M Bonl-CInss Matter at Uis I, hlgliton lost-Ofllce. The Carbon Advocate xTHniOUTON, FKNNA. Kates for Legal Advertising i Charter Notices Auditor's Notices Commissioner's Notices - Divorce Notices Administrator's Notices -Executor's Notices I 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 SATURDAYi MAROU 8. 1800. Bona tflde Clroulatlon Larger than that of any Weekly Nawspnpor In the County, A PLAN suggested for tlio improvement of First street Is that the property holders pay two-thirds and the horough one-third of the total cost. This Is an arrangement followed by mail towns and it Is said to work satisfactorily. The Adyooatk trusts that tho property holders will agree to any favorable arrangement so that work can soon be commenced on the thorough' fare. Quite a number of Carbon county Grand Juries haye at yarlous times condemned the L. O. & N. Co.'s bridge crossing the canal at JKelssport, without apparent ef feet. The citizens of that community should petition the Court for a rule com' pelllng the company to ereit a bridge with proper conveniences. The present struc ture Is too narrow, and Is consequently dangerous. Prof. John IIenkt Comstock, tho eminent naturalist, begins In tho New York Ledger of March 1, a series of six articles on the study of Insects, In which he describes, not only thoso Insects which arc useful to the farmer, but also, those which destroy entire fields of grain, cotton and rice, and ravage orchards, gardens and vineyards. lie demonstrates how It was scientifically determined that an ayerago annual loss of $30,000,000 has been occas loned In th South by tho rotton-worm alone; and that an averago loss per year, of nearly $2,400,000, has been brought about In the apple crop of Illinois by the ravages of the codlln moth. The series Is profusely Illustrated. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has recently rendered several decisions of cen cral Interest In the matter of road 'tax, The right of farmers to work out their road Ux has been generally, If not unlyor sally conceded; supervisors In a few town ships insisted that the tax must be paid In money. A test case has been decided in favor of tho taxpayers, and their right to work out the tax distinctly and finally affirmed. In other cases collectors of road taxes have claimed a commission on the part worked out, as well as that paid Into the township treasury. The Supreme Court decides that all claims for such com' misslans should bo rejected, tho working out of the tax Imposing no labor on the collector ortreasurer,bat on the supervisor, who is paid for his services. To an Inquirer tho Advooatb would say that lc the matter of tho election of constables and assessors, Judge Dreher, of our courts, ruled that the Act of February 14, 1889, went Into effect at the February election of that year, and that all constables and assessors were then elected to servo three years term, and tho constables cave bonds for that period. Constables elected at the lato February election will not bo sworn In, for In case the ruling should be reversed a special olection would ncccssar ilyhave to be held to fill the office as It was not properly advertised according to law, or, possibly It would come within the juris diction of the court to fill the vacancies occurlng through a revision of the ruling of the lower court, in that case it Is natural to presume that the favored ones would be the prtseut incumbents. BROADBRIM'S II. Y. LETTE .Last week, when the whole town was howling about Douglas Green and Mrs, McCiea, I held my peace, though I knew them both better than nlnetv-nlno out of hundred that were writing and talking about them. It's now almost two years since tho mllllonlaro Snell was found dead in his own house In Chicago, murdered by sonio one no one to this day knows exactly who, but universal suspicion seems to have fixed on one Tascott; who from that day to this has been a wanderer on the faco of the earth, with a reward of forty thousand dollars placed upon bis head. Snell, who was killed, was not the most amiable person In the world; he droye hard bargains, and was merciless in the enforcement of his monetary contracts and that he was hated by. many, goes with' out saying. He was full of queer streaks and cranks, and many of his peculiarities he seemed to hayo transmitted to his daughter Alice, the heroine of the present escapade. She married early, a gentlemau named McCrea; but the honeymoon was short ilyed, and she soon returned to her father's bouse. She was a spoiled child from the start; always used to having her own way, and doing all sorts of strangn things which kept society gossiping. There was no controllng her; she would do whatever she pleased, so poor JfcCrea ave her up as a bad job, and they parted A woman with plenty of money and fixed principles, having no particular aim In life, Is always treading on dangerous ground. Alice Snell McCrea wanted notoriety; the hungered for sensation, and At one time attempted to study for the stage. She was not bad looking; she was not bad looklng;sbe was dressy and showy Just, tho woman to catch the eye of that class of men whose reputations, If not bad. are at least exceedingly shady. Douglas Green was not a bad fellow, on the contrary, he was an exceedingly good fellow,, handsome too, something of masher; but'up to his recent escapade, nothing serious bad been brought against blm. He had a sweet little wife and two children, and his domestic relations were all that could be desired, no was a mem- bsr of the Stock Board, with plenty friends and very few enemies; he lived wen noi extravagantly, uut always pro vided bountifully for his family, and was generally respected by all who knew him. Now life In the Stock Board, Is not con duclyo to the highest morals; many ex cellent and passingly upright men belon, to It, but the great body of tho stock' holders are what may .ba called fast. If prize fight or a dog fight Is to bo got up, the managing Pugs always make lor the Stock Board. If tickets, are to be disposed of for a shady French Ball, the Stock Board Is the place to do It, Gambling Is in She air. Horse racing and poker are their fashionable relaxllons, and when nothing else offers, they will match dollars by the hour If stocks are dull. In these matters, Douglas Green was not far differ ent from his fellows. Another danger to which the Tl'all .street broker Is exposed, Is the wiles of artful and designing women. From all pans of the world they drift to Wall street, and the broker Is legitimate game. They want points on the rise and fall of Blocks, and, sharp as the brokers are on stocks, they fall an &sy prey to these adven turesses. In this way fell poor Nat Hatch, who was killed last year, while . In com pany of tho adventuress, Mrs. Scoyllle, who I see was arrested this week, for grand larceny. Mrs. McOrea saw Douglas Green, and fell desporatsly In love with him, and Douglas Green returned the compliment, by falling desperately in love with Mrs. McCrea. Green's friends say ho was crazy; yet up to the day of his escapade, whon ho left his own little wife, and sped off to Old Point Comfort to marry Mrs. McCrea, ho was considered Quito sane enough to go on 'Change, and buy and sell stocks to the amount of hundreds of tbons ands of dollars, but now that ho has com mitted an act which places him In danger of States Prison, his friends hope, In case of his apprehension, to place him In a Lunatic Asylum, Instead. It Is a strange affair, look at It as we will, that a man of fine business qualifications, of ample for tune, with a good and handsome wife, and sweet little children, should deliberately march out of his own house,, all the arrange ments having been made beforehand, and marry a woman who was sure to drag him down to ruin, anil mako him a criminal for tho rest of his life. The strangest part of 'the whole story Is that Mr. Green was quito religious that he was a regular attendant at the Presby terian church, and never sat down to his meals without saying praco before meat, and went down on his knees eyery night and said his prayers beforeho went to bed. His poor little wlfo Is broken-hearted; his partners and his relations feel disgraced. Everybody who knew him Is asking; What was ho thinking of?" "How Could he do It?" I give It up. It's some thing that no fellow can find ont. I'll have to leave tho guess to him who told Nellie Bly's time round the world within half a Becond. Tho benefit to Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., tendered by the citizens of New York last weok, brought out some of the best society people In the city, and the financial results was something over three thousand dollars. For several months past the poor young woman has been lying here racked by acute rheumatism, utterly unable to bolp herself, deserted by her husband aud his family, and absolutely dependent for food and shelter for herself and Infant on the charity of friends, who hayo kindly come forward to assist her. Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., is loved and respected by everybody who knows her, and It Is a matter of profound regret among her rlends that bsr young life should have been blasted by her unfortunate marriage with such a worthless husband. Many times she has been requested by herfrlesdt to enter suit to compel him to snpport her, out in is sun positively refuses to do, pre ferring to eat the bread of charity from strangers-to being under the slightest obli gation to her husband or Any of his family. two nundrcd millions could not save him, so on Washington's Birthday John Jacob Astor died. I suppose the proper thing lodo would bo to give blm an obituary notice declaring him a public enemy and an oppressor of the poor man because he was rich; If so, I shall not follow the com mou rule. John Jacob Astor was born a millionaire, so was his father before blm and his grandfather, John Jacob, the founder of the family, was a very rich man if not a millionaire when his first child was born. The two-hundred millionaire who died on Friday never knew want. From his eailiest life he always had millions at his command, but he was no monoy grabber, no miser; he gained no money by unjust or illicit means. Ho was a just, square, honorable man, whose word was his bond, and no man who knew him ever called bis word In question. He was not ostentati ous In his charities, hut few men In New York or out it distributed as much among tbo poor. His wife's hand was never closed during her Ufa time, and it seemed to give her great delight to help the suffering poor, Tho ragged little newsboys were her es pecial care she never forgot them during the holiday times, and they bless her memory. Her death two years ago was a terrible blow to Mr. Astor, their lives were so happy together. Just after his wife' death, feeling that the Inevitable was not far off, he sent for his son, inillam JFaldorf our late minister to Italy and made oyer to him the greatbulk of his fortune, only retaining a million or two for his own use. Notwithstanding bis Immense fortune and his ackowledged social standing, he was In no sense an aristocrat; he was a self-respecting gentleman, quiet, unostenta tious In bis bearing to his fellow men, and summer and whiter, mornings and after noons, might bo seen walking up and down Broadway from his place of business to his home on Fifth ayenue. His death is a great loss to tho poor, though his mantle falls most worthily on the shoulders of his son, William rfaldorf, whois life up to the present time has been no discredit to bis family. The fortune is an Immense one; but society Is fortunate la having as Its custodian and almoner as wise, as just and as charitable a man as IHUIam Waldorf Astor. Washington's Birthday brought out all the patriots and was prolific of Presidential nominations. At the dinner of the South' em oocieiy xur. uieveiana received a very spirited endorsement, while at auother grand feast some enthusiastic friends In slstcd pn nominating our distinguished feiiow,cltizen Doctor Chauncey if. Depew. rersonauy i nave no objection to the nom Inatlon of Mr. Cleveland, but I do seriously oojecitone nomination of Mr. Depew, IKhat Is my reason ? well It Is this. PresI- dentlal timber is abundant In every State In the Union. Little Hhode Island has fifty men, any one of whom would make a first-class Piesident, Illinois has fifty, Ohio one thousand, and many other states are abundantly blessed in that regard; but uuauncey uepews are scarce; we have a monopoly or him right here in New York, and we don't piopose to share him with anybody. If you want a New York man and feel that you can't get along without mm, take Cleveland, or nil). nrTm -i. or Warner Miller, or the Bald Eagle of Westchester, but no Chaupcey Depew, we v-" uiiu. i,uo hks nim can gild wuu uis classic eloquence an alumnjdlnner, ur faun imo mo regions of sublime phllos ophy the glories of a base ball match? who can cat six dinners In a single nleht. and seem to go through the bill of fare from consomme to glacis; make ten speeches on ten different subjects, covering everything nura vne Westminster Confession to foot tall as a Christian sclftnoe? Who but ho could do It? No,no, my I?epubll?au friend, we can't spare him, and you can't get hlny vre will make him a college president as we did SethiiOW, aud we will build a college for him and stock It with Plebs. Freshmen, Sophs ond Seniors to prder, but we are go ing to keep our own Chauncey here. Va may loan him occasionally, but we won't give him away. A cold wayel swept down on tie luring the last of the week, but It was only a flista In the pan, I thought I heard a Katydid the other night, but I am pretty sure I saw a blue bird. I was coming homo from a club dinner, It was about two A. ., ho was sitting on a telegraph wire. It may have been a place of a boy's kite, "jut It looked like a bluebird anyhow. I am, yours truly, BROADBRIM. Atlantlo City. Improvements on the Read ing Railroad's eashore Line. Those ot oar readers who know Atlantlo City only ns a hot weather resort would be amazed to witness the evidences of lite and activity now observable there. Tho largest of all our coast resorts, It well desorvos Its title ot ''Tho Ameri can Brighton," haying within the past few years been metamorphosed from a mere summer pleasuring place to a great and permanent sani tarium and abode of tecreatlon. The spring season is now booming; alltno leading hotels are now opes, and during the dally promenade hour the beach Is crowded with votaries of fash- Ion and seekers after health and rest. The re markably heavy business done on the Reading ltallroad's Atlantlo City line last year Has en couraged Its management to still further Im prove that excellent road. By the liberal expen diture of large sums of money in strengthening the permanent way, and Increasing the equip ment, supplemented by wide and skllltul adver tising, this route was lumped to the front of sea shore lines In a way that astounded conserva tive railroad men, and the courage and enter prise ot rresldent Corbln and his able coadju tors were amply rewarded by an enormous'ln- crease In the road's patronage. In anticipation ot a still greater volume of travel during the coming summer, the road Is being double-tracked over Its entire length ltn 70-pound steel rails, and It Is expeeted that this Improvement will bo complelcd by Apniist, making the Reading the first, and, for tbo pres ent. the only double-track railroad between Philadelphia and tho seashore. IMS win en able trains to be moved with Increased prompt ness, and It will also have the effect ot establish ing an additional safeguard against accident, Tho Reading's now depot In Atlantic City Is said to bo tho finest and most complete railway structure on the coast. It Is 6S0 feet long, with a frontage of loo feet on Atlantic Avenue the main thoroughfare. The train sheds are 430 feet long, with room for six tracks, and betwesn these are platforms twenty-five feet wide. J. ho spacious waiting rooms are artistically finished In oak, with mahogany furnishings and rich curtains. Architecturally, the station Is a beau ty, and Its great dimensions will enable the rail road people t handle Immense crowds without dlfllcultv or delay. Arrangements have been made to augment the motive power and car equipment to meet the expected "boom," and Readlug odclals predict a phenomenally big season ot travel. Corloettles of Composition. The following' item a are from papers on English history, and should be weighed, cecrddcred, chewed and di ctated: "Alfred the- Great was the first to in troduoe time, which be did by means of caudles." "Roger Beecsa, by- means of his custom of writing bows, became very poor." "The pope wished him (Roger Bacon) to write, bat paper ,and pencils were so dear that be ooald not do eo till earns time after, when he wrote a book called Opus Majlis."' "Van Tromp swept tho, channel with brouffliam at his masiheacfc" "Newton invented the fluxions of light." "Marlborough is first heard of at tho battle of Tureano. "(Jrannier was a weak minded man and wont to the steak recanting." "Eliot was one of tho best eloquiats in England." "Tho clergy clung to tha king because they were afraid of the Lollards, and the king turned merchant and made vast 'liana of money." "William I was very strong and "had garage censtenance and never allowed himself to be tampered with." "The friars were instituted by religious fanatics who did not like moaks who only drank wine and eat." "Lottery loans were loans borrowd and repaid at very low interest. But some of the money which was borrowed govern inentln repaying it the people who put it were chosen by lot, and had It paid back at a very high interest." "Newton invented the laws of cravita- tion and tho motions of the planets." All the Year-itound. Fonr Rare- Birds. me zoological society has lust ao- qmrcd two specimens of the apteryx in addition to the two which have been al ready exhibited for soma months. All tho four birds are temporarily placed in tho tortoise house pending alterations In the insect bouse, which will bo their per manent resting place. These birds should bo attractive to the visitor for several reasons. In the first place, they are somewhat difficult to catch a glimpse of, Fortunately for themselves for they have no doubt flourished and multiplied on account of this very habit but un fortunate! for the publlo, they aro poo- tumal; too rarity of their appearance will therefore add to their Interest when they Are- seen. In tha second place, they ara. remarkable- even amons; 'wingless birds for the very rudimentary character ot ihelr winga, which a life entirely devoted to nightly hunUaftor worms has almost im proved away altogether; but if tho ap teryx has no wings worthy tho name, it has a pah of very stout legs which al low it to luirry over tho ground ata very respectable rata, and to dofond itself by vigorous kicks. The aptoryx only oo- cun m -oiew .aajsnn, ana (i nas peen said to make its nest in a, way which seems very charaeteristk of it nnHpo dea habitat. Instead of depositing its eggs in ?a nest and then sitting upon them , th japteryx first boriJ-. egg a3S then digs hoi undsrsMibtia which it roraalas, and thus sits pot upon hut under tbo nest. It must pe admitted. however that this st&iemeni has boon disputed. London Daily news. tVbr Silk U Bo Expensive. To Droduoe sufflcienti-allk to makn dress" requires mora time and capital than most people jrould irnagine. If we take one and quarter pounds as the wejght of pure -dUc required, this would be equal totwo pounds of raw silk. Tq prouueo two pounds of raw silk; would require the entire silk obtained from 7,000 to M.OOO worms, allowing a percent age for death by disease and other cas ual ties. It (oapba intecactinir to state thai ttfa-Ms young woemtwhea nawly hatched wosua scarcely welgll one-quarter of an ounce, yet in the course of their life, whfch only lasts some thirty to Uurty fiye days, they will consume about 800 to 400 pounds pf leaves and increase in weight abou.t 9,000 times. Consumers of silk will not wonder at it high valua when thdy consider that to raise two pounds of raw silk so much time and money M required. Be sides the original cost of the eggs or young worms, they require feeding si regular intervals daily with mulberry leavtts, and consume the above weight of leaves during their life, "This is a large item of expense if the cultivator does not grow and gather, his own leaves, but is compelled to purchase them. -Textile Mercury, -r "" brow, but idleness swots all bVerT" .JRF U tho Mhes f kqpe, which fhaViad or trlbulashua scatter FT?, mmtrto Wire and iMmraaoe. The statement is frequently made that the proximity of eteetrto light wires to rnercaftUle bobin places pceJnAioes the insoraaoa. Row, the man who eays that isn't posted on Insurance toMtors. The fket id I hstva insured several electric Uglbl plants at a lees rate than I wea re- qaiffOd to charge) tor some etocias ox goods. Only eight alarms of Qro wero caasod in St. boots last year by otectrio uuu cubs. -and several of theso claims re sulted from the closo proximity of the fjooroo of ticraDio to nro ongliw nouses fmm which pcoplo summoned tho appa ratus to protect adjacent property, l will not chargo an extra; rto on account at tho tun of electric lights in any build- Inatt the wires are pro parly insulated, but rather a lower rate. An Insur ance) Agent in Tho St. Louis Globe-Dem ocrat. Becretary Blaine attributes his good health to the fact that ho has given up his habit of eating meat three times a day. He eats eggs for breakfast, cracked wheat for lunch and roast meat for din ner. Since he adopted this regimen his health has been ereatly Improved. Tough Old Zola Chiefs. The old chiefs in South Africa know nothing about trekking, and on several occasions became so impatient that tliey BtSwtod oil on foot ahead of tho wagons. Ono day they had to walk thirty-seven miles before reaching water, and then had to wait two days on scant rations before we cams up with them. Ono of theso men is 75 years old, but the tough old Zulu (the Matabclo rulers uroof Zulu origin) was none tho worso for the esca pade. - On another occasion, In spite or our warn In cs. they left us, armed only with assegais, In tho worst part of tho lion country. When we followed a few hours afterward we saw to our horror that their footprints in the sand had been partially obliterated brthe spoor of lion. Fortunately, however, ho had fol lowed them only for somo hundred yards, and then, probably not being hun gry, he wandered off toward a pool of water. Such vagaries wero to us a sourco of constant anxiety, for how could wo face the kmc: without bringing back his in dians? Our own liveo would not have been safe. We Bhould have been pro claimed as im posters or accused of witchcraft. However, we managed to divert their minds and keep them employed ft the waeons by shooting twenty-six gray monkeys for them. The skins of this narticular species are only worn by royalty or big chiefs. Cor. London Tele graph. A cashmere shawl does not depreciate by age; on tho contrary, it gains a cer tain mellowness, for the coloring be comes toned by timo. The true worth of tha vegetable dyes which are em ployed may bo seen in other descriptions of shawls which are imported. Absolutely Puro. This POfl thai wder never varies. A marvel of Durltv strengi nnrt wholesomencss. 3Iore economical than fhA nrriinarv kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phospnato powders. Sold only tt tn cans. Royal uaKing l owuer vumpauy, n Wall Street N.Y. luneis ADVERTISE youa mm CARBON ADVOCATE. Especially If you have Jleal Estate,, Live Stock or Farming Utensils to Sell. ggf This paper is read by X200 bona fide subscribers every week in Carbon anc the adjoin ing counties. EMORY Mlrid rndriax enrd. Bookjlfuxnie la pnerertimr( TeetlmcmifUs from tva part Of h glob. PmpMtutPOlT VfiEC. wnl on ppllcitlon.to Pof A Ixris&tw, f&I JTilui Are. flew xorx. GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" O Bottled Gherkins, w t Pick les, Choiv-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds ofchoico JellieB and table necessarfpB. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware &c. ire lead, both in low prices and quality p goods. Out large stock is displayed to da vantage, ap Jtem which purchasers wll certainly greatly appreciate, KEMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. POWDER IH TUB Lehighton Business Directory. VAI,. HCHWAKTZ, Bank Ht llm oldent furni ture house In town, hvery tieserlptlon of furniture always on hand. Trieri m-iv low. XKT A. rH-TKRS, Saloon and Restaurant, Hank VV . Street. Fresli Lager always on tap. oys season. Drop In and see us. novu-ly A. RELIABLE JEWBLKlt: li. a. uuuii. au28-8S Orr. I'UBLIO SQUARE. ranK CARBON ADVOCATE OFI'IOK, Bank A Street, plain ana lancy joo pruning a speci ly. Advooatb ono dollar per jenr In advance. T W. RAUniSNBUSlI, Bank street, wholosalo u . dealer in cnoic dealer In choice brands of whiskies, Kin, brandies, wines, &e, X'atronago soucuea. Our Churohes. METnODIST EriSCOrAL. South Bank street Sunday services at 10 a. m and 7.00 p. m. Sunday School 2 p.m. IIkv. DvjfcOAN, l'astor. IRTNITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday services. 10 a. m.. (Herman). 7.00 p. m.. (Hiie- Sunday school 2 p.m. J. 11. KuiEU,listor. n Ei'ORMEI), Lehigh street, Sunday services AW at lu a. m., tuerinanj, i.w p. in., iiuikhmu, sunuiiv school 3 p. m. j.Ai.viNiiiiniiji,i.isur EVANOELICAL. South st at 10 a. m., (Uerman), Sunday school 2 p. ra. J.! street, Sunday services 7.00 p. m., iisnRiisiu S.NKwriAnT, l'astor, CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal streets, services every Sunday morning and evening. uuv. uammaukk i asiur. Professional & Business Cards. W. M. Rapshor, ATTORNEY aro COUNSELLOR AT LAW, First door above the Mansion IIouso, MAUCU 0IIUNK PENN'A, Real Rstate and Collection Agency. Will Buy and Sell Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Collections promptly made. Settling Esto ill! Estates of Dec-dents a specialty. May be consulted In English and German. uov. -vi W. G. M. Seiple, FHYBlCIAN AND BURGEON, SOUTH STREET, - - - LEHIGHTON Mav bo consulted In English and Gorman.- Specfal attention given to Gynecology. Officio llotins; From 12 M. to a r. M.,nnd troin 0 to 8 r. M mar. 31-yl DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa. AT EA8TON. SWAN UOTKL. TUESDAYS. AT ALLKSfTOWN, KAQLK HOTEL, THURSDAY at IUnoob, Broadway housk, Mondays. T IlATir. W p.nN RRDAVfl AVI nATUltllAVH. onirollours From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Practice limited to diseases of tbo Eye,Ear, Nose & Throat rTA so. Keiracuon oi ino uyes lor me adjust meiu oi glasses. Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Graduate of Thlla. Dental College DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS BltANCHEB. Personation of the Teolii a Soecialty. OFFICE 1IOUK8: From 8 a. m. to 6 p. m, OAS HALL, llariet Square,.Mauofc Ohunk. BRANCH OFFICE: EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK Two Doors North of Fost-Ofllco. OFFICE IIOUltB i 7 to 9 a. m. aud 6 to 7 p. m April 28-3m fli. S. Rabenold, D. kch Officb -.Over J. W. Raudenbush Lltfuor Store, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. uentlstry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without rain. Oas administered when requested Ofllce Days visuwisia y oi eacn ween. P. O. address, ALLKNTOWN, 3-yl Lehigh county, l a, F. I. SMITH, D. D. S. OHco opposite the Opera nouso. - Bank-Street, Xehjjhton, Pa, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Filling and making artificial dentures a special ty. Local anesthetics used. Gas administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE nOURS: From 8 . m., to 12 m from 1 P. m to 0 p. in., iroin i n. m., ui o p. iu. Consultations In English or German omco Hours at Hazletou-Every Saturday, Oct 15-87 lv DENTISTRY, Dr. J. A, Mayer &Son, "Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, a Graduate from tho Dental Department of the University of Pennsylvania, has opened an ofllco In the same building with nis iatner, secouu uoor in ine uay mnuuw, 6D BROADWAY, 11AUOH CHUNK, PA., and Is now nrenarcd to recelvo every ono in need of llrst-cjass deptal service. lune 8-so-tf MANSION HOUSE Opposite L. fc S. Depot, BANK STREET, - LEHIGHTON, O. n. HOM, PROVBIETOR. nils house otters first-class accommodations for ranslent and permanent boarders, it has been newly reflttedln all Its departments, and Is locat ed in one oi me most picturesque portions oi ine borough. Terms moderate, tar The bAll Is .uppllcd with 'he choicest Wines, Liquors and 31garj. l'resli t-iger on Tan. apr 17-yl T. J. BRETNEY ttespcctfully announces to the Merchants of Le- tignton ana oiuers mat ne is now prepareu to do all kinds of Hauling or Freight, Express Matter and Baggage On reasonable terms. Orders ole at Sweeny's Corner Ktoro or at my reslden celt I'lNEbt,. near tho Cemetery, w III receive prompt atten tion. Patronage solicited. FRANK P. DIEHL, NORTH STREET, , Practical Blacksn)ltb& Ilorscsliocr Is prepared to do al work In his Hue rln the best manner and at the lowest drlces. Please call, Donii-80-ly. Administrator's Sale OF VALUAlirJt REAk ESTATE. Uy virtue of an order of tho Urphans; Cpurt of Cni boil county, there will baexiHjsed in pub lic sale on the premUes, Ilia lato residencti of John Schwartz, deceased. In the borough of I.o nignton, taruon county, renna., ou Saturday, March 8, 1890, at TWO o'clock P. M tho following real estnto late the property of John ijchwarti, deoeased. 1. All these two certain lots or pieces of grounu situated on inu enst hiuu mi i mu sueei, 111 U1U UVtUUKil Ui 1,CI1IKI"V!I, wiwu'l IUU1I.J. PenusylTanla, and numbered in the plan or plot of the oi) YD'-age of so Lehighton, No. 12 nud.43 2. All limp ceitainiQt or piece or ground nitiiAlArm tho east side o lamptpn street, In said borough of Lehighton, and numbered on i i)OFllta tnepian or plot or, sain uorougu. on 11 of, salu borough, on the part formerly lv k Kuuvin as ou. LrfjiutsiHuii, nu, m, a All that certain lot or niece OI land Mu- ate on the east side of Northampton street, In said borough of Lehighton, and numbered on the plan pr plot of said borough, on the part rnrtAprlv knMvii as Houth Leh nuton. Itn. M. neriy Km The Improvements thereon consist of a TWO H'mitv lritAMK imy r.i.j.iriu HLfuaj!. unu oilier necessary ouiuuuuiupi, Terms and conditions will be made known at time and place of sale, by HORACE IIBYDT, Administrator of John Sell waltz, dcceatetl. Prejruiau $ lleydt, Attorneys. Administrator's Notice. Estate ot Aaiion Wkipaw, Deceased. Letters of administration on the late of axon Weldaw, lafeof tho Borough of Lehigh ui narbAn flountv. Pennsylvania, deceased. have been granted to Autftu UoVer, residing In the Iioroucli of WetMpoH, to whom alTiwrsMM indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, ana those having etatiM or demand to niake koowu the same without delay. AV8TIN BOYEIt, Administrator. Feb. ii. isa-HC D. S., P.UAM F? uiirnikkw House Painting, Paper Hang ing and Decorating. Particular attention paid to all kinds of interior work. OFFICE : Dr. Horn's WHEN IN Fine Groceries Silverware, Jewelry, Our assortment is Large, New down to the lowest notch. We extend an invitation to the purchasing publio to call when in need of anything in our line NUSBAUM & CDLTON, Opp. the Park, Lehighton. ehigh Goal & Hardware Go Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Agricultural Implements and Kopairs, Mold and Garden Seeds, Phosphates, &c We desire lo call ; A full supply of which we Orders taken for General Jgents for the Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards Sellers Corner, GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. In your HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Bank -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL ES . n mum 4.LL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa KOCH & SMANKWEXLE1, HOTEL ALLEN BUILDING. Head Every Word Carefully. We have taken this medium of anntmnclnR our GREAT CLE Alt AN t! IS SALE, the Greatest eyer ueia in mo ienifiii valley. Wo are determined not to carry one dollar's worth of Winter Goods. Tbo enormous reductions wo have made and quote below, will draw the greatest crowd even seen In any Clothlni; Store In the Valley. We will (jive yoa an opportunity of sayinft many dollars on Clothing for yourself or your boys. All OVERCOATS and oilier heavy goods must go, wo are naming prices to Clear Our Counters. If you want to mako your money do the Bftat possible se;yic,e, ijon'i buy until you see us. Lot No. 1. 500 Boys' Overcoats, l'onncr price l.w. 2.00, 2.75,3.ro,4.no, 4.73 and 8.50. Reduced to 03, l.M, 1.73, 3.23, 2.W, s.oo.ioo. Lot No. '.I. 1200 Men's Overaoats. ltegular price a.00, 8.60, lO.oo, 12.60. isoo and young men now Is jour chance, such Lot No. Q. 850 Silk lingular price lioo, 13.00, 18.00, o.00, 23,00, S8.00 20.00 Lot No. 4. 235 Storm Coats for Men and Boys. Former price 0.00, 8J0, 10.00, 12 no, 13.00 and 18.00, Reduced to 3,50, B.oo, 7.00, 8.60. 10J, 12.00. Mothers be ou baud with your boys, such bargains we have never offered before. Lot No. 5. 445 Boys' Suits. Regular price JJS, 2.06, 3.00, J.W, 4.60, s.73. W0 and TI, ItedlKSCd to 1,00, l.J, 1.73, 2.23, 3.00, S.73. Lot No. 6. 500 Men's Suits. Ro sure to bo on lime as some lots will not last lld 20.09, Reduced to 8.60, Lot No. 7. GOO Pair Single Pants. In all sizes, reduced to less than cost to manufacture, former price 1.50, 3.00, 2.60, 3.00, 3.73. 4.30 6 00, 0.75 and 7.50. Reduced to l.OO, 1 .25, 1.78, 2.00, 2.60. 3.00. 3.60, 4.60 and 5.25. Lot No. 8. 200 Single Coats for Men and Boys. Reduced to 1.00, 1X0, 200 and 2.50. Single vests as low as 28 ceuts. ot Np. 9. 4?5 Pair of Knee Pants. Regular ptleeco, 80, 1.00, J.95 aud l.to. Reduced tq 4Q. to, CO, 75 and ,(fl. Lot No. 10. 850 Styles of Suitings, Pantaloonirigs.Oyercoatings. Out ot these we are making suits, trousers and cannot le luucueu. idumjih I" buiuuks. runner ah 2.oo. Iteduced to 9.00, 10.80, Lot No. 11. Jnpluqce a complete line or Gents Furnishings. gueh as Knit Jackets, Underwear, Hosfery. KOOH & SHANKWEILER, Larpst and Leaaing Glothine House in tie Valley, Hotel Allen Building. A RflTU Fit uu i hi Drug Store, Lehighton. NEED OF and Confections, Toys, Fancy Goods, and Complete, while Prices aro special attention to our Cement, Lime nnd Building Sand, have constantly on hand. LUTTlber. . INOrth Bank Street. Fine Winter Good Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheyiots, &c, fcc. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being perlectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. this particular we invaiinbly mors man please our patrons. Our stocl being large, varied and complete give: satisfaction in making a choice of good; desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks far more eloquently than word. Call on us for Fall and Winter Clothing Light or Heavy uvercoats, buits or parts 01 Suits. Prices always the Lowest ! Olauss Bros., THE TAILORS Street, Lehighton, Pa. HARDWARE, 18.00. Reduced to so, .oo, 7.00,,12.00. slaughtering prices you never heard ol. and Satin Lined Overcoats and saw. Reduced to 8,60. 10,00. 12,60. !.. 18 60, and 21.50. : lonjr. Reeular priee 6.75, e.50, 8.00, 10.00, 12.60, 13.00. 4.00, e.60, 7.00, 9.00, ;i.00, 13.60 and 13,00 ' overcoats to order, that for price, luallly, and style 1, 28.00, 2S.0O and r price 12.00, 15.00, ls.00, 20.C 12.00, ', io.w, ii.w, iy.ou ana acuu. Moves, Ijlannat Sf!1'- Dr6M Shirts, Neckwear, ALLENTOWN, Pa. la Ga Ta H AT TUB ontral Drug Store, OFF. THE FUULIO SQUARE Bank Street, Lchierhton, Pn., IS ItEADQUARTRRB FOIl Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c &c, Choice Wines nnd Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps I Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair ot Shoes von want a good fit. But If vou need SPECTACLES It Is much moro Important that the EVE should bo accommodated with correct lenses and a proper ly fitting framo which will bring tho lenses dl rnctlv before tho centre of the eve. If vou bnv your spectacles ai in. iiorn s vou win nn and the abovo points properly attended to. -:o:- PERSCRIPTOS Caefally CohpiM 0CH5-1887 Weissport Planing MANUFACTURER- OF Window and Door Frames Doors, Shutters, Blinds, ashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AMD DKALBIt IN All Ms of Dressed Lunkr Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. MERCHANT'S GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES.- TIS not only give tho purchaser the best I ' ' rooung piaies, oui we pi oieci mm 1 FIRST By guaranteeing every box. SRCOND By stamping each sheet with the brand and thickness. THIRD By excluding wasters or defec tive snecis. FOURTH By branding tho net weight ot the 112 sheets op each box, to satlfy the cus tomer (In this ageof light weight plates) that he Is obtaining Full Weight, " For the benefit ot thoso wanting the very best roollng plates, wo assert, and are pre- Eared to prove, that there are no other ranus of roofing tin offered In the market to-dav,' by any firm under tho four different guarantees given aboye by this house, anu wo challenge a publlo contradiction ot this statement. Our book on Tin Root will be furnished free on application. MERCHANT & CO PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. NEW YORK, LONDON. 1 3-D0 am AN EAST WAY GET A (uTwATgil, Only S1.00 a TccJf, We are now forming Clubs for tbe finest Gold, Gold-Filled and Silver Watebes manu factured for both Ladies aijd Gentleman. We put In these walchas a movement made by either of the following companies Elgin, Waltbam, Hampden, etc., to suit the pbrchas er. A club for a gold watch si $40,00, consists of lorty members, and eacn momoer pays 1.00 a week. A drawing is made once a week, and tbe member whose name Is drawu gets his watcp Immediately, pe still continuing to pay $1.00 a week until be has paid for (t, at whlcl) time each and all fortr members will have re ceired and paid for his watch. The last person to receive bis watch will be made a present of a handsome ohaln. OUU GUARANTEE. Everv article bought from us must be lust as represented, and we are willing at any and all times to make good the failure of any article sold, to be as represented. This is the Best, lbeapcsl and most uonvenieni way to buy a watch throueb our Co operative Club Svatem. We give a first class Elgin or Walam stern winding and setting" movement, wblqb 9 guarantee for two years, The pass Is warrant ed, by a written guarantee to wear for twenty years. Tbe above is why we give you mora for your money than any one else and why we are do ing the largest watch business in the world. We tell only first quality goods. Why not bo an owner of a Gold Watch whenever vou have the chance to get one. Join the club at once, only $1.00 down and then t.0Qwek until Iho wat;h iavaid. Flease call 'or send me vour name and ad dress and I will call'ot your house aud li0ir you samples, or If you aro at a distance I lilil sepd full particulars. Agents wonted everywhere. Write for terms and olrralara. CHAStLDS M REIiniO, P Dan 1) CiTiSAOoai. Pi.BB $5 He ward ? Slop that Hawkins m MH 1 will clve Fifty Dollars for a ran-, nf Pa. tarrh, Cold In the Head, Deatness, Hay Fever, Affected Eva-Slffht. Athm nr Throat Trouble, 1 cannot euro with my Beacon Light Catarrh Cure. Send one dollar to my postofllce address for A bottle. I wll) mall it to you at my expense. IIAV I'ever Cured Wltl( Tlre1?dHleii I1KNKY A. ZOUBIST,' 184 1-2 Exchange St. Geneva. N. r. !-l-one year. ALE SMB ( WASTER. to oanraas for the 6ale of Nursery Stock, Steady employment guaranteed. Salary nnd Kuensea paid to suevesMrid men. Apply at onoe statlnir iwc. Meiilion llils miner. t"" 0I1ABU nUOTHKRH COMPANY, -t-2M JiWIIttftter, N Y, Mill (Caot)Advocate V. 11 V