Kntered as Second-Clan Matter nt the l hlgltton l'ont-O fflee. The Carbon Advocate LliUIQUTON, l'HNNA. llntes for Legal Advertising i C harter Notices $ 4 oo Auditor's Notices 4 no Commissioner's Notices - - 4 00 Divorce Notices on Administrator's Notices - - - - 3 00 Executor's Notices s oo SATURDAY. MAKOII 29. 1800. llona ride Circulation Larger titan that of any Weekly Newspaper In tho County. BROADBRIM'S J. Y. LETTER decent people wherever he goes. If con victed, Stabse Prison awaits them. The main hope of the criminals to In a disagree ment of the lory. Let us uopethat Justice will not miscarry. Incidental to the trial ef Sheriff Flack comes the exposure of the villainies of Eldrldge Street Jail. It Is In this jail that all prisoners aro kept awaiting trial, or criminals who have been arrested on requisition from other States or foreign countries, or persons who are Imprisoned or held for civil suits. Tweed, Ferdinand Ward, Jacob Sharp, Ives and Stayner, and the English bank forgors who got half a million of dollars from the Hank of Eng. land all have passed time here. Only a few CARBON COUNTY TIPS. Interfiling Items, Original and Otherwise That will Btand Heading. Alex. AfcKehey, of Sandy Kun, was on Sunday afternoon round in mi own home with an ugly wound In his heail.from a pistol. When found he was unconclous and has remained so ever since. Under tho circumstances it Is Impossible to state HVBSOIUFTION LAWS. Dr. Tuckerman, editor ot the Workmen, ('loo laud, has taken some pain to collect and com pile the decisions of the United Which Court on till subject, and give the remit ol histmcsti gallons, the following : 1. Subscribers who do not kIvp iues notice to the contrary are considered us ishlug to r. new their subscriptions. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher mn continue to sena rncm unin an arrearages are pain Lehighton Business Directory VAl. SCII W A It 1 7., Dunk M lure house In Urn n I' i furniture ahMivs on 1mm! I'i the oilot fi.rul- (lesci it inn of 1". U'l V low Wf A I VV Street Kri"dl Luiier iil' in im Wi n season riii in iki hit u, uii-i I1KI.I ABI.K .IKWKI.KK. ii. I). S IKH'K. lllli:fl-W Bh I IJin.i, nv''Vir.. ... , . , . i .,., a. usuuscrioers negiecior reuise lowKe uirir posltlyely whether the wound was inflicted periodicals from the post-office to which thev by himself or another person. Tuo former theory is believed to be correct as he had not been living happily with Ills wife, and took this moans of putting an end to to his trouble. Then have been several changes In the tire directed, thev nre resnonslhle until thev have settled their hills anil ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other ulaees without Informing the publisher, and the papers are sent to the former address, they arc held responsible. s. The Courts have decided that refusing to take periodicals from the olllce. or removliiK anil leaving mem uueuiieu lor, n prima inutu eviuenceoi lnieniiouai irnun. Not since that sorrowful night when Iscarot botrayed bis Master with a kiss In the Garden ot Qethsemene, has a more damning tale of treachery been told than that rehearsed In the Court of Oyer and Terminer last woek during tho trial of Sheriff James A. Flack lor conspiracy, Beside him, arid indicted for the same, was nls son will riack, wuose ucacuery and betrayal of his poor old motller, who trusted him, finds a parallel In Iscarlot, the betrayer of his Say lour, alono..Tbo wholo story reads more like one of Zola's evil noyels than a chapter of New York every day life. Many years ago a young man came from tho country with his girl wife and opened a small bookblndcry In this city where he worked early and lato till ho built up a paying business. lie was frugal, but lived well in a modest style. After a time his bindery became a resort of tho local ward polltlcans, and tho young book binder began to forsake his home evenings, and might be found in the corner saloons talking politics with the ward politicians. It was not long before ho was a candidate forofllce, and one of the formost men of his ward. Ue soon found hs way Into Tammany Hall, and lots of city work was thrown Into his bindery by his political friends, and James A. Flack was fast get ting to be a rich man. This was In the time of the Tweed ring, when bills against the city were not unduly scrutinlztd and political characters needed no Indorsement. Tweed was deposed, and'Flack became right bower of John Kelly, his successor: he got to bo one of the chief sachems of Tammany with the best jobs and offices in the city within bis reach. As he grew rich and powerfnl, the old wife who was the companion of his early days was not stylish enough for him. So eighteen years ago he took from his bindery a handsome young girl named Sarah Cherry and installed her in appartments as bis mistress. With her for eighteen years be was known at yarious hotels and boarding-houses as James A. Raymond. A son was born to them, and Sarah Cherry, who seems to have quite a religious turn, insisted on haying him baptized. Mr, Flack Raymond thought that the rites of the church ought not to be neglected, so he carried the baby to the Little Church Aronnd the Corner, and there It was duly baptized Edward Ray mond. Flack himself under the name of Raymond acknowledged the paternity of the boy, How he could have carried on this dual life as publicly as he did for eighteen years Is a mystery that will never be solved. During that time he occupied various public stations and received from the Democratic party two of the highest offices in Its gift, those of county clerk and sheriff, and either is worth at least one hundred thousand dollars a year. Where were his lynx eyed political enemies all this time? No one can tell, for no one appears to have suspected him. He still kept a nominal home with his first wife uptown, but he came and went whenever It suited him, and passed his old wife.,, by without the slightest notice. For months he never spoke to her, his only communication was through his son Will, their only child, and on him the old mother leaned, tor he was the only friend she had in the world now that she was deserted by his father, so she trusted him from her Inmost heart. IKhlle Sarah Cherry went dressed In silks and diamonds, Mrs. Flack .had the bare necessaries of life, and was driven to sleep In a small hall bedroom while her husband and her son took possession of the best portion of thelhouse. At last the demands of his paramour became impera tive; she would no longer llye as his mis tress; she wanted to be his wife in name as well as In fact; she was tired of mas querading as Mrs. Raymond, sho wanted to be Mrs. Flack. This could only bs effected In two ways by divorce ormurder; murder was dangerous, and Mrs. Flack did not want a divorce, for sho was determined that Sarah Cherry, the creature who had ruined her home, should never be Mrs. Flack as long as she was alive. But when Flack became Sheriff he was very near to the Judges and high officers of the Court, and ho soon had them subservient tools for tho working out of his accursed plot. Flack told bis wife at last that they must separate, and the poor woman said "I sup pose so." He said, Hill can prepare the papers. Will did prepare the papers. Will Is now a man, nearly forty years old, and his trusting mother left everything to him. The papers were drawn up by Flack's lawyer, one Monell, and instead of a separation were an application for absolute dlvorce.the respondent being Sarah Cherry. Will Flack told his mother that this was a separation giving her the houso she lived In and twenty-flve dollars a week for the remainder of her life. This same Monell appeared In Court as tho lawyer for Mrs. Flack demanding the divorce. Judgo Bookstaver, the friend of Flack, was ready to do 'most anything to oblige the sheriff, but to have one lawyer appear on both sides ot the case was more than be could swallow, so he advised the substitution of another name .which was accordingly done, and a creature of Flack's by the name of Meeks was appointed referee. Everything was now all right, and the conspirators got the divorce on tho application of Mrs. Flack. H'hen Mrs, Flack found out what had been done she nearly lost ber reason, but Flack and his son did not care for that. The decree of divorce forbad Mr. Flack to marry again, but that only applied to New York.- Ho could eo to New Jersey or Connecticut and marry Sarah Cherry the next day and no New York Court could touch him. But the plot was discovered In the nick of time, and Nemlsls was on the track of the conspirators. An old rascal by the name of Jaryls who assisted in the conspiracy was driven from public life. It was he who years before had looted the fortune of the rich Tarsee merchant who was adjudged a lunatic by the Courts. Lawyer Monell died of a broken heart; tho tool Meeks Is under Indictment jrltb Flack. Judge Bookstaver, who granted divorce, hangs suspended like JMahoruet's coffin between heaven and earth, hardly knowing what Is In store for him. Flack has been kicked out ot Tammany nail where a fear ago he was a grand sachem. Sarah Cherry and her son have fled, and I I'i 11 Flack, the treacherous son who Nt rayed his poor old mother, It so utteily despised -by all who know him that he is avoided by Lehleh Valley offices at Packet ton during i - L"l.irT M,nn 1, n.aa nlAntn I.. , . . . , r t years ago vnu oumm, "'"--m uie nasi lew uays. aiarun muss, oi aucu n .ni,.,,itu.n nv n, n.ivm,ee timv am appointed some friend of his to this lall, chunk, way-bill clerk for some time past, bound to give notice at the end oi the time if and turned It over to him completely for has resigned, James P. Smith, of Lehigh- the publisher Is authorK his term, the consideration being twenty- five thousand a year cash. Then tho keep-1 cr of the jail was allowed to make all out of It he possibly could. Rich prisoners like Tweed and Sharp had fine apartments, richly furnished, a sumptuous table, and the opportunity at night to visit the theatre or their own homes under thn charge of two deputies, the tax for this high privilege ton, lakes his place. Smith In turn Is suc ceeded by Charles E. Brlnkmau, of Lehigh- ton, as dissector of cars, and the business ot the company continues on uninterrupted. The new Evangelical church at ll'alks- fllle was dedicated with appropriate exer cises last Sunday afternoon. Among the pastors Mho officiated on the occasion were Revs. Helsler, Bohner and Fehr. The subscriber will be responsible until nn express notice, with payment ot all arrearages, Is sent to the publisher. The latest postal laws are such that newspa per publishers can arrest any one for fraud who takes a paper and refuses to pay for It. Under this law the man who allows his subscription to remain for some time unpaid and then orders it discontinued, or orders the postmaster to mark It " reruseu," ana nave a posuu-curu sent iiuiv tying the publisher, leaves himself liable to nr- rvSK SOU UUP, Mil. suais us iui .iivii. being one hundred dollars per night and chUrch was dedicated free of debt. It is a tbo expenses of the deputies. Prisoners who could pay were allowed their meals at tho warden's table; they had the freedera of the jail; they could play cards and re ceive their friends, and sit up at night as long as they pleased. But if they were nicely furnished edifice and & compliment to the good people of that section. The 100-yard foot race between Julius I Englcman, the Weatherly "sprinter, and John Lehman, atWilkesbarre.on Saturday, was won by the latter in 11 a -4 seconds. poor.God help them; they had the meanest J cannon, who Is well-known In this county, of prison fare, and were locked up at sun down In cells swarming with ycrmln, so that their lives wero a constant torture. A sheet or paper and an envelope cost twenty-five cents, and It cost twenty-flve cents moro to post tho letter. The Eng lish bank forgers spent there during a sojourn of about five months nearly twenty thousand dollars of their stolen money. Such a system of shamoless robbery as was carried on In this vile prison almost ex ceeds belief. The papers attacked the abases from time to time, but to no pur pose. Reforms wero proclaimed, but they amounted to nothing, except that the public sale of tho prison was stopped, and the Sheriff took his share of the plunder direct, leaving his deputies to squeeze the wretched prisoners and make all they could. This week the keeper of the jail was Indicted for malfeasanco In his office and two hours after the writ was served on him he resigned. Mayor Grant Is under fire from a legislative committee, who aro looking in to his past record, and he acknowledges that during his last year as Sheriff, that In tho way of pkesents his Special Deputy had received twelve thousand dollars, of which .he bad taken six thousand dollars as his share of tho loot. Where there are forty millions a year to pay out their must be some rich pickings; happy the fellow that gets on the Inside of tho crib If he is able to keep outside of a prison. The week before last, before a meeting held here, attention was called to tho con dition of poor, old, decayed iethodlst ministers, and the statement was made that there were many ministers too old and Infirm to contribute anything to their own support, who wero receiving eighty, a hundred, and a hundred and fifty dollais a year. Looking at this pitiful statement with the eye of a lay sinner, It occurred to me. that perhaps It might be as well to do without a steeple on the church; or to do without those beautiful stained glass windows or oven to let those savages on the Congo go a little longer without gospel privileges for the sake of helping these humble and suffering ministers of Christ. It may be awful wicked from a' missionary standpoint; but I would sooner help them than all tho black savages you could catch between the Indian ocean and the Moun tain of the Moon. I have often told you that wo must have a fad of some kind in New York. It Is necessary to our health. It may be Oscar trained and backed Lehman, and made about $300. John Delter, a well-to-do Little Dap farmer, died at bis home In that place one day last week and was buried on Sunday. He was the father of Rey. E. A. Delter, of Jlfuh'enberg College, Allcntown. Joseph Hetmbach, of Kresgevllle, will assume control of Lewis J. Chrlstman's hostlery In Lower Towamenslng, on or about the 1st of April. Farmers In all parts of the county are apprehensive of results to their crops If the present open season continues long. l'ackerton l'aragTaphs, The Philadelphia Press says In Its Issue of .March 13, at the close of an editorial on the forthcoming tariff bill: "There are a few points in this bill the Prets feels shoul 1 be announced authoritatively. First, the Republican members are absolutely agreed. Second, tho result of the agreement In the shape of a bill will be reported within two or three weeks to the House, and third, after proper debate and consideration by tho House (Reed rule) the bill will be passed and ultimately after 'full and free confer ence' with the Senate will become a law." A nice forecast by Br'er Smith plain sail Ing, open channel, smooth water. One would suppose this great Republican high ship would reach port without a ripple, and yet delay is threatened; numerous tugs are grappling, silk, bide, morroco tanner, and a-host ot othsrs with full head of steam pulling against the great ship. ' The He Kinley pennant is wafted by the blow of Quay and his army of fund givers, but It looks now as though the simmer would come, the fall election pass and no tariff ship anchored It has just been discovered by the "Fat Fryers" organ that soda ash must be taxed or our tin industry cannot thrive. The great strike in London prevents the ship ment of that absolutely necessary article. hence the great danger to thousands of poor American workmen. The remedy m to tax It and then we can make soda ash here; we have plenty of the material, plenty of un employed labor, some of It starving, but we can't make soda ash without a tarrlff; truly are w at tin mercy of Engladd. Does JfcKinley realize the greatness of the great tariff ? As a people we perish without It- give us the ''republican measure." There promises to be many Improve ments In our town the coming summer. Despatcher Thomas Harleman has a new house finished and James Martin will occn- Lehigh Goal & Hardware Sailer's Corner, North First Street, Co, Dd 0. L HQRNi I UK OA it street, ptui plum anil fa. i'OCATK Ol'TlCK. Hank lancy jon pi nning a speei- ty. Advocatk one dollar per year In advance. BAtJliKNIitmil, nank street, wholesale Lis oi wuisKten, gin, l'atronage solicited. w dealer In choice brands of brandies, wines, &c. Our Churches. ETIIOMST EPISCOPAL, South IlanK street . Sunday services at 10 a. in., and 7.00 p. m. Sunday School 2 p.m. ItEV. Uftiwi an, l'astor. MJTilKltAN, Iron stieet, Sunday m.,iiviut- mt.Pastor. mitlNlTV X services, 10 a. m., (Herman), 7.00 p, Usui, Himuay sciiooi p.m. ,i. n. jviijij. sQKI'OrtllltD, Ihigh street, Sunday services XI. ill lu a. in., luern Mundav school 2 p. in. at 10 a. in., (German), 7.00 p. in., (English), l.A.i,viiviiKiir.i,i iwwir, VANOKt.ICAT., South street, Sunday services nt iob. in., merman). 7.0011. 111.. ramus Sunday school2 p. m. .j.S.Nhwiiaiit. 1'ast!. comer Nnrlnnmnloii and coal W streets, services every Suinlay morning and evening. ltRV. IIammackf. Pastor. We have been piling up stock on our shelves and in our warehouse and revising prices to suit the times, and we are nov m a position to accommodate our customers and all others who will Javor us with their orders, better thnn ever. While the first cost on many things in our line has material ly advanced, we haye been enabled to reduce our prices on some by reaeon of large and careful buying, though in heavy iron goods such as Nails, Wire, &c., wc had to go with the current. We have largely increased our lines and added many new ones. We have all you need in Oils, Building Hardware, Glass, Machinery, Paints and Shelf Hardware. We have the most complete line of Machinery Repairs and Seeds in the Lehigh Valley. Our prices are satisfactory, our goods should be, and wo try to make ourselves so. Coal, Cement, Lime, Fertilizers, 0c, always on hand. jargest Professional & Business Cards. W. M. Rapaher, VTTOntfKY and COUNSEIiLOIi AT I,AW, First door above tfie Mansion House, MAUCH CHUNK PBNN'A. Kenl Estate nnd Collection Agency. Will lluy jiiu sen 11c nllections Decadents a specialty, tfncllsh and German. Heal Estate. Conveyancing neally done. promptly made, settling lswates 01 tlOV. 22-Vl P0WDI Absolutely Pure. iowder never varies. Amarvel of purity, and wnoiesomeness. jiiore economical W. G. M. Seiple, l'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 30UT1I STREET, - LKIIIOHTON. May ho consulted In English and German. pedal attention given to uynecoiogy. Oi'kicr tlotins: From 12 M. roni 0 to 9 1'. M to sf 1'. M.,and mar. si-yi This ttrntrt man me oiuiunii uiu,; , ' " competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, amm or pnusimiuM imyuci. ooiu umy in cans, lloyai miking i-owuer company, wall street n. 1. luuein ESUANG'8 811AV1K" A iajun, opposite me Advouatk Omen, Is headquarters for shaving and hair cutting. Cigars 81 tobacco sold DR. G. T. FOX, 112 Main Street, llatli, fa. AT KA9TON. SWAN 110TKU TUKKDAVH. AT AM.KNTOWN, ICAflLK 1IOTKU TIIUItSDAY AT ltANUOB. 13ROA1IWAV IIOUSK, MllNPAVg. 4T HATH. W KIlNKnllAVH ANI SATLI1I1IAYH. Olllce I lours -From n a. in. to 4 p. in. I'racllce limited to diseases of tho Eye.Ear, Nose&Throat rw-A so, iceiractiouounc lives ior iue aniuiv ment of glasses. O TO Fits. KODEIIEK, under the Exchange fashionable hair cut. tST Closed on Sunday's. lioeder Hair tonic, cures uanurnn. ' J IPPINCO TTS MAGAZINE, with it JLt variti andtxciUtnt tontmls, is a lilray f in Hit If. H wat tndni a hatty thought to trim an tntirt nivil in tack number. Iftt a short ntvtlttle. tut a long story such M you art used to git in took form and fay fromont dollar to one dollar and a half for. . . . . 1 . ' . r I 1 ..... a IVOt Only thai, out Wlllt latn nunutr you gt an atundanci ofothir contritutions. which rives yeu a rood magaiini lisidis thi novtl, m - .. 1 . . L ..... jni tns ' s vww .w ...... t.... j.. thi gataoay of ftfular favor, have risoundtd throughout lit tntirt land, and to-day Lifpin totfs Magannt stands in the front rank of monthly publications, and is the most widely riad-amd-talktd-o 'publication of its kind in tht world. For full descriptive circulars, aaaresi UPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE, Philadelphia i'$3.ooftryiar. as els, single number. Thi iublisher if this paper will receive yiur mtitztiHe. Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Graduate ot l'lilla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS IlltANCIlEil. ersorvatiou of tlio Tcetli a Specially. OFFICE HOUltS; From 8a. m. to G p. 111. OAK HALL, Market Square, Mauch Chunk. llllANOIt OFFICE: EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK, two uoors norm 01 rosi-wiiiee. OFFICE IIOUKS: T to nil. m. Aprll28-3m Subscribe for the Advocate. . OT V Wllflti' lrnon Virn online orwl Bitni1nwi boutonleres, or Lilly Lanetry or anything I py It; Treasurer George Dolon Is building I J) JfJ 1 Tift E eise, no matter wnai; out just now 11 is I two anu Aiireu aieriz is pusuine one 111 Wagner and Browning;. Wo liaye hail a I completion. John C. Dolon Is opening a voun lively tussel with Vogner that's the way to pronounce It If you want to bo tip top, but Vogner has got us, and we can't help out selves' H'e have not only the operas at night, but we have lectures on Vogner In the afternoon, which are supposed to giyo us tho pointers to enjoy Das Flgpele Dsutscher, Selgfrlet), Nelblungen tint Gottcrdatnmerlng, &c A clergyman In quired of one of his congregation a German, which lie considered the greatest of Wag ner's works? The gentleman replied, Ootterdammerlng. Escuse me, my friend, the minister replied, I don't allow swear ing In this church. Tho season of German Opera Is to bave'an appropriate winding up by the Women's Seldl Society, when they Intend to produce Farsafal In a style of magnificence never before attempted In this country. Seats are about twenty-flve dollars each, and the price going up. The performance begins in the afternoon then, after tlirse hours hard work, they call off for refreshment, and after an hour at the table go at It again and wind up about eleven o'clock, I don't like the price of the tickets, but I do like the Idea of the refreshments. Yellow haired PattI Is back with us for a last farwell and no fooling this time; we are all going to see her. You can get a nice seat for seven dollars, and the best box for the entire sixteen nights for eight hundred dollars. Book me for a box. Some of my conntry friends might want to see hr. If you're In town, corao I'd like to haye ye. I am, yours truly. IlROADniUM. new street through his property, which will open up quite a tract; lots are being sur veyed and offered for sale. The good peo ple here want a separate township or bor ough and are moylng In that direction.. We don't know, certainly, but yenturr the assertion, that borough elections in your town will be more Interesting than ever before. Your next Council must be composed of mon who liaye a leaning toward the . We came near saying, but we wont this time. Noiima. IN THE Utttoii CARBON ADVOCATE Tim Miners National Bank, In the appeal of the stockholders of 411 iiio nppcai vi uio Biui-Kuuiuera ui ma 1 sisnLX T" C4 1 Jflners' Bank, of Summit Hill, Carbon Real EStU.e, LlVe QtOCK OT county, the Supreme Court Monday rend Especially If you have Farming Utensils to Sell. IggfThis paper is rend by 1200 bona fide subscribers every ftfl Wm Mahoning Items. -Mnlilon Notliateln and his son Erwln were visiting nt fjinsford 011 Monday. -Mrs. 1'. 1). Kelser was visiting at llowmaus town during the week. -Supt. Snder visited some of our Bchotls this week. EliasKex Is remoddellng his house and building an addition to It. E. O. Xander, of Koclcport, spent a few days this week looking up his old friends. A. I). Miller, tho assessor Is at present en gaged in making his additional assessment. ered Its final decision that the stockholders were Individually liable for double the am' ount of stock held by them In addition to the original subscrlpt!on,and that a married woman holding any of the stock was equal ly liable with the stockholders. The Miner's bank.tbe parvalue of whose week in Carbon and the adjoin stock was zo, laueo. in April loea, witn a ; mnntipt eflciencv of 43.000. An assignment was 1HE m"11"10 made to J. M. Drelebacb, who levied an assessment ot $60 per share upon the stock holders. To enforce Us collection Assignee Dreisbach filed a bill In equity, and the Carbon County Court sustained the bill and decreed that tbe stockholders should pay double the par yalue of their holdlugs.Thls ruling was sustained by the Supreme Court under a clause In tbe act Incorporating the bank which provides that the stockholders "shall be held In dlyldually responsible, equally and rateable debts and engagements to the extent of double the stock subscribed for or held It was claimed by the stockholders that, having paid for their stock, "double the amount" meant an assessment equal only to once more the par yalue $25. The So premo Court rules that capital liable to creditors without any such indivi dual liability clause as Incorporated In tne cnarier, ana cannot Be Counted as part of " double the amount." In deciding the liability of a married Ulnd nndertnf enwd, BookaUamM In ono rcAdiag. TentlmonUlli from afl plrtl of the globe, l'roapectut POST mm. Hut on eppiiceiuin . w r roi. ui atc, new 1, X. Lotiette, 237 Filtu Are, ork. GO TO ZEZZ SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, v et Pick les, (Jhow-Chow, Onions, Tablo Miss E, Lily Arner. a student of the Kred rlcksburg Bemlnaryi E. o. Kothsteln.ol r. Si M. woman, the Supreme Court says that "the Sauce, Horse-radish, CnulifloW course, uuu a. u .niuseeiman ana uaiviu uaihet, I llauilty is one created oy itatute,and a mar ried woman who holds shares or stock in er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Co such a coiDoration takes It subtest to what ever responsibility the law imposts upop ery Sauce, and all kinds ofchoice tue Holders 01 sucn snares. he is as much T ,,. , ,, . liable U creditors In such case as she would Jellies and fable neCCSgariOS. In ot Meyerstonn, are home for a vacation. -Emanuel Maurer, a former resident of this place but now living tn Kansai, li at present vliltlng In the Valley. Our School Boaid will hold Its regular monthly moetlne, In tho l'iensant Corner School House, next Saturday, March 29th. A mistake was made lu these Items two weeks ago when It was stated that the meeting was to have been held last Saturday. Dish. A Lady's Perfect Companion I'ainlbss CiiiLDUiBTii, a new book by I)r. John II. Dye, one of New York's mo Jt skillful physicians, shows thatprln Is not necessary in mimm an raav any pain whatever. It also tells how to over come ana prevent mornine sickness, limbs, and all other evils attending ui It Is reliable and highly eiv&orsed by physicians chl good and overcome. wuiuau tun tbltth, but retmlts from causes easily under- ercome. ircieariy proves mat any become a mother without suffering 10 over-swelled pregnancy everywhere as the h lie's true julvatj porupan- iuu. uu.utiiuui 11 ivin save you Kre&c nam. and possibly your Ufa. Send two-eeut stamp Jor Mw. iiv.i.c'.wiafB, .cumuuHUauil uuuuurll- tial letter sent lu oealed envelope. Address Frauk 1 human & Co.. fubllelieu, Baltimore Mar j Una. UIKP. (KKIMH aukb At Beaver Run, Sunday t , . nil tctnt . . . . evemug, oiareu o, levu, Anna, Wife of xieurv irciuuauer. LoNCi, In this borough, Friday evening, March 21, 1890, William Penn, child of u. r, ana juary a. Liong, agea o months. MAltlilKD. KNAPrENnERGElt Stkttleu In this Dorougn, on tne xuii lnu. by II. A BelU,J. P., Amandus Knappeubewr, of i-airjviiie, iiiu Ar.ui oieuier, oi now manstowc, carbon countv, Pa. AwpBKAs Saxsiaoan On March Otb, uy pop. a. pannoioruew, liodger . A.. S. Rabenold, D. D. S NCit Of vrrn : Over ,1. W. Jtauilcnbusl' Liquor Htore, HANK 8TUF.HT, LEHIGHTON. .mKllslnrlil nil llu hrfttlMlPQ. HYftll l'.XtraCtt'l without l'aln. (las administered when requited. Olllce Days YVlr.l)iNI'.MiAV oi cacu vtrriN. l O. address. ALMJNTOWN. 3-yl 1.CII1KII einiuiv, i F. I. SMITH, D. D. S. Olllce opposite the Opera Houso. Bank Street, 7,eh hton, Pa, DENTIHTHY IN AM. ITS IlItANCHES. KlUini? anil making artificial dentures a special ly. iHJCUl miesim-uus usru. lias administered and Teeth Extracted WITH' (HIT PAIN. OFFICE HOUltS:-Eron 8 . in., lo 18 m from 1 p. m., to Bp. m., lioin 7 p. in., ui i. in. Consultation1) in English or (Senium Olllce Hours at llnrleton -Every Satin day. let 15-87 lv Dr. J. A. Mayer &Scn Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, i Graduate from the Dental Department of the Unit-entity of I'uniiRylvnnlii, has opened an ouleo In the same building wltl Ills father, second floor in tho Hay Window, m 1IKOADWAV, MAUCH CHUNK, I'A., ,m ,1 la unw ireit.'ii'itl tn i-ecelieervonoin need of lli-st-ilass denial service. lime 8-8i-lf MANSION HOUSE Opposite I., H. Depot, BANK STREET, - LKIIIOHTON. O. II, HOM, l'ltOritlRTOK. I'hU house utrers flrst-cUiM accommodations for niusleut and permanent buaulcrs. It has been ipulv rrllttMllii all Un denaitments. and is locat ed lu one ot the most picturesque portions of the hnrnnirli. 'rcrma limtleralu. rv llie li.Ylt is upplled with 'lie choicest W ines, Liquor and jlgars, eiesii i.HKer mi nil'. .uiricji on TU ' House Painting, Paper Hang ing and Decorating. f Particular attention paid to all kinds of interior work. OFFICE : Dr. Horn's Drug Store, Lehighton -AT THK Oontriil Drug Store, orr. the riuiuo squaue Bank Street, Ijchiphton, Pa., IS HBADQUAltTUlW POlt Pure Drugs and Medicines, ine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, Choice Wines nnd Liquors, Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When von hnv n nalr of Shoes vnu wnnt n good tit. Hut If vnu need SPECTACLES It In much more important that the EYE should he accommodated with correct lenses and a proper lv llttlng frame which will bring the lenses dl rectly before tho centre of the eye. II vnu hnv your spectacles nt Dr. Horn's vou will find the above points procrly attended to. FERSCRIPTIONS Caclly Compouutled OcllS-1887 GOME TO OUR STORE WHEN IN NEED OF Fine Groceries and Confections, Silverware, Jewelry, Toys, Fancy Goods, Our assortment is Large, New and Complete, while Prices aro down to the lowest notch. Ave extend an invitation to the purchasing public to call when in need of anything in our line NUSBAUM & CULTON, Opp. the Park, Lehighton. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. Seasonable Good s Sens? HiMOT Weissport Planing MANOEACTUUEU OK Window and Door Frames Doors, Shutters, Blinds, ashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND 1) KALE It IN All Kinis of Dressed Lmiilier Shingles, Pollings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in ueinjj penecuy sausnea, ami espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular wc invariably mort than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a cltoice ot goods desired, while in' style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks lar more eloquently than word. Call on us for Spring and Summer Garments, Suits or parts of Suits. We guarantee per- lect hts and tincst workmanship. Olauss Bros., THE TAILORS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. MERCHANT'S GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. -rS HEADQUARTERS FOR- Paints T. J. BRETNEY tAHiuwtfullvAimmmreMtn the Merchant of Lo- HKliUm anil iitlii-m tliatliels now ireiarel to do all klmls ol Bauling or Freight, Express Matier and Baggage On rrawmalile term. Order ole at Sweeny'u Coini'r store or nt my rtsslilen wft 11 Nit St., noiir tliH 1'inPtr)'. ''" reo-lve prompt alti-n- IIOII. nttroiiw MMK'iirti. GENERAL HARDWARE, 5 Varnishes. Glass. A.LL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lelriglitoii, Pa PRANK 3?. DIEHIi, NOItTH 8T1U5KT, k Practical lllaclmiltli& Honseihoer lu prepared to do ui work In Ills line I nt tli lm nov-6-iy, drloflu, I'lwueea In the best manner anil nt tli lowest sail. Administrator's Notioe. Mate of A Alio Wkiuaw, Deceased. Letter ot ailnilnlntrullim on the estate at Am rot i Weidaw. late of tlio Uonxuiii of lliliih ton, Carlmn comity, l'eniiaylvama, deceased, iiavelieeii granted to Austin Hover, nuldlior In llie DoioiirIi of WeUwort, to wuom all persons Indebted to said estate ure requested to make iiaytneut. and those liavlnji claims or demands Ininake known the same without delay. AUBT1N llOVKlt, Administrator. Fell. 1. H0-6 E. F. LiXJCKE NT3 ACH, lUJUN AND DBCOUATIVK I'AI'KIt 1IANH 1NH, II0D8K AND WON 1'AINTIMI AND (lltAINlXtl. CouipelMit workmen KUt to any part of the county. Andrew, if Hut Pfnp, and Ulai Loulti jaelberg. LtbJsb Co. Seuilnger, oi lleld Dry Goods, Groceries Queensware &c. IPn lead, bot)i In low prices and quality o goods. Our large dock Is illiphy! to da vantage, an Item wulch purolmsers wll certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE OoRNETt StOTIE, LEHIGHTON PA. inunQCARTMw ran Wall Farers.Borflers&D&corations Ijirg; assort ment, and tlie latest styles. Books, Stationery, Fancy Ms WINDOW SHADJflS. All grades. Miade maklUK ami iuitnm np promptl) atteiuled in. Paint, Oil, Varnish, Putty. UrusliMt & general Painters' No. 61 Btoaiway Muck Cknk. Pa- itlo Uia Broadway lloiue. ankweiler.Allenfowir CLOTHIERS, Wo have made extensive preparations for the Spring Business in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. Uur guaranteed qualit ies and the lowest prices are making our store the preferred place for those who wish to save time and money. Mothers', Attention, Over 3000 Children's Suits now ready. Apes tinr expencuce ... uusuuu .i,iu Koys uiouuiiK snows umi u " f tcntlon oi the mothers that will cron d our store. We nave preny aim no" iiiiriini, i' i.iitiu iiois' oiatril oinilet line ot Hjleije linn OJ jersc; What we Owe the Boys. no el shapes, and tlie lnaklnu a credit to our no nt X Children's Suits from 01.00 up. Anything now and attractive In Hoys' & Youths' ert tlio newest tabiles, sucli as line Corkscrew. Wide emits you lire sure to nnd uy looklne over our new laruo Snriui! Stock. Continuation Suits a rent specialty, made In the latest styles and of Depaitineut. iee Kutta. aud and Kilt Suits. We sunt our Wo have n a nueselec- Wule. Worsteds aud neat Mixtures in all crmlm uuu ill npeviut i nur., Spring Overcoats. ! This season our Sprliiit Orereoats are of tlie j llnest Mercliant Talloriutf, and force themselves Into popular favor on account of the low prices, A coat that does not lack nnv nf ii,a not it nmt in Is to combine the Best Make fashionable liolnts for Hl. A food st lish coat Men's Suits. We aie suowtnit tills season over CO I.eaillnK our am comiucto town. isstauusn- sivl wltl, rlin Ijiunst I'rlces. Uverylwdy lu ueed of clothing, com! I i,,vI.a vllt .nr tjlrire fllntnlnir u'hItiiaw thut iIia ihnA mi siieutwlllbe very profitable, (let our prices before buylUR and you will save money by so dolus. as low as 88. Gents Furnishings. Our general stock of Furnishings presents this season a complete assortment lu all depart ments. Every Imaginable article ou hand, l'er cole Shirts, ChevoTt Shirts (greatest novelty ol This department lacks notlilim to satisfy the asc. ; 3 wneu ooiiars for aoc. ; ii pair Linen Cults Custom Department. tastes AUd lUeaS OI llie must hich. ( iui iw.ii .Allien b 4 ,,cu. m-uiu umwrrs, AUIO Our line of Hiirliiir Trouserings and SuUIiibs matlc Wire lluckle Hiispenders, Night Itobes. Is laraer aud more select than ever seen before. Ilersli llros. line Umbrellas, latest novelties In EverytbliiK Is In readiness n 1th all the modern ' Kancy and Full Dress Shirts, Men's Dress ami rui'liiiies to iruarautee unsurpassed workman- Drlilne (I loves, Silk H Hose darters Itfic., Cellu sliin. tit amrnnlsh. A siieclal feature is the I lold Collars and Cuffs, Jewelry, Silk Haudker tert lance assortment of Stvles offered at pi ices i chiefs. No matter what )ou wnutln UNDHIt. tlini will be touud hihl attractHe. WKAK we have got It. The CDCPI A 1 I The (treat Invention Patent shirt Waists. DrUulil-' I Waist does awav entlrelv with tbe sewlni! on witli an adjustable belt, wldeli is easily taken oO when tlie waist Is washed. The buttons ai .it. ..I mi the hell, consequently cannot be tout utt either In wearing, washing or ironing. Iiemu p! ln iii seoch aud sincere iu our offerings, we recommend goods as the) really fli .ll,it. Mill I lie CIJ iowum m-iuv-. Hotel Allen Building, Koch & Shankweiler, AHemovvn, Pa Inrgt'4 PjQthjng Jouse in Lehifh Valley rlv- nre aiui Have you Read tbe Advocate ? TK not only give tho purchaser the best I " rooling plates, but we piotecthliu I FIHSTIly guaranteeing every box. HICCOND llj stamping each sheet with ine oraiui ami inicKiiess. TIIIltD llv excludlnir wasters or defec tive sheets. KOUKTII llv brnndlnir the net welelit of tlie 112 sheets on each box. to satltv the cus tomer (In this age of light weight plates) that ui? ,n ,,.j,iiii& ,,,, ii 1.11,111. For tho benefit ol those wanting the very best roofing plates, we asseit, and are pre pared to prove, that. I here aro no other brands of rooting tin oifercd In the market to-day, by any llrm under tho four different guarantees given above by tins house, ami we challenge a public contradiction of this statement. Our book on Tin Moot will be furnished free on application. MERCHANT & CO., I'lIIhADKM'HfA. NKW YOItK, 1 3-00 3111 CHICAdO. LONDON. AN EASY WAY fiET A (JOLD WATCH. Only $1.00 n Week. We are now forming Clubs for tlio finest Gold, Gold-Killed anil Silver Watches manu factured lor both Ladies and Gentleman. We put in theso wntclma a movement mails by cither of the following companies! Klgiu, Walthom, Hampden, etc., to suit tho pnrchns er. A club for a gold watch at f 10.00, consists of forty members, and each memborpays $1.00 a week, A drawing is niado once a week, and tlio member whose namo Is drawn gets his walcb immediately, lie still continuing lopoy $1,00 a neok until he has paid for It, at which time each and all forty membors will have re ceived and paid for his natch. The last person lo receive his watch will bo made a present of a handsome chain, OUIt GUARANTEE. Every artltle bought from us must bo just as represented, aud wo ore willing at any and all tunes to make good the failure of any article sold, to bo as represented. This Is the Best, Cheapest and most Convenient way to buy a watch through our Co operative Club System. We giye a first class Elgin or Waltham stem winding ond setting movement, which we guarantee for two years. The case is warrant ed, by a written guarantee to wear lor twenty yeors. The above is why we give you more for your money than any one else and why we are do ing the largest watch business In llie world We sell only first quality goods. Why not be an owner of a Gold Watch whenever you have the chanco to get one. Join the club at oure, only $1.00 down and then Jl.flOaweek until the watch is uaid. Vlease call or send me your name and ad dress aud I will call at your houso and show you samples, or If you are at a distance 1 will send full particulars. Agenls wanted everywhere. Writs for (onus and circilars. CHA'M.ES M KHllllKl, Va Pat i) CiTiSiUQL'i, r Bl $5$$ ItewnB'tf? Stop Ibat Hawking aud Spilling, I wll give Fifty Dollars for a case of f'a larrli, Cold lu tlio Head, Deafness, Hay Fever, Affected KyeSight, Astlinu oi Tliroat Trouble. I cannot cure with my Beacon Llclit (Jcttarrli Curo. Semi one dollar lo my postofllco address for a bottle. 1 will mall it to yott at my expense, llnv l'over Cured with Three llottles. IIBNltT A. ZQBItlST. ll 1-2 Kxelmngo SI,' Geneva, N . 2-1-nne year. ALE SME WANTED. N to canvass for (ho sale nf Nursery Ktock. Kteadv employment guaranteed. Kalaryutid Kxpeuses pain in siieeeflsmi men. Appiy m onou Kiauni' use. .Mention tins paper. CIIAHK llltOTHIiltB COMl'AM, 2-1-9111 ItlMllCwter, N V i GET TJB X Carbon Advocate AU the Neyrs J 52 WEEKS J T sx.oo