The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 17, 1890, Image 3

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Should le the watchword of every house
hold. Economy In (he use or appropria
tion of money In securing the ueeessarlea
of life Is the sure mail to sncces. Many
a hard earned dollar Is thrown away and
waited by Infrnjral buying. IJompArc our
prices with those of any other storo for on
If a month, and son what the saving
would be.
The Tennis Slippers we mentioned
last week lasted only a few days. We've
opened anothet lot this week.
Men's ca rents.
Roy's 49 cents.
Youths 4fi cents.
We are selling Infants GOV, Kid Itut
ton Shoes for 33c. Him from 2 to fi.
Men's, Boy's and Youth's Canya-a
Shoes are on the bargain list.
ll'e also baye In slock a full Hue of
Russet Shoes, made from selected goat
The new shapes In Men's Shoes which
rrearithowlnc this season are a grant ht.
Gent's, If you want solid comfort, secure
a pair of these perfect fitting shoes.
Another lot of those wonderfully cheap
Gloria Umbrellas has been placed on our
counters. Though the prices remain the
same as the last lot, the material Is far su
perior to any we'ye vat shown.
Cotton and Satin Back Velyel Ribbons
are away down In price.
Fltst Street, between South and riuin Streets,
Lehlghton, l'a.
TheCarbon Advocate
.SATURDAY. JWAY 17. 1800
Speaking of an old friend the Strouds
burg Democrat has this to say! "Wo con
gratulate our former pupil and townsmau,
Ai"r.T. A. Snyder, on his triumph In
Carbon County. Though the opposition to
him was bitter and resorted to every sort
of electioneetlng, yet ha was elected on the
first ballot by a majority of nearly two to
one. Mr. Snyder has achieved great pop
ularlty In Carbon County, by earnest and
preststent labor for the schools, and merits
the confidence reposed In him by Carbon's
The "Luther Union" will hold their
regular meeting Tuesday evening, May go.
The following programme has been at
ranged: Recitation, Frank Semmel; In
strumental solo, Mamie Semmel; select
reading, Lizzie Afilter; organ solo, Lou
Zebcer; Sentiment, duet, Nettle Rex and
The fair and festival under the auspices
of the Lehighton Bass Ball Club in (label's
Hall Friday and Mat unlay evening's of last
week was a giaml financial success. The
contestants brought, In ".-.'.". '.n, divided as
follows: On the uaicb, .irrle Ilmiftli,
$232.00; Jennie Irvln, 184.10 On lite
ring, Bertha Fnvran, 440.00; Annie Law
fer, $36.00; Miss Kromer, $12.1f Misses
Hough and Irvln each received handsome
Hold watches and the three cnnrestntita for
the ring were rewarded in the ttmno way
for meritorious service.
Itovcnuo Collector Laealr, of Wllkes
barre, came to town on Monday with the
necessary papets to "pull" an alleged
"speak easy" but the scheme didn't, work.
What, had been reported ns a barrel of
whiskey and a number of demijohns of
choicer liquors proved In ho only ylnlgar
and syrups for soft drinks. The place In
question was .los. Webb's neat little
restaurant on First street, and after a
thorough examination the Collector left
s.ttlsfled that. It was a put up game to In
jure .loo.
The arrangement for the grand parado
In this town on the Fourth of July under
the auspices of Lehigh Council, Xo. 101,
Jr. O. U. A. M., are perfectliu;, and the
Indications ate that It will surpass any pre
vious similar turnout ever held In t his place.
In the evening there will Iron beautiful dis
play of llre-woiks from thoSqitaronn Third
street providing our citizens contribute
liberally for this purpose.
At a meeting of the Pastoral Associa
tion of the upper pa it of the Second Con
ference of the Mlntsterium of
Pennsylvania, at'lon on Monday,
liev. .1. H. Kmler, of town, undei the head
ing of Pastoral Theology discussed thesnh
of "Sponsorship."
F.lsewjiere In to-day's paper our readers
will notice the. advertisement ofjxcnterer
& Swartz, dealers in furniture, carpets,
baby carriages, Ac. It will pa) you to read
it and then call and Irani prices. Tne tlrm
Is composed of enterprising young men who
talcepleasttre In showing their Hun of goods.
The firm of Mantis Dick, of which
'.he former Is our townsman Thos. Mantz,
have the contract to build a railroad track
between Buffalo and Ithaca In New York
state. It Is likely that the work will he In
charge of the genial Griff Mantz, at pre
sent the aide n)lxerologlstntthF.xchange.
She had been sick for a week and
didn't want to live, until her lovey-dovey
drovo up to her home with one of Davy
Ebberts handsome rigs. Livery on North
street. Terms lowest.
Neighbor John Pelers, employed In
the shops at Packertou, can los his left hand
In a sling caused by being hit on that,
merabei with a flying piece of steel, one
day this week,
There will be an important meeting of
Maj. Klotz Comtuandery after the session
of the Castle next Monday evening. You
want to bo there, and don't you forget itl
The grand drawing for the beautiful
Chimes of Normandy clock under the aus-
Phentn Raltzer! assav. L llie Relchard:
akateb, Ira Notbsteln; referred questions; P,ces of 1,10 Il'lghton Base Ball Club.wlll
select reading, Tlllle Buss. All are cor
dlally Invited to attend.
The Y. P. 8. of the Reformed church
will bold their regular meeting In the base
ment of that ediflce on Monday ( evening
next, when the following interesting pro
gramme will be recited: Select reading,
Cbas. Frantz; solo, Mary Fenstcrmacher;
recitation, Ella Ilontz; solo, Jlss Annie
Orosscup; essay, Mr. Kennel; recitation,
Samhel Miller; chorus, little girls.
A runaway team belonging to Fred
Horlscher, the bottler, dashed down Iron
street, Saturday afternoon, and in attempt
ingto make the curve on to Bankway,
dashed ker-bump Into Sweeny's Corner
Store, breaking the glass In the door and
one show window, and badly splintering the
side of the building. Great excitement I
No one Injured.
After undergoing thorough renovation
Inside and out the Bank property stands
out handsome and resplendently beautiful.
A later Improvement In this connection
may possibly be a glass front to the Bank
end of the building, which Institution is In
a yery flourishing condition under the able
financiering of Cashier John T, Semmel.
Rev. C. S. Hodge, of New Jersey, a
theological student, at present tilling the
pulpit In the Presbyterian church, will be
at the Exchange during the summer. Mr,
Hodge Is a young man of excellent ability
and much promise. He Is held In high es
teem by his congregatioc.
The green two cent stamp Is still on
sale at the Lehlghton post-office, and In
order to close them ont, Postmaster Kami
enbush will dispose of them at the rate of
thirteen for a cent and a quarter, during
the next few days only,
A National Provident Union Is likely
to be organized here through the efforts of
Frank P. Semmel. Already more than
thirty names are on the charter application.
The organization Is similar to the Royal
A good garden feeds bugs. Slug Shot
kills bags that destroy currents, potatoes,
cabbage, flowets, plums, Ac. Used ten
yeare with safety and surely and Is cheap.
Sold by Lehigh Coal fc Hardware Co.,
Limited. mayl7-w3
Quite a number of Joseph Kmm's
friends took advantage of his flftj-elghth
birthday last week to treat htm to a sur
prise party. "A good time!" expresses the
sentiments of all present on the occasion.
For Sale A Porllble Picture Gallery
with camera box 12 size leus, 0 gem tubes
and 4 1-4 darlol tubes all that belongs to It
for $75,00. Rare chance. Address 3eo. B.
Wflcp, YYelssport. pa.
Lost! On Tuesday evening, between
Welsiport and Lehlghton, a pocket book
containing 16. The finder will be reward
ed on leaving the same with Mrs. Stlne,
The popular Germanla Sangeruund
couleuiplala a delightful trip to the Flag
Staff, Mauch Chunk, on next Sunday
morning if the weather be pleasant.
Do jou want to see some beantles In
gold watches ? then go to K. II. Hold's
Jeweliy Store, Mauch Chunk, and sett new
goods received to-day.
If you want your house re-palntad
or papered It will save you money to Inter
view C. A. Qoth. ptee with 1. Horn,
pp Firs, street.
The prettiest lot of rings eyer displayed
in this section can now be seen at K. If.
Hotel's Jewelry Store, Mauch Chunk.
Wall paper, hangings and decorating
In the best mapper and latest stylp by E.
F. Luckenhacl), Sfaucb Chunk.
-tQas was the price paid by Win. Moutz
for twenty-five feet of a First street .lot be
longing to Joseph Kruin,
An attempt to organize a Camp of the
P. O. S. of A., lu this town, don't seem to
go ahead very raoldly.
To see handsome new goods In silver
ware go to E. H. Hold's Jewelry Store,
Maucb Chunk.
An elegant line of new ewelry o m now
be seen at E. II. nobl's, Jewelry Store,
Maucb Chunk.
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels par
pets at Henry Schwartz, ou Bank st.
Our public schools close on the 6th
day t Jane.
come off on Decoration Day,
Remember that F P. Hell's Excelsior
Caipet Works pre now In Rex's building
ou First street, below the Advocate
office. 2w,
Whether you want cheap wall paper
or fine hangings you can be supplied at
Ltickenhach's, Mauch Chunk.
Everything In the line of spectacles and
ye-glasses at E. II. Hold's Jewelry Store,
Mauch Chunk,
Hurling it Mitchell's car spring works
were Idle this week, Reason no steel
on stock.
Howmunatovf n Special.
Washington Camp. No. 20, P, O. S. of
A., of Bowmanstown, will make a presen
tatlon of flags on the evening of the 24th
of .May to the Fire Lino school district.
Prominent speakers are engaged for the
occasion. A parade of the order will tako
place tbo same evening In which all sister
Camps are Invited to participate. The line
will form at Bowuianstown and proceed to
Fire Lino where the presentation will take
place The citizens of tho community are
cordially invited to be present.
The mall carrier's horso propped, dead
at this place on Friday of last week and the
driver had to carry the mail on foot to New
Ringgold, a distance of 22 miles.
Howard Snyder and Messina Slraup
were happily married last Saturday.
tarn! .Tumble Mrnne Together by tbe
"Htroltxr." Thine that will Interest yo.
It is with feeling of the deepest rsftret
lha. the "Stroller" this week is railed on
to chronicle the death of Henry Katzlnger,
after only two weeks Illness with conges
tion of the brain. He was a son of Uriah
and Sarah Kntzlnger, esteemed residents of
the east side, and llrs. saw the light of day
on November 18lfi, 1808, In the borough
of Lehlghton. In the month of March,
1888, he wns married to Emma, daughter
of George Rapo, which union was blessed
by two bright children. lie was a member
of Washington Camp, 122, P. O. S. of A.,
which organization will deeply feel bis loss.
By profession he was an opetator and was
employed by the C. it. It. of N. J., at
Mauch Chunk. Interment took place on
Tuesday afternoon, a large cortege of
sorrowing relatives and friends following
the remains to their last resting place on
the hillside near where he lived during boy
hood. To the young widow nnd orphan
children, the relatives and filends, the
Stroller" who knew his worth and
appreciated his friendship and kindly
nature, extends sincere sympathy In their
affliction and recommends them to God
who does nil things but for the best. The
floral offerings were numerous and costly,
and none more so than thoso presented by
bis fellow operators with whom he was for
so long a time associated.
From the Jewel City, (Kan.,1 llrpub-
Heart, we clip the appended Item which will
Interest people hero: "Tommy Buck gets
five years in the penCentlary the least that
could he given under the law. We would
be glad If the time could be shortened to
one jear; we do not believe that Tommy
Is very bad "
William -Vlllhelm wlw was reported
last week as suffering from a paralytic
stroke Is now In a precarious condition.
with little hope for his recovery. lie Is a
member of Camn 122. P. O. S. of A., the
brothers of which organization are In
nightly attendance at his bedside.
It will be sad news for the many friends
of Mrs. S. B. Brown to learn that she Is
suiTcrlng ftom a paralytic stroke at the
home of her husband, Bev. S. B. Brown.
In Allentown.
Handsome 1 Beautifully so, In fart, Is
the line of wall paper, borders and celling
decorations now on sale at Blerv's popular
ilrttg store. Before buying elsewhere see
his stock.
It has beencalled to the "Stroller's"
attention that there is too much corner
loafing, particularly on Sunday evening's.
The "cop" wants to get a move on himself.
'Squire Alexander Peters, of Washing
ton township, Lehigh county, a dyed-ln-the
wool Democrat, was doing some busi
ness here last week.
Immediately after the dliectors of the
Independent scioo district take the oath
of office, work ou the new school building
will be commenced.
For new and rich designs In wallpaper
and borders call at Miery's drug store,
assortment complete and prices the lowest.
Paul Schabo, of the East end, Is still
"under tho weather," much to the regret
of his many friends.
Mrs. John Kxonicr returned this week
from a pleasant visit to Allentawn and
Easton friends.
The genial Ben. Peters, accountant In
Snyder's general store, was at Slatington
on Sunday.
The employees In Snyder's planing
mill received their monthly "swag" on
Eugene F.yerltt and Ben. Roth, accom
panied by their wives, visited Slatington
on Sunday.
Aaron Renuinger, of Walnutport, was
the -guest nf Station Agent Bennlnger on
W. L. Gioot, formerly a resident here,
Is secretary of Bethlehem's Y. M. C, A.
t'Koi'i.E who comk and no. THE COUNTY SEAT.
I'erxmnl OomIi nlmut 1'eople who Visit 1 A tmnl ctUrt r Lire HappenHm.
unit gn a Visiting. mihh mill Otherwise.
The Jeel Cllty, Kan., Hemob-n
says: "Win. Seklle, who came out from
Lehlghton. Pa., with Mannie dilduer, Is
very much pleated with the country, and
thinks of remalniug litre this summer
-John Rotbermel, a former resident of
The efforts of the Tlmek to have a
meeting of the editors unit publishers oi the
Lehigh Valley convene In this place next
Monday, has crystallised, anil the "Inns"
will get together for a ride over ,1utlifnirl's
famous Sttlthtiaek. a atone of our
this place, now of Akron, Mich., Is In town popular hotels, the FlagsialT, Ulen Onokn, i
seeing his old friends. He expects to ie- ami business next Monday. Mauch Chunk
turn about the last of this month. He is ' will do her duty as usual and the frnteniltv
looking well. i will go home well pleased with our beauti-1
-John C. Schafter and family and Mrs. 1 f"1 scenery, generous hrwplmlllv and on- '
E. King and daueliter. of South Hasten. I terpnse.
were guests of Expressman T. .1. Brctney
and family, over Sunday.
W. L. Hlggs, of Wllkrsbarre. publisher
of Council Chat, an organ of the Jr. O. U.
A. M., was with Lehigh Council, No. 101,
last Thursday.
Mrs. Paul Cobaugh, of Allentown,
visited Mrs. W. II. Barhman, of the South
end, during last week.
Merchant Tailor F. D. Clams and Geo.
Shtiltz, of Great Bend, Pa., were visitors
In town over Sunday.
Jlfl Ida Mantz is visiting friends at
ltnllmnit Nates.
The Lehigh Valley company Is at pre
sent laying tracks at Orwlsburg, Schuyl
kill county. In a few days the road wll! be
completed as far east as the end of the fair
grounds. From Bowman's wrsward live
miles have been finished
Ervln Henry, aged 45 years, a coal
cracker on engine No. 102 of the Lehigh
Valley R. R., while making cnpllngs at
Coplav on Thursday morning was badly
squeezed between two car bumpers He
lives In this neighborhood.
The Lehigh Valley is binding ten new
parlor cars at its South Easton shops. They
are sixty feet long.
A branch of the Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen has been organized In
The third track now building at Haz
ard's for the Central Rallioad Is 8,f.iX feet
On Thursday 2040 loaded cars of coal
passed down the Lehigh Valley railroad,
A new time table went Into effect on
the Valley Sunday.
The Switchback railroad opens for. the
season on Jfonday.
The St. Aloyslous T, A. B.. will run !
an excursion over the Central Railroad of
New Jersey from this place to Mountain :
Park, Luzerne county, on June 28, for
(1.10 for the round trip. Formerly these
excursions, under the auspices of the above
society, were dcllgli'.ful nfThlrs, and there
Is no reason why this one should not. he
so also.
A base ball association was organized'
here on Saturday evening nnd enough ;
money suuscribeu ro guarantee a good emu.
Chrlsttuan and Gormiey, of Summit Hill
are spoken of as a battery, and the grounds
may be at Glen Onoko.
Those who speak of Lewis Nesloy as a
candidate for county treasurer on tho Demo
cratic side of the house, only use terms of
highest praise. He Is tmclt liked by his
fellow workmen at Packertou where he is
It is estimated that I lie total amount
cleared from the fair and festival under the
auspices of the church of Immaculate Con
ception, which closed Thursday evening,
will iea h somewhere between $4000 and
E. II. Ilauch, who Is at the tender
mercy of his friends for the Assembly, be
lieves that If nominated and elected he
could do duty to his cons' Hue e . There
is a good bit of sand lu old Pit.
It is. a nuesllon with a eood manv
whether Jimmy Jlallnv. who hauuU the
countv ofllces a good bit of late, isn't fish
ing for a political tadpole in the shape of
an olllce.
All the talk of Hon. K. M. Mnlhearn
being a candidate for a ro tiotnlnatlon to
the Legislature is so much bosh. He Is
not In the field, at least so his friends say.
llroailbrlmon ttie Kllit Hour Movement.
As far as the eight hour movement is
concerned; If a man can earn enough In
eight hours, to keep himself and family
twenty-four, I can't see the slightest ob
jection to it. If the nature of bis business
Is such that It can afford to pay him for
eight hours what it formerly paid him for
ten, all right, I want mysolf, and so I be
lieve does every man, to gel the laigest
amount of pay for the smallest amount of
labor. To demand this fairly and squarely
Is the birttirlghl of every man. But in ex
ercising that right, let htm beware how he
tramples on the right of any other laboring
man, who does not think as he does. And
right here Is the vital point In the struggle
now going on between the legitimate efforts
of the American workman and laborer to
better tbetr condition, and the Socialist
rabble who crowded Union Square on Mon
day night and listened with flashing eyes
and grinding teeth to the Incendiary bar-
rangues of the brawling Anarchists, who,
for lack of knowledge of our language, were
compelled to abuse us In a foreign tongue.
Our police ai rargenients were perfect, and
the meeting closed with curses, not loud
but deep, on the present condition of socl
ety, which allowed ono man to have more
than another man, and after exhausting
themselves they adjourned to whiskey and
beer. So the country is still safe.
List of Jurors
Drawn to serve at the June Term of the
Carbon County Court, to be held at Mauch
Chunk, commencing Monday, June 0th,
1800, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon :
There are
many white soaps,
represented to-be
"just as good as the Ivory.'
They are not,
but like ;
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon
'Tis sold everywhere.
o v
Valuable Real Estate.
Bv virtue of a writ of Fieri Farias, toniedl
recfeil, there will be sold at nubile vendue, at
recteil, there will be sold at nubile vendue, at For Rlatlneton. Catasimqiia, Alh-irtown, lleth. . . " l: ' 11 vrin,l -Vnmino ctnolf nnrl nnppt!
the Court House. In the UorouRb ot Mauch lehein, ICaxton, i'hllade'plita and points South Ot nnvtllini' 111 OUV lino Call around, examine SIOCK auu pntLb
Chunk, Carbon county, Pennsylvania, nn 3.22,7.07, 7,31, it.'jO nnd tt.lz a.m j 3.W, 5.29 and ' " , '
E. (jt. ZiiiKlM.
Armbruster, touts, Inn-keeper. 1st w M. Chunk
..Mauch Chunk
Arner, Samuel. flrerran, Vi
lieuora, jims. s,, cjer(, isi
st w.. 1
Ulinstman, lwls, tanner, Little (lap
Hveland Daniel 1).. merchant, 1 jus
Early, Win., miner. Beaver Meadow
iinrn. .Tnmes. laborer. Packer
llartman, James A., brakeman, Frankhu
Helm, ,Wra., larmer, Packer
Kramer, W. H., clerk. Franklin
l.entz, Unas. W policeman, 1st w., M. Chunk
Mcmu. KdwArd. farmer. Lehleh
McKeever. Harry, laborer. Summit Milt
Mitchell, Win,, machinist, Lehlghton
..tic iiimici,. n,, .... ,
Jeo. w., editor, Lehlghton
Osborne', Joh'n, gentleman, 1st w., Mnurh Chunk
Kitz, .lonn, laoorer, uuckeiueruie
seibel, Henry, laborer, Weatherlv
Smith Abraham, merchant. Mahanlni;
Sertass.reeby, larraer.Penn Forest
Wayne, vv, w., larmer. racner
eigenniKS, r.uwu luuuier, wuipon
A tlrent Point Oalued
In buying your ready-u.ade men's and
boys' suits at Sondhelm's One Vrlca Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, where yon
will get honest goods and full value for
your money. We have boy's suits from
$l.r0 to 10.00; men's suits from $4 to
Rememhei our place and wo will save yon
$." on every $20 worth of clothing yon buy
of ns.
Lehigh Gup Hililb.
Under the able superluleiideiicy of H.
Y. Teter the St. Taul's Sunday school Is
rapidly growing in members.
It Is talked of here that two new
chapels are to be erected for religious
Our young friend T. S. tirlffeu is back
borne from the gold Melds of Oalitornla.
Miss I.lllle, daughter of C. Straup, Is
Impinvlng from her late Illness.
The Hothermal & Harclay paint mill
Is Idle for lark of orders.
Mahoutne; Items.
-On Sundav afternoon In St. John's L1lJ&i,V?Sr'
- I AlOrilUIUCI , UDV, H., CUllUI.
church Itev, W. II. Strauss preached a O'lirian, A)., laborer, Franklin
sermon for Oak Grove Council, 3.r)7, Jr. O.
U. A. M., of Pleasant Cornei. The order,
forty-two strong, paraded from their room
to the church, Joslah MMcr being luarsha 11
of the parade. After singing ''Columbia,
the Gem of the Ocean," Mr. Strauss Bamford. Wiii.. laborer. Parryyll a
. , . ., . ,, i noyie,. loan s., miner, Auuunneu
preached a very instiuctlve sermon, taking uenniiiEhoft, Joseph, merchant, Kesipiehoiilng
as his text the Oib verse of the 110th JSftlsdfa1
Psalm. The following are the officers of nolon', John M clerk, tst w Mauch Chunk
- . r. . . n:ivis. i nonius, miner, nesi leiiumuu
the order; counselor, a. ,i. uuinuert; I 0tisherty .Patrick . miner, Beaver Meadow
Jr. Past C . John MelU er: Vice C 11. F. Freuudt. Fritz, conductor, vm w., Mancn i iuuik
Jfoser; Sec, A. II. Seldlo; Asst. Hec. Sec, ricbter, Wm.,e'nKineer) Beaver Meadow
Frank Mrrtz; Financial Sec. George W". X.'
MONDAY, JUNE Mil, 110,
one o'clock. P M.. the follbwlii!' described
real estate :
Alt that certain lot or niece or loonnit situ
ate. In the boroueh of LehlijMon, Carbon coun
ty, and state ot Pennsylvania, nuntbered "in the
plan or plot prepared by Daniel Kastnian;
boundtd and described as follows: Containing
l iront or breadth on the eastuardlr side ot
ln street sixty-tour feet and extending east
ardlv between parallel lines at rltrlit anirles
troin said Pine street one hundred and elshty-
nine ieet ami nine incnes in a certain ancv.
Bounded northwardly by lot No, so, eastwaroiy
by said alley, southwardly by lot No. 18, and
westward' liy said Pine street. It being lot
No. 18.
2. All that certain tot or piece of nrnml situ
ate In the bornuuh of IlilKhton. Carbon countv.
and State ot Pennsylvania, numbered lu a plan
or plot prepared by Daniel Kastman for the sale
mereoi no. zr, bouuucii ami iirscriuen us iui
lows. to wlti Hltnate on the westwardly side ot
Northainnton street In mild boroiurh and con-
talnlne In front or breadth on said street sixty-
tour feet and extending westwardly between
paranei lines ai riKi'i unifies irom sain norm
ninnton street, one hundred and elchtv-nlne
feef, and nine Inches toa certain alley. Hounded
soutnwaruiy by lot ro. as, estwlIT by said
alley, northwardly by lot No. sa, and eastwardly
i'y nam nuriuaiBpiuu siieei,
The Improvements lliereou consist of a Two
Ii)i2 feet with a one story frame kitchen I3xl
leei attached. And a Flame stable Itxvo feet.
neiredand taken lito execution as the nioner-
ty of William F. .Inhu, ami to be sold bv
It. P, LP VAN, Sheriff,
a. A. It. Suits
at $0, $8. $10 and $12, warranted full mdl
go blue, at Sondhelm's One Price Star
Clothing Hall, Maiieb Chunk.
! '
' M'unled ut (lues
A few good tqlloresses for coats nnd vests;
good pay and steady work, apply at Soitd-
helm's -Vereliant Tailoring Hall, Mauch
Curd of Tbanki.
The management of the Lohlghlon Ilase
Hall Club desire to thus publicly acknowl
edge, their sincere appreciation for the gen
erous matiuer in which tho ladles of this
town and community favored them with
brlc-a btac and cakes for their festival, and
also, to others who lu any way contributed
or assisted In the success of the occasion.
Kre.llz! Condnotor, John Guiubert; Hahti, Win., laborer. Franklin
Wardeu, Henry Moser; Inside Sentinel, A.
M. Cochran; Outside Sentinel, AI Long.
Last week John llenntnghoff had an
artesian well sunk In his yard and struck a
good supply of water at a depth ot 2(1 feet.
Osvllle liflnmleruan also had one bored
on his farm.02 feot deep.
The storm on Tuesday evening did
considerable damage tliiougboiit the Val-
lev. Trees were uprooted, fences blown
down and a part of the roof of Hoppes'
grist mill was blown on.
Miss Kate J. Arner has been appointed
posliuoater at New Mahonug yWfi J. .
Arner, reslgufd.
. . niivuri. uciiiiuii iittuiP'iiva.11 in it
Malupn Notlisteln has started a wneei- stroiii, Milton, miner, summit Hill
wrlgbt shop lu connection with his black- BcbnellbeiK, John, laborer. 1st w it. Chn
m th inn. """.":"-' .:
i Hiiea. vm.. inn-Keener. Dumuui jiiii
. . . . ,1.1.11 I . .." .I - 1, - ....
t'rot. , AI. iiaiuei, oi ruiaiuinio
College, Myerslown, was at home oyer
Andreas Hoppes, of Mal.anoy City,
was visiting relatives in ine vauev last
T ie OtltlOOK for good pro,! p, Ilia ii,n.rn. .Inhn. Ixlnrer. Ileaver Meadnu
Valley in s year s ravarawo. iirabst, J. ., leacner, wist renn
Hatch, David, laborer, Lehlghton
Iiaracasiie, juun i.., ioai siupper. Auoriuirq
Hall, William, carpenter, Uuslord
Horn, Edward, railroader, Cast Munch Chunk
Harttnger, David, carpenter, llngbton
Hunter, J. W., Justice of Peace, Weatheily
Huney, Thomas, shoemaker, nst 1'eiui
Jasper, Iteutien, moulder, Weuthei'ly
lxieMoad. Paul, freight-handler, li. M. Chunk
McDaniel, Thompson, hotel keeper, Mahoning
Muth, John, merchant. East Mauch C hunk
McDaniel, Chas., agent, Welasport
Norwood, ltlchard, laborer, Kesquelinnlng
O'dorman, Thomas, laborer, Summit Hill
ttili-nnall Clxi. tln .l.nnit., IIIa
.1 UUUlll. Vll-n, llltll,., U.H.1V.1 ui
Porter, ltobert, carpenter, 2d w., MauvhCltUUk
Iteeu, r ranK, uiuor, isi w., aitiucn Mmutt
Itphrlir Moses, cetltleman. Ltdlllfhtail
liinkenbach, fceabpld, laborer, lt w., M- Chunk
Hehwarti, Hayry K cier. w., ftumuu cnuuk
Selcfrlei!, Howard, bottler, East Mauch Chunk
Schlffert, (learue. Inn-keeper, MU!ort
anyuer, iieriiian. siauio uoss, isi w., m. i mum
Ktrutuers. 6has. 8,, coa shiniwr, Andeni led
Htahles, Chas. M., tanner, Coalnort
Wbeatlev. K. 8.. merchant. I-ehlnllton
Watktos, P. A-. Inn-keeper, NesiiiielmiiUdJ.
Wevhenmever Jack, machinist. 1st w.,M. Chun
wagner, nenry, aparer. veiusuioii
Walok, August, carpenter, Franklin
Ttuvfiiss juhohs,
icy niQ jm l isiwiw" l uruus,,i- n., iwi ni, wi ."". . ,.
A. Arner put a new circular sa,w op
llAuplAvvla Ii.lM,rr. TnuRmpilsllll?
-The (nrmers have About flnlshwl plant-
InjC corn- . .
Memorial nay.
John D. llertolettq Post, W, ft. A. H.,
of this town, extond a conllal invitation to
..It.' ....h.. PUI ...p.
Urown, Albert, laborer, Towamensing
Confer, 1-ewU, carpenter, Mahoning
Coryle, William, miner, Beayer Meadtn
Curtis, Peter, laborer, Beaver Meado
lireUbaidi. Lewis, carnenter. Franklin
Dougherty. John AM watohmaii. Nesquelionlng
Kckert, Paul. Inn keeper, South Kidder
rawKes, .loun, miner, i.'insioru
I'erious knowing themselves to be
r.' .. ,i, .rl nl,pl, nnd ih uiasser, cnaries, cierK, raisi siaucn :iiiiii.
nio (Maiuia ui - - nmBes win., moulder, jeanesune
ciiizens geueruiiy m uiuc. , .......
at one o'clock In the afternoon on thu above
day, where a line of parade will be lormeu
and proceed up First street to South, up
South to Ihlrd, and out i uiru to me cem
etery where the graves of all deftd soldiers
will lie decorated and several ami esses ue-
" ; l . , , , IIHIIICI. J.iO.. Ill, ,1'U.HIl, J. Hl LU1,
liyared. Following the ceremonies here Miller, Harry ., carpenter, Lansford
ilin nrncmslnn will re-form and move to McNeils. P. O.. laborer, humnilt Hill
Welssport cemeterv wnere me graves win i ,"'V.' m w. ni. ,imi
Z decbraU and the prcesSIo.,Rmove back IA
to the Park where speakers will a,ddress the Btroia.conrait. blacksmith, Weatheriy
assenib age. Fouowirg tiifse eeroisps tpe seriass, i. iarnier, uttie nan
!,..mliliiiT will adtourn. SeHass. Peter, laborer, Penn Forest
assemblage Will aujourii. sir,. Anthonv. lulMirer. Cna hiort
Comrados of yoi wiu meet a,t ineir Sweeney, JamesJr.; clerk, Mimmlt 111U
lln.,vcr. John, cm-nenter. Wmtheliv
HamtU, P. V., shoemaker, 1st w., Maueli Chunk
Hunter, wesiey, mourner, yveaiueuy
Kennedy. Win , farmer, lusanuu
McOreadv. Jotih, inerchaut. Kuinmlt Hill
Miller. Joslah II.. laborer. Mahonlm:
McllrlUe, 11. 11., hotel-keeper. Beaver lb-ad, n
aittier, DKHiuei, siauie uossjAuueune,!
Miner. J.VTI c, iiit-rcuiuu, jracKcrioii
Is continually proving Its merit as A Taluable
medicine, by the many cures It Is accomplish
ing. This positive merit Is the secret ot Its
wonderful and unparalleled success. All we
ask ot any one needing a good medicine Is
that Hood's Sarsaparilla be given a fair trial.
We know that It Is prepared with the greatest
care from the best Ingredients It Is possible to
obtain, that Its Peculiar Combination, Propor
tion and rrocess do give It superior curative
power, and that for all diseases or affections
caused by Impure blood or low state of the
system, It Is absolutely unequalled. It will
cure, when In the powerof medicine, Scrofula,
Salt Itheum, Sores, Bolls, Pimples, all Humors,
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion,
Catarrh, Kidney and Liver Complaints, etc,
" I suffered a great while with dyspepsia.
I was urged to try Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and have taken two bottles. It has entirely
cured me ot dyspepsia, and a scrofulous
affection has also entirely disappeared. I can
hardly find words to express my high appre
ciation ot Hood's Sarsaparilla." Allen II.
Meliiolu, City Ilotel, Lancaster, renn.
Sold br all drufigtiU. fit stxforfs. Prepared by
C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
The marked benefit which people In run
down or weakened state of health derive from
Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves the
claim that this medicine " makes the weak
strong." It does not act like a stimulant, Im
parting fictitious strength from which there
must follow a reaction ot greater weakness
than before, but pnssesslhg lust those
elements which the system needs and readily
seizes, Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up hi a per-
fectly natural way, all the weakened parts,
acts upon the blood as apurlflor and vltallzer,
assists to healthy action tbo kidneys and liver.
"I have sold three times as much Hood's
Sarsaparilla as ot all others combined, In my
17 years In business." Vf. D. MnucK,
Sunbury, Pcnn,
" I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla and find
that It accomplishes alt that Is claimed. 1
was troubled with a breaking out of tho skin,
commonly called 'hives.' Hood's Sarsapa
rilla gave me Immediate relief. I can
cheerfully recommend it to all those Btmllai ly
troubled." Wm. Gallaoheb, Wclghmaster
8th Ward Gas Works, Philadelphia, renn,
Soldbyall druggists, ft) six for 5. Prepared by
0. 1. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries . Lowell, Mail.
IOO Dosos One Dollar
"Seven years ago, my little bey was bitten
by a spider. The poison entered his blood,
and sores soon broke out about his body ;
they Itched terribly and caused him Intenso
suffering. Finally we tried Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and he took ono bottle and one-third ot
another, when the sores disappeared. lis
has not a sore spot on him now, and is per
fectly cured." Wm. H. B. Waiid, Downing
ton, Tenn.
" I have taken two bottles ot Hood's Sarsa
parilla for salt rheum and dyspepsia, with
which I was troubled very much. After
taking this medicine I am feeling as well as
ever tn my life. I consider and advertise to
others that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best
blood purifier." G. W, Rose, rottsvllle, renn.
"For three years I suffered with dyspepsia,
growing so bad that I was at one time com
pletely broken down In health. I began
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla on trial, and see
ing that It was doing me good, continued with
it. After taking six bottles I gained strength
and appetite and was restored to my former
health." John E, Kvsskll, Brookvtlle, Penn.
Sold by all drnggisU. HI; llxfor J!S. Prepareibr
C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar-
It is said that Carbon county frx
hunters will petition the Legislature to put
the bounty on fox scalps back to the old
figure, viz; $2.00.
Lentz's drug store in Kast Mauch
Chunk, is said to have been gutted on
Saturday evening.
Jonas Gerhart, of Packer, was paid
$1 for a fox scalp Ibis week by the Com
missioners. District Attorney Joseph Klsher made
his periodical trip- to Philadelphia on
Glen Onoko opens for the summer
season sometime next week.
W. II. Halm, a Weatlierly merchant,
did business here Wednesday.
Marriage license 12'i8 was Issued this
week by Clerk Esser.
The Switchback railroad opens on
.Monday for the season.
Seycn prisoners are In the County
j" Opera House
Lehigh Valley R. R, Co.
Arrangement of Passenger Trains.
In Effect May 11th, 1890.
For Uahway.Hllrabetb, Newark and New York
i;.oo. .1.22, 7.31, W7, and 11.11! a.m.; :i 0.1, and
s.oi p.m.
For Manuuka Chunk and Betvidere r.O0, 7..11.
a.m.: 12.37 n.111.
For ljtmhcrtvllle and Trenton .oc, n.oo and
11.12 a.m.; sou ami a.211 p.m.
Lilly, Brackett & Co,,
Taylor fc'Carr,
L. A. Crossett,
. L.M. Reynolds & Co
Fine Shoes for men's wear mnde in Kangaroo, Dongola' and
Calf-skin. All sizes and widths.
Our leaders in Ladies and Misses Shoes are made by
Hough & Ford, Croxton, w ood. & Co.
J. N. Smith & Co., woite snoe MTg uo.,
and others, in Opera and Common Sense styles. All widths.
Our stock of Low Shoes in Opera's, Oxford and Newport
Ties is complete. We can show you all the different colors and
styles in these goods at prices that do all the talking.
P i.l . ! 1 ; 11 -ti 1 -AvniYtinfi c-f rnlr on ,
If in need
'.31, D.S7 and
Altornels for IM.-itmltf.
Maueh Chunk., l'a.. May 17,1SS,
OF -
Valuable Real Estate.
ltV Virtue nf a writ nf Alli.s I.Ai'nrl tti,,.
Mortlfaire. N'o. i. .lime Term, ikihl intnultriv1.
ed, Issued out of ttiedourl f Common l'leasot
iirumi rnuuiy, 1 win 111 public leiuiut' on
atliiTltck p. in., at the Couit House. In the
luirouyli or MnueliCliunk,Oariioiii'uul. IV1111-
ayiiuuia, Die iouowiiil' iieserilieil reu
All that certain lot or trieee nf trrnuiiil
011 llie Westwardly side of North streel
llorouck of Knst Maiieb Chunk, county 11;
aforesaid, and numbered lu the nlau or
thereof Two (2, containing in front or breadth
011 Raid Nortli street nftvlftfn ret. mul i.vtiul. I
bus I hence westerly of that width between par I
allel lines at rlsbt ancles witli said ticct, lu
iruiriH or iieiiin, twii iiuuurcii (2unueer. itouiid
ed Westwardly hy a thirty feet u Ide allej .South-
nam u,t rM-ruuil Hiirri. juiMWttiii nv N.II
atreet and Northward by lot number foil
inr iuiiniveii'eiiiH inereon eouio-ii hi
2 feet by ao feef, ana a two story frame kitchen.
mieei uytn leei, iiiurein iiimcueu, uuu a Moue
basement cellar under the house and kitchen.
Alo. a frame stable, II feet by 10 feet, on the
rear oi uie 101,
SelMMl nnd ttkeu luto execution u ih iri-
rnj 01 nmrifarci .m-itmuy.
8.111 11 m.
l or i.eaumn ana nurrisnurK
ll.lvn. m.i .T.OU and a.01 11.111.
I"nr llowmans. I.elilirh Can. t'berrvtord. Lau-
rv's, White Hall, Coplay, lfokendamiua and
rreemansuurg o., y.oi, y.wi v.nt n ii.rju. 111.;
12.17. nnd fi.20 0.111.
ForMuiiebCliurk a.'ic. 7.1.1,0.47 and 11. IS a.m.;
I. 22. 3.1S, 0.257.2:1, 8.tu and U.18 and 12.47 p.m.
For Weatlierly and liazleton C47, 7.43 9.30 and
II. 48 a.m.: 3J5, 5.25, 7.23, 11.38 11.111,
For Mabanov city, stienaiuioaii and Asntann
(1.47,7.43,9-10 and H.4S a.m.i 3,15, iv.23and 7.23
P 'n- ... . . , ..
ror oiu uariuei auu niiaiiioKiu uuu 11.10
a.m.; n.25 p.m.
For New Unstou and rottsvllle 7.43, 8JO and
For White Haven. Wllkenliarie and Plttston
0.47, 7.41, .jn nrui 11.43 a.m.; 3.13, .2. 7.23 ana
For Scrnutnn 6.30, 7.43, 0,3d, and 11.48 a.m.;
3.15. S.21 and 7.23 11.111.
For Tunkhannoek 11.18 a.m.; 1.25 & 7.23 and
(US n.m.
I'orOweuo, Auburn, Ithaca and Cenevn 11.48
n.m.; 9,38 p.m. . ...
For Laceyvllle. Towauda, Myre, Waieny, ki-
mira, Itocbester, uunaio, N'aRai.i rails ami me
ivev 11.4H a.m,; uuu 7.2a ano y p.iu.
For New York 5.42 and 10.07 11.111. ; 5.211 p.m.
For riilladclnhla KM a. in. and .1.57 n.m.
For Fjiston nnd Intermediate Htatumi 3.27.
8.112. 10.07 a.m.: 1252. .1.57. 5.211 and a.34 11 m.
For Maucb Chunk 8.14, 1.50 n.m . 12.20, 3.15,
e,lf,S3 and 9.38 p.m.
cur iiuzieinu 'j.ui a.m.: i-j ?i. .1.1., .v i,.,z n.111.
For Miihauoy City anil Mieii,iinlii.ili 12.20 and
3.15 p.m.
For White Haien, Wllkcltarre, Vlltstou,
Tnnkbauuock.TiiH auda. Siimc. lllmca. i.eneva,
Auiiurii, i.imiru, iioeucn r, uunaio, niaxant
Falls and thu West 42 p.m.
For furllier narticulars tnunlre of Aireiitsfnr
1 lime lames. 1, n, iih.m.iu.,
ecu 1 l'ii.x. Aireui.
Ma) 11, 'no, lj Siuitli ItelblehiMii, IViimi,
o more
Are acknowledged leaders in Lowest Prices and Excellent Qual
ity of Goods. Never oefore in the history ol Lehlghton has one
single firm carried such a Complete and Rich Assortment of
Handsome Furniture and the Most
Beautiful Patterns in Carpets.
A Carriage Swinpg Craft
Jumper, Swing and Sleigh,
ALL Combined in ONE,
for the same price as an ordi
nary Hahy Cah. They are very
Handsome, Complete and Dur
nhle. Mothers should not all
to s?e the large assortment of
these new and handsome carri
ages now on exhibition. nt our
popular Furniture Store.
is. rriiii. WJXti
l estate. ABI
1, Minute vi
fi. In the v
;iud Mate Aj
1 or plot . J XI
2 tn
r! v aj
.2 -s ' S 2
S U S. W H
- 2 i. o u a br
o o o - H Yi.B,
a S2
flj r CS
C2 V
auJ t'lmftk, J"u., lay 1
4elM 10 11,1, ost,hllShnient . for lob" work V." " Vuke iVe W a. n... U- 5SyWSrW W
or siihscr pi on aiti requested to nay up at , ah Valley train and profeed to PatryvUI? T.- 8H1ct,llrnlf ' en, fPW
.. . 1 . . iJii .i. will h decorated lie. WbXa. William, itaruener, lhlKhton
once. It 3 unneeessary to say that e where the gray es win ue uecpratfit. 4ie? ..,,,(.. ....t. ,-ierk.Sd w.. Maucb Chunk
n.i.1 the monav and must l.ava It turning at 0.27 a. 111., HlBV VHI prftceeq tq wamcke, HenrV.Sr.. merchant. 8d v... . I
peeif llie money ana must naya It. . fn,ollo ceu.etpry n lis nlace where Zelaentu. Jacob, farmer. FraiiKlTn
a n 1
MKiiouiAh Dav In ths town will bo ol-
seryeil in a.11 unostentatious way. John D,
llerlolette I'ost, W, G. A.H., will ilecorate
appropriate tribute will 1P pW Hn heroic
I " n SuuJay afternoon, May ?8. at l.tW
o'clock, all members 1 I lie I'ost arare-
Undorf the FUK,
(.tppresenatlyr Caldwsll, of Ohio, Weil
nesday Intiodnced the following bill to
i) i'
Valuable Real Estate.
llv ttrtiiu ot u writ of Levari IiuIuk. In
directed, there will lie sold at public endue, at
lu Franklin, towniblii Cnrbou roiiuti'. Fa..
rbounded and described lis follows, to wit: lie-1
lo Furry-1
1 - -- -. - j, .j. ii.ii .ml nro- uesaay imiwiucea tne following mil ic
,heRrayesofCo,nrade,wl,o.,ayea,,.weredhu XVe?i FlUyent the ileseorat.on of the United
the dual loll cnllanil joined the army ot the
great majority on the other side. There
will he no great display, the work nf loye
will be done quietly and In order,
TllK bids for macadamizing First street
are all In and work 011 the contract will no
doubt snou cotuinenoe. This Is a com
meudable result of enterprise,
that It will not he the last, but that eyery
year some good, solid Improvement will be
made that will stand the test of time.
o'clock In the afternoon, special appropn-l feiates Flag.
ate ceremonies will he neid n tne ccme: T. . an- who . ., .11...., the
terv and the craves uecoraieu. in tue - -
eyenlns of the same day the members will National F1B. either, by printing on said
meet In their Hall at ts ilO o'clock and pro- flag, or attaohlna to the same or otherwise,
ceed In a body to tbe lteformed church nt n, advertisement for public display, shall
ll'clssport where speclM service, will ue u ulUy of ft mlgdemeanori all()i
nk simdav. June 1st. members of Post yletlon thereof In the District Court of the
i . . ... . . . 1 I . . 11-11 A,.M1. 1 . T I . - 1 . 1 - . , .1 I I
and we trut wlu meet at tueir nan ai mur u uw. uniiru nuiirs, suan va unru 111 any iimwu
lu tne roormiig ami r" exceeding oo, or Imprisoned not less llisu
Honing immu " , . ,"!: ' ihlrtv davi. or Loth. t tbe dltM.tlon of
the court.
the Court House In the baron b ' nf
Chunk, I'arlum (tounty, rciinaylianla. mi
at I ovloek, l M the (nllnwiuH deaenbed real
All that certain lot ur piece of itrouud situate
KluuUiR at a post 011 lh Watt kde of a
tiuiuie roaa leAUiuc limit Welssnort to Fnrrv
ville, theiioe nloiiK said road south nix and
three-ouarter degrees, east Mjtv-slx feet to a
IHUt, tneiKH) by lot uuinber four, hereafter to be
eomeied 10 F. 8olt, south elcbly-flye detiees,
HefcioiiH iinniinMi aim miv iai 111 u ,uu.r m, tin.
east side ot a proposed twelve feet wide alley,
thence along ally uorthkU and threeuuarters de
piees, west sUiy-lix feet tn iot, tbeniw b
lot number emlit, now tbe liroVerly ut Jotin ( .
Megeulus. Hortb eliilitl-llve dcKreen, east one
hundred and Oily fret to tbe place ot lx-xtnuln.
It bring lot number U us marked 011 a plan
or plot made by Auttin lloyer al tbe instance ot
Lerl Horn and A. F. Snyder. The Imiimve
ment thereon conlt of a
Rnhhr Shoca unlua worn uncomfortablr Uzbt
win onn up on tue mi.
offer shoe wltb Inilde of heel Used with rubbet
Tint cling to we woe w preTcau tue n.ui
nm uiiiiff on.
Call ror tne -coicaeiur '
" a nurciuc rniiHTrHR.
JOHN . LENTZ, Wholesale Agent.
Detail dealers can lime their names Inserted
here on apiilloatlon. mayn, iwm-yl'
s. M. OiuniiiuHT, 1 In the
.Ibellant, Conuuoii
Court of
Fleas of
M lam k A. rniirniniiT.
UesHiudent. I iseo.
CarlHin County
No. -', Jan. Term.
In Divorce.
graves of soldiers who sleep their last long
sleep will be aecoraiea. 1
To Maooik A. I'oiiTHiouT,
above liamcl ;
Madam: You are ncieby iiotlflcd that the
undereigned, liavliU! been appointed by tne
........ nPr...rt..,.. ei.u. ..f tfinrium tfUiiintv an
Bsaiulner lu Ulvoree to take the depositions of
wilnokse. lu the above stated pnwvedtugs. '
nii ...,.1. i,,ummiuiI t hl nlllcA In the
Horouab of Mamsh Cbuuk. 011 I'1III)A. JUNI-.
Mil, 1S0. at NIKK o'clock A. M. for the i.uriwe
of Ida appointment, at which time and pUee on
are reiieKlcd to lie present will, your vltne(e.
I.Alltll II. HAIIHKU. Kiauiiner.
MaiK-b Chunk, l'a.. May 13, if0 -vt.i.
2 3 cS O 5
C o -S
3 "
A. I'KTF.ItH, Saloon and UcHUtiirftiir, lunik
Htivcl. rri-Bii iJHferaiyBiuii. -
11 season. Drop 111 anil sw us. uovu n 1
plank fakhlou. two atones high, lsui fet, wllli
kltahen Uili feet attai-hetl. rmht feet lilcti ami
other outUdlOiMPi
Sfrludaua nkvii iiitoexeiutioiiiui Uw uw
erty of Ihtvtd Crlc and 1.. be sold by
FBRtHAM Uvrnr.
j Maueli Cliouk. ri , UUi
if. I'.
Altorueti lur FUiulift'
) it, UiHl
'Wsoll our Nursery Ktook tuiarv, Kimhm
and ttleady riniiioyiueiii Kutn.nic-a
i lUSIB UllKTIl tltU rtlilFANV.
l-K m ttucbsMer, -N Y.
PeriaHueidlr IvchIosI Hear Valley Depot. fr :
I uabinets ami Fitfully HrMH- plehnw eat
led apdentoriied. ' I
llltUO STOltK.
Ily lint (Ingle bill lie, by 1-4 ami t-8 doi.
Iiiuullllee. Hint In Jobbers lota ut Jobbers
liie. If iwi1'b SireuinrlllA tmu nlwitya b
Imil. . lull
TUiKANU'K SllAVINd 8 A LOOK, epixMlfe tbe
j aswooatr Orru tt.. U tmdqKrten for
naviuf aAd hau iiuiinji i.n& iueoomld
JJ nvc vou Road the Atlvoeato ?