Entered M Second OIrku Mailer at Hie Le lilijlilnii l-nnt-Olflre. The Carbon Advocate M'.IIKIIITON, 1'KNNA. Hate Tor LeRftl Advertising: Clmrtei Notu'rs Aittlllor'i Nnilirs ..... rominlHsloners Not foes Divorce Nolli'es Administrator's Notices Kxecutor'n Notices t i 00 4 00 4 00 - 4 00 8 00 5 00 SATURDAY, JUNE 14. 18P0. Bonn l'lilo Circulation I.nrccr than Hint nf any AVepkly Newspniier In tlie County, NOTHS AMI OPINION Thero are a number of Democratic work lngmen oyer In Luzerne County who say that Kckler I). Coxo Is nominated for Con gress lie will have to depend upon Ills Im ported Hungarians, 1'olanders and Italians for bis election. .Valiancy City JJecord. Professor John la. Sullivan, received a blunt and effective snub In Washington the other night from Isaae If. Bromley, who railed Mm a bully. Sullivan got the truth In an original package and swallowed It without gagging. Philadelphia Press. Dr. Depew made a speech to tlio working girls In New Tork the other day, and said that, whllo ho heard much about underpaid dressmakers, ho ueyer saw any evidence of this In the bills presented by his wife for growns. Commenting on this, the Chicago Inter Ocean says: ''Dr. Depew ought to know that thero arc diessmakers and drssmakcrs, just as there railroad men and railroad men. and all of the lat'.cr do not receive a salary of $25,000 a year. The Senate finance committee are work ing on tlio wool and silk schedules of the tariff bill, while the Itepubltean Senators are preparing speeches to prove that tariff will not enable the farmers' wiyes to wear silk. Philadelphia Times. Now that our llaso Hall club has won game from the Drlfton team we certainly ought to bo a city. Ifaielton Seillnal, SliCKUT SOCIETY NOTKS. It Is a whispered rumor that John D. Bertolelte Post, 4S4, Is making an effort to hat John Lena Camp, No. OS, S. of V. re-organked In this town. The Patriotic Order Sons of America will celebrate the 112th anniversary of the evacuation of Valhy Forge on Thursday, June 10, with the largest demonstration in the history of the Order. Kully 20,000 peo ple arc excepted to visit tlio historic spot, and thirty bands of mnsic and several com panles of Continental Guards will give the place a military appearencc. The Order P. O. S. A. has for Its objects tbe"lnciilcallou of pure American prlncl pies and reverence for American instltu tions; thecululvations of fraternal affection among American freemen; the opposition to foreign interference with State Interests In the United States, and to any form of organization disregard of American laws and custodies; the preservation of the con stitutlon of the United States, and the ad yancemenl of free public school system District Dcnuty of the Jr. O. U. A. JV. Wm. J. Ilebcillng, with an Installing team from Lehigh and Oak Groyo Councils, formally instituted Silver Star Castle, No 455 at Summit Hill on Thursday evening. when the following officers wcro install Jr. P. C., M. J. Cook; C, C. II. Phillips V. C, Frank Kulz; T., Wm. Kettra; W. Jonas Snyder; It. S., Arthur JfcQuald; S., Daniel Ttcmaley; Cond., John Gormlcy O. S.,Jos. Cunfer; I. S. ,John McF.lhaney Asst. R. S Jacob Snyder; Trustees, Thos. Lynn, James Smith, Wm. McLaughlin, Following the ceremonies In the hall the visitors were slippered at llactiman'a Hotel, The new Council meets every Tliursda evening In Odd Fellows Hall. In the Hulled States there are over 200 fraternal, benevolent, socials, insurance.po llical, religious, temperance and other secret orders. Following is the official membership of some of the more prom Inenl American organization : Free Masons, 000,000; Odd Fellows, 530,000; Grand Army of the Republic, 380.000; Kn!?hts of Pythias, 210,000; Good Templars, 200,002 Ancient Order of United Workmen, 191 780; Knights of Honor, 124,750; Royal Ar canura, 80,000; Improved Order of Rtftl Men, 01,000; American Legion of Honor, 01,084; Knights and Ladles of Honor, 40, 200; Sons of Veterans, 47,000, Ancient Order of Foresters. 38.530; Daughters Itebeckah, 33,858; Knights of the Golden Eagle, C0,000,aud Order of Chosen Friends 29,271, The total number of Jasons in the world is estimate at 4,000,000. The total number of Druids In the woild Is 07,000, One of the great ends and alms of the fraternity of Odd Fellows Is protection of Its members amid the Ills and dangers lite. None are so liealluy tliat tliey can surely say that they will not lave slcWiess to contend with, and when oroughldon to a bed of sickness will not need protec, tlon. Our fraternity promises, and is faith. fill to her promlso, to furnish benefits that will meet pressing wauls when expenses are Increased, and when the revenue arls lug from profession or employment Is cut off, The regular weekly report made the committee of the lodge secures order on tho treasury for the benefits and they are promptly paid over, and prove protection. In the midst of the selfishness of mankind and the want of carofor olhe tuaiexisi in uie ouisitie world, lire rucm bershlp of our Order are advised and conn eeled with and protected, so Ihatlnlentlou al Injury is thwarted, and vllllanous designs are brought to light and avoided; a cordon of warm hearts, and true hearts In the brotherhood, make appioach and Injury impossible, so that the protection is next to a divine protection which Is realized, for lie knows of a danger Imminent and apprl es us, so that we avoid It and are preserved Is but the groat Father above coming to us and rendering neojled service In the way of protection. TaUmuin NEW YORK LETTER i i When tho present District Attorney was elected In this city almost three years ago, I vnliirH'. the prophecy that there woul lie no more prosecutions ot the Hoodie Alderman.. Two unlucky rascals had been tried and convicted; C'leary look his chances of a trial and got clear on a ills agreement of the jury. Six lied to Canada and went scot free. Ono Henry Sayles gave hall In the sum of twenty-live tlious and dollars; Ids brother, an opulent butcher, going on his bond. On the con Vidian of Alderman Jaehne, Henry Sayles tot frightened and skipped to Canada with tils brother boodlers, and the following week Sol Saylei, lilt brother handed over to the city twenty-live thousand dollars Jn hard cash, IhU beiug every penny that tl city recovered of the millions of which It had been lobbed, and of the thousands which had been spent in fruitless proseen lion- V 'i good, solid, adamantine cheek, I think l be return of AMeiman Sayles aquaH anjthim. of wlmli I have ever heard or nail. J.usl week to the great surpuse of everybody Ileury Baytes came clc; be walked rljjUt up to the District Attorney's office and snrrendeied himself. Ills bonds were already prepared, so that this escaped criminal did not have to go to jail, and just here was the point where the colored brother was seen In the fence. Mr. Sayles being assured that there feuld hi no more boodle prosecutions, surrenders himself to the District Attorney, and It ft now expected that a motion will be made return Brother Sol his twenty-five thous and dollars which was forfeited when the iVIderman skipped to Caaada four years ago. lint whatever ine surprise or. uie community al the return of Sayles, it was nothing compared with the leturn of Billy Molouy, who had tho dividing of tho half million with which the Board of Aldermen was bought. It was not the first time that ho was the divider of illicit spoil, and the complaint of the thieves was that lie kept most of the plunder himself. For the past two or three years several of the fugitives have known to be In very straitened cir cumstances; not so, however, with this rascal Billy Molony; he has lived on the fat of the land, and has been clad In purple and fine linen, so has his friend and com patriot John Keenan, while Alderman Dempsey, anotherof the expatriated rogues returns to ns shabby and rusty wd con slderably tho worse for wear. But there la trouble ahead for somebody. Alderman Mike Dnffy, of Duffyvllle, who saved his bacon by turning informer, swears that he did not tell all he knows upon tho trial, but that he will make It warm for Billy Molony and John Keenan when the proper lime comes. There is fun ahead for some. body. The Fasselt Committee, now engaged in investigating tne several departments of the city government, have succeeded In making matters qulto, uncomfortable for a number of our tried and trusted officials. Last week the subject of Dlyes, licensed and unlicensed, came up for investigation, and I assure you that there was a tremend ous rattling among tho dry bones. Places of the most scandalous and unsavory re putation resorted to by thieves and all sorts of vile characters, havo been reported to the Excise Commissioners are moral and high toned, and license has been Issued to them on the recommendation of the police captain of the precinct against the Indig nant protest of the neighbors and tho well- known character of the place. Two of Inspector Burns' smart detectives testified that In six years they had never seen more than two or thrco crooks on the Bowery. Of all parts of Now York there Is no other public thoroughfare where bad characters so swarm, night and day, as the Bowery, Any hour in tho twenty-four you can meet them by dozens on every block between Chatham Square and the Cooper Institute. Al no lime Is a countryman's watcu or pocketbook entirely safe. The police know them as well as they know the lamp posts, and the only reasonable solution of their Immunity from punishment Is that they pay for It, A saloon keeper on Sixth Avenue told me that cyery monlb a man camo to his saloon and ho banded him thirty dollars, and all the saloons that ho knew did the same ; thero were no questions asked, no receipts given, tho man took the monoy and walked off. I now have perfect peace, he said, and If I am open a little after hours that's all right, or if I let some cf my intimate friends have a little nip on Sunday tho copper never knows any' thing about It. See? Well, I thought did see, I tried to kick once, he said, and refused to pony up. That night my saloon was pulled; I got clubbed. I spent all night in the cells with my broken head, and in the morning was fined fifty dollars, and the Judge told me that it I oyer came up bclore him again he'd send ms to tne Island. Do you think I'm a gotn' to fool with tho coppers after that ? No, slree, not rmicli I pay my little boodlo and take my pea soup Ilka a little man. That's me that's slioutln', stu ? While I suppose that thero is no human institution with out Its drawbacks and short-comings, and our police are not exempt, thero Is no denying that they are our safeguard and security In trying times of danger and deadly peri). Time and again we haye tried them when the eyll elements which swarm In this city were all aflame, but they have never been fouud, wanting".' Two thousand of them them had a grand parade on Saturday, and no finer body of men could be found in the world, Memorial Day was one of the loveliest of the Spring and everything served to make It one of the most enjoyable. Early In the morning our citizen soldiers might be seen hurrying to the different armories, and the veterans of tho G. A. R. were so numerous that one might haye Imagined that the war passed through without an accident; for after a lapse of twenty-five years, they still represent an army of between a hundred and fifty and two hundred thousand strong. The great point of Interest for Grand Army Veterans, next to Grant's tomb at Hirer. side Park, is Greenwood Cemetery. Here repose several thousand ot the brave boys, who went out to battle for tho Stars and Stripes. Some returned home to die and many hundreds were brought back from the distant battlo fields of the South that loylng hands might deck their grayes with flowers on each Memorial Day, Near them Ho In peaceful sleep hundreds of the soldiers who stood before them In battle, and who died In northern prisons far away from their southland, where mothers and sisters. wives and sweethearts have been watchine through all llieeo years for the sound of re turning footsteps, which, alas, shall greet their ears nevermore. But on Memorial Day their grayes were strewn with flowers by the same loving hands that decked the last resting place of the Boys In Blue. Over the sacred dust. that reposes so peace fully In this beautiful city or the dead, floats the tlag of an undlseyeied union in deadly peril twenty-nine years ago. It comes from the tremendous trial better and stronger, richer and freer than eyer, the best example of lell-goyernment, among men. May It so continue till time shall be no more. BROADBRIM, STATU OLKANINOH. An Allentown special says The death of Benjamin Moyer, of WcUenburg, which occurred on Friday under suspicious clr cuuutances, Is being Investigated by Coroner Klump. The jury's verdict was that death resulted from acute alcoholism and exposure. The jury found that the said acute alcoholism was produced by liquors furnished by Oscar Werley, Daniel Hartman. Ilarvay Werley, Wm. Snyder and Kilwln Zimmerman. The case will be put Into the hands of District Attorney Stiles. A marl who oannot be lndentlflad,because there ii very little left of him, was cut to pieces at Uethlebem on the Lehigh Valley Railroad Monday night, and nobody knows how the accident occurred. Both arins.both lei, and his bead were severed, the body cut In two, and all the severed parts scat tered in various directions. The undertaker who look charge of the remains had great difficulty in putting the piece together u net the body in shape. Candy That Dldnt Go Down. j Ueorg ,mucn, manager of Central Mtisii- hull, in veiv fond uf cindj. Hoi seldom without u box of linn boim on his desk, (if' TgB has many callein and they all help tliomsalves to liU randy, Bo he find lie dues not get many nweetuieaU himself In the long run. lie pays for the candy all the swine, and tbl calling busi ness has worrnil him 1 or some time. 1 ne other day he uuboeomed himself to his friend and neighbor, Mr. Bob's, of whom ho buys his" candy, mid he told mm bis plight. "I'll fix it." wild Doles; mid he made up a )ox of very inviting looking bon bons from common bar noap. These George put on his desk. The first mull to call was Will Hlmfer, of the Audi torium hotel. Ilu picked up a bon bon, said "Good morning," epnt it out, and then Harmon iwid: "Good morning! Have you uned soup?" Will said ho hud, but ho would nover do it ugnln. Jos Oliver, of tho People's, was tho next vis itor. He took apiece of the alleged enndy and then turned palo and went out. But tho victim Harmon was waiting for his hated rival, Adonis George Fair, of the Haymarket, Finally Fair dropped in. "Ah", mo boy, these look lovely," he said ns ho bit into atl alkaline bonbon. For a moment his faco paled, and then, rather than look lilron sucker, he bravely downed the rest uf the soapy candy. He did not caro to award Hurmou tho laugh on him, and ho mndo his Willi stronger by calmly chewing a second ono of the bogus creams. This wna too much, however, und aa he talked with Harmon .tha soap began to get in its deadly work, and Fair began to froth nt the mouth. Ho hastily rushed toward n West Sldo car, and was so mad that ho thought tho man was getting personal who handed him a handbill announcing an Important meeting of tho "Lathers' Union" that evening. Now Harmon can put the choicest confections on his desk and have them nil to himself. Chicago Herald. Longevity 0f Animal. The average age of cats is 25 years; of squirrels and hares, 7 or 8 years; rabbits, 7; a bear rarely exceeds !iu years; a uog lives 20 years; a wolf, 20; a fox, 14 to 10; lious aro long lived, the ono known by tlio name of Pompey lived to the ago of 70; elephants have been known, it is as serted, to live to the great ago of 400 vears. When Alexander tho Great had conquered Poms, king of India, ho took a great elephant, which, bad fought vory valiantly for the king, and named him Ajax, dedicating liini to tho gun, and let him go with this inscription: "Alexan der, the son of Jupiter, dedicated Ajax to the suuv" The elephant was found with this inscription 350 years after. Pigs have been known to live to the age of 20, and the rhinoceros to 20; a horse has been known to live to tho age of 62, but average from 25 to 80; camels sometimes live to the ngo of 100; stags are very long lived; sheep seldom exceed the age of 10; cows live about 15 years, Cuvier considered it probable that whales sometimes live 4,000 years; the dolphin and porpoise attain tho ngo of 40; an eagle diod at Vienna at tho age of 104 ravens frequently reach tho ngo of 100 swans have been known to live 300 years, Mr. Malerton has the skeleton of a swan that attained the ago of 200 years. Pell, cans are long lived; tho tortoise lias been known to live to 107. Journal of Health, A I-esson In Maimers. That the manners of our fathers is not ours is well enough understood, and the phrase "of the old school" has como to be used rather as a reproach to the de generate present generation. An old lady who belonged to the times when courtesy was perhaps more general, as it certainly was more elaborate, than it is now, administered rather neatly a rebuke to a lad who did not como up to her ideas. She had known the boy's father when he was in Harvard, as now was the son and ns the latter could hardly remember bis parents who died in his infancy, he waa always eager to learn all he could about them. Tho youth was invited to call upon tho old lady, who is now beyond the terra set by the Psalmist for man's life, at a coun try place ono day last summer, and had an interview with her upon the wide veranda, where she was sitting when hi arrived. He lifted his hat, and then, re placing it upon his head, went on talk ing with tho old dame, who regarded him witu looks of disapproval. "Do I look like my father?" tlw young man asked at length. "I cannot tell," the old lady replied, dryly. "J never saw him with his hat on when he talked with a lady." Youth's Companion. A llcur lu Church. During dlvino services on a recent Sunday, a bearewhich had escaped from tne stable ot a neighboring public house. in which its owner, a traveling sliow man was located, entered a chapel, near Mortlake, England. Women shrieked and children cried, and there was a gen erni rush for tho door. The bear, round whose peck was a thick chain, mado its way to the empty choir stalls, where it lay down. The minister, whose high ana commodious pulpit lind suddenly be come occupied by several feinalu men) bers of his congregation, was in the midst of his discourse at the time of tho animal's appearance, and had chosen for Ids text the words "Be not afraid," The sermon was brought to an abrnpt termi nation. The anxiotv of pastor and veo- ple was set at rest by the arrival of the owner or th animal. The bear was got out of the chapel with ease and taken back to its quarters. Exchange. KlMlng (loins Out of l'mblon. In the rural regions of our country, ns well as of England, the favorite amuse ment at a social gathering of young per sons is, or until recently has been, a suc cession of "kissing games" wherein the most modest girl of the company was sa luted by every swain who chose, with as Utile embarrassment as if he had been bet mother. But even in the rural din- trials this sort of thing is ljassing- away. and the permitted realm of the kiss is narrowing day by day, Mrs. Frank Les lie. JIutclduK CldoLsua lu Georgia. mma a man in Amerlcua, ua., was boiling eggs to be uad pn the lunch counter lie heard the chirp of a chicken. Looking, lie found a young chicken which had kicked out of its shell, iu the tepid water in which he had placed the ogga. Ho took it and carefully dried It and gave it food. It now is as lively as a cricket and promises to grow to ma turity, Kxphange. Tlio Girl Hud Ileeu to tha Show. Just at present Mrs. Brodgage is break ing In a queer creature from the weot of Irelandi-a stalwart, rosy, typical Irish peasant girl, full of respect, devotion and ignorance. Slip signalized the return of warm weather by coming iu barefooted to wait on the table nt luncheon, Hut her orowulng achievement was reserved for the early evening of the same day At about & o'clock two gentlemen called to see Mrs. Brodgage And Katie went to the door. As the girl didn't peeui to know exactly whether to let them in u not, each gentleman took out his card and lianded it to her. "If yez plaza," she said, moving back toward the stairs, "kape yet tirkeu till the missis oomee down!" She had been in the country long epougn, evidently, to go to a show. Boston Transcript, Tlenrv Milllck, a rich old fanner of llarmonv, known to innnv people Ip Mucks comity as" The 111 no Man," cII.mI ci sud denly at his 1i ,ino on Pihl.n, nerd VMears. When a young umn ln ' m uly drowned by falling in the Deliiwaie 1th cr while fish ing, and bis skin ever allei want hail a daik blue east. Sylvester Wee, lielter known as"Monk," while out in the woods at I lie notherauiMiil of Poitsyille with four companions, drink- iig whiskey and beer, dropped uver dead. Deputy Coroner Clemens united to hold an Inquest, but It ice's companion! had dis appeared and have not et been ap prehended. Death wasprobablj canted hy exhaustion and alchollsiu. Il'lille picking coal along tho Readlncr Railroad recently n Huiuinrlah woman lost 400. The body of.VandnsKvertsaged 20 years was found hanetiis In the barn of his father's farm in West I'onn on Saturda). No cause Is known for the rasli act, except mat it is surmized no nad neen dis appointed In love. Ahoutajenr ago his mother and six of her children ilted within two week of each other of diphtheria. To Whom It May Concern. All persons are Iieretiy toilild harboring or unsung iu,v son, ivi,mj'.i& n. iiuoiuivm , on my HL'CUWIIIIL, US J Wilt IIO UtMIIS OL lll! VUllirUCr- Iiik after thl it ute. MAlllAn UI'IHllEKl, ,Tiuiel3,18fi'Mv3 Mahoning Tup., Pa, DR. BOYD'S Little Giant Nerve & Liver Pills, Positively cures constipation, .Indigestion, biliousness, loipld liver, pain In the back. Piles, headache, bad taste In the mouth arising from Indigestion, by strengthening tho nerves and regulating the action of the stomach, Uyer and kidneys. PRICK, 2J5, CENTS.' -Samples Free at Thomas' DrugSlore. DR. BOYD'S CURE For diarrhoea, dysentarv. summer com plaint, chnleia morbus, cramp.", colic or any dlsoider arising from a weal: stomach THOMAS' Golden Molar Pharmacy, ' Hani; SmiiCT, Lkuiohton, Pknna. O. A. CLAUSS, OITlco with Clauss Bros., First street, Lehlghton Fiiik, Life and Accidknt INSURANCE. Only Frst-clas Companies are represented liitniniidloii cheeifullyfiiriilslied. 4-1 j- At the Lowest Prices ! IN THE LINE OF Bed Boom and Parlor 8nits, Handsome Carpets and Rugs, Latest Style Baby Carriages.' WIXL BE FOUND AT iGliwartz's Big First Street, -Lehighton. Don't fail to call and inspect our handsome line of the new est and nicest things in the above line to be found anywhere in Cfirbon county, and all at very AT THE. - Contra Drug' Store, Ol'P. TIIK 1HIBL10 SQUAKE Rank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS IIEADQUAUTRKS FOB Pure Drugs and Medicines; Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c., Choice Wines and Liquors," Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When yon buy a pair of Shoes von want a c'ood lit. Hut If you need Ul'EOTAOI.HS it Is much more important that tin KYK should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proiier ly lining frame which Hill brliir the leiikes di rectly before the centre of the eye. If you buy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's vou will And the above points properly attended to. PRESCRIPTIONS CacHy MwM OCUG-1K87 AT-HrNT ,n eiiHass for Hie saloofour lUJiiMioiignu drown Nursery Stock. WANTKO. Moat Ubttrul Termi. t'uwiuallad facilities. One of the largest, oldest pstuhllidu'd and bent known nurseries lu the country. Address W. & T. Smith. Geneva Nursery, (ieueva N. Y .Itsmbllihed In levin -4-iaet tB "GOOD EHOU.GR "Fauim c e a S OIL AND GASOLINE CANI -MAM'FAril'XKP S fhe WInfleld HanoPg Co,, Warren, Q Every Family should Have One No Dropping Oil on the Moor or Tabic; No Faucet to lak or pet Lnucked open tf sraste Contents or cause Explosions. Tumi Ind Can close aul. o.aiically Alt TiailT. No l.eolo.pi No iCvaporitlPn and tesoifinv 8Af. A Unlvprral c i ci I o'U Necessity l'or Male In Lehighton by J. T. Nusbauiu, I-Ij-lbemrulli id T. T. Thomas, apR-m A Iidv' 1'erfotd Couiimuiuii I'aiki ksh l iiiuiHiKTH. ft ew book by Dr. John II. Dye, uu of Nsw York's must skillful pliysli-laus, shows that prln U not ncesary in childbirth, but results fiom causes easily under stood und overcome. H clearly proteslhatdhy woman ma become a mother without suffering uo pain whatever. It alsolell how loover t ome and prevent mornlnK sickness, swelled hntlit, and all othei evils steiidhu pregnane It i lelLible and highly eudoi-bed i,, pn..uiHio , t i ulteie us the wife's Irue prnute eouinuu ion. Cut tliKout, it will sate you great iaHi, I soil hi-hioI) yooi lllr S-lnl twoeelll tlaiup (or pi. ripiite t ii(-uii3, esiuuouiais.aua conaaes tial Lelicr etiit iu sealed cuvclope. Address, Frank Tboinas Co , Publishers, Baltimore' Maryland. Of a Oi Te, HOflila gi Bids Wanted ! Bealeil proMpli for Lighting inn Alton,! the HireM letups in the !nrmiti of Lphtghton lor lln MiftumK ynr wdl Iw rectovpd ty thft liudrraignMl until Wndnrsdav, .lut'C 18, IKHe. By order of Council, JOHN T. 8KMMKL, Secy. Notice to Eriite Enilte 8lfd ptt)ioMls will be received at the OnmmiasiorJert' Offiffl, Mauch Chunk. Vn un til Four (4) O'clock V. M.. MONDAY, JUNE IXlh, 189(1, for the bulldlnn of n wrouijlit iron brlil o over the Lehigh ftivrr twtweeti Mtucli Chunk and Itflst Mnnr-li (Jlmnk. 8pcinm- liotis can be teen nt the Oeiiimiatiflneni office, lly order of tlioOommisslorirni, T. V. AKKEU, Clerk. Teachers' Wanted. Applications lotrappolntmenl or re appoint ment as Teachers' of tne-different erlioola. will be received by Ibe Lehinliton Brlionl Board until JUNG S4st, 1(90, when appointments will lie made. Communications should be ad dressed to 1.. K. liOYEIl, Beo'v Leulglilnn, I'd. OEPOHT 01' Till! CONDITION OF TIIK FIHST NATIONAL HANK OK l.EIUOII roN, reniia., at the close ot limine, May H, ISM). IlKSOUKCKH. tians and Discounts , Siso.eia 39 11. H. llonds tosure circulation JD.OOO 00 Htocki,seciirllle9,udgineiits.clalMi9.i'lc SI, 188 03 Due from approved reserve agents a,l w as Due from other National Hanks 4.1HS 00 liaiikinii house, furniture, and fixtures 8,W7 86 Current expenses and taxes paid., 1,68 81 I'reialiims on U. M. llonds o3t (in Bills jot other Banks 910 00 TWUonat aper currency, liickels.and itrats , ... 02 W Specie 4,184 60 filial lender notes '. 6,100 CO Uedeinption fund with U. 8. Treasurer , (5 per cent. circulation) , flop pa Total..,. , a5aO,48T 73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 75.000 00 Surplus fund 8,000 On .IlmllrldedDronU B.W37 al National Hank nftles outstanding 1",000 oo Dividends unpaid a 19 to fhdivldiialdeposllssuujecttocheck.... 120,097 98 Certit er checks 04 Oashler'ft checks outstanding 5 88 Due to other National Hanks lo.ro 47 Due to State Uanksnnd Hankers JOil 05 Total t'JM).477 73 HTATR OJ-1'RNNHVI.VANIA. (..... COUNTY OP CAltllON, -fBB' t. .1 no. T. Kemniel. Cashier of the aho e-uamed Bank, do solemnly sweart hat tlieabovostaiHinenl is true to too uesi oi my Kmrnicugu itnu oeiiei. Joh: T. Skjimri. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before hie thts2Mh day or may, lsvu. HowAlin HuAnoLivr, N. 1'. ConnFOT Attest: A. J. Duiu.l.NO, ) I", ,1. Kisn.iiii, -Directors. It. 1'. ilOKFOlll), I May. 31st, 1890. Furnitur lowest prices. -DisspMion' of Co-ParlnersMi), I.EHIOHTON, Ha., Aluy n, isoo. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween Chailes Frutzman and O. II. Seldle. doing business as C Prutzman &Co., with pottofnee addtess at Lehighton, Carbon county, I'a., was this dav dissolved by reason of C. II. SK1DI.E wiiuurawiug irom tne nrm. All persons Indebted to the said Arm are re- tiuesieu to maae payment to u. n. nciur-,!, who Is authorized to make alLcollectlons. The business will herenftcr he conducted by uiiAo. ritu i.AiAn, at Aiieurowii, ra. C. l'ltUTZMAN, C. It. HKIUI.K. Mayl0,1890-w3. MO TO FRS. nODKREIt. under the Exchanirc W tfotel, Hank street, tor a smooth shave or a tasntonauie, haircut. VtT Closed on Sunday's. Koeder'sUairtohlc, Cures Dandruff. To Whom it May Concern, Ithavlne come to my knowledge that some Ticrson or persons unknown tome arechculat-' in? reports defamatory to my character as.to lily iiunraiv, yia; tout i uo nut i;iy ill iiouill uius at anv Place where 1 obtain board. ' Now, this is to gh notice that 1 challenge said panles to come forward and prove their assei tions with in ten aays irom tne uate hereof, or render then selves liable to prosecution for slander. JAMES IIKUOHKH, Late of lloston, 11, 1., now of Lehbjhton, Carbon lAMiiiiy, ra, aiuv v, imhi. Lehighton Water Co. I.EIIH1UTON. I'A., April 81, 1RSO. There will be a meeting of the itockholders ol Thk l.EHluiiTON WatiuiCojii'anv In (label's Hall, in the Itoroughof LehtKhton. I'a.. at Eight o'clock V. M., on SATUltDAY, .IIWK aist, ISO, for the purpose of voting on an INOHKABE Ol-' INDKI1TEDNE.SS. Ily order of the Hoard, JOHN H. LENT, President. Howard Seaboldt, Secretary. Special Iinportaut Notice. 1'iopeity holders nhn have not as yet made Water service connect ions on Hank street should do so at once and save considerable in the. cost of the same, from the fact tloit. after tlieiiim. oughfare has once been inaeadamlied according iu mo plans uuu spei'incniiong uow twin tne Horouidl Council It will necessitate inerieiicl work and naturally a considerably inciiimhkii iwr. nvery properly unmer suouni certainly seethe direct Imuortance nf this and mnkothe sen ice connection now as it would certainly be objected to after the: street Is macadamized to nave u uuu up auu le-iaui inereny eausinc un sightly pi evlces. THay 1st, lio, MY OitDKK OF COUNCIL Important Notice. At a special ineethigof the Ixhightnn llnroiial Council held on Monday evrtiing, Apil) !, law, the following resolution wp uiuviliiiookly ap proved: , ItUBOI.VKI). That everv cltlien on lUnk street be required lo put up a Mil b al such pbu-es wliore iivue urvituwui, iruiu uaiiKway uii-aruuii street, including Walp's building; said otirb inbeixil in aveoruanee with time fixed on nollee served ou eacu ana every properly iionier. MAHI.ON UHIOUAIII), lturgess. JOHN T SKMMlil., Secretary'. STOP Because when the vesr is around vou hive nothing but Twelve tterelpls, and ynu are no better on man you weie peiore. Own Your Own Homo And let Vrmr Monthly ltrntpay forlt. Tlie Granite Slate Provident Asscclaliou Vt'lll buy you one anywhere- and lei jour r nl l; Tor it. No weority require! I Mo iiiorl gajta taken I For full lorlU-utsrs rail an or sitdreMf H. V.JVTorthimor.Ji., LEHIGHTON, J'A., Sole Agent for Csrbon county. Ex-Sheriff Rabenold. JVSh.aillSt AI.LHNTOYv'N. ' PPNTISTIiY, io all Us branches. Fresh gas always on band. The patronage of tbe people Is solicited. Satisfaction giuro nt eed.to 90 e Store, KUHN'S SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ROOFING, SPOUTING AND GENERAL JOB WORK Receives our spooinl attention nt tins tune, rum m connection we nre prepared to Repair Wash WniNOEits, no matter how far iione. 1Jro sunnlv new vuhhnrs and new cog wheels mid make your washer tfood as new at a very small cost. Our line of House Furnishinn- finnriH in. eludes everything in that line, while our stock of ITeatnrs. Ranges and Stoves can't be beat in mis town, lie ore Tiurnhns ing elsewhere call and see us. W. S. KUHN'S, North First St,4 Lehighton. 22 p&4 9 3 aaaj o NORTH FIRST STREET, LEHIOHT0H. IS THE TLACE FOU Fine Siinis ani Pantaloonio&s at the lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per cent.- lower than elsewliere. A perfect fit anil best workmanship guaranteed iu every ins'anee. Before purchasine elsewhere call and see lis. 6-01-1 y o m o zn o cf a crq CO r-t- o Ip r- CD 3" CTQ 3- O "JQ Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and' Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Grater's Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished on short notice Reasonable! Lehigh Valley R, R. Co. ArruneemeiTt of Passenger Trains. Tn Effect May 11th, 1890 I.KAV1S I.UHiriHTON For Iiahwav.Ultzabeth.Keuark and New York G.ou.s.s,7.ai,U.B7, and 11.12 u.ni.; .HW, and s.ot p.m. For Mantinka Chunk and Ilelvldere 0.00, 7.31, a.m.; lil. nm. For Ijtniliertvlllp and Trenton U.oo, 9.00 and 11. 12 u. in,; sun and B.w p.m. l'or Htatlnitton, Catasauqua, Allentown, Beth lehetn, Easton, 1'hllade'phla and poUits South s.i, 7.0J, 7.31, a.'jo and n.u a.m.j J.00. 6.89 and s.ot l 111. For Heading and Harrltbin-K 7.31, 9.B7 aud u.iza. 111.; a.uuanus.ui p.ui. l'or llouinaiis, Lehlah (lap. Cherrvford. Lau rv's, White Hall, Cmday, llqjgii(auiua and i reemansuurg o.au, .ui, ujju u.07 fi 11.ua. 111 12.17, and M6 11.111. For MaueliCliurkc.SS, 7.4a, 0.47 and 11.48 a. Ill .2. 3.1.V 6.17 MIL 8.1,1 and U.38 and 11.47 11.111. Fur Weatherly aud IlaabHou 47. 7-43 &36 and ll.lia.111.; a.l, 6.KS, 7., 9.3 p.m. l'or tlahaunv I'llv. Shenahdoah aud Ashland U.47, 7.4.1, KJfl and 11.48 JL.M. ; S.15, tUHlllld 7Jtt p.m. For lit. Oariuel and Mhaniokln 7.43 and 11. 4i a.m.; p.m. For New Itostoii and t'oltsvllle 7.43, 93il and ll.4sa.ui.: 11.15 and 7.23 p.m. For White Haven, Wllkesbarre and l'lltston 0.47, 7.13, u.su and 11.48 a.m.; 8.16. 7, und U.S8 p.m. For Seranton 8.38, 7.43, 0,80, and ll.4na,ni,; 3.16, B.1H und 7.33 lKin. For Tunkhanmaik 11.48 a.m.; 66 ii 7,B and 9.38 p.m. For Owro, Auburn, Ithaea and fietieya 11.48 tt.iu-; WauB p.m. For laeeyvllle. Towanda, Havre, Waverly, EI mlra, KoehWrr, llulfalo, Naisra Falls and the West il.4 a.iir.; and 7.W and tU8 p.ih. SUNDAY TltAINS, For New York 5.41 aud 10.07 a.m. ; 5JS 11.111. For Philadelphia a.ft a. in. and 3Ji7 p in, For Kaston and Intermediate Stations S.I7, K.03, 10 07 a.m. ; III 6a, M7. a. aud 8.44 n Sp. For Maiurii Chunk a.11. o.fiil 11.111.: ll.Sfi. lis. .1S, 8JamHiji!u,ih rur iiKKivwu tuicia.in.: iv , & m. 11.111. Por alalutiHiy City and Shenandoah lluo and Por White Haren, Wllkea-lterrp, I'ltuton, TunklvaniMX. Towanda. lte)re,IUiea, Ueuava, 1111, uiimra, novueter, nuirrtio, mafarit mu uie iveat u p.m furluar ni-li.ittra 1n.iulrM nf AwMitafar 1HHB HUM'S. II II. lliJtJN, m-- ..-- 1 1--.. - . .7.. ..r-.. rtVlKOttTN. flMn'l Pus. Allt. !!) 11, 'Kf. ly Houtti lMhlhin, I'eiiua, flALESMEf WANTED. H LOCAL OR TRAVELINGS-. losell our Nurtry Slock Malar y, BspcsMs sad Steady employment guaranteed 17-2m' Hoi'hestcr, N. Y. O s. Jq hi 33 S P g so 5 fJ u-l Z m s l- a . 8 hj - o PS H3J Sa3 5 CT. cd CSS a rjq 1 JfeitJort u KOIt A HMIM1TII EA.SY SUAVE, AHll A Stymhii llAlll Ct'T, IO TO KltANK II HUMAN TIIK I1AHI1RH, Over the Oanal llrldte. U. S. KRESGE, In the Old l'ot Office nullilluc HAND-MADE UUOTS & 8H0BS ft BpMlalty. Ilaud-marte UpiKirs Sitppllwt to the Ti ide. SP"llitv mirMm llai'd All kinds nf ltepnlilmc and Tromplly M.O.Kunte. HIDEH, AND TAIjLOW. HA1H - OUTTINd AUD SMOOTH 8HA VINO In the j,pry Itlshest Utrleot Tonwirlal Ait, At HOltNa SlIATINfl . . -BAtiOnN. Try Hllnl HlRltest Prices Paid. R. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. Itepalring Neatly anil Cheaply Done at Very Keasonnhle l'ncea. Oenersl Agent for the nilbarth 1'atetit Adjust- oie i.umuge i-oie, anu ieaier 111 HugHlei and Carts. a aura 634 Hamilton Setter's Corner. NDIA PONGEE. Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go WE TO-DAY ANNOUNCE That we have a very large assortment of Screen Doors made in the best manner and of the best quality wire screening, finished with hard wood moulding and having four panels which we sell at tlie low price of $1.50, or with' fixtures complete at $1.80, delivered anywhere in town. That we have a full line of Poultry Wire, Woven Wire and Screening Wire, in all sizes and meshes which we sell very low. That we have a complete lino of Bird Supplies, consist ing of Fish Bones, Song Restores, Lice Destroyers, Condensed Food for Mocking Hirds, Red Gravel, Gravel Paper, Mixed Seeds, Lettuce, Maw, Canary, Rape and Hemp Seeds. That our other stock i3 lull and complete with tho usual very low prices. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, JS TIEAUQrVRTKRS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, A.LL KINDS OF COAL, Sc-a OPS, PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliighton, Pa Laundry, Laundry, Laundry ! The undersigned lias opened i Laundry on White St., Weissport, Pa. Will call for and deliver goods free of charge. Drop me a Wm. Jut u-aa ' t VU Wh I 'I ll'.ICRT 1 n I 1: M! Itl It, I ml. 1 tin linn- More I- iiii t-l'o bo a Si i(H II Ml AVE M ST1 I IMI 11 AIH Tt'T. Hive in a fall. in m:hh 'i 11 em AT.I. IN NKWH- Tlie " ADVOCATK." nitiour, OLE AN, INOKI'i:si)EMT. Iload It! - mude Nhoi- 1 in- iii!r. Neailv, Ch. attended to. and MILTON rLORYi SPOT Cash Ituyers K to A. F. bXYDEtl, And buy your Orstain, l'lnnos.ien Iiii; Machines, Wringers, Washlim Jlachlnei Implements, rumps of all kinds. It will pay yon toeet prices from mebefore buying. 1 0011 sae you money The newest fabric of the year is Printed Cot ton Goods, India Pongeo. Lisle Thread finish 32 inohea wide. All the latest shades and printings at Twenty Cents a Yard. St., Allentown. North First Street. ieason able Goods Cassi meres, "Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being- perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. Tn this particular we invaiiably more than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making n choice ot goods desired, while in stvle. finish and work manship our reputation speaks far more eloquently than word. Call on us for Spring and Summer t7arments, Suits or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits and finest workmanship. Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. sABBfS postal. G. BROOK, White Street, Weiwport, Pa.