nnrn ru i t miv in n i an cimnnn I -Tbe luib! vny im ,0IW f m?" lift llTI ll ft II 1 1 II Pin I Whin.il 1 11 Im at work remoTlna Hie amuim-iii to inrnm WE have commenced the Sea son with Bargains, and wo will continue and end the Season with Bargains. THE great Umbrella bargain lias been dup licated. Genuine Ulorla Silks with large gold caps and handsome sllvcrold crooks, for 80 rents. THE finest and prettiest la lies and Rents Hosiery we've eyer shown nro now on exhibition In our Notion Department. We venture to say their equal Is not to be found anywhere around Iters. pniNTED CREPE, light, airy wash dress fabric that needs no Ironing, 10 cents a yard. Ought to be loc. LADIES, try a pair of our 2 00 fine Don' boU Patent Leather Tinned Shoes. Thoy are the latest style. You'll pay $2.R) for the likes elsewhere. WE have In stock at all times a full and complete assortment of Brushes. Clote brushes, balr brushes, lather brushes, nail brushes, tooth blushes, bristle brushes, corn wlilskt, shoo brushes, daubers, wall brushes, block scrubs, hand scrubs, stove brushes. dust brushes, feather dnsters. chimney brushes and tumbler brashes. These wn buv In large Quantities direct from the makers and sell them from 25 to 3(1 per cent, lower than other dealers. 2.65 FOR a Decorated Chamber Set. A new lot lust oncned but will soon be gone. Coming direct from the maker Accounts for the small price. J. T, NUSBAUM, Flirt Street, between South and Plum Streets, .enymion, i u. . . - . . mil el. ui il l 1,1-111 iu. itvi Thorlcimnri AHvnnntft Hellman: dialogue: organ solo, ' Zchnor: dnotte, l.llliu Kelcbard and SATURDAY. APRIL 10. 1800. IiOOAI. EVENTS CUT UP. The Advocate hopes there Is no truth !n the talkad of resignation of John T. Seinrael from the councilman lebody. Just at this time. more, perhaps, than at any other peilod. Is a man of Mr. Sctrrael's business conception desired in that body, Many Improvements are about to be made, chiefly the macadamizing of First street. and with Mr. Semmel's push and enterprise this work can be better facilitated, tie sides, he was elected by the people on a platform of honest Improvement and he sliouia not resign a trust so unanimously confided In him, If any men are to leave the council let it be the ones who live In the past with Its old fogy notions. They can bo better spared and the town will be all the belter for It, but just now John T. Sem- rMel Is needed mostly, and mere 110 oeiongs, A hen's egg about (lis size of a hickory nut was exhibited to a reporter this week. Among the German's prevails a stipend! tlon In connection with eggs of this kind and they are termed "ungllck oyer," from the fact that evil Is supposed to follow in their wake. There Is probably as much bottom In It as there Is In the old saying regarding tba misfortune following the breaking of a looking glass It's all In tbo breaking of the glass. In these latter days much of the old superstition Is dying out, and It is but seldom that a believer in dreams, Ac, is willing to acknowledge his falling. ll'o don't need a sewer. James P. Smith. Hiram StrauD and Wm. Walerbor. Of course not H'by wasto the peoplo's money in affording adequate and necessary drainage? The health of the peoplo will not suffer by reason of the stench arising from atagrated gutters or the tainted well water. There were no sewers here a quar ter of a century ago, wny nave tnem now r Very quietly on Thursday evening of last week. Miss Mary, daughter of Jacob Drelbelbies. was wedded to Thomas Catell, Miss Drelbelbies for two years past has taught a primary departmant in our public schools. The beat wishes of many friends have been showered upon the young couple during the week for a happ voyage o'er the matrimonial sea. At a recent meeting the consistory of the Reformed church passed resolutions calling for the building of an addition to that edifice to accommodate the rapidly srowtnc congregation. The resolutions were read in the church on Snnday and the members will voto for or against the pro posed improvement on Sunday morning, 27th lnst. A cock-fight tu a little back room In thts place one nleht recently between Al lentown. Slatlngton and Lelughton birds. resulted In the death of tbe four birds par tlelpatlng with the Leblghton bird vic torious however. Only the owners of the birds were present and much money Is said to have changed bands on tbe result. 'The total valuation of real estate, llye stock. &c. In this borough for the year now with us Is $350,003 an increase of $5,800 over last year. Assessor uiom maae nis returns to the County Commissioners on Monday and was complimented for prompt ness and ability in the compilation of his annual report. For a sewer. I. S. Koch. John Sem racl and Wm. Zehner. These men appreci ate tbe Importance of a perfect drainage and understand tbe wants of the people, Thev are Hvlnc in the present and not In past with Its fogy notions and antiquated ideas. Oh, for many more men like them I A pleasant little surprise party In honor of Miss Emma Trainer, of Bankway, came oft on Wednesday evening of last week. Tbe usual convlyalltles were Indulged In and at a late hour a sumptuous repast was served to wmcn an did full justice, A letter from our young frleud Fred, Leuckel, of Aspen, Col. .tells of the healthy condition of affairs In that section of the country and his own prosperity. The Ai VOCATP wishes for him continued success. w-There will be services in tbe Presby, tarian church on next Sunday as usual, Preaching In the morning at 10:00; In the evening at 7 m Sunday scnooi at usw a. in. All are cordially invited to attend. The high price of Ice has caused Char lie Miller to close his meat market, for some time past conducted in Thomas' build ing, lie will open It tip again when zero weather is with us. It Is whispered that a pretty marriage to nn soieujnizeti some lime rext monin in ll'ie Reformed church. Is that of JWss Jen nie Rest, of Walnutpoit and James O. Wert, of town. If you want to see some really elegant lewelr'y. don't fall to call at E. H. Hobl'a Mauch Chunk Jewelry Store, where you will tind all the very latest cesigns. The residence on south First street owned by Joseph Obert, and occupied by Mrs, Mary Yenser Is being Improved by an additional story, The beat place Ip this town to buy Toiir furnltUre Is at Ketnerer & Swartz's, north Rank street. ' Rlggest stock and Iq'west prices. It Is said tbat specifications for the macadamizing of First street are In course 01 compilation, fusn me gooq wore aiong, bridge Oil this Side. Soon the work mil he completed and tracks will be tun along where It once sioou mus rriuuvinu nu signs of tbe old structure. The obi luhlge site was the scene of many a bant rcuuiii battle In former days, if tbe nones 01 mine st the old citizens are 10 be Iwhuved. Hero It was that Lohlghtonlans and Welssportcrs would meet and carry on their defiance of the laws, and many a battered head lol 1 plainer than words lit those days of the struggle. All this is over now and our people live together in harmonv and poacofulncss that grows more unanimous day by day. A delightful little surprise party In honor of the blrthdav annlvctsary of Ed. Horn, planned successfully by ills amiable wife, resulted In a happy, never-lo be-for-gottcn occasion bf those who participated In the festivities on Wednesday evening at his homo on Hankway. Fo lowing a round of delightful pleasure the guests partook of a sumptuous repast and at late hour retired to their respective nomes. among inose present were iflss Emma Trainer, M. O Clanss and wife, John Esch and wlfo. P. S. Kressly and wife and II. V. Morthlmer, Jr. and wife. There is an excellent opportunity of having a first-class enterprise locate In this town, licroiomo we nave irequenuy re ferred to the Importance of Leblghton having manufacturing industries of the kind above spoken of, and wo hope our monlcd men will e ve it their sincere on couragement. It is estimated that the works will c.mnlov at oast a nunoren men. and possibly two hundred. Don t let tilts go through. If jouaro called on, do your duty and do It well. llecent v rf aiiK iiaun. 01 i.one jtun. made arrangements to buy a Singer sewing machine from Agent Al. tlagerman, of this place. The machine was delivered and when the time for the first payment arrived the agent was put- off and later was told to removfl the machine, tt had been damaged somewhat, and to cover flie expenses of re pairing llageruian nrougiit sun in iieitz s court on Monday for $10. I ho 'bqtilre reserved his decision. Tbo Lutheran Union" will meet in Trinity Lutheran Church next Thursday evening at 7:80, Following the program : Devotional exerclsrs: organ soio, juia Ro bert; selection, Mamie Oabei; quartette, Halt e Rex. Lena Longkammer, Mlmle Scinmel, Mary Rehrlg; recitation, Oscar Mary Ebbertj recitation, Ada Webb selection, SI. lieldior. rue puuuc is coriiiauy Invited. Ow ne to the ran d v ncreas ng mem- bershlD of Trinity Lutheran church, it is expected that an addition will soon be built to that edifice. The present struoture was built in the early part of tbo decado of seventy. Since Rev. J. II. Kudcr has held tbe pastorate the membership has been constantly on tbe Increase, until to-dav the congregation numbers nearly or quite live hundred. 1 he very latest fad among sirla who have finished up their "memory hoop" Is the "friendship ring." The plan Is to get a cent from each one of a girl's many friends and faBten lliem to a ring, iioiu maku pretty ornaments when ilevfscd bv ingenlus maiden who have both an eyo for the antique and ueatiinui. me racuet is In glorious sway here and at Weissport. Hib Road commissioner na& a torce 01 men at wotB plaiting and removing siate rock from the hill fronting the road leading from the Valley House to the Lehigh brldcc. Ten feet or more Is llkelv to be removed, thus making the thoroughfare wider and safer to the traveling public Tim improvement is a creditable one. At a meeting of tbe stockbolders or tne Carbon County Industrial Society, held at the Kxcnnnge ijotci, minis ipwp, on Mon day, Thomas Koons was elected president! jsiwen uaucr.secretarv anu vai. ucuwaru, treasurer. The date for holding tbe next annual exhibition was fixed for tbe first week In October. A letter mailed In Alexandria, Egypt, on the iiSth day of March, to a person In this town, arrived here op April J4 just sixteen dais irom 1110 time it was mailed. This is an excellent showing of the remark able mall facilities of the present over what thev were a Quarter of a century ago. You will be surprised to see the elegant stock of al ej' and gentlemen's line gold watches now on display at E. II. Hold's Jfauch Chunk Jewelry Store. No suoh assortment can be seen elsewhere outside the large cities. II. V. Morthlmer, Jr., has been re appointed District Grand Chief of tbe K, u. a-, tor uaruon county. An earnest worker in the order, the appointment Is but a proper acknowledgement of merltorl ous services. Until tbis feeling of prejudice and jealously Is eradicated Leblghton cannot nor will not go forward. It is plain then what all must do unite heart and band. and work together harmoniously for tbe eood of all. A stur.ed owl adorns me valley House, bar and winks at the fellows when they drink of Jim's best. John Stocker, of Ashley, a taxerdemlst, prepared the bird, and It reflects credit on his ability Henry Drumboie has auit railroading and next wees win morn iq tveisspori anu assume control of the saloon and restaur ant recently purchased from Jacob Strauss- berger, on IKhlte street, at. t'eter and l'aul Catholic church, or this place, will bo favored by a visit from Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, on the event 01 connrmauon in tnat cnurcn on May lutn. All members of Major Klotz Com- mannery, K. u. js., are requested to attend the regular meeting Ibis (Friday) evening, Important business will be transacted. to prevent sickness tbe gutters along First street should be cleaned. The Initia tive was taken this week by Rcstauranter Wilson feters. Let more follow suit. we take pleasure In directing your at NEWSY WEISSPORT. T.noftl .tumble Ml nine Tugtlir liy the "Alrnllnr." Thing that will Inlet-rut you. Monroe Uarnes .formerly of Union 111)1, who rerentlv moved to Allontown, and was List week jailed In that place 011 the charge of having been Instrumental In the death of his twelve-yeal -old-son, was on Friday discharged from custody, there being no proof against him. Detective Mondllne, of tho above cllr, who worked tho ease up against Raines evidently having put his root 111 tc. to nti AUcntown itritir re porter Ramcs said that "he punished tho bov because ho did not want lilm to sell lemons. He said a certain down town dealer gaye the boy two boxes of lemons which he wanted him to 'peddle' 011 com mission, lie did not want him to do so. but narry ovldcntly desiring to make somo spending money was anxious to try to (lis pose ol tbeni. lie was told several times to return them but would not.and tho fath er, who, It Is said, thought a great deal of him, lost his temper and chastised him more severely than he should perhaps haye oono." Our esteemed townsman Dr. J. G, Zcru will be a candldato before the next Democratic county convention for State Senator. He Is excellently qualified for me oiuce in tnc possession or all natural necessary attainments, and would mako a good and faithful public servant. Ho is from the masses of the people who make up the voting population and Is politically as well as personally strong In all parts of tho county. Ills excellent record while a member of the Stale Assembly proves him to be a man freo from the taint of corrup tion and of tho calibre to represent the people In so Important a place of trust. There are many things that commend Dr. Zern to the Democracy as their choice; his honesty, integrity, intelligence, capability, all Inherent qualities. He Is a good man, and the right man for the place. A delightful donblo blrthdav nartv In honor of Daniel Graver and wife came off at their home 011 H'blte street, Saturday evening. Frionds were present from town and Leblghton and the evening was hap pily spent In pleasant repartee, games, Ac. At a Into hour a sumptuously prepared re past was set before the guests to which all did full justice. Many expressions for a continued happy future were showered upon tho hostaud hostess to which tho 'Stroller" gives cheerful echo. Our right digit goes out to Austin Royer who Is vindicated by tho Carbon county Comt ot the charge of f. and b., preferred by a girl named Kibler. living somewhere in Tnwamensing. It is strong ly hinted that tho charge was trumped up as a scheme- to exhort money, but If It was, it failed beautifully and Austin comes through the Qre unscathed. Constable Setzer has teported "once moro" the unsaro condition of the canal bridge, and Judge Dreher has advised the Grand Jury to carefully look Into the mat. ter. They wlltdoltand repott as Constable Setzer has. and that will lkey end the mailer, unless the L. 0. N. (Jo., torsi like keeping It up, and that is not likely. Tho case against Milton Diehl. or Franklin township, who was committed to jail at Kantor., a few da) sago charged with inaKing taise representation to Frank Per- nn, a cattle dealer, has been settled and Dlehl Is out of jail, Quint Arner left catlv Jbndav mnrn. lug for the State No mal School at Mlllers ville, Pa., where he will take a ronrsn In advanced studies in order to more fully per- ier t iiiispi as a teacner. ne nas our digits for luck. Rev. G. W. Sandt has accented a rail -o a flourishing Luthetan pastorate at Wllkcsharre. to -which cltv he will rao OVA on or about May 1st. To tho church In this place It is thought Rev. Gcswlnd will oe caned. TJ10 Wllllne H'orkor Snrbnv Is in h the name of an oiganlzailon to be Instituted uy tne members of tbe Reformed church this Saturday evenlnir. The Idea of ihn society is to labor for the good of the cnurcn. At a meeting of the town council cm Joni)ay evening a resolution was passed calling for the fflxln' up" of the Pairk. A ursc-ciass uiea. and llie sooner the woik is commenced the better. Misses Mary and Ella Snvdpr. r.l iin Outh and Mrs. Rclle .Meredith, attended the Steckel-Troxell marriage atEastManch Churfk pn Tuesday aftprppqn, Joseph Laclar. of East Mauch Chunk. la now the owner of the C. W. Lentz oroD- ertlcs on Bridge street, next to the Evan gelical parsonage. Handsome new destens In wall naner. borders and celling decorations at Rlery's drug store. Call and see his stock before going elspwhere, There were received Into the Reformed church on Snnday sixty-nine members 11 by the right of confirmation and 28 by certificate. In Franklin tho following parties have I. M t . . ... . . :uu muii-waiiis, .ionn ano Harrison weisn and Ephriam Rehrlg. Mqre should follow suit. A slight fire under the boiler in tbe enslne bouse of Snyder's planing mill raised a little excitement on Tuesday but did no damage. L. it S. Station Agent Rennlneer ac companied by his wife arc this week visit ing at isastnn, bcranton and other places, M'ebster Campbell, who accidentally snot and Killed uertle lliskev at Leblghton a low weeKs ago is out on $1,000 ball Levi Schaffer. has been re-annotnted to keep the street lamps In opler, He draws a salary of $3 per month. Already Washington Camp. 12'-'. P. O S. of A., are worklug up a Fourth of July ceicoraiion lor mis town, Our old time friends James Fatzlnscr anu who, 01 uaiasauqua, were visitors In iuwii ipis wpci;, THE COUNTY SEAT. A PLAIN TALK. nnnl Bnd Otherwise. L.Ot VIS lOOK at Hie prCSOnt Ot it is now given out that on account of Lolnchton in an honest, ftiir and lmprtitiru manner; let us Hon. W. M. Rapsher's dislike to become a candidate for President Judge, that his friends have persuaded him to be a rant'i dalo for the Stato Senate. Thoy say that the peoplo are entitled to the benefit or his experience and abilities In the Senate, that Jus wide acquaintance with men and things, would glvo him a high place In tbo Senate, where he could render valuablo service to the people in shaping and moulding-the laws of the Commonwcaltu. some, even Insist that he would be of more service In J be Senate than on the bench, because he Is known to be strongly In favor of tho Australian System In Ballot Reform, as well as many other reform measures that will come before the next Lcgltlature, and that, tbe people are Interested in being lepresented by their, ab.est debaters in pushing foi ward tho good work, The first grand annual ball under tbe auspices of the Conductor's Mutual Aid of tiaucii umink win be nciu at mo Mansion House on the evening of the 24th Instant. Excellent music has been engaged for the occasion and a good tlmo can be expected. During Jhi evening their will be a contest for a beautiful silver cup between lady dancers. The dancing during the evening win ue conducted by tbe fo owing ex cellent committee: James Conroy, ll'llson Campbell. August Kucncll. James Walker, Jacob Drum, Jacob Kennels and Harry Johnson. If you delight In skipping the light fantastic toe voir should go, for the affair promises a good time to all attend ing. A delicate surgical operation per formed on Joseph Rostey, of East Mauch Chunk, at St. Luko's Hospital. Hcthlcheni. a few days ago, was tho amputation of the rigui leg at tne nip 101m. nosiey nan been suffering for ten Years from whtto swelling and the operation was deemed necessary to save his life. It Is said tbat an effort Is being made on the part of several well-known Insur ance agents In Carbon county to control that branch of business bv tho formation of a combination or trust so to sneak. The smaller fish are to be bought up and the business conducted by the bigger feKows who have the money. "Pop" Painter is still said to be onltc seriously ill, but clings to life tenaciously. no was slier It of this countv a most a half ennturj agoand for many years has been tax collector or tins city, lie is aged 70 years. Ed Bastian. firemen on the Central, was brought home from New Jersey Tues day with a broken arm and a muchly battered face, caused by falling through a bridge whllo on his way to his englne.j Bounties on fox scalps were this week paid as follows i Henry Schoch, Jl.utch Chunk township, $1 ; Adam Kibler, Peim Forest, $1. for fox scalp and $2. for wild cat; Frank Arner, Long Run, 1. --Tho Carbon Countv Commissioners Issued bonds In the sum of $2000 to Maiy i lierlln of Slatlngton. and $300 to Andrew Hontz, of the 2nd Ward. Michael Dunagv. of Audenrled. has taken up his abode with Sheriff l.evnn, not fiom choice, but for ma.lcons mis-Phjef. Water connections were this week made with tho main Ptoe to sunnlv the now electric light building. McCinlev is the man who runs the nsw street sprinkler. noTtta of coutvy doing The following tavern and restaurant licences were transferred: William II. Nusbaum, restaurant at Leblghton, to Augustus K, Miller. Aaron D Keller, tavern, Susquehanna street, Mauch Chunk, to Nelson R. DcDy. .ewls ,1. Cbristmati, tayerp, Lower Towainenslng, to Joseph Hclmbach. Jacob Straussberger, restaurant, Weiss port, to Henry Drumbore. Christian Decker, tavern. Towamenslm:. to Lewis J. Chrlstmau. Philip Radcr. tavern. East Mauch Chunk, to Anthony Coll. Maurice Stack, tavern. Reaver Jfeadow. to Margaret Stack. William Shea, restaurant. Summit Hill. to George E. Fenstermacher. , . unanes v. llaas. tavern. Kast Mautfli Chunk, lo Uarthold Zciser. MISCELLANEOUS. Washington Camp 252. P. O. S. of A.. of Lansford was granted a charter of Incorporation. John Gerhard, was appointed supervisor of Packer township, owing to' a f alitor" pf tne regularly elected, superyitpr to qualify. The lux collector bond of J. F. Christ- man was presented and approved. SHEItlFF BALES. No 1. Property ot Ellas Shlch on Broad' way. Mauch Chunk, to Leonard Yeacer. $140 and subiect mortgage. no. v. Tnree story dwelling ip juoucu ununK, property or iinas anicK to u. u Watson. Price 81.200. Ho. J. Tnree storv dwelllnc and lot. Mau?h Chunk, property of Ellas Sblck to w. u. JJrevman. jsieo.oo. No. 4. Two story double houso In Unner ainucu uuuuk, property or dames aictiroy to uari nuernan, si.usu JNo. 0. House and lot iu Wcatberly. property or uaroiine liaiiiet to w. u. rcy- man. o&0, subject to a dowry In support 01 uannan uauiet, No. 0. House and lot In Loblab Tannery. property of Fr4 Brandmler to Michael Cassldy, for plaintiff $205, no. i. two rarms uu and 10 acres re spccllvely, property of Jos, Hunsicker in .uanoning, 10 ir.li. Freyman. nla ntiff's attorney, f'-'.iuu. Ttlistnnim la linnmltiiy .it .Tnennli ll.J, tenilon to the cnange in the advertisements fl0UI.( feej and fllrnture slore just over tho ofll. Guthdr Son, A lien town; Nusbaum canal bridge. IX UUU Ximirj OCUWariZ. I 1 vnr.llni tn tl.A 1 , I -Edward lieffelllnger had his left band " ! "i ,To- caught between tbe bumpers of two Lehigh valley cars and as a result is minus I no third finger on that hand. It U estimated that five people read one newspaper: accordingly tne advo cate would the be read by over 0000 people every week. Housewives will save money In buying honserurnlshlng goods if tbey call at V. S, Kuhns' stove store, north First street and earn prices. Jon. Kistier. the genial landlord or the Carbon noqse, Is driving a handsomo new uorse wiin a record as a fast Hotter. uiacicsmltu Frank 1. 1J ebl. will build himself a neat and comfortable home dur ing the coming summer. H "Eliza " droDs In at the post olllce and correctly addresses her postal card uncle bam will forward )t. uarpentcrs on Thursday commenced the work of remodelling Cashier Scunners residence on First street. H. V. Morthimei'. Sr.. Is still racked with rheumatic pains, though somewhat improved over tail wee. The W. 21, ltansber dwelling on Bankway are being nicely re-painted by uavid Kreamer, It Is said tbat twenty buildings have been contracted for In this town t6 go up this summer. S U illlara Raudenbush is the proud dad of a bright and bouncing baby boy. uneap window shades alluckenuacii's. Mauch Chunk, Peach treas are in blossom, Organize a Board of Trada. the box. After paying all debts for tho vear 18S9. tbe poor directors of the borough have i.iu. It Is said on sood authority that elevrn houses have been contracted for on Union lllll. For wall naner. borders and eel lni r.ecoranons drop in at Hlery'e drug store. A neat Iron fence In front nf Jnmh Kresge's home beautifies the same. iter, J, lv. hnerr. of Lebanon, is so journing with A. T, Phlier, The public schools In Franklin town- snip closed last week. Joseph Rex Is building a three-ilnrv ami mon 10 uis nouse. 3lss Llllle Guth was at Philadelphia nils weeic. "Sad" Krcsge Is on the sick list. gunge tho future by the present in the snme clear, intelligent and conscientious wny nntl what cio we see? A town a quarter 01 a century old m incorporation ns n borough, with equal rights mm privileges wiin otner towns; a population 01 uu tax payers and 3500 souls; a town with out the least of all conveniences, lirst-class water sunny, a town without street illumination other than the hazy, flickering light 01 tne meaevial coal oil lamp; a town lacking in all, or very nearly all, tne essential elements necessary to continued healthy progress. This is the condition ofaffairs that confronts us to day, what does the fut'uro hold? It is an honest, fair and square question, what does it held! Shall we gunge it by the pastor tne present! liotli mean r con tinwance in tho same old rut that in the onward march of progres sion leads nowhere, with grass 'n streets and rust. We are told that JLehiEuton has progressed in the past decade. True, no one will gainsay it, but we have not moved forward os we should have done. Other towns have by perseverance- pluck, enterprise and goaheada tiveness secured what Lehiuhton should have had. The condi tion that confronts us and ap peals tor ur enterprise aud vim is or more diversified industries where our kborine lwople can find employment at fair wages. Kvery ninn, vromnn and child with the commonest intelligence understands this condition and realizes the importance of it, but what are we KQinir to do about it Every opportunity for a realization of progress and fu ture grentness has been, shall wo say willully or carelessly disregarded in the past by those who (torn natural reasons should e at the helm pushing, moving ong the van ol enterprise. Is lis disregard to bs continued? t so, tbe future looms up dark and drear. Weatherlv has a lk mill employing 300 to 400 muds ; we might have had it. was our opportunity. Strouds- ourg 1ms pail and class works employing a large number of men ; we might have had them. icy were our opportunity. Slatinglon has the Rolling Mill ; we might have had it, it was our opportunity. Unfortunately, lowever, for the town and peo ple, we failed to take adyantap CARBON COUNTY TIPS. Interesting Ilrmi, Origin! and Otherwise That will Stand Heading-. Of Stangley tbe murderer of Mrs. Walbcrtof IV'eathcrly the Allentowu Drm crat says: "He is a native of his county.as was also his victim. In the summerof 1870 Mtangley buglarlously entered and robbed tbo dwelling of Mr. Charles Claybeger, at Egypt, In Whitehall township, an being ar rested for Ilia crime he was jailed here in Allentowu. Some lime later he was taken with Insanity, and at times became so Violent tbat a strict watch had to be kept over him. It was first belle vd he was only shamming, but a thorough examination by the jail physician established the fact that he really had lost his reasoning faculties. Ills general line of conduct dcbaublng the walls of the cell with, as well as eating, his cxcreniemai nun, uisiauc, ibe glare bt his eyes, all sorved to show that his reason had been entirely overthrown, and as a result be was later by onler of Court removed 10 tbe Insane department of the county poor uouse. Val Newmover. of New Malinnlnr. I still in a very weak condition, consequent to a serious illness. Mr. Kewmoyer Is a native of Germany and served as a soldier In the army of tho Fatherland He also participated In tho late civil war In this country, and was noted as a bravo and courageous soldier, never fllnchlne In fac of danger, and being a leader In many a' uiuuuy coniiicu The branch train on tho Hazel ton div ision which connects atll'cnn Haven with the Lehigh Valley train on Tuesday ran Into a gravel train below Black Creak Junction. Roth enclnes were badly dam ugeu anu several cars wero broken, but nobody was inlurlcd. Tha tracks worn blocked aud several trains wero delayed. A writer to a Hazleton nannr aav "Reaver Meadow, though small In popula tion, nas is "swamos." "bricks" and other "dives" of fast resort, as though it wero ouiii in proportion wltn larger towns wncre nun anu uenns men cat her tin noticed." Spring havinc come carlv. the farmers have already made cood progress with their worn, aomo nave already about nnisiiert up with the seeding of oats, and others have planted potatoes. Thev are now principally engaged in plowing sod for their corn crops. .Vr. Michcal McPIiIIIds. of Jeancsvlhn While passing by atrln of cars In the mines at that place Tuesday mornlnir. stumbled against ono of the mules was, kicked be tween me cars, sustaining injuries from which he died during the day. An Individual known as the "Dutch Burglar.1' who was Implicated In the robbery of the L. A, S. depot at Rowroans- inwii nas oeen oaptured by Jietcctlve Shnmous at Kaston. Ficd Caffrv. who left Packertnn for Texas ten days ago, writes home ol his safe arrival In the state of big Democratic results. Uavid Helta, of Reltzville. has erpetad 101 feet of Iron fence around his residence and otherwise improved and beautified the smne. A Utile blaze In the shavinc house, of I tlio packerlon car shops Wednesday raised 1 more ot excitement, but did no damage. Evans A. Ilro,. uuw breaker at Reaver .Meadow, Is rapidly ncaring completion. I ho Lansford Iteeerd mourns thai fact that that town has nodude. Out on. Ball. Webster II. Campbell, of Franklin town- fV.r.r- wiio shot and accidentally killed ti u i. t itr.lCornedia Hlskey, of this place, 011 Tburs- ui n, trim iiiu..uwt, I"'""? day night, March 20, while visiting at her hrCCOuRhour people depend borne on the corner of Second and Coal ;,.Ml Ti "-f f::i: "1 I J". .n. ." '! iod, while the one-fourth in directly are benefited thereby, vve nave progressed! most as- surredly we have, but in what way, In 188Q we had 1900 population; the census of 1890 will show a gain of almost 1500. H e nave progressed! xes, our niumoml Uutt, Tell me, ye winged winds That round my pathway roam, I'U lVl KI1UW BUI1ID lUWn W here citizens stay at home? Some lone and pleasant dell, Some vlllaue in the shade. Where base ball Isn't talked of, Where base ball Isn't plaj cilV T)e low whidslahitly imirauir. As 'though they fell It, loo. And mournfully he answer, XI xv, old lliaiit do you. John J. Stmmell. will llkelv stcn as pitcher for Catasauqua. Catasauqua beat Mulhcnberg last Saturday in a nicely played game. Score 4tol. It will cost Ki cents to sea a hall came tbs year. An addition of twenty feet will bo built to the grand stand In the new ball park to accommodate the prospective rush It Is likely the home team will be re. panted. The Hazleton base ball club Is fixing up Its grounds and preparing to lay out the nuus 01 rival towns. Mahoulne Items, Tn the I'eople or Cartjou and Adjoining Countlea, For several years w have bandied Oar- den and Field Seeds very extensively and lisvj, ilAvnl Ail A fvArutltf tlinra t4 rti lima in A floe line Of all the Various grades In .indvlne tlinlr virlimn tentu. .Mlrnl hnW arpsl?. carl be seep at Kemerer we are not boasting when we claim a little knowledge about them. l'e baye tried to Sphwa'rtz's, Leb'lgh(qn. Price'loweat. Is your pye-sgbt fajllng? If It Is, go U) 7 II. Ilohl'i Mauch Chunk Jewelry Store for a pair of reliable spectacles, 1 nMl Iron f.n.M. In ImhI it f?a.t.tA. Beminel'i residence pn. First street.lmproves ?D oul hlw we cap double, apd treble pur tlie Appearance of the property. ' season's sales and have devised -several -Vo. I.vonrtlm.for ntr. wall nrr Pns to do It; one Is-to get good seel. of very cheap at Lucfenbach's, Mauch Chunk. find out what seeds are best for our nelsb borbood and where to buy good seed. How wen we nave succeeded remains (or joti to find out. We have andare yet trying to course, and from responsible parties. An other Is to sell cheap and rIvp good mea- mirpst and still another Is tn rwt. vnn in.t A storeroom on lit st., opn. the Opera nhat ton want in thn miirirmit nouse s for rent. Apply.A. If.Raudenbush time and charge you nothing for packlngi run line 01 Ingram auu urmseu car-i irciKm, ctu., uhij iki, yi iuoa 111 caniogue pets at Henry Schwartz, on Rank st. Second and Third streets will be graded this year and put In condition. Wail Paper, Wall Paper at Lticken bach's Maueu Chunk. There are hardly forty days more of school. . vou select from, We have other features besides, and have a very fine stock on band and would be pleased to sell you all you need, feeling assured mat we can piaasa yon. Very respectfully. Lfcilic.ii rvAi. A ITahpwark Co.. ifortb First St., Leblghton, P. ltalioil Motea, An effort Is being made by Rollen V llbttr Lodge of Locomotive Firemen have their union meeting made one of federation of all railroad men. It will in all llkllbood be successful. Recunllv federation meeting was held In Klmlra Willi great success. The Schuvlklll and Lehigh Valley road connecting witu tbe main line near Row man's, is being ptisjie to completion,, four f .:r'. "w t'liKatt'm 'U 'lie woik of Uying the track. II fsycH likely that Henry Frltch, of town, will be promoted from fireman, tp engineer of 815 lo succeed Henry Rlank who now moves tho tbrqttje of UU n place of Satpuel Mertz who was recently put on the Llzzard (.'reek branch. prders hav been Issued on the Valley road that all employers riding on passenger trains must either have a pass, a ticket, or pay their fare. -William Campbell, of Pai'korinn. supceeds Henry Ilnimbore.of this lowii, as po.ndu.ctor of the old, 2ST on the Yallev road. -The Lehigh Valley Rallload Company are repainting all of their crossing gates and watch hopses along the line, Tho Lthlgh Valley nallroad has at present 540 locomotives and 40,000 cars In use. Charley Esrang Is on a fair way to fire an engine on ihe Valley. Reuben Reipsmlth moved bis family to i' reeianu lass ween. Mm. Robert Rlack, of Philadelphia, spent a few days In the Valley this week, Tbe farmers are planting potatoes and getting ready to sow oats. Charles Wehr has rented Albert II alderman's wheel wrlght shop. Ed and Joe Hunslpkor have purchased uranyille ueinamilb, or llloomlnsdfle, moved Into the Yalley; he will work Jacob Frautz s farin. Our schools closed a six; rnpnth's, term Ills IVVC. While, at market in Lansford on Tues day one of butcher John Miller's horses slipped on a stone, fell and broke bis leg. the anuuual was then killed. Tbe Mahoning School Hoard will hold Us uoxt peeling Jn the PMant Corner KcuuHi unnsu pp Qaiiruay April wip, wuen VHQ icucners wn( ue paid ipeir last motllli'i saiary. hahh in or iubscrlptl,on a"re requelel n my uo at W H Is imneeewary t i4rtbt e a4 (be pjoRfy and must kayalt. Persons knowing tbe;inelr to Ve cuiKi vu inn eaupiisumeni The liUtnerau Home, The anniversary of the Ornhant. Home anu Asyium ior me Aged and Inllrm me evangelical Lutheran (Jhurc 1. Germantown, was held last Sunday after noon. Tbe tblrO first annual report, wlch was reau, siaiea mat tue number orphans April 1. 1600. was 50 bava and girls; admitted diurliujtbe year. 4; 8 boys were indeniurad pr weiit to friends and 1 OewmeM agvl remfntn In lelr lttUwt on,'4S boys and 20 g(rls. Thr were no deaths. In the HUlRm 4 old ladle died dfliln tb year: 1 old lady aud 1 old wan were admitted during the year; thire are at present in the Inn Inn Ion 1 uiea ami ii old ladies. That Tired Feeling When tno weather grows warmer, tliat extreme tired feeling, wmit of itetlt, dullness, languor, and lassitude. Rflllet atmoet the entire human family, and scrof ula and other diseases caused by humors, manifest lhmitvea with many. It Is Im possible to throw oft this debility and expel humors from the blood without tho aid of a reliable medicine like Hood's S.irsaparllla. "I could not sleep, and would get up In the morning with hardly life enough to get out of bed. I had no appetite, and my fare would break nut with pimples. At no otber season ts the system so sus ceptible to tbe beneficial elleeta of a re liable tome and lnvlgorant. The Impure slate of the blood, the deranged digestion, and the weak condition of the body, caused by Its long battle with tho cold, wintry blasts, all call for the reviving, regulating and restoring Influences so happily and effectively combined In Hood's 8arsaparllla. " Rood's Sarsaparllla did me a great deal ot good. I had no particular disease, but was tired out from overwork, and It toned 1 bought 1 me up." Mns. O. K. Siumons, Cohoes, If. T. Hood's .Sarsaparil la . n ... . ..... ' ....... a bottle of Ilood's Sarsannrllla. and soon began to sleop soundly 1 could get up with out that tired and languid feeling, and my appetite Improved." 11. A. SANfonn, Keut.O' "I had been snnck doubled by general debility. Last spring Hood's Sarsoparllla proved Just the thing needed. I derived nn Immense amount of benefit, t never felt better." H. P. Millkt, Huston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all druggists. 1 j six for $5. Made only by a I, HOOD tt CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar For seven years, spring and tall, I bad scrofulous sores come out on my legs, and for two. years was not free from tbem at all. I suffered very much. Last May I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and before I had taken two bottles, tke sores basled and tbe humor left ine." O. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me. . "There la no blood purifier eqnal to Hood's Sarsaparllla." TiiELrs, Rochester, N.E. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists, ft ; tlx for $s. Made only by c. I. 1I'M)I & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar HARLI House Painting, Paper Hang ing and Decorating. Particular attention paid to all Ijinds of interior work. OFFICE: Dr. Horn's Drug Store, Lehighton. tn ii 1 5 fl) o t tn p , ci m .8 ,12 M 4J n S 5.2 to r? OJ tJ r 5 u g; B o P S .5 f-K c - 2 OT CD " T3 - 3 BBS ?5 DC LU DC CD To the l'nl.llr. The undersigned has placed his stock of uoots, snoes. uais and caps In .1 1,. Hov er's store, lleldt's building, 2nd s,,, where they are being sold on commission at re duced prices. Persons knowing iht-tutclves 10 uo indented win make Immediate pay-1 ment. Iikwik yvf.iuk. A Cold Humiuer In IHliand 1810 and again In 18V) and 10.10. It is said, there were ll'Inlers similar tn the preseat. lloth were followed by ad- normally cold bummers, in which there were unseasonable frosts, and failures' of crops. Tbis leads cettalti pessimistic weather piophett to assert that the coming Summer will make up In coldness what the tuisl winter has enioiee in the way of heat. tun we nave somewnere read mat 11 does no pood to get scared before you are hurt J wiiiuu uns n aueciu application in Tins prophecy. aaBKsSHaaalBBBTaTaTKi FINE DRESS TEXTURES 'Sq aire Henry Campbell being bis sureity in the sum or siuuu ror his appeal ancc at I the next term of Court. lie will likely be I tried on the oharge of manslaughter, the I District Attorney havinc failed 10 fir.n ovidence justuiabieof mnrder. rKIU'LB WHO COMK ANU HO. -AT- Fifty Cents Per Yard. I'ersnnal Qosalp about People who VUlt and go VUltlne. W. O. Miller circled at Allentown this week. nnnulntinn W nlmnaf d.n,U -Mis. John llender. of Jauch Chunk, 1 i - "--"s caned 011 inends here last Saturday. nlnnnnr. hnmpe nnrl cnn-in tiro r a ir..i, in.i.i ,.t ar, 1 lino kivch muni u mrui' stiv. The nnqimlitied success and wonderful interest that has attached to our Ilcrsh Furnace Company, did Philadelphia over Sunday. Miss Tillle Selfert. of South street. visited Jfiss Maine Person at Slatlngton during this week. The genial J. G. Scbad. of Tamanua, special agent for the North Western Mutual titro insurance uompany, 01 Milwaukee, was In town Saturday doing some business In his line. -It. M. Drodhcad. of the Lehlah Valley railroad, while In town Tuesday graced our sanctum wi'.a tits presence. W. K. Ash. of Third street. left Toes- day morning for Pittsburg on busluest for the American insurance uompany. Mrs. it. K. Hover, of Third street. v sited Slatlngton friends this week. Manacer Clanss and Umpire Hartholo mow circled at Catasauqua and Allentown 011 nunday. Mrs. tr. J. sterner is pleasantly so- (owning with relatives and friends at ucui loneni. IlarrvK. Sweeny, of Drlfton, was In town on ircdnosdav. Tl... aIUm m nl...A, Atl fmm T 44119 , . ..11 . . w . . w. msincss places stnnd out to view, IfSJ tEL!g but we're overcrowded Paclter- Normal school. ton is overdone eight and nine . rMv E- Frenkuonser and wife, of , . ... .. . Adamstown, Lancaster county, spent Sun- lioius WOrK Willi small pay HI day with Thomas Hemmlg and who, on tiir. wmtnr nnrl thorn wnm ilmm Second street. ... , . 1, Ilaryey J. Morgan, accountant for the mien iiicii: wits li" tvuin. iu, 1111, o have progressea, but we owe it all to the economy and thrift of our poorer people. In manufacturing industries Ave are at a Btand still outside ol the Lehigh Valley Spring works and the Hersh Furnace what lave been the additions to this twn in the ten years past; Little or nothing! Correct, now then It is time we did something is it notl Let us get the water company in first-class paying tasis. Next we should have a Bystem of sewerage and macada mized streets. Following? this $e men, nil classes, merchants, ncVSday. ' c " UUn."tli( nuiuuis iiuu iiiuuh;u citizens should get together and encourage enterprise by solid hfitirtv nrnrrrnss. Tfwe do this 1 nerc aro we'll go forward; it we do.n't, we w"y w,,uc soPs will continytp pn in the same old each rusty rut. und the picture of the represented to be nirare can ue seen oy gazing at Ust as eood as the Ivory. .vimiv vm n. -' They are not. wmi Fmpunoi w "wiiuij " hut lilfr orrpts. in ampsr. sirifprn. tinnrfvr. I u 0 , ,. , --jii r:- unanimous activity that has a wjuihwiwui. for its elements the hearty co- they lack operation o( all the citizens, the peculiar One kicker, actuated by petty and remarkable jealously can undo the work ot quaHtic3 of n m Avon rrvrl vnttt on1 iva Hn'f I V 11UVU UUUU ITU uuu 1 . want him, Uelcgate the fossil w" te the rear and we're all aboard ,or for progress on the road of push Ivory Soap mm enuirprisf anq insist upon having it. High. Class Dress Goods Vg show Mohairs, French Side- ate I , .1 T iJ eti- 13! i ti i -n -n" N uiiiiiis, runoy -iiiiporieii ciinpcN, rinc l'lencu naias, riue prencn f7assimeres and Cashinores. aa w id a aaia. 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. Milk Shake and Soda Water : G lass. -ThomsaE. Il'alah. was In town Thursday. of Rnwraanstown, Five Cents a Cooling, Healthful, Rich just the kind of a Summer drink that gratifies at the same time the thirst and taste. It is Perfection Here. Try It NUSBAUM & CULTON, Opp. the Park, Lehighton. MOST At the UTIFUL THIN 1 T.nnU V1V WAflfllnf rlnpi anil In fact Ml the. the yery latest designs In tlncer lines I 'Tis sold everywhere, at th Mauch Ctiunk Jewelry Store of K. I ' . oW. Hire yeur teams for a delisbtful drlre through our romantically beautiful valleys Ol uavid Kohcil, tne nana street, iirftry man. Price low. Au article on the Carbon County Supt ertntendency of Public Schools Is ctowdf d out of tbis Issue by reason oi scarcity of space it win appear next week. Hl OAT.T.P.RV. PanaantDltr I Mated sear Yality lfnt. for Oabmsts and Fatally Groups Ola plcliim sop UC EU4tBlrgt. ausl'ri owest Prices ! IN THE LINE OF Bed' Room and Parlor Suits, Handsome Carpets and Bugs, latest Style Baby Carriages. WI.L BE FOUNU AT chwartz's Fiit Street, Lehighton. Don't fnil to cnll mul inswet our hnndsomo line of the now. eat and nicest things in the above line to be found any whore in Carbon coijnty, and nUat very lowest prices. BigFurnitureStore, flTHave you Read the Advocate 1