to bo oomo acquainted with you buforo bed time. Aro you it Christian?" ' 'Well or I don t know. Why?" "Tho last man that slept under mo was not, and I always felt some measure of remorse." "Why?" "I ought to have told him that 1 weighed three hundred and fifteen pounds. However, ho carried accident insurance. 1 hope, by the way. that vou 'carry a large policy in a good company. jiuese upper oertlis are not insured. bull, it is only about a three foot drop, v nut worn shall I send to your friends?' "Are you can t I induce yon to ex change berths with me? Really, I nover count siecp 111 these close lower berths." 'II10 dicker was made, and tho hefty su perintendent peacefully slept in tho lower story while the slim young man mado scarcely an impression on tho berth above. Indianapolis News. Diltlcultles of Chaperons lit Now York, Another woman from Colorado one of theso big, Bartholdi btatuo creatures that one sometimes sees insisted upon having her woman guide replaced after dark by a messenger boy, because sho did not feel herself safe in company of a woman only. 1 dispatched a messenger to her physical staturo unknown, of course and in an hour sho trundled her colossal proportions into my parlors, fol lowed by tho tiniest, most abioct look ing specimen of tho genus messenger it nas ever neen my lot to see. "Seo hero," sue snorted, "what do you mean by send ing me such a protector as this? hi this nn insults 1 may bo lariro, but I want you to understand that I am n porfect nuiy, and 1 need just as much protection as any otnor lady. And as for this mis erable littlo whiffet" here she looked large and threatening, while the "miser able whiffet" shrank and looked smaller and more self despised each moment "I would as soon have a clothespin in trousers to attend me. Why, the very first thing ho did was to"fall down, and I had to pick him up and brush him off nnd seo to his braises, nnd the next thing I did was to yank lfim out from under tho heads ot somo horses, and here he is. and no more messenger protection for mo, ir you please." interview in New x ork livening Sun. Hcvernl Now York Signs. If one Wants to bo fully convinced that competition is tho life of trade ho need only take a walk over on the oast side of town and read tho signs on the shop windows: "Customers, attention! A glass or dplicious soda water given free to each and overy customer." This Is what a Madison street drugsist offers to attract custom to his place, and there are others liko unto it. The composition nnd 01 (.".iogruphy of somo of the signs are equally interesting. "Painters suplys is tho wording on a blue painted sign in front of a paint shop in Division street. "Private Restaurant" in no brew and English letters is the way the signs read before a dozen eating saloons north ot the Bowery and east of Grand street. "A Pure Carpenter" is the word ing on a sign m Hester street. A., it is needless to state, stands for Abraham, xherois no period after the A and no comnianftertho Pure. New York Press. Phonography is fast becoming ono of tho standard branches of education in Groat Britain. From returns made. though incomplete, it appears that in tho first quarter of the year 1800 the teach ers of phonogntphy had under instruction in the whole of Great Britain 3i,730 mal"S and H,028 females, making a total ot ill, 7U7, while tho number under in struction during tho whole of 1889 was 44,71. A largo portion of the pupils were in whataro termed "board schools." Trademarks wore known in ancient Babylon. Cliina had them as early as 1000 B. C. They were authorized by parliament 111 wugiand m lbm Gut tenberg, the inventor of printing, is said to havo had a IffWsuit over his trade mark. Toatt is more easily digested than plain bread, if tho toast is eaten soon after it is mae. Toast that has grown cold is not so easily digestible as bread. Waiting for Sam, A man with eleven weeks of wiry hah and a long growth of beard Btepped into harbor shop in one of our two cities tho other dav and sat down. 'Probably he was not in his best mood. At any rate he looked cross, evert though it was his next turn. "Nmt," said tho bailier, "I'll wait for Sam," said the man with the hair and beard, and us he said it he kickod at the dog and looked about as pleasant as a circular saw in motion. - "All right," said the lmrber with em pliasin. "Next" The "next" got into the chair and left the man who was cross sitting by the window, watching for Sam, Half an hour passed. The lAop was full and there soeined to be good deal of amuse ment among all except the man who was wuitinK for Sam. One by one the customers kept coining in. The clock hands puffed from 0:80 p. m. to7$0 p. m., and then to 8:30 p. m. At about this time the door irpened and a head popped in. "Heard from Sam yet?" said the hmd. "Yes," replied tho barber. ''How is he; having a good time?" "Gue.s he is. At any rate he say he is." "Win 11 do you expect him home?" "In n'ooiil tiu eo weeks." The door slummed after the question er, )iutt ou tho man with the lieard, who was waiting for Sam, jumped to hit feet. "Wh what did you say?" shout ed he. "Did you say Ham wasn't com ing for three wi ckt.?" The barber ivpreKM-il -mile, and in a voice that vwin'low mid even t med, ht uid. "Yes, mi Sam i up country, and we exjH i t him li.ii k ill about two week and a h .it Lot it j ou want to wait for him we'll make up 11 bed for you right here i"- but tlie rent whs loht by the door nki.unii rr on the retiring form ol the lua.i win. was wailinu; lur biuii.- iewlbtull Joulluil. STALLION FIGHT TO THE DEATH. One Animal Never Kcllnqulaheil Ills Hull- lo flrlj. on Ills Foe's Throat. A fight to tho death between two blooded stallions was tho Hirillintr bdoc- taclo witnessed on Capt. B. F. Trostor's farm nt Aurora, Ind. Two i)-ycar-old Btauions, spirited and valuable thorouch- breds, wero turned into adjoining past ures to feed. A wooden fence divided tho fields, nnd although riji coltB the pair playfully hit and kicked at eaeh other across it, tho fence was supposed to lie strong enough to keep them separate and pro vent tronoio. The colts began their fight ovor tho fence, nnd kicked and mawed at each other until tho fence was demolished. Tlim, nnmn f rt.ral-1, n,. I.i n t.. lti '""",' """ss; o lu-iicucM llliu Jt'IlKIIl uxcucueu anything which tho spectators ever wit- nessed. They stood on their hind lees, fiercely pawing nud striking at each other with their iron shod forefeet, and tearingeach others neck and shoulders with their teeth. Their neighing nud screams of rage and the sound of their kicks and snorts wero heard fully half a mile away. A half dozen or more persons were at tracted to the sceno of the conflict, but so vicious wero iho enraged animals that for nearly an hour no ono dared, to co near them. Covered with blood and foam, with flamimr eves and onon mourns, tney seemed tho very incarna- tion of fury as thoy bit and savagely toro each othor. Whlln tlm ImVm. n wero devising some means to separate them the furious animals grew more frantic, and repeatedly rolled over each other on the ground, biting and ldcking desperately. At length the smaller of the two, a bright bay, caught his antagonist uy tno throat with his teeth and dragged him to the ground. Tho larger horee kicked and rolled in an effort to nvoid choking to death, but the smaller animal clung to its hold. iw ivo auiu, The battle, lately so noisy, went on iators. Tlie larger horso became more and more feeble, until finally it ceased SmT 1 f DUdog tenacity the victor held his grasp upon his opponent's throat, pulling and shaking savagely, al though his own strength was fast de clining. He was at last beateuawav bv tho moro courageous of the snectators. Ho ran a few yards and dropped from sheer exhaustion, His adversary was dead. Although badly cut and bruised from tWl.ll, ..,1 I e I.J r uiu mm mm ttuuio ui am ioe, uie living animal survived tho terrible conflict. Cincinnati Dispatch, r.mriy raid cierirvmen. Tho fnilnrn in lmsinfisa of n. T,m,nlnt clergyman suggests the fact that very utcl huusu in iiiaKing money. When they do the rcliirion Ken- erally oozos out as the dollars come in, and they end by giving up ministerial wont nuogeiner. iTeacners, particular- iy juotnodisr, preachers, are almost al ways poor, and the next to them in point of poverty aro tho Baptists. The major- ity of Mothodist preachers in this coun- ....!.. i if .... , , ,, try receive less than $000 a year, whllo tho constant demands for charity creatlv aimimsn tneir incomes. Presbyterian nprt?vmpTi nm lioffm nnfrl w1i41n ... ' " " Church of England minister, both here iiiiu 111 ureat untain, tairiy roll m wnnltb bv romnnrifinn I Methodist bishops are poorlv paid. Those of the Methodist church south have $3,000 salary, while those of the church north have a littlo moro, but nono of them lays by anything of his RJllnn- Ttlahrm Wnproii ef ,l.,...l. north, is rich, having married the widow of a ranchman in Denver. But Bishop iiennnx, 01 tno juetnoutst church south, enjoys tho distinction of beinc tho rich est bishop in America, having inherited a lortune wmcn oy caretul manage ment ho lias greatly increased. He has tho reputation of being both benevolent mil rich. 10 schools and colleges ho is ncnnnlnll.. .1 " 1 1 II ! rcj.i..(wj MUVtUI, SCUUilL COllCgO, in I itim Ditite, oner iia iireseiit prospencj- to ms generosity. All the other southern Glol'rnlr "ro lr-St GIob-Democrnt. Drowning and the Sea Captain. Browning once asked tho cantain of tno vessel m which he was sailing from Sicily to Naples to awako him in the morning when they camo in, right of Capri. The captain was astonished that any ono should wish to be summoned out of bed at nn unearthly hour merely to look nt a rockly island, and ho asked Mr. Browning why he was so anxious to see it. "It is a very interestintr nlaco to me." said the noet: and ho tried to nnn. voytothe captain some conception of tne marvelous history or the Einpe ror Tiberius and of his dark seclusion nt rsn,4 no i.rt o4.nM. j , , , , . - n uio nun j cutiKin uiii. 111 nie mi- mortal picture of Tacitus. The captain u0to.i ,.,u....i i ..c.v.'v.. i.. muuiuou buu jiujh mom-1 uiiieia, wiiu-li sliinuiates Hie renal organs wltli iug, calling Mr. Brownincr on deck, he I out Iriitutuiu una vxeitlue them two eltetcts to nointed to the island nnd said, "Thlro ,u.'&SPl pointed to the island and said: "Thero, sir, is where tho great Mogul lived!" Exchange. bhn Made lllm Ixiok rieasant. I liavo a friend on tho North Side who has a girl uhout 6 years old. Tlie family was at dinner. Thero was a now cook on. Tho father of tho household made somo criticism on the cuisine. The mother Mid 1 wait and givo the new girl a chanco. Tho father was still irritated. The, little, ml. In hp- nbnt, V.l, the house to order with tho remark: "Papa, when I am as old as you aro I hope I shan't be as disagreeable as you are." i nicago Tribune. Leadlnpr authorities seem to acree that while electricity is nn unquestioned suo- cess as a substitute for horses in street car propulsion us use instead of steam 'T oruinary rauroaos must improvementa have been made in eleo- w t.uo,rw.w .v tntiv uiivu tunny IUVTO cisrairineering. Now York's Greatest Detective. luspeotor Byrnes is n toll, finely devol- oped man. His hair and carefully trimmed mustuone are gray, ills com plexion is florid, no lias nice hands. wis oyes wen, now wo come to tho re- marknble feature of the man. They are and tiiw ran iHra n Z IX like ulanee that sends thabold ehilla over yon. I can fancy no more genial, pleasant coinpimlon than this man, not A more Btoi-n, uncompromising, relentless questioner. tte is weiiureseecb Waneck-. " ,B "'Ih..iB. ma ,,nen iimnaciv late and he wears some handsome dia- ,,.,t lTiu i,A 11. I 2 ..1. 1 .1 1. 1 . i I He can iwrry an unwelcome onestlon giwefiilly or answer it with tact and judgment tie impresses one as a sin gubtrh modest man. not seeming to cart to talk much of las brilliant achieve j menu iork ( or. Kausay. 'iti An old, Inveterate smoker Vesuvius. A soldier's deilnatlon of a kiss A report at headquarters I Encklen's Arnica Salvo. The 1IEST Halvo In the vtoild for cuts, brines. sores, nlccis, salt rheum, fever sflros, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corn nnd all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or 110 pay rcmilred. If Is Kuaranteeil to givo perfect satis faction, or money refunded, l'rlce 26 centsper box. For sale by ltKUKU druciflst. Flighty people aro seldom blessed with 'pinions nf theh own. Forced to Leave Home. Over (10 immidIo Wereforeed tnlenve their homos yesterday to call Air.a freo trial nack- iikc of Lane's Family Medicine, If your "" ,0. ....... I.1.....1 lc 1....1 1 ! 1 !.!.! ..... r order, 11 you are constipated and have liead- nelin nnd nn nils ir illvpnimilevion. nn'l (nil 10 call on any dniKsist to-day for n free ample of this undid reinedv. The ladies praise it. Everyone likes it. Large si ml P"CKnge w tents. The man who won his wite on the elec tion calls her Election Bet. Ask Your Friends About It. Your distressing couch can lie cured. We know it because Kemn'sdJiilsam within the past fow years has cured so many coughs anil ciiKis 111 mis commuimv. ita remnrL-n. Me sale lias been won entirelv liv ita p-enii- c merit. Ask some friend who has used 'I what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There 18 ""--uiciiie no pure, none soeiiecuve. Mrgc bottles 50c and $1.00atall drmjgists. sample ooiuc ireu. Tlie Cabinet makers aro now al work. The bureaus will bo attended to later. Klectrlc Hitters. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need of no special mention. All wholuno used Electric Hitters slnu the same souk of praise A inner medicine does not ex ist and It Is guaranteed to all that is claimed. Elocti lc Hitlers 111 cure all diseases ot tlio liver ....... ....... ... ,.,,.,,u iinjui-n, imiiim, mill- fcfelf tltlll 1.'1M1.VU M-Ilt mmnpn i.lnx.ln. ..,. iiiim-uiu un malaria levers. rnr he, Constipation and Indigestion llPI- tftil t-o .nMorn.M,,., .r.,n.n... teed, or monev refunded. l'rlce nocents and SX I'" '""" at UEllElt'S Drugstore. When excursions ate made oy electricity lhcv .. tmhMv llfl annknn . J, deaths. Shlloh's Consumption Cure, This is beyond ouestiou themost success ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a low doses invariably cure tho worst cases of couch. cioiiD. and Bronchitis, while it's wonderful sneeoss In thn nrr .f ( 'nn.inn. ... . ..... . Y""i""H lion is wiinoui a parallel in 1110 History of medicine. Since it's first discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no ouicr uiciiiuiiiocan siami. 11 yon nave a coiifiii we earnestly asic von to try It. rncciu cents, 00 cents, and $1.00. If U3e snob's Porous Plaster. Sold at Mjiery's or Thomas' drug stores, The American aborigines had nono ot your modern tools, but they were familiar with tho Indian Ale. '" I'octor and Postmaster. Woro talking about a case of serious Illness, "Wl66", ,Sfu "nt pWijr going tato Oonsuuiptlon, which was promptly cured by Purlian uough and Consumption Oaro. Frlco . . . 1 xixuuritjucu linn hihiwii BiinnrnrBwir 11 loiiism a iMUousnoM aiu uver complaint, in met all I diseases, aria In ir from li tllsonlercil nvRtflm Hint !Sfth.S;?i5.DJ- IStt? "ru'sl""ro- . a""ul- na"""a ul ""'"PS" are wc" cnou2u but the chap who wishes to rIse earIv ,leeas an aIarm clook' Stiles' Nerve ami Liver JM11. An important diaeovcry. Thev act on 'e liver, btomach and bowels through the "CT, '"-'w principle. They spcedly euro biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation splendid for men, women ami children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 30 dnscs for 2o cents. Samples free at. T. D Thomas and W. V. Ilicrys Drnu Sloro. Nurse Can I put baby In the crib. ma'am? Mother No, doggie Is In the crjj ll'ali till tlogslo has had his nap, Captain Courteny. SaysilHiUeon the coast of Africa I had thtw menhk willl ,11:llarla, reter. j rllre(1 llicm with Siilplutr Bitters. It is thoirrealcst blood purilycr I ever saw, 1 always keep litem in niv medicine cbest.-rihipNniUilau.s, lijlliinorc. One objecllon to the entrance of women Into politics Is the fact that, In nailing lies, they would bo always smashing their hunibs. Take vau-f! There Is Dmiirer 1" allow inn Inactivity of tho kidneys to crow HuoukIi uccleet. The deadly sliolas of Hrlglit's dI-''M ttlul illauutes will wreck thecoodly bafk ,.' , , , . .7 7. Tv ?'"W";.'"wrflirtW- oiih nieiiir4iiiuu noes noi sicctiiyuireciiue neim lowurii uie pou or saieiy, win uo whelmed by f".a 'tuUli?ill,"l ' liM!iue. in seiectlneadiuretii!, let jour choice fall upon Hosteller's Stomach react nieiudlciallv. The lllttirs iuvlirorato the 'aSUI lnoi l l l". Huosf lUtt C it lCIIUCIH) IV ktdmns and bladder, lu common with the nerves and dlKcstivo organs, ami so afford lasting aid. It also afloids dual assistance In nreventlm? nnd curing Iulermlttend and remitted fever. Hill ousuess, constipation ami rheumatism It also subjiut.ilca. "1 'stumped' all through the late cam paign," said the one legged man. "And I satll I III. linn 1-mia.l TinllttMnn Hmnitn n fow .off hau,i. 8p,Cclie6.'' " "tnuciii. (IUU.i.iB uirougll ills . .. . .. t . , i .. ... i . i ,. . . wluJow at 1,10 nlln thls "r weather a man can't employ himself ratlon- ally? 1 suppose I shall have to study I No medicine In the world is in better re- l,lltc or ,n0,e wl,leIV know., than Ayer's SanmimrllU. Aaasafo and certain remedy foi all manner of blood disorders, leading physicians and druggists everywhere rcoom- mav it In Iirafereneo to any other. Caller (at hotl'io In Indianapolis I should like to see Qtn. Harrison. Servant (reading caruj "J. mums Jones, Mind Reader." (Emphaltcallv) You can't s?e ihe general, sir. Au Important Matter. DniggUts everywhere rejri that the Ule. of the Restorative Nervlne-a nerve wwlldn astonishing; excecsllng any. lllIr8 "' wl,lle h Ri nver- satisfaction in headaelie, nervotwnes, sleeplessness, sexual liability, backache, hioor memor.v. tit, (IU.ine., etc L. Bnr- ton lV (v... Trov. N Y , Amlierv Mundiv. of j. (Tcl k Mit. , Wooilworth . ,. i i .n i Uito., of l urt Wnyne, Ind , and hundreds ... . ' ofo,h" U,at bey new han.lle.1 any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave such sal it-tact ion. Trial U.Ule of this great metlicine sud IshiU on Nervous Diseases, Irt-e at T. li Tlttnttss ami VV. b. Uiery sthj. g(laMlllee nutl iecoatutend-3 t